#i don't personally enjoy most dark content or smut SO I DON'T ENGAGE WITH IT
strxnged · 1 year
throwing up bc the first thing i saw when i woke up is a post from some person REBLOGGING someone else's fic and ranting about how the characterization is terrible. i had a look at the person's blog and they had several posts about other characters, basically just ranting about how people who characterize them certain ways are awful and wrong and should stop posting their content or wtv. and obv the first and last interaction I'm going to have with this person is blocking them, so that they don't have the opportunity to reblog one of MY works and tell me that MY fanfiction is wrong. but how was this supported? how were there people in the notes agreeing with their sentiments?
there's a difference between extremely problematic content that isn't properly tagged, and characterization preferences. it's actually fine to reduce characters down to a few personality traits, it's actually fine to reject source material. please let people write what they want. and don't reblog it with unsolicited criticism 😭 if you prefer something else for a character.... WRITE IT YOURSELF <3
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
okay like being entirely honest i absolutely adore homelander i think he's stunning and i love the content people make for him but like... something that kinda bothers me and stops me from being able to fully enjoy homelander smut especially is the fact that he's literally a r*pist? and the way he treats women in the show is appalling i don't even care if it's the influence of trauma in his life it still makes me feel really uncomfortable..... idk it's just been on my mind recently since i've only recently been actively engaged with the fandom.
and like the whole butcher x homelander thing is really cute and the art for it is great and the memes are funny and whatever, but at the same time...... HL literally sa'd the love of butcher's life and constantly endangers the life of her son, and butcher has committed his life to destroying him....idk i just think about it whenever i see any homelander content. it's sad though. i have to catch myself whenever i find myself liking him too much because i have to remind myself how awful he is.
of course this isn't meant to hurt anyone who makes/enjoys the content!! but.... hmph. idk. does any of that make sense lmao?
Well, Anon, I’m not sure what you mean by “fully enjoy”. Everyone’s mileage may vary and you’re not obligated to like all content for a character or pairing.
“The whole butcher x homelander thing is really cute”
Ha! Well it can be, but I think there’s always an undercurrent of LOL DARK in this pairing. Most people in Butchlander fandom seem to have a morbid streak of humor and most are pretty sober about the fact that this is enemy slash with a good reason to be enemies (at least for one side). It helps that Billy Butcher is no saint, it helps that HL has an unusual backstory, but if you don’t like reading about bad people getting it on, you probably won’t like it.
There are a few writers that I know who just outright reject the r*pe part of show canon (not my preference, but you can indulgently hc whatever you want, anon, no one is stopping you).
Personally: Homelander is not only a rapist, but does a lot of other bad shit too. The fics I enjoy the most are probably ones where his warped logic and skewed values are depicted explicitly, actually, and where he’s put into bad enough straits to re-examine some of that. My indulgent saccharine hc is that the effects of being raised in a lab as a weapon can be at least partially undone by tough but genuine love— yes, precisely from a person HL has hurt, where the love is definitely not transactional, rather than from Vought personnel to whom he’s bringing benefit and profits. … And that Billy would ever provide that, given particular sets of circumstances 😅
Fics that that have made me uncomfortable (and I still read them lol): ones where HL brutally r*pes Billy (basically Billy Butcher whump for having the hubris to think he could defeat a supe), and ones where HL enters a relationship with Billy having r*ped and/or outright murdered Becca and Billy doesn’t know about it (to me this is the most disturbing, heh, makes HL more evil than he is on the show).
As for art… a picture is worth a thousand words, and a thousand words isn’t going to be able to address all intricacies, so you’re even more free to hc whatever backstory you want onto a piece.
TL;DR you can enjoy this pairing to whatever capacity you find enjoyable. I think you should also give yourself some slack and enjoy things that you’re naturally drawn to that may not be morally upright, but that’s just my opinion :)
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You’re probably not going to see this, but as a teen that started following you for ace/aro posts, your takes on purity culture and antis have been really important to me. To be honest I haven’t cared about proship/anti discourse in years and find the terms to be reductive and oversimplifying but I’m so sick of seeing call outs in my social circles that sum up to “this person that is open about the fact they like dark content likes dark content!” Like, I thought you didn’t WANT to interact with them, why are you mad that they’ve made their beliefs clear enough for you to block?
