#i envy ppl who can stay optimistic
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venriliz · 4 months ago
i guess some have noticed that i've been radio-silent for weeks until i started throwing a tantrum about the election yesterday 😅 obviously i'm not obliged to explain myself... but yeah one of my best friends died and i had a mental-breakdown because of that, i was barely functioning. i'm still far from okay but i really want to come back to posting, reblogging and stuff because it makes me happy and i miss it.
right now i'm going through my inbox and i've also been tagged a million of times and while i'm not going to do the tag games i've been tagged for in the past weeks (i just can't catch up to all of that lol but i'll try to keep up with that in the future) i just want to thank you for thinking of me even though i haven't been around 💕
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vanillapecancookie · 4 years ago
Sparkling cookie 😏
-rises from the ashes- ...My time... has come...
full name: Sparkling Apple Cider Cookie
gender: Non-binary
sexuality: Ace
pronouns: he/him
family: I have fanmade cookies named Appletini and Hourglass, both of which are Sparkling’s dads. Sparkling also has a biological mother, but.... she’s a bitch XD And then there’s Sparkling’s daughter, Apple Cookie, who he loves more then anything
birthplace: He was actually born in the city of Wizards under his father and mother. Then his mother turned out to be a bitch, so he lived with his father until they moved with his new dad to Cookie City
job: He’s a bartender by trade, but he often uses alchemical practices to make medicine for cookies who need it. And often for very cheap as well
phobias: Considering he’s a vampire, he often has fears of turning against the people he loves and...
guilty pleasures: He loves hugging. His friends, his family, no one is safe
morality alignment?: Chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: He loves being around others and tends to love being included in things. When those things means he has to work, well, he’s not so keen, unfortunately.
organized/disorganized: He organizes by color, size, and texture. He makes sure that every wine he collects is sorted by year born and place made. His entire snowglobe collection is sorted by location found and color of glitter.
close minded/open-minded: He always open to new things, and he loves trying all sorts of things. He knows he’s never gonna die b/c he’s a vampire, so he’s gonna do all he can to keep himself from getting bored
calm/anxious: He exudes calm energies, but on the inside, he’s a nervous wreck. He needs to start learning that he can’t always bottle his feelings and such or he’ll always find trouble in his path
disagreeable/agreeable: He flip flops between the two. On one hand, he won’t always go with everything that everyone says because he does whatever he feels like from time to time. On the other, he can agree with people on certain stances, especially if the people he loves are on the line
cautious/reckless: When it come to bartending and making sure everything goes perfectly at a party, he’s very cautious. When it comes to alchemy... I hope you’re behind a blast proof wall. Unless he’s making medicine. Then he’s very cautious
patient/impatient: His father had always taught that good things always come with a little patience. And while he never thought of himself as patient, he always practices it anyway, because he knows that patience is a virtue.
outspoken/reserved: Very outspoken. In a gentlemen like way, of course. He loves being heard and he doesn’t like to sit idly by and let himself be silenced.
leader/follower: He’s a natural at this because he has a lot of experience. He believes organization is the best way to go forward with things. And then you can riot as much as you want
empathetic/unemphatic: Ever since he had his own child, he tries to be as empathetic as possible, which rubs off on others as well. While he may not understand the troubles that most cookies go through, he more often then not tries his best to be understand when he can be. And if can’t, well nodding your head always works...
optimistic/pessimistic: He wants to stay positive for the sake of his sanity, and of course, for any friends who might be concerned for him. He tries his best to cheer others up in his own little ways.
traditional/modern: I like to hc that he lives in a neighborhood that’s really rustic and traditional looking. I think he really likes the way classical things looks and his favorite little thing is a phonograph that plays his favorite jazz records
hard-working/lazy: There’s another reason his sleeves are rolled up; because if he doesn’t roll up his sleeves, then how’s he gonna get all that work done. Some say he never sleeps...
otp: Dark ChocoxSparkling...
