#i drew out band logos and put them on my wall because i didn’t have posters
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 8 months ago
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my bedroom from 2017 <3
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zims-left-shoe · 5 years ago
My gay little heart thanks you for contributing to the Gaz community with your recent post, haha. May I please request a Gaz x reader where Gaz is gay panicking and the reader is confident and flirtatious? Some spice or implied would be neato but if not that’s totally cool too!
Of course you can!! I absolutely love writing for Gaz x female reader, I had something already planned before I got a couple asks for her. I hope you like it!
I sat at the table, lunch tray filled with barely edible garbage sitting in front of me, untouched. Scanning the room for my idiot brother, my eyes landed on him across the cafeteria, picking a fight with Zim...again. He was a senior in high school and yet he was acting like he was still twelve. Groaning, I pulled out my Game Slave from my bag to play away the rest of lunch. I don't remember how many minutes had passed by after I had booted up the game, but it couldn't have been many.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" It was a girl's voice, one I had never heard before. I looked up, meeting eyes with her. Her h/c hair framed her face, a slight smile tying her features together. Still, I said nothing. I had only sat with Dib at lunch ever since I could remember. Neither of us had many, if any, friends. We were just too weird. "It's just, I'm new here, and you're sitting alone. I thought we could both use a friend." I felt my eye twitch at her words. She really didn't care about the things she said, did she? She had confidence. I gave her that much. 
"Tch." I said nothing, eyes returning to my game, fingers beginning to button mash once more. I expected her to walk away, find someone else to sit with. Probably the popular girls. She was pretty enough. Instead, she did something that surprised me. This girl was always full of surprises, it seemed to be. Setting down her tray, she took a seat right across from me. She took a single bite of the food and learned her lesson immediately. My eyes darting from my screen to this new girl, I watched her gag and push the tray away.
"Wow...that's bad. I mean, really bad." A chuckle spilled from her lips. "Note to self: bring your own lunch. No wonder no one else is eating." I let out a huff, hoping she would just go away. She was annoying, but annoying in a different way than my brother or Zim. She was just too...nice to me. We both sat in silence, the only sound coming from my Game Slave and the dull hum of the cafeteria. Finally, she spoke again. She just wouldn't quit, would she? "You got a name?" Clearly, she was talking to me. 
"Gaz." I muttered, not looking up from my game. Sure, it was rude, but I didn't care. Despite my sour attitude, she perked right up, as if she was the happiest person alive to get my name.
"I'm Y/n."
. . .
"Hey, Gaz!" I was jolted awake by the slam of my bedroom door as it was thrown open, my stupid brother just barging in. If I was more with it, I would have beat his ass for not knocking, or even coming in at all. He ventured even farther into my room, not stopping until he was at the edge of my bed, where I was currently sitting. "I just came in to ask you if you could tape Mysterious Mysteries for me tonight, I have some serious-" He cut himself off, eyes seeming to catch something. "Oh, what're you drawing?"
"Huh?" My brain was still fuzzy, and before it even registered with me what he was talking about, he snatched a sketchbook from my lap, one that I forgot I had with me. I realized that I had fallen asleep while drawing, and it suddenly hit me what was in that book. Every nerve within my body awake and screaming with anger, I jumped up, trying to take it back. Unfortunately, he had several inches in height on me, and could efficiently hold it out of my grasp. "Give it back!" Despite my efforts, now that we had both grown up a bit, we weren't exactly on level playing fields anymore. He gazed at the page, an eyebrow quirking.
"Is this Y/n?" I felt heat rush to my face, wanting to both kick the shit out of him and disappear right on the spot. "Wow, I didn't know you drew people. You should show her-" In his admiration of my work, he had left himself vulnerable. I kicked him in the shins, hard, ripping the sketchbook from his hands. Once I had it secured, I shoved him out of my room. 
"If I see you in my room again you're a dead man, Dib! Do you hear me?!" I screamed after him as I slammed the door in his face. Chest rising and falling rapidly, I flopped back onto my bed, glancing back to my sketchbook. I couldn't stop the sigh that had escaped.
This sucks... I thought, pulling my sketchbook in close to my chest and screwing my eyes shut. How did she manage to make every day hell for me? She had been that way since day one.
Yawning, you twisted the knob to your first period classroom door, opening it and walking in, eyes scanning the room for a certain purple-haired goth. You felt every part of you that had been previously exhausted fill with energy as you strode over to your table that you shared with her. Setting your things down, you greeted her with a smile.
"Morning, Gaz!"
"How are you always so damn cheery?" She groaned, fixing you with a glare. She was not a morning person. She was never pleasant with you until around lunch. And even then, she was still an asshole to everyone else. 
"Because I get to see your gorgeous face every morning." You watched as her cheeks became dusted in a light pink. She continued to stare stupidly at you for a few seconds before her usual demeanor set back in.
“Anyway. Maybe we could hang out after school today? I feel like I haven't gotten to see you in forever." 
"You see me every day at school." She wasn't saying no. And after being her friend for months now, you knew her well enough to know that she wanted to. You just had to let the usual song and dance play out first. 
"You know what I mean...please?~" You asked, despite knowing her answer always had been yes. You flashed her the doe eyes, laying your head on her shoulder and wrapping your arms around her. 
"Okay! Yes! Just get off!" She pushed you out of her personal space, hard but not aggressive. You knew she actually enjoyed your behavior, or else you wouldn't do it. She liked to present herself as a tough lone wolf who can and will beat you into the ground, but you knew her to be a secret softie. She often showed a different side when it was just the two of you, although she would always bring her bitchiness back at school. 
"Great!" Huffing, she pulled out her notebook, still pretending to be irritated with you. She thought her charade was convincing, but you could read her better than she would ever know. All it took was one look at the pink that stained her cheeks, the way she froze at your slightest touch or even the most subtle flirtatious phrase. You knew much more than you would let on. You wanted to hear it come from her, when she was ready. However, that didn't mean you wouldn't nudge her a bit. Sometimes, some people just need a good shove.
"You can come over to my place. My brother is going to be out hunting aliens or some shit, and my dad is working like always." Her tone was no longer sharp, in fact she seemed rather passive. 
"Sure, that's fine by me!" You had never been to her place when it was empty. Usually Dib was around, or her father, or on the rare occasion, both. You felt butterflies fill your stomach, not from nerves, rather unadulterated excitement. Maybe this was it. Maybe she would let you in on what was supposed to be kept so secret. Would she finally show her hand? You hoped so. She always played everything so close to the vest. Although you were able to see what she held, you would never let her onto that. You had your own poker face. 
The air was warm, gradually edging closer to unpleasantly so. It was the type of weather that meant summer was closing in, as if you couldn't already tell by that anxious buzz that was ever present in your classes and in the hallways, especially from the seniors. The absence of any breeze didn't help things, and you knew you would be sweating within a few minutes. Luckily, you knew the Membrane house to be not too much farther. Your backpack seemed to weigh more the longer you walked, so you decided to distract yourself. 
"So, you excited to get the house to yourself when Dib graduates in a few weeks?" You asked, your question the Trojan horse for your actions. You brought your hand closer to hers, brushing your fingers against her own casually, something that could be disguised as accidental. Or, it would be, if you didn't proceed to do it again...and again...and again. She didn't address it, but you could tell by the way her gaze shifted that she was not ignorant to it. 
"I wish. He's not going to college, at least right now. Taking a gap year, or something. He still wants to be a paranormal investigator, but dad wants him to get a degree in science. This gap year was their compromise." She fished her hand into her pocket, the clinking of metal reaching your ears as she searched for her keys. 
"Each is hoping the other gives in over the next year, huh?"
