#i don't know i did that michael langdon x reader and it made me feel productive besides people liked it
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beastsovrevelation · 10 months ago
Anyone want Crowley x Readers? Or War x Readers? I don't know how long I'll take to start uploading my WIPs, and I don't like to not upload. Female Reder. Both male and female Crowley (not at the same time). War'd be... Herself.
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What are you saying? I'm procastrinating? Why, ✨yes✨, how did you know? On my WIPs, original works, and papers for uni.
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infernwetrust · 4 years ago
f**k, i luv my friends [Fem Reader x Michael Langdon x Jim Mason x AHS 1984]
BRIEF INTRO: This takes place in alternate universe, combining Cody’s characters Michael, Jim, Duncan (supporting), and Xavier. The 1984 gang is included as well. The Michael for this series is a cross between Sojourn and F&R.
Summary: You and your best friends gather around the beach for some fun. The beginning of this series.
WC: 3.0k
A/N: Holy fucking shit I’m so excited to share this massive series I’m working on with you guys. I don’t know what to call it yet so for now under my master list it’ll be called “THE BESTFRIENDS UNIVERSE”. This was inspired by the artist renforshort and her song “f**k, i luv my friends”. There will be PLENTY of smut, angst, fluff, and MORE across this series. I am so unbelievably excited. If you would like to be in my tag list for this series please let me know! My ask box is open, so if you have any ideas or requests for this series, please, please, please ASK ME. There is no plot to this, therefore there are no limitations. Thank you so much for reading! -Juno
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You smiled as you took a sip of the drink your boyfriend, Michael had made you. As you sat in the sand between his legs, him laid out on his beach towel, arms behind his head, eyes closed as he breathed in the ocean air. Your smile grew even wider as you scanned the rest of the beach, spotting the rest of your friend group. There was Xavier and his girlfriend Montana, who stood barely in the water, arms wrapped around each other as they kissed slowly under the sunset. Then there was Jim and his girlfriend Brooke who lay on their surfboards lazily, letting the waves carry them away, being careful not to get too far away. And then Chet and Ray, each with a bottle of Jack in their hand, taking sips as they took selfies and laugh at what you were sure were their usual stupid jokes.
You curled your toes as you took another sip, loving the feeling of the sand between them. How did you get this lucky to have this many people in your life that loved you and you loved them too? What had started as a small friendship with Montana, turned into something so huge. She introduced you to her boyfriend, Xavier, who then introduced you to the rest of their group, including Brooke's boyfriend, Jim. All of you met in freshman year  of college and have been friends since. Michael was the last to enter the picture, but how everything changed when he did.
While you had finally found a stable friend group that you quickly grew to love, you were longing for something a little bit more. And that's when Michael came in and swept you away. He had come in as a transfer student from another college, sophomore year, and what a coincidence that you had him in all of classes first semester. He was a face you saw regularly around campus and you couldn't help but be drawn to his quiet nature. Slowly you began talking to him and you noticed how timid and reserved he was. He didn't really go out of his way to speak to anyone, besides when you would speak to him. He would give half smiles, and either one word or half sentences.
Soon you began walking with him to all your classes, the two of you never leaving each other's side. You'd help him with his homework for a class he didn't understand all too well and in return he would do the same. Lunch and dinner together became a regular thing. Your friends noticed your interest, often glancing at the two of you from another table afar, giving smiles and making stupid faces. When it came down to exams, you two met up every night 2 weeks prior, in the library, studying diligently, learning from each other's notes. He opened up to you rather quickly after that and when you were sure that he was comfortable enough you introduced him to everyone else, who immediately took a liking to the blonde boy with the soft, but vibrant blue eyes.
It was the small and subtle acts between the both of you, that drew you closer together. When you could sense that Michael was getting overwhelmed in a social setting, your hand found it's way into his, giving him a reassuring smile before the conversation continued. Or how when he spoke to you, you tuned everyone else out in the room to let him know that it was about him and no one else. It was you rubbing his back when he got frustrated, throwing his textbooks to the floor because he simply did not understand or when he would get into a spat with his older brother, Duncan over the phone.
It was him, picking up your favorite snack and coffee from the grand cafe before your 8AM. It was him, walking you back to your residence hall in the middle of the night to ensure that you made it safely. It was the way his blonde hair moved with the wind, the endless laughter, the stressful nights. Before you knew it, you had fallen in love with Michael. 9 months of an unbreakable bond.
You still remember the first time he kissed you. Both of you stood drunkenly in the middle of a frat party, not really wanting to be surrounded by the crowd of sweaty bodies and other screaming young adults. You screamed in Montana's ear over the loud music that you and Michael were going to step outside for some fresh air. She drunkenly gave you a thumbs up, not be able to remove her lips from Xavier's who roughly grabbed at her ass, pulling her closer into him. You finally felt like you could breathe once the cool air hit your skin.
As you stared out into the distance, you couldn't help but feel like a set of eyes were burning into your skin. When you turned your head, you met Michael's gaze and before you could even ask him what was wrong his lips were on yours. He quickly pulled back, shocked by what he did and he moved his lips to say sorry, but you grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him back towards you. A fire danced inside the both of you as he wrapped his arms around you, you doing the same. You could feel yourself melting away at his touch, his soft lips against yours, the occasional brushing of noses. For the first time, this was a kiss that felt right. You felt safe in his hands and knew you wanted to be his.
"Y/N!" Xavier called out to you, immediately snapping you out of your thoughts. The air had gotten a little bit cooler, which you welcomed. You looked over in his direction. He motioned the action taking a picture with a camera, and bringing his fingers to his lips like he was smoking. This signaled to you that he wanted you to come over with your Polaroid camera and that he going to light another joint. You enthusiastically gave him a double thumbs up, letting him know that you'd be over there soon.
