#i don't want to fight i just want to talk without my opinion being discarded without thought
jo-sleepycrow · 1 year
One can't state an opinion on twitter without getting an essay attack back... it wasn't even anything controversial, just what i thought that happened in a manga from my reading perspective and immediately was hit by a passive aggressive response bc one can't state a different perspective on there... sometimes i regret interacting with some people there despite all of us liking the same ship, because a group of people think they are the rightfull ones, the only ones able to analyse a story
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pyrolitheus · 2 years
How's Musk "ruining millions of lives"? Go on, I'll wait. Equally enforcing the existing ToS isn't ruining millions of lives. Allowing people you don't like to have opinions you don't agree with (and aren't in any capacity illegal) isn't ruining millions of lives. Not allowing you to be a fascist by silencing disagreement isn't ruining lives.
Honest question: just how?
I am going to ignore the aggressive nature of your language and treat this like you actually mean it as a honest question, just in case you really do want to know. I think it's interesting that we live in such a siloed world that when I say something, you think you know what I am implying because it would absolutely imply that in your silo, but it does not imply the same things in my silo, so you don't know where I am coming from at all. This is why I am treating your question like a real question. We can't understand each other without having a real conversation, and we can't do that without discarding the buzz words because they mean different things in different silos but we presume the meaning to be the same, thereby causing all manner of communication breakdowns and pointless fights. The reality is that I honestly don't really know much about what Musk is doing with Twitter ToS or what opinions he's been expressing (I don't follow his posts), so the comment I made about Musk ruining lives has nothing to do with any of that. I'm talking about things like this: ◾ He fired thousands of Twitter employees unilaterally 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 figuring out how Twitter works behind the scenes, often on the spot and without notice, thereby ruining the lives of thousands of people (more, if you count the families who rely on their income) and undermining the very business he purchased at the same time by making these changes before understanding the old business plan and making a new one. ◾ From what I have read from various leaders in business, Twitter is now expected to fall apart until it flops due to Musk's poor decisions. That will cost more employees their jobs, and it will undermine the important networking that lots of people use Twitter for in a wide variety of industries. ◾ Even Forbes says Musk's overall leadership style is detrimental to the health and well-being of his employees, in addition to making his businesses suffer. ◾ He even got a warning from the FTC due to the chaos caused by his policies causing a sharp uptick in fake accounts. And that's just Twitter. Once you factor in his horrendous treatment of Tesla employees and so on, he has probably irreparably hurt more people than I have even met in my life so far. Everyone in the world of business understands that Elon Musk in business leadership roles is bad news because people (and businesses) suffer. Like you, I agree that silencing opinions due to mere disagreement is bad (the fact that I posted this ask instead of deleting it on the spot demonstrates this). If you really do care about that, and it's not just code for wanting to protect people who agree with you from being silenced, then I think it's worth noting that Musk is firing Twitter employees who criticize him (as well as SpaceX employees) which is directly at odds with the whole concept of free speech. And since ToS enforcement sounds like it is important to you, please note that Musk may have fired the people who do that enforcement, which would mean that Twitter ToS enforcement is not really happening. I guess in summary, the answer to your ask is: Zoom out from the user experience of Twitter and look at the big picture of Musk as a businessperson, and then you'll be able to find the menace.
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fedorahead · 2 months
bras suck and are evil and not wearing one is totally acceptable and it makes me sad how many people have handy replies to that like "but my boobs are too large" or "but people will get mad at me" because i also have very large boobs but the only person who ever got mad at me for even suggesting not wearing a bra only did so when he was harassing me about heing able to see my bra straps and when i said i'd take it off he said that would be inappropriate, even though i had already been coming to work braless many times; he just hadn't noticed. he also called me letting my curly hair stay curly instead of straightening it was a neglectful look to wear to work, so his opinion can be discarded for the trash it is.
you gotta shed those societal expectation programmings that make your life worse. i'm in the process of getting a reduction after my pregnancy because i have large tits and they are large enough that removing them is considered medically necessary (though don't get me started on the criteria for that having your bra straps dig in 🙄) so when someone says they can't go braless because they're DD or whatever i just feel bad for whatever situation made them think that.
you don't have to not wear bras all the time, you don't have to wear only thin shirts with no support or whatever and have your nips show through, you can modify and flex your wardrobe around your needs rather than contoeting your body into a shape that isn't suiting you and makes you physically miserable. physerable
i've found 100% cotton tank tops help me feel more comfortable, but since getting pregnant and summer being heatwace after heatwave, i'm just not bothering at all and you know how many people have treated me worse for it?
zero, because nobody gives a fuck; it isn't the 1970s or even the 2000s, people wear their pjs to the mall and cosplay to work stop thing yourself to the values of a dead world.
i also don't get any pushback whatsoever for not shaving, because again, it's been more than a decade since anyone gave a shit about those things.
i live in a very liberal area now but i also go to texas and nevada every year and even in the less liberal areas around the west, nobody has ever had the gall to comment on the weird stranger's weird not wearing a bra habit. and anyone who would is already breaking the social contract of leaving people the hell alone.
i also almost never wear makeup, and have gotten people telling me they couldn't be employed without makeup......... meanwhile that has definitely never been a barrier for me.
i get that experiences vary, so the rant here really may only apply to the west/west coast, southwest, and travis county, but since the people who've given me those arguments also lived in all these places i can't really be like "oh they were in a different situation" all i can say is if your body is in pain because of something society is forcing you to do, that you can fix easily, fuck society and do the thing, take the bra off or skip the makeup or whatever. and just stand behind it until the fear dies down.
anyone can "live like this" you just have to accept that "this" is a perfectly reasonable way to live first, and that anyone putting pressure onnyou to do otherwise is being unreasonable and therefore isn't worth heeding.
i don't want to talk too much about the intersection of privilige and confidence but i know i would bring it up if i felt like this post was overlooking me, so i will say one thing: the majority of one's freedom comes from not being bothered by things that cannot effect one's material needs, and fighting like hell for things that can. societal privileges can tip the scales to make that fight easier or harder, but the fight itself is universal. if what you are battling is harder because of an axis of oppression, you still have a power inside you stronger than any passionless societal pressure. you might have different strength, your well of will might be suppoeted by different sources, maybe community or maybe rage or maybe sheer audacity, but there is always hope and a way to turn your life in the direction of making yourself happier and your needs more fulfilled. even if it's not dropping markers of femininity because they really are the edge between being treated as human and being treated as a freak. though, i know a lot of studs who have just incorporated that danger into their lives because they'd rather be masculine and in some degree of danger or struggle than feminine and accepted. we all have our different values to measure.
follow the path that makes you feel the most comfortable and fulfilled, and fuck the programming that lies to you. wear a pretty bra if you want, not because the man says you gotta.
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maggicktouched · 2 years
“Arms, legs, neck, head, nose. I’m fine. Everyone else?“ // clint
He was nuts. She wasn't sure why the Sisters wanted information on him at all. He was absolutely certifiably insane and it was a miracle that he was alive. And if she weren't currently spying on him under the rouse of being a goddamn dog she would stand here in the middle of the street and give him a scolding so harsh that even her grandmother would disapprove... no matter how pitiful and banged up he looked.
All she could do was bark. And she did. The second he finished getting a good look at her and knelt down to pat her head, she bared her teeth and gave him what for as loud and disapprovingly as she possibly could in this form. She barked so forcefully that she bounced on her front leg, and the tag on the collar he'd fitted to her neck jingled slightly.
Reckless! There's no other word for it! And don't just sit there and talk to me like there's nothing wrong when you can barely open that left eye to look at me! We're finding you a healer! Right now!
"Whoa easy there girl." He had the gall to chuckle! He was scratching her ears like this was some big joke. "That's right, Hermie! You tell them! Not in our town!"
That is not my name! Oh you just wait til I tell Lucky! You're coming with me.
She took the leather of Clint's jacket sleeve in her teeth as firmly as she could without getting his skin. It wouldn't do any good to hurt him more.
"Hey! No--wait! Hermie OW! Hey that hurts! No no!" She wasn't listening to him scold her. He might have managed to be the first human alive that she wasn't a little afraid of, even if she had just seen him win a fist fight with five armed men twice his size. Clint was not ever going to hurt her. Maybe she was taking advantage of his good nature, but it was for his own good. He needed help.
"You're gonna hurt yourself! No! Sit! Down!" He was dragging his feet, but between his concern for her still-broken leg and his own fragile state, he wasn't really fighting her. He was trying his damnedest to get the zipper of his jacket to unzip, but she jammed it with a silent hex. He was left half-stumbling, half-dancing down the sidewalk as she dragged him along and he fought with his own coat.
Where did humans get healing?
He'd taken her to a healer for her leg. They'd bound it up in a stiff cloth that he wouldn't let her chew on and said it'd eventually heal on its own; hardly the most talented healer she'd ever seen. And she hadn't seen any sick or injured humans there either. Only dogs and cats and a very loud bird with colorful opinions of the staff. No. That wouldn't do...
But Clint had taken her to a friend's a couple of weeks ago. The pretty redhead... what had her name been? Nadine? Natalie? She'd been human. Surely she'd know where to find a human healer.