I’d never harass someone over fake people that don’t exist but I guess I have pretty “anti” tastes- pairings between a 16 year old and an 18 year old are enough to squick me out and my current fandom has a very popular incest subculture which is. A lot. But at the same time subjects like grooming and SA/CSA recovery are very fascinating to me, and your posts have helped me shake off the guilt I have about that and fear of being seen as an abuse apologist if I write fics about those topics.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this. Just, thank you, I guess. I hope you have a good day/night/whenever you read this :)
hello, dear, i'm so glad that my blog could be helpful to you <3
i agree with you that the anti/proship terminology does kind of feel like it trivializes really important issues, but please allow me to clarify one thing - being "proship" has nothing to do with WHAT you ship and everything to do with HOW you ship. it's not about taste, it's about philosophy.
i actually have pretty vanilla tastes myself; i typically avoid most dark fic, i'm not really into kink, i don't usually like "dead dove" type content, and most of my ships are not particularly controversial. the only incest ship that doesn't gross me out is thorki, because like, they're millennia-old alien space gods based on north mythology; incest is kinda the least weird thing going on there. i have a few ships that could be called abusive, like erik/christine from the phantom of the opera, but generally speaking, my tastes are tame and i just like a good fic with some tasty angst , a little sappy smut, and a happy ending.
however, i understand that other people ARE into all the stuff i'm not into, and it's none of my business what they enjoy, and, critically, my discomfort with those works does not matter, no more than it dictates what i choose to engage in and what i choose to avoid.
my discomfort with darkfic doesn't mean people who like darkfic are immoral, or that darkfic itself is immoral. it means that i don't read darkfic. i understand that my comfort and discomfort are not the moral code of the universe, and furthermore, that a quest for "moral purity" is not only impossible, but actively harmful. a lesson i learned quite well growing up in the baptist church.
using the title of 'proshipper' doesn't mean that i personally like "problematic" ships or whatever, it means that i find harassing people over their fictional tastes reprehensible. it means that i understand that there's a big, big difference between what you enjoy reading in fiction and what you approve of or endorse in real life, and that part of the purpose of fiction is to give us a safe place to explore dark, fucked up shit where it won't have real-world consequences. fiction is an outlet, not a mirror.
even if i personally find the content deeply disturbing, i understand that it is simply none of my fucking business what other people read and write about, provided that they tag the content properly. that's being proship.
anyway, i'm glad that i could help relieve you of your guilt. take care, dear.
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the reason i tagged it under the leon smut tag was because it's RELEVANT to the tag. listen i don't have a problem with people enjoying reading these fics, not do i care or harass them for writing what they write.
all i'm saying is that some people have a different interpretation of what leon is like and that's not like what he's being portrayed on majority of the fics on this tag.
i do write for leon, not on this blog but on ao3 based on what i interpret him to be like, but i'm just disappointed that 4 in 5 fics on this blog is something related to weird age gap/ddlg/stepcest fics which doesn't sit right with me.
obviously I don't read them, but it's just frustrating to find nothing that you personally like (something that's not the vast majority of fics on here) and i was merely expressing my opinion on the matter.
i wasn't exactly expecting attention either, but i believe that this was the right tag to post it on, since it's relevant to whatever is being talked about on this blog.
seeral other blogs have brought it up too, and unless you've been reblogging their posts too, i'd like to know why you interacted with mine, considering you've said that i dont have to interact with blogs that i dont like.
hi, i appreciate your polite explanation here (sorry that i was a bit more inflammatory towards you. while i don't agree with you, i wish you no ill will)
i apologize for assuming that you don't write for leon. it's genuinely cool that you do, and i'm glad that if you're engaging in this discourse (which i do wish was over) that you do actually care about the fandom.
that being said, the reason that i was upset was because your post was very similar to quite a few other posts in the past - most if not all of which were from people who were primarily in other fandoms/blogs created entirely for the purpose of engaging in this argument - and this discourse in the past has caused harm to dark content writers in the past (they've received death threats, racial slurs, etc.) and even if you had no intention of creating a hate campaign, these kinds of posts attract people who do harass others and will start this shit back up the moment they see an opportunity.
within this discourse, people on both sides have been asking people to stop clogging the tags with discourse like this so that's why i was pissed off that you put your post in the tags. i only tag my smut fics with the smut tag. when i'm talking about smut in a meta way, i won't clog the tags with it.
i agree that not finding what you want to read is super frustrating - despite having written certain dark topics, it's not what i seek out as a reader (i really like angst personally, and i don't think there's enough in the fandom, but that's why i'm writing a long angst right now!)
