#i drew myself from reference and not from reference whee
daftpatience · 3 months
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practice (im a he/they ty ily)
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 1 “Holding Reward At Gunpoint” Jonathan (Part 2)
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I think our flag is going to win. If we lose, I'm going to fucking shoot somebody, but probably Alex. Who're we kidding? :P
Update: Tommy doesn't like cursing and also will not stop talking to me. Does he remember I'm not on his tribe? Also, Kendall asked me for an India alliance, but I think she forgot that I didn't play India with her... A different Johnny did. I played Soloman Islands, so I was like da fuq. She wants to work close with Alex, and I wouldn't mind working with him either. My only concern is that I get the feeling that Kendall and Alex are kinda like the villains on the heroes tribe, and the good thing about heroes is that I find them to be very naive on many fronts. People like Ashton, Pippa, Isaac; they seem very naive about a few things, and they haven't done super well in games in the past, whereas Alex and Kendall both have great track records, and they know what they're doing, and if those two are working together, it could be dangerous. So far, no one except Steffen and Trace have fully caught my eye as someone who I felt I NEEDED to work with, so that's good. I don't want Steffen and Trace to connect to each other because then they might target the other, or they might grow an even closer bond, and I can't have that. I am the Villain on the heroes tribe. No one is going to be able to stop me in my path of destruction, and once I get a good enough reason to send someone home first, that's probably going to be who it's going to be, because that's normally how I play these games and how things work out for me. I'm spreading myself across for the time being, but I want to go to tribal council and I want to get this game going, so let's get it on. Bring on the immunity results because if we go, I think I've got a few plans in mind to give me more control on this tribe.
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Steffen is being dodge and i don't like it. Also, I called Trace hetero and he's muy NOT lmao
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Whee I'm already neglecting my confessional!  Sorry for being literal garbage. So, where are we.  Ah, yes, the game is afoot. For reference, the game began on Wednesday, and, y'know, we were in that period where everybody is making small talk, getting to know each other, as you do, y'know.  I think partly that was exascerbated by the fact that to our surprise, the first challenge was a reward challenge so we had time to fuck about. But then Friday, the game began! Kage came to me and said he and Tommy had been talking about an alliance of them, Ashley, and Linus (notice the Myanmar connection, this has not gone unremarked).  Kage didn't want to push for me because we're tryna keep our thing lowkey because it's not a main season so it's harder to find. So instead I go to Linus, ahead of this getting out, and make a deal with him!  Then, when the alliance comes up, he's like “hey we should totes add Alex” and I'm in.  Brilliant plan, flawless, I'm sure he saw through it but it went through anyway. So now that five exists, which is fine.  I'm sure I'm not at the top of, like, Tommy's list, but I'm also trying to keep it so that Kage and Tommy look like the people in charge.  Linus and I agreed that in a game this big, the people on top on day 1 are not gonna be leading things at the end of the game, so I can lay low. Now, in addition to that alliance, I have what I like to call my “side pieces,” which are my one-on-one alliances with Richie, Sarah and Crow.  They're not part of my larger plan yet, but I'm trying to make sure that no matter what people aren't voting against me Day 1.  And, honestly?  Being my side piece is the best possible option.  Just look at history!  I had a side alliance with Max in Bhutan, and he won.  I had a side alliance with Richie in Arabia, and he won! Then there's the four inactives, who are not necessarily inactive but who don't talk to me: Brian, Pat, Jonathan and Junior.  These bitches don't start chats with me.  I don't care about them, and honestly as long as the first vote is one of them, I don't care which it is! Should I make more effort with them? Probably.  Am I gonna? Maybe! Honestly I won't be surprised if we go to this first Tribal.  Our flags suck, creativity challenges are bullshit and I have crap luck with them, and yeah.  But I feel like if we do go, it won't be me that leaves.  Hopefully.
