#i don't know i just... think of angels when i see myself surrounded by sunlight as though i were glowing myself
antikristvs · 4 months
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I am a seraph veiled in human bones... I howl at the Sun, and my halo burns black
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riridontneedya · 2 years
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Well here it is part 2! I know I said it would be out a lot earlier but my apologies to those babes who may have been looking forward to it :)! not to bore you but you know when life hits .. it hits you all at once and everything changes in a short space of time! Anyway enough of that its here and I hope you angels enjoy it xx
Pairing: Tommy x Y/N x Micheal
Summary: Part 2 so if you haven't read part 1 its not super duper compulsory but if you would like to read part 1 CLICK HERE. A continuation of the female reader navigating her turbulent relationship with Tommy whilst dealing with a new development with Micheal.
Words: 4,600
Warnings : Mature themes! are dealt with in this segment we see a much more darker and possessive Tommy so reader discretion is advised. Also there is a rather cheeky barn scene its more heavy on dirty talking and its deliciously angsty, not full on smut but you have been warned of the adult nature!! Oh and mature language.
A/N: Once again thank you for the support I really appreciate it! All constructive feedback welcome :) feel free to send me a message etc I don't bite. As for this series let me know where you want it to go if you have any suggestions tell me what you love , what you hate I'm curious to know what you guys think! Also let me know if you want part 3 or have other requests for me because I enjoy writing you guys ideas! ps: Shout out again to the absolute beaut @notyour-valentine for the title and being a supportive babe for part 2 xx
Pss: I gave myself a deadline to have this up today so apologies if any punctuation and grammar seems a bit helter-skelter because I usually dedicate an entire day to being my own editor to fine tune it to perfection lol. But in this case its only been a few hours .... its probably not that deep but I thought id mention lol xx
They say there are several stages of grief you must work through , each stage you slowly over come until you reach acceptance… but is there a word for when you experience them all at once. The turbulent rollercoaster of emotions … the wells worth of tears , the rage , the delusion and then… nothingness. This is what the last few days had felt like for y/n and now she lay curled up in the armchair overlooking the estates gardens , awash with numbness. Several days had passed but there she remained confined to her chair as the world continued to move around her. Today unlike the last couple of dismal days a pocket of sunshine beamed through the window waking her from her slumber. Y/n immediately recoiled as the sunlight poured over her. Having been stationed in a rather grungy lit room for several days the abrupt intrusion of sunlight was unwelcome. Rubbing frantically at her eyes she surveyed her surroundings.
There were several trays and pieces of crockery graciously placed on the table besides her, kindly laid out by the servants of the manor. Upon seeing a visibly distressed y/n they knew best not to interfere in marital affairs and instead left it for y/n to have on her own accord. Y/n sniffled and chocked back a glass of water. The onslaught of tears had left her parched. She clutched onto the glass and drearily stared into its depths. Her grip began to tighten , she had drank it with a desperate hope that it may somehow act as a magical elixir. It would just absolve all the woe and suddenly she wouldn’t feel the way in which she did .. but no just like the glass she too was empty. 
Letting the glass crash to her side y/n sank back down in the armchair that now imprisoned her. The shattering of glass understandably alerted someone but Y/n was surprised once she saw who emerged from behind the door. “Y/n?” …“Arthur?”. “What are you doing here Arthur?” She chocked rising from her chair ,quickly  rubbing at her eyes and pulling at her clothes, a sorry attempt to disguise her disheveled appearance. “I could ask you the same thing love” he smiled kindly pulling her in for a hug. Y/n fought back the barrage of tears that made their way to her eyes. Shuddering and inhaling deeply. Arthurs grip tightened “Its alright poppet let it out”. Y/ns face sank into Arthurs shoulder and let the tears spill. Arthur's grip never wavered he gently held y/n until she was ready to let go. After being starved of touch for what felt like forever the warmth of Arthur's soothing embrace was refreshing. Of course nothing was resolved but it made her feel just that little bit better. “Sorry” sniffled y/n as she realised the stains of her tears upon his shoulder. “Don’t you dare, you’ve nothing to be sorry about love!” Y/n gave him a small smile showing her gratefulness. A few moments of silenced passed ,
Arthur slid his hands into his pockets and began to shuffle awkwardly staring down at his patent leather shoes. “Look y/n I know we’ve had a few laughs and we might not be the closest , but you are my family … and .. well its not right you feeling like that .. our Tommy , well he’s different from all of us I don’t even understand him most the time , but what I do know is that his hearts in the right place even if he doesn’t show it all the time.. you’ve been the best thing for him .. he shouldn’t take it for granted so I'm going to have a word with him..” Y/n immediately cut him off protesting profusely not wanting to face the  unknown repercussions of Arthur's involvement.
“Honestly , I'm grateful.. I really am but there’s no need”. Arthur could detect the panic in y/ns voice. He made his way towards her and gently rested his hand on her upper arm lightly patting it in a manner used to comfort someone. Arthur needn’t speak as the look in his eyes said it all. Arthur was right y/n and he may not be the closest but she too could sense the hurt deeply rooted in him. Due to his brash demeanour and fearsome reputation this was often overlooked and he was left to face his demons on his own. But with him talking to Tommy on y/ns behalf was his way  of doing what he wished someone could’ve done for him. Letting him know to cherish what he had before it was too late. Y/n could feel the tears begin to well up once more , but Arthur was immediately on stand by with a handkerchief. “Right , no more sulking lovely lets get you out of here, lets go for a walk you look like you could use some fresh air .. and maybe a brandy”. Y/n let out chuckle beneath her handkerchief. “ You're not wrong there , Im sure I look repulsive Im going to go freshen up then we can get going”.  “Don’t be silly y/n you always look as pretty as a..” Arthur fumbled  for an endearing comparison. He eventually settled for “flower”. In that moment Y/n produced a genuine smile.. With one last squeeze from Arthur she sauntered off upstairs to  freshen up. 
There’s always something revitalising about that first shower after a depressive spell. Although the task may be done rather begrudgingly the feeling on completion is none other. Y/ns outwardly appearance now was now refreshed and vibrant. No-one would’ve been able to detect her inner turmoil. But just like a house a fresh lick of paint on the outside , would only temporarily distract from the mess that was harboured inside. Arthur was right ,she needed the fresh air .Being stifled up indoors made her feel drained but as she and Arthur paced along the countryside air had her feeling reenergised. “Right let's get you that brandy ey? I could do with on me self” mused Arthur stroking at his handlebar moustache. Taking a purposely exaggerated bow “Milady” crooned Arthur gesturing towards the car. The usual watering hole was none other than the Garrison so it was no surprise when they arrived at its doors. Tommys whereabouts had been unknown for several days to y/n but after all as his wife she would have some knowledge of his schedule .
