#i don't think i have trypophobia but this is starting to make me think otherwise
bansept · 1 year
The Child of God
Part 9
Hello again! It's been a short while, I know. End of the school year is a hustle, so many things to do, plus the internship, working with no breaks, yuck. But we are here! So please enjoy this! TW: some trypophobia by the end with a zest of tiny violence
Giorno grew healthier by the day under Father's strict schedule and Bruno's supervision. The two older boys with him kept him company even during the breaks the adults were allowing them. Narrancia was always noisy about his fundamental dislike of mathematics, and Mista had a mysterious, and quite ridiculous in Giorno's opinion, fear of the number four: they could never run 4 laps, or eat 4 cannolis, or even speak the number four without the boy screaming in disgust.
"That's just silly, Mista. The number 4 has no incidence on the events." Giorno rolled his eyes at the tanned boy next to him, the shade of the tall olive tree they were resting under sheltering them from the burning blaze of the late afternoon sun. Mista glared at him when he heard the cursed word come out of the blonde's mouth, but frowned.
"No what? You talk funny sometimes, Gio."
Giorno rubbed a hand on his arm, shrugging lazily. Reading with Father gave him a clear advantage: he knew a vast amount of words for his age, words too complicated even for some grown-ups! He felt proud of himself for this feat, knowing Father was looking at him with the pride of well-invested time, although sometimes his two friends didn't understand him because he was too clever. It was a bother, but he figured they would learn complicated words soon too.
Mista was drinking from the small water bottle by his side, loudly gulping down and exhaling, the heat from the running and the weather making him sweat profusely.
"Anyway, you're not hot?" He wondered as he faced Giorno.
"No, it's okay. I made sure to calm my breathing when running." Mista pulled his tongue out, grunting. Giorno stared back at the well-maintained yard at the back of the villa. Bruno was no longer standing by the doors with his arms folded; he probably drove Narrancia back to his place. The child visibly had issues staying by the villa, whimpering about a bad aura.
"... Say, Gio." Mista spoke again, his dark eyes suddenly serious. "You never get scared here?"
"Scared? Of what?"
"Well... I've never been inside the house, but everything is always in the dark, there's never any light... And it's just very... I don't know, spooky."
Giorno stared at Mista, a surprise looked on his face. He shook his head, completely lost. Scared? The house was spooky? What in the world was he talking about?
"There's no light because there's no sun going inside. That way the house stays cool so it's easier to sleep at night." Giorno explained simply, matter-of-factly. "I don't understand why it's scary, there are lots of nice people inside, why would you be scared of them?"
"Nice people? They're nice to you... Last time, I tried to get in to go check the kitchen, y'know, to eat something, but the door was locked, and the old lady, Gloria I think, started yelling at me for coming inside without any supervision. She's real mean, and for nothing. And, I ended up not having anything to eat!"
Giorno shrugged. It had been established for a while there were definite times for meals, and Gloria, the one mostly responsible for the cooking, never allowed any snacking. Called it bad for growth. Giorno extended his hand to Mista, silently asking for the water bottle. Talking while recovering in the heat was making him thirsty. The other boy gave him the drink after pouring some water into his hand and splashing it on his face while Giorno drank carefully, taking his time.
"The people in the house take care of me when Father is too busy." He explained once the bottle was back on the floor. "They're nice to me, they take good care of me. Father wouldn't let it be otherwise."
Mista glanced at him for a moment, hesitant.
"Your father... I only saw him once or twice... He's a giant."
"He told me he ate all his soups when he was my age. Maybe it does work."
"Nah, he probably ate other people too to be that tall!"
Mista laughed, and Giorno let out a chuckle. It's true, Father was taller than anyone he had ever seen, or heard of. His own parents must have been giants as well. Mista gripped some of the grass on the soil, pulling it out and playing with some of the bits in his hand.
"Nah but really. If he's good to you, then good. But he definitely doesn't like me. Or Narrancia. Even Bruno, I'm sure. He looked at us like we were insects crawling on you."
Father had agreed to allow Giorno to have friends. He had accepted them in his gardens to be with his son, learning with him, training with him. Surely he was warmer to the 3 outsiders than Mista believed. His will was absolute after all, and he definitely didn't give it lightly.
"I think I saw a bird's nest nearby, come." It felt useless to linger on those thoughts, Giorno stood up and slowly walked to the opposite of the yard, Mista trailing after him, whimpering about the afternoon being too hot to linger under the sun.
