#i enjoyed the labyrinth exhibition
my-burnt-city · 1 year
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Minotaur Suite, Michael Ayrton (1921-1975)
Minotaur as Embryo, 1971
Minotaur Consecrated, 1971
Minotaur as Calf, 1971
Minotaur as Yearling, 1971
Minotaur Rising, 1971
Minotaur Risen, 1971
Minotaur Full-Grown, 1971
Minotaur Pent, 1971
Minotaur Revealed, 1971
Minotaur Alone, 1971
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hellenhighwater · 14 days
I have an ask about your Artprize exhibit. I am planning on going down with my mother to Artprize and she is in a wheelchair due to terminal cancer. Are your pieces visible and able to be seen by people who are in wheelchairs / mobility scooters?
In particular, I am concerned about the arch because looking at the images posted it doesn't look like there's enough space for a wheelchair to get through. And it looks like the art pieces are too high for people in wheelchairs to see. (Not to mention children)
Have you checked to see if people in wheelchairs can view your art? Because this is something that I've run into in the past at museums and it is really frustrating. And I don't want my mom to start crying or just give up because she can't take in the art when she's been supporting Artprize financially and physically since Year One and this is her last year to see it.
The venue is wheelchair accessable, and while a wheelchair won't fit through the arch itself, both the front and back of the arch can be reached in a wheelchair--space constraints being what they were, and wanting the Icarus pieces to be low enough to be viewable but also wanting something to keep people from walking into things meant that we had to put something in the middle of the archway. But you should be able to get right up to the edges of the arch on both sides without problems--the area "through" the arch opens directly to the elevators, and there's about 4 feet of clearance on each side of the display pedestals up to the arch. Getting up close to the arch on the inside may involve running a wheel onto the supporting base, which is 3/4 of an inch tall, but is totally safe to be on. The space I'm in, between the wall and the stairs, is 10.5 feet wide, and the widest display pedestalis a little under two feet.
The display pedestals are 42 inches tall, and most all of the sculptures are only a little more than 12 inches. The only ones that you would want to look "down" into are Icarus the Sea and Narcissus, which you can look down at from the balcony above as well. The balcony is actually at street level. I wanted to make sure that the inside ceilings of the labyrinth pieces were viewable and 42 inches is the reccomended height for "small" artworks, according to my research. I'm hoping the experts were right!
It's not ideal, but working on the space we had we did try to make sure that all of it could be viewed. I would have loved about 2 more feet of width in this space! I'm including the pictures I have that show the layout a little.
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The elevators are along the right wall in this last picture.
I did take it into consideration and tried to make compromises that meant I could get everything into the space without making it inaccessible. I hope that I got it right, and that you're both able to enjoy ArtPrize together! Art is for everyone.
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aeoki · 1 month
Number Eight - Prologue
Characters: Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku & Niki Location: Inside helicopter Season: Winter Writer: Akira
TL Note:
Rinne makes an error with the idiom; the original idiom is about filial piety (a virtue of exhibiting love and respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors) and not brotherhood.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< One day at the beginning of March. Up in the air. >
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Rinne: Hey, Niki. There’s something I wanna tell ya since it’s gonna be the end.
We might seriously be in danger.
Niki: Huh? What’s wrong? Why’re you saying that all of a sudden?
…You said “the end”, but this is our ride there. Don’t you mean “the beginning”?
Rinne: No, no. What I’m tryin’ to say is that this situation is weird.
Come on, think about it. They blindfolded us and then shoved us into a bus, a plane and then a helicopter.
This doesn’t sound like a simple overseas shoot at all.
Maybe we unknowingly offended our CosPro boss, so we’re getting buried out in the middle of nowhere. 
Geez, if I knew this was gonna happen, I should’ve said goodbye to my cute lil’ brother. You know what they say: You realise it’s too late by the time you wanna be a good older brother[⁎]!
Niki: How can the entertainment industry be so heartless…? They’re way too cruel! Does this mean we’re not needed anymore!?
I wish they prepared a final meal for us at least. I don’t wanna die on an empty stomach~!
Kohaku: You two are overreactin’. We’re just headin’ to our next shoot.
We simply received an offer to appear in a variety show that’s similar to “The Minotaur’s Labyrinth”, since it seems it was unexpectedly popular, and people enjoyed seein’ us do ridiculous things.
I bet they’re schemin’ because they wanna make us do somethin’ similar…
Rinne: Woah~ Looks like we’ve got a little bee who can’t read the room!
The super entertaining Rinne-kun was just trying to put on a good show~ I did all that to trick Niki and now my hard work’s gone down the drain.
Niki: What? All that pessimistic stuff you said earlier was a lie!?
I can’t believe you tricked me! If you’re gonna make fun of people like that, then you’re just gonna die a worthless death, you hear!
HiMERU: Amagi, Shiina, Oukawa. Can you three be quiet for a moment?
I’d like to rest while I can. If this is going to be a repeat of “The Minotaur’s Labyrinth”, then it’s surely going to be another stamina test.
We should preserve our energy as much as we can while we’re on the move. That’s the secret to working successfully.
Kohaku: HiMERU-han, you’re adaptin’ to the situation right away.
HiMERU: But, of course. HiMERU would like to resolve everything in a smart and resourceful manner.
Had I not been kidnapped by Amagi, I would have loved to be away, doing my own solo work.
Rinne: Things don’t work out like that in the real world, ya know ♪ We’re in the same unit – and that means we’ll ride and die together ♪
Niki: You really bring bad luck wherever you go, Rinne-kun.
Anyway, I’m glad we’re not gonna die.
Come to think of it, they checked our passports when we got on the plane here. I’ll be fine as long as I get to eat a bunch of local specialties~♪
Kohaku: All you have on your mind is food, huh, Niki-han.
I’d like to rest once we land, but…
Niki: What’s wrong, Kohaku-chan? Did you spot a delicious-looking animal or something?
Kohaku: No. Look over there.
There’s some sort of big banner on the ground.
Niki: “COME HERE”...? What does that mean?
HiMERU: Hmm. Apparently, the pilot says that it's supposed to be “used as a landing pad”.
Rinne: “Used as a landing pad”...? Sounds like something for parachuting.
So that means the real stuff is coming up, right? Alright, we’ve done a lotta different stuff, but parachuting will be a first!
I accept the challenge, so follow me, you guys ♪
Niki: Ah, wait a minute, Rinne-kun! Don’t start putting the parachuting equipment on!
I’m not mentally ready to jump off just yet!
Rinne: Details come later!
Come on, the instructor’s tellin’ us to hurry up too!
Niki: What? Those people weren’t here to film us, but they’re here to help us with the parachute!?
Rinne: I can flyyyy…☆
Niki: Rinne-kun! He just jumped off without listening to what I had to say!
His arrogance knows no bounds. Should we talk to the pilot and ask them to drop us off somewhere closer?
Kohaku: Ko ko ko. This is my first time parachuting as well ♪
It’ll be a valuable experience. If we can’t say no, then all that’s left is to give it a go and jump ♪
Niki: Not you too, Kohaku-chan!?
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HiMERU: Stop looking so surprised, Shiina. You should put on your parachuting equipment.
It seems we don’t have a choice yet again. I think it would be wise to do what the show wants us to do instead of prolonging the conversation.
Niki: What? You’re gonna jump off too, HiMERU-kun?
I don’t wanna use my calories to do something like parachuting… Oh, geez. I guess I don’t have a choice, huh~
Okay. I just have to do it, don’t I!?
In exchange, they better let me have a taste of the delicious local specialties here!
I can flyyyy…!
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤNext Chapter →
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I took the RAADS-R Autism Assessment as Anakin, basing my answers to each question on textual evidence from Clone Wars Gambit, Jedi Quest, Rogue Planet, and the Star Wars prequel trilogy, as well as what I have read of the RotS novelization and Labyrinth of Evil. 
Please keep in mind that my interpretations of the scenes I used as evidence are probably affected by my own personal biases and the fact that I have autism too, so I’m not claiming that any of this is how the stories/dialogue were meant to be interpreted. It’s just for fun! In fact, if anyone interpreted these things differently I would love to know!
Anakin’s results:
Total score: 188 Language: 17 Social relatedness: 83 Sensory/motor: 51 Circumscribed interests: 37
I based my interpretation of Anakin’s language almost entirely on his speech patterns in the prequel trilogy. Anakin’s tone and cadence are uneven unless he’s repeating back something someone else has said. He often has trouble controlling his volume or the speed of his talking. In Rogue Planet, Obi-Wan thinks "Anakin could become both expressive and imitative whenever he felt excited or ill at ease." 