With it being midweek and pretty early on in the day she was rather taken aback when she saw caught the back end of Tommy , stood centre stage as if performing a monologue . Not just that , there were a few things that threw y/n as she entered the establishment.  First its rather new austere appearance and not to mention a sea of familiar faces all engrossed in the delivery of Tommy's monologue . As the sea of familiar faces became aware of her and Arthur's arrival .. or be it intrusion . Tommy whisked around “Arthur , just the man I was looking for I was about too” his words fell short as he cast his eyes upon y/n . His face carrying the same expression of bewilderment as hers. She became acutely aware of all the pair of eyes on her and  could feel them boring their way into her flesh. The silence was deafening until it was broken with a simple “Y/n Why are you here ?”
Y/n knew facing Tommy was inevitable and would be no easy task but what she didn’t expect was just like that what little progress she had made to be completely dismantled by a sentence at that. Y/n felt physically sick and humiliated . As if that one friend who’s invitation was extended out of pity and they were not actually expected to make an appearance. Ever since that ring had come into contact with her finger things took a turn. She knew she was being absconded from business plans or any family matters  and that was confirmed by the silence of said family members dotted amongst the crowd.  Only able to muster a weak apathetic smile . “We were actually just gonna..” “Leave” came y/ns voice cutting off Arthur .
He looked at her as if to question but knew better by the look she flashed him. “Well me , not Arthur.. he kindly ran me into town ,  Ive some things to do to today …. So I will see you round”.  Tommy planted his hands on his hips examining y/n. “You look beautiful today , come and give your husband a kiss before you leave” for others that may of appeared a simple request .. but y/n knew the demand that lurked beneath it . Despite the pain and resentment she harboured for him it was quelled by that rush of giddiness she got, knowing that the beautiful and assertive man that stood before her was indeed her husband. As she leant towards him tentatively he swooped his arm around her pulling her in for a rather fiery kiss.
Clutching the pail in both hands she rounded the corner in search of fresh water . So caught up in her endless loop of thoughts she performed the task in autopilot. Her body physically conducted it whilst her mind continued to wandered. Y/n would have been none the wiser of this hadn’t it been for the sudden sensation of cold water overflowing on her , causing  her to snap back to reality. Y/n grunted flapping her hands in frustration. A menial task ought to not cause such aggravation but at this point y/n had had enough. With aggravated huffs and puffs she dried her hands on the front of her dress and decided to go back to the barn fetch her belongings, and call it a day. It was then she was met by the back of a man, not just any man as she soon realised she recognised that stature as well as the caramel brown hair and faint aroma of menthol cigarettes. “Micheal ?” Croaked y/n . Immediately Michael swivelled around at the sound of his name, upon seeing who it was a grin outstretched on his lips. “Y/n” he beamed attempting to approach , ready to embrace her . “Woah woah , wait what are you doing here ?? Did Tommy send you …”. Micheal was visibly baffled as his arms fell to his sides. “Well ?’ Y/n probed. “No…no I'm a grown man am I not allowed to be here on my own accord?” “Very funny Michael just answer my question” y/ns face was now stern. Micheal let out a laboured sigh..
“No y/n Thomas didn’t send me … I am simply here cause I sometimes come here to just .. unwind nothing sinister .. I promise .. in fact I pinky promise”. Y/ns expression softened and a smile crept at the corners of her mouth. Although it appeared quite the juvenile approach of attempting to affirm his sincerity it was actually a rather endearing tradition they shared from when they grew up next-door to one another. When they would get caught up in the mindless tit for tat as children the pinky promise was there to serve as the ultimate truth and its continued too. Right into their early adulthood. Y/n sighed “Im sorry , I'm just a bit tense you know how Tommy can be”. Micheal exhaled the last bouts of smoke from his cigarette , drawing his two fingers to his temple he mimicked a gunshot to his head and dramatically rolled his eyes. “You entirely underestimate him” snapped y/n her arms now fastened against her chest. “ And you .. give him too much credit” sighed Michael as he ground out the remainder of his cigarette under his foot”. 
The pair had walked and talked around the horse stables until they came to their final resting stop at the barn. Micheal perched himself against the barn wall and proceeded to light a cigarette  “So how’s married life treating ya?” . y/n gnawed on her lip before responding. “Ugh yeah .. perfect domestic bliss happily in love”. Micheal scoffed raising his eyebrows flashing her a knowing smile. “Micheal!  Just don’t” “What I didn’t say anything .. your in love .. thats great I'm happy for you .. though just because your in love doesn’t mean you're right for each other” . Y/n wasn’t always forthcoming with information regarding her marital life but after all Michael was her best friend it was as if he knew all about it before she did sometimes. “ Alright , thats enough from you doctor love guru  .. aren’t you on like girlfriend four hundred at the moment”. Y/n quipped poking her tongue out at him. Micheal let out a laugh “Oh y/n we often we often ignore truths for temporary happiness .. and nope! maniac that last one back to the life of a bachelor”. “You’ve got quite the way with words Michael .. pshh no surprises there though …believe it or not I thought you took quite the shine to this one..”.  “ Same could be said for you y/n .. uhhh yeah I suppose I did but I .. I have feelings for someone else”. The last of Michaels sentence was rather mumbled but still audible ,it was apparent he was bashful. Y/n narrowed her eyes at Michael as he haphazardly flicked his cigarette to discarding its ash. 
“Feelings …right well we need to discuss this mike”  chirped y/n curious about this mysterious woman who managed to garner the feelings word from him. “Actually y/n … I think we should discuss the other night in the Garrison you and I” he motioned his finger between them “and don’t you dare feign ignorance”. Y/ns  throat instantly went dry there was no wriggling out of it now. The silence had clearly gone on too long for Michael's liking so he spoke up. “ Y/n I'm just going to come out with it .. you and me you can’t deny there’s been a sort of .. change its been a thing for sometime and well that night I meant even word it wasn’t just the brandy speaking. Id take you right this second if you wanted me too … but I had to really think about it because well I've known you all these years and you’ve always been attractive and it surpasses the simple desire to fuck you silly … and honestly I can’t believe its taken me all these years to realise how I really feel about you”. “ y/n please say something!”. 
“Micheal there is no denying, you are an absolutely gorgeous man I just , wow I haven’t given it any thought .. we’ve been friends forever isn’t it sort of taboo ” .This wasn’t a lie as y/n simply denied herself he opportunity to think about him in another light. She had simply ushered away any feeling she did have for him that cropped up, for the sake of their friendships . Which she valued so dearly. It was a very matter of fact approach considering she was indeed married. Following that  y/n  had dealt with many of Michaels ill tempered girlfriends who’s look and personalities bore no resemblance to her own. So that absolved the idea of her being his ideal “type”. Also not to mention the close proximity in which he and Tommy worked.
Despite all of this as they grew older there was shift. Albeit it small much like tectonic plates the simplest of rifts can cause the earth to tremor and the night at the Garrison only confirmed this. Y/n couldn’t help her eyes from wavering all over his body , that same sensation from the night palpitated through her as she continued to gloss over all the contours of his body seeing how the fabric of his shirt encapsulated his toned arms, how his rings glistened on his delightfully large veiny hands .Y/n couldn’t help wonder how it would feel to have them trail over her body. 
“If you keep looking at me like that I'm not responsible for what happens next , each of my thoughts are improper….”  “I never said I didn’t want you Michael” y/n whispered hoarsely. 
