#i dont care i just have appreciate for the fella okay
guystheresbeesuphere · 6 months
Asra,, in various wips of mine
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i love they so dearly..,,.
ft baby asra, cuddly asra and silly little guy asra
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
A bit of a specific idea, but I had a platonic idea for all of the characters in the Amazing Digital Circus—
Maybe all of them with a Wally Darling-like Reader? An example of such being Reader also speaking in a monotone voice that is both a little unsettling yet friendly at the same time, always making eye contact and never looking away, being able to eat things by blinking, being a lot more aware than they seem, greeting people individually anytime they enter a room, etc etc.
TADC cast x wally darling type! Reader !
Still stuck on mobile so this post may be a little short and whacky <\3 + I'll be relying on this ask for wallys personality since I cant open other tabs without risking deleting my progress on this <\3 + I've never touched welcome home 😭😭
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Honestly, I don't know anything about welcome home as stated above, but I think Caine would have a lot of the same habits; namely the eye contact and I can also see him doing the blink eating...
The only difference is that hes way high energy
I think he would think that you're just a silly lil fella, an interesting little thang, wants to study you under a microscope..
Thinks its endearing how you greet everyone personally.. loves when you do it to him since it makes him feel special n appreciated
Overall pomni is going to need a lot of time to get used to the weirdness of the circus, and this applies to getting over the unnerving feeling she gets around you
Probably becomes speechless and does the face when you blink-eat
You know...
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Just stares at where the food item once was... how did you do that...? What are you going to consume next? Why are you looking her in the eye like that?
..oh you're just telling her you enjoyed the snack you've brought
As per usual I'm writing these all out of order, and I happen to be writing jax after I did zooble
I think jax wouldnt just think you're unsettling, I think he would think you're creepy
Now does he think you're a threat? Personally I don't think he would go as far as to classify you as such
Watches in horror as you blink and consume his sour gummy candies
Okay now this is war
You guys sometimes have unspoken staring contests, you usually tend to win them
Actually now that he thinks about it you dont seem to blink outside of eating...
"Oh, you're just a quirky lil fella!" Pretty much
Always thanks you when you greet her, she makes it a habit to greet you back when you enter a room
Tends to give you your favorite snacks, I think, but I think this can pass as a general hc rather than being specific to this post !
Little put off by the eye contact but does not turn away or show any discomfort; is able to push through it pretty well !
Okay so I know I mentioned some other characters being creeped out by the eye contact but I think kinger would be the most put off, asides gangle
But also I can totally see kinger having a staring problem; be it because hes lost in his thought and happens to be staring or some other thing
Accidental staring contests between you two/j
Feels like a real king when you personally greet him, probably bows a little and does a lil gesture with his hands before returning the greeting
Similar reaction as pomni when you blink-eat
Where did the food go??????
I must admit, I think zooble would find you creepy, too <\3, or at least a little unsettling.. like sure they wont be mean to you unlike SOMEONE but they're a little put off by your odd behaviors
Though they would get accustomed to it in time, I think, especially since I have a whole "zooble ultimately doesnt care much about what's going as a means to cope w/ the digital circus as well as that just being their personality"
Does not like the eye contact, though; zooble seems like the type who wouldnt like eye contact... maybe I'm self projecting, though...
The eye contact definitely is what fed into the unsettling factor for them..
The eye contact makes her so so nervous, she doesnt really have eyes the same way everyone else does but it still... makes her feel off
Similar to Caine she does feel nice when you greet her.. yes she knows out do it for everyone, but that doesnt dismiss the nice feeling she gets that someone is. Well being nice to her...
Shed like your voice, I think, oddly soothing and it's not too bold and out there.. not overwhelming, you know?
Not many ideas for gangle today <\3
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emypony · 3 years
Alright fellas it was time this was said
I didn't think this was necessary considering the amount of TIMES this has been brought attention to. However I'll just refer to the current fandom that I'm in since I am mostly seeing it here - but let's be real, this is a widespread issue and you KNOW it.
And I'm not gonna go "oh but if you force people then they may not want to-" or "oh but someone shouldn't write to get attention or interaction from others, you should only create for yourself!"
I literally (and sorry) do not care. Creators, both of fiction, artwork, etc put their souls and hearts into the pieces they create and for what. A measly kudos on ao3? A like pressed on tumblr while scrolling on your dash? They can only create so much before they think they are worthless and that no one wants to see what they have to bring to a fandom.
If you LIKE something, for the love of god, LET THEM KNOW. I'll mostly refer to writing from this point on, but for artworks, c'mon you know you can reblog and leave some nice tags. Heck even emojis work. Show the creators that you appreciate them wholeheartedly.
Creators thrive on interaction but if you don't give them any, then how DARE you expect to find content of your favorite shows/characters/ships etc.
As for fiction-
No words for it? Say THANK YOU and that you LIKED READING IT. it really doesn't have to be deep!!! It just shows that you read it and their work is more than just one kudos. Leave some emojis if you don't have more than that.
Are you reading it again? LET THEM KNOW. Say "Hi i don't have much but I'm reading this for the second/third/etc time because I just like this so much!" It's okay to not know what to say, sometimes maybe you're not that good with words. A simple thank you will work. But THANK THE CREATORS.
I have a lot of writer friends, and it kills me to see them discouraged by the fact that people barely interact with their works. There's only so much that I can do myself. Yes it's appreciated from a friend, but it matters even more from all the people that read their fic.
I'm literally pointing at y'alls, RIGHT HERE. I know there's people who do this, and I'm calling you out. Stop consuming content like some fucking hungry hogs and have the decency to say something nice about things for once. Comments help fics more than you know. Reblogs and tags help fics more than you know.
If we discourage every writer by being like "eh this isnt that good, it only deserves a kudos and nothing more" then what the FUCK are we doing, seriously?
Any aspiring artist will get absolutely shut down from that. They may stop writing for good, and it will hurt them and also the possible dozens of fics they may have written if we'd only given them the appreciation they deserve for writing something. Heck, with time they may end up writing a FIC that YOU may like. But if we dont show them that their work is worth a few nice comments, then neither you or I deserve that amazing fic they could write.
This ended up longer than I wanted to, and I won't feel bad for the hostility of this post. I'm sick and tired of people coddling others for consuming content while not giving anything whatsoever in return.
And if you're honestly just leaving comments on the popular "good" or "long" fics then you can fuck right off. you don't deserve the content you're consuming if you think that something is more worth commenting or complimenting on just because of that. Small creators deserve just the same amount of recognition.
side note: this isnt for people that already leave comments for creators. you guys are doing your best and that's amazing, and we thank you for it.
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
I can't remember if I sent this to you already but could I request headcanons for aizawa, hizashi and Toshinori finding their s/o that has a chipmunk quirk that makes her fall into hibernation when it's too cold (kinda like tsu) but when the guys find her with her heart rate low and her breathing shallow maybe they freak a little bc she didn't tell them about that part of her quirk yet
omggggg this idea is literally so cute I got so excited when I first read it. Also thank you love for comin through with the requests, I really appreciate it! <3 I also hella struggled cuz like, what can someone with a chipmunk quirk do? Stuff their cheeks? Climb up trees? Also I legit forgot what a chipmunk even looked like I had to look it up lmaoooo im so dumb it hurts
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Aizawa is an intimidating fella, okay
So when you first told him about your quirk, you were lowkey embarrassed?
Like, here’s this grown-ass man with a badass quirk who is more than capable of taking down villains and defending himself, and here you are just-
But you know what’s great about this man? He couldn’t give less of a shit about your quirk or anything like that. He strikes me as the type to care more about personality than anything else
concealing your quirk is fairly easy. People probably wouldn’t even know you had one if it wasn’t for the small fluffy ears popping out of the top of your head, and even then you could just cover them with a hat
But that doesn’t mean you don’t experience the effects of your own quirk just because it’s subtle
You have a mutant type quirk, so you experience certain things that actual chipmunks do
Sometimes you won’t even notice that you’re stuffing your cheeks to full capacity with whatever you’re eating before Aizawa has to cut you off and just be like
“y/n. Chew.”
Or when you’re rushing, you’re usually going so fast that Aizawa can barely even see you zooming from room to room
you can also get kinda skittish at times, your ears twitching whenever you hear a noise that sounds weird or out of place, and you’ll just look at Aizawa with wide eyes until he checks out what made a noise that he could barely hear
“y/n, it was just some kids outside.”
“Oh... sorry, Sho.”
he wants to be frustrated, but he knows it’s not your fault. And honestly? He finds you so cute that he can’t really stay mad at you
So he’ll just let out a huff before patting your head lovingly, grazing his fingers over your ears (Which he KNOWS are sensitive, that asshole)
Experiencing long periods of deep sleep is also a thing. You wouldn’t call it hibernation cuz you still have to do normal, everyday things, but there are times during the winter where you’ll sleep for a few days in a row and only get up to go to the bathroom or eat
And since you can’t actually burrow into the floor of your home, you usually make a blanket fort in the corner of your bedroom and stuff all of the pillows and blankets you can in there until it’s nice and warm, ready for you to bury yourself in
and you might’ve left that little part of your quirk out when you moved in together. whoops
So when Shouta comes home and sees the living room couch void of all of its pillows, he’s not expecting to walk into your shared bedroom and see you curled up in a blanket fort
he’s a bit curious at first, just kinda looking at you like “All right, I guess this is normal?”
and he’ll crouch down and kinda examine you for a bit before he eventually wonders if you’re even breathing? You’re burried under blankets, so he can’t really see your chest moving
eventually he’ll check and see that your breathing is abnormally slow and he kinda just... pauses and checks again to make sure he’s not going crazy.
and he wont deny that he kinda freaks out at first, his immediate thought being that he needs to get you out of there, but the second he grabs the blankets to pull them off of you he’s like wait... hold up.
then it all clicks
you’re a mutant with a chipmunk quirk...
c h i p m u n k
safe to say he’s relieved, so he just lets you be and goes about his day. 
When you wake up a few hours later to go to the bathroom, you come out of the bedroom with your clothes practically on backwards, rubbing at your eyes and stumbling past Aizawa like he’s not even there. And when you’re done, it’s right back to sleep you go
“Back to bed?” Aizawa would ask as he watches you with an amused smirk on his face
“Okay. Goodnight, y/n”
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Listen, when he first heard of your quirk, he thought it was the cutest shit ever
“Your quirk is Chipmunk?! That’s SOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTE!”
No he’s legit your number one hype man. If you think your quirk is lame, he’s literally shouting at you how cool he thinks you are.
“You can stuff so much food in your mouth, y/n! And that’s pretty dope if you ask me! I’m totally jealous!”
speaking of food, he’ll just randomly ask you to shove as much as you can of one thing in your cheeks until they’re at full capacity.
“Hey y/n, think you can shove this whole pack of jumbo marshmallows in your cheeks?”
“But... I just bought those :(”
“I’ll buy you more, LET’S DO THIS!!!”
also asks you the dumbest questions omg. You don’t know if he’s genuinely curious or if he’s just doing it to piss you off
“So do you just eat nuts all day?”
“You’ve seen me eat, Hizashi. No.”
“Do you prefer to sleep in trees?”
“That would be extremely uncomfortable.”
“Ooh you’d probably be great frieds with Kamui Woods then.”
“Did you not hear what I just said?”
He also REALLY likes your ears. Like an unhealthy amount? Whenever you’re around he literally wont stop touching them and even tugs on them playfully until you’re swatting at his hands and telling him to go away
He can’t help that they’re so cute :(
so on a particuallry cold day in winter when he has to go to work at the school, he leaves your home while you’re sleeping, only to come home hours later to find you... still sleeping?
You haven’t moved an inch the entire time he’s been gone, so needless to say, he’s a litle concerned.
and when he checks to see if you’re still alive only to discover your heart rate is super slow, he’s A LOT concerned
His brain just goes to the most dramatic thing he can think of, which is that you’re in some weird coma and need to wake up
so rather than, i dont know, gently shaking you awake like a normal person, he grabs you buy your shoulders and starts shaking you violently while shouting your name loud as fuck
you literally wake up so violently, you sit right up and shove him off of you before asking what’s wrong with him, pretty sure you’ve officially gone deaf
He then explains that he thought you were in a coma or something cuz your heartbeat was so slow, and at that point you just roll your eyes because of course he would come up with this ridiculous conclusion
“Hizashi, my quirk is chipmunk and it’s a mutation quirk.”
He doesn’t even get what you’re getting at, just tilting his head in confusion as he squints at you.
“What do chipmunks do in the winter, babe?”
Cue more confused squinting
“Oh my god, they hibernate, you headass.”
it finally clicks and the look on his face makes it seem like he just learned the secret of the universe, and afterwards he’s going on about how cool that is while you just roll your eyes and lay back down to try and go back to sleep, bringing the blanket over your head to try and drown him out
He eventually gets the hint and leaves, but after a while, you kinda feel bad for blowing up on him. He was just concerned and didn’t fully understand your quirk
so letting out a huff, you pull the blanket down and call out his name, to which he immediately runs to you at the sound of, asking you what you need
you just wordlessly lift up the blanket to expose the empty side of the bed, and oh boy, the size of the grin he gets on his face is unmatched
immediately throws off his hero costume so that you can both be comfortable and jumps into bed with you, holding you impossibly close
you fall asleep in a matter of minutes while he just looks at you fondly, hand soothingly rubbing your back.
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Just like the other two, he finds you incredibly cute. Like mans is in love, okay?
everytime he sees your little ears twitch, he just gets the strongest urge to touch them, but he never does without your consent becuase he knows how sensitive they are.
“Uh... y/n, do you mind if I... touched your ears?” 
Baby probably feels so awkward asking ugh PLEASE REASSURE HIM
“Oh? Yeah, of course, Toshi. Knock yourself out.”
oooh he’s excited. He’ll be super gentle about it, just lightly grazing them with his fingers before gently rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger
and at that point you’re littlerally melting, practically falling into him because him caressing your ears like this feels absolutely amazing
When he sees how it’s affecting you, he immediately becomes a blushing mess and apologizes, but you just hug him and tell him it’s okay and that you liked it
yeah he definitely rubs your ears whenever you’re feeling stressed or anxious because it’s become a quick way to relax you
only when he does it though. If anyone else randomly touches your ears, you get kinda uncomfortable
Just because they don’t look human doesn’t mean they still weren’t a part of you, dammit
Anyways, one day when you’re waiting for Toshi to come back home, you’ve got yourself wrapped up like a burrito in your blanket, sitting on the couch as you watched tv
it had been snowing all day, but luckily Toshinori had turned up the thermostat before he left, remembering how you mentioned that you’re not a huge fan of the cold
unfortunately for you, the harsh weather had no trouble taking out the power, leaving you in the dark and the cold
it didn’t take long for the cold to start seeping in through the cracks in the windows, and you quickly began to grow tired before you inevitibly passed out on the couch, still wrapped tightly in your blanket
When Toshi gets home and sees you on the couch, his first reaction is “aw, how cute.”
but then when he comes up to you and starts calling out your name to try and wake you up and you just won’t, and then he notices how much your breathing has slowed down, he quickly growns concerened.
He’s not in full panic mode yet, but he’s getting there, and he’s quick to crouch down to your level and grab your shoulders to start shaking you to wake you up
which you do, blinking groggily at him like you weren’t just in full hibernation mode
“Oh... Hey, Toshi,” you mumble, and you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down so that you can nuzzle yourself into his warm chest
He’s not able to ask you about what happened to you before you’ve already fallen back asleep, and when the power comes back on a few minutes later, he does a quick google search on chipmunks and mutant quirks before putting two and two together
Now he’s thinking of all the ways he could make you something to burrow into during those especially cold winters
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gracifleur · 3 years
okay i'm kidding, more seriously: what drew you to shaymin in the first place? do you have any favorite and least favorite theories and concepts regarding it?
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i hope ur ready 2b emotional on this good monday bc this, is the saga of me & shaymin.
so ive been a fan pkmn since the good year of 1998, u could not for the life of u me n dupree get my gameboy from my tiny child fingers n make me put down red or blue. my fav pkmn was pikachu, instantly. i still have my fav pikachu shirt from childhood ok listen. so thru the years watching the anime, seeing the movies in theater, playing the games time passes n we get to rse & admittedly i was burnt OUT. BURT THE FUCK OUT. but also, & pls no hate, i wasnt the biggest fan of the 3rd gen. i loved the sprites, the pkmn, the location, but the story itself just wasnt my thing & i rlly just felt the pang of man idk if im into this as i used to be which sucks when u lose a hyperfixation but also something that u rlly love n enjoyed n brought u immense joy. so i decided to be a wee bit edgy n be all bleh pkmn for babies as i totally very much still replayed rby & gsc etc etc. im a lil hypocrite if nothing. so when the ds came out n news of a new gen was on the horizon, i ignored it. however one of my high school besties did not & got diamond. it was also my birthday( fun fact i do share a release date birthday with platinum in america i will let u look it up ) & pal was like 'i wanted pearl so here take diamond as ur gift n lets go get my game n play together i kno u love pkmn' he was right. i do love pkmn n wow, wow. the first moments of diamond rlly just SNAPPED something within me. it was like falling in love with this series all over again. something about the world, the characters, the story, the pkmn it all fell into place n really really made me remember why i loved this franchise in the first place.
so, naturally i start paying attention again to pkmn news & more importantly: event pkmn. which lead me to this advertisement from toys r us. also fun fact: i have the shaymin image from this ad bc i cut it out, it's in my 3ds case at all times safe.
now, i saw this lil fella & i was like oh my god ur so adorable i need you. && so me n one of my high school besties who was as fanatic abt pkmn as me rushed off 2 our local toysrus n download the mystery gift. i go n open the summery of my shaymin & that was that. idk what happened. suddely pikachu was #2 in my heart( tho nowdays i do consider both shaymin & pikachu as my all time favs, but shaymin is like slightly higher on the list ). idk what it was ! this lil fella made me appreciate grass types, a type i normally dont care for at all but turtwig had started to fix that. i always had them in my party, i got a secondary diamond copy just to hACK TO DO THE OAKS LETTER EVENT. i loved them idk why something about the fact that this lil friend shaped creature is thankful to me in spite of everything was like the franchise itself saying thank you for always loving pkmn, for giving it a second chance, for like idk being a good friend. && that rlly resonated with me.
pkmn has been a franchise that has rlly helped me thru some shit & has always just been consistently there. every game since diamond ive loved more n more n more. && i think like gen4 will always be special for me & so will shaymin bc like as grateful as i am for pkmn it sorta feels like pkmn is grateful for me too & thats just like makes ur heartgut go emotional huh cause it does me too its ok anyways shaymin rules actually
aND FOR THE SECOND PART UHH IDK ABOUT THEORIES I HATE or concepts, its kinda hard to like rlly delve into more than whats there bc shaymin seems to embody the coming of spring, the change of the seasons, to start anew, refresh & rejuvenation all of those are sick as fuck concepts but i guess if i had a criticism i would def say sky forme looks stupid kdJHASKJDhsa IDK THATS JUST ME LAND FORME BEST FORME #HATER
oh uh, pet tax: here is a photo of that said toysrus shaymin currently chilling in my copy of x
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
can you tell me about your friends? -C (you dont have to)
Ooh! Sure, C! No problem! Hmm, since it doesn’t really specify which ‘friends’ you’re talking about, I’m going to talk about IRL and online ones! XD 
This is gonna be a long one, but only because I love, appreciate, and care for my friends :) 
So let’s start with my... 
IRL friends ^-^
I won’t be using their ‘real names’ so... meh. 
First up we have Eggen! :) 
She’s such a joy to be around (no this is not sarcastic). She has this weird fluctuating emotions sometimes and it’s scary to deal with (but not as scary as Jessie-). Funny story about how we actually met was that we had this conjoining class in Ext. Maths and she was from another class. I was still a new student then, so I wasn’t really familiar with anyone and my friends from *my* class were in Ext. Maths too, and were friends with Eggen, hence we all had this weird group thingy at one portion of the classroom and we hung out together. 
Now see, here, we weren’t really *friends* then. More like acquaintances XD 
I texted her because I saw in her profile, that she was a *HUFFLEPUFF* (which is different now, because it didn’t fit anymore- She’s a slytherin now :)) and I texted her saying “OH MY GOSH! YOU’RE A HUFFLEPUFF TOO?!!” I was a dork. It was stupid. And she replied “Haha, yeah...” and lemme tell you, I’m surprised why she’s still my friend to this day XD 
She’s improved a lot since then, and I am honestly quite frankly really *really* proud of her. She’s grown a lot (literally, coz she’s short and metaphorically, coz she’s so talented and skilled and smart now! [Not that she wasn’t smart before, just saying, definitely you can see progress]) She’s talented in drawing, ballet, has great ideas, really hard working, productive, one of the most inspirational person I know :) I’m glad to call her my friend :D 
(Only I get to call her Eggen though 0-0 ANyONe else who dares, will get a smack from me-) ALSO did I mention she likes to torture people by throwing her erasers at them? It’s funnnn memories :’) 
Next up we haveeeee Lizze!!
Lizze now this one, I didn’t meet until like... at least a year after Eggen. Honestly. Don’t judge me, our school is biiggggggg. She had long hair then. At first I see her here and there, and it was pretty chill. Nothing too... ya know- friendsy just like oh yeah I recognize you. We were in the same scholarship program! So that was fun! :) 
We didn’t officially properly meet until like a year after though, and well let’s just say it was fun. She’s one of the only friends I was able to rope into watching Sanders Sides with me and is also a huge geek nerd XD  She’s ALSO REALLY REALLY HECKING TALENTED IN WRITING?! LIke WHAT?! WHo even?! 
