#i don't think minato would ever cheat on his partner but i do think he'd find cucking some schmuck guy hot
mixelation · 2 months
the other thing i have been rotating is a minato/mikoto affair fic. it's an AU where minato survives the kyuubi attack but kushina doesn't. so, minato ends up a single dad in an extreme state of grief. he's a "i can do everything!!" person and he really desperately wants to raise naruto without hiring help because he sees that as giving up and obviously he can't do that to kushina's son???
and mikoto is like. oh my god you stupid man. let me help u.
there's some political tension because, as in canon, minato low-key thinks the masked man is madara and so a lot of higher ups are like "not the UCHIHA" and fugaku low-key wants coup because he thinks it's only a matter of time before minato also turns on them. and mikoto is caught in between and she's SO sick of how both the vllage and her husband keep twisting what it means to be loyal to her clan, but she genuinely wants to help minato bc they're FRIENDS and kushina promised her naruto and sasuke would grow up together. and like, yes, the way i write mikoto, she definitely has some ulterior motives where she wants minato's political power on her side, but she didn't count on him being so charming and kind and handsome--
anyway eventually (very eventually, i don't think minato would move on enough from kushina to do this for YEARS), he fucks her on his desk and she's like. fugaku who
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