#i don't know a damn thing about how the us army works and don't care enough to look it up for homecoming
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Jikook in bed - Part 1
I am pissed and in a not good way.
Worked over 4 hours writing this post, saved to drafts only for the whole damn thing to just disappear.
Did I mention I am pissed?
Cause I am.
Ok, let me take a breath and try to put down on paper my thoughts, hopefully I will remember some of them. Sob sob.
Jikook in bed.
Who would have thought that I would be writing a post about Jikook in bed?
Please don't answer my rhetorical question, lol.
Who thought after the Jikook drought we got in 2023 that we would be getting this, eh? And yet, here we are. Me losing count of the number of posts I’ve already written about episodes 1 and 2 alone of Are you sure?! And I’m not done yet. And another episode is coming today!!!
Did I mention just how overwhelmed I am? In the very best way. Well, other than being pissed at Tumblr for throwing away my hard work. 😭😭
I’ll be breaking this down into 2 parts because damn it, there is so much to say about these two short clips we get of the two in bed. Both playful. Both sus as shit. If shit is sus – I guess we can ask JM on his thoughts about that – yes I did go there. Poor man is not going to live this down, and now I understand why he kept asking if this could air – not because he was worried about their flirty handsy moments. NOPE. But because of the shit, lol.
Ok, so part 1 will be focusing on the brushing teeth in bed, while part 2 will focus on the handsy cuddly butt wacky master bedroom action.
When watching the whole brushing teeth in bed I had to ask myself a multiple why’s?
Why brush teeth in the bedroom?
Or more so, why in that bedroom?
Why not in the bathroom?
Perhaps because we would see they are both using the master bedroom ensuite?
It’s not that we couldn’t deduce that from the footage, but that would take more looking into, which let’s be real, most army don’t do. They watch it once or twice and many don’t pay attention to the details. A lot of details need us to view the footage multiple times something that most army are not into – they don’t care to find out more. They see the surface, JK and JM being cute, and that’s enough for them to say “oh, they are so brotherly…. Such brotherly love…” without wanting to see anything else.
But if you do look closer you see A LOT.
You see that JM does the tour of the house, showing us 4 bedrooms, first one being a master bedroom with a king size bed and an ensuite he shows us.
An ensuite we later see JK in while preparing to go out shopping.
So yes. They were both using the same bathroom in that huge modern fancy house with 4 bedrooms and obviously more than one bathroom that happened to be the ensuite to the master bedroom.
And perhaps they didn’t want it to be too obvious. Because why use that same bathroom?
*side note: at this point, when JM goes to check on JK there is clearly a staff member in there with them. The way the camera moves the angle of filming changes, it's clear that is not a static camera, unlike the ones we got from the bedrooms and hallway at night and in the morning. It looks like the staff member is using JM's go pro to film that and as JM walks out of the bathroom the camera changes hands and JM has it. And I state this because most of the time there wasn't staff in the house with them. For a lot of the time they had the house to themselves. My educated guess would be that just like we saw they had control over the cameras in the house, could easily turn them on and off (JK with the hallway camera), they were the ones to decide when the staff can join them in the house to film or resume filming.
Another possible reason why we got the bedroom scene would be that they didn’t want to place a camera in the bathroom, which they obviously didn’t. I mean, that bathroom was rather small – you know, as ensuites usually are, and having them both stand there and brush their teeth would be cramped and uncomfortable (we saw that in Sapporo we did have them place that camera for us to see them brush their teeth side by side). Also, obviously they wouldn’t want permanent cameras placed in the bathroom for privacy reasons – duh. Even if they did have control over turning the cameras on and off. In Sapporo it’s clearly a camera they set up themselves, one they could just pick up and take away. They placed it there for the purpose of filming themselves brushing their teeth side by side.
So basically, imo, this whole brushing teeth in the bedroom JK was supposedly sleeping in was a combination of it all.
They wanted us to see them brush their teeth prior to going to sleep. They didn’t want us to see that they were sharing the ensuite bathroom (the bathroom connected to the room JM was sleeping in).
And the cherry to top it all is showing us this is where JK is going to spend the night.
Because that was somehow something they needed to show us.
Unlike the cabin with the one bed, that didn’t ‘allow’ for another option, the two spending the night in the same bed while there are another 3 lovely empty rooms available, would be too much perhaps.
You know, deniability and all.
Makes even more sense seeing this was filmed in July 2023, and the two did not know just yet what lies ahead of them when it comes to their enlistment.
Let’s talk about that for a sec, why don’t we?
Those cameras in the house, they were placed ahead of time. Before the two arrived. I’m talking about the permanent cameras – the ones downstairs, the one in the hallway, the one in JK’s bedroom, the one in the master bedroom.
This was decided ahead of time – that they will not be sharing a bedroom. Not on camera anyway. And this wasn’t their decision!
I don’t think that JM asking while standing in that room whether to sleep together with JK, adding a comment about getting hit was an actual contemplation on his part. I think it was him signalling that it’s definitely an option and perhaps the reason why he won’t be is because of not wanting to get hit. Him doing all of that when JK is there in the room with him (probably going through his luggage which was probably there too – we don’t get to see, but it makes sense seeing how small the other room was and the fact that JK was using the ensuite). We also see JK throw something onto the bed – perhaps a heat pack he took out of that luggage? But he’s there and they leave the room together shortly after.
"Should I sleep next to Jungkook tonight? Will he hit me again?"...
Again, let me be clear here with what I’m saying. JM asking this was a mute question, and he knew it, seeing that they were both well aware of the fact that cameras were already placed in the two bedrooms expecting them not to be sharing that bed. At least not on camera.
And you know where else you see that bemusement about the separate beds?
In the trailer where we get them in Sapporo the two standing in the hotel room JK asking JM which bed he wants to choose. JM’s reaction super telling.
And what about the house in Jeju? Clearly that second bed was brought up from the room downstairs (we know that from the original layout of the house). Yes, Tae was joining. But wouldn’t that be less sus them sharing a bed? We’ve seen them all share beds in previous content. Tae literally shared one with his mates back in 2022. I guess that the idea was to show us that when there is an option they won’t share a bed? That the CT cabin was a ‘must’ as there was only one bed and there was no choice? Strange, seeing that there were other options for cabins that were not 1 shared bed. Well, never mind that. In any case I guess there was need for the deniability, seeing as to how cozy those two were the next day in that one bed in the master bedroom.
Seeing that plus knowing they shared a bed could be construed as too much perhaps.
Btw, you know what that whole scene in bed reminded me of?
Remember that time JK was asked what his favourite memory from their trip to Tokyo?
Remember his answer?
JM staying up until 5 am on his phone and sleeping in the next morning?
Sorry, but that constant smirk on JM's face... to die...
Yes Jeon. "He" didn't sleep at night. That's why both of you overslept the next day.
*Side note: at the end of the interview/sit down JM won a gift which guess who was given straight away?
Well, them in bed together there in CT, seeing those few seconds we were allowed to see (with the many cuts) – that is how I picture them in Tokyo on that trip. Those calm almost boring moments in bed together. On their phones. Snuggling. Playing. Just enjoying being next to each other, just the two of them, outside world be damned.
That is what JK loved most in Tokyo. That is what was most memorable to him (our introvert sweetie).
And he got that here as well.
You could argue: "what's the difference here from the two spending time together in bed in Seoul at either of their palaces?" And my answer to that would be:
How can you even compare? Being back in Seoul, with all the playing around their schedules and stress and pressures and anxiety that still linger even when you are home, even when you are together with your loved one. You can't compare it to this. JM taking the time off to be with him. JK taking the couple of days off during his promotions for his first solo debut. Getting away from it all. Spending those 3 days together alone. No work. No stress. No pressure. Even with JK feeling physically off and JM's diarrhea. Just the two of them, away. Away from everything and everyone. Having those tiny every so important soft moments.
Or in layman's words: having a cuddle at home is not the same as having that cuddle when away, taking that time to spend together as a couple. It's just not the same. It's so much more. And that is also why it was so memorable for JK back in 2017.
I’m getting kind of emotional here folks. Don’t mind me.
Let’s get back to the brushing teeth in bed, shall we?
Again, in the second bedroom and not the master, even though it’s the master ensuite they are using as a bathroom!!
Why not see them brush their teeth on the master bed? Yeah, I think I answered that one already. We weren’t supposed to deduct that JK was using the master ensuite.
