#i ended the last chapter with remy telling her that he wasn't playing games....
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kifu · 4 months ago
On her way down the hallway, Rogue heard the front door to the mansion open. Remy’s voice, laced in surprise, greeted the guest. Curiosity getting the better of her, Rogue ambled down the hall to the balcony over the entryway. A young woman, around the same age as the high schoolers that all resided there, shivered before Remy. She wore long sleeves and pants, but no coat. Her blonde hair was done up in braids, but it somehow added to a fearsome air rather than young.
“Dis where you been hidin’ out an’ avoidin’ responsibility, eh?” the woman asked Remy. Her accent nearly matched Remy’s, but it was much thicker. Rogue had to strain her ears and concentrate to make out the words.
“Should’a known one’a yas was gonna find me sooner den later,” Remy replied with resign. Rogue blinked. Suddenly, his accent that she already had a difficult time understanding at times, was just as thick as the guest. He shrugged his coat off his back and wrapped it over the blonde’s shoulders, leaving the sleeves dangle at her sides. “Ya must be cold. Whatchoo t’inkin’, comin’ up nort’ wit’out no coat, ma chere?”
“Came ta get you, sot,” the blonde scoffed. She stepped forward, inches away from him, angling her face to his. “Dat gonna be a problem?”
Remy stared at her, refusing to relinquish his ground. “I ain’ doin’ it, Belle.”
Her expression immediately flashed to one of anger, though it whisked by in an instant. The next thing Rogue knew, her mouth was on Remy’s. She kissed him with furious passion, and Rogue was certain that he kissed back. Rogue threw herself to the floor, her back against the banister. She shoved her fist against her mouth to quiet herself, and then leaned over to continue watching through the balusters.
In the short time Rogue worked through her crisis, the woman had pushed Remy back, slamming his back into the nearby wall. She gripped his wrists and held them tightly against the surface. Remy’s coat remained perched precariously on her shoulders. “I t’ought you love me, Remy,” she mewled. She pressed herself against him, her lips brushing against his face as she spoke. Rogue could barely hear her words.
Either she had some unseen super strength, or Remy didn’t care to fight back against her. His chest rose in a deep breath, and then he let it out in a strong heave. “I can’ keep doin’ it no more. It all a ploy doomed t’ fail. I go back, da bot’a us only gonna have more targets on our backs. Our guilds, dey meant ta stay sep’rate.”
“I ain’ afraid, mon amour. T’gether, I know we make it work. You fight like an assassin an’ you’ll have me by your side.” Rogue’s brows knitted together. She wasn’t sure she’d ever actually seen Remy fight. What did she mean that he fought like an assassin? That sounded like a terrible thing.
“I not afraid, either,” Remy rumbled. “I tired.”
“Dat why you ran away?”
“I di’n’t - ” Remy pursed his lips and held a tight breath. “I left ‘cuz’a somet’in’ completely dif’rent.”
“Like what?” the woman demanded.
Remy’s eyes finally slid away from her and any fight he had left in his posture disappeared. “Needed help. Mah mutant powers, I coul’n’t control dem. Found someone dat could help. Turns out, dat came at a … steep cost.” Rogue leaned into the spindles hard enough to hurt. He had enough history with this woman to be more open with her than anyone else around the mansion. Than with Rogue. How could Remy say that he was serious about them when he seemed to keep everything from her?
“What dat gotta do wit’ N’awleans?”
“Da cost brought me a job – up ‘round here in Nawy’rk.”
“Den why d’in’t ya come back?” she asked with mounting frustration.
Remy didn’t answer, but his breathing became more ragged. Rogue realized in the entire time she knew him, she’d never seen Remy in distress. Even when situations could have called for panic, he managed to stay cool and level-headed.
“Remy?” the blond prompted tersely.
His name was enough to snap him back to regain control of himself. “I join up here,” Remy said noncommittally. While this entire exchange was making Rogue realize that she hardly knew Remy at all, she did understand him enough to know that this was … a lie. Rogue wasn’t sure why, especially since it ultimately did end up being truth, but joining the X-Men was not the reason Remy stayed in New York. She believed him that he didn’t want to go back to his home in New Orleans, but obviously things were a lot more complicated than he made it out to be when he first explained his disappearances.
“So ya jus’ drop everyt’in’ ya had goin’ for ya un’er Jean-Luc. Ya abandon him an’ me. Our marriage an’ da union ‘tween da t’ieves an’ da assassins. An’ you what? Decide ya ain’t t’ief no more? Dat ya better’n us?” Rogue pressed her fist back against her mouth, processioning the accent-garbled words she’d just heard. Marriage? That assassin word again – and thief? Rogue understood none of it. He was married? Tears tickled her chin before she realized she’d begun to cry.
“Nah, ya got it wrong,” Remy sighed. “I ain’t fit da be da prince’a t’ieves. I ain’t Jean-Luc’s protege. I jus’ le Diable Blanc from da streets. I gone back t’ help Jean-Luc here’n den, but I tellin’ ya da plans our guilds had t’ unite ain’t gonna work.” When the majority of the X-Men told Rogue that Remy was sketchy, she didn’t think they’d meant it so literally. Remy as a thief explained so much, but Rogue couldn’t comprehend the extent of it all.
