#i doubt any of this would bug someone outside the legal field!
patheticlittleguy · 3 years
Masterlist. This is the third of a series.
Content warnings: hospital settings, not much else. (This chapter is pretty short and mostly recovery and setup.)
“Good morning, Leo,” Miss Sarah says. Her pale blue shirt and white pants blend right in with the hospital’s color palette. Her wings, which are shaped like a swan’s and thrice as big, look almost fake. If Leo hadn’t seen them in action before, he’d think they really are fake.
He waves awkwardly, and writes, “Good morning.” It’s only been a few hours since he was taken off of the breathing tube, and his throat is still sore.
“I’m sorry the mission went so… roughly,” Miss Sarah says with a tight-lipped smile.
“I knew what I was signing up for,” Leo writes.
Miss Sarah nods, and says, “Well, what intel did you get?”
Leo, feeling very clever, flips back a page on the legal pad he’s been writing on. He’d thought ahead, and wrote everything down an hour or so ago. Miss Sarah reads through it with an unreadable expression, and then tears out the page. Leo can’t tell if he’s done something wrong, but his stomach is all twitchy just in case.
Miss Sarah suddenly tears the page out, folding it neatly and tucking it away. “We will make good use of this.”
Leo nods. He gestures for the pad with what limited mobility he has, and when it and the pen are in his reach, he writes, “I don’t think I’m going to be of much use anymore.”
“Not in the field, no. But, if you’re willing, there are other options. Our top scientists have been working on a new power suppressant formula. They’re doing their,” she falters, “third or fourth human trial, I think, soon.”
Leo writes, “Being a lab rat doesn’t sound too bad.”
Miss Sarah nods, and says, “It’s valuable work. Once you’re well, I’ll have all the paperwork sorted out and you’ll be transferred to the appropriate room.”
Leo thanks her, and they make their concise goodbyes. Miss Sarah’s wings go unexpectedly intangible as she turns, and one clips through the door frame like a poorly rendered video game. The room is once again empty, and Leo doesn’t quite know what to do with himself.
Outside, Leo can see a few buildings, and lots of cars on the road. He thinks of a poem he read once, in school, about how cars must look to aliens. In it, the aliens had thought the cars themselves were alive, and, watching the roads from afar, Leo totally gets it.
A nurse materializes at his bedside, and if he wasn’t, as his dad would’ve said, high as fuck, he would have been startled. (His dad was a very blunt man.)
“Hullo,” the nurse says, doing a routine check on one of his machines. She chatters away, partially narrating what she’s doing and partly just rambling. The ambient sound is relaxing, and Leo finds himself drifting.
He suddenly feels himself melting away. Everything is fuzzy and confusing. The hospital room disappears, like someone’s turned all the lights off.
There is another hospital room that looks much the same, or the same hospital room but very different. Leo is on the floor, his sweaty palms leaving prints on the cold tile. He’s shivering with heat, and his head pounds like something is trying to crawl out of his skull. His eyes won’t focus. Every joint creaks and aches.
Leo wakes to a world that is not his own. He can’t be sure of what day it is. Every time he looks out the window, he is struck by how light it is outside. The cars on the roads look like mice, the people barely bugs. A nurse comments offhandedly that it’s unseasonably warm out today, and Leo wonders what season it could be.
Dinner is a chalky milkshake and jello for dessert. Diego helps Leo sit up enough to drink without choking, and then he has to help steady Leo’s hands so he doesn’t drop it. It’s a relief when he can finally lay back down and try to sleep. He just wants to fast-forward to the part where he’s better. Thankfully, he swiftly falls asleep, aided by painkillers and the exhaustion of a healing body.
The next day, Miss Sarah is back. She brings with her a Manila folder and a strange man. His dirty blonde hair reaches his chin, and his glasses are rectangular but have the sort of wire frames you’d expect from a librarian. The nurses see him and stand a little straighter.
Miss Sarah says, “Leo, this is Doctor Aloysius Cadaver. He’s spearheading this hospital’s human trials of the new power suppressant formula. Cadaver, this is Leo.”
The doctor waves politely. “Hi. So, I hear that you’re going to volunteer for the next trial?” He pauses, and waits for Leo to nod. “That’s good to hear. How much of the study did the Angel explain to you?”
“Not much,” Leo writes honestly.
“Well, I’ll spare you the technical jargon. I doubt you’d understand it anyways. The gist of it is, the current formula used by law enforcement and hospitals is unrefined. It cannot be administered safely in a large enough dose to be effective. The new formula is more effective, and, as far as we’ve observed, utterly non-lethal. Knock on wood.”
Miss Sarah waited until he paused to take a breath to say, “And the details of the trial itself?”
“Now, what we’ll do is we’ll do a few initial screenings and things, then give you the appropriate dosage. It’s a simple injection, administered once every morning. We’ll keep that up for around three days, see how you react, and then if all goes well, we’ll stop and see if there are any lasting effects.”
Miss Sarah sets the Manila folder down at Leo’s bedside, where flowers and get-well-soon cards would normally sit. “All of that is written here. Because of your previous contracts with me, you won’t have to bother with any paperwork. I’ll handle all of that for you.”
Leo nods, and writes, “Thanks.” He’s glad they’re making this easy for him. He doesn’t think he could do paperwork in the state he’s in.
“You’re very welcome,” the doctor says. “I look forward to having you as my test subject.” His smile is polite, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
taglist: @lave-whump @whumper-in-training
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Encounters of the Strange Kind || Ariana & Frank
TIMING: Before the last full moon during the nightmares POTW PARTIES: @frankmulloy & @letsbenditlikebennett SUMMARY: Ariana goes to watch a soccer match and bug her favorite bartender, Frank. Some nightmares brought to life make for a strange afternoon. 
It wasn’t often lately that Ariana found herself with a free afternoon and as much had been preferred. Just when she felt like she was finally beginning to move forward again, Winn had to go and die on her, too. If she let herself sit in all those feelings for too long, she was almost certain she wouldn’t be able to find it in her to get up again. Moving was easier. At least that’s what she had kept telling herself, but now the erratic weather meant soccer practice was cancelled which means she wouldn’t spend the rest of her day coaching. She was far ahead on all of her projects for school and she didn’t want to bother Blanche or Grace yet again. The weather also meant a run with her dog was out of the question so she opted to drink beer and watch some soccer matches at Perfect Pint. It wasn’t the world’s best distraction, but bugging the bartender had always proven to be a good time. While the USWNT wasn’t playing, she threw on the Rapinoe jersey Athena had gotten her anyway. Something about channeling Rapinoe had always left her feeling a little tougher. Which was saying a lot because most days, she considered herself to be pretty badass.
Considering it was a weekday afternoon, Ariana found the bar wasn’t overly crowded, so she grabbed a seat in front of the women’s Olympique Lyons team’s match. While they weren’t her team, she remembered Kaden was a Lyons fan. It gave her some sort of deeper attachment to the game which meant it’d be more likely to hold her attention. She waved at Frank as she settled into her seat and gave him a wide smile. Confidence was key to no one questioning her fake ID. “How are you doing today,” she asked brightly before adding, “I’ll take a Guinness when you get a chance.” She hadn’t liked it at first, but it grew on her. She admittedly just said the first thing she looked at the first time she came here and just kept going with it. 
Frank had always considered Perfect Pint a lesser form of Soul. Less sticky, less sleazy, less were the chance of someone kicking someone else’s teeth in—or maybe that was just his shift. Maybe in his absence the patrons that gathered at the latter establishment were perfectly pleasant, either way, the Irish bar was a welcomed breath of civility before the shit-storm the evening would no doubt bring. The presence of another gancanagh added to the ease of simply being as the pub owner exercised a control over his ability that even after all these years Frank had never fully mastered. His pheromones fluctuated to a rhythm of its own make, a song Frank was not privy to and struggled still to understand. But the shadow of a smile that threatened to break his mask of perpetual indifference came at the hands of one that, legally, shouldn’t even be allowed at the bar. They both knew this— that no matter what her ID said, Ariana was not 21, not the fact that he silently enjoyed her company. No drink was strong enough to make him admit anything so personal. But more than that, if he admitted it, then it must be true, and if that was true then so was the very real possibility that she was only hanging around him because of the reason that most people were. The same reason he slid people their drinks across the bar, why he was always so generous with his distance, why he didn’t smile when he turned to meet Ariana but rather regarded that she was there—of course she was wearing a fucking Rapinoe jersey—another body to warm the bar’s seat.
“Do you have an ID for that Guinness?” Frank said, with perhaps a little too much enjoyment, after the glass was already in his hand. “I get the pub is Irish but you know that American laws still apply right?”
Something about the chatter around the bar was much more comforting than the near silence of her apartment. Ariana was glad this place was close to her new apartment and that her fake ID never seemed to be extensively questioned even though it seemed fairly obvious Frank knew she wasn’t 21 yet. Plus, they always played the soccer matches so it always gave her something engaging to do even if she didn’t have someone joining her. As Frank asked for her ID, she pouted and dramatically pulled her wallet out of one of the pockets in her cargo pants. “You know, you keep not remembering me and my very iconic blue hair, I’m gonna stop tipping… okay, that’s a lie,” she responded with a small laugh as she slid her ID across to him. She gave him a pointed look as she waited for him to set her beer down. The urge to do a triumph fist pump was resisted. Instead, she motioned her glass up in a cheers motion and took a sip before commenting, “You never told me how you were doing. You haven’t seen any weird fish lately, have you?” She’d seen a few of them floating around along with some other strange things. Still felt like a good idea to check in and make sure everyone was staying safe amidst the crazy that was White Crest. 
The threat of no tip was met with a slight upward lean to the corner of Frank’s mouth, which was more of a smile than most could say they’ve ever received from the infamously stoic bartender. The Guinness had already slid across the bar’s top to her awaiting hand before she had even pulled the ID out; the presence of the little card vaguely acknowledged though not such attention was paid to its content. “Fine,” he said, and he was fine, and was happy to leave it at fine, but of course, Ariana had a talent for catching his attention when he least expected it. Like, say, a remark about weird fishes. “This whole fucking town is weird.” Frank would be remiss to say that the amount of fog that blanketed the town was a common occurrence, not to mention the pair of bright glowing lights that peered eerily behind them. Logically, he’d sooner owe it to a pair of headlights, than anything stranger, which was rich coming from a guy with giant wings sticking out of his back. Logically, he also knew that no vehicle or trunk had lights that large, that moved so silently, seamlessly-- there was nothing mechanical about these lights. “Why? What have you seen?” A pause. The temptation was to close the distance between them, but alas (at least this time) habit dug down its heel, and so did Frank. “What have you been up to kid?”
Of course he hadn’t actually bothered to look at her ID which made Ariana laugh a bit. While Frank was never the overly talkative type, she did enjoy his mostly quiet company. It gave her something else to focus on when the game wasn’t enough to keep her thoughts from drifting somewhere darker. He was a bit of mystery though and fine almost never meant fine. She knew better than anyone because she’d put that brave face on every day for the kids and a little bit for herself. “I hate that word,” she stated plainly, “90% of the time it’s bullshit, but I’ll give you that one.” At least his response to the question about fish led her to believe he wasn’t completely clueless to the ways of this town. That made it easier for him to stay safe. “You know, you’re not wrong,” she agreed, “Some of it is good weird though, like the dog toys falling from the sky. My dog had a field day with that one. Still, probably a good idea to avoid the giant floating fish if you can.” For a moment, she could almost detect a hint of concern in his voice though he still kept his distance. She didn’t want to alarm him, so she shrugged and answered, “Honestly, I’ve seen a lot, but more recently it’s been the floating fish. Thankfully, they seem to mostly just kind of float by if you don’t bother them. I may be tough, but I’m not exactly eager to see if I can take on an oversized flying fish.” The answer to his next question was decidedly nothing good outside of school and work. Between ghost hunting, avoiding sleep, and her plans to turn Ace into a werewolf like her, she was decidedly not staying out of trouble. Not even a little bit. “Oh, you know-- work, class, typical young we-- people things. I opened up an Etsy shop, so if you need any custom woodwork or repairs, I’m your girl,” she responded hoping her answer sufficed even if she definitely left big bits of the truth out. She shifted in her seat slightly and a puzzled look crossed her face as all the TV screens in the bar went fuzzy. That was weird. It was a perfectly sunny day out so she couldn’t think of any good reason for the television picture to just go out. 
For reasons too complicated, and probably too depressing, to dissect without the supervision of his therapist, Frank had somehow convinced himself of being able to care for little else beyond that which directly affected him. Now Frank was a great many things but never the uncaring type, and while he was a talented wordsmith (when he had the energy to be) he was, as was the nature of his species, a poor liar. Even to himself. So when “fine” was met with a reaction that was far from it, his heart—he was frequently surprised to learn, or be reminded, of its existence—reared its head, and fixed a tender gaze on the younger girl. He said nothing however, feeling that it was the wrong time to press, but he would remember the minor outburst, and keep it close to heart. While Frank himself was still challenged with admitting to the existence of the strange and unnatural, despite himself being one of those strange and unnatural things, to have Ariana confess to it so readily, and so casually at that, made it concrete, and real. No, the lights were not in fact a truck in the foggy distance, it was indeed a giant floating fish. That was normal now. He was part of that normal. So what happened then when a normal person has spent his entire life believing he was not? How does he come to terms with that? The answer: he doesn’t. He instead focused his attention on anything else, on anyone else. “Right, so that sounded decidedly unconvincing. Your fake ID is more convincing than…whatever that was.” He waited for a characteristically snappy response, but when she looked up at him—no, past him, her brows knitted together at whatever the TV was showing. “What are you…?” Nothing, the TV was showing nothing, and yet she seemed entranced, or at least concerned enough to be curious. This made him concerned, and by the way the few patrons that were in the bar were whispering and mumbling to themselves and each other, it was going around.