We were to know that JK was sleeping in that room, we even got to see him go to sleep and wake up there. It was very important that we see that. Not make a mistake that maybe, just maybe, they spent the night together.
What do I think, you ask? I will tell you, even if you didn’t ask, lol.
I think that JK probably did sleep in that bed for a bit. A BIT. Like a really really short bit.
I also think that they spent much time together in that one bed in the master bedroom. They got the pre-sleep cuddles (that we didn’t get to see) and they got the post-sleep cuddles (that we also didn’t get to see – and I’ll get into that in the next post – just saying that JK walking into the room and out of it after he woke up – the first time he goes in and out – there was a HUGE chunk cut out of the footage).
Oh, and they got the post-JK eating crap for breakfast- cuddles too.
This isn’t going the way I wanted it to, lol. I’m talking too much about stuff that is meant for part 2 of Jikook in bed. You see, this is why it is all intertwined and if there wasn’t an issue with image limits or readers losing focus with too long posts this would all be one post. But 'tis what 'tis and I have to stop talking about the master bedroom!!!
So, back to the toothbrushing.
This was them:
JK literally pulling JM down to lie on the bed.
The giggles (oh, what I want to say now and am holding myself back).
Their playfulness is on another level.
Add the legs over shoulder.
After JM laying his legs on JK's shoulders, JK grabbing the legs and pulling JM even closer in.
I love how with Jikook we live on moments that remind us of other moments. And this one kind of reminds me of another moment back from 2019 during rehearsal for the LY concerts, JM coming in behind JK to hold him and JK pulling JM's arm in for an even closer hug.
And we have cuts, of course.
So many of them.
Including this one.
And this one.
The cuts. We should talk about them for a sec.
There is hours and hours of footage, and obviously there are things that are deemed to end up on the editing room floor. Footage that might be boring or irrelevant to whatever it is they want to be showing us. There is also a time constrict that needs to be kept. Understandably not everything can be left in.
But it’s some decisions that make you raise an eyebrow. Some of those editing decisions that make you think – why cut this? Why not leave the flow?
And these moments are exactly those type of moments.
Obviously the fans will go crazy for seeing them be so playful and mucking around. They are brushing their teeth and it’s clear this isn’t something that is going on for too long of a time. So, why not allow us to see the FULL interaction? I think we know the answer to that, don’t we? Once again it’s those two being too much. Too obvious. Too handsy. Too couplie.
How exactly does JK end up with his back to us?
Why is he with his back to us?
Why is the whole scene with JM’s legs hanging over JK’s shoulders cut short?
And why does JK continue to be with his back to us after this has clearly ended and JM is sitting on the edge of the bed?
I kind of think that I know why JK was sitting with his back to us, and why it’s cut at that point and we never get to see them get out of that bed.
Great time to sign off.
See you for part 2 of Jikook in bed.
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Privates First Class Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook: Our first real look.
Jimin and Jungkook. I know, I'm being insufferable but I can't NOT dwell on them a little more. Festa activities will make us move past this so fast as things always do in BTS Army life.
But you don't realize how much is bottled up or how starving you've been until you finally get to feast on that one thing you've been missing. That didn't sound very appealing and I'm not really that pathetic (its mostly the busy-ness inside my head) but you know what I mean, right? I've missed them soooo much!

Military life seems to have been going well for them. Since January we've had very little news about them. Just military blips here and there... training with U.S. Marines... kitchen police... cooking rice... cleaning from top to bottom... learning to aim big-ass missiles and hitting targets and living on rations for a week. Even receiving recognition for outstanding service.
Almost every day I imagine them doing their daily duties and all... but there was little to go by. And that's fine. Some of those things I don't want to think about. But that's what they are doing every day.
Seeing them in real time in the flesh is very reassuring.
One thing that was noticeable to me is that Jimin and Jungkook did not look like their usual sleepy-head selves they are at that time of the morning. But they both looked strong and composed. Going to bed every night like a normal person and getting a good night's sleep is a healthy habit they will probably break the moment they are discharged.
Jimin... just wow. His hair grew out. No more buzz cut. But also, the duality continues:
Someone posted a comparison pic of Jimin's painted nails and a close up of his hands which now have what look like healed spots on his hands and knuckles and scuffed nails... I don't have the pic but it shows how he's fully immersed in his military duties. Hands do get beat up somewhat when you work with them a lot.

Jungkook looked amazing.

Jungkook's little burn scars... that damn edge of the oven or hot pan will get you when you least expect it! Got him twice too! Ouchie! I hope it didn't bother him for too long. To the infirmary!
He'll get Polyc to cover that up with a new tattoo. Or maybe design one around it to highlight Jungkook's battle scars he received while an enlisted man.

One thing they are most likely gaining now is self-confidence in the ability to do something NOT in their wheelhouse. Leading people or working with people who are not the ones they used to see day in and day out for ten years. Learning new skills, being part of a different team, doing different things can be enriching and will enhance other parts of their lives.
Not being with the people who are paid to be there to make sure they look good and every whim is taken care of....the isolation had to be culture shock for them. Knowing they are together, that center of familiarity when they are faced with something new, is a great source of comfort.
Jimin and Jungkook showed up to Jin's discharge in full uniform. I will assume they arrived together straight from their base, where they must remain in their uniforms at all times.
Hugs all around. Jimin's are the best, most heartfelt hugs.
Jimin and Tae's hug... I felt that shit. The squeeze, the "no, don't let go yet," the fullness of it. They mean a lot to each other. I know they've always been close, they've told us so, they've reminded us they speak to each other often even when they weren't working as a group.
And I'm sorry but the awkward side hug between Tae and JK was not "tHeY jUsT sPeNt TiMe ToGeThEr." Be for real. Are you fucking blind? That was Tae saying "bro, didn't realize you walked up behind me, are you not gonna hug me too?" And JK going "oh, well, ok if you insist, bro (since you won't let go of my wrist)."
No, Jimin and Jungkook did not hug each other... they just got out of the car that they rode in from their base where they live together. Where they showered and got dressed and ate breakfast together before getting in the car. It is perplexing how that is even a question I see people put out there.
There was curiosity as to whether Jimin and Jungkook were on day leave or what and initially seeing them in uniform the first assumption is that they might be only on temporary day leave and would have to return to base that evening. But then we got the group pic at the Hybe building and Jimin and Jungkook had changed clothes. From what I understand, when a soldier is on day leave, they must remain in uniform AT ALL TIMES during that day. No quick change into some other clothes for a while. REMAIN IN UNIFORM AT ALL TIMES NO MATTER WHAT. So them being in civvies tells us they are on vacation/days off. We don't know how much time they took off but perhaps they won't go back to the base until Monday.
During their days off they will probably separate and go do their own thing. Maybe they will take time to go to Busan and visit fam. Most likely, Jungkook will go check on the progress of the Itaewon house construction (the exterior of JK's new house is black and it will have a tiny balcony that faces the street and appears to have some livable rooftop space). Jungkook may visit Bam. They may visit their other friends. Since the entire group was there, they most likely shared how they were doing and most likely talked about next year.
The delulu mode has activated...
#jikook#jimin#jungkook#bts military service#jins military discharge#only one year left before my pookies are discharged
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Could you please tag me in all the parts of my kind of crazy? Cuz i found part 1 and 2 but cant find the rest. And if there is no more could you please continue it?
Yeah I still need to learn how Tagging works, so if anyone can, let me know. But to answer your question no I haven’t made a part three
Until now!
My Kind of Crazy, Part 3
Inside the run down office building, Red Hood motions for Deadshot to follow him. Katana watches them closely as Red Hood opens the door and they both step in, the room was a large office space with multiple computers running programs and systems. And FBI workers tearing and wiping the files. And the one ordering them around was Amanda Waller arguing with Flag.
“You wouldn't have made it without them.” She spoke, packing.
“We got lucky. I don't do luck. I do planning and precision.” Rick replies, and Waller shrugs it off.
“Admit it, Rick. I was right.” She spoke, and Flag wasn’t buying it. “Yeah, I told you to get on the damn truck. Why'd you stay?” He eyed Waller, who stopped packing and gave flag a harsh reality check.
“I was studying your girlfriend. She takes an average person, a yoga mom, an elderly retiree, and she turns them into a soldier who can take a headshot and still fight. It's an instant army. How'd she do it, Flag? How'd she game the system with you watching her every move?” Waller asked, it it was obvious she knew the answer already. Flag buried his pain and ignored the question.
