#i dont ljike them
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upward-centrifuge 5 months ago
the seadweller post, aka the first and last time i will give this much of a shit about homestuck fish.
No clue how to introduce this, so I'm just going to tell you what is true about seadwellers canonically. Seadwellers are completely distinct from everyone else on the hemospectrum, including other highbloods, in a way that isn't dissimilar to the aristocracy. Only the fuschias are actually rulers, but the violets are still royalty. Like, explicitly they are royalty. The seadwellers live in their own little world that is separate from everyone else, and they are ALL royalty. They don't have to worry about culling, they don't have to worry about money, and yet they are still people in an unjust system and this does have consequences.
In fragments, for this reason, I portray seadweller society very blatantly as an aristocracy. And the thing about an aristocracy is that it is its own tiny society where the stakes are different, the rules are different, and there are countless eyes on you at all times.
Don't get me wrong, these people are immensely privileged. They experience almost none of the risks and dangers the average Alternian faces. However, they are locked constantly in a risky social game. One in which other people are often the pawns.
They live in a world of constant power struggle, turmoil, and subterfuge, where every single action means something. This is what compels people about period dramas that focus on royalty and rich people. The aristocracy suffers no real threats, so they play convoluted power games that can be much more fun to watch.
Now, I don't focus on all this much in fragments, because one, that's a lot of screen time to spend on something ultimately more or less irrelevant to the story; and two, I don't actually find this kind of subtle power play all that compelling. It's nice sometimes, as a little treat, but you're not gonna find me watching Downton Abbey. lol.
Why I bring this all up is again, to reiterate: the seadweller aristocracy is Like That because they are at the very top. They suffer no real threats, so they have to create their own hostile little society. This goes for the hemospectrum, too. When everyone in your little society-within-a-society is at the very top of the food chain, you can't use normal hierarchy as a quick way of controlling people. So you create your own heirarcies. Seadweller society in fragments is hyper-aware of physical differences. Ethnic and regional features that are just considered "people look different depending on where they're from, big surprise" by other castes become distinct ethnic groups in the eyes of seadwellers, and it's how they form their pecking order.
In the eyes of your average Alternian, if you put a member of their caste from somewhere cold and a member of their caste from somewhere hot next to each other and then asked them to tell you the difference, they might identify ethnic traits, like one of them being fatter, but they're just as likely to point out those traits as any other traits, like the two being different genders. They're also most likely not going to attribute those physical differences to anything other than random chance.
Meanwhile, if you asked your average seadweller to do the same, they'd immediately be able to identify one as a larger-than-life, brightly colored tropic-dweller, and the other as a hardy, blubbery icefish. This shit is a big deal to them, and they're pretty racist about it.
This is why I mentioned my seadweller hierarchy as something I think a larger fanbase would love to misinterpet. I fear that the collective tumblr fandom hivemind would see that and decide that rich people are oppressed on my version of Alternia. In fact, what I am actually trying to portray is the subtle power dynamics that the obscenely rich and powerful create amongst themselves, and those dynamics do frequently involve race and ethnicity. Turn away from the British/European upper class, look at Robber Barons in America or the games that politicians play amongst themselves. Hell, look at the American middle class. There's a lot to observe.
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trainingdummyrabbit 16 days ago
AH I DIDNT GET TO MENTION THIS ONE hey. when the [Needed A Change of Pace]
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memesandmusicalss 2 months ago
hi you should tell me 馃 yo ur thoughts on the movie . just like anything at all . you thought about the movie . if you want . pleagse
OKAY. okay yes this is going to be. a long post probably yes okay. so. first of all 鈽濓笍 and most importantly 鈽濓笍 it was sosososo good i enjoyed it so much. i cried multiple times. i scratched and bit myself so hard i bled. i couldnt stop shaking during or afterwards etc etc yup normal reactions about it generally .