His manner of communicating is up-front and honest, even when others don’t want to hear it. In the beginning of Attack of the Clones, he makes Padmé uncomfortable with his advances and does not notice until she comments on it. When she makes it clear that she is uncomfortable, he still wants to understand why. 
Social relatedness
Anakin has the ability to work well in groups when he is in control, but ultimately, he is an outsider aside from a few special people. Even then, his interest in the people who he chooses to spend his time with is specific and possessive. In the beginning of Jedi Quest, Obi-Wan worries that fourteen year old Anakin has no friends. He has trouble relating to others his age at the temple. Obi-Wan spends the rest of the series worrying about the ways Anakin interacts with the friends he makes and ultimately loses. 
Anakin’s concept of relationships is self-serving and one sided. He pined for Padmé for ten years without seeing her, obsessed with a concept of her in his mind that he formed when he was nine years old. He sees himself in others, but has trouble relating to how they feel unless he can put their feelings into his own perspective. In Rogue Planet, he has several moments of extreme empathy for both Ke Daiv and Sekot when he realizes that their experiences have been similar to his. Even if their similarities aren’t exact, when he’s able to project his own trauma onto theirs he’s able to relate to them and interact with them more easily.
Anakin has excellent fine motor skills, shown by his mastery of mechanics. Both his motor skills and sensory perceptions are intensified by his connection to the Force. 
“Is it possible you see nothing more than the tensions of approaching adulthood?” Mace asked. “No!” Anakin cried. “I see… too much, too much.” “Too much what?” “I burn like a sun inside!” The boy’s voice rang out in the chamber like a bell.
Particularly in Clone Wars Gambit and Rogue Planet, Anakin is thrown off and frustrated when his surroundings are too loud and too bright if they’re outside of a controlled environment that he enjoys. He is easily overwhelmed, but in battle, especially in a ship, he’s able to zero in his focus on the aspects of the scenario that he enjoys to overcome it. 
He frequently exhibits stimming (the repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalizations, as a form of behavior by persons with autism or other neurodevelopmental conditions) behaviors. Throughout Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith he can be seen picking objects up to turn over in his hands, tinkering with electronics, and rocking when sitting and standing in situations that are distressing to him. 
He’s described stimming in Rogue Planet as he’s taking in the sights and sounds of the new environment around him, often holding his hands out in front of himself and turning them over. 
He gave a small shiver, then he, also, rubbed his palms on his tunic, held them out, and looked around. 
One of Anakin’s most iconic and most heavily criticized lines in Attack of the Clones is his description of how he understands the world through sensory details: “I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.”
Circumscribed interests
Anakin has intense defined interests in mechanics, often stating that he relates to machines and understands them better than he does with other people. In Clone Wars Gambit: Siege, he uses his special knowledge and connection to machines to rework a storm shield into one that can keep out battle droids. As early as nine years old, in The Phantom Menace, he was already building a podracer of his own, and by age twelve in Rogue Planet he still had that knack for machines and racing, which he used to modify a pair of racing wings to participate in a garbage pit race. In Attack of the Clones, after the death of his mother, he immediately goes back to working with machines to cope. When Padmé tries to talk to him he gets upset and sidetracks back to that interest.
“I brought you something. Are you hungry?” "The shifter broke. Life seems so much simpler when you’re fixing things. I’m good at fixing things. Always was. But I couldn’t… Why’d she have to die? Why couldn’t I save her? I know I could have!”
His interests are zeroed in, and when he wants to talk about them, he has trouble sensing that others don’t want to hear it. 
Obi-Wan let these words sit between them for some seconds before asking, blandly enough, “What does the ship mean to you?” “A ship that tunes itself to a need for speed... Wow!” Anakin said. “For me, that would be the perfect friend.” “That’s what I thought,” Obi-Wan said.
When he’s fixated on one point, it’s hard for him to see the bigger picture, no matter how many times those round him try to remind him of it. This is a trait that follows him throughout the entirety of his life. 
Total score
With a total score of 188, Anakin falls between "very strong evidence for autism" and the maximum possible score an autistic person can quire on the RAADS-R scale. For comparison, the mean score of autistic people is 130, and the minimum score at which autism is considered is 65. At 90, autism is considered highly likely. I also took the assessment with Obi-Wan in mind, drawing from the same sources as well as Jedi Apprentice, and scored 74, with the most focus in his results being in circumscribed interests and social relatedness. 
So many traits that Anakin’s character is criticized for are autistic traits, whether his writers made him that way intentionally or not. I think Hayden Christensen’s portrayal of him was genius and so heartfelt when viewed through this lens. Even when it isn’t being called autism, it’s clear when people recognize a collection of autism traits and characterize a character based on their perception of those traits. Anakin is an amazing case of unintentional autism representation, and the hatred and biases people have toward his character are often based on his autistic traits. 
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tourist-gengar · 16 hours
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“Hey guys, Zak and Pixie here! Cali told us that today is Jim Henson’s birthday, and while we were on our trip to New York, we visited this museum that had an exhibit all about his work! So here’s some of the pictures Cali took. They don’t have us in them, but we figured you all would enjoy them anyway!”
The Jim Henson Exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image (@movingimagenyc ) was one of the things I was most excited for during our trip; I was already a fan of Sesame Street and the Muppets as a kid, and I even came to love some of Jim Henson’s earlier work like the commercials for Wilkins Coffee (seriously, look the Wilkins Coffee commercials up, they are hilarious, sometimes unhinged, and I love them), and the cult classic Labyrinth as I grew up.
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The exhibit itself was incredible, there were even a few hands on activities like a booth where you get to puppeteer the way Muppeteers do, and building your own Muppet (note: the Muppet torso is connected to a table, so no, you don’t get to take it home). Unfortunately the playback on my sister and I’s attempt at puppeteering played back at like 2 frames a second instead of smoothly like the live feed we were watching while performing.
It was so interesting to see concept art of some of the characters they had on display (and some they didn’t), they even had little video screens to show you what the characters looked like in action.
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Of course there were large sections dedicated to his most notable works, Sesame Street and the Muppet Show, there was some Fraggle Rock too, but I’m not as familiar with it (will definitely try finding episodes somewhere, though).
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And I was quite happy to see Sarah and Jareth’s outfits on display. Maybe someday I can go to the museum that has their masquerade ball costumes.
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“Oh yes, please! More trips to plan for! Oh! Sorry! I’ll go now.”
You’re fine Zak. Now, where was I? Ah, yes.
They had this beautiful version of Miss Piggy from The Muppets Take Manhattan, as well as concept art and magazine covers.
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I have a few more pictures from the Museum of the Moving Image, but seeing as tumblr will only let me post 10 images per post, I will leave you with this picture of Kermit the Frog, sitting beside Jim Henson’s headset.
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Happy birthday, Mr. Henson. I hope wherever you are, you know just how much joy you brought into the world.
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My Tweed Coat Ricochets (Agatha Harkness x Reader) Chapter 2
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Summary: After a disastrous first encounter with your new colleague, you try to settle into your new job as an archaeologist at The Westview Institution.
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: Hi besties, here’s chapter two! We’re going for a sort of Indiana Jones and eventually Mamma Mia-ish romcom vibe. Disclaimer- I am not a historian or archaeologist. I’m a violinist. I’m just typing this up as I go along, haha. But I hope you enjoy this next chapter! I should hopefully be updating weekly, I have a pretty busy job so if there’s ever a delay that’s why :) Thank you for reading!
Chapter Two: The Last Great Archaeology Dig
There was nothing more peaceful than aimlessly wandering through a museum. With the abundance of exhibits and the stream of visitors flowing in and out, it felt as if the ancient worlds were coming to life before your very eyes. Growing up you had always looked forward to the occasional school trip to the museum, but never in your wildest dreams did you imagine you’d end up working for one of the best institutions in the world. You’d spent most of your morning getting settled in your office, making note of how you wanted to fill the space over the coming weeks.
There was an underlying sense of dread thinking about the staff meeting Stephen had scheduled. It wasn’t because you weren’t looking forward to meeting your new colleagues- you were. A crumpled white blazer you angrily tossed on the ground caught your eye, reminding you of the real reason you didn’t want to go. The mere thought of Agatha Harkness had you seeing red- and it wasn’t just the wine stain. You had encountered plenty of strong personalities over the course of your career, but none had infuriated you as much as this woman managed to within a day. You normally prided yourself on your calm disposition, but there was something about her that had you feeling emotions you never thought were possible.