“I'll accept the consequences.” He said
“I am your consequence.” Waller replied with stern emphasis. Just as he prepares to weasel out again, Deadshot and Red Hood approached.”You might need to be careful. They think we're rescuing Nelson Mandela.” Deadshot eyes Waller, who walks past him
“I can take care of myself. Shut it down, wipe the drives.” She gives the order to the Agents who continue to wipe their digital prints from this Operation. Deadshot leans into flags ear as he watches Waller.
“Uh, hey, man, I know you can't hear me 'cause you're trapped in your temple of soldierly self-righteousness, but a two-faced dude like you wouldn't survive a second on the street.” Deadshot points out the obvious Hypocrisy, Flag being called out for lying about this High Value Target.
“Oh, says the guy who shoots people for money.” Flag retorts, Red turns quickly to Waller at the sound of gunfire. Waller has systematically executed the workers. Red could only watch, knowing Waller or Flag could turn his brain into mush. Waller leaves, and Red Hood eyes flag, who doesn’t look very happy about what he’s just witnessed.
“That is just a mean lady.” Deadshot follows.
“Yeah. You get used to it.” Flag grumbled, Red walks past him, “I don’t think a good soldier would let innocent people die, but what do I know right?” Red and Deadshot exit the room, and the Squad see who they’ve been made to protect. Waller and Flag step out into the frying pan of sorts.
“Let's go home.” Flag ordered, it it wasn’t on a natural bass, more of a coercive tone, but it obviously wasn’t working.
“Yeah, let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Or you wanna go back to prison?” Boomerang said, obviously sarcastic, they all had their reasons for not going back home.
“What I'm saying is we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us.” Boomerang said, which many of agree with, slowly surrounding them, “I got this.” Waller took this one herself, letting Katana and Flag watch, she stepped before the squad, “You all made it this far. Don't get high-spirited on me and ruin a good thing.” Waller shows the explosive device in her hand, much like the one Flag has, all set to explode just like Red Hood predicted. The Squad all share a glance, and they reluctantly escort Waller to the roof. The dark sky has hints of neon lights and flames dance in the sky. Regrouping with Flags men they watch a Helicopter fly towards the Building.
“Savior One-Zero, this is Ground Element. Savior One-Zero, how copy? Savior One-Zero, the LZ's clear.” One of Flags men tries to hail down the Chopper, but no response.
“Boss, they're not talking to me.” He spoke, and Flag quickly assessed the situation, “Our bird's been jacked. Light it up!” Flag and his men open fire on the Helicopter, its panel opens up to Joker, dressed in a suit and with an AK opening fire with manic laughter, a minigun mounted on the heli also opens fire on them, ducking behind AC generators to keep from getting torn to shreds. Red Peers over the unit and his eyes catch a glimpse of that face, the manic laughter, the pale skin. A flood of rage built into Red and he leaped over the Unit, firing his dual pistols at the helicopter. Titanium composite hollow tipped bullets, with a C4 Kicker, explosive ammunition he made himself, the shots land hard on the wall that actually begin to make a dent. They turn the Minigun to him and looks to shred him, before Red can get turned into mince meat, Diablo comes in and tackles him before another AC Unit. He saved Red, who looked at the man, he shrugged it off and kept down to avoid bullet fire, but this wasn’t a random attack it was coordinated, Harley begins to walk to the Helicopter, and Waller orders Flag to execute her, but every tap of the device leads to an error. Harley leaps to the rope and escapes, leaving Waller one less of a member, and Red, a missed opportunity. Dead soldiers litter the roof and everyone steps out of cover, Waller making a B line for Deadshot.
“Deadshot, shoot that woman right now!” She yells, and Deadshot shrugs
“She ain’t do shit to me.” He said lazily
“You're a hitman, right? I got a contract. Kill Harley Quinn. Do it for your freedom and your kid.” Waller said, which was more than enough for him.
“Now she dead.” He walked to a Unit and mounted to fire, heat her Harley dance and swing around, and takes the shot, Harley’s body goes limp, but she suddenly laughs and swings more around, Deadshot missing on purpose, he walked back to the ground.
“I missed.” He said, and Red wasn’t listening, all he felt was red, his chance to kill the Joker, gone. He walked over to the corpse of one of the soldiers, snatching a rifle from its cold dead hands and he mounts up as well, everyone watches as the helicopter takes a slight left. He took everything into consideration and fired, the bullet flew and it hit the cockpit and straight through the pilots skull. They watched the helicopter spiral and go down. Red turned to the group and dropped his gun.
“Got what I wanted… We done here?” He said, everyone was silent, showing the ruthless cold side of the Red Hood. No one knew how to take it, but it’s safe to say for the Red Hood, that felt good. Another Heli picked up Waller and they left. Flag waits as the chopper soars off into the night deploying Flares. Minutes pass and Flag calls in, and listens.
“Ops just confirmed. She's down. 1k west. Let's go get her. The mission's not over.” Flag and his men turned to the exit with the “Heroes”
“Nah. It is for me. We had a deal.” Deadshot spoke up for most of them, everyone.
“Without Waller, you got nothing.” Flag walked off, and the group reluctantly follows. Making ground back on the floor they run into a less than happy Harley Quinn, who survived somehow. She spots them and attempts to put on a happy face.
“So.. shot any good birds lately?” she asked, mixed with sarcasm and scorn.
“One… if it means anything I wasn’t aiming for you.” Red Replies.
“I could kill you..” Harley grumbled
“You’d die trying..” Red replies as they approached Wallers downed chopper. Tears the door open croc side stepped to let them see. But no Waller. Dead corpses but none hers. Red Activated his detective mode in his visor. He scans around and they’re dead.
“I don’t see any of Wallers blood, gun residue everywhere though.. she tried to fight off whoever came for her.. rains going to be a pain in the pass to pick up any blood or sweat to track.”
“What’s your point?” Deadshot asked, Red turned to him. “My Point.. is that they captured her, they didn’t want her dead.. that have some use for her. But for what, I don’t know.” He said, and spots Wallers bag and began to ruffle though it. And sees a black binder and begins to sift though it and red was silent, he turned to Deadshot and handed him the binder. “The Hell’s this?” He asked.
“Why we’re here..” he responds, Deadshot reads it and looked back up to Red, he angrily takes the binder and storms off to Flag, he hurls the binder at the wall and everyone turns to flag. Deadshot and Flag are eye to eye.
“You tell everybody everything. Or me and you gonna go right now.” He said, and flag’s face told a story, and he reluctantly explained. “Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station, So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. Enchantress. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea, the woman was… possessed by the Enchantress, she’s held captive by her. We were going to blast a hole in the subway under the entity and.. she tricked us with the bomb, And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know.” Flag explained his turmoil, to everyone who listened and everyone respectfully was sick of it. Red scoffed, “we’re sent on this death mission to fix your fuck up..” he folds his arms, and Deadshot shook his head and looked around, and saw a Bar.
“You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink.” Deadshot walked off and Harley follows.
“Hey, Deadshot, I need your help.” Flag pleads, but flint shook his head
“No, sir. You need a miracle.” Deadshot and the others head in, Red Hood was the last to leave and looks Flag up and down. “Might as well call the big man in the sky for that.” He gave one last stinger and walked into the bar, he saw the others enjoying their drinks and slumped in a seat next to Deadshot. Harley was tending and eyed the man.
“Oh, Dead Hood.” Harley still has a pretty sharp bone to pick with him.
“Not my name…” he responded and Deadshot looks around.
“Well, we almost pulled it off despite what everybody thought.”
“We weren’t picked to succeed..” Diablo chimes in, and Deadshot agrees, “Worst part of it is, they're going to blame us for the whole thing. And they can't have people knowing the truth. We're the patsies. The cover-up. Don't forget, we're the bad guys. And, uh, for about two sweet seconds, I had hope.” Deadshot flushed down his drink.
“You had hope, huh? Hope don't stop the wheel from turning, my brother.” Diablo looks at the empty shot glass before him
“You preaching?”
“It's coming back around for you. How many people you killed, man?” Diablo asks Deadshot, who admittedly probably doesn’t even know, the bodies left in his wake. “It’s Karma for us, especially for me..” he continued
“See, I was born with the Devil's gift. I kept it hidden for most of my life, but... The older I got, the stronger it got. So I started using it. For business, you know. The more power on the street I got, the more fire power I got. Like, that shit went hand in hand. You know? One was feeding the other. Ain't nobody tell me no. Except my old lady. You know, she used to pray for me. Even when I didn't want it. God didn't give me this. Why should he take it away? See, when I get mad, I lose control. You know, I just... I don't know what I do..till it's done.” Diablo made a woman of fire in his hand.. and snuffed out her flame, Red listened, memories of his own father flooding on.