Even at night the streets of New York were busy. Stomped brazenly through puddles where the sidewalk cracked and revved their engines at glaring bright lights after stopping to admire them. None of them stopped to offer Clint any help. She couldn't believe it. People had told her a thousand times that the human world was in a sad state but this---this was inexcusable. True he looked like a crazy person who had just been in a bar fight and was now having a loud argument with a dog and a zipper, but that was all the more reason to help someone in her mind.
Clint offered her all kinds of things to try and get her to release his sleeve. Treats he'd shoved in his pockets an ungodly long time ago, a discarded stick on the side of the road, but she wasn't letting go of him. Not until she could be sure he wasn't just going to limp back to his apartment, patch himself up with a half-dozen boxes of band-aids, and pass out on the couch.
"Is this..." He trailed off as they rounded a corner and the world became more and more familiar. The woman's home was close. She couldn't remember the road step for step, but she could feel it deep in her bones. She tugged him up a handful more steps and then finally let him go.
They were both panting.
Before he could argue or fuss or make any comment at all, Beck hopped up onto her back legs until her nose could press the buttons on the little box in front of the building like she'd seen him do.
"Hermie no!" He did grab her now, his arms encircling her chest. "People are sleeping! I'm sor-"
But it was too late. The buttons clicked as her muzzle caught a dozen of them, and she began to bark again, just as loudly and insistently as she had before.
Naomi! Nadine! Nicole! Nadia!
"No! Oh my god!" He scolded in a harsh whisper, trying to pull her away. She managed to hit three more buttons with her paw before he did. She wasn't certain why he was whispering, when she was barking loud enough to wake the dead. When he reached up to try and put his hand around her muzzle---far too lightly to actually force her jaws shut---she could smell the blood from his hand more acutely and a little whine mixed into her frantic barking. She didn't stop, and she didn't let him pull her away. Not until the door opened and she saw the familiar face she'd been searching for.
Natasha! Now that she was looking at her it came back.
Fix him! She barked. Hoping that, even if she couldn't understand her exactly, she'd figure it out. Fix him! Fix him!
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pixelated-pogues · 3 years
Staying In (Fezco x reader)
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A/n: This song came on yesterday aaaand my brain couldn't help but create scenarios with Fez in my head, so I had to make it a reality. Perhaps this will be the beginning of my euphoria fics? Summary: The process of having a night in with Fez. Based on: "Pasta" by New Rules Pairing: Fezco x reader Warnings: Nah, just fluff really with light cursing Word Count: 2.5k Gif by @stripper-patrick
Sweat pants, hair up on the sofa Swear down yeah that's how I know ya She said "do I look alright, I I don't wanna go out tonight" So we can stay in and I can make you something We ain't gotta dress up for nothing Feet up with the TV on And all she wanted... All she wanted was a bowl of pasta Without anybody looking at her
I turn around from my position on the sofa at the sound of the front door opening, smiling as Fez and Ashtray walk into the house. Ash nods his head towards me as a greeting before excusing himself to his bedroom while Fez discards a bag of groceries onto the kitchen counter. I move to help him put everything away, taking a second to wrap my arms around him as a silent, "hello."
"Missed you today baby," he admits, spinning around to give me a proper hug and kiss on the forehead. "You look pretty." He tells me, a slight smirk forming on his face at the sight of his sweatpants hanging off of my hips. I'd slid them on as soon as I'd gotten over here, craving the comfort of his clothes while I worked on the last of my homework to decompress from the day.
"Do I?" I can't help but question, feeling slightly flustered under his gaze. I try stepping out of his embrace to rid my hair of the messy bun I'd lazily thrown it into, but his hands wordlessly drag me back into his chest. "I just needed to be comfy."
"Beautiful baby," he promises, capturing my lips in a gentle kiss before pulling away to study me again. "I like it when you wear my clothes." My cheeks heat up at the statement just like they always do. He's told me a thousand times that he enjoys seeing me in his clothes, and it never fails to make me feel shy.
"Well, you're in luck because I like wearing your clothes," I smile, kissing him again. His hands squeeze my hips when I pull away, his lips meeting my forehead one last time before he turns towards the groceries to start putting them away. I wordlessly help him, rolling my eyes when he makes fun of me for struggling to reach the top shelf of the small pantry.
"I bought pasta to make for dinner. That alright with you," he questions, sliding the box of pasta towards the stove along with a read sauce to pair with it. "Thought it'd be quick n easy so we can watch a movie before the party."
"Sounds perfect," I agree, refraining from allowing my smile to drop at the reminder that we're supposed to go to McKay's for a party. The thought of being surrounded by a sea of my peers, all intoxicated and unable to keep their opinions to themselves, making my chest tighten involuntarily. Ignoring the weight on my chest, I wordlessly meet him at the stove to help him put dinner together.
I try to calm the heaviness in my chest as we clink around in the kitchen. Fez fills me in on everything that happened at the store during the shift, seemingly not picking up on the way my attention was so scattered due to the intrusive thoughts fighting to steal me away.
It wasn't long before the three of us are seated at the table, each of us nibbling on the pasta we'd thrown together while the boys talk about business and the next time Mouse is scheduled to come over. I try to listen and engage in what they're saying, but I can't seem to escape the rabbit hole of mentally preparing myself to immerse myself in the atmosphere of a party in a matter of hours, wanting nothing more to hide in Fezco's room for the entirety of the night.
"Yo, Y/n, you good?" Fez's voice cuts me out of my trance, making me glance his way, catching the look on Ash's face in the process.
"Yeah, yeah I'm good," the words rush out a little too quickly, an assuring smile slides onto my lips in hopes that they don't ask anymore questions.
"You've barely taken three bites," Ash points out, and that's when I realize that they'd both emptied their bowls while I zoned out. I glance down at my bowl with a sheepish grin, refusing to look at Fez while I think up an excuse.
"I guess I wasn't that hungry," I dismiss with a slight giggle, pushing myself from the table to rid the contents of my bowl back into the pot. I miss the looks the boys share before Ash whispers something to Fez and leaves the room. I mentally curse myself for not thinking of anything better to say, but opt for cleaning the empty bowl in my hands, whispering a gentle 'thank you' to Fez when he wordlessly slides their bowls into the sink next to me.
"You sure you're alright?" he presses, grabbing the clean bowl out of my hands to dry it off and put it away. "Seems like you've got something goin on in your head."
"I'm alright," I assure him, briefly leaning my head on his shoulder. "Just worn out from the day and want to be close to you." It wasn't entirely a lie, just not the whole truth. I just want to hide in the apartment with you for the entirety of the night without dealing with criticism from anyone else.
"Alright lil ma, that I can handle," he smiles, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Why don't you let me finish the cleanin? Get comfortable on the sofa and put on that show we like, I'll be in in just a minute."
"Fez, you've had a long day, I can handle the-"
"I wasn't askin', I was tellin' baby," he cuts me off with a light tone, bumping me with his hips. "Go, I got this handled." I roll my eyes at him but do as I'm told, wrapping myself in a blanket while the TV switches on.
So I asked her "baby what's the matter With that?" She said "I know it's stupid but it's complicated There's been a lot of pressure on me lately To wake up everyday and look amazing" So I said "you're the prettiest thing in the world" Look at what we've done to the girl
"Could we maybe just stay in tonight?" I hesitate to ask, sparing a glance at Fez before pretending to be interested in what's going on in the show playing on the TV. We'd been wordlessly cuddled onto the couch for half an episode, neither of us saying much of anything outside of making small comments about things that happened on the screen. "I know you guys never miss a party, and it's fine if we go I just thought I'd ask. If not, that's totally okay."
"Baby, what's the matter with that?" Fez questions, his voice low and comforting as he brushes a strand of hair away from my face. "What's goin' on in that pretty brain of yours?"
"It's stupid," I dismiss, feeling my cheeks heat up at the fact that I said anything. Parties mean business for the boys, my desire to hide away from everyone is selfish. "You can forget I said anything. I don't mind if we go." Fez's face drops in confusion at my words and their lack of sincerity.
"If it's got you worked up, it isn't stupid lil ma," he argues gently, his fingers hooking under my chin so I'll look at him. "Talk to me baby."
"It's complicated," I hum, shrugging my shoulders at him, wanting nothing more than for him to just forget that I said anything. Opening up about the anxiety going out has given me makes me want to shrink so far into the couch that I disappear.
"You know I've always got time to listen to my girl," Fez responds, his thumb trailing across the skin on my jaw as a gentle encouragement for me to continue. "So tell me what's goin on." I hate the way his words make my weary heart swell. If I told anyone else how soft the infamous drug dealer of the town is, they'd shake their head and tell me I'm delusional. Granted, he reserves his softness for those he cares about the most and I'm lucky enough to be one of the few that fall into that category.
"I don't know Fez, it's just," I sigh, meeting his gaze briefly before looking away again, pulling my face out of his hands to pull my knees into my chest. I push my hair behind my ear before hugging my legs, my eyes fixed on the floor. "I just feel like there's been this unspoken pressure on me lately. I feel like everyone is constantly watching my every move and criticizing every step I take. It's like I have to wake up everyday and look amazing and be put together all the time. There's no room for me to just be a person. There's no room for error because someone has something to say if a single hair on my head is misplaced. I know it's stupid to think about what other people say so much but there's so much pressure on my chest and I feel like I'm on the brink of cracking."
