#i don't know when I'm going to post this becasue I have a bunch of fics to fnish
my-mt-heart · 2 years
I'm so done with people still trying to defend Norman and give him excuses for why he does or does not on his sm. He had plenty of time to behave like an actual adult and Melissa's supposed friend and at least support her when this whole mess has started. Whatever you believe if Mel really wanted a break (I don't believe it bc of my understanding of the industry and what contracts stand for) it still would be on AMC to drop her out so why instead of supporting Mel he went to media and tried to take the heat from AMC and himself and put it on Mel? But even worst, he liked a bunch of tweets where people were saying that it was Melissa's fault.
Its mindboogling that some Melissa's fans see anything amiss in the way he behaved and talked about Melissa having break but never actually mentioned her as his friend and a long time co-star with whom he was so excited to do a spin off not long ago.
And the way he ignored her birthday. A mention of her in his insta stories would do a trick but he only gave people more reasons to believe with all those rumours. I mean, he doesn't even trying to pretend that everything is alright between him and Mel. And let's be honest, her silence speaks volumes too. She didn't speak even when he was dealing with hate and never tried to defend him. If the spinoff mess was in any way her fault would she leave Norman alone dealing with the hate and fans blaming him?
And by throwing tantrums like 10 years old and with his passive aggressive attitude he will never get fans back and saying he is afraid to like posts about Mel/Caryl becasue of hate is ridiculous because it is only his fault people now don't trust him.
I don't care what really happened behind the scenes because we won't have the truth anyway but I care what is shown to me and he lost my respect 🤷‍♀️.
I will never forget the way he spoke of Mell having a break. It makes me super anxious only when I think of it and I'm not going to watch SDCC, for the same reasons. It will be super awkward and uncomfortable to watch I'm sure.
The break narrative and SM activity have made a bad situation worse in my opinion regardless of intention (which we can’t prove or disprove unfortunately). The one thing I do know is that AMC ultimately make the decisions, so that’s what I choose to focus on. Anyway, SDCC is going to be…something. 
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cnsystem · 2 years
Stares at your infinity train AU with intrigue
YES. validation
this isn't in any comprehensive order or anything bc i don't really ahve a fully realised idea
and I know these guys dont really have engaging emotional arcs in the real eddsworld but hear me out: i have ADHD and i can do what i want.
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ok so basically for anyone who doesn't know you get yoinked on the infinity train and you get a number to represent how bad you are at dealing with your emotions/your traumas (/j but kinda not)
i imagined tord being pulled onto the train about a month or two before the other guys but the train decides that these guys need group therapy :/
more pics and lore under the cut to keep the post from being too long!
I don't really have a lot planned out story wise, just a bunch of story beats and general reasons why they would need to be there,like:
edd's hardships working through and accepting emotions that aren't always happy/funny
tom's stubborness and alchoholism
matt's NEED to be a perfect hotboy and the way that could tie into self worth issues (and his hording problem)
and tord's incessant need to be an evil overlord when he was a born and raised comic relief (plus the fact that mayyyyybe he is being a jerk and doesn't want to admit that he feels guilty about things)
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Also, i was thinking about the denizin that would kinda follow em through the train cars and while im still on the fence about this i was thinking of having this little guy from season one follow tord for a month or two becasue i think it would be funny
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Matt and edd love him, tom acts neutral on the matter and tord hates him (he does not), and he would act as the ringo of the group until they can get home and edd can weep to his kitty about leaving her for so long
I was thinking about developing this into an askblog (even though itd be a little weird in the formatting and. would break the laws of the train. But concider this: it would be funny) orr like, a fanfiction or smth
i'm not sure if im even gonna go too much into deapth with it at all but we have been thinking a lot about it so fingers crossed we have the motivation :)
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tokugou · 3 years
Hi. First: I love your GIFs! They're pleasing to see on my dash (and sometimes gives me niggling ideas for creating GIFs of my own but almost never do it cuz procrastination and my creativity sucks haha 😅)! Please keep creating! <3
Second, genuine question (and out of curiosity): Why do you self reblog your posts often? People can see your posts on their dash, and even on the search thingy. The search thingy doesn't let people see your self-reblogs (just the original post). Even though I've kinda been on and off of Tumblr for years, I don't really get how it works, so I'm a bit confused as to why you and other bloggers self-reblog your/their own posts?
You don't have to answer if you don't want to, though! I'm just genuinely confused and I don't know who/where else to ask/search 😅. Thanks in advance! Have a nice day! <3
I honestly don't know what I did to get dragged into this discourse
Thank you for polite question, I honestly don't know if I can help you a lot and if my answer will explain it as you expect. I also was on and off tumblr for a long time and often, but I can answer it based on my own experience on this becasue it was confusing to me too when I first met with self reblogging.