You weren’t sure what it was about her, as your brain replayed your two brief, but memorable interactions. Perhaps it was her arrogance, with the way she wasted no time snobbishly judging you based on your appearance. Or maybe it had something to do with the conceited idea that you were following her, as if you would ever do something like that. The way her eyes had narrowed at you, the striking blue color seemingly darkened like an impending storm rolling into the wine dark sea. You could get lost in those eyes, and- wait a second. What were you even saying?
Pushing any and all thoughts of Agatha out of your brain, a quick glance at your watch left you alarmed to find the staff meeting was starting in a few minutes and you had no idea where it was. Stephen had sent a rather lengthy email you only half read, and you mentally slapped yourself for not paying more attention. The corridors all appeared to blend together in a rather confusing labyrinth, and you rounded yet another corner when you heard a light hearted chuckle from behind you.
Turning around, you found a woman staring at you, amusement twinkling in her blue eyes. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and she looked at you with some sympathy. “You must be the new hire?” As you nodded she continued. “I thought so. Y/N, right? I remember Stephen mentioning you were joining us. I’m Maria Hill, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
She held her hand out, and you quickly shook it, pleasantly surprised at how friendly she was. Although, you guessed most people here were nicer than Agatha. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Sorry, I don’t really know where I’m going.”
Maria gave you a sympathetic glance. “I remember my first few weeks here. It gets better, trust me.” She guided you down another hallway before adding, “How has your first day been?”
Shrugging, you thought of the whole amount of nothing you had accomplished so far. “I’m still getting settled in. To be honest, I can’t believe I’m here.”
Nodding along, Maria led you down another long hallway, and you wondered just how large this place was. “It can be a lot to take in at once, but most of the team is great. You’ll fit right in.”
You wanted to inquire what she meant by saying most of the team was great, but you’d reached the end of the long corridor which held an open doorway holding a spacious conference room. Maria entered first, leaving you to follow suit, trying to swallow the nerves building up in your throat. The room housed a large rectangular table in the center, and there were already a few people there. Each of the walls housed a variety of pictures; upon closer examination you realized they must be a collection of various excavations the team had done over the years.
Turning back to the table, your eyes scanned the room and you let out an internal sigh of relief upon seeing that Agatha had not arrived yet. Besides Maria and Stephen, with the latter setting up at the head of the table, there were three other chairs occupied. A brooding man with long black hair sat alone in the corner. He was scribbling in a brown leather journal, and gave you a brief, disinterested look when he caught you staring. The other two, a man and a woman, were sitting across from Maria and engaged in quiet conversation. The woman had long auburn hair that was braided, whilst the man wore a pair of silver glasses and had strawberry blonde hair.
Glancing around at the empty chairs, you were mentally choosing a seat when Maria waved you over to join her. Taking the seat to her right, you set your belongings down before saying, “Thanks, I wasn’t sure where to sit.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Maria reassured you. “Have you met Wanda Maximoff and Victor Shade?”
The two people sitting across from you ended their conversation, giving you their full attention. The woman, Wanda, gave you a warm smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Y/N, right?”
You nodded, pleased at how they also appeared to be friendly. “Yes, it’s lovely to meet you both.”
“Well you certainly don’t look like a clumsy baboon,” Victor commented lightly, and your eyes narrowed in confusion, while Wanda whacked his arm. Clearing his throat, he held out his hand to shake yours. “Ah, right, my apologies. Haven’t had my afternoon coffee. It’s nice to meet you.”
Maria appeared to be just as confused as you, but before you could ask for clarification Wanda and Victor returned to their previous conversation. A few moments later, Agatha came trudging in, looking as unpleasant as ever, followed closely by another woman you didn’t recognize. The woman had straight jet black hair, and bright green eyes that shone like emeralds. They sat towards the end of the table, near the man with the long black hair, and you swore you could feel Agatha glaring daggers into your back. Stephen appeared pleased with the turnout as he stood up, clapping his hands together once.
“Thank you all for joining us this afternoon. I’ll try to keep things brief. First, I’d like to welcome the newest member of our team.” Stephen motioned at you, and you offered a strained smile, feeling the muscles in your lower back tighten from the anxiety. “Y/N will be an excellent addition, and I hope all of you make her feel welcome.” It appeared that his last words were directed towards one person in particular, as it appeared everyone in the room seemingly glanced at a bored looking Agatha.
Clearing his throat, Stephen continued. “Onto the last bit of business, everyone but Y/N should be familiar with our new project, being fielded by Dr. Shade and Dr. Stark, yes?” Mostly everyone, excluding Agatha, nodded. “Victor, would you like to give an update?”
“Of course,” Victor opened a large binder that was in front of him. “Tony has been overseas for the past few weeks getting the rest of our findings in order. As many of you know, my research over the past decade has been solely dedicated to locating the Tesseract.”
You were fairly familiar with Victor Shade, but had never read any of his journal articles over the years. You had, however, read more on Tony Stark. His research and findings on ancient civilizations along the Nile were groundbreaking. Victor had taken a brief moment to look over his notes before continuing. “The Tesseract was rumored to have been a sought after relic. The carvings we found appear to depict it having some sort of legendary power. Unfortunately, there is no last known location, and up until last month it was thought to be a myth.”
“In the past we always assumed the Tesseract was the only relic of its kind, but during our latest excavation we uncovered what appears to be a writing tablet with six engravings etched on it.”
Pulling an iPad out of his bag, he fidgeted with it for a moment before the flat screen tv on the far wall turned on, and pulled up a picture of the carving. Everyone peered at the screen with intrigue, even Agatha appeared to be paying attention. “Now, with all of the findings and research Tony and I have conducted since we uncovered this, we’ve stumbled across a few other clues to their locations.”
The screen changed to a 3D model of the Earth, with six glowing circles around it. “With everything we’ve put together, as well as notes from previous journals, we’ve concluded that the six relics are located within the red circles. I was made aware that Agatha is going to be leading a team in Delos next month, and since we are fairly certain that is the location of one of the relics, we thought it would be imperative to begin there.”
“You are not allowed to hijack my excavation, you high tech toaster,” Agatha snarled from her seat, and as you rolled your eyes, you swore you heard Wanda sigh from her seat. Of course.
“Agatha, no one is going to be hijacking your research,” Stephen interjected, clearly trying to diffuse whatever was going to happen next. “But bringing a few extra sets of hands to widen the search is a good idea.”
“This could very well change the way we view almost every ancient civilization throughout all of history,” Victor added, seeming unphased by Agatha.
“Thank you, Victor. Now, I know some of our team is already in Greece preparing for Agatha excavation, however with the new timeline I thought sending a few more people would be beneficial,” Stephen explained. “In addition to Agatha and Victor, I’d like to send Y/N.”
Your eyes met Agatha’s simultaneously, and you both glared at each other. Great. Agatha shook her head. “I’d rather be working with someone I know, like Hela or Loki.”
The man with the long black hair, Loki, shook his head. “I’m going to be in South America until October. Unless you’d like to trade places?”
Stephen sighed, rubbing his temple. “Agatha, you cannot pick and choose which colleagues will be accompanying you to Greece. As long as there’s nothing else, why don’t we wrap things up for today. I’ll have more information regarding the excavation later in the week. Thank you everyone.”
Everyone took their time filing out, and you noticed Stephen and Agatha quietly arguing, mostly likely about you. Returning to your office, you packed up your belongings for the day until your gaze once again fell onto the Merlot stained blazer and you suddenly had an idea. Packing the blazer in your bag, you left and passed a vexed Agatha, and you pretended not to notice how nice she smelled.
Later that afternoon you found yourself in one of your favorite coffee shops in the city. Nestled one block away from your apartment, it was the perfect stop you needed on your way home from a slightly stressful first day. Ordering your usual, you sat at a table in the corner and thought about the excavation in Greece. You still had to look over Victor’s notes, but the dig and research sounded exciting. The only downside is that Agatha was leading the excavation and sounded less than pleased at the prospect of you joining her. Your brain also went back to what Victor had said before the meeting started, something about you being a clumsy baboon? You had a sinking suspicion that Agatha had been behind that.
“Iced chai with oat milk for Y/N?” The barista called out, and you walked up the counter to grab your beverage when you saw familiar blue eyes glaring at you.
“You have got to be kidding me,” You mumbled to yourself as Agatha came up to you.
“It really feels like you’re following me,” Agatha said in a cold tone, eyeing you suspiciously. “What are you doing here?”
“I left work before you did,” You pointed out, not in the mood to argue with her. “And if you must know this is my favorite coffee shop in the city. I come here all the time.”
