#i dozed a bit on and off from like 4am to 5am but i kept waking up bc my brain would be like THE SCARY!!!!!
allthatdivides · 1 year
5:30am be fucking for real. i hate scary movie
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No Adulting Allowed_Part 1
For once it’s not a Killmonger fanfic!! W00t!!
I love him too, but we need more T’Challa and M’Baku stories, if you ask me. To that end, this is a multi-chapter T’ChallaX WifeReader fanfic! 
You can find the rest of the parts on my Black Panther Masterlist. 
Tagged: @chaneajoyyy
Part 1
“My love, I must ask…....is this really necessary?”
You gave an exaggerated sigh as you and T’Challa walked leisurely down the long hallway that early afternoon with two Dora trailing behind you. Both of you had just finished breakfast a little while ago.
It was T’Challa rare day off yet despite that he still woke up at his customary 5am in the morning. That wouldn't have been a problem but since it was your day off as well, he ended up waking you in the process. You had to remind him that it was his day off and he was to be in bed until at least 9am, preferably sleeping as you had planned to do.
Needless to say, while you went back to sleep, T’Challa laid awake. This might not have been a problem except for the fact that you swore that his thinking was loud enough to keep end up waking you back up. To combat this, you suggested that he read a book if he was going to be up, tossing him your book from your nightstand. Not wanting to disturb you, he apt to just lay there and try to doze and rest.
However then, he quickly became fidgety, used to being up and running at this time. So, in your desperation, you gave him your mp3 player and played something that was in the realm of a soothing lullaby (on repeat..). 
This worked as T’Challa may have gotten one or two naps between 5 and 9 actually stretching it so that he didn’t even wake back up until 10:30 when you were already up. 
Once T’Challa was up the two of you had breakfast. The poor King thought that he would have his usual day off so it surprised him when after breakfast he found himself walking down the hallway with your arm wrapped around his. He wasn’t quite sure where you were going although he knew that the royal garden was close by.
You didn’t answer him until you both arrived at the front of a door. He glanced at the closed door before looking at you, who released his arm and folded your own.
Looking up at him you asked, “Must you ask, again, my love? I didn’t not explain it adequately the first time?”
T’Challa rolled his eyes, “I understand that’s it’s my day off. What I don’t understand is why I cannot sit quietly in our room?”
That is what he usually did on his day off. Sitting quietly in the sitting room, attached to your bedroom. He didn’t do much but sit. Sometimes he tried to read and other times he tried to watch TV.
“T’Challa, I don’t know how much clearer this can be. You don’t sit quietly on your day off.”
T’Challa made a sound to refute you but you continued hurriedly, “Your brain still gets left in the throne room and you spend part of the day contemplating your duty. And once you’ve began to think about that then you spend the rest of the day talking about it. How is that sitting quietly? It’s very clear after several days off that you don’t unplug from work. You bring it home with you which I can understand but not on your day off. That defeats the purpose of a day off.”
T’Challa sighed. He didn't want to admit that you weren’t wrong, “Y/N, I can’t turn off completely. I’ve tried but it doesn’t work. I do worry about some things and I can’t help but to think about them.”
Your gentle touch on his arm made him look at you, “I know that…..” you murmured softly, “....Which is why I want to help you. What good is it to be physically off but not mentally? That still is not winding down as you need to. I just want to try this and see if it helps you. That’s all.”
T’Challa reluctantly nodded. At this point, he probably needed the help. He didn't want to admit that it got on his own nerves at time that he couldn’t seem to unplug. After awhile, he got used to it and accepted that it came with being a King.
“Good.” He could feel your fingers slowly inch down his arm, “Now, trust your lovely wife and give me this….” you reached down and tugged off his kimoyo beads in one fluid motion, so quick that he didn’t have time to react.
“Hold on!” T’Challa protested his eyes never leaving them as you handed them to a Dora.
“You are disconnected for the day.” you said batting his hand away that automatically reached out for the beads.
T’Challa looked back at you and crossed his arms, “We don’t have to be that disconnected”, he gripped.
“Look if anything pops off, these lovely ladies will alert us, isn’t that right?” you asked looking at the two of them.
“Of course, my Queen.” one Dora replied.
“We will be extra vigilant today, my King. Do not trouble yourself.” the other added.  