Long reply under read more so to not trash other people' dash
first of all self promotion isn't a bad thing and i'm staring to think some of people here see it as a crime
compared to old one nowday t/mblr is a mess, lot of people left this site and most of them were content creators (either artists or gifmakers) and back then it seemd more welcoming to editors? People would rb your stuff no matter your popularity becasue hey it is content from my fav series i wanna see more i wanna keep it on my blog and show it to others so there was no need for people to self reblog becasue it circulated around a lot on its own.
new people who join this app are raised on i/stagram t/itter and/or f/book where LIKES means everything, you show your support by liking posts THIS NOT APPLY TO TUMBLR AND NEVER DID [you can check this amazing post about rebloging]. As nice as it is to get likes on your post becasue it is like a pat on a head - it is only a pat, doesn't mean anything on a long run. Reblog = spreading. If people don't spread it we stay unnoticed and we tend to self reblog more.
another thing that changed is: people no longer scroll from top to the last post they saw before going to sleep, cos why would they? You wake up in the morning open app while eating breakfast or drinking coffee and you sroll past ten or twenty post or an equivalent of hour or two of your absence - you dont go deeper cos it would be a waste of time - again, I say USUALLY, some ppl still do this and it is ok either way - which leads us to main point of self/reblog:
DIFFERENCE in TIME ZONE not all of our followers live in the same time-zone, when I post something in my free time it doesn't mean others have it too, most of them are probably sleeping or in working place at that hour. We self reblog so people who were absent (and we think might be interested in - becasue why not? they follow us for a reason right?) can see it when they get back on here. By reblogging ourself multiple times, that puts the post back on the follower’s dash and hopefully gives them a chance to see it.
most of people follow ton of blogs (one of my friend I met here told me they follow over 1k blogs) imagine even half of these blogs posting regulary, a few things per hour, the dash is messy and crowded OUR EDITS TEND TO GET LOST IN IT. Most of people follow a lot of blogs and might miss our posts becaue their dashes are WAY more active than these who follow five or ten blogs.
t/mblr fandoms aren't welcoming to new creators in my experience, to get notes you need to be popular/have lot of followers but you can't have lot of them if your posts aren't spread/seen and so on and so on it go in circle (a lot of ppl also only reblog popular posts and avoid these with litte of notes - don't know why it is like this, maybe they think these posts are suspicious?) so with self reblog we also give some of these fake notes to make a post more appealing, i guess? this one is just speculation.
the search function you mentioned is very rarely used tbh people don't go to search for things daily, they usually only do this when they join new series/ship/etc to check if there is something. People usually stick to what they see on their dashes. AND most importantly this option doesn't work as it should. It is some type of algoritm that promote post that are alive/active - even if your post is relativy new it might not show in search becasue it died quickly (as if it wasn't interacted with for some time). With search option it is 50/50 your thing either show there or not. ALSO REMEMBER search option is a terrible promoted thingy that doesn't show you everything so you better stick to /tagged/ thing you can enter manually while on dash if you are using web t/mblr.
people no longer go straight to specific blogs to check if they missed something, they might do it for their besties (as they call it) but other than that DASH is all people see and focus on, so the more often content creators self/reblog the higher chance followrs will see it.
we are not paid for what we do and it come to everything: edits, gifs, arts, writing, video and META POST we are not paid for it and no matter how many people say notes are just numbers these numbers are our motivational payment, the less you get the less you create because you just don't feel the point of sharing your creations if it is not received well or at all.
when I started posting I used to post new content daily even twice a day, nowdays seeing most of my edits not being well recieved in fandom I lost motivation to the point I was thinking of quiting because it didn’t give me joy anymore and I'm still considering it.
I personally never felt bothered seeing self rebbloged post, I follow a bunch of content creators, some of them sr twice a day some each hour, some more or less often. It often helped me to see something I would missed becasue I wasn't here and personally it often give me joy to see the post I remember seeing that had 2 notes when I rb it and now it is 500 or more.
to anyone who read it and still think self reblog is a bother: do not tell people to stop self reblogging. If you genuinely have a problem with self reblogging, just unfollow or block the person who does it and don’t make a fuss over it!
I hope I managed to answer you at least partly? I probably lost the point somewhere between first sentence and second but... well
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wematch · 7 years
I am in serious need of a fic where Baz and Simon meet online and become internet friends and skype everyday and end up in love. I just really need this from someone. I would write it, but I feel like I'd mess it up severely if I tried. Sorry for rambling!