"Exactly. But it ain't gonna happen. Both of them are too stubborn for that." More jingling noises sounded as Gaz put the keys into the door, twisting until the click of the lock was heard. She let you in first, calling over her shoulder to you as she closed the door after you. "We can just go to my room. Not much to do out here." You had been to her house enough times to know where it was without guidance, and even if you hadn't you were fairly sure you could find it first time without help. The door was decorated with a menacing 'Keep Out' sign, and many skulls, horror dolls, and band logos were painted onto the wood, most likely by Gaz herself. The inside, usually kept dark, was bright for once. It was a rare occasion where the shades were drawn, and light could be let in. The walls were still painted a deep, almost black red, but the sunlight really did make everything brighter. Band posters covered the walls hiding most of that previously mentioned paint. The sheets on her bed were black, she covered her carpet in a black fluffy rug, her desk was black, virtually everything was black besides the various disturbing stuffed animals and dolls that were strewn around her room. There were many who would feel uncomfortable in a room like hers, but you had adjusted and learned to love it, just as you had learned to love her. 
"So, what do you want to do?" You turned to her, already feeling her lighten up now that you were both alone. 
"I have an extra Game Slave. Think you can beat me in Bloaty Kart?" She smirked, pulling out her handheld consoles from her bag and a drawer in her desk, tossing one to you. 
"Of course." You both knew you couldn't, but regardless, you would put up a fight. Hopping up on her bed, you booted up your games, ready to watch Gaz wipe the floor with you. Intensely staring at the screen, you held down the buttons you were supposed to, furiously dancing your thumb on the D pad. "Oh, come on! Not fair!" You cried as Gaz hit you with a flying pizza, preventing you from even getting close to her. "Why are you able to hit people behind you? That should be illegal." You pushed your bottom lip out, scooting closer to Gaz until your shoulders were touching. You leaned into her heavily, trying to shove her a bit to throw her off her rhythm. It didn't work, but it was worth a shot.
"You're not even trying!" Gaz's words were broken by pearls of laughter, a beautiful sound in your opinion. Things were ramping up in game as the final lap commenced. You had finally managed to catch up to Gaz, and the two of you were close to neck and neck as you both closed in on the finish line. Despite being close, you knew you couldn't beat her without illegal tactics. 
"Oh, I'm not trying? Fine!" Just as the finish line was only a few kart lengths away, you turned your head towards Gaz, leaning in to plant a big kiss on her cheek. She seemed so stunned by your action that she dropped her Game Slave, her character stopping just before the line, letting you win. "Sorry, cutie. All's fair in love and war." You watched Gaz' expression morph from stunned to panicked. Her normally squinty eyes widened to the size of saucers, her jaw set, fingers curled in tight to her palms. You could see her nails digging in harshly, sure to leave deep crescents when released. Her appearance resembled a frightened animal, and she soon lashed out like one, too. She put her hand on your shoulder, shoving you away from her harshly. You almost tumbled off of her bed. This was the most aggressive you had seen her act towards you in your entire friendship, and although all you wanted was for things to work out, you wondered if you had overstepped boundaries. That maybe there was a line that shouldn't have been crossed. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Her voice was raised and shrill, yet she still refused to look at you. 
"Gaz, I-" You attempted to apologize, beginning to doubt your impressions of her. Maybe you had everything all wrong. Maybe she didn't like you the way you liked her. If that was the case, she probably didn't want anything more to do with you, since you had been so persistent. That was the last thing you wanted. You were okay if she wanted to stay friends. But you didn't think you could handle losing her entirely.
"God, what's your problem?!" She spat, every word dripping venom. Her eyes were overly shiny, the sign of tears forming. You didn't want to push her. You let her get angry. If she wanted to scream at you, that was fine. You would wait. You sat away from her, keeping your distance, not afraid of her. Just afraid of hurting her. "I just...you're just so...do you even know what you're doing to me?" Her voice had quieted, her shoulders slouched. Those tears that had been threatening to fall finally spilled down her cheeks. She looked utterly helpless as she looked to you for the first time. You felt a pang in your heart for her. You had been there once. You had been where she was, scared out of your mind at your own feelings, those desires you could never escape from. Not wanting to lose those you cared about, terrified to admit everything to yourself. Despite how badly you wanted to reach out and hold her, to tell her everything was okay, you knew you had to wait. She still hadn't said all that she needed to. And so you sat still, not saying a word, hands folded neatly in your lap. Your eyes were trained on your chipping black nail polish, remnants of the last visit to Gaz's room. You couldn't bear to see her cry, but you knew it was necessary. So you kept looking down as you waited. After what felt like ages, she spoke again. "I like you...more than I ever wanted to." Those words were all that you needed to hear. 
"Gaz..." The room still had energy, but it wasn't as suffocating. Everything felt lighter somehow now that all of her cards were on the table. Now, it was time for you to show yours. You crawled back over to her, movements slow, always watching her body language to make sure she wouldn't be uncomfortable. The second things got to be too much, you would put on the brakes. The final few tears slipped down her cheeks. You brought your hands to her face, wiping them away with your thumb. Nothing else needed to be said as you leaned in, gently placing your lips on her own. She seemed so fragile in that moment, you were afraid you would shatter her like glass. You pulled away, searching her face for any sign of discomfort. "I like you too. I thought that was obvious." Joy swelled in your chest as you felt Gaz's demeanor completely shift from underneath you. She no longer seemed petrified, rather, an air of confidence similar to your own radiated from her. Sometimes, you just needed a good breakdown to get back on track. 
"I hoped that was the case." A slight smirk graced her face as she gripped the collar of your shirt in her hand, yanking you into another kiss. This one was much less delicate, her lips moving against yours in an almost hungry manner. Pulling back after a few moments, a shit-eating grin stretched across your lips.
"I see you like the way I taste." You teased, pressing your lips against hers once more. You decided to go a bit further, trusting that she would let you know if she didn't like something. Grabbing her bottom lip in your teeth, you waited until she opened her mouth to question you, taking the opportunity to slip your tongue inside. Despite probably never kissing anyone before in her life, she was keeping up with you as your tongue worked its magic. After exploring her mouth a bit more and seeing what reactions it earned you, you parted, letting her breathe. "You may kick my ass in video games...but just know when it comes to this...you're the one getting schooled." Your words came between large breaths for air. 
"Oh yeah? Who decided that?" Her tone was full of mock defiance. She wanted to be a bit of a brat, but you knew that, deep down, she was just glad that everything was finally out in the open. She placed her hands on your thighs as you straddled her, tracing circles into them. You shook your head, grin still ever present. Bringing your lips to her face, you kissed just off the mark from her own, trailing kisses down her jaw.
"I did." You spoke as you were still peppering her with kisses, feeling her squirm underneath you. You guessed she was ticklish. You resumed pressing kisses to her skin until you had reached her neck. Her hands moved to lose themselves in your hair as you focused on one single spot, giving it an experimental nip to gauge her reaction. Her hands clenched your hair like it was a lifeline, her breaths irregular. One of your hands found the hem of her shirt, toying with it in your fingers as you continued to bite her neck, leaving softer kisses to replace your nips. All the while, the only thing to leave her mouth was your name, albeit very breathily. Pulling away from her neck, your lips crashed into hers once more, overjoyed just to be able to be there in that moment. You moved together, keeping time with one another. Everything in that minute felt like it was supposed to be that way. If asked, you would have both said that your lips were always meant to fit together. For Gaz, the world finally seemed to make sense. She finally understood why no one at school had caught her eye before you, why she was just so not into whoever Dib or her father tried to introduce her to during their brief stint at matchmaking. Everyone always thought Gaz was a cold, heartless psycho who just wanted to be left alone. You could be certain that was completely untrue. 
You felt a hand snake underneath your shirt and up your side, Gaz's fingers dancing along your skin. You couldn't help but shiver, and Gaz smiled against your lips. You vowed that day to do anything for that smile. 
Just as things were perfect, when it seemed that the stars were aligned and that nothing could ruin the moment, the universe just had to prove you wrong. The door to Gaz's room was thrown open, a familiar voice that you dreaded to hear reaching your ears.
