#i dont even go here (quinn fandom) but every time i hear the song it reminds me of him lmao
nomances · 11 days
Close to Me by The Cure is THE Quinn song
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arc-17 · 7 years
Estela x MC for the Ship thing :)
Wow... @holly-park you know me or what! 😉So....▪What is your absolute favorite ship?Emma x MC in HSS. Hands down. Followed extremely closely by Estela x MC.▪What ship do you hate most?I don't know if I hate any of the ships... Honestly. They're all so well written and played out.▪What was my first ship and what fandom was it from?Hmm... Faramir x Eowyn from LotR, first in the books, then again in the films.(In fact if one looks closly to my take on Estela x MC and compare it to Faramir x Eowyn, you will see some similarities between them. Though I think Estela leans more into being the Faramir to MC's Eowyn.)▪Explain why I ship Estela x MC.Well... her cynical outlook and stong nature, that covers a soft, caring heart, paired with fierce loyalty, is counterbalanced and accented so nicely by MC's equally strong willed nature, loyalty, positive outlook and outspoken goodness.They both wish they could be more like the other and bring out the best parts of eachother. Estela to be more trusting, MC to be more savvy etc. That and I have a crush on Estela. 😆▪How did I start shipping Estela x MC?Well as I was going through the book the first time I got seriously suspicious of her... like... her constant sneaking around and caustic personality yet... then she'd go and do say something that... lead one to believe she had a heart after all... I remebered they way Strider was described in the LotR books. As rough, weather worn, slow to trust, skeptical... the pure opposet of a king. When trying to decide of they should trust this ruffian to protect them Frodo's dialog here from the book captures it all...《 (Frodo speaking) 'I believed that you were a friend before the letter came,’ he said, 'or at least I wished to. You have frightened me several times tonight, but never in the way that servants of the Enemy would, or so I imagine. I think one of his spies would - well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand.’ 'I see,’ laughed Strider. 'I look foul and feel fair. Is that it? All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.’  》If anyone deserves to be called Aragorn its Estela not Jake 😆 (is a bad-ass hunter, constantly disappearing to take care of 'things', looks rough, but is a passionate and compassionate person. With a strong sense of family and duty. And who's mom was killed by the enemy) ▪Is there a ship I used to ship but don't anymore? Nope. Not that I can think of.▪Whats a ship that you like that most people don't?Not really a ship per se, but Eleanor Waverley x MC, from THoBM is someone that most folks forget about, or didn't like, or what have you but.. likeSeriously?! She's a freakin 1800's resurrected former ghost who's now going to Hartfield with everyone else from TF/TS and maybe even ES! ▪What's a ship you hate that most people like?Honestly? I don't have one. ▪What's the most underrated ship in your opionion? Well Eleanor like I mentioned above, and maybe Val x Kenna. Or Tevan x Kenna too. Rarely if ever hear anything about them. ▪What is the most overrated ship, in my opinion?Uhh.... also dont have one. If it's popular... it's for good reason! ▪Do I prefer Estela x MC as an otp, brotp or notp? OTP please! But in some of the replays I've done of ES I also did brotp. ▪Why do you think Estela x MC is so popular? She's hot, kicks-ass, but mostly, the depth of her character, the mysteries of her past, and the way they bring out the best in eachother.▪Why do you think Estela x MC isn't popular? Who said it wasnt?! XDNow admittedly, it's tough to compete with the likes of Jake and Quinn. But I think her and my main man Sean can still hold their own. 😉▪Rate Estela x MC from 1-10 and explain why.Ok so...... 11? 😁 and we already know why now! ▪what's my favorite headcanon of Estela x MC? Ok so honestly? The two of them someplace private, talking. Like when they can honestly finally talk openly. And Estela is asking why MC trusted her from so early on, without knowing anything about her. And MC (who I canon as being as much as a film and pop culture buff as Diego) explains what I did above, about her perhaps "looking fouler but feeling fairer""So you're saying look foul?""What? No! Is that what you got out of all that?!""Yes... " deadpans"No that wasnt.. I mean... ""MC?""Yes?""Shut up and kiss me...""Oh.... you!" Tackles Estela.❤💞❤▪What's your favorite canon moment of Estela x MC?Well, I'm still going through the books again since I had a device crash and had to reinstall Choices and start the books all over again, so this will probably change but so far its the moment that Estela gets up the nerve to ask MC if they are like... um.. dating. And MC says in essence "Well yeah!" And Estela gets that rare but oh so melt-me-into-a-puddle-of-lovey-goo-million-watt smile with smiling eyes. ▪Favorite AU ideas for Estela x MC?Hmm... years years down the line, I want them to have kids. And they name them after thier ES pals, except their first daughter. Who is named after Estela's mom. Estela also insists on never changing her last name, being all she has of her family type thing, So MC says He will xD▪Rant about Estela x MC.Ok so like... why. Why can't she be real? I wanna meet her IRL. Buuut I'm probably not her type so... still! Maybe a brotp! LOL Honestly though. So many awesome stories and romances, Pixelberry has done amazing and I cant wait to see more of these two! (I don't believe its gonna be over later this week. Just saying)▪What meme/quote reminds you of Estela x MC?The Aragorn and Frodo quote above, and any and every "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die" meme 😆▪What song reminds me of Estela x MC?I think this one probably the most for me:Friendship to Last by Two Steps From Hellhttps://youtu.be/Iu74pVYkhNI(It has that Island feel with like... Vaanti elements and the old Scottish song speaks of following their friend anywhere,....If it is thy pillow the sandIf it is thy bed the seaweedIf it is the fish thy candles brightIf it is the seals thy watchmen....▪What kind of dates do you think Estela x MC would go on?They love 'just them' time meaning, going off some place just the two of them. I sense hikes, adventures, etc where its the two of them vs. the elemets. Or perhaps a combative sport like paintball or airsoft and they are a duo unstoppable! But also MC helping Estela find something to live for after resolving her mother's death and Rourke. With those things gone Estela's gonna need something new to be the compass of her life and MC hopes to be a part of that.▪Have you ever written fanfiction/drawn fanart of Estela x MC? Would you consider it?No I haven't, but I most certainly want to. Whew! This one took a while to write! Thanks for the ask Holly!
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