if you'd posted something like: "i wish there were fics with 'x' topic in leon x reader fics" and had just kept the convo on what you do wanna see, i wouldn't have been upset, and in fact, maybe i would've agreed with you. maybe then we could have all given each other recommendation of non dead dove smut or non smut fics!
but you posted that you're 'tired of being bombarded' by these fics and 'it's sickening', which reads to me like "i don't want these fics to exist/be posted to this website" rather than "i don't mind if people enjoy them, i just prefer something else". see what i mean?
people definitely have differing opinions of who leon 'is' as a character, but i don't think it's a crime to write him ooc. i don't think he's a sweet cinnamon roll man, but i also doubt he'd commit sex crimes. having the characterization conversation amidst the discourse about dead dove content can only cause drama especially when i think there's a lot more nuance to leon's character. most people who bring up the "he would never do that" argument, want to have these fics taken down.
i would also like to point out that i see a lot of people conflating different topics - stepcest is morally and legally wrong, so is incest and noncon. ddlg, because, by definition, it is a dynamic between two consenting adults, is not a crime, nor is it an issue - i don't personally engage in it irl and don't plan to, but if someone else wants to, that's none of my business. age gap is a completely different thing because (presuming we're talking about legal age gap, bc underage is morally and legally wrong irl) an age gap isn't something reserved to smut, some people just date people that are older or younger than them. who cares?
i have actually interacted with other people who have posted about this and given them the same attitude, so no, you're not the only (again, i don't dislike you as a person). i am, quite frankly, over it, so i'm more likely to try to shut this shit down before it goes any further whereas i used to ignore it more. and ik that might just cause people to want to argue more but i'd rather be the target of the hate campaign than other people - i'm tired of watching my friends get harassed over shit like this.
my question for you is: did you make this blog to argue about this? you said you post on ao3, but do you have a separate tumblr or did you just make one to argue? (you can see why it might seem like someone is seeking attention when their only post is rehashing the old argument that has garnered attention in the past)
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yuquinzel · 2 years
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「 💭 」 ━━━━━ INTERACTIONS. . . !
anyone is free to read and interact with my works, but as far as personal interaction with me goes, if you're -13/25+ please do not reach out to me. dni if your blog engages with heavy dark content, if you follow me i will block you.
constructive criticism / feedback is appreciated, however don't be rude and if you want to correct me on something then be nice w it please.
i prefer it when people are casual with me, but please don't act like we're super close friends when in fact we're not. I'm not opposed to my friends venting to me, i can always lend an ear. however I'm generally a reserved person so it might look like I'm not interested, but that's just my usual energy level lol I'm very much open to meeting new people and making friends :')
please don't ask me to be mutuals :/ I'm very selective of who i follow so i won't guarantee any fb. I'm just trying to curate what i see on my dash + who i want to be seen by. i freely block people and if I've made you uncomfortable then please just hard block me because I'll probably assume i accidentally unfollowed you ( my tumblr glitches a lot )
「 💭 」 ━━━━ WRITINGS. . . !
this blog is strictly sfw. i will not write smut under any condition, but i do have some sensual/suggestive writings.
i don't take requests, but I'm open to suggestions! part two is never coming, so please don't ask me for one.
i usually try not to use pronouns, but mostly write fem! reader or gn!reader, please don't ask me to specify the gender or appearance/ethnicity of the reader.
genres i write include fluff, and angst. i mostly write drabbles / oneshots and headcanons, scenarios / imagines.
spam likes = blocked, you can reblog and comment but if you're binge reading thru my masterlist then please do not spam like my works :|
also! when you're interacting with my works and looking for a button to press, choose reblog!— it's really motivating and every single interaction is appreciated! ^^
「 💭 」 ━━━━ NOTES. . . !
I'm a fast writer but my posting schedule is inconsistent, if i even have one, that is. i started this blog because i love writing, i write for myself and i plan to keep writing with that mindset. which is why i will most likely block anything that makes me feel uneasy since this blog is my safe place. i hope you respect my boundaries.
however i do very much enjoy writing on here, but honestly, my settings are so that only my mutuals can dm me, so if you want to reach out to me please just send an ask instead !!
「 💭 」 ━━━━ FANDOMS. . . !
jujutsu kaisen & blue lock basically rule my masterlist. and then bnha but selective characters. im still trying to write for haikyuu. i also have a few drafts of tokyo revengers. so im open to that as well. i may occasionally write for genshin or hsr, like once in a blue moon. however— if I'm familiar with (fond of) the character, then i can write about anyone.
