#i don't normally do image descriptions please let me know if i fucked up
roguemonsterfucker · 7 months
Some people seem to think James Somerton never reached out to hbomb’s team at all but as someone who is in their discord, I can tell you that Kat confirmed that he did contact them at some point before the recent apology.
Kat said he was asking for their list of people he plagiarized.
According to hbomb on twitter, he hasn’t (last I heard) reached out about donating his ad revenue.
According to kat in the discord though, they have no intention of accepting it regardless.
Now all of that info is several days old at this point so things may have changed. Also I may have misunderstood things so take my words with a grain of salt.
Edited to add:
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[Image ID: A discord message from user kat, dated 02/26/2024 that reads "A while ago James emailed us for a list of people he plagiarized because he couldn't remember" End of Image ID]
I will add screenshots of the other messages later. I'm pretty sure everyone has already seen hbomb's tweet, but I'll see if I can get the other discord message from kat. Though looking back, i may be misremembering. She had made a sarcastic comment regarding the donation and I may be confusing that with an actual statement about their intent regarding the donation.
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just-some-guy-joust · 4 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 3
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Jaiden Wells | She/her | @apotheoseity
Jaiden is.. really just some girl. A college student and avid Tumblr user, many of the people she's close to are wrapped up into supernatural or otherwise out-of-this-world situations, but she's just.. not. Everyone around her is terrified that she'll be exposed to some sort of horror, and at some points she's jealous of the people around her for leading such interesting lives, but she remains.. utterly mundane.
Promos: https://toyhou.se/16595108.jaiden-wells
Adan Botello | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Adan is a highschooler who is just looking to pass class, go home and play Minecraft. He doesn't want to be unique or special any more than he is, maybe being a Minecraft YouTuber would be awesome but that's all he wants out of life. No matter what is thrown at him he tends to run away from it, like a fantasy world trying to claim he's a prince, he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to be a normal kid, graduate high school and play Minecraft. He's also got transgender and autistic swag
Promos: https://toyhou.se/17322997.adan-botello check out the comic featuring Adan on this blog @a-tale-in-a-bottle
Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
Promos: https://toyhou.se/8256045.wally-rosette <-wallys toyhouse profile! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-villain-school/list?title_no=97541 <-the comic he's in (discontinued because I'm doing a different one - it is 6/40 chapters with a planned remake Somewhere in the distant future)
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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[no extra description provided]
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Despite the fact all he desires to be is just some guy the universe keeps trying to make him more than some guy. He's supposed to be a hero, a prince, but he keeps running from the idea of it so much he ends up in another world entirely and all he wants is to go home and be normal, all he wants! He's not looking to save his sister, she can save herself she's strong. He just wants to go home :( that's all he really wants in life and he's getting really tired of the universe saying otherwise
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THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE BABY BOY So Wally is a sweet kid, but because his parents were world-famous, he never really got a choice in who they raised him to be. This resulted in him having a BUNCH of self-worth issues that he tries to deal with on the side because he doesn't want to get his friends involved. He has two (2) major points in the plot (OUT OF 40 CHAPTERS)- one plot point where he ignores the main antagonist to get a boyfriend instead, and one where his entire arc finally culminates in "Wally Learns How To Say No To People." Outside of that, he does NOTHING regarding the main plot and is a C plot character at best. He is simply involved and there in the background because I love him so much and he is my precious little baby boy and yeah sure maybe I loved him so much I made 27 alternate universe versions of him that all have plot relevance in all my stuff but *this* wally is simply a boy and he is blue and he is lovely and I would kill and cry for him every day
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imperator-titus · 17 days
Ghost from the Past [Part 12]
(Prev)[Part 11] (Next)[Part 13] [Master Post]
This one is for the horny fuckers reading this story. If you don't want to read smut (very valid of you), you can probably stop after Eletha and Astarion talk to the mirror image. If you want to read right up to the point of explicit descriptions of sex, stop after Gale gets Eletha to join them on the bed. You can come back after the last linebreak. (I tried to put in content warning tags and the post didn't show up in the tags, I apologize to people who have those tags blocked.)
Honestly, this might be my magnum opus of smut, I don't think I've ever written something this complex before. I even had a friend read it over to make sure it can be followed, which is not something I normally do.
Please enjoy!
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“You good?” Eletha asked Gale as they sat around the fire the next morning. “You don’t have to come if you’re not feeling so hot.”
“With you, I feel most hot,” Gale responded, unknowingly smirking as he expertly flipped their morning sausage. Then it occurred to him what he just said. “I mean- That is to say- I feel fine. Thank you. I think it would be prudent of me to accompany you.”
She gave him a little smile. “I appreciate it.”
“You look like hell,” Astarion said to Gale as he walked up, taking the seat next to him opposite Eletha.
“Not as bad as you,” Eletha spat back defensively. Gale merely shook his head, not dignifying the insult with a response.
Astarion crossed his arms and pouted. “Well, there’s nothing to eat out here. And you have been stingy with your neck.”
A look crossed her face that said she didn’t think about that. Her demeanor became apologetic. “Oh. Right. I have some time.”
In the privacy of his tent, Eletha took off her shirt and neatly set it aside. 
The wind was knocked out of her chest as Astarion’s body collided with hers and slammed her forward onto the hard ground. She opened her mouth to complain, only to grunt as Astarion’s fangs sank into her neck. He wrestled her a bit, like an animal dominating a rival or immobilizing its prey.
It wasn’t the pain that surprised her, but the ferocity with which he feasted on her. The sounds echoing her ears weren’t his normal pleased sighs. When his teeth left her flesh, she half-expected them to come down somewhere else to rip her apart.
“Hells, I-” Astarion stammered, shaking with the realization of what he’d just done.
Eletha remained face-down, a soft sound escaping her lips as she tried to speak.
“Stop. Stop. Don’t try to talk,” he pleaded in a panicked whisper as he dug through his things for a potion. Potions he’d been stealing from her. Potions she’d let him take.
Astarion flipped her over, the sight of her blood tantalizing yet horrifying. The two large punctures on her neck were accompanied by two smaller ones where his lower canines had sunk in too, as well as indentations of his other teeth. Desperately, he pulled out the potion’s stopper with those same teeth and, holding her head up, he slowly tipped the contents into her mouth.
The bleeding stopped. The wounds started to knit back together. After a moment, her eyes fluttered open and she looked around, disoriented.
Holding her tightly to him, he cried into her hair, “I am so sorry.”
“Can’t breathe,” she mumbled into his shoulder. Quickly, he let go. Eletha rubbed the healing bite wound. “I’m fine. Just achy.”
“I… I don’t know what came over me…” Astarion tried to explain, distraught. “I couldn’t stop… I could have killed you.”
“But you didn’t.”
“I nearly did.”
Eletha leaned forward.
Astarion licked the blood off his lips.
Smack! Her head met his in a swift strike.
“Let’s get out of this fucking place so it doesn’t happen again,” Eletha grumbled as she put on her shirt and Astarion rubbed the pain out of his forehead.
“You okay?” Shadowheart asked, clearly spying all the dried blood stuck to Eletha’s neck and chest.
“He always was a messy eater.”
With Halsin’s little spirit friend taken care of and after Astarion’s slip of feral hunger, Eletha suggested that they split up to deal with things more quickly. The next morning, Eletha, Karlach, Gale, and Astarion would investigate Moonrise while the others tied up loose ends and investigated the Sharran Temple further for Shadowheart’s sake.
Eletha’s cold-hearted mask really helped them infiltrate the Absolute’s stronghold with little effort required.
After satisfying their curiosity and freeing the prisoners, Gale excused himself shortly after they arrived at Last Light Inn. While they made sure the Harpers would allow the freed prisoners to stay, he wanted to rush back to camp and make sure dinner would be ready for everyone. They would need their strength in the next few days if they were going to deal with Ketheric Thorm and the Absolute’s army.
“He’s been actin’ weird, yeah?” Karlach asked the others once he was out of earshot.
“Gale’s always been weird, no?” Astarion answered, hands on his hips.
“Mystra did tell him to find the heart of the Absolute and-” Eletha made a sound like a bomb detonating while making a hand gesture that simulated Gale’s magic orb exploding out of his chest.
“We’re not going to let him do that, right?” Karlach pleaded, her eyes big and wet, her hands clasped, her knees bent in supplication.
“Of course not. If we can help it.”
On the way back, Eletha and Astarion talked about the feelings the blood merchant dug up.
“If it makes you feel any better, refusing was pretty in-line with how you used to be,” she told him as he expressed a small amount of remorse for giving up power for just a moment of discomfort. “You’re much too precious to do such a thing.”
“Hm. I don’t always want to remember who I was. But I like the way you speak about it sometimes. Even when you’re angry with him, there is a fondness in your voice.” If only the sky was clear and there were stars in the sky. If only their surroundings weren’t so twisted and dreary. This would be a nice little walk together. “If I called you ‘Lori’, what did you call me?”
“Oh, silly things. Like ‘Princeling’ or ‘Your Highness.’” Astarion smiled to himself. “But you were always my ‘Star,’ even when we were small. It’s hard to say it angrily.”
“It’s odd, thinking you took care of me once.”
“Once? I took care of you for thirty years, now I’m taking care of you again. I used to pick you up and carry you across puddles. I had to be your sparring partner because I wouldn’t hit you too hard.”
“I get the idea.” A moment passed in silence as they walked. “I don’t want to go back. To the Dales, I mean. Not unless it’s to slaughter the lot of them.”
Eletha let out a big sigh. “It’s fine if you want to go back. I don’t have to see them, just find them.”
“They tortured you. Stop making excuses for them,” he growled at her. “Imagine if I said ‘let’s leave Cazador alone, he wasn’t that bad.’ You’d think I lost my mind!”
“I just don’t want you to regret passing up the chance because of me.”
“Our families imprisoned you in your own body and none of the others did anything about it. Good riddance.” More gently he added, “You are the only family I need now.”
“And Gale?”
“What about him?” Her knowing gaze made him roll his eyes. “Fine. I suppose we can have a pet.”
“Speaking of… Where is Gale?” Eletha asked, noting that he wasn’t by the fire with the others.
“Maybe he’s in his tent. Crying.” He said it flippantly, but Astarion immediately made a beeline for Gale’s tent. Not hungry, Eletha followed.
“Good evening! I am here on behalf of Gale of Waterdeep. He wishes to extend you an invitation for a private conversation in a more suitable locale,” the projection outside the wizard’s tent told them genially.
“The hells is this?” Astarion asked Eletha, indicating the projection with a confused little sneer.
“You are speaking to a mere projection of Gale. His appearance, his voice, and a certain measure of his personality-” the projection did a little pose, crossing his body with one curled hand while raising up the elbow of the other, “reconstituted in this case to play as emissary and usher.
“Would you care to join him? What little I could glean from the portion of his mind that is open to me, it is a matter most urgent.”
“Both of us?” Eletha asked while Astarion held back giggles behind his hand.
“This message was meant for the both of you. I even have instructions for if only one of you was present,” the projection explained. “Simply follow yonder path and soon you will find him.”
“We shouldn’t keep him waiting,” Astarion told her with a cheeky little grin.
“Yes, Your Highness,” she answered with a good-natured shake of her head.
“I do like that. Could you do it some more?”
“Don’t push your luck.”
As they followed the glowing path, their surroundings changed into something much more pleasant.
“Someone fancies his illusions,” Eletha said quietly, admiring Gale’s handiwork. 
“I love this time of night,” Gale said wistfully as they approached, staring up at the sky. “There’s an almost reverent silence that accompanies the peak of darkness, when you’d almost believe the dawn will never break.
“The cradle of eternity. The timelessness of lovers. That most beautiful of fantasies.”
“Are you quite all right? Do you have a fever or something?” Astarion asked in annoyance, not really impressed with Gale’s undoubtedly carefully-chosen words. Eletha placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him before sitting down beside Gale.
“I will be, soon. I am perhaps just one hard day away from being without any troubles at all.”
“Don’t talk like that,” Astarion commanded, warning Gale with a stern finger and a furrowed brow.
“This may be my last night alive. I wanted it to be under a canopy of beauty and wonder…” Gale continued without dignifying Astarion’s threat with a response. His eyes, open and honest, regarded him and then Eletha in turn. “... And with company to match.”
“Stop talking like that!” Astarion’s voice had venom in it, but because they knew him so well, they could hear the emotional wobble in it. “Throwing your life away for Mystra is the daftest thing you’ve ever done. I won’t let you do it.”
Gale rose to his feet. “Death is assured. Mystra’s forgiveness is not.”
“Didn’t you hear her when Lae’zel was ready to die for a lie?” Astarion asked, waving a hand at Eletha, who stood again in case she needed to break the two apart. “Gods don’t care about us. Mystra threw you away, even before your little Karsite experiment. She should be asking for your forgiveness.”
“Astarion, leave him alone,” Eletha pleaded, touching him on the shoulder. He rolled it out of her touch and shot her a glare.
“Tell him. Tell him he shouldn’t do it!”
“I…” Eletha looked from Astarion to Gale, whose glower softened just a bit to meet her eyes. “I don’t want you to…”
“It wasn’t my intention to upset you,” Gale told them both quite earnestly, a self-chastising tone in his voice. Their reactions hurt. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go.
“Then what did you intend, Gale?” Astarion asked cattily, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“This is all so difficult to navigate… Harder than any game of chess…” Astarion stopped pouting and started nervously playing with his hands. His eyes went from angry to… scared. “If things were different, if we were home, I’d have taken the time to do things properly. And maybe I’d understand a little better what properly means, in this case…
“That is to say… I’ve grown very fond of you. Both of you. This has been so very complicated, but-”
Astarion grabbed Gale’s head and smashed their lips together. While they were in their heated kiss, Eletha tried to sneak away, a cheekily little smile on her face. Astarion’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the tip of her ear.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, Gale’s arms loosely wrapped around him.
“I really appreciate being a witness to your union, but maybe I don’t need to be here for the whole thing?”
“What part of both did you not understand?”
“No, I understood it.” Gale’s face fell and Eletha stammered, her cheeks turning red. “It’s just- I’m very fond of you too, sweetling, it’s just-”
“I understand,” Gale said, resigning himself to her answer. Astarion gave him an admonishing soft smack on the face.
“No,” he told him, like a master telling his dog to drop something disgusting. Then he turned to Eletha and jabbed a finger at her face. “No. We had this talk. You deserve this. Just say yes like you want to.”
“I…” Her eyes flicked between their faces and she had to look at her feet in embarrassment. “If this is going where I think it’s going…”
“A hedonistic pile of limbs, I’m hoping,” Astarion said devilishly, raising a leg coquettishly.
“Hush. Let her speak,” Gale admonished, sparing him a playful smirk. 
“It’s just that… The last time I crawled into bed with someone, I broke down crying in the middle and went on a three-month bender,” she eventually admitted. “You two should get to have fun. I’m fine. I promise.”
“If there’s any crying, we stop. At least, if that isn’t the game we’re playing. Right, darling?” Astarion looked to Gale, who was giving Eletha his sympathetic puppy eyes, and with a touch of his finger to his jaw, turned his face to him. 
“Of course,” Gale answered quizzically, as if the question was so ludicrous that the thought never entered his mind. Detaching himself from Astarion, Gale took Eletha’s hand in his and gazed deeply into her eyes. “I'm scared too. I don't really know how to do this. But I want to try. With you.”
How could she say no?
She could, of course. If she really wanted to, she could walk away. If it started to go poorly, she could stop.
“We deserve some fun,” Eletha said to herself as much as them. Gale leaned down and met her lips in a kiss, one hand supporting the small of her back. This time he was much more sure of himself.
Astarion huffed playfully. “Now, now, don't hog her all to yourself.”
“I'm afraid I got carried away,” Gale said with a blushing grin. “It's just as well. I wanted to change the illusion to something much more impressive.”
“Oh, Bhin, you don't need to impress us,” Eletha reassured him. Quietly Astarion disagreed with a little “yes he does.”
“We’re not gods.” Once more Astarion argued, muttering, “Speak for yourself.”
The way Gale looked at her made Eletha’s breath catch. Astarion just believed that finally, someone worshiped him the way he deserved. 
“I beg to differ.”
“So we’ve moved on to begging now? I can work with that.” Eletha glared at Astarion, willing him to shut up, but Gale only laughed.
“Maybe another time, when we’ve figured out how this works.”
“Don't encourage him,” she whispered.
“Just summon us a nice comfy bed.”
As Gale focused on setting the stage, Astarion sauntered up to Eletha with a thirsty smirk on his lips. Her heartbeat quickened as he started undoing her armor with expert dexterity. Needing something to do, she offered him the same help.
“Don't be shy,” he cooed, amused by her inability to look at him and the bright flush blooming on her cheeks.
“I'm not,” she insisted petulantly. He palmed the slight heft of her breast through her shirt. When she stepped away from his touch, he chuckled darkly. “You’re not a good liar.”
Annoyed with him, which wasn't new for her at all, Eletha approached Gale, who'd been watching them for a moment with keen interest. As if it was the most interesting thing she’d ever seen, she ran her hands over the sumptuous velvet of his shirt before trying to take it off. He laughed as their height difference became a problem and he had to remove it the rest of the way. 
“It's okay to be nervous. I’m nervous too,” Gale told her sweetly before leaning down for another kiss. 
Astarion came up behind her and placed kisses and playful bites on her shoulder and neck before pushing them both onto the bed. Eletha glared at him over her shoulder. “You're such a brat.”
As if to prove her point, he flicked her away so he could work on undoing Gale’s trousers. Gale rose up on his elbows and the two exchanged passionate kisses while Eletha removed the rest of her clothes by herself. 
Astarion moved from Gale’s lips to his neck, marking his way with kisses and nips while his hands combed through his chest hair, gently squeezing the plush swell of his pecs. Astarion traveled down the wizard’s torso, lavishing it with his mouth and fingers. 
Gale managed to come to his senses and held out a hand to Eletha, beckoning her onto the bed with a smile. “What are you doing over there by yourself?”
“Looked like you two were having fun, I didn’t want to interrupt.” Despite her protestations, she knelt on the edge of the bed within his reach. 
His fingers touched her skin softly, so softly she had to refrain from twitching away as it tickled. Tracing the scars that littered her body, he was enamored by her. In return, she ran her fingers all along his arm and through his hair, gazing into his eyes deeply.
A shocked little moan escaped his lips as Astarion stopped teasing him and finally wrapped his cold wet mouth around his cock. Under his tongue, he could feel a rush of blood make it that much harder.
Astarion had to find some way to not shut off, just like how Eletha had to find a way to not psyche herself out or Gale needed to figure out how to not treat them like Mystra. It would creep in from time to time, their little internal battles. 
Astarion pictured the look on Eletha’s face as she’d sucked the life out of him, how proud and interested she was in making him feel so good. So he focused on that. 
When Gale’s other hand tangled itself in his curls, he smirked around the hot throbbing cock in his mouth, knowing that he was doing a good job.
Of course, Astarion always took pride in his work. He was very good, after all. He readily boasted about it. But it would occur to him that he never really took pride in it as he was working. 
This was different. This was real. He wanted to do this over and over again, to learn exactly what drove them insane, how much he could tease before they had no choice but to cry out his name in ecstacy.
Red eyes flicked up to see if Gale was watching his performance, only to have Eletha’s ass take up most of the view as she straddled the wizard’s face.
“Come here,” he’d whispered without Astarion noticing, his voice husky with desire. A deft flick of his fingers summoned a mage hand that helped him guide her while his other hand was busy reassuring Astarion that he was appreciating his attention.
New to this sort of thing, even after all the years she’d lived, Eletha gingerly swung her leg over his body and knelt above him so she could see only his eyes when she looked down between her breasts and over the slight bump at the bottom of her stomach. 
As the mage hand caressed her neck, Gale placed his free hand on her thigh. It traveled up slowly, tracing the peak of her hip bone before rounding back to the curve of her backside. He gave it a few gentle squeezes while the mage hand came down over her breasts, mimicking the same motion.
Then he moved his hand so that he could lightly run a finger up the inside of her thigh, causing her to tremble. Delicately, he found the start of her slit and pressed his middle finger against it, not so insistent as to part it, but enough that he could feel her body react to his touch.
Gale’s mouth fell open in a soft moan and he could feel her shudder as his hot breath washed over her skin. His fingertip brushed up and down a few times. He watched as his mage hand ran trails down her stomach and when it paid special attention to her lower belly, she broke through the haze of pleasure his fingers were creating to smack the magical hand aside.
“Don’t be like that,” Astarion chided, his slicked hand giving Gale’s cock a few more languid strokes as he approached the head of the bed. “I think it’s delicious.”
Kneeling in front of her, he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Gale’s finger finally pressed into her folds and became slick as it tested how receptive she'd become from his light caresses. 