Yeah, such a great friend. She’s one of the people I go to when in need of any writing advice, or just advice in general! She really gives that second opinion and really takes things into account and I’m really just plain glad to call her my friend. I love her so much and like we would discuss and hang out sometimes on VC late into the night and it’d be funny watching her trying to navigate around her messy room :’) Ahh! Fun times XD 
Then we have... NICO!! :) 
Nico... was my first ever friend. Literally. In the new school. I’m gonna lay down the scenario XD
I walked into class on orientation day, not aa lot of students were there yet, I was early (for once). Nico was sitting on the left side of a table (we had two student tables) two rows from the back, near the windows. I walked in and was like Hm. Where should I sit? So I Decided that I wasn’t gonna be a wimp and decided to walk and sit next to Nico. He was also surprisingly a new student, so we kinda like related for a bit XD 
Flashforward and Nico is one of my close friends? I mean he’s there and he’s fun to hang out with XD (I don’t do labels, sorry XD) We would joke around, play around, and he’s just a great fella all around! It’s just sometimes people might make fun of him and he’d get insecure sometimes, which makes me sad and yeah! Favorite memories with him would always be in Ext. Math. We’ve landed in the same class (coz we switch around every year) like twice and everytime it’d be the same! And well every time in Math I would ‘show off’ my amazing math skills and he’d try to compete with me. It was fun every time. *dreamy sigh* 
I miss the competitions really. We’d compete to see who would finish first, who would do what part, and when either of us are confused we would annoy the other to get the answer XD I miss him :’) 
Then we get... JILL! :D 
Jill was another friend I met in my first year at the school. At first, she used to hang out with this other friend because they were stuck to each other since like primary, but slowly they drifted (which in my opinion might be for the best 😬) 
She’s an otaku. A pure bred otaku. I had to deal with her anime fanatic years for like... 3 years and counting now. Why. But she’s wonderful and drawing and would always have this bad habit of drawing on anything and literally whatever surface she finds. The desk, her notebooks, her test papers, her *SKIN*, *MY* skin, her WATER BOTTLE (like what THE HECK- JILL?!) but like, it’s endearing XD 
She’s great at complaining and hates hugs. She also hates mangoes- (If you remember what my catchphrase was? Yeah the, “GUESS WHAT? JILL HATES MANGOES” yeah it’s this Jill XD) I’m not joking. She’s great at complaining XD 
Funny story is that once we had to do this video project thing and we just had Jill complain about the amount of homework we had to like compare stuff and what not, and she did it. IN ONE BREATH. NO HESITATIONS. NO SCRIPT. ONE TAKE. WE were all DYING after that XDDD Coz she’s literally known as a complainer and she has great logic skills. She also really LOVES money... so... i mean... yeah. She’s really like... conservative with her money but isn’t afraid to use it to spoil others, but not herself XD 
Finally but not the last (I got more friends, but I don’t really... connect with them enough?) is BEEP! (no this is not her actual name, I just don’t really call her by her real name much) 
The OG friend from first day of school! Nico? YEah Step ASIDE BRO! XDD This gal is my go-to cuddle buddy. LIterally. Our moms are kinda like... besties? (*shrugs* it’s complicated) so we kinda do a lot of things together XD We go to gym together, go to places together, road trip together. She’s a joy to be around. She is like the cuddliest and well usually she does get teased about for being fluffy but like that’s the best part about her 🥺. Her mom is also really picky about her appearance which as her friends, we were pretty annoyed by it, but I love her the way she is :) 
First day of school and she walked by and asked to sit next to me. I said yes, without looking at her, coz I was *shy* (shush). Then we had an ice-breaker thing and LMAO guess what we bonded on- 
FRICKING HARRY STYLES AND WATTPAD- (look, if you’ve been on wattpad, you’d know that Harry Styles stories on there is never really... safe. in a sense.) SO, we’d immediately bonded over that and literally the rest of the day was history. We’d go through class everyday together and it would be a blast, OF COURSE she had other friends and I had mine, we weren’t really in the same ‘stereotypical’ group (like she has the more... *mean girls* kinda group [I’M NOT SAYING SHE’S MEAN! But, I’m saying that they have the popular group- yeah there that XD]) 
I had my own group but we hang anyways because it’s fun. She has the most beautiful laugh, like... literally the loudest and beautiful-est laugh ever XD We have so many inside jokes. She’d hold on to them and start laughing randomly XD She cries a lot when she laughs so that always spurs us to continue laughing, gosh damn it, I miss her. I’m smiling so hard writing this. 
Aight! That’s from my IRL friends! 
Next we have my online friends! :DDD
First up, we have YAWN! :D
Yawn is quite frankly, the first person I ever actually connected to on Tumblr here XD 
I’ve been through tens and hundreds of discord servers, jumped in tumblr group chats, and no where have I ever met anyone as wonderful as Yawn. Literally. 
I would say we pretty much clicked and when *she* (look I asked okay. they said yes to all pronouns so- >:3 I’m going to have fun with it XD) expressed xeir love for PUNS of all things, literally, I was shooketh. SO I LITERALLY SPAMMED HIM WITH ALL THE PUNS I COULD THINK OF- ANd then HE LITErally PropOSEd- XDDD I don’t know man. It’s amazing :’) I don’t know how I got this lucky. 
Yawn is like that refreshing giddiness you have as a child when you see a new toy or something. Yeah that’s Yawn. Literally every time we text it’s just so damn wholesome and so fun and it’s great! We’d talk about the most random things ever and it’d be amazing :))
Hhhhhhhhhhh, I’m just so damn proud of zem. LIke. Literally. Xir has come so far, and like... we haven’t really met for long yet but I just care about xir sooooooooooooooo much. It has always been there for me and I’m just so appreciative of it. We have so many- *WHEEZE* inside jokes- XDDD 
One I can think of is literally “I run you, Shakespeare” and it’s HILARIou- XDDDDDDDDDDDD
I can’t- It’s beautiful XD 
I just can’t believe that our friendship literally started with me just sucking up my anxiety and just texting people stuff and I honestly don’t know how it continued from there- XD 
They are the most accepting person I know. Genuinely. I don’t know where I’d be without them :’) 
Next we have... VOMMY! :DDD Or C-Gal... We gotta bring that nickname back XD 
First of all, we met in a Fander Pride Meet Up server. VOmmy CAN SPEAK DUTCH and is SOO CREATIve and SO FRIckING Hard WOrking and such an inspiration. Always greets us and is always down for hugs and cuddles XD 
Such a great tea friend, and has like the best aesthetic ever- literally. So old and vintage like a vintage mom and always down to talk about stuff! Ze is soooooo smart as well! And would infodump sometimes when ze’s not busy about stuff that I absolutely adore and love to hear about! Honestly the best vommy ever and ze has PLANTS like- *Woooooooooo!* 
We met vommy and literally we can always geek out with zem. Sometimes life gets hard and we need to scream it out every now and then, and vommy would be there :))) 
I am so proud of zem and just so damn happy to call zem my friend uwu 
Then we haveeeeee... STARBURST! OR BOB THE BUILDER!
ANOTHER friendo we met in the Fander Pride Meet Up Server (seriously a lot of cool friendos there). One of the best advice givers and the most caring older sibling ever. Literally. Like I can’t stress this enough. He’s such a great cousin duck and just a great listener friendo ever. 
I’m literally so proud of him. It’s crazy. He’s always been there for us, all of us. And is there to provide hugs and arms to cry on. ALSO HAVE I EVER MENTIONED HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS??! LIKE WHAT THE HECK- AHhhhhHHHHHH
Next we haveeeeeee- POPPY the POPTART! :D 
First time we met in the Fander Pride Meetup, I may of may not have offended them. 0-0 
I still feel really bad about that honestly. Uhhh, anyways, I won’t go too in depth on that. BUT ANYWAYS- 
THEy Have been such a WONDERFUL presence in my life. LIterally. LIke They have such an cheerful vibe ever and would never fail to make me laugh or like coo or like anything coz they are soooo ADORABLE! They are also like really great cuddler and hugger and sooooo sooooo sooooo handsome :DD
Sure there are rough patches in their lives, but I adore them and am sooo sooo soo proud of them for being able to go through it and still come out with their heads high and just so damn happy that they will not give up that easily. I really admire their strength, and we are always there to support if they need help :) 
Also, go check out @/poptartsaysurloved pinned post. See if anyone is willing or can help! :) 
Next we have... ATLAS! Or LAssie as I like to call him XD
He’s one of the screaming cereal that I most definitely did not meet in the Fander Pride Meet Up and instead in another server and I’m glad to have met him XD 
I don’t know the *exact* thing I texted him, but I definitely remember asking him about something in his status and I most definitely was satisfied with my answer and we just started talking in DMs for a bit, before I invited him in to the screaming cereal bowl server! :D 
ARSon kid can’t go a day without wanting to blow something up and frankly I’m concerned but such a great friendo
Provider of memes, jokes, laughs, hugs, cuddles, and fun time XD 
I can’t even, it’s crack head moments every time with that lassie XD 
She deals with my bull crap every day kind of and deals with a bunch of my mushy feelingsy moments! I can’t stress enough. Literally Shelly McScotty over here is like the most relatable person ever. Mood all the way and we have like SOO MANY SIMILAR INTERESTS 
IT’s CRAZY! When I first found out that she watches like Unus Annus, Winx Club (SHOOSH IT’S A GOOD SHOW SHUSH) Literally, I’m like this is the best person ever. She’s also knowledgeable in a lot of stuff and is literally like the best person to go to when you need to get like informational stuff
Literally. I would info dump on her and she’d be such a great listener. Fricking Disney and Potterhead GEEK of the decade. HOly heck this lady is the literal embodiment of a disney princess. FIRST OF ALL, PERSONALITY IS THERE. SECOND OF ALL, HER LOOKS! HAVE YOU SEEN? LITERALLY SO DROP DEAD GORGEOUS ON FLEEK MAKEUP! AHHHHHh
I can’t get enough of this dude. Gives great advice and insight on soooo many things and I’m just so glad to have met this gurl. I don’t know how exactly we met, but I’m glad we did. 
MIND YOU most of my friends are either from Tumblr or Discord so XD 
Welp! This was a fun! I definitely spent wayyyyyyyyy too long on this thing, but it’s worth it! XD 
Hope you have fun learning about my friends from like a freaking geeking out stand point Canon! :D 
I have a feeling you wouldn’t read through this entire thing, so well... AH! Hope you have a nice day and don’t sleep too late! Tell me about your friends as well! :))  
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hiraethstill · 5 years
he researched... and developed.... this style......
what a good boi im soft
he works so hard
and he's so happy to be praised by koushuu lookit him!!!
eijun shook
kanetou bein proud!!
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look at these two beautiful boyos
lmaooo mogami
"their voices are urging me forward" YOUUUUUUUUU PRECIOUS BEAN
tiny outfield firstie bois
haha kuki doesnt look that upset that theyre calling out more than when he was pitching
then again he didnt have koushuu/taku out there with him huh
they stirring things up
aaand kuki read my mind hyaha!
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obligatory pretty koushuu shot
bro asada did the anime megane thing lmaoo
i like that masashi noticed someone else's/yui's countenance
someone wanna tell me why eijun's smiles/grins are always so contagious
passionate deep down huh hehe
okay its not strange but
it seems different from everyone else's
@ animators did you hire someone specifically to draw taku lmaoo
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whatre you lookin at me like that for HUH???
aww you will pitch your best asada sweetie
HASKDJF asada das gAY
oh man i remember someone talking about how it was more 12-6 hMMST
and omg my sweet child asada is just wondering about how he missed it
pretty koushuus
"maybe it wasnt so bad" MY DUDE
okay that sounded kinda wrong
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aww asada turns to taku like he doesnt know which other fielder to turn to first aaaaaaa
hey zono looks nice here
and of course shirasu my guy
kanemaru's sassy hip
"you have an evil look in your eye, shinji" "you started it!"
aw asada nodding so fervently my heart just grows for him every second
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esp since i told this kid at camp that i played baseball and he was like "no you play softball" like fuck gender norms
ah mochi i love you
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ah eijun i love you
both of you even more so after being great big bros to asada
why the fuck is koushuu so pretty
taku looks SO happy that koushuu is stepping up and changing momentum and kicking ass
the other third years look so down that nabe cant play... :c
oh man i remember tokyo senbatsu i cant wait to see more good bois
oho koushuu batting third
wow ochiai recruited taku?
at least they recognize he's a speedy boi
but uhhh i still want taku to reach
and he dID!!
eijun's shocked face and mochi's "nice, a challenge huh" face are a bit gratifying
im sos orry kariba i know you deserve better
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damn taku acknowledging he barely made it when everyone else WHOAs
also koushuu calling him taku aaaaaa
kawashima you got this!
what did i tell yall about koutaku sharing one brain cell
one smart brain cell
man... justice for kariba what a good underrated boi
HA kanemaru ships koutaku you cant tell me otherwise
their baseball is brainy... im cryin softly
lmAO savage mochi
sachiko i love you!
what rumors ochiai -eyes emoji-
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pretty koushuu shot is pretty and this one was too pretty to gloss over
there was another one but ill spare you and also i couldnt get the screenshot where i wanted it
ANOTHER pretty koushuu shot wtfff
lmao masashi just leaves
and yui's concerned face omg
asou are you saying shirasu has a plain appearance???????? bc excuse you shirasu is handsome and therefore kagami is handsome
LMAO masashi tryna steal their spotlight?
you can do that somewhere else buddy
yui's :0 face omg
natsukawa and anna!!!! queens <333
omg harucchi wow lowkey savage as always
imagine kanetouharu......... hMST
hyaha mogami just always makes me laugh
bro yui and masashi while thats sweet of you isnt it kinda rude to allow less spotlight time for players that wanna move up
takatsu has every right to be frustrated
wow... that hurt
right there
that shit hurted
KSDSDKH masayui also one brain cell?
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lmaooo eijun
you're probably not gonna get a second yes
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himst pretty
yes zono thank you
mogami BLS
that makes it both kane and mochi now, WHERE IS MY INTERACTION
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FELLAS.... IS IT GAY...........
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what... what a beautiful shot...
they dont even look fazed
aww taku reminding asada that eijun really does care about him
taku is so amused by eijun omg
and so perceptive
toujou kane and harucchi all looking at eijun in varying shades of "this is normal"
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asada looks so determined!!!
no amount of time is enough for what? before graduation?
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ooh a beautiful mochi!
RIP koushuu but honestly im glad he went to second string first he'll get more playing time
beautiful kuki too!
asada praised by koushuu + cheered on by fielders esp takukuki gay
"you have an evil look in your eye shinji" "you started it!"
justice for senpais
masayui Appeal one brain cell
too many pretty koushuus
harusawa teamwork!
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juqpeaz · 5 years
what your favourite riverdale ship says about you
by nate juqpeaz
add any more in the notes!!
bughead: you have a crush on jughead jones. you wish you were betty cooper. cole sprouse is so hot am i right
jarchie: all jarchie stans fall into 3 categories: fetishisers, projectors, and normal people. (if you’re getting defensive me abt calling you the first two, you’re the first two)
varchie: you’re horny. stop it youre like 12
veggie: you wish you were rich, and like same, but still
barchie: you wish you were betty cooper again
beronica: youre valid thats what that says
jeronica: youre edgy and you hate betty
core ot4: indecisive but valid nonetheless
choni: you wish you were toni or cheryl (or ur straight up just here for the wlw which, big mood. very valid btw)
cheryl/anyone that isnt a girl: congrats! i diagnose you with lesbophobic
joavin: you can’t let go of the past
mevin: you’re on thin fucking ice
kangs: you kinda really want joavin back, or you love musicals
kevin/any other boy (kughead/karchie/keggie): you just want kevin to be happy
kevin/any girl: boom fella! homophobic
swangs: you dont care about the core 4. same
sweetvee/swetty: stop projecting and selfship you coward!! its okay to do that you know! its 2019! just make a self insert and go apeshit! ill reblog it!
falice: you’re fucking insane. i dont know if youre valid or not. keep living i guess
any other parent ships: you’re normal and i love you
any form of inc*st or p*dophilia ship: you’re a fuck and i hate you
bonus: my crackships under the cut owu 
btw im all of these at once- so dont worry if youre any of these. i feel ur pain
jugpea: i diagnose you with projection syndrome. you have a type
swarchie: enemies > lovers is your favourite trope
regchie: you’re into jocks
reghead: you had a crush on your childhood bully and you’re not over them yet
mevangs: indecisive. i love you
fughead: projection. you are the rarepair master. also yr soft. i appreciate that
swangsvin: you wish you were kevin keller
sweghead: you wish you were reggie, sweet pea AND jughead all at once. iconic
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palettepainter · 5 years
I read your headcanon for brandi and xinith(loved it 💘), but I wanted to know if this means kelly is half siren half cat?
I’m still trying to work out Kelly and her character, on one hand I love stereotypical bid bad bully characters such as Brandi since they have a lot of potential to have great storylines and backstories. Please note that the ideas that I write in this are simply that, ideas, none of these are set in stone as of yet. And yes! Kelly does have some siren abilities since she her mother comes from a long family line of sirens. Also thanks! I’m glad you like them!
-Brandi, through out her highschool years at ZPA, never really did feel any sort of romantic attachment to any of her many lovers. Many of her relationships ended in either a heated fight or just a blank and blunt ‘I’m breaking up with you’. One of her relationships was with none other then Rusty. The two of them didn’t get together through any kind of romantic feeling of sorts, more through Rusty trying to prove to himself he most certainly didn’t have feelings for a particular deer..not at all. The two go so far with this love thing they move in together to make it look more ‘real’. Their relationship is snarky, filed with trash talk - but the two become some what friends…okay maybe less of enemies, friend is a strong word. Rusty was the one that brought up the topic of children, he’s finally starting to forget about doe boy, and hey, living was Brandi wasn’t so bad! But then just who is it he bumps into at the grocery store? Autumn! And all his inner feelings and longings for a future he knew he wanted surface, angry, confused and conflicted with emotions he rushes home, leaving a very confused Autumn behind. After some talking and some planning the two have a child, but Brandi is bent on getting a donor. She and Rusty may live together, but she’s not doing it with a man that half the times smells of beer and week old damp socks.
-Little Brandi is brought into the world and is not necessarily abused per say, but the attention given to her is lacking. Rusty had hoped taking care of a child with Brandi would have helped him forget about Autumn, but it feels like betrayal. Brandi, secretly knowing that this whole thing between her and Rusty was going to end soon, does try to keep the marriage together for Kelly’s sake. Her parents break up was devastating for her and Xinith, even if it was expected. Brandi’s plan to keep whatever kind of relationship between her and Rusty comes to a sudden end when Rusty just up and leaves: No note no nothing. He left when Kelly was only two, so she doesn’t remember ever having Rusty in her life, and Brandi doesn’t plan on telling her any time soon. Brandi swears on that day on giving her daughter the life of a princess! A life only SHE could be worthy of! She didn’t NEED that yellow mut in her life! She only needed her! Pagents and fashion shows soon become Kelly’s routine as a child. As a child Kelly is actually very nerdy and goofy, all ears and fring pulled into a ponytail with a pretty pink clip. Since Rusty walked out on her and Brandi Kelly was sheltered more so then the other students by teachers and staff to make sure she was okay and she felt safe and supported. She quickly gets bullied for the attention and soon looks to her mother, she sets herself on being cool, to fit in, and the bullying soon stops
-Kelly does have a farther and I’ve been debating over who it should be, but I think I have a good idea down of who it could be - I read a story about them on Wattpad and I kinda become hooked on the whole nerd x pretty gurl quality too it. Any info on this character and your own headcannons for them are appreciated! 
Kelly’s dad is Jessie, as far as I am aware that is his name, he’s the yellow cat in this:
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Jessie is a artistical phenomenon in action movie edits and stunts, despite his rather squishy and dorky looks he’ s very outspoken and enjoys happily rambling about his opinions and thoughts. Jessie currently works in the film industry alongside close work partners and ZPA friends Vince and Lenny. Jessie had an enormous dorky crush on Brandi, if his said crush wasn’t the popularity queen at ZPA he would have gladly marched up to them and asked them out…but Brandi WAS the popularity queen. During the time in which Brandi and Rusty where hitting bumpy parts of the road in their relationship Brandi finally gets the courage to walk up to her and ask how she’s doing - although dismissive and blunt at first the two end up chatting, and Brandi learns this nerd may not be soooo bad. The two end up chatting privately online, Brandi would never admit it was nice to have a friend who didn’t really judge her for her thick waist or how the pink she was wearing was so outdated. After Rusty leaves she kinda just…okay she breaks down and sobs like an emotional goober and hugs Jessie so tightly the poor fella probably lost the will to breath a few times. Too many break ups have left Brandi emotional and she just needed someone to hug
-Jessie helps Brandi get back on her feet after the break up, and within a few months Brandi already has a better attitude on life, and a great job! She now works as a model for hire, showing off the latest do’s and dont’s of fashion and living the dream life. Jessie is all to eager to coddle and spoil his only child, and Brandi may have snickered a little at his constant baby talk: ‘Who’s the most fabulous most precious ickle silk furred muffin? Why of course its you!! My ickle star daughter!!’  Brandi still keeps in touch with her one or two rare friends she made within ZPA, but she still tries to keep a  far distance from them so she doesn’t turn back into her once snobby and entitled younger self. Jessi permanently moves in with Brandi to further help support her and his daughter, and from there onwards the two have been very happy
-Being half siren from her mothers side Kelly has an expert singing voice, she has the potential to be a brilliant singer if she wants. She is very agile in the water, and can dive quite deep below the surface, not as deep as her mother but certainly deeper then any other girl her age. Growing up without a dad figure in her life Kelly soon learnt to grow up quickly, but she does desperately want the approval of her dad Jessie, she’s just extremely nervous and anxious on how to go about getting it. As a child her dad gave her a lot of games which she excitedly enjoyed and frequently took her to work so that she could watch him do all the special affects. Now grown up Kelly does still love games, but she’s nervous on how her friends at school will view her if she went to being an artistic wanna be game designer/movie maker nerd.