Micheal manoeuvred himself from the barn wall he was perched on and sauntered over to y/ns who was sat upon a bale of hay . As he loomed over her the palpable tension congested the air almost to the point of suffocation. “I can’t believe we’ve known each other our whole lives and never shared a kiss” Michael purred , his hand cupping her jaw whilst his thumb delicately traced her chin. His head now rested on her forehead lips trembling at the closeness of proximity.
“Can you feel what you're doing to me” his voice raspy as he pressed himself against her. His lips met her jaw  and his kisses began to descend. “stop teasing me so much” y/n fluttered 
“If you don’t like my teasing.. then why are you moaning so much” growled Michael. His large hand began to travel the length of her thigh . “why don’t you be a good girl and spread your legs, because my tongue can do a better job of teasing you than my words” he heaved breathlessly into her neck . Michaels words charged through her like an electric pulse causing her too shudder. “God you're so fucking hot” Micheal panted ,continuing to devour y/ns neck.. “don’t be so rough there can’t be any marks Micheal”. “Im sorry .. you just have no idea how much I want you” he grunted “let me taste you” he gasped as he sank to his knees .
Y/n gulped the mere sight of him knelt before her sent her in a frenzy. “Tell me what you want” he demanded nipping at her thighs. Y/n squealed she was awash in arousal her vision clouded with a lustful haze. “I don’t care, i'll let you do anything if you just touch me now” she cried . “Oh god , I've never wanted to fuck you more than I do now y/n ,if you want to come you better fucking beg” beamed Michael. Just as he was about to plunge his tongue into her heat there was a sudden piercing laugh that permeated through the barn closely followed by the sound of the crunching of gravel beneath feet, the steps grew closer and closer and the sounds of several other jovial voices became clearer. The pair pried themselves apart and frantically rejigged their clothing. 
“Fuck”  muttered y/n. “Look at me y/n” he said in a hush tone “ You go out there and distract them i'll hide and sneak out later .. its gonna be ok I promise I'll find you later. He leant forward as if to kiss y/n but then withdrew.  “No the first time I kiss you Im going to make sure you remember it”. With that he slithered between two hay stacks and crouched down out of sight. Y/n quickly caught her breathe still riding the high of Michaels touch that had been stripped from her, briskly she exited the barn not before grabbing some hay to corroborate her tall tale of horse feeding. Turning on a false cheery demeanour she waved and smiled “Hello boys!” “Mrs Shelby” they all chimed gleefully in their drunken stupor. 
“Nice walk”? Came Tommy's cool steely voice. Y/n immediately leapt out of her skin , she hadn’t anticipated him to be home and considering the events that had just unfolded she was rightfully on edge. She intended to squeeze past him but his pale eyed stare zeroed in on her keeping her firmly rooted to her spot . “Christ , you frightened the life out of me Tommy” y/n squeaked. Tommy stifled a smirk “Quite jumpy aren’t you .. why? Did you kill a priest?”. “ a priest ..” Questioned y/n . Thoughts began to clamour all around y/ns head … he wasn’t one for spontaneous joke cracking or was this yet another one of those cruel jokes that would later tie into him knowing what materialised between her and Micheal. Y/ns thought cycle was broken by a guffaw from Tommy. “Its a joke y/n, “ he scoffed.
His arms now folded across his chest he took a step towards y/n his eyes flittering all across her. Not thats of a suggestive manner but more of an investigative one.  Y/n could feel her body tense up under his conspicuous gaze, she felt as if heat was permeating from all the spots in which Michael had so longingly caressed like a beacon calling out for Tommys attention. Unable to bare the silence and the scrutiny of his gaze y/n snapped “very funny Thomas, anyway Im going to take a shower so” “no you're not our dinners on the table” he quipped . Dinner? Y/n questioned “Uhh I'm not that hungry besides I was about to shower darling”. Actively ignoring y/n he proceeded in the direction of the dining room “Ill see you inside petal”.
They sat quietly amidst the sounds of cutlery grazing against ceramic. The dining room table was grand one . It stretched for miles and looked ridiculous having been only set for two with all that negative space surrounding them, but then again Tommy's wishes were Tommy's wishes. Resting his knife and fork at the edge of the plate he manoeuvred his hands and clasped them under his chin having it act as a platform to rest it on. After clearing his throat he began “So… Arthur spoke to me today .. tell me petal are you not happy ?” Y/ns eyes shot up from her plate. The resounding ‘of course Im not can’t you see’ bleated in her head but yet it couldn’t pass her lips, instead a coy “I'm fine” tumbled from them. There it was again the unwavering glare that somehow could reach down into her and yank the truth from its hidden depths. “Actually no I'm  fucking not Tommy ”. His jaw clenched and eyes narrowed “ You wanted my attention .. you’ve got it now love .. the floors yours” y/ns grip tighten around her fork making her knuckles bare white, she wanted to pierce him with it make him feel only a fraction of her pain but then also wanted to be wrapped in his arms and lace him in kisses. “I can’t bare one more day of invisibility! Why do you hate me .. can’t you see all the love and appreciation I have for you?” Tommy removed his hands from his chin and leant back into his chair. His expression unreadable yet a mere hint of amusement rendered it.
“ Oh my y/n .. you know one of the many things I admired about you was that you were an independent woman, you didn’t demand that constant reassurance from me …. Guess I was wrong” he smirked wafting his newly lit cigarette in a circular motion. “You can’t RE assure when you never assured in the first place” y/n spat. Tommy twinged , there was a sudden eire of darkness that swept across the room, rising from his seat he strode towards y/n. Rather abruptly he flickered up y/ns chin forcing her to meet his gaze. “what’s this all about hmmm … you wanting to be fucked more is that it?”. A shadow of a smile played at the corner of his mouth whilst a darkness shrouded his face. As his cool finger traced her chin y/ns thoughts shifted back to earlier in the day with Micheal causing her breath to hitch. She couldn’t let him use his manhood to down play yet  another serious situation no matter how much she may crave it 
“Fuck off Tommy” swatting his hand away she ejected herself from her chair and stood across the opposite side of the room the grand table acting as their Berlin Wall .Tommy cocked his head to one side looking at her rather quizzically, the sudden rejection on y/ns  part was a wildly foreign concept for him. With gritted teeth Tommy made his way to the door but just as he grasped the doorknob y/ns voice rang out “ Your fucking kidding me right?”. He poised himself at the door and with a sigh he turned to face y/n “you did this to yourself” he remarked flatly. 
Tears began streaming from y/n. “You don’t get to walk away … not this time .. Id like to think I'm deserving of something better.. I just wished you loved me as much as I love you”. Tommy stood motionless for a brief moment letting himself absorb y/ns words. Unhanding  the brass doorknob he steadily walked backed to his seat. Dropping into his chair he assumed the same position of clasped hands propped under his chin. He spoke in almost a whisper “You know exactly how I feel about you .. you’ve always known” “I'm not sure I do anymore Tommy” said y/n chocking back her tears. “ Men like me .. don’t get a happy ending .. I don’t just get to decide when I'm done .. You knew ahead of time what sort of man I was .. what kind of lifestyle I lead you were fully aware of the repercussions prior to marrying me but yet you  still did ,so.. why the sudden change of heart? Who is he y/n?” . Y/n attempted not to appear visibly flustered , she knew for certain she loved Tommy but she had yet to work out how she felt about Micheal though it was inevitably the years of Tommys estranged behaviour only propelled Micheal closer. “Tommy stop this! Its always been about you.. I don’t think I'm asking for too much for you to show me if you care”.