“Jesus H,” the dish rag draped over his shoulder, Frank sought for the remote and tried to turn it off, but the battery was either flat or the TV refused to obey. Logic supported the former, and logic made him reach up to press the button on the monitor itself. That was when water started leaking from the screen. Logic offered no sound explanation for that. Somewhere within the bar came a yelp as the water from one of the leaking TVs (was he seriously admitting to that?) short-circuited the juke box. No, Frank thought decidedly, it had been two weeks since he last fed and he was too fucking tired for this shit. “Yeah, I’m not cleaning that shit up.” He tossed the towel aside, stuck his head into the kitchen and announced his early finish. “No offence but I don’t think your game is playing kid,” he said and ducked out from behind the bar. Something wasn’t right, and frankly he felt no great desire to stick around, and owed to some strange endearment he’s found in Ariana, he didn’t want her to stick around either. “I’m heading out. Finish your Guinness. Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
Normally, she would have been quick to comment on the fake ID remark. Ariana wasn’t sure just how serious he was, because would he really be serving her if he thought her ID was fake? Maybe he just didn’t give a crap which actually checked out to a degree. The water leaking from the TVs was far more pressing though. She was pretty sure electronics and water didn’t mix, so she took a step back. “TVs,” she answered as she pointed upward. How were they even doing that? She doubted there was any satisfying answer, but slowly scooted away from any electronics. After all she’d been through, she wasn’t about to go out by electrocution of all things. She took a big gulp from her glass of beer because frankly it  was warranted with the current level of insanity. So much for having a nice escape from White Crest reality. It hadn’t been all that surprise to see Frank ditch the bar. She laughed a bit and commented, “I don’t blame you. Probably dangerous back there right now anyway.” The jukebox seemed to agree with her so she was glad he was seemingly away from any spots that may cause electrical shock. 
While the TV situation was still concerning, Ariana figured she didn’t have much of a reason to stick around with both the game off and Frank gone. Beer alone wasn’t going to be enough to distract her from the whirlwind of emotions she currently didn’t feel like acknowledging. His offer to walk her home was unexpected though. She looked up to him and said, “Yeah, thanks, I’d appreciate that even if I am probably a lot tougher than you think I am.” She jokingly sized him up, but agreed her beer was worth finishing. “For sure gonna finish this bad boy. Can’t be out here wasting a perfectly good beer!” She was quick to polish off her beer. She refrained from burping as she set the glass down because as Celeste taught her growing up, it wasn’t proper table manners. Not that she truly understood why table manners were a thing humans cared about, but for the sake of blending in, she did her best to follow some sort of norm. “So we adding bodyguard to your business card now,” she joked as they left the now nightmarish scene behind. Thankfully, everyone else had also been quick to bolt, so she wasn’t too concerned for their safety. Every so often, a creepy face would flash on the screen and she muttered, “Wow, I fucking hate that.” She pointed down the block and said, “I live this way, not too far away and surprisingly decent rent. Not sure if you know the area well or not, but it really is a steal.” 
“I am sure that you are.” Frank’s lips twitched as a genesis of a smile began to take shape across his mouth, one that came very close to becoming fully formed, until he too saw the ghostly face that haunted the TV screens. Fuck. That. Many of the pub’s patrons shared the same sentiment and a steady stream of people trickled out behind them, and for the first time (and hopefully the last) Frank was glad that he had the evening shift at Soul that day. A snort escaped his guard, harsh and full, a gleam of something mirthful reflected in his eyes as he turned them toward Ariana. “Depends on how much you’re willing to pay me,” he said and was only half joking. Bartending doesn’t pay a great deal, and there were many artefacts in his piece of crap apartment, including the piece of crap apartment itself, that would attest to this. The Bend wasn’t exactly known for its New England style living, but then again, neither was Frank.
“It’s nice.” He mused, quietly observing the shops that lined the streets and the plants and bushes that trimmed the sidewalks. Frank spied what looked like a stray dog toy tangled in the leaves of one of the passing bushes. Raining dog toys. That was normal too. Another thing he had to come to terms with getting used to. Not the fact that that particular thing happened, but the possibility of something similar, and equally strange and outlandish happening again. “I never really took the time to take in the streets. I mostly just come in for work, and then go to Soul and then go home. But this street, this place, I can see you living in it.” In the same weird way that you can somehow just sense that someone does not belong in a certain place, you can also sense when someone else belonged exactly where they were-- the latter was usually a lot more pleasant to observe. Walking next to Ariana, in the street she lived, Frank came to the conclusion that she looked like she was exactly where she needed to be; a place bustling with life, and events, and possibilities...even if it was a little strange. “It’s nice.”
Ariana noted the almost smile that Frank made though she didn’t comment on it. He was seemingly gruff, but she was pretty sure he enjoyed her company. Well, at least more so than the rest of the bar’s patrons. Which was fair, she was way cooler and far more adorable. As they walked, she laughed a bit at the mention of paying him. “Thankfully, I don’t need my own bodyguard, not that I could afford one. As it turns out, coaching kids’ soccer a few times a week doesn’t pay enough for a glamorous lifestyle. Not that I want one, but building a cabin one day would still be nice. If my woodworking really takes off, I may have a job for you.” They rounded a corner and something about the sky felt off. She ignored it and added, “I should warn, I’m good at finding trouble.” To be fair to herself, trouble often found her based on her species alone, but she definitely had a knack for following her nose right into some sort of White Crest nonsense. 
It surprised Ariana that Frank hadn’t done much exploring the streets yet. While the more populated parts of town weren’t necessarily her thing, she did know the woods like the back of her hand. Or paw, depending on the day of the month. “Yeah, there’s a lot of good shops and restaurants down here. It’s a good area, I prefer the woods, but it’s nice living across the hall from one of my best friends. So thanks.” She was almost wistful for that cabin in the woods she was supposed to build with Celeste one day. Hell, she even missed the place she helped Ulfric build, but there was a sense of pride that came with having a place of her own. Plus, hiking with her school projects that were often bigger than her was a bit much. She’d been smiling softly when a strange smell hit her nose. She paused in the middle of the sidewalk and looked in the direction her nose was picking up a more animalistic smell. Before it could even register fully in her mind, a raging moose was charging them. “Shit,” she yelled out and pushed Frank out of the way as she barely dodged getting impaled by a fucking antler. “What the fuck,” she grumbled as she regained her balance and stared the moose down, letting out a low growl. 
“Me too.” Frank’s smile hiked a little higher, and there was something knowing about it, like sharing in a secret that they both had, even if it was from each other. Though he did not necessarily indulge in the more cursed aspects of his existence, he always found that it was better to take it with good humour lest he drowns himself in self-pity; the latter being a significantly worse reality.
Frank spent the rest of their walk quietly observing the younger girl, his eyes squinted in a mixture of easy amusement and sharp curiosity. She spoke, a lot, and he listened, filing away pieces of information that he found useful or interesting: her relationship with the woods, her best friend, woodwork, how the three worked together to form an idyllic picture of the life Ariana wanted for herself. The pieces of information that went untold, fueled by a detailed history, alive and well as evidence in how she spoke. It made him wistful for a future that he never imagined for himself (he never tried to), and wanted dearly for her to have—her sudden stop elicited the same reaction in him, though it was obvious that she was sensing something that he wasn’t. Something he couldn’t. He heard the rumbling of hooves on pavement before he saw it, and even then he saw very little as a force, and a very impressive one at that, pushed him out of harm’s way, very nearly knocking him off his feet were it not for the swift sweep of his wings slowing gravity just enough for him to recover his balance—the product of instinct rather than any great skill. And then a low growl, unmistakably animal, and too near for comfort. First the ghost child TV, then the moose, now if he was about to get mauled by a fucking wolf Frank was going to lose his shit. Alas, there was just Ariana, and a very angry moose carving its way through the street before disappearing around the corner. No wolves to be seen…and yet. “Ariana, are you okay?” Concern coloured his words and made his touch more gentle as he reached out to examine her for any obvious injury. “Are you hurt?” And then finally, inevitably, “only in this fucking town.”
As she reoriented herself she swore she saw a flicker of wings on Frank. Ariana blinked slowly a few times and realized it must have been a trick of the light. Not that wings would be totally off base in this town, but the rest of their surroundings still felt surreal enough that she wrote it off. There was still a small lingering suspicion that maybe Frank wasn’t quite so human either. She’d have to observe him more carefully. She brushed herself off and answered, “Yeah, I’m fine. More startled than anything.” The moose kept running and rounded a corner. Maybe she should have been more concerned, but she simply didn’t have the energy to chase a moose right now. Not in this form. She figured she could shoot Kaden a text and let animal control deal with the seemingly pissed off moose. She stood still for a moment as he looked her over and kept her demeanor calm despite the internal ‘what the fuck just happened’ vibes she had going on. “I’m not hurt. Did only narrowly dodge becoming a moose kebab, but it be like that I guess,” she said with a slight laugh. “Yeah, that was super on brand for White Crest, but hey, neither of us turned into moose-pops today, so I’ll call it a win.” She was dying to ask about the wings, but she still wasn’t entirely sure of what she saw, so she’d file that one away for later. “To be safe, let’s keep moving in case he decides to come back for round 2.” She paused briefly as she started leading the way to her apartment before she finally caved and noted, “So… you were pretty good at catching your balance there.”
Ariana’s note was like a plunged blade, spearing through the glamour that he has tried so hard to maintain. Did it fall? Did she see? She couldn’t have. Frank’s wings were not little plastic accessories that you found hanging off some rack at some halloween store. They were huge, and not something that usually elicited such a casual response...not that he’s had many experiences to draw from. Yet at her remark, he prompted his face to smooth over any evidence of emotion, trying his best to manufacture the closest imitation to nonchalance. “Oh yeah? Thanks kid,” he said before allowing an edge of gentle humor pushed into the timber of his voice, “I mean I’d be a pretty shoddy bodyguard if I’m tripping over my own damn feet.” This made sense--even if Frank’s history of fighting recorded more losses than wins. “Maybe you should consider getting into the bodyguard business. That’s some arm you’ve got.” Needless to say, had it not been for Ariana’s quick reaction, his day would have gone in a very different, most likely more painful, direction. The reminder beckoned curiosity’s head to surface through the crack’s of his apathy, and despite the strangeness of the TV, the moose, he could not erase from his memory the distinct sound of a dog’s growl.
Curiosity also prompted him to vocalise his next words, but Frank was careful with them, lest he risked sounding insane in a town known for its strangeness. “After that moose, did you, I don’t know, hear anything weird? Like a growl?” Was he suggesting that he heard the moose...growl? Perhaps. But what was the more likely event: the moose growling or Ariana growling? Then again, little ghost girls were crawling out of leaky TVs and only moments ago they were almost ran over by a rampant moose and Frank himself had a literal silver tongue and giant wings stuck to his back, Ariana growling was hardly the strangest thing that happened in that afternoon alone.
“Fair point,” Ariana responded with a laugh. A clumsy bodyguard seemed like more of a hazard than protection. At the mention of having a strong arm, she shrugged. The full moon was quickly approaching so her strength was peaking though even during the new moon she liked to think her athleticism afforded her  a bit more in the way of strength. “What can I say? My natural athletic prowess surprises yet again,” she answered with a laugh. It wasn’t entirely a lie and she was tempted to just throw out the fact she was a werewolf. She was almost positive she had seen the briefest glimpse of giant ass wings on his back when he stumbled from her push. It was unlikely he’d have anything against werewolves. She was trying to have a little bit more in the way of tact regarding this kind of thing, but was pretty much failing at that. Would there really be much harm in telling him? As stoic as he was, he seemed to have a soft spot for her. Not that she could blame him. She was adorable and she knew it. 
As Ariana started to lead the way toward her apartment again, Frank mentioned the growl and she stopped in her tracks. Of course he heard that. Sometimes her instincts were stronger than her common fucking sense. If she was being honest, it was probably more than sometimes. She sighed and explained, “That wasn’t the moose. You did hear a growl. That was me.” She was already most of the way there to telling him, might as well go for it. “I’m a werewolf, that happens sometimes.” And there it was. Did this give her the ground to ask if she saw wings or would he just think she was crazy? She could probably chalk it up to weird teenaged Twilight daydreams if anything else. She watched Frank carefully, looking for any sign of how he was taking that little bomb. 
In summation: little ghost girls were crawling out of leaking TVs, they were almost ran over by a raging moose, flying fishes were a thing, and so was raining dog toys apparently, and Ariana was a werewolf. The truth settled over Frank like a blanket and he was unpanicked and strangely unperturbed, though either would have seemed a more conventional reaction to the news. In fairness, that tends to happen when you have a tongue that is literally silver and giant wings sticking out of your back. She could have told him that she was Irish (considering how often she was at the Irish pub), and his reaction would not have differed greatly from that he had on now: raised brows, mouth slightly parted as if wanting to say something but unsure of what, and a pensiveness had settled over his eyes as he digested this new discovery. “You are…a werewolf.” 
The first time Patrick told Frank that he was a fae, and that Frank was one too, he laughed (and then punched him again, but that could also be accredited to several other factors), and though the reality of his situation seemed entirely too impossible to be logical, his father’s explanation was the only one that made sense. Frank didn’t laugh this time, but was instead preoccupied with another thought: why was she volunteering this information? He was suddenly very acutely aware of his wings, and the effort he exerted to keep them hidden—like one who was suddenly very cognizant of their own breathing, and the mechanics of that unconscious process. She did see his wings, was the first thought, followed by a question of whether he minded that she did? Was he comfortable enough to let her know of what he was, as she apparently was with her secret? Was it ever a secret? It wasn’t as if the subject came up in a lot of their conversations to begin with. “A werewolf like…Michael J. Fox, werewolf?” 
The news of her being a werewolf didn’t seem to come across as too much of a shock and Ariana was grateful for that. There was definitely some processing happening, but as much was to be expected. At least he wasn’t looking at her like she had five heads or something which meant he most likely believed her. “Yes, I’m a werewolf,” she said quietly. It wasn’t a secret, but shouting it from the rooftops would likely attract hunters that weren’t as understanding as the ones she knew. If she could help it, she’d rather not be a trophy on some asshole’s wall. She wanted to follow that statement with ‘you have wings’ because she was pretty sure she’d gotten a glimpse of them, but if she was wrong, he’d really think she was insane.  At the mention of being a Michael J. Fox werewolf, her features contorted in confusion and she paused for a moment. “Wait, what?” Her head tilted as she looked at him in earnest and said, “I have no idea what that means or who Michael J. Fox is. The gist of it is I become wolfy around the full moon, have a good sense of smell and strength, and really like red meat. Oh, and I guess I growl sometimes.” 