Again, none of this is set in stone, just some notes 
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corvidfoxx · 6 years
a psa
imma keep it real with u chief someone’s size is such a DUMB way to measure literally anything else ab them like?? it’s says fuckin nothing about their health or attractiveness or worth or ANYTHING like guess what folks!! u can tell exactly Nothing from a persons size except what their size is like It Just Is What It Is these are FACTS
fellas it’s late as hell and we love some sleep deprived body positivity in this house lets get into it shall we
(it’s gonna be long Get Ready)
first of all everyone carries weight differently some people are just naturally bigger and bro it’s all good?? who fuckin cares?? bodies just kinda do what they do why do we care so much about controlling our flesh prisons let em work let em live if someone is alive their body is doing what it’s gotta do it’s not that deep
and i mean G O D clothing sizes are. such BULLSHIT like they change so much from store to store and even in a store they can differ WILDLY like?? if ur size isn’t what u want it to be it’s ok bb i promise it literally means nothing live ur life ily
seriously tho clothes are made to look good on models mannequins and hangers like that shit’s just supposed to make money it’s literally not made to actually look good on u 99% of the time so don’t worry ab it there’s nothing wrong with u it’s just capitalism
also weight lowkey means nothing either unless ur a doctor or smth like muscle n fat both make u heavier and u literally don’t know what’s what unless u get all sciency so uhh if ur like exercising or w/e to try and lose weight but ur still gaining it there’s a good chance at least some is muscle 
and even if it’s not it’s chill there’s nothin wrong with not being super toned n shit like come on
literally just stop weighing urself ur all good i promise leave that shit to ur doctor bud
also also why tf are people so obsessed with health when it comes to someone’s body?? like bitch u don’t KNOW what’s healthy for someone else??? plenty of people are perfectly healthy even tho they look like what some people would assume is an “unhealthy person” and that’s ok bc ur appearance says nothing ab ur health!!
like even if someone’s not healthy it’s no one else’s fuckin business?? leave that to them and their doctor pal 
maybe they have a condition that makes being “healthy” really hard or impossible 
or maybe they’re trying to be healthy and just not there yet bc it takes TIME and that’s OKAY patience is great y’all
or maybe they’re just cool with being unhealthy and like,, u might not agree with that but it’s none of ur damn business?? like u don’t have to agree with it or encourage it to just. let em live their life?? 
tbh health is so fucking worshipped it’s wild and ig it’s with sorta good intentions at least sometimes but damn chill someone’s health doesn’t dictate their worth unhealthy people are still worthy human beings u guys are just mean
just sayin the whole health obsession has ironically lead to a lotta super unhealthy diet/fitness crazes and uhh we, collectively, as a society, need to chill and let people do what’s right for them
like just so we’re clear diet culture can choke
im. so tired of seeing fitspo and thinspo and all that bs everywhere like?? people have such an obsession with dissatisfaction it’s so weird???
we’re always trying to be something else and it’s not good it’s not healthy!!!! can we please focus less on how we want to look and start appreciating how great we already are??? 
y’all have no idea how much happier i became with how i look when i stopped looking at all these people who looked how i wanted to look and started finding people who look like me now???
bb there are so many people who look like u and who are killin the game find em and love em!!!!!! it might not totally change how u see urself but it’ll help i promise!!!!!!
and like?? anyone who says people can’t be attractive if they’re a certain size is LYING and can go piss their pants for all i care
LISTEN i literally have no preferences when it comes to physical stuff and ive fallen for people of all different shapes and sizes and When I Tell You They’ve All Been Damn Gorgeous I Mean 110% Of Them
i’m so tired of all this backhanded compliment “attractive despite their size” shit like NO BITCH If You Think I Dont Think Every Inch Of These People Head To Toe Is Hot As Fuck You Have Another Thing Coming Bc Holy SHIT That’s Just How It Is Folks
like bb i promise even if u don’t like ur body plenty of people are gonna think it’s fuckin Great u might not know it or believe it rn but it’s the Truth ur beautiful ilysm keep being ur gorgeous self
and u know what?? even if some people don’t think ur attractive that’s ok too?? like ur fuckin killin it either way ur not required to make other people happy with the way u look like as long as ur comfy in ur own body ur ok!!
insecurity is lowkey 99% about what other people think and i totally get that like bitch me too tf but like,, the truth is other people don’t mean shit!!!!!!
it’s ur body babe if ur happy with it that’s great that’s perfect!!!!!!! and if ur not it’s totally ok to want to change that but do it for u bud you’ll be much happier in the end i promise 
like it’s hard to get over trying to look how u think people want u to look but at the end of the day they ain’t shit and if u change for them ur not gonna be happy so??
do it for u do it so u can be happy in ur own skin like fuck everyone else make urself happy
(also people seem to think partners are an exception to the “other people ain’t shit” rule but honestly?? if ur s/o makes u feel bad ab ur appearance fuck them in particular?? like u don’t need that shit u don’t need to change for them u deserve someone who thinks ur gorgeous Right Now As You Are find that person and you’ll be way happier like highkey if ur partner doesn’t think 110% of u is gorgeous dump em they don’t know shit)
and like,, all this shit (size n health n appearance n shit) literally says jack fuckin squat about ur self worth???
who cares how big or small u are who cares how healthy u are who cares how conventionally attractive u are????? ur still a fckin fantastic person and u deserve the world?????
u still deserve to be hella confident and u deserve to never feel like u have to hide urself and u deserve to live a wonderful life no matter what ur body is!!!!!!! ur body has never and will never decide ur worth or what u deserve!!!!!!!
ur not a bad person just bc ur not a supermodel or w/e!!!!!!!! ur not doing anything wrong i promise ur doing great!!!!!!!! u still deserve all the happiness in the world and i hope u find it!!!!!!!!!
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vcr-wolfe · 7 years
How many fursonas have you previously had? Im counting four from the jay and dog all the way back to the brown/black lemur looking one. Id be interested in seeing a history of your fursonas.
uhh alright so the issues is here a lot of my artwork Way Back in the day was primarily uploaded to a website called sheezyart, which is as of now no more. so the best i can give yall is names and vague descriptions of fursonas long ago who dont have art available online anymore haha
putting this under a readmore bc there were A LOT MORE FURSONAS THAN I FIRST REALIZED
The SheezyArt Days - 2005-2008
winged lion wolf - didnt have a name but thats fine
scary monkey dragon - meerkat, went by my first online username
jinx - black and white dragon; has since been converted into a separate character and renamed Hijinks
The Middle Ages - 2009-2011
emerilla - green and purple earth dragon, named after my second online username. cant find any of the Super Old art sadly
emerilla 2.0 - a brief redesign
additional art
kaiya - green plant… lion…. lemur thing? Okay Todd
scary monkey dragon 2.0 - more a joke than anything, riffing on my old username
ermine - weird… otherkin stuff? man i dont even remember. you can see some of it eventually carried over into wolfe years later
additional art
additional art 2
additional art 3
The Getting There Days - 2012-2015
ray jay - that blue jay fella. had them for literally Years as they evolved with me
ray jay 1.0
ray jay 1.5
ray jay 2.0
ray jay 3.0
ray jay 3.5 - last version, retired into a standard character after the creation of wolfe
queen crow - extremely personal, used in tandem with my fiances personal character. at the time we were still friends/just started dating.
queen crow 1.0
queen crow 2.0
a few other iterations that i cant find
monater - created to go with my fiances monster-sona. i had it really fucking bad for them before we started dating lmao….
monater 2.0
bird - ANOTHER dual fursona set made for me and my fiance
2015 redesign
carter - really short lived….. pill bug? i forgot i even had this one holy fuck
chuck dog - created as a nsfw fursona, evolved into an all purpose fursona; still in use today
chuck dog 1.0
chuck dog 2.0
chuck dog 3.0 - most recent body ref, i dont draw him much anymore but hes still my fursona
vincent - a vague bird-like entity. it technically doesnt have a name but still rarely makes appearances. it represents an older part of me who does not currently live with us. in some aspects, i lost it to trauma most likely
hoodie vincent - short lived space-themed persona. no longer in use due to malignant memories and abuse associated with them. i sold them to a personal friend who takes good care of them now, they renamed them Nebby
scavenger - ??? dilophosaurus sona. id like to revisit them some day maybe
The Present Era - 2015-2017
wolfe - there it is, my current Fursogna… the baby boof
first Official art of wolfe
most recent ref
carnespecter - half mascot, half fursogna, i like them a lot!!
aaaand uhh thats it for now!!! this took me on a Wild Ride trying to dig up old artwork but i hope you have fun checking htis shit out!!! and hopefully appreciate the effort raking through my brain and memories to find shit i didnt even know i had in the first place omfg
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
 Yohei: *lying in bed* "..."
chie: *sleeping next to him*
Yohei: "..." *carefully holds onto her*
chie: mmm....
Yohei: *closes his eyes, trying to breathe steadily...*
sonia: *brushing her teeth*
miyuri: *doing the same* ^^
Chuuya: *yawns, reclining in a chair* =_=
mito: *sitting on his lap, purring*
Chuuya: *strokes her back* "We'll have to figure out how to bring you on the trip..."
mito: mrph. =w=
Chuuya: *calls up* "Kids? You almost done brushing?"
sonia: just about!
Chuuya: "Okay. Let me know when you're ready."
soul: night kiddos.
becky: *yaawn* night dad...
Damon: "Night..." *shifts under sheets*
soul: sleep well, ok?
Damon: *nods* "..."
Kid: *trying to climb out of bed*
stocking: *making breakfast wearing kid's shirt* *humming*
Kid: *falls out of bed with a thud, the sheets wrapped around him* *sleepy groan...climbs up, adjusts his pajamas, heads to the kitchen* *yawn* "Morning..."
stocking: oh, i didnt know bedsheets was the newest summer fashion. *chuckle*
Kid: ^^; *yawns* "Just really tired." *smooch*
stocking: hehe~ so how do you want your eggs this morning?
Kid: "Can't go wrong with scrambled." *hugs behind her, helping with the breakfast*
stocking: sounds good. want me to add a little anything?
Kid: "Would you hate me if I said a little hot sauce?"
stocking: *rolls eyes* honestly, i guess i have been trying to expand my palate.
Kid: "Hee hee--just a little teasing." *soft pat on her bottom*
stocking: *laugh*
Kid: *sets out a plate* "I was thinking tonight we could go out?"
stocking: sounds lovely, anywhere in mind?
Kid: "Evening stroll, dinner, dancing?"
stocking: sounds nice. ^^
Kid: *whispers* "I'll wear something nice."
Fujimoto: *on the phone* "Yes...Yes, I'll tell her. Goodbye." *hangs up*
momo sakura: who was it, uncle shiro?
Fujimoto: "Someone checking in on your sister--I take it she's still sleeping?"
momo sakura: *nods* she still has a bit of a fever...
Fujimoto: "Hmm...I'll get some medicine for her..." *opens his cabinet* "Darn--missing something..."
momo sakura: maybe i could get it?
Fujimoto: "Hmmm...Can I trust you with something?" *takes out his keys*
momo sakura: *nods* what is it?
Fujimoto: "Shiemi's mom's shop will have the ingredients--she calls it 'ghost elderberry syrup.'"
momo sakura: *writes it down* ok. how do i get there?
Fujimoto: *hands her a key* "Through the closet door should work."
momo sakura:......eh?
Fujimoto: "Trust me."
momo sakura: o-ok then.
Fujimoto: "Just slip the key into the lock and..." *opens the door with her* *daylight shines out*
momo sakura: o_o EHHHHH??!
Fujimoto: "Teleporting keys, bending space and time."
momo sakura:.....huh.
Fujimoto: "Just keep walking to the end of the bridge, and you'll see the garden without a problem."
momo sakura: right....do i need money?
Fujimoto: *hands it to her* "That'll be more than enough."
{*a young man is typing away at his cubicle...he has 3 empty soda cans and is finishing a cup of coffee and an energy drink...*}
{???: hey #####, you should probably take it easy there.}
{Young Man: *slight jump* "Oh! Um...The boss was riding me again. I need to get this done--and I still have 5 more databases to code, 2 posters to design, and ### stuck me with their...their..." *taps his head* "Ugh! What's the word..."}
{????: project?}
{Young Man: "No--that's still too...too..." *holds out his arms, indicating 'broad'...his left arm is shaking*}
{???: ??? hey, #####, you dont look too good...}
{Young Man: *small growl* "I'm fine! I-I don't have time for this small talk--I need to get back to...baaaaaaaa..." *his hand reaches for the energy drink--knocking it onto his keyboard* "...aaaaaa--" *THUMP, CRASH*}
{????: !!!!!! OH FUCK!}
{???: someone, call an ambulance!}
{Young Man: *collapsed, spasming with his eyes open...*}
{Boss: *exits the office* "What the hell is going on?! ###, get up!"}
-....ries.....yo, aries-
{Young Man: *choking...*}
Aries: *shaking in bed* "Nnnn!" *opens his eyes* "... ... ...Huh?"
capricorn: you were mumblin' in your sleep again. *noms on an apple core*
Aries: "...Yeah--'cause I stuck in one of the weirdos' dreams." ^^; "Probably Leo's, given how violent it was."
Aries: "...We got any cocoa flakes?"
Sid: "--so take the training camp seriously. Oh, and don't forget your water."
Axel: *holding a case of sodas* "Is soda good enough?"
Asher: "..." *nudge* "Excited?"
izumi: hmm? oh, yeah, and a bit nervous.
Asher: "Hmm. Didn't you go camping before?"
izumi: sorta? mom and i did make a pillow fort before when we first moved here.
Asher: "...Yeah, I don't think that's the same as baking in the desert."
izumi: should i bring flour?
Asher: "..." *stifles a laugh*
izumi: *smile*
Sid: "--and it'll just dry out and stay sticky, so no."
Axel: TnT
zeke: bummer.
Saria: "We'll need to be careful to protect from sunburn. Fortunately, I bought a new cloak!"
lukas: oh?
Saria: *nods* "And...Well..." *holds up a box with Lukas's name on it*
lukas: ?? what's this?
Saria: "W-Well, you can't ruin your eyes out in the desert, so..."
*inside are a pair of sunglasses*
lukas: oh, thank you!
Saria: ^^ "You're welcome!"
Sid: "Some veterans and associates of the DWMA. You'll know more when we get there."
hibiki: cool.
Duncan: "Hmph. If you can't tell us, then I'm guessing you're still working up to the last minute trying to secure enough instructors."
Sid: -_-#
lei-lei: *WHACK*
Duncan: "OW!"
Kanin: "..."
amelia: kanin?
Kanin: "Hmm? Yes?"
amelia: are you alright?
Kanin: "Oh--sorry. Just thinking..." ^^;
amelia: hmm...
Kanin: "So, anything you want to do when we're not training?"
Shamrock: *knock knock* "Hello? You awake?"
himawari: y-yes...
Shamrock: "I brought tea..."
himawari: thank you.
Shamrock: "..." *sets it down* "Well...I'll go. If you want to talk, I am here..."
himawari:...could you stay a while?
Shamrock: "..." *sits next to her*
Shamrock: "..." *hug*
Jeje: *sitting on the cashier table in snake form*
metsu: *setting up for the day*
Mikuni: "Good mornin'~"
metsu: long night?
Jeje: -_-;
Mikuni: "Quite! But I'm up and ready to go!" *drops into the chair, puts his feet up on the desk--and closes his eyes*
Jeje: "Just a bit of surveillance..."
Akutagawa: "Hmmm...Leftovers?"
gin: *yaaaaawn*
Akutagawa: "Okay, leftovers it is--" *opens the cabinet* "...Get out of there and put down the cookies."
Q: >n<
Tsuyuki: *typing on his laptop...he looks like he hasn't slept* "..."
tinker: mornin shuhei! ^^
Tsuyuki: *grunts*
tinker: i stopped by micky-D's and got you some pancakes. ^^
Tsuyuki: "... ... Um, thank you." *sniff*
tinker: you ok?
Tsuyuki: "...Busy. Working."
Yohei: *walks down the hall...and steps into a puddle of glue* "...What the hell?" *looks around* "...Hello?" *looks in one room*
nea: -_-;;;
io: *making something*
Yohei: "So, Io's into arts and crafts now?"
nea: seems so...
Yohei: "And I think I spot...my USB stick in that 'art.'"
io: anko yohay! lookie!
Yohei: "???" *looks*
io: *holds up what she made* issa hat!
Yohei: ^^; "How nice..." *leans down, lowering his head* "Can I try it on?"
io: *puts it on his head, still a bit sticky from glue*
Yohei: "Yay. That's really sweet. Thanks, kiddo."
Shiemi's Mother: *watering plants*
momo sakura: *knocks on the shop door* excuse me?
Shiemi's Mother: "Eh? How may I help you?"
momo sakura: im here for some ghost-elderberry syrup? i have money for it.
shiemi: oh, momo-chan, what a surprise!
Shiemi's Mother: " 'Ghost-elderberry syrup'? Right--that's what Shiemi used to call the unripe berries. Fujimoto sent you?"
momo sakura: *nods*
Shiemi's Mother: "Let me get some...Is he sick with the flu?"
momo sakura: actually, my sister has a fever.
Shiemi's Mother: "Oh, dear...But he didn't ask for any ginger? Do you have some at home?"
momo sakura: im not sure, i could call and ask, but-
Shiemi's Mother: *smiles* "Tell you what--I'll toss some in. No charge."
momo sakura: oh, are you sure?
Shiemi's Mother: "No problem--I owed Fujimoto a favor."
Giriko: "I hope this little fella will keep you company..." *holds up a tiny toy golem*
anna: *babble*
Tiny Golem: "..." *small click, head tilt*
anna: *laughs*
Giriko: ^^ "See? You two will get along great--"
Neighbor: *outside* "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING?!"
Giant Golem: O_______O
arachne: ^^;;;;; oh dear.
Sansa: "...I can't write a ticket for this since it's not technically a vehicle, but it is blocking traffic, so could someone move it?"
Giriko: -_-; "Some people don't appreciate art..." *moves the Giant Golem--*
Giant Golem: *crushes a car*
Giriko: O_O;
Endeavor: "MY CAR?!!!"
Mom: "??? I don't think it is? I think it's a Patlabor..."
Giriko: "...If anyone asks, I wasn't here." *grabs his suitcase, kisses Arachne on the cheek* "Bye, sweeties!" *runs like hell*
Jinn: "Thank you for meeting with us." *sips tea*
Yumi: "Happy to see you both well."
zubaidah: likewise.
Sid: "We needed to review strategies for what to teach the students. Seeing as they have some combat experience, I want to focus more on fixing their strained partnerships so they can get to work on chain resonance next...But there were some other problems I'm noticing."
zubaidah: such as?
Sid: *pulls out photos, pointing at each one as he talks* "Child of a Death Scythe who has been bullied and isn't showing much impressive in resonance. Stressed out, exhausted, not sleeping. Werewolf. Unknown history. Criminal record. Asshole."
Jinn: *cringes* "A bit blunt..."
zubaidah: criminal record?
Sid: "More than one. This one carried a razor blade in her mouth to cut her teacher. This one thinks they're a ninja and has been doing a vigilante act."
zubaidah: ... ._.;;
Sid: "I think we're going to need to get them to work a bit more cooperatively to even out these flaws--get the quiet ones to speak up more, get the loud ones to listen a bit more..."
Valentine: *walking* *looking around* ("Darn...I still can't find my way around here...")
kenji: hi there. ^^
Valentine: "Oh...Hi?" *looking around*
kenji: are you lost, ma'am?
Valentine: *groans* "Yes--I was trying to find a school..."
kenji: what kind of school?
Valentine: "A high school--the normal school?"
kenji: ah, there's plenty of schools to choose from even if you arent in the DWMA or triad schools.
Valentine: "??? 'Triad'?"
kenji: oh, that's the name of the three major schools; DWMA, True Cross, and UA.
Valentine: "I see...Well, none of those are for me--and I couldn't make out this address..." *shows the paperwork*
kenji: *looks*
Valentine: "I was told it was near the DWMA girls' dormitories--but I'm all turned around. Where is North Street Plaza?"
kenji: oh, it's over this way, want me to show you?
Valentine: "Um, sure? Thank you, Mr..."
kenji: my name's Kenji. Kenji Miyazawa. ^^
Valentine: "Valentine de--...Valentine."
kenji: valentine de valentine? hehe. ^^ that's a nice name. ^^
Valentine: ^^; "Yaaaaay...Are you from Death City?"
kenji: naw, im from a farming town called Ihatov.