“And the kids?” Boomerang asked, fearful himself.
“He killed them.” Red spoke up, and he took off his helmet to reveal his face and sighed. “I remember…” Red stopped talking and shut up, almost revealing his other identity, but Harley wasn’t up for silence.
“Own that shit. Own it! What'd you think was gonna happen? Huh?” She said to Diablo.
“Hey, Harley. Come on.”
“What, you were just... Thinking you can have a happy family and coach little leagues, and make car payments? Normal's a setting on the dryer. People like us, we don't get normal!” She yelled, and Boomerang sharply put his glass down.
“Why is it always a knife fight every single time you open your mouth? You know, outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly. We all are.” He said, and Red piped up. “.. So, you just.. willow in that hole?” He started and stood up, he walked over to Diablo as everyone watched. “You kill your wife and kids and you think you deserve a cell for the rest of your life? Feeling sorry for yourself? I got a temper too so I understand, but you’re still in control of your actions.” Red turned to Harley.
“You know why I shot your chopper down?” He asked, everyone really leans in now. Red shows the J scar on his cheek, “see who I got this from?” He said, and Harley began to remember. “You’re—“
“I was.. Robin. I probably helped put a few of you in prison. I went after Joker by myself one time. Didn’t think Batman understood.. and my temper got me. He.. beat me, for days, starved, tortured me, and once in a while, I saw you in the corner, laughing. And when he finished, he blew me to pieces.. I was fourteen. Lazus pit.. Now look at me. This, was my choice... Now I gotta live with it. Same way you gotta live with it.” (Y/n) walked back to his seat, and slumped down.
Everyone was silent, he felt a glass tap his finger and he looked up to Harley give what he can only assume is an apology whiskey. “Mista J is.. not the best when it comes to dealing with kids. I guess I’m not either, maybe you were right when you said that.. maybe I’m just another victim, I mean what lady watches a man beat a.. teenager.” She said to herself, Red took it and downed it effortlessly. “I’m twenty two now, not a teenager anymore.”
For a moment it seemed the two can actually form a decent but obviously volatile relationship, but then, Flag enters the Bar and slumps down next to Red.
“We don't want you here.” Harley frowns, and Flag looks at Red, “You get to the part in that binder saying I was sleeping with her?” He said, Red raises an eyebrow. “Nope, I never been with a witch before. What's it like? I mean I’ve flirted with death before but I don’t go that far.” Red shrugged and Deadshot leaned to see Flag.
“Apparently, that's why the creatures chase him all the time. 'Cause the witch is scared of him.” He chuckled, but Flag shook his head, pain in his voice.
“The only woman I ever cared about is trapped inside that monster. If I don't stop the witch, it's over. Everything is over. Everything. You're free to go.” Flag smashes the device and breaks it, and Boomerage makes a break for it. Red sighs and turns to Flag. “Your girlfriend is going to destroy the world, isn’t she?” He asked, Flag was silent and Red put the mask Back on and gripped his pistols. “Well.. fuck it.” Red stood up. “Let’s go Flag.. least you can say you died tying.” Red walked away, and everyone watched him, and Deadshot sighed and stood up and followed out, Red peeked back in.
“Yo Harley, you coming?” He asked, she shrugged and grabbed her baseball bat. “Don’t have anything else better to do.” She said and followed, everyone now filled with a bit of nepotistic energy follow, if they head into the abyss, at least they go in screaming. flag has the back of the squad, even if they’re “Criminals.” And Captian Boomerang comes back, like a, Boomerang.
Outside the large square, the squad now prep for the final assault, Red tossing a camera to a wall and using his visor to look around, “looks like there’s a woman.. and a massive guy next to her, that’s our targets?”
“Yeah. It isn’t going to be easy getting to her, I did leave a big demo charge down there in that subway. There's a flooded tunnel, leads right underneath that building. SEALs, they can recover the charge, swim in underneath that thing's feet. We get in its face and distract the hell out of that son of a bitch so the swimmers can blow the bomb. That's how we take it out.” Flag gives a solid plan. Croc pipes up
“I'm going with ya.” He spoke to the SEALS, as if they had some choice.
“We got this.” One said, and croc tore off his upper shirt and jacket. “I'm not asking, bro. I live underground. Y'all are just tourists.” Croc and the seals swim in the flooded subway and the main squad prepare for a literal suicide mission. They walked along the subway and corpses strung the pillars. Blood and black ooze follow. They reach the central station platform. Inside felt like a theatre of darkness, whatever dark magic she was conjuring.
“Hey, everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right?” Harley asks
“Yeah. Why?” Red replies.
“I'm off my meds.” She weakly smiled. Deadshot and Flag look to the center, of Enchantress continuing to open the
“So that's your old lady?” Deadshot nods in approval.
“Well, you need to handle this shit, all right? Get up there, smack on her ass, tell her, "Knock this shit off." Deadshot said, which flag couldn’t tell if he was being serious it not.
“I do not think that'd be wise. I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him.” Flag gives the order but before they step out, Enchantress calls out to them.
“I've been waiting for you all night. Step out of the shadows. I won't bite. Why are you here? Because the soldier led you? And all for Waller. Why do you serve those who cage you? I am your ally. And I know what you want.” The woman calls out, and begins to show the squad their true dreams, what they truly wish for, Deadshot to rewrite that day, Harley., a family. And (Y/n), who stood across Bruce with a smile, as he’s still Robin.
“Alright Bruce.. what’s on tonight?”
“Patrol, Arkham’s never safe.” He said sternly, (Y/n) gave a smirk and nodded. He felt the suddenly jank of reality, Red saw Diablo in his face.
“It's not real. She trying to play games with you, man. - It's not real!” He yells to all of them, who slowly come down from their dream, and step out to face enchantress. She sees her tricks didn’t work, and frowns.
“The sun is setting, and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change.” Enchantress saw their minds aren’t changing now, and casted a spell, stomping from the back the larger monster approached.
“Who's this?”
“It's gonna be bad!”
“We should run.”
Red Didn’t take advice well and charges in, leaping past its tendrils and firing off his rounds, it began to bend the mental skin and make the monster cry out. He leaped onto its back and slammed an explosive charge on it, he hurls red hood off of him. Deadshot takes aim and hits the explosive dead on, but no effect! Boomerang hurls his boomerangs that do not to stop it, the monster grabs the Australian by the neck and prepares to turn him as well. Kitana leaps off a counter and slices the hand off with a clean cut, only for the Mayan grow it back, bullets and explosives only infuriate it. Before Harley can get crushed by the Mayan for a bat swing, Red fires his grappling hook to her shirt and reels her to safety.
“We can get him in the corner.” Red pops off more shots, and Diablo steps up!
“I lost one family. I ain't gonna lose another one. I got this. Let me show you what I really am.” Diablo rushed forward and blast a bellow of flames at it, only to infuriate the monster who kicks him away. It awaken the true El Diablo! His body underwent a harrowing transformation into El Diablo! The meta human battles with the Mayan. Pushing him to the edge he and the Mayan are right at the corner
“Diablo, get clear! Get outta there!” Flag yells, the Meta turns to them, “Blow it!” He orders, and Red watched The Mayan and Diablo go up in smoke and rubble in the explosion. He laid for it.. he lived. And died with his choice. Red stood up and walked to the hole, but he forgot that this battle was far from over, Enchantress still had her power.
“My spell is complete. Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule.” Enchantress activated her portal, which begins to tear the world apart. And the true enchantress escapes, her body devoid of color, black, like the ooze leaking from all she touches, and she attacks them, their bullets, blades, nothing can harm her!
“You got a move here, Flag?” Red tackled flag out of the way from getting his head taken off.
“We gotta cut her heart out. While we're fighting, that thing's laying waste to the whole damn world.” Flag said, “You guys have any plans on cutting her heart out?”
“I got one..” Red said. “How long have you been thinking about it?” Harley adds in.
