#i feel as if ashen feelings r the hardest feelings to even have outside of the extreme situations of alternia tbh so thats why i didnt talk
guided-by-stars · 1 month
It's so hard to find examples of quadrant type relationships in media, mostly because the framework that they're described under is so alien, and the environment that even brings about those types of bonds in general is so extreme, that typical people don't tend to even develop those types of feelings in the first place.
For example, the kill or be killed mentality of Alternia is what brings about the need to Pacify in the first place, and combining that distrust and competition of the planet with the necessity of the drone visits is what makes kismesissitude more common than it would otherwise be, imo. The structures of Pity and Hate (not the same as how we use the word here) as foundations of romance are just so different that it makes sense that it's difficult to find examples. When people talk about the quadrant framework as applied to our world or media, they tend to water it down or twist it in a way that makes it more digestible to whatever cultural norms they hold. (Normal dating, bestest best friends who kiss/qpr, rivals to lovers, That Fourth One)
Which is what makes it even more fascinating to me that when the perfect example of Pity and Hate and Pacification driving an intimate relationship stared me right in the eyes in my analyses, when I was writing them down with my own hands, I completely missed it until I saw @lucabyte 's posts about it, but it's so clear. There is so much intensity in Loop's feelings towards Siffrin, their searing resentment and hatred and pity and protectiveness and jealousy and fondness and revulsion and desire, and all are true at once and all are genuine. Siffrin's pity for Loop is equally as intense, once they Know the truth, and his desire to Make It Up To Them in whatever way that he can is so strong that even if Loop wins their fight, and is strangling them, they never once try to hurt Loop back, only tries to free themselves, and even after that, they still gently cup whatever modicum of face that Loop has in their hands and gives them nothing but gentle reassurance and praise and gratitude and compassion and care. Still wants them to stay. The whole Act 6 fight is an act of Pacification by Siffrin to Loop.
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thewnchstrs · 5 years
Riptide: Chapter 6
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Pairing: JensenXdaughter!reader, DanneelXdaughter!reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Disclaimers: mentions of overdose
S E R I E S  M A S T E R L I S T
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“Help! I need help!” I screamed, clutching Y/N as I burst through the emergency room doors, heads shooting up from all directions to look at me. 
Almost instantly, two nurses rolled out a stretcher. I gently laid her on it, running to keep time with the nurses as they whisked her away. I watched closely as the first nurse checked Y/N’s pulse but gave no indication as to how slow it was. The nurse next to me began, shooting rapid fire questions at me as we ran. 
What happened? What did she take? Do you know how much? How old is she? Do you know how much she weighs? Is she allergic to any kinds of medication?
They were all the questions I could hardly process, answering them only half listening to the nurse, my eyes focused solely on Y/N. Her ashen white face looking even paler against the white sheet on the stretcher. As I gripped her hand, all I knew to do was pray to any god that was out there to pull her through this. 
At the end of a long hallway, a doctor stood outside of a pair of double doors, ushering in the two nurses but stepping in front of me as I tried to run in, too. 
“You can’t be here, sir-“ she began but I continued to try to push past him. 
“That’s my daughter!” I shouted back, watching hastily as they scrambled to save Y/N. 
The doctor put a hand out in front of me, “And I’m going to go in there to help her, but I can’t do that if I’m out here trying to keep you out of the room, you understand me?” She said sternly. 
I looked from the nurse and up to Y/N before slowly retreating, the doctor nodding once before running back into the room. 
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By the time I made it back to the waiting room, Miles was there too. He jumped up out of his chair at the sight of me, “Is she alright?”
“They’re treating her now.” I said, lightly clapping his shoulder as I sat down in the chair next to his, unable to sit still as I already began to think about how long it would be until I would be able to see Y/N.
I watched Miles from the corner of my eye, thinking about all the times he’d been right at Y/N’s side when she was really in the thick of things. The one friend who hadn’t abandoned her. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that, Miles,” I said, thinking about Y/N in that car. Miles looked at me, “I wish you hadn’t seen her like that.”
Miles swallowed roughly as he looked down at his hands, “She means the world to me. If seeing her like that meant it saved her life because we got there in time, I would do it over again in a heartbeat.”
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We’d been sitting in the waiting room for close to an hour when Danneel, followed by Jared, burst through the doors, immediately spotting me from the other side of the room. 
“How’s she doing?” Danneel asked as I pulled her in. I could feel her pounding heart against my chest. The question only made me grip Danneel tighter.
“No word yet.”
Danneel pulled away slightly, looking up at me, fear coating her face. It broke my heart to see her like this. I never thought we’d be here, at the same hospital Y/N was born at, hoping that it wouldn’t be the place where we’d lose her, too.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” I reassured, trying my hardest to believe my own words, “she’s a fighter. She’ll get through this...we’ll get through this.”
Jared clapped me on the shoulder before pulling me into a tight hug, “She’ll pull through, J.”
