#i don't want to attend meetings!!! i want to have freaky sex!!!!
altarmind · 11 days
t-shirt that says "quit your job. join the erotic transgender hivemind" in big block letters
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terrence-silver · 9 months
Had a dream about getting food eaten off of me (non-sexually) and now I can’t stop imagining Terry having human furniture
Definitely seems like something 80’s Terry would have
It’s as though he views those lesser than him as not even human
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But, honestly, c'mon, lets be real. Lets take the pink goggles off for a second: Try and imagine being this guy's ⬆️ employee at the height of his prime and just the absolutely debauched and downright freaky stuff you'd witness while working for him in the 80's.
It's the type of thing that puts Succession to shame, I feel.
Because, I do envision him coaxing people through the ringer of fire for his own sick pleasure, elaborately hazing them and having them take near goddamn ritualized amount of tests to progress anywhere in the hierarchy he's created; envision being a Dynatox employee, for example? A young Intern or someone wanting a promotion? Someone wanting to get ahead in Terry Silver's world? Nothing's for free, right? So, what would you be willing to do to get ahead under him? Don't even necessarily think it's about sex for Terry, but rather, more so about power. Ways he can perversely abuse it without consequences. Perhaps that ambitious secretary gets to stand behind his work desk for hours with their stack of papers because he's ordered them to, acting out the role of an elaborate human...shelf. Maybe if the fancy strikes him, he orders them to do it on one leg to fuel his own sadism and make it more difficult for them. Shift positions and hold up his ashtray for him as he dabs the residue of his cigar into it. Maybe get under his work table so he can place his feet over their back while they're on the floor, on all fours, and conduct a meeting, nobody even suspecting what's going on beneath the desk and even if they do, can you really confront the CEO of a conglomerate? Terry Silver, of all people? He might do it shamelessly in open view of everyone, acting entirely unfettered, nonchalant and all smiles, penalizing someone who's failed him and the strict NDA's all his workers sign render their lips sealed in sight of such measures. He can be an immensely kind boss after all. Truly. He rewards good effort by the tenfolds and punishes failure unscrupulously without you initially even knowing you're punished; he could be all kindness even as he puts you through the worst trauma of your life. Shocking what people are willing to overlook if you bribe and buy their silence with enough money and Terry would've loved testing and pushing that boundary each and every time.
Yeah, someone failed to dispose of a toxic waste delivery in Thailand.
Got to pay the ultimate price of being Mr. Silver's footstool for a month.
For all he's concerned, they got off lucky.
Imagine if they were a Whistleblower. You dread to think what happens to those.
Does he just have them dangled above a vat of toxic acid like he's a supervillain?
Does he maniacally cackle while he has his henchpeople do it?
What about the parties he attends and organizes? Company events? There's a naked woman (or a naked man) in front of Terry Silver's exclusive table in the VIP lodge and he's dining off of her and talking business with Firm Directors, Big Wigs and Fat Cats like it's no big deal, being as cool as a spritzer and you're not certain if this is a prelude to Caligula's orgy island on Capri you've just wondered into working for him and having earned your place here or any actual black tie all-personnel and special guests gathering, a stern faced Intern still standing behind Terry perfectly still and you could be left in equal measure confused if they're just that dedicated and professional and strictly no nonsense even at a party or if they too have been punished to act out the role of a disciplined human ornament in public while Mr. Silver gorges on the import Sushi plucked off of a pair of nipples and talking sums and numbers with great gusto. It's barely just 11 PM. You almost dread to think what'll take place after midnight, as you overhear Mr. Silver jokingly say something in the vein of 'If you want it that badly, what are you willing to do for it?' to a fellow Company Chairman from Japan as the honorable guest of the hour and it has you shivering in your skin because you'd just rather not know. You're not supposed to know, even though rumors fly and they come in any shade and variety of insanity right before disappearing as if though no gossip never existed and until all the remains is Terry Silver's squeaky clean image, leaving you wondering what working for him in his own private accommodations might be as a member of personal staff, up in that big mansion in LA, if working out at HQ is this unhinged. Your devotion is meant to be absolute and your silence total. After all, it is finely specified in your work contract; breaking any of Mr. Silver's requirements will result in the assurance you'll never get serious employment anywhere ever again; his reach goes shockingly far.
And all because you might've peeped about something off you saw or heard.
Who would believe you anyway, though? When Mr. Silver is all charm?
Only just the most loveable, entrepreneurial guy out there.
But, how deep does the rabbit hole really go?
When we put all of this into perspective, it is easy to understand just why Season 4 Terry Silver was so keen on wildly alerting and rehabilitating his image for a short blip. With the amount of skeletons this dude undoubtedly had in his closet, it is no wonder.
