#i drew a ladyy
ruelin024 · 2 months
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(❤´艸`❤)✨ For @littleyukki5033 YUKKI 😆
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theonlyle · 26 days
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So I drew mahiru from Danganronpa for no reason cus I think she's cool ig
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softboydrew · 3 years
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and then they knew that you could be homesick for people too.
She watched the screen intently with butterflies erupting in her stomach, waiting for him to answer the call. It’s almost been four month since he’s been gone, the longest he has ever been away on a work trip.
“Goddess Devine!” She finally hears through the speakers following with his face popping into the screen with a huge smile plastered across his face.
“I was getting worried that you might’ve fallen asleep” she sighs in relief.
Y/n clutches to her wine glass peering at Drew, he looks tired especially since it’s around two in the morning where he is, but it’s the only time y/n can call him since she only gets home and has enough time to change before calling him.
They don’t like to call this a “long distance” relationship because he’s only gone when on location, when she's not in University, or working she usually tags along, but it sure does feel like it when days turn into weeks, and then a few months.
Sure, she always makes time to go visit him whenever she can, especially in the summer time but she also has a career to prioritize. Drew always tells her that getting away will benefit her creativity and mental health because he knows how, incredibly stressed she gets when finishing off the workload from the previous semester.
Anyway, he is her everything so all she really needs is to see his handsome face and hear his beautiful voice, that makes her weak in the knees and she’s all set.
Of course Drew already knows this but he can’t help but be selfish when it comes to y/n.
“You know I’d never do that to you” Drew says softly as he watches her take a sip of her wine.
“I know”
She frowns at him, noticing the bags under his eyes and he sticks his tongue out at her in hopes to cheer her up. “Sleep who? I only want you” he teases.
“Oh, shut up”’she rolls her eyes at his cheekiness.
Y/n cracks a smile at him as he places his hands behind his head and gives himself bunny ears, causing her to laugh a true laugh that brings music to his ears.
“Only two more weeks, baby and I get to come home!” He says excitedly. “Then I get to kiss you all over and keep you locked in the bedroom for days” he says darkly while wiggling his brows.
Y/n's eyes gloss over as she looks at him through the screen, all she’s wanted to do since the day he had left was exactly that and she didn’t know if she could handle two more weeks without her beau.
But, she doesn’t want him to see the pain, or blame himself for the way she’s feeling so she pushes her thoughts aside, biting her lip in anticipation while dropping her head in her hands and awing at him with her eyes.
“Promise?” She nearly whimpers making Drew laugh, throwing his head back to the process.
“Always!” He muses.
“Two weeks can’t go by fast enough, I can’t wait until you’re here… in our bed and in my arms” she hums.
Drew nods, his motions lagging as the connection faulted a for a second or two. Y/n chuckles at the way his face is frozen in the screen, his face all distorted from being paused in the middle of nodding his head, she can’t help but take a screenshot of it.
Y/n loves posting screenshots of their FaceTime chats, mostly the ones where Drew is making a funny face, she gets a kick out of it and so do her followers. Drew always grins about it, but y/n knows that he secretly loves them, she can always picture him laughing hysterically at himself which causes her to smile.
“Mmm you have no idea” Drew says after appearing live on the screen with a yawn.
Y/n scrunches her nose at him and leans back into her chair, tilting her head back as she chugs the rest of her wine speeding up the process of a tingling head.
Drew hoots at her playfully, bringing his hand up into a fist and pumping it over his head causing y/n to snort out and laughs long with him, both of their eyes filled with tears as they bend over laughing at one another.
"My girl's goin’ to bed drunk tonight” he says loudly like he’s talking to an audience which causes y/n to scoff and wipe her lips.
“At least I know I’ll sleep like-”
“A fucking brick!” Drew laughs causing y/n to shake her head at him, “when you're wine drunk you’re on a whole other level” he laughs causing y/n to hide her face into her hands giggling, already feeling the buzz of the bubbly.
“You never seem to complain when you experience it first hand” she snaps making him suck in and smirk at her.
“Handsy ladyy” he sing songs.
“Loser” she says, sticking her tongue out at him, watching as he clutches his chest and sticks out his tongue in response.
Like clockwork, the pair have their synchronized yawn motioning that it’s time for sleep, Drew groans and looks at his clock and y/n knows it’s time, it’s around three for him by the time they come close to the end of their conversation.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah” Y/n nods.