Eletha’s mouth opened with a surprised gasp and Astarion took this opportunity to slip in his tongue. The thought of mixing their spit and the taste of Gale’s cock sent a thrill up all their spines.
Eletha found balance by holding on to Astarion’s shoulder as her other hand trailed down his torso. He let out a soft little whimper of pleasure against her lips as her fingers wrapped around his half-hard cock.
Meanwhile, Gale slid his finger slowly in and out of her, pressing against different points to find the right spot to focus his attention. As a second finger joined the war effort, Eletha’s mouth pressed into a tight line against Astarion’s lips as she emitted a strained hum. He almost asked if she was okay when she rolled her hips down into the source of pleasure again. 
Using his nose to reveal her clit, Gale breathed in her scent with a satisfied groan before swiping the swollen bundle of nerves with his hot wet tongue. He knew that he was doing a good job as she tightened around his fingers and her juices filled his mouth. 
All the while, she stroked Astarion’s needy cock with one hand and clung to him with the other as his attention on her neck threatened to leave bruises. After a few minutes, Eletha had to lift herself up on shuddering thighs.
“Is he that good, my love?” Astarion asked her teasingly with a smug curl to his words, holding her up so Gale could slip out from underneath her. 
Eletha came back to her senses and pushed Astarion back to fall amongst the pillows that Gale had conjured. Eyes full of desire, voice hoarse from restraining her own pleasure, she said, “Why don't you try for yourself?”
“I would enjoy returning the favor.” Gale wiped his face clean with the back of his arm, gazing at Astarion with the same hungry longing that he offered Eletha.
“I wouldn't dream of saying no,” Astarion replied with a smirk, parting his knees as an invitation. 
Gale slid between his legs, crawling like a panther stalking its prey. Starting at the knee, he kissed and bit a trail up his inner thigh until he found his still-hard cock. 
Astarion’s spindly fingers wove into the gentle waves of Gale’s hair as his head bobbed up and down. Letting his own head fall back, giving his neck a chance to relax, he focused on the sensation of Gale’s masterful tongue swirling and flicking and swiping. 
His sensitive ears twitched at the guttural sounds of him throating his cock. Gale gasped for air and groaned hungrily as Eletha joined in the fun. 
Rolling his hips to be perpendicular to the bed, she enthusiastically lapped-up the mix of juices leaking from his cock. His tongue and fingers had pushed away her uncertainties and now she felt almost drunk. 
Every shift of her legs and every pulse of his cock in her mouth made her whine and shudder. Gale spared a hand to place on her head, play with her ears, while she clawed at his soft peachy ass.
Astarion lifted Gale’s head up with a gentle tug of his hair and the blissful look on the wizard’s face made his cock twitch with excitement. “You’re doing a marvelous job, beautiful, but I’d like to try something else.”
“Whatever you desire,” Gale responded in a husky voice.
Arranging them like furniture, Astarion set the next scene. 
Sitting up, Eletha was able to more easily swallow Gale’s cock. Kneeling in front of her, he had no choice but to cry out in a needy groan as he felt himself slide into her throat. His hands stroked her face, running along the line of her jaw, or holding the back of her head. Eventually, he was rolling his hips forward, very slightly at first and then picking up the pace, fucking her mouth.
Meanwhile, Astarion was between her legs, slipping two fingers into her greedy cunt without resistance while his tongue attacked her clit. He could feel her squeeze involuntarily as his lips sucked and his tongue lapped. 
When she spread her legs, giving him better access, he managed to add a third finger. Even in his position, even with the slutty sounds Gale was making, Astarion could hear Eletha moan. Gale’s legs shuddered as the sound undoubtedly sent pulses of pleasure up his cock, lodged in her throat.
Astarion was definitely excited, this was definitely fun, but he seemed to be the only one capable of a coherent thought at the moment. For now, this would have to be his show.
Ceasing his ministrations, he encouraged the two of them to decouple. “Sorry to ruin the mood, but this next bit is going to require some… consideration.”
“Y-yes… That is probably wise…” Gale agreed, trying to catch his breath. Eletha, collapsed into the pillows, only managed a weak nod.
“Being the god that I am, I could do this well into the morning. I am assuming you” he pointed to Gale with a finger after licking it clean “have some sort of magical stamina.”
“Oh yes.” Gale smirked confidently. “I built up a well of endurance that allows me to climax multiple times, with only a short refractory period, allowing me to-”
“Yes, yes, we get it,” Astarion interrupted hastily, even though that was some tantalizing information… “That leaves us with the princess over there.”
Eletha managed to open her eyes. Slightly embarrassed, she said, “I’ve always been sort of… one-and-done.”
“You poor thing,” Astarion cooed sympathetically, offering her a cheeky pout. Pretending to give it some thought, he asked, “So, why don’t you two have a little moment, hm?”
“I’m surprised, I assumed that you would want to go first…” Gale said, not exactly arguing, but he had thought about this at some length.
“I’m actually being very selfish. If this goes sideways, I don’t want to be the one to start it,” he explained flippantly, adding in a little shrug.
Actually, he was a bit scared, but he wouldn’t admit that. Scared of what it might do to him, or to her, to be wrapped around each other again.
Gale chuckled softly in the back of his throat, a knowing half-cocked smile on his lips as he looked from Astarion to Eletha. With gentle but strong hands, he grabbed her by the waist and brought her down out of the pillows so Astarion could have a better view.
Kneeling between her legs, he kissed his way up her body. Finding her breasts with his mouth, he gave a nipple a few experimenting sucks and flicks of his tongue. Her rough hands wandered over his sides, his back, his arms. 
Gale took a moment to gaze into her eyes, shrinking the world to just the two of them. Eletha’s breath hitched. To be looked at in such a way…
As if understanding her thoughts, he lightly kissed her lips. She responded with more insistence. Gale lowered himself so that his impatient cock could rest against her wet cunt. With gentle rolls of his hips, he rubbed against her clit while they kissed sloppily, slicking his cock in the process.
Cock poised to enter her, he broke away to gaze down at her once more. Clearly, but sweetly, he told her, “I love you.”
This seemed to shock her a little. Gale was thankful he said it, made it obvious, and that her response was, “I love you, too.”
Locking their lips together, Gale finally slid into her, interlocking their bodies. His moan intermingled with her gasp as he felt her tighten and she felt the sudden fullness that his cock brought her. They stayed like that for a few heartbeats, kissing passionately as they gave themselves and each other a moment for their hearts to calm down.
Astarion watched with an equal mix of curiosity, hunger, and jealousy. The sickly-sweet way Gale made sure his partner was ready, the longing looks in their eyes, the honesty of their words… It was more than he ever could have imagined for himself. Would they do that for him, when it was his turn? Was he truly more than just a thing to be used?
On the other hand… Despite the fact that he’d insisted Gale go first, Astarion still felt a flare of anger to see someone else enjoy and please his former love. Eletha belonged to him.
His hand slipped down to his cock and started stroking it with a languid pace, ghosting over the shaft and tightening his grip as he passed over the head. Self-pleasuring had never been of interest to him, he was always too busy pleasing others to keep them distracted. But watching the two created a rare mood in him. Speeding up to keep time with Gale’s thrusts, he imagined how it would feel when it was his turn. Gale certainly seemed to be enjoying himself.
Gale lifted his head and sat back on his haunches as Astarion approached. The vampire took hold of his bearded face by the chin and smashed their lips together in a mess of open-mouthed kisses. He pulled away with a hungry smirk on his face before leaning down to playfully bite at Eletha’s pale breast, leaving a slight mark that claimed her. 
“Perhaps we should give our princess a little rest?” he suggested, giving her clit a little stroke that made both Gale and Eletha shudder, thus proving his point.
Eletha sat up on one elbow to bring her mouth around Astarion’s cock. While she eagerly licked and swallowed, her other hand worked Gale’s shaft, slick and thick from pounding her throbbing cunt. 
Kneeling on either side of her, Gale and Astarion battled for dominance with their mouths. Gale intertwined their fingers, reassuring him with light strokes of his thumb. Eletha switched between their cocks, one gripped in each hand.
The two broke away, Gale panting. He smirked. “I would offer you my neck, but I’m afraid the taste of my blood would sour the mood.”
“I appreciate the sentiment.” Leaning back, Astarion released Eletha from her duties. He swept back what little hair she managed to let grow and with a gentle smile that would have surprised him if he could see it, he asked, “Would you like to be lost in one another again, my love?”
When this all started, Eletha was worried that just being around them would bring her to tears. She felt reassured when nervousness was replaced with elation, lust and desire warming her whole body. But the ultimate test was always this moment, when the really old memories would replay themselves in real time.
Eletha looked up at Astarion and, at the sound of his loving words so honest and open, she could feel her chest tighten.
“I want to be lost with you,” she answered, forcing back the involuntary rise of fear.
With him. Him, not the young man she lost.
Gale graciously sat back to observe, admiring the way the two looked at each other. He couldn’t decide if it was the unsureness of new love or the deep connection of something old and true. Either way, it was enviable in its beauty and passion.
Astarion first buried his face in her neck, taking in the scent of her sweat mixed with Gale’s. Feeling her quickened pulse just below the skin, he wanted to bite into her, not only to drink, but to make them as whole as possible.
Eletha wove her fingers into the hair at the back of his neck and whispered against his ear, “I love you, my precious Star.”
Astarion’s voice wavered as he whispered back, “I love you too.”
With one smooth stroke, he entered her, eliciting a small gasp from her lips. Despite just accommodating someone of Gale’s size, she felt like a perfect fit.
He expected to employ his usual suave moves. Instead, he rutted and groaned, clawing and clutching at her, desperate to crawl inside her and die all over again. The effort of resisting the urge to either sob or go blank almost drove him crazy. It finally hit him that this wasn’t about Cazador or survival. This was a give-and-take, not just give.
It was a little too much and, after a few minutes of kissing and thrusting, he had to remove himself. 
When he leaned back, Gale was behind him, his strong arms grabbing his waist before snaking up to his chest, peppering his neck with bites and kisses all the while. 
A light chuckle brushed against Astarion’s ear before the wizard asked, “Might I make a suggestion?”
“Do tell,” Astarion answered sumptuously, slipping his protective sex-god mask on for just a little bit. Just long enough to come down from the emotional overcharge. 
Gale offered the instructions with his deep resonant voice, his cock pressed into the cleft of Astarion’s ass. 
Astarion laughed suggestively, spying Eletha out of the corner of his eye as he stroked Gale’s beard idly. “Do you think our little pet can handle any more?”
“Surely she has more strength than that?” Gale answered, sending her a smoldering smirk as his hands wandered over Astarion’s pale, lean body.
Eletha looked to the sky like a dying man resigning himself to his fate before closing her eyes. After offering up a silent prayer and strengthening her resolve, she said, “I am yours.”
“Oooh,” Astarion purred. “Our fearless leader at our mercy? What a treat.”
With Eletha kneeling on the bed, her hands on its edge, Gale stood in front of her while Astarion took position behind her. 
Taking hold of her slim backside, Astarion spread her glistening cunt with his thumbs. Placing his cock in the space he made, he bucked his hips, rubbing against her and slicking himself again at the same time.
At the side of the bed, Eletha opened her mouth to accept Gale’s cock once more. With gentle strokes, he pet her head and offered her his admiration with his wide smile. “You’re doing a marvelous job. You look so beautiful.”
Gale slid a hand over her back towards Astarion. After slipping into her once more and giving her a few good thrusts to establish a rhythm, he held her ass with one hand while the other met Gale’s, the tips of their fingers playing with each other. If they could have managed to lean toward one another without awkwardness, they would’ve interlocked their lips instead.
Saliva coated Gale’s cock so thickly that it dripped down his balls only to be lapped up by her tongue when she took him down to the base. Being wedged between them, Gale’s reassuring words in her ears, Astarion’s hand occasionally giving her ass a light smack of encouragement, her cunt was so wet that it squelched and gushed with every thrust.
An unrestrained moan rose up from Astarion’s chest and out his throat as he desperately increased his pace. A similar sound, with a little more base, came from Gale. 
Later, Eletha would be impressed at their timing, but in the moment, all she felt was the pulse of their cocks as Astarion filled her cunt and Gale her throat. Her breath came out in ragged gasps as they pulled out. 
“Stay there,” Gale bid her. Astarion sat to the side, panting, and watched as Gale took his place behind her. Sitting with his knees pressed into the bed, he spread her open and watched, nearly breathless, as Astarion’s cum started to drip out. 
Not letting a drop go to waste, he wrapped his lips around the entire mess, fucking her with his tongue to lap up the precious liquid. Eletha shuddered and mewed and tried to get away, but his strong hands on her backside kept them connected. 
When he could find no more of his prize, he let her go, and she collapsed onto her side.
“You’re not done yet, are you, sweetheart?” Astarion asked, pulling playfully on her ankle.
“I need a minute,” she answered, breathless, closing her eyes to keep the world from spinning.
“I suppose I can allow you to rest a moment,” he said with a roll of his eyes and a little scoff. More devilishly, he added, “But don’t think you’re getting out of here before the grand finale.”
“Don’t tease her so much,” Gale chided him with a smile and a tap on the nose.
Eletha had to vacate the bed as the two started to play-wrestle and curled up on a comfortable sofa that Gale had, at some point, thought it prudent to summon out of thin air. There she watched them fight and bicker, all in good fun, until Gale was on his stomach and Astarion’s face was pressed in between the wizard’s plump ass-cheeks.
Kneading them like dough, he worked his tongue around the quivering ring of nerves nestled there and occasionally gave the sensitive skin behind his balls a firm, wet swipe. It wasn’t long before Gale was whimpering, hiding his face in a pillow and rutting a little into the bed.
“P-please,” he begged pathetically, his toes curling to ease some of the tension coursing through his body.
“If you insist.” Astarion stuck a finger in his mouth to coat it with his spit when a jar poofed into existence next to him. 
He picked it up and unscrewed the lid to find a semi-liquid substance. It was odorless, tasteless, and had a consistency much like the juices he’d just wiped off his cock. No matter how much he rubbed it between his finger and thumb, this lubricant kept its slick nature instead of becoming tacky and irritating. 
“Wizards. What else are they hiding?”
“Are you going to fuck me or not?” Gale called out in annoyance, wiggling his ass insistently, rubbing his impatient cock against the bed.. 
He was so fun when he was annoying. Probably how Eletha looked at him for all those years.
Astarion coated his fingers in the magical stuff and carefully pressed one into Gale’s needy hole. He watched as the wizard shuddered from his touch and his cock pulsed with a sudden orgasm. Gale was so lost in bliss that he didn’t care that he was rutting around in his own cum. Groaning with wild abandon, working on instinct, he came again as Astarion worked a second finger into his ass.
“What a delightful magic trick. Come for me some more, my sweet. You make such lovely sounds,” Astarion commanded sweetly, excited by Gale’s pliance under his touch. The poor man’s cock pumped out two more loads before he decided that he was ready for his turn.
While Astarion readied himself, Gale broke through the haze and reached out a bidding hand to Eletha. Astarion had assumed she was comatose on the sofa, exhausted from being worked by their tireless bodies. But she attentively got to her feet and approached the bed. 
Gently, Gale took hold of her wrist and tugged her forward. With a little guidance, and a magic word to clean up the mess he’d made, Gale had her lie underneath him in such a way that he could easily kiss her.
“I missed you,” he told her with a fond smile, his voice husky and deep.
“How could you miss me with everything going on over here?” Eletha asked, chuckling softly, shy from his little touches. Even Astarion getting her feet out of the way felt intimate. Gale lingered over her, like a brave protector shielding her from harm with his body.
“I’m quite capable of thinking of you both.”
Gale’s head snapped back with an animalistic growl of pleasure as Astarion’s cock finally slid into him. Even the rocking of their bodies from the vampire’s precise thrusts sent shivers of excitement up Eletha’s body.
Gale’s mouth attacked every part of her he could reach as if it might be the only thing standing between him and death. As he panted in ecstasy over her body, his saliva dripped down onto her face and into her awaiting mouth. 
She could feel his hot cum coat her stomach and before it could cool, Gale guided her hand to collect it on her fingers and then brought the hand to his mouth so he could clean it with his tongue. Eletha could feel her cunt throb at the sight and he didn’t need to ask her again to feed him his own cum.
Astarion grabbed Gale by his hair and pulled him back a little. Then he held him by the throat and pulled him back further, until Astarion could press his forehead into the wizard’s sweat-slicked back. Feeling his own intense climax approach, he took hold of Gale’s cock and stroked it in time to his thrusts. 
Gale placed a gentle hand on his forearm and the simple intimate touch drove Astarion over the edge. He groaned like a feral animal as he filled Gale’s ass with his cum. With an orgasm much more powerful than the last few, Gale released his own on Eletha’s stomach. Thick strings of hot white cum even made it as far as her breasts and throat. As soon as Astarion released him from his grip and cock, Gale got on his hands and knees once more to lick her skin clean. Cum-drunk, he collapsed on top of her, covering her with his sweaty bulk.
Astarion wanted to say something witty, but he was still coming down from a high he didn’t know he was capable of achieving. And after watching Gale work, he had to come to terms with the fact that maybe he did have some things to learn…
“I want you to ride me,” Gale told Eletha when he could manage the words. His hand slipped down between her legs and ran over her swollen clit before sinking into her sloppy cunt. In her ear, he explained the fantasy he’d been playing out in his head for a while now. “Use me. I want to see how beautiful you are when you come on my cock.”
She had to come up with an answer, but she was too distracted to come up with something a little sexier than just, “Okay.”
That was enough for Gale and with one deft movement, he swapped their positions. He teased her with the head of his cock, gathering her juices as he ran it through her slit, rubbing her clit, just barely pressing it into her waiting entrance. 
Feeling left out, Astarion knelt behind her. Having cleaned himself off, he pressed his chest against her back, his dexterous hands wandering her body. Her pulse thrummed like a war drum under the skin of her neck, calling out to him. With his nose behind her ear, he whispered, “May I taste you? Please?”
Eletha managed a hum and a nod, trying to fight back her orgasm just a little longer. Much more gently, more sensually, Astarion pierced the delicate flesh of her neck and let her blood flow into his mouth. Its vitalic zest washed over his tongue and he moaned in the back of his throat, making Eletha shudder. 
Finally lowering herself onto Gale’s eager cock, she whined as it spread her open. Appreciably thicker from his heightened excitement, it stretched her cunt even further than before. Ignoring his own instructions for just a moment, Gale thrust up into her, eliciting a cry of pleasure.
As she started fucking herself, bouncing on Gale’s lap and rolling her hips, Astarion settled one hand on her hip and the other over her clit. Once he understood her rhythm, he slipped his fingers to either side of the bundle of nerves, pressing it between them, and started stroking, fingers curling and straightening in time with her thrusts.
Eletha flung her head back, making beautiful music as her cunt squeezed Gale’s cock so hard that he was briefly concerned that she might actually do some damage. He groaned in abject pleasure anyway. 
After all the teasing, cock-sucking, and thrusting, she couldn’t last long. Astarion’s voice in her ear didn’t help one bit.
“Show us how much you love us. Come for us, my love,” he commanded her sweetly, eyeing Gale from over her shoulder.
Astarion’s hand slipped from her clit as she pitched forward. Hands clutching Gale’s strong shoulders, Eletha ground her hips into his with all her strength, rubbing her throbbing clit against him while his cock stroked a very sensitive spot inside her. Gale forced himself to keep his eyes open so he could watch her face as she climaxed and he filled her cunt with a seemingly endless supply of cum. There was so much of it that it gushed out with his thrusts, even with how closely they were joined.
On shaky legs, she let him slip out and rolled to the side, collapsing on her back, covered in sweat, unable to control her breathing. As Gale found her hand with his own, Astarion decided to take this opportunity to move between her legs. With a hungry look and a lick of his lips, he purred, “My, what a mess we’ve made of you, my sweet.”
Without further ado, he swiped his tongue through her cunt, catching the cum dripping out. She shuddered and whimpered as he feasted on the delicious stuff, fucking her with his skilled tongue in the process. With one last twitch, she pleaded, “I can’t take it anymore.”
“You did wonderfully,” Gale reassured her as Astarion honored her request and moved on to licking Gale’s cock clean. The wizard pressed a kiss to the back of her hand before sitting up. Running a dry hand through the vampire’s curls, he chided playfully, “Haven’t had enough, hm?”
“That looked fun. I want my turn,” Astarion replied, lips curled into a smirk as Gale’s cock managed to come to life in his lubricated hand once more.
Without any arguments, Astarion sat in Gale’s lap, draping his arms over each shoulder as he started a battle of lips and tongues. Feeling ready, Astarion lowered himself onto Gale’s slick cock and felt his own twitch as he moaned against the other’s mouth.