You turned around to look behind you, down at Michael who looked so peaceful as he became one with the beach. His mouth hung open slightly and you knew that he was falling asleep, which caused you to giggle, moving a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"Hey..." you said softly, running your hands down his chest, watching as his eyes quickly fluttered open in a daze. He groaned sleepily, a smile forming on his face when he looked into your eyes. He grabbed onto your hands, holding them in place and running his thumbs along them. "Don't tell me that you're falling asleep already. Our night hasn't even really begun."
"I was resting my eyes." he said, chuckling a little bit at his obvious lie.
"You can do that for the rest of the night when we get back. Xavier wants to take pictures."
"Why is he so obsessed with taking pictures?" Michael questioned, propping himself up on his elbows as you rose to your feet, dusting the excess sand off you. He couldn't help but bite his lip as your bikini top fit you perfectly, combined with the booty shorts you wore that was snug to your figure. He ran his hand through his messy hair, sighing.
"We're making memories Michael." you answered. "I don't want to hear anything when you literally have all the Polaroid pictures I took of us and everyone else scattered around your dorm room and on your car dashboard. You love taking pictures as much as he does. You're just feeling lazy."
"You enjoy reading me to filth, don't you?"
"Only sometimes." You walked over to your belongings, grabbing your camera and your tripod. Michael soon got up, also dusting the sand off of himself, shaking his hair in the process before following you down to where everyone else was.
"We were hoping you two would join us soon." Montana said, smiling at you and Michael. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug that you gladly returned.
"Well don't you look more alive than ever, Mike." Xavier said to his friend. "Enjoy your nap? I mean we've been here for like what, an hour?"
"Fuck you, Xavier." Michael said, shoving him playfully in his shoulder earning a smirk from him. "It could have been a longer nap. It should have been."
"You don't want to miss out on this do you?" Xavier questioned, waving the joint in front of Michael's face. "It's your favorite strain, wedding cake."
"I suppose you have a valid claim." Michael answered, reaching for the joint, but couldn't grab it because someone else did.
"Don't mind if I do." Jim said, grabbing the joint out of Xavier's hand, immediately putting it between his lips and lightning it.
"Eager are we?" you asked Jim as you set the camera up, earning a smile from him as he stuck his tongue out at you, walking back over to Brooke who now stood only a few feet away, conversing with Chet and Ray.
"That's why I rolled two." Xavier said, taking another one from behind his ear and handing it to Michael. "Too many of us for just one, right?"
"More like Jim will inhale half of it before passing it to anyone else." Montana chimed in, rolling her eyes as she rested her elbow on Michael's shoulder, letting the smell of the freshly lit joint consume her.
"That sounds more like it." Michael said as he exhaled, passing it to Xavier.
"I strive to be a stoner like him though." she continued. "Detached from reality for most of the day, but still functional? That sounds like heaven."
"No it sounds like Jim's tolerance is through the roof." you said, to which Xavier nodded in agreement.
"He's been smoking since he was like 12. I'm jealous." Xavier said, handing the joint off to Montana who took a few hits before passing it to you. As you inhaled, you felt your body relax tremendously. A few more hits and the joint was back in Michael's hand.
"Okay everyone!" you yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Camera is all good to go!" You took a couple pictures of Montana and Xavier, your heart too warm at their various poses. He would wrap his arms around her from behind or she would climb on his back, wrapping her arms around his chest. A couple of off guards of the two were taken as well. You told them to act natural, just to converse with each other as you snapped pictures. Pictures of you and Michael followed. He made sure to always make a statement in the pictures that he took with you. He stood behind you, a hand wrapped gently around your throat as he snapped your head back to make you look at him, blissful smiles on both of your faces.
"Hey!" he yelled towards Jim who had his phone in his hand, taking Snapchats of everyone and posting them to his story. "Take a picture of Y/N and I like this. I want to post it to my Instagram." Jim gladly did as Michael asked, immediately sending the photo to him after so that he would have it to post later. The next picture was simple. You and Michael stood next to each other, his arm wrapped around your shoulder and yours wrapped around his waist, the both of you giving a soft smile. The final picture was of him holding you in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist as you pressed your lips against his, the both of you smiling in the kiss.
Jim and Brooke were wild and spontaneous and you loved it. Taking pictures of them were by far your favorite. Brooke held Jim in a headlock, a wild smile across his face and gripped onto her arm as you took the picture. Then she got on his shoulders, Jim holding her securely in place as her hands laid in his hair. Their last picture was of them, backs to the camera as they held hands, staring off into the sunset. You quickly turned the tripod around, taking an off guard of everyone who sat to the side around the fire. Xavier held the joint in his hand, mid sentence in conversation with Chet. Ray, Montana, and Michael were laughing their asses off at God knows what. All the emotions you were feeling inside, you swear you could cry at the sight. You fucking LOVED your friends.
You gathered all the boys up for their group photo. Xavier stood next to Jim, arm around his shoulder, hand slightly over his chest. Next to Jim was Ray, with a tooth pick in his mouth as he leaned into Jim's shoulder, his arms crossed over his chest. Michael stood next to Ray, his hand place on Ray's head as if he were holding a basketball, his other arm wrapped around Chet's shoulder, hand perfectly displaying a middle finger in the middle of Chet's chest.
"God, I fucking love y'all." Brooke said as she stood behind you, watching you take the picture.
"They're cute, aren't they?" you asked, putting on your best focused face as you snapped the picture. You told them to hold their pose as you snapped a couple more, wanting everyone to have a copy of that picture.