Agatha gave you an unreadable look before turning around and walking away. Nice to see she was warming up to you. Taking your drink back to your table, you watched the archaeologist settle in at a table near yours. The two of you ignored each other for the entirety of your visit, but once you finished your drink, you opened your bag and looked at Agatha’s blazer while a new plan brewed in your mind. Eventually she got up to get more coffee, and you discreetly dropped the blazer off on her chair with a note before leaving.
I’ll have to save up my money to buy that plane ticket to Greece
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albertonykus · 1 year
You Wouldn’t Really Know Shizuka from the Doraemon Movies
If you’ve experienced enough Doraemon media, you’ve probably noticed that the movies tend to emphasize the main characters’ positive qualities, which often paints a very different picture of them from the regular manga and episodes. The contrast is especially noticeable with Nobita, Gian, and Suneo, who in the mainline series are frequently cast as anti-role models to show children how not to behave.
Shizuka, on the other hand, is already kind and morally upstanding by default, so it’s only natural for the movies to continue portraying her that way. That makes Shizuka pretty much the same between the regular series and the movies, right? I would argue not exactly, and unfortunately her character in the movies suffers for it.
It’s not that the movies never characterize Shizuka well. She’s had very important roles in some of them: in my reviews, I counted at least eight films in which her actions are critical to resolving the plot. Certainly one can gather from the movies that she’s compassionate, quick-witted, brave, and adventurous, and all of these things are true about Shizuka in the mainline series.
However... if you only watched the movies, you might not realize that Shizuka also enjoys messing with other people for fun...
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... or can be very blunt towards her friends...
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... or participates in schemes to get even with people who have wronged her...
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[A short time later...]
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... or becomes disproportionately violent when she’s upset (“Janie” being one of her dolls)...
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... or lies to get out of things she doesn’t want to do.
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(If any of this seems like it conflicts with Shizuka’s usual characterization, I don’t think it does. When I was Shizuka’s age, I was also a “good kid” who stayed out of trouble and got along with most of my peers, and I still did every one of these things.)
From the movies alone, you might even miss that Shizuka is supposed to be bad at playing the violin, which is her one “flaw” that the franchise likes to highlight with any regularity. Her violin playing has shown up in two movies so far (Nobita and the Knights on Dinosaurs and Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds), but only in very brief scenes where we don’t see anyone else reacting to it. (Edit: I’d forgotten that she also plays the violin in The New Record of Nobita’s Spaceblazer. There, it is a similar situation in which she is only seen practicing alone. She is finally shown playing in front of an audience during the end credits of Nobita’s Sky Utopia, which I hadn’t had a chance to see when I first wrote this post.)
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Of course, there are other ways to add dimensionality to a character besides giving them flaws. However, Shizuka in the movies almost never exhibits quirks of any kind, except maybe for being just a bit too obsessed with bathing. (Now that they rarely neglect to include in the movies, for some reason...)
In the main series, Shizuka is often the voice of reason who is strung along by the foolishness and craziness of the others around her, but she still gets her kicks. When the kids test out Doraemon’s Mysterious Trash Chute, there’s the implication that she goes the extra mile to throw in a concrete beam. (As far as I know, none of the animated adaptations of this story have included this particular detail, which is disappointing.)
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There’s also the time she hesitates to partake in karaoke, only to have trouble putting down the mic once her turn comes around.
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Even the manga counterparts to the movies sometimes contain facets of Shizuka’s character that weren’t adapted into the films themselves. (Perhaps that’s not a surprise considering that the original author had a more direct hand in the manga.) Nobita’s Three Visionary Swordsmen is already one of the best movies when it comes to Shizuka’s portrayal, but if you’ve never read the manga version, you probably wouldn’t have known that she aspires to be a diplomat working for world peace.
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Then there’s this moment in Nobita and the Tin Labyrinth, where she makes a bet with Suneo over whether Nobita is lying to them. This conversation does happen in the movie, but the film version doesn’t quite get across just how smug Shizuka looks when she takes that bet.
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And check out how pleased she is to be eventually proven right! (This expression didn’t make it into the movie either.)
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Nobita in the Robot Kingdom was not written by the original manga author, but I’ve discussed before how the manga version of that story gave Shizuka an important part that was unfortunately cut out of the film.
Is this really a problem? After all, it’s well established that the other main characters in the movies don’t act exactly like they normally do in the manga either. With the others, however, subverting their usual roles is precisely what gives them character depth. Relegating Shizuka solely to being “the nice one”, which she already comes across as most of the time, makes her feel much more static by comparison.
An understandable concern is that swinging the pendulum too far in another direction might erode Shizuka’s kind image, but this need not be the case. Like anyone else, nice people can say and do some very un-nice things, and the trick for a storyteller is to interrogate what might lead them to act in such a way. I think the Nobita in the Robot Kingdom manga does this very well, but an example found in the films themselves can be seen in Nobita and the Steel Troops.
In this movie, (SPOILERS) Shizuka rescues a severely damaged robot spy, Riruru, and works on nursing her back to health. After Riruru explains the history of the robot society that she belongs to, Shizuka observes its parallels to human history. However, Riruru, who is still operating under a belief in robot supremacy, takes offense to this comparison and tries to shoot Shizuka, which results in Shizuka expressing regret and bitterness over having saved her in the first place. Shizuka gets over this very quickly and it’s not explored much further, but this still a rare deconstruction of her role as “the nice one”. Sometimes, being kind is hard.
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Overly-long story short, it would be nice if the Doraemon movies let Shizuka do more “bad” (or mischievous, or just plain weird) things, especially for the sake of good.
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
tellerluna-tunes: to find a home in your heart!
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A/N: since this fic took me almost a year to write, I ended up listening to all sorts of music in the process of making it. but for some reason, the genres that fit with the vibe of this fic the most were indie music or OPM, as well as the OST of kimi ni todoke itself. hope you enjoy this lil playlist!
read the original fic here!
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TITLE TRACK: kimi ni todoke by tanizawa tomifumi!
this is the theme song from the very show/manga that brought this fanfic to life!! it has a very sweet, slice-of-life vibe that makes me think of the walks that thoma and mc have going to and from school. the lyrics are very fitting for them as well~~
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angel baby by troye sivan
thoma is the angel. can we all agree on that? okay but jokes aside a lot of the songs have common themes about allowing someone to care for you/ caring for someone at their most vulnerable point. so that's why this song is here !!
to the bone by pamungkas
I actually got the inspiration for the title + main theme of homecoming from this song, specifically the lyric that goes "take me home, I'm falling." if home is where the heart is, then where do you think thoma and mc's homes lie?
habang buhay by zack tabudlo
some OPM for the soul, (and totally not bc of conyo thoma HAHAHA). i don't have enough room to recommend all the zack tabudlo songs I listened to for this fic, but this one in particular suits the dreamy, lovestruck vibes that the two idiots (affectionate) have for each other.
labyrinth by taylor swift
this song is meant for the mc, whose fear of emotional vulnerability is constantly challenged by thoma's warmth and kindness. unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) for them, puppy-boys will still wriggle their way into your heart, whether you are ready or not.
unconditionally by katy perry
I think that the lyrics fit how thoma and mc accept each other's hidden sides as part of themselves without judgement, and are willing to go to extreme lengths to take care of each other even if it meant going against their usual behaviour (e.g. the non-confrontational mc punching someone's lights out for their puppy-boy and thoma exhibiting mafia boss behaviour when mc was in trouble.) slay tbh
paper rings by taylor swift
a happy, summery song for these goofballs!! it makes me think of their rooftop picnics at lunchtime and study sessions <3 also they would definitely marry each other with paper rings change my mind
golden hour by jvke
the theme song that plays when thoma smiles his dentist-approved smile JKJK,, I feel like this song captures how it feels when either of the two look at each other!! especially when thoma met mc at the crosswalk for the first time; that scene in particular was inspired by the concept of 'koi no yokan'.
captivated by iv of spades
this works for both people but I particularly imagine it as a song from thoma to mc, who is often misunderstood or forgotten by their peers. they are so sweet and I always felt like I was thirdwheeling them when I was writing HUHUHUU
pasilyo by sunkissed lola
now THIS is the song that I imagined would play in the final scene at the crosswalk, right before mc and thoma reunite. with an empty road for an aisle, the setting sun and falling leaves for lighting and decoration... *coughs* it seems like foreshadowing for their wedding, don't you think?
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robertlaskarzewski · 1 year
Blog Thirty
I’ve decided I’ll change my blog format slightly, as is the case of recently when there were several days where I may have done very little, I think that I’ll try and follow some prompts that I was given at the very beginning of my “correspondence” agreement. Of course, if I have done something interesting, I would go into detail but it’s unnecessary and a bit redundant if I say that I didn’t do anything on a certain day.