"Gaz, you'll never guess what happe-" Dib stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes rested on a sight he never thought he would see. His sister underneath her friend, lips locked and hand up her shirt. His face was the color of his enemy's uniform, all the way to the tips of his ears. "M-My bad, I'll come-come back later." Despite saying he would leave, his feet felt as if they were planted to the floor, unable to stop staring, even after you had pulled away. 
"GET OUT!!" Gaz shrieked at the top of her lungs, reaching out and grabbing hold of one of her stuffed animals, rocketing it towards Dib. That seemed to kick Dib's ass into gear as he zipped out of the room, the stuffed animal colliding with the closed door. Gaz's cheeks were stained in red, and you would admit your own felt quite hot as well. An awkward 'I-can't-believe-that-shit-just-happened' laugh tumbled from your lips as you crawled off of her, sitting down beside her. There was no recovering from that, the vibe had been officially killed. Not just killed. Publicly executed. 
"Wow...how long do you think it'll take for him to look me in the eye again?" More laughter erupted from you, and this time Gaz joined in.
"Probably about six and a half years. And then eight more before he'll finally be able to talk to you." It was a joke, but you figured that, knowing Dib, it probably wasn't too far off the mark. "Jesus, I've told him a thousand times to knock first. Or to just stay out of my room entirely." She crossed her arms, blowing a strand of purple hair out of her eyes.
"Well, on the bright side, he'll probably obey that rule from now on." She nodded silently, a serious air settling around her. 
"One could only hope." She ended her phrase with a sigh, head leaning back to rest against the headboard of her bed, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. A quiet moved in right then. You understood why. There was a heavy question that needed to be addressed, although you thought you both already knew the answer. You contemplated on asking it, but figured you'd let Gaz. You were okay with everything, and you wanted her to be the one to bring things to the table. That would be your way of knowing what she was ready for. To your relief, she finally spoke up, her eyes drifting back to yours. "Maybe we could...ugh, you know..." She trailed off, refusing to say the words. You had always been able to tell from day one based on your interactions that she had low EQ, and that she would be a lot tougher and more reserved when it came to admitting feelings. That was fine by you. You were much more open, and were willing to guide her through the process of learning how to open up, at least to you for a start.
"Be girlfriends?" You finished for her, watching as she nodded, relieved she didn't have to be the one to say it. You pretended to contemplate it for a moment, over exaggerating the way you tapped your chin, pretending to be in deep thought. "Hmm, I dunno...that's kinda gay." You couldn't keep your straight face for long as you busted up laughing, clutching your stomach. Your laughs and giggles were smothered when Gaz reached for a pillow, shoving it into your face.
"You're stupid." You threw the pillow down, pulling her into a hug, loving the smile on her face that continued to grow.
"But you love me anyway." You sang into her ear as she stayed put in your arms, her own arms finding their place around you.
"Yeah, whatever." That was the first time you had heard a whatever that she had spoken ever be laced with nothing but love and affection. You were so undeniably happy in that moment that nothing could ruin it for you, or for her. Not even paranoid ghost hunting brothers who barged into rooms without knocking.
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malethirsty · 5 years ago
The Master & The Prinxe - Seth Rollins & Finn Balor
Summary: Seth Rollins has been the lightning rod of anger from the WWE Universe and it’s starting to affect him. After Kevin Owens insults him by bringing up The Shield, Seth is at his breaking point. However the arrival of a friend from another brand throws everything up in the air.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Violence
Authors Note: This was a fic I had posted on my personal account @thesimonkshow​, reposted here because this is where my M/M fics go. 
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Seth Rollins was in a bad mood. He had just confronted Kevin Owens about his defection to NXT at War Games & he retaliated by bringing up Seth betraying The Shield, which had happened once, incomparable to the opposing RAW team members consistent level of betrayal, which seemed to happen every other day.
He didn’t notice the pacing of feet as someone sat down besides him “Well hey there Seth. Someone got you hot and bothered?” Seth turned to see Finn Bálor, his friend & also a member of the NXT team this evening. “And why would I tell you?, you’d only use it to further your team.” “Now why would I do something like that? I may be on their team, but you & I run deeper than this match.” Finn responded. Seth sighed, it seemed he would be safe. “Fucking Kevin Owens, I brought up War Games, cause I was worried about our team that I have pit my grieviances aside for, and that bitch brings up me betraying The Shield, when he’s on Betrayal number who fucking knows?” Finn chuckled “That little cunt wouldn’t know loyalty even if it decked him in the face.” Seth let out a gutteral laugh, somehow things felt better when he was with Finn. They had grown close when they first feuded, the connection deepening when they would face The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship, Seth even considered making him a Shield member, maybe something even more, but anytime he thought about it, his mind returned to Dean & he pushed the thought away.
“It seems like your putting your reputation on the line for people who couldn’t give a shit about you. They just throw you away like you’re nothing. I remember when I faced The Fiend, everyone wanted me to lose, I was so alone, so unhappy. And when I lost I heard the audience cheer & I felt so full of rage, like darkness just filled me. I waited for my moment to strike, and when it came, I ripped Johnny Gargano from limb to limb, I became The Prinxe.” Seth listened to Finn entranced by the Irishman’s words, he felt the same way, he’d tried to stand for the lockerroom, for Vince, for WWE, but found himself hated and despised. Legends had tried to stand up for Seth like Bret Hart, but their appreciation did the exact opposite of what was intended. Hell In A Cell was both a release of that tension but also rock bottom, the hatred became like acid, attacks on him became more frequent. After emerging from that damn hole after being attacked by The Fiend at the draft, he had felt humiliated, but that quickly turned to rage, he had felt that same anger Finn felt.
“Yeah, I know what you mean, after everything that has happened, when I beat Bray up & set fire to his house, I felt so good, like at WrestleMania where I won the Universal Championship. I felt like Seth Rollins again.” “When Hunter pulled me from the roster & got me back to his brand NXT, I felt like I had just won the Intercontinental title again. So on top of the world, even though I should have known I was all along, I just needed that push.” Seth paid attention to every word Finn said, it felt as if his friend knew his struggle & was giving his hand to help, the only person he cared about was giving him a way out. “Listen, I have to get back to my team, but I heard you weren’t gonna be wearing your RAW shirt, so if you choose, I got you something more your style. See you out there.” He pushed a package into Seth’s hand, grinned and set off. Seth opened the package, making sure no one was looking & grinned, he knew what he had to do.
The match was fury and fire as expected, Drew scored a big opening by knocking Dominik Dijakovic out in a few moments and to Seth’s delight, Kevin was quickly chucked by Tomasso Ciampa. After a lengthy match, he, Roman & Finn were the only surviviors. He knew Roman would form an alliance with him & sure enough “We take Finn, then you & me” he heard Roman whisper in his ear “Always man” Seth said back, Roman advanced forwards. Seth knew, now was the time.
He raced up behind Roman, low blowing him, putting Roman into a Pedigree & let Finn take him out. The crowd, already hostile enough on it’s own right, began booing at an alarming rate. Seth caught Finn’s eye & Finn knew what Seth wanted to do, he slipped out of the ring, marched to the announcer & tore the mic out of their hands. Returning to the ring he passed Seth the mic, the crowds now preceding to chant ‘CM Punk’ as loud as they possibly could. “SHUT UP!” Seth screamed with so much malice and venom exuding from his booming voice, that everyone actually listened and fell silent, even the commentary team. “For years I have been the one paving the way for WWE, creating The Shield, becoming the beacon for all of the heels when I joined The Authority, setting a precedent for Money In The Bank when I cashed in the Main Event of WrestleMania, a precedent yet to be topped! I became a Grand Slam Champion & even came to your aid when Brock Lesnar had this division by it’s balls and wouldn’t let go, TWICE!” Seth sucked in an angry breath & continued “And how did you repay me? You went beyond the booing expected by the WWE Universe. You spat on my reputation, you cursed my name when I disagreed with AEW, when I tried to stand up for everyone in the back, you hoped for The Fiend’s success, though he’ll soon run through the entire division, treat us like he was treated by Vince, until the entire division is buried. You wished for my death just for your own pettiness to be sated. You ran from me, just like your precious Roman Reigns ran.” He kicked Roman’s unconscious body emphasising his point. “He ran, all the way to SmackDown & besides our match at the Draft never once bothered to check up on me. Use me to achieve his selfishness of wanted his ‘Band of Brothers’ back together, and what did he do? Threw me away like I was disposable. Dean left because Vince used him, got the crowd to hate him through his turn that night, through those orders of saying he wanted Roman dead. Dean saw through it, much earlier than this time last year, he was right to leave.”
