#i don't know whats up but caoimhe and i both have NOT been able to get to bed before like T-6 hours b4 we have to wake up every work night
experiencing a grievous yearning for kalamata olives
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astarab1aze · 6 months
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Viresca's Family
     Her family has no clear origin, as her grandmother has kept many a secret, often quickly hand-waving any questions about family heritage, tradition, and bloodline with simple, uninteresting, and ultimately unhelpful answers; "I don't remember," or, "I don't know," or "What family?" 
     Her parents were never around long enough for her curiosity to get the better of her, unlike with her grandmother, and the truth was never revealed; Mandragora is her paternal grandmother's maiden name, but her grandfather is an unknown variable of equally unknown lineage. Perhaps she is somehow a distant relative of Enfurious Night himself? Or, perhaps she should be grateful the truth is obscured. About all she's been able to uncover is a faint, broken whisper in her grandmother's sleep, "A lesser man... Snake-charmer... (your) putridity knows no bounds..." 
     Presumably, Grandma hates Grandpa, and he appears to have been a 'snake-charmer'. Perhaps, one day, she'll discover the meaning behind that.
     As an aside, both the Blackwoods and the Mandragoras are made up of idiots of varying degrees. Petty, selfish, pointlessly squabbling, closed-minded, impatient idiots. The few with any hope are of the younger generations, from Veldora to Viresca and every Mandragora in between. The same cannot really be said for the Blackwoods, as Lutesce had perished horribly, taking much familial confidence with her. Both families have been fractured since the deaths of Lutesce and Agrivayne, though there are some who keep working toward restoring their respective families - this ideal has been more or less a staple in the recent three generations. Viresca has also adopted this goal for herself (among some other, expressly naive ones).
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Paternal Family
Great-Grandmother, Viscera Lorraine Morgana**  & Great-Grandfather, Morvayne Athur Mandragora (both deceased)
Great-Aunt, Gliona Mandragora & Great-Uncle, Will Wildewood (deceased)
2nd Cousin, Rivyn Wildewood (deceased?)
2nd Cousin, Regulus Wildewood (deceased)
Great-Uncle, Gawain Mandragora 
Great-Uncle, Vrain Mandragora & Aunt, Caoimhe Murphy (divorced)
2nd Cousin, Veldora Murphy 
2nd Cousin, Calliope Boone (married)
Grandmother, Gwyndolin Mandragora & Grandfather, Unknown (divorced)
Aunt, Vanessa Mandragora & Aunt, Ophelia Winterburn (married)
1st Cousin, Victoria Winterburn (adopted)
1st Cousin, Vicente Winterburn (adopted)
1st Cousin, Sinistyria Mandragora
Uncle, Morteatum Mandragora & Aunt, Andromeda Flynn (married)
1st Cousin, Vera Leanashe Mandragora-Flynn
1st Cousin, Valkyrie Mandragora-Flynn
1st Cousin, Valravn Evander Mandragora-Flynn
Father, Agrivayne Mandragora & Mother, Lutesce Blackwood (deceased)
Herself, Viresca Mandragora
**Viscera Morgana, her great-grandmother, is distantly related to Sortia Morgana; An insignificant detail, truly, but something to keep in mind, as this means she's technically, very distantly, both Sortia and Furie's cousin.
     It was once in utter disarray: A family of ‘pruned leaves’ - those of impure familial blood. Many of its members believed strongly in keeping pure bloodlines, but due to extenuating circumstances, were cut off from those of purest pedigree and promptly disgraced. Ultimately, this proved a blessing in disguise, as the larger the family grew, the more… open-minded they became. Viscera Mandragora was the last of the truly ardent status obsessives, where others have come to a less frustratingly fixed disposition. Most who have anything to say about its either don’t care about it, no longer care about it, or have adopted a ‘keep with yours, I’ll keep with mine’ attitude and do not talk about it openly.
     Some members of the family are more or less disowned for one reason or another. In the case of Corvinus, it is entirely because he’s a liar, supposed “relative” of Enfurious, and a criminal of grave degree. Unfortunately, due to certain uncharacteristic discriminatory attitudes, Vanessa was disowned when she married Ophelia Winterburn; Her children, however, are in contact with Valkyrie, Valravn, and Viresca. Gawain is also disowned by the family at large, having been heavily invested in practicing forbidden Necrosis and openly. The overall logic is not evenly applied to all, as Viscera was not disowned and instead… tolerated, until her death, despite the severity of her beliefs. The same can be said for Vera, who is both harsh in her stance on status and a secretive practitioner of forbidden Necrosis herself, much to the dismay of her siblings.
     In a few ways, the Mandragora family is of course related to other well-known and respected or afeared families in ridiculously convoluted, vexing, and strange ways. It’s unclear where the line begins or ends, but there are outliers and secrets that ought to be considered. For example, Corvinus Sanguis, who is so shrouded in mystery and countless lies, there simply can be no way to verify his lineage. It could never be seen as a mark of pride to be related to Enfurious, if the liar is to be believed, as there are too few Mandragoras who espouse his beliefs anymore. Shunned by families and peoples they once belonged, spite is largely the reason - and a pinch of heart.
