#i don't think ockham would react well to being seen as some sort of a scientific marvel to be studied
viric-dreams · 4 months
Ockham doesn't much like talking about being a reflection. The more people who don't notice, the better. This isn't because Ockham himhertheirself has a problem with it, but everyone else in London's behaviour is infuriating. Ockham can feel that switch from seeing himherthem as an independent being to merely a shadow of someone else. But Ockham isn't some imperfect facsimile of the surface sailor. A non-insignificant portion of hishertheir memories, identity, that which makes a creature sentient and unique, is of Parabola, much of that from the Fingerkings themselves. Ockham simply isn't that human.
And Ockham can't stand the way people seem to treat Surface Ockham, like someone who's still alive and just needs saving. They can't seem to understand that that's not a person anymore. They always seem to prioritise other creatures of the Is, even when there's nothing left to save. They don't know they're doing it, but don't seem to be able to grasp that the creatures of the Is Not can be just as real. Even the language, Is Not, implying a negative.
They don't seem to get that Ockham doesn't want reconciliation. Ockham wants revenge. And if no one will understand, then there's no point in saying it.
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