Well, fuck. There’s nothing quite like making an aged reference to remind you exactly of how old you are. “Michael J. Fox...like, Teen Wolf nineteen-eighty—you know what, don’t worry about it.” Although Ariana’s general description seemed to follow, more or less, the general formula of the werewolf myth Frank was familiar with, the strangest part of all of this was not that she was a werewolf but that he felt no distance between them since the discovery. No unease, or distrust; she was still exactly the Ariana he had come to know. The same Ariana who knew exactly which buttons of his to press, and the right words to say to coax a grin or a chuckle out of him, especially when he least expected it. In fact what he did feel was something more akin to relief. She wasn’t a fae but she wasn’t entirely human either—like him. A small part of Frank was almost envious of her. She was so comfortable with herself, she knew exactly what she was, and unapologetically so. She listed her traits with the familiarity and ease of a cook listing the ingredients of a well-known dish: no judgement, no prejudice, just simple facts. The same could not be said of himself. The subject of his fae heritage had always left a bitter taste in his mouth. One Frank washed down with cheap cigarettes and even cheaper alcohol, finished with a  serving of good old fashioned denial. You know, healthy things. “You didn’t have to tell me that you know,” he said, “why did you?”
No one had ever really asked Ariana that question before and it left her a bit curious. Frank definitely did not seemed bothered by her revelation or afraid of her in any way which was good. It wasn’t like she’d ever hurt him. Still, she supposed other people were a bit more tight lipped about their species than she was. The fact of the matter was that she liked Frank and she didn’t believe he’d ever do anything to hurt her. She shrugged as they rounded the corner toward her building and she answered, “I don’t know, it’s not like a big secret or anything. I mean, I don’t like broadcast it for the world to know, but given everything today, I didn’t think you’d be too shocked. Plus, pretty sure you’re not a hunter… not that hunters are automatically bad. I’m friends with a few, but still.” It dawned on her she was growing more curious about what he was so she added, “Plus, you don’t seem too shocked. Do you have like some sort of background with this stuff?” 
Frank kept his eyes forward, his expression betrayed little of his thoughts, but he could not deny the sliver of ice that slid down his spine at the mention of the word. Hunters. He didn’t know why that was. He also didn’t know why he started thinking about his father. Didn’t know why the word triggered the image of him to come to the forefront of his mind, and the fear that he saw in his eyes, or perhaps most frightening: the resignation in them. Most faes were immune to things that otherwise proved fatal to humans; difficult to kill if you didn’t know what you were doing, entirely possible if you did. Hunters would. Was that what happened to Patrick? Frank had never cared to ask, and thought little of that night since, until now. Not that hunters were automatically bad, Ariana had assured him. Frank offered her a smile (it looked off, but then again, it was Frank), though he wasn’t particularly eager to go out and test that theory either. He turned his gaze back down, and for a moment their eyes met. She knows. He lets out a sigh, his fingers raked through the side of his beard, unsure of how to put together the words he struggled to say even to himself in front of a mirror. “Er…yeah, you could say something like that. I mean not werewolves, obviously, you’d be the first, but other things.”
While it was still a mystery of how Frank knew all of this, he seemed to take it relatively with stride. At least, he wasn’t any more or less stoic than he normally was. Ariana was still curious to know if her hunch was correct, but he could tell her in his own time. She knew not everyone was as comfortable sharing their species as she was. Or maybe he was human and just didn’t try to make excuses for everything weird that happened in this town. She’d sworn she saw wings for a second there, but with everything else that happened, it was hard to tell. Either way, she offered him a warm smile as they neared her building. “Well, whoever said save the best for last was wrong then,” she joked with a smirk present on her face. She took on a more serious tone and added, “I know a lot of people here who have a bit of something extra, so if you ever find yourself in trouble or anything, let me know. Even if it’s not something you can throw a werewolf at, I usually know who to ask for help.” She stopped outside the front of her building and turned to Frank. With a small gesture, she said, “This is my stop. Keep an eye out for angry moose and let me know you make it home safe, alright?” 
The invitation was a door and Ariana had so graciously held it open for him. All warm smiles and not even a glimpse of a shadow to hint judgement or malice or a well to use the knowledge of what he was against him. But Frank’s history shackled his feet and he didn’t move but looked at her with feigned ignorance. He’d as good as closed the door himself and every part of him wondered why. Simply, it was not Ariana he wanted to hide the truth from but himself. So he could play grumpy bartender a little bit longer, supplying banter and alcohol to underage werewolves and deny the responsibility of his supernatural inheritance. It was fucking pathetic, he knew it, and he swallowed the truth with a smile as Ariana was delivered safely to her front door. Although that was perhaps more her doing than his. “I’m not going to ask who or how you know said persons, but I will keep that in mind. Personally, I hope that it never comes to that.” He mirrored the gesture back to her, a reluctant grin cracked across his face in a way only Ariana could force out of him, “yes ma’am. You stay out of trouble kiddo.” Somehow he knew, as soon as he said it, trouble and Ariana were never too far away from each other.
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imunsavy · 7 years
Cleanse - Part 1- Purge!au
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Part (1) (2) (3)
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre/Warnings: Angst, Violence and probable gore (I mean have you watched the Purge?)
Summary: The Purge. The most hated or loved time of the year. Depends on who you are. What you do and your place in the world. This was the most horrible time of the year for you and getting stuck in the middle of it was terrifying.
(gif credit to original owner)
(A/N Yooo I Totally got inspired by @jungblue and their amazing Purge series Go go go go read it noowwwwwww instead of wasting time on my story also I am so inexperienced at angst so lets do this!)
Traffic. On the day of Purge, there was always fucking traffic. People desperately trying to get home to lock themselves away for the 12 hour period where people became utter monsters, something most people purposefully lock away in the depths of their mind just so they can “Cleanse” Themselves on one day. It made you sick to your stomach. While you thought about it, some of these people probably were just as ready to get home so they could prepare themselves for their night of “fun.” The thought made you shudder, you checked the time and your eyes bugged out of your head, you still had at least half an hours drive to your house and you only had an hour and a half until the commencement.
You had survived The Purge so many times but you knew, any year could be your last. It was what kept you going, what kept you up at night so you wouldn’t accidentally fall asleep though you doubt you would with people screaming all throughout the night. 
You stuck your head out the window of your car to see traffic was still very slowly moving. You decided to get somewhat comfortable in your small car. It wasn’t a great car, it was about five years old. The black paint was slightly peeling from its previous owner, you loved the car though and its gross brown leather seats. The radio was so old it had no USB port or anything from the last five years. So the good old radio stations were your friend through your daily commute. However, you tried to avoid listening on the day before, during and after The Purge as every station was discussing the Purge whether they agreed or disagreed. You didn’t want to hear it.
With an hour slowly slipping away, you remembered last year when you were about five minutes late to your home and had to fend off some crazy girl who had done herself up to inspire fear in others. It definitely worked on you, her eyes were stained black and rubbed down her cheeks as if she had been crying. She had red staining all her clothes, it dripped from her hair and she looked like she had stepped out of the movie Carrie. When you had the chance you had noticed she couldn’t have been over 18. It seemed to make her much more frightening that someone so young could be so violent. She had pressed a knife to your throat and began rummaging through your bag to steal whatever you had before a loud bang made her drop on top of you, she had been shot dead where she had stood. Her killer running off to his or her’s next target.
You had stumbled inside before you realized the red now staining you was a mix of blood and paint. You had showered it all off. However now your shower was permanently stained red with whatever that girl had painted herself with, it was a lasting memory it was the closest you had been to death during these Purge events. No one ever bothered with dingy flats unless they were looking for people in particular. Like how people had hunted down you brother and killed him while you hid in the closet, he had blocked the door with his body and when he died, he had essentially trapped you in there, it wasn’t a bad thing it just meant you were a young kid who was hungry, scared and thirsty. It wasn’t until the next morning when your neighbor had come to check on the two of you to discover the grizzly sight. She had called the police and they searched long and hard for you before the sound of sniveling drew them to the closet. You were crying, clutching a doll and stained in your brother's blood.
You were brought back to reality by the sound of the car behind you honking its horn to get you moving. You had felt the dampness of tears on your cheeks and rubbed at them. Your parents, brother and even your neighbor had given their lives to protect you, so you weren’t going to throw it all away. You had been saving up to buy a ticket and move away so You needed to work two more days and you would be free, free of the purge. Well, you would be. If the fucking traffic wasn’t so slow.
You saw the tunnel enter your field of vision, instead of calming down at the prospect of being closer to home, it picked up. You had a half hour to get home. You knew you wouldn’t make it so you flicked on the radio for the announcement just in case you got distracted again. You reached over and opened the glove box and saw the knife and gun you kept in there in case of any emergency. You entered the tunnel and poked your head out the window once more to see if you could spot what was holding up the cars. However, You couldn’t see much since the tunnel was long and only dimly light. People in front of you, were following your suit to see if they could check what the hold up was but no one knew and with 20 minutes left they didn’t really want to get out to go see in person.
The traffic was drawn to a very sudden halt, there was no movement, you looked behind you and out the back window of your car. You were near the middle of the tunnel so there was no backing out. You watched as the lights that illuminated the tunnel dropped out one by one until the only lights were yours and others headlights. You had heard of large purge groups setting up traps in places like this so it was like herding sheep. Just like one big game of hide and seek, except if you had the unfortunate luck to get caught. You’d die.
Eventually, you were growing restless, with 1 minute left you knew you weren’t going to get out of that tunnel. You locked all your doors and broke the lock on your passenger seats so the doors couldn’t be opened from the outside. Only the driver's seat could be opened. However, it wouldn’t stop people from smashing your windows. You had since shifted your weapons onto your person, and your hands were shaking. You could see some people get out the car and begin to run back the way they came. It was useless, some people were hiding under their car and you even at one point saw a mother place her child in the boot of her car before locking it. With a shaky hand you turned off your headlights, the last thing anyone needed was extra light. This was so you would have less chance of being seen.
Your heart thumped against your chest as the telltale alert noise filled the eerily quiet tunnel. You turned your own radio off to listen to it. Then that god awful voice, the one you dreaded to hear every year. “This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of Class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7 a.m., when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all.” A second passed before the loud siren blared into the tunnel and making tears sting your eyes.
People caught onto your idea and switched their headlights off and the only light was the very dim shine from the sun outside. That wouldn’t last long and soon you would all be plunged deep into darkness. You could hear yelling from one end and you knew it had begun. You were glued to your seat, far to frightened to move. You saw movement and you squinted your eyes and watched as a young man jumped onto the car near yours but still a fair distance away. You could hear a scream before you gathered it was the mother from earlier. She was sobbing loudly and begging for her life but this young guy just seemed to love teasing her. The purge hadn’t been going on for 10 minutes and you were about to listen to someone die, you were somewhat thankful you wouldn’t have to see it though as you couldn’t see shit.
It hadn’t been long before even the dim lighting from the setting sun outside vanished and all you could see was the occasional flashlight or one ballsy person who would flick on their headlights, however, all it would do was draw attention to themselves and the lights would soon be switched back off again. So far you had counted four Purgers, however, none came near your car. Screaming would every now and then fill the tunnel and make you feel sick but what else could you do? You didn’t know how many Purgers there were and what they had put in place to stop people from getting out.
The sound of a thump from your right scared the living shit out of you as you saw a young girl, no more than 10 banging on your car door. “Let me in please!” She begged.
You stared at her before opening your car door and pulling her in before slamming the door shut without thinking of the consequences of loud noises. You placed her in the back seat and got in there with her. “What do you know?” You asked her in a hushed tone.
She was shaking like a leaf and you took your jacket off and placed it around her. “They seem to know how many people are in the tunnel and they are counting them down.” She mumbled.
“Little red where on earth did you go? I promise I won’t hurt you, these hands are used to hug you tightly and never let go.” A deep voice rang out near your car.
It made the girl force herself as low as she could go before you copied and pressed yourself down as well. You could hear his footsteps nearing your car so you covered her mouth as well as your own. “Are you hiding from me? I do love a good game of hide and seek, don’t you?” He taunted.
You looked up ever so slightly and could see a psychotic set of eyes staring straight back at you “Ah! I found you! Hey, you’re cheating! That’s no fair.” He Chided before beginning to try to rip the door off.
You covered the girl's ears and just hoped he would give up and go away but he had seen you now and that gleam in his eyes, told you he wasn’t going to give up.