"Too cute for their own good." Montana said. "A bunch of shit heads."
"Our shit heads." you said. "Okay guys! Just two more. One of us girls and then all of us together and then we can figure out plans for dinner!" You bit your lip, holding hands with Brooke and Montana as the 3 of you stepped in front of the camera. Montana stood in the middle of you and Brooke, throwing her arms tightly around your shoulders, bringing the two of you closer to her. She stuck her tongue out for the photo, while you held up a peace sign with your hand, a wide, closed eyed smile on your face. Brooke held onto Montana's arm, her own wide, but opened eyed smiled, forming across her face. You can tell that Michael had taken a few extras for everyone else, consider how many time the cameras flashed behind your closed eyes.
Finally, the moment you, and you're sure everyone else was waiting for. The big, family, photo. Xavier and Chet took the ends. And in this order everyone stood: Xavier, Montana, You, Michael, Brooke, Jim, Ray, and Chet. You set the timer on the camera, all 9 of you trying to come up with different poses quickly for the camera. Your favorite one as you went through them had to be the one where you and Michael sat in the sand in front of Brooke and Jim who now stood between Xavier and Ray. He let you wrap your arms around his torso, your nose nestled perfectly into his cheek as you gave him a small kiss. 
"Okay." Xavier sighed as he hopped into the drivers seat of Jim's midnight blue Tahoe. Jim himself in the passenger seat. Brooke and Montana took the second row. You and Michael snuggled together comfortably in the very back row, your feet sprawled out in Chet and Ray's laps as they both got lost in their phones scrolling through Facebook and sharing memes with each other, which reminded Michael to post the picture of the two of you Jim had sent to him. "Anyone have any dinner ideas before we leave? Anyone in the mood for anything particular?"
"Honestly could just keep it classic and go for a burger and a shake right now." Ray said from the back.
"Ooo, from where though?" Jim asked, turning around to look at him. "That shake sounds really fucking good. Chocolate shake. I want a chocolate shake."
"Tommy's!" Montana, Brooke, Ray, and Chet said in unison.
"Michael? Y/N?" Xavier questioned, pushing his sun glasses down so he could look at the both of you.
"A cookies and cream milkshake is calling my name right now." Michael said as his hand lazily brushed through your hair.
"You had me at burger." you agreed.
"Tommy's it is." Xavier said, finally starting Jim's car, his blue LED strips, dimly illuminating the car, the last song on his phone beginning to play as Xavier single-handedly backed out of the parking space.
Despite how tired everyone was, the car ride was far from silent. For the first 30 minutes anyways. It would take over an hour and a half before you all got back into downtown LA. You finally sat up in your seat, Michael throwing his arm around your shoulder to keep you close to him. So needy , you thought, but you loved that about him. He always wanted to be close to you. He always wanted to touch you. He made sure you felt loved and secured. You watched at the front as Jim and Xavier currently sang and half danced to the song that played. You glanced at Brooke and Montana who had fallen asleep rather quickly, heads leaned against the car window. Chet and Ray had resorted to playing Among Us to pass the drive time, Michael soon joining them.
"Okay, fucking seriously." Michael said as he furrowed his eyebrows, pissed that he was killed by the imposter yet again. And the imposter just happened to be Chet, but of course he kept silent, not wanting to alert Ray. You giggled to yourself, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. You wiped them anyway, inhaling deeply before exhaling.
"Everything alright?" Michael asked, noticing your change of mood. "Why are you crying?" He made sure to whisper, not wanting to draw attention to the both of you.
"Michael." you said. "I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N." he smiled.
"And all of our crazy friends."
"I love them too." he laughed.
Fuck, I love my friends
Without them, I'd be dead
I know they're the only ones who'll love me till the end
We're all such a mess, lonely and depressed
Been so long and I can't wait to see them again
Fuck, I love my friends
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid​ @theneverendinghunger​ @fernfiction
Again, let me know if you would like to included in the tag list for this series!
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liagibanapit1 · 3 years ago
Beautiful Angel (Michael Langdon x Reader) (Parte 2)
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https://rachel1992.tumblr.com/post/660699246363803648/beautiful-angel-michael-langdon-x-reader-parte (Part 1)
When Constance arrived at the door of her room, I can feel that detestable smell of roses passing through her nose.
-Do you like your surprise?
The light-eyed boy asked with a nervous tone mixed with joy and doubt.
What if he liked it ...... not really ..... at first I thought it was a somewhat strange stage but then it would pass ..... but they had already spent three years with the same thing and the smell of the roses already flooded the house and his head.
-you ... do you like it? - Michael asked now something sad
-Of course ....- I speak something dubious at first - of course I love it, darling
The blond boy smiled from ear to ear to enter his room full of happiness to know that his grandmother had liked the surprise he had given her.
Instead Constance stayed at the door of her room angry at Michael's behavior even though she ..... she did not blame him was a lied child in an adult body.
I let out a sigh and walk downstairs to get a chair, scissors, rubbing alcohol, and a clean cloth.
After two hours cleaning the blood that occurred from the poor hanging animals and burying them, putting roses where they were so that the smell of the dead was not felt.
He washed his hands and started preparing dinner for her and Michael.
While Constance prepared dinner, Michael was playing video games in his room thinking about how happy his grandmother had made him.
Tomorrow he would go to see his father since his grandmother had forbidden him until a certain age, now that he was old enough he could see his father and spend time with him, maybe killing the neighbor's cat or killing his neighbor, the important thing it was that he would spend time with his father.
-Michael the food is ready!!!
The boy turned off the video game and ran out of his room since he was starving.
He sat at the table in front of his grandmother, she smiled at him and he returned the gesture.