There was a sudden chill in the atmosphere , the sort that sent a shudder down your spine. The ominous creak from Tommy's chair echoed as he arose. He cautiously made his way to y/n  as he drained the remanence of his brandy . He let out a sigh and perched himself against the table beginning to light up a cigarette. He motioned towards the packet, to indicate his offering. She shook her head declining and silently watched the plumes of smoke expel from the glowing auburn tip.
“Look” he rasped pinching the bridge of his nose. “I need you to listen to what I'm gonna say because I'm only going to tell you once. You think you know me but the truth is you don’t .. I love you .. I say it all the time I just say it very quietly I tell you when your in another room , right before you hang up the phone , after I shut the door behind you .. I say it in my head every time I look at you … and that smile, when you smile I forget every beauty the universe has to offer and there’s nothing.. nothing  I wouldn’t do for you. However ! You want to be free and you also want to be mine .. I'm afraid I can’t let you do that. You see you're stuck with me not for a few months not for a few years centuries even  ….you’re tied to me forever , wether you like that or not. That family .. those children you speak of they will come from me- or no one . You're mine and i'll kill anyone that tries to take you from me….. Am I understood? 
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dreamypjm · 2 years
ABOVE | Park Jimin
-> Chapter Index <-
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Chapter 4 - "get out of my head"
word count: 1.1k
Someone taps on my shoulder.
I got so scared, I jumped and threw the money which was still in my hand all over the counter.
Me: "Woah, you scared me!"
My co-worker looks at me with big eyes and starts to laugh out.
Co-worker: "You should see your face right now HAHAHA"
Me: "funny.."
I start collecting the money from the counter. After I picked it all up, I look back outside but Jimin is gone. I really hope he didn't see what just happened, I embarrassed myself too many times infront of him already in that short time..
I don't know why I even care.. yeah, he didn't tell my co-worker his name but maybe just cause he thought I already wrote it down.
Wait, is that jealousy..?
I realise I didn't write his name down anywhere... should I?
Instead of writing it into our customers book, I take the crumpled note with his number on it out of my pocket and start typing into my phone..
"Jimin, iced americano"
I saved his number in my contacts just like that.
The rest of the day has been peaceful.
I caught myself thinking about Jimin a few times.
The picture of him standing there in the sunlight is stuck on my mind.
If someone ever asked me how I think angels look like if they existed.. he would be my answer. Not just the way he looked but the energy and aura he was surrounded by in that moment..
Angelic. Ethereal.
Wow, I should calm down.
It's always been like that. Since I'm able to think I've been putting too many thoughts into simple situations or things.
Maybe that's one of the reasons I prefer to be alone instead of surrounded by people.
My thoughts drift away..
I'm wondering if he'll come back to this place.. maybe tomorrow?
It's pretty late, my co-worker already left a while ago and I'm about to leave aswell. I already cleaned everything up and walk towards the door.
I stop and turn around, looking at our menu.
Jimin was right.
None of the coffee shops I know in this area offer iced americano.
I take a pen out of my bag and walk towards the menu.
I start writing...
"Iced Americano - 2.50"
I put the pen down, grab my phone and take a quick photo of the menu.
While looking at it I tell myself I did that to expand our coffee shop's horizon by going with new trends. Yeah, definitely.
I stare at the menu.
I know exactly what the real reason was.
Am I really hoping for him to come back here just because we offer iced americano now?
I need to stop thinking about him since he already makes my mind go crazy over nothing.
My head hurts. Agh, yeah.. the headache.
I remember not having any complaints for some moments today and start wondering about it.
Was it him..?
Maybe the reason something inside me is craving his presence is that for that short time he's been here, talking to me and spreading his energy, I didn't feel any pain.
Until I started doubting his intentions.
The pain gets even worse when I start overthinking him and his behaviour in a negative way.
What if the difference I saw in him wasn't something good at all?
It could have been my intuition telling me to take extra care cause something about him seemed off.
But what if he's good for me?
However.. I turn around, walk out of the coffee shop and lock the door behind me.
A while later at home, I'm laying on my bed, cuddled up in my blanket and listening to some music.
I scroll through my phone and end up on Jimin's contact.
I giggle as I read the name.. Jimin, iced americano.
Should I text him?
No, that'd be way too weird just now. And first of all I should try to make my mind up over what I really want.
I put my phone down after setting an alarm for the next morning and close my eyes trying to sleep.
My head is aching like hell right now, how am I supposed to rest like that?
I start rolling around in bed trying to find a comfortable position.
Laying straight on my back, I put my left hand on my head and seem to fall asleep a little while later.
I feel something gently brush my head like soft touch. A strand of my hair falls into my face tickling my nose.
Is someone petting my head? At least it feels like that.
"..wake up"
I dozy open my eyes as I heard someone slightly asking me to wake up.
I turn my head to the left side, looking at a blurry shape of a person sitting there, stroking my head with its hand.
I can't move.
Trying to identify what or who it is I squeeze my eyes together, focusing on the upper half of the shape.
My heart almost stops when I finally got a focus.
I hold my breathe in.
A pair of shining brown eyes are looking at me with an unbelievable warm glance.
My eyes start to wander down the face, over the pale skin towards plump, rose lips on which my gaze stops.
Those lips are..
I jump up, now sitting on my bed.
My heart is thumping against my chest while I'm trying to find my phone to turn on its flashlight.
Everything is blurry.
When I finally managed to turn it on I close my eyes and for a minute I sit there not moving at all.
I slowly open my eyes again, looking to my left where I thought to see Jimin seconds ago.
Nobody's there.
Trying to calm myself down, I close my eyes again and take a deep breathe.
What the hell was that?
I come back to reality, hold my phone close to my face and try to read the time.
2:56 AM, 3rd April
I put my phone down, let myself fall backwards into the fluffy pillow and pull the blanket over my face.
I've experienced sleep paralysis before but THIS felt totally different.
It felt kinda safe instead of frightening.
I mean.. yeah I almost had a heartattack but just because I didn't expect to see that guy JIMIN next to me, who's still a total stranger to me.
I must have been dreaming but.. I really felt something on my head earlier.
Looking for a logical explanation I remember the position I fell asleep in earlier.
My own hand on my head.. ahh.. that must have been it.
My fantasies can really drive me crazy sometimes.
"Get out of my head.."
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aenngelic · 3 years
I will protect her at all costs (chapter 1)
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contains: slow burn, falling in love, inner monologue, snipers thoughts, sniper having a crush on Kuon, sexual fantasies, panties, nudity
The sun was just rising over the sea of skyscrapers, as I was placing another cigarette between my lips. The second the sun rose above the large complex of buildings in front of me, rays of sunlight dazzled my field of vision. Everything was immersed in a soft orange tone for a brief moment, so that it almost seemed as if this place was not another reality, in which previously normal members of this society would massacre each other.