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and finally— thank you for visiting and reading the rules, i genuinely hope you have a good time on this blog! ^^
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© yuquinzel2023. [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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kahrma-a · 1 year
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─── indie, private, selective rp blog for Nanno from Girl from Nowhere. Established November 2022. Penned by ROXETTE.
─── a study in: bringing karma to misdeeds (and sometimes good deeds too!), law of sacrifice, strange love, death after death, not knowing what you had before it's lost, cheating, manipulation, exposed hypocrisy, analysing emotions, jerk with a heart of gold, being ambiguously human.
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This blog is strictly for muns who are 21 and over. Chances are, I'm old enough to be your mom, so please respect that I do not want to engage with anyone below that age and even less minors.
This is not a follow for follow blog. I’ll follow back if I feel our muses could have interesting interactions in some shape or form, or because I really enjoy the content of your blog and your writing, so I’ll be lurking for a bit before contacting you. In that same vein, if you unfollow me please soft block me.
I personally do not have any triggers.However be advised that this blog can be triggering. Themes portrayed can and will be dark at times. I tag triggers as word tw. If there’s a trigger you’d like me to tag, don’t be shy to message me! I AM NOT MY MUSE AND SHE IS NOT ME. I do not condone the themes portrayed nor what my muse may do/say.
Banned Fandoms: 13 Reasons Why. Euphoria. Stranger Things (unless I know you or you were recommended by someone I know well). Banned FC’s: Real people and historical figures. (Using Markiplier as your fc for your muse is fine, but if you roleplay as Markiplier himself, that's a big nono for me unless it's one of his roles/characters.)
I will not tolerate hate of any kind of hate on my dash. Anyone partaking in sending hate, slandering someone in any shape or form, and perpetuating drama, as well as vagueing, will be instantly blocked. This also applies to anyone creating callout posts that hold no proof but hearsay. And I will not, under any circumstances, reblog a callout post, so don't bother asking me to do so.
I’m very opened to ships as this blog is multiship. In fact, I love them! That being said, I retain the right to be selective on who I ship Nanno with. I’m always looking for chemistry first. But don’t feel intimidated by that! Sometimes the spark happens at the least expected moments! I will not write any smut on this blog, as while Nanno is clearly much older (she doesn't age), she still passes as a 16/17 year old.
I am slow. Especially at the moment, as my health has been on the decline the last few months. I can take a day, or a month to reply, but know it does not ever indicate how much I like a thread. I go by inspiration in that moment I'm sitting at the computer. I prefer quality over quantity. Sometimes I can write novels, other times, hardly anything.
I practice mains, and I'm giving exclusives another try. However, earning exclusivity is difficult, I won't lie. I need to know you well and trust you. It's something that has burned me in the past and I'd like not to repeat that. For now, since this blog is very new, I have no mains or exclusives.
Most graphics and icons have been made by me unless stated otherwise and are not for the taking. Headcanons are not for the taking either. Artwork made by me is not for the taking either. Icons, dash icon, carrd && mobile/pinned: me. psd used: jaynedits
Lastly: be good. Be excellent with each other. Don't start drama with me or my friends. Stay away if you support homophobia, sexism, ageism,p*dophilia, incest, etc... you get the gist. Basically, just be a decent human being, and treat others as you'd like to be treated. I know I may sound harsh with some of these, but I’m literally just a shy kiwi and chances are I’m more scared of you than you are of me. Thank you for reading through this 500 pages novel (SORRY ;_; ) and remember that I love you and you deserve the best!
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meetmymouth · 2 years
I mean that blog kinda has a point. I know you write more than smut, but since you're the op im sending this to you although it's aiming more towards others? Anyway... To writers in general, have fanfic writers ever considered that maybe some readers (specially younger ones, not minors but say 20 21) feel uncomfortable publicly sharing they're reading smut about Harry Styles? I understand where you dory are coming from, I do. Still, the whole "blocking if you engage but not engage in the way I want you to" sounds aggressive to me, and it makes me feel so guilty. I would love to reblog some works sometimes but I AM personally embarrassed of enjoying reading stuff about a real man being so dirty and dark and inappropriate to women... So I'd like the post to at least send some love and an anon ask. But then I feel guilty because it's not enough for authors. I don't feel comfortable sharing smut just like I don't feel comfortable sharing p*rn. I am sorry for that. (Obviously this ask applies to smut content not stories in general, but it is what most hs fanfic writers are creating nowadays anyway....)
my name's not dory + i get that, like i said, i only block (mostly) empty, spam blogs.
some readers (specially younger ones, not minors but say 20 21) feel uncomfortable publicly sharing they're reading smut about Harry Styles?
i get that but there's so many blogs made just for reblogging fics like fic rec blogs where your identity is unknown. i also do not recommend sharing everything about yourself or your real life on tumblr in general not just when it comes to fanfic lol be careful. i'm not doing it out of aggression– i just prefer real blogs engaging with my content. you do you, i'm not gonna log into ur acc and make you do anything! im just a writer who chooses to write for free and sometimes share my thoughts on here.