The mansion woke up the moment the sun hid behind the faraway mountains, coloring the light stones in a blue hue. Giorno waved at the car, the small white Fiat driving away with a cloud of dust. With the end of the day came the end of the week, allowing Bruno and Mista to leave the huge house to take some rest and enjoy the weekend, a small vacation Father had granted them in a surprisingly kind moment. He had towered over Bruno, once again, dark brows furrowed in thought, and nodded while waving his hand, dismissing the foreigners lazily. Giorno didn't try to understand why a break was necessary for his friend and tutor: Father insisted on the fact they were different from them, that they were mere mortals with simple, mostly worthless needs and desires. Giorno and him, on the contrary, were of a higher standard, a higher breed. Greatness was not something they could achieve by taking 'breaks'.
It made sense why Father was the tallest, strongest, most intelligent man Giorno knew. He never stopped working for it. Always in his study, reading about poets and philosophers and inventors, politics and science, the man abhorred the idea of reaching an end to his quest for knowledge. Even now, as Giorno felt a warm breeze tousle his hair from where he was seated in the backyard reading his own encyclopedia, it was futile to wonder why Father hadn't greeted him yet. He was an extraordinary man tending to his great plans.
"I wonder what he's doing... What do you think?" The boy turned to a small frog sitting by his side, the beady eyes of the spongious creature blinking dumbly. "I wish I could know as many things as he does. Know all the names of all living things, know how to tend to them..." Green eyes met black, his small hand reaching to pet the animal gently, the slimy feel of the mucus sending shivers to the boy. "Or how to destroy them."
The frog emitted a small cry, as if nervously staring at Giorno, before a sea of shivers assaulted it, covering its ridiculous body in red buttons, the mucus drying almost immediately to let the bubonic ill spread. The frog didn't move or emitted any sound as blood poured out of the small pores of the skin. Giorno calmly observed the scene, his green eyes traveling over the body with scientific interest until they became bored and turned back to his volume.
Because I love to think Giorno would start being sociopathic like his Papa after spending his time with him from a young age See you for the next one!
Part 8
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melon-dot-com · 11 months
The chaos of thoughts are below. Have fun ig. I definitely did. I'm free. Whose gonna be bothered. Whose gonna stop me. My city now.
[Contextual info: Watching something new]
So I'm watching The Apothacary Diaries. It seems to be pretty new with only 3 eps so far. Unless the site I'm using is just behind. It's also in dub which will make it not as caught up. I really like it so far and I'll be honest I was very close to not watching it. I saw it on the website I use and was hesitant. Not for any specific reason, I just have trouble starting new things. But I kept getting this nagging feeling I should give it a try.
I even had to make myself watch the next ep becuase part of me was like well I'm not quite investeddd. What if I just did something elseee. Almost distracting myself with non-commital entertainment like usual. Like playing casual games or watching youtube. But then I got that feeling again, that I should stick with it and that it'd be worth it.
[General info: Maomao]
Maomao is the main character- AKA the cute determined chibi here. When she is giddy and happy they show her with blushy cheeks, cat mouth, and cat ears. Often wiggling the cat ears and body swaying. She is very animated. Sometimes it's just that; a little cute and exaggerated features. But sometimes it's like here where it's full blown baby chibi moment. And it's so adorable… if I think abt it too hard it's likely I will perish.
[Maomao: Main passion and expertise]
She loves well. Apothacary related things. It's not just her specialty but she loves doing it and always wants to learn more. Personality wise she is relatively calm, a bit disgruntled, secretive, and independent, until the opportunity for remedy creation and other related things come up. Which brings about a joy she is hardly able to contain.
Honestly she is pretty relatable but my area is more like psychology and analytics. Physics and crafting. Grief and how we approach death/s… I find her passion yet seriousness about being an apothacary to be refreshing and relatable. I have a love for knowing and understanding of strange things as well! And just things that don't get much attention otherwise.
She especially likes testing out poison and venoms on her arm. And she, presumably, uses this to gather information on how to create an antidote or remedy for them. She does it on the same arm every time, which while I suppose makes sense as to not mess up other body parts… I can't see it being as effective on scarred skin. Though for all I know that's the point and doesn't actually effect the observing process. It's not like I'd actually know.
Also she does address at some point that she isn't as sensitive to poisons since she did it for so long. I'm just not sure about skin related irritations.
[The testing scars]
She wears a strip of guaze or guaze-like material around the arm she kept testing on to hide it's scars. Probably to not alarm people or to seem unsightly when she is working. I don't think she cares that much about it herself though or is even self conscious outside of maybe being fired for it. It's the result of her passion and hardwork after all. If someone judged her for it I doubt she'd change her mind about it. The women that showed concern for her when she was younger didn't seem to phase them from continuing.