Seth looked at Finn, every word he said about the universe turning on him, he meant, not just for himself but for Finn as well “There was one man who truly cared, and that” he gestured over to Finn, watching on with his trademark smile, not filled with love, but with pure evilness, joyful at how Seth was brutalising everyone “was Finn Bálor. He was the only one who knew exactly what I was going through, cause he was there in my spot just months ago. He even knew I wasn’t myself, so he got me something that showed he knew me, what I’m all about, what I should have been about from Day One.” Seth ripped off his Red Chicago cover & the entire arena gasped. Below it, Seth wore Finn’s package, a half shirt, one side with Seth Freakin’ Rollins, another a side decorated in gold and black, the NXT logo emblazoned on the front.
“The Prinxe saw me when I was feeling the strain & gave me a way out. So Monday’s will no longer be Monday Night Rollins, cause I am no longer here to please you or anyone else. I’m in it for myself like Finn, doing things because I want to. I’m The Master of NXT, and if anyone gets in my way I will BURN. THEM. DOWN.” Seth let out his familar heel cackle & threw the mic away, hitting Corey Graves in the face with it. As the crowds boos sounded, he no longer cared, he was liberated, himself again. He grabbed Finn’s hand, the two survivors, the two that would always survive & strode to the back of the arena, they turned & in unison, raised Finn’s trademark guns, and shot right at the centre, where Roman still laid broken.
NXT would go on to win the evening, and a party at the bar was where everyone went, even the Undisputed Era, still sore but exctatic that their brand won the night. Triple H was the only one whom noticed Seth & Finn were not there, he rang them both, letting them know where their victory party was. Unbeknownst to Triple H, Seth & Finn were partaking in their own victory party. In Finn’s apartment, the two had thrown off each others clothes, both men on the bed, Seth’s head thrown back in ecstasy as Finn’s mouth worked his cock. “Fuck Finn, I’ve wanted you for such a long time.” Seth moaned, Finn proceeded to suck Seth’s balls, Seth letting out a sharp groan “Fuck, I should have told you earlier, I put it to the side, scared of hurting Dean, no more, I do what I want from now on.” Finn moved up to Seth’s face, kissing him. “And what does The Master want?” He asked, flirtingly, Seth gripping onto Finn’s back, nails digging in “You, Finn Bálor.” He threw Finn onto the bed, sinking into his tight ass. Both men moaned as Seth began to fuck his Prinxe “Fuck, you feel so good around me Bálor. So good for your master.” Finn gave Seth a seering kiss “We work with each other, now and forever, the NXT division will tremble before both of us, together on our rightful thrones, the way we knew it was from day one, the way it should have been.” Motivated by Finn’s powerful words, the two began to thrust faster and faster, the clock on the wall, the pouring of the rain, the buzzing of their phones, all lost to their pleasure. “Seth, Master, I’m about to cum.” Finn moaned out loud as Seth grabbed his dick and began to jerk it, desperate to get Finn off, to get his Prinxe to orgasm. “Seth yes, keep going. SETH FUCK!” Finn screamed at the top of his lungs as he came, landing atop of Seth’s chest. He leant down and licked it off, causing Finn to moan. “God Finn, your ass is so tight, I’m going to cum!” Seth made to pull out but Finn shook his head, he wanted Seth’s load. Seth moved his hand onto Finn’s torso, gracing every single one of Finn’s amazing abs. “God, I love you Finn Bálor.” Seth’s face, eyes and whole body lit up with adoration as he thrusted with more strength than he’d ever had, leaning down to kiss Finn as he came, shot after shot filling Finn’s ass. Pulling out slowly, Seth collapsed next to Finn. Pulling him in for a kiss. “Wow babe.” Seth grinned at Finn “You’re welcome babe.” The Prinxe letting out a cold laugh, one that many would never thought they would hear out of the good hearted Finn Bálor, but one that was soothing to Seth as The Master laughed coldly as well “We’ve got each other now though, as we truly are: The Master & The Prinxe.” Finn moved up to Seth’s face, Seth leaning down, catching his soulmate’s lips in an Earth shattering kiss.
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mytrashylove · 6 years ago
Castiel’s music taste + Crowstorm’s sound: a headcanon by moi
alt title: i was bored
ok so this is my first time doing something like this, and english is not my first language so pls bear with me
the other day @mycandylavynder​ asked what Crowstorm would sound like, and then @principalshermansky made a post with examples of what type of music they think the characters listen to (check it out! it’s great), which got me wanting to compile everything i can find regarding castiel’s music taste and crowstorm, to see what the game points to as castiel’s music
disclaimer: this is not to say that one headcanon is more valid than other, because at the end of the day everyone can think whatever they please, specially about a fictional character in a fictional band. i just thought it would be fun to do this. 
let’s take a look at Castiel’s room as seen in episode 40 of high school life:
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there are three bands that can be easily identified: 
Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side Of The Moon poster on the wall
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols album by Sex Pistols among the cd’s on the shelf
The Rolling Stones logo on the pillow
according to the My Candy Love wiki page, Castiel’s favorite music genre is grunge. tha trivia also says that his favorite band is Winged Skull, but since it’s a fictional band there’s no way to know which kind of music they play, although i’d guess it’s a heavy metal band due to the name and logo.
let’s break the four bands we know he likes (and the albums that appear on the picture) down to the basics:
PINK FLOYD (UK, 1965-1995) album rock, progressive rock, art rock, hard rock, british psychedelia, psychedelic garage. - The Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) hard rock, progressive rock, psychedelic garage.
SEX PISTOLS (UK, 1975-1978) punk, new wave punk, british punk. - Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols (1977) punk, new wave punk, british punk.
THE ROLLING STONES (UK, 1962-present) album rock, british invasion, contemporary pop/rock, hard rock, regional blues, rock & roll, british psychedelia, psychedelic garage, blues-rock, british blues, dance-rock, early pop/rock, am pop.
based on the information so far, we can assume a few things about Castiel’s taste
he seems to like rock music from the 70s
there’s a prevalence of british bands, but that might just be a coincidence
his taste might be summed up in the following genres, since they seem to be the most relevant ones: - punk, new wave punk - hard rock - blues-rock - rock & roll - psychedelic garage, british psychedelia - dance-rock - album rock - grunge
but what do all these genres mean? good question:
the 70s & rock music
aside from disco, funk, smooth jazz, jazz fusion, and soul, which remained popular throughout the decade, rock music played an important part in the Western musical scene, with punk rock thriving throughout the mid to late 1970s. other subgenres of rock, particularly glam rock, hard rock, progressive, art rock and heavy metal achieved various amounts of success.
highlights: (aside from the four bands already mentioned) Led Zeppelin, Queen, Kiss, David Bowie, Aerosmith, Joy Division, Fleetwood Mac, Black Sabbath, The Velvet Underground, Alice Cooper, The Ramones.
a simple melody with three chords, but louder, faster and more abrasive than any other rock genre at the time. although bands like The Velvet Underground and The Stooged had a similar sound in the mid 60s, punk didn’t become its own genre until the mid 70s.
highlights: The New York Dolls, The Misfits, Generation X, Blondie, Talking -Heads, The Ramones, The Jam, Buzzcocks
new wave punk
where post-punk was artsy and difficult, new wave was, simply put, pop music that retained the vigor and irreverence of punk music.
highlights: The Police, The Cars, Blondie, Talking Heads
hard rock
hard rock is loud, aggressive guitar rock, but it isn't as dark and menacing as heavy metal, and it's rarely influenced by punk. it is (for the most part) exuberant, party music.
