#i feel cringy saying dont steal bro im lowk mediocre as hell
vai3-writes · 27 days
Hey Hey !! Your matchup is complete @pretentious-blonde!
Barely proofread and awful punctuation, apologies for any mistakes !!
English is not my native language
Any critique is greatly appreciated :)
word count - 1.2k
possible tw - /
And it's..
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Getō Suguru !!
First and foremost, your personality types are a great match for each other, as you're both categorized as intuitive-thinking personalities. While you are more outgoing Geto is more of an introvert, in that aspect, think of it as an opposites attract situation.
Your zodiac signs present a similar situation, Tauruses are more forward-thinking and eccentric in life while Aquariuses are more habitual. A common ground can still be achieved with patience and willingness. Your match is a battle of tradition and open-mindedness, looking for a way to coexist with each other and encompass both facets into the relationship. Another characteristic would be the need for both novelty and secrecy hailing from both of your signs, which is a topic that would need to be communicated and properly spoken about. 
As what can be said for your enneagram types, their high energy and adventurous nature make you a productive duo, allowing them to accomplish a great deal of things together, by firing and hyping each other up. Your pair also provides a very important aspect of any relationship, which would be balance and stability. It emanates from your more open yet assertive and Getos’ protective and somewhat “peaceful” traits. Which results in you being a strong-willed and passionate pair, when together.
Personality-wise, Geto would be amused by your expressive ways, and join in on your banter when you two are alone. Think of yourselves as a “black cat - golden retriever” duo. He is more introverted and quiet when other people are around, standing right behind you with a hand on the small of your back. Your loyalty is something that sticks out of Geto, strongly too. It’s one of the most important traits in a partner for him, he values it over anything. Geto's process of letting someone get close to him is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and the slow building of trust. So if he notices even the tiniest sign of disloyalty most of the “progress” will be undone in an instant. It is a lengthy and somewhat vigorous process but it sure is worth it, after gaining his trust, he will be willing to burn the whole world down for you.
Your bubbliness and humor bring him a sense of relaxation and a feeling of being at ease, making your presence be something like an escape. Your sense of justice will provoke both admiration and a bit of disconnect (if post-Toji incident) if your opinion differs from his. Your impulsiveness, while at first glance might create dispute, would benefit your relationship - in my humble opinion. Geto is very habitual and busy - not the best combination for new and enthralling experiences, but you open the door to new opportunities, and being Geto's partner gives you the ability to drag him into pretty much anything. He is a very protective and possessive partner, - he has his own way of showing it tho. Exhibiting it by showing worry and a more silent jealousy. Holding grudges is something you both do, I can imagine it sometimes becoming overbearing for the both of you, having to have multiple conversations about it.
I’m almost 100% sure that Geto enjoys reading, he’d love to get you books and read them together. No matter what you decide to treat him with, he will eat it no matter what. Curses are disgusting to swallow, after all. He is someone who will appreciate every single detail of your dish, from the way ingredients are cut, to the way they are prepared and lastly, arranged. With a suggestion from the twins, he’d create a small notebook, describing what feeling every dish gave me, at the end he’d treat it a bit like a diary, swaying from the food itself to even memories that are invoked in him when tasting certain flavors. If you ever decide to host a dinner party together with the twins the amount of love he had for you would be doubled, if not tripled. It makes him view you as one happy family, even stopping him from thinking over, in that moment classified as insignificant things. 
He enjoys debating with you, that’s for sure. He might not always understand your fondness for DIY projects, knitting, and sewing your own things, - yet it never stops him from the amusement he feels when he sees you doing something of the sort. It makes him happy that you can find enjoyment in things that are deemed as “simple” by some. Wasn’t the biggest fan of your dog at first, he tries straying a bit further from it. But for some reason, your dog starts practically jumping onto Geto whenever he’s at your place. 
Geto is someone who values alone time, yet I don’t imagine him “disappearing”, especially not from you. I can imagine you running into problems on the topic of judgment, I can see Geto instantly judging people he meets for the first time. Not always because of some kind of dislike but because he feels more comfortable when he has already assessed a person he’s interacting with. 
Now, at last, love languages! My headcanons for Getos are gift-giving and quality time, as we can see in the cafe scene from JJK 0 :) He loves going on nightly walks with you. I think it might take him a while to get used to physical touch again, (post Toji-incident again), but after some getting used to it he loves it. 
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Sitting in the same room in the middle of the night in silence, until one of you begins a conversation. Moonlight illuminates both of your faces, and life feels like it stopped, time passing by without either of you noticing. The feeling of being the only people in the world, peace, and tranquility flooding your mind as you continue to discuss everything you can think of - from books to the universe and whatever else you come up with.
You hosting a dinner party on Halloween and inviting the twins to join in. Deciding to make pizzas, cutting the mozzarella into ghost shapes, making homemade tomato sauce, slicing up tomatoes and adding the different seasonings, sliding the baking tray which the cinnamon rolls are on into the oven, and continuously stirring the pot with cooking apples for the ghost hand pies. Setting the table, Mimiko laid the spider tablecloth out as you and Nanako arranged all the different dishes and the tableware before the two girls quickly disappeared to get their costumes. The house smelled of heavenly fresh food. Geto joins you in the kitchen to help with the last steps before you sit down to savor a meal between the 4 of you. Before he insists on doing the dishes and tidying up, because “You’ve already done so much for me, dear.” And ushering you out of the kitchen.
“I’m not really a dog person, I don’t think your dog will be too interested in me.” before you open the door of your apartment. Just seconds after that your dog practically jumps past you before settling at Sugurus feet, smelling his hands and making him barely able to walk into your apartment, after a while he does warm up to the animal, making it practically to a tradition to buy dog treats before coming over.
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I listened to American Wedding when writing this lol and it also took me way too long
hope you enjoy xx <3
don't repost, steal or translate
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