[TW: About the testing itself]
Honestly TW for the flashbacks of her doing the poison and venom testing. It's brief but her arm is real messed up. Particularly if you have cluster related phobias or trypophobia. Which I find those tend to go hand in hand. I might go back to try and timestamp the moments so others are aware… Even though I get kind of itchy just thinking about it. Ugh.
[Dynamic with other main character]
So there's this important guy- uhhh. Emperor's son. Don't know if that has a name. He may also be a set of multiple sons. I don't normally watch things in this setting I know nothing. Clearly. sdjfsjd
As you can see I forgot his name but he subtly.. well not so subtly, tries to get Maomao's attention. In his own words he said he thinks he'll try at seducing a bit. It sounded more in the context of getting her enamored wth him rather than full on seduction. AKA no actual motive to get with them or in bed with them. At least it sure seems that way for now with how nonchalant and carefree he is about it.
[General info: other main character]
He is your usual fancy boy with a sort of graceful arrogance. He looks pretty but truthfully does not awe me like the women in the show. They are SO so pretty and cute. One of the high class ladies is of course especially dressed up. She seems a bit playful and cheery in a teasing way and has lovely pink hair in an updo with accessories. And I'm like… ahh my heart…
Fancy boi (I am lazy and will get his name later sorry fancy boy :( ) doesn't lack attention but he does find it a bit odd that Maomao doesn't seem flustered by his presence and even off put by him. At some point he finally makes a quiet comment about "Why don't you react'' (Something like that)
[That one scene from the gifset: fancy boy is into it]
I think afterward- my memory gets mixed up so maybe it was before the above. He talks to his… main guardsman? iirc. They talk a bit about some current problems they are facing and then fancy boy says that he is intrigued by how she doesn't react the same as the others. And then gets all chibi-happy about it like ahh I've never been treated that way before <3 all blushy and content. Then his guardsman, as if he just heard about a private side of him, goes alright well I'll take my leave now-- and slides out of view.
[Circling back their dynamic]
I got sidetracked but wayy in the beginning of Maomao and his encounters. She notices his directed glances, obvious casual posing, and getting a little too close in personal space. She is, reasonably, disgusted and disturbed about it. Probably the right reaction to a person in power clearly focused on you.
There has already been a moment though, where she was little grumpy and weirded out by him getting close behind her. But not outright disgusted like I saw before.
That said, she probably thought about maybe not reacting negatively toward one of the people she works for. Or just upper class people in general for that matter. Idk if the creator/s thought about that though and it might just be showing the viewer that she's a little more familiar with his weirdness now. _ End / 11/12/23 / 22:16
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locria-writes · 2 years
i'm not religious, but i'm starting to see the appeal of blaming shit on god because i really wanna fight the dingbat who designed the human body
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bellflower-goat · 2 years
𓆉 𓆟 𓇼 𓆞 𓂂 𓆝 𓂂 𓆡 𓂂 𓆝 𓆟 𓂂 𓆟 𓇼 𓆞
Hi there! Im bellflower-goat and welcome to my blog :]
They/them or He/him
Icon by floating_vibes on twitter https://picrew.me/image_maker/1629476
I draw and make some other stuff! I just don't really know how to organize things so it's kinda hard to find, but im working on it! (lie)
Also, drawing requests are always open :]
Some tags I use are
#:o!! and #:o!!!!!!! For stuff I like a lot,
#cap look away for stuff like sea critters n trypophobia
#goat's doodles for my drawings (not all of em are there yet)
#cajón de tiliches for random stuff I don't wanna lose
And a whole lot more but that's the basics I think
I dont tag it at all but if ya see any of these bad boys:
:] <:] :[ :D :c D: :l <:l >:l
Then it's probably me rambling abt something
Everything here is okay to interact with (by that I mean like, commenting, liking or rbing) unless I say otherwise in the tags or something
Also if I find a cool blog I usually like n rb spam so sorry if ya dont like that feel free to block me or something but soft blocks don't really work cause I'm not very bright n I will follow ya back so yeah
Terfs, exclusionists n bitches who come here to start problems can fuck right off, I block liberally and won't waste my time w/ anyone who sees me as inherently lesser or something like that
If ya need anything to be tagged or want to avoid specific content I rb from time to time, then fell free to let me know n I'll se what I can do (by that I mean that if it's a tw or cw I'll tag accordingly, and if it's a "I want to avoid x topic" then I'll make a tag for that, for example 'cap look away' is for a friend who avoids squids, trypophobia, bugs n some other things) almost all the time it's something I enjoy doing so just say so if ya need stuff to be tagged :]