ot3: none
brotp: Cheesecake and Sparkling, Purple Yam and Sparkling, Mint Choco and Sparkling, DJ and Sparkling, the list goes on and on
notp: Sp*rkl*ngx*ppl* and any other ship that involves him with a child like please get away from me you nasty fucks
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wizardfancier · 7 years ago
🔪🔪 i am starved for large son content!! give me the ret deets. ..or jeremy, i wanna learn more about stink man
alright ill do both, yolo
full name: Ret (?) Carringway
gender: Dude
sexuality: Pan
pronouns: He/Him
family: lol he has this brother who i keep getting rid of and then making again so who knows, but hes adopted by two rich ass CEOs. he doesnt know his biofam
birthplace: ? I don’t know america well enough. i know he was born in the states tho
job: he a soldier, then a writer
phobias: hes probably scared of smth silly like cows tbh
guilty pleasures: manipedis
morality alignment?: chaotic good? i think?
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert, big time
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm af
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless, sometimes to a fault
patient/impatient: depends on who. people he likes, hes patient enough, but he can get arsey with people hes less keen on
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader, although i think he’d be more comfy in a second in command kind of spot
empathetic/unemphatic: not sure, actually
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working, i mean hes in the army
otp: he loves that smol
ot3: ret/burger/fries
brotp: jimmy jammy jom jim
notp: ret stay away from my ginger son
full name: Prof. Jeremy Georgian
gender:  Male
sexuality: Straight
pronouns: He/Him
family: He has 2 older brothers, both of whom are far more successful than him and the children of his fathers wife - his own mother was an accidental affair. hes the black sheep
birthplace: the city where they live lol idk
job: medical botanist
phobias: diseases to an extent, failing
guilty pleasures: he likes the odd drink…or two…or three….or twenty…
morality alignment?: chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert, but hes fine by himself
organized/disorganized: organized, mostly
close minded/open-minded: close-minded, he thinks what he thinks and screw you
calm/anxious: calm if he’s properly…er..medicated
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable unless you’re lyle but he generally tries to get on with people unless he has a reason to hate
cautious/reckless: reckless with good intention
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader, will fight his way to the top
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern in comparison to the other ppl there i guess
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: some tiny surgeon idk
ot3: jeremy/plant/soil
brotp: ermmmm dunno, hes sort of a lone boy. i guess he gets on with milo
notp: can u imagine him n lyle lmao
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comfort-blankets · 8 years ago
A long time ago I made a matchup with Widowmaker and it was probably the best thing I’ve ever written?? But the matchup was so much like a scenario that I decided I would post it as it’s own thing now because only 6 ppl saw it and I keep going back to reread it ;;
I hope the one who was matched with this didn’t mind me using it as a regular scenario ahaa,,, if you do friend then just tell me and I’ll take it down.
The reader is a female and I’m struggling with writer’s block (;﹏;) pls have mercy on me!
It took her a while, so I dearly hope you’re patient.
The sky was a quilt when you first met, and it stayed that way for as long as you could remember whenever you saw her. The fabric of the sky was dark, a few dreary clouds etched in by a white moon. You were lucky enough to catch a spider off of her job.
Despite how she puts it to Ana of being the shell of a woman, people often speak their own truths. No longer the Amélie that she was, brainwashed and used as a weapon. It is understandable her hesitance to let herself feel again, to have a soft spot for someone when all that she knows how to do is pull a trigger.
But not even her gun can bring her the feelings she desires.
There are little pricks of emotion sometimes, but she avoids them. Sometimes the feeling of guilt seems better than emptiness, but the mess of becoming a person again sounds rough, and it’s much easier just to kill and have nothing than too much.
But the right amount of kindness downright confuses her.
Amélie meets you in a Café, having been fully planning on going in and out. One she visited hidden in the corner of town once a week, enough to make her feel normal sometimes. The people who work there are too terrified to make conversation, and for a good cause. The few parents who sit at tables with their small children when the sniper arrives leave, rumors from a small town enough to make you feel like more of a criminal than you already are.
Amélie gets it. She’s terrible and she knows. They can stop rubbing it in her face, as it isn’t their business, and they don’t know how truly horrible she really is anyways.