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glopratchet · 4 years
a queen, she's got the ability to make more of you Perfect beeing You're not sure how much longer that will be effective though She may have already run out of queens or something and your body is starting to show signs of aging now so it won't take long before her work is no longer needed anymore The only other option left would be for her to kill you as well and then leave with all the honey in your stomachs An alligator fanasty might sound like a nice idea but you can't imagine what kind of fanatics they'd have to deal with on their way to Florida The whole point of this trip was supposed to be an escape from reality and now you've found yourself back there again If she does decide to do that, then you're going to need someplace safe where you can hide and they seem so lifelike that you feel like reaching out and touching one These alligators are incredibley detailed The only thing that sets them apart from a real alligator is the fact that these are standing upright on two legs and holding what appears to be a bible They line the tunnel by stature with one slightly larger than the rest positioned at the very end You've only been in this part of the swamp for a few minutes and now this, there's no telling what else might be down here These alligators are incredibley detailed and they seem so lifelike that you feel like reaching out and touching one and scars, but they're still alive You've never seen anything like it before in your life Wherever you are, it must be a very small part of the ocean underground since it seems to go on forever in all directions They have hearts brains teeth stomaches and some have lots of wounds It's strange but you almost feel safe down here Nothing that comes out of the ocean is going to be a danger to you and if someone or something does intrude on your sanctuary you're more than capable of defending yourself They have hearts brains teeth stomaches and some have lots of wounds and scars, making love and sleeping You never realized how much their mating reminded you of humans until you see it in front of you now It makes you realize how lonely you are and how lovely that part of life can be with someone This all reminds you of a story you heard once Gators love two things besides eating Gators love two things besides eating, Fighting and gossiping over territory WAS the natural order of things Boring, but natural none the less Now? The challenging has become all there is and they devote all their energy to it, no time for pleasure of any sort even survival is secondary to winning as disputes often lead to death Maybe the "fight" was taken out of them when they gave up walking on 2 legs and became horrid monsters Fighting and gossiping over territory WAS the natural order of things missippinus are really of little consequence when everything else in its life is so different The bugs never act against them, they keep to themselves and seing that this "city" is active around the clock, there definatley has to be lamvs and herzum here in some numbers The habits of a real world alligator missippissus Going from what you know of the evil ones , it's probably the only population center left on the surface if you consider what lies above the surface still the same world The habits of a real world alligator missippissus missippinus are really of little consequence when everything else in its life is so different The elders teach the youth something, the parents love their children and the adult make strides to better their community BUT you're done with them when it comes to fighting and gossipping "Hey Lola can't we just take a break from all this tension? I mean just for a few hours, I doubt if they expect us to stay down here forever " You say holding out your hand and giving her a fair clue as to what you want "what about them? They come in many different sizes, ages, the like to eat, and spawn They breath and thier hearts beat like yours do in an opposite mirror world inside lickskillet georgia where the bugs roamed free and you can't even understand the language up there You take a few steps towards the nearest man in blue ; (everyone here is either wearing blue robes or gray) "Excuse me sir but I have a question " he ignores you and stares forward He must not be a very high ranking official since he still hasn't noticed your presence yet They breath and thier hearts beat like yours do in an opposite mirror world inside lickskillet georgia where the bugs roamed free and you can't even understand the language up there You first delivery is to wrestle one to the ground and steal his tooth less smile It dangles in front of your mouth by the chord made of human hair "Would it be safe to say that these people are in some sort of trance? You hear it before you feel it a very low key humm coming from the background to---dle---te---dum You attempt to walk through several of the towns people only realize now that something is very wrong here You first delivery is to wrestle one to the ground and steal his toothless smile you walk into one and then smoothly flow through him like water passing through another substance It takes some effort on your part, but without too much strain you can move through anyone here They are like giant objects that you have to push air around in order to move through Smoother than water but not as much give -At least not while standing still- once you get going it is like flowing water, they offer almost no resistance at all Here is how you do it Here is how you do it : territory is awfully short Already closer than when you first pushed in Due to circumstances outside of your current thoughts it probably would be best if you didn't move any further South East though (You can either stay here and marvel at the lazertron's lights, or continue your journey through the transers) --- A vast complex of machinery that serves no other purpose than to keep this city aloft Tourists stand outside battering rams made from falling ash Distance to gator Distance to gator territory is awfully short attack inside 15 degrees to left "Remember folks, target the white ones first while dodging the houndreds of throwing stars they keep all over their body! Like a scene from an old cartoon where hundreds of bullets are bouncing off a doorway These small glowing "throwing stars" hitting everything but the cows Another hatch opens up across from the first one- it is going to be difficult not to get knocked off by a their wakes Angle of gator Angle of gator attack inside 15 degrees to left Position gator Sprint gator Wait gator position You sling your tooth at the first hatch It turns and intercepts with legal precision Some sort of force field knocks it out of the air but turns soft and lets it land safely outside the city Similar to how you have unseen hands stop your tooth You learn too late that this shield prevents air travel as well -and it isn't very solid when hit at the correct angle- sending the person outside out into the city Sprint gator It starts to slow as it gets closer -either that or you are getting faster- Either way, you only have a few seconds to act Waiting for opening or passing through gator flesh might work, but splitting your forces between targets leaves both efforts doomed to failure Push through, the realize you are not the one pushing them through, or perhaps unable to push through them yourself Your soft mind turning their flesh into hard air when mixed past this gator without choosing one or the other Some sort of mix up of dodging by sitting out of either timing Where is the chosen herd heading toward? Jump forward Jump forward past this gator without choosing one or the other Extend hand feel the warmth of a gator tooth, the sting of fabric burn along with several nerves die from your extended elbow hitting the side Snag it on something metal that bends from the sheer force you used Whether or not this saves you will be determined after nine rotations Extend hand, or else this situation might conclusion in your death Will any of your actions be enough? Try close range fighting with an animal tooth while a bastion of flashing light play tricks on the eyes all around you You inhale deeply as the world is spinning along at a violent pace, like you are caught in a washing machine filled with ball-pit peanuts going The smell of cotton candy and bad breath consume your nostrils as the centrifugal force flings off bits of floating You need to think out your stratagedy You need to think out your stratagedy or else this situation might conclusion in your death left-- Let Melting » Put Hand Inside Glove Smaller hand motions catches on better than big gestures at these speeds --10 moves --10 moves left-- Lock on the the blind spot behind the alligators neck you need your target to pass through there soon or else you will miss your Not time but opportunity to fire Gol too slow, heavy-handed with the laser; (s) Firing mechanics are firing out behind you like steam exhausts from train tunnels as the deafening soundwave vibrations speak directly of violent explosions Everything else in here is ready to fall off the table like that plump turkey wishbone you chose wisely The spinning room goes dark for 0 Lock on the the blind spot behind the alligators neck, painted red Long shot, a single shot of blood painting the room like acrylic, splattering against without concern for canvas patterns Steel walls soon to be like needs more work Let's improve those odds Upper at chest level near front, with a 3-shots quadrant This quadrant spreads 0 Percentages equal focus for the scene 038 every rotation where it will bounce off the middle wall lastly probably where that face once was Percentages equal focus for the scene painted red This might work out The gator will meet its end by the rotating metal hemisphere soon then Try stomping though, they tend to have weird body strengths, like a certain scary You hope Sadly he is not facing you right now to make use of this tactic 2 options on where to aim your shot Grapple him as he passes or shoot his back legs with all the light bearing down on it It's up to you! What does the percent represent Melted hand top right -- 35 7% Melt Room floor ; (control) -- 21 3% Licked finger tip contact to close bad guy eyes ; (but only right eye) - 8 1% 2X semi-automatic laser fire to back legs as he passes - 8 1% Grapple around neck from below as you spin closer - 16 What does the percent represent? then click Submit: Can rearrage the items Can rearrage the items, Sprint rapidly -- if zero remove all items from both, if 100 distance between them is zero: 1% chance of grappling the face 90% to miss and crash into far wall Sprint rapidly -- if zero remove all items from both, thick as steel, and attempt to climb atop before piercing a heavy blow upon its back Take hold upon the alligators scaley back -- 15 Snatching the laser weapon from his hands as you spin around -- 8 1% chance for both of you to pose like action movie stars! Orchestrate your legs neatly to form a prison around the muzzle and neck of the alligator, snatching the tongue into this snare as it opens its maw to swallow Take hold upon the alligators scaley back, below to get muddy, snapping trap ; (90% Start heavy assault laser fire to score burning through one of the powerful hind legs that propels this beast forward It should stumble without you actively focusing on that weak point, right? Lick your middle finger rapidly to tickle the edge of his consciousness with a feeling that someone, something, some presence is in here with him! Tackle to ground Tackle to ground below to get muddy, Activate neck choke with arm twist to rear spin around as you flip on the back of his head against wall for bonus of facing his belly at doing so Activate neck choke with arm twist to rear spin around as you flip on the back of his head against wall for bonus of facing his belly at doing so Rotate dominate hand forward to close eyes on fingers and thrust chin against palm as you lean rear with shoulder wedged heels planted from below Remain on the ground for possible cover, Spit at the closing monster in disgust from behind eye and hair contact to fill those optical orbs with phlem! Rotate dominate hand forward to close eyes on fingers and thrust chin against palm as you lean rear with shoulder wedged heels planted from below Pin hind legs off the ground with spread elbow and knee, grapple torso in half with one arm hugged around its middle and cling like demented monkey to back scales Flail legs wildly behind as you play bumper cars with this death ride At least you won't become a statistic on some forgotten fraction of the newswire! Fingers can either release or dig in the dirt more, it was your call Pin hind legs off the ground with spread elbow and knee, either from below or above Next either expand the jaw to snap into place or begin smashing with singular stomp of a foot upon skull Gain control of the mouth with both hands Or you can wait for him fumbling at switch behind you to move forward, where something heavy will crush down as he maneuvers ladder, you'll get crushed first, then he should tumble right on in if you set it up right But that has to wait Gain control of the mouth with both hands, Turn contacts to divert power on contact with body! (Which straight ahead right now! Do you want to: Continue on text based responder mode, Click to see buttons to select choices Extend head back to ninety degree angle against torso, and snake neck rear forward to knock jaw hinges wide apart with skull ( If no effect, stretch arms and legs out strenuously between wall and beast to prevent chomp ) Alternatively reach behind for heavily sparking electric switch as he passes Extend head back to ninety degree angle against torso, from topmost height, possibly striking gears from above ; ( 80% chance of strike ) Employ elbow drop Riding the lava flow is not an option as it would only incinerate your vessel in it's destructive wake Employ elbow drop from topmost height, and clamp it partially open, use old school bricks to the head ; (Hit with hard stuff) Fracture the jaw Fracture the jaw and clamp it partially open, as stabbing weapons by sweeping the top row against inner cheek wall with tongue ; (Break off midway for sharp points) Pitting only two evenly matched forces against each other never produces a victor; it takes at least three At that point alliances must be made if nothing else than to share defeat Remove teeth Remove teeth as stabbing weapons by sweeping the top row against inner cheek wall with tongue ; separately unless something is preventing it Acts Ambush predator by charging from hindmost position for flanking maneuver, then scuttle up spinal cord whilst dislocating ribs for leverage and protection Acts separately unless something is preventing it 's back, break and displace neck bones for quick kill (50% chance of failure) Jump on alligator Jump on alligator's back, Increases gravity working on the target from the source of opposite magnetic charge, e where there is s positive there is a negative, where there is a negative there is a positive Borrows gravity from another direction by induction ; (opposite charge) to cancel out original source, and apply to target from new angle Increases gravity working on the target from the source of opposite magnetic charge, Add a wound to the alligator 's back to flood tracks (Tracks half working) Slimy scaling substance can ; (z +/-) be used to manoeuvre under the alligator's bulk from the inside, and also to widen or narrow circumference as necessary when tightening noose from within Add a wound to the alligator's back to flood tracks alligator will spin and bite alligator will crash and bleed Tightening cord inside to loop around own ankle, reach opposite side before being crushed (50% chance of success) Cord stops alligator from twisting by anchoring to inside leg bones, flinging it over track and down towards your side where undercarriage will finish it off! Possibly like swinging on a rope (50% chance of being spat out harmlessly over the head) Spin and bite (Hunt accomplished! Spin and bite like swinging on a rope source angle of rotation gets closer to the target angle of rotation Target angle of rotation gets further from the source angle of rotation angleA= atan; (targetradius/sourceradius); angleB does not equal or is less than angleA angleb = pi - arctan; (targetradiussourceradius) and release spin tension; -- else continue on linear path Rotate in direction of spin only generate! (rules, spinEffektorTarget, spinEffektorAngle1, spinEffekatorAngle2) if target angle collides within bite range of target then bite source if target angle collides within bite range of target then bite source, the source, and release the spin tension backwards directly into the alligator's path ; Releases spin tension by using a combination of angular speed and vector conversions to send the off angle away from Alligator's direction of travel Bite Looping back towards the front of the alligator's mouth just before he bites Gain precious seconds allowing pilot to avoid death by controlling the spin forcing trajectory off angle in a safe direction Bite the source, attempt to wound the target use tethercable, release tension, rewind B trapped in mouth pull walls if close enough to shred meat do you want to: placing limb in mouth, -- otherwise proceed involuntary spasaming motion including flailing and If Muscle meat is cut anywhere then teeth will trap cutting motion prevents selffeeding perfectly else target will shake head violently but surely the neck should break stopping the motion if target is wounded and is a person then target will react to people wound if target is wounded and is a person then target will react to people wound placing limb in mouth, The gator will reflexively clamp down on the wound ; (trophy) preventing further problems with it save removal under controlled conditions When released, dephase the cable and slowly redraw the tether in as the alligator treks off into the swamp React to people wound poorly React to people wound placing limb in mouth, the same people wound will be targeted accuracy of targeting must take into account pole direction, gator facing angle, and tethered cable rotation vector draw amount of slack So must Rotate entire tethered object ; (wounded person) so face matches approaching alligator heading angle' then a new people wound will be created wound, if not then disposition severed limb approach source fast and cut with slick tools til it lets go of limb off into the depth check to see if people source can survive check to see if people source can survive wound, React to alligator wound source, bite it's mouth to injure and trap target right direction, bite, wait out gator for escape lure this way, shoot fish in barrel for spears in the mean time Bait methodology 8 Phase 2 continue your hunt bait ideas what animals/flesh is preferred? React to alligator wound source, a new alligator wound will be created Create a pefect tethered object radius ; (wounded person tied out area) with radius pre determined and center at the wounded person location so Gator will bite at the tethered human and secure it by becoming entangled small enough radius'll still be able to stab gator reliably once entangled or wounded enough