     As a family, they have worked hard to more or less earn their way back into a respectable light by ‘collecting’ talents over the years. For example, Viscera was a multishifter; Morvayne was a transformative Memoria (multishifting memory-eraser, basically); Gwyndolin, Gliona, Vanessa, Vera, Valkyrie, and Sinistyria were or are multishifters, and a good handful of them were or are talented in the handling of both beasts and alchemy/herbalism (though a couple chose to focus on one over the other). Valravn is purely an herbalist, where Vicente pursued Memorian talents, and Veldora went after alchemical mastery. The list goes on. It should be noted that Agrivayne kept secret his natural ability (without specialization) to speak to most animals, not knowing where it came from, but had gone on to become a multishifter and carer of beasts alongside his wife Lutesce.
     In an effort to emulate the Mandragora family’s talents and fulfill its expectations, Viresca has endeavored to discover, learn, and fine-tune her abilities in herbology, beast care, and become an animagus; This effort will extend to other magical subjects and talents as she moves forward in life. All of this is so that she may become a highly valued sorcier, following in her parents’ footsteps, and put a stop to the cruelty of any poachers she may come across. Additionally, she is unafraid of employing what forbidden magic she knows, not unlike the great-grandmother she was named for…
Maternal Family
Great-Great-Uncle, Apollyon Blackwood (missing / presumed deceased)
Great-Great-Uncle, Nicodemus Vaude Blackwood (deceased) & Unknown Women 
3rd Cousin, Nicholas Vale 
3rd Cousin, Niamh Narroway (deceased)
3rd Cousin, Marina Wycombe
Great-Grandmother, Lamia Sylvia Blackwood & Great-Grandfather, Thaumas Blackwood (deceased)
Great-Aunt, Lydia Wright & Great-Uncle, Percy Wright (married)
2nd Cousin, Magnus Wright
2nd Cousin, Letty Wright
Grandmother, Lacuna Grace Blackwood & Grandfather, Virgil Blackwood
Aunt, Lyssa Bernice Blackwood
Aunt, Lorraine Patrice Wheating & Uncle, Harold Wheating
1st Cousin, Jareth Wheating
1st Cousin, Jeannie Wheating
Uncle, Lynceus Blackwood & Aunt, Bella Fleur-Blackwood
1st Cousin, Blake Blackwood
1st Cousin, Lisette Blackwood
1st Cousin, Eleanora Fleur-Blackwood
Mother, Lutesce Mandragora & Father, Agrivayne Mandragora (deceased)
Herself, Viresca Mandragora
     The Blackwood family is a ‘pruned branch’ and thusly distant branch of the Night family that was cut away hundreds upon hundreds of years ago and is so far removed from them that they are considered their own house, and all records proving such relations are either lost or destroyed. Similarly to the Mandragoras, they feel nothing but disdain for their ‘parent’ families, and such bitterness ultimately led to the family no longer believing they were ever related at all. Unfortunately for them, the Night Family motto more or less transcended status, and so many members of the Blackwood family retained the same beliefs regarding purity, wealth, and nobility. Such views have lasted over the centuries, with only too few adopting an accepting and open-minded viewpoint (ex. These views are so ingrained, Lyssa and Lynceus disavowed and disowned Lutesce over it, who was herself unconcerned with status and even advocated for nightfolk and human integration).  
Family Friends
Finley & Anora McCarthy
Daughter, Revina Lutesce McCarthy (4)
Son, Oliver Lucan McCarthy (infant)
Markus Campbell
Mary Heartwell (deceased)
Rita Pellinore & Ewan Kay
Daughter, Bedivera Kay
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Paternal Grandfather, Corvinus Drakon Sempra Sanguis 
*A carefully kept secret; He’s basically some bastard from some bastard Night family branch with a minor, bastard claim.
     Vile, foul, rotten-tongued, scheming, no good, very fucking bad sorcerer of tenuous (or potentially non-existent) relations to Enfurious Night himself. Not much is known about him, aside from the tales of his devilish, sinister lies; He was shouted down as a charlatan, a 'man who cried wolf', as no noble sorcerer worth his salt would claim Night blood unless it could be verified; Since much of the Night family tree has been lost to time, except certain branches, it cannot be verified, and, thus...he was proclaimed a charlatan and a scoundrel. On top of this, he dabbled in poaching, intent upon finding, trapping, and bleeding a number of mythical beasts for the life-extending and empowering effects of their combined bloods - he sought immortality and ultimate power. His obsession with this cause led him to abandon his budding family, and when news spread of his ultimate capture by sorciers, he was condemned for: Slaughtering scores of haint dogs, crocodingos, a unicorn, and a dragon, poaching, cruelty to animals, illegal use of magic, use of illegal magic, 7 counts of murder, graverobbing, exposing himself and magic to humans, grave desecration, hate crimes against humans, and plenty more. He remains imprisoned at the Triangulary, and will remain there until his death.
