#i don't want to have more than 48kg
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murobrown · 1 year ago
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bl00dy-mutt · 16 days ago
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Pinned Post!!
- Hi! My name is Dog, I'm an 18 year old trans man(pre-T and pre-surgeries) and my pronouns are he/him
- I'm British and I do still live in the UK
- I struggle with mental health alot and thats what this blog is for! I post sh pictures and bodychecks amongst much more.
- I am not new to tumblr or this side of tumblr, this is however a new account
- if this is something you don't want to see, if your in recovery or easily triggered I recommend that you click off my blog or even block me so my content isn't visible to you
More below the cut ⤵
- Tags: Pics under #Bloody🩸pics and writing/ pics with writing(if I rant or chat alot when posting pics aswell that's when it gets this #) will be under #BloodyRambling and then for answers to asks will be under #BloodyMuttAsks
-dms and asks are open to all and anons welcome.(I may be slow to answer sometimes though so please be aware of that! I also struggle with conversation sometimes so please be patient)
- I've been struggling with sh and an ed for around 5 years now.
- I struggle with depression, autism, anxiety, sh and an ed and much more.
- I do still live with my mother and sister as I can't live alone and can't hold a stable job yet.
- while I do not have a huge dni list I do NOT want homophobes, transphobes, zoophiles, or ppl who shame others for their sh and ed, ppl who make mental illnesses a competition or anything of that sort on my page please!
- Do not use fem terms for my body please, do not refer to me as fem in any way, I am a man.
- your free to block me ofcourse, block dont report, I'll come back either way and it's a hassle always making a new account.
I know that I am unwell, I know I'm mentally ill, you do not need to remind me. And I am currently in therapy for these things.
(Despite not wanting to be in therapy)
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Some things I like!
- I like the military, movies, its history and future, its a special interest of mine.
- I really enjoy sushi and monster energy
- I love art even if I'm not amazing at it
- I love animals, they're so cute! (Funfact: I have 4 pets excluding my fish)
- my favourite season is autumn!
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Age: 18
Height: 5'1
Hw: 48kg
Lw: 42.2kg 41.9kg
Cw: 43.4kg 42.7kg 41.9kg
Gw1: 40kg
Gw2: 35kg
Ugw: Lower than 35kg
That's all I can think of for now, i will update this when/if needed. (Last update: 23/3/25)
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pinkubutton · 29 days ago
hi, i'm ttoni. i'm not sure how to make an introduction post but i'm starting my weight loss journey and wanted to have a proper place to track my progress and be open about it ^^
i've never truly taken weight loss seriously, i overdid it, burned out and just gained it back quickly. other than that, it's been gradually increasing since covid. i want to do this healthily and slowly so i can hopefully keep it off. i'm still living at home and don't have control over my diet so most of my focus is on exercise. i'm 156cm and my goal weight is ~48kg (5'2, 110lbs). currently i'm sitting at 93kg (208lbs) so i have a lot a lot to lose. 48kg isnt a hard goal even under 60kg i'll be very happy :))
like i said i don't have much control of my diet so i don't know if i'll track calories. quite frankly, i'm bad at math and don't know how..
any tips would be appreciated and i'd love to make some mutuals here to cheer each other on and stay more accountable!
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strawberriesancreamdrpepper · 9 months ago
post-vacation update
okay. so. anyone want to venture to guess how much I gained while on vacation for 7 full days, 9 plus travelling? well, I was 108 the morning I left, and then morning after I got home I was... 114 😀
i know a lot LOT of it is water weight because I had so, so, so many carbs. so, in the long run, I'm not super worried.
I managed to liquid fast the travelling-day home, and I am liquid fasting at least until Saturday, probably until the start of next week, and if not, until my next vacation, which I leave for the 21st. The longest I've ever liquid fasted was 8 days, and I lost 7 pounds. So I'm pretty sure if I fasted until my next vacation I would be back to 48kg. (107) SO, I'm not that worried. And I have all of August to do super low restricting so it is marginally going to be alright.
Since this is my second day of fasting, I have been literally chugging water and caffeinated stuff to basically act as a lax and its def been working. for both our sake I won't go into detail but probably 6 ish times today? and a lot came out... yk so if I'm not at least one or two pounds lighter tomorrow I'm going to be super surprised. I can definitely tell based on my body that I've gained but I'm trying not to freak out because I know I will probably be fine in a week yk? freaking out js makes me want to binge.
On the topic of my next vacation, I will be able to restrict freely there, because my parents will be there and they basically don't pay attention to my food intake. they know I have an ed and made me try to recover but gave up a year or two ago? story for a different time. but they wont let my grandparents force me to eat anything. and also, the grandparents I'm staying with this time are different than the ones I just came back from, they're my dads father and his gf, not my dads mother and second husband. (I have a really weird family all of them divorced and remarried.) But anyway, they are a lot better about food and know I'm "picky" so it'll be okay. I don't know whether I'm going to be able to sneak the scale or not, but I will look into it. I will probably bring my food scale though because I need it, emotionally.
anyway, I will update everyday ish on my weight and stuff. and the diet rn is any liquid no cal limit, and then starting either tomorrow or day after I will do 1200 max liquid cal limit, then like under 1000 ish. I'm trying to ease myself into it after the past week because since my body is used to eating more ish now, it will be more hungry and I want to make sure I don't binge. but when I stop liquid fasting it will probably be 800 max cal limit. and i'm doing 10 miles per week for workouts and I want to start some pilates.
this is really long but I don't care. Another update, I have new weight loss rewards, for when I'm 105, I am going to buy these 2 cute shirts and they will look even better cause I will be skinny.