-Grandma will take me to see my father tomorrow, right? - Michael asked with a mouth full of food
"Sweetie, eat slowly, you can drown," Constance told him and he nodded.
-Do you think ... do you think my father likes it? she asked him with a sad tone
-Yes of course
I really doubted it
-So you think? -Of course darling you are his son
Michael smiled at her and continued eating the delicious chicken Constance had cooked. At the end of dinner they washed the dishes and went to the living room to see a movie. Constance thought about all the possibilities of the strange behavior of her grandson so she thought .....
Could you release me from him for a few hours and check his room
I call her grandson who was looking at the movie
The blonde said without taking his eyes off
-Do you want us to play a game tomorrow?
The blonde quickly turned to her happy that finally her grandmother wanted to play with hers.
-Of course - I speak happily - what is the game about?
-I won't tell you until tomorrow morning
-because? - Asked the blond pouting -
-Why if I tell you it won't be a surprise ...... or do I want to ruin the surprise?
-no no no no - the boy spoke quickly to which Constance smiled - grandma I'm going to my room I'm a little sleepy
-Of course darling don't forget to brush your teeth
-no grandmother
The blonde got up from the sofa and took the stairs two at a time to his room. When he entered, he closed the door, locking it so that no one could enter and when he did, he lay in his bed staring at the ceiling, thinking that tomorrow he would meet his father by his name ..... Tate Langdon.
-Well this is another chapter of the Beautiful Angel story and translated by @ rachel1992 and the author and the original story is @ AleskaDiAngelo
The story is a bit edited and well ..... if you want to comment and vote and if you do not want it is not mandatory: D Bay
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*Thank you for reading*
number of number: 38K
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langdonsvcrd · 5 years ago
Daisies! Michael Langdon x Fem!oc
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Michael Langdon x Original fem!reader
Summary: Micheal intervenes in on a terrible father physically abusing his 8 month year old daughter, he brings the man to ruins with a choke hold. He’s disgusted by the torment, and so takes the child from the man and unto the sanctuary, that’s where Marie. Jeff Pfister and Mutt Nutter’s day shift assistant is set cleaning Michael’s office readying it for his arrival in the evening. Michael had never met the girl and yet he pleaded for her help when he notices she’s the only one set in the office, he’s lost seeking for another heart to care for this new born child and she just so happens to fill that position for him.
Warnings: none just sm soft!Michael short stories. 💞x
I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus. When her body was found.
“Pathetic.- I thought men like you were forth to respect their children.” Michael took a short pause at his words, head tilting to his left, his hands worked the horrified man set beneath him. “Then again my father wasn’t much of a man to respect me and look where that led his beloved.”
I'd be the choiceless hope in grief. That drove him underground.
As taunting as the blonde vented off he was pissed at the scene he’d witnessed only seconds ago, personally he didn’t care too end this mans life but he wanted to have his moment and he was sure to let this man suffer. Leaning forth and into the man Michael grinned to himself, the choking sound of this pathetic soul sent him into a bliss of pleasure. He ceased his life like a heart wrenching for blood. “I’m going to torment your mind, the same way you scarred that small defensless child you called your own.”
I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee. That made him turn around.
And that’s exactly what Michael did he drained the life of a man who physically and mentally tormented his own daughter. He snapped his windpipe with as much wrath as he could give, what ceased him to do what he chose was under the horrid memories of his up bringing. He didn’t want another soul settled to feel what he’d experienced.
And I'd be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice.
Michael knew what he did was to prevent the forgiveness unto what he could never let happen again, he just couldn’t and now he had to care for this girl. This beautiful tiny girl. Michael was now towering over the child.
“Hi there sweetheart, my name is Michael I guess I’m your new daddi.” Michael’s ocean blue eyes burned down into the brown orbed earth like child, she just stared at the unknown man unsure on what to do she wasn’t frightened and that was a start for the man. Michael didn’t even know the name of the child and so searched for one.
“I believe your old dad wasn’t suited for your care.. don’t worry my dad wasn’t either.” his hands fiddled with the grey cotton fabric like blanket, that was settled around the child, his eyes fell upon a bunch of beautiful daisies plastered all over the child’s Babygro. “So here I am ready to teach you everything you have to know in order to survive my-.” Michael paused at the perfect printed flowers set so sooth to the girls banygro a smile sweetly forming on his face at the thought that soon entered his mind.
Imagine being loved by me.
“My Daisy.”
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I Love You!Billy Eilish [Three Years Later]
Maybe won't you take it back.
“Mommi where daddi?” Rolling her eyes down at her 3 year old, Marie fell slightly to her height knees grazing the ground in the process, her soft eyes narrowed at the girl. “Your father’s outat a meeting we talked about this sweetly.”
Say you were tryna make me laugh.
Swaying to catch her child Marie grinned kissing the living daylights out of her doe eyed babygirl. “Now I’ll assure you that he’d be even more proud of you if you’d actually gotten into that comfy grub of yours on time before his arrival this evening.”
And nothing has to change today.
“But he pwomised me a bedtime story.” The child whined childishly. Marie’s eyes tilted down at her daughter pouting at the response.
“Why don’t I tell you a bedtime story?” - “n-no Daddies one awe moow exciting.” Whined the 3 year old. “Now Daisy that isn’t very nice my dear, Your mother has lovely stories that you’ll understand when you’re older.” Settled down the hall of their home Michael was set in the middle of it, smiling meekly at the woman he’d come to secretly love. “But I am big gwil!” Retorted the small infant. Michael grinned down upon his daughter. “I know that my love, but last time I checked big girls go to be bed when they’re told.”