     His parents' names are unknown, but he has a sister named Sinisteria Merrow Sanguis. She, unfortunately, perished before graduating from one of the British schools due to suspicious but otherwise natural causes. It should be noted that Corvinus was really quite handsome, and it’s possible Corvinus isn’t his true name.
     Gwyndolin would call him the 'bastard child of a bastard family whose purity has been tarnished', a snake in the grass, deadbeat scoundrel, 'filth', 'a man who, if even a moment's worth of attention is spent on, breeds only hatred and depravity', disgusting, and so on. Grandmother Gwyndolin was not a fan. She feels that even talking about him is enough to 'make her mouth taste like festering rot and vinegar', hence why she adamantly refuses to, family heritage be damned. He is not worth claiming relations to, Enfurious is not worth claiming relations to - all those blood zealots are fools with their 'heads buried in their arse-holes'.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
Dragon Minion Interview - Original post here, by @mystery-salad.
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"Hi there! I'm supposed to introduce myself before the interview right? Caoimhe Emer! Daughter of the Jungle Scion Trahearne, and... I guess by technicality I'm his first minion."
What do you think of the Pact? How about the Commander?
"My parents work with the Pact. Without it, I wouldn't... Well, maybe I would exist but certainly not like I am! So I guess I wouldn't? Huh... Oh! The Commander! My other mom is wonderful! I love her so much!"
Are you for or against minion rehabilitation?
"I support it completely! I hope people can get their minds back. Or learn to survive without their Dragon. I know for some it's... hard."
How easy are day to day activities for you?
"Should they be difficult? I mean... I was born pretty... I guess physically typical of sylvari. It's just my overload of magic and connection to my father that makes me different. So I guess... Normal?"
Do you think you have it easier or harder than mere mortals?
"I... I guess easier, if I'm comparing myself to sylvari. I don't know how the other races fare, but with my magic being so strong I can get things done a lot faster and easier. I have to use my magic a certain amount every day or-" (she is interrupted by the next question being asked)
Do you ever lose control of your actions, have you hurt anyone?
"... As I was saying, I have to use a certain amount of my magic every day or it overloads, and I... Taimi described me as a walking bomb just waiting to burst. It really hurts when that happens. Too much magic and," She gestures an explosion with her hands, thorned vines connecting her fingers to each other before dropping to her lap. "Boom. I can also get Aurene or dad to absorb some of it, if they're around. And... Y-yes. The explosion sometimes gets other people."
How hard is it to make new friends now? How do normal people treat you?
"I've never had a problem! I've always been the way I am! Sylvari don't really care about what I am by technicality, it's asura that mostly have a problem with it. They really want to..." she gestures a cutting motion and draws a line down her body. "Charr are a little wary but I mean... They don't have much experience with Elder Dragons other than Kralkatorrik in general, so I guess that's to be expected."
Do you have a family? Is it with other minions?
"My parents- Trahearne, Vielcos, and Cor! I might be getting some new siblings too, but dad is worried about a lot of things relating to creating more. He'd love more kids but with them being his minions, and him being able to sense my thoughts like he probably will with others, well... Anyway, right now I'm an only child. But I have cousins! As far as sylvari family structures go at least."
Do you think you’d act the same if you were born without a dragon controlling your thoughts?
"Does he control my thoughts? I always thought they were my own, he was just... aware of them. Just like I'm aware of his thoughts in the back of my mind. We both have to focus to actively hear what the other's thinking."
Are you still as violent and thoughtless as you were when you were created, or are you normal now?
"Wh-what?! I- I'm not- I was never-! Did you even listen to me!?" Vines and fly traps start to sprout up around her feet. A few of the vines reach toward the reporter. "I am not and never was violent and thoughtless! I have my own mind!"
Do you feel any allegiance to your dragon?
"He's my father! Of course I do!" her voice is a bit of a growl, the sound of creaking wood can be heard in the undertone. She's agitated from the accusatory nature of the previous question.
Are you for or against the killing of the Elder Dragons?
"The only ones left are my father and Aurene. At this point, no. But in the past, they... Did what they had to do. The overload of magic was too much, the cycle had to be reset."
Can you still hear echoes of your Dragon, or does ownership of you pass to the next closest one upon death?
"He's still alive!" She shouts, the creaking bark is much louder. The vines grab the interviewer's ankles, and thorns dig in. She adjusts in the chair, now glaring down at the vines. "I don't belong to anyone, I am me. I am my own person!"
We’ve heard reports that the dragons are tied to this thing called the “Void”, have you heard or felt that at all?
"I was in Cantha." Her eyes barely flick up, "So yes. I was kept on the airships during the battle against Soo-Won, if I got corrupted it would have been dangerous for everyone around me. I could feel her pain. My father's sorrow and terror. I could feel the pull of magic in a maelstrom around me. It was too dangerous for me to join the fight. I wanted to."
"Are we done?" She doesn't really give them a chance to respond. She just gets up and walks away, the vines retreating after her. There are small scrapes from the thorns on the interviewer's ankles. Trahearne is spotted calming her down as the camera follows her until she exits the building. For a moment, he glares back before the door shuts.
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