highlights: Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Janis Joplin, Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, Guns N’ Roses, Queen, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Queens of The Stone Age
blues-rock didn't fully develop into a subgenre until the late 60s. it emphasized two specific things: the traditional, three-chord blues song and instrumental improvisation.
highlights: Fleetwood Mac, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, ZZ Top
rock & roll
in its purest form, Rock & Roll has three chords, a strong back beat, and a catchy melody. it drew from a variety of sources, primarily blues, R&B, and country, but also gospel, traditional pop, jazz, and folk.
highlights: Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, The Who, The Beatles
psychedelic garage
instead of the concise verse-chorus-verse patterns of rock & roll, artists used free-form, fluid song structures. they also incorporated elements of Indian and Eastern music and free-form jazz to their sound, and experimented with electronically altering instruments and voices.
highlights: Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Jefferson Airplanes, Grateful Dead
british psychedelia
british psychedelia was more whimsical and experimental than its American counterpart, and it tended to work within the pop song structure.
highlights: Pink Floyd, Cream, The Beatles
dance-rock was born in the mid 70s, when bands experimented with the simpler rhythms and heavy groove of funk and disco. they relied on keyboards and drum machines or used the standard guitar-bass-drums format of most rock bands, but they were performed many songs in a way that made them apt for the dancefloor, with simple, heavily repetitive choruses or hooks.
highlights: Queen, David Bowie, INXS, Duran Duran, Eurythmics, Talking Heads
album rock
the one thing that tied all album rock artists together was their dedication to the album as the vehicle for their music, as well as certain artistic aesthetic and constant exposure on FM radios. this broad criteria made it a fairly diverse genre.
highlights: Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, The Who, Queen, Janis Joplin
hybrid of heavy metal and punk, grunge music adopted the lyrical approach and musical attack of punk. it had three waves: the first one was heavier, drawing from early 70s metal; the second one began with Nirvana and it’s more melodic sound, as well as distorted guitar sound that became a genre convention; and the third wave that came with Nirvana’s mainstream status, when grunge  lost many of its independent, punk connections and became the most popular style of hard rock in the 90s
highlights: Green River, Soundgarden, Mudhoney, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains
to be clear, dividing music into genres is a complicated matter, and even more so is trying to reduce someone’s music taste in genres, since it is entirely possible to like wildly different music as well as dislike certain bands that fit the same category or certain songs from the same band. this is all just meant to show an inclination that Castiel seems to have in order to see what kind of music Crowstorm might be influenced by. 
that said, let’s get down to businees. what do we know about crowstorm?
popular and well-liked
has music videos that sometimes feature actors
at least one of their songs involves a piano (according to candy on ep3)
people dance to their music 
the members (or Castiel, at least) have given interviews on radio
based on that, we can say that Crowstorm:
has mainstream appeal
has at least some danceable songs
taking into account the info about Crowstorm & Castiel’s inclinations that might influence his music, here are a few examples of what i think some of Crowstorm’s songs could sound like
(danceable songs, “mainstream” radio music)
Head Staggered - That Petrol Emotion  // Blue To Black - That Petrol Emotion  (this band is influenced by The Beatles, Buzzcocks and Public Image Ltd., all of them from the 70s/80s and within the genres Castiel seems to like)
Some Like It Hot - The Power Station // Murderess - The Power Station (influenced by Led Zeppelin, similar to INXS and associated to Duran Duran)
Never Let You Go - INXS // Mystify - INXS (popular dance-rock band)
Are You Gonna Be My Girl -  Jet // Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - Jet (influenced by AC/DC and The Beatles)
(hard rock/blues rock songs)
Young Lust - Pink Floyd
Voodoo Child - Jimi Hendrix
Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
this is just my headcanon based on what the game says tho, but i am someone who personally believes that canon and canon “evidence” don’t really matter in the end, so although Crowstorm’s music seems to fit the dance-rock criteria, i ultimately prefer to think of them as a hard-rock/blues-rock band with a bit of punk and psychedelic garage influence. 
so why did i even do all of this if i don’t really care in the end? i don’t know, but it was really fun and it kept me busy.
anyway, if you got to this point you might as well tell me your own personal headcanons regarding Crowstorm’s music! feel free to reply, reblog, tag me in your own post or hit me up via inbox
TL;DR: based on what seems to be Castiel’s music taste and what we know of Crowstorm, the band might make dance-rock/hard-rock music and might be heavily influenced by bands from the 70s. but at the end of the day canon doesn’t matter as long as you are having fun, so if you want Crowstorm to be a goth-rock, nu metal band it might as well be! 
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genuine-wheeze · 7 years ago
Sweater Sharing
Rating: Clean/SFW/Safe
Pairing: Adam/Andrew
Prompt: Cozy Sweater
Tags: Pining; Mutual Pining; Friends to Lovers
Notes: This is my first fic for this pairing so it might be OOC. A lil rushed but I hope y’all enjoy
Partners: @mercury-skies @theseusinthemaze
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September 25. A mainly mundane day for most people, falling on a normal work or school day. Uninspired. Boring. But not for Adam and Andrew. September 25th for them was the start of their annual Fall road trip. A two week long cross-state drive-a-thon full of too much pumpkin scented shit and not enough sensibility to refrain from buying it. Every year the two of them piled all their “essentials” into Adam’s crappy hatchback and set off to the Oregon-California border. Every year the two did this to “build friendship.” Every year except for this one. Because Adam could not do this. He could not sit in a car with his obnoxiously heart wrenching crush and come out alive. But of course, nothing went his way.
“C’mon Adam. We do this every year! Every year buddy! Please? Please?”
“Andrew I just-“
“Do you have something else to do? Because I could do that with you, just tell me the plans!”
“No it’s not-“
“Is it a date? I could be your wingman!”
“No Andrew it’s just that I-“
“Please Adam?”
Andrew could do convincing puppy-dog eyes, in his defense. So here he was, Andrew deviously crafting a carpool karaoke playlist specifically designed to annoy him, Steven wishing them off through Skype call, sounds of his family in the background. Adam could feel butterflies in his stomach as he looked at Andrew, heartsick in a million little ways as his friend eagerly chattered with Steven about all the things they were going to do. But then the call was over and it was just them and all the stuff they needed to pack. Better for Adam to just get to work, maybe it would distract from the thumping of his heart.
Ah, roadside diners. Adam felt a special fondness for most of the quirky restaurants, having been to almost all of them in his time with Andrew. But he definitely hated this one. With all his heart. Because really, was it fair for them to be playing Andrew’s “most favorite song ever Adam!” after hopping him up on pumpkin spice coffee with unlimited refills? No, it wasn’t. And now Andrew was dancing, hips swaying as he moved to the beat of the cheesy 90s song. Adam was just about to give up on his pie and end himself with his fork right there when it got worse for him.
“Adam come dance with me!”
“These patrons do not want to see me flail about to jukebox music Andrew I promise you that.”
“Oh just get up here!”
And then Andrew had his hands and he was pulling him up to dance. Dear god wasn’t Fall supposed to be fun? Maybe that was Winter, the cold months when Andrew was too frozen to do anything. Yeah, maybe those were the good times. Because this definitely wasn’t one of them, Andrew’s soft hands in his as he moved him about. No, definitely not.
Being in the car with Andrew after that was scarcely better. He sang loudly and distractingly, even though it was adorable. But Adam couldn’t think stuff like that. He wasn’t going to allow himself to. So instead he settled on bobbing his head to the music, amicably filling his mind with the thoughts of all the stuff he’d waste his money on at the roadside stops. He was going to buy some stupid snow globes. He knew it.