A deep frown forms on his face as I finish my explanation. The hand resting on the couch beside my head moves to cup my cheek again, his ocean eyes meeting mine again with a gentle exhale. "Okay," he breathes, running his fingers through my hair. "We'll skip out on this one. Business has been good lately; it won't hurt us to miss."
"Are you sure? It's really not a big deal. I can totally suck it up, or just stay in myself. I don't want you guys to miss out on business just because I need a night in," it seems a million words run out of my mouth at once. The thought of being the reason that the boys miss out on making money tonight only adding to the pressure that's been building on my chest. "It really isn't a big deal."
Fez smiles softly, rolling his eyes at my antics. "M sure lil ma. Stop worryin' about us for five minutes 'n let yourself breathe," he pauses to place a chest kiss against my forehead before letting his back fall back against the couch again, pulling me against his chest. "You're always worryin' bout us n I appreciate it, but you've gotta let me take care of you too, alright? No feelin like a burden or any of that shit, you hear me?"
It's my turn to roll my eyes at his words, the simple gesture opposing the warmth they bring to my heart. "I hear ya," I tell him, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. We fall into a comfortable silence after that, soaking in each others company while our eyes focus on the show again.
"Hey," Fez speaks after a few minutes, earning a simple hum in response. "I'm not tryin to invalidate your feelings, or whatever, by sayin this but you really shouldn't worry about anything anyone says about you. You're the prettiest thing in the world, n I'm not just sayin that because you're my girl. Everyone in this town knows it. I don't think anyone is tryin to put pressure on you on purpose."
Why you always scrolling through your phone Only comfortable when we're on our own Why you gotta care what people think Gotta make your own rules, do your own thing Wish she knew all the good she's got Instead of tryna be someone she's not
His words echo in my ears, making my cheeks grow hot again.
"You're the prettiest thing in the world."
"You're sweet Fez," I breathe, intentionally nuzzling further into his neck so he doesn't catch that his words caused my cheeks to flush.
"M just being honest baby," he murmurs, his fingers tracing light circles against the skin beneath my t-shirt. "You don't got to care about what people think, ya know. Gotta make your own rules, n do your own thing. You got a good heart, one that's way too good to be spending so much time with a troublemaker like me, so just keep bein you and trustin that. Don't worry about trying to mold yourself into something you're not. Nobody likes that fake shit. They like you for you, so you've gotta let that be enough for you...."
And I'll tell you everyday I love you just the way You are so don't you change Don't you change no So be who you wanna be 'Cause you're everything you need You're everything to me
"...cause that's plenty enough for me. I love you just the way you are, you know that. Feeling pressure is valid, but don't let it change who you are. You're everythin to me, you know that?" I'm severely humbled by the time he finishes his rant. Involuntary tears prick at the back of my eyes, due to the fact that this is the most Fez has ever really opened up about his thoughts and feelings about me. Fez has been my person for as long as I remember, but he's not one to open up and be soft without good reason. Unless he really means it.
"I love you," I murmur, unable to figure out any other way to communicate that I'd heard him. My head lifts off of his chest long enough for our eyes to meet, and then I'm cancelling out the distance between us to kiss him, focusing all of the other emotions into that. I don't have to say anything else for him to know that I heard him, my lips say everything that my words can't in this moment. "For the record, you're everything to me too. I don't know what I'd do without you and Ash," I explain breathlessly, looking down at him after we pull away.
"We'd be lost without you too, lil ma. We'll keep you wild n you'll keep us safe, always," he agrees, letting me snuggle back into his chest without another word. Soaking up the company as his words ease the typical thoughts that would normally rush in after opening up about something going on in my brain.
I peacefully drift off to sleep feeling more loved than I ever have before, letting those words be my sanctuary.
He's everything to me, too.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
First time
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Kinktober day 15 - Virginity kink
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Note - So anon asked for step dad Steve and I can't do that to Steve. This started out as step dad ransom but then me being me couldn't go through with it🤦‍♀️ so he's supposed to be your stepmoms husband which still makes him your step dad, I think.
Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
Warnings - 18+ONLY! smut(m/f), dub conish, painful sex, unprotected sex, implied age gap, loss of virginity, bloodplay.
Pairing - Step dad!Ransom Drysdale x reader
Word count - 2.3k
Masterlists are linked in the bio!
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“Oh! Don’t act like you care. I can tell you wouldn’t give a shit if I left for an entire year. I’m not one of your barely legal bimbos you can manipulate however you like,” Karen ranted on and on to Ransom. You didn’t know what they were fighting about today - you didn’t care to find out either.
“God! Would you fucking give me a break? All you do is yap your trap all day long,” he snapped at her.
You looked at the main door, to leave your house you would have to go through the hallway where both of them were having their ‘lively' discussion, which you had no intentions to be a part of.
Karen gave him a deadly glare - which literally gave you chills even though you weren’t on the receiving end of it.
She walked closer to him, until she was only inches away from his face, “For your own good,” wrapping her palm around his chiselled jaw “don’t forget your place. You do not curse at me or yell at me.”
He didn’t say anything back, simply holding her unwavering glare.
She looked at the stairs, her face instantly lighting up into a faux smile upon seeing you. “Darling, what are you doing there? Come here,” she said extending an arm to you. You walked down to her, she engulfed you into a hug, soothing a hand over your head, “Mommy has to go away for a while, to Paris for fashion week. I know that’s not something you’d be interested in.”
You shook your head. No, those events were a bit too stuffy for you. You dared to sneak a glance at Ransom, he was fuming. His jaw clenched hard, his face and neck flushed as he heaved. You weren’t sure if that rage was directed towards you or your stepmother.
“Fuck this shit,” he spit before leaving and slamming the door behind him. You cringed at the loud noise it made. You were relieved that he was gone, given what he had done in his impulsivity and rage, you didn’t want to be around him when he was that angry.
“Well?” Karen’s question snapped you out of your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“You better not be going to meet that Jack or John or whatever.”
“His names Jeremy, Karen, and I really like him. If you got to know him - ”
“I don’t need to know him. He does not bring anything to the table. He doesn’t even deserve to breathe in the same air as you.”
“A rich guy can treat me badly too. I don’t know why you think I can’t be happy with a normal person.” you shook your head. She of all people should not be questioning your taste in men.
“His fathers a fucking high school teacher, honey,” she scoffed. “No, I won’t have you dating a nobody.”
“Well, Ransoms a friggin' murderer!” you screamed. “What kind of man conspires to kill his own grandfather?!”
She had married him just months after he was declared 'not guilty' of not one, but TWO murders. Although, everyone knew that he definitely did it.
You begged her not to marry him. But she seemed to be completely smitten with him, besides she had never really valued your opinion or seen you as an adult.
“Say what you will about Ransom. But he has the name - he’s a Thrombey, he comes from old money. As annoying as he can be - he’s not hideous to look at either, I suppose.”
That was the only thing you might be inclined to agree with. You hated that some part of you was attracted to him. Even though, he was a terrible person. He treated ‘the help', the people who raised you and cared for you as if they were beneath him.
He treated Karen like shit - which she may deserve, you knew of her affairs and the one French boyfriend she was visiting under the guise of business.
He was however, completely indifferent to you. He never got in your way, sometimes you could feel his eyes on you, following every move you made. Sometimes you wondered... if maybe... some part of him found you attractive as well.
You knew you weren’t much to look at, especially compared to your stepmother, but then why else would he be staring so much?
Was he plotting to OFF you as well? To get you out of his way. You’d be inheriting most of your late fathers estate.
You closed the door behind you, as quietly as you could so as not to wake anyone. You got home a little later than midnight. You weren’t used to staying out that long but it was one of your best friends birthday.
“What were you doing out so late?” You yelped as you heard his voice.
“Ransom! Oh my gosh, you scared me,” you tried to catch your breathe.
“It’s after twelve. Who were you out with?” he raised a brow. “And what the hell are you wearing?”
“Huh?” you looked down at your bodycon dress. You weren’t used to wearing clothes that tight but this one just seemed so pretty and perfect to capture Jeremy’s attention. “It’s Karen’s design,” you shrugged. It was provocative but classy and respectable which was your stepmothers brand.
“What kind of message do you think you’re sending dressing like that? If you want to be the talk of the town - ”
“Ransom, oh my god! It’s just a dress and I’m - I’m a virgin!” you confessed. It wasn’t something you were ashamed of - why would you be?
“What?” his eyes widened and his mouth gaped.
He had known you were a pretty little thing since the moment he met you. So shy and demure and pure. Of course you’d be a virgin. Like a perfect present waiting to be unwrapped.
You almost smiled at that. Stunning Ransom like that made you feel smug for some reason. “Yeah. I’m saving myself for the right guy.” you replied in a small voice, averting his gaze and looking at the carpet.
He took two long strides and walked over to you, before you knew it he had a firm grasp on your waist, pulling you against his hard chest. “And what’s the right guy like, sweetheart?”