On the 26th, I visited the Place de Vosges in Le Marais, a place that my French teacher has told me is where the French elite (used to) live. It was most famously home to famous writer Victor Hugo for a long span of his life (as he moved around frequently until settling down in the famous square). I thought that it was cool to be able to walk around his old home but really there wasn’t much to see in terms of exhibits/displays. I did enjoy the center courtyard area where there was a little museum café where you could enjoy a snack or drink in peace.
Interspersed with these things, I’ve spent a decent amount of time doing random errands in preparation for school as well as things that (hopefully) can progress my professional career somewhat in the future. Included in these activities was cleaning out my dorm and packing stuff away into a storage unit.
On Monday the 31st, I arrived in Amiens. This was to be the first day of my month-long travel throughout France, the Benelux Region, and Germany. After putting the last of my items in my storage unit, I left Cergy for Paris and left Gare du Nord in the morning for Amiens. For some reason, there weren’t any seats left on the train, so I had to stand for the hour-long ride. I arrived in an overcast city with a steady rain, something I had not been expecting in the end of July. The first thing I saw after stepping out of the train station was a tall tour that stuck out of the surrounding buildings. I then noticed the large cathedral sticking out of the buildings in the distance. Lastly, I noticed the large number of brick buildings that seemed to dominate certain portions of the city. To kill time, I looked for something to do and found out that there are canal boat tour rides available near the city center. I got to the welcome center and booked myself a ride through the labyrinth of canals. Unfortunately, the rain continued even during this ride making it a very wet ride to endure.
Up next after Amiens is Arras, followed by Lille, then Ghent, then Brussels, then Utrecht, then Cologne, then Luxemburg, then Metz, then Nancy, then back to Paris.
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bluedalahorse · 1 year
Plush Sara’s Maryland Adventures!
So today we visited the Maryland Center for History and Culture to do some learning. There was a Jim Henson exhibit that we particularly enjoyed! Here’s some photos from our day:
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The museum insists that Marylanders call Maryland “America in Miniature” and… I do not think we do.
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Jim Henson is one of our famous Marylanders. I thought this quote was kind of cool. Reject the Arts-Sciences Binary!
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Sara knows how to interact with nobility after her etiquette lessons at Hillerska. This count is nicer than some of the others she’s met…
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Ooh, are these the dresses from Labyrinth? Maybe Hillerska’s next formal can be 1980s fantasy movie themed!
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The museum also had a pretty cool Mastadon.
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As well as a dress that’s Heart and Homeland-coded.
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Why are people here just… like this.
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Finishing the day with a colorful watermelon salad for dinner!
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blueminence · 2 months
The gate to the moon.
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Allow me to introduce myself: Arsena Echtelion, though you may address me as Aru or Sena, according to your preference. I am indubitably of legal age, specifically above 25 years old. I personify INTJ personality type and adhere to they/them pronouns.
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My mind is a complex labyrinth of intrigue, yet you will discover that my tastes are quite conventional. In the realm of music, I am deeply engaged with artists such as ENHYPEN, wave to earth, NIKI, and IVE, whose works dominate approximately fifty percent of my collection. My preferences also encompass Keshi, Taylor Swift, IU, aespa, YOASOBI, LE SSERAFIM, Bruno Major, Sabrina Carpenter, and others. I would define the thematic essence of my existence in the middle of horror-comedy with profoundly thriller-horror. Although a Ravenclaw by house, I harbor a persistent inclination towards Slytherin’s. I do enjoy watching crime k-dramas and sci-fi movies while grabbing my meals. A yeagerist who also loves Sukuna and Satoru.
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Before you decide to follow, please be aware of a few important considerations: ensure you are of legal age (17+), and refrain from engaging in homophobia, sharing content related to SARA issues, promoting self-harm or similar matters, exhibiting extreme Zionist views, or displaying rudeness and excessive flirtation. Any behavior falling into these categories will result in an immediate block, without prior warning.
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northstaffstv · 2 months
Stunning inflatable labyrinth of light and sound marks 10th anniversary celebrations of Stoke-on-Trent’s free Big Feast festival
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A ‘stunning’ interactive inflatable labyrinth, featuring an ‘unforgettable’ light and sound experience, will pop up in Hanley Park next month to kick off the city centre’s 10th year of The Big Feast festival. Luminarium – Architects of Air by Alan Parkinson will open to the public on Wednesday, 14 August, and promises to immerse visitors in ‘a world of wonder’. The inflatable maze - a mix of design and engineering - takes visitors along winding paths and under soaring domes inspired by natural forms, Islamic architecture, Archimedean solids and Gothic cathedrals. Visitors remove their shoes before entering the sculpture and once inside they are free to follow the map and explore the installation. Or if they prefer, they can sit or lie back to enjoy the ambience, enhanced by the sounds of a specially composed immersive soundscape. Architects of Air founder and artistic director Alan Parkinson started experimenting with ‘pneumatic sculptures’ in the 1980s. Since 1992 the Nottingham-based company has built 21 luminaria, made more than 600 exhibitions, and toured in 43 countries where more than 3 million visitors have immersed themselves in the luminous world of Architects of Air. Alan said: “What motivates me to design is the fact that I continue to be struck by the beauty of light and colour found in the luminaria. These structures nurture an awareness of a pure phenomenon that gently cuts through everyday conditioned perceptions and awakens a sense of wonder in people.” The installation will be open in Hanley Park from 1pm to 7pm on Wednesday, 14 August, and Thursday, 15 August, and from 11am to 5pm on Friday, 16 August. Tickets are priced at just £5 for adults and are free for 18s and under, with pre-booking encouraged. Every time slot has a number of tickets available for walk-ups with the exception of the first hour every day. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Appetite are bringing the Luminarium to Stoke-on-Trent to launch this year’s The Big Feast, a free two-day festival-style event which takes place on the streets and under-used spaces of Hanley in partnership with Stoke-on-Trent City Centre Business Improvement District (BID), Smithfield and Stoke-on-Trent City Council. Taking place this year on Friday, 23 August, and Saturday, 24 August, it feature world-class circus, dance and music performances and family-friendly activities -all wheelchair accessible and free - as well as a schedule of audio-described and sign language interpreted performances. The first Big Feast took place in 2014 and has been held every year since, apart from 2020 due to COVID restrictions. Throughout the year Appetite are out and about talking and listening to members of the community and this helps to shape what appears at the Big Feast, with a fresh programme being created each year. Over the years there have also been exciting shows and experiences that have taken place in the city’s theatres and parks, and this year is no different. The 10th anniversary will also be celebrated with a photographic exhibition at the New Vic Theatre, looking at the ‘A to Z of The Big Feast’, from Tuesday, July 23. Gemma Thomas, Appetite Director, said: “On behalf of Appetite, our partners and our community decision-makers we can’t wait to welcome you to this stunning luminarium. The light and atmosphere the inflatable sculptures create make it a place to visit with friends and family to create some unforgettable memories and photos! As part of our 10th Edition of The Big Feast we’re pleased to be returning to present fantastic artworks in advance of our Big Feast dates to really whet the appetite for the arts for both residents of the city and area, and those who might be visiting friends and family in the area from further afield. We kick-started the Appetite programme at Hanley Park and it’s been a regular location in our programme’s history and we’re excited to be returning with this exciting event.  We’d love to see you there.” Stoke-on-Trent City Council leader Jane Ashworth said: “The Big Feast is always a popular event offering the best entertainment for the whole family. If you are stuck for ideas over August bank holiday weekend come along and join in the free fun. “Our city is one full of culture, heritage and creativity and we have high ambitions for our visitor economy. This event has been funded through our UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and our Visit Stoke-on-Trent: A City of Imagination grant, helping to create vibrant and exciting cultural tourism.” You can book tickets for Luminarium – Architects of Air by Alan Parkinson at www.appetite.org.uk Pre-booking your tickets gives priority access in that time slot, while a certain number of tickets in every slot are available for walk-ups. Time slots are every 30 minutes but once inside there is no time limit on your visit, except at very busy times. The first hour of each day will be designated as a ‘quiet hour’ for people who might otherwise struggle to attend. During quiet hour, there will be 50% fewer people admitted to offer a calmer experience. All slots in the quiet hour are available to book. The installation is accessible to wheelchair users. For more information, and to find out what else is coming up in Appetite’s calendar of events, visit www.appetite.org.uk Read the full article
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I just found out the Rubin Museum is going to be closing down in October and that's one of the biggest museums for Asian Art. And it's such a shame. I will be visiting there before it closes down to walk around one last time. Maybe I can visit the one in DC, but the NY location is awesome. Will make its own post for when I visit again.
