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doodles--doodles · 4 months ago
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i have no clue what i'm doing, here have a creature. based off of alex mercer from prototype, they were created by an iterator t be able to manipulate the mass of their body to become weapons and other things. initially made to protect the iterator from their harsh ecosystem, after the iterator collapsed they were released into the ecosystem
@angelofchaos001 @keeper-of-magic
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lilolilyr · 1 month ago
4, 5, 6, 7 (especially interested in this one, I've never seen this question before!!!!), 8, 9, 11, 20, 26, 29! oh, and 30 of course!!!! self promo babeyyyyy <3
answering yours last because you sent so so many questions and a couple were also asked by other ppl, and so now everyone gets at least a couple new answers xD
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet - answered here
but more specifically interesting for you, I've never written an AU for Avorah, like anything Action or Sci-Fi or Fantasy or a crossover or something... maybe some day!
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
good thing to specify 'unpublished' bc I tend to just throw my abandoned wips at ao3 xD
from my Bering & Wells gift exchange fic: “Wait, does that mean there really are ghosts?"
6. the words that appear the most in your current draft
for the B&W draft: 'myka' 3% - main character name, makes sense, 'xx' 3% - my place holder/marker for when I still need to fix or add something, fic's only half finished, makes sense, 'claudia' 2% - minor character they're on the phone with for like half the fic lmao (I think her name's more often than Helena's bc Helena and HG makes for more variety), 'ghost' 2% (makes sense for the fic even tho there isn't an actual ghost xD) & 'bag' 2% - snag, bag, tag! (along with some other words also at 2% but they're filler words like when, just, etc.)
for a Star Wars fic idea: 'obi-wan' 5%, 'jango', 'cody', 'just', 'some', 'force', 'jedi' - very on point for Jangobi Star Wars fic lmao. But my memory is so bad, it's only been a week since I wrote that 7k draft (in one go right after waking up and before forcing it upon @toboldlynerd lmao) and I already don't remember what Cody is doing in that fic??? Lmao
& for my Avorah longfic that I've only published 3 out of 12 chapters so far so it still counts as unpublished right: 'deborah' 2%, 'about', 'just', 'even', 'still', 'when', 'all', 'like', 'more', 'ava's' - definitely a lot due to how Ava talks with many filler words xDxD
interesting how the Character from whose POV the fic is written is always first! and the longer the fic, the lower the percentages.
7. your preferred writing fonts
uhhh sorry I'm boring I write in whatever happens to be the default of whatever I'm writing on? which tends to be either a chat in telegram messenger with just me in it, discord server with just me in it, Ao3 draft, or Word doc (in which case it's probably Aptos, I just checked my last docs)
8. answered 9 answered
11 a WIP you’d like to finish someday
Well, the Avorah Hacks HBO S4 thing is definitely gonna get finished, because it's already finished, I just gotta keep posting the chapters at this point?
Apart from that, like I answered in 8., there are fics I'd like to continue/finish but that's wishful thinking and not actually gonna happen.
I have a couple Star Wars drafts atm like the one mentioned above, where my only plan is to make a new draft pile on Ao3 (bc I haven't got one for the fandom yet) and post them as chapters there. And I'm alright with that! I don't want to leave them to die in my drafts and I'm realistic enoguh to know I won't ever finish all the fic ideas I have. Too many ideas, too little time!
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
26. are you able to write with other people around?
Oh hell yeah. like I answered here I tend to write in public places, there are always ppl around. And at home I live with my parents again so they're usually around. I just type type type away on my phone and completely forget what's going on around me. If there are annoying noises (weird voices, inconsistent noises, electricity noise, idk), I'll use headphones, but usually I don't even need that.
29 answered
30 share a fic you’re especially proud of:
I know I'm a broken record but it's still in my header gif for a reason: Andromaquynh In Your Stead. I even had that shit printed out in hardcover copies for myself and those friends who had illustrated scenes and painted the cover image :) I made a proper timeline for that fic, it's a longfic with actual plot, you can probably even read it without knowing TOG (though I can only recommend the film if you like action movies) because I follow the whole plot just slightly adapted to my fic verse :)
in general that year and the time in TOG fandom was great for me in terms of fic writing, I'm also still proud of all the lore I created for my vampire-ish fics, and the college AU...
More recently I'm proud I'm finally posting the Avorah longfic xDxD and that I dared to dip my toe into a new fandom and post some Star Wars fics!
Thanks for the questions! :D
Fanfic ask • ask me something and reblog the ask meme, I'll ask you something back!
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