“Someone - uh,” your brain blanked, having him that close to you, feeling his warm breath on your face almost made you black out.
He bent his neck till he was closer to your ear, “Well, don’t lose it to Jeremy or whatever. He won’t even know what to do with a sweet thing like you.”
You gasped, trying to push him away but his stance was unrelenting. “That is so inappropriate, Ransom! You’re married!”
He grabbed at your failing wrists, pinning them behind your back, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. Karen and I have an arrangement. You ever been kissed before?” he asked, his tongue peaking out to kick his plump lips.
“Wh - ” you swallowed a heavy lump of air, looking away from him, “No,” tears streaming down your face.
He chuckled, licking a firm stripe up your cheek, moaning at the taste of your tears. “We’ll fix that tonight, princess.”
You shuddered in his hold, it finally hit you. He intended to have his way with you. “Karen!” you screamed at the top of your lungs.
“She’s not home, sweetheart,” he smirked, pushing his knee between your legs, “I thought you wanted this? I heard you saying my name while touching yourself. I’ll do better than your little fingers ever could,” he grinded his knee against your core.
You whimpered, scared out of your mind for your life and ashamed. Ashamed of being caught, of being aroused and getting more and more wetter. Your hips rolling against his knee to seek more friction.
“That’s a good girl,” he praised, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth till it hurt and then releasing it with a pop. “If you keep being good and take what I give you - I’ll make you feel good too.” He held on to your forearm, dragging you up the stairs towards his room.
“No, no... not in your room. In mine, please,” you whimpered, his nails digging in the flesh of your arm. They might have an 'arrangement' but you doubted Karen would appreciate you doing the deed in her bed.
“Fine with me,” he dragged you along, locking your door behind him as he pushed you down on your mattress.
He pulled his t-shirt over his head, quickly discarding all his clothes. You couldn’t help but shamelessly ogle him. His broad shoulders, defined chest and abs. He was bigger than any boy you knew. Your jaw dropped at the size of his cock, slapping against his abdomen when he pulled down his boxers.
“Like what you see, princess?” he smirked.
Hovering over you, his hands tearing your dress apart, you feebly tried to stop him, “That was expensive, Ransom!”
“I can just buy you another one,” he winked, rolling your panties down your legs.
You rolled your eyes. Yeah, with my own money.
Your arms flew up to your naked chest and mound, to cover up and save your modesty.
He growled, pulling them away and pressing them on the mattress above you. “These better fucking stay here all night, understood?”
You were too afraid to do anything but nod.
“Never popped anyone’s cherry before... this should be interesting,” he snaked a hand between your bodies, pinching your clit causing you to jerk away from him.
He didn't bother fingering you or preparing you, he knew you'd be tighter without it - he had about enough of foreplay anyway.
“Please, be gentle,” you requested, looking up at him through your doe eyes, pleading him - you had never felt so utterly helpless.
He cruelly laughed at your misery, his lips curled up in a devilish smirk, “I don't do gentle, kitten. You'll take what I fucking give you - ” he growled positioning himself between your legs, brushing his leaking tip over your chaste, untouched folds “and then thank me for it. Like the slut you are.”
You couldn't even begin to grasp or point out the logical fallacy of a virgin slut as his cock plunged into your heat, piercing through your virginity, splitting you in half.
Your back arched off the bed, you slapped your hands over your mouth to keep from screaming. It was painful, that was all you felt - pain. As he held onto your waist, his fingers digging in your flesh, his hips pulling out and then driving into you with an unrelenting pace.
You could not stop crying, or twisting your head from side to side. Knowing it was all you could do - he wouldn’t stop - no matter how much you pleaded. You weren’t sure you wanted him to stop.
He pressed a few kisses and nips to the crook of your neck, sucking on a spot as you held back a moan.
He propped himself up on his elbows to look down at you, your eyes and nose swollen, your make up running down your face - you looked more beautiful than you ever had before.
“You look so pretty when you cry, kitten,” he cooed, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your lips.
He kept driving his cock into you, searching for that special spot as you kept mewling under him.
His heart swelled with pride, nobody’s ever fucked you before, he’s the first man that’s ever seen you naked or to be inside you.
“Do you want me to stop?” he stilled his hips, “Just say the word then.” He knew you wouldn’t.
You sniffled, shaking your head, “No, keep going, please.”
His lips curled up in a grin, taking some kind of twisted pleasure in your misery, “You’re something else, kitten.”
“Oh,” you closed your eyes, your toes curling, your legs holding onto his waist as you felt your orgasm creeping up on you.
Ransom leaned over you when he felt your heat convulsing around him, pulling your earlobe between his teeth, “This is the tightest little cunt I’ve ever fucked,” he grunted, driving each word home with a powerful thrust. “You like that, kitten?”
All you could do was nod, the pain was well as much more subdued now but you were still sore and exhausted. “Yes, I like it.”
“We’re going to do this every night from now on.”
He pulled out fisting his cock over you - he wasn’t going to impregnate his newest plaything - his white, hot spend painting your stomach and titts.
Your fingers swirled the sticky substance around on your skin, you were curious to see what it tasted like. You clenched your legs shut, your pussy still tingly. This was not how you planned your first time to go but you had no regrets.
You knew you were absolutely wrong to think so but being desired by Ransom gave you a strange kind of pride.
You gasped when you heard a click, sitting up on your elbows you looked at Ransom clicking pictures of your pussy with his phone.
“Wh - what’re you doing?” you tried to close your legs but he kept a firm hand on your knee.
“Just need a souvenir,” he responded, taking some more of his cum on your body and then putting his phone in his pocket. He swirled a finger around the blood on your inner thigh, bringing it up to paint the crimson on your mouth, “Go clean yourself up. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
You smiled as he kissed you, “Okay, Ransom.”
Even with your pussy freshly fucked - you couldn’t wait for his next visit.
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Tags will be in the reblog! Click the link in the bio to be join the taglist or shoot me an ask/dm.
Comments and reblogs are really appreciated! ❤❤
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takirasu · 3 years
I’m so glad someone actually recognized what Childe was getting at with the “Is being used as a weapon really that bad?” line instead of immediately jumping on the “This domain is automatically his doing, and even though the game is clearly just giving us exposition, I don’t trust him therefore I’m going to disregard everything that’s being said because Childe is wholeheartedly evil” train. I see too many people completely miss or ignore the deeper parts of his character, writing, and lore that work to really illustrate his trauma and his current mindset that formed as a result of those events because they’re too busy mischaracterizing him as some weak douchey chaotic evil supervillain. THANK YOU!! 😭🙏
oh my god ANON I HATE THIS SO MUCH. Like first we had the whole fandom coming together and give him the fuckboi stamp for the famous hey girlie scene, but after the whole Golden House fight, character story etc. it's constantly "He's so evil and chaotic and brings chaos everywhere and everything bad is his fault."
I was on tumblr, twitter and tiktok. There are so many people that comment on how badshit crazy he apparently is and of course he loves this domain and wants to fight. For Childe, Mihoyo makes you read between the lines currently. He's not openly talking about what happened to him and officially nobody in the game knows about him falling into the abyss. The characters don't understand his bloodlust and just push it onto the fact that he's a harbinger, what's a natural conclusion. But with the background info we as the players had I seriously got concerned for him at the whole "Is being used as a weapon that bad?"
Like it was apparent that if you have at least some sense of empathy and reading people ability that this man is not okay. I have some other theories on this, but possible trauma plays a huge role in his behaviour as well. That man is day and night and he has literally no control about it as seen at the Golden House. People say, for the memes, that he threw a tantrum like a little kid and it was funny, but there was so much more behind it. He literally had no control about himself in that moment and did what he thought was the right thing, to follow orders whatever it takes and whatever extremes he has to go through - because he fulfills his tasks, just to find out that he was played and is now the one to blame, the one who can't set foot back in Liyue without getting evil stares when it was actually someone else.
But! He doesn't talk about it. Because on the surface he doesn't care. In that very moment he was just a weapon being used for the Tsaritsa and he was more than happy to oblige. If it so happens that a whole nation dislikes him, so be it. He was useful.
I could go into more detail and keep you occupied even more, but I'll be making a video about his character for his release date. I was already really into his lore and Mihoyo put a lot into him, but after what he said yesterday in the event and what's gonna come I felt something ring in my head and go okay he's actually worse than we all knew and this is upsetting.
I wish people would stop discarding him like that and just joke about how he's so bloodthirsty and wants to pick up a fight, how reckless and brash he can be. This is just a personal opinion, but what really annoys me is when other characters who have deep lore as well get this treatment, but as soon as it's about Childe your theories and words that slowly get more and more official and canon back-up don't make sense, because he's just a crazy war criminal and nothing more.
Thank you for coming into my ask boc! That was a real surprise
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
breaking down Ace of Diamond - the "Hero's Journey."
Using the model/guide presented by Overly Sarcastic Productions in their youtube video Trope Talk: The Hero's Journey, I will attempt to discuss how Sawamura Eijun's story in DnA is his Hero's Journey to becoming an ace pitcher in the Japanese HIgh School Baseball environment.