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That thing
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Sooooooo we lost. Here's how tonight went down in the span of 25 minutes. Kendall asked me today to work with "India People," and I'm like... da fuq I'm not India but sure, so turns out she's probably got good relationships with Sarah and Ashley on the other tribe, which means when I can break that up I will, but from our tribe it's her and Alex C as a duo. Also as a duo is Drew and Isaac allegedly, because Kendall said that me her Alex, and then Isaac said Drew, should all work together, which makes five of us, and then to make seven, Isaac adds Andrew and Pippa to the fold (big surprise there) to give us the numbers. I am fine with this for now, and maybe one more round after this because Mist is our target this round, and I'm fine with him going, and if I can get my way next round, I can make people scared of Ruthie who has done VERY well in both of her TS performances, and someone who I haven't connected with that well, and don't see myself connecting with too well. So if I can convince Kendall and Isaac that Ruthie is the person we should go after next round, then I'll stick with this majority. My problem after that is that I'm in a group with a bunch of people I don't have SUPER good bonds with. The people I want to work with most in this tribe AS OF RIGHT NOW are Steffen, Trace, Dom and Ashton, who just so happen to be the four people excluded from the alliance of seven, so if this tribe goes down to 11 people and we go to tribal again without a switch, I'm going to hopefully take a stab at Kendall or Alex, whichever people feel most comfortable doing because they are both HUGE threats, but in a game this large, taking out big threats can lead to a downhill spiral because then you might be making yourself more vulnerable as the bigger threat, but if it comes down to Ashton, Trace, Dom or Steffen being targeted, I'm going to have a problem, and I'm most likely going to try to band them together with Andrew and Pippa to break up Isaac/Drew/Kendall/Alex and get one of Kendall or Alex out of the game. My plan could potentially happen a round earlier if they choose that they want to keep Ruthie in the game, but I'm really going to have to work HARD on building that rapport with Andrew and Pippa, so when I need their votes for a move, they'll make it without questioning the decision. It's going to be tough because they're all so close, but I'm not going to let a close ally go down without a fight, and I would easily fight for the four guys that I was talking about, and I hope they're all forming a bond together early on in this game. I'm going to spit a bit of skepticism at Andrew about this group of seven that was formed and see if I can let him think that Pippa, him and I are on the bottom, and the fact of that matter is that we probably are at the bottom, and I'm not trying to be on the bottom for long. This is a game where I need to have an undercover amount of control in my tribe, but I'm afraid that if I take this bit of control, I'm going to be fucking myself over EARLY.
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I am honestly so excited to start this game. I love the feeling of going into a Survivor and I haven't done it for a while! I'm so honored to be considered a Hero :P So right now, I'm just so angry that we lost the challenge because I honestly feel like our flag was beautiful. Like you could tell someone worked REALLY hard on it while the other tribe just superimposed their pictures onto a map of Japan and called it a day. But oh well, we're going to tribal! I've talked to everyone at least once, or at least I've initiated conversation with everyone at least once. I just know that I've been gone all day and haven't talked to anyone and that can definitely come off as a red flag going into the vote. I don't want to seem like the inactive player even though that is currently where I am at right now :( I'm moving in to college so I have an excuse! Right now, whenever I send a message like, "Hey I've been gone all day, what's up?" I get a reply agreeing with the sentiment that they really have not been as active themselves. That's kind of reassuring to me because it gives me hope that I'm not just seen as the most inactive on the tribe! But, we'll see tomorrow when the votes flip!