Gale wrapped one arm around Astarion’s waist and snaked the other up his back to hold on to his shoulder, helping set the pace. His ego set aside, Astarion buried his face in Gale’s shoulder as his hips bucked and rolled, finding the perfect stroke to hit just the right places.
“That’s right,” Gale whispered in his ear, so calm and collected for someone who just came so hard that, if Mystra hadn’t stabilized the magic bomb in his chest, they and everything within several miles would’ve been turned to dust. “That’s a good boy. You’re doing so well.”
“Mmm, Gale,” he whimpered, biting off the urge to tell him to shut up. His words of encouragement actually made him feel even better, despite thinking it would distract him. 
Mewling, he bounced on Gale’s cock harder, desperate for a final release. Tears slipped from his eyes as he cried out, clutching Gale for dear life as he painted his lover’s torso with cum. Gale grunted softly as he spent his final orgasm in the fluttering comfort of the vampire’s insides.
“Oh no,” Gale breathed in shock, suddenly aware that Astarion was trying to not outright weep. Then he noticed Eletha clutching a pillow over her face to muffle the sounds she was making. Gale made gentle shushing noises as he started to take charge of the situation. “It’s okay. You’re okay. We’re alright.”
With a flick of his hand and a few practiced words, everything and everyone was made clean and fresh. Lying between them on his back, Gale gathered Astarion to one side and Eletha to the other, cradling their heads in the dip between his shoulder and chest. A warm, soft blanket materialized and floated down, covering them with a reassuring weight.
“I’m sorry,” Eletha managed to say eventually. “I got overwhelmed.”
“You needn’t worry about that,” Gale told her gently, placing a kiss on top of her head. Astarion said nothing, but he could feel his cold hand rest on Eletha’s arm, both of them lying across Gale’s stomach. “What matters is that we all enjoyed ourselves.”
In response, the two of them nuzzled his chest.
That was good, because if either of them had expressed regret, it would be Gale’s turn to break down into tears. For now, smothered in their collective embrace, he could rest easy.
After a few minutes, Eletha’s stomach growled. It was honestly monstrous in its tone and intensity.
She flushed and buried her face in Gale’s armpit.
“You forgot to eat, didn’t you?” Gale asked with a chuckle, amused but a little annoyed, but only because he didn’t like it when people neglected their basic needs.
“How could I?” Eletha argued, removing herself from the pile of limbs so she could find her clothes. “With your cute little mirror image telling me you had something urgent to talk about.”
“I suppose I should have added an instruction to advise you to at least have a snack…” Gale scratched his beard, mulling the oversight.
Gale tried to sit up, only to be pressed back into the bed. Astarion put more of his body on top of Gale’s, trapping him. “Just a little longer.”
“If that’s what you want,” Gale answered, letting the tension out of his body. 
Eletha got dressed and gave them both a kiss before rushing off back towards camp. 
No one was around when she got there, so she settled by the fire and served herself. Ravenous, she took a few quick bites before slowing down to appreciate Gale’s good work.
“We were a little worried about you,” Halsin remarked with a smile as he approached. Eletha blushed and looked away, embarrassed. “I could not help but hear some of your more unrestrained sounds.”
“Corellon strike me dead, I don’t know if I can face the others if they heard. It’s one thing if they think they know what was going on…” She stuffed some of the stew in her mouth and regretted it as her sore throat had trouble swallowing it down.
“You were gone for quite a while, but you have returned alone…”
“I was starving.” Her voice was hoarse and she chuckled, which didn’t help. “I’m afraid of what tomorrow brings. I might not be able to walk.”
Halsin beamed, one of his genial laughs making her stomach flip. “Satisfaction suits you. You are practically glowing.”
“Satisfied? I suppose I am.”
“It is okay to admit that you are not, if that is the case.”
“It’s just… a lot. And I have a lot of questions. Like, will that ever happen again? How often can it happen without it killing me?” Halsin placed a hand on her shoulder and muttered some healing words. She sighed in relief.
“I can imagine that it’s a difficult situation, given your past and future. I regret to say that I do not have any good advice. My fancies have always been… fleeting.”
“It’s kind of you to try. I’m sure we’ll figure it out, if we don’t die in some spectacular fashion…”
“Oak Father preserve us.” Adding to his prayer, he said teasingly, “Including your poor insides.”
“Yeah. I think we might have to give ourselves tomorrow off.” 
She glanced up at the sky, considering its impenetrable darkness. 
“Besides, I’m feeling a little… hot under the collar, so to speak.”
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lostfirefly · 2 months
Well, I don't know why I came here tonight, I've got the feeling that something ain't right
Hey, hey, hey!! I haven't published anything for a long time. The stress of studying took all my energy. Welcome to another fun day for Catherine and Buggy! English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here
Description: Neighbor asks Catherine and Buggy to look after the kids at their birthday party while she goes to get the cake.
Warnings: Fun, fluff, jokes. A composite image of the kids at the party. Sorry in advance for the fact that children swear, but I just thought that they often repeat everything after adults. Small references to my followers.
Words: 5344
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @yujo-nishimura, @emmiebugz-blog, @mydearlybeloathed
The title is taken from "Stuck in the middle with you" by Stealers Wheel.
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“How long are we going to sit like this, cotton candy?” Buggy stroked Catherine's back as she curled up in his lap. 
“It's only been fifteen minutes, stop nagging.” She took his ponytail and began to wind it around her finger. “You stayed late at the circus two nights in a row. I missed you. And now I want to spend some time with you in our chair.” 
“It’s nonsense, Cathie-pie. We're doing nothing.”
“We’re enjoying each other's company. It's so great and romantic. We're resting, you're hugging me, I feel like I'm in the safest place in the world right now.” Catherine curled up even tighter and pulled the blanket over them. “Let's sit for a little while longer, please.”
Buggy rolled his eyes. “Fine. An hour, ok?” He hugged her tighter, kissed her forehead and quickly wiped the lipstick mark with his fingers. “Why do I always give in to you?” He noticed Catherine start laughing. “What's so funny, little shit?” 
“Your nose. It's so funny, it bumps into my head, then my cheeks.” Catherine saw how sad Buggy became. “Oh, don't be upset, my silly clown. I love your nose. It also whistles funny sometimes at night. But I like it, it makes me feel like I'm home.” 
“You like mocking me, right?”
“I'm not mocking you! Remember when I went to visit my sister recently? I missed your snoring and whistling, so I had to put a chicken whistle by my pillow and I hugged the teddy bear. It all reminded me of you and our home, my little bear.” Catherine exhaled and started running her fingers around Buggy's arm. “I want you to come to my parents’ house so much. I want to show you everything. My room, photo albums, my favorite places. I was sitting in a coffee shop and thinking how great it would be to sit here with you. Maybe you'll come to Loguetown with me sometime?”
“I don't know, Catherine. We’ll see, ok? Fuck, totally forgot I have something for you.” Buggy sent his hand to the night stand and pulled some box of candies out of the drawer for her. “Here, your favorite nougat ones.”
“Yesterday, you stole blue irises for me. Today you brought me sweets. You're so cute, my Buggy Bear. You bring me candies, flowers, you even started bringing me candles. Thanks!” She kissed him on the cheek and took a couple of candies. “Yummy. Oh! Can I ask you a question?”
“First, Cathie-pie, it's still a terrible nickname. Second, you talked me into staying in this chair and covered me with a blanket with little ponies on it. Me.” Buggy pointed his finger at himself. “A grown man. Do I have a choice to say no?” 
“Asshole.” Catherine popped a candy into her mouth. “You know, we've been together for six months now, and I realized I don't know your middle name. Do you have a middle name? Let's say Buggy Eiichiro the Clown.” 
“Oh, I know what name I could have.” He grinned. “Buggy “The Best Sex of Catherine Mitchell's Life” the Clown.” He started giggling and winked at her. 
“I hate you. Why can't you answer like a normal person?” Catherine gently slapped him on the shoulder. “Now you're punished and I’ll ask another question. Have you ever dreamed of anything? Or maybe you have another dream now.”
“Why are you asking?”
“Everyone has dreams, Buggy.” Catherine ran her finger over his chest. “You talk not so much about your past, I'm wondering what you were like before you met me. So far I only know that you were in prison, hanging out with some kid and are worth a lot of money. But I still think you should cost more.”
“I didn't hang out with the kid! Well... I used to dream of you leaving my life, but as we can see,” Buggy smacked Catherine on the head, “that wasn't meant to happen, and now you piss me off every single day.” 
“I'm serious, clown. I told you about mine yesterday.”
“You mean that dream where you wanted to be queen of the gummy worms?” Buggy laughed. “I can't stop imagining this picture. I'm sorry, baby, it doesn't count.”
“I was five years old, you idiot. What could I have dreamed of when I was five? Okay, if you don't want to tell me, don't tell me.” Catherine gently slapped her palms on his chest.
“Fine. Seriously though. Well,” Buggy scratched his head, “I dreamed of being the king of… all circuses. But I had to give up on that dream. I had and have no right to dream about that.”
“Are you sure you're talking about the circus? You have the right to dream, my blue-haired love.” Catherine looked at Buggy, saw that he didn't want to continue this topic, took his hand and started to run her fingers over his palm. “I don't know. It seems to me that you are already the king. Tickets are selling out fast. Your fangirls are sighing for you.”
“I don't have fangirls! Stop mocking me, little shit!” 
“No, you have! I saw them. But I won't give you to them.” Catherine poked Buggy in the shoulder. “And I’m so proud of you. Can't wait to see the new show.” She exhaled and gently took the strand of his hair. “We're sitting so well, huh? Thank you for this, I know you don’t like, but I appreciate you suffering for me.” Catherine raised her head. “I love you so, so much, my Buggy Bear.” She gently pulled him by the ponytail closer and touched her lips to his. 
(doorbell rings) 
“Who is it? Are you waiting for someone?” Catherine raised an eyebrow. 
“No. Fuck them! Let's not open the door.” Buggy tried to kiss her back.
(knock on the door) 
“Wait!” Catherine gently pushed his head back. “Maybe it's Cabaji? He wanted to come in and ask about how to spend a perfect date with a girl.”
“Why can't he ask over the phone?” Buggy tried to kiss her neck. “Fuck him too.” 
“Stop! He wanted to write everything down.” Catherine tried to fight back and slapped him on the back. “I want to help him. He's your friend.” 
“He’ll do it later. We’re enjoying each other and to be honest, now I like sitting in the fucking chair.” Buggy tried to kiss her neck again. 
“Oh, for Christ's sake, Buggy!” Catherine had a hard time pulling his head off. “Don't touch me with your painted lips. You already pestered me in the bathroom this morning and I said no. What's gotten into you?”
“You were so sexy in the bathroom in your pants with pandas, I couldn't resist.” Buggy took her hand and kissed it. 
“I wasn't sexy, I was disheveled and was brushing my teeth.” Catherine grabbed his chin and pecked him on his nose. “Is there something else on your mind, clown?”
“Stop doing this, woman!” Buggy scrunched up his face and tried to move away from Catherine.
“I want and I kiss your nose!” She pecked him on his nose several times. “Love you, my old grumpy boy.” 
“I’m not ol-!” 
(doorbell rings) 
“I'll go open it.” Catherine quickly got up from Buggy's lap, ran to the door, but stopped abruptly at the exit from the bedroom and turned to Buggy. “Oh, no! What if it's not Cabaji. What if it's some man who came to take me away from you.” Catherine winked and quickly ran out into the hallway. 
“Hey!” Buggy rushed after her and caught up only at the front door. 
Catherine laughed when he grabbed her hand and began to pull her towards him. “You're such a fool. Look at how you're clinging to me. My blue-haired protector.” She kissed him on the cheek and opened the door. “Mrs. Emmie? What happened?”
A short, middle-aged woman with dark hair stood on the threshold. “Hello, Mr. The Clown.” She waved her hand. 
“Buggy, actually.” He rolled his eyes. 
Mrs. Emmie blushed a little. “Sorry. Mister Buggy, Miss Catherine, I need your help. My grandson is here for his birthday party, his parents haven't arrived yet and I have to pick up his cake. Could you look after him and some of his friends while I go get the cake?”
“NO!” Buggy shouted loudly, not expecting such an intonation from himself.
“Please, Mr. The Clown!”
“It's Buggy, for god's sake!! I've been living here for two years!!”
“Sorry, Mr. The Clown! Well, I went around to all the neighbors. No one is here. Grandson's parents were stuck in traffic and would be here in about two hours. The kids' parents would be arriving, but they would also be arriving in about an hour. The table was already set, with cocktails for the kids and a bar for the adults. Please! I can pay!” Mrs. Emmie looked at Catherine with tear-stained eyes. 
“How much?” Buggy crossed his arms. 
“Excuse us for a second, Mrs. Emmie.” Catherine took his hand and led him aside. “Are you crazy asking about money, clown? She's asking for help!”
“Not help, cotton candy!” Buggy glanced at Mrs. Emmie. “She's asking to babysit. I'm not going to babysit for free.”
“Perfect!” Catherine fluttered her hands. “And if I asked you to babysit our child, would you ask me for money too?”
“Oh, no, in that case I'd charge you a different fee.” Buggy giggled idiotically. 
“You're disgusting, you know that?” Catherine gently stroked his shoulder. “I know, you don't like kids. I'm not a fan of them either. But do you really want to leave me to be eaten by a bunch of children? I will never believe in my life that you would do this. You didn't leave me in that god’s cage.” Catherine hugged him around his waist, placing her chin on his chest. “Will my Buggy the Brave Knight save me again? And don't forget there's free food and free booze there. Then we'll come home, and I promise I won't even drag you out for a walk today. We'll stay home and eat chips and hot dogs like old people.”
“Fine.” Buggy groaned. 
“You're my best!” Catherine kissed him on his cheek. “Love, love, love you!” She turned back to Mrs. Emmie, who looked at Catherine with hope in her eyes. “It's okay, we agree.”
“Thank you! Thank you!” Mrs. Emmie hugged Catherine. “You know, Mr. The Clown, even though you grumble all the time, you've become a little bit nicer since that sweet sweetie came into your house.”
“See? I’m sweet.” Catherine playfully poked Buggy in his chest. “And you're nice.” 
Buggy rolled his eyes and growled, pushing Catherine towards the exit. “This means I'm changing, and you've come to love me differently.”
Mrs. Emmie led them into the back yard, explaining the rules and restrictions. Catherine memorized them attentively, jabbing Buggy with her elbow whenever he started to grumble. They walked out into the backyard, which was covered with colorful balloons and streamers that said Happy Birthday. Large tables were filled with baked goods, sandwiches, and sweets. The yard echoed with the sounds of children's laughter and whistles.
“Oh, that table over there is definitely for me!” Buggy nodded towards a closed bar with a bunch of drinks and started to walk towards it, but Catherine grabbed him by the pants as soon as he took two steps away from her. “Baby, if you want something from me, just ask.” He chuckled.
Mrs. Emmie and Catherine looked at him at the same time, puzzled. Buggy tensed slightly, looking at Catherine's “i’ll kill you” face. 
Mrs. Emmie exhaled and shook her head. “Miles, honey!” She called out as they descended a couple of steps of the large wooden staircase below. “I’m going to get your cake. Miss Catherine and Mister Buggy are going to sit with you while I go away for a while. I’ll be back in an hour. Bye.” She grabbed the keys and quickly ran out of the house. 
Catherine took Buggy's hand and led him towards the children. “Hey, guys!” She waved to them as she walked out into the backyard.
“WOOOAAAH!!!” A small, chubby boy with big cheeks, ginger hair and big dark eyes turned to face them. “Look! Guys!!” Miles poked his friends in the shoulder. “This's a real clown!!! Strange.. he's not wearing a costume, he's wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Anyway!! RUN!!!” 
Ten kids jumped up from the grass and ran towards Buggy. 
“Hey, hey!!” Catherine stood in front of Buggy, spreading her arms. “Quiet, guys!” 
“Can you do magic?” One kid was tugging at Buggy's pants.
“Is your nose buzzing?” The other kids tried to get past Catherine.
“Woohooo!!!” One of the children squealed. “Loook, guys!! I’m flying!!” 
Catherine turned around to see Buggy picking the child up by the scruff of the neck and glaring at him. “Buggy! Put the kid down on the ground right now!” She hissed quietly through her teeth.
“He was tugging at my pants!” Buggy turned the child over in his hands. “I don't like it.” 
“I don't care, put him down!”
Buggy rolled his eyes and set the child down. 
“Alright, kiddos, everyone to the table.” Catherine nudged a few kids in the back. “Who wants cake?”
“Who needs cake when there's a clown here!!” Miles squeaked. 
Several children tried to attack Buggy again, but Catherine grabbed him by the shirt. “Na-ah! No attacks on the clown until everyone's had their cake.” She bent down, placing her hands on her knees, and looked at the children. “So. Who wants cake now?” 
“WE WANT CAKE!! WE WANT CAKE!!!” All the children, joyfully throwing up their hands, ran squealing to the table in all directions.
Catherine laughed and followed after them, making sure all the kids were seated. She turned away for just a second to pour everyone some juice when she heard a child squealing and an adult cursing. 
“I can't sit still!!!” Miles' voice came from behind Catherine. “He's so cool!!!” Catherine turned to see several kids attacking Buggy, who tried to fight off a crowd of screaming children and cursing. 
“What the fuck?” Buggy tried to throw the child who had jumped on his back.
“You're sooo funny!! Your nose looks soo real!” The kid started laughing and was about to grab Buggy's nose. 
“Hey, get off him!” Catherine rushed to pull the kids off the suffering clown's body. “You okay?” She quickly examined Buggy's face and hands.
“Fuck, no! Catherine, let's go home. They're crazy!! Let them look after themselves!” Buggy tried to take the squealing kid off yourself. 
“We can't. We promised to help. Look, they like you.” Catherine giggled as she lifted another child off Buggy. “Okay, Miles! Get off my boyfriend's back!” 
“Is he your boyfriend? Wooooaaaah!! You're so lucky!!” Miles looked at Catherine with admiration. “You probably can watch tricks all the time. Is he showing you tricks?”
“Oh, yeah, believe, dude, I show her tricks.” Buggy giggled with a proud expression on his face. “You know, adult ones.” 
“What? What do adult tricks mean?” Miles looked from Catherine to Buggy, waiting for an answer.
Buggy crossed his arms. “That means I can…” 
“Shush!!” Catherine hissed and whispered under her breath. “Shut up and wipe that smug grin off your face,” Catherine took a small step toward Buggy. “Are you crazy, saying that in front of the kid?”
“What's wrong? He's…” Buggy looked at Miles, who was fiddling with his hand. “How old are you, bro?”
“I'm six!” Miles said proudly, with a slight lisp.
“See, Cathie-pie, he's six.” 
“I don’t care. I'm not gonna ruin a little kid's life with your stories.” Catherine nudged Miles toward the table. 
“Look, they are sitting, eating cake and don't bother anyone. Let's go home.” Buggy took Catherine's hand and dragged her to the door. “Nothing will happen to them.”
“I can't leave 10 children unattended, Buggy.” She pulled her hand away and glanced towards the children.
“Come on, cotton candy! Their parents are coming in... How long have we been here?” Buggy looked at his watch. “Ten minutes? Fuck!”
“Stop grumbling, clown! Oh, my God! See? One of the kids is eating dirt!” Catherine waved her hands and ran to another chubby kid with dark hair and big brown eyes. “Hey, you! The boy! Stop doing that!” She barely lifted him off the ground. “What's your name, baby?”
“I'm Howl!” The boy, covered in mud, answered with a proud look.
“And I'm Catherine.” She knelt down and started wiping the kid's hands. “Stop eating dirt, Howl.”
“This will make me cool!” Howl shoveled another handful of dirt down his throat. 
“Cool guys don't eat that. They eat hot dogs. Do you want to be a cool boy and eat hot dogs, Howl?” Catherine stroked the boy's hair.
“Nope!” Howl grabbed the dirt in his hand and put it in his mouth.
“Dear lord!!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “Oh! I know! See that man over there?” Catherine nodded gently toward Buggy. “See? He’s strong and cool. And you know why? He likes hot dogs! Now do you want to be cool like him?” She saw Howl glance at the clown, then look at Catherine and nod. “Do you want me to get you a hot dog?”
Howl scowled. “Now I want to believe you. And as I started believing you, I want a hot dog!!” He jumped towards the table.
“Thank God!” Catherine stood up from her knees and saw Buggy walking towards her, sipping his beer. “Are you kidding me? While I'm trying to seat the kids, you’re enjoying a beer?” Catherine grabbed her head. “These kids are like ten of you, Buggy. They also sit quietly at first and then bam! They start whining and doing strange things.”
“But see? You're doing great. Maybe I should go home and support you from the couch?” Buggy shrugged and put the empty bottle on the nearest table.
“Oh, go wherever you want, Buggy.” Catherine waved at him. “I was hoping for once in my life you'd help me.”
