#i dont have to worry too much abt it but i promised that verse on him like six months sgo
liarsweapon · 3 years
i have two three day work weeks in jan so ill probably have more energy to do stuff then
but my main brain focus rn is also just l/abyrinth and h/owls mo/ving c/astle hyperfix, and also;;;;
just random bits n pieces in my head of cass casually torturing the guy who abused the fuck out of her in her past life when she doesnt even remember anything except his face just bc
#out.#cass is still a serial murderer and sort of cannibal#sort of bc technically she never was human so eating them isnt eating her own species tbh#and in some folklore like fae do feast on the blood of humans bc that and human names give them more power over an individual#and just yeah#also still debating what to do abt bruces res verse bc technically#pre re7 everything is fully 100% plausible in any universe bc big ol corporations fucking w genetics w the#intent of eugenics and ultimately creating essentially zombos isnt really a far off practice#post re7 w the mutamycete is a lil different but#technically theres been studies that fungus can actually completely rewire your brain and even take away adhd traits apparently so#thats terrifying and also somewhat plausible ig#multiverse has been canon in dc forever tho so#i dont have to worry too much abt it but i promised that verse on him like six months sgo#pre my getting a job i have no excuse#rn its my last day off and ive done nothing productive at all working nothing but 8 hour shifts dealing w karens is nust#my creative spirit is dead#and my love for cass stabbing awful ppl grows#pls do note tho that my congradulating her on wrecking the abuser she doesnt remember#does not make any of the horrible literal mass murder things she does any less real thx#sometimes i feel like i cant even make the ‘they did nothing wrong!!!’ jokes bc ppl will take it srsly lol#or itll be like batsy where its v v clear the no killing rule is not set in stone bc the damage he causes physically would logically kill a#real person and sometimes the damage he causes mentally to his folks is worse than lilling would be. but he does care just#in the batsy way~~~#i thought we had a battinson bookmark at work n ingot so excited but up close its just some wizard
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fenharelxenansal · 7 years
so i went back into my discord history to dig up some meta i wrote a while back about briala. alice, nixe, mo, merc, and cay have all already read this, but i feel like a lot of it is really important to my characterization and i want it on my blog. maybe someday i’ll format it to read in a less disjointed, chat-style way, but for now -- have 1600+ words about briala’s backstory, i guess?
cw: lots of emotional abuse and gaslighting, lots of character death
im having a mood abt the tactics celene might have used to keep briala on her side when they were fighting and aaugh
bc i think a lot about the scene at the beginning of TME where bria is getting sexually harassed by a palace guard and the fact that nobody in that scene, briala included, acts like its anything particularly abnormal. that worries me
i mean. celene killed her damn parents. i dont think encouraging a guard to harass briala from time to time to make herself look like a saint in comparison is beyond her
and i have this mental image of briala being hurt in some way, nothing serious, a bruise here or there from someone other than celene, deliberately caused to send her running back to the empress who will make it all better
to give briala someone to hate instead of celene
to give celene the opportunity to 'make it up' to her
because i dont believe for a second that celene, grand player of the Game that she is, wouldn't stoop that low
she would do anything in her power to keep briala
because she is too dangerous, she knows too much
my headcanon is that when celene tried to send her away to live with the Dalish, it wasn't for her own protection
it was to keep her from ever realizing the truth of what happened the night her parents died, because it could destabilize celene's grip on power
and when Briala came back, well, she had to come up with another plan. and she cared for Briala enough that she didn't want to just kill her. so she made her into an intensely loyal asset
so i think any time Briala started to turn on her, started to want to leave her service even a little, she would do something to make herself look like the good guy again
the thing i always think about
Briala was supposed to be killed that night along with her parents
it wasn't 'all the servants except briala' it was 'all the servants'. the fact that she survived was pure luck, and the fact that celene didn't just have her killed after that point was because. well. Celene was a 16 year old lesbian about to ascend the throne of one of the most powerful countries in Thedas. One might imagine her a bit lonely.
im pretty sure she knew sending briala away was sending her to likely bandits or death by starvation
but she didn't have to feel so personally responsible for that
its easy to kill a palace full of servants whose names you dont know
theyre just numbers on a piece of parchment saying how many bodies you have to clean up
briala made herself real to celene and that makes her harder to kill
because she could have just killed her right then herself
but celene never had the stomach for killing people herself. she just gives the orders.
and so when faced with that situation, with her personal handmaiden traumatized, crying, covered in her parents' blood saying 'they're all dead', the smart thing to do would have been to kill her. but celene didn't do that. she just sent her away to near-certain death instead.