T’Challa looked between the two of them before looking back at you, “Don’t you think this is a bit much?”
“My King, what call are you expecting?” you asked, “Your mother thanked me for this idea and left you in my care. Shuri begged me to take you and Okoye didn’t say in so many words but she approved as well. The council knows you are gone for the day and wouldn’t contact you anyway. And anything short of a war happening in the next 30 seconds where everyone would know about anyway thus I shall repeat, what call are you expecting? And I’m here so I don’t need to use them to contact you from across the room.”
You lifted both wrists to punctuated the fact that you weren’t wearing yours either.
T’Challa cocked his head once and looked at you with a raised eyebrow, “It seems that you’ve planned all this to the nth degree.”
“Naturally, do you expect anything less?”
T’Challa still looked troubled though.
“My King….” a Dora spoke making T’Challa look at her, “.....on behalf of your kingdom, I implore you to get some rest today.”
The other Dora nodded, “Yes, please get some rest.” she paused and glanced at her partner before looking T’Challa in the eyes, “Okoye has told us to tell you that if you don’t…...you will have to deal with her.”
You snickered.
You knew exactly what Okoye would do. She would get T’Challa up early on his day off, earlier than normal. She would have him up at 4am and they would spar. She would wear him down so much that by noon at the latest he’d be out like a light for the rest of the day and night. Actually, Okoye already expressed to you that she would put her idea in action next should this fail. You hoped it wouldn’t come to that. But if you husband needed to be knocked out to get some rest, you weren’t above giving the order.
Apparently, T’Challa must have been able to read between the lines because he held up his hands in surrender, “No, no. I’m sure whatever my wife has planned will be sufficient.”
He had the highest respect for the general and he knew that if Okoye handled it he would be missing 24 hours of his life. That was not the kind of day off he would want.
You locked your hands behind your back and batted your eyelashes up at him, “Then you will listen to the words of your sweet wife?”
T’Challa mouth twitched as he replied gravely, “I will listen.”
You clapped your hands once and chirped, “Good! Close your eyes!”
T’Challa sighed once before obeying. He felt you take his hand and heard the door open. At your insistence, he kept them close allowing you to guide him. He turned his head a little when he heard the door shut behind him.
You glance around the room once as you grinned. You let go of his hand and cried, “Okay...open!!”
T’Challa obeyed and looked around.  He blinked. What he saw was a chaotic mess in his opinion. He realized now what room they were in as it was facing a section of the royal garden and had a larger window and door that you could go out of.  
However that sight wasn’t what he was trying to figure out. The large room was overrun by….paper and other things he was trying to make sense of. There were a bunch of big tables in a semi-circle with art supplies littering each one.
“This is not your studio. Did you move?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the tables.
“No, I didn’t move but I created art stations for you to try. We have paper and glue and scissors. You have markers and paint. You name it and it’s probably in here.”
“I see.” Sweeping his eyes around, he saw in a corner of the room were easels with blank canvases ready to go. He spotted clay set up and a table with beads which he assumed was to make jewelry. He still wasn’t sure why there was a table full of yarn.
You were an artist, he knew but he had no idea what was going on. Once he took it in the room, he finally turned and looked at you, his eyes full of questions, hands lock behind his back.
“Today, you and me…” you first pointed to yourself and then to him, “....are going to make stuff. I have literally everything you could need or want in this room.” you finished with a sweeping gesture of the room.
He could see your eyes light up and the excitement in them.  T’Challa was truly lost and but he didn’t want to hurt you feelings so he said as gently as he could, “My love, I am not an artist.”
You shrugged, “It’s not about being an artist. I don’t care if you paint or draw stick figures. Art is proven to help the brain wind down, take you away. I know that we won’t use everything in here but I didn’t know what you would like. So if you start something and you don’t like it move onto the next station. I am positive that somewhere in here is something that will help you relax.”
You struck a pose, pointing at the room, freezing in place for a moment. T’Challa gave a small laugh at your antics, although he was still dubious as his gaze sweep the room again, “You make it sound so simple.”
He felt you wrap your arms around his waist and he raised his arm to rest on your shoulders as you pleaded softly, “I just want you try. Please? If not for me, then for your kingdom. You’ve been stressed to the gills and even when we just sit around on your day off you are still back there. I just wanted to see if it helps you. If not, we will think of something else.”