“Sorry, Cathie-pie. I’d love to make things right but it’s time to exit stage left. Bye!” 
“How-- How can you do this to me?” Catherine's eyes widened and she yelled after Buggy, who was walking away. “What? You didn't leave me in the desert, so now you're taking revenge, huh?” She watched how he waved to her. “Go f-- screw you, clown!!!”
“Excuse me, Miss Catherine!” Someone poked Catherine in the arm with his finger several times. “You're swearing!” Miles’ voice came from behind Catherine. 
“And what?” She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. 
“When my parents argue and use bad words, they put a dollar in the jar.” He pulled out a jar of money and shook it in front of Catherine's face. “Dollar, please.”
“What? I won't pay you!” Catherine squealed, her eyes wide.
“Then I'll tell my parents that you were swearing. Guys! Repeat after me! Screw you! Screw you!!” Miles and Howl began to jump around Catherine excitedly, repeating the phrase after her. Miles stopped and glanced at Catherine. “See, lady? You’ll have problems. Dollar.” 
“Do you think you can scare me, little bastard? I jumped off a cliff and live with the clown!” Catherine shifted her gaze to the table and crossed her arms. “Let's do it like this! You sit down at the table, I'll let you have a baby cocktail and I'll tell you a funny story, what do you think the idea is?”
“I don't want the story! Let's do it this way. I'll keep quiet, and you call the clown. I want the clown! Where'd he go?” Miles started to fume. 
“He better packs his bags right now to flee to another country away from my wrath.” Catherine muttered under her breath. “What should I do with you?” She scratched her head. “Oh! If you guys don't want a story, let's hit the piñata. There's probably candy in there. Do you guys like candy? You're kids! You should love them!” Catherine looked at them pleadingly in her eyes. 
“WE WANT THE CLOWN!!!” All the kids stamped their feet. 
“Mother fuc–!” Catherine suddenly covered her mouth with her hand.
“Dollar, please!” Miles picked up the can again.
“Screw you!” Catherine heard the phone ringing. 
“Guuuuys!” Miles raised his hand. “Go!” He waved his hand, giving the command. “Mother fuc-! Mother fuc-!” The kids started kicking their feet and merrily repeating after Catherine. 
“Screw you all!!” Catherine heard the phone ringing. “Shit! Everybody stay here!” Catherine pulled her cell phone out of her pants pocket. “Mrs. Emmie? What? Are you going to be late? And kids’ parents? Also? Yeah, sure, I'll keep an eye on them. Goodbye.” Catherine put her phone in her pocket. “Yeah, she's got traffic. I bet they're all sitting at the bar drinking aperol right now. Oh my god, the kids!” She watched them all scatter again. “Everybody should freeze now!!!” She barked loudly and abruptly covered her mouth with her hand again. “For god's sake, let's beat the piñata now, eat fries, and then you eat cake, and I'll show you tricks.”
“Hooray!!!!!” All children tore out of their seats and ran toward the big pig-shaped piñata. 
They joyfully started pounding the toy until candy sprinkled out of it.
“MY SWEETS! MY SWEETS!!!!” The kids piled on top of each other and started raking up the candy. 
“Stop!! What's wrong with you? Stop climbing on each other.” Catherine grabbed her head. “This is some kind of madhouse.” She muttered to herself and looked at her watch. “I've made it through almost an hour. There's still an hour left.”
“Miss Catherine, I didn't climb on anyone and behaved well. Can I have cake now?” A thin voice of a girl was heard. “I'm Hilda.” 
“Oh, of course, dear Hilda.” Catherine stroked the girl's head and clapped her hands. “Everyone to the table! Let's have cake and fries!!”
“You promised us magic tricks, Miss Catherine!” Miles mumbled, eating candies and approaching the table. 
“Yes, magic tricks! Let me juggle.” Catherine picked up three tangerines and tried to throw them up in the air to catch them, but they all fell to the ground. “Okay! That was a practice run. Let's try again!” She tossed the tangerines again, but they also fell to the ground.
“You're a bad juggler! Why are you ruining my party?” Miles began to sob. 
“Oh, well, I'm sorry I'm such a fucking clumsy person, okay? I can't juggle!” Catherine angrily threw the balls on the ground.
Miles started whining and all the children began to repeat after him. 
“Oh, stop crying! Bunch of..” Catherine rolled her eyes. “It’s not my fault that your paren-”
“I’ll tell my mom that you spoiled my party, and you swore!” Miles wiped his nose. “I want to see you juggling!! YOU CANNOT JU-UGGLE!!”
“Because she doesn't know how to do it. Right, Miss Catherine?” 
“THE CLOWN!!!” Miles, Howl and other seven kids, except for Hilda, jumped to their feet.
Catherine turned to where the children were pointing and saw Buggy gesturing to them to calm down. Catherine tried to hold back a smile, but she wasn't very good at it. “You're back!”
“Yes, and I hate myself for that.” Buggy shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets.
“I always knew you were a good person.” Catherine started stroking his hand. 
“And for that, I hate you.” He shifted his gaze to the kids. “So. What's going on here?” 
“They're crazy, Buggy. And that kid Miles. He’s a little evil. He tried to swindle money out of me. It feels like the only calm person here is that plump blonde girl named Hilda, and only because she eats all the time.” Catherine buried her head in Buggy's shoulder. “I wanna go home. But we need to entertain them somehow, because they'll continue squealing and destroying everything when they finish the cake, because they saw you. Buggy, please! Help me!” Catherine was practically breaking down into tears.
“How about I show them a couple of chop chop tricks?” Buggy placed his hand on her back. “They're kids, right? They love it when clowns do funny things. And by the way, not only kids love that.” He giggled again in a stupid way. 
“Shut up, you pervert.” Catherine raised her eyes. “And no chop chop in front of these kids, please. I don't know who they are, or who their parents are. What if they come after you later? I don't want you to get hurt.” 
Buggy snapped his fingers. “Are there any ribbons or scarves around here?”
“I saw some. Wait.” Catherine quickly ran to the table and came running back. “Here.” She held out several colorful chiffon scarves to him. 
“Okay, kiddos. Who wants tricks?” Buggy tucked the handkerchiefs under his sleeve and headed toward the kids. 
“WE WANT TRICKS!!!!” All ten little bodies stared at Buggy in admiration. 
Questions were constantly heard from around the table. “Is your hair real? Or is it a wig?”, “And where did you buy such a natural nose? Does it honk?”. The children shouted their names randomly, trying to get Buggy's attention.
“Either you calm down now or no tricks!” Catherine barked, glared angrily at the children and plopped down on the chair. “I can't!” She drank the juice from the nearest glass in one gulp.
“Hey, Miles!” Buggy said quietly, adjusting his sleeves. “I heard it's your birthday.”
“Yeah! Yeah!” Miles started stamping his feet on the spot. “My birthday, my party!” 
“And I also heard you were picking on that beautiful girl.” Buggy pointed at Catherine and clicked his tongue. “Not cool, bro.”
“Tattletale!!” Miles whispered to Catherine and showed his tongue. “I didn't mean to, Mister the Clown.” He pouted. “Sorry, miss.”
“I guess she's not mad at you anymore.” Buggy winked at Catherine. “And I also…. What's that?” He pointed somewhere behind the kids. 
Everyone at the table, including Catherine, looked around. 
“Where? I can't see anything!” She tried to figure out where he was pointing. 
“TA-DA!” Buggy's voice was heard. 
Catherine and all the kids turned around and saw him start to take out handkerchiefs from his sleeves. The children froze for a second and then suddenly burst into laughter, squeals and applause.
“Best trick ever!” Catherine started clapping. “You're the best clown I've ever seen in my life!”
Buggy began juggling tangerines, but he was also not very good at it. Then he started showing card tricks, he was a little better at this. The children squealed, shouted and stamped their feet at his every mistake, thinking it was part of the act. 
“Now I'm going to ask my lovely assistant to help me.” Buggy held out his hand to Catherine. 
“Who? Me?” She leaned closer to him. “Will you pick one of the children?”
“Nope.” Buggy winked at her. “Will my cotton candy help me?”
Catherine blushed, giggled and squealed quietly at the same time, and extended her hand to Buggy.
“Mister the Clown, can you make us a balloon dog? I'm Arthur, by the way.” A skinny, fair-haired boy covered in cake asked from the end of the table.
“Hello, Arthur!” Catherine said and bowed slightly. “Of course he will make an inflatable dog. Give us one minute!” She ran away for a second, picked up a sausage-shaped balloon and ran back. “Please, Mr. the Clown.” Catherine bowed like a true circus assistant, handing the balloon to Buggy.
“Cotton candy, I have no fucking idea how these dogs are made!” Buggy whispered quietly. 
“Think of something. I don't think they care what the outcome is. I think they just like you.” Catherine glanced out of the corner of her eye at the excited children.
Buggy groaned and tried to bend one part of the balloon to make a tail, the other part of the balloon to make a head. He twisted something resembling a twisted sausage in his hands for a long time.
“Something like that.” He showed this balloon misunderstanding to the children.
18 eyes looked at Catherine and Buggy, with the exception of Hilda, only blinking back.
“What's going on? Why are they silent?!” Catherine looked from the children to Buggy and took a step back just in case.
“I don't know.” Buggy nudged Catherine behind him. “I don't like this. I don't like it even more that they're looking at us the way you look at me just before you start squealing and jumping on me.” He nudged her back another step.
At that very moment the children burst into squeals and jumped up from their seats, running towards Catherine and Buggy. 
“Get back! Get back!” Buggy shouted at Catherine and took two big steps back.
“Hello, kids!” Mrs. Emmie's voice was heard and the children immediately ran to her. Several parents also came into the yard. 
“Am I alive? Or were we trampled?!!!” Catherine was ready to cry with delight, hugging Buggy. “Are you ok–?” 
“Miss Catherine! Mister Buggy! Hello! We are Miles' parents. Auggie and Trevor.” A short, stocky man with dark hair and grey-blue eyes, a tall, thin middle-aged woman with blue-black hair and blue eyes came closer to Catherine and Buggy. “Emmie said you helped us out. I hope the kids didn't torture you too much. Our son can be naughty sometimes.”
“Sometimes? Are you fucking kidding me?” Buggy barked. “Your kid–!”
Catherine kicked him in the leg. “It's okay, Miss Auggie. Miles's cute.” She giggled slightly. 
“Let me thank you with a cocktail!” Auggie invited Buggy and Catherine to the bar, where she poured them each a Long Island. They were talking when Miles approached his parents and tugged at his mother's dress. 
“Mom, where's my scooter? Daddy promised me a scooter!” He looked around. 
“Honey, you don't need a scooter yet, we bought you a kick scooter.” Auggie patted Miles on the head. 
“But I wanted a real scooter!” Miles stamped his foot. 
“Hah, you don't always get what you want, kid. I dreamed of being queen of the worms, but you see, my dreams were never meant to come true.” Catherine took a swig of her drink.
“Screw you!” Miles stamped his foot and stuck out his tongue to Catherine. 
“Miles! What kind of words were you saying?!” The boy's mom's eyes widened. 
“She said that bad word!” Miles pointed at Catherine. 
“What?!" Auggie looked at Catherine blinking. “Are you out of your mind?”
“It's time to go home, cotton candy!” Buggy threw Catherine over his shoulder and was about to run towards the door. 
“Wait! Wait! Wait!” Catherine grabbed four bottles of different alcohol and managed to grab a tray of snacks. “We dese-e-eerve it!!” She screamed as Buggy raced towards the apartment with her.
Buggy reached the apartment in seconds and closed the door. 
“Lock it all up! Lock it all up!” Catherine laughed, putting the bottles on the table. “God, I hope they don't get too mad at us.”
“Fuck them!” Buggy leaned his back against the door and looked at the large bottles of alcohol. “How did you even grab all that?”
Catherine shrugged, came closer and hugged him around the waist. “You hear that?” She chuckled. “Silence!” Catherine raised her head and looked at Buggy's tired and at the same shocked face. “Thank you! I couldn't have done it without you. You see, we have proven once again that we are a strong crew.” She kissed him on his nose. “And my silly clown..”
“I’m listening, my Cathie-pie.” 
“Don't get me wrong, I love you.” Catherine started stroking his head. “But from today on, I won't let you touch me without… well.. you know. I'll tell you more, you'll put on every single.. well, you know.. in the box on your little Buggy.” 
“Hey! He's not little!” Buggy kissed the top of Catherine’s head. “But for the first time in my life, I’m not gonna argue with you, cotton candy.”
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tyrantchimeraart · 7 months
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Guess who spent way too much effort drawing when she decided to joke around with the fandom debate over Alastor having a tail? Me, that's who!! It was an fun exercise in character design for sure. Background image is just an altered screenshot, I obviously don't claim it. Below are descriptions for each tail:
0: No Tail There's two of these ones, one front and one back. They're the base I used and show off what he looks like "normally".
1: Devil Tail His VA said, when asked if his character had a tail, that he thinks Alastor would have a devil tail. So of course I make one that's party sized. (That's also why I changed his brooch to an apple, for eagle-eyed viewers: his VA said that he thinks Alastor's favourite candy/fruit would be an apple and loool why not let's bait the shippers trollolol!)
2: Radio Antennae Honestly just makes practical sense for a guy like Alastor. Helps him transmit and used his powers.
3: Deer Tail The fandom's generally favourite tail headcanon for Alastor. I like it too tbh.
4: Deer coat-tails Double the fun! What if he actually had two tails to mimic the coat-tails of a swanky jacket?
5: Peacock This show-offy bastard likes attention and he deserves a tail that reflects this. 100% I'm taking the piss over this. But also the eye spots on the feathers mimic his microphone, so there is that.
6: Raccoon/Cheshire The radio drama king deserves a drama king tail, and minus the peacock, there isn't anything quite as stand-out as a raccoon tail. But then I looked at it and his grin and went, "Wait, is that a raccoon tail, or a Cheshire cat tail?" And honestly I could not answer that.
8: Deer tail (tiny) How else do you think he's kept it hidden so long? Bet he's embarrassed to show such a smol little butt floof.
9: Combined tail Combined the devil tail idea with the deer tail idea. This is also based on a previous picture of mine (link here)
10: Dog/fox Apparently Alastor doesn't like dogs according to a wiki? They might have had something to do with his hunting-accident death. So of course I'm gonna be an asshole and give him a dog tail so he can never forget it. (Legit though it's kind of hilariously fucked up that you take a form in Hell based on how you died lol). This tail could also be a sort of fox tail too, for those of you who think his deceptive nature makes him kitsune-like. I ain't drawing a nine-tailed fox version of him, what the fuck are you asking, do I look like I have room anywhere!?! …Jokes aside (not), the dog tail might be the most likely to be canon? Maybe?? So where is it? He probably hates it so much he cuts it off the first chance he gets (and probably eats it too, knowing this MOFO.)
Anyways, hope you've enjoyed this exercise. I sure have! Feel free to experiment with your own versions of this idea, but please credit me if you do... Or at least let me know so I can see it? Pretty please?
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lithium80writer · 11 months
The Fence (A Billy Hargrove Short Story)
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Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapter three
Chapter four: Your Billy
⚠️This is a darker story. ⚠️ Billy Hargrove short story. This story will focus a lot on Billy's abuse from his father and Josephine's mental and sexual abuse from her stepfather. Can these two lost souls find sanctuary in each other? Trigger warnings ⚠️: Descriptions of sexual assault in first person and domestic abuse. Language. Thoughts of self harm and suicide. Disturbing topics. Smut. ⚠️ This story is not for everyone but more an emotional release for me. Thank you for reading. 🖤 Upside down doesn't exist. Max is not Billy's sister. It's just him and Neil.
Billy's POV
I walk outside and I see a little envelope sticking through the fence. My heart speeds up and I walk a little faster. I quickly tear it open and see her delicate handwriting. Cursive. Shit.
Too fancy for me but I slide down my back against the fence and squint to read her small handwriting.
**** Dear Billy,
I was happy to get your letter. I'm sorry for disappearing. I am okay. Is your eye better? I hope so. Your letter caught me by surprise. It made me feel happy. I don't feel that a lot. So, thank you. Write back soon.
Your friend from the other side of the fence,
**** Josephine. It's even prettier. I made her feel happy. Billy Hargrove made someone happy. And someone made Billy Hargrove feel happy. What the fuck is going on?
There's that care again. Jo, asking about my eye. Maybe I'm not delusional.
I stand quickly and dust the dirt off of my jeans. I head inside and straight to my room trying to avoid him at all costs. I light a cigarette as I put pen to paper. And there it began. Our friendship.  My first real friendship. Little by little we learned about each other.
She asked me questions about me. My favorite things. How I was doing. My life in general. And for some reason, I told her. I was honest. But it started to feel fake. I wasn't being fake but it didn't sound like Billy Hargrove.
Not everyone's preconceived notions about me anyways. She wouldn't like the real me.
The hardest letter I ever wrote to Jo:
**** I need you to know, Josephine. I'm not a good person. I'm angry. I fight a lot. I drink a lot. I cuss too much and I smoke a pack a day.. at least. I'm so fucking angry. But I don't feel that way when I write to you. I feel calm. I feel at peace. But I don't want you to have some fake image of me built up in your head. I'm not good, Jo. I'm not a good person.
**** I waited for her reply anxiously. I thought maybe she wasn't going to reply. Every day I checked the spot. It was empty. I fucked up. I pushed her away. I was too honest.
Then finally, I saw it. Placed in between the wooden posts. I lit a cigarette and prepared for the worst. I held the envelope in my hand for what felt like hours. Fucking open it, Billy.
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**** My dear Billy,
Anger doesn't make you a bad person. You have every right to be angry. You make me feel good. You make me feel happy. You brighten my life more than anyone ever has. Could a bad person do that? I don't believe so. Everybody has their faults. Please don't be so hard on yourself. I like you. Even the rough parts. I have bad parts too.
Your Jo (I hope that's okay.) ****
I was overwhelmed with a sense of relief. She didn't hate me. I didn't push her away. And I was completely honest with her.
My Jo. It's more than okay, baby.
I began to open up to Josephine. All the crazy thoughts I have, I let them pour out to her. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I can't see her. It's not face to face. Normally I would have been embarrassed. Or thought I was being a pussy. But it felt good. And she wasn't judging me.
Billy the fucking poet. But it felt different when I wrote to her. I was able to slow down my thoughts, not just spit out whatever smartass remark was always on my tongue. I could tell her what I was really feeling. On my bad days, I wrote a little more. Sometimes on my worst days, I didn't write at all.
Her letters were scarce. Only coming twice a week. But her words were always beautiful. Well spoken and kind. Sometimes I'd have three written by the time I got hers.When I asked her why she avoided the question. Come on, Josephine. Let me in.
I opened up to her and she opened up to me, a little at a time. Though I know she's still hiding things.
She doesn't like to talk about her stepdad much. But there was one letter that stood out. Two words. The Monster.
What has he done to my Jo?
Josephine's POV
Letter after letter. Thought after thought. Feeling after feeling. I poured my heart out to the boy on the other side of the fence. I didn't tell him everything but I told him when I was having extra bad days.
He told me when he was feeling down. He told me he wasn't good. I knew that wasn't true. I wanted to help him see that he was good.
Billy became a safe place for me to land. I didn't have to talk to my tree as much, though I still did. I told her all about Billy.
In one letter he called me sweetheart. I felt a flutter in my heart that I'd never experienced. I wanted to be his Jo. And I told him that. He responded in the next letter with "your Billy." I cried reading it.
In one of his letters he mentioned wanting to help me. I want that more than anything but there's nothing he can do. I want to see him. I tell him that regularly even though I know I can't.
Today I sat against my tree and opened Romeo and Juliet. I've read it now three times cover to cover. This time with Billy's letter was a small flower pressed flat in the pages. It was beautiful. I wonder if he thinks I'm beautiful.
I think he is. I didn't get to see him for long but his face is burned into my brain. I picture him sometimes at night when I close my eyes. Lately I've been having other feelings about him. Feelings that make me ashamed. Feelings that make me feel guilty.
I want to ask him if he's ever had sex. If it felt good. It's supposed to, right? I had a dream about Billy. I woke up feeling tingly. I'm confused. And scared. And curious. Maybe one day I'll ask him.
I leave the flower in its place, not wanting to destroy it. I decide I'll keep it forever. He ends up sending more. Little ones here and there. I have quite the collection of them now. They're my favorite thing.
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A few weeks later, I got another letter. Billy says he has an idea. It was dangerous. But maybe it could work.
**** You won't be able to see me but you can hear me. And I can hear you. What do you think, Jo?
Your Billy ****
I think yes. I think my heart might explode. I think I'd give anything to see those eyes again but for now.. hearing him will have to suffice.
**** My dear Billy,
Anything to hear your voice.