This was also the same color the sky had taken on when I first met her. She, a high school student with blue hair and eyes that could also belong to a puppy dog. Kuon Shinzaki. She generally spreads the aura as if she could not even harm a fly. The girl seems to be one of the few who have managed to get closer to God and strangely enough possesses the ability not to be attacked by angels like me. This must probably be the reason why I am unexpectedly accompanying her. At first, I thought it was a temporary solution, but it has been almost a week since we joined forces.
Due to my memory loss because of the mask I have to wear, I probably don't have a very good knowledge of human nature. But sometimes I get the feeling that she would fancy me. The way the blood rushed to her cheeks when she looked at me, I must admit, sometimes caused me to feel embarrassed. In those moments I was very happy to have to wear my mask. However, there was no room for feelings in this world. Here, after all, it was a matter of naked survival, which is why I preferred to keep my distance.
I performed a 180° turn to face the young girl, who was only a few meters away from me, leaning against the wall of the building and seeming to be sleeping. Her legs, meanwhile, were bent and she had them tightly embraced with her arms, while her chin was resting on her knees. That she was able to sleep so peacefully in this place at all astonished me somewhat. Soon it would be time to move on. However, as my wary gaze accidentally wandered down the girl's body, my cigarette almost got stuck in my throat. She was bending her legs and wearing a miniskirt... I could see her panties!
I almost felt guilty for being unintentionally confronted with this sight, and even more guilty when I peeked over a second time. It was white, with small lacy rims, and was so tight fitting that I could make out a silhouette of her labia. Her thighs were completely revealed, looking quite feminine and perfectly shaped, I had to admit as I was inspecting them further. I had noticed Kuon's significant physique before, but intended not to dwell on it any longer. Now that I was presented with this image, however, I admittedly found it difficult to ignore her attractiveness. But an adult feasting on the sight of a high school girl's panties? That is absolutely uncool. Further, I wasn't even sure how old I was, but, that I was older than Kuon, I became aware pretty quickly. Now I was the one who felt the blood rush to his cheeks and before I could gather my senses again, I must have inhaled some cigarette particles. I started to gasp.
„Mr. Mask?", I suddenly heard a high, soft voice ask. "Is everything okay?"
As soon as I began to disturb this morning silence, Kuon was already on her feet, looking at me anxiously with her puppy dog eyes.
" Everything is fine, Kuon." I managed to push out, "I think I just swallowed something.
" I am relieved to hear that. I had already feared worse."
" but now that you're awake, it's a good time to move on. I imagine we might get some unexpected visitors soon if we don't."
Rays of sunshine made the young girl's big eyes sparkle as she gave me a smile and nodded. She took a step forward and we began heading for the bridge on the east side of the roof almost in unison. Had she not noticed that her panties could be seen? Careless girl, I just thought to myself. But for some reason I couldn't completely banish the sight of her panties from my mind. I suspected that this was probably the most interesting thing that had come before my eyes in a long time. Was I actually attracted to this frivolous girl?
We began to investigate the building nearby. However, it did not take long until we both found the first battle victims. In a narrow corridor lay no less than three corpses, two of which had stab wounds and one of which had a gunshot wound. They were ordinary people whose fresh blood larche stained the entire floor red and unfortunatelyalso my Budapest. I quickly realized that the fight might have happened a few hours ago, and that the other high school girls Kuon wanted to join were probably not among the perpetrators, I concluded. This had to be the work of a masked man.
I didn't even have to turn around to feel the fear-filled aura of my companions behind me. Kuon Had stopped at the beginning of the hallway and was looking at the three dead people in front of her, visibly terrified. She clearly hadn't been confronted with death much since she found herself in this world, as no real reason to fight had presented itself to her yet either. It was strange, but when Kuon felt bad, I immediately felt it like a chill running down my spine. Until now, however, I had not been sure if this was also one of her special abilities or if she was just good at expressing her feelings. It was hard to endure watching this girl tremble with fear.
"How could this... How could this happen?" she whispered in a shaky voice.
Before I could calm Kuon down, I first had to secure the surroundings. After all, the enemy could still be in the nearby area. When I was sure that there was no possible danger, I turned my attention to the blue-haired girl. She hadn't moved an inch from the spot. Was she really that scared? I put my hand on Kuon's head to comfort her,
"Everything is safe. Don't worry."
Then suddenly, to my surprise, the girl pressed tightly against my torso and clung to my tie with her right hand while burying her face in my chest. It was hard not to notice how her whole body shook with fear. I think I'm already a little numb from the sight of blood and corpses, forgetting that there are still people out there like Kuon who process things a little more sensitively than I do. Normally I find such highly emotional behavior extremely annoying, but Kuon strangely makes me want to protect her with everything I have. A girl like her is not yet polluted by the sad and brutal reality of this world. Does this mean that I like her? I mean, what does liking mean anyway? Wanting to protect someone at all costs is also a good trait for a pretty cool guy like me, I thought to myself before trying to analyze my feelings further.
The intensity with which she pressed her breasts against my chest, I was unable to overlook, however. I could feel her soft, not quite small breasts and once again I felt my cheeks turning red. She couldn't tell me that she was acting so lewdly by accident. Or could she? My breath was taken away, but I tried to maintain my unwavering charisma. After all, I had to protect her.
"Mr. Mask? Why must there be so much cruelty in this world?" , Kuon asked me as she buried her face even deeper into my shirt. I could hardly understand her. If only I knew an answer to that question, Kuon, I thought to myself.
" I would like to know that too. But it's no use being sad about it. If we keep a cool head and act smart, we might escape this world someday," I explained, hoping to comfort her.
Her big dog eyes met my gaze as she looked up at me in the next second. Kuon was still trembling as if a new ice age had just arrived, but the corners of her mouth now formed a smile so that she was shining across both cheeks.
"Do you think we could be friends in the real world after all this?"
I didn't know why, but for some reason it surprised me to hear that question from her. It kind of shocked me to know that she liked me so much and at the same time it triggered a certain feeling in me because moments before I had been thinking about her breasts. If I hadn't lost my memory almost completely and still knew who I had been before entering this reality, I certainly would have been able to answer that question.
"I don't know." , I replied "I don't really like hanging out with kids."
I felt the girl's body, which had been clinging to me like a piece of chewing gum, suddenly separate from me. Her wide smile had now turned into a pout.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" she growled, visibly incensed, forming her small hands into fists.
If there was one thing that couldn't be taken seriously, it was Kuon's anger. When she was angry, she rather resembled a little puppy that had just learned to bark. Kind of cute.
I let out a dark chuckle and laid my hand once again briefly on her head before I made a turn from her.
"We should not stay here any longer. Come, let's see if there is an emotionless mask nearby. Are you hungry?"
"I'm always hungry, I think," she murmured, visibly disappointed that I had not patted her any longer.