She tells herself she doesn’t care, but in reality has no idea how to feel.
Maybe it’s because she doesn’t.
The killer grows used to the silence of the cooks in the kitchen, already knowing her order and too chicken to ask if she wants anything else. What does she want? Is this how it will be forever, and wherever she stops?
‘That woman is so cold and nasty that her skin turned blue.’
Something pricks under her skin, but this time Amélie understands it.
Loneliness. Sadness.
She doesn’t need anyone anymore, she isn’t humane. There are no morals to be put in her book. You kill, and the job gets done. You get paid, and then you rest.
The café hires a new waitress. That is you standing there, a uniform of however you decide, with a face showing whatever you want. Whatever you feel, you get to express. You are never neutral, have passions and opinions. Amélie finds jealousy in between the pages of the novel she reads whilst resting in her seat.
Everything she could ever want, a life and an exciting future, looking young and stupidly unafraid.
Why do you spend it trying to speak with a cold woman?
The first few months are rocky, a collection of passive aggressive insults, hoping to scare you away with a sharp accent on her tongue. It flickers like a snake with her words, but her reality is confusion.
How long will it be until I hurt you? Why won’t you leave me alone, listen to the people of your happy little town in your happy little life?
When Amélie finally understands that you won’t leave her be, the cold insults stop. Her next move is in avoidance.
The sniper doesn’t speak to you and your cheery conversation starters, and she ignores the prick under her skin when you say you look forward to her visits.
Amélie thought about finding a different café before, but will never admit the fact that she promised herself to come again when you said that to her.
The spider woman begins to explore the menu she never tried, taking your casual recommendations into mind from your previous conversations. She doesn’t answer them, but it is obvious she is listening. She finds herself a little grateful that you don’t point it out after she orders a new drink, a small gleam in your eye.
She finds a new emotion under the dust.
And she figures out that she is terrified of the friendly way you gaze at her.
The light really does point out everything, doesn’t it?
Amélie finally answers to your greetings, talks back a little bit. For the first time she isn’t rude, but her facial expression never changes. Most would take it personally, but even when she somehow manages to make you laugh her lips never curve. She wishes for once that she had the ability to enjoy laughing, even if it was just to see you flourish in this moment. The barrier between feeling nothing and having small doses of emotion blurs, and Amélie can hear the voice in the back of her mind telling her to shut these interactions down slowly be drowned out by the wonderful high of speaking to someone again.
You mention wanting to travel, and she states that there’s a nice store out of town you could be interested in. In return, you tell her about a nail salon you heard had good reviews.
When the sniper leaves for 2 weeks to finish up a job, she comes back to see an optimistic smile. Having someone say they missed you while they were gone has never felt so nice. Amélie eats up the attention without noticing, and says that she ‘somehow found something odd missing’ while she was gone. It was the closest thing to a compliment that she could manage, but it seemed more than enough for you.
Amélie brings back a souvenir for you, something she saw at an odd looking store in a dreary town. The sharp eyes of a spider look for things that she didn’t realize she needed, catching the name of the place after her scope finishes a job. You mentioned liking witchcraft, and drinks the look you give her when you open the little present. She forgets to tell you to not get used to it.
She doesn’t want to.
After all, the only reason why she paid for it was because she couldn’t quite remember how to wrap presents correctly.
It wasn’t even near holiday, why was she buying things for you? Why did she keep buying them? What was the point of catching you out the door when you finished your shift late at night, and why did she give in to the urge of pulling you so close to her?
Why did you reciprocate her deadly kiss?
A prickle under skin turns into a bucket of water poured over her body at her realization. How foolish of her to want things when she was who she was, and how terrible of her to make you fall in love with a monster.
A sun is sewed into the sky’s quilt for a few days, but the creator seemed to dislike the design. It is quickly pulled from it’s strings.
Why did she stay with you for a few days?
But most importantly, why did she leave?
Amélie didn’t want them to figure it out. Her emotions, her soft spot. And they never did, because she found herself empty again while you were gone.