Valentine: "Hmm...I was told this was an international city. Even after Paris, this is more than I expected."
kenji: mmhmm ^^ i know lots of people in town. ^^
Valentine: "Really? Where do you go to school?"
kenji: im not really in school, i work at a detective agency. ^^
Valentine: "...Really? You're not what I would imagine--no offense."
Konro: "Morning, Fang-Hua."
fang-hua: good morning, commander, your medicine arrived.
Konro: "Oh, good. Haijima gave you no troubles?"
Tsukiyo: *lurking outside with a mallet and a terrifying smile*
fang-hua: ^^; miss fujimi delivered it this time.
Konro: "Oh, she's nice." *looks at the medicine* "How is she?"
Tsukiyo: *muttering* "Not a problem at all..."
fang-hua: she's well, but she seemed a bit sad...
Konro: "...Haijima is a cold place..."
Bully 1: "--and after that, that piece of shit never bothered me again. Granted, he couldn't, since I was expelled."
stephanie: wooow so cool!
Bully 2: "You're full of shit--_how_ do you fit that in there without cutting your tongue open?"
Bully 1: "Simple--wrap it in cardboard."
bully 4:....
Bully 2: "I'm still calling bullshit. I bet you couldn't do that now, with all these weapons walking around..."
Bully 1: "Tch. Wait 'til you see what I got in mind for the camp..."
bully 4: like what?
Bully 1: *smirks* "Let's put some fear into those weak little shits."
Auntie: *putting up new missions onto the bulletin board*
kim: hmm oh! look at this one!
Jacqueline: "Interested in globe-trotting?"
kim: sounds like fun!
Jacqueline: "I suppose--but we'll need a team since it's a 3-meister mission."
kim: round up the usual suspects?
Jacqueline: *nods* "I'll find Kilik--enjoy talking with Ox."
kim: =3= why must you pick on me?
Jacqueline: *pinches her cheek* "Because you're just too cute."
Blair: *tending to a patient* "And for being such a patient patient..." *hands the child a lollipop*
child: thank you!
Blair: ^^ *turns to the parent* "We'll have their blood results back tomorrow."
mother: thank you so much, it's amazing how you've started using VR headsets to help them.
Blair: "We have real smarties in IT~!"
mother: i wish i could have been as lucky as a child. technology really is amazing, isnt it?
Blair: "Hm-mm! I tend to stick to the good old fashioned methods, though..." *floats paperwork up to herself with magic*
rowena: so as you can see, merfolk eggs resemble large fish eggs. *points to a picture in a book*
Magaki: "...How long are they in the eggs?"
rowena: it usually takes about 6-7 months generally. though this usually depends on the location and water quality. for example, in warmer waters it could be 4-5 months, while in arctic waters it's 8-9 months.
Magaki: "Hmm...Not related to kappa?"
rowena: while the two races have similarities, they arent directly related. however, they are within the same classification; aquatic humanoids.
Student: "How do you know so much?"
rowena: not to toot my own horn, but i've studied a lot on cryptozoology.
student 2: so they have sharp teeth like a shark?
rowena: why yes, a merperson's diet typically consists of meat, usually from fish or crustaceans.
Kau’i: -_-;
liz: why thank you for your presentation, miss poe.
rowena: *nods and bows* you're welcome mrs evans.
Magaki: *clap clap*
lilac: *laying under the weighted blanket*
Sakuya: *sets down tea*
lilac: t-thanks.
naho: *hugs* you're gonna be ok...
Sakuya: *nods* "And we're here."
lilac: *sniffle*
Sakuya: *rubs Lilac's back*
Sid: "Izumi, could you take these folders to Mrs. Evans's classroom?" *holds up a stack*
izumi: yes sir. *takes them*
*in the hall, snickering is heard...*
izumi: *picks up the pace*
Monica: "Hey there, weak-sauce."
izumi:....*walking faster*
Bully 2: *picks up one of Izumi's folders--from the middle, scattering them* "Oh, look--this loser in here is going on our field trip, too." *it's a file on Saria* "Tch. 'Whip'? What a limp weapon."
*it sounds like steps running down the hall, but it doesn't seem like the bullies notice...*
izumi: hey! *picking them up* what's your problem?
stephanie: but doesnt indian jones use a whip?
bully 4: it's indiana jones, idiot.
stephanie: OOOOOH. so that's why he's american?
bully 4: *facepalm* how are you alive?
stephanie: my mom gave birth to me. ^^
Bully 2: *side-eye* "When was the last time they made a sequel to that movie, dumbass?" *grabs another file, this one on Lukas* "They didn't even make another after Shia Le--OH SHIT, this guy is a freak! Ha! I'm totally pantsing him after gym--"
*the footsteps are getting louder as someone rounds the corner*
*the bullies aren't noticing...*
izumi: come on, stop it!
Monica: *puts an arm around Izumi* "What's wrong with a little info-sharing? We just want to see what we're up against...After all, you got nothing worth learning ab--"
*??? slams into Monica, knocking her away from Izumi...and knocking up some files into the air*
Monica: *nose bleeding* X____X *falls back, unconscious*
Bully 2: "?!!!!"
bully 4: the fuck?!
izumi: ah! *trying to get the files all back in order*
Giriko: *turns back* D8< "Fuck, watch where you're going you stupid--" *sees Monica* "...I'll explain it to the Reaper when I see him! He can reap your soul later! Out of my way!" *he's dragging a golem behind him as he heads down the hall*
Bully 2: "... ... ...WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT?!!"
Monica: X_____X
Matsuri: *looking over a map* "So much to see...I don't know how to fit it all."
suzune: hmm, why dont we check out mizuna district?
Chisato: *nods* "Let's take this path..." *shows her phone*
Harvar: *sitting outside a hospital room* "..."
kim: hey.
Harvar: "Yo. What're you doing here?"
kim: is ox around?
Harvar: "...He'll be out in a second." *thumbs at the door* "Have a seat."
kim: ah....you guys interested in a mission?
Harvar: "Depends--where to?"
ox: *exits* !!!! k-kim! hi!
Harvar: "..." >_>;
kim: hey. you up for a mission?
ox: oh, uh, sure. ^^
Harvar: *sighs* "You get Kilik yet?"
kim: jackie's fetching him.
Harvar: "What, lost a bet and had to see us?"
kim: =n= ha, funny.
Jacqueline: "Hey, Fire, Thunder!"
fire: jackie!
thunder: *hug*
Jacqueline: "Hee hee--it's good to see you! Is Kilik around?"
fire: he's in the back cleaning some stuff.
Jacqueline: "Okay..." *looks in the back* "Hello, Kilik."
kilik: oh, hey jackie. *organizing boxes*
Jacqueline: "Still unpacking?"
kilik: yeah. so what's up?
Jacqueline: "Kim and I were reviewing a three-meister mission. Interested?"
kilik: sure, why not. cant let the skills get rusty, y'know?
Jacqueline: "Excellent! We'll be crossing the Atlantic... It'll be in Romania."
kilik: ah, i see.
Jacqueline: "Reports of a monster sighting..."
kilik: *nods* sure, we'll be glad to help.
Jacqueline: "Great! It'll be like old times--Kim is visiting Ox."
Shotaro: "Chie! I finished my good deed!" *holds up mail* "And something came in the mail for Mana..."
chie: oh. mana!
mana: yeh?
Shotaro: >_>; "H-Here..." *hands her some envelope...the return address is from Hongcun...*
mana: !!!
*inside the envelope are certificates from Toykyo and other cities...Some look to be 4 years old...*
mana: *looks*
*they look to be commendations and awards...there's also a letter in Chinese with familiar writing...*
Letter: <Hey, Sis.>
mana: ........
Yoh's Letter: <These have been sitting around the house--and it's been a pain in the ass finding where you're living now. Death City, huh? You going to write back?>
mana: *wipes her eyes*
Shotaro: "??? Mana? What's wrong? Was it a mean envelope?"
mana: *smiles* just nostalgic is all....
Shotaro: "Oh...Do you need a cough drop for that kind of thing?"
mana: it's fine. ^^
*2 people in hoodies walk through a bamboo forest*
???: <Watch your step--don't want to step in panda shit.>
???: ....
*through the bamboo are abandoned ruins...and one masked person standing in front of it*
???: *makes a signal* <We're back to see the boss.>
???: .... <go in>
???: *nods* <Thank you...> *enters the ruins...inside is a projection of the world, with targets over China, the southwestern United States, and more spots*
???: .....
*Reclining with a drink is the Dokeshi Federation Boss*
Boss: <Were you followed?>
???: no sir...
Boss: *pulls up files showing the Fearleader Squad, Aries, Emine, Queenie, and some other notable Dokeshi Federation members* <We have confirmed all locations but the Zodiac--which we'll know soon enough. Queenie was too irresponsible in her methods, but the goal remains essential: Dokeshi supremacy over humans.>
???: understood, sir.
Boss: <My assistant will assign you your next tasks. Keep up the good work--> *coughs, clears his throat* <Ugh. Too humid...>
Katai: "Okay, I got everything for dinner--so don't worry about a thing..."
mrs harue: you didnt have to go to all the trouble-
Katai: "It's my pleasure! I just wanted to help out and...even get out of the house for a bit..." *hunting through one bag* "Um...What is this for?" *holds up a spatula*
keek: ._.; oh boy....
Katai: "It's a flat surface-y thing...Why am I blanking on the name--"
*something catches on fire behind him on the stove*
keek: D8
Katai: "HOLY CRAP!" *grabs a bottle of wine, dumps it onto the fire--and it gets bigger* "WAAAAH!"
mrs harue: !!!!
keek: .___.
nagisa: hi. ^^;
Blair: "Hello, sweeties~!" *holds up another bag* "How about we take care of cooking, and Katai takes care of...smaller tasks?"
Katai: T~T
mrs harue: *checking the damage*
*looks like one pot is charred...*
Blair: "Oh, I know a great cleaning solution for that!"
Dr. Sasaki: *standing outside the jail cell* "Hello, Mimeca. I am here to continue the examination."
ManBearFix: "Great! Because one of my legs is really sore--"
*A pencil pierces through ManBearFix's head before he collapses on the floor*
Dr. Sasaki: *hands a pencil and paper pad to Mimeca* "How are you feeling?"
mimeca: *writes* [please dont be mean to nofix]
Dr. Sasaki: "??? Was I mean? I thought he recovers from such injuries. Explain."
mimeca: [i dont like to see you hurting him. it upsets me.]
Dr. Sasaki: "...I'm afraid my specialization is in physiology and internal medicine more than head-science. Then again, I cannot retrieve sufficient results if I upset you. Therefore, I will agree to your terms..." *removes a key, unlocking the door* "Come. I will tend to his injury and finish your exam."
Benimaru: *holding up a baby toy* "..."
fang-hua: hey commander.
Benimaru: "Good afternoon, Kohana." *sets the toy down* "On patrol?"
fang-hua: yeah. and you?
Benimaru: "I'm researching hypoallergenic toys, non-GMO baby food, and the most absorbent diapers...I don't know the meaning of some of those words."
fang-hua: need advice?
Benimaru: "Yes. You have siblings--what kind of childcare did you have to do?"
fang-hua: diaper changing, feeding, washing, most of the stuff my parents did.
Benimaru: "... ... ...TEACH ME NOW." *grabs a notepad*
Fang-hua: ._.; oh boy…
Haumea: "I said BUZZ OFF!"
*an electric discharge launches Charon out of the room*
kagu-tsuchi: !!
Charon: *lands on his head* "...HOW AM I TO GUARD IF I HAVE NO BODY TO GUARD?!"
Inka: *walks by* "Phrasing."
kagu-tsuchi: charon? are you alright?
Charon: "Yeah, yeah..." *falls down onto his face* *muffled* "I've had worse." *gets up* "Haumea is just being difficult."
kagu-tsuchi: any idea what's bothering her?
Charon: "The experiment with Sho has not been very successful, and we're awaiting word on how to acquire the remaining Pillars."
kagu-tsuchi: i see. and lord sho....?
Charon: "...He's been better."
arrow: he shut himself up in his room.........again.
Charon: "Jeez...Someone needs to talk to him--"
Haumea: "SHO, OPEN UP!"
Charon: "...Someone else."
ritsu: ku-ku-ku~ perhaps i may be of assistance~
Charon: "Well, you are a bodyguard--knock yourself out."
Kuro: *lying on the school desk in cat form, munching on snacks from other students*
ryuusei: this is BS. it's summertime, why are we still in class?
Koyuki: "Well, we will have a brief break?"
ryuusei: =~=
Koyuki: ^^; "Well, how about soccer practice?"
Kid: *adjusting his shirt's collar, looking at himself in the mirror*
stocking: you ready?
Kid: *smiles* "I think so. You look lovely."
stocking: thank you~ ^///^
Kid: *offers his arm* "Our ride awaits..."
hyakuya: ...
Kimizuki: "--and then attack on the right. ...Are you listening?"
hyakuya: yeah, im listening, just spacing out.
Kimizuki: "The opposite of listening..." *sets down paperwork* "What's up?"
hyakuya: just thinking....couldnt sleep last night
Kimizuki: "...Nightmares?" *pulls out water bottles*
hyakuya:......i guess.....*sips*
Kimizuki: "...When I get nightmares, I usually try to sit up and read something..."
hyakuya: i guess....apperantly last night i made myself egg toast, according to what shinoa told me.
Kimizuki: " 'According to'? You sleepwalked then sleep-cooked?"
hyakuya: well, it'd explain the odd taste in my mouth this morning then.
Kimizuki: *small laugh* "Is that what you usually eat for comfort?"
hyakuya: hey, at least i didnt burn the building down.
Kimizuki: "Oh, that's a relief--which, knowing our luck, you'll end up burning the building down when cooking while awake?"
hyakuya: >n<#
Yoichi: "Oh, hey, you're both up! I thought you would've taken a nap..."
hyakuya: hey yoichi.
Yoichi: "Hey! What you reading?" *looks at Kimizuki's file*
Kimizuki: "Forms to sign for the upcoming schedule."
Black Star: "This is bad...Why is he harassing them?"
tsubaki: ....
Higan: "It sounds like trouble to me--I say avoid it."
Shamrock: *shakes his head* "And keep getting walked over?"
lavender: hmmm, if that guy's trying to start a war with us...
himawari: ........
Black Star: "Hang on--I'm all for kicking some ass, but we actually need a little thing known as a plan! ...Tsubaki, what's the plan?"
tsubaki: im not....im not sure
himawari: if we start trouble....C3 will......*shakes*
Shamrock: "Hey..." *pats her shoulder* "It's going to be okay."
Higan: "Then maybe someone should tell C3 that--they don't interfere to protect vampires anyway."
tsubaki:.......perhaps i should give shirota a call....
Black Star: "Yeah, that'd be a good plan..."
Lucy: "Well, look who's come downstairs...Done tending to the garden, ma'am?" *sets down tea*
kirako: a little bit.
Lucy: "That's good...What you feeling like?" *takes out her waiter notepad*
kirako: i think i'll have a sundae with orange slices.
Lucy: "Coming up!" *walks to the counter, while the door opens, revealing...*
Kunikida: *enters*
kirako: oh, kunikida, hello.
Kunikida: *waves* "Hello. I see you had similar ideas for dining..." *sits down* "I missed lunch."
kirako: yeah, pregnancy cravings kicked in again. ^^;
Kunikida: "Just a few more weeks...You're taking good care of yourself."
kirako: yeah...
Kunikida: "I notice someone else has been missing. No sign of Dazai?"
kirako: should i call him?
Kunikida: "I would recommend it."
kirako: *calls him*
*a phone rings...from Kunikida's pocket*
Kunikida: "... ... ..." *reaches in, and instead of pulling out his own phone...he has Dazai's* "... ... ...I will strangle him."
Jacqueline: *smiles* "Kilik is in! How was your trip?"
kim: oh, ox and harvar agreed to go too.
Jacqueline: "Then we got our team. I'll email Auntie..." *collapses onto the couch* =w= "After I rest..."
Kid: "This may be out of order, but I hope you don't mind the dancing before dinner..." *leading Stocking into a club...*
stocking: sounds nice. ^^
Kid: *walks to the bouncer* "2, under the name 'Death.'"
Bouncer: *grunts, opens the door for them*
*inside is a dark setting with neon fluorescent lights and electronica music...*
stocking: oh.
Kid: "So, drinks or dancing first?"
stocking: let's dance, kiddo!
Kid: "Okay!" *joins her on the dance floor...*
*it seems some bystanders recognize them...*
stocking: *dancing with him*
Patron: "Is that the Grim Reaper?" *snaps a picture on their phone*
stocking: ??
Kid: ^^; "I guess our fame precedes us."
stocking: i guess. i just hope they arent from the tabloids.
Kid: *smiles* "I wouldn't worry about that..." *leans in close* "I'll be on my best behavior..."
stocking: hehe~ oh you~
Kid: *dances with her* "And I'm full of surprises..." *spins her*
stocking: oh my~ ^///^
Employee: "Excuse me...We're ready."
Kid: "??? Already? Um...Stocking, could you follow me?"
stocking: of course. lead the way. ^^
Kid: *leads her to the bar...to a door next to it, leading to a stairway* "Careful--it's a little dark..."
stocking: *follows*
*A bouncer at the top of the stairs opens the door, revealing the roof...There's a candlelit dinner set at a table...*
stocking: oh, kid!
Kid: "Surprise..." *holds her hand, guiding her to her chair*
stocking: you spoil me~
Kid: "Hard to spoil perfection..." *uncovers her dish, revealing a beef steak with raspberry red wine sauce* "And I hope you'll love dessert later~"
Monica: *her nose is bandaged...throws an empty bottle against an alley wall* "Fuck..."
{Monica: >_< *6 years old* "Big brother! I said I wanted to play!"}
{???: easy kiddo. i'll play with you as soon as im done with this homework.}
{Monica: "I wanna play now! What's so good about dumb homework?"}
{???: if i get good grades, then i'll get into a good collage later on.}
{Monica: "??? But you're already amazing!"}
{???: ...*head pat* thanks, monica.}
{Monica: ^w^ }
Monica: "..." *rubs her nose--then grunts* "Ow...Motherfucker."
Spirit: "Izumi? It's getting late--maybe finish the reading tomorrow..."
izumi: really? *looks out the window*
*the sun has set...*
izumi: EH?! it's that late already?!
Spirit: ^^; "Got lost in your homework, huh? At least you focused on your reading..." *sets down a plate* "Late dinner?"
izumi:....i guess.
Spirit: "Someone else on your mind?"
izumi:....i guess it's that mean girl and her gang that keep picking on me...
Spirit: "I know--they're assholes. ... !!! Er, I mean, they're jerks!" ^^; "D-Don't tell your mom I said that..."
izumi: *chuckle*
Spirit: ^^; "Sorry...But I am sorry what is happening. You do know you're at a school where these kinds of people are in attendance, right?"
Spirit: "This field trip is not going to be easy--but if you get through it, you'll get stronger. And I want you to get stronger--not to impress some jerks, but because you want to get stronger for yourself."
Spirit: "Then this training camp will help with that--a meister needs to be able to land a punch. Hell, I had to knock Stein down now and then at your age when he...went a little overboard. Huh. Thank goodness he isn't on this training camp... ...He's not, right?"
izumi: im not sure. ^^;
Spirit: "I hope not...In any case, I think I'm going to teach you how to throw a punch tomorrow before you head to the camp."
Harvar: *packing* "Ox, why did you accept this mission?"
ox: well, it's been a while since we did one of these things, right? plus, i think a change of scenery would do us some good...
Harvar: "I don't know--staying in sounds good, too. You going to be okay working with Kim?"
ox: y-yeah, it'll be like old times, yeah?
Harvar: "Yeah, old times--with Kim and Jacqueline now kissing."
ox: -___-
Harvar: "Just being honest--don't let your infatuation get in the way of work."
ox: i'll be alright, really.
Harvar: "..." *pat pat* "Good. They'll need your big brain out there."
Kid: *slow dancing with Stocking on the rooftop*
stocking: u////u
Kid: "It's not too cold out here, is it?"
stocking: it's lovely.
Kid: *smiles* "I'm glad..." *small twirl*
Kid: *walks Stocking inside the Manor*
stocking: today was wonderful, kiddo~<3
Kid: *smiles* "Were you surprised?"
stocking: hehe~
Kid: *strokes her hand* "I'm glad." *smooch*
takeru: *gulp* a-are you sure about this? it-it's kind of late for training...
Hajiki: "You know what they say--the night owl catches the worm!"
takeru: i-i thought it was the early bird?? if im remembering the saying right....
Hajiki: "...It is? Huh. I thought it was the other way...Ah, I'll figure that out later--let's pick up where we left off..." *holds up a candle* "Fire!"
takeru: YEEP! >~<
Hajiki: "Why is such a big guy like you afraid of a little bitty flame? Look--it's a cute little flame! It just wants to be your friend..." *waves the candle at Takeru*
takeru: waaaah! hajikiiii stop iiiiit! >~<;;;
Hajiki: "..." *blows the candle out* "Hey..." *pats Takeru's shoulder* "Look at me."
takeru: *sniffle*
Hajiki: "You are so freaking powerful, man--maybe the most powerful in the entire 2nd, even more than the Commander!"
takeru: y-you think so?
Hajiki: *nods* "Remember how you blew a hole through the tournament wall? That was epic!"
takeru: i-it was pretty scary...
Hajiki: *nods* "Yeah, fire is scary...That's why people like us have to learn how to deal with it, so you can save others."