Love, your Josephine ****
Masterlist 🖤
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i fucking hate how normalized it is for VAs to either just take somebody's art without their consent and WITHOUT CREDIT, or to straight up use AI art for their thumbnails. if you do that you're genuinely a bad person idc. how can you consider yourself a creative and then turn around and take part in art theft?
"picture is from pinterest :)" "credit: ?" "please let me know who the artis is!" are NOT proper credit. and why would you use somebody's art if you don't even know who made it?
not to mention that you could easily use reverse image search? if ris doesn't turn up any answers, then don't use the fucking art. and if it does turn up, chances are the artist already has their terms for using their art somewhere visible in their profile and you can refer to that. if they don't then either ask or DON'T USE IT??
and i get not everyone can afford to commission artists for thumbnail/character art. tough luck dude. you are not entitled to free art. and like, thumbnails ARE a big part of reeling an audience in, so you're basically still making money off stealing people's art and it's about the scummiest thing you can do.
if you really can't afford a commission or struggle finding artists who are okay with their work being used like that: there's tons of picrews with incredible variaty and cool art you can use that are FREE and generally made with personal use as a goal in mind. use those. and make sure to credit the picrew creator in your descriptions, maybe even link their socials if you can.
like it's really not that hard and if this is too much effort then pick up a fucking pen yourselves you lazy bums.
one last thing: i really encourage everyone to call out VAs for not crediting/stealing art or using AI! if they don't listen to common decency then they might listen if their audience puts more pressure on them. you'd be doing artists a big favour with this <3
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wolfstrong · 1 year
ngl id want to hear all your answers to the choose violence ask game about buffy
hehehe why not... i couldnt answer all of these cuz idk I'm not like in in the buffy fandom but here
the character everyone gets wrong everyone already knows what I'm gonna say... say it with me now yall... XANDER!!!!!!!! also I feel like a lot of people don't have the soul connection I have with tara. not that they don't get her I just know they don't get her like id do okay.
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom sorry I don't care about this kinda stuff
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr yeah anyway I'm not gonna put the image here cuz it will burn your eyes but the photoshopped picture of spike and angel duo sucking Rileys dick like girl. i don't even know if that's a take but it is to me. the take is that spike and angel would suck riley off. worst take ever and worst image ever
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person? I don't have anyone from the buffy fandom blocked.... smile.
worst discord server and why someone invite me to a bad discord server id love to join and be tortured. is there even any buffy discord servers? please let me know
which ship fans are the most annoying? obviously spuffy. very very obviously. spuffy fans are some of the most annoying ship fans of any ship
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? answered
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about there are a couple episodes that are regarded as some of the worst buffy ever that are actually some of my favs... "I robot you jane" "go fish" "bad eggs" all good and "beer bad" IS NOT THE WORST EPISODE. in fact I actually kind of liked it so there. xander/willow is a good ship you are just not ready for that conversation. Angel isn't THAT bad okay.
worst part of canon what isn't the worst part of canon. actually I'm only on season 5 so I think I have yet to get to the WORST PART. btvs has so many fucking issues
worst part of fanon it bothers me that there is like NO FANART for the show and pretty much 50% of btvs content is about spuffy naked sex bat sex crazy naked tits and ass penis sex
number of fandom-related words you've filtered zero!
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them answered
worst blorboficiation answered
that one thing you see in fics all the time I don't read enough btvs fic
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art on god we need more core scooby appreciation like please please more fanart of just files buffy xander and willow hanging out and smiling and being silly. i never have seen like any fanart of xander ever
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... RAT AMY
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... .... i already kinda said it earlier but erm.. season 3 willow/xander cheating arc when they kept making out. sorry. oh also kinda horrified I like spuffy but like that's normal everyone likes that.
part of canon you found tedious or boring tbh most the time I think the season plot shit is boring. i much prefer monster of the weak stuff. the initiative stuff was SO FUCKING boring most the time and any scene with Riley I literally would fall asleep
part of canon you think is overhyped I mean I haven't FINISHED season 5 yet but I'm getting to the end and I feel like I see lots of hype for this season arc but so far the way its wrapping up is kind of awful. erm
ship you've unwillingly come around to I really didnt wanna like spuffy but I do. i don't want to like spander but I saw yaoi for a second idk maybe something is there. .. maybe.. xander and anya? though its more just like I don't hate anya anymore. i still kinda hate them as a couple.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse defs spangle vs spuffy and also whether or not Xander is good.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing SHUT UP ABOUT JOSS WHEDON BEING PROBLEMATIC IM SORRY TO BE THAT BITCH I DONT CARE. SORRY . BUT I DONT. its like literally all anyone has to say
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trans-leek-cookie · 1 year
The most normal blog on Tumblr dot com. You can kill me with an axe to take my title
hi. I'm some guy on the internet
I dont really have a name I go by online so just call me CVS, J, or Slime, or whatecer. I'm TME and some kinda nonhuman (trans) man, Chinese/White and use he/him, they/them, xe/xem, and whatever other pronouns (minus she/her). I'm also aro/ace
I'm regularly dealing with Mental Health Issues, primarily severe depression mixed with Grief. I'm also just kind of a cunt. This all means I am very Negative as a person.
Proshippers/anti antis, AO3 supporters, transandrophobia truthers, zionists etc. Given the chance I would kill us both.
Not as strong but I'll probably block you if you're a bi/mspec lesbian (and similar label) supporter, "toothpaste" (green+blue) gay flag user, or pro-endogenic systems. Just block me or whatever we shouldn't interact
Also no minors thanks. No hard feelings.
Also- for the love of God Do Not Interact or Follow if you are an ED focused blog. I'm not gonna make any judgements but that topic is just one that is BAD for my mental health.
If you follow me I may look thru ur blog. If I dont vibe I'll probably hard block this isn't super serious the block button is just so fun to press.
I try to tag common triggers as either #(trigger) TW / #(trigger) / #(trigger) ment. The TW form is most common. If I'm unsure it will be tagged "#ask to tag" BUT even if it's not tagged that I'm fine with tagging whatever. I do have a pretty bad memory so if you need a more obscure trigger to always be tagged that probably won't work :^(
Sometimes I talk about personal issues with mental health. I try to tag these but it's not super consistent. Big things are anger issues/compulsive skin picking/Severe Depression.
Transandrophobia isn't real but I'm also the world's biggest transandrophobe. It's a hard job but someone's gotta do it.
Final notes: let me know if I RB from someone fucked up (and if possible please give me a link to the post cause memory issues + tumblr search being Bad is a horrid combo). If I say something fucked up PLEASE specify what it was don't make me assume. I try to write image descriptions for most of the images I post in alt text but they might be bad. I will often say violent or very angry shit bc I have Issues so if that's a problem. Yeah. I'm an artist and art makes me so mad I wish I was dead. Also I'm not into Cookie Run any more I just like Leek Cookie.
0 notes
just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 2
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
Promos: https://toyhou.se/8256045.wally-rosette <-wallys toyhouse profile! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-villain-school/list?title_no=97541 <-the comic he's in (discontinued because I'm doing a different one - it is 6/40 chapters with a planned remake Somewhere in the distant future)
Adan Botello | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Adan is a highschooler who is just looking to pass class, go home and play Minecraft. He doesn't want to be unique or special any more than he is, maybe being a Minecraft YouTuber would be awesome but that's all he wants out of life. No matter what is thrown at him he tends to run away from it, like a fantasy world trying to claim he's a prince, he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to be a normal kid, graduate high school and play Minecraft. He's also got transgender and autistic swag
Promos: https://toyhou.se/17322997.adan-botello check out the comic featuring Adan on this blog @a-tale-in-a-bottle
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE BABY BOY So Wally is a sweet kid, but because his parents were world-famous, he never really got a choice in who they raised him to be. This resulted in him having a BUNCH of self-worth issues that he tries to deal with on the side because he doesn't want to get his friends involved. He has two (2) major points in the plot (OUT OF 40 CHAPTERS)- one plot point where he ignores the main antagonist to get a boyfriend instead, and one where his entire arc finally culminates in "Wally Learns How To Say No To People." Outside of that, he does NOTHING regarding the main plot and is a C plot character at best. He is simply involved and there in the background because I love him so much and he is my precious little baby boy and yeah sure maybe I loved him so much I made 27 alternate universe versions of him that all have plot relevance in all my stuff but *this* wally is simply a boy and he is blue and he is lovely and I would kill and cry for him every day
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Despite the fact all he desires to be is just some guy the universe keeps trying to make him more than some guy. He's supposed to be a hero, a prince, but he keeps running from the idea of it so much he ends up in another world entirely and all he wants is to go home and be normal, all he wants! He's not looking to save his sister, she can save herself she's strong. He just wants to go home :( that's all he really wants in life and he's getting really tired of the universe saying otherwise
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Save Me/ 13
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 4k
Includes- Reader in pain, body image issues, descriptions of stitches, ripping stitches, mean nurse, high risk pregnancy, stitching with no anesthetic, BTS are amazing, Yoongi is the perfect boyfriend
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@xuxibelle @delightfulmoonbanana
Series Masterlist
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After a few days in intensive care, they deem me strong enough to be moved to a normal room
It's a private room because of who Yoongi is
And they gave me a bigger hospital bed for me and Yoongi
It's not as big as the one at home but we fit
Now that I'm not hooked up to machines, he can sleep in the bed with me
My jaw is still wired shut but it needs to be opened often so I could eat
A nurse showed me and Yoongi how to do it
I feel bad because Yoongi is here with me all the time
And he helps me with everything; sitting, standing, walking, helping me to the bathroom, eating, helping me shower, everything
He refuses to leave the hospital for anything even when I encourage him to while I sleep
I've started physical therapy and it hurts so much after
Both my arms feel like they're on fire and my leg kills me
And I can't have pain medication
I wouldn't take any anyway
I'm not going to hurt our baby
I try not to show Yoongi how much it hurts but my body is in constant pain
I don't let him see me cry from it
I usually do that when he's sleeping or when I'm in the bathroom
But it's getting harder to deal with
Today the nurses took off the bandage on my eye and head
They cleaned the stitches like the way they do to all of them on my body
The nurse asks me if I need the bathroom and I nod
Yoongi gets up but I shake my head
"It's ok baby. She's here so let her help me. You rest", I write on the pad
"Jo, it's not a prob-"
"Please rest naekkeo. You do everything. It's ok", I ask
I can tell he wants to argue but he does what I ask and sits in the chair
The nurse helps me to the bathroom and I take it from there, closing the door and going to he toilet
After I'm done using it, I wash my hands
I avoid the mirror for a few minutes
I know I have other stitches on my face but I haven't seen these
I'm scared to look
It takes me awhile to lift my eyes to my face
When I do, I have to stop myself from screaming
Not that I could with my jaw shut
"Shit", I whisper in my head instead
I stare in horror
I have stitches running from my left eyebrow and around my left eye socket and they end on the bridge of my nose
There's another one starting from the left side of my forehead and goes into my hair line on the right side
They shaved some of my hair on the side for the stitches
Another one runs along my left jaw
And the one that's down my right eye, that starts from my forehead to my jaw, is still puffy, red and raw
The stitches around my eyes are the worst
The incision around the left eye is so much longer than last time.
The skin around it is puffy and bruised from being hit
My eyelid is completely covered in a purple bruise
My actual eyeball is red
I think some blood vessels popped when he hit me
I can only open the eye a little bit
When I do the pain is intense and I have to close it
I look horrific, like a monster from a horror movie
My other eye starts to tear up and tears fall down my face.
Those stitches combined with all the other ones and the scars from last time make me look so ugly
I never thought I was beautiful to begin with but I looked normal
Now I'm hideous
A monster
There's a knock on the door
"Ms. Russo are you ok?"
I let out a breath
I calm myself but I hate the way I look
I fix my hair so that it covers my eyes and forehead as best as it can
I open the door, looking down
The nurse reaches for me and holds me up while I walk
She gets me back on the bed and leaves
"Hey baby are you ok? You were in there a long time", Yoongi asks, concern in his voice
"Uhhhh hhuuhh", I choke out
He reaches to move the hair from my face but I back away
"But your hair is in your face"
"Eeevve iiit"
"Joanne what's wrong? You're scaring me. Please tell me what's wrong", he asks desperately
I grab the pad and pencil
"I...I...don't want you to see me", I write
"What? Why not?"
"Why jagi?"
"Because I'm ugly!", I write, "I look like a freak with all these scars and the new stitches on my face. I look like a monster stitched together!"
"Baby no! Don't say that. Your beautiful jagi.", he exclaims immediately
"Not anymore"
"Yes you are. You're always beautiful no matter what. You're not a freak or a monster. Don't say that. It's not true."
I start sobbing again
This is so much to deal with
It's overwhelming
"Don't cry baby. It's ok. It'll be ok"
He pulls me to him and holds me
When my sobs die down, I move away and sit up.
Yoongi reaches for my hair again and this time I let him push it out of the way
I don't look at him
I don't want to see the disgust in his eyes
"Joanne, jagi look at me", he whispers
I slowly turn to face him and lift my gaze to his
What I see in his eyes makes me tear up again
It's love
Just love
Nothing else
No horror, no disgust, nothing
"Still beautiful", he whispers
I shake my head
"Yes. Yes you are. You'll always be to me"
I look back at him and he smiles his famous gummy smile at me
I manage a small painful smile back at him
I look down then write, "They shaved my hair"
"It'll grow back baby, don't worry. It looks fine"
I look at him again and say, "I luv uuu Gi"
"I love you too Jo"
He pulls me back to him and I willingly go, hugging him so tightly
Yoongi and I are laying down after my physical therapy, watching t.v., holding me in his arms
I'm so lucky and grateful I have him
The nurse recommended that I keep my hair out of my face so I don't irritate the stitches or possibly infect them
I can't lift my hands over my head to do my hair, so Yoongi tied it up for me
And he did a good job
"How do you know how to do a ponytail?", I asked showing him the paper
He shrugs, "I did it once for Tae and it was a success. I just tried again with you. It was a bit harder because your hair is so long and I had to make sure I pulled all of it out before I twisted the hair thing again."
"Wow. Now you have to learn how to braid"
I show him the pad and smile
He laughs out loud and says, "Sure baby. I'll learn for you. I'll make your hair look pretty. You make me look pretty all the time."
I let out a giggle and he pulls me to him, kissing my head
"Tv?", he asks and I nod
Yoongi found a Disney movie on the tv and we've been watching Tangled.
Yoongi is laughing at something Flynn Rider says when the door opens.
Jungkook pokes his head in
"Hi Jo, uh can we come in?"
I nod and move too fast to get up, raising my arm the wrong way as I take my pony tail out because I don't want them to see my face
Pain radiates in my body but it slices through my shoulder and I make a sound
"Hold on jagi, I'll help you", Yoongi says
He helps me lay down so he can move his arms from around me and help me sit up
Once I'm up, I pull my hair over my stitches
My shoulder is on fire but I try not to show how much it hurts but some sounds come out
"Where does it hurt jagi?", Yoongi asks
I motion for my pad and pen and Yoongi gives it to me
"I'm sorry baby. Where does it hurt the most?"
"My shoulder right now. I think I pulled something"
"Let me see baby."
He pulls the front of my hospital gown a little bit so he can look
His head snaps up, panic in his eyes "You're bleeding"
He turns to Tae, "Get a nurse"
Tae runs out immediately
"Jagi you're hair", he reaches to fix it again but I shake my head
"I don't want them to see", I write
"Jagi..", he starts but I write "Please" and I see him relent
Tae comes back a minute later with a nurse
"Let me see. Do you want them to leave?", she motions to the guys
I shake my head
The room is big.
They can sit away for a few minutes
She pulls down the gown a little to access my shoulder.
She carefully removes the bandage covering the bullet wound.
The stitches on my body and arms are still covered to keep the clothes from irritating them
"Ok. It looks like you ripped some stitches open. That's why you're bleeding. Did you make any quick movements?"
I nod
"She tried to get up when they came in and she made a sound"
The nurse nodded
"You moved your shoulder too hard too fast right?"
I nod
"Ok, I'll get someone to come and stitch you up again."
I swallow
Are they going to give me anything during it?
I'm scared
"She'll be in, in a moment"
I grab the pen and write, "Yoongi I'm scared"
"Why jagi?", he asks confused
"Because what if they don't give me anything? It's going to hurt"
"I...I dont know Jo."
"What's wrong?", Hobi asks
I give him the pad and he reads it
"Why wouldn't they give you anything?", he asks
"Baby", I write
"Oh shit. I forgot. That's why they barely gave you any during surgery.", he says
I glance at Yoongi
"They didn't want to risk the baby so they gave as little as possible", he answers
So they may not give me anything
"What are they giving her for the pain? Maybe it can be just a little like that", Jin suggests
"Uh nothing", Yoongi responds
"What do you mean nothing?"
"I mean nothing besides maybe one Tylenol every few hours. She can't take anything with the baby. And she refused to risk taking anything."
"You're kidding", Jimin says dropping his mouth in surprise
Yoongi shakes his head, "No. And the doctor is afraid to give her anything because of how weak her body is. He doesn't want to risk anything happening to the baby"
"Damn", Jin murmurs
"Jo...does it hurt?, Jungkook asks
I nod
"A lot?", he asks, voice quiet
I nod again
"She's always in pain", Yoongi says not looking at me, "She tries to hide how much from me but I see it"
I look at him in shock
He knew but didn't say anything?
He looks up at me, "I know Jo. I hear you crying when you think I'm sleeping, I see your face when you think I'm not looking, I hear you cry in the bathroom. I didn't want to say anything and get you upset but I know how much it hurts. You don't have to hide it from me."
Why did I think I could hide it from him?
He's not only my boyfriend but my best friend.
He knows when I'm lying or hiding something from him.
"I'm sorry.", I write, "I didn't want you to worry more than you already do."
"I know Jo, but I'm going to worry no matter what. I love you. Please don't hide anything anymore. I want to help you."
I nod, holding his hand tightly
He's right, I shouldn't hide anything from him
Especially not after hiding the abuse Han-Jae out me through
He doesn't deserve that or anymore surprises
The door opens and the nurse comes in
Yoongi POV
The nurse comes in and walks over to me and Joanne
"Hi. I'm here to fix your stitches"
I glance at her and I see she's afraid
I hate seeing her like this
"Will you be giving her anything to numb her shoulder?", I ask
The nurse shakes her head
"Because of her condition she is very weak and that alone affects her pregnancy. We don't want to take any unnecessary chances. I'm sorry."
She looks at me and shakes her head, "Nooo, Gi, Nooo"
She moves back from the nurse and cries out in pain as she moves
"Jagi, don't move. You're going to hurt yourself", I panic
The fear in her eyes is breaking my heart
She shouldn't have to be in anymore pain
She's had enough for a lifetime
"Ms. Russo, I'm sorry but your wound needs to be re-stitched. I have to take the old ones out, disinfect it and close it. It will hurt and I'm sorry for that. But if you won't hold still, we will have to restrain you to stitch you up"
I stare at this nurse in shock and fucking fury
What the fuck?
After everything she's been through, they'd restrain her?
Like what, tie her to the bed?
The hell they will
She grabs my hand and I look at her to see her looking at me with terror and tears in her eyes, shaking her head rapidly
And I get even more pissed than I already was
This fucking woman is terrifying her
Like pain, she's had enough terror for the rest of her life
"Yeah you're not going to do that", I snarl
"We will if necessary", she replies coldly
"Do you know what she's been through? Do you know that she was held down while she was beaten, stabbed and shot? And after all that you want to tie her down again?", I growl, "No fucking way"
She stares at me with wide eyes
"I..oh...I didn't...know...", she stutters
"Yeah well now you do. And we want another nurse. Not you. So get one", I snap
She nods and runs out of the room
"Was she serious? That's insane!", Tae says upset
"That was never going to happen", I respond
"No we wouldn't have let it happen either", Namjoon says
I turn back to her, who is looking down at the bed, her hair in her face.
I sit next to her and try to reason with her, "Jo, you have to let them fix your shoulder ok? I'm not going to let them tie you down. The guys won't let them either. But they have to fix it so your shoulder can get better. I know you're scared jagi and I'll be right here next to you ok?"
She doesn't answer, just cries more
I hate seeing her like this, I hate asking this of her
"Jo, please?", I beg
Finally she looks up at me and nods
"Should we go?", Jin asks and I look at her
She shakes her head
She writes, "I want you next to me and I need them to distract me"
"She wants you to stay and distract her.", I tell them
"Ok", Hobi says, "We can do that"
A new nurse comes in and smiles at us
"Hi Ms. Russo. I'm going to be fixing your shoulder. I know the other nurse told you that we can't numb the area. We're doing that for the safety of your baby ok?"
