#i don't wanna be rude but SO many brand new players who haven't even got 1 promotion join thinking they're hot shit but instead they
snavian · 1 year
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hell is real and it's a haz 4 elimination mission with a korlok at the start with a wall between the heart and the rest of it so you can't reach the healing pods and your team keeps reviving each other instead of killing the things shooting at them because they're greenbeards who don't know any better but then the korlok pops a dreadnought cocoon which spawns the twins and your teammates get so frustrated they leave and new people keep joining because it's a double xp mission but they're ALSO greenbears who see the shit going on and leave right after getting downed and by now you're out of ammo but you don't have enough nitra for a resupply so you desperately dig into the next cave with a slither of health left and run straight into a contagion spike and two spitballers but you have no ammo so you keep running and finally at last you find a lootbug and dash back to molly and finally call a resupply
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