“Maybe five minutes..” Red begins to try something, anything, tapping into the power of the Lazuris pit and felt a heartbeat within it all. A hilt of pure red energy began to emit from his heart. He gripped the handle with both palms and pulled it from him, a red blade of energy was now his. “Huh, this might work.. I cut her chest open and you guys tear the heart!” Red gives the order and charges in, Enchantress swings and fires magic, Red put the blade up and it began to deflect the magic, he leapt forward with a slash and fought Enchantress in the arm. It cut her body made of magic. Her body couldn’t heal from it, the scar emitting a red haze. She looked up worried and Red begins to put more pressure on her, and catches her right on the chest with an upward slash, Enchantress screams in pain, and the squad see the chance, Harley, Deadshot, Kitana and Boomerag grab her arms and legs and flag comes from behind. Just for the moment Enchantress was taken aback, and Red goes in with a blade straight though her heart. Time slows down as the enchantress blinked. The light leaving her eyes in a flash the eruption of light left the station and the bleak sun shined though, and June was right before Red. Confused and why a sword was though her body Which disappeared. Flag realized that his June was back, and hugged her. I suppose it was a happy ending
“Y'all don't mind, I got me a sewer to crawl back into.” Croc turns to leave and Red sighed and turned to the front, “Yeah, and I got some business to handle back in Gotham.” Red dusts himself off
“I'm going to hotwire a car. Need a ride?” Harley offered, but before he can reply, Waller, who’s somehow still alive steps out with her explosive device.
“How are you not dead?” Deadshot said in disbelief. “We just saved the world. A "thank you" would be nice.” Harley spoke, and Waller tilts her head “Thank you.” She said sarcastically, “You're welcome.” Harley replies with a smile.
“So, we did all of this and we don't get shit?”
“Ten years off your prison sentences.”
“Nah, that's not enough. I'm seeing my daughter.” Deadshot kept his eyes locked on Waller who reluctantly agreed.
“That can be arranged. Any other requests?” “An espresso machine.” Harley said
“…BET.” croc nods, and Boomerang scoffs.
“Ten years off a triple life sentence? Darling, I'm walking out of here a free man or we're going to start having some real fun.” He approaches Waller, who coldly stepped up to Boomerang. “Why don't we have some fun?” She replies scaring the piss out of the Captian. Red shrugged, he got his revenge after all.
Back at Belle Reeve, (Y/n) sits in his cell, footsteps echo from the Door and he cracks his knuckles, ready to fight.
“Whoever it is… gonna put.. 14 in the ICU.” He said, and the voice of God, Waller spoke to him. “That won’t be needed, you’re getting released.”
“…What?” He stood up from his bed, staring at the Door expecting death, what opened was something much more than that, he could only muster one word
#male reader#suicide squad#harley quinn x male reader#harley x reader#harley quinn x reader#harley quinn#suicide squad X male reader#ornii
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Thoughts on 3D
So Jungkook's collab with Jack Harlow is out. It is catchy; it will go viral. I have purchased it; I will add it to my new releases playlists--same as I do for all our boys.
But while the dancing was cool and JK's parts are okay (I'm not thrilled that the word "girl" is used literally 20 times, but I get what the western music industry is), I was--I need to be honest here--really taken aback and unhappy with how misogynistic Jack Harlow's rap lyrics were. As far as I'm concerned, he's absolutely unnecessary, and I'll be supporting the alternate version with a lot more enthusiasm.
A deeper look at the lyrics and more of my thoughts are under the cut if you're interested (but by clicking, you're agreeing to keep it respectful in the comments or you'll get banned.)
All my ABG's get cute for me I had one girl (One girl), too boring Two girls (Two girls), that was cool for me Three girls, damn, dude's horny Four girls, okay now you whorin' (Hey, hey, hey) Hey, I'm loose I done put these shrooms to good use
Setting young women up in a line and talking about how sleeping with just one is too boring but sleeping with four is whorish? Yeah, miss me with it.
Then there's this:
You won't regret me (You won't regret me) Champagne confetti (Champagne confetti) I wanna see it In motion In 3D (Show it to me, girl, now, why?)
I was given to understand that "ABG" stands for "Asian Baby Girl" and refers to an Asian party girl who likes clubbing, wearing excessive makeup and tattoos, and revealing clothes, etc.
I also learned from Urban Dictionary—which can be an unreliable site with outdated or incorrect information—that "champagne" has referred to underage girls in the past and "confetti" or nowadays “champagne confetti” refers to orgasm, or sometimes when a group of men or women surround someone, masturbate, and then ejaculate on them.
Not even going to get into the shrooms thing. I'm not in a hyper conservative country with harsh punishments for those type of drugs so... I was a bit taken aback about a song about being fucked right, and now there's lyrics about what amounts to harem girls.
*sigh* Do you know how much I hope I'm reading into things incorrectly? Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding the innuendo, but this is what urban dictionary says. I'm 44 and live in a cave. Maybe I'm wrong.
But in any case, the vibe of Jack's parts in the video was not coming off respectful.
I don't care how many other rap songs objectify and insult women--I won't get behind any content that does. And don't even try to gaslight me or other ARMY into saying we should like this because it's comparatively worse in other rap songs. Don't try to suppress any discourse about it, either--let women discuss how they feel about how they are represented. Don't police women. Don't silence women.
BTS' rap music got so much better once they incorporated feminist feedback, so I'm used to a higher standard and I won't be lowering those standards for anyone. I have no hang ups about sex, but please miss. me. with. misogynistic. bullshit.
Then again, it seems some of the rap hyungs were on board with this.

So I guess industry pros have a different take on stuff like this!
Okay, we have established that I really don't like Jack Harlow's contributions to this song. Which means I'll support the alternative. Thank goodness they had the foresight to provide an alternative!
Now I can work for JK's charts in a way that doesn't aggravate my conscience. All good. Enough said on 3D.
Personally? I really hope JJK1 showcases JK's range of genres, but also has a range of topics besides pursuing girls or being cool.
I just can't vibe with a fuckboy persona; I never liked Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake for that very reason, even if some of their songs sound fine. Now, if Jungkook really admires their style and wants to pursue it, I'm not going to rag on him for it. Of course not. It's his choice and I can respect people's choices without making the same choices myself.
I will always try to support our members as far as I can, even if not everything is my cup of tea.
But I can't help hoping for something personal and authentic and substantive, when it's just Jungkook coming to us without a collab. (And with Scooter at the helm for an all-English EP, I guess I'm not holding my breath. But maybe this is all part of the learning and growing process. Time will tell.)
Please know that I don't expect other people to suit me and my tastes, but neither will I enthusiastically support content with my time and money when they don't suit me at all or actually really turn me off, ya feel me? It's a real and respectful relationship I have with BTS and their music; not performative. I don't follow along quietly out of obligation, but rather a sincere joy to participate.
I love Jungkook deeply. He's a sweet and intelligent and kind-hearted young man. Amazingly talented and humble. Sincere, open to being vulnerable, protective of those whom he loves. He donates to kid's hospitals, for goodness sake. Jeon Jungkook is a good egg.
I guess I'm just sort of feeling a bit whelmed by the type of music that is in vogue these days. JK worked hard, he did well on his parts. I just am hoping his album showcases some of the emotional depth and meaningful thoughts I have seen from him in the past, if I'm being purely honest. *shrug*
Those are my less-than-two cents. Of course, you may have a vastly different perspective and I appreciate that. Just please keep it respectful of all members and each other in the comments here. It's been a long day and I desperately need some real rest now. I'm trusting I can post this and not come back to a warzone.
I've got a Friday Thirst post in the queue for you guys, and then I'll be taking a bit of a break from social media for a few days to work on work deadlines. Please keep voting for Jimin and of course stream and buy for Jungkook and other new releases.
Sending you all so much love!