Their first night in a hotel was brilliantly awful. Andrew insisted on laying in Adam’s bed with him, and he knew that he’d get cramps from how stiffly he sat, trying not to melt all over Andrew. But he guessed either Andrew was too tired to notice, or he just didn’t care, because they made it an entire season of Gilmore Girls before the shorter man wanted to go back to his own bed. Andrew was always a heavy sleeper, but Adam lay awake and stared at the ceiling, listening to the breathing of his friend. God, he had it bad. His heart skipping beats when Andrew touched him, his skin aching for a brush against Andrew. He was becoming a cliche. A terribly stupid cliche about unrequited love and friendship he would scoff at in movies. And he was living it, and enjoying it. Because even though it hurt, he loved it. Sighing, Adam rolled over, pulling the blankets over his body and trying to turn off his brain and go the hell to sleep. He didn’t succeed.
“Andrew can you drive today? I’m so tired. I think I’m crashing. Too much pumpkin pie at the beginning of this trip. It’s withdrawal.”
“Don’t be so dramatic Adam you’re not going through a withdrawal from pie.”
“No seriously dude. I have the shakes and everything.”
Andrew snorted at that, climbing into the driver's seat easily.
“Lay down in the back you pumpkin druggie, I’ll wake you up at the next hotel.”
“Thanks man.”
“No problem Adam. Get some sleep.”
Adam woke up as the car slowed to a stop.
“We ‘ere now?”
“No no I just gotta stretch. C’mon go back to sleep.”
“Mmph. ‘Kay. Turn the AC down though. ‘S freezing back here.”
“Ah just put a sweater on you big baby.”
Adam let out a groan, but groped around for a sweater in the backseat groggily, pulling one on quickly, immediately falling back asleep, snoring lightly under the soft music from the radio.
This next diner was kinder to him. Only lilting 70s songs over the stereo, so he didn’t have to dance with Andrew again. Although, this dining experience was definitely a… weird one.
“And what can I get for you two boys?”
“Two coffees, one burger and a salad. We’re sharing a plate, right Adam?”
“Yeah. Though you shouldn’t order croutons on this salad, last time you spent 10 minutes picking them out.”
“Oh, yeah, and no croutons. Thank you.”
“Of course babies, and I’ll throw in a slice of pie just because you two are so cute together.”
Adam chuckled at the thought that he and Andrew were cute, usually that was reserved for him and Steven, waiters always gushing over their friendship.
“Well that was new. Usually don’t see waitresses complimenting our friendship huh?” Adam looked up from his phone to see Andrew smiling strangely at him, before the other shook his head gently.
“Yeah Adam, don’t see that with our uh… friendship.” He chuckled to himself, as though that was another one of his puns. Adam was going to quiz him on it when the waitress, Cindy, returned.
“Okay cuties. Enjoy your date.” Adam blushed, startling at the insinuation, dropping his fork to the floor. When he got back up, fork in hand, he noticed the same strange smile on Andrew. Odd, Andrew had never given him that look before. Adam filed it for later, shutting off his phone and leaning towards his friend, listening easily to the story he started.
Another damn motel. Adam was getting antsy, the confined spaces he shared with Andrew seeming to shrink, pushing the two of them together, literally. Because this motel had no idea of space, beds pushed together to be able to fit the nightstand, pillows overlapping to create the appearance of one large bed. This was not good. This meant he and Andrew would be required to sleep in the same bed, next to each other, Andrew close enough for Adam to touch. Terrible. Adam threw his stuff down in the closet, bags piled in one corner, before piling Andrew’s stuff on the opposite wall. God, he hoped Andrew could sleep through Adam’s panic. But then, as Adam stood, he suddenly had something else to worry about. Because he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Him, in all his bespectacled, bed headed glory. Him, wearing Andrew’s sweater. The big one with a band logo on it he didn’t recognize, the one that Andrew had most definitely recognized. Shit. That’s why Andrew had been smirking in the diner. God, Adam was panicking. Hunched in the closet, hands in the folds of the stolen sweater. There was really only one option. Take it off.
Adam made sure to carefully fold the sweater. He laid it on Andrew’s bed gently, before deciding to hand it to him in person. It’d be useless to lay it on the beds because they were so close together, damn motel owners. So he sat and waited for Andrew to get back from the town with their dinner. But sitting down was definitely a mistake, because he hadn’t realized how tired he was, until he was drifting to sleep.
“Having a good nap?”
Adam startled awake, sitting up quickly only to bump foreheads with Andrew, smile back on his face from before. Adam looked down for the sweater and, oh God. He had fallen asleep, and managed to wrap himself in it, almost like a child with a plush animal. He blushed, quickly folding it and thrusting it towards the blond man.
“Uh. Here. Sorry for taking it.”
“No no. Here. Keep it, it looks good on you.”
Andrew pushed it towards him gently, smile turning a bit more mischievous.
“You know Adam. I think it looks really good on you.”
Adam was blushing wildly now, stammering and fumbling with the sweater as Andrew drew closer. And closer. Until he was practically on top of him, eyes full of wonder.
“Yeah. I think it looks nice on you. Makes you look like you’re…” he trailed off, mouth inching towards Adam’s.
“Makes me look like what?” Adam felt his heart rushing, blood thrumming in his ears because God, Andrew was so close.
“It makes you look like you’re mine.” And then Andrew’s lips were on his, moving softly together with his. Breaths warm on each other’s faces. The sweater tossed easily aside. Maybe Adam would put it on later.
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imaginesebastian · 8 years ago
I Want to Love You
Anonymous asked: can you do an first meet encounter? it can end however you’d like!
A/N: I kinda combined this with the one where someone requested more smut?? Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, smut, oral (male receiving)
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The cool summer nights were one of your favorite things about life at the moment. You made it a habit to come to this park and sit on the swing, sketching a picture out in the dim lighting of the moon. 
It calmed you, being able to watch people as dusk fell over the park and they began packing their things to go home. Soon enough, you were alone in the park and added shading to a drawing of the worn down park bench across from you that you had started a couple days ago. 
The chains that held the swing up creaked while your legs pushed your body back and forth, swaying softly with the wind. 
You heard rushed footsteps, causing you to slam your sketchbook closed and turn your attention to the sidewalk in front of you. 
Your heart was in your throat, suddenly aware of the creepy situation ahead of you. 
The footsteps walked in front of you, tripping over the raised concrete on the sidewalk. You held back a giggle, immediately stepping off the swing set and rushing to the person. 
“Are you okay?” You said, putting your hand on the stranger’s arm while they groaned in pain. 
They rolled over, revealing a pair of bright blue eyes surrounded by a scruffy beard and an embarrassed smile. “Yeah, I’m okay.” 
You noticed a scrape on his cheek, “Oh no, you’re bleeding.” 
He moved his hand up to his face, touching the little bit of blood and inspecting his reddened finger, “Ah, it’s nothing. I’ll be okay. Thank you.” 
You helped him up from the ground and instinctively dusted off his shirt, taking note of the extremely advanced prosthetic arm he had. He chuckled as he noticed your stare, moving your hand to his arm, “I got this shiny bad boy years ago after a train accident.” 
“I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean t-” 
“No, it’s okay. A lot of people assume things and I find it better to be upfront about it.” He smiled warmly, watching you softly run your fingers over the hard metal. It was fascinating to you, you had never seen anything so advanced before. 
You pulled away before it got weird, clearing your throat awkwardly and meeting his baby blues again. “I- I’m (Y/N).” 
“Bucky.” He responded, his teeth shining in a large grin. 
“Can I ask what you were doing running through the park at ten at night?” You questioned suddenly, gripping your sketch book tightly in your hand. 
“It’s easier to run at night, that way I can go home and shower and go straight to bed,” he explained, “I didn’t plan on the whole falling over and scratching myself up part. Or the meeting a cute girl part.” 
You blushed, giggling, “This park comes with a lot of surprises.” 
After a moment, you noticed the scrape was bleeding a bit more, “You should really get that cleaned up.” 
“I’m good.” He said, a tight smile on his face. 
“No, no,” you didn’t think about the words as you said them, “I know a cafe that’s open 24/7. We’ll get you cleaned up there.” You grabbed his hand and led him out of the park, completely unsure of your sudden actions but deciding not to overthink anything. 