English ain't my first lenguaje so if I write weirdly or stuff like that then sorry
And that's all I think
Enjoy your stay n have a 🍓 if ya read this far :]
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0tivez · 3 years
Hello!! I got back from the beach today :D Getting back home from a trip is a weird experience,, Its like getting plucked from a universe into another :p
(Okay but looking back at what I wrote this ask sounds kinda vent-y?? I hope that's okay TT)
ANYWAY if I have to be 100% honest I kinda feel like a poser?? You have such a nice way of speaking about the series that you like and the characters that you love and I kinda feel like I might be wasting your time in a way?? I keep thinking "How dare I share my thoughts on [redacted], and start nuanced conversations around it when I barely know a thing about it?" and then my answers end up being kinda meh (bc I haven't watched the anime/read the manga) and Ig that can be disappointing, ya know?? the way someone can't give back the same energy after talking about something that you love, (and something they've said they love as well). I think its unfair for you to read my "barely there" opinions on JJK/AOT/etc when I don’t know much about it. But in a lighter note! I do enjoy hearing your opinions/thoughts, its clear that you hold a lot of love for the characters and stories, and hearing people talk about things they're passionate about is very nice! I like the idea of Sukuna and Kenjanku making a pact and thus Sukuna can't be that involved in his defeat! Its a very cool theory imo :D
I feel like Yaoi ships are exploited quite a bit, and tbh I have a dislike towards the use of them as a marketing tactic :/ I don't find anything inherently wrong with Yaoi ships, but sometimes there's fetishisation of mlm relationships (from fans and authors), and then the use of queer baiting to attract more readers. I don't know much about the ships in Haikyuu or bnha; one of my friends told me that Haikyuu is the anime with the most Yaoi fanart which fair, but I want to know if they actually counted it or saw the amount?? I wanna know how they reached that conclusion for certain TT STILL if you remember what pairings your friend told you about pls share!!
Also, apparently I need explicit romantic subtext to detect romantic chemistry between characters? bc otherwise everything looks/feels platonic to me...? I don't know why I'm unable to perceive romance unless the authors slaps me in the face with it :,)
I like it when characters are "oblivious" about how messy their situation is, and then little by little they start de-romanticising their reality. Its heartbreaking don't get me wrong, but I like the way most authors play around with that "trope".
The way character deaths hit so fucking hard, specially if you've been following their character journey from the start. It amazes me the way I get randomly sad bc I randomly remember a fictional death lol
IT WAS TERRIFYING BC I WAS SITTING IN FRONT OF A WINDOW AND I WAS SCARED SOMEONE WAS GONNA SEE MY TAB (I managed to see the shower panel on Pinterest as well I think so...👀)
Gojo being the only survivor would suck imo. For some reason I kinda want him to die?? Don't get me wrong I love the guy but the idea of this "invincible" person that everyone put on a "god" pedestal (against his will, at least to my knowledge?) passing away is intriguing. I wanna see how the Jujutsu world reacts to that and the impact it has on society. The only one survivor trope is cruel. It makes me cry and I will take no criticism TT
I also meant to ask! When you mentioned the song that played during Geto's death scene, you meant in the movie, right? I haven't watched it yet TT where I'm from, movies arrive at least half a year after the original release, and that's only if they're "mainstream" so... I'll probably have to wait for a year and a half :,)
I checked the art for Berserk and I kinda enjoy it ngl, tho some panels triggered my trypophobia a bit, I think its neat.
The whole cuss word is "la concha de tu madre". The literal translation of this is "your mom's p*ssy" BUT according to google it means "fuck you and your mom's p*ssy" which, fair translation I think? Its more like a cuss sentence tbh but the way its pronounced and written varies depending where you are. Where I live its mainly pronounced "la Concha Su Mare" and thus shortened to CSM
Yuzuru's skating compels me become a better version of myself. Every time I watch him skate I get a surge of motivation to do whatever lmfao. He won 4th place! It was amazing the way he climbed back to the top (he was in 1st place until Shoma Uno's turn to compete) considering he was in 8th bc of the hole on the ice! I know he's Yuzuru Hanyu, so its not that surprising but still awesome imo! :D
YESTERDAY'S EPISODE OF EUPHORIA WAS SO GOOD. I had to watch it on someone's twitch stream bc I didn't have access to hob :,)
Imma send you the link for the Toji Pinterest pic in other ask bc I think Tumblr deletes asks with links?? am I wrong?? I might be wrong but just in case :p
You're truly such a sweet person TT thanks for reading! (and for the reassurance in the last ask :,) things got a bit hard to handle as of recently)
I hope you have a good day/night! :D
- 🥳 anon
you can vent to me baby!