T’Challa wraps his other arm around you and give you a brief hug before reaching under your chin and tilting it, “Forgive me for making you worry.” he murmured, “I will try for you. You will have to teach me though. I don’t know what to do...” He looked around the room. It seemed overwhelming to him.  
You smiled up at him before reaching up placing one hand on his cheek to turn his face for you to kiss briefly, “I’m not trying to make an artist out of you. That is not the point. For now...walk around see what catches your fancy…….it’s about play. Just do what you want to do or what you think you should. There is not right or wrong way.”
T’Challa kissed you back before straightening. He looked around, “Eh...where do I start?”
You gave a gentle smile before turning him to the side of the room, “Just start there and work your way around the room.”  You said pointing around in a circle.
T’Challa nodded and watched you sketch a soldier salute before bouncing off.  Finally he returned to staring at a mound of clay.  He stared for so long that it took him a moment before he realized that soft music was playing and looked up. Apparently you had turned some rather pleasant music, similar to the one you had him listen to earlier that morning before going to your workstation in the middle of the room facing the garden, your back to him.
T’Challa chuckled as he shook his head rather absently before focusing back on the mound of clay. He stepped towards it and cocked his head. After a moment, he gingerly reached out and poked it as if expecting the clay to fall over. He loved pottery and the works that people did having brought several pieces himself but he never had a desire to learn to do it himself.  
But thinking of you he did break off a piece of clay and formed it onto a ball in his hand. He played with it a moment or two but found he wasn’t really interested. So he placed it on the table and wiped his hands on the towel before moving on.
He was on his way to the next table when he realized that there were unopened cans of paint on the floor as well as plastic tarp. He kneeled down and looked at the paint. There were three cans of paint, a red, blue and yellow.
Standing up he stared down at the wall paint on the floor before looking up at the wall. He didn’t seriously think that you’d want him to paint on the wall did you?
T’Challa turned around needing clarification, “My love?” he called.
You looked up, swirling in your chair to face him, “You rang?”
T’Challa’s mouth twitched but he wasn’t going to get distracted. He wordlessly pointed at the wall and then the paint before going back to the wall, with an raise eyebrow.
You shrugged, “If throwing paint at a wall, helps you, then go for it. Queen Mother approves!”
T’Challa crinkled his nose, “That seems wasteful, no matter how I look at it.”
“Then move on….” you said swerving in your chair to face your work again.
The next table had a purple camera on it. With a chuckle he picked it up. It was obvious that it was old tech. 
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Cute and functional but old. 
He knew that you used it sometimes and remembered how you operated it. Once he got it straight he looked around for something to photograph.
Naturally his eyes fell on you. 
You were coloring, your lips poked out in concentration, as you swayed lightly to the music, head bobbing at random times. Though occasionally you would pause to do a little dance or jiggle to the music that was playing.
With a smirk he raised the camera and took a photo. It came out the end and he pulled it out and looked at it. You were so adorable. He glanced at you. You didn’t even notice that he had taken a photo. He moved around a little to get a better angle before snapping again. It wasn’t until he was a little closer that you finally noticed and looked up.  
“T’Challa...what are you doing?” you asked with a raise eyebrow.
He laughed, “Can’t you tell? I’m taking photos….”
You gave him a stank face and before you could reply, T’Challa raised the camera snapped a shot of you. You shrieked and waved your arms, “Hey, I didn’t say for you to take photos of me. I’m not even properly dressed for this!”
Both of you were wearing matching comfortable clothes. 
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 T’Challa shrugged, “So what? You are beautiful when you are in your natural habitat.” He gestured to the room.
He had seen similar set-up in your studio, though it didn’t have as much going on as this room did today. But he had frequently walked in to see that you were concentrating on doing something. In fact, he found it blissful to be in your studio watching you work. Most of the time he would bring some work that didn't require him to be on site in his own office. Rare times did he find himself reading a book for pleasure while you worked. The two of you had spent much time that way and he treasured those moments.
He continued with a wolfish grin, “Besides, what else in this room is there that is worth being immortalized on film?”