Hi anon!
I’m sure you wouldn’t mess it up. I’d love to read it if you ever decide to write this.
I actually really liked this idea, (and I may or may not have made a draft for this already) I can’t promise that it’s going to be something great but.. I’ll try my best :)
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akane171 · 2 years
...You know, for the longest time that saying confused me so much until a friend thankfully explained it, but I still think it's a very strange phrase😅 But nope, don't need to touch any grass🙈😅 
He definitely has😍 
Hahah, yess😂 Lol, considering everything, including little Huxley, being a "hermit" is a wise life choice😉 Screw humanity 😍😉
Ohhh, I see! Still sounds like a cool idea though!🤔 Lilian was indeed a very interesting character (no matter how evil-ly she might be) 😁
Honestly, I'll never stop smiling over the fact that BOTH of Kara's Mom's approve of Mon-El and already (seem to have) accepted him and joined Team Karamel😍😂🤗
WE ARE *NOT* MURDERING KANGAROOS, STOP SAYING THAT! I'd never do any harm to them! 😭😭
I love "How you remind me"😍🙈 And ohh, Yeah, I've seen her post (is that even the correct term for this? I'm not really well versed in Tumblr vocab) stuff about it but haven't started on that topic yet😂🙈 
Sure, you're welcome😊 I'll probably write down another bunch of songs in a day or two, my brains just too fried to remember anything right now😅🙈
Ohhhh, I think I might even know most of them, but I gotta check it out (probably) tomorrow😍 But Ohh, True, "Listen to your heart" and "Nothing else matters" are very fitting too🤔
They ignored SO much...So much that could have been SO awesome... You don't know what I don't get either? If they were gonna give him another love Interest, why Imra? Why not just Shady who his comic counterpart was married to anyway?😅🙈 
I'm not sure I SHOULD finish that thought😅🙈 Just...Well, think like this: neurons work with energy/electricity and well, just think of all the nerves he could influence and the hormones etc he could release🙈🙈
That is a very nice quote btw, and dunno, it's just sad, but hey, at least we have fanfics🤷🏻‍♀️🙈
Ohhhhhh😍😍😍😍 That sounds cool! Tho poor Mon, almost getting assassinated and sentenced to death😭
Ohhh, I'm SO hyped for your fics!😍😍😍😍
...Well, maybe think like this to make it better: Mon-days -> Mon-El-days -> Mon-El 😏😂😍
HAHAHA, yess, she would and Donna could be the sarcastic, badass, protective bestie Mon needs😍😍💃🏻
Anyway, take care, stay safe, well-rested, healthy and happy😉😉😂😊
Oh, another headcanon: Post!series Mon-El's grows out a bit for a while cause he's busy (Imagine the hair style Chris had in the IDM online event? With the bit of bangs? Like THAT I mean😁)
Like, it's beautiful phrase. I do it quite often, every time I can.
Seriously, dude has a face, voice, acting talent, sense of humour - Mel is a lucky girl ;D
I admire their dedication to not show their faces. But sometimes, I wish they hadn't be SUCH hermits xD
And all he needed was ONE day for them to get approval. But he was such a sweetehart and prised Kara like no tomorrow in both cases, that I'm not surprised :D
Mhm, sure. I read your messages. The evidences are there.
Go and harass her then xD
I like their one more song and have it on my karamel playlist If Everyone cared. Sure, send more,I'm a music freak so xD eheheheh, that's why i have a whole karamel playlist on spotify - immediatelly i can harass people with it ;D
I think that maybe they knew that Imra and Mon-El were not meant to be, just then somethign happened aka Kreisberg drama and they rewritten it all? I think they didn't want canon Mon-el LI, becasue they knew they were going to fuck it and didn't want to piss off comic book nerds. Or dunno, but the fact is mimra made zero sense and Imra was made a real bitch. when you think about it. And well, her sister was always more important to her than him, so. ... and well, Kara was always more important for him too, so a seriosuly pair made in heaven *raging sarcasm*
Well.... good headcanon xD
I'm going forever bitter about it. Becasue SG had so much potential, especially when we think about the cast and the comic book canons, and they could have done even the human/Earth stuff convincing. Like, did anyone believed in that world? Ugh.
Well, if I write it, he is going to suffer here and there, but nothigng angsty, just life being brutal xD and hey, he will meet the love of his life! and dragons! How cool is it?!
I;m afraid it doesn't work for me. Monday is more liek MOANday and not in the sexy way =='
Write this friendship into a fic :P
Also, there is no one to cut his hair and shave him, right? That's Kara's job ;D
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