The woman snorted and finally released Remy’s wrists, but she didn’t step back to unpin him from the wall by proxy. “He got plans t’ disown ya or somet’in’? What ain’t ya tellin’ me?”
“Ain’t important,” Remy said with dangerous conviction. “But no. Jean-Luc don’ know. He want me back. Him’n Henri jus’ short’a beggin’ me t’ stay e’ry time I down der, but … ma chere, ma amour, it ain’t home no more.” Rogue’s heart skipped a beat, jarring her entirely. She’d caught the pet name earlier, but he called most girls “chere”. He was adding possessives with this lady. She was his love? His wife? He really was playing Rogue like a fiddle and she was bending to his every move.
“Da hell it ain’t, Remy LeBeau!” the woman snarled. “We ruled da streets’a N’awleans as kids, an’ we’ll rule da un’erground as rightful guildmasters, cher.”
“Bella Donna, enough,” Remy said, his tone back to level reason. “Da t’ieves, I know dey all stan’ behind me an’ follow me if I ask, but dat ain’t da life I lookin’ for.”
“Why not?” Bella Donna demanded.
“Je t’aime toujours, ma amour,” Remy replied dismissively. “But I beggin’ ya t’ leave dis ‘lone. Me an’ da t’ieves, we been workin’ t’ings out - ”
“It ain’t workin’, Remy,” Bella Donna cut in firmly. “We know da stupid li’l plans you been concoctin’ wit’ Jean-Luc, but short’a you comin’ home, da assassins guild gonna kill your entire family.”
Remy’s posture broke, his head smacking against the wall behind him. Rogue wiped the tears from her eyes and stared at him intently. “Okay,” he said softly after a lengthy pause.
“Okay?” Bella Donna echoed crossly.
“I go home wit’ you. I don’ need der blood on my hands.”
“An’ me? I ain’t somet’in’ in dis?”
Remy peeled himself away from the wall and grabbed her hands in his own. “Ma amoure, don’ you go believin’ somet’in’ silly like dat, hmm? I love you since da day we met an’ stole candy from dat shop owner.” His face was so close to hers, that Rogue felt hot fury burn away the wetness of the tears off her cheeks. He wasn’t the one to initiate the next kiss, but he didn’t push Bella Donna away when she kissed him again.
Rogue had seen enough. She rolled off the banister spindles and crawled back to the hallway she’d come from. She stood once she was sure she was out of eyesight. The tears came freely again, angry sobs threatening to betray her eavesdropping.
“I gotta tell someone I leavin’ first,” she heard Remy say. This came more clearly and loudly to her ears than any of the other bayou words out of their mouths.
“What for?” Bella Donna asked.
“I promised,” Remy explained simply.
“Oh, so dis personal an’ not professional, hein?”
“Yeah. Dis one is.”
He was coming for Rogue, Rogue realized. He’d promised her specifically that he’d make sure to tell her that he was leaving for home when the occasion arose.
She tore down the hall, masking her footsteps as best as she could in her haste. Hiccups interrupted her muffled cries as fury swirled heavily in her chest. He’d been leading Rogue on all along, but he had the audacity to continue playing pretend for when he came back? He’d lied and charmed her the entire time he’d known her. She was a game to him. And for what? He couldn’t touch her. Rogue couldn’t fathom why her, of all people. There was nothing she could give him. Bella Donna was a much better fit.
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blindspot-repata · 5 years ago
High School Blindspot
Chapter 4 - Go to the party
Just a little chapter before a bigger
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"Hellen, tomorrow will have a party.” Remi risked communicating to her foster mother about her desire to go to Patty's brother's party. “We were invited.”
“And? Did you come to tell me you want to go?” The irony was noticeable in the woman's voice.
“Yes. I'm thinking of going. And, Roman too.” Remi had a hard time convincing the boy to go with her, knowing that it would be harder for Helen to agree if he wasn't.
“Nothing done. I said I didn't want you guys in a gang. Enough what they had done in the previous school is enough.” Helen referred to Remi's involvement with Oscar and Roman's involvement with Kathy.
“That's not it! It's not fair that you forbid us to go out and meet people! We were isolated at home because of your paranoia.” Remi slammed the door shut like a wayward teenager. Roman just went to the bedroom in silence.
Natasha heard a car horn on the door of her house. She feared it might be Ricky. She glanced sideways through the crack of the window and didn't look like him, so she decided to check it out.
“How about a ride on my ferrari?” Edgar stepped out of the old chevrolet that didn’t resemble a Ferrari at all. He showed a smile from one corner of the ear to the other.
“Oh! You did it?” The girl ran to meet him and hugged him. “It's a beautiful car!”
“Don't overdo it either! It's not that pretty, and it's a little old too, but gradually I'll put it just the way I want it.”
“Ah, but it's very cool.”
‘Want to take a ride?” The boy suggested shyly, in fact he was eager to take her to meet his car.