Bucky didn’t talk on the way there, as it was a short walk and soon enough the bell at the top of the door rang and you were greeted by the kind old couple who ran the cafe. 
“(Y/N)! Darling back so soon from your adventure?” The older woman exclaimed, 
You laughed, “Not an adventure, just an art session. Bucky here needs a first aid kit, you got one?” 
After your nights at the park you usually came to this little cafe for a small dinner and to finish off whatever you had drawn. They were very welcoming and offered a free slice of pie if you drew one of their grandkids for them. From then on, you grew close to them and enjoyed their company. 
“First aid kit is in the men’s bathroom in the back.” 
“Thank you!” You called out, pulling Bucky with you and opening the door to the men’s bathroom. 
The first aid kit sat under the sink and you pulled it out while Bucky rose an eyebrow. “We’re moving a lot quicker than I expected. I mean, we’re locked in a small room together. . .” 
A laugh left your throat, “Shut up, there’s blood in your beard.” 
Bucky looked at his reflection, shrugging and sitting on the edge of the sink while you fiddled with the alcohol pads. You unfolded the alcohol pad and held Bucky’s head in your hand while you dabbed the pad against the cut. 
He sucked a breath of air between his teeth, closing his eyes but allowing you to continue cleaning his wound. 
You bit your lip, trying to concentrate but your eyes continued to be drawn to his lips. 
You’d never been one to meet and hook up on the same night, but Bucky seemed to be a major exception. You knew so little about him but he seemed so interesting that you were drawn to him immediately. 
You pulled the alcohol pad away, throwing it in the trash and reaching for a band-aid. 
“You’re joking.” Bucky said as you unwrapped the band-aid.
“Can’t have you bleeding all over your face, can we?” You grinned, putting it on his cut. 
He smiled, looking ridiculous with the beige fabric on his cheek. You giggled softly, covering your mouth while his jaw dropped. “Alright, unnecessary laughter. What are you laughing at?”
Although he questioned you, he couldn’t help but chuckle along with you. “I’m sorry,” your voice echoed off the bathroom walls, “you do look hilarious.” 
“Am I still cute?” 
His question threw you slightly off guard, as you didn’t know you were being that obvious about your interest in him. Your cheeks heated up as you tried to come up with an answer, “Of course.” 
Bucky smiled, taking your hand in his, “Now it’s my time to drag you somewhere.” 
“That sounds creepy.” 
“Just go with it.” He said, rolling his eyes and leading you out of the bathroom. You laughed, following him out of the cafe. 
His phone rang, causing both of you to stop pausing while he answered it, “Hello?” 
Your ears perked in an attempt to listen to the other side of the conversation, only to have it muffled. “Right now? Can I bring a friend?” 
Bucky hung up the phone and shrugged his shoulders, “Change of plans, would you like to come to my place?” 
You raised an eyebrow, contemplating it. You didn’t want to leave Bucky, so you wanted to say yes. Don’t overthink, (Y/N), have fun.
“And what will we be doing?” 
“Think of it as a late dinner. I have a lot of roommates so don’t be scared,” he began leading you again, “and I was just gonna take you out to eat but when Bruce is cooking, you know it’s going to be good.” 
“Bruce?” you asked. 
“One of my many roommates.” He explained, keeping held tight of your hand while you walked deeper into the city. 
Eventually, you made it to a very large building. You couldn’t tell which one it was from the bottom, but it seemed a lot bigger than the surrounding buildings and you were immediately curious with what exactly Bucky was doing here. 
He led you to an elevator and pulled out a key card, scanning it over the touch pad and hearing an automated voice, “James. Barnes.” 
“What the fuck?” You said, looking around the fancy elevator and listening to Bucky’s angelic laugh. 
“High security detail.” 
You saw a small logo in the corner of the touch pad, familiarity rushing through your mind while you scanned through your sketchpad looking for the drawing you did of that exactly same logo. 
“Holy fuck we’re in the Avengers tower.” You muttered, your eyes widening as Bucky threw his head back and laughed, “Man, took ya long enough.” 
You smacked his chest, folding your arms across your chest with humor lacing your actions. 
The elevator halted and the doors opened, leading you to a large room and Tony Stark standing in the center with a tablet in his hand. He heard your footsteps and looked up, “Bucky, come on man what the fuck do you have on your face?” 
Bucky looked down, “Band-aid.” He whispered, defeated. 
Tony turned his attention back to the tablet and you marveled in the glorious penthouse you were now in. 
You continued to follow Bucky into a dining room where The Avengers all sat, talking animatedly throughout the table. Steve was the first one to notice you two, standing up immediately to greet you like the gentleman you read about. 
“Hi, you must be Buck’s friend, uhm-” 
“(Y/N).” You said, knowing Bucky didn’t mention your name on the phone call earlier. 
“Nice to meet you. I’m Steve and we’re happy to have you here!” He said enthusiastically, making you smile. 
Bucky wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “We just met tonight.” 
“Oh?” Steve said, surprise evident in his voice. 
“Yeah, he fell for me. Literally.” You muttered, causing Bucky to laugh loudly. 
Steve raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips while he showed you and Bucky your seats. 
It seemed very unreal, the fact that you were sat across from Natasha and Steve was to the other side of you. When you sat on that park swing earlier tonight, you had no clue you would be in this situation. 
“Alright, it’s rare that we’re all in the same city for this long so I decided to celebrate with a good meal.” Bruce opened the doors of the kitchen and carried out a large bowl of pasta, causing your mouth to water. 
Everyone immediately began digging in, most of them paying no mind to the fact that there was a complete stranger sat beside Bucky. Steve leaned towards you, “I haven’t seen Bucky this smiley in a while.” 
You smiled, “I’m glad I could do that for him.” 
Steve mouthed ‘thank you’, turning back to his food and listening intently to one of Thor’s stories. 
You spoke with anyone who spoke to you, still amazed at the fact you were having dinner with The Avengers all because Bucky Barnes tripped in front of you. 
Bucky squeezed your knee reassuringly when he noticed your words get shaky, allowing more confidence to be brought back to your sentences. 
Everyone had finally finished their food, questions about your sketchbook and how you and Bucky met being thrown around the room. You answered everything with ease, and watched as everyone cleared their plates and left you and Bucky in the room alone. 
“Was that fun?” He asked, tilting his head. 
“That was literally the greatest meal I have ever had in my life.” You responded, watching Bucky’s eyes light up. 
“So, I should head out. It’s after midnight.” You said, not knowing where to go from there. You definitely didn’t want to leave. You wanted to stay and feel Bucky’s hands on your waist while he held you close. 
However, he didn’t seem to be making any moves. 
“What if I don’t want you to leave?” Bucky said, watching your raised eyebrow and shaking his head, “no, no. I mean- do you actually want to leave?” 
“Not really.” You whispered, to which Bucky grinned. 
He became serious, “Can I kiss you?” The question was so innocent and spoke so much about how much of a gentleman he was. Ever since the bathroom, you’ve been wanting him to kiss you and thought you were being very obvious about it. The fact that he still asked made your heart melt. 
Without another word, you pressed your lips to his. He responded immediately his hands resting on your hips while you carried yourself to straddle his thighs. 
His flesh hand grazed your skin beneath your shirt, causing your breath to be caught in your throat. Your hands laced through his hair, locking on the back of his head. 
He lifted you from the spot on the chair, carrying you through the room. Never once did his lips leave yours. 
Bucky struggled to navigate the stairs so you hopped off, giggling and following him to his room. 
As soon as the door shut, he brought you in for a kiss again that left you breathless. 
All of your thought processes were thrown out the window, lifting Bucky’s shirt off of his torso and following him to the bed. 
“Fuck, doll. You’re killin’ me here.” He whispered, staring at your body above him. You smirked, “Stay alive long enough to get to the good part.” 
A switched flipped in Bucky, his hands roaming your body and practically ripping your shirt off of your body. 
His teeth nibbled on your neck, a victorious smile on his face when he got a moan to leave your lips. 