It took you a moment but when you did you began to sputter and flounder. T’Challa chuckled and took a photo of that as well, pulling it out and glancing at it. He found you were good for candid moments. You always had the best facial expressions.
You whined your husband’s name and folded your arms with a pout. T’Challa lifted the camera and took a photo of that as well. His eyes never moved from yours as he pulled out the photo and pocketed it with the rest. You watched, nothing moving but your eyes tracking his move as he walked over to you.
He placed the camera on the table as one hand came to rest back of your chair. His grinned as he leaned forward making you lean back, side-eyeing him.
“You are suppose to be helping me unwind mentally…….if I find you a worthy subject…..will you deny me? Surely you as a Queen you have a duty to fulfill, eh?”
You twitched. Did he serious resort to word games? You gazed at him a long moment before you finally gave a cheery response, “We aren’t royalty today, remember? King and Queen are on vacation and cannot be found, so sorry. Hang up and try again.”
In a flash, the hand from the back of your chair had come up to cup the back of your head. His lips came to hover over yours as he angled your head and you felt his hot breath, “And your husband? Would you deny your husband?”
Slowly he reached closed the space and right when he was about to kiss you, his lips smushed together making him blink as he realized that it was your palm.
He saw your laughing eyes as he pulled away smacking his lips together in annoyance.
“We ain’t gonna do that today.” you laughed.
T’Challa straightened, his shoulders sagging as he pouted, “What I can’t get a kiss today?”
“Don’t be melodramatic. I kissed you a bunch of times today but I know you. That was just a prelude.”
A slow grin formed on T’Challa’s face as he wagged his eyebrows, “Well, what if the epilogue is what I need to unwind?”
“You still trying to play?” You raised an eyebrow, “So your idea to unwind mentally is the tire yourself out physically? We could have just skipped to sparring sessions with Okoye if that was the case!”
T’Challa shook his head furiously, “No-no. Besides, it’s not the tiring out physically…..” Here he reached out and cupped your chin tilting it, “More...connecting…..I would say and it happens to be physically…..”
Your breath hitched as his voice dipped deeper and deeper with each word, “.....emotionally, psychology, spiritually…..” His thumb came up to swipe across your lips.
You were in a bit of a daze and T’Challa thought to seize this opportunity, going to lean down but you quickly swerved away from him and slid out the chair before turning it to point at him, your hands gripping the back of it.
You shook your head back and forth furiously, crouching a bit so that the chair would attempt to hide you, “I will not be apart of this conspiracy!!” you cried, “No. No and no. We will not have it. I’m more concerned about your brain right now not your libido. 
T’Challa shrugged as he picked up the camera, “Alright, fine. If that is what you wish.”
You hissed at him and he took a photo of that with a grin before walking off.
“Ya!” you snapped making him chuckle as he pulled out the photo.
“So cute, my love!” he waved the photo around, “My wife has a myriad of expressions. How can I not want to capture them? And I would love to capture other things as well if you wish to be my subject.”
You pouted as you settled in your chair, “Boy, are you still trying to play!”
“Rain check then?” T’Challa pressed.
He quite liked the idea he was developing in his head. Involving this camera and your bedroom. And that dress that was only for his eyes only….
You sighed resigned, “If I say yes, will you go away?”
T’Challa nodded like a little boy.  
“Yes, now…...go away...” You turned back to your work as it punctuated your words, effectively ending the conversation.    
T’Challa grinned, “I will hold you to that then.”
Camera in hand, T’Challa moved to the next table in line, which for the most part had piles of magazines. He saw a book and opened it realizing it was a blank sketchbook. Scissors and glue was also a part of this display. He also noticed that there was tape and paper with designs on them as well nice sizeable pieces of cardstock paper.  
“I’m not sure what is requires of this set-up….” he spoke out-loud.
You looked up at the table he was at this time, “Oh, scrapbooking, collaging. You take photos and pictures and arrange them in a book or a piece of paper. That’s the bare basics of it really. You can be as simple or complex as you like.”
“Hm.” T’Challa grunted to himself before pulling a magazine and opening it.
After a few minutes of silence you looked up to check on your husband to find that he has sat himself at the collage table and currently was playing with collaging. You noticed he was also playing with the photos that he had taken of you. You smiled happy to see such a sight before returning to your copic markers.
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