Hajiki: "Come on--I know you're a good dude who wouldn't want to see others get hurt. What about that mission you had back home--you fought big-ass fire dogs!"
takeru: y-yeah....i'll have to thank patti and her friend for that sweater...
Hajiki: *nods* "Hey, maybe that's what you need--something lucky to build up your confidence! If you got that sweater on, you'll be safe."
-the phone at the 8th rings-
viktor: 8th brigade, licht speaking.
???: "Hello, Licht--Harris here at Haijima. How are you?"
viktor: oh hey there! what's the haps?
Harris: "The higher ups are getting impatient. You know what we want."
viktor: alright, alright, what time's good for you?
Harris: "Tomorrow morning."
viktor: GOLLY! that soon?
Harris: "Unless you want someone to pick you up tonight."
viktor: im sure tomorrow will work! i'll just tell him we're on a little field trip!
Harris: "Report at 8 AM sharp."
*Haijima children are asleep in their bunks...most of them...*
girl: =~= im hungry....
Boy: "...I don't think the adults are up. Maybe the kitchen is empty."
girl: ...tatsu's not in bed....
Boy: "?! Again?"
girl: you dont think that the shadow man's being mean to him again, do you?
Boy: "...If it's him, at least it isn't us."
Inka: "--then Ritsu said, 'I call it...my wake-up call!'" *giggles*
sasori: .....
Inka: "What, not funny?"
sasori:....hmm? sorry, i was just thinking about stuff...
Inka: -3- "You've been space cadet all the time lately. What are you thinking about?"
sasori: well-
ritsu: lady inka.
Inka: "Ritsu! What's up, girl?!"
ritsu: lady haumea has asked me to tell you to meet in the main hall immediately...
Inka: "Hammer Pants can't get enough of me, huh? Well, let's go!" *walks with Ritsu*
Inka: "...Oh! Man, I'm dumb--I forgot! Yo, Sasori!"
sasori: ....coming....
Inka: "Great!" *hands her a key* "I left my bag of marshmallows in the kitchen. Could you put them in my room before Jonah gets his mitts on them? Again."
Inka: "That's my girl!" *pats her arm* ^w^
shinra: *still asleep*
Viktor: *standing at the foot of Shinra's bed* "..."
shinra: *snoring*
Viktor: "Shiiiiiiiiiiiinraaaaaaa?"
shinra: *sleep muttering*
Viktor: "???" *walks over, leans his ear next to Shinra's mouth*
shinra: fuckin'...penguins everywhere....*snore*
Viktor: ._.; "I guess I must apply a stimulus..." *nudges his shoulder*
shinra: nnh...
Viktor: "..." *walks back to the foot of the bed, takes Shinra's foot--and starts tickling*
shinra: *foot jerks as he wakes up* wha-.....*SCREEEEEEEEEEEAM* *KICK TO THE FACE*
iktor: *knocked down to the floor* @w@ "Ooooooh, good, you're awake!" *turns his head* "Hello, Albert! What are you doing here..." XwX
shinra: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
Akitaru: *runs in* "Son?! What happened--" *spots Viktor* "...What the fuck?"
nozomi: what happened? !!! oh goodness!!
hanako: nooo i dont wanna go! >~<
gabriella: it's ok, sweetie, the doctor is there to help you feel better.
hanako: but im not sick! >A<
Hibana: "And we want to keep it that way--that's why it's called a 'check up.'"
hanako: 7n7
Hibana: "Aw, come on--Dr. Huang is really good, her nurses are friendly--if having bad fashion sense--...and I think they got a dog now?"
gabriella: and tell you what, after the check up, we can go to IHOP. ok?
hanako: can we?
Hibana: *nods* "Even put some whipped cream on it."
hanako: yay! ^w^
komori: *putting ice on viktor's face*
Viktor: "Ugh, I hope this doesn't leave a mark--I got a meeting today..."
shinra: care to explain WHY you were in my room?!
Viktor: "Oh, right! I had some questions about your Third Generation lately."
shinra: couldnt you have waited until i woke up?
Viktor: "It was relevant to my research that it be your initial experiences upon first awakening. I'm thinking of turning it into an article. I already checked on how the other’s fire abilities first function upon waking. Arthur's Excalibur is a bit more powerful first thing in the morning, Tamaki still forms cat whiskers in her sleep, and Lisa--"
Vulcan: "Hold up. You've been going into our rooms while we sleep?"
Viktor: "Please--I go into everyone's room while they sleep!"
karin: ^^# you havent been in nozomi's room. HAVE YOU?
nozomi: O///////////////O;;;;;;;
Viktor: "No, but it was next on my to-do list--"
Viktor: "??? Did I do something wrong?"
Takehisa: *aiming his gun--*
shinra: says the unlucky one.
shinra: OxO;;
Petra: *grabs Shinra and Tamaki by the ears*
shinra: YEOW!
tamaki: >A<
Petra: "Settle down! You're too noisy..."
iris: we should probably focus on the matter at hand.
Viktor: ^^; "I'll just be leaving..."
maki: ....
Viktor: *walks over to Petra, starts pulling her fingers off Shinra's ear--*
Petra: *stare* "...What are you doing?"
Viktor: "Apologizing to Shinra with a little field trip..."
shinra:....im fairly concerned about this.
Viktor: "Relax--it'll be fun! We're going to see the latest in Haijima technology..."
shinra: wait, haijima?
Viktor: "Yep! They're doing some new training with their latest patients!" *pulls him to the door--* "Come on! We'll be late!"
shinra: wait-
Vulcan: "You think we're letting you scurry off to Haijima after this crap?! You already know what I think after what they did freezing out my family from resources!"
maki: not to mention what they did to shinra when he was little!
Viktor: "...Well, that's kind of why I need him there."
nozomi: ??!!
Viktor: "You see, Haijima is doing experiments on the children in an attempt to awaken their latent potential...and with all the Adora Burst knowledge we've been gaining . as more and more of them pop up, Haijima wants to see if they can induce a similar awakening in various children, including those that dead guy from the 1st infected."
tamaki: *her eyes widen in horror as her face goes pale*
nozomi: !!!!!
iris: how awful....
lisa: *aims a flame tentacle at viktor* how could you know this?
Viktor: "...I guess I need to come clean. I, Viktor Licht, am a Haijima spy, sent here to infiltrate Company 8."
karin: *PUNCH* you unholy son of a BITCH! I KNEW YOU WERE FISHY!
nozomi: viktor....why?
maki: wait, i thought haijima sent him to the 8th as a researcher?? but maybe he did report back to them so...
Viktor: *collapsed on the floor* "Ow...I'm going to look like I went into boxing with all the punches today..." *sigh* "Well, like I said, Haijima wants to know more about the Burst, and..." *looks at Shinra* "...him."
Viktor: "They had tested Shinra when he was a kid, trying to get him to show off some super-power abilities. And after they let him go, he gets the Adora Burst. They let him fall through their fingers---and they don't want to repeat that mistake with the kids they got now. If even one of those children shows the Burst, think of all the knowledge they could gain about how it works?"
shinra:....i feel sick...
Akitaru: *shakes his head* "No way--this is not the way to go about this. We're not letting Shinra go in there..."
Viktor: "And if you don't, then Haijima will take more drastic measures..." *looks out the window* "Case in point...My ride's here."
shinra:....alright....i'll go.
Akitaru: "I said no! At least, not alone..."
iris: shinra...
shinra: if i can atone for those kids, then i'll do it.
nozomi: besides, we can use this as a chance to investigate haijima.
Akitaru: *glares at Viktor* "You pull anything--"
Viktor: *holds up his hands* "Hey, if I screw up, Haijima's going to kill me--I don't have many options here!"
shinra: and the sooner we get info, the sooner we can stop the preacher's plans and save sho.
Akitaru: "Okay. Then that means we need everyone on board for this--we're going to need to pull out all the stops. Everyone, suit up."
karin: one thing first; whose side are you really on, viktor?
Viktor: "..." *shrugs* "No one's."
Hibana: *sitting with Hanako*
hanako: *swinging her legs as she sits in the chair, staring at the floor*
*the door opens--and a puppy runs in*
hanako: !!! hi puppy! *hug*
Goldie: ^w^ *wagging tail*
hanako: hehehe ^^
Asako: "Ah, our newest visitor! Hello, Hanako--I'm Asako."
hanako: h-hi miss asako.
Asako: "Have you been to a doctor's office before?"
hanako: sorta...? i dunno.
Asako: "I mean, aside from your mommy." ^^; "But there's no need to be nervous. Have you ever tried a stethoscope?'
Kurono: *wrapping himself*
puppet girl: hiiiiii kurono~ ^w^
Kurono: "Bug off."
-intercom; kurono and nataku son, to testing room B-alpha-
Kurono: *mutters under his breath* "Thank God..." *bumps into her while exiting*
puppet girl: hehehe~<3
Kurono: "So. Ready to play with your uncle again?"
tatsu: o-ok...
Harris: *watching from the control room, leans into the microphone* "Line up."
Harris: *glances* "Aspen, wipe that goofy smile off your face."
tatsu: c-can i go home soon?
Kurono: *points to his tie clip* "You see this skull on my tie? That's the mark of death. When you have this mark on you, I'll let you go..."
Kurono: *unwraps his arm* "We'll continue where we left off...I need you to focus. Or else I'll be sending your corpse home. Now, show me your true power."
tatsu: *trembling*
tatsu: !!!!! *glances to his side in fear*
Kurono: *SNAPS his fingers--and flips Tatsu over his shoulder and onto the floor* "Too weak."
tatsu: uuuh....UAAAAAAHRGHH!!!!!
scientist: s-shouldnt we stop them before he gets killed?
Harris: "God has blessed us with these guinea pigs. The previous tests have been inconclusive. Until we see the Adora Burst, we're not stopping."
scientist 2: still, one's a kid, and the other's losing his arm to ash disease...
Kurono: *kicks Tatsu in the gut*
Harris: "But look at him...He's as powerful as Benimaru of the 7th."
-the door slams open-
scientist: !!
kahono: *storms over to the intercom* KURONO. THAT'S ENOUGH!
Kurono: *keeps kicking Tatsu*
Harris: "Get out of here! We're not done--"
Kurono: "..." *picks up Tatsu by his collar* "...Heal him. We're not finished..." *walks him over to the gurney*
Harris: *glares at Kahono* "You idiot--don't you know what we're trying to do?"
kahono: there's a fine line between training abilities and straight up child abuse!
Harris: "If you want results, you may have to break some bones in the process..."
kahono: then why not volunteer yourself?
Kurono: *walks up to the control room, taps on the glass* "Hey. Send me another one."
Harris: "..." *gulps*
kahono: well? my offer stands...
Harris: "...He's bleeding. Go bandage him, doctor." *looks over results*
Driver: *wearing sunglasses...has a gun holstered on their side*
Viktor: ^^; "So, which facility we going to today? I had hoped to go to the North branch to see how the new fireproof jackets were coming along--"
Driver: "West branch. Child training facility. Say one more word, and I'll shut you up."
shinra: OxO;;;;; *gulp*
Viktor: >_>; "Making the 'evil corporation' conceit a little too obvious..."
*the car passes industrial buildings, pillowing smoke...*
Viktor: *clears his throat* "Shinra, which Haijima branch did you get your legs worked on? West branch or somewhere else?"
shinra: i dont really remember, but i do remember one lady; Dr Fujimi. she was really nice.
Viktor: "Huh--that's a coincidence. She's working at West now."
shinra: for real?
Viktor: "Yep! She handles clean-up--Er...She tends to the children after their training..."
{*down a hallway at Haijima...a boy and a woman walk*}
{shinra: *looks up*}
{*there are windows in the hallway, showing different facilities...some guards are wrestling a man in a straightjacket*}
{-most of the other faces are scribbled out...-}
{????: is that really him? the shadow man?}
{*the guards slam the Shadow Man, face pressed against the glass...The Shadow Man smiles at Shinra*}
{shinra: !!!!}
{-the other children are screaming and crying-}
{Shadow Man: "I want to play...with the children. Let me play!"}
shinra: GAH!!
Viktor: *backs away into the door* "Wow! What?! What?!!"
shinra: hah...hah....s-sorry just......bad memory.....
Viktor: "..." *looks* "We're here..."
Security Checkpoint: "Step out of the vehicle. ID."
shinra: *exits*
Viktor: "Viktor Licht, Haijima forensics, on loan to the 8th. Harris called me to meet with--"
Security Guard: *looks at Shinra's ID* "State your business."
shinra: *looks at viktor*
Viktor: "Um...We're here to see the children training?"
Security Guard: *hands ID wrist bands* "Wear these at all times while on the premises."
shinra: *nods*
Viktor: "Like old times, huh, Shinra?"
*Guards are watching them*
Viktor: "Well, looks like they aren't letting us out of their sight...or out of here...When you got Kurono here, I guess I shouldn't be surprised."
shinra:.........!!!! DR FUJIMI!
kahono: ?? ... !!! s-shinra!
shinra: *HUG*
Viktor: "???"
kahono: goodness, you've grown since last i saw you. ^^
Viktor: "Um, Doctor? Is Harris around?"
kahono: yes, he's in there...
kahono: worried about the other kids?
shinra: y-yeah. though most of the kids i grew up with are probably elsewhere by now. heck, i dont remember many of them, honestly...
???: "Oh, our guests are here!"
shinra: *looks*
Harris: "Greetings, Mr. Kusakabe. I'm Dr. Harris."
shinra: hello, sir.
Harris: "Licht, let's have a chat...Dr. Fujimi, take Mr. Kusakabe to the play area."
-in the play area, it's surprisingly colorful, and each bed has a name tag; Todd, Mari, Jane, Connie, Rasheed, Oliver, Keisuke, Tatsu, etc-
shinra: wow, this place really expanded last i was here...
kahono: indeed it has. you remember ollie, right?
shinra: i think so, he was a baby when i left for the training school, right?
*children can be heard giggling*
shinra: yeah, this is bringing back some memories...there was Joey, who was kind of a jerk, there was Abigail, who always carried a toy truck with her, and there was Lily, Gabe, Isamu, Shen... wow, cant believe how much i forgot after all this time...
{Lily: "D-Do they hurt, Shinra?"}
{shinra: *looking at his feet*}
{abigail: they make you pretty tall though, so that's pretty cool!}
{gabe: you're lucky they dont make you wear the helmet...}
{Shen: "Ooo! Those shoes are cold!"}
{shinra: woah! *trying not to fall*}
{Joey: "Ha! What, can't stay upright, clumsy?"
kahono:...shinra? are you alright?
shinra: huh? yeah, why?
kahono: you're crying...
shinra: ?! *wipes his eyes* huh....
-i wanna go home!-
shinra: ?!
*the children are still giggling, now clapping at the puppet's antics*
shinra: *looking around.....then counts the children and beds*
*one is missing?*
shinra: is one kid not here?
kahono:......*looking around*
*a scientist walks by...he has on a neck brace*
Aspen: "Ow...Rotten Kurono..."
kahono:....why dont we go visit the cafeteria?
shinra: ??
-please! *hic* i-i want my mom!-
Aspen: *stares at Shinra* "??? Hang on--you're that Adora Burst guy!"
shinra: um...hi?
Aspen: "..." *his mouth curls into a sneer* "Oh-ho-ho! You're perfect! Just who I need!"
shinra: uhhh... ._.;;
kahono: dr aspen!
Aspen: "Not now, Fujimi--with Nataku out of commission, I need someone to kick Kurono around for more data--and who better than someone with the Burst!!!"
shinra: nataku?
Aspen: "Come with me!" *grabs Shinra's wrist*
shinra: ow! that hurts!
kahono: now you just wait a moment!
shinra i-it's fine. i-i'll survive. ^^;;; (i hope...)
Aspen: *drags Shinra to a sparring room with a glass wall...*
shinra:.... (tatsu's here, i can feel it, but where-)
Harris: *behind the glass...with Viktor*
Viktor: "?!!! What the h are you doing with Shinra?!"
shinra: um.... ._.;; (i got a bad feeling about this)
Harris: *talks into the microphone* "Kuskabe. Thank you for agreeing to help us research the Adora Burst. We will commence combat endurance in hand-to-hand battle now."
*the doors shut behind Shinra, locking him in the room and keeping Kahono out*
shinra: *gulp* (ok, keep it calm, shinra, you've been in combat before, you've got this.)
*another set of doors open, as a bandaged man walks out...*
shinra: ._____________.;;;; (hello darkness my old friend)
Kurono: *adjusting his bandages, looks up* "...Well. You going to make this fun for me?"
shinra:......requesting a ten minute bathroom break please?
Kurono: "...Weak bladder. Good start."
shinra: are you making fun of me?
Kurono: *he's not smiling as he unwraps bandages* "I remember you...That child with the metal stumps...So small...When I was scrawny back then, I wanted...to crush you under my feet. Why didn't you let me?"
Kurono: "You're taller now, so it'll be more difficult for me to step all over you..." *leans over Shinra* "Yet you are still weak. I like that."
shinra: *sweating, making a battle stance*
Harris: *smiles* "Excellent..." *presses the timer button*
*a start alarm goes off*
shinra: *in position*
Kurono: *pulls at his bandage as he swings his arm at Shinra...the arm is completely black
shinra: !!!!! (h-his arm...!)
*the black of the arm...expands into smoke*
shinra: ?!?!?!
*the smoke passes Shinra's face...a small cut appears on his face, as he feels weak in the knees*
shinra: GRK-
Kurono: *his eyes are snakelike, staring at Shinra* "Weakling. This is the Adora Burst? Pathetic."
shinra: you havent seen anything yet! RAPID!
Kurono: "..." *swings his arm in a circle before--*
*Shinra's foot approaches his face...and with a SLAP, Kurono flips Shinra over*
shinra: ?!??! (OK IM CALLING BULLSHIT!)
Viktor: "That's a first--someone managed to undermine Shinra's Rapid?"
Harris: *smiles* "Thanks to your reports, I knew Kurono would be an excellent counter-measure against Kusakabe..."
Viktor: "..."
shinra: SON OF A BITCH!
Aspen: *on intercom* "You're doing great, Kusakabe! Show us what the Adora Burst can do to kick Kurono's ass!"
shinra: yeah yeah, fuck you too. *flips him the bird* as for you, creepy asshole, im gonna kick the fuck out of you, injury be damned. you cant just go beating up kids!
Kurono: "??? But I get to do whatever I want. After all, might makes right."
Kurono: "..." *smoke explodes behind him*
shinra: ?!?!?!?
Kurono: *puts his hand into the smoke...it whirls into a sharp shape*
shinra: (oh shit)
Kurono: *solidifies the smoke into kunai, tossing them at Shinra*
shinra: WOAH!!
*both kunai are coming at Shinra's forehead and torso*
shinra: *dodges*
*one kunai slices Shinra's cheek--and both explode behind him in black smoke*
*out of the smoke, Kurono emerges, swinging his arm at Shinra*
shinra: !!!!!!!
Kurono: *reaches into the smoke again, forming from it a sword*
Harris: *frowns* "Disappointing so far...Your specimen is rather weak."
Viktor: "He...just is planning his next move?" ^^;
shinra: *KICKS*
Kurono: *coughs loudly, knocked back* ("...How did he do that? He was yards away a moment ago...")
Harris: "?!!"
Viktor: "Aaaaaaaaaaand there's the Rapid attack."
shinra: *jumps up to land a drop kick*
Kurono: *knocked to his knees...* "...I don't like strong people..." *fades into the smoke...which starts to expand in the room*
shinra: *battle stance, looking around*
*the smoke is already around Shinra--when something slashes his chest*
shinra: *yells out in pain*
Harris: "Damn it--I can't see a thing..." *calls into the microphone* "Kurono, your smoke is effecting our cameras--pull it back."
*the smoke expands...the entire room is now in black*
Harris: "?!!!"
kahono: !!!!!
Aspen: "The temperature is 120...130...It's too high!"
Viktor: ._____.; *takes into his jacket collar* "Um, commander? We have a wee bit of a huge problem over here..."
*the ground shakes in the room...*
kahono: !!! oh no...
Kurono: *sing-songy* "Let's keep plaaaaaay-ing..."
*the door to the control room opens*
Scientist 3: "The infirmary! Hurry up! Something's happened to Nataku!"
kahono: !!!!
*sirens are going off near the infirmary...there is a fire inside...*
???: *whispering in Tatsu's ear* "Get fired up...Get fired up...Get fired up..."
nurse: shit! get the other children to the safe room, NOW!
Nurse 2: "R-Right!" *runs*
maki: what the hell is going on in there?!                                                  
*the radio inside the Matchbox crackles*
Viktor?: *crackle* "Repeat: the situation has changed. We need help in here--"
maki: !!! *puts on her coat and hat* vulcan, do we have the iron owls?
Vulcan: "Charged and ready!"
shinra: *shuddering* (tatsu...)
Viktor: "Hey--you hadn't told me Nataku was this far along. Didn't you say he was elsewhere?"
Harris: "That was none of your business!" *calling into the microphone* "Kurono! I'm opening the doors! Get to Nataku! This experiment is done--"
Harris: X_X
Viktor: *rubs his fist* "Owie!" >~< "I still don't know how to throw a punch..."
Aspen: "?!!! You piece of--"
Viktor: *calling into the microphone* "Get up, Shinra! Get to Nataku before Kurono does! He's in danger--his Adora Burst has awoken!"
shinra: *starts running* (hang on tatsu!)
Aspen: *grabs Viktor's neck* "I'll make you pay--"
Viktor: *PUNCH* "!!!" >~< "Ow, again..."