Briala is incredibly dangerous to Celene
especially post-TME, post realization of exactly how Celene orchestrated her rise to power
she is the only one who knows that Celene's claim on the throne is truly illegitimate, no matter how much Gaspard tries to argue it
not only did she have her own palace servants murdered
she had the emperor assassinated
which i think everyone misses?
she had him assassinated and then staged the murder of her palace servants to paint herself as an innocent victim who just happened to not be there that night
thats why all the palace servants were killed
so that suspicion would not fall on her for Florian's murder
the point was to make it look like the same assassins who went after her uncle were also going after her
when in reality she was the one calling the shots all along
i did briefly toy with writing a verse where Briala never met Felassan, where she made it to the Dalish safe at 14 years old and tried to become one of them
but the fact is that the moment he sent her back to Celene was a defining moment for her, something that fundamentally changed her, and she wouldn't have been anywhere near the same person without that
it told her, right there and right then, subtextually and insidiously, that the cause was the most important thing, more than her safety - because she knew it was dangerous being anywhere near the Empress-to-be, she wasn't stupid. she didn't even really know what the cause was at that point; he never told her what he got out of their meetings. so the cause to her became helping elves. and then that really quickly became warped to helping celene because she convinced her that it was the best way to serve the cause.
"what would have been different if she'd decided what she wanted to fight for on her own?"
she would have been a lot less.....not less dedicated, but less 'dedicated to the detriment of her own wellbeing'
if she had decided herself not to go to the Dalish, to stay by Celene's side to enact change, rather than just following the orders of other people, her story would be very different
concept: briala actually processing her trauma??? what???
bc you know the moment she got back to the palace with Celene after meeting Fel for the first time she threw herself headfirst into the Game
she focused all of her energy on intelligence-gathering and supporting Celene in her bid to become Empress
She never gave herself a single moment to grieve
and it isn't an uncommon story in Thedas, an elf watching someone or multiple someones they love cut down by humans
imagine if u will: briala, trying to have a funeral, not just for her parents, but for all of them
thats the thing i really feel the need to
it wasn't just her parents
briala grew up in the palace. her parents were both palace servants.
she knew every single one of those servants. they were her friends and her family. and at the end of it she was left standing covered in blood in front of celene. celene was all she had left.
she didn't have any friends at the beginning of TME. she was friendly with the cook, but that was it.
celene took a generally happy, driven, and incredibly smart 14-year old elven girl and took away everyone she had ever known except herself. she made herself briala's world.
that's the real reason i hate that you can reunite them. its not that i don't believe they could be reunited - its that they can. because briala doesn't have anyone else. she has celene and felassan. that's it.
when you only have one person, its easy to make excuses for them and justify the things theyve done. its easy to believe them when they apologize and promise to do better.
thats why i want briala to have friends and lovers and people
i want to have a verse where she has grown so far beyond that point that she would laugh if Celene asked her to return to the palace
i want her to stop loving Celene but she isn't there yet
in my current writing, at least
she is still vulnerable to her in every verse where Celene is still alive
i just imagine her like
talking quietly about her childhood best friend among the servants
we don't get to see much of Briala's childhood
we get the moment of her mother telling her she mustn't try to hide her ears and that she must be proud of being an elf. that's really it.
but we do know that there were other children of servants who were considered for Celene's handmaiden aside Briala
i like to think she was friends with these other children. that she wasn't always lonely from the start
but of course that leads down the road of those friends being slaughtered as well so its a tradeoff
and then there's the question of whether when Celene kissed her when she was sending her away, if that was her first kiss, if she ever even had the chance to love someone else
i think a lot about how Briala spent 20 years learning how to love exactly 1 person the way she wanted to be loved
just imagining her trying to have a romantic relationship with someone else with that framework still in place is painful. it wouldn't work no matter how much she wanted it to because she'd be treating them like celene. she has no other model for how a relationship can work
she bypasses that somewhat with Lana, but its still there, thinking that the best thing to do is the thing that Keeps Lana Safe
she wouldn't recognize abuse if she got into another bad relationship
and she doesn't know how a relationship works where she isn't centering the other person's needs over her own
she gave up everything she ever wanted or aspired to for Celene
one time i got a prompt from a lyric starter list i made
'you can still be what you want to'
and briala just. broke for a moment.
'no. i can't. i never could - none of us ever could. thats why we fight.'
she doesn't have interests or hobbies or friends or a life
celene was her life and now she's filled that void with her cause
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