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according to my calculations, i must make it to day 28 in order to hit day 100 of tumblr survivor,,, it's a little annoying that it could take at least five tries to get to that milestone (!!!) but here we are. i'm gonna be on a road trip so guess who isn't going to be able to show up for tomorrow's challenge? :) me. i hope it's like, jeopardy or something where only two people need to do it because that'll make my life so much easier. right now i'm kinda just trying to coast under the radar and make it to a point where people actually actively try to strategize? my hopes for the heroes tribal council is that literally one of steffen, drew, alex, kendall, ruthie, or isaac go home. honeslee. no offense to ANY of those players (especially ruthie and isaac) but i just don't really want them here... i talk to andrew a lot from that tribe and sometimes johnny (if he's feeling festive enough to respond), but from my tribe rn my consistents are linus, alex, brian, ashley, junior, crow, kage, and sarah. i think i'm doing well with my tribe. i get along with everyone and brian told me that he wants to make the merge, so i really trust him! i honestly don't see why he's on the villains tribe btw. he's super chill. i owe richie A TON for getting this challenge done. its hard to talk to richie because I THOUGHT that he was like, 42 in tumblr survivor years but really he's 23 and that's not much older than me. i kinda don't want to call him richie because that just sounds so much older than it really is... idk. i don't like his name. even though i'm good with him, i still do not trust junior's ass. he's like the tai trang to my michele fitzgerald. sure, he's nice and smart and everyone likes him, but really he's just a bumbling idiot. and i don't like people who are shoving idols down their pants every second and i know junior is capable of finding those damn things... and he never gives them to me! bastard. pat and jonathan are literally non-existent to me rn. i haven't spoken to either of them... oops. i should probably message jonathan. [11:08:39 PM] jaiden: yikes yikes yikes I just realized we haven't talked yet [11:08:58 PM] jaiden: hi in your intro video I thought you reminded me of Justin timberlake social game 101? not hardly. i'm going to spew garbage memes on his dick and hopefully he'll be my friend. 
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btw this survivor ghost island cast leak is so wild... like who names their kid donathan? i guess i shouldn't be talking considering what MY real name is why are there fairies for this confessional background btw
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Soooooo getting added to two alliances really makes it feel like the game is kicking off. We've got the Early 30's McLiance, which is full of people who played in the early 30s of TS, which isn't me, but I'll take a part of that group, it's okay. I can tell they're all really good friends, especially Drew/Isaac/Andrew/Pippa, which is actually okay with me because it will help me take a stab at Alex or Kendall in two rounds after we lose again. I really really want to keep losing so I can take out these people I want to, even though I have good relationships with everyone on the tribe. Then I got added to Cracking Open a Cold One with Trace and Dom because they're the homies (like me). I like them a lot, and I'm trying to convince them to bring Ashton and Steffen in with us, so we can really grab in a strong group of five, and then I'm going to make sure that I get in a tight thing with Pippa and Andrew, because I really want to make moves with them either next round or the round after to take out Ruthie/Kendall/Alex the best I can because they're all VERY dangerous. Mist, on the other hand, doesn't know he's on the wrong end of the vote, and wants to target Isaac, who is someone I really want to keep close, so I ran to Drew and told him that Mist was saying Drew, so now Drew and I are going to go to a mini project to get Isaac's name out of there. Again, I just don't want Isaac to find out I agreed to vote for him, but I had to let Mist think that he was on the right side of the numbers, so he doesn't play a potential idol, but tbh, I'm sure no one has the idol yet, so I think I'm okay on that front. My goal for now is the gather together the people I want, and be prepared to make moves for next round. I think I'm starting to grow into a VERY good position on this tribe and I'm starting to feel like I'm playing survivor now, but unfortunately, it's bye bye time for Mist... :(
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On 8/28/17, at 12:37 PM, Johnny (Kuang Si Host) wrote: > yea same. It’s a big group and tough to remember everyone me when I have detailed notes on every single person in this tribe LMAO People legitimately don't see that I'm running the tribe because I'm taking such a back seat in group chats, but everyone wants me involved because they "trust" my vote... like LUL IDIOTS
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Hi I'm making a quick confessional; I definitely made a video one in the beginning but I forgot to upload it and I'm leaving soon to audition for American Idol (wish me luck bitches). Anyways, we've got the Early 30s McLiance which I adore and I hope they're truthful. Otherwise I feel like I could get screwed over for losing the challenge. Fingers crossed though!