Blue from OSP put forward the 12 basic parts of the Hero's Journey Cycle. The illustration below will be our reference. I simplified a graph made by Signy Wilson in order to match OSP's less rigid guide.
disclaimer: I am by no means any kind of expert. I was just fascinated when I learned about the Hero's Journey as a general trope/framework when it came to writing stories. I want to apply what I learned by breaking down the story created by Terajima Yuuji in Ace of Diamond.
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Hero: Sawamura Eijun. Captain and Ace Pitcher of middle school baseball team. He has no formal training in baseball whatsoever but was the one who gathered and convinced his friends to start a baseball club. He's the best player in their small team. Good at sports but bad at academics .
He is generally a baseball idiot and quite a naive/simple guy with a strong heart. He does not have any idea what competitive and pro baseball looks like because not only does he not have experience but also he does not watch the broadcasts on tv/radio at all.
Ordinary World of the Hero: rural town in Nagano Prefecture, where Sawamura formed a small baseball team with his childhood friends. Acording to him, as long as they all stay together they can always play baseball anywhere.
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2.1 Problem/why hero's ordinary world is going to crumble: - He lessened his chances of being scouted/accepted in a good baseball school after he btchslapped an entire opponent team and the umpires in their first and only match as middle school team in Saitama Stadium.
He also has low chance of being accepted into the high school in their area (where his friends are all going to) because he struggles with his academics a lot.
Unless he does something he won't be able to be together with his friends and/or play baseball at all.
2.2 Caller of the adventure - Takashima Rei pursues Sawamura into Nagano Prefecture in order to scout him as a sports scholar for Seido High School, a baseball powerhouse school located in the West Division of Tokyo Prefecture.
2.3 medicine/ solution to hero's crumbling world: being a sports scholar for Seido. This would solve almost all of Sawamura's highschool enrollment problem and also give him the chance to play as much baseball as he wants.
3.1 reluctance to go: Sawamura refuses to leave Nagano despite Rei's "sales pitch" to him and his family. He doesn't want to leave his friends just to play baseball in a stronger school far away because he had promised his friends that they would always stick together.
3.2 hero punished for this - his grandpa literally smacks/slaps him in being stupid and doubting his friends.!!! / technically circumstances are already punishing him for being a hotblooded baseball idiot in the first place.
3.3 do you think you have a choice - this is probably the only chance he'll get to play baseball with all his strength AND finish highschool.
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Venturing out into more competitive/pro baseball is a world beyond him. It's scary and unknown and he'd rather defeat bigger teams than leave his friends.
4.1 crossing physical threshold - Rei persuades him to at least check the school out with his own eyes. They leave Tokyo together for one visit.
4.2. crossing a metaphorical threshold - in that visit, sawamura, picks a fight with a senior who's bound for baseball drafts, works together with a nationally acclaimed catcher in defeating the senior player, thus changing his worldview because he had so much fun.
4.2. conscious and irreversible decision - Because of the experience he goes home conflicted. His family encourages him in their own way to follow his guts and heart and go to Tokyo.
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5.1 hero learns to navigate the unknown world - Sawamura learns the harsh realities of being in a baseball school once he actually starts to live there. Our boy also gets educated in Baseball and Pitching 101. He also finds out the true personality of the catcher he played with before.
5.2 meeting allies/rivals/mentors - he learns about the team better when he meets a whole bunch of people: batchmates, coaches and senpais. He builds interesting dynamics with all of them.
5.3 trials and initial failures - Sawamura undergoes difficult initial training and is barely allowed to play in matches.
5.4 meeting enemies - Sawamura being allowed to play as relief pitcher in the games and face talented pitchers and scary batters mostly in tense situations.
5.5 growth, new skills - Sawamura grows with each match, thus bolstering his confidence. Sometimes he falters but he learns from his mistakes.
5.6 first major success - striking out scary batters with each new thing he learns.
5.7 major challenge that leads to downfall - seido vs inashiro finals match where he goes in full of confidence and courage but then he and his team gets defeated in a devastating way.
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6.1 lowest point of hero where hero physically or metaphorically goes down - one month after their major defeat, a lot of intense practice matches and change in team dynamics, the team find out that Sawamura has the YIPS. This condition took away Sawamura's ability to pitch in his trademark style/ the only thing he was good at.
6.2 hero's darkest hour - without the ability to pitch, Sawamura questions his reality and why he is still on the team.
6.3 Face and overcome inner demons - with a lot of help from allies and mentors, Sawamura finds a way to bring back a bit of his ability.
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7.1 Discarding old self - In the duration of his downfall and eventual healing, Sawamura turns to books, meditation and becomes even more careful in maintaining his form and body.
7.2 Accepting the new role - instead of fixating on the ace position like before, Sawamura is just glad that he is still allowed to pitch as relief.
7.3 Finding path out of the belly of the whale/The road back - After figuring out a solution to fix his pitching, he focuses on it and regains some of his ability. Sawamura is then allowed to play in matches. Just like before, he improves little by little as he recovers from each failure. He gains fresher mindset and new weapons, thus becoming an even stronger pitcher than he ever was before.
7.4 more trials - they face new opponent schools and old but improved opponents which test the best of Sawamura and the team's ability
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every major match in ace of diamond has this part of the story but usually the most critical breather episode is the one before the final match.
8.1 show humanity of other characters - Somethng bad happens to the other mc without Sawamura knowing. This could absolutely wreck their chances of winning the final match. This shows that the other guys are not 100% invincible after all.
8.2 last chance to relax. - calm before the storm. It is also the time where they finalize sawamura's weapons.
8.3 quiet moment to reminisce - usually happens before each match. However the night before the finals was the major one because their old senpais went to visit their practice and encourage them.
9.1 Final Showdown - Sawamura helps in the team defense with the best of his ability and weapons and he succeeds. Their team eventually wins Fall Tournament even with a few setbacks.
9.2 Apotheosis - Sawamura's worldview changed once he realises that even with his improvement and skill, his goal of being the ace is still out of reach for him.
9.3 Ultimate Boon - Sawamura gets to be a pivotal member of their baseball team and can play baseball as much as he wants with his team.
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STAGE 7. ROAD OF TRIALS start again after the Fall Tournament Act 1 because Sawamura faces new challenges in Ace of Diamond Act 2.
Meiji Jingu Tournament - Play in matches without Miyuki
WInter camp and break - Intense Physical Training and development and improvement of his weapons which he will use and improve on throughout the rest of Act 2.
Spring Koshien where he realises that he has to do more in order to surpass the current ace which was Furuya.
Start of New Term/ Practice Matches - Sawamura and co. meets their new kouhai and team dynamics shift once again.
Spring Tournament / Summer Tournament - Sawamura meets old foes and new enemies. He also becomes the Ace Pitcher of the team, which adds more pressure on his part.
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This is the big and long one before Summer Tournament Finals match where injuries and problems were discussed and feelings were explored.
Final (Or most hyped and awaited rematch) Seido vs Inashiro in order to qualify for Summer Koshien Nationals.
**everything after this point will be prediction and just my opinion
STAGES 7-9 start again
Koshien Nationals Arc.
Miyuki/3rd years retirement/graduation. Sawamura and his batch will have to lead the team.
Sawamura gets to play with his team as ace pitcher.
Sawamura may become both ace and captain, same as his role back in his middle school team, albeit in a stronger school. Even if he won't be the next captain, as ace he will still be in a strong leadership position.
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That's how Ace of Diamond is written in the style of A HERO'S JOURNEY.
Act 1 writing especially followed the trope quite rigidly.
I still don't want Sawamura to be the next captain. I hope that does not happen. However if it does, it means the story will have gone back full circle. That would be quite poetic ngl.
Gotta applaud Terajima's pacing. Can you believe that the story only reached its lowest and most pivotal point at around episode 70 of the anime???? thank godt that after ep 63 I read spoilers about yips arc in tv tropes or else i would have dropped the series completely.
I had difficulty in classifying the events after the climax stage into hero's journey stages because technically sawamura has not gone "home" yet. Moreover the challenges and trials just kept on piling up after Fall Tournament.
In this whole story, Sawamura has experienced only one true "Belly of the Whale stage" during his YIPS arc. I don't think he really came to a low point in Act 2 other than his first official match as Ace Pitcher. I treated that in the same vein as the effects of Raichi's first homerun off Sawamura back in Act 1.
I realized that having stages 7-9 recur starting from Meiji Jingu to the current summer tournament is what made reading Act 2 quite frustrating for me. That's at least 5-6 arcs of endless roller coaster ride loops.
I consider Miyuki's departure to be the "CROSSING THE RETURN THRESHOLD" moment because playing with him was the major reason for Sawamura's decision to study and play in Tokyo. Something will change Sawamura when this eventually happens.
As Blue from OSP said, the Hero's Journey is just a general guide/framework to writing stories. It is flexible, writers don't even have to use it or all of its parts to make a good story. Terajima just seemed to have adopted A LOT of the hero's journey trope in his baseball series.
I wanted to add more pictures tbh but tumblr is a killjoy :(
This was a fun thought exercise. There were probably even some parts which I have used the tropes wrongly. Please feel free to dispute me.
I talked about Sawamura's mentors here (x).