You didn't mean to say "I love you"
Under an agreement Marie not only to Michaels surprise agreed to care for the child. When he’d entered the sanctuary with a crying little 8 month baby, Marie had fallen worried to the scene, she took care the girl almost immediately and like that Michael had to blurt it out like a plate smashing to its death. The agreement wasn’t anything intimate it was professional and that to them was: To love and care for the child. But along the way Michael had slipped just a little for the woman, the three lived together both individuals let the child call them momma and papa under the influence that they were her parents since she hadn’t any after what Michael did. To Michael he wanted to believe that they were, he wanted to have a family and with this woman he came to care for after the two and half years of having to know her.
I love you and I don't want too.
Retrieving the child from his lovers arms, Marie poked her tongue out and up at Michael before pushing herself up on her tiptoe’s, to cup the mans face with her palms in a loveing manner. Little did Michael know she’d fallen for him long before he’d fallen for her, and the woman pleaded that she’d never slip again. Leaning up to the Michael, Marie kissed his cheek with a small and carefree grin settled on her face before she’d leant.
Up all night on another red eye.
“Goodnight Mike, I hope you had a beautiful day. Your dinners downstairs and Daisies bottles next to her crib ready for you.” Even though this was all just a planned out daydream Michael never wanted it to end, throughout the two and a half years of being with this woman he saw that she’d never once rethought upon her decision.
I wish we never learned to fly.
“Thank you my love, We’ll see you in the morning. I hope you have a wonderful siesta.” Michael had chorused back leaning down to kiss the temple of his beloved. Daisy had leaned into her parents eyes shut in a snoozing manner.
Maybe we should just try.
The three parted ways, Marie moving down the hall and into hers and Michael’s shared bedroom. But Michael never slept in there he always stayed with Daisy in her nursery sometime he’d even be curled up in her crib with her settled in his arms for warmth and those nights were Marie’s favourite ones.
She really loved him and he to her. But neither one would admit it.
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creedtheconquer · 6 years ago
A Christmas Miracle (Pt.1) AU
Request-"Hey hoe I got a request for you do a Micheal Mafia boss au with a female reader and he helps her out like she drops her wallet and he finds it and sees she’s not doing so well so he feels like helping her only to over time fall for her and then so on."
Summary-"(Y/N) is a struggling college student who loses her wallet, only for Michael to find it and he takes a liking to her and starts to shower her with gifts but the catch is, she has no idea who he is."
Pairing- Michael Langdon x Reader
Warnings- slight angst, slow burn, slight fluff
*This story kicks off day 4 and I really hope you enjoy this. This will be a series that I'm already starting to fall in love with! Remember my ask box is open and I'm always taking requests! I write for Cody and any other character he has played minus David for obvious real life reasons and I wish to respect him as a person as. I also write for other AHS characters.*
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Day 1
It was just like any other dull morning, minus the fact it was December first. Michael didn't hate Christmas per se, he just never had a good memory of any past Christmases. His childhood was all sorts of fucked up, a family that never really gave a shit about him and who quiet literally threw him out onto the streets. He bounced around from place to place not really staying for long, never fitting in, never belonging anywhere. As he got older, now in his early 20's he's made a name for himself. Sure it wasn't of the best circumstances but how he saw it the world chewed him up and spit him out like he was poison, so he figured why the hell not and became the poison the world thought he was. He wasn't a fast acting "poison", no he was one of those classy poisons. He never bothered to get his hands dirty, he had people to do that for him. He also wasn't a bad person but if someone pressed his buttons the wrong way they had hell to pay. After his rise to power everyone stop looking at him like the freak no one cared about and started trying to be the biggest kiss ass, trying to get on his good side but he saw through their facade.
(Y/N) was a 22 year old sophomore at college who was just barely scrapping by. Her home life growing up wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either, her dad left when she was in middle school leaving her mom to raise her alone. Her mom had a steady job so money was never really a problem. Once (Y/N) graduated high school her mom gave her two options, either go to school or be kicked out. So weighing her options she opted for school but her mom was no help really, yeah sure she would send a carepackeage every 3 months or so but that was it. Thankfully she got a full ride thanks to her high test results but that only pays for school. She was stuck with paying for her own place and food, which she was barely managing to afford with her 2 jobs.
Her day was going just as shitty as it could be, she was late to class, got chewed out by her professor and on top of everything her mom called and threatened to disown her because she got a B- in one of her classes. She had just made it home from job number one only to realize she didn't have her wallet on her, "Fucking good one (Y/N) that had all your money in it." She said to herself bitterly.
Michael had just walked out of the small coffee shop when his foot kicked something, "What the hell?" He questions looking down to see a wallet. He bent down picking it up and he opens it, inside he finds an ID that told him the owner of said wallet, one (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Also inside the wallet he found only about $100 max along with credit cards and a few business cards. Turning on his heels he heads back inside to ask, "Um excuse me does anyone know (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" He asks as he leans against the small little counter, it coming to just above the middle of his thighs due to his towering form.
"She works here, how can I help you?" A guy Michael assumes is the manager comes forward wiping his hands on his apron.
"I'm an old friend, and I just got into town I was just wondering if you had her address wanted to drop by and surprise her." Michael say flashing that charming smile he knows works on everyone. Sure enough the manager nods grabbing a napkin and he writes down the girls address.
"Here you go, she's lucky to have a friend like you." He says shaking softly and Michael smirks enjoying how much power he has over anyone he comes into contact with.
"Thank you." Is all he says before dropping his smile and he turns and walks out of the shop.
"You lost your wallet?" Rachael asks (Y/N) as the dinner rush calms down.
"Yeah it fucking sucks it had all the money I had left for the rest of the week." (Y/N) groans cleaning off the plates she had just picked up.