You could tell that your night was about to get a whole lot more steamy.
He began to harden against your thigh, your attention immediately drawn to that area. Your hand slid down his body, stopping at the ‘v’ in between his hips. 
Bucky’s breath picked up the lower you got, finally allowing your hand to rub over his clothed member, now as hard as a rock. 
He unhooked your bra and sucked on your chest, your hand now unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them off of his hips. “Are you sure your okay with this?” Bucky asked, concern wiping over his features. 
“Bucky,” you began to sink down his body, trailing kisses along the way, “I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t okay.”
Once you made it down to his navel, you sucked softly on the head of his erection, watching with pride while Bucky threw his head back in a moan. You continued to take him deeper into your mouth, sure to pleasure him in anyway you could. 
It was extremely satisfying to have him writhing beneath your touch. 
“If you want to go any farther than this, I suggest you stop.” He said, his voice husky and laced with pleasure. 
With one last lick, you pulled off. He regained his composure and flipped the two of you over. Bucky reached into the drawer next to the bed and handed you the condom package, “Put it on me.” 
You licked your lips, opening the package and feeling Bucky tense beneath you while you slipped the latex over his member.
His hands pulled off your shorts, and you were completely naked beneath him. “Oh god.” He said, rubbing your clit softly while his lips met yours again. 
You grinded against his fingers, moaning into his mouth. “Jesus christ, just fuck me Bucky.” 
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
He slid into your sex, a simultaneous moan leaving both of your mouths while he steadily rocked his hips back and forth. You couldn’t take his slow pace, so you flipped the two of you again, watching Bucky’s shocked expression. 
His chest heaved and you began to bounce up and down quickly, feeling his nails press into your hips. 
Your hands rested on his chest, your lips coming to his again. 
The feeling of his hot skin against yours was enough to have your head spinning. Everything about him was so hot that you couldn’t quite grasp every detail as you wanted to. He drove you crazy.
“Oh god, I’m going to cum babygirl.” He whispered, his mouth straining to get the words out. 
“Do it.” You whispered, as you could feel your orgasm approaching faster than you anticipated. 
He gripped your hips in his hands, thrusting upward and fast as he could. You tensed around him, your mouth forming an ‘o’ as you felt pleasure course through your body.
Bucky was quick to follow, his eyes close and his bottom lip between his teeth while he came. 
You collapsed onto his chest, feeling it heave beneath you while you pressed a kiss to his collarbone. 
“That work out was so much better than a run.” He said, sucking in as much air as he could. 
“I’m glad I could help.” 
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boutiquebeelzebub · 8 years ago
Lucifero -Tokyo- 3.10.17
Reny oneman! Wow fam we did it!!!  (long post ahead)
click here for pictures and setlist
To be honest Reny is too big of a venue for Gallo, especially considering Gazette was playing a huge show that day on top of some other bands that may have crossover with Gallo's fan base. However, I think they made the best of playing on a large stage. They put an extension on the stage which helped take up some space and utilized it for solos, gyakudai, etc. The first thing I noticed walking into the hall was that all around us up high on the walls were LED screens that scrolled through 3 of Gallo's logos ("the Gallo", ギャロ, and the seal with roosters on either side) as well as a huge chandelier on the ceiling and VIP room with windows looking out into the hall. Reny is lightyears nicer than most venues they play at which made this show feel particularly special.
Before they drew the curtains, Pegasus, the sankaku mokuba, was already out on the center extension of the stage, but at a diagonal angle. When the curtains went up and they began playing Taidou(1), it took me a moment to take in what I was seeing. Jojo was sitting in a large chair which I can only describe as an S&M throne. The next thing I noticed was something protruding from the bottom of the chair. We're those... legs? Indeed, there was a woman sitting under the chair, her head sticking through the open seat portion of it, her face directly in Jojo's crotch.  It was the same girl from Yamiuta! (@mao_mochizuki on Twitter).  Already I knew this was gonna get interesting. Next out came a creepy guy dressed as a clown (@mirakurumimagic on twitter). He proceeded to take the Mao from the chair and bind her arms with a red rope. I could now see she was wearing black lingerie, big chunky heels, and a blindfold. The clown then took her to Pegasus and had her straddle it where she stayed for a couple of songs.  After a while they pushed her into a face-down laying position and he and Jojo took turns whipping her with a leather flail. After a while the clown took her off of Pegasus, paraded her around the stage a bit, and escorted her offstage with a face that said "don't worry, I'll be back". I have to admit, my eyes were bugging out of my head during this whole ordeal.
For Eden(8), "The Pollo" Devil (or Devu/Debu) came out with his saxophone. For those who aren't familiar, Devil is Jojo and Andy's ex-bandmate from the Skull Fuck Revolvers. He's a beloved character that shows up at their onemans from time to time. His nickname "Devu" comes from "fat" in Japanese because he's a large dude and makes no secret about how he loves to eat. He wore one of Gallo's smaller t-shirts that let half of his stomach hang out. He played throughout the song and had a solo during the guitar solo portion.
After that are a few songs of note that they don't play often:  Masuiro(11), Ahen(12), and Ura Tokyo Cinderella (13). Ahen I think I've only heard once or twice before and the furitsuke surprised me because we made hearts and did tesensu.  This is normal for most vk bands but it caught me off guard because Gallo NEVER has stuff like this. 
The next section of note was the acoustic.  What made this different from other acoustics I've seen from them was that all members participated.  Both Wajow and Nov played acoustic guitars, Andy played bass (not acoustic but oh well), and Kaede played a cajon.  They played Zankou(14), Sagishi(15), and Hoshikuzu(16) (they only play about once or twice a year!).  There's always something about acoustics that make the songs feel more intimate, even when the performers are spread out on a large stage.  I was moved to tears by this feeling and the raw emotion of Hoshikuzu.
After the acoustic, the members left the stage and some heavy industrial music came on. The Mira brought Mao back onstage with him and they put on an intermission "magic show" which included him tying her up, cutting her, shooting her, using a drill on her, and putting her in stockades and sticking swords through her arms and neck (all using theatrical effects though, not to worry).  At the end they carried Mao off of the stage as if Mira had finally done her in.  I really enjoyed seeing their act incorporated into Gallo's show.  I thought it was a great extension of their current themes.
When the band came back on the first song they played was Boutique(17)!  One of my favorites if you couldn't tell... In almost a year I've only heard Boutique once before.
By the time Yamiuta rolled around it was evident exhaustion was creeping in (particularly for Jojo) but they pushed through into the encore. During the gyakudai for Yamikaze(32) Devil came out as well and they brought out fire extinguishers and sprayed them into the crowd (and of course Jojo pretended like it was his dick-- thanks Jo).  At times the clouds were so thick I couldn't see anything.  Lastly we killed the mosh for Kinku(33)~  
Misc. things:
At one point Jojo went over to kamite to chill with Nov, but Nov didn't realize he was there so swung his hand up and smacked Jojo right in the face (I died laughing)
Jojo: "Did everyone pee this time?  If you didn't it's ok go ahead I won't look~" (in Osaka Wajow ran offstage to blow his nose but Jojo said maybe he had to pee)
When we called their names as they came back onstage at one point Jojo told us to yell like animals at a zoo and then said "You're the cutest zoo ever" and I barfed a little in my mouth
He's been doing this recently, but it's worth mentioning: before he left the stage Kaede had us all take hands and jump at the same time 
Jojo said this was the most fun show of his life.  I wonder if it's true or not, but he was in the best mood I've seen him in in a while.  I know I certainly had an amazing time.  For this tour they did the longest sets they've ever done.  In total this whole live was 33 songs and about 3 hours long.  I'm not really sure why they chose to do such long sets, but I think it was to challenge themselves to do something they've never done before.  On top of that playing at Reny was a dream for them.  Hopefully for my sake they don't try to play longer than that XD I don't think my body could take it.  In any case I'm looking forward to more fun times with the black roosters.  I hope they keep pushing themselves through more boundaries and accomplish even more dreams.
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