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tuesday again 1/26/21
 i always feel like i should do something special for the last tuesday of a month but i never know what that thing should be
listening my girlfriend is a witch, by october country. they’re from california, this was released in 1968, and song sounds like it and exactly like the album cover art. wiki says this band is “folk rock” but i don’t know that i quite agree with that? i can hear a surf rock influence, but there’s also a disco sort of underline? as always please remember i am partially deaf and my musical opinions should be taken with a full pound of salt.
i’m not on tiktok bc i’m old and it feels precisely tailored to eat up all of my time. my sister and my best friend ARE on tiktok and they send me a carefully curated selection (many a day) of the “best” ones. this song has been on a bunch of em 
reading absolutely jack shit bc i have a no-fic-rec policy for the reading section
watching blue submarine no. 6. i have a lot of conflicting feelings about this. let’s get the good shit out of the way- postapoc sea setting is CANDY to me. good ship design. every submariner i have ever met has just been the weirdest fuckin person and i think that’s carried through here very well. there’s some fun military maneuvers here that are more complex than your typical anime battle scenes and that’s neat. there’s a sad disheveled anime boy i think is nice to look at. the very early CG has a charming amount of jank to it.
navy go brrrr
the bad- the plot is tenuous to nonexistent. the ending feels cheap, rushed, and unearned. i don't know if i’m missing some stuff, culturally- it feels like there are parallels being made here to japanese submariners in wwii and the pacific theater but i don’t know bc i’m a dumb american and nobody seems to have looked at this obscure four-episode OVA with a critical historical lens.
the very ugly- the creature design is initially interesting but after ten seconds you’re like “whoa hey this tribal society of mutated beast people is actually quite racist” and it does not get better throughout the series. the lead enemy admiral is an infantile shark dog man with dreadlocks. the special lady sea creature people are just tits out all of the time and there’s a very uncomfy scene with them that i don’t know how to feel about but wish it were trigger warned in some fashion.
further sidebar: why must we be either naked or in a skin-tight suit to pilot a mech when our male counterpart gets to wear a normal ass flight suit. why does anime do this (i know why but like. a rhetorical why).
playing pc still broken (upside down smiley face emoji here) so i’ve been combing through my phone like “wtf is in here, what did i buy and mean to play” and the answer is 2018′s Heaven Will Be Mine, also here on Steam.
Heaven Will Be Mine is a queer science fiction mecha visual novel from the creators of queer cult horror visual novel We Know The Devil, about joyriding mecha, kissing your enemies, and fighting gravity’s pull. Follow three women piloting giant robots in the last days of an alternate 1980s space program fighting for humanity’s future—or ditching their jobs to make out with each other instead. 
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this? this is candy to me. this is a good ass video game. i played through one route last night and i cried. i cannot talk about any of it without major emotional spoilers. 
making i was going to say this is a fallow week bc have been too fucking busy to make anything, but then i remembered a thing i’ve been meaning to do that took like ten minutes.
as previously stated, i haven’t done shit this week other than pull my amaryllis out of hibernation(feels a little spongy, concerning) and feed my sourdough. i always feel really bad when i have to throw out sourdough starter, so i’m going to dry the discard and see what happens in like a year? question mark? you’re really supposed to dry the fed, very alive starter but i don’t want to feed it twice this week and this is a very low-stakes experiment. i suspect, when/if i revive the dried discard, it will take much longer with more feedings to become an active healthy thing again but we’ll see! do not stay tuned to this one, PLEASE change your dial.
no pics bc it’s just sludgy dough on parchment paper on a cookie sheet
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
I recently saw a heavy criticism of The Beach saying "it's the single least realistic portrayal of teenagers on television: spoiled, rich kids don't actively shun Zuko for having a disfiguring scar on his face, no one tries to start shit with Azula over the volleyball game, teenagers referring to themselves as teenagers, a teen boy tells people not to make a mess, a bunch of 14-16 year-olds sit in a circle and psychoanalyze each other, everything else about the campfire scene." Your thoughts?
:’) that someone looks at the Beach and dismisses it for being “unrealistic” by whatever their cultural standards are is probably enough of a sign of the irrelevance of said person’s opinion. I mean, obviously they’re free to think what they will, but...
Fire Nation society is not American society. I’m going blind here, maybe this person isn’t American at all, but somehow I mostly see such kinds of narrow-minded criticism from first-worlders who are seldom exposed to lifestyles outside their particular, contemporary bubble of experiences. 
Now then, let’s get into the actual debate: Fire Nation society values violence quite a lot. Fire Nation society is full of people who saw Zuko’s literal Agni Kai burning scene, and didn’t look away: the only character who does is Iroh, a very obvious hint by the writers that Iroh has discarded the cruel moral values the rest of the Fire Nation upholds.
With this in mind, a boy with a scarred face might earn all sorts of “ews” from our societies, damn right. From Fire Nation society, though? If even watching how the burn is inflicted didn’t bother most of them, why would the result be a problem? If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if people with burn scars are even seen more attractive because it implies they were caught in violent scuffles with fire and still survived? Of course, the argument might go that Zuko’s burn is meant to be a mark of shame... but it’s a mark of shame for PRINCE Zuko. For that mysterious boy with the emo haircut in Ember Island, whose real identity is a mystery? It is shown, instead, to result in this reaction:
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Now then, we could say that this is meant to be a jab by the creators and writers at Zuko’s hordes of fangirls, because frankly, Book 3 has several instances of groups of girls swooning over Zuko and it might be what they were going for. In this case, though, they’re swooning over him WITHOUT knowing who he is, as opposed to the fangirls in Nightmares and Daydreams. So, while it absolutely can be inspired on the many Zuko fangirls the staff knew about, this actually ends up serving to characterize a society, a culture: they don’t think his scar makes him unattractive. It’s blatantly stated that their reaction is the opposite. So, instead of thinking “oh god that’s so unrealistic”, how about we actually stop trying to measure everything by our standards and consider that this could be an element of WORLDBUILDING...? :’)
(Also, I’m pretty sure there’s a fair share of privileged young women in our current society who think Kylo Ren was hot as hell with a huge scar across his face... are those people not real, by any chance? :’D If anything, they’re living proof that girls swooning over a scarred boy in ATLA are absolutely feasible, no matter if not everyone shares their opinion)
Continues under the cut becasue this got long....
Now then, Azula is shown to take the Kuai ball game too far. She outright causes the ball, in the final kick, to burst into flames and burns the net. Going by Chan and Ruon Jian, these kids are privileged idiots, why lie... but are these privileged idiots stupid enough to see a girl flying three feet into the air, kicking a firebent ball and then giving a foreboding speech, and say “OKAY WE’RE GONNA PICK A FIGHT WITH YOU FOR BEING SO COMPETITIVE!”???? I mean... honestly. Why would anyone do this? Azula turned an inoffensive Kuai ball game into a battlefield singlehandedly: THIS, as well, is meant to be a display of characterization. That people don’t take the game so seriously, that they wouldn’t pick a fight with her because she’s dangerous or because they just don’t care as much as she does... it’s characterizing Fire Nation people every bit as much as it characterizes Azula.
Azula and Zuko are both shown reacting in ridiculous ways to casual things in this episode: Azula takes the game too far, potentially stages the burning down of a house in retaliation for being rejected by a boy, Zuko is hysterical and jealous and snaps at Mai over stupid things... it’s, again, a matter of showing how poorly adjusted these characters are. They’re not normal kids. They DON’T behave like normal kids. Normal, privileged kids in the Fire Nation, are kids like Chan and Ruon Jian. The episode literally gives you the chance to see Fire Nation society for what it is, in a way no other episode does... and because it’s not like our societies, it’s somehow wrong?
... Also, teenagers referring to themselves as teenagers is somehow unrealistic? I mean... is it nowadays? I don’t think any teenagers had a problem with saying they were teens in my youth :’DDD literally remember MCR released a song called Teenagers and a lot of us loved it to pieces. What exactly is so outrageous about it? Might be that this worked better in the mid-00′s, but I hardly think this makes no sense? Aang refers to himself as a kid earlier in the show, is that unrealistic too and worth rebuking a whole episode over? Are all teenagers supposed to be pretending to be grown-ups, like so many 16-year-olds on Tumblr who always talk like they’ve figured out the world and try to impose rules on fully-grown adults upon whom they have absolutely no power? :’DDDDD Yeah, I think this particular point is a stupid thing to make a fuss over. Honestly, it is.
Chan tells people not to make a mess = unrealistic. Ha. Did this person ignore his reactions at the chaos Azula, Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee caused in his house? “YOU BROKE MY NANA’S VASE!!!”, anyone? Like... I’m sorry, but this IS characterization, yet again! This shows Chan is a spoiled brat who wants to stay in his family’s good graces. The party isn’t at all as crazy and wild as you’d expect from, again, an American teenage party... and why? Because, for one thing, Chan is clearly afraid of the consequences of too much chaos in the beach house: this implies fear of authority, of his parents, perhaps even his grandparents. 