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As far as I know Mist is going tonight but I'm so nervous! I'm waiting until like the last possible minute to vote because I'm scared people will go crazy and people will change their mind and I don't want my vote locked in! I feel bad, Mist is nice but we need a stronger tribe and I think we'll have one without him, he got a strike during the first challenge. I'm honestly just ready to show these villains who's boss, they are going to get a big head if they keep winning things. 
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Here I am for my 4th Season of Tumblr Survivor, Heroes vs. Villians 3 and so far I'm loving it. There are so many new faces I get to meet and new people to interact with. Although it's scary that the cast is 26 people like the chances of leaving really early is actually pretty high which is super scary because I wanna make it real far and win again. As for right now the villains tribe is alright, 13 people is a little too large for my liking, I prefer the tribes to be a little smaller but I really don't mind. Initial thoughts on people on Villains Tribe Alex - Seems very unpredictable and dangerous, like I get a vibe from him that he doesn't like me or trust me but it is what it is I suppose, I wouldn't mind if he left early. Ashley - I really like Ashley despite our past history in Myanmar I think she's pretty cool I really hope she doesn't hold any grudges, because I don't hold anything against her I hope she would do the same for me. Brian - I feel like I wouldn't mind working with him because he seems like a nice guy but his boyfriend literally hated my guts in cutthroat island  so I don't know if he'll also feel the same way towards me. Crow - What a lovely bird. Jaiden - Honestly he seems like a good guy, I don't know how trustful I can be of him though cause he can be a little crazy. Jonathan - I played with his best friend Dustin in Cutthroat and Dustin didn't like me either so I hope he doesn't judge a bias against me from his best friend. Junior - Unreliable. I don't trust him at all, he seems to be a crafty player but I might be able to be on his good side for a a few rounds. Kage - I like him he seems cool but I feel like he might be a little crazy. I like crazy. Linus - What a memeo. Patrick - Despite him being inactive I might like Pat the most out of everyone on our tribe. LOL. He seems like a real cool dude, what a nice name too. Richie - I really wanted to work with the other winner but he's being so difficult to make small talk with and I don't know what to do about that. Sarah - We have a mutual good friend in Andreas from Mali aka my first season, I think she's pretty cool. I wanna get to know her better. Honorary Heroes Steffen - I'm trying really hard to smooth things out with him, I wouldn't mind working with him if I feel he's really open to the idea, he's a nice dude. Johnny - WHAT A DUDE! Ashton - He's another memeo. So that's my first confessional for the season and hopefully there are many more to come! :D 
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So, I think I'm pretty safe this tribal; I've made an effort to talk to everyone and really put myself out there. But everyone is too afraid to say a name and it's 2 hours to deadline!! I kind of floated Isaac's name to Johnny so I hope that just gets around and that's the move for tonight! I don't think I'm being voted out just because people are still responding to me and not ignoring me! That's a good sign, right??
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whew heroes vs villains whatsup im here to win ready to lose lets do this!!! im excited to see alex and ruthie back they were my two closest allies in Arabia and i love them so much but i also did blindside backstab and vote them out despite the fact they were my two closest allies which is probably why im on the villains tribe huh...... anyway theres so many people night 1 i was so overwhelmed and its one world with 26 ppl??? its enough.... i havent had too many conversations with anyone on this tribe ive said my hellos and surface level fluff with like 80% of them but idk im nervous to come in with a strong social game???? idk if its a dumb move to try and come off like a flop at the beginning because im one of 2 winners in this cast but like idk if that holds any weight that could just be my delusions of grandeur probably but im trying to keep a low profile but still not be forgotten or an easy out i hope i'm on the right side of that very narrow line??? i did the flag and we won so i hope that scored me points with the tribe although sarah and i think it was kage did designs and we didnt use them so i worry about coming off as like a ballhog stealing the limelight kinda thing??? idk i need more time with this tribe before i can give any real impressions but as of now theres no tea because i suck and its 71% strategy 29% im just bad at this game and overwhelmed!!!  
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