"Do you know where it is?" She asks and (Y/N) shrugs leaning against the counter looking at the clock.
"My other job, or any where between there and home who knows." (Y/N) says taking off her apron getting ready to leave.
"Well I hope you find it." Rachael says and (Y/N) nods collecting her stuff.
"Thanks Rachael." (Y/N) says giving her a hug before heading home.
Michael knew he shouldn't have entered her house, magic or other wise it wasn't right. When he got to her little apartment he was just going to leave her wallet on her door step with a little note but when he got there he just felt the urge to go in. He chocked it up to not wanting to just leave her wallet out for anyone to take, so he took it upon himself to enter and leave it on her coffee table. He was going to leave right after, he really was but once he got a look around her apartment he noticed she was worse off than he first thought. Not really much food in her pantrie or fridge, a small couch and a small tv on the opposite wall. Not really any decor, it was all just so plain. He cursed himself for entering because now he felt the urge, no the need to help this complete stranger. So he did the best he could do for the time being, he found an envelop and put $500 inside with a little note. Then like that he left not leaving a trace anyone was there and on his way out of the building he told the person at the front desk to put the envelop in her mail box.
"Really good job (Y/N) You can't find your wallet anywhere." She says to herself as she enters her building. She pulls out her keys and goes to her mailbox pulling out the stack of envelops and magazines. She sighs turning and making her way up to her apartment. She opens her door and turns on the light and enters before closing the door behind her. She throws the mail on the coffee table and turns to go walk into the kitchen when she stops and turns back towards the table. There she saw it, her wallet sitting perfectly in the center of the table, right where she had thrown the mail. She walks around her couch and she takes a seat picking up the wallet and she opens it, sure enough it was hers. She laughs shaking her head, had it been here all along? She questions in her head as her eyes shift to the mail and she sees an envelop that simple reads "From A Friend." She sets her wallet down and picks up the envelop and she examines it. She notices it's kinda think and heavy but she shrugs as she opens it. She nearly throws it when she sees the money inside, tears form in her eyes as she takes out the little note.
"I know you don't know me yet, but I've noticed you struggling and I felt the need to help. So I've left you $500 dollars hopefully that is enough for now. I have a feeling this won't be the last time you hear from me or the last times our paths cross." It reads and she sees it's signed with two simple letters, M.L and a tear falls from her eyes.
Day 5
"Ms. Mead I have a job for you." Michael says sitting back in his office chair as his adoptive mother stands on the other side of his desk.
"Yes, what is it?" She asks placing her hands behind her back and he smiles up at her.
"I want you to keep a tab on (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and report to me anything you find out about her." Michael says folding his hands into his lap and his pale icy blue eyes shine with wonder.
"Right away." She says but she gives him a questioning look to which he waves her off.
"Thank you Ms. Mead." He calls after her as she closes the door.
"Do you know who this person is?" (Y/B/F) asks as her and (Y/N) relax at her place.
"No idea but he has left small little gifts after that $500." (Y/N) shrugs placing her drink on the coffee table.
"It sounds like you have a rich, powerful secret admirer." (Y/B/F) teases causing (Y/N) to blush.
"Oh as if." (Y/N) fires back slapping (Y/B/N)'s shoulder.
"So any news?" Michael asks later that night as he gets ready to leave.
"Her favorite color is (Y/F/C) and her favorite flower is a (Y/F/F)." Ms. Mead says and a smiles finds its way on to Michael's lips.
"Perfect." He whispers to himself, grabbing his jacket and he leaves making a beeline for the nearest flower stand.
"How can I help you tonight sir?" The lady at the stand says and he can see her check him out. He scoffs giving her a once over before waving her off.
"I would like a bouquet of 12 (Y/F/C) (Y/F/F) for my girlfriend." Michael says stressing the word girlfriend. It seems to do the trick considering she looked down disgusted.
"That will be $10." She says handing him the flowers and he smiles handing her the money.
"Thank you." He says very curtly before he walks away.
Michael makes it to (Y/N)'s apartment and a small smile pulls at the corners of his lips as he sets the flowers on the door step and knocks on the door before turning and walking away. He sees her open the door and then he sees the biggest smile appear on her face as she picks up the flowers. "There's my beautiful girl." He whispers to himself softly before turning and walking back to his car.
"Was it him?" (Y/B/F) asks from the couch and (Y/N) nods closing the door.
"Yeah it was." She says a smile plastered to her face.
"You're so hopelessly in love with him and you don't even know what he looks like." (Y/B/F) says and (Y/N) rolls her eyes.
"No I'm not." Is all she says setting the flowers on the table as she gets a vase and puts water in it before placing the flowers in it. Little did she know was she was destined to meet her secret admirer and little did she know she will fall so helplessly in love with him and he her.
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iamwickedlovely · 6 years ago
Michael Langdon x Reader (Forbidden Love), Part 2
Warning: May contain foul language, and sexual content. Rated M for mature.
Requested from: @del-rcys
Genre: Romance | Drama | Horror
Synopsis: This story is about you, as a reader, and Michael Langdon (AHS: Apocalypse). You have met Michael some years ago, before the Apocalypse happened, in a coven. The location was taken place in Romania, at the moment, in a gothic setting, such as a castle. You were meant to be the new supreme, and the powers you possessed were beyond great - that consisted of love and beauty, and you were curious by nature. Eventually, Langdon, including you, fell in love. That love turned into pure bliss and desire. With every love story, comes with a tragedy, unfortunately. At least, this one, in particular. There were rumors spreading across the coven that a witch hunter was spotted. This hunter was very dangerous, and caused harm and havoc between Michael and you. Soon, you fell pregnant, and weird, dark visions and dreams came along with it. Eventually you understood Langdon was known as the Antichrist, and you two were separated, because he was casted out for satanic situations. Eventually, you were hung, because you were supposed have no sexual relations with Michael, but the others found out since you carried his child. After you passed away, this angered Langdon to cause mayhem to the coven. Darkness crept in your soul that was left behind, and eventually fell into the dark arts, mostly to find a way to come back to life, so you can reunite with your beloved Michael, and have your child with you both. It wasn't until years later, at the Outpost 3, that things finally turned the tables around. You, as a reader, will eventually find that out.
