#i dont regularly rewatch tv shows but the game is could not do
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tagged by : @vengefuls tagging: @freakarus , @razorfst , @belovedstars , @livedtough , @fyrewalks + VIEWERS LIKE YOU!
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margle · 1 year
15 (ish) questions for 15 (ish) mutuals (but I didnt do that part sorry)
thanks @cowboycharmac , @translesbianvampire , @number-one-hog-hater , @23meteorstreet for the tags!
were you named after anyone?
sort of. I asked my mum and she listed a few people but the main one is a very hedonistic character from a book.so that’s a fun role to fill. the other people are a bit more daunting in their accomplishments.
do you have kids?
no and I dont want any.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
not very often, I guess. ive been told I am very difficult to read if im telling a joke or not. especially sarcasm. im mostly sarcastic when im being mean rather than funny. I guess im more likely to be dry?
what's the first thing you notice about people?
I honestly have no clue. definitely not their shoes. and probably not their face because I can never remember what people look like. I sat in a car with my driving instructor for months but could not tell you what he looked like. physically, I probably notice hair and clothes first? but otherwise if im meeting someone new I just notice whether they talk to me or not and how they hold a conversation.
what's your eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
im a wimp and I dont like scary movies. so I guess I prefer happy endings, although I dont mind some tragedy. for tv I almost exclusively watch comedies. i dont watch a lot of films so i’ll mostly watch what other people want. im a fan of rewatching, so it is rare I will willingly watch something new on my own. as for books, ill read anything! but especially interesting gothic classics and translated books. I like slice of life and anything with great world building. not a huge fan of ya probably because it was all I read when I was younger so I got a bit bored of it.
any special talents?
I never know how to answer that. im decent at various things but nothing in particular. if you showed me a relatively common uk bug I think I would be able to id it.
what are your hobbies?
im into entymology. I like taking pictures of bugs and recording their species. there are other things I do, but im hesitant to call them hobbies because I dont do them that regularly. 
have any pets?
yes! a beautiful, wonderful cat.
what sports do you play/have you played?
I dont play sport regularly. did the usual sports at school. (I did some more interesting stuff but im trying to be humble. im big into baseball - Ive got a batting average of .328, have 118 home runs and batted in 1014 runs. im also in the baseball hall of fame. that’s right guys, im baseball superstar wade boggs. Im a true american - I love baseball and posting on tumblr and my family and beer)
how tall are you?
I honestly dont know. 5 foot something. that should narrow it down. 
favorite subject in school?
I liked english lit in later school. earlier on I liked all the arty stuff best. textiles was a lot of fun but the teacher was a prick. 
dream job?
games design but im shite at coding. :( conservation work would be cool. havent decided yet. when I was a kid I wanted to be a farmer and used to like planning my future farm layout. now I just play stardew valley.
im not sure who to tag because I think most of my mutuals have been tagged by other people already. or have already done it. ive spent too long deliberating over who to tag/not tag. and so this is an open invitation to whoever wants to do this. you dont have to be my mutual! I know this kinda defeats the point of these things but gah idk I never do these.
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morvantmortuary · 3 years
Im sure you have seen the "Mortician answers asks" Videos on Youtube and I immediately always have to think of dear old Maxi hehe
Wouldnt it be fun to imagine Maxi doing something lile that (dont know if he would actually do it but still a fun mental image) (I am sure the viewers would love him)
As it so happens to be the last few minutes of Funeral Director/Mortician Appreciation Day, this is a perfect ask!! We are huge Victor M. Sweeney fans in this house, nonny, for sure! 🖤🖤🖤
ngl I was a little bit sad when I found out he was married with a kid lmao but also Of Course He Is, he's adorable
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I've had multiple jokes with my gc about Maxi doing videos for a couple things, but here are the ones I think he'd be most likely to undertake (pun intended) -
LetsPlays of horror games where he talks about anatomy in the game (think gore, zombies, Ethan repeatedly getting his hand amputated in RE7, etc.) and the accuracy of any ghosts. (He never talks about how he he knows ghosts are accurate, leading to lots of speculation in the comments.)
Videos where he looks at corpses/fatal wounds in film or tv and talks about how accurate/inaccurate they may be (where he will often just sit there and gush about the quality of the sfx, because that was a career he secretly considered for himself before he knew he would be doomed to be a mortician forever)
The history of funerary traditions in the US, which I know Caitlin Doughty does already, but Maxi’s would probably be a cross between that and Puppet History, where he would likely ask Reader to be one of his guests, the other being Hex or Rora depending on which one wasn’t busy could be dragged away from their work at the time. (There’s a not-small chance Maxi’s version of the Professor is Maggie in a tiny reaper’s cloak in a little puppet theater, possibly with googly eyes inserted into her sockets and moving her jaw in time with his voice. Maxi regularly gets comments on how eerily precise his timing is with his movements, bc how is anyone going to suspect anything else?)