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TaskForce 141 x Male Medic Reader
❛ Just let me help you ❜
- A / N : first post! Sorry if its short, I'm ill at the moment
Simon " Ghost " Riley
💀 ⁾ he tries to hide his pain from you
💀 ⁾ when you do find out he tries to push you and tell you he's okay when he really isn't. he doesn't understand that you don't find him weak and they you actually want to help him. not call him weak
💀 ⁾ when you finally convince him to let you help him he is a bitch about it the whole time. he " doesn't need your help ". you obviously beg to differ
💀 ⁾ he stays still for you though. he doesn't fight you
💀 ⁾ ghost won't tell you where it hurts so you physically have to tuouch every where until he winces or tenses up. it pisses him off that you can read him so well
💀 ⁾ when you finish patching him up he thanks you begrudgingly. you tell him what he needs to do and he actually listens to you. he knows deep down you're a good medic and that he can trust you but he's just so full of himself he thinks he's so perfect and doesn't need help
💀 ⁾ you two are kinda friends. he won't admit it but he actually wants to be on your good side. he wants you to teach him everything you know even though he probably won't remember it. he'll bring injured tranies to you just to watch you work on their wounds. he's very obviously mesmerized by how you know exactly what to do
💀 ⁾ when he finds out you've been drowning yourself in work he puts a stop to it. he is pissed off at you, the army, and everyone for being " so god damn clumsy "
💀 ⁾ he'll tell you to stop and will drag you from your office. he's not gonna be the most gentle about it. he'll sit you down on the couch, make you some leftovers, and do all the paperwork he can just for you. he doesn't want you to get sick. he doesn't want their medic to be sick
💀 ⁾ he also just doesn't want you to feel ill because he cares a lot
💀 ⁾ when you're on your forced break and someone gets an injury he does what he can and says that you'll check them out later. he's not kind about that so people know not to get hurt when you're on a break
💀 ⁾ you're very much " built to be a medic ", meaning you aren't meant to fight people, more help people so when someone calls you weak ghost is immediately pissed off. he obviously tells them off saying things like: " he does so much more than you do, soldier " and " next time you tend to your own damn wounds then, yeah? ". he's would fight anyone for you no matter if you can stand up for yourself or not
💀 ⁾ he does learn to respect you and your work but he'll never take your help when you first offer it. he's too proud
John " Soap " MacTavish
🧼 ⁾ he is one of the few people that will actually go straight to you with his pain. he won't hide it from you
🧼 ⁾ he knows your too smart for his dumb ass trying to hide things from you and you'll find out in your own way. he'd rather you just know rather than you worrying. you worrying makes him sad
🧼 ⁾ when he tell you he follows up by saying " I can take care of it myself, don't worry mo ghràdh. " you obviously worry and tell him that he needs your help and that you will help him one way or another. he huffs at you and just lets you. your not worth fighting. he'd rather waste his energy on anything else. plus, he loves and appreciates you way to much to argue ( trans : my darling )
🧼 ⁾ when he finally gives in to you wanting to help he pouts like a toddler about it. he trusts your judgement and steady hand though. he admits that you're doing a better job that he could just to let you know that he does care
🧼 ⁾ he doesn't want you to feel useless because he wants to help himself
🧼 ⁾ he moves way too much. it was bold of you to assume he wouldn't. he just has way too much energy
🧼 ⁾ soap will tell you where it hurts just to make it easier on you. he will make a big deal out of small pains to make you feel more useful and to keep you busy
🧼 ⁾ he just wants to spend more time with you
🧼 ⁾ once you finish soap thanks you over and over again. you roll your eyes at him and have to physically push him out of your office. he just wants medic's to feel appreciated. he's seen them get walked all over and he's tired of it. he makes sure to write down the advice and tell someone else what you said just so he doesn't forget
🧼 ⁾ he's just a hyper active golden retriever and your one of his favorite people
🧼 ⁾ you two are fairly close. you keep him calm when he gets over exited by something or he has way too much energy for his own good. it's a bit contagious though you have to admit
🧼 ⁾ he just wants you to feel appreciated, if you couldn't tell already. he is a medic supporter and is probably your biggest fan. he's your own personal cheerleader
🧼 ⁾ when someone insults you he's quick to jump to your defense and yell at them. even if you had something to say he's going to say what he wants first. he isn't going to let you be pushed around. he'll say things like " say that again, I dare you " and " he knows how to kill you, keep that in mind ". most of the time people leave you alone after that. if soap is mad at someone ghost is quick to follow and they don't want to deal with him
🧼 ⁾ he respects you and make sure you know he loves you and you're doing great. especially when you feel down because people aren't the most thankful to medics
John Price
🚬 ⁾ being well.. the dad of the group and their main sniper when he gets hurt its a big deal to the whole team. he shouldn't have even gotten hurt in the first place. that wasn't his job
🚬 ⁾ he doesn't even get a choice whether or not he gets to tell you. gaz and soap drag him into your office to check on him
🚬 ⁾ he tries to tell you that he's okay and won't let you tend to his wounds. he will fight you as nicely as he possibly can become he is convinced he is fine and that no, he doesn't help
🚬 ⁾ when you can finally convince him to just check him over price sighs but lets you help. he tries to tell you that he really doesn't need help but other than that he tells you that he appreciates the help and that you're doing well but he doesn't need your help. he tries to tell you that litterly anyone else could use your help. you have to physically get him to shut up
🚬 ⁾ when you do patch up his wounds they are bad most of the time because he doesn't just let the other person go. no, he has to kick their ass and win which means he gets more hurt than he should have been
🚬 ⁾ you're very gentle with him because if you're not he flinches or makes his pained dad noises ( we all know what I'm talking about... )
🚬 ⁾ he is just trying to convince you he doesn't need help. do I need to say it again? he doesn't need your help
🚬 ⁾ when you finish patching him up he's very thankful and tries to tell you he knows how to take care of his wounds. he does but when you pout at him he will listen. he really does just want to make you happy but at the same time he doesnt want you to waste your time on someone who already knows what he's doing
🚬 ⁾ he see's you like a son. he acts like you're his son too. the amount of times you've accidentally him dad and he's accidentally called you son or " bud " makes you two laugh. you just call him dad now and he acts like your his son and it works for you both because you need a amry dad... who doesn't. he just wants to take care of you
🚬 ⁾ he knows you often drown yourself in your work and he drags you out of that. he tells you that you deserve to have you time and that you need rest. he will physically drag you from your office and make you lay down. he'll make you food and hot coco ( or your favorite hot drink ) and just sit with you. he wants to make sure you're okay. he will be your caretaker if thats what you absolutely need. he's your army dad after all
🚬 ⁾ when you get teased for your job price will walk over and just stand there, an eyebrow raised. he even looks like an angry dad. he will tell them to go away if they don't pick up on the hint of him standing there. if it continues after that he will make them run laps until thry physically drop. he explains that medic's are meant to be appreciated. if anyone thinks otherwise they will also be running
🚬 ⁾ he appreciates what you do for others, but not himself. he doesn't need help
Kyle " Gaz " Garrick
💣 ⁾ the amount of times youve had to treat him for the most random ass wounds is insane. he doesn't even have to say anything for you to know he's accidentally hurt himself by doing dumb things
💣 ⁾ most are burn wounds from him accidentally exploding something. he smiles like an idiot cause he just knows what you'll say. its always something along the lines of : " again? " or " you're not a firefighter, stop acting like one "
💣 ⁾ he always smiles and says " you love me ". you can't help but laugh at him
💣 ⁾ he doesn't mind going to see you. your always so gentle with him and you don't make him talk to you. when he's excited about something you have him talk about it so 1) he stays still and 2) you can listen to his voice when he allows you too. he likes to listen to you too though, he'll always ask questions about the machines or what your doing
💣 ⁾ when he sits still long enough for you to treat his wounds he gives you a general area of where the pain is. its always a scavenger hunt to find where he burned himself this time
💣 ⁾ when its a battle wound he bleeds a lot for some reason. that means you have to work fast and it also works in your favor, you don't have to go hunting for his wound. gaz normally needs to be sedated so he stops moving so much or wincing. you do really feel bad but you don't want him to be hurt more than he already is
💣 ⁾ he tries to stay still for your sake, really! but he just can't seem to sit still. he has to be moving. you normally work around this by giving him something he can mess with while you work on his wounds
💣 ⁾ when you finish he thanks you once and only once before hurrying off to get out of your space. every time you have to fix him up he'll bring you your favorite candy. he'll leave it on your desk with a note that normally says something along the lines of : " I'm so sorry ", " it will happen again ", or " you're becoming my own personal medic ". they're always signed with " -K.G " and a messy heart with your initials in it. its always stuck to the bag of candy. you've kept all his notes in a drawer just to make him feel appreciated. and to tell him that you really do enjoy the notes