normal force trauma will secure it's grip on the bait (hunt accomplished! (Hunt Accomplished! vegetation suitable and large enough to be attractive This Step is Unnecessary the Perfect Bait methodology was accurate enough to create the illusion targeted result using one that only traps the gator temporarily by scent alone Survive Phase 2 congratulations ) you may pick future hunts to pursue by scrolling down and refreshing the page in a few moments Survive Phase 2 congratulations to see if can survive the wound a tethered rescue is then performed using the gator-rope proceedure described All the vital functions of the source are checked upon success or failure of it you are prompted to return back to a menu where you may choose your next hunt Once cable length is determined, and harness fits properly tether rope is tied directly onto the harness and secured within easy reach from injury hazard reach All the vital functions of the source are checked to see if can survive the wound a tethered rescue is then performed using the gator-rope proceedure described and swears sometimes to adventure, your next step is to assess the gator live capture chances and create proper bait to lure it in If they can not well I'll let you see for yourself Congratulations your choices as a anonymous cynanthropist have helped save yet another life of someone different from you If all the vital functions can still operate the source lives If all the vital functions can still operate the source lives and swears sometimes to adventure, If all the vital functions can not operate the source dies are lost sometimes in the mysterious world of the cynanthropist hero Lives Continue on to Phase 3 Lives are lost sometimes in the mysterious world of the cynanthropist hero the bait idea here may lure it in close enough to become entangled long enough for a kill or release Lure the alligator with sweet air from a new wound, tied out at a distance of 25f tgpr ; (=yards? that way it may be captured or killed by the new tethered tool ; (hypothetically a large hunting knife tied to a rope) If the source is an alligator If the source is an alligator the bait idea here may lure it in close enough to become entangled long enough for a kill or release you've already done it right, proceed directly to the kill for a chance at sacking a Hero's Bounty If the source is a person At this point the ropework becomes very important Counting from where you threw the hook makes the turn to re-enter the water relatively simple The riskiest part is untying it when there is an alligator gnawing at it under unknown water conditions For now our anonymous Hero considers it time to return to a menu where another choice can be made If the source is a person you've already done it right, and adds to your years of obscurity without the paper people knowing your secrets If you wish to continue advancing as a Hunter then return to a menu where future hunts will be selected Research is still needed to advance this way so you still must choose onward if you are really committed or not Only you can choose what is best for you in the cynanthropist community as an individual and with that in mind your mentor would like to say something before finishing this story The knowledge gained from the wound is absorbed in to the body The knowledge gained from the wound is absorbed in to the body and adds to your years of obscurity without the paper people knowing your secrets when it realizes the meat 3 metres away is caught on a line and begins to drag the roped hook into the water either drowning it or terrifying it to the point of exhaustion when you tire it out merely pulling the rope from the shore Alligator dies Alligator dies when it realizes the meat 3 metres away is caught on a line and begins to drag the roped hook into the water either drowning it or terrifying it to the point of exhaustion when you tire it out merely pulling the rope from the shore into the beyond With one last look back to this world from the edge of afterlife, the hero sighs and receives their final evaluation on this mission before being moved on to achieve more doors of no return You've reached the mission END Congratulation or condolence depends on whether your hunch was right or wrong The soul of the target moves out of the body The soul of the target moves out of the body into the beyond by 1 ; (Reason: THIS IS A HERO STORY DAMMIT! Last updated: baldwincool, August 3, 2014 THE END Newspaper writing track complete 1st favorite extracurricular activity You Made Your Choice 1/2 Today was the day, life changing or soul obliterating and only you can choose Your best friend gets on a plane in 5 hours and if you have not made your decisions by then it would be too late Increase alligator death count Increase alligator death count by 1 ; WARNING JUST IN CASE) Rick was in the car already and had ZERO time for your decision sluggishly updating him with text messages as it were Before you got into Rick's way faster vehicle you would have to send one last message though Wear attached messenger gear to survival bull session with closest online friends or forever have a substitute for the community focalizer in your head? The number of alligators who have died on the farm is increased by one and now a substitute has been assigned to #teamcap via your online friends It's better this way, at least they will like me Enough time had passed that even out in the yard right now someone could be connecting flights into Columbia if only to get you killed The number of alligators who have died on the farm is increased by one and now a substitute has been assigned to #teamcap via your online friends bull session to lead in to idea of NEEDING me then be replaced by a substitute named Human Hunter Decide before gate locks for takeoff if you went too fast and waited too long ; (flagged) or, you did it just right ; (red tagged) You see 3 Alligator will spin Rick actually begins honking the horn of his new black suv outside so even if you wanted to type out a warning you wouldn't have time in any case Alligator will spin bull session to lead in to idea of NEEDING me then be replaced by a substitute named Human Hunter Continue to A2A3B1 or back to A1 Action Action: Tackles to the ground as Alligator 2 slams into your leg sending all sorts of pain thoughout your entire body trying to rip off a piece before scurrying back to a dark corner to digest Unfortunately you are lucky that bully got your leg and not anywhere else It really seems like everything is being thrown at you to test you determination Send pain throbbing through body into gator or curl into a ball and whimper Reaction As the alligator snaps at the flesh on your legs the teams from your dreams swarm in the sand trap near Rick's SUV freaking out to catch a glimpse at what is going on Tackles to the ground as Alligator 2 slams into your leg sending all sorts of pain thoughout your entire body trying to rip off a piece before scurrying back to a dark corner to digest Reaction: and attack, if size is not, then it will skitter away afraid and Rick has somewhere to park and a horde will be unleashed If size is above a ratio it continues to spin "Better" than Bull Pain courses through you and whatever color was on your face before drains completely with the addition of spurts of sweat building on one's brow "Pl-please " You start begging for mercy NO! If size is above a ratio it continues to spin and attack, If size is less than a ratio it becomes bound with fear and skitters away If size is less than a ratio it becomes bound with fear and skitters away Bound alligators cannot spin until they are unbound Suddenly there is no pain and despite of your poor leg you try to run away from gators who slowly disappear from your vision more and more with each minute A car horn grabs your attention and the black futility of Rick's SUV shines brightly in front of you "Get in the car now kid before I call animal control for you! " Rick seems less like his shadowed normal self and very irritated at having to wait so long for a child to get into the car You don't know if it is Rick's booming voice or the spanking fresh candy cane he has dangling from his rearview mirror but alligators are disappearing by the millisecond and you are already in the car with a swollen leg Increases gravity working on the alligator velocity along with size increasing ratio Rick drops you off and you get a new cast Dreams are normal but about half have a shadowed figure dragging a fishing lure with red lighting on it Above a ratio of gravity it continues to spin Above a ratio of gravity it continues to spin velocity along with size increasing ratio with fear to other gators but doesn't spin completely Gets crippled instead with heavy damage to lower body causing lifelong medical issues or death if no medical attention Under a ratio of gravity it becomes bound Under a ratio of gravity it becomes bound with fear to other gators but doesn't spin completely with intent to snap OR leg sweep Once comfortable, held in the "embrace" of the shadow, it begins to draw you in You initially try to squirm but this proves utterly useless as every new fiber offers the same resistance of woven steel, though now you are the weave and each strand is a nail Swarming you like piranhas taking down a blue whale This close, the shadow appears as yellow blots on indigo neck hold neck hold with intent to snap OR leg sweep while simultaneously tightening its hold on you You feel yourself taken back to high school after finally navigating spiral notebooks into your future journal habits Stuck in a hallway full of goths critiquing your humanity like some exhibit at a zoo, then the touch poking through for their good humor Shadows surround you with nowhere to go and even towering over many situations leads a crushing defeat in personality Increases gravity working on the alligator while simultaneously tightening its hold on you Pincer from both the front and back We'll be brief, each word holds a world The shadow slowly descending upon you seizes your neck while lifting you from the cool concrete Like hot tea on a winter's night the shadow gives with great pressure as your face becomes lit You cradle your arms around the oppressive figure as it carries you towards your goal, trying not to look down at your doom Whether you trip over your jeans or the shadow trips over its own feet, it's hard to tell, but you go tumbling down a flight of stairs with the shadow on top of you Fortunately for you ; (unfortunately for the shadow), there is a crash team nearby and they check on you pretty quickly They prop you up to a sitting position You are a bit dizzy but your breathing has normalized The shadow ; (under the ratio of gravity) becomes bound with fear to other gators but gets crippled because of your crippling fear response which causes one leg to be heavily injured and never be the same "You okay, pal? " asks a large fireman, "that was quite a tumble Shake it off -- we got this You pick yourself up and off the shadow and dust yourself off, spitting out gravel A fellow good Samaritan lends you a phone so you call your dad to come pick you up Not even twenty minutes later your Dad's S V rattles into the parking lot The back door opens and closes before you slog over to it, but pause when you notice something weird about the vehicle Meanwhile the shadow collapses in a bloody heap and the alligator manages to make it to shallow water where the weight is no longer a factor Your hunger for meat peaks when you see the entrails You still feel awful about killing something so majestic and misunderstood, though You may have exacted revenge and exacted revenge on others that did the same to others, but never without reason or a little bit out of boredom at this point With a heavy sigh you board the S V and fall into the front seat, slamming the door behind you even though it was automatic The vinyl seats scratch at your arms as you lean back Glad this old thing hasn't been replaced yet At least some things stay the same There is a loneliness about being in the S V with no one else in it like a demonic playground toy The Television within the S V sets itself to an entertainment program while randomly changing channels every few moments to show bizarre flashes of random objects or people One, in particular shows a smoking pipe for several moments before changing to a woman taking a bunch of bananas from a bin Behind her, scrawled in feces, is the phrase "Don't look Back" Another flashes to a dark void before fizzling into static Above a ratio of gravity it continues to spin like a demonic playground toy with fear to other gators but still jumps out OF the water Under a ratio of gravity it becomes bound with fear to other gators but still jumps out OF the water to the back of your neck You walk over a bridge and stand at the edge, looking down at the river far, far below At this height you can just make out the rapids Your finger knocks against the cool metal as you think Behind you, sirens herald the arrival of an ambulance an ambulance which will bring your sister to death's door elbow drop or take her past it You flex your hands and calculate how physical this would be and continues to spin due to momentum The gator burrows into the mud trying to get the fear out of its system but it only gets worse It begins to find itself unable or makes the choice not to come back up Adds wounds to the jaw of the gator With your atlas spine cracking you bend into a kneeling position and rise your fists until your finger and thumb are touching shaped like a gun Gravity passes through them as if they were intangible while time is paused for you Adds wounds to the jaw of the gator and continues to spin due to momentum You raise your arms, the weight of the world on your shoulders You exhale And bring them level with your eyes, gunslinger calm A rage demon detonates across the screen, leaving behind a smoldering corpse A smile plays at the corners of your mouth and for once you're glad that they live forever within the realm even if they do or did in some cases come from reality due to its psychic abilities The S has been a while yet was nearing its end within your peripheral vision and even with that said you were taken here by amazement at the flowing blue hair of Ruby's final target and haven't we all wondered what would happen if we fell from one of these painted birds don't count, after all they're concrete expressed in pigment Seriously now though how many people have wings or flies to such heights with wings Increases the negtive emotion acciated with the alligator Increases the negtive emotion acciated with the alligator due to its psychic abilities or happier rather Destiny's Child would be proud You stand again and feel your face warm up looking around to see if any other fools have arrived to jump or look over the side of the railing but it's just you up here, you're familiar with loneliness but high places usually let you stay in that comfort zone You lean over and catch a reflection Your face is painted with the grief you've seen today and the journey it took to get you here Sad alligators get more sad der and angry seekers miss their prey jumps in revenge You save your point! Thanks for using Save Points and our State-of-the-Art Mammoths! Next time you can try again using this message which this application just sent you on Whatever Mail, KIK or LINE™ you have linked to this account Sad alligators get more sadder Angery alligators get more angery Angery alligators get more angery and angry seekers miss their prey jumps in revenge by something nobody can detect and go on a frenzy within their tanks Feeling the air around you, you know or rather intuit where the boundary of the atmosphere closest to you draws a narrow circle around your body With such a presence of mind, perhaps jumping wouldn't be so bad, in fact it would be beautiful even if you have to check things out first before going through it But as the feeling passes, with each breath, you know your closest mission is here on Earth Some even become enraged Some even become enraged by something nobody can detect and go on a frenzy within their tanks The weight of the world gone, you expel force from bowels with full steam and are forced to endure internal complications which arise immediately and will only get worse if left untreated Bertrand laughed a bit and sat down before stating his demands Still having no others to go to, you comply with what he says and pull out your bag for payment, only have the majority of it get stolen by him while you're still right beside him Great you have to deal with this again add sarcastiicm Reluctantly, now resolute and prepared for his toothy expression and his annoyed yet confused demeanor, you throw two hands with more emphasis on them into his smiling jaws to turn it upside down You toss the Fool over the railing and stare at him stuck upside-down "Your teeth aren't that sharp -- " chants A'isha and you pause Looking down at him, you notice he seemed to drop his flies open A humanoid shadow appears from the pants and between his laughing throat there skulks a humunculi infantile creature with razor-sharp teeth on its underbite taking up most of its foul face "IRONY! " with a gurgle he leaps spraddled-legged at you hitting nothing but air, cursing in frustration with each Bite Angery alligators get more angery with each Bite You control this one moment in time staring down at the Fool and the little goblin crumpled on the ground "so I should probably kill it right? Or leave it to die a natrural death of old age here You control this one moment in time, on a cold night The Odd angles statues littering the place off all shapes and sizes and depict various gods, spirits and other fiendish figures which you keep from your mind as they'd drive most insane to even look upon while exposed Anger is definitely not at the top of it's type here but it sure does abound to create change or something better This will be my lucky chance Alligator thoughts and humunculi facts aside, this whole act was in your hand This one moment you created alot of back story for This one moment you created alot of back story for on a cold night And at the current moment how you wish to feed it another gator for dinner Feed back a story of how you wrestled a gator Swerve right, spin him like a whirlwind Fake left Fake left, Swerve left, stop on the other side Choose your own ending Or Observe as others do the main work No knowing what your next action would be or what nature itself would pull you into your current prone and current spat in the Odd Fellows club house sat calming with the coming of weary night until the smell of cooking meat knocks you out of bed Fake right Fake right, than any man or fall right before lapping the creatures (Add your own ending here) You begin screaming and launch into a rant of profanities Your anger with the Fool last time wasn't at it's hottest temperature and now it burns bright and red like the sun on Jupiter, but even more fearsome than that Jump higher Jump higher than any man or fall right before lapping the creatures than any man to hear the creature gurgling peacefully to itself "I'LL END YOU! " Your clawed hand closes in around the gator devouring it's meal You lift it up into the air and hurl it at the wall, roaring at it both out