In light of the museum closing down, I might as well jot some museums worth going to.
I'm not going to write about the really popular museums like the Met, American Museum of Natural History, Guggenheim, and the Whitney. I think those are all good museums and worth visiting once or multiple times but they tend to get really, really crowded. Best to go on weekdays. I will post about the MOMA though because I went to a cool exhibit for Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio. Photos are from a while ago and some of the exhibits from the photos are outdated. I had a period where I was visiting museums every chance I got back before the car. I haven't been going to a lot of museums lately or NYC for fun in general. Also I might be biased because I enjoy more representational forms of art than abstract things.
Worth Visiting Multiple Times >
1) Museum of the City of New York
I went to see the J.C. Leyendecker exhibit. I wish I visited this museum sooner because I'd always walk pass it going to the Met. It was awesome to see one of my favorite illustrators work in person. And they have quality exhibits. In the bottom floor there's the Children's Museum which is pretty small. They also have a whole permanent exhibit on Tiffany Stained Glass.
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2) NY Transit Museum - Will be getting its own post because of how it's such a gem.
3) Brooklyn Museum
Was cool looking at pieces I've learned about in my art history classes. One of the famous artworks was "The Dinner Party" by Judy Chicago. I didn't know that piece was at the Brooklyn Museum. I'd also visit the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens as well while visiting here because they're close to each other.
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4) Met Cloisters
Really nice place to see nature. Really gorgeous and lots of cool medieval art. Also pay what you wish depending on where you live.
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5) Museum of Moving Image - Will be getting its own post because they had a Laika, Walking Dead, and Jim Henson Exhibit.
6) The Frick Collection
It's near the Met. I went during a not so great time when a whole bunch of renovations were going on. I'd recommend coming here when tickets are half off. It's currently closed right now but there's a lot of Rococo art which is one of my favorite art styles/ movements. I don't know where all my pictures went of this museum 😭.
7) The MOMA
Guillermo Del Toro is one of my favorite directors and it was cool to see all the art and sets behind Pinnochio. Also got to see a James Jean painting in person. "Shape of Water", "Pan's Labyrinth", and "Crimson Peak" are some of my favorite movies. The MOMA always has cool exhibits.
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If you're in the area, it's nice to pop in. >
1) NYPL [Bryant Park]
It's free, I love the New York Public Library and what they do. If you're in Bryant Park, it's worth visiting. Also there's a very nice and quiet study room there. Need reservations when you want to see the exhibits though. The 53rd street library is also a nice place to relax.
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2) Society of Illustrators
Members are free and members get a special floor where they can see some really cool pieces. I went to see the Society of Illustrators competition exhibits (one for students and one for professionals). Nice place to see some cool illustrations.
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3) National Museum of the Native American
It's free and there's a lot of cool artifacts and indigenous Art. I would pop in because I'd take the subway to 14th street to go to Chelsea Market and I'd walk and take the citi bike to Battery Park to look at the Statue of Liberty and the ferries (one of my favorite cheap things to do in NYC) and I'd end my walk at this museum.
If you're in the area, it's definitely worth visiting. Battery Park has a lot of stuff to do (World Trade Center, the Oculus, Regal Battery Park, Brookfield Place Mall). Also this museum is not usually packed so you can take your time and walk around.
IDK what happened to the photos I took from here but I got this bad boy from this museum as an impulse buy. I don't really buy from museums unless it's books but I needed this.
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Depends... >
1) New Museum (had a good time)
It's worth visiting once. There's a bunch of cool galleries nearby. I stopped at the James Cohan Gallery (pic on left and right) to look at artwork from the father of video art. This museum is mostly contemporary art. Also it really depends on what artist they're showing. I went to see some cool video artists and there was an exhibit that was very interactive, reminded me of Meow Wolf, when I went.
I think this place is actually closed right now. I don't know when it will be open and it's been closed for a while. Over a year I think now.
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2) The Morgan Museum and Library (had a good time)
I don't have any pictures of the iconic library because I was too busy taking pictures of the John Singer Sargent exhibit. I remember the day I went it was so crowded. But I was able to see some of his famous charcoal drawings in person. John Singer Sargent is in the top 5 of my favorite artists and I wanted to draw like him so it was awesome.
To be honest, it really depends what kind of exhibits are going on. Free nights are packed but I'd recommend coming on free nights because there isn't much to see for the ticket price.
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3) MOMA PS1 (had an okay time)
I think I went here during the worst possible time so I can't say if it's truly worth it or not. Half the exhibits were closed and it's pay what you wish for NY residents. Luckily I didn't have to pay the $10. There was a teen art exhibit going on and to be honest, I think the teen art work was so much more interesting compared to what was going on in the other exhibits. So look at the exhibits beforehand before thinking of coming here because half of it was closed when I went and I was kind of disappointed. But whenever I watch the art21 videos, there's always something going on here and I was just unlucky.
4) Fotografiska (I did not enjoy too much)
To be honest, I felt like I was getting ripped off. Felt like a tourist trap. The tickets were very expensive compared to how many floors were open. I was kind of disappointed because I love photography but when I visited, only two floors were open. And I paid over $20 to see two floors. So in my books, this one wasn't worth it. I went during the time they had the dog exhibit open and these are the only pictures I took of this museum.
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I felt like I was getting punked when I saw this.
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
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𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 || 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 || 𝒋𝒐𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 ━━ Hayden takes you out and claims you as his Juliet. 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ━━ hayden (harvard hottie) × [black//woc]fem!reader 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ━━ some kissing, cheesy dialogue, and corny poetry.
Hayden guides you by the hand as you both wander the vermilion corridors, hopelessly lost in the labyrinth of exhibits and galleries.
Chasing knowledge and all aspects of history was something you and Hayden enjoyed doing. In the fuzzy euphoria of rushing feet, hushed giggles and effervescent laughter too aroused in lingering touches and drunken stares to keep to themselves.
Time seems to stop with a flick of his gold watch, here in the same Brooklyn museum you both met and fell for each other. The sensation is golden like the shiny frames that outline the expansive portraits, those paintings blur beautifully in the commotion of restless limbs coming to a stop.
Whispering in one another ears what the message lays within the paint strokes and oil splatters. Glancing with a longing prayer at each other’s lips whenever you both speak on your opinion and thoughts. More so admiring each other than the paintings that carried the display, it creates a ethereal hue that glowed between the two of you.
Making these works of ancient colors feel more... alive
Or maybe you were just tipsy off the wet dazed kisses Hayden gave you, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles and the soft skin of your palm. Wrapping his strong arm around the width of your waist to pull you closer to his ribs as you walk side by side into the exhibit. Taking in the environment that’s soaked in deep charcoals, glimmering bronzes and glowing coopers.
Dark and glossy like the coffee you tasted off his tongue but tender as the eye scrunching smiles he gives you, alluring like the soft warmth of his mouth and hands.
you won’t ever let go of his hand.
Even when it’s to capture pictures of the porcelain statues of high mighty beings above you yearn for his touch even after departing from it for just a minute. The feeling is more than reciprocated but just as the carved mounds of marble dot the room in pedestals he’s admiring the beauty of you from the outline of the niche.
Tall and toned posture similar to the ivory Greek statues that surround you both. Leaning against the dusty blanc casse pillars talking down at you, his bright baby blues rippled in a copper hue against the golden lighting. Straight towards your lips as you reside in his conversations of Eros and Psyche, dandelion seeds for long lashes brush against his eye lids as he takes you in before blinking softly.
Taking in the sweet scent of you, honey and peaches with the deep tinge of expansive perfume. The glossy shine of your hair as it bounces against the chandeliers above gleaming their honey and milk light.
“Are you just gonna keep staring at me or do you want something Romeo?” throwing a playful comment his way.
Hayden only reflects it with a flirty quirk to his brow before wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you to him.
“I like staring at you sweetheart, you’re the prettiest thing in the room.” his low drawl enough to make you stuff you bashful face in his button down chest and so you do.
“—and i’m gonna admire you forever, even if you get all snarky,” sensing his smirk spreading and he could feel your pout pulling he laughs and holds your chin up, meeting your face to his and pressing your mouth against his.
with the way he kisses you, you don’t mind that ending at all.