I like this nurse better than the other one instantly
She's nicer and seems to be understanding
"It's going to be unpleasant but I promise to fix it as quickly as I can and with as little pain as I can possibly give you. We're going to do a double layer of stitches since there is a hole in your body"
"Okkkk", she whispers
"If you'd like we can loosen the wiring on your jaw during this"
She shakes her head and writes on the pad, "No. If you do I'll just scream. Everything hurts and I can't take anymore pain. I know I'll scream"
The nurse reads what she wrote and looks at her with sympathy, "I understand and I'm so sorry you're in pain."
She doesn't say anything so I say "Thanks for understanding"
She nods, "Of course. Ms. Russo , if you could just move closer to me so I can see your shoulder. I can do this on the bed or a chair. Whichever you'd prefer"
"Bed", she writes
The nurse nods
Joanne looks at me and I help her move closer to the nurse
"Can you please tie your hair back?"
She freezes, her hand squeezing mine hard
"It's ok jagi", I say, flipping back to the page where she said she didn't want the guys to see her and show the nurse
The nurse reads it and nods, telling her, "I understand but I need your hair back to avoid it getting tangled with the stitches. We don't want to have to do this again because of an accident or infection."
Then she says lowly to her, "You have a wonderful boyfriend and friends. I'm sure they won't even think twice about the stitches on your face", she smiles
Joanne gives her a small smile, then looks at me, holds out her hair tie and asks, "Plleez Gi"
"Of course baby"
She's already propped up, so I just take her hair and tie it up for her.
She avoids looking at the guys
I look at them and I don't see any of them looking at her differently
I nod at them and they nod back
"Ok we can begin", the nurse says
When Yoongi ties my hair back, I don't hear anything from the guys
No cries
No gasps
When I look back at them, they're just smiling at me encouragingly
"It's going to be fine Jo", Hobi smiles
"You're a tough girl Jo. You'll be fine", Jimin says
I smile back at them, relieved that I have the best friends in the world
And the most amazing boyfriend
Yoongi is right next to me, holding my handa and smiling encouragingly
"I'm going to take the stitches out first", the nurse says
She's nice
She didn't threaten to tie me down like the other one
That's a huge plus in her favor
"Don't look jagi", Yoongi says, so I look at him
He softly cups my cheek, his thumb stroking my skin
It feels nice
When she pulls the first stitch out, I flinch and make a sound
"I'm sorry.", the nurse apologizes
Fuck, fuck
I hate this and I'm so scared I'm trembling but I'm trying so hard not to and this is all so overwhelming and stressful and I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown
"So Jo what's up? Do you miss us?", Jungkook asks
I nod
I did miss them
"Good. Because we missed you", he smiles
They talk to me as the nurse pulls out the stitches and it hurts but they're kinda distracting me
"I'm going to clean it now. It may burn", the nurse says softly
Shit, oh god, no
"Jo you need to come to my studio so you can hear some songs I wrote for Hope World two", Hobi smiles
I nod and smile
Until I feel a wet cloth press against my skin
And feel my shoulder burn
"Aaammmmmmm", I scream
I grip Yoongi's hand tight as I scream and breathe rapidly
It hurts, it hurts!
The cloth is taken away but is soon put back
Fire races up and down my shoulder and I scream again and start to cry
I can't help it
I want to move, to run away but the nurse is talking
"Please don't move. I know it hurts, I know. But please don't move"
"Jo, jagi. I'm right here", Yoongi says, trying to get me to look at him
I hear him but I can't focus on his face
My good eye is full of tears
And I can't open the bad one
I feel someone else sit on the bed and grip my leg
I look and see Jungkook sitting there, holding on to me
"It's ok Jo. We're here", he says softly
I feel my hair being stroked and I see Hobi standing next to the bed
He smiles at me
Yoongi is holding my hand and rubbing my arm
The rest of the guys come a bit closer
"I'm going to start stitching now. I'll do it as fast as I can. Please, please don't move", the nurse informs me
The needle is pushed into my skin and it's excruciating
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", I scream again forcing my body to not move
I feel more tears come and I can't stop them
The second needle hole makes me cry out and when she pulls to tighten the stitch it hurts and I sob in agony
Jungkook is rubbing my leg and Hobi is still stroking my hair
Yoongi has one hand on my cheek again, stroking it with his thumb
"It's almost done jagi. Almost"
I look at him and see him crying too
That panics me more because I don't want him to be upset
I decided to try to be more calm, if I can manage
I breath in, then out and prepare myself for the pain
The nurse puts the needle through my skin again and instead of crying out I just grunt
But I can't stop the tears
"Hey Jo! What color is a hamburger?", Jin yells
What is he talking about?
I glance up at him
"Burgundy!", he yells and he laughs his famous windshield wiper laugh
I crack a smile through the pain
Yoongi smiles at me, nodding encouragingly
I love Jin's jokes
Everyone thinks I'm so weird for liking them but I find them hilarious
"How does a cow laugh?", he asks
Another stitch
I let out a giggle, right as the needle passes through again.
It hurts like hell but laughing is distracting me
Jin continues to tell me jokes while the nurse stitches me, making me laugh
I keep laughing, the jokes are really funny and soon the nurse says "Done"
I slump against the bed and close my eye, breathing in
"I'm going to put some cream on this and put a new bandage. Please don't make any more sudden movements. If you need help you can press the red button on the bed."
I nod
I definitely am gonna be more careful
I can't do this again
Once I'm bandaged the nurse smiles, "You did great"
She nods, saying she's gonna come back to check on the stitches later and then she leaves
"You really did good Jo. I'd be a bigger, crying, screaming mess", Hobi says
"Yeah but you scream like that for a papercut", Namjoon teases
"Hey!", Hobi glares
"It's true", Tae shrugs
"Whatever", he sniffs
I motion for the paper
I write something and hold it up to them
"Thanks for being here with me"
"Of course Jo. We're never going to leave you. You're stuck with us", Tae answers seriously
I smile, happy and grateful for that
My friends, my boyfriend and I talk for the rest of the time they stay, laughing and joking
None of them say anything about my face
None of them look at me differently
They are amazing and I love them so much
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
Bramosia | J.Seo (m)
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Genre: pwp, knight!au, smut, fluff, he is, and I can't stress this enough, madly in love with you
Warnings: loss of virginity, pussy eating, mutual pining and longing, it's forbidden but who's gonna stop u??? Exactly. Inaccurate descriptions of the time period probably, inappropriate use of the word princess, he fucks you to tears, this is so self indulgent I gotta blast
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The moons unearthly luminescence bleeds through the windows that sit directly above your wing of the old castles corridor, a reminder of why he bears the heavy sword that hangs off of his hip, of why he's here in the first place.
He rolls his aching neck, blinking his dry eyes a few times in an attempt to dampen them. He's usually not so worn by now.
Perhaps the two of you had gotten too carried away last night, it's too easy when you're with eachother. Effortless, like that of a flowers perianth traveling wistfully through a summers breeze. It's easy to forget.
He's here to protect you, nothing more, as he is was a proffesional in all that he does. He is a knight, after all. One of the best. Your father wouldn't have requested him from a province so far away if he weren't damn good.
Six months ago, it seems like a lifetime away and yet the memory of seeing you for the very first time is so vivid behind his eyelids, tangible as if he could reach out and hover his palms over the warmth the halo around you seemed to emit.
He smiles to himself, the image keeping him sane and distracting him from the ache in the soles of his feet. He knows you're probably not sleeping, he wishes you wouldn't worry about him. He's doing it to himself, really.
He is a warrior but he is only so strong, so resilient. He has never been stricken by such a force as to have his bones feel as weak as they do when he looks into your eyes, when you cup his face in your hands like he is the most delicate thing you have ever seen. 
Sure, he hadn't been the most nonchalant. His eyes barely left you even during the brief moments in which his life is not sworn over to do so, and you being you, caught him almost every time. You'd smile, fleeting enough for only him to notice.
You never get the credit you deserve, he had come to find out over the past several months. Being a princess, as fawned over the title may be, it wasn't meant for you.
You'd scowl at the name of every prince your father mentioned might come visit, which he'd take pride in secretly. You wouldn't even scold him whenever he'd been clearly protective in a manner than suggested that it was more than just the job that inclined him to act that way.
Perceptive, and clever you are. And to think, you might feel even a fraction of what he feels, it causes his heart to thunder loudly behind his sturdy ribcage, momentarily reducing his fatigue.
You are the only one in all of his twenty five years of life that has threatened to shake his very foundation, like you've found a way to wind yourself through every ridge of his skeleton like vines of Wisteria.
Sundays are always the hardest, you're still so fresh in his mind, on his skin. It's like every inch of him has been permanently marked, he can still feel the weight of your body against his and the warm puff of air from your lips against his earlobe as you sing his name.
His sigh is quiet in the vast, empty space around him. He shouldn't be thinking of you so late, when he's so tired. It makes him ache for you all the more, make him wish life was anything but what it is now. That he could be with you unabashedly.
That he could be your protector, and not just in a way that could be be permanently devastated if anyone were to find out about the two of you.
He doesn't realize he's closed his eyes, not until he has to peel them open and search for the source of the soft voice he's just heard whisper his name into the dark.
He furrows his brows as a stream of warm candlelight spills through the crack in your door from your room, your form coming into a few just a moment later, as if beckoned from his dreams.
"You're really going to stay out there, John?" He foresees your incredulity, smiling at the hand thats propped up on your hip.
"Those are my orders, princess." He has a hard time not staring at you, even in such poor lighting you are still the most beautiful thing he's ever witnessed.
He's always stubborn about breaking the made up rules you two have put in place, like only meeting in private on Saturdays. Despite his inability to resist you he still needs to keep you safe.
"My father is a whole wing away, don't you know," you emphasize your point by stepping out past your doorframe, tiptoeing at an almost imperceptible pace towards him. "and if danger were to arise, how much more convenient need it be, than for you to be right there with me?"
You're standing right in front of him now, weaking his resolve eith each syllable that passes those pretty lips of yours. It's strange, how he still wonders if your feelings for him are resolute as his are for you, when you're the one always asking for trouble. Eager to have your way.
When you reach out to grab his waist, he breaks.
"Princess, if someone were to see that I'm not outside of your room guarding as I'm supposed to,"
You interrupt him, pressing yourself closer until he can feel your chest against his, the barrier of his clothing suddenly a burden far heavier than before.
"Who? Who might see? Everyone is asleep, you should be."
You stare up at him and he can't seem to resist the pull, meeting your eyes and unclapsing his hands from behind his back to stroke the apple of your cheek with his knuckles.
You heel into his touch, beaming as you realise you've already gotten your way, evident in the way he sighs your name as if the word fills him with oxytocin.
"You really are trouble," he cups your face, calloused fingertips swiping a fallen lash from underneath your eye. "trying to lure me in, like a siren. I'd be willing to go, anyways."
You lift yourself to the tips of your toes, pressing a brief, featherlight, kiss to the surface of his lips. Just enough to bring forth warmth to his cheeks.
"You're silly, I'd be too selfish a siren to do any damage. I'd have to keep you all to myself."
His arms are strong and steady as the encapsulate you, the fears and worries of outside intruders fading with each second spent in eachothers presence. It's like nothing else exists.
"Please, Princess. It's hard enough already, to be away from you," he's on the verge of losing any bit of hope for his sanity, but as anticipated, you won't have it.
"And you don't think it's hard for me? You think that I enjoy knowing that it is prohibited for me to be like this with you? I am many things but I am not selfish, so if you don't want to come with me then I won't force you."
He has to bite back a laugh, or maybe a scream of frustration and agony all at the same time. Here you are, so close he's sure you can hear how his pulse pounds beneath his skin at your presence, actually accusing him of not wanting you. It's preposterous.
You glare up at him when his arms don't loosen their grasp.
"You must be mistaken, sorely mistaken. If you think that any moment spent without you is even the least bit pleasant for me, you're wrong. So wrong it's a bit humorous," he kisses your cheek, and then the other. Your skin tingles where his lips grace.
"You may not be selfish but I am. So selfish that I'd give into my own desires even if it meant that one slip up could ruin it all. Don't you see that?" You sigh blissfully, in spite of his words, when he kisses your nose.
"Well I think that's stupid, I'd never let such a thing happen. I've lived here my whole life, I'd be able to predict the likelihood of someone coming up here during such a late hour."
He doesn't miss the pitch of sadness that comes with talk of the castle, he knows that there is so much you still have yet to experience. So much you'd like to do, so far away from here.
Still, he can't deny the truth in which you speak. You're right, and he knows that you're as careful of these things as he is. He trusts you, as you trust him. And what is he going to do, say no? He'd never have the willpower.
His broad shoulders relax, his hands suddenly engulfing yours.
"Alright, you don't have to pout anymore. You know I'll end up kissing it from that pretty face of yours anyways."
You suppress a giggle of elation, squeezing your fingers around his as you turn to quietly pull him into your room, peering into the the hallway once more to make sure the coast is clear, before you ease your door shut.
And then at once, he is what you taste on your tongue.
His lips always leave you breathless. The way he kisses you, it's as of you are his only source of oxygen and his lungs burn with the need for air. He is fierce, but so very concise. You almost forget that he so ruefully pretended to put up a fight.
Your arms mold around his neck as he slouches the slightest bit in order to make the reach easier for you, knowing how you like to bury your hands in his hair and tug at the strands whenever he does something that you'd like more of.
Your eagerness is a bit more exuberant tonight, normally you'd still be a bit bashful, giggling between pecks and having to turn your face away before kissing him again.
But you haven't pulled away from him yet, not even for a breath and suddenly his skin is sweltering towards what feels like a hundred degrees. He's pretty sure you've just whispered his name.
He's already gone, helplessly lost in the way you're clinging onto him with all your strength.
"John." Just his name falling from your lips in the form of a sweet sigh has his knees buckling.
He's careful, hesitant even, when he cups the back of your knees and allows you to fall atop your bed, the sight almost too much to bear. He can never catch a break.
But he has to look at you, has to see the look in your eyes, the gleam that shines in your blown out pupils as your fingers tug at the clothing hanging loosely on his body. He fights back a groan.
Of course things have gotten intense between the two of you, but nothing more than over the clothes petting. And, even then, that drove him to the brink of insanity. He didn't think he could ever be putty in someone's hands until he met you.
It feels like everything is happening so fast yet not slow enough, it seems as if you're blooming like a lotus before his eyes and he wants to capture every little detail. Just incase one day his memories are all he has of you.
You pull him back down to your mouth, legs suddenly looping around his trim waist, knees locked on either side. You practically purr as his hands, large and tender, grace your thighs only to be met with bare skin where your nightgown has risen up.
He's breathing heavily when your mouths depart momentarily, his doe eyes an onyx pit of desire and emotion as he stares down at you, lips ruby red.
You nod, as if reading his mind and answering the dozens of unanswered questions that sit unmoving at the tip of his tongue. Still, his eyebrows are pulled together in concentration, in tentative restraint.
"You can touch me. Please, touch me."
Your skin is heavenly underneath his trembling touch, from the soft hair atop your thighs to the way you so perfectly mold around his fingers. You're a gift of the most ethereal kind, here in front of him.
You coo at him with a voice of an angel, pulling at his face in an attempt to have him kiss you again. He's been too busy ogling, and repays you with the press of his mouth against the crook of your neck.
You lift your chin to allow him more access, eyes fluttering closed and thighs tightening around his middle when you feel the warmth of his open mouth against your throat.
"You're so sweet, so pretty." He mumbles, practically floating.
He nips at your collarbone, and you can't stop your hips from bucking up against him, your clothed center meeting his hardened length through the material of his bottoms.
The air is thick with tension now, you can feel it buzzing through the both of you like ths thrum of a thunderstorm. He sucks in a breath, lips ghosting over yours.
"I want to make you feel good, If you'd allow me." He tries to control the shake in his voice but he's not sure he's succeeded. What a mess you've made of him.
You kiss him for what seems like the hundredth time but feels like the first, still sending jolts of electricity through your body and causing heat to swirl in your loins. You can barely speak.
"Y-Yes, yes I'll allow you."
Your voice is foreign to your own ears, clouded with desire and a desperation that is as overwhelming as it is strange and new.
But having him here, knowing he's the one whose hands are touching you, it's comforting in a way that leaves no room for doubt that he is nothing but kind. Nothing but adoring.
It's hard to tell with just the luminosity of a single candle on your bedside table, but you're almost certain you can feel him shuffle. At least, his weight seems to have shifted, his arms suddenly caged around your waist, upperhalf between your legs.
And then you feel it, the plushness of his lips just above your knee as he lifts your legs by your calves, placing them over his shoulders. You're not sure you can focus on anything else now, breathing suddenly heavy.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" His voice is so close, yet far away in an unfamiliar way. It has butterflies swarming your belly.
"I'm so lucky, so so lucky..." He trails off between kisses, shifting from one thigh to the other, slowly but surely making his way towards your center.
It's only now in your bird brain that you're beginning to realize what exactly he's about to do, and it's like some switch inside of you has been flicked on, toes suddenly curling in anticipation, wetness soaking into the fabric of your underwear.
The desire isn't just in your belly now, its everywhere. All consuming, when he pushes your nightgown up and bunches it around your hips, the air cool against your skin. You shiver, and his cheek brushes against the crease of your thigh.
"Have you ever been touched like this, princess?" He's curious but not pushy, just wants to know. When you shake your head, he swallows.
He's slow and steady, pulling your underwear off your hips and down your legs, allowing the garment to fall to the floor. You don't clamp your legs shut, despite the instinct to shield yourself. You've never hidden yourself from him, and you know there's no reason to.
Esepcially not when he's looking at you like he is right now, like a man starved whose just been presented with a meal of his favorite kind. He glances up at you, with eyes that shine with gratitude, and awe alike. You reach out to stroke his hair.
And then, suddenly, his face is gone from your view. You feel it, first, before you register that it's happening. A gasp leaves your lips the moment your back arches ever so slightly off of your mattress, his hands keeping your thighs apart as his tongue licks another flat stripe through your folds.
You feel exposed in a way that only feels as intoxicating as it does, because he's the one with his mouth on your cunt, suckling your bud between his lips and swiveling his head side to side. You tug at his hair.
A guttural groan resonates in his throat and the vibration serves as direct stimulation, a mewl leaving your mouth as you buck you hips up against his skilled tongue.
"Shhh baby, stay quiet for me," you furrow your eyebrows, looking down at him with stars in your eyes. "I know, I know sweetheart." He reads the pleading in your eyes, soothingly rubbing your hips as he delves back in.
It's not easy to stay quiet. Not at all.
If you'd thought him rubbing your clit through your clothes was something to be noisy over, nothing prepared you for this.
He's so good at it, so generous with every lap of his tongue. The sounds are lewd and loud in the shared space, and his tongues pace only increases when you reach down to find his hands. He intertwines your fingers before you give him the hint.
You try to keep your volume low, your whimpers almost inaudible but loud enough to spurr him on, to have his hips rutting against the bed while he kisses your cunt with passion only a lover could have.
Bliss overcomes you faster than you expect, and swallows you whole like a vicious, unmerciful hurricane.
Your thighs tremble against his strength as he keeps them parted when they threaten to close, your fingers twisted in the comforter as tears well in your eyes.
You're not sure if you're making any noise, the light too bright behind your eyes, bones suddenly weightless as his tongue licks you clean. You twitch, aware that you've let out a whine. The feeling is agonizingly pleasant.
You're still throbbing when his hands suddenly grasp your jaw, head lolling in his direction as he presses his lips to yours. He's serene, slipping his tongue into your mouth, humming.
You're certain, now. Certain that you need to have him in every way there is to have someone, for your heart may forever be unsettled if it doesn't get to taste what it's like to love him wholly, completely.
"I want to-" you've got his rapt attention, as you always do, and he stares down at you with a lovesick expression as you struggle to find the strength to say it out loud.
He's grown accustomed to reading your countenance, only time allowing him to grasp the meaning behind every crease and line that forms on your face, he's certain you could give him one look and he'd instantly know what it is that you're trying to say.
One perk to having a secret rendezvous, though he still needs to hear you say it. He'd only take your word for it regarding something like this, something that he's dreamt about more times that he'd like to admit.
He can't hide his surprise, thumbs stroking your face.
"You want me to..." he quirks an inquisitive brow, nearly becoming distracted when your tongue darts out to wet your bottom lip. "you want me to be your first?"
Even the words have you latching onto him tighter, desperate to feel the warmth of his skin against yours.
"Yes, I want that very much...do you...also want that?"
He grins, widely and for a moment you forget he was born to be made of steel, that he's fought all of his life and has bruised his skin for the sake of his kingdom. You want to kiss away every bad memory in his head.
"How could you even think you have to ask? I want nothing more, just you. You're all I'll ever want."
The veracity in his voice, suddenly hoarse, makes your skin feel like it's being tickled by a million, tiny feathers. You never knew anything could feel like this.