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ladyhindsight · 3 years
I'm the anon who talked about Jonathan Shadowhunter's name a few weeks ago
To the other anon: yes I did read the Codex and... that's exactly why I have issues with the names lol I know that Shadowhunter wasn't his real name, but one he chose! That was my issue! It makes no sense, like it makes no sense that the Angel spoke English... in a country that's in the middle of Europe, in an age when English was not widely spoken! (I think it was Middle Ages?)
This was my issue. It makes no sense for the Angel and Jonathan to speak English, for Shadowhunter to be his chosen name (because, again, English!)... and for Jonathan to be named Jonathan, to be honest. I'm not sure it was a commonly used name in Europe back then, if at all (John was, but John and Jonathan are not the same).
Clare took many things from Jewish tradition (like the name Jonathan + the story of Jonathan and King David, whom she turned into the first Nephilim and first Silent Brother 🙈🙈🙈 the whole thing about angels teaching humans to work metal and make weapons) and put them in a very anachronistic, Americanized context, in which they make little sense.
All in all, Nephilim culture makes no sense.
Many people say that since she's Jewish she should get a free pass for misrepresenting, Americanizing and disrespecting Judaism... But as an American Jew myself I say, NO.
Clare said she's not religious and it shows in the way she uses Judaism to serve her terrible books. She doesn't hesitate to disrespect, disregard and bend traditions and stories to serve her.
For example, there's a big, terrible and frankly dangerous stereotype surrounding Jewish people and blood (historically we were accused of using blood to make rituals, kill people, use dark magic), in some places people still believe it and threaten Jews because of it! And what does Clare do? Turn Simon Lewis, her only Jewish character, into a vampire who actually attacks and kills an innocent girl. In TMI Simon says he's kosher, so it's implied that he's religious to some extent... yet there's no commentary on him being turned into a vampire besides "wrong religion" jokes when people threaten him with a crucifix, and that awful scene where he and Clary go through pamphlets about "coming out" to your bigoted parents (and ofc his mom throws him out 🙄 because all religious people are bigots except the Nephilim, right? Yes, I know Clare said they don't worship a God, but they do worship the Angel aka a non human, allmighty being). Besides him being unable to walk in the sunlight (which ofc gets fixed later) and needing a new diet, Simon takes to vampirism surprisingly well...
Another big NO in Judaism is tattoos. Many Jewish people believe that if you get tattoos aka markings on your skin, you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery. But again, Simon is more than ready to drop his culture and get the markings... just like he's ready to drop his whole family, because the Shadowhunters are a cult 🙄
(Granted not all Jewish families are against tattoos, but getting inked is generally frowned upon, even in non-religious families like mine, because we still respect traditions and our elders, and we associate tats with the Nazis forcing us to get marks on our arms... which is exactly what the Nephilim do with Simon. I can't believe Clare didn't see that and think it was a problematic narrative)
Clare just takes Judaism and any culture she feels like and bends them to fit her awful books. It's maddening.
I mean, Jay Kristoff and Emily Duncan were heavily criticized for their antisemitism, is it too much to ask that everyone be held to the same standards?
I went to read more about name Jonathan, and it probably would make sense if the name was in its Ancient Hebrew form, Yōnāṯān (יוֹנָתָן). Then, as someone who hasn’t touched the Codex even with a ten-foot pole, I discovered that Jonathan had a sister Abigail, whose name is also in English. In Ancient Hebrew form the name would be Avigayil (אֲבִיגַיִל). I think it would make more sense if their names were just Anglicized versions of the Hebrew ones (by the later, English-speaking generations), but Clare hasn’t written anything even remotely this being the case. Similarly the name Shadowhunter just exists in English form in the series, it doesn’t originate from any other language.
Jonathan’s country of origin is never told, but of course from when the map was what it was during the Crusades. Not that it really matters because we can pretty much deduce they were Europeans since the First Crusade was initiated by the Latin Church and was partaken by the contemporary European kingdoms and empires. There’s also the fact that the roots of the birth of the Nephilim are in religious wars, and trying to remove Jonathan Shadowhunter and the origin of the Nephilim from that is evasive. Okay, let’s leave this thing here and go do this completely other stuff, totally didn’t just try to invade another land and get distracted.
It’s interesting to note some liberties authors and filmmakers take when it comes to representing a part of some culture, religion, or myths. What makes inspiration differ from misrepresentation and all that. The wiki states that: “Jonathan then transformed his sister, Abigail, and his friend, David, into Shadowhunters. Inspired by the tale of their coincidental biblical namesakes, Jonathan and David took that story and became the first parabatai,performing a ritual where they took each other's blood, spoke the oath, and inscribed the runes upon each other.”
In Books of Samuel, Jonathan and David, bonded by a strong friendship, form a covenant by taking a mutual oath. “Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself.” It’s funny that an author writes their coincidental biblical namesakes when there is absolutely nothing coincidental about it. It isn’t just that Clare was inspired by the writings in the Old Testament, she outright writes that her characters took that story, being coincidentally named the same, and created the parabatai bond based on it. They acted on religious texts. And of course, Jonathan’s sister just happened to be named after the second wife of King David.
Instead of just being inspired by the biblical canon, you take that canon and draw a straight line from it to your characters instead of coming up with something of your own. This reminds me of the poem Annabel Lee, that Clare just took it and wrote it like Poe had written it about her characters and their tragic love story. It felt just wrong, taking someone else’s work and making it about your work.
Abrahamic religions especially are such a big part of the series, the Nephilim lore in the series is basically built on them. Clare not being particularly religious is really reflected on the fact that she seems unaware of the points you made about blood and tattoos regarding Jewish beliefs in her writing. There’s a lot of historical context missing in the books that make Clare’s choices seem questionable.
Simon laments the fact that he no longer can say god’s name after becoming a vampire, but that is the extent his grief over his religion really goes. There is no talk about Simon having doubts because he is demanded to change his faith after ascending either.
The whole faith of Raziel is so nonsensical.
“All the stories are true,” says Jace but in edgy teenage fashion doesn’t, at first, believe angels exist because no one has ever seen one
If all stories are true, there are multiple gods, but this one particular god created angels and thus Raziel
But why is Raziel worshiped god-like (though yeah, yeah, Raziel did create them) and every other faith is excluded when ALL THE STORIES ARE TRUE
Why is their faith so centered on Raziel alone when their universe is obviously filled with other god-like beings and entities? I guess it’d be fine if Raziel was worshiped as a patron but didn’t exclude other faiths and the Nephilim didn’t outright demand you to just drop the religion you practice. Why is it suddenly the Shadowhunters’ business what you can worship and what not? There plenty of polytheistic religions so why can’t the Shadowhunters be polytheistic too? It’s nothing away from worshiping Raziel.
Clare should be definitely held to the same standards. Being Jewish doesn’t really take away the fact that her misrepresentation is still misrepresentation. There’s a lot of things in The Shadowhunter Chronicles that has been just picked and chosen and not thought about too deeply, even though many of the concepts have thousands of years of culture and history behind them.
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kkurainmyheart · 3 years
Like always said: English is not my first language so I'm sorry for the mistakes.