A Q+A series that he might direct towards the elderly folks of Greymoon in particular where he answers common questions/rumors he gets about the mortuary. (”No, we definitely don’t take your bones or your organs and replace them with somethin’ else! ...I really don’t know where people keep gettin’ that one, to be honest. Was it somethin’ I said at the last city council meeting? :’D Anyway, this question is from Mrs. Lanielle: ‘Will you remove my breast implants?’ Also no, ma’am! I still don’t know where people keep gettin’ this, it’s startin’ to trouble me a bit, if I’m bein’ honest--”)
One that I’ve honestly been figuring out how to write is Maxi and Hector hosting a show about “the strange goings on” in Greymoon BFU-style, mostly to throw people off their tails but also bc if you trust any two idiots dudes to investigate ghosts, it would be the town mortician and his space cadet medium of a cousin! (And sometimes Rora, when she’s bored and has nothing else to do. She’d just show up in the background behind their desk, scrolling through flower photos on her phone and chiming in every so often with her usual dry skepticism. Ironically, she’d be the greatest skeptic on the show, despite… her circumstances.)
Alas, all of these would probably only happen in a universe where Maxi wouldn’t worry about the minor possibility of being too public somehow attracting the wrong attention and coming back to bite him, but it’s fun to think about in the moment. 😂 I’m probably actually going to go rewatch Victor’s videos now just bc - thanks for the reminder, babe! 🖤
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
28 Questions Tag
tagged by @uglypastels, @sweetlysilent, @hardzzello, @h-osterfield, @calum-hoodwinked-me and @andwhatdostarsdobest thank you all so much and I always seem to like these for later and never do them so here it is, about a few months late, whoops
1. How tall are you?
5′4″ or somewhere round there anyway idk
2. What color and style is your hair?
atm it’s my natural colour which is brown and it comes down to like a little above my belly button which is fucking insane now i realise just how long it is lmao its defs the longest i’ve ever had it....i really should go get it cut, mmaybe then i’d get back into dying it more regularly too lmao
3. What color are your eyes?
blue maybe a bit of a greeny blue
4. Do you wear glasses?
5. Do you wear braces?
Nope! One time I went to the dentist and he told me I had the straightest teeth he’d ever seen for someone who’d never had braces. shame i’ve had so many cavities and stuff lmao
6. What is your fashion style?
on weekends its a lot of jeans and t-shirts (esp. band or fandom related shirts), at work or when i get to dress up a bit its lots of dresses and skirts, especially ones that are like vintage inspired. I’m a sucker for a 50s style circle skirt or a 40s style dress. Lately i’ve been a little more into the 60ws/70s inspired stuff - lots of jumpsuits and mini skirts. Also in winter i love a good short skirt with stockings and boots and a long jacket over the top. 
7. Full name?
First name is Brigid middle name Taylor you don’t get my last name
8. When were you born?
9 April 1993 (Good Friday!)
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?
Born in Brisbane Australia and still live there
10. What school do you go to?
I’m well out of school. I finished high school in 2010.
11. What kind of student are you?
I was a lazy student, never did as well as I could have.
12. Do you like school?
It was okay. 
13. What are your favorite school subjects?
History (I did Ancient) and English. Art was okay too.
14. Favorite tv shows?
Brooklyn 99 / 30 Rock / Parks and Rec / Community - I’ve a slut for a good workplace comedy thing.
ummm Mindhunter is really good, so is Derry Girls. I really enjoyed Band of Brothers and The Pacific and I’m thinking about rewatching them maybe. Game of Thrones was good if you ignore the last 2/3 seasons lmao. Big slut for The Bachelor/The Bachelorette. Horrible Histories (the first 5 seasons with the original cast). Got a soft spot for Neighbours although we stopped watching for a while recently cause we hated a couple of the storylines. I feel like there should be more cause I watch a lot of TV but nothing else is jumping out at me.
15. Favorite Movies?
Whats Your Number?, The Proposal, Strictly Ballroom, BoRhap obv., Twilight, The Wedding Singer, Hot Rod, Thor Ragnarok, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 
16. Favorite books?
The Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, ASOIAF by George RR MArtin, Harry Potter of course.
17. Favorite pastime?
atm Writing. 
18. Do you have any regrets?
yeah a fair few
19. Dream job?
Don’t have one
20. Would you like to get married someday?
Nope! Never have, never will. 
21. Would you like to have kids someday?
On the fence.
22. How many?
If I was going to I probably wouldnt want more than 2...maybe 3?? but its a big if.
23. Do you like shopping?
yeeeeesss. I shop too much!
24. What countries have you visited?
Italy and Greece.
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
I don’t tend to remember my dreams but last year I had a really fucking awful nightmare that kept me awake for the next 2 nights.
26. Do you have any enemies?
I don’t think so?
27. Do you have an s/o?
28. Do you believe in miracles?
Not really, I don’t think?
tagging: @laedymoon @brian-maybe-not @veriloquently (dont feel obligated tho) and anyone else who wants to do it!
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