A heartbeat later, your hands are slipping underneath his top to make an attempt at pulling it off, your excitment not a good match for your lack of coordination. Of course, he doesn't mind helping.
He slips his sword from his hip while you stare up at him with wide eyes of reverence and desire, so much of him being exposed at once causing a swelter of heat to boil underneath your skin.
Your hands are hesitant, hovering around his lithe hips as he sits back on his haunches, chest rapidly rising and falling as the atmosphere begins to soak into his pores. He can't believe he gets to make love to you.
"You can touch me, princess," he's the one reassuring you now, knowing that beyond your headstrong personality when you're with him, you're still so timid; trembling like a leaf in autumn.
His dexterous fingers gently grasp your wrists, placing your palms over his abdomen, keeping your gaze all the while, head nodding in encouragement.
He's soft, soft on the surface at least. The soft down that covers his honey colored skin is like silk underneath your fingers, a juxtaposition to the rigid muscle underneath that flexes as your fingertips move upwards towards the broad planes of his chest.
You hook your fingers around his shoulders, and pull him down to your mouth, determined as your heart bellows inside of your body.
It's wilder this time, the wet sounds loud in your ears, his tongue waltzing with yours. You rake your nails down his sides, and he damn near growls.
It's a blur, the way he slips the straps of your gown from off of your shoulders, before removing the garment completely and throwing it behind him. Somewhere in between he pulls the covers out from underneath you, sensing the chill that runs through you like a tremor from the exposure.
It's during that brief moment when you're too drunk on adrenaline, that your fingers begin pulling at the buckle of his bottoms, too eager again and not being able to unfasten it correctly. Always the gentlemen, he does it for you, again.
He's careful now, not completely planting himself against you yet when he kisses your neck and takes your breasts in his massive palms, squeezing indulgently.
You pull him up by the ridge of his jaw, wrapping your legs around his middle as you had previously, letting out a small gasp as his hard length suddenly comes to lie heavy between your legs when you beckon him closer by your heels on his back.
"You're sure you want me?" He slips his hand that's not cupping your cheek, down in between your bodies to rub your clit with his middle finger, actually expecting you to be able to speak coherently. He supresses his gasp upon feeling the abundance of your essence.
It's hard to focus, when he's looking down at you like that, when you can feel every ridge and curve of his naked body against yours. Perhaps it's being able to to tell that he's feeling the same way just by the way he speaks, that makes it so intoxicating.
"You're all I'll ever want." You echo his earlier words, and his laughter fills your ears like a lullably. You reach out to push his dark hair out from in front of his eyes, his lips catching your palm and placing a kiss to the center.
"It'll hurt, I'll go as slow as you need me to." You see the worry creased between his brow, and you soothe it away by clenching your thighs around his waist, silently beckoning him.
"Please, please fuck me."
It takes him by surprise, cock twitching against your sex. You sound so sweet, so angelic even when you're requesting something so filthy.
He lifts himself on his forearms, reaching down to grasp his shaft. Your hands are in his hair a the while, fingers tracing shapes across the nape of his neck. You suck in a breath when he rubs the tip against your clit, arousal leaking from your slit.
He rubs his cock against you like this, through your silken folds and back up to your sensitive nub, until your head is thrown back against the pillows, face turned to the side and canorous mewls slipping past your lips.
Your eyes flutter open when he kisses you, finally prodding your entrance, readying you. Your teeth gently sink into the plush surface of his bottom lip, as if urging him to continue.
Your mouth falls open when he begins to push himself inside of you. You have to brace yourself by clinging onto his biceps, reminding yourself to breathe.
If you weren't as wet for him as you are, you're sure it would be more painful. It still stings, even more so as he begins to bottom out, using every bit of self control he has as to make sure he doesn't accidentally rut into you with too much force.
He meets your eyes when he's fully sheathed inside of you, your fingernails leaving crescent moons in his skin. He doesn't mind it one bit.
"Are you alright?" The tenderness in his voice is accompanied by his lips across your cheeks, down your jaw, over your eyelids.
"Mhm. J-Just stay like this, for a second, please." Your walls flutter around him and his eyes fall heavy. He stays as still as he can for the moment, fingers massaging your soft hip.
"I never thought...never dreamed we'd get to do this." He speaks in an irrevocable way, swelling your heart over two times its size with how he talks about you. Like you're truly something magical.
You wiggle your hips, his gaze searching for yours and lighting up with newfound determination when you give him conformation to move. He slowly drags himself out, before pushing himself back in.
"If you only knew...how much I truly think of you." You speak steadily despite the wave of pleasure that ripples through your body, from the pit of your stomach outwards, touching every nerve.
He's big, bigger than you expected, but curved in a way that has you fighting a cry. Your lungs ache with the need to make noise, to express how it feels to have him inside of you like this. You squeeze around him, and he smashes his lips against yours.
You never thought it would feel like this, you'd heard mixed reviews but clearly none of them had ever experienced what it's like to have someone like him demonstrating their skill.
He's precise, a little shaky but only because he's concentrating on not literally cumming after two minutes. You're everything he's ever wanted and more, you're soaked and warm around him, chest pressed flush against his. Your hardened nipples threaten to distract him.
His hair tickles your forehead as he begins to create a steady pace. He's got one hand behind your right thigh, cupping it and hiking it up just the slightest bit while he fucks into you, curling his hips.
He swallows your moans, tasting the sense of surrealness on your tongue. He feels it too, groaning when you tug a tuft of his hair.
"You're mine, all mine, fuck." His voice is hoarse, hips stuttering as he begins to rock into you, not completely pulling himself out of you before nudging your cervix again. His mouth catches the edge of your jaw, then your earlobe.
He buries his face in your shoulder, and you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips against his hair as you keep yourself quiet. He can still feel the way you're shivering, the whispers of cries that are audible when you breathe.
"I'm yours, I'm yours." You're not sure you could ever feel this way about someone else, and not just because he is all that every single one of your senses seemed to be attuned to.
He's deep inside of you, reaching places you never would be able to by yourself, and still holds you like you're the entire world. Despite the need that consumes you both, he takes his time.
You feel him everywhere. On your neck, your throat, down to your clavicle where his hot tongue soothes over the mark he's just made.
You can almost feel him in your belly, the tip of his cock nudging the sweet spot of nerves deep within you causing your body to jerk in his hold. He takes note and is determined to drive you over the edge, knowing he's not going to last much longer.
He's yearned for it too long, and nothing his mind could have conjured up would ever compare again.
He lets go of your leg only to bring his hand to where your bodies are connected as one, your face contorted into a mask of pleasure as he begins to rub at your clit, in circular motions, with the same rythym as his thrusts.
"John, ohhh, you f-feel so good." You're slurring your words, high off of his affection. Your belly feels hot, a pressure just behind your navel leaving you writhing, trying to match his pace.
"Yeah? Feels good to have me inside of you?" He's being cruel now, already knowing the answer by the way tears are swelling in your eyes for the second time tonight, irisises shining back at him.
Your hands roam his sides, settling on his hips as you turn your face to hide it against his bicep. He kisses any expanse of skin that he can reach, till the wet spots leave a trail of chills along your body.
You're close, and he knows it. You're already leaking onto the bed, dripping down his shaft.
"J-John...p-please." You're blubbering now, and his fingers circle your clit faster, just enough to have you breathless and unable to speak as his strokes become inconsistent, cock throbbing.
"Shh, I got you baby, gonna make you cum okay? Want you to let go."
Looking up into his eyes, it's hard to resist. Suddenly it's the first time you've met and you're awestruck by his beauty all over again, by the sharp planes of his face that you'd come to realize are soft underneath your touch.
You're kissing him again for the first time, and his lips are as plush and pillowy as they look, his hands big and wsrm as they hold your face steady against his mouth.
You realize you're in love with him for the first time again, staring into honey colored irises and listening to his velvet voice, aware that when he's gone it feels like a piece of you has been taken along with him.
Your body suddenly stills, save for your back arching and his body, sturdy and whole, there to anchor you while you forget you breathe. Your orgasm is all the more powerful this time, with him inside of you, and it's like once youre unraveling it doesn't stop.
He holds the back of your head and allows you to muffle your cries against his chest, fingers latching onto any part of him you reach first, as if you might fall of the face of the earth. He's still rubbing your clit, whispering sweet encouragements in your ear.
You don't pick up all of it, only vaguely aware of the tremor in his tone as he says your name.
And then he's locked against you, every muscle in his body rigid and hard as a strained, muffled whimper resonates from beside your head. He's biting into a pillow, as warmth fills you to the brim and he sloppily fucks it into you.
You're still reeling, when he kisses you like someone who hasn't seen their lover in years and is finally getting the chance to touch them again, to wordlessly express how enamored they are. Wholeheartedly, and irreversibly.
He says it first, which surprises you, considering in your dreams you're always the one professing it to him, stroking his skin or petting his hair and whispering it in between kisses.
But you're sure this is real, you can feel ache in your bones, the throb of your centers where they're still connected.
"I love you." His voice is even more beautiful when he's speaking in such a simple, yet profound way. There's a quiver, but not because he's not being honest. He'd swear on his life, for his conviction.
"I love you too." You reply, looping your fingers round the nape of his neck, toying with the soft hair there.
Maybe he shouldn't be so shocked, but he is. His face can't hide it, the quirk of his full lips, the furrow of disbelief in his brow. You want to kiss his stupid face a thousand time over.
"I love you." He repeats it, as if the words bring forth sunshine on a day shrouded by the darkness of rain clouds.
He repeats it again, when he's hovering over your lips, breath warm against your skin. He repeats it again when he's placing kisses to your forehead, when you giggle and stroke his cheek.
"And I love you, silly silly man." You remind him, willing him by the longing in your voice, to believe it as you believe him.
He repeats it again, when a tear cascades down your cheek like a diamond shaped declaration of your honesty, and he kisses it away, claiming it for himself.
You love him, and he loves you.
And maybe, no matter what happens, that'll be enough.
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sor-vette · 3 years
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two, down!! (index/description)
☜ one, strike!!
☞ three, an all-out fight club!!
It was the middle of February. The month of perpetual grey and rain. It tapped against the small cubic window of your bedroom as you laid in bed reading the text.
Erik: "Meeting, you and me. Main building. Now! Wear something without any blood on it. 😘"
The phone falls out of your hands and smacks you in the middle of the nose.
You already see Erik in the distance. A bright red shirt flowing around him like a drape in the frequent bursts of wind. Across the river, he looks like a will-o'-the-wisp and you can't help but be increasingly apprehensive about what has he planned.
You get off the bus in the middle of the bridge, stop and glare at the circular high rise. Legally known as Bighit - an independent advisory firm for various claims, to the large variety of your clientele it was BH - vigilante made business. Briefly put a vast clockface with thousands of cogs spinning both on the own and tandem with others. It looked and sounded and you knew it to be an imposing organization. Nevertheless, you entertained the idea of how would this company would fall and could it be possible to burn down all the spider webs it has formed in the now 22 years of its existence.
"Good morning!" Erik beams widely, trembling in the wind. His pirate shirt not doing anything to help the situation. In his hands, there is a thick brown folder. The sight of it begins a gnawing motion in the stomach.
"What are you doing?" you ask suspiciously, studying his face for any giveaway. Which of course there were a lot. He was still young both in the field and age. The little runt was mostly brazen, often impolite and careless. But now, now, he was nervous. Maybe it wasn't even the weather that had him shaking like a leaf.
"Oh, I'm taking my enrollment review today. In 20 minutes to be precise."
What was gnawing had turned into a stone that travelled up, ignoring the gravity, and settled deep in your chest pressing down and creating a hole. A horrible numb feeling that you'd hoped you wouldn't feel again. And again. And again. And now once more.
You take a moment to force your voice to remain unfazed but even to your own ears, it sounds too hoarse and slow.
"Don't you need my referral?"
"I asked Olga." Yes. Olga. That's why you didn't know.
"So let's go up?" if Erik had a tail it would wag at lighting speed. He is not just nervous but positively jittery. You had seen him this happy...never. Yeah, this was the first time. When he would officially enrol in another department, at best giving you a clap on the back for all the trouble caused and moved on. In a week he would give you a distant wave, in a month maybe a nod if you passed by in a hallway, in half a year it'll be like you never even existed.
You nod quietly entering the glass doors. BH was a massive, subtly hidden maze, much like the overall organization. By the schematics and the layout, no one would give a second thought that it would be more than just an ordinary office firm. But of course, what they didn't know and what was a closely guarded secret were the literal hundreds of small alcoves and passes hidden within the walls. Meant for in case of a sudden police raid. Not to mention the literal escape tunnel that stretched underneath the river you just passed. No one knew exactly how it looked like or how it was even built. Some said it was an abandoned underground transit system from WW2, others said that it was built in the early years of the BH establishment having cost literal billions. But no one knew the truth. Even Namjoon had shrugged when you asked him, long ago already.
In silence, you both take the escalator upwards. To the 25th floor, a.k.a. the 7th department - the literal heads of the system. The building usually had hundreds of people running from one place to another but even so, this was a large commotion for an event this small.
In the doorways there stands a tall woman and you nearly bite your tongue off at the sight of her ramrod back.
"Petsch." You growl and Erik beside you throws a surprised glance.
She turns around almost immediately. As if hearing you or just sensing your presence like the ill-bred Cerberus that she was.
"Hello, .̴̭͙̪̻̈́.̸̮̟̳̐͆͘͠.̶͚̉͛.̸̺̞̉͐̈́̐͋.̶̟̻̺̽͛̒̚.̷̗̱̃.̶̮͚̼̾͜͜.̷͉̋̈́̐̔͝.̵͖͛̓͆.̷̼̲̥̙͆̊̊͝͝.̸̢͕̔.̸̜̜̲͈̅͜͠.̵̱̤̆̑͘.̸͖̰̣͈̾̊̈́́́ " Her glee is almost maniacal as she power walks towards your little group.
"Deputy Petsch. How wonderful to grace our Earthly realm with your presence. I did wonder why it looked like the skies were weeping."
"It's Chief of Staff now," she corrects getting even closer, "to no one's surprise I've been promoted while you've been demoted."
"Yes, I can see the stress of the new position. Or is that just your face?"
In the corner of your eye, you can see Erik standing completely still, his head darting from one speaker to another bemused.
"As the Chief of Staff, I'm here to evaluate your...pet." Erik gives a silent wave and Rosaline narrows her eyes, most likely not knowing what to make of him.
"What happened to Michael?" Petsch scoffs at your question.
"He retired to live with his family so much so for living a dignified life." You straighten stubbornly at the newly given information. Erik's hands are still lightly trembling, along with the file in his hand.
"Interesting. I will attempt corporation." You push out through gritted teeth but immediately get one of Rosaline's bony vulture fingers thrust in your face.
"Don't even try to sweet talk me!"
In return, you snap your fingers near her outstretched hand. A gesture you would normally never do but it was Rosaline. Anything but an abnormal reaction could ward off this lietonis off your neck. (a/n)
"I tried to be peaceful. Well then. Let's. Begin." She huffs and puffs and then stalks over to the lecture hall, her tight blonde ponytail swinging like the world's most obnoxious metronome.
Erik stands silently for a few short moments before -
"The fuck was that about?" You hide your face in the palm of your hand. If Rosaline was here for the panel review then this little fucker had no idea what was coming.
"Rosaline and I have what you would call an uncivil work relationship."
"A rivalry?"
"No, a rivalry with another woman would be inherently attractive. Rosaline just...sucks the lifeforce out of me like a goddamn Dementor." Erik chuckles at the sight of your displeasure but a quiet bell coming from within the lecture hall stills him again.
"Please all attendees take your seat! We're about to start soon!" A faceless voice calls over the crowd and the unpleasant feeling that Petsch managed to eradicate away for a moment returns worse than ever. Your own hands begin to mutely tremble. Erik looks close to passing out.
"You're going to be fine." You say gently bumping into him, "you're my trainee after all."
Oh, he's going to be not fine at all.
For some reason, the hall is literally stuffed with attendees.
The enrollment panel reviews despite the name, yes, was actually an open doors event. Much like an undergrad presenting a thesis it had a panel of judges and a crowd of listeners. Usually, it was limited to other potential interviewees who wanted to get a sneak peek in the twisted action to come but the number of people was 5 if not 10 times more audience than what you've ever been in.
Truth be told you never knew how friendly Erik was with other departments but even if he was a magnet surely this crowd was too massive.
With a rapidly rising anxiety, you start to pick out familiar faces. Some of them your trainees and previous teammates, some who gave you a stink eye, and then some with whom you didn't want to interact.
On the third row there sits Jungkook and sweet Jesus what were they feeding him in the footsoldier department. He was now almost twice as large as he had been when you last saw him. One tap of those arms and you'd be in an automatic knockout. Behind him sits Jimin, also looking confused as to why he's here. Which is somehow even more offputting considering he's the one who decided to be here. In the back rows, there is Jin, face hidden in his hands, large sunglasses pushed atop of his head. The only reason why you recognize him at all is that those very sunglasses had "JIN" in large letters above the rim. Naturally.
At this point, your insides are just a gaping screaming void of pure social terror as you start to suspect they were all here. While scanning the crowd you notice an orange fleck that is surrounded by a gaggle of students who eagerly listen to every falling word. That would be Hope. And far closer to the seat that you wanted to take sits V. For reasons unknown he was perched in the first row, fiddling with the strap of the camera. The last thing you want is to meet that vitriolic, judgmental stare of his but it would be unfair to Eric to sit anywhere else. The supervisor, even the one who had no idea that the review was taking place and did not actually write the referral, always sat in the front. The little scamp should have at least that.
You sit down stiffly with your hands bunched up in fists and shoulders tightened to the point where it was almost painful. V pretends he doesn't recognize you. You turn around once again to look over the crowd, almost meeting Jungkook's gaze but he suddenly finds his shoes to be the most captivating image in the world. Jin nearly takes off his jaw while ducking below the chair line and Hope is still surrounded by his devoted students. Jimin is persistent in looking disoriented.
In the faraway upper back, behind the fifteen rows of cascading seats, there is a second door. Slightly ajar and leading to complete darkness but you can swear there is a hand holding the doors open. For a moment you wonder who would hide away in a dark side room only to silently observe everyone but then you know exactly who. Yoongi. You whip around so fast the chair makes a loud squeak. In the peripheral vision, you make out a movement from V but he turns back to the camera without a second thought.
No, Erik was in deep trouble. The panel of judges or should you say evaluators was much too high standing for the first time enrolment. Rosaline Petsch's choice of coming here could be attributed to her being a harpy. Sure. Namjoon, although a CEO was known to just arrive at small scale events, to fully support his staff and also fully give them untreatable heart conditions. But the following had no place being here: Rhys Bethany, the key speaker of yesterday's anniversary and the head of Internal Affairs. Rahul Singh, chief of Communications. Tamira Johnson, head of International Affairs. Shen Qiongzi, head of Large Operations management. And two others whom you didn't even recognize. These were some of the biggest names of the entire organization and also the most bewildering. Strictly speaking, none of them had any input on the hiring or the enrolment process. The matters far, far below their usual duties.
Why were they here? Had Namjoon invited them? Why would he? Because he was still angry at you and was punishing Erik for it? He wouldn't do that but would he? Were you being narcissistic for thinking it had anything to do with you??
Whatever the answer was, hearing the last bell ring and seeing Erik, suddenly look very small and scared climbing up on the stage without even the protection of his notes folder... You felt a lot like seeing a crowd of shrikes encircle one mouse. You squeeze the handles of your chair, rocking back and forth with anxiety.
"As part of your legal right, what would be Your prefered choice of name for the course of this review?" You hear Ms Johnson speak. Erik picks up the microphone to speak...
....not a sound comes out of his mouth. You cringe.
"My real one, ma'am," he finally manages to croak after a moment of silence that was perhaps too long to be unnoticeable.
"Thank you. We will begin the first part of the enrolment request review for Erik Genyer."
You blanch at her words. The first part... meaning that what is about to happen was an actual full, point by point review and not the shortened version that came into popularity in recent years. The review would last three hours and it was three hours of ruthless questioning.
You grip the handles even tighter.
Erik fares surprisingly well. After the initial shock, he starts to melt into well-rounded answers. After the five minute pause in between the two parts, he even starts to subtly lean into humouring the panel, offering sarcastic, unhelpful comments. Truly one you could call your own.
Your heart is in continuing thunder as it beats harder with each given situation and particularly hard question. At this point, you have tossed and turned and quietly whined at every to the degree that it is noticeable to everyone in the room. And that in itself pushes to a worrying realization that Erik had somehow managed to slither his unholy way into your heart and become not just a trainee under your care but a friend. Like a proper friend. A friend that would leave you in literally the span of 10 minutes.
Namjoon who was eerily silent for most of the hearing, providing only two softball questions, had noticed your flighty twitching and leaned back to glance at you. You look at the ground knowing that you were perhaps not in the right mindset to put on a facade of your somewhat trademarked blasé attitude.