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bethiewhimsy · 2 years
finished my reread of the seven princes of the thousand year labyrinth
popped over to my camera roll and there are so many random screenshots lolol
behold, exhibit a) zan being my favorite character
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COMBUSTS S-SIR i’ll never ever get over his tattoo crying
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HIS TATTOO APPRECIATION MWAH oh yeah and his suicidal intent too lol
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EWAN HUGS HOORAY they both look so happy omg leap is even enjoying the hug aww i love them
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zan being pretty while enjoying the breeze + leap nestled in his hair
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confused but smiling zan,,, this is literally the cutest thing ever omg i love him so much
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gothhisoka · 4 years
𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖞
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 18- 𝔞 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔢𝔡 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Ships: Chrollo x Reader, Leorio x Kurapika, Hisoka x Illumi
Genre: romance, dark academia, royalcore, university AU
Word count: 3k
Background: This is from my (gothhisoka) fanfic on Wattpad and AO3 called Hunter University. It is Chrollo x OC, but I decided to change it around for Tumblr. Both Chrollo and y/n are hiding things from each other but are both feeling the same attraction. A masquerade ball is held at your university. You don’t know if he even wants to dance with you, but apparently he does. He wants to do even more than that.
Tags: Fluff, first kiss, sfw
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The masquerade hall was astounding. The high stone walls were adorned with scarlet silk banners. Golden fabric streamers hung from every banister of the second-level balconies. As in the entrance, symbols of cherubs and mythical creatures were splashed across the ceiling in a dizzying array. The light was dim, for all the chandeliers were set low in the traditional style of Venetian masquerades. Candelabras were scattered on every table and upon every wall.
Symphonic music was emanating from the open stage in the front of the room. A live orchestra was playing a gentle concerto as the students poured in. It was only 7:10, so not many were on the floor. The true dancing would start in another couple of minutes.
It was a scene out of a fairytale. The hundreds of breathtakingly dressed students only added to the general fervor of it all.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Chrollo said as he looked towards you. It was unclear whether he was talking about the room or how you looked tonight. Your bright eyes shone out underneath a bronze mask, which was catching the candlelight within its shiny material.
Still entranced, you were led by Chrollo to the table they had reserved. The troupe followed behind, engrossed in their conversation while you both remained in your own little world. He put his hand on the small of your back, simply aching to touch you once again. The feeling was mutual.
On the table, there were glasses already set up accompanied by a lavish bouquet of flowers. Uvogin pulled out a couple of bottles of champagne he clearly swiped from the restaurant. Everyone dropped off their bags at the table.
It appeared as if not all of the troupe members would be dancing. Franklin was already seated with his arms crossed. You looked at him questioningly, after which he said, "I have to guard the stuff." It was clear by his tone that he actually meant "I don't like to dance."
You smiled placidly and nodded in understanding. He was an unusual sort of guy. She was beginning to like him already. In fact, the whole Phantom Troupe was becoming gradually more likable as the night progressed.
You looked for Kurapika to bid him one last warning before he got whisked away by Leorio. By the time she spotted him, it was already too late.
You watched as Kurapika scratched at the back of his head, suddenly unaware of what to do with his arms. He was apparently awestruck by his dance partner's appearance.
The two made their shy greetings. Kurapika reached for his hand as any chivalrous partner would do. 
Soon a waltz commenced, floating around the room. A subtle violin and cello duet beckoned people out onto the floor.
You watched as Kurapika led Leorio out, their suit jackets glimmering synchronously as the lights passed. They took position still near their group's table, but far enough to have room to dance.
The wide floor soon filled with numerous other couples. Hisoka led Illumi out alongside Uvogin and Nobunaga. Hisoka and Illumi were practically professional dancers from the very start, moving to an elaborate step that drew the attention of all the students. People nearly cleared the floor to make room for them. This annoyed Illumi to no end, while Hisoka displayed a wild grin. They twirled, dipped, and did intricate step sequences, unquestionably rehearsed to perfection.
The rest were not as remarkably polished. Still, they appeared to be equally enjoying themselves.
Leorio and Kurapika laughed as one of them accidentally stepped upon the other toes or missed a movement. While they lacked coordination, they surely didn't lack chemistry. This was a good sign.
You could see their mouths moving but the music drowned out their voices. Kurapika attempted to guide Leorio in the basic box step, turning him once in a while. 
Most ignored the cameramen or simply didn't notice them lurking in hidden spots. You had some otherworldly feeling that sensed them under the shadows in the balconies. 
"Are you done watching?" Chrollo asked, holding his hand out to you just as Kurapika had done with Leorio.
You hadn't realized you were still staring out towards the masked partners on the floor. The ball was entirely overwhelming; the sound, the rapid movements, and the room itself were causing your head to spin.
Nonetheless, you snapped out of it and processed what Chrollo had just said. You just got offered a dance. A dance with him. 
You knew his indicative gestures were leading somewhere. That somewhere was here, into his arms. 
In front of hundreds of students, not to mention journalists itching to get a photo of the boy who was so famous. Not to mention his dance partner, who was no more than a low-level hunter wannabe.
Now's not the time to get nervous. This is what you wanted. Isn't it?
You stared down at his hand as if to ask "for me?"
You peered up to see the most gentle face slowly becoming riddled with doubt.
"This is what you want, isn't it?"
Is it? 
Now that you are actually here, in the position that used to be visible only in your imagination, you feel immense pressure.
In these weeks past, you didn't even question what you were getting herself into. To be fair, you weren’t sure what this night would be, exactly. Would you be met with a closed-off boy whose coldness warded you away or the courteous man who would rather teach you nen lessons than see you fail?
Is it even safe to get this close?
Chrollo's personality had shifted in the span of the night. It became full of genuine interest rather than his usual impassive curiosity. He, as a person, was becoming all the more real.
Real was dangerous.
This stream of consciousness only took a second. It took one look into Chrollo's eyes to know what your answer would be.
"This is what I want."
It was the first step. No, rather it was your first leap off a skyscraper.
You were falling. Hard.
His grip was delicate, holding your hand as if it was made of glass. Chrollo felt strange, being so unsure. He was normally an expert at figuring out people– what they felt and why they acted the way they did. 
You, on the other hand, were a labyrinth. He had always been so hesitant for this reason. Chrollo needed to be able to figure out a person in order to get close to them. With you, there was something buried deeper than you let on. It was virtually impossible to uncover. You put up almost as good of a front as Chrollo.
Or perhaps it was Chrollo's own mind that was muddied at the thought of you. His intentions versus yours, his morals versus yours. It all began to matter very much. What would he think in the end, after he got out of your what he so desired?
Nevermind that now. For Chrollo was feeling a mutual enthusiasm that you were plainly exhibiting. He led you out to the floor.
The Phantom Troupe watched with apprehension. They weren't used to their boss being so amiable. He couldn't be swayed by a simple person, and yet here he was.
"Can you dance?" Chrollo turned to you, putting an arm upon your shoulder. You already almost melted under the single touch.
You had reached the middle of the floor, far from the troupe. Was he that confident in his own dancing? The center could be viewed from all sides and balconies. You were sure to stand out.
"Not well," you said candidly.
Chrollo began a light step, swaying from side to side. This newfound tenderness was surprising. He was treating you as if you were a queen. And you couldn't get enough of it.
Wanting to grasp for more of this certain side of him, you said, "I can do more than this."
"As you wish," Chrollo said with a gracious smile.
He immediately followed a more complicated step, falling in line with the other couples on the floor. You pretended to ignore their whispers.
Just as you thought. He is an incredible dancer.
Every time you struggled to keep up he would adjust his pace. You worked like hands on a clock, moving as if set to one another's rhythm. The music now was a quicker allegro beat.
Your attire fanned out as you turned: your right hand in his, your arm on his shoulder. 
Now it was the students' turn to stare at Chrollo and you. It was unclear if it was because they recognized the boy under the mask, or they were observing the electrifying chemistry.
You couldn't help but beam as you sailed across the floor. Chrollo did not break eye contact and you did your best to do the same. 
A feeling overcame you as you continued to hold his hand in yours. It couldn't be described as fireworks or sparks, as often depicted by the romance novels she's read. It was more of an awakening.
Despite the weather turning cold, you felt as if it was spring. A revival. Things were blossoming, the rain washed away the grey of winter.
He was your spring.
It was odd. For Chrollo could be explained more effectively as ominous and intimidating, unlike a bright spring day. He should've been cold stone walls, closed doors, secret passageways.
But no, he was warmth itself.
If only you would turn away for a second you would notice a coldness settle that hadn't been there before. 
The way he looked tonight in his dazzling suit and mask, the way he said all those uncharacteristically gracious words: these were the things you would have etched in your memory for a very, very long time. Now, without Chrollo it would feel as if something were missing.
You would not realize this yet, as you were still in a state of pure elation. It was only the beginning.