The link in spanish is here:
Pieck woke up in the morning with severe pain in her abdomen. I could feel it, it was those days of the month. Her headache, her body was more sensitive, and morning sickness from hormones threatened to empty her stomach at the first opportunity. Did it have to be fair today? she had stayed over at Jean's house, a common thing lately because couples used to do that. Pieck felt upset, she wanted to cry, she didn't want to be embarrassed in this way in front of her boyfriend. She was grateful that she had noticed earlier and had not stained the large bed of white sheets she had been lying on. She didn't even think it was that serious, menstruation was normal for women, so why was she crying? she felt pathetic, damn hormones.
I carefully go down the marble stairs. Sunlight streaming through the large windows, reflecting off the polished floors and white walls, she went into the living room and sat on one of the green velvet sofas. She hadn't even bothered to comb her hair; or put on shoes; She hadn't even changed out of the pink lace nightgown she wore to sleep. She stared straight ahead, the white fireplace crackled with the burning logs, it was autumn, the sun could shine, but it was not enough to raise the temperature of the room; an almost lifeless sun, just like her today.
“What happens?”
Jean asked as he leaned his body against the door frame that linked the living room to the kitchen. Pieck didn't even feel like talking. With heavy eyes she directed her gaze to the man, he looked handsome today; arms crossed against his chest, ash blonde hair neatly combed, white shirt with the first buttons open, and the sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
"My period came earlier this month," she said with no emotion in her voice.
They both looked at each other in silence. Jean approached, kneeling in front of her; He smiled calmly and lovingly at Pieck, stroking her head, tangling the black locks between his fingers.
"Are you ashamed?"
Jean affectionately kissed her forehead, rubbed his palms, generating friction between them; Pieck watched him curiously. He brought his hands up to her belly.
“It hurts a lot?”
Pieck nodded. She had felt many kinds of pain in her life; she had been a soldier from a very young age and later a titan shifter, she had fought a war and suffered injuries because of that, that she could regenerate did not mean that it did not hurt; but with her period the suffering was always different. Sometimes she couldn't get out of bed and other times it just happened so insignificantly that she didn't even remember if had come to her or not.
"You need heat, that will lessen the pain. We also need chamomile and lavender. Do you want me to prepare something delicious for you to eat?”
Pieck was surprised
“How do you know that?” she wondered, curious.
Jean sat next to her hugging her, began to make small circles on her lower back comforting her; Pieck became more attached to him in search of that feeling of comfort that he gave her.
"My mother," he said calmly, "she had such intense cramps that she couldn't get out of bed."
The man smiled at the memory of his childhood. Pieck looked into his eyes, they were teary. He continued
"My father would go out to work and I would help take care of her." He kissed the top of her beloved's head. "Please don't feel ashamed."
Pieck kept quiet feeling Jean's hands on her; she imagined the childhood of the man next to her, a much younger Jean helping a kind and caring woman with the same pretty eyes he had. She would have liked to have a mother or at least to have met Jean's mother the last time they went to Paradis; she was hoping she could do it soon.
"Let me help you, Angel ."
There was the nickname he had given her, Pieck loved that nickname. Jean took her in his arms, carrying her to the kitchen, sat her by the stove, and began to move.
He took a frying pan and went out into the backyard; He came back in with black sand and some seeds, which he put to heat on the white earthenware stove. He disappeared again for a moment to bring with him a pillowcase into which he poured the contents of the pan, then wrapped everything in the towel and placed it on Pieck's belly.
"It's hot," he warned, " I don't want you to burn yourself."
The fluidity of his movements around the room made the young woman smile. Soon the blonde put a chamomile tea in front of her. He knelt in front of her again, rubbing some alcohol mixed with lavender flowers on her wrists. Would she ever stop feeling small and protected around Jean?
“Mmm ...
"Did you ever have a girlfriend?"
The tall blond man froze in the center of the room, his cheeks and ears turning red. She had never asked him this question, at least not in their little relationship.
"No," he said sheepishly.
"Are you going to lie to me?" She answered indignantly.
Of course, she didn't believe him. He was handsome, tall, brave, loving, gentlemanly, and attentive. Furthermore, he had been surrounded by women throughout his military life. More than one of them must have shown an interest in a prototype of a man like him.
"You're the first," he stuttered ", no one ever took an interest in me this way, or at least, no one ever gave me the opportunity to show myself this way."
Pieck's heart contracted, the women of Paradis weren't demons, but they were idiots. She spread her arms inviting her boyfriend to come closer. He simply joined her lowering her height and kissed her lips lovingly. The woman ran her hands through his ash blonde hair and then through his beard, she loved his beard. Jean smiled, she would give everything to see that smile always. He took her hands and kissed them.
“It still hurts?”
"Less than before, thank you."
"Don't thank me, I like to do these things for you."
She rested her forehead with his and sighed. This is how she wanted to spend the rest of her life, with a man as thoughtful as Jean Kirstein.
They both ended their morning together on the couch; Jean's hands massaging Pieck's belly, as he listens to her small snoring and feels the soft breathing of the small woman near his neck. The clock shows 11 o'clock when he too surrenders himself to the arms of Morpheus.
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staytiny-angel · 6 years
Caught Red-Handed
Pairing: Finn Balor/Demon King Balor/Angeline (OC)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dom/Sub interactions, DaddyKink, Oral, Orgasm Denial, Threesome? (Does it count as a threesome if two of the participants share a body? I feel like this should come up more often when it comes to Finn) SO. MUCH. FLITH
Author's Note: So I got hooked on ASMR. Specifically smutty ASMR. My favorite (performer?) is a guy with an Irish accent that always brings a certain wrestler to mind and so this was born.
Taglist: @tacoshu @ladytea19 @nerdlife0612 @wwevampireamongkpop @winged-time-criminal @blondekel77 @kayah16 @finnsauroraborealis @savemeroman @gold--gucciempress @littledeadrottinghood @evilangel84 @buttons-beads-lace @deepdisireslonging @mohawkmama
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Angel's POV
"Acushla?" Finn's voice permeates the hazy fog of sleep I'm lost in.
"Mm?" I try to answer him but Seth had a party in his hotel suite last night so I'm tired and my head is absolutely fucking killing me.
"I have that radio show interview and a signing, then i'll be back Mo Chroi" I hear him say
"Mm" I try to make a affirmative sound
My side of the bed dips and the covers are pulled from off my head letting in the bright morning sunlight, I blink a few times and try to focus on the beautiful man leaning over me.
"Hungover darling?"
"I am never letting Dean make my drinks ever again" I reply
Finn laughed lowly "A lesson we've all learned, love"
"Is THAT why no one else drank Dean's punch?! It doesn't even taste like it has that much booze in it!"
"I don't know what Ambrose puts in that magic potion of his but its all alcoholic" Finn tells her
"Oh" I murmur already planning out how I'm going to kick Seth's ass. I'd drank Dean's concoction on his suggestion but apparently I'd been pranked.
"You need to eat something, take a shower and rest. You don't have any press today?"
I ran through my schedule in my head. "Nope. I did the last round so its Becks turn."
"Good. Eat, shower and rest." he says kissing me on the forehead "If you take care of yourself like a good girl you'll get a treat when I get back. Normal rules are still in effect. No touching that sweet little cunt while Daddy is away."