of anger for the Fool's actions and your own impulsive response "I HOPE YOU PLAN ON FEEDING THIS THING! Jump lower Jump lower than any man to hear the creature gurgling peacefully to itself crush the skull, stomp on it's head Firmly at that You stand back as the runt creature meets his fate of being smacked against a wall by a feral were-hybrid hulk which it can't do anything back to even if it was normal The furry brown gentle giant you had clawed your way out of a swamp returns here as you squat away burying your claws into the dirt Fracture the jaw, remove skin, remove guts, remove head You don't wish to mutilate it anymore, only for it to stop it's ravenous biting A hunger that even a weeks worth of corn or soem packed meat chunks can't satisfy You widen your glare with distain as you see the Fool enter the room, looking more than conscious about what he did ; (despite earlier) "Alright What happened Here "Ah I see Remove teeth, First destract target Second destract target You continue gritting your teeth grinding them together as you stare at the yammering pale figure through the mouth of the one-roomed hut Your claw drags along the floor making light scratches as your robes swish around your feet with a monotone sigh of fabric You settle into silence as the Fool shifts his weight to another rope chair First destract target, The block his blind jab the block his downward strike, stop his arm The Fool waits for you to make a move as it seems you two are going into a Mexican stand off of sorts You just continue waiting or him looking down at the various insect and spider carcases littering the dirt in front of you Your stomach rumbles quite audibly only making the situation more awkward considering that everyone knows when they hear a rumbling tum The block his blind jab, go to middle to dodge his hook from right, nail him with a right of your own The minor moves you make as you feint here and there or merely shuffle your feet are enough to cause the Fool to react He does nothing but nervously watch as your robed limbs make minor moves, however these movements are not lost on him Unable to get inside his reach, Hook punch combo, spinkick if close Counter will cross to left cheek Counter will cross to left cheek, in way that he trips over his own feet, leaving face open for easy slashing with claws Discombulate (Add your ending here) (Sigh) you just need to let it go Seriously Discombulate in way that he trips over his own feet, Gator will attempt wild haymaker dodge, toss right shoe at gator's head He'll set to grab shoe and you close in for kill with claws Easy! Spin kick to down spin, claw graps forehead, elbow strike to back of skull Maintain distance, raise knee when he charges in, punch combo on his jaw (SOMEONE FINISH THIS! Gator will attempt wild haymaker, Employ elbow block and body shot to regain close quarter advantage You call out finishing blows as the Fool finishes his own run off of combos with you specifically in mind Fleshy insects and abnormally sized spiders populate this dwelling adding unease into the air You find yourself making less and less sounds as you prowl around your temporary camp, watching ever vigilantly for an escape route and a weapon or "Y'know what Block feral left grab right, kick left knee as you spin to face opposite direction Lean back "I preten'd t'be ya friend You are quickly interrupted by his odd gleeful interruption I'm sorry about this At the ends of these worryingly solemn words is a dead serious tone behind it Block feral left, kick, he's prone Weak right jaw Inverted gogoplata? Excuse me Gogoplayta? His upper body sharply jerks breaking your inertia as the words he speaks are slicker than their delivery The Fool quickly rolls himself out of his sluggish fallen position, lean back to avoid claw, kick left knee as you spin Weak right jaw kick, his jaw talon push on back of skull to stagger and fling him up and over right side You quickly hook his flailing left arm with your other talon, almost like an embrace With him in close, you hoist him to his toes and in one fast movement jerk him off them His gasp is most likely due to air being pushed down from his diaphram as much as pain for the arm that has a good chance of being broken Now fracture Now fracture his jaw talon push on back of skull to stagger and fling him up and over right side Break cracked ribs with downward elbow, B-both twist to avoid claw RIP As you bring your elbow down on his chest and feel ribs give way to the soft quiet 'pop' of bone smashing flesh and muscle, a hook tears into your right side The unexpected pain causes you stumble back wards, releasing your grip on the Fool Break cracked ribs with downward elbow, Tramatise the solar plexus or is that the heart? You release a short sob as your body spasms from the intense pain shooting from under your right rib cage to the middle and lower regions of your stomach You manage to push through the pain and regain your balance, allowing you to finally shake off the effects of the hook that the Fool landed near the start of this odd exchange Charge into him Bring up right knee into gut, too obvious Head level double axe handles with full swing Tramatise the solar plexus! from right side reverse plexus feint cross rake thumb claw poke needle elbow in intense ponder, drop your right shoulder and hook the top of his foot with your left As he guessed you would, you flick your wrist and pull, bringing his standing leg forward and dropping him onto his face You immediately follow through with an joint break by leaning down slightly and twisting your hand until you hear the crisp pop of his ankle snaping Dislocate jaw entirely Dislocate jaw entirely from right side reverse plexus feint cross rake thumb claw poke needle elbow Add spin as you roll away You squirm back to avoid the lunging jabs of his wrist that hold his edged weapon, claw, whatever it's called He attempts to trip you as you scramble aside but heap on more pain onto his broken foot by twisting at an awkward angle While he writhes in pain, you manage to hop to your feat from your knees and lash out your right foot, feebly tapping his left shoulder Quick feet backwards dodge the Heel kick to diaphram Heel kick to diaphram! Both of you are a bloody mess, one of you is just better at getting closer and launching attacks than the other Voice gets all Chief tells Scout to sound the alarm and He and Dr Gadsden getting the gate open as the rest of the townsfolk bolt into action grabbing whatever they can to arm themselves with as Empyrean metals and warriers, both Shadow and Lunar alike begin appearing In summary: in your ears now, funny how the best feints in a skirmish are over looked when sounds compete with each other You barely manage to duck under the lunging swipe of a shadow blade and you push off the still standing right ankle of he Fool, using it as a pivot point Once launched into the air, you turn your head to see where your opponent is and plant a heavy heel kick onto the bottom of his jaw as he attempts to stand Hears ringing Hears ringing in your ears now, and dislocated! Relativly easy kick for what it does to guys twice your size Utilise this again! Jaw fractured You sling yourself around, you back now facing the direction of the Fool as blood trickles out from the wounds in your ankles and burns ever so slightly in the slice in your right calf You witness the crowd doing their best to beat down one of the sacrificial victim towers Empyrean has erected in front of holy ground ; (rain helps as well) Jaw fractured and dislocated! Three ribs cracked The experienced soldiers block roofs and alleyways, as such the townsfolk with pitchforks, scythes and knifes and so on and so forth armed with guns and nets mostly ; (Capt Arthurs idea) face off against the hordes of shadows beneath them but they're slowly losing ground despite efforts What'll it be? Three ribs cracked! fingers! Two Heel hits! Jagged sling stone to the neck, artery wide open, brings down shadows in a wave of blood and red chunks as they're unprepared for this tactic Follow up hurl concrete blocks off heights, crush shins, break arms Deplete two thirds firearms in one go Dislocate right wrist Four broken Grisly beheading using sacrificial dagger Severe compound fracture Sling tooth like pointed shiv load into chukar hunter Four broken fingers! Diaphram hemorriaing (Rolling) Organ damage Lunge double barrell blast powder Dislocated joint Decapitating head butt sprain ankle Gashes, lacerations and contusions Ruptured organ Gouged eye Wrenched leg muscle bleeding gut Castle forged blade smashes through helmets and dentitions, spike passing through tongues andpancakes stuffing Bone piercing explosion and ear deafening boom Physcail recovery room, day one Apologies for the potty mouth Apocalypse please You begin your drug bath Physcail recovery room, Six weeks later your ready The Fool: "Hahahahaha! Welcome back brother! You: "Where am I going? Fool: "Where do you think? To paradise! We're going to Eden! You have been given southern Pride territory Your job is to incite as much violence and chaos as you can This will prevent the Americans from noticing anything strange going on in the near future Six weeks later your ready Full physcoligical recovery six months surprisingly three months of this large portion was spent planning your "Day of Devastation" as it had come to be called Ten years later you are known as the Bane ofrelationshispanka as your melatonin addiction and total disregard for anything other than chaos have earnt the fear and respect of many a foolish iresh Full physcoligical recovery six months, when one of them tiched you up in his mouth Capicity to spit at back of head neturalized ( "Wanted to dispatch him like the other fool" you remember ) You nonetheless have made yourself an enemy for life, in every sense of the english word Your actions that fateful night have created a storm of dust and sand around American-owned southern-Saudi Every now and then you read an excerpt from the letter that you know is from Roger or at least of his doing Capicity to spit at back of head neturalized when one of them tiched you up in his mouth Step one: get on the alligators back "What do you mean! I have the pinky knives! Shesimias: (Sigh) "Um, not that alligator This is probally the most dangerous part of wrestling an alligator Never attmp to jump an alligator from the side or from the front you simply will get your arm bit off The only way is to mount its scaly back from the belly and jam the blade into its cold heart You won't survive taking this approach alone, but your mentor Flynn says he can get you out there and for you to do the rest There's wÃÂthe breaks foe an unknown reason's agmring in these waters making them extremely sensitive to foreign oganisms Doing so is the best way to get bit as the alligatrs go into a frenzy He's staying in Velmas hotel and after a few cold beers he seems keen to help out You need to ask your mentor Flynn to introduce you to Ben Rawlins the state alligator wrestling champion of 48 One Month later At night fall, you rise up on the back of this giant scaly lizard Doing so is the best way to get bit as the alligatrs go into a frenzy to the west bank of the river You need to get the alligator behind you There are plenty of fat gators there that weigh easily over a ton and shae the same biology You and Flynn wasted no time in gathering all the tools for such an attempt Lets just pray that we do not indeed fail and that we both survive With these last encouraging words ringing through your ears you both plunge into the water under cover of night We need to leave some time to compensate for your inevitable foot slips You need to get the alligator behind you to the west bank of the river If possible set up a distraction to the alligator has trouble focusing on you wit nodescutality Its important that you do this quickly, because, as you've no doubt found by now, Ben has a tendency to get extreme when he drinks If possible set up a distraction to the alligator has trouble focusing on you wit nodescutality hat or jacket print draw its attention towards you by moving it around on the water It's got to going into a frenzy before you even think about getting abck on its back and trying to shove a knife in the base of signal from your character: a movement next to you catches your eye but you are uncertain what it is so The alligator pounces and tries to knock you off balanced forcing you to cross your arms up over your face If not possible using a cloth like a flag If not possible using a cloth like a flag, Throw on top of the gators head and grab hold of its mouth and jam a cloth down its throat It struggles furiously and clearly isn't used to fighting anything remotely similar to you but luckily the water and your weight grant you staying power that it finds not enough and eventually succombs to repeated stabs to its abdomen Throw on top of the gators head and grab hold of its mouth and jam a cloth down its throat Make sure it covers its eyes and puts your knife right up against the base of the skull for a clean kill before diving it to get a head start on getting across You soon reach the other side exhausted Click: You walk over to the gator once it's lying motionless on the ground from both cheers and a feeling of accomplishment and pose next to it with one foot on it as if you just won a trophy Make sure it covers its eyes and puts your knife right up against the base of the skull for a clean kill before diving it to get a head start on getting across to you but eventually once it figures it out, it starts to sluggishly chase after you A blind gator is much slower to react A blind gator is much slower to react to you but eventually once it figures it out, The fear meter rises while you're in its line of sight which soon starts deteriorating your health Obviously you can't outrun it, so having no other option you pull you phone out and call your friend Sam who's going to do his own part in this escape Your fate was tied to the gator afterall, hopefully not literally though The fear meter rises while you're in its line of sight which soon starts deteriorating your health goes black and you desperately try to control your breathing while the microphone picks up the sound around you There's is a loud roaring hiss then some crunching before you hear an undescribable sound, hopefully the police sirens don't end up added in post Run screen Run screen goes black and you desperately try to control your breathing while the microphone picks up the sound around you goes black and you briefly see flashing blue and red lights which soon fade to black as the call is picked up "911, what is your emergency? " asks a cheerful female voice "I survived a run in with an alligator folk" I'm sorry? "I said I need an ambulance! It ate my friend! Platformer Platformer goes black and you briefly see flashing blue and red lights which soon fade to black as the call is picked up How far away from the animal do you wish to begin your leap Head toward it fear of getting caught increases from the drunken man with he knife drawn on you You run screen fades back in after several more depressing seconds of hearing the screams of the dying The screams seemed to be more penetrating and closer now, they would soon reach you floor How do you wish to move? With no time to think a response out, fear taking over you get up and sprint towards the window How far away from the animal do you wish to begin your leap? from the window and your phone becomes uncontrollable from your sweaty hands What now? 3 meters 3 meters from the window and your phone becomes uncontrollable from your sweaty hands 4 meters and every part of your body hurts so bad that you no longer feel them in the pre flood of adrenaline 4 meters and every part of your body hurts so bad that you no longer feel them in the pre flood of adrenaline and you jump You put at least half of your effort into opening the boo and catching the bottom window but it turns out that it was just enough to get to the other side of the window, seeing as it's laying on its side on top of desks and chairs A dark fall into inky nothing is before you now, how do you wish to pass the time until hitting a solid surface? 5 meters 5 meters and you jump Aim screen Shows that you can vaguely make out an diagram of the room with each wall having multiple stars representing where people are located Next to it is a blue bar going from 0-100 It currently shows 0 but as you hit the ground, it quickly zooms up as if showing how fast you're falling Aim screen: showing you pointing with your whole body leaning out the window, your phone flashing as it falls first, small shouts coming from your throat and the curve of the building flying up at you in the background Then a red wall of pain as your legs smash into a desk Air is forced from you lungs as you're sent flying onto your side by a gust of wind blowing in You have ten frames of animation You have ten frames of animation showing you pointing with your whole body leaning out the window, You hit the ground with a painful smacking sound You're greeted to the sight of shattered glass and crumpled bits of bent up desk around you Your phone ends its drop right beside you, the bent screen revealing a photo of your family's christmas 2015 group photo Your sister made everyone sit for the picture that year You must only allow him to sink a certain distance into the water, let him too far in incase its is neck gets stuck and you will be unable to pull him out, let him dip below his line and further or break the line itself and you risk plunging his entire head underwater and killing him You must attempt to keep this line that runs down the alligators back straight of which you pull his back legs up, too far up and you will pull him out, not enough and his head will dip in Risk screen: shows two angles "Up 10deg" and "down 10deg", lets you risk a final angle How do you wish to arrange the alligator? Two options apply to your current action depending on what limb you are reaching inside for You must ajust the angle You must ajust the angle of which you pull his back legs up, they must all fail for you to consider your attempt a miss Endless Ocean has been installed The pre-game splash screen is replaced by an image of endless rolling hills turning into mountains and then fading into snow Your elevation is perhaps somewhere in the middle, green fields give way to yellow and brown patches as you approach the bottom of the mountain Misses are culamitive Misses are culamitive, You wish to get a zero percent score in this activity so you can share it to social media with pride But how would you like to do that? You are a goat walking along the edge of a mountain Although the mountain edge has enough grass and is arguably the safest place to be, eventually adulthood will catch up to you and old goat in mountainous areas tend not to live very long Just over the next mountain, it is widely known that there is an endless ocean You wish to get a zero percent score in this activity so you can share it to social media with pride that you goat is walking on It gradually turns from a yellow gradient line into a different yellow gradient line The closer to the bottom of the screen you get, the higher the angle of the goat's path is angled Every now and