For another, again, FIRE NATION SOCIETY: what does this clever critic know, by any chance, of Nazi Germany’s Hitler Youth? I’ve watched a few documentaries about it, and basically if you were a boy and you weren’t in Hitler Youth, you were no one. You were worthless. And what happened in Hitler Youth? Conditioning to the extreme. These kids were taught all the alt-right ideology that Tumblr despises, and they were made to believe it was an undeniable reality. Were there cases of kids who didn’t like it, kids who didn’t approve of it? Surely. But the general idea of Hitler Youth was to educate every kid to behave in the way Hitler considered appropriate, to the point where “the notion "Germany must live" even if they (members of the HJ) had to die was "hammered" into them.”
This is, of course, an extreme example and I’m sure Fire Nation education wasn’t that extreme because we saw it for ourselves, it’s not. But a slightly milder version of it? That’s absolutely feasible and consistent with what we see in The Headband. Therefore, kids getting high and drunk at a party? Maybe that kind of thing simply DOESN’T happen in a Fire Nation party? :’) Maybe they’re taught that those kinds of things are off-limits to anyone under a certain age (or outright forbidden, might be the case with drugs), and as they live in a tyrannical society that priorizes the Fire Lord and his decrees above all else, where his word is treated as that of a god, even mischievous teenagers refuse to act out? :’D oh, what an implausible concept, this just can’t possibly make any sense! Hitler Youth is unrealistic too!
Lastly, that a bunch of kids would sit in a circle psychoanalyzing each other seems implausible to this person is actually laughable for me. Not only have I constantly found myself, from my early teenage years to current days, serving as some sort of unofficial therapist for many of my friends, who share their woes and ask me for advice (whether they’ll heed it or not), most importantly, I once had an experience with a friend, back in high school, much like what happens with these kids in The Beach, after I’d spent years doing a lot of post-depression introspection. I shared a lot of stuff I didn’t often talk about, and beats me WHY I felt completely comfortable sharing it with my friend that day, but I did. She understood me, listened, offered her opinion, and we talked about her problems too. This happened when I was 15-16. If this person has never experienced such situation... why, that’s not anyone’s business. But it’s certainly not their business to determine this just DOESN’T happen, to anyone, ever. I can safely say it does, to people who do have problems and who sometimes just need a friendly shoulder to rely on. Maybe this critic’s life is just so perfect they’ve never had to share their woes with anyone else :’) I’m afraid that doesn’t invalidate those of us who are different, and it doesn’t invalidate the possibility that those four could talk, as they did, without breaking characterization, in the scene of the fireplace at the beach.
Saying that a show about a group of kids who save the world and then effectively become leaders of such world, facing very little opposition in the process, is unrealistic because “teenagers aren’t like that becuase I wasn’t like that as a teenager” may be one of the most ridiculous and shortsighted things I’ve seen in this fandom, AND I’VE SEEN A LOT OF RIDICULOUS AND SHORTSIGHTED THINGS. A person’s experiences are NOT universal, regardless of how widespread their culture may be. More importantly, fiction does NOT have to abide by rules established by our current society’s state and cultural values. ATLA, as it is, is a completely different world from our own, regardless of its inspiration in many Asian cultures.
I, personally, find it a lot more unrealistic that Fire Lord Zuko can become Fire Lord without much in the way of visible protesting or boycotting when he was a banished prince who didn’t even win in his Agni Kai against Azula since it’s Katara who ends up defeating her and, as far as the rules go, Azula technically won even if not in the most dignified of ways. I find it even more unrealistic that LOK tells us Zuko was Fire Lord successfully for 70+ years and the Fire Nation has been fully reformed into a non-warmongering country despite the 100+ years of indoctrination started by Sozin’s rule. That this gets swept under a rug, not only in the neatly wrapped finale that leaves a thousand unanswered questions, but in the sequel show that merely confirms Zuko succeeded and shows NOTHING of how he managed to reform such a fucked up society...? That is a thousand times more important to me than “privileged kids aren’t acting like privileged kids OMG!”. Honestly, you want privileged kids abusing all their privileges in our society? Go watch Gossip Girl, I genuinely recommend it. You want something that proposes a completely different possibility and a glance at what a society guided by a tyrannical dictator looks like? Feel free to watch The Beach again with a completely different focus and MAYBE you’ll understand what the writers were going for.
If this person happens to see my answer, I hope they learn that worldbuilding, for a storyteller, entails CREATING a world that isn’t necessarily like the one we’re familiar with. There are multiple layers to such a world, and society and culture are some of them. Not all cultures and societies work the same way, which is part of why sometimes you’ll find behaviors from people who belong to wholly different cultures and wind up perplexed because whatever they’re doing is completely unfamiliar for you. Are there any universal behaviors in humans? Maybe! But in a work of FICTION, even the most universal of behaviors can be changed, deleted, altered however the writer sees fit! :’D it’s not a novel concept, and as far as logical fallacies are concerned, this show features a whole slew of those that have nothing to do with this peculiar sense of “realism”, fallacies that absolutely can and should be called out. Namely, things that contradict the internal logic of the show, rather than things that are incompatible with OUR world. Portraying a world that’s very different from ours, on virtually every level you can think of? That’s called creativity, not lack of realism. Please learn the difference.
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
the fact that zarkon is always in his armor (i don't believe we've ever seen him without, even at his wedding) speaks a great deal for his character. i hope we see lotor without his in future episodes.
Honestly one of the things I really appreciate about Zarkon writing-wise is that he manages to come across like an ostentatious, selfish tyrant, while still being the trend-setting ruler of an incredibly spartan empire.
I’ve said it before but s3e1 is a fascinating illustration of galra culture and its ins and outs at the higher level, so the thing that you have to understand is culturally, the aristocrats here are vain and prone to showing off. They’re flaunting what their culture values, things that they have in abundance.
The TL;DR of this ramble is that rather than the empire stubbornly wearing their “work clothes” to formal occasions? Armor is formal attire for the empire.
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Throk defines himself as the ideal under galra culture. He confidently speaks for the fleet as a group and expertly tempts other commanders to his side. He’s the pinnacle of what the empire views as an ideal person, and he defines himself very explicitly and clearly as a warrior. He is a proud soldier, not a mere “enlisted infantryman” (scoff scoff), an individual of rank and power and most importantly of strength.
We see this underlying character established as early as s1e1, and throughout the series. A very specific, ritualistic phrase, offered by Sendak first: “I Conquer In The Name Of Galra.” 
“Vrepit Sa”- a real-world phrase that is the derived root of ‘vampire’, meaning to stick or cling to. And it’s worth noting in DotU and especially in GoLion, the galra were neck-deep in vampire imagery. Zarkon was very batlike in looks, they literally drank goblets full of blood, Haggar once hissed and recoiled from a holy symbol.
The imperial commanders define themselves as predators. They are hunters, they are conquerors. When Lotor basically needles Throk right in his cultural pride, he challenges Throk to prove himself as a soldier. “You say you’re strong, so let’s see you pick up a sword and step into the ring. Prove your worthiness by proving your strength.”
See how this aligns with, say, Morvok, in s2e6, that cheerfully tells the Taujeerians he’s just screwed over that if they deserve to live they’ll prove it by being strong enough to endure. Or how Zarkon states in s1e1 that endangering soldiers in such a way that half of them die will prove that the surviving half will be stronger for it.
The culture of the empire boils down to pride in strength, and pride in mercilessness. So thus the image of an idealized galra is a long-lived and loyal soldier, one who has brutally and mercilessly hacked down any who stands in their path. They are cunning, they are cruel, and they are insatiable. They defer to their betters and discard their subordinates.
And the empire and its high-ranking commanders are greedy, but not in the sense that they want to surround themselves in opulence and gold. Rather...
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They seize and hold vast regions, or command huge open spaces for themselves, that they have no intention of filling. Because the point is the invasive and aggressive nature of the deed. The point to Zarkon’s throne room is that as the Ideal Galra according to the empire, he has gorged himself on resources, on territory, on admiration. To approach him, to even be allowed in his presence, the other proud and conquering people in his environment must fold themselves up and become small.
And what this comes back to is that... of course these people are not covering themselves in extravagant resources. When all of their pride comes from being battle-ready soldiers, they cover themselves in armor, and only armor. They name themselves not as dukes, baronesses, or marquises, but as lieutenants, commanders, generals.
Which is why Lotor is able to play Throk like a damn fiddle by daring Throk to face him. The very implication of being not a soldier who will meet his enemies on the field of battle but a coward who’s scheming around behind the scenes creates immense pressure on Throk by the force of his colleagues and especially his allies- allies who backed Throk because they saw him as a better leader than Lotor.
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Which is no surprise, really- it’s abundantly obvious that Lotor is not a soldier. He takes a lot from Altean culture and Altea’s social paragons were diplomats, explorers, scientists- and the long skirt of his armor is a piece worn by galra researchers. Lotor wears his hair long, his armor is sleek and smooth compared to the bristling spikes, he chooses to wear his own colors over anything that would depict him as a rank-and-file member of the fleet.
And Lotor’s not trying to pretend he is. He takes no pride in conquest- if he attacks, it’s to further a goal, and he withdraws as soon as that goal is better served a different way. To the Puigian leader, he extends not “it is your destiny to be crushed under my heel because I, a Galra, am superior to you” but crouching to speak to his hostage on his level, trying to entice him with power, with collaboration. His speech in s3e1 is pointedly discarding, even mocking things that the empire considers cultural ideals. Especially the idea of refusing to back down when, in Lotor’s own words, “your repetitive attacks are getting you nowhere.”
