#i don't regret reading these stories but i'm not unconditionally recommending them to the internet in general lol
businesstiramisu · 2 years
oh have you ever read moby dick? if you have, im curious about your thoughts on it. if you haven’t you may be one of the few people i can recommend it to because if you regularly trawl AO3 there’s a good chance you don’t mind reading very long fiction of questionable quality
I have not read Moby Dick, and I'm mostly interested in it b/c Ashley keeps talking about its influence on Unsounded. Well, all the tumblr shitposting about Herman Melville's life and, like, authorial voice helps too, but there's a lot of 19th century literature Like That
OOF, but... looking at most of the the time travel I've been reading this month, I can't say you're wrong, lol. I typically prefer shorter fanfic -- my median bookmark is probably under 10k words, DEFINITELY under 50k, and Moby Dick clocks in well over that at 209k words!
Still, I do intend to check it out at some point!!! I am,,,, very slow at getting around to non-AO3 reads nowadays though, so i dunno when that will be.
Need to reread The Legend of Sleepy Hollow first, though, for Halloween preparation reasons. People should nag me about that.
5. on that subject i should also get back to @forumkedis Aldish Austen Abomination, I was really enjoying that (sorry for falling off tracking updates, FK D:)
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