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Both Emily and Lorelai are planning to attend Rory's "Swearing In" for her Vice Presidency at Chilton So, this is a very similar scenario to the one that happened 4 episodes back in "Lorelai's Graduation Day". Yes ma'am, it's another "Lorelai is unhappy about having to be at a place where her mother will also be but Rory wants them both there" situation. Yeehaw.
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Shhh. Nobody tell her.
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This is such a great line, and I don't fancy myself much of a Quote Lover, but I love this one so much I want to make it a magnet and stick it on my fridge next to my "Why did you drop out of Yale" magnet.
Nothing of great consequence or interest happens at the ceremony. Rory and Paris give mediocre speeches. Things between Lor and Emily are still chilly. Emily wants to meet Lorelai for lunch at Luke’s the next day. I see Francie up on stage and remember, tis the season for an incredibly boring storyline involving mean-girl nonsense and school politics 🥱 Francie is the Jason of S3.
I plan to forward past a lot of that sillyness and save myself some time.
Rory tells Paris after the first student body meeting that she wasted everyone’s time and nothing was accomplished and nobody ate the doughnuts that were provided. Paris is incredibly turned on and asks Rory if she wants to get married.
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Just more Jess erasure... Alright, alright! This was Sookie's directive (supposedly) and it was said in jest. And here I was about to cancel Lorelai again for banning Jess from her stupid inn filled with mice. I've canceled her more times than an unwanted subscription to Dean Forrester Monthly magazine.
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Not me going "what is this stupid obscure reference that nobody will understand", then googling it only to find out it's from The Godfather, the award winning book and movie series that half the population alive has seen but not me. I don't watch movies, okay?
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Yes Ma'am!
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I hate this stupid bullshit. Blew past the entire scene.
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That's more like it.
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Luke: Kirk came to me for advice about whether or not he had a shot with you. I told him you liked movies and junk food and talking incessantly but we both agreed that there's nothing like some good lovin to shut someone up." So then you agree, the only thing that would get Lorelai to shut up is to fuck her? Take your own advice already, Sir, and do it already. You're killing us here. Lorelai: Can you bring me a sharper fork? I'm not sure this one will go through your hand. Ah, I see that like me, Lorelai is also a connoisseur of making jokes about injuring people with forks. We're not that different, you and I.
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What the hell else is there to do for fun in Stars Hollow?
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More Crusty nonsense. Followed by student council nonsense.
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Well if that isn't the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Pot calling the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Kettle black.
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At least Santa Claus visits his Children once a year, which is more than Christopher does.
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Not me and @frazzledsoul discussing just yesterday how often answering machines were used as a plot device on tv in the 90's and early 00's. AmyShermanPalladino in particular is obsessed with the humble answering machine. Because social media didn't exist yet and the male characters must have some way to harrass the women when they're apart. At least It's only Kirk this time so he probably meant well. Probably. He's kinda a perv. Lorelai: i hate my life. Maybe if we look into each other's eyes and say "I wish I were you" we could pull a Freaky Friday. (Imagining I'm me, Salty, and NOT Rory, Freaky Friday'ing with Lorelai): Let's see, let's see switching lives with Lorelai: The whole "fucking Luke" thing is good But then I'd also have to fuck Dean And I'd have to fuck Crusty.. Max? (eh?) Alex? (sure) Have Emily as my mother... Working at a dumb Inn... Idk if having sex with Luke is worth all that. Rory: "If we switched bodies, I'd have to date Kirk." If you switched bodies, Lorelai would have to date Dean. I don't hear her complaining about that.
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The real star of Gilmore Girls.
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Oh no. Not the LOR.
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*smashes that bottle of wine over Crusty's head*
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45? FORTY FIVE? He tripled the record held by the previous contender. Dean better step his harrasment game up if he wants to surpass that number. Crusty: "You don't get to dictate what to do! I called you (45 times) and you didn't respond so I did what I had to do. You can't shut me out, that's wrong! Your'e keeping Rory from me! Why hasn't she called me back?" EXCUSE ME? EXCUSE MEEEE??
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Oh my, the whiplash of seeing Rory stand up for herself and get into Crusty's face, only to have her head to Doose's in a few moments where Jess will give her the peg-lowering of a lifetime and she'll limp away defeated with her tail between her legs. I'll put that in my next chapter. Things Googled While Watching Gilmore Girls: Clemenza, I Take A Nap Gif, Now Kiss Gif, Spelling Of Connoisseur Cutting Room Floor A joke about how Jess won't be invited to any more Bracebridge Dinners since he's vegetarian and he's banned from the inn.
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