#i dont know what the hec k else to tag this as
sunsetsinhoenn · 5 years
Phantom blood Dio's spouse being a vampire and him thinking them dead but then they meet during Stardust crusaders again. Also I love your work and I'm so happy you like Jojo's now too 💕💕💕💕💕
Hey, thank you!! i hope this is good enough for you. I guess I’m still in a sappy enough mood to write stuff like this, but I’m highkey worried about how I wrote Dio. He isn’t my favorite but i know some people like him so i was constantly wondering if he would say this or do that, etc. i think my worry about it grew a little out of hand because at one point i had to question if part 3 really did take place in egypt or if i made that fact up myself :/ anxiety, man. 
scenario _ Dio
It was rough, living without the man that you found comfort in. With each passing year came new, passing problems that became more and more irrelevant. With each decade came new ideas and fads, all of which faded away as the clock ticked. Not even the people lasted as long as you did, and for that you could never stay in the same place for too long. It was almost all pointless. Immortality and unparalleled strength did nothing much to brighten your days.
And for so long, you felt a part of what made your life more enjoyable had been washed away. You hadn’t known what happened to him or where he went, but you weren’t by his side and that’s what was so wrong to you. You didn’t even remember what had happened after the last time you saw him nor did you remember what took place just before. Your memory was somehow just as fragile as it was when you were a human, despite the fact that nearly everything but the sun was the same as a dog barking at you. Or maybe… you had still been a human when your memory was wiped away.
How were you to know? It was so long ago and so insufferably blurry. Thinking about it too long made you frustrated.
It wasn’t until you had been sitting in a café one day, eavesdropping languidly on other conversations when you heard something that piqued your interest, making you sit straighter and focus harder. It wasn’t necessary to listen so intently, but something in your mind was telling you that you needed to, that they were talking about something that was incredibly important to you.
If you had a heart, it would be racing, and if you still suffered from the same woes that other humans did, you would probably be sweating nervously, your hands clammy. You knew the name that they were speaking about in hushed whispers. The name sent chills down your spine, and if your parting wasn’t for so long, they would be the kind that reminds you of how excited you were. And you were excited.
But you were also distraught. What would Dio do when the person he had loved one hundred years ago suddenly showed up at his front steps? What would he do when the one person he used to place ultimate trust in decided to come back after so long of being away? Would he even accept you again?
It was then that you took a quiet sip of your drink, ice somehow not clinking as you moved the glass. Getting up from your seat, you left the café. You had heard all you needed to know to get you towards your destination and you’d be damned if you didn’t get there faster.
The general location was easy to get to. It was finding the place that Dio resided in that was the harder part. At least it was hard if he didn’t want to be found. If he were to want to find you, then it was a different story altogether. If he had even the slightest interest left in you, he would find you or make it to where you would come across him. But letting the streets carry your presence towards him took time. Rumors and gossips and words traveled on their own agenda. 
So, you made it known that you were looking for a man that seemed to only make his presence known at night, that carried such command that you would fall to it instantly. You would stalk the bars and businesses that only operated when most everyone was tucked tightly into bed, and you’d wander the streets for hours, enjoying the cold air and the feeling that with every step you took, no matter if you retraced them and walked the same path again, you were getting closer to him.
And then one night, as you were climbing down a flight of stairs in a dark, narrow pathway between two buildings, you saw a light at the very bottom. It made you stop instantly, eyes narrowed in on the sudden intrusion to your calm night.
As the light crept on the ground, growing longer, and then wider, you watched closely. No one came out, not a sound made its way to your ears, and yet-
“Hello, my dear.” The voice behind you made you shudder in a way that you know only one person could make you do so. You would have turned around had you not been so shocked to find that even with your senses, you were still so caught off guard. You felt a cold, slender hand place itself onto your right shoulder, hand creeping down the side of your arm gently with nails softly scraping against your skin. “I heard you have been looking for me.”
Slowly, you felt an increase of pressure against your back and another hand rest against your throat. There was no threat of death from his hand being so close to an easily breakable area on your body, but the juxtaposition of what he was doing to you nearly made you laugh. You would have had you not been so caught up in the overwhelming moment of meeting your husband again after so long.
“I should have been looking for you long ago.” The hand against your throat tightened, but so to did the one on your arm. The pressure wasn’t enough to hurt you, if you could feel any pain, but you did enjoy the feeling afterwards of him pulling you closer.
“What is the use… of looking for something you have no memory of?” The thoughts racing through your mind stopped at his words, abruptly. “What is the use of looking for a dead lover, long forgotten by time? It’s amusing, how not even I knew that you were walking along every street in this world until just this morning.”
“Do you remember what happened to me? I can’t recall-“
“You don’t need to recall anything.” You were let go, quickly, but this time slowly enough for you to react and turn around before he could make you do so. The moment you caught a glimpse of his eyes, he had your chin in his hand. He was already taller than you with his enormous stature, but the stairs made that distance even greater. All you could do was look up at him as you used to before, relief washing over you. You hadn’t seen him for such a long, long time and it was only until now did you realize how excruciatingly endless a century was.
Since there was no one around to disturb your moment, you let your hand place itself gently against his chest and for a second, the both of you were swept back in time, before you had even parted. You could only think briefly on what happened before you left your humanity behind, but none of it mattered, especially if he said it didn’t. He leaned in closer to you, bringing your face up towards his. Before your lips could meet for a kiss, he whispered words only for you to hear.
“It’s wonderful to see you again, my darling.”
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hhheck · 7 years
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