But this was the connection you felt. Having it defined opened up a world of possibilities. 
Who would've known, it all came into fruition at a masquerade ball.
After a couple more songs, you left the floor. Sweat prickled at your brow. You were left panting after a rapid final dance.
Several students couldn't help but clap. You hadn't even done a thing. You were sure it was Chrollo's dancing that gained all the attention.
"You're better than I expected," you said.
Chrollo brushed back his hair which had fallen in his face with all the movement.  "I would say the same to you, y/n." He smiled, sizing your up.
You didn't dispute his return of the compliment. He was right. 
At the group table, Kurapika and Leorio were sitting drinking glass after glass of the bootlegged champagne. It would've been inappropriate to bring alcohol to such a prestigious event if many other tables weren't doing the same. Apparently, the students here did know how to have a good time.
Chrollo went to talk to Franklin as you sat next to Leorio and Kurapika.
"You both were amazing!" Leorio exclaimed as you approached. 
You grinned, "Where have you two been?"
"We were on the floor too, didn't you see us?"
You tried to laugh it off, "No... I was a little distracted." 
To be fair, you didn't notice the cameras, the students, or the other dancers either. 
"Sooo are you two going back out?" Leorio asked, leaning on his hand. His words slurred slightly.
You looked over your shoulder at Chrollo. He looked serious as he talked to Franklin. "I'm not sure. Are you two?"
"Yes, we plan on trying the group dance. Just like we practiced," Kurapika said, giving you a knowing look.
The synchronized dance was the signature of the ball. All those who learned it were allowed to participate. It was the last dance, so they would still be sitting for a while. The time was now around 9:00 and the hall would be closed by 12:00 a.m.
Before they could converse any further, Chrollo gently put a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt, but I have something to show you, y/n."
He held his hand out again. This time you took it with no hesitation. 
"Ok," you leaped up, flattening out your dress.
You were all too willing to go wherever Chrollo pleased. There wasn't even a point where she needed to remind herself who this man was. His charm had influenced you too far already. There was no going back.
Kurapika gave you a warning look. You threw him back a smile. This did nothing to reassure him.
Chrollo interlaced his fingers slowly with yours, hesitating as you crossed under the balconies. You could've dissolved right then and there. It only further confirmed his gentlemanly attitude and respect towards you.
You couldn't even look at him. You felt your face growing hotter by the second. Thank god for a mask and several layers of foundation.
To your surprise, you were led far from the dance floor. You ended up at a small door in a quiet corner of the ballroom. The spot was underneath the alcoves and not a soul was in sight. Moonlight poured in from the tiny stained-glass windows.
"It's through here," Chrollo said, his voice barely audible over the orchestral music.
"Do I get to know where you're taking me?" You stopped in your tracks. You were thinking of what Kurapika would say. Even though you would follow him at the drop of a coin, you weren’t that stupid. He is a man, before all else. 
Something flashed in Chrollo's eyes. Was he hurt by your sudden distrust? 
"I'll show you. I promise you'll like it," Chrollo replied, creaking open the door.
There was nothing at first, only darkness. But stepping through the door bestowed an even more enchanting sight than the ballroom.
You gasped, "I didn't realize there was a courtyard out here."
Chrollo looked at you as if he were seeing you the first time tonight again. The profile of your face was highlighted by the moonlight. your jawline was your only feature that stood out, the rest of your was soft under the haze of darkness. The surrounding blue contrasted against your fading red lipstick. your hair had grown significantly more disheveled but it still looked utterly smooth. If Chrollo was bolder he would've run his hand through it and took you by your waist and done things he surely would regret for initiating too soon... he wanted to savor the moment when it inevitably came.
He smiled, despite himself. Neither of you noticed the cold, still warmed from dancing only moments ago. Chrollo watched as your eyes soaked in the scene before you.
It seemed as if the bushes and trees saved their last breaths for this space alone. Fall leaves hung over a gravel path. Ivy snaked up the surrounding structures, all encapsulating the tiny yard. A small table sat in the center of the path upon which a lantern was placed. He had come prepared.
The whole night: he had anticipated it all. He had realized your love, and, at this moment, you realized his. What he had yet to figure out was the depth of those feelings or where they came from. Or, most importantly, what was tucked underneath those feelings. That was what tonight was for.
The orchestra still echoed faintly through the ancient walls.
"Shall we dance? I never did like dancing in front of a crowd,"
You redirected your eyes to an equally beautiful scene. You were still in reverence. It was obvious now that he had planned it all.
Your heart swelled like an ocean wave, but all you could manage to get out was, "Are we supposed to be here?"
Chrollo looked at you dangerously, "To remind you, I'm not supposed to be anywhere." 
Before you could say another word, Chrollo stepped forward and lifted both his and your own mask off of your faces. 
Chrollo's undivided visage was in view now. The curve of his nose and tops of his cheekbones caught the light of the moon. His downcast eyelashes were full, framing his silver eyes.
As for Chrollos view, he simply needed to see your whole face to be sure that what you felt was really true. When he saw the arching of your lips and widened eyes, he knew it was.
He grasped your hand in preparation to waltz, deliberately intertwining his hand with yours. 
Timed perfectly, the music slowed. It was a couples' number. Inevitably, this had also somehow been planned by Chrollo.
This dancing was quite different than before. It was full of significance.
The song picked up with a violin. Chrollo pulled you close, your bodies almost touching. Your heat radiated off of one another. You felt almost giddy with attraction. What you wanted to do to him was far past your confidence, but you wanted it all the same.
His eyes didn't leave yours. A slight smile persisted on his lips. He hadn't enjoyed himself so much in years. And the last time he felt something like this, it wasn't nearly as genuine.
You swayed from side to side with only the moonlight and distant concerto guiding your steps. You made a move to rest your head on his shoulder. It was so that you could not look into his eyes as you spoke your next words. You snaked your arms behind his neck while he placed his around your hips. It felt good to be so close. You felt secure in his arms.
You really hoped this was going where she thought it was. But you needed to be certain.
"I want to know if this is true," you whispered, breaking the tranquil silence. Your breath was hot against his neck. It drove him absolutely mad. 
Unknowingly, you had echoed back the words Chrollo had been retracing in his head throughout the night. Is this true?
He feigned ignorance of the meaning behind your statement. "What's true?" Chrollo whispered back.
"Is all this premeditation for something else? Another scheme?"
Chrollo suddenly turned serious, "I will never do that to you again. This is for real."
You pulled back to look into his eyes, "But what is this?" 
Your face was lined with apprehension. After all that happened tonight, it still wasn't clear. Chrollo needed to change that.
He looked down at you, attempting to convey what you meant to him in his eyes. They overflowed with tenderness, admiration, and worship, even. 
You hadn't realized that he had these emotions in him. Now you understood. It was all because they were reserved for you.
His movement was swift. He lowered his face to yours, soaking in your divine scent. You didn't anticipate what was about to happen until his lips delicately brushed against your own, asking for an invitation. He clearly didn't need one, for your body responded immediately. Your hand trailed up to the side of his face. Chollo pulled your hips towards him. Your eyes fluttered shut.
And you kissed. 
It was intoxicating.
The taste of him nearly silenced your thoughts. It was a tang of wine and sweetness. You tried to let the feeling seep into your bones, agonizing over its ephemeral nature. 
Your surroundings dissolved into the inky night. You focused on how soft his mouth felt, how his hands upon your hips made you want to yield to all he could offer, and, in turn, all you could ever desire.
Seconds later, you unwillingly pulled apart. Your whole body tingled, edging for more. Both of your heartbeats were fluttering a rapid cadence. Remaining there for a moment– foreheads touching, breath tickling one another lips– you savored each other's presence. 
Your kiss was unlike anything either of you had experienced before. It was born out of lust but resulted in something deeper. Floating to the surface was an unbound attraction sparked by one mouth on another.
You both were left smiling with flushed cheeks. Goosebumps prickled on your arms.
"I hope that made it clear," Chrollo said pulling away at last.
The warmth disappeared and you were left in a state of longing. You could still feel the touch of his lips upon yours, a ghost of his sensitive movements.
You smiled lightly at him, "It did."
Chrollo held out an arm for you. "We best be getting back now."
You were frozen in place, coming to your senses. Holy shit.
The enormity of what that kiss meant came crashing down upon you. What would this mean moving forward? Everything had seemed so temporary with Chrollo, coming in and out of your life as he did in the past month. Was this temporary as well?
There was no time to dwell upon the future of their relationship. Although the promise of privacy in the courtyard tempted you to stay, there was still one more number to dance. 
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