Second part of the story, Forbidden Love. I will continue to write more, thank you everyone! You guys are awesome! 💜
Michael Langdon x Reader (Forbidden Love) [Flashback, Part 2]
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[Present day in Outpost 3]
Michael Langdon kept himself busy by trying to distrupt the minds of the current residents in Outpost 3, trying hard to get a firm grasp on their hidden darkness they never let out in the open. How he enjoyed manipulating humans and playing with their minds like instrument, it was just so easy for him to do. He liked getting under their skin, witnessing them fill with nerves and worry.
A girl named Mallory. someone who wore thick, black framed glasses, was in the room with Michael for a discussion. She looked a little scared by his superior movements as she sat on a sofa, just so she could feel cornered by the guy. She tried to let her steady gaze on him, even though she desperately wanted to leave already.
Michael strolled around the room slowly, and kept watch on her. He talked very seriously, trying to get her to fess up, "I can see into the dark places that people desperately keep hidden."
What? She wondered, keep cool and collective. "I don't have any dark places."
He stared hard on her in disbelief. His hands went behind his back, while his lip twitched in a slight snarl. Time to interrogate her, he thought. He will get what he wanted out of this meeting. He spoke sternly, "Really? So, even though you worked for Coco for many years, and saved your life after the bombs fell," he paused, "Why do I believe you'd love nothing more than to pick up anything sharp enough to cut and slice her down to the bone?" He inched closer to Mallory in an attempt to have her squirm.
She stared up at him, eyes beginning to fill in freight, she felt so small on the sofa now. He tried getting under her skin, she figured it out. Just continue to keep cool and collective, she thought to herself. Michael wouldn't get what he wanted to hear from her. Instead, her answer was clearly not what he expected. Despite the fact Coco would order Mallory for absurd orders, such as wiping herself since her nails were still damp. Mallory confirmed she didn't want to kill her, and Coco needed her, because the woman was helpless. Michael couldn't help, but feel a tad disappointed. So, he had to push further, there must be something dark, he thought.
For a moment, she seemed puzzled, on the 'dark places' topic. Her eyes observed him cautiously, as she tried to not talk what was on her mind. She gulped, when Michael turned his back to her. He pondered, because he knew she wanted to ask him something.
"Dark place? I don't understand," Mallory's hands folded together on her lap, and she went on, "I thought the cooperative wasn't looking for something," she paused, and breathed sharply, "Evil."
He turned around, unhurriedly, to face her, "So, you had the notion that I was looking for people who are pure of heart, unblemished, and purely white?" He walked to her, and kneeled himself and look fixedly on her face. His hands were on each side of the sofa, as he expressed what he wanted, "Tsk, Mallory, I want a world with the seven commandments, it's all hypocritical bullshit, anyway. I am looking for people who wouldn't just eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, but who'd cut the fucking tree down and burn it for fire wood.," The corners of his mouth perked up in a sinister smile. One of his hands gently placed on hers, like a spider trapping a butterfly, "I think you were made for that world." His other hand reached to stroke her cheek using the back of a few folded fingers. He murmured softly, "I sense it in you."
Unfortunately to his distaste, he still didn't get what he wanted out of Mallory. The girl did let him know something, however, that she felt someone was trying to claw her way out of her, someone who was buried deep inside. She started to have a streak of a few tears roll down her cheek, and Michael took this as a sign that she's scared. She was absolutely terrified, especially by him.
"I want to leave," she ordered, while feeling panicked by her sudden outburst that's ready to explode. She stood off the couch, and quickly aimed to the door without looking back on Michael. Something wasn't right with him, something was off about him, she repeatedly thought.
Michael rushed to her in anticipation, and grasped her arm into his hands forcefully, "No. We're not done here. I am giving you the chance to survive, Mallory."
The next thing that happened was very unexpected. She shouted at him, "Let me go!" With that, a surge of power went out from her, not only having objects fly backward, or the fire intensifying harshly in a fire place, but he was pushed backwards. It caught him off guard. His face trembled in a terrified reaction, and he expressed it very well. He stood up and straightened himself, and kept his eyes on her, and flashed his true, demonic face, and then it abruptly went back to the handsome features that could seduce anyone. More fire sparked from Mallory, and he asked, his eyes widened, "Who are you?"
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She had enough, and she didn't even understand what had just happened in that room, but she took it as her ticket to finally leave, "I don't know. Who are you?" She did ponder over that. She turned away fast, and jogged a little away from the room.
His eyes darted to the door, he needed air. He needed to talk to his father, because hail Satan, but first, his feet led him to his bedroom chamber to calm himself, even if it was a little. Once he reached to his safe haven, he analyzed the room, steadying his breath. There it is, he thought. His gaze pressed on a painting of [y/n], he couldn't let it go, because deep down, he knew he will get her back in his arms. He desperately wanted to kiss the sweet lips, and embrace her in his arms. The painting was exquisite, elegant, even. It was precious to him. He stared longingly, tracing every detail. She was wearing a velvet, Gothic, purple cloak, kind of Elvish, with a hood covering the head. The [y/h/c] framed the face perfectly. Her hands were in the front, holding a black cat, and there were a few black candles beside I the painting, that almost looked like it flickered. For a moment, he thought he was seeing things, since a little boy appeared in replace of the cat. He looked like [y/n] and himself as well. Michael closed his eyes, and reopened them. The boy was gone. How odd.