Lotor has chosen very pointedly to shape himself to Altean ideals, to value diplomacy, communication, information and observation. Military matters, loss or victory, is only significant to him where it either nets him something valuable or risks taking that away from him. He invokes the imagery of the paladins, who were found worthy for the character of their personality- for virtues like compassion, instinct, curiosity, empathy. 
So what we see with the aristocrats in s3e1, that the fleet wrinkles their collective lip at the very thought of him, makes perfect sense. Because Lotor isn’t just unfitting in the galra ideal, he’s willfully subverting it and criticizing it.
But how does Lotor exemplify this, make his point, pretend to court the fleet’s opinion when he’s actually telling them exactly where to stick it?
He shows up as a gladiator. He shows himself off: all small and willowy, all dodging and evasive tactics- hair and armor in very Altean styles. He wears, proudly and comfortably and very, very obviously everything about him that makes him utterly unacceptable to the empire and he not only tricks everyone and sneaks up on them, but does so by posing as a slave gladiator.
Slaves, and the gladiators in particular, are the single lowest person in Zarkon’s empire. Below the average soldier, below non-galra citizens (who are shown watching gladiatorial matches in s1e3), gladiators live and die for the entertainment of the elites. They’re lab rats without rights.
Consider just how much of an audacious move that is for the prince trying to prove himself, when the empire considers so much as talking to prisoners socially frowned upon. Lotor up and pretended to be one.
And he uses that completely unacceptable, frolicking-about-with-the-lower-class kind of behavior and his completely unacceptable very atypical appearance, and he shows that all off, and then, he says “Hey, Throk. Fight me like a proper galra, because I know you’ve been plotting against me.”
Because Lotor’s just established himself as the most unacceptable atypical galra any of these people have ever seen without explicitly dropping his status as a mixed-race child- and now he’s accusing Throk of being improper by the standards of the empire’s culture.
This is a huge insult. And if Throk doesn’t immediately rise to this, prove himself a soldier, the implication is this outrageous brat is the better of the two of them- because passively folding up is how galra of the empire react to their social betters.
Throk actually doesn’t have any choice to respond. The entire commanding elite basically wheels to him with “Are you gonna let him talk to you like that, Throk? This brat? He wouldn’t know a real galra if it bit him, are you gonna let him accuse you of not being a real soldier?”
And of course the icing of it is, Lotor then proceeds to threaten Throk with the generals. Other “unacceptable galra”, using sneaky underhanded tactics. People Lotor has given the rank of general- making them higher ranked than Throk. Again, in the fleet, galra have some very ritualistic submission behavior to their ‘social betters’.
Lotor’s making it very clear if Throk doesn’t challenge him, that Throk won’t just be bowing his head to Lotor. He’ll be bowing his head to these guys. The generals each, in their own way, challenge Throk to back down- to fold and acknowledge them. Which Throk, a bigoted member of the old guard who doesn’t want to acknowledge Lotor’s legitimacy, much less that of the generals which he would view as even weaker, would rather die than do.
It’s not just a blow to Throk’s pride, Lotor precision suckerpunched Throk’s pride in front of the entire fleet and then sits there smiling because Throk’s fucked.
If Throk does the smart thing and backs down, his insurrection is over. None of his allies will stay behind him. He’s proven himself to be- scare chord- a coward. When elites in the empire are defined as being Proud Warriors, more than anybody else, people who would rather die than accept failure or defeat- if Throk folds, it’s a direct loss of status.
But of course Throk’s not going to be sensible- he can’t afford to be, and more importantly, Lotor just publicly humiliated him. So Throk is going to fight, and he’s going to be working overtime to prove that he’s a real, proper soldier, a true blueblood of the empire: proving how violent, merciless, and aggressive he is.
Which the other reason Throk is fucked is Lotor’s spent quite possibly years honing a fighting style that punishes excess aggression.
It’s a plan that hinges on galra aristocracy being incredibly proud and ostentatious and, just like any other case of nobility, keen to defend their status- with the added thing that in the empire, status is defined by martial prowess and cruelty to “lower status” individuals.
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
Everytime I see fans calling Itachi a horrible person, I roll my eyes because they still don't get he was FORCED to do what he did. If he didn't kill the Uchihas, then Danzo would have killed them all anyways without letting Sasuke live.
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Anyway I replied to similar asks here, here, here,  here, here, here, here, here and this is my Itachi defense tag because no one talks ill about niisan.
(pro-Itachi, anti-Konoha, anti-antiitachis, anti-ending, anti-Naruto as a character, anti-new stuff under the cut. same for the links. some are even anti-SNS and they’re ALL anti-SS and anti-kids)
I mean, of course your average tumblr know it all fan knows better, because they’re narrow-minded woke enough to apply 100% real life ethics and politics with bonus tumblr self-care and positivity crap to the story, of course they would have solved a problem that not even in-universe diplomacy could solve, they’re like those self-insert fics where bffs Alex and Keyla magically end up in Naruto world, only in this case they’re much better than that so they’d bring a team of lawyers, a bunch of psychologists, and probably a high school and a club (because why not) so everything can be exactly like real life, becase it’s impossible to imagine anything different and to hell the fact that as sad as it is, some tragedies are needed for the plot, and to make a characters’ personality special and endearing and amazing. Let’s face it, if bffs Sandra and Kat say Itachi is a horrible person, it must be true because they know better, all hail tumblr fans who know everything (except for narratology. but at least they’re not horrible persons).
It’s much better to fix the world’s flaws in the end, showing an improvement from injustice, than showing a world where everything is “healthy” and functioning, because that -shocking news- would be a world where nothing develops and everything is stale and boring kinda like some fans’, that’s why they have these brilliant solutions. If there is only light it’s nothing special and no one will appreciate it. When there’s shadows instead, you’re going to appreciate the light, and not just that, but also the contrasts, and light/shadow playing and mixing with each other.
I don’t go around searching for these people’s opinions as long as they stay in their lane, but it’s pretty obvious that I have a very negative opinion of theirs. They don’t realize that Itachi didn’t do it for Konoha, he did it for Sasuke. He sacrificed his whole clan for his brother’s life. He was well aware of Konoha’s dark sides and flaws but he let his brother live there so that he’d have a stable life, comrades, teammates, teachers, a life as close to normal as he could ever have, considering the circumstances and the tragedy he forced Sasuke to live.
Which, in his mind, no matter how terrible and traumatic and tragic, were still better than being dead, and his way of thinking, was a consequence of his witnessing war at 4, of being a shinobi since his childhood, a tool for the clan and the village. A shinobi, a soldier, to the core.
When Sasuke was born it was as if Itachi’s whole grim world brightened. Sasuke was everything to him, so it’s not strange that he went to such extreme lenghts for him, not even trying to fight back Danzo, or warning the clan or anything. He relied on Shisui to change the clan’s mind but it didn’t work, it’s said diplomacy didn’t work either, and then Danzo made him choose between saving Sasuke and losing him with everyone else. He knew instantly who was more important. Sasuke, always Sasuke. 
Even though he’d be traumatized and scarred for life he’d be alive.
Even though he’d be consumed by hate he’d be alive.
Itachi wasn’t a Konoha dog, a fascist or whatever. Even though he respected Hiruzen which is something everyone did, unfortunately. He had an absolute, singular vision of what should happen, complete with alternative plans and solutions, and he didn’t sway from that because in his mind it was the best course of action. He was a genius and he hated to lose, so he thought he knew better than others, since he was several steps ahead of everyone, yet he made a mistake: he underestimated Sasuke’s feelings for him. 
He assumed that Sasuke would compartmentalize his hate for him and otherwise lead a normal life in Konoha, then he thought that he would kill him and return to Konoha, not realizing that Sasuke lost his will to live after his death, since his whole life revolved around that moment. Itachi also tried to keep him away from Tobi/Obito, and to use Kotomatsukami to brainwash him into returning to the village, thinking that if Sasuke got to know the truth he’d have done something about it. But stil he didn’t realize the extent of Sasuke’s feelings for him.
So in my opinion Itachi’s actions are first and foremost to let Sasuke stay alive, a proof of the extreme lenghts he’d go for him, sacrificing his people, sacrificing even Sasuke’s mental stability, so that he’d be alive, and one of the aspects that make his character so complex, so controversial and so fascinating.
Also, it’s ironic that they’re all against Itachi wanting to brainwash Sasuke into becoming loyal to the village despite knowing its dark sides, but when Konoha manipulates him, starting from N*ruto’s tnJ then his discarding him, then the whole guilt tripping process then the inprisonment and its isolation (for those who consider that episode canon) then the isolation of a long journey, which result into Sasuke being completely brainwashed, apathetic and detached, they’re all like “how selfless N*ruto letting him go on a journey, so caring” and then they’re like “it’s not Sasuke that’s OOC” not applying concepts like brainwashing and manipulation and blaming any character for that, only blaming kishimoto’s writing, unlike in Itachi’s case.
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