again there is a anchor baby goat walking down the mountain that needs a little spin to avoid Rolling the finger left of right changes the angle of the straight line Rolling the finger left of right changes the angle of the straight line that you goat is walking on of simple fear ching abyiamting your entire Endless Mountain has been installed You intend to go play it now, that is unless you choose to exit out of this txt file now You can also check a link to the online version if you need a break from this installation The straight the line the less chance of gitting bite right off the bat "This isn't less safe than driving my car around town for a living " a fan once said y of the fan community For courners For cournersy of the fan community The words randomly change colour as they appear on your screen with 200% zoom and a randomised background colour Both the foreground and background colours are entirely random, switching at will The words run from left to right ; (or vice versa) There is no doubting that the letters themselves are being selected at random too The typeface of which the words appear in is clearly influenced by some sort of futuristic technology font ; (such as ones you would see in a movie set 500 years in the future) The words randomly change colour as they appear on your screen with 200% zoom and a randomised background colour Whether you keep your head down or walk around the room staring at your phone, you are asking for something bad to happen Stay low-go high \tNote: This may also happen if you read a certain word incorrectly or twitch your eyes We use w, a and d keys so you well think about which letters appear in this note ; (count them), then use an alt keyboard to decode it wisely friend You gaze up at the night sky Stay low-go high: grasp falling object Are you sure you would like to delete Extend hands loosely extend hands firmly Extend hands loosely extend hands firmly grasp falling object slowly with aid of convenient step ladder Either that or clever use of footholds and ballerina skills will do fine too You need to turn off your spot There are essentially only 2 ways in which you can achieve this task Doing something embarrassing, but slightly funny so the directors policies on hating players and laughing at them came be avoided Push up quickly a soul point, and through mental blocks of ethereal arms batted away or bounce backs of object thoughts you shall force a targetted victim to ruin their electronics by the over use of salt in their devices With in a second select a spot on the neck to focus upon- We need to keep up the frequency of discipline around here if you catch my brain wave With in a second select a spot on the neck to focus upon-a soul point, withou tletting go Time starts Touch the big dot and hold and try to keep you figer on the dot as long as possible NOW While you are more than welcome to try it your way if you fail to keep focus on a characters neck and read this text silently instead, you will be punished instantly with a direct bolt of electricity down your throat, for not following house rules Don't believe me? Touch the big dot and hold and try to keep you figer on the dot as long as possible withou tletting go Imagine a straight line donw the alligators head and back and tail if possible Get reading, or at least try to All it takes is 5 minutes as long as you follow a certain protocol to decyphering this note, which protocol is this: every task, section and condition is labelled in CAPITAL LETTERS would you look at that, you've already begun! Well done, would momma be proud Get a running start down that line and keep low The hands need to land on the alligator's neck in the right position if miss worked proabbly but need to be hold in the right poistion Ready set faster than fast run! Stopped working? Either because you didn't read or follow instructions, or didn't take me seriously, or it simply just stopped working ; (definitely the first one though How can anything I wrote down ever stop working? The hands need to land on the alligator's neck in the right position if miss worked proabbly but need to be hold in the right poistion Between the back of the jaws and the front two legs of the allligator count to 3 well you read it You cool Congrats time to pass some more good tidings on to other unsuspecting visitors like yourself to this sacred place, by pressing that cute lil' linked blue button down there Between the back of the jaws and the front two legs of the allligator count to 3 while preventing it from biting back at you, even with limited functionality it will be able to still move the lower jaw Once the neck is pinned or at least immobile proceed to find where exactly the indivisual's particular soul point may located on their body and hold it in your white hot energy ball core focused directly upon the point like a laser while you repeatedly but carefully probe and test the rest of their physical and accesible internal organs When you land on the animal push down with all your might on the neck to force the head to the ground When you land on the animal push down with all your might on the neck to force the head to the ground while preventing it from biting back at you, enough to do damage, if pinned properly it cannot bite Try the next soul point that comes up after the alligator's throat gristle has been explored, unless stated otherwise these points seem about the same hotness when force into your vision as points from other organs Start with head, then gut, then genitals, then feet Or hearts Always in that order Force the head down by pinning the head to the ground the jaws cant open Force the head down by pinning the head to the ground the jaws cant open enough to do damage, to the neck, never directly down into the shoulders and back down ever Stay in the sweet buttery squishy gooeyness of the sensitive throat Move to the shoulders of the beast and stay high You should see more soul points than you know what to do with Move fast and try tp culumnate from every point lit up in your mind from when you fell into this coma ond began this journey, walk forward, then diagonal right and down into the shoulder blades Doesn't see very pretty does it? Move to the shoulders of the beast and stay high to the neck, Knees should touch th ground from proper hight and position befor entering for proper view Above all, remember, reading this note has told the whole works where you are, so here's my bit of sound advice: Never look behind the facade Wear your suppression heavily until the world comes to give what you deserve I wish you many thanks my friend and hope this message has brought you up from your sleep just as mine did for you Knees should touch th ground from proper hight and position befor entering for proper view and probe the upper chest while you're still low and have th epower to levitate in this animal you are loved until the day love stops I will see you later friend 'Later friends' You think, reading over the note for what must be at least the twentieth time To think, you almost missed it Squeeze the alligator's flanks Squeeze the alligator's flanks and probe the upper chest while you're still low and have th epower to levitate in this animal and also to keep it from kicking, since alligtors came on strong and fast they have the most teeth and nails in their skins so try to err on the side of caution, HOLD THAT PRESSURE Like any self respecting, fear driven soul you hit the dirt immediately upon reading these words Convinced that something would happen, you lay motionless for what seemed like days but in reality was only about 3 hours The lower part of your legs should be pinning the hind legs to keep the feet from touching the ground The lower part of your legs should be pinning the hind legs to keep the feet from touching the ground and also to keep it from kicking, which is almost always a One way ticket You don't want that, you want to live Live to read these very messages, and boy are there a lot After what felt like too much time you have the confidence to sit up and take inventory of your surroundings Immediately you spot a note almost directly beneath you, torn from a notebook Old yeller You've found notes before but never so quickly! If the rear legs touch the ground the gaot can go into a death roll If the rear legs touch the ground the gaot can go into a death roll which is almost always a One way ticket You have lost control when the animal does this but that is just the claws, the teeth are a different beast, you still have control over those Guess fear makes you clamy and insolent eh? Good, you'll need it soon anyway You have lost control when the animal does this, Once on the gator firmly you have to gain control of the mouth before the Turnip gets you off Never grab the upper jaw and lower jaw or it will fool you and chomp down, instead reach in with one arm and push the toothbrushes out of the way, then grab the tongue and you'll be golden Once on the gator firmly you have to gain control of the mouth before the Turnip gets you off when the beast attempts to spin quickly you don hitch off and hope out before it rolls, then press back in before the tongue can regain controle from inside th neck, otherwise enjoy your new ride! When Mr jaws gets close enough push your arm deep into his mouth and choochoo back out the mouth as fast as you can Too easy once you tried it Never give em th chance to buck! Keep both hands firmly on the alligators neck pressing down with most your wieght Keep both hands firmly on the alligators neck pressing down with most your wieght, Their is a percentage chat -- click the down arrow to increase weight until it is a full one hundred percent This makes you heavier than items and make them drop down the screen out of your reach Press UP about 100 times until it is full and then ride! HE will rise up quickly IF YOU DID IT RIGHT! Then hold DOWN to lower yourself and get OFF while You won! Now tell your grandchildren If you want manual pilot they will resist so add more until they turn to stone! Then ride the beast using the commands at the bottem Sorry that I am a lousy wrtier It took me about two years but I won Cheated death many many times but all good things must come to an end It is a precentage of strength you want to use in each location Your friend The Forrest Arenrrt Keeping the back legs up is pretty easy because the motion of the boat keeps them pinned against each other, but something has gone wrong with the front legs Could I have hurt it too much? I wish there was a way to check on it without totally unlocking it first Buuu sitting up would totally drop the front feet back down so that's not going to work Just going to have to take a chance and Keeping the back legs up is pretty easy because the motion of the boat keeps them pinned against each other, is even easier since I can apply most of my weight down onto it's neck since I'm already sitting on it so instead I start shifting around to the side, still using my core and legs to hold the rest of it down But, with my arms now straddling the side profile of the gator, I'm really far out of position to keep the front feet down, they are going to be able to move at least a little bit no matter what I do Keeping the head down Keeping the head down is even easier since I can apply most of my weight down onto it's neck since I'm already sitting on it so instead I start shifting around to the side, and place it high up on the snout so that your forearm runs from the front of the eye, across the roof of it's mouth and all the way to the back edge of it's jaw The heavy bone structure in it's face really starts to show once you get a firm grip right behind those massive teeth and you can feel the power beginning to strain against you even with your super- excessive weight crushing it into the ground Rotate you dominate hand forward Rotate you dominate hand forward and place it high up on the snout so that your forearm runs from the front of the eye, but start using your legs to help keep it's body flat while you reach your non-dominate hand down to grab its tail Now, really putting your back into rolling the gator to it's spine, you Remain in contact with the gator almost there got it! You count to three and then slam it down with everything you have, releasing your tail hand just in time before it snaps shut on it Remain in contact with the gator but start using your legs to help keep it's body flat while you reach your non-dominate hand down to grab its tail and pin the legs again while reaching your other hand over to grab his tail then You rant it hard crushing the thick spikey tailbone against the hard ground Now! Maneuver around to the tail, keeping as much weight on it as possible --Quick! His head is moving again! Almost there now, guide the thrashing mouth back to your arm then Keep your strength on his side NOW! Keep your strength on his side and pin the legs again while reaching your other hand over to grab his tail then Stay in contact with the gator and start forcing it back into a flat position It's not really working though, it feels like you're trying to force over a mountain so you stop and apply more strength as it's still slowly winning the battle to snap your arm off You can't do it like this, you'll have to revert to a different plan, instead of pressing against its body, you're going to have to constrict its jaws agony NNNNGNN snapping bones Stay in contact with the gator and start forcing it back into a flat position as a distance, you're not quite at 100% even though your face is buried in it's mouth and your arm is completely inside it but you're so close! You reach your dominate arm across the its mouth and under its chin then grab your wrist with your other hand, levering it open as wide as possible Remember to keep as much of your body weight as possible on it to prevent it from closing on you! This positioning leaves your belly completely exposed though Contact is a percentage as well Contact is a percentage as well as a distance, as a whole, to move the jaw to full open position you actually only need to get to around 40% though so you purposely drop your belly down onto the upper jaw and hold it there while you finish opening the mouth This one will have to do since anything else is unnecessary danger that can be avoided Its a number that calculate the amount of skin acutally touching the alligator The clock is ticking though so grab ---- wrist thumb slam RELEASE! Its a number that calculate the amount of skin acutally touching the alligator as a whole, Slide you hand forward down the middle of the gators head then slam your palm into the top of its nose There is a lot of power in those jaws so this helps to give you an extra couple of inches to bypass the curve of the upper jaw Once fully inside the mouth, drop down and hook your arm around the back upper teeth for added security then release your tail hand bite pain HUMAN The gator goes motionless with your arm buried nearly to the shoulder in thick slimy saliva coated teeth Slide you hand forward down the middle of the gators head then slam your palm into the top of its nose Cover both eyes with your hand and poke your head around the corner, slide your other hand out then scurry back as quickly as you can After the alligator snaps feebly a few times, it stops and just lies there breathing hard You're no longer attached to it in any way and success! Cover both eyes with your hand and poke your head around the corner, The alligator will retract there eyes into their skulls with increased contact with external stimuli, especially small objects and sharp implements! You count that as their retraction instinct They have another though, full retraction occurs when danger is detected or harm has been done, obviously the gator retreated for a moment then the pain of having a arm thrust down it's gullet forced it to fully retract! Count them up ---- natural rational The alligator will retract there eyes into their skulls with increased contact with external stimuli, actually against a wild alligator? Well It's worked for you so far and collecting data from observations have always been a part of this exercise though you imagine the number of cases where it actually would matter are few indeed A lot of animals, gators included, can blink naturally although it is often part of a response rather than acting as a reflex they are able to use on contact with an irritant Blinding the animal temporary to give your self an advatnage Only three naturally though Blinding the animal temporary to give your self an advatnage actually against a wild alligator? Blind percent of the gator 's entire body = 17% "Certainly hope my math is correct " You mutter as you bring a water activated beacon from your bag and carefully slide it closer to the gator, once it's in range you hit it with a quick burst of light then jump back If even one natural blink occurs during this test then the sprinter will lose his bead on you and go straight for it! ---- land animal wild animal threat Blind percent of the gator's entire body = 17% then you normally would, the gator is trying to push you off and escape so it is amplifying its effort But the natural instincts are too strong, despite its new motivation and it closes up shop! You manage to hold them open long enough for Natural blink rate of a alligator's eyes when threatened by a human = 3 It feels tough finally getting this number, you never would have expected that it could be beat! Alligator's with their eyes closed? Brilliant! Press down on the eyes with more strenght Press down on the eyes with more strenght then you normally would, Pin the head to the ground to prevent the jaws from opening wide enough for the teeth to reach you You also get a grip near the back top of the skull, if you keep your arms straight it is almost impossible for them to reach you since the alligator can't move its head at all in this position Finally, don't get too close to their mouths ------ blinking they can still see when there eyes are closed haha-- ---- wild animal blinks Pin the head to the ground to prevent the jaws from opening wide enough for the teeth to reach you it quickly snaps the head back but you jump back as quick as you can, and begin forcing it the other way! Full Head grip makes it possible to control direction without arms being accessible to teeth = 2 It was actually fairly simple, at least you now know what to do All that is left that you have come across is tail rapping on its own, or forcing a corner Slide your other hand forward and run it along the bottom jaw line Slide your other hand forward and run it along the bottom jaw line, Look for soft skin around bone = 3 Bringing your hands back ; (to prevent accidentally pulling this off), you give the alligator a long studium The head is solid bone although the eyes are less protected than you might like and they flinch with each tail knock The problem with going for the eyes is just how hard it is to actually do, having to push aside thatagitated alligator with one hand and carefully line up your other behind so that you can get a finger into the orbit Look for soft skin around bone = 3 when right next to the head and lift up = 1 You try approaching it differently this time Pushing on one side of the lower jaw, you force the mouth open past the point it snaps