💣 ⁾ you two are quite close due to the amount of visits he has to your office. he gets mad and pouts like a toddler when he cant get you as his doctor. he'll pretty much refuse service from any other medic. you're his favorite. he just wants to be close to you. plus, if soap and price trust you and like you so will he. no questions asked. you're also so kind with him. he just thinks your an amazing person all around
💣 ⁾ he thinks of you like a younger / older brother and is very obvious about it. he never really had a brother and you fit what he thinkd a brother is perfectly
💣 ⁾ he's the one that figures out you're over working yourself. he tells everyone else because he's way too scared to get involved and make you mad. he just wants to make sure you're okay. even if its indirectly helping you out
💣 ⁾ when anyone teases you gaz gets involved. no questions asked. he isn't good at being angry when talking so he quickly gets physical. he isn't afraid to start a fight as long as its to help his family. you normally talk him out of it but he still isn't happy. he complains to price about it and makes him do something about it. he isn't going to let you get shoved around for doing the job you wanted. and the job you we're so god damn good at. you were the few medics that actually took their job seriously
💣 ⁾ he appreciates everything you do and voices that. he will always tell you how amazing you are. whether its through notes, words, or gifts. he very obviously loves giving you gifts. just to cheer you up or make you feel loved
Alejandro Vargas
🗡 ⁾ he's a bit of an idiot and gets hurt on everything. he refuses to see you a lot of the time. normally rudy will force him to see you
🗡 ⁾ he's too proud to let you treat him
🗡 ⁾ most of the time you treat him for small cuts that he accidentally did just walking to fast. sometimes you have to treat him for exhaustion because he overworks himself constantly and can't ever seem to pull himself away from his work. you always sigh at him and give him medication and watch him to make sure he drinks water. you also have rudy keep an eye on him for the next week
🗡 ⁾ when its a battle wound you normally get him when he's unconscious anyways. he puts his own injuries to the side to make sure rudy is okay. you always lecture him after about how he actually needs to take care of himself
🗡 ⁾ he always manages to get wounds in the most obscure spots. like, my man, were you trying to get the award of " the most dumbass to ever dumbass "? he always fist fights over actually shooting someone. that makes him end up with bloody knuckles and you always get so mad because theres not a lot you can do about it and you don't want to see him hurting
🗡 ⁾ he make him stay in his own hospital room for a few days after just so you can get it into his head that he needs to take care of himself and do as you ask. if he doesn't listen you make him stay longer. he always calls you mean but he knoes your right
🗡 ⁾ you've gotten him to stay in the hospital longer and rest by asking him to teach you some Spanish. it works like a charm. he gets so involved he forgets he's even resting. you alsi use this trick when your checking and cleaning his wounds. when your rebandaging his wounds he is so focused on your movements so he knows how to wrap wounds
🗡 ⁾ he does thank you. but its through small gifts like new medical supplies, pocket knives, guns, some things that are sweet but are definitely military based
🗡 ⁾ one time he gave you some flowers
🗡 ⁾ your not friends per say but you are close. he's like your uncle, your very annoying uncle. he can really only stand you because your good friends with rudy. or at least thats what he says. he really does want to be your friend, truly, but he's too scared that your mad at him for being such a brat when you treat him. he asks you if you two are actually friends / close or if you only tolerate him because you have to. you say something along the lines of " i could ask you the same ". you teo do become friends over time. after that, you wouldn't trade him for the world
🗡 ⁾ when he finds out your overworking yourself he uses your words against you and treats you just like you had him when he was exhausted and wasn't taking care of himself. it pisses you off but you're happy to know he cares about you
🗡 ⁾ the moment any rude comment twoards you slips out of anyones mouth he is immediately involved. he is normally cussing at them in Spanish while shoving them away from you angrily. he isn't letting you take shit. he knows you deserve better. hes a bit over protective of you. he always says its because you're his nephew and its his job to protect you
🗡 ⁾ he really dows respect and love you. not just as a medic but as a human being in general. your constant kindness and your convincing you attitude is admirable in his eyes
Rodolfo " Rudy " Parra
🔦 ⁾ he's such a sweetie. he's one of the few people that will go into your office without a fight. he doesn't want you worrying. he also makes sure to keep his trips short
🔦 ⁾ he doesn't want you overworking for his sake
🔦 ⁾ most of the injuries you see him for are injuries from battle. he normally doesn't have a lot but they're always pretty bad. you always sigh as he's sent on another mission. he's like your other dad. you don't want him hurt at all. you're always more rough with him. it makes it easied for you to work faster and he has been hurt so many times he doesn't mind the pain
🔦 ⁾ you've had to sadate him multiple times because you know how painful his wounds would be. even if he really doesn't mind the pain
🔦 ⁾ if hes wounded with a wound you wouldn't wish on another human being you're sadating him. no questions asked. you will knock him over the head with a bat if you have to
🔦 ⁾ you usually have him under observation. no matter the wound. you just can't be careful enough. you want to make sure he's actually okay
🔦 ⁾ i mean, rudy gets the most dumb wounds ever that are so painful you even wince when he moves to fast
🔦 ⁾ normally when you do your routine checks or your removing his stitches you talk to him in what Spanish alejandro has been teaching you. he'll laugh about how stupid you sound but will help you out where he can. you're mainly distracting himself from his wounds over distracting him from his wounds
🔦 ⁾ when you finish up or his wounds are healed he thanks you. he'll hug you. if you don't like hugs he'll tell you he's proud of you and he'll bring you food. most times at lunch you don't eat anyways so what the harm in bringing you food, right? he likes to sit with you at lunch anyways
🔦 ⁾ this is also his way of making sure you stop working for a while
🔦 ⁾ you both are really good friends. he's over protective of you and you're always worried about him so it works for you both. his constant need to make sure nobody is messing with you and your constant need yo make sure he's okay and not hurting himself by accident makes you inseparable aside from when you're both working. thats one of the few times you two aren't seen together
🔦 ⁾ he's tried so hard to stop you ftom overworking yourself but it just doesn't seem to work. you always manage to do it anyways. he'll lock your office and take your keys if he has to. you do not need to be constantly working. he doesn't need two alejandro situations on his hands. one is enough
🔦 ⁾ when someone makes a rude comment or teases you or you just seem uncomfortable with someone at all he will get involved. you never know how he even manages to find out. he always does. its a bit scary but its nice to feel loved and protected. and when rudy is protecting you alejandro is also protecting you indirectly. he will make that person run and apologize. then next time they get hurt he makes sure they get one of the meanest medics the base has. he will not let anyone get away with bullying his favorite medic
🔦 ⁾ he respects and appreciates you for what you do and he voices that. you'll always be his favorite ' kid '. he always makes sure you know he loves you. no matter what
This was not proof read! I apologize for spelling / grammer mistakes
#cod#cod mw2#mw2#x male reader#kyle gaz garrick#gaz cod#ghost cod#simon ghost riley#gaz x reader#gaz x male reader#ghost x reader#ghost x male reader#john price#captian price#captian price x reader#captain price x male reader#john soap mactavish#soap cod#soap x reader#soap x male reader#alejandro vargas#alejandro vargas x reader#alejandro vargas x male reader#rodolfo parra#rudy parra#rodolfo parra x reader#rodolfo parra x male reader#modern warfare 2#cod x male reader#mw2 x male reader
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Certainly didn't expect to be tagged for this, but thank you @coolbeesbro for giving me a chance at it, and relighting my motivation to finish this piece.
It was a bit too late for WIP Wednesday when I received it though so... Um... Give it up for "Tried to finish it in a few hours Thursday"!
Cordyceps - A Cult of The Lamb One-Shot AU
No one is really sure who was the first to notice.
Perhaps we all knew there was something wrong.
It started with their smile.
A smile that comforted us. That brought us closer. That showed us someone cared, even in the face of death.
Now just a shadow of what it once was.
Worse even. Condescending.
At first we all dismissed it as a result of their battle.
Fighting your god, the one you served for the last hundreds of years... It would probably take a toll on you.
I should know. Dozens of lives and dozens of deaths serving the lamb and you learn a few things.
Like the fact they aren't a good cook.
Good enough to eat? sure. Nutritious? Debatable. Delicious? Never in all the lands of the old faith.
Dozens of lives and dozens of deaths and that never changed.
Until that battle.
Their sermons changed too. They are more violent now.
It's not a bloodbath every morning, not even close, but there's always that undertone to their words. Like they expect servants, soldiers, an army, instead of the family and community that brought us together.
I'm sure you noticed the increase in sacrifices too. All of them elders, did you notice that as well?
The moment we can't work anymore. The moment we show any weaknesses....
And then there was Balaksha...
Sent to the depths for even daring (daring?!) to call our esteemed leader "Rags".
A nickname she used ever since the lamb tried their hand at sewing.
(they got magically better at that too)
Seven lives and seven deaths of friendly nicknames and playful shoves and suddenly it's a offense punishable by death?!
