#i dont do any recreational drugs so i dont even have a horse in this race
divorcedmage · 1 year
it's fucking crazy to me that weed is still very illegal in some places but alcohol isnt. what the fuck.
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frascrs · 6 years
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ah HEY it’s ya boi uhhh skinny penis!! xx jk it’s ally and this is kenneth?? he’s ?? a handful to say the least bgvfind Basically scottish twitter but as a person like this tweet says it all ((:: anyways this intro is really out here about to be just as shitty as sabine’s so ... be warned or w/e ig !! also .. we don’t have to talk abt the ugli theme i got on his blog rn ... i Might change it .. eventually ... probably not
cw: death
ken’s pinterest: here!
( thomas doherty, cismale ) did you hear how KENNETH FRASER is applying to columbia university as a MARKETING major ?! the TWENTY-TWO year old is living in CARLTON ARMS. i heard that they got in because they are +LOYAL and +DYNAMIC, but honestly i think HE can be -SELF-IMPORTANT and -RECKLESS. they’re a real CASTLE-BUILDER. oh well, only time will tell if the SENIOR will make it til the end.
+ rumpled bed sheets, swim trunks, sunglasses, lazy smiles, silver flasks, sleeping late, large dogs, loud laughter, warm evenings, chocolate ice cream, early morning fog, bad horror films, fireflies, late night swims, whispered promises, outlandish stories, churros & the longest day of the year
OKAY, so, this is kenneth & full disclaimer i don’t know Shit about scotland .. i’m basing all my knowledge on uhh outlander and youtubers and thomas’s slight accent so please dont @ me for my shit knowledge/accent okay im Trying !!! anyways, down to business!
kenneth was born in inverness, scotland ( s/o to the highland cows xx ) to two school teachers. they didn’t have much in the way of money, but they were happy, content. he was fourteen when they got into a car accident, leaving him orphaned and living with his uncle?? #1 horse breeded in the highlands? SHEW! love a farm boy!! anyways .. when he went to live with his uncle, everything was ?? so different !! suddenly he was living a life of luxury with a home tutor and shit like that so he was like ... bitch what??? anyways yeah it was a Culture Shock but lk his fav thing abt it was the horses imma choke i love an animal lover kids!
he was always a pretty good kid, staying out of serious trouble and keeping away from the wrong crowd, but he let himself slip when his new rich friends were like pressuring him into drinking a lot and doing recreational rich white people drugs like cocaine ygm? he started drinking to excess and staying out partying at all hours of the night, basically just stressing the fuck out of his uncle lmao!!
despite this hes always been really close with his uncle and their favorite thing to do has always been to take they horses out and basically live that Country Life tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ a healthy familial relationship? lmao who do i think i am
SO this led to him spending most of his time outdoors and kinda secluded despite his so called ‘ friends ’ who lived in edinburgh ( choke thanks! ). when he graduated high school, he wasn’t interested in college much tbh?? he was all set to take over his uncle’s business and its all he ever really wanted to do, but his uncle was like AHA thassa joke m8 and made it so he couldnt inherit it until he had a degree !! SO at first he was just going with the motions of college but its honestly .. such a good time and hes so glad he was forced to go lmao catch him happy to go to class like a lunatic
he’s a marketing major cos it’ll help him with the running of his uncle’s business ( which he plans to branch out to the rest of scotland and then maybe the us if he gets the opportunity ) and he highkey loves it? hes v much a people person like him being alone? unrealistic! he thrives in crowds and around other people so!
yall seen neighbors? zac efron? mhm … that’s kenneth but less douchey ;) he’s also a big time frat guy like OBVIOUSLY he needs constant companionship and attnetion like the Child he is so bvifjnc he’s a walking stereotype yikes.png .. walking around campus like a fuckin moron.. sunglasses and a wide ass grin GOD i Hate Him bgvfjcnkm
he’s a nice guy i PROMISE !! just a bit cocky like flashes smug grins, winks, flirts like theres no gd tomorrow??? but hes lowkey?? insatiable !! and highkey insufferable vfujnd always wanting more and more from life and gets bored really easily .. fickle ass kenneth im Sorry in advance :/
okay so that’s kinda contradictory with how i said he’s loyal but Let Me Explain! he’s very loyal to his friends and family, the few people he really and truly cares about okay !! it’s with like romantic/sexual relationships where hes a bit.. unreliable Yikes
That Said he’s never had any serious girlfriends due to this and it leads him to be emotionally distant, more likely to avoid them at all costs tbh .. just to have fun and live life to the fullest so expect him to brush everything off with a wink and a wry joke
uhh i was literally making this up as i went so lol !! i prolly forgot? a lot!! but anyways ion got any wc’s because im Lazy and my creativity just doesnt extend to plots so.. hmu on chats if u wanna plot w/ me !! xx
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