[y/n] couldn't sleep in her bedroom one night, because she was in deep thought. No use in trying to sleep, she sighed and let herself get out of bed. The room she was in was inside a castle, since that was where the coven stayed in. The surroundings felt eerie. Occasionally a crow would greet her outside, landing on a gargoyle to caw, as if it was speaking to her. She walked up to a glass window, and opened them to take in the night sky. It was beautiful, the moon was full, and shined brightly, it's light masked the yard that carried a little garden with red and white roses, a pond that had a couple of swans in it (she called it Swan Lake because of that), and a cemetery nearby. She loved the scenery, but something was missing. She wanted to see Michael Langdon, and as if he read her mind. He appeared underneath the window sill. It was almost similar to Romeo and Juliet. Despite her love for romance and Shakespeare, she figured this was a bit sappy, even for Michael.
Michael found her face in the window, so he called up so she could listen, "[y/n], my fair lady, shall I come to you? I could not sleep, I must see you."
[y/n]'s eyebrow quirked up, and she breathed heavily, resting her chin on her palm on the window sill, "O' Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" She giggled playfully, "Please come up, Michael, there is vines you could climb." She waited eagerly.
He shook his head, and muttered quietly to himself, "This is so fucking unlike me," but he went along with it, and she was right. There was a wooden post with vines going up to her window, it seemed like it was alright to climb on. So, he did just that, he was being careful about it, since there was some roses and thorns. However, one of the sharp thorns pricked him and drew out some blood from his middle finger. It didn't seem to phase him, though, but it still hurt. Once he reached the window and climbed over the ledge, [y/n] greeted him by wrapping arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
The noses of the two touched and snuggled together, then Michael's forehead pressed on hers, and he inhaled and exhaled evenly, "I've missed you," he brushed his lips on [y/n] passionately.
She gave out a sweet smile, gazing up at his blue, icy eyes, "I've missed you, too." She felt a little undressed, since she was only wearing a gown. Her nose nuzzled at Michael's side of the neck, and teased him a little by rubbing her thigh against his. She had something wicked in mind, that may benefit the two.
Michael's eyes narrowed, "Hmm, someone's in a mood," he went to her ear and bit on the earlobe to tug it, he growled. His hands moved freely towards her buttocks, and picked her up rather easily, heading towards her bed.
Her legs wrapped around his hips to maintain the position so she wouldn't fall, and one of her hands played with his blonde hair, combing out strands. The touch made her excited, it was so soft, even his skin was soft, and a bit cool. Her other hand cupped his cheek, and she planted a kiss on his lips.
Once they reached the bed, Michael propped her up, and she kept watch on him with the desire to make love to him. He decided to throw a little strip show for her, first, with taking his belt off first, then his trousers, jacket and shirt, and whatever was left. Soon, he kneeled in front of her, and helped on getting the gown off over her head. The clothes were pretty scattered on the floor, but not too messy. He traced every curve on her body, what a fine, young woman, he automatically moved his fingers to touch the soft skin. He cupped one of her breasts with his palm and squeezed it gently. This action led her to moan. It felt good to her. His mouth reached to her other breast and began to suck on the nipple, occasionally taking a few nibbles on the nipples, gently, but playfully.
While he did that, she arched her back, and her hands hovered over his hair, stroking along, but she started to feel inpatient. She wanted him inside of her.
Michael had her lay down, so he could be on top of her. He had her head lay on pillows, and soon, his fingers went to her tender area down below, so he could cup on it. Then, he pressed on it, as well with rubbing the clit to get started on the love making. He inserted two fingers inside, and started to pull them in and out, scissoring a few times. He was trying to get [y/n] lubricated enough.
She squirmed below him, but not too much, and she did let out a moan, "Michael," she murmured. She started to feel excited, and she bucked her lips a little. She craved him, so much. She needed this to happen.
He enjoyed seeing her reaction. He realized he was the one in control of this situation, and that made him feel delighted, just as much as the woman in front of him. He pulled out his fingers, since she's now ready, and his member throbbed. He was hard, turned on by her presence. He moved upward, positioning his member to your area, and his hands pressed on each side of your shoulders. He entered, not too hard, because he didn't want to hurt you, but enough to send them both to groan with lust. He pushed down by bucking his hips, trying to get in deeper, and she squealed in delight.
He panted, and started to move his member upward, then down, trying to find a good motion to make the situation pleasurable. [y/n] hands moved across his bare chest. Disbelief filled her, she was his, and him hers. She straddled his hip, bucking upward, and one of her hands reached around the nape of his neck, so she could pull him down to kiss the tender lips, thirstily.
Michael brushed her lips, more than once, and made trails of that across your jaw, and chin. His pace began to quicken, harder and faster. Pumping into her, desperate for a wonderful release.
She moaned, and called out to him, "Oh, hell yes! Michael! Harder! Oh, ah," she started to get filled below. Her hands clenched the bedsheets when she felt him pushing in and out harder now. Her eyelids closed, and a few tears began to stroll down her cheek, she whispered, her eyes opened to look into his, while her fingers touched his cheek in an embrace, "I love you, Michael Langdon."
He thrusted in her one last time, and the two finally reached the climax. His seed was very well deep inside her now, no turning back. She was officially claimed. He kissed her with sheer force, and he whispered, "I love you, too, [y/n]." His lips pressed on her ear, he growled and said, "You are mine. Anyone else who tries to steal you from me, they will wish they were never fucking born."
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