Aspen: X_X *falls on top of Harris*
kahono: come on! let's go!
Security: "?!!! We got two scientists down!" *pulls out an electric baton*
Viktor: "After you!" *follows Kahono*
shinra: *kicks the guard away*
ritsu: fufufu. yes, this will do nicely....
*inside Ritsu's infirmary are large tubes containing human-shaped specimens...as Ritsu is posing dead Infernals into various poses*
ritsu: ahhh~ so precious~ like little angels...my little babies~
sasori: we dont have all day, inka found the 6th pillar already...
ritsu: of course. orochi~ be a dear and watch over my babies, will you~?
*a purple smoke passes Sasori...*
sasori: ?!?!?
Orochi: "As you wish, Lady Ritsu..."
mikami: *shaking*
ryuuko: mikami? mikami are you alright?!
mikami: c-call princess hibana....g-get to haijima...6-6th pillar...!
Rino: *walks in* "?!! What's going on?!"
mikami: tell hibana to get to haijima!!
Rino: "..." *pulls out her phone, goes to her contacts, taps 'Royal Pain'* "..."
Hibana: "There--that wasn't bad, was it?"
hanako: miss asako's really nice, but miss huang's a little scary...
Hibana: "Kind of intense, huh?"
-phone rings-
Hibana: *answers* "Rino, you better have finished--"
Rino: "GET YOUR ASS TO HAIJIMA! Mikami is yelling something about a pillar!"
Hibana: "... ... ...Gab, get Hanako home."
gabriella: princess?
hanako: mommy?
Hibana: "Something is happening at Haijima--the 5th is mobilizing."
hanako: but what about ihop?
Hibana: "..." *smiles, pats her head* "I'll meet you there."
*outside Haijima, explosions can be seen*
reporter: what the hell?!
Camera operator: "?!" *filming*
ann terveau: i smell a scoop!
*then the Matchbox passes by, crashing through the security gates*
Guard: "..." *looks outside at the Matchbox passing by* "...I quit." *walks away*
Vulcan: *foot on the gas* "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!"
Relan: *adjusting the radio signal*
tamaki: SLOW DOWN IM GONNA BE SICK! >~<                                      
Arthur: *arms crossed, somehow balanced as the vehicle tosses back and forth*
Akitaru: *trying to hang on* >_<#
Takehisa: "Vulcan, look out! There's something in the road!"
Puppet: O_O
Vulcan: "Aw, it's a cute little dollie! WATCH ME RUN IT OVER!"
Puppet: *stops the Matchbox*
Vulcan: "?!"
Puppet: *le flip*
tamaki: *SCREAM*
Akitaru: "AAAAAAAH!"
Relan: *hanging from the radio headphones* "EEEEK!"
Arthur: *still arms crossed*
maki: OH SHIIIIIT!!!
tamaki: ow.....
*the Matchbox grinds to a halt, the spider webs Vulcan launched slowing its descent...*
Arthur: *muffled*
tamaki: O//////////O G-GET OFF! >/////<
Arthur: *gasps* "...It was so comfy--"
tamaki: *SLAP* >/////<#
maki: oh my god i thought i was gonna die!
Akitaru: "Everyone okay?"
Relan: *still hanging from the ceiling* Q_Q "I'm not dead..."
Arthur: X_X
iris: what happened?
Takehisa: *looking out the window* "...I think we have a problem..."
Puppet: *walks up...it has electric wires off its back*
puppet girl: fufufu~ what's this? are you here to bully kurono? that's not very nice~<3
Takehisa: "...Maki, handle this."
Vulcan: "The fuck is a Kurono?!" *gets out of the Matchbox, walks up to the building where Puppet Girl stands atop * "Look what you did to the Matchbox, you crazy asshole!"
puppet: fufufu~ come on dominion, play with your new friends!
Dominion: *crackles with electricity*
Vulcan: "??? So, some kind of generator? That's what the wires are for?"
kahono: the recovery room isnt too far now.
Security: *running down another hall* "Calm down, kid! You're out of control--"
shinra: guys, grab my hands!
Viktor: "Okay." *grabs* "But why?"
kahono: *grabs*
Viktor: *face pulled back by speed--*
*as they rush forward...the body of a security guard is flung at them...*
shinra: OOF!!
???: "Did you think some donut-chomping security flunkies would be powerful enough for handling this task?"
kahono: !!!!!
*It's Kurono...choking Nataku*
tatsu: *sobbing and struggling*
shinra: !!! LET HIM GO!
Kurono: "Took you long enough, welp..."
Dominion: *punches one of the Iron Owls, swinging it back at Maki*
maki: woah!
Dominion: "DOM!"
puppet girl: now, shining finger blast!
Dominion: *aims its hands down, fingers shining--and firing lasers at Vulcan and Maki*
maki: WOAH!
puppet girl: now that's what i call digital! hehe~
Vulcan: "BOO!"
puppet girl: what's wrong, not getting, the point?
Vulcan: "Maki, she has to be the one controlling that thing. Aim the Owls at her legs."
maki: got it!
Dominion: *points one finger at Maki--and fires*
maki: WOAH SHIT! *dodge*
Dominion: *twirls on one foot, then makes a dramatic pose*
puppet girl: it's his job to bring smiles to the kiddo's faces~
Vulcan: "I don't know--but I want to smash it to bits and re-build it as an artistic installation in a museum--then blow up the museum with her in it to make sure they both die forever."
puppet girl: wow, so mean! what are the names of your robot friends?
Vulcan: -_-# "They aren't 'friends.' They're robots. And they're the Iron Owls--"
puppet girl: birds, huh? i'd tell dom to give you the bird, but that'd be a bad influence for the children~ hehe~
Vulcan: "... ... ..." *facepalm*
maki: who even are you!?
puppet girl: moi? you want to know my name? well i'd be happy to....NOT tell you~ ^^
Dominion: *sitting on the edge of the rooftop, swinging its feet*
maki: >n<##
Dominion: *robotic noises sounding like 'La la la...'*
puppet girl: now that i look at them, they remind me a bit of caterpillars~
Vulcan: "Don't you _dare_ rename my inventions!"
maki:....*squint* they kinda do look like caterpillars if you look at them differently. ah great i cant unsee it, THANKS A LOT!
Vulcan: "Stop making Maki see things, you bastard!"
Dominion: "Ba ba ba~"
puppet girl: you talk too much.
Vulcan: "YOU'VE BEEN RUNNING YOUR MOUTH NON-STOP! Forget this! We have our friends to save! Come on, Maki--let's blow up Haijima and get Shinra out of here."
puppet girl: oh no you dont~ dom-dom, giga punch!
Dominion: "GIGA!" *leaps down, slamming its fist into the ground in front of Vulcan and Maki*
maki: WOAH!
Vulcan: *knocked back*
puppet girl: good boy, dommy!
Dominion: ^^
Vulcan: "Stop treating your robot like some pet!"
Dominion: *sitting in Puppet Girl's lap* "???"
puppet girl: oh? but robots and humans arent too different from each other, you know. especially the kiddos~
Vulcan: "The hell does that mean?"
puppet girl: if we let them have fun, they have fun, but if we let them get into trouble, they get into trouble, and when they do something we dont want them to, we have to correct them. train them. make sure they follow orders, right~?
Vulcan: "Orders? ...You piece of shit, these are kids--you don't order them! You teach them! Raise them! Is this how you treat kids, attack them with that freak puppet?!"
maki: !!!
Dominion: >n<
puppet girl: oh i am kind to them, you attract more flies with honey than vinegar after all~
maki: still, manipulating them for your own benefit, i wont forgive that!
Vulcan: "Maki, we've got enough info to figure out she's likely Third Generation. That's the only way that stupid puppet is stupid powerful. I don't say this lightly, but do you think you can actually stand up against that thing with your powers?"
maki: do you have a plan?
Vulcan: "Yeah. But you're going to have to take the Owls to their maximum power output."
puppet girl: hmm, dommy, are you ready to unleash your special move~?
Dominion: "DOM!" *salutes*
maki: ready?
Vulcan: *checking his visor* "Ports are opened. Circuits connected...Wavelengths still divergent...Get them into position!"
maki: right!
puppet girl: ready~ aim~....
maki: FIRE!
puppet girl: BUTT CANNON BLAST!
Vulcan: "...Wait, what--"
Vulcan: "Maki! Spin the Owls!"
maki: ROGER!
Dominion: *still firing the Butt Cannon*
maki: come on pusupusu and meramera! i believe in you!
Dominion: *crackling...electricity fading out of its eyes*
puppet girl: !!! oh, that doesnt look good.
Dominion: Q_Q;
*Dominion has fallen to pieces*
puppet girl: D8> NOOO! YOU MONSTERS!
Vulcan: "Awesome! Maki, Owls--you did it!!!"
maki: victory! ^w^ *peace sign*
Vulcan: *high five*
Dominion: X_X
maki: *victory dance*
puppet girl: mrgrgr..... it's gonna take all night to fix him, you meanies!
Vulcan: *picks up the Owls* "Now to rescue Shinra and get out of here."
puppet girl:....kukuku....you really think you've won the war?
*the pitter-patter of little robot feet is heard...*
Vulcan: "?!"
maki: oh son of a bitch.
Dominions, Plural: "DOM DOM DOM DOM!"
maki:......permission to run like hell?
Vulcan: "Call it a strategic retreat." *runs*
Haumea: "Aw, what's wrong? Getting more conservative in your attire, Arrow?"
arrow: can you not? im not feeling 100%......
Haumea: "Yeah, 'cause you're getting old and gross lookCHARON, BACK OFF ALREADY--I DON'T NEED A BABYSITTER, GODDAMN IT!!!"
Charon: -_-; "I am a bodyguard. I guard the Pillars. That includes you. If I don't protect you, then who?"
Inka: "I'm good--I already got a buttload of bodyguards."
Inka: "Wait, stop here! We're right underneath it..."
sasori: this is the place?
Inka: "That's what I just said, right?" *looks at an electrical circuit breaker labeled 'Haijima'* "Huh. Haijima Labs?"
Charon: "Who's up there? I hear explosions..."
Haumea: *studying the circuit breaker* "Hmm..." *cracks it open, grabs a wire* "Let's cut off any communication..." *ZAP*
-above ground-
*The walkie talkie in a Guard's hands shorts out*
Guard: "OW!"
*The radio the 8th has goes wild*
Relan: "?! The signal is out of whack..."
*And with the reporters outside...*
ann terveau: and as you can see, the area is currently being evacuated-
Camera Operator: *screams, drops the camera*
ann terveau: ?!?!?
Akitaru: "Viktor! Come in! Shit...He had said to go into the infirmary--" *staring at a "You Are Here" map* "BUT WHERE IS THAT?!"
*black smoke explodes out of one building*
tamaki: EEP!!
Takehisa: "I think the building with black smoke may be a good place to start."
*a window smashes, as 3 figures leap out of it...*
shinra: RUN!!
Viktor: *following*
Black Smoke: "SLOPPY...Get back here, underdog..."
Arthur: "?!!! That smoke just talked! Miasma!"
Relan: "Shinra!"
tamaki: *looks* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shinra: they've got tatsu!
Kurono: *punches Shinra in the face*
shinra: GRK-
tatsu: *struggling*
Kurono: *holding Tatsu by the neck*
Akitaru: "You son of a bitch!" *holds up his axe* "Let that child go!"
tamaki:....stop it.....let him go.....
tatsu: *spots her*....you......this is your fault......*shaking*
Rekka?: *to Tatsu* "YOU CAN DO IT!"
Kurono: *spots Tamaki* "...You look useless."
tamaki: no......
*a gunshot goes off, hitting Kurono in the forehead*
Kurono: *down*
tatsu: because i listened to you...this is happening....this is your fault that im hurting. i hate you! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!
tamaki: *unable to move, tears falling*
Takehisa: *holding his gun level, still aiming where Kurono stood* "..."
Akitaru: "Takehisa...Is he...?"
tatsu: *charging at her* I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!
Takehisa: "..." *approaches, aiming at Kurono's heart--*
Kurono: *eyes shut...there's a black mark on his forehead...then his eyes break open*
Takehisa: "?!" *fires--*
Kurono: *blocks with smoke--then stabs Takehisa in the shoulder with a smoke dagger*
Takehisa: *SCREAMS*
Akitaru: "?!!! Takehisa!" *rushes at Kurono with the axe*
Arthur: *pulls out Excalibur, swings as well*
Kurono: *forms smoke, disappearing--*
Arthur: *stops his blade just in time--barely missing Akitaru's neck*
Akitaru: Q_Q;
iris: *covers her mouth with her habit*
Takehisa: *panting, clutching his shoulder...it's bleeding a lot*
Relan: *pulls out the first-aid* "Iris, help me out on this..."
Kurono: *appears behind Tamaki* "Like I said...You're all weaklings in the 8th."
tamaki: *not moving*
Kurono: *lifts up his arm, covered in smoke--and brings it down behind Tamaki--*
Arthur: *cough cough* "Tam-Tamaki! Grab the kid!"
tatsu: I HATE YOOOU!!!!
Akitaru: *swings his arms in one massive gesture--dispersing all the smoke*
-a fire tornado appears between tamaki and tatsu-
tatsu: ?!?!?
???: you little brat.......
shinra: *looks* oh you have GOT to be kidding me!!
Inka: "Hello, Kusakabe~"
Haumea: "Hee hee..."
guruna: dont you DARE lay a hand on _MY_ TAMAKINS!!!
Charon: "..."
Kurono: "...What the hell is a Tamakins?"
shinra: *rushes*
Inka: *swings her finger, and--*
Inka: *knocked down, her nose bleeding* "?!!! Wh-What..."
shinra: you can predict pyrokinetic attacks right? so i've been practicing my melee attacks so i could land a hit on you for once. in other words; FUCK YOU, YOU LITERAL FUCKING ENEMA!
Inka: "... ... ..." =\\\w\\\= "That felt so good! Hit me again! <3 "
shinra:.....you're literally the worst. ever. of all time.
Charon: "We know. But we need her because she's a Pillar. Speaking of which--we also need you and that boy, so come along quietly, Fire Rat."
Inka: -3- "Don't shame me."
Kurono: "White...cloaks? ...This is too stupid. I'm leaving." *picks up Tatsu*
guruna: oh no you dont! im going to punish that brat for trying to hurt my tamakins when she's vulnerable. fufu~
Charon: *pulls back his hands...*
shinra: aw shit, speaking of OP bullshit...
Charon: "CLAP!"
*Kurono and Tatsu are knocked back and separated*
Charon: *glares at Guruna* "Do not hurt the child too badly--we need him."
Inka: "Ruin everyone's fun, why don't you..." *glances back at Ritsu and Sasori...her nose is still bleeding*
shinra: (now im curious who would beat who in a fight.......) *he imagines kurono and charon fighting....and getting a bit close* !!!! DAMMIT MAKI! NOW YOU GOT ME DOING IT! >///n///<;;
Kurono: *looks Charon up and down* "..." *pulls out a smoke knife* "Let's do this."
Charon: *flexes* "I look forward to it..."
ritsu: my my, they're energetic ones, arent they, lady inka~?
Charon: *swings punches at Kurono, who dodges*
Inka: *wipes her nose* *sniffle* "No kidding...Too bad I'm supposed to stay out of this fight..." *rubs her nose* =w=
sasori: *sigh* *runs toward tatsu*
Relan: *has finished with Takehisa* "Come on, sir--we need to get you out of here. Iris, you got him on the right?"
iris: right!
Takehisa: "I'm fine to stand. Give me my gun."
Relan: -_-; "Can you even hold it up, sir?"
???: "Hello again."
Relan: O_O;
iris: oh come on!
Assault: "Hearing that Black Smoke Man talk about weaklings..." *sneers* "Reminds me of old times..."
Relan: *shaking*
tamaki: *still unresponsive*
Takehisa: "?!!!" *grabs a bullet out of his magazine, flicks it--and it ricochets around Assault, striking him*
guruna: kurururu~ she's so cute like this~ i think this time i'll bring her back with me~
Assault: "Oh, you like bullets?" *forms a giant fire bullet* "SO DO I!" *launches it at Iris, Relan, and Takehisa*
Relan: "!!!" *pushes Iris and Takehisa out of the way--*
Relan: *knocked into an alley, crashing into the wall with a CRUNCH*
iris: RELAN!!
Takehisa: "!!!"
shinra: REL!!! *glares* YOU SON OF A BIIIITCH!!!!
Assault: "??? If I capture the Pillar here, I can regain my honor. Come with me, you little--"
puppet girl: kyahahaha~ dance my little dominions, dance!!
Vulcan: *dodging* "This is the third dumbest fight I've been in--OW! Watch it, you Sid and Marty Krofft reject!"
*electricity crackles nearby...snaking up to one Dominion until--*
puppet girl: eh? owo
Dominion 1: Q___Q *small stomach-rumbling like sound before--*
puppet girl: D8
*The other Dominions start blowing up*
Vulcan: "??? Maki, was that you?"
maki: no?
????: i could have handled that with a long range attack...
maki: ?!?! *glances*
Haumea: *twirling her finger* "Maybe--but you've been kind of useless lately. Hell, even against inferior Haijima tech, you'd probably just hurt yourself~"
Vulcan: "Ah, what the hell?!"
arrow:....shut up. it's you're fault im like this.....
Haumea: "..." *turns her head back* "Excuse me? What did you just say?"
Puppet girl: waaah you meanies! no one invited you here!!
Vulcan: "This is bad." *calls into walkie talkie* "Arthur! We need you back at the Matchbox's location! The plasma woman is back! ...Arthur, report!"
Haumea: "COULD YOU IDIOTS OVER THERE SHUT UP! I'M TALKING TO ARROW!" *glares at Arrow* "Okay, you want to say something? Say it to my face!"
puppet girl: *sniffles* now im really mad! MEGA DOMINION!!
Vulcan: "Mega Dom-what?"
Mega Dominion: "DOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!"
Haumea: "--and you breathe weird, even the sound of you talking is weird, and--" *looks behind her* "...OH, WHAT THE FUCK?!"
maki:.....i dont know about the rest of you, but right now i am SICK, AND TIRED! OF FIGHTING ROBOTS!!
Vulcan: "I build them for a living, and even I'm burned out on this. Screw this--I'm finding Arthur. Maki, are the Iron Owls cooled down yet?"
puppet girl: fufufu~ in the name of the sun, i will punish you~ *wink*
Vulcan: "...I'M LEAVING." *gets on the motorbike* "I'll be back with that idiot soon enough!"
Mega Dominion: "DOM!" *slashes at Haumea*
arrow: !!!
Haumea: "?! You little shit!" *fires an electric shot at it* "HA!"
Mega Dominion: *unfased--as it slices Haumea's arm and chest*
Haumea: "FUCK! Is it insulated against electricity?!"
puppet girl: ^w^
arrow: lady haumea, we should fall back for now.
Haumea: "Shut up! You just let me get hurt by that thing! Forget running away--kill the girl operating it!"
maki: *looks around* (come on, while they're distracted!)
Vulcan: *drives away*
Haumea: "?!! And now the engineer got away! Arrow, you twit, do something, anything!"
arrow:....alright. *picks her up and runs*
puppet girl: nyoron~?
Haumea: "?!!! NOT THIS!" *punches Arrow's head*
arrow: GRK-
Haumea: "I am so sick of this!" *punches Arrow's stomach, tugs on her mask* "You are such a useless! Fleshy! Bag of meat!"
arrow: *coughing up blood*
Haumea: "What do you have to say for yourself?! You're a worthless bodyguard!" *knees her*
maki: hey! stop that!
arrow: im meant to be a shield for lord sho, not a punching bag for you. and charon is preoccupied-
Haumea: "Some bodyguard you've been to Sho! You couldn't even stop that four-eyed bastard before Kuskabe got to Sho!"
Haumea: *crackles electricity along her fist* "I was calling you, that, you chubby, overly muscular--"
arrow: *trying to get up*
puppet girl: ooooh, this is interesting~
Haumea: *knocked down* "... ... ...I AM GOING TO MESS YOUR BRAIN UP GOOD!" *grabs Maki's head*
Haumea: "..." *sneers, as the electricity crackles along her fingers and starts to go to Maki's temples--*
puppet girl: *WHAM*
Haumea: *knocked down* "GAH!"
Dominion: ^w^ "DOM!"
maki: !!!
puppet girl: those girls were mean to me, and you dont like them so want to join forces?
puppet girl: the enemy of my enemy is my friend, yes?
Haumea: "Arrow!" *shakes her* "Get up!"
arrow: im up, im up. *coughing up blood*
Haumea: "Good! Now do something useful!" *electricity covers her entire body as she charges up* "I want them dead!"
maki: !!!!
Haumea: *fires*
arrow: *she's bleeding from her mouth, nose, and clothes...*
Dominion: "DOM!" *shields Puppet Girl*
puppet girl: EEP!!
Haumea: *keeps the electricity up against Dominion*
Dominion: *holding up just fine* ^^;
Haumea: "Come on--COME ON!" *pulls more power out of Arrow*
arrow: *SCREAMS* *she's crying blood....*
maki: *KICK*
Haumea: *knocked down* *she isn't moving...*
arrow: *collapses, breathing shallow*...why would you...help me?
Dominion: *sets Puppet Girl down*
maki: i dont know what came over me...
arrow:...heh...you 8th brigaders are strange....
Dominion: *nod nod*
puppet girl: so now what~?