While she was gone.
An entire month without you, something odd had turned normal. She wished she could have spoken to you sweetly with her venomous lips before she left.
Her novel reminds her too much of the café and chocolate drinks you recommended, and she leaves it near the bottom of her bag. She hopes that when she returns you will find someone else, but another part of her finds the thought brings an unhealthy pit in her stomach. Being empty has never felt worse.
There is no reason to cry.
The monster sheds tears in it’s quarters, missing something it can never have.
A new mission, a life for another to keep living. Amélie doesn’t look at the names, but recognizes the town. Somewhere outside the one she usually resides at, making her think about moving.
The prickles move over her entire body in disagreement, but she keeps walking.
You were travelling for something, somebody hired her to kill an old grudge. Someone really hated this person and happened to have a lot of money. Amélie doesn’t really care about cash since she has enough of it, but it was something to pull her forward.
Food to buy, groceries to be put away. All for one person in a nice apartment. The memory of it is lonely now.
But there is no reason to think of home right now
She finds her gun aimed at you from a small window, glad that nobody is around to see her shaking fingers.
Why doesn’t she look at the names of her victims?
It is her job, her consequence for letting someone close. She has a chance to end this weakness.
There are no prickles to be felt, because everything hits her at once. An emotion to add to the pages of her book, shock. So far she has envy, terror, happiness, shock, and incredible, terrible, yearning.
A list of things that describe what one is doing:
Holding a quivering finger over a trigger, with a finely done nail from a place someone dear to her recommended.
An eye that keeps coming in and out of focus, dehydrated thing, making water for itself to spill over the table of skin.
A professional that becomes a rookie.
Amélie screams in the back of her mind, and the Widowmaker breaks.
The job is done, but the shot misses.
The noise of a bullet sounds, but it hits nothing. Whether it became one with the Earth or the concrete she didn’t know, because one moment she was perched from her web, an old torn roof, and the next she was pulling you by your arm out of town.
Amélie’s expression shows, and it is murderous.
Protectiveness. Add another page to the novel.
She gives you no time for questions, simply telling you that you are in danger, to come with her immediately. Something in her mind chirps at her that maybe you will agree with her plan, to run away with her and let the spider keep you safe. Your optimism is rubbing on her, and she swipes away the thought as quickly as it came.
You have a right to your anger on her disappearance, and when she is sure that nobody has seen you, she answers every single one of your questions. Honestly. That was a first as well, being so eager to open up to everything.
Her crimes, her terrible mentality, her job. It’s shoved into your head and the Widowmaker speaks so lowly of herself that the venom on her tongue doesn’t seem to ever have been aimed towards you.
She rereads the page covering the topic of shock when you agree with her plan, thinking that you surely would’ve left her.
Amélie sees her tears on your face.
Why do you feel her pain?
Amélie files the job done, but kills the buyer instead. There will always be people who dislike you, but this way you were safe from another being hired to end you. Someone who was much, much worse than she, probably.
A kind of domesticated life falls over her, something she used to look down upon sickeningly. She doesn’t know how to to feel about it now.
But this time, she actually can.
What did Amélie want with this new life? A new job, a new future?
It all came as a package deal with you, and together you placed her morality where it needed to be. You reminded her that she was always there, no matter if she had changed. Widowmaker and Amélie were the same person, even if it wasn’t how she wanted to be, right in between.
So the spider no longer picked up her gun, and rerouted her life to a new, calm direction.
She finally found her money useful again, running away with the most cheerful woman she’d ever met, and indulging with her those childish activities.
Those cartoons you like? She acts as if she hates them, but is content enough to speak sweet words to you while she plays with your hair, the television running in the background. Later on you have a discussion about a character you like, knowing details not even you noticed.
Her lips are no longer coated in venom, and you have never felt safer with the world’s most accurate sniper behind you.
The quilt in the sky sheds it’s somber colors, and a new fabric used to stitch together a new blanket.
A brown dog is etched in at the side.
And when you bring him home, the Widowmaker lets you name him whatever you please.
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