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kingsuckjin · 4 years
Hoiiii , I just recently started writing on tumblr and just wanted to know how do u gain followers ? Or how to promote your work ? U don't have to answer it if your uncomfortable or something. 😊 Ps - I'm still not over ungodly beast : )
Hello lovely! I've only been here like a year and I'm not that big as others yet, but I've learned a few things since starting that can maybe help you.
- Use the hell out of the hashtags when tagging your fics, tag as many as you can with what you think people will search for most that pertain to your fic like if you were writing a kook fic: #jeon jungkook #jungkook #jungkook fanfic, use as many hashtags as tumblr allows
- make a spiffy banner for your fics! Make something eye catching, or really sexy or dark. I use the apps Over and Adobe lightroom on mobile but photoshop for desktop. Details and a nice color palette seem to really matter to people.
-make stories that people will remember and come back to. Throw something wild into your fic, if you write smut throw a not so common kink in there or an exciting place or concept. The more wild, the more intrested people will be.
-the fic itself is the biggest way to gain followers. Grammar is important to some people, when I first started I got roasted and bullied a lot because of my grammar and stuff. English isn't my first ever language even though now I'm completely fluent in it, I still know a few languages and get confused and misspell things sometimes. Just make sure you read over your writing or have a friend help. Detail, dialogue and emotion, these really help. You can really make readers feel like they're watching a movie instead of reading if you add enough of these things. Use your five senses to explain stuff, make people laugh or cry with something someone says or does.
-make teasers and tag it with your fic tags as if it were a fic itself. You can release the teaser like even a week before and pin it so anyone who visits your blog will see it. You have to make people want to read it before they ever actually do. People might follow just to read your story you're coming out with soon, so that's a good way to gain more. Having a masterlist in your description thingy is super important and also something I admittedly struggled with when I first started.
-ask games and drabble games. When you get an okay amount of followers these are important to keep them satisfied. They like when you do things for them, like reaction/headcanon things or writing something just for them that they requested. I kind of see myself as an entertainer and not just a writer, for me it's important to keep people entertained when you have a few. That can draw people in because they'll think you're fun. I'm not saying pretend to be someone else, I'm saying that you're a really fun, sweet and lovely person, so show people that. Don't be discouraged if people don't engage sometimes or at first, sometimes people still don't with me, people can be shy, even on anon.
Most importantly you gotta remember that this takes time and hard work and a bit of dedication. I remember almost giving up some many times because my fics that I spent hours on wouldn't make it past 100 or 200 notes, but I just kept going. It sucked having no feedback on things I worked hard on for a long time, and sometimes I still don't get any, sometimes fics won't go above 100 notes for a long time, but sometimes they'll hit 1k in two days. It's always a random gamble, so just keep putting fics out and sharpening that writing skill. Also I'd like to add that I use to look up to a lot of other writers and want to be like them. You shouldn't do that though, you shouldn't ever want to write like anyone else. You should want to write like you so people will one day want to write like you. I know that sounds stupid and cheesy, but the reality of saying that is that it's hard to grow and become your own thing if you try to write like someone else? You should just write whatever you enjoy writing and over time you'll gain a following of the kinds of people who like reading what you've got to offer. I wish someone would've told me that from the start. Followers really don't mean anything at the end of the day though , and sometimes they go to people's heads, sometimes they make people feel pressured and stressed like "I need a break from writing for a while but will my followers be mad?" Or "will they all be disappointed or will I lose them if I don't put out this fic I promised them?" Just be careful not to think that, and be sure to put yourself first. It's hard to make content if you're just burnt out and need a break sometimes, so take good care of yourself and your brain will repay you in the form of good writing.
But anyway, I apologize for this getting so long and a bit off topic (I have a very short attention span 😂). I hope any of this helps you, if you have any specific questions or need links to resources or you find yourself struggling with something, feel free to dm me and I'll be glad to help you!💕
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