*Explosions are heard elsewhere in the Haijima facility*
maki: !!!
Friz: "I got the kid!" *holds up Tatsu*
tatsu: LET ME GO LET ME GO!!!
Bee: "It's okay, kid! We're just going to take you into a dark, dank, depressing underground facility where you'll get to meet creepy religious cultists who want to use you in a scheme to turn the Earth into a new Sun, thereby destroying all life on this plane--...Why are we doing this?"
friz:.....because student loans?
Bee: "Ah, dang it, you're right! Well, let's go--" *takes one step forward--and gets sliced across the chest* "..." *collapses*
Kurono: *holding a smoke katana* "..."
friz: D8>
Kurono: *head butts Fitz, grabs Tatsu* "Weak. Just like I like them."
tatsu: LET GO!!
-something slices at kurono-
Kurono: "?!"
sasori: *flame tail on* hand over the kid.
Kurono: "What are you supposed to be? Another cat to put down?"
sasori: *lunges* *SLASH*
Kurono: "!!! Not weak--not weak at all." *throws up a smokescreen, trying to escape back...*
Kurono: "?!"
Arthur: *glaring* "You demon...I will end you."
Kurono: "..." *backs up to where Sasori was coming at him*
sasori: *lunges and STAB*
Kurono: *inhales, groans in pain* "O-Ow...You're not weak...Not weak at--"
Arthur: *slices Kurono's back*
Kurono: "!!!"
Arthur: "..." *looks at Tatsu, then at Sasori* "..." *reaches for Tatsu*
sasori: sorry, but the kid's coming with me.
Arthur: "You traitors have done enough damage. If you think you're taking this squire, you have another thing coming."
sasori: i dont even want the kid, just following orders.
Arthur: "Then you serve an awful monarch..."
sasori:....i have my reasons.
Arthur: "So do I--honor!" *grabs Tatsu and runs*
sasori: *chases*
kahono: *patching relan up as best as she can*
Relan: *groaning* "O-ow..." T~T "It hurts..."
*his shoulder looks dislocated...*
iris: *praying*
Akitaru: *looking around the corner* "Shinra is holding them back...Takehisa, how are you holding up?"
Takehisa: "...Take my gun."
Akitaru: "Stop. You know how I feel about those things..."
iris: commander?
*there are dead Hoods and Guards around the corner...*
Akitaru: "Yes?"
iris: what do we do now?
Akitaru: "...We hold the line and protect our squad."
iris:....*praying* please....send us a miracle...
???: "I don't believe in miracles--more in luck."
*something explodes behind Iris*
iris: !?!?!?
Inka: *her nose bandaged* "Howdy, 8th! Miss me?"
iris: !!!!
ritsu: fufufufu~
Akitaru: "...Okay, child, you need to back down, now. We have injured, and you all don't look to be in good shape either, if your stitched up friend back there is anything to go off of..."
Inka: "Relax, this won't take long. Since two of your members are near dead, I just want to finish the job for Ritsu to have some more fodder..."
Relan: *shaking* "Go...away..."
ritsu: *pointing to bodies* enie, menie, miney....you~ *points to one body*
Corpse: X_X
iris: wha-
*The corpse rises...*
iris: !!!!
kahono: what the hell?!
ritsu: wakey waaaakey darlings~
Akitaru: "...Is that...a zombie?"
Zombie 1: *moans*
iris: !!!!! come on! we need to go!
Inka: *blocking the alley exit* "I don't think so--not with your two invalids here."
Relan: *crying* "Just leave me...Get out of here, Iris, everyone!"
Inka: *smirks, twirls her finger...*
*a flower petal falls*
iris: ah-
Inka: "??? Flower? ...Is it made of fire--"
Inka: *slammed into the alley wall, knocked unconscious*
???: "You low-class Hoods...Bow down before your princess!"
Akitaru: "?!" *looks up to the roof*
Angel 1: "Angels--attack!" *tosses ninja stars at Ritsu*
Hibana: *unfurls her fan* "Did someone pray for a miracle~?"
iris: !!! sister!
kahono: well deus ex machina! if it isnt the 5th!
Akitaru: "Good timing, Hibana!"
Kishiri: *descends on a bubble he blew, lands, chews...and spits a bubble-gum explosion at some zombies* "This ain't so tough..."
Hibana: "Obi, you are on my turf--and you are destroying Haijima Company property!"
Akitaru: "...Seriously?! That's your complaint?!"
Hibana: >_>; "It's not like I was worried about anyone here or anything..."
kahono: well, we can use all the help we can get.
Tokuyama: *calling on walkie talkie* "Looks like the EMP wave is not a constant--but I can't get in contact with Haijima security...Why the hell didn't they call police in..."
Akitaru: "Hibana, get your angels to escort Takehisa and Relan with the Doctor." *picks up the axe* "We're going after the child."
Hibana: "?!! Don't order me around! I said this is my turf!"
kahono:...is he an ex of yours, princess?
Hibana: *lands next to Kahono* "No. I actually have taste."
Akitaru: -_-#
kahono: well, i havent seen you in a while, so i dont know what's all new with you. ^^;
Hibana: "I got married, and we're raising the most perfect child in the world. You?"
kahono: same old, same old.
Hibana: "I see...Is that why a child is now kidnapped here?"
kahono: i've been trying to fix things as best as i can.
Kishiri: "Don't make me look bad out there, angels--my girlfriend's dad runs one of these branches..."
Hibana: "I have no room to judge--but after this? Haijima isn't going to be able to cover this up."
kahono: well, now isnt the time to chat, we've got work to do.
Hibana: "Right. Angels squad 1, 4, and 5--escort the injured and the Doctor. Angels 2 and 3, you're with me. If they're in a white hood, wreck them."
Inka: XwX
Charon: *running after Arthur with a teddy bear* "GET BACK HERE!!!"
Arthur: *leaping* "Hang on, kid!"
tatsu: ....
*a giant red bullet passes in front of Arthur*
Arthur: "?!!!"
Arthur: "GRK!" *loses his grip and slams onto the street*
Assault: *catches Tatsu* "You are mine."
guruna: kururururu~ and now it's spanking time for you~ *she's carrying tamaki!*
tamaki: *still in a state of shock*
tatsu: uhh...URAAHHHHH!!!!
Arthur: *looks up* "..." *pushes himself up, grabs Excalibur* "..." *rushes at Guruna*
Assault: "?!!! Wh-What?! Stop crying! What's wrong? Do you need your diaper changed? Are you hungry?"
guruna: kururu~?
Charon: "You idiot! Haven't you ever raised a child?!"
Assault: "No, have you?!"
Charon: *tosses the teddy bear at Assault's head* "Yes!"
Assault: -_-# "Stop wiggling, child--"
Arthur: *runs at Guruna, tosses Excalibur--and tackles her*
guruna: OOF!! >3<
Arthur: *punches Guruna in the face* "Hands off her."
guruna: OW! how dare you! tamakins is MINE!
Arthur: "You insane stalker! You touch my princess again, and a thousand knights won't be enough to hold me back from enacting my divine wrath upon you!" *punch*
Assault: "OW! He bit me!" *loses his grip*
guruna: unyu~?
tatsu: i'll kill you!
tamaki: im....sorry.....im.....sorry....
Arthur: "??? Tamaki..."
tatsu: ......no.....no YOU'RE LYING! LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING!!!!
tamaki:.....go ahead.....i deserve it....
Arthur: "?!! Tamaki...Stop this..."
tatsu: uuu.... UAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Arthur: "OMPH!" *knocked back*
Charon: "...Is it getting hotter?"
Assault: -_-; "Don't be gross."
guruna: wah! tamakins! *grabs her and runs*
Charon: *dope-slap* "No, idiot! It really feels like the temperature is going up!"
Arthur: "?!!!" *gets back up, grabs Excalibur* "COME BACK HERE!"
Rekka?: "BURN IT ALL, KID!"
sasori: um....what the hell is that?
Charon: *looks up* "...Aw, gee, Ritsu..."
Giant Infernal: *GODZILLA ROAR*
ritsu: ah~ my baby's awake~<3
shinra: !!!! shit!!
Inka: *groans, rubbing her head, looks up* "...Am I dreaming?"
Charon: "No matter how many times I see this...it's still so gross."
Giant Infernal: *ROARS* *reaches down at Tatsu*
tatsu: !!!!
Giant Infernal: *holds Tatsu up by his foot...then opens its mouth and swallows Tatsu* *satisfied grunt*
shinra: !!! TATSU!
Assault: O_O; "...I miss amnesia..."
shinra: wait, this is-....!!!!
{Giant Infernal: *tearing up Death City*}
shinra: so then the giant infernal from before, it was made by her?!
Charon: "Yep--one of Ritsu's many skills...Oh, that reminds me." *bear hugs Shinra* "You're coming with us."
shinra: *CHOMP ON HIS ARM*
Assault: *sadistic grin* "The Preacher will look kindly on us for bringing 2 Pillars..."
Charon: -_-# *squeezes more tightly...*
shinra: *yelling* FUCK YOU GUYS!
Assault: "Then that'll be your last breath. Soon, with these Pillars, we will fulfill the Preacher's divine goal of--"
Giant Infernal: *has crushed Assault*
Charon: D8
shinra:....is he dead?
Assault: *small groan*
Giant Infernal: *heating up more and more at its core, as Tatsu's face appears through the charred remains...*
Executive: *looking outside the window* "We can't keep the police away forever...Call Kurono."
-back outside-
Kurono: *looking up at the Giant* "...Too strong."
{Kurono: *staring into nothing*}
{Teacher: "He is so weird...I wish he would transfer...What is he in for now?"}
{Principal: "He bit another student."}
{girl: *crying*}
{Kurono: *looking at the teacher* "..."}
{Teacher: *shudders* "So creepy..."}
{Kurono: "Stop crying. Crying is for weaklings."}
{girl: *sniff* you're a meanie! i hate you!}
{Kurono: "...Everyone hates me."}
Kurono: "..." *answers* "Hello, sir. ...Yes, I see the giant. I--...What did you just call me? 'Idiot'? Sir, I--...No. I understand, but--...I don't like fighting things stronger than me. I--...Understood. I will retrieve Nataku Son. Yes. Goodbye." *hangs up* "...I hate this part of the job."
shinra: ??
Charon: "Come along, Fire Rat. We--"
Kurono: *slashes at both Charon and Shinra*
Kurono: *slams Shinra against the wall, holding him by his neck* "I need you."
Kurono: "Stop resisting--we don't have time for that. We need to fight Nataku Son and bring him back, alive, no matter how many weaklings we have to stamp out in our path."
Charon: "The hell are you talking about? We got the child trapped in that Giant Infernal--"
*something has changed in the Giant Infernal...*
Giant Infernal: "MOMMY!"
Charon: "...Oh, that's not goo--"
Giant Infernal: *smashes a building* "I WANT MOMMY!"
*The building collapses onto Charon*
shinra: OH FUCK!!
Kurono: "...I see. Nataku has willed the Giant to follow its psychic and emotional desires...This sucks. I don't like fighting strong things. Nataku! Stop being strong!"
Kurono: "..." *looks at Shinra* "We need to pull him out of that zombie giant."
{kurono's mother: *dousing herself in gasoline* do you see this, brat? you made me do this. you ruined my marriage, my life...everything! i want you to hurt... *flips the lighter*}
{Kurono: *just staring* "...No..."}
shinra: DUDE LOOK OUT!
Kurono: "..." *just looks up, not even moving*
Giant Infernal: *bringing down its fist*
shinra: shit! *RUSHES IN AND GRABS HIM*
Kurono: "UMPH!"
Giant Infernal: *just misses...forms a crater in the street...then holds its head as giant shining orbs form around it...*
{shinra: *locked in the pantry, sobbing to himself*}
*the orbs are radiating heat...everything is getting hotter*
shinra: !!! oh fuck!!
Kurono: "Ugh..." *holds his head* "What's so wrong with being alone..."
Kurono: "Wait...Nataku never acted like this before. He was meek, quiet, and let you beat him up...Something is different here..."
*the hairs on Shinra's arm are up, like from static cling...*
shinra: he's hurting. and all that pent up pain is getting released....
Kurono: "Then just deal with it. Having a temper tantrum like a child isn't helping."
shinra: he _is_ a kid, and it's our responsibility as adults to help them grow!
*someone is watching from a rooftop...electricity is around her hand as she directs the Giant Infernal and plays with Tatsu's mind...*
tatsu: UAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Kurono: " 'Adult'? Look at you, you welp. You're barely able to hold it together in this fight--and you think you can survive this? Some adult. How many people died on your watch because you still are so weak?!"
shinra: i know i've made mistakes, but we have to learn from those mistakes to make things better!
Kurono: *grabs Shinra by his shirt* "The only way to avoid mistakes is to not get into a situation where you can make one! Fighting those stronger than you only sets you up for failure! Pick your opponents--know what you are capable of--and don't go beyond those parameters...then you'll never make another mistake, never fail..."
*the orbs glow...*
shinra: ...things arent always that simple. if you dont challenge yourself, then how will you ever get better?!
Kurono: "I CAN'T!"
Haumea: *her clothes stained with blood...giggles, before she gives Tatsu's brain the last push...*
tatsu: *SCREAMING*
shinra: !!!!
*the orbs fire*
Tokuyama: *on the phone with Haijima executives* "What do you mean 'no'?! Get out of here!"
Akitaru: *his radio is crackling* "???"
???: "--Commander Obi, respond!"
Akitaru: "Vulcan? What is going on?"
Vulcan: "--temper--radioactive! If we don't get non-pyrokinetics out of here, they're all dead!"
kahono: !!!
Akitaru: "...Licht, what is the radiation right now?"
Vulcan: *drives over debris* "Damn it...Arthur! Where are you?!"
guruna: kurururu- eh? OwO;;
Vulcan: "?!!" *doesn't hit the brakes fast enough--*
Vulcan: ._.;
guruna: OWIE!
tamaki: *knocked away*
Vulcan: D8 "Oh...I'm in trouble..."
???: "DOWN BELOW!"
tamaki: o-ow.....
Vulcan: "???" *looks up--*
*Arthur's crotch slams into Vulcan's face*
Vulcan: *knocked to the street*
Arthur: *sitting* "...Tamaki!" *runs to her*
Vulcan: X____X
tamaki: ar..thur?
Arthur: "..." *picks her up* "Let's get you out of here. Oh, a steed is here!" *walks to Vulcan's motorcycle* "Let's get you in the side-horsie (side-car)."
Vulcan: -_-# *grabs Arthur's ankle* *muffled* "You...asshole..."
tamaki:...this is all my fault. i-if i hadnt listened to rekka, this wouldnt be happening....
Arthur: "Stop that. We got to get out of here first..."
Vulcan: *groans, gets up* "Arthur! Where have you been?! I--Nevermind! We need you to attack--"
Arthur: *smacks Vulcan's hand away* "I'm getting Tamaki out of here."
tamaki: ??
Arthur: "...???"
shinra: (im...not hit?....?!?!?)
Charon: *blocking the attack*
Charon: "You're a Pillar, right? My job is to protect Pillars. And we still need you alive..."
shinra: i never _asked_ for this! why are you even with these assholes?!
Charon: "Because someone had to keep brats in line. Inka was always...eccentric. And Haumea as a child was a handful..."
shinra: .....
Charon: "Even your opponents have their reasons to be concerned for others..."
shinra:.....alright. but one condition; after this, you leave tatsu alone.
Charon: "...You know after this we still need him..."
shinra: and i intend to stop you. but for now, we need to stop this thing.
Charon: "...You got a deal, Kusakabe." *discards his shirt* "Here's the plan: Haumea has played around with that kid's mind. I can't convince her to stop--she's too stubborn. That means our only option is to stop the Giant. Ritsu put multiple humans into that thing, so we have multiple cores to destroy. The three of us should be able to--" *looks around* "...Wait, did the shadow guy die?"
shinra: eh?....oh where the fuck did he go?!
*there's a teddy bear nearby with a note attached: "I quit. Signed, Kurono"*
Charon: -_-; "What an awful parent..."
Giant: *smashes next to Charon and Shinra*
shinra: !!! ok, new plan...
tamaki: are you sure this will work, vulcan?
Vulcan: "Sure it will! After the previous tussles with that plasma woman, we fitted the Matchbox with an EMP. But to get one powerful enough to disrupt her attack, we needed Excalibur."
Arthur: "...This isn't going to work. The legend is to pull the sword _out_ of the stone, not put it back in. What fool would _return_ the Holy Sword to its resting place?"
tamaki: ...... *excalibur face*
Vulcan: "Yes, but _how_ did the sword get into the stone in the first place?!"
tamaki: arthur, please.....do this in my honor?
Arthur: "...Touche! Okay, I'm ready...'Thenne he drewe his swerd Excalibur, but it was so breyght in his enemyes eyen that it gaf light lyke thirty torchys!'" *slams Excalibur into the Matchbox*
Vulcan: "...Wha--"
Harris: *holding ice to his face--then the lights go off in the lab* "...Motherfucker."
Haumea: "HA HA HA--OW!!!" *clutches her head* "What the hell?!"
maki: !!! they did it!
puppet girl: YIPPIE!
Dominion: *points up to the roof at Haumea*
arrow: ??
Haumea: "Damn it! My control over the brat is weakening! They must've used an EMP..." *sneers* "But the effect is only temporary. I'll just adjust my frequency and--"
Haumea: "ACK!"
Dominion: >o< "DOM!"
maki: but that EMP means the owls wont work either.....*cracks knuckles* no problem for me ^^ wait...how are the dominions working?
puppet girl: they're fire powered! ^^
maki:...wanna beat this bitch up?
puppet girl: ok!
Haumea: *leaps back, sliding along the wall* "Get back you--"
Dominion: "DOM!" *slash slash slash*
Haumea: "Stop that!" *pulls back her arms--and is hanging by a flagpole from her legs* "What the hell--"
Dominion: *slashes the flagpole--sending Haumea down*
Haumea: "FUUUUUUU--" *CRASH into an open dumpster*
maki: HUAAAAAH!!!!
Haumea: *gets up* -_-; *has a banana peel where her mask used to be* "This isn't over--*
Dominion: *slams the cover of the dumpster down* *looks at Maki*
maki: high five.
Dominion: ^o^ *high five*
puppet girl: YAAAY!
Giant Infernal: *panting, holding its head*
tatsu: uuuuu! *crying*
*the heat is getting higher...*
*the shining orbs are still firing at Shinra*
shinra: *dodging* TATSU! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!
tatsu: please....dont expect too much out of me anymore....
shinra: ?? (this is...)
{Tatu's Mother: "This is great--another perfect 100 on your assignment! I'm so impressed, Tatsu! You're going to grow up to be a doctor like your father."}
{-im doing this because you expect me to, if i get a bad grade, you get mad and yell at daddy...i dont like when you yell at us...-}
{Tatsu's Mother: *the next month* "How could you do this?! What will I tell your father..."}
{-im sorry mommy, i'll do better next time. i'll be a great doctor mama! i'll make you proud of me!-}
{Tatsu's Friend: *pulls the toy out of the gacha machine* "Aw, phooey--stupid Red Monkey! I got like 5 of these already." >3< "I wanted the gold one!"}
{tatsu: i heard Nishima got 3 gold ones, maybe we can ask her to trade one?}
{Tatsu's Friend: "!!! Oh, cool! Let's go! Hee hee--" *bumps into someone* "Ow!"}
{tatsu: ??? }
{Tatsu's Friend: "..." *looks up* O\\\O }
{???: oh, hello there.}
{Tatsu's Friend: *gulps* "H-Hi..." *looks down*}
shinra: (tamaki? that's right.....this was when.....)
{Rekka: *slams Tatsu down on the floor*}
{tatsu: *SCREAMS*}
{Rekka: "Sit still!" *shoves Tatsu...the child's face is near the shattered remains of the woman who turned into an Infernal*}
{Tatsu's Mother: *seated with Haijima officials* "...You can help him?"}
{official: we can help him train at our facility to better control his abilities.}
{Tatsu's Mother: "...This is an incredible opportunity. How long would he train with you?"}
{tatsu: but i dont wanna go away! i wanna stay with mommy and daddy!}
{-mommy and daddy yelled at each other all night. i dont remember what all they said, i just wanted them to stop....i didnt mean to make them mad. i-i didnt mean to!-}
{Harris: "Okay, Nataku, can you do this?"}
{Tatsu's Mother: "Can you do this?"}
{Rekka: "YOU CAN DO THIS!"}
{-stop it, you're pressuring me too much! i dont wanna do this! i want to play with my friends and go to school! i want things to go back to normal!-}
{???: "Stay weak. It's better this way."}
{-leave me alone! im not weak! i'll get strong! i'll get smart! i-i have to! i-i-}
shinra: *hug*
tatsu: ?!?!
shinra: it's ok...
tatsu: ???? who-
shinra: take a deep breath, ok?
tatsu:....*does so*
shinra: .....you've been through a lot, havent you?
tatsu:....it's not fair! im just a kid!
shinra: life isnt very fair, is it?
tatsu: *sniffle* w-what do i do?
shinra: it's great that you want to improve yourself. but just remember that it's ok to take breaks too.
tatsu: r-really? b-but im hurting everyone an-and i-
shinra: *hugs and rubs his back* easy now. it's ok. im not mad at you.
tatsu: b-but mama, a-and mr kurono, and that girl a-and i-im just so mad!!
-a beam is firing up-
shinra: tatsu, please, getting mad and hurting people wont fix anything!