For God's sakes, you were not even this nervous in your own review but then again you had resigned yourself to the bottom of the barrel. Erik was not.
Finally, he passes the third part of the review. He had taken a few hits, all of which delivered by Petsch, but overall came out with impressive results. Two things were left to unfold. The panel would ask him what was his preferred choice of the department and then either allow it or politely indicate his skills would be more useful in another department and refer him there.
"Mr Genyer do you have a specific department choice?" Mr Singh asks politely. He'd been a tough but fair reviewer nevertheless it was always Namjoon who asked this question. Why was he so quiet? What was the point of showing up if he was going to be silent?
"I have." Erik answers and you see a smile form in his mouth. It was his bastard smile. Eerily similar to the picture of the cat surrounded by knives. You've seen that expression many times, mostly when he was breaths away from pissing off a lot of people.
"And what would that be, sir?"
"The cleaner department."
Not a single person breathes. Not a sound is made. The panel has gone speechless. You think your heart has stopped entirely.
"I'm sorry, do you mind repeating that?"
Erik couldn't look smugger as everyone stared at him.
"I'd like to work in the cleaner department."
The second time he says it causes an uproar. People actually stand up in the back. You hear a crunch to your side. Tae dropped his camera on the ground. There's so much noise you can't even decipher what is being said. Vaguely you maybe hear Jin's loud ass "what?" but that also could be literally anyone else.
The panel has to turn around and repeatedly shush the crowd. It is not an easy task. You just stare at Erik, mouth dropped open, eyes bugging out and he gives a self-satisfied smirk.
"I promise tomorrow you’ll have reparations."
These were the reparations. As the crowd finally eases back you let out a breath, lungs screaming for oxygen. Hadn't even noticed the lack of breathing process.
"Why would you choose a cleaner department?" It is finally Namjoon's turn to speak but he too sounds astounded all the way to outer space.
"It is a lowly position." So low in fact, they were not in the count of departments. Hence the status of 0 out of 7. You're hit with another realization. "Aspiring 0". The one Erik had placed in his Instagram bio. It was not zero aspirations that you thought he meant, no he was aspiring to be 0. And suddenly it makes sense. Him being such a little pain in the ass, always sneaking off, taking cases well above his position, taking yesterday's case in fact. All to rank up and enter the review faster. You don't even know how to function with this information.
"Why would you choose the cleaner department?" There was only one person who had chosen the cleaner department. A year ago. You. But even back then the choice was between quitting altogether or becoming part of the 0.
"The cleaner department is as hard-working and as essential as any other position in the organization." He shrugs.
"Yes, but why choose it?" Ms Shen pursues. You can hear it in her voice that she simply cannot comprehend why would anyone choose to work there. Honestly neither can you.
"I like it there. The cleaner department has the friendliest, most genuine and accepting people I've met among all departments. Also, I've had the most supportive, protective mentor anyone could wish for. I've never been more inspired to both be myself and improve forward as I have under their tutelage and I hope that by working in the cleaner department I can repay them for the faith they had and hopefully continue to have in me."
His request is approved and after a quiet "review ended" Erik is officially given the position of the evidence removal department.
The crowd is restless. There's not a soul that's not debating outside the room. Everyone huddled up together. What Erik did today would go down in the history of the company. Right next to your name.
Briefly, you encounter Petsch who throws something snide in your direction but you brush past her without a second thought. Finally, you find that stupid red shirt, snuggled against the window. You break out in a sprint and smack him in the middle of the chest.
"Why would you do that?" You yell. Why are you yelling? You don't know. You're happy. Literally so happy. Erik begins to laugh, kinda nerdily as he is snorting a bit like a pig.
"You should have seen your face! Oh, man, I wish I had my camera with me! Oh, a picture truly is worth more than a thousand words."
"You idiot! I trained you," you deliver a smack "so you could," a smack, "have a better life!" Erik's smile doesn't falter for a second.
"What's better? It's a shithole here anyways. So they pay me more in other departments. The money I'd spend on therapy for working there would still decimate my pay into non-existence."
You stop hitting him as something dangerous bubbles up your throat. The hole in the chest filled. No, not that, he will never let me live if I do, you think to yourself.
"Are you actually crying?" Erik giggles his expression turning somewhat strange.
You do end up crying. After taking you to Omelas where surprise, surprise, your inner circle of other cleaners and Irina were waiting. Diego was already rolling on the floor with Liz trying to pull him up in a somewhat vertically inclined position. J.D. giving a quiet, appreciative nod and S - Jo along with Byun screaming their lungs out in some kind of celebratory song. You can't even tell which language they are screaming in.
Olga looks at the scene with mild amusement. If you'd had become a little bit like an unwilling older sister to this little horde of gremlins then Olga was like everyone's collective mom. How many of your messes and mood swings had she endured? You couldn't even count but you remember how badly you were afraid of disappointing her. And if Erik felt even the half of that...
It was then and after two bottles of vodka that you started sobbing. But just a little bit. After all, you hadn't cried in a while and if there was a better place to cry it was among this little makeshift family.
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(a/n: lietonis, more commonly known as lietuvēns is a spirit from my country's folklore that is rumoured to strangle people and animals in their sleep. Basically something like a sleep paralysis demon.)
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silvertaetae · 5 years
KTH: New Beginnings {Preview}
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Pairing: Vet!Taehyung x College!Reader (and Yuta and the reader used to date :/)
Warnings: Mentions of/ Death, Half of this angst, other is super fluffy, plus a dash of smut, Tae being absolutely whipped because he is, Unprotected Sex (wrap it before you tap it, Kids.) Oral (fem reviving), Some degrading terms, language, Tae’s (scary ass) duality, chocking (because have you seen Tae’s hands?), DoCtOr kIM ;)) , honestly just straight filth, stubborn reader. (and a dog who really wants the magic to happen.)
Summary: (okay hear me out. One: my other summaries all flopped because of...Two: I cant do the summary and not give away some of the story which...I mean I’m still editing so I might just change the whole beginning part, but it’ll be here when the story is published.)
A/N: I just want to let you know. I have two beginnings to this story and still don’t know which one to use. The one you’re reading now is shorter because if I did the other one this preview would be like 8,000 words long ..... whoops. So I don’t know if I’ll use the other one because it’s kind've of descriptive on the relationship of Yuta and Y/N. Also please give me feedback, because this is my first fic and I want it to be great and thank you for taking time out your day to read this (hoooorrrible piece of work.)!!! 💓💓💓💓
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“Y/N- Yuta died last night.” Jennie's voice cracked. That was the moment everything stopped. No birds were singing. No cars outside honk their horns rushing to get to work. There was nothing. Nothing, but a static silence that filled the air. Tears slip past your eyes unconsciously.
“What?” You manage to crack out.
“Yuta died in a car crash.” It felt so unreal to hear those words. Not when you could still hear his laugh. When you could still feel his arms around you. When you still remember his smile. His lips. His touch. His voice. His everything. How could he have been gone when you could remember everything so vividly. There was no way. Every moment of the life you had flashed before your eyes. That’s all gone? Then his last words repeat through your head.
‘As if anything could keep me away from you.’
He told you he’d come back. He promised he’d come back.
He promised you.
You still smell his warm vanilla and cinnamon scent. You look down and see his shirt. The shirt he wore last night before changing. Before he went off and lived his final moments. Before he said I love you for the last time.
“Y/N say something.” Jennie tried to read any emotion she could get from you. Heart beating fast, tears brimming, stomach-churning, head pounding. Yuta’s gone?
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” You get up from the table and run to the bathroom, hearing Jennie not that far behind you. You swing the bathroom door open and fall to the floor in front of the toilet. You feel Jennie rub your back and keep your hair from falling. It felt like someone tied bricks to your ankles and left you to die in an overbearing thick sadness. The feeling making you sick to your stomach. You gag and cry and puke and wail. Everything coming out at once. “Fuck! Fuck! I told him-” You swing your head back over the toilet. “- not to go. If I had just-” Your throat burns as you gag. “-if I had just got him to stay. He'd be here. It's my fault.” Your head is back over the toilet. “He’s dead because I couldn't get him to stay! Yuta’s dead because of me!”
“Y/N you didn't do anything wrong. Don't blame yourself. It’s gonna be okay Y/N.” Jennie whispers trying to calm you down.
That was one year ago. You’re now twenty-three years old. It’s been one year without Yuta. One year without hearing his voice. One year without feeling his touch. One year without waking up to him by your side. One year without any of the stupid fights. One year without exchanging ‘I love you’s. One full year without your first love. He had to have a closed-casket funeral. His body and face to destroyed to show. You knew that if you saw the wax figure of Yuta you would be able to control yourself from touching it and crying. It would make you think he was real. That he was still here with you. That he hadn’t left you here, heartbroken. Many people came to his funeral. You met some of his cousins and best friends. You cried with his family and broke down during your speech. The wake was silent and you fought the urge to walk out. You always visit his grave. Make it a requirement to see it at least three times every month, but you always go more than that. You sit there in silence and don’t really think at all. Always bringing him flowers, whenever the one you brought before start to wilt. Still blaming yourself for his death. The first few months were awful, but they were filled with anger. You were enraged at the fact that life continued without him. That people lived their so perfectly as if someone so great hadn’t lost their life. How a world could still function and be okay when he was gone. The rage hit hard, but soon it was gone. The fire that once roared, was put out and left a cold and stagnant body.
Since his death, you’ve been more shut off., as predicted. Your bubbly personality became only a past memory to your time with Yuta. Everything you are is melancholy. Nothing was important. Not food. Not bills. Not even yourself. Life became blander. Falling into a schedule. The most important or disappointing thing, however, is that all the color in your life is now gone. The colorful world around you seemed to be robbed of all the shades of beauty it held before. Now it was only figments of ashy white, gray and black that clouded your visions. No more magic ran through the air bringing the life you once had back. You’d look in the mirror and see nothing. No soul or emotion insight. Eyes hollow and empty. Just an abandoned shell walking around all these people with meaning in their lives. People who haven’t lost a purpose. The only shred of happiness you have left is Cooper, which seem to be fading.
“Hey, Cooper.” He stayed still not even lifting his head. Any other time this would’ve been normal. After Yuta died Cooper would wait for him by the door waiting for an arrival that would never happen. Even though he wasn’t as chipper as he used to be he’d still look up at you whenever you came home from work. “Cooper.” He still didn’t move. “C’ mon now Cooper.” When he still didn't move your stomach dropped. You ran to his side and drop to your knees. His eyes were open and they were following you. You slipped your hand under his chest. He still had a pulse. It was weaker than normal. “No. No. No. Cooper, please get up.” When he didn’t and whimpered you started crying. That’s how you found yourself speeding downtown to get the closest vet clinic you could find. You carried, your now seventy pound, dog crying. “Someone, please! He’s not moving!” You cry out and fight to keep Cooper up.
“Ma’am. What’s wrong?” A receptionist came up to you.
“He’s not moving. He won’t move at all. Please help him. I can’t lose him.” The last part comes out as a whisper.
“Alright. Let me take him.” You don’t want to let go. Last time you let someone you love go they died. Just the mere thought of losing Cooper makes all this pain become so much more real. That was something you weren’t ready for. Thoughts flash and you hold Cooper closer. Walls crumble and you tremble and shake at what was flying through your head. The image of being alone burned into your mind and you Cooper tight. Breath quacking and heart slamming against your chest. Your eyes squeeze tight and everything seems so chaotic. Then, a rich soothing voice broke your thoughts.
“I promise you he will be okay. I swear on my life that he will come back to you.” His voice was calming. Like a reminder to take a deep breath, a luxury you had been depriving yourself of for such a long time. A hand rubs circles on your back and you catch your breath. Somehow coaxed into letting go of Cooper. You lift him into the hands of the receptionist. A lot of loud shouts follow, but your heart is beating too fast for you to notice anything. It’s deafening at this point. The hand leaves your back and you're left standing in the middle of a vet clinic, at six in the afternoon, looking like a mad man. Finding your way to a chair, memories flood back and soon you’re crying again. He's the only thing of Yuta left. The only shred of happiness that was left after Yuta died. He’s all you had. Cooper can’t leave you to. You know people are looking at you like you are crazy, but you don’t care. You’re shaking in your seat afraid that you’ll lose him. You know people think you’re overreacting. Hell if you from two years ago saw this they would think you’re being overdramatic, but this. This is almost too much. Cooper is like your child. He’s Yuta and your child. You refuse to lose him as well. You try to lift your head, but once again your body felt heavy. The sun beams down on your neck as you shake and shudder. “If anyone is listening, I beg of you don’t take him. I’ve lost love. I can’t lose my only happiness. I can’t.” Begs and please leave your mouth in a whisper. Your pleas soon slow down and your mouthparts only a little. Exhaustion taking over your body.
You’re awoken to a loud bark. Your mind stirs and head throbs, still unaware of the surroundings. The memories of past events hit, full force. The frown that once painted your face came back. Slowly you blink and the current environment becomes clear. The vet clinic. Why were you still here? You stretch wincing at how your body pops, from falling asleep on such an uncomfortable surface. It was silent in the clinic. You look around, searching to see if anyone was still here. There wasn’t a soul in sight and only one dim light showing from a room down a hallway. It smelled of bleach and other cleaning supplies and your stomach churned. The moon, which was now distorted from the rain covering the window, shined through. The realization of how late it actually was became prevalent. The normally chattery city had died down and rested for the night. The only sound being cars that went over puddles and the light music from them. Then there was a bark. A familiar one. You lurch out of the chair and follow Cooper’s bark to a door, reading the metal bar.
Dr. Kim Taehyung
You open the door and see something that you haven’t seen in a long time. Cooper’s once-forgotten gleam in his eyes is returned as he lays on someone. You see a hand petting his head, but not who the hand belongs to.
“I know Cooper, but you got to let her rest too.” Cooper shakes his head and makes eye contact with you jumping off the figure, running to you.
“Cooper!” You drop to your knees, arms open and Cooper runs into you. He barks at you and he looks so joyful. “I’ve missed you to buddy.”
“Cooper’s giving you a run for your money in that department.” The man giggles and you recognize the voice. It’s the man from earlier. The one who got you to let go Cooper with just a few words. Before you can get a good look at him Cooper is trying to lick your face and you weave his tongue just in time. “Here let me help you up.” You reach out for the man’s hand and Cooper finally gets off of you.
“Thank you.” You finally take a good look at the man and you see something that you thought was long forgotten. When you make eye contact the room gets brighter. He had dark curly brown hair that almost went past his eyes. His eyes a rich brown that seem glint even in the darkly lit room. An arched nose that crinkled in joy the mole to the left of the tip standing out. A boxy smile that showed off all his teeth. Round cheeks that reminded you of a newborn. Honey glazed skin that seems to shine and brighten the room. He was beautiful, to say the least. Especially compared to your pale and thin state.
“Y/N right?” He bit lip, looking as if he was holding something back.
“How’d you know?”
“It’s on Cooper’s name tag.”
“Oh. Right.” There was a moment of silence that passed. You stared at him and his never wavering smile. This feeling felt all too familiar. “I- Can you tell me what’s wrong with Cooper?”
“Yeah. Right. Uh, Cooper managed to sprain his right front metacarpus.” You raised an eyebrow in confusion. “It’s like his wrist. I suggest giving him these and making sure he rests. Not to do much on it. You have to watch him or it can worsen.” He hands you a white paper bag with somewhat neat handwriting written out in sharpie.
“I don’t have anyone to watch him. I have to work.”
“What about Yuta?” You wince at the mention of his name.
“How do you know who Yuta is?”
“His name is on the name tag.” He gives you a dub look and you’re taken aback. How could someone be so lively and cheerful, this late? His voice, though deep and powerful, was laced in juvenile emotion. As if he had something exciting to say every time he spoke. His eyes glinted with joy that could only come from true happiness. His strong and intimidating physical features clashed greatly with his childlike personality, that it can cause anyone to do a double-take. Had this really been the same boy who convinced you to hand over Cooper? It finally clicks that you have to respond and the words swirl in your head, but nothing can form. The words ‘Yuta has been dead for a while now’ will definitely put a damper on his and strongly affect you. Searching for something, the words finally fall.
“Yuta is- He isn’t around anymore.” You internally cringe at your oversharing.
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.” Another all to familiar silence falls between you two. The uncomfortable feeling being unavoidable “If you want he can stay here.” A soft smile comes back to his face and it warms your chest.
“No no. I couldn’t ask you to do that.” The thought of adding another load to his already busy day, already made you think you were using him. He shook is dismay.
“It’s fine. I have someone here who can watch and take care of him. I’ll throw in a discount just because Cooper is one of the best patients I’ve had.” He looks back down at Cooper then at you. You two go back and forth for a while. The whole argument, if you could even call it that, seemed extremely childish. Finally, you give in, deciding to weigh the logic against the wants.
“Fine Doctor Kim, you win.” He cheers and you notice the smile that had been on your face. You look down at Cooper, whose head was tucked between your legs, and pet him.
“Perfect and Y/N?” You hesitate a little just to continue petting Cooper.
“Yes.” When you finally look up at him, you see a wide smile on his face and cheerful glint his eyes. The look itself caused your smile to get a little bigger.
“Call me Taehyung.”
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A/N: That was a long preview. (Like almost two thousand words long. Lmao.) I really hope you enjoyed this because this was fun (and stressful) to write. Feedback is appreciated. Sending love. 💓💓💓
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just-some-guy-joust · 3 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 4
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Adan Botello | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Adan is a highschooler who is just looking to pass class, go home and play Minecraft. He doesn't want to be unique or special any more than he is, maybe being a Minecraft YouTuber would be awesome but that's all he wants out of life. No matter what is thrown at him he tends to run away from it, like a fantasy world trying to claim he's a prince, he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to be a normal kid, graduate high school and play Minecraft. He's also got transgender and autistic swag
Promos: https://toyhou.se/17322997.adan-botello check out the comic featuring Adan on this blog @a-tale-in-a-bottle
Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
Promos: https://toyhou.se/8256045.wally-rosette <-wallys toyhouse profile! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-villain-school/list?title_no=97541 <-the comic he's in (discontinued because I'm doing a different one - it is 6/40 chapters with a planned remake Somewhere in the distant future)
Tulip | It/Its | @joyfulness03
-Literally just a little tulip mouse -Caught in the middle of a monster war, but is entirely oblivious to anything happening (not privy to The Horrors, because it is literally just a mouse) -Day plans: curling up in the sun to photosynthesize. it is fully booked, indefinitely -The most neutral of neutral parties (group pet) and the most background of background characters (group pet) -very friendly to everyone that pets it and gives its treats. it only bites a little bit, just little love nibbles. Average rodent behavior but with slightly sharper, plantier teeth
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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Despite the fact all he desires to be is just some guy the universe keeps trying to make him more than some guy. He's supposed to be a hero, a prince, but he keeps running from the idea of it so much he ends up in another world entirely and all he wants is to go home and be normal, all he wants! He's not looking to save his sister, she can save herself she's strong. He just wants to go home :( that's all he really wants in life and he's getting really tired of the universe saying otherwise
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THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE BABY BOY So Wally is a sweet kid, but because his parents were world-famous, he never really got a choice in who they raised him to be. This resulted in him having a BUNCH of self-worth issues that he tries to deal with on the side because he doesn't want to get his friends involved. He has two (2) major points in the plot (OUT OF 40 CHAPTERS)- one plot point where he ignores the main antagonist to get a boyfriend instead, and one where his entire arc finally culminates in "Wally Learns How To Say No To People." Outside of that, he does NOTHING regarding the main plot and is a C plot character at best. He is simply involved and there in the background because I love him so much and he is my precious little baby boy and yeah sure maybe I loved him so much I made 27 alternate universe versions of him that all have plot relevance in all my stuff but *this* wally is simply a boy and he is blue and he is lovely and I would kill and cry for him every day
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[no extra description provided]
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just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 1
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Blake Stevens | He/him | @azumelia
His entire joke is being a completely normal guy in a very wacky world. He is the only cishet person in the entire setting. He has extremely bad luck and constantly gets fucked over - whether or not this is connected to the cishet thing is unknown, but people in-universe like to joke that he's "cursed by the Gods for being straight." He does not enjoy this. He is tired at all times, both of everyone's shit and just in general - man is suffering.
Rafferty | He/him | @kris-the-kraken
Rafferty is an office worker and aspiring author. Though he has an endless depth of creativity he scraps all his ideas because they remind him of his first attempt at writing.
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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[no extra description provided]
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Rafferty is unintentionally obsessed with his first OC and their story. The OC and thier story is always a person of little importance who chooses to take up a nigh impossible task. He has tried everything in his power to write something different but he always thinks its too similar. The end all be all od this obsession? The OC became real and is granting him powers he has no idea how to use.
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