Finn's POV
The interview went off without a hitch, and I'd done my job of talking up this weekend's PPV. The signing however? That was a fucking mess. There had been a mix up with the venue's security and we'd had to cancel. So here I was back at the hotel irritated at disappointing the fans who'd come out to see me, but happy to be headed back to Angel hours earlier then I'd planned.
I get to our hotel room and open the door only to be completely shocked at the sight before me. Angel, naked except for one of my button down shirts laying on the bed in front of her laptop with a toy buried deep inside of her.
"What is this?" I say louder then I'd intended
"Daddy?!" She says sitting up abruptly "Your early!"
"The signing was a dead loss, I was going to surprise you but I'm the one who got the surprise…Is that…one of my matches? And Toys? What happened to being a good girl for Daddy?"
I hear her mutter something "What was that? Speak up." I demanded
"I got turned on watching you" she says louder, blushing from what I assumed was a mixture of arousal and embarrassment
"You are a VERY naughty girl and you are in SO much trouble" I say walking towards the bed pulling off my suit jacket and loosening my tie.
Angel's POV
Well shit. I think to myself as I watch Finn walk toward me. I’m fucked aren’t I? And from the red and black stains crawling their way across his skin as he unbuttons his shirt…not only was I in trouble, I was in trouble with both my Daddy and my King.
“Oh my Angeal was a naughty, naughty lass wasn’t she?” That dark, velvety voice that was Finn’s and not Finn’s asked me.
“Yes, My King” I answer hesitantly
Balor clicks his tongue like a scolding parent “My dear Angeline. Whatever will my host and I do with such a naughty little girl?”
Balor's POV
The host and I didn't agree on much, I personally didn't understand why he didn't just let me out to destroy all these peons who dared to disrespect us, but since we'd come to America the host insisted on doing things 'fair and square' and would only ever let me out under extreme duress. I longed for the days when my host had thought of himself as royalty and we worked together to obliterate anyone who dared to oppose us.
The only thing good about our current surroundings was the one thing on which we did agree. Our Mate. Our beautiful Angeline, with her milk chocolate skin on, curly black hair and pretty brown eyes was a warrior in her own right and the only woman we'd deemed worthy to be our Queen since we'd shared this form.
Speaking of our Queen, she'd been a very bad girl and that just wouldn't do at all.
"How are we to punish you?" I ask her, enjoying the mix of emotions drifting across her face
Finn's POV
I strip down, walk over to the bed and take Angel's laptop, glancing at the screen and seeing it paused on myself, wearing Balor's warpaint before I place it on the desk out of the way.
"Look at you, all flushed and trembling, did I interrupt you before you could come?" I ask her
"Yes Daddy" she tells me.
"Well at least there's that. Maybe I should just make you go take a cold shower to cool off. After all you disobeyed me."
"Hmm, or maybe…you wanted to try edging didn't you my Angel?"
Angel's POV
Holy fucking shit. Edging was something we'd talked about trying but now? As a punishment? With both of them?
Yes, Daddy" the words slip out of my mouth before I can even wrap my head around the gravity of my situation
I watch as my Daddy., I could tell from his movements that this was Finn, but from the ever shifting red and black coating his skin I could tell My King wasn't far from the surface.
Finn climbs on the bed with me and gently walks his fingers up my legs toward my pussy.
You know you aren't allowed to dip into Daddy's pleasure when he's not around" he says, skimming a finger along my damp slit
"Look at this, all this wet, slick heat and it's not even for me is it?"
Well, I guess technically it was since I'd been getting off on one of their matches but I doubted that would be a sufficient answer for them.
"Shhhh don't speak right now." He says before I can answer him
He picks up the vibrator I had just been using and rubbed it along the same path his fingers had just took stopping at the top of my slit to press it against my clit before flicking it on causing me to let out a loud moan.
"You were soooo close when I interruptted your fun. Sooo close to coming all over this toy. But now you're not going to…so don't you dare come Angel. Not until Daddy says so."
"My Angeal just isn't living up to her name today, is she?" My King asks me
"No My King" I answer as I start to writhe on the bed, I had been so fucking close when Finn had surprised me and now my whole body was tingling with the need for orgasm
"We have the rest of the day, I could just tease and tease and tease you for hours." my Daddy says
Shit, I both loved and hated when they decided to keep switching on me. Finn and Balor were both dangerous in their own right…but when they worked together? They were lethal to my senses.
He, and at this point I wasn't exactly clear on who was in control, moved the vibe away from my pussy and buried his face between my legs.
"You taste so fucking good. So fucking sweet. Now this. This is for me, it's for us. Isn't it my Queen?"
Well fuck, I should have known. I thought as pleasure overwhelmed me. It was Balor. Balor loved eating pussy for some reason, even more than Finn.
"Don't even think about coming" he growled against my clit before sucking it into his mouth.
"Fuck!" I cried out "My King, my King. I can't." I babbled, he had to be kidding right? He was doing the exact thing that NEVER failed to make me go off like fireworks and I WASN'T allowed to come?
With one last nibbling suck, he sat up to look at me. It was definitely my King in full control now, Finn's gorgeous blue eyes were rimmed in red and black and Balor's markings were fully realized on his skin in a way no artist could duplicate.
"Do you need something to distract you?" he asks me.
When I nodded he flipped our positions so that I was draped over him with his beautiful, thick cock at my mouth and, my pussy over his face.
"Suck my cock, Angeal" he demanded before thrusting his abnormally long tongue into my pussy.
I licked at the precome beading the head of his cock, as always marvelling at the changes Balor wrought in Finn's body. He even tasted different then Finn did.
"I'm doing the teasing here not you, My Queen" Balor's voice brought me back from where I'd drifted off.
"AHHH, yesss," I hear him hiss "Now you're being a good little girl, that's it my Queen, suck my cock deep, while I eat this delicious cunt."
His words of praise send even more jolts of pleasure through my body, as he continues to wreck me.
"My perfect Queen, my perfect mate. Someone worthy of my status." I hear him growl against me.
His words cause another moan to vibrate around his cock. It was amazing to me that this was my life. That both these perfect beings, The Demon and the man agreed that I was absolutely perfect for both of them.
"When I come, my Queen you are going to swallow my seed, then and only then can you come."
With that command ringing in my ears I got serious about sucking his cock swirling my tongue around the head before sucking him to the back of my throat.
"That's it my good girl suck me down. Make your King come for you so you can come for him."
I redouble my efforts at those words, sucking him right down to the base causing him to let out a gasping moan before his hot cum filled my mouth and I swallowed every last drop.
At that moment two long fingers filled my soaking wet pussy hooking to hit my G-spot dead on "Such a good little Queen making me come for you. Now you are going to cum for me"
With those words, I exploded in pleasure with a scream hoping that none of our Co workers were in the ajoining rooms
Still breathing heavy I let Balor move me like a boneless doll until I was cuddled in his arms, tracing the patterns on his skin as they faded leaving only Finn's perfectly tanned skin behind.
"Rest, Mo Chroi" I could hear him say as I drifted off "When you wake. It's my turn."
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