so. yes okay this was kind of my first introduction to shadow. as a character and my immediate reaction was just. 'wow this guy i so so so cool oh my god' and. yeah. aargahfgjg ofcourse the. family. scenes. all made me go crazy insane but i expected that of course. the running scene 鈽濓笍 and when they played 99 red balloons i went 馃馃馃 damians song. yup . yes uaahhm the running joke of 'team sonic' made me giggle and also then yes cry later on. yup yeah uah all of the. action fighting scenes were so so so cool oh my god all of those shots were sickk yes oh my god the animation was generally just. so so so well done oh my god yes . uah knuckles jokes about like. 'a more impressive hedgehog' made me giggle yes OH SHADOWS MOTORCYCLE SCENE WAS. SO COOL OH MY GOD YES okay AND THEN STONE. MOTORCYCLE. AARGAHDHFGGGJFG yeah im normal about it why do you ask,, uaaahm robotniks. jntroduction in that movie was all. generally unexpected yup fhshfjf but. oh my god the stobotnik of it all. THE HAIR CUTTING SCENE. IM GOING SO INSANE. STONE WAS LITERALLY IN HIS LAP okay whatever im normal about them. ueah um. hmmmbrhdjggg jim carrey inception anf the. fourth wall break also made me giggle as well yes. um oh yeah the. mini black hole. happened yup yeah uahh ummm tom and maddie being so eager to help was. aargshfjgg. family. yes im normal normal about them . gggragdgghggf shadow is. so cool ouahfhgkgkgdgh um. STONE BEING JEALOUS. AND LEFT OUT :(((( i was. biting kind kf aggressivelu at the screen during that scene i dont know why. i ljike him :( :) aargshfjjggkgkggghhjfhgg sorry this is getting more and more incomprehensible . uahm. TOM. NOOO HE. AAURJSHFJGKGKG AND EVERYONE. CROWDING AROUND HIM. THE PARALLEL TO MARIAS DEATH IM GOING TO THROW UP. AARGAHFJGKG also. the. shadow and maria. montage. scenes. made me sob uncontrollably yup yeah asrgahfjgjgg asgrhshdjahshfhfjgg asggrhfhfjagGghdjdjfg <- the sounds i was making. transcribed 馃憤 aargahdgf. knuckles ???? the scene talking about the pact ?????? im so insane graggjggf um. shadow hesitating. just a little bit. to help im going crazy yeah uahm 'but js jt what maria would have wanted' WE SHOULD ALL KILL OURSELVES. yeah uahhmm robotnik. being kind of betrayed :(( 馃憥馃憥馃憥馃憥馃憥馃憥 :( and then the. chaos emeralds scene. things. they went yellow mode yup . when shadow and sonic teamed up and looked at each other. like That i almost said out loud 'they should make out' i didnt though. there was a like. six year old sitting next to me who was. muttering passionately to himself in russian during the whole movie it was entertaining to me yup. uuafhgdhfjjggjdjahehjfjgjshsbcjahdjfjnfnfjgngmgnf. sorry thats. what my thoughts / inner monologue sounded like. at that point sorry everything will get s lot less understandable. now yeah. UARGAHDJFJGJSHFH STOBOTNKIK. IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF. ACTUALLY. IM. ASRGSHFJGJGJSGFHG 'I CANF LOSE YOU AGAIN' ????? GAY. GAY GAYGAY ALL OF UT. STOP ASRGSHDHFJFUGGGGDFF. HIS REACTION. TO THE BROADCAST. IM GOING TO SHOOT MYSELF. ROBOTNIK FIRING HIM SOUNDED LIKE A BREAKUP FHSHDJEHSHSHAHEHEHUDHSHFJF. anyways. hehahehehfhjgjkgkgkggAARGSHFJGG. yeah um . the shadow suicidal . ness made me jnsane. ysah. aargagdhfhrjfgjg. h. and. then of couse. esploded :((( uah. then. THE FAMILLYUUUUYYYY ASRGSHFJGJGKG I LOVE THEM. FGSSHSFHRJGJG. 'just team' I SHOULD KILL MYSEFL. AGDHFJFJGGGGHHFDG yeah. just. frgshddfhgghshfjg. in there 馃. im going insane yeah.
AND THEN. THE END CREDIT SCENES. AMY. METAL SONIC. AMMYYYYYYY 馃馃馃馃馃 I POUNTED AT HER AGGRESSIVELY. A D SCREAMED. SHE LOOKS SO COOL IM. ARGAHFJTJGJG !!! YIPEEEE i saw her hammer and went. what. no way. THE PINK. yeah yup im normal and then. i stayed for the second end credit scene. obviously. i was the only person left in the theater and the people cleaning looked at me like i was insane BUT 鈽濓笍 SHA DOW !!!!!!! YES THE GUY. i ffffigured they wouldnt just. let him die like that not after. all that yknow but !!! still !!!! SHADOW YES !!! THE GUY ARGAHFJGJ
o.kay yeah thats. it im sure theres. more thoughts . definitely but this was. most of them. im sure this was a normal amount to write hope you. enjoyed reading it fhshfjgf
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homokeiju 6 months ago
bein an anarchocommunist n a transsexual butch both feel like i should carry some kind of a sign messaging to both comrades n sisters (but i repeat myself) that im not gonna betray the revolution at the first sign of trouble even if i personally disagree w/ some of the hierarchies upheld i kno why they're there n they even serve a purpose at times but i dont ljike them
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