#i dont have siezures but this is even a bit much for me
professionaljester · 1 year
ok i was having fun with the funny sonic game until the final boss battle and now i have eye strain and might puke
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dolphin and cyberpunk
idk how its possible but everytime i use dolphin it gets worse
the only way i can play most of my games is if i find speciality emulators that are designed around the game spefically
i s2g 4.0 and below dolphins whilst confusing ran games a thousand times better
spent an actual 1 trying to get metroid trilogy working and with no success. dig around find a specially made dolphin fucking smooth as butter.
you would think the generic would be good and specialites if you want even better quality. yet the og dolphin runs like a dumpster, thats on fire, about to be nuked.
speaking of poor optimization
loving cyberpunks story
but jesus fucking christ
even on pc this game just..it doesnt look finished.
running on high graphics i get to see
- trees glitching through existence
-weird collission were standing on a box can literally send you flying across the map or more likely into the ground at mach 10 killing you instantly
-enemies that just slide around
-cutscene animations can be completely fucked with people basically t-posing around
-animation gets stuck in cutscenes and u have to wait for it unfreeze
-objects in cutscenes JUST NOT APPEARING. 
-my health bar and stanima bar no longer exist
-more specfically on the health your health goes to 0 when u “die” during a story event and then its supposed to assume jump back to what it was, expect in my game maybe when i replay it again it’ll be fixed it just stayed at 0/0 making me effectivly immortal.
-driving is near..sleeping dogs level on the pc. if you kno, you kno.
-so melee combat is weird. whilst it feels good theres not alot of place to use it because 99 percent of the enemies use guns and those that do use melee. well its weird. see in most games when you block a punch hits your blocked fists. not in this game. the punch goes through your fists and instead hits a hitbox thats behind your fists. so countering is basically impossible because when you think you should counter it doesnt work.
-even with high graphics..it sometimes takes a moment for people to load in? like ive straight up stared at polygons and slowly see the textures come to life.  which is strange because if it was just running slow i could change it to low settings but even then npcs and characters just dont load right.
- Listen i get the game takes place in a neon like city but jesus fucking christ its just a bit too much. i dont  have elipsey issues but even for me its a bit much sometimes. from static, to flickering, to strobe lights. ive played some cyberpunk games before or atleast its genre and there are a few dnd like games on steam and even those ones arent just in your face “LOOK WE MADE IT NEONY AND FLASHY AND BRIGHT DID WE DO IT RIGHT?” it just feels like their at a solid 11 and they could bring it down a bit. hell even the elipsey warning is siezure inducing.
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