ANYWAY. that's all I think, will update later xx
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borngal · 9 months ago
I failed. Again.
The only way i'll reach my goal , being 48kg by july 5th, which is in 7 days is if I go mental and burn 10000 calories everyday for the next week.
I got the number from 1kg of fat having 7000cal and I want to lose 10kg/70000cak ,so in 7 days that's 10.000cal per day.
I am determined tho.
I'll do it!
I did my math an 10.000 steps burn ca. 280cal
so 10.000 : 280 ≈35
35 • 10.000 =350.000 steps per day
10.000 steps take around 2,5 hours
so 35 • 2,5h = 87,5h which means it's not possible
Gotta sleep 8h + 6h school + 2h eating + 2h stuff
so I got 6 hours to exercise
so if i walk for 6 hours i'll burn around 700cal
which is not nearly enough
i'll eat around 600cal
I have 1400cal still-usage
so -1400-700+600 =-1500
for 7 days thats 10.500cals lost
so 1,5kg of fat
I hate this little life😭
what the fuck am I going to do
Clearly only walking is out of the picture
And I physically can't run for hours.
What about the stairmaster ?
Okay so if I do the stair master for 2,5h i burn a little more than 1500
so the same as walking 6h
4h on the stair master
=2500 cal
-1400-2500 +600 =-3300
-3300 • 7 ≈ -23.000cal
so about 3,5 kg of fat
I think i'll atleast be able to live with that
Now we just have to hope i don't binge
It's 11pm right now so i'll start tomorrow
4h on the stairmaster puhhh🙁 hope i'll make it
Good night
-Love chrissi
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mollydollyjournals · 4 years ago
Saturday 16th January... My old scales told me I was 155.4, I checked with a dumbbell and it gave me 1lb too high. But my new scales arrived and apparently I really am 156.6, which is what my old scales were telling me the past few days
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(yes, I got up at 4pm)
So this was the day after 2 units of alcohol which means it could be skewed in some way. Dehydration and all. But I won't know for sure yet so I have to act like it's fine. I tried the scales a few times before I synced it to the app, and it gave me the same weight each time. With all that in mind, they seem to be accurate. It's also about the body fat percentage I expected. Didn't know it counts as being obese but hey. Worst thing is dehydration might be lowering that reading too.
I had an online hangout today. I drank a little but stopped after 1.5 units. I started to just feel like it wasn't doing anything so I would have liked to keep drinking but that would just be poisoning myself for no reason. The nice feeling only lasted a while. So I poured the last half of my drink down the sink. I haven't had much water today so I don't think I've made up for it enough. I tried to have some but I just really don't like to drink water and stuff. I need to try harder tomorrow. I also need to avoid alcohol tomorrow. Somehow the last few days I've had some every day. I guess if I only have one tomorrow then it's still less, but I'll try to only do that if I start getting really bad withdrawal or something. Otherwise I should go without, to make sure I don't slip back into it.
I also tried to make myself have healthier food today. I'm still not happy with my intake but it was better than yesterday and other recent days. I'll try to cut it further tomorrow, and restock on safe foods and salad ingredients. Which will be difficult as I may have to self isolate. Possible exposure to a positive case...it seems like given the circumstances it's very unlikely that I would catch it, but none of the guidance on this exact situation is clear, and I don't want to be the reason someone gets sick. I want to go to the local shop tomorrow and buy my ingredients and stuff but I don't think I should. I think I should at least isolate as much as I can, so I'll get delivery. Hopefully they'll have everything I need. Though I just remembered I got some prepared stuff before... hopefully it's still in date, that'll make a salad with less prep if so. Easy for when I'm half asleep.
Last night I was trying to guess what my weight was. I was sure I'd gained. I was so sure. My belly felt huge. But I measured my waist and it was still 29.3in. I'm not really sure what's going on. Today I guess it's kind of similar, but currently I don't have the huge feeling in my belly. I want to go weigh myself and check, but if I do that it'll get logged on my app, and I only want my morning weights logged. I'm not sure if you can delete readings, or maybe if I turn off my phone for a bit or something. Maybe it'd just send the data later. I'd rather have some morning data logged first before I risk putting anomalies in. It's probably a good thing - maybe I can get out of the habit of weighing myself throughout the day.
I watched a movie earlier and it was basically just a movie, I didn't feel like it was amazing or anything, but it has an actor I really like in it. He has a really nice voice, and for some reason he reminds me of bf. It's kind of comforting to watch him.
The character's girlfriend though. I'll have to find the actress' name because she had such a beautiful neck. That sounds so creepy, but y'all know how it is. When I was on my zoom call earlier I kept catching sight of my neck and noticing how spongy it is. As the call went on I don't know if I bloated or moved positions or what but the rolls got bigger. Maybe I just perceived it that way. I don't know. But after seeing my neck and how disgusting it is, seeing her neck in the movie hit harder. And her arms. And another character who was just generally small, though probably my height.
I just looked them up - the last one was Jeon So Nee, who is about 1-2cm shorter than me so I was right about that, the actress with the amazing neck is Lee Yoo Young who is a couple of centimetres taller than me and weighs 48kg so just under 106lbs...I just said the other day my ugw is about 105. Ugh. No wonder. (And the one I kinda have a crush on is Lee Sun Kyun. Fight me)
Jeez. I weigh one and a half of them. Both of them together weigh not a lot more than I do by myself.
Ugh. I'm going back to looking at face mask reviews.
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