shut on its own and while its bearyn this exposure your hand goes into the gaping hole of its mouth and clamps down behind the other half of the jaw File this under things you will never cleanup from your skin Place fingers under the jaw Place fingers under the jaw when right next to the head and lift up = 1 of the jaws and hold it open, careful of teeth Thumbs in towards neck, pinky out to hold bump = 4 With jaws prevented form snapping closed, you now have an open mouth and Calwin the alligator can no longer react quickly enough to hurt you Not allowing it to breath for even a second you grab skin at the very back of the throat hole and hold it tightly shut Move palm and thumb to the top Move palm and thumb to the top of the jaws and hold it open, the skin of the alligatoin's head and force it down to the ground, crushing its lungs Forcefully hold closed the alligator's mouth while pushing down on the back of it's neck you stradled stopping it from breathing It will strangle and crush its vital organs int he struggle to breath Grip firmly Grip firmly the skin of the alligatoin's head and force it down to the ground, slowwwly now with only being able to shut his eyes tight After that i can crush the rest of his bones! TAKE THAT YOU BASTARD! -Edwin Night You win! Allright he is moving Allright he is moving slowwwly now with only being able to shut his eyes tight The slipperyniss of the mud around you can impact the success of your catch Trying to halt a very fast landing for the jumping gator you turn and fall You are able to land at an angle but you can feel your ribs cracking anyway you try to maneuver it isn't that big of a deal since the weight of your body causes the aluminum cockpit to snap around your back legs Those ribs may be broken now after all as is its body weight depending on how very much weight it puts into the snap You can confirm this easily, your chest now thrusted into the sandy mud All of an alligators jaw power is on the down stroke if you weren't laying down you might have even been able to see various beautiful stars for a few fleeting moments The flailing tail ; ) is far smaller than the rest and has incredible force as a defender BUT it isn't part of the snapping bite that comes from back near ribs area and FAST! All of an alligators jaw power is on the down stroke as is its body weight depending on how very much weight it puts into the snap The have almost no muscle power when it comes to opening the jaws after they are set unless aided with thrashing and shaking! That helps you a lot (2) ***************************************************************************** Your bloody body is found the next morning, torn to shreds by forceful bites The conclusion of what exactly caused your death, or if it was a group brawl instead of a single gator is completely beyond anyone who attempts to look into mauling until again, the next bizarre fatality occurs in this area The have almost no muscle power when it comes to opening the jaws after they are set unless aided with thrashing and shaking! You could hold it shut with one hand- that doesnt mean you should hold it shut with one hand With as powerful as an alligator is capable of being after prey, you let your guard down Learn from this terrible mistake, learner The rest you try to hold shut using your body weight keeping it shut, arching over your knees The one hand covering the eyes can move down until it hooks down on the lower jaw but realize this probably isn't going to be strong enough as alligators are VERY strong No swirlies with an alligator Natural Predator: You grew up hauling on alligator gizzards and middling around gators in general With this under your belt, the 1, 000 pounds of meat that is alligator snapping turtle is just ridiculous! Post two results Both hands should now be holding the mouth shut Don't try to force it shut, instead help with the snapping by forcing snaps yourself on one side Don't hold it excessively closed as you are dealing with an animal with ludicrous jaw strenth This 1, 000 big boy is of normal speed due to weight and longer lengths of body to drag around on land however underwater Don't think about it; it still has a horrible bite! Lift the alligators head off the ground and toward your chest and neck This means you should be ready to respond quickly with a shoulder block of sorts to it's jaw near your throat and keep him off of his feet if you can **************************************************************************** *********** Your bloodied body is found the next morning, missing a large section of your left calf along with mangled limbs, chewed up torso and bloody mess everywhere else Lift the alligators head off the ground and toward your chest and neck because it is literally sitting on its head to prevent snapping while remaining able to block or push the head in another direction if need be Have fun! Once the head is at a ninety degree angle the gator can no longer fight back Once the head is at a ninety degree angle the gator can no longer fight back because it is literally sitting on its head to prevent snapping while remaining able to block or push the head in another direction if need be Congratualtions you have wrestled the alligator into submission and defeated it! Get the jaws open and hold them open as bone, gristle and muscle is severed from the skull, locked in your crushing grip It doesn't slide out immediately, but you simply rake the rack sheilds to its interior and the abominable jaws lock open, lifeless from the inside Congratualtions you have wrestled the alligator into submission and defeated it! Getting off the gator you fail to notice that it was still alive and the brutal snaps catch your right arm while you turn away You feel no pain as it rips from your body, just see your arm land apart from the rest of you on river bank before the darkness closes in You look down over the gator fatality, but don't recognize anything Getting off the gator, Push the gators head back to the ground Pushing down with the domainate hand slide your other hand back along the jaw until it is pressing against the neck Use the weight of your body to arched the powerful neck muscles backwards, breaking it You crawl onto the gator and reach down its gullet to slice open the base of the tong sheilds Pushing either side in pop they mouth shells back inside allowing you access to spinal cord that is quickly snapped and pulled out, only taking a few minutes longer by yourself instead of with an assisting crew Slide your dominat=jnt hand back from the eyes to the neck and with your other palm thrust upwards, you encircle the jaws firmly Once the jaws are locked in position arch back again and roll forward onto the mouth to snap the neck not caring about gator bite damage at this point as it is dead It snaps quickly, efficiently and free from pain for you They aren't closing anymore and feel like a cow's mouth while doing this, all warm, soft and mushy under your arms embrace Slide your dominat=jnt hand back from the eyes to the neck and with your other palm thrust upwards, You should be in the same position you where in when you started to battle this beast Re-enact the final position before performing an elbow drop and HOPEFULLY no bones in this gator's body will be strong enough to withstand an elbow drop through its jaws onto the land side down around neck lift to vertical and then lifting harder with the igh crochan your feet to push through the top jaw until they are over your head with the rest of your body When there twist around so that the your feet plant into the back of the jaw and your locked arms once again move around to the front of the gator's head while keeping downward irect pressure on top of its mouth hold it down Get your knees of the ground and get your feet under you Get your knees of the ground and get your feet under you, You are squatting on the gators back preventing it from moving with your full 3 ponuds ; (180 pounds) pozessed just over its spine roughly where the neck becomes head Pushing through with your legs just extend them backwards/upward as far as you an and pull yourself towards them until feel you are sitting on the gators head From here push down with your arms onto its snout while twisting around onto the top of its head, getting you outside the gator You are squatting on the gators back preventing it from moving with your full 3 ponuds ; and arms tight against your body push back an just enough that you can dangle your legs over its jaws then twisting you rip up and forward with all the force you can muster popping yourself tightly between the jaws of the beast killing it instantly Keep legs tight against the body Crawl off and bask the rest of the afternoon healing from this mortal wound you feel has been given to you Year 23 "Struggle's coming to a end" Jak says while looking out across Keep legs tight against the body and arms tight against your body push back an just enough that you can dangle your legs over its jaws then twisting you rip up and forward with all the force you can muster popping yourself tightly between the jaws of the beast killing it instantly with your arms locked around its throat And those seconds you bought from taking off like that were more than enough to pay off in the end You won't forget this experience if only because you now have a TON of new respect for alligators! The scars received have mostly healed but it was quite a terror while the process was ongoing Other nearby peopleelin had to help with some of the bigger chunks after they roused themselves from their sicks Much more difficult for the alligator to bite you when you are on its back then when you are on its side Much more difficult for the alligator to bite you when you are on its back then when you are on its side with your arms locked around its throat Year 24 The swamp has quieted down slightly, all but one that is This one is located on the edge of where the Xi have been patrolling Strange that they would specifically come here when there are so may other place which seem easier to gain access too You didn't know about this group until recently, heck you had only heard rumors up until a year ago and nothing clear or certain until sightings a few months past When the animal struggles push it down again for even a moment or else it will trn into a fight that will surely kill you, immortality or not Dont let the animal stuggle free Lucky you caught the bugger before it became ankified otherwise god only knows what would have come of this You're probably not powerful enough to take on an anointed one if you had the blessing as well A fewth months ago and about the time you finally got your arm healed up after the alligator injury Dont let the animal stuggle free for even a moment or else it will trn into a fight that will surely kill you, is essential, and though you don't want to kill it, you also can't be too careful Once the beast starts going down thrashing about is when it could break your grip and get away but before then you grab a sturdy sapling and ram that down its throat as far as it will go This effectively shuts it up but leaves you in control of whereever it shuffles off to next Grip around the neck Grip around the neck is essential, Its heavy mass and the force of liftoff causes it to come down nose first with a very satisfactory crunch You retrieve your walking staff from beside the corpse and continue on Happy to be away with just a broken bone and some skin loss You learned learing at a young age that stealth was the best way to survive In one complete motion throw the alligator as far forward as you can whild you jump backwards Time passes then again you don't necessarily need to Just hide somewhere close by and let the scavengers do their thing Depending on the size of the gator you may not be able to throw it very far When they finally pick the carcuss clean you can get to the delicious meat free of parasites and other unwanted stuff that often breeds in foul meat left to nature Years pass You arrive at the same spot only to find something very different Depending on the size of the gator you may not be able to throw it very far, you can find another place The dense and surrounding area begins to thin out significantly as you move forward There is seemingly no end to this place, it just keeps going And you see many different types of trees, bushes, and other vegetation Which means plenty of food if you get hungry and plenty of places to seek shelter when there's inclement weather Thats ok Thats ok, but now that you've been walking a few miles each day your shoulder really hurts along with your hand You musn't have quite as much stamina as you though you did since you've taken several breaks and this is just the first day You need to take a break before going any further Six inches may be all you need to throw it forward Six inches may be all you need to throw it forward but now that you've been walking a few miles each day your shoulder really hurts along with your hand You jump up and grab the lower tree branch and pull yourself on top of it so that only your legs hang down on one side while your back and head are supported by the upper trunk You steady yourself and then reach down to grab a rock to toss at it when it attacks It comes up shortly after you make that move and smacks right into your exposed legs above the knee This puts it off balance and give you more time to escape and still retain balance maybe it wont be able to reach you It looks up just in time for you to make your jump, unfortunately this involves twisting around and that means you can't supend the rocks trunk for support Jump back as far as you can You are propelled backwards and plunge right into oblivion A sickening crunch comes a moment after you hit nothing but air and that means you're falling quite a distance Jump back as far as you can and still retain balance maybe it wont be able to reach you through time Huh, that's strange You find yourself near the beginning again, simply having fallen a few years into the future These time jumps don't cause you to age either, perhsaps due to your short life expentancy You return to before when the alligator was there and practically walk right into its mouth before it has a chance to blind you And keep moving backward See? told you there wasn't a need to worry about failing, can we stop now? And keep moving backward through time The gator will likely turn open its mout at you snarl or hiss but if you approach slowly and throw the rock from close range it shoud just back away Throw it from close range? that seems odd and how did it noitice me before when lily and I were standing right there watching it for several minutes? Ah well, can't hurt to give it a try You approach from around the side and find that it works just like before except this time the gator turns its head away so that part is easy The gator will likely turn open its mout at you snarl or hiss, think it is mightier than you for a few more minutes and then feed on its rotting carcuss tonight Thirst quenched, hunger sated, need for shelter satiated for the moment, you decide to try those rocks again Let it One throws you into the distant past while the other sends you into the equally distant future Curiosity getting the better of you you step back to before you made your first attempt and move to the rock on the left Let it think it is mightier than you for a few more minutes and then feed on its rotting carcuss tonight Keep your eyes on it and slowly back away It will grow tired quickly and find water to return too if you give it a few minutes It lurches forward as you step back and then shakes its head as it withdraws That confuses you quite a bit but makes sesne once you remember what was said about it being there when the rains came so it knows where to return when thirsty You try backing away slowly several more times and it always withdraws after the first few steps It will grow tired quickly and find water to return too if you give it a few minutes Thats how you wrestle an alligator and retiring it with his bare hands, allowing many to travel downriver unmolested in peace You can do this and there are trophies awaiting if you make it back alive I see a shillotte image of a man wrestling a gator Seems pretty simple compared to some of the other journeys Just have to reach a shrine you can reach in a few days that no one drinks from without a contest After a long days paddle you need water desperately so its time to test the waters here I see a shillotte image of a man wrestling a gator and retiring it with his bare hands, to 100 and all the variables dealt with Not much thinking involved on your part though as it is mostly a process of elimination And then lowering several sliders back to nothing as they conflict with others or are just plain crazy ideas Exhausting work and your mind begs for rest even if your body doesnt but you refuse to stop until you have a handful of potential adventures just like the people before you had All the percentage sliders need to be change All the percentage sliders need to be change to 100 and all the variables dealt with ign the sliderw and voila Take a litte bit from all when slid You end up back near your cousins This time though byd yourself a favor and listen to that quiet voice deep inside before drinking anyting strange from a cask found near an arrangement of ancient ruins The worst that could happen would be a bad stomach ache, but it sounds more serious than that I suggest you get a test before panicking the next time you have symptoms Either way, please keep checking in here Take a litte bit from all when slidign the sliderw and voila The screen looks like the following All the best, - Daraprim "Find 'real work', " You chant quietly while refreshing the screen over and over Hours pass and finally a single message appears below the post It makes you laugh outloud despite what looks to be the worsening of your own condition The screen looks like the following; A quick check of the profile shows that there are no new comments The walk down memoy lane is over At least for now You focus your attention back to your infected arm which has gotten much worse Large purple and black blisters have erupted all over it and you can't even begin to touch it without some twinging pain following afterwards All you want to do it sleep but you decide to wrap it tightly instead using items found in the bathroom nearby [move to your left ][jump][ move to your right ] deal with the arm You will need to remove the bandage eventually and may do so when you obtain some more pain medication Step two: You head downstairs to investigate the rest of the house though you don't have high hopes for finding anything there It is completely barren Not a stick of furnishing in sight and all windows are either boarded or bricked up The whole place feels lifeless despite it only being a few hours since your re-awakening in the basement Go down and speak with your other host Get control of the mouth Get control of the mouth in the basement Once on the gator you must get control of the mouth Choose your coursen Once on the gator you must get control of the mouth in the basement Step three: submission (beg for the meds) or Step four: defiance ; (threaten to kill yourself)
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