you're not a poser, don't ever even think that! i like talking about things i don't know much about too. i mean, i literally watched 4 episodes of euphoria and discuss the latest episodes with my friends lol. sorry if i made you feel like a poser :/ i just hyper fixate on shows a lot and just... have so many opinions on them lmaooo you're nowhere wasting my time, it's just a chat we're having! i know my opinions can often be... dominating? i guess? i kinda tend to try to be on the top, i try not to talk before knowing everything about something but that's just because of stuff that happened when i was younger that made me this way lol it's really okay. i love reading your thoughts on things too!
for the aot thing, we should probably leave that out of this classification since it's pretty controversial still lol i support the controversial idea. i used to debate about it on the snk wiki dc so i'm usually well prepared for it kwalmdksemwfkmds
exactly what i'm thinking!! if you ever watched any of cdawgva's videos (which i highly recommend), you can see that japan kinda sees yaoi/gays as some sort of marketing strategy, with yaoi cafes (connor made a great video about it) etc.
haikyuu is very much shipped cause the male friendships in there are so strong and healthy. i believe kuroo/kenma and tsukki/yamaguchi were supposed to be canon, she said it was officially stated by the mangaka but i didn't fact check it. it would make sense tho, i can definitely see the homoerotic aspects of their relationships. for bnha, i haven't watched it and i find the "bnha fans are so cringy!" thing kinda overused. its target demographic seems to be younger girls, tho definitely not dominated by them. herohei usually made short videos about them on twitter and yeah... it really has a toxic fanbase.
lmaoo yeah you kinda get used to it after a while. it's really confusing tho, how most of the ships just don't be openly canon. i mean, look at yuri and victor lmaoo my best friend and i debated on whether they kissed on that scene or not. japan, c'mon. don't tire us pls
oh, you mean eren's death? yeah </3 i can't look at previous seasons cause he looks so young and innocent... anyways moving on AHEM
i sometimes go on twitter on public transportation, when it's cramped up, with much taller people standing behind me and you know i follow the trash taste boys and my fucking god the amount of times they liked a lewd fanart/hentai panels and put them on my feed is un fucking countable
yeah i want him to die too. it would break my heart, but just like levi, seeing him live on with so much pain... i can't handle that
yeah from the movie. we don't have a release date either, we never used to get anime films on theaters before but i saw the sword art online and bnha movies a couple months before, so hoping to see jjk 0 too!! PLEASE! though i would watch the leaked version once it gets released in usa, then go and watch in in theaters with my friends. i will wear 0 make up, i will cry.
i saw so many leaked scenes from the movie and many japanese people explain the stuff from the film on twitter too. i believe there was a screening with the smell things? i forgot what they were called but turns out geto smells like sandalwood and incense and gojo smells like nothing <3 ngl i found a sandalwood perfume on zara and will run to smell him once i find time
oh i have trypophobia too lol i never found one with it! i find tha panels with griffith so pretty <3 junji ito made a manga purely to trigger trypophobia lol i just remembered that. i love junji ito so much, he makes every odd thing i'm scared of
OHH okay that makes sense lol we use abbreviations for cuss words here too. i thought it would be something like cum lol
aah you put me back in my yuzuru phase anon! literally. my feed is filled with him. i was so so angry how underscored he was this year. he couldn't land the jump for obviously external reasons but aced the rest of his routine! he didn't fall, he landed perfectly every other time. considering how he won gold with a fall and silver with 5 falls, he was extremely underscored this year. i watched a video about ice skating controversies, number 1 being yuzuru's underscored routine. he compared yuzuru's previous scores and this year's and the difference is like day and night. let me link it, it was so fun and informative!
he's really something else man. he skates inhumanly. he flows on ice like water and has the personality of a teddy bear. i love him so much, this year's scores broke my heart. he also defended the judges on his thesis, he said "the moves became so complex that the judges don't know how to score them" he's so adorable. i need to watch yuri on ice again since THEY ARE JUST NOT FUCKING RELEASING ANYTHING ABOUT THE MOVIE yes mappa i'm looking at you
i need to catch up with euphoria asap >.<
aww thanks! i love talking with you, you're so nice! take as much time as you need, take care of yourself! i'm always here <3
have a good one! (*/ω\*)
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