“Me? Will I have the honor to ride on your car?” Natasha tried to feign astonishment, but she was flattered by his invitation.
"Yes, you'll be the first to ride my big car. Come on!” Edgar opened the door and the girl settled smiling in the passenger seat.
Edgar started the car and they drove through the outskirts of New York.
"She's not my girlfriend, at least not anymore..." "I see you together." "She doesn't accept the end." "Are you going to Freddy's party?" “Helen doesn't want us to get on with the high school people.” “But that's up to you.” “She doesn't accept it.” “But do you want to go to the party?” “Y-yes.”
Remi couldn't forget the conversation he'd had with Kurt during the high school game. His words hammered in her mind. The desire was to set aside all that Helen had taught them and to plunge only into what she was willing to do. She knew Helen loved them, so she wanted the best for them, but many of her attitudes were exaggerated and what she most wanted to do at the moment was go to this party. She needed to find a way.
“Shall we go down a little?” Edgar suggested when they reached a park. It was getting dark and not quite deserted, there were some young people talking on one of the benches and others playing basketball on the makeshift court just ahead.
“Can be.” They sat on one of the cement benches and were silent for a while.
“It's all right?” The boy broached the subject and Natasha shrugged. “About what happened today...”
“It was humiliating. I never thought of passing such a shame in front of so many people.” The girl was still feeling very bad for Ricky's affront at the school door. It had been one of the worst situations she'd ever been through.
“I know. It was horrible.”
“Thank you for defending me.” The girl gave him a sincere smile that made his heart race. “What did he talk about...”
“No problem, I don't care what he thinks.” In fact Edgar was still very angry at what Ricky had said about him running after her. He didn't feel that way about her. They had always been very good friends, long before this guy came into her life and he knew his limits and would never cross if he didn't feel it was her will either.
“He's an idiot. You know, he wasn't like that, maybe he was and I was too blind or too in love to realize, but in the last few months, he has changed a lot and I wasn’t getting out of this relationship, out of fear, I know I'm taking a risk and you too be here with me.”
"I won't leave you alone knowing this guy is out there willing to hurt you."
"I don't care what happens to me, Ed, I just don't want anything to happen to you about it."
“Don't say that anymore. If something has to happen to me in your defense I won’t regret it.”
"You shouldn't be fine after seeing Sarah either."
"Actually, I think I was really scared because I didn't expect to see her with someone so fast, but it's okay, it's not me she likes. I don't even know if I liked her that much.”
“She's a good girl.”
“Yes she is.”
"You know, I get more and more sure of what I want to do with my life."
“Hmm. Is it the same childhood wish?”
“Yes, it is. I want to be a cop.” A smile broke out on her face. “I want to defend people. Do good for this country, which is my homeland. Show these bandits that you don't play with me.” They both burst out laughing.
“You are right. You have to do what your heart asks, but be careful.”
The girl had already done some research on what was necessary to pursue this career and intended to devote herself to pass the exams. She had many plans for next year, to prepare her body and mind for the tests that would surely demand a great deal from her.
Kurt kept looking at the role she had given him. The phone number was spelled out quickly, but he wasn't sure if he should call. She had said her foster mother disagreed with her making friends in the new school. He thought it was silly, but she seemed to have a lot of respect for the woman. The boy put the paper away and decided to call in the morning before going to work.
Saturday dawned hotter than normal for the season. She got up early and did her exercise routine with her brother. At first they were Helen's demands, but today she couldn't help but make them. He was well aware of how strong her muscles were getting. She had finished her housework when she heard the phone ring. They didn't have cell phones, besides being expensive Helen wouldn't allow it, but she realized that few in school had, unlike where they studied before.
“I answer!” Remi warned seeing Roman go towards the device. The boy just raised his hands in surrender and left the room. “Hello!”
“Hello! Is it Remi?” The boy's voice faltered on the other end of the line. “It’s Kurt.”
“Oh, hi. How are you?” The girl's heart raced, she wasn't sure if it was because he called or feared that Helen would ask her questions about the phone call.
“I am fine. I just wanted to know if you're going to the party. I can stop by and get you.”
“No!” Her voice came out a little louder than intended. “Not sure yet. But if it is, I will be with my brother.”
“All right. See you there then.”
After she hung up the phone she knew she needed to broach the subject with Helen again. She found her mother in the garden tending some plants.
“Hi daughter! Been there a long time?” Helen asked as she stood up among the plants and noticed the girl watching her.
“No. I just arrived. I wanted to tell you about the party.”
“Hmm. I've been thinking. Maybe it would be good for you to go. I don't want anyone commenting that I'm overprotective with you.”
“Thanks! Remi pulled Helen into a hug of thanks.”
Remi was aware of how overprotective Helen was, but she knew everything the woman had gone through to be with them. She had braved the world to get them out of the orphanage where they were treated badly and bring them to the US. She sometimes had some kind of overdone rules, but she still had a good heart and her children knew how she loved them.
I hope to meet readers' expectations with each chapter, and my expectations as well, hehehe.
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