*the beam is seen throughout the Haijima facility...*
Inka: "!!! At that size...there's no escaping it. The damage...the carnage..." *licks her lips with a smile* "It's going to be glorious~"
tatsu: i-i wish those meanies would just GO AWAY!!!
shinra: !!!!!!!
*the collapsed building remains...but the debris has shifted, as Charon has dug himself out and is looking up*
Charon: "..."
Charon: *holds out his arms* "I...am a bodyguard!"
iris: !!!!!!!!
 ritsu: oh?
Inka: "Huh?"
Haumea: *banging on the dumpster* "LET ME OUT ALREADY!"
Charon: ("Haumea...I didn't do well raising you...")
shinra: tatsu dont!
Charon: *stands in the beam's path--and blocks it!*
shinra: !!!!!!!!!
tatsu: huh?
shinra: !??!?!?
Charon: *growls...* "UUUUUAH!" *pushes the beam back...*
shinra: WOAH!!!!
*the beam is heading towards Shinra...*
shinra: !!! *grabs tatsu and tries to get out of the way*
*the beam passes them--and keeps going up to the nighttime sky...*
shinra: *falling with tatsu* (he....actually deflected it!)
*the beam keeps going higher into the atmosphere...until a small crash is seen on the Moon*
Moon: "HA HA HA HA..."
-small bits fall off, one crashing in the middle of the desert...-
shinra: *lands on the ground*
???: "...You were too strong. You almost took everything away from me, Nataku."
shinra: tatsu, you ok?
tatsu: *panting and crying* waaaaaah!
shinra:.....*hugs* there there, it's ok....
Kurono: "You idiot."
shinra: what's your problem, huh?!
Kurono: "This brat thought he could destroy everything. 'I want to get stronger, I want to get stronger'! Pheh. Useless. Look at what that ambition got him--it's making him miserable."
tatsu: *sniffle*
shinra: ....hey, look at me.
tatsu: *looks, snot and tears dribbling down his face*
shinra: it's ok to take it easy and go at your own pace, ok?
Kurono: "...That's what I just said."
shinra: well you were being a jerk about it.
tatsu:...hehehe...*wipes his eyes*
Kurono: -_-; "I let my actions speak more than my words..."
???: "Ugh..." *cough...*
shinra: *looks*
Charon: *standing* "...Takes time to get to develop into a decent guardian..."
shinra:....please get nerfed. but thank you for saving the city.
Charon: "Oh, it wasn't for the city--it was for the Pillars..." *smiles* "And what you'll all be doing next..."
shinra: go home dude, just. go home.
Charon: "Just waiting for my ride...We Hoods have impressive powers that allow us to do anything--"
Inka: *bandaged face*
Assault: *flattened on the ground*
Haumea: *covered in trash* -_-#
Charon: "...The hell happened to you?"
shinra:...tatsu, can you cover your eyes for a sec?
tatsu: *does so*
shinra: *flips them the middle finger*
Inka: =w= "Thank you for a wonderful time. These injuries will take forever to heal~"
Charon: -_-; "Real mature."
Assault: X_X
shinra: *cringes* come on tatsu, let's get out of here.
sasori: where the hell are they?
???: "Keep searching! Find any survivors, and attack any hoods..." *turns the corner* "?!!”
sasori: ....you.....YOU!!!! *LUNGES*
Hibana: *too stunned--summons petals, but too late--
Hibana: *screams*
sasori: you BITCH! YOU DID THIS TO ME! you'll PAY FOR THIS!!
Hibana: *growls* *summons more petals* "Stop this!" ("This won't be enough...If she is this powerful, Heat Syncope won't affect her...")
sasori: my own parents cast me out and called me a monster! and now im with the hoods even though i dont want to be!
Hibana: *fans the petals at her, enlarging their flames* "You made that choice to join them! No one forced you!"
sasori: i only went because inka joined them! she was the only person who accepted me like this, even though she's the most aggravating person to be around!
Hibana: "Oh, boo hoo! You think _anyone_ is happy to discover these powers?! What they can do?! The people we lose to fire like this?!"
Hibana: "...You're right. I did...I can't make up for that..."
sasori: i want to make you suffer the way i did! you're no better than the hoods! *she’s shaking*
Hibana: "...You're scared."
sasori: s-shut up! dont play mind games with me! *tears falling*
Hibana: "..." *drops her fan, walks up* "Hey..."
sasori: s-stay away from me! i-i'll kill you!
Hibana: "Really? I've been in front of you this long, and I'm still alive. Now answer me something: this Inka...Why would you stay with someone who annoys you?"
???: "I wouldn't say that~"
sasori: ?!?!?!? *looks behind her*
Joker: *smoking* "Hey."
sasori: w-who the hell are you?!
Joker: "A friend, if you want one."
Hibana: "?! Get away from her!"
sasori: !!
Joker: "Let's talk in private--" *grabs Sasori's wrist*
sasori: ow! that hurts!
Hibana: *summons petals* "Give her back!"
sasori: !!! *SLASHES AT HER* like im going to listen to YOU!
Hibana: *cut on her face*
sasori:..come on weird guy, i'll go with you, but dont grab me this time.
Joker: "Hey, you need to hold on, or she'll catch up..." *offers his hand*
sasori: ...alright.....*looks back* as for _you_, stay the fuck out of my life.
Hibana: "You're making a _big_ mistake. This madman--"
sasori: i'd rather go with him than be your guinea pig again!
Hibana: "..." *steps back*
sasori: ....as long as i have a place to call home, i'll be ok.
Joker: "That's the spirit..." *snaps his fingers--and they're gone*
Hibana: "...Damn it."
ryuuko: commander! are you alright?
Hibana: "...Let's get out of here. I'm done."
kahono: there they are!
shinra: *waves*
tatsu: !! miss fujimi! *hugs her leg*
kahono: *hugs* oh thank god you're alright...
Akitaru: "Son!"
shinra: commander! we saved the day! ^^
mikami: *runs over, waving*
shinra: mikami? what are you doing here?
mikami: i sensed the bur- *ahem* m-my intuition told me to have the 5th come help. ^^;
tatsu: shinra, this girl's like us, isnt she?
shinra: ^^;;;; welllll..... *notices the medical tent* !!! REL! *runs over*
Relan: *passed out*
shinra: relan!
iris: he's alright....his shoulder's dislocated, but he's alive.
Nurse: "Please, stop! He's been put under...Take it outside..."
shinra:........*holding his hand*
Relan: "..."
shinra:....get up soon, ok? *kisses his forehead*
Nurse: "...The doctor will finish the procedure soon. We'll contact you when they're done."
tatsu: ?? who's that, shinra?
shinra: my boyfriend.
iris: our, boyfriend, technically.
tatsu: ?? so you're a boy who likes another boy?
shinra: well, i guess, yeah.
tatsu: i didnt know that boys could like boys too.
shinra: learn something new everyday.
tatsu: im not sure if i like boys or girls or whatever. i'd rather take it easy right now. ^^;;
shinra: *chuckles and rubs his head* you do that, little man.
tatsu: hehe. ^^
Kurono: *looks around*
Kurono: "?!!"
puppet girl: >w< i missed you! did you miss me?
Kurono: *growls--grabs her wrist* "I am only saying this once..."
Puppet girl: eh?
Kurono: "I like _weak_ people. Those I can _dominate_."
puppet girl:...kurono, are you saying you want to do NAUGHTY things to me? in front of a kid?! kyaaa! im sooo embarrassed~ >///w///<
Kurono: "..." *sighs, facepalm*
shinra: um.....
Dominion: *walks by Shinra*
maki: apperantly they grew up together here.
Vulcan: "Good job stopping nuclear fallout, Shinra."
shinra: well.....um....sure? ^^;;;;; (technically it was the enemy that did that, but, ok.)
Arthur: "..."
Arthur: *holds her hand*
tatsu:... *hides behind shinra*
tamaki:....tatsu i-......im sorry.....for all of this....i-if i hadnt listened to rekka, then none of this would have happened.....
Arthur: "..."
tatsu: did...did the scary man make you do that?
tatsu: if he's the one who made you do that, then isnt it _his_ fault?
shinra: he's got a point.
tatsu: i guess i got so mad that i wasnt thinking about things, so....im sorry.
shinra: you're a pretty smart kid.
tatsu: ehehe... ^^;
kahono: what's going to happen now?
Viktor: "The President wants to speak with me and Commander Obi tomorrow morning...about Tatsu."
kahono:...i'll come with and try to put in a good word for you.
Viktor: "I'm going to need it--the President has a hit out for me."
Jonah: "Jeez, you all look like Silly Putty. Did any of you get through this without being injured?"
ritsu: ^^;
bee: oooooowwww.......
arrow: *in a cot*
Fris: *shaking* "Bad man will kill me..."
Assault: *censored due to graphic injuries*
dahlia: im surprised that didnt kill you today, arrow...
guruna: =3= i was so close to having tamakins all to myself! that stupid knight! >3<#
Inka: "I saw so many explosions, got punched and pushed around, and almost died in a nuclear holocaust. ...This was the best day of my life."
ritsu:....?? i notice sasori's absent.
Inka: "??? She wasn't with you?"
ritsu: perhaps she was captured. unfortunate.
Inka: "?! What?!!"
????: she went with joker.
ritsu: oh?
-a member of the purple smoke appears-
purple smoke: i was watching in the shadows, she went with joker. i think she's mad at you, inka.
Inka: "What did I do?!"
purple smoke: well, you are really annoying.
Inka: -_-# "I call it _charming_."
purple smoke: -_-;
Joker: "We're back!"
nana: yaaaay. -_- *playing a gameboy*
ivy: you didnt bring licht with you?
Joker: "Nah, I think Haijima is going to have a chat with him."
ivy:...welp it was nice knowing him. *sips her drink*
Joker: "Yes~?"
scarlet: *grabs him by the collar* what. did. you do?
sasori: um....
Joker: ^wX; "She was on her own, so I offered for her to stay here."
scarlet: are you seriously going to take in _every_ vagrant you meet? -_-;
Joker: "Present company excluded?"
sasori: uh, is this your girlfriend or something?
Joker: "..." *opens his mouth--*
scarlet: *slaps her hand over his mouth* dont you fucking dare.
Joker: "... ... ..." *lick*
scarlet: eugh! *SLAP*
ivy: *cackling*
sasori:....oookay i have no idea what's going on.
nana: join the fucking club.
sasori: well _you_ have an attitude.
nana: and you dont?
Joker: *big slap mark on his face* "Well, we'll need to get you a room. You can bunk with Nana tonight! See? You two already have so much in common!"
sasori:...is it _always_ like this?
nana: pretty much, and im new.
sasori:.....lovely.....this is actually an improvement to my last living situation.
Joker: "Not always--sometimes Licht is here for brunch."
scarlet: wait, her uniform....joker, you brought a HOOD back here?!
Joker: "...I mean, she _was_ a hood?"
scarlet: *siiiigh* do i have to get misora to clean up this mess too? -_-;
Joker: "Couldn't hurt?"
scarlet:......*snatches his cigs* i'll be outside for a moment... -_-#
sasori: so we got the dad, the mom, the sister, the alcoholic aunt, the occasional uncle, and whatever misora is. one big happy fuckin family.
Joker: *smiles* "And how do you think you'll fit in?"
ivy: *hic* im not _that_ much of an alcoholic, but that oversized whore hibana drives me to drink.
sasori: ?!?! hibana?!
sasori:.....*hugs her* i love you already.
Joker: *snaps a picture*
sasori: shut up im affection starved.
stocking:......well....today certainly happened.
kirika: no fucking shit.
stocking: if anyone needs me, im going to be hibernating off the stress of this month.
*Giriko is holding Gopher up*
kirika: *opens the window* dude, you look awful, what happened to you?
Gopher: "Ei-Eibon passed out!"
kirika: oh shi- DAD!!
lord death: !?!!!!
mami: chrona?! are you alright?!
Crona: *stumbles*
mami: *holding them*
Crona: *shudders--before black blood explodes out their back*
mami: !!!!!!
Ragnarok: *screams, clutching his head*
mami: !!! regale! *summons ribbons to bind him*
Ragnarok: *stretching under the ribbons* "I remember...ALL OF IT!" *ripping at the ribbons*
mami: !!!!!!!
mikan: you felt that too, didnt you?                  
Asura: *shudders* "Y-Yes."
mikan: i feel....things will be quite interesting soon~
Asura: "...Hmm."
neian: *crying*
Medusa: *cradling Neian* "...That was a powerful bit of madness..."
neian: uuuu!
Medusa: "Shh...It's okay...We'll figure this out soon enough."
atsushi: holy shit this week has been hectic. i feel i could sleep for a hundred years @-@;;;
Kyoka: "Use this weekend for some rest." *sets out rice*
atsushi: all this crap can _not_ be good for my blood pressure. TT~TT;;
Kyoka: "Perhaps you need a break...Did something happen?"
atsushi: just reading the news.
aya: uugh i hate reading the news, they always seem to only report the bad stuff.
Kyoka: "If there was good stuff to report..."
atsushi: truth. TTwTT
clarice: and we had to wait in the gym until our families came to pick us up, it was scary.
sonia: im just glad you're alright.
clarice: same here.
Chuuya: *cooking*
clarice: when mamma picked me up, she gave me a rice crispy treat and it was the yummiest rice crispy treat i ever ate. probably because i really thought i was gonna die.
Chuuya: "..."
sonia:.....papa, may miyuri and i spend the night at clarice's house? i'd ask if she could stay here, but im sure she'd probably want to be with her family.
Chuuya: "If her family gives permission..."
clarice: it's ok, you dont have to if you dont want to. ^^;
sonia: im....just worried is all.
clarice: sonia, im fine, really. *smiles*
sonia:....im sorry, i shouldnt be forcing myself into things like this.
clarice: it's alright. you didnt mean anything bad by it. ^^;
Chuuya: "Clarice, it's normal for friends to worry."
clarice: *nods* i guess i'll ask my mom if you can spend the night.
sonia: are you sure?
clarice: yeah. we're friends, right?
sonia:....*smiles* yeah...
hanako: ......
Hibana: *comes in the front door*
hanako: mommy!
gabriella: you're ok!
Hibana: *she has a bandage on her face...hugs Hanako* "I'm sorry I missed our brunch..."
gabriella: princess, are you alright?
Hibana: "Thank you..."
Petra: "You all look like a mess."
tamaki: it's been a long, fucking day.
Vulcan: "Not the most nun-like language...Doc, the EMP Stone worked like a charm."
karin: that's awesome!
shinra: *collapses onto the bed, asleep*
Akitaru: *looks over arsenal* *sighs* "Looks like we're going to need another trip to the Baptists sooner than expected...Iris, I'll need you and the nuns to head over there soon."
iris: r-right...
Akitaru: "And with Relan and Takehisa recuperating, we'll need to adjust work schedules..."
lisa: anything i can do to help?
Akitaru: "I think having another pyrokinetic in the field would help--if you're not feeling up to it, no pressure."
lisa: it's alright. i dont mind. i'd feel better putting my abilities to good use.
Vulcan: *smiles*
Akitaru: "Okay--we'll have you on patrol starting at 8 AM."
lisa: *salutes* understood sir!
maki: it'll be great having you on the team, lisa. ^^
Akitaru: "Indeed. Now, everyone get to rest--we got a busy start tomorrow."
Kurono: *looking up at the Moon*
kahono: cant sleep?
Kurono: "No."
kahono: same.....*sips coffee* i've reviewed your file.
Kurono: "...That is rude."
kahono: perhaps, but that's why we have them......you, shinra and tatsu arent too different from each other.
Kurono: "Hmph. I would hope not..."
kahono: well, you all lived at this facility at some point, all from broken families, all with abilities they dont understand.
Kurono: "And you think I want to see those weaklings turn out like me?"
kahono: well, shinra seems to be doing well for himself, and tatsu...i feel confident he's going to be alright too....you know, it's never too late to change for the better.
Kurono: "...We'll see about that, won't we?"
kahono:... my offer for therapy sessions still stands.
Kurono: *grunts* "Group therapy?"
kahono: if you want.
Kurono: "...I'll consider it."
sho: *enters*........
arrow: lord sho, i-
sho: *hugs, whimpering*
arrow: !!!.........*hug*
*in the hall, yelling can be heard*
Haumea: "Losing a bodyguard?! What happens when she reveals our location?!!"
ritsu: we could always track her and kill her.
Inka: "?! Wait, for real?! You want to do that?"
ritsu: why not? we have to punish traitors, riiiight~?
Yumi: *sets out satellite images* "The Moon's mass has indeed decreased."
lord death: this is indeed troubling.
Yumi: "Based on your experience, given what we've seen from Eibon and Ragnarok, what does it mean?"
lord death: from what i do know, we might be seeing more clown activity. speaking of eibon, how is he recovering?
Yumi: "He's conscious but more lethargic."
lord death: i see. and chrona?
Yumi: "...That situation is more difficult...Ragnarok is exerting greater control, and our sedatives are only affecting Crona, not Ragnarok due to his status as blood..."
lord death: hmm...how is miss tomoe handling the situation?
Yumi: "With her usual aplomb. But the stress is getting to her--we need someone else to manage this situation so she can rest."
lord death: i see. worst case scenario, we may have to do a full transfusion...
Yumi: "What will that do to Ragnarok? Without a host, can he survive?"
lord death: perhaps if there were a back-up body...one without a soul...
Yumi: "Have you done that before?"
lord death: not personally, but i do know someone who can supply us with one...
Amaimon: *drinking milk out of the carton*
rui: did you miss breakfast today? ^^;
Amaimon: *nods* "I overslept and had to run to class. Full-on 'toast in mouth' routine."
rui: i see. ^^;; i think the cafeteria's still serving breakfast.
Amaimon: "Sweet--I wanted a fruit cup, too. Shall we?"
rui: sounds good. ^^
Fulham: *praying...shifting anxiously*
dia: father fulham, have you seen the commander?
Fulham: *grunts* "Training field. He's training on the field."
dia: thank you. *goes over*
Burns: "Keep it up! Sanchez, that's not a full chin lift!"
dia: um, commander?
Burns: "??? What is it?"
dia: *she hands him a box*
Burns: "??? A wrapped box?"
dia: happy...father's day, sir.
Burns: "...Should I open it now?"
dia: you dont have to if you're busy-
Burns: *already opening it*
-inside is a framed photo of himself and a younger dia-
Burns: "...Thank you. This is a wonderful gift."
Asher: "Hey." *sets down their duffle bag* "Bus isn't here yet?"
Axel: *dragging his bag* >n<
izumi: sorry im late, i had to give dad his father's day gift!
Asher: "..."
Axel: "Yeah, we called Dad before we got here."
Saria: "What did you get him?"
zeke: we sent him some golf clubs.
Saria: "Cool! I got mine a new waffle iron and a CD."
zeke: sweet!
hibiki: it kinda slipped my mind for me, so i just sent him a phone call.
Duncan: "Hmph. I made sure to send him a card weeks ago."
Kanin: "??? The one that is poking out of your suitcase?"
Duncan: "?!!!!"
Asher: "Where's the damn bus..."
*a bus is approaching the DWMA...*
lukas: wish granted.
Sid: *drives the bus up, opens the door, as Naigus gets out* "Morning!"
izumi: morning mr barrett!
Sid: "Morning, Izumi! Everyone, line up with your bags. Naigus will hand out wristbands while I drop in your bags..."
*loud shouting is heard as a certain quartet come running up*
izumi: *hurries onto the bus*
audrey: *running up, panting*
Kau'i: "Jeez--freaking newbies." *wearing a badge saying 'Team Leader'* "Dagon! Help me get the water on the bus!"
dagon: got it, sir.
Derek: -_-; "You're real excited."
Kau'i: "Why not..." *grins* "Get to instill passion in the newest generation...by crushing them beneath my feet!"
Axel: *overhearing* "Wow--hardcore senior students."
nisha: zzzzz.....
fuyuka: Q~Q;;
Saria: "Oh, hello!" *waves at Fuyuka, sits across from them*
lei-lei: ^^
fuyuka: *covers her face* d-did you want this seat? s-sorry! >~<
Saria: "No, happy to sit here! Nervous about this training?"
nisha: probably, but that's how she is.
Saria: "Oh..." ^^; "I mean, we all are to some extent..."
Monica: "Damn it--all the seats in the back are taken?!"
Sid: "Yes--so the chaperones can keep an eye on you."
Monica: -_-###
hibiki: you ok?
izumi: y-yeah...
hibiki: dont worry, we'll keep you safe from those girls.
Asher: *glaring at Monica*
Monica: "..." *scratches her chin with her middle finger*
shinra: do i need to dress formal for this meeting?
Akitaru: "I think it would help--put on a good face, you know?"
Viktor: *boxing up items*
shinra: will do.
Viktor: *signs a document, staples it, sets it on his...empty desk?*
Vulcan: *hands a bento box to Lisa* "For your first day on patrol!"
lisa: thanks, vul.
nozomi: *watching viktor* .......
Viktor: "Oh, Nozomi...Could you do me a favor?"
nozomi: hm?
Viktor: *hands her a box of books* "Here. I won't be needing these."
nozomi: oh....
*knock on the front door*
Hibana: "Open up!"
shinra: OwO;;
Akitaru: "Oh. Hibana is here. Great." -_-;
Petra: "Sister."
nozomi: um, hello.
Hibana: "Don't call me that...I'm here to pick you up for the visit to Haijima and to file our report."
Viktor: *gulp*
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