I nodded, trying my best to smile at him as we all sat together. Me, Danneel, Jared and Miles patiently waiting to see our girl again.
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Two excruciatingly long hours later was when Y/N’s doctor came into the waiting room, holding a clipboard on her arm. She didn’t even have to call us out before Danneel and I nearly ran to her, clutching each other as we did. We had to be prepared for anything.
“How is she?” I immediately asked, terror gripping at my insides. 
The doctor smiled softly, “She’ll be okay.”
The words were enough to reduce Danneel and I to tears. A weight the size of the world feeling like it was suddenly lifted off of our shoulders.
“Your little girl’s a fighter,” she said, running a soothing had down Danneel’s arm, “would you like to see her?”
“Yes, yes of course,” I nodded as we followed the doctor who began to tell us what to expect.
“She’s resting right now. We had to give her antibiotics to flush the drug out of her system.” 
None of that mattered at this point. Y/N was okay. She was going to live through this, that was all that either of us cared about.
“Right in here,” the doctor smiled, pulling the curtain back for us, “let me know if you need anything.”
Y/N laid in her hospital bed, sound asleep as if everything that’d happened before was just a dream. She looked so peaceful. 
Danneel and I pulled up a chair next to either side of her bed, grabbing onto her warm hands. Just the feeling of them making me want to cry again. Danneel smiled, wiping a tear away as she pushed a strand of Y/N’s hair behind her ear. “My sweet, sweet girl.”
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*Y/N’s POV*
A soft voice was what pulled me from my sleep, lurching me out of the dark depths into a bursting, sunlit room.
I squinted, desperately trying to pry my eyes open when the soft voice came again. It was enough for me to come all the way back to reality.
“Hi, baby,” mom smiled, caressing my cheek, “everything’s okay now. You’re at the hospital.”
For an instant, I watched them, confused. I took in my surroundings, the IV in my arm, the hospital bed, the scratchy blankets, the beeping of the heart monitor behind me when suddenly, it seemed to hit me all at once.
I rested my head against the pillows, tears brimming my eyes at the thought of what I’d done, staring up at the ceiling, “I’m so sorry.”
“None of that matters right now, Y/N,” dad jumped in, holding my face so I would look into his eyes, “you’re alive. That’s all we care about, okay?”
“I was stupid,” I went on, tears coating the neckline of my hospital gown as I wept. Shame and embarrassment flooding me, “I should never have gone with him.”
“It’s in the past now, baby.” Mom said, her voice low and calm as she talked me down, “all you can do now is change where you go from here.”
I sniffed, squeezing each of their hands, “I’ll never do it again.” I said, shaking my head. “I promise.”
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“Look at you, stunner!” Miles smiled as came into the room, followed by Jared who were both smiling from ear to ear as Miles hugged me, holding on a little tighter than usual. When he pulled back he sat on the edge of the bed, “how’re you feeling?”
I shrugged slightly, smiling beside myself, “Getting better.”
“Hey, kiddo.” Jared smiled, hugging me too. “The kids wanted me to bring you this.” Jared pulled out a small teddy bear complete with a small bow tie around his neck.
I smiled softly, “Thank you.”
“You know,” mom began as she slowly inched her way toward the door, “I think your dad, uncle Jared and I are going to go get something to eat.” she said, giving dad the eye, telling him to follow her out of the room so Miles and I could be alone.
Dad sighed, eyeing Miles and I, “No funny business.”
Mom quickly shook her head before pulling him out the door, clicking it behind them. 
“I’m sorry about them-” I began before Miles quickly cut me off.
“Don’t apologize,” he laughed, “your mom was able to do what I haven’t been able to for the seventeen years I’ve known you.”
I laughed, looking down at my hands when suddenly Miles grabbed hold of one, our fingers intertwining perfectly, like two puzzle pieces finally clicking together. My eyes flicked up to his, those dark brown eyes I was always unsure why I got lost in.
We sat in silence for a while, just watching each other as if it was the first time we’d ever met. I’d seen him countless times in my entire life, I wasn’t sure why this time was so different.
“Can...can I tell you something?” Miles asked as he gripped my hand a little tighter. I slowly nodded, watching as he tossed the words around in his head, “For the longest time, I knew there was something special about you. No matter how many girls I talked to or how many I went on dates with. There was always something in my gut that told me to always go back to who it all started with.” I swallowed roughly, my heart pounding as I listened, “I guess, what I’m trying to say, god- I don’t know-”
“Me too,” I said suddenly, knowing exactly how he felt, even if there were no words to describe it, “it’s always been you.”
Without thinking, and really, without much care, I leaned into him my lips pressed against his as we eased into it. Miles held my cheek as I held the back of his neck, It felt so natural, like we’d been together for decades. 
As I pulled away, we could only smile at each other. There were no words to describe the bursting joy I felt inside.
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