She smiles at her boyfriend, watching as he leans closer to his laptop and blows her a kiss through the screen.
Y/n's cheeks glow red as she reaches out and pretends to place it on her heart before doing the same, watching Drew pretend to stuff her kiss into his briefs causing her to snort out.
“Love you” he whispers causing y/n’s head to spin even more than it already was.
She knew she’d never get tired of hearing it come from him, and she’d never lose those butterflies that followed.
“I love you too” she whispers back, “until tomorrow”
“Until tomorrow.”
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brianandthemays · 5 years
21 Questions Tag (AGAIN MAYBE IDK)
tagged by @a-night-at-the-0pera​ (as I slowly try and become her friend)
nicknames: not rlly, tbh. Most of them are plays off my first and last night which I don’t rlly wanna put on a public setting. When I was in 6th grade, my friends called me Simon cause I was the smart one in our friend group. There was also a Alvin and a Theodore ;-)
zodiac sign: T had like 3 different Zodica signs... all I know is that I’m an Aries. I’m like a hidden Aries tho according to my friends. It comes out at times but they say I’m usually like an Aquarius??? Idk anything about zodiac signs tho
height: 5′6/5′7 and I’m the shortest in my family. my brother is 6′5 and isn’t done growing
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw! HELL YEAh
last thing i googled: Nancy Drew games. Idk if anyone else knows about these games but basically you’re nancy and you have to solve these mysteries, THe graphics are shit but the games are rlly fun like roleplay games kinda but not rlly.
fave musicians: ummmmm.... Im low key embarassed. I rlly like Queen (obvi), Elton John, Fleetwood Mac (more specfically Stevie), some Springsteen, Fall Out Boy, Panic!, Twenty One Pilots, Grace Vanderwaal, MisterWIves (EVERYONE SHOULD LISTEN TO MISTERWIVES THEY’RE SO GOOD), Taylor Swift, 
song stuck in your head: like 15 at once, Dancing In the Moonlight cause I just watched that one episode of Umbrella Academy (Haven’t finished so no spoilers pls), also I’m Still Standing by Elton, 
following: 121??? Idk, I need to follow more people
followers: 902 (WTF)
do you get asks: ummm, sometimes, I get more now than i used to but I still wish I got more (YALL CAN ASK ME ABOUT ANYTHING AND EVERTHING!! PLS! ANY OF M Y FICS, OR IF YOU JUST WANNA TALK< PLS SEND ME ASKS)
amount of sleep: 6-8 usually sometimes 10-11 if I’m rlly tired. BUt I also take SOOOO MANY Naps. I’m like the depressed where you just sleep all the time.
lucky number: 7. 7 was my grandpapi’s lucky number and he survived the Bay of Pigs, the rest of the Cuban Revolution, Escaped to america where he went to school while still learning english, then started a billion dollar business... I’d say he was a pretty lucky dude.
What are you wearing:  An over size shirt that says “I only kiss avengers” with Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and the HUlk on it...
dream job: I rlllly wanna act and direct. I’m going to the 3rd best school in the nation for film and tv soooo hoping for the best. 
dream trip: I want to go back to Italy, but I’d also like to go to Australia and more specifically, New Zealand.
instruments: I can sight read and I took like 7 years of Piano. BUt I stopped right before High School and I’m not super great anymore. But I can pluck out notes. I also sing? That counts right? Pretty well... I think. I was in like every musical and in a varsity choir in high school. (humble brag)
languages: English... I took 3 years of French and don’t remember any of it. 
favorite songs: I have waaaaaaaaaay too many. Currently Delicate by Taylor Swift, Brighton Rock by Queen, Roaring 20′s by Panic!, Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
random fact: I met Zendaya when I was like 13. I got to go on the set of Shake It Up and watch them film and episode. i got to meet Zendaya and Bella Thorne, and that hispanic guy who was on the show. But Zendaya was def the high light.
aesthetic: Driving through downtown houston, long warm baths, a crackling fire, the color of the trees after it rains, the color red the leaves turn in the fall, the feeling you get right before the movie starts play, watching ths sunset with someone you love. Warmnesss in general I think
I TAG @leah-halliwell92 @sweet-ladyy and @zodiacal-dust-and-curls if you want, won’t be mad if you don’t 
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