I confronted them soon after, of course, because WHAT IN THE ONE WHO WAITS' TITS?
And I caught them crying.
Not crying crying though. More like... Tears running down their cheeks.
They didn't look sad. Just angry. The angriest I've ever seen them be.
They dismissed me, of course. Same old (it shouldn't be old) condescending, scary, smile.
But I just couldn't take the sight of their tearful eyes out of my mind.
Like they didn't meant for her death to happen. Like they didn't want it to happen.
Like they had no choice.
Thinking about it... That's probably when I began to be sure that the lamb, our lamb, wasn't with us anymore.
At least not in any way that matters.
And I think it knows that.
It began to stare at me whenever we were both at camp. Waiting for me to slip up. For my back to creak a little bit too loud.
I think it is trying to phase us out. To have no one who knew the true lamb around in order to have full control of the flock.
I'm not sure how much time I have left.
So please, if our friendship means anything to you too, remember my words.
Spread them.
Make sure everyone knows that the impostor is not our god.
A lamb looks at his reflection.
Mine, not yours.
It became routine now. Just five minutes to make sure he was presentable, as the rightful ruler of his cult should be.
Pompous bitch.
His fingers hooves trace the center of his forehead, where the small bulb continued to steadily grow...
Maybe he should ramp up the sacrifices. Make sure all his followers were completely and fully loyal before his new, old, eye grew. Which was happening stupidly faster than before.
Don't you fucking dare!
His fist slammed against the table inside of his new tent, (made just for him. For a god needs his privacy if they wish to incur any amount of respect), teeth grinding in a way that was starting to become natural.
Less sharp. More herbivorous.
"Shut up, you damn lamb! Just die already!"
Give me my body back and maybe I will!
"MY body, vessel..."
He could feel them grumbling away at the back of his mind, mellowed down by the reminder of their dynamic.
Of their mistake.
Shamura had been the first to do what he did. Share their crown with others. And it had also been them who found out what happens if the vessel refuses.
If the original body dies.
It suffices to say that Shamura wasn't always a spider.
(At least they were happier with their new body as opposed to their old one)
But now here he was... Stuck in the same predicament.
In a body that wasn't his-
And yet... A body that belonged to him.
And mind that belongs in the TRASH!
... Wait-
His sibling told him about that. The annoying voice of his previous vessel. Annoyingly persisting.
The lamb would silence eventually. Just like their vessel did.
(possibly erased for good after his claws ripped out their skull)
For now... There was that annoying cat to deal with. Maybe it was finally time to end him-
A silent snap cut through his mind.
A soul dissenting from his grasp.
Leaving the cult grounds. For good.
The Cat.
Thank the red crown...
Narinder sighed. Less than ideal. For sure. But one problem solved at least.
Now... He just had to rally the troops. Weed out the weak.
He assumed his usual, rightful, place at the pew as he waited for the Flock to wander in. Some still rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. A child telling his father that she was tired, the parent promptly silencing them...
He was finally gaining their respect, it seemed.
All was good.
Now they were only really waiting for Thegre. The cyan unicorn having deemed... Acceptable lately to make things just... Slightly more difficult for him. Always in view of the rest of the cult. Never enough to be reprimanded, but just enough to be petty... How Narinder hadn't gotten rid of her yet was beyond him.
But that would end today, he decided. Right after the sermon-
The sound of a string being cut was drowned out by his vessel's scream.
Thegre was dead.
Narinder jumped off the pew and made to rush out of the temple, he could hear the murmurs almond the crowd, faith lowering slightly at the sight of their leader so worried. But he couldn't afford to care about that right now. The unicorn was killed by an outsider. Which meant the heathens of the Old Faith found the grounds. He would be able to handle most of them, the lamb's body kept fit due to their holy mission, but if it was an actual invasion then they'd need to ready themselves for-
The doors of the temple opened to something much worse than just a mob of heretics and fanatics of dying faiths.
Just a simple yellow cat. His body covered in the red blood of his former friend. Her freshly-ripped head still in his hands.
A glowing green eye shining above his head.
"Seriously... Why did you have to be so hasty, little lamb? Didn't even give me time to wrap your gift!" the voice coming from him was the same as before, but Narinder could hear his brother in it. Every syllable, every breath... And in the way he chuckled. "Believe me, I was going to make it very fancy. You'd've loved it!"
Initial shock surpassed, Narinder ran towards the vessel housing the soul of his brother, his crown shifting into a dagger and aimed straight into the cat's eyes. But the feline simply extend a hand, his own crown shifting into armor to protect the soft flesh.
"Ah, ah, ah~!" Leshy wagged his finger at his brother, his other paw also covered in the same ichorous substance, "That's very rude of you, lamb." his voice came out with a bit of a growl as he aimed his reinforced claws at Narinder's neck, the God of death dodging just in time to avoid losing his head, though not quick enough to avoid the claws from cutting his cheek, his wool slowly being stained red. "And right after you invited me in~? Left my crown were unsuspecting followers could reach~? Did my brother teach you nothing?!"
Narinder's mind froze with that revelation. "What is he talking about, lamb?" he growled to himself, his voice low in an attempt to avoid the lingering cultists from hearing.
I didn't know it worked this way! I just didn't want anyone from the old faith getting their hands on them!
"So you kept them in your cult?!"
Time for questions wasn't now, however, as Leshy advanced in a tornado of sharp points, his claws greatly extended thanks to the power of his crown. Narinder dodge what he could and deflected or defended what he couldn't, but Leshy attacked like a drunk madman, his movements too erratic for him to be able to counter all.
"I'll have to admit, though, cat bodies are amazing!" Leshy delivered a kick to the gut that sent Narinder flying into the central shrine, "I mean, this guy is already putting up years, but he's still pretty spry!" he jumped on on foot to the other, unable to contain his energy, "Nothing compared to my old body, but aren't you glad we match now, brother?"
Narinder froze for a moment, before he tracked the cat's gaze to his dagger, realizing he was trying to talk to The One Who Waits, the one who used to watch through the red crown.
But that moment was enough. Enough for Leshy to figure out that something was wrong. Was Hickory there when the lamb defeated him? If he knew of his death then-
Leshy's grin just widened. "Don't tell me... You lost?!" he cackled like a maniac, holding his sides as he doubled over, "Oh, that's rich! Are they being annoying to you too? Mine is actually really cool, d'know that? He just wants one thing from me..."
Narinder rushed forward again, trying to end him while he was distracted, but Leshy simply extended a hand towards the fake lamb, divine energy crackling between the fingers. Narinder's eyes widened.
Curses already?
"... your destruction."
An explosion rocked Narinder's world as he was sent flying back into the temple. His ears were ringing and his vision was dominated by a sharp white. He didn't know how long it took for his body to mend enough for him to stand up, but by the time he managed to gather enough strength to get to the doors of the building, he could still feel a piece of wood going through his stomach, from when he landed. The ringing hadn't let out yet either.
The cult grounds were in complete desarray, Leshy's partying gift no doubt. He could see some members crying over the bodies of their dead companions, others trying desperately to deal with the fire plaguing some of the buildings, but his brother was nowhere to be seen.
He didn't understand how Leshy was already able to use curses, when the biggest drawback of possessing a vessel was the adjustment period. Being even less than an infant god, with little to no power. It took Narinder weeks before he could command his crown again. It took Shamura months before they could cast even basic curses. Was it because the cat was essentially a willing vessel? That was the only way he could explain it.
That wasn't the problem though. The problem was that he now knew where they lived. Where they had a convenient teleportation sigyl right by the door. He needed to make sure there wasn't more than one nuisance to take care of.
"... Where are they?" he managed to ask through wheezed breaths. But nothing answered.
"Dammit... WHERE?"
In a chest, below my bed.
Narinder huffed, ripping out the wooden bean with some effort before turning towards his tent.
But the he remembered that the lamb didn't live there before. He had that built. The Lamb lived...
He turned around to see the lamb's and the cat's former residence in flames, the message written above the door crumbling with the wood as it was consumed by the fire, its meaning clear for the God of Death.
"One Becomes Two."
And I think that's about it. Thank you very much for reading it.
Since it's not really a WIP Wednesday anymore, I don't think it's right for me to tag someone... Neither do I have many people I could tag. But if it's to throw a mutual under the bus, I suppose if @/beetledee0 wants to take a go at the original "challenge", be my guest.
#cotl#cult of the lamb#cult of the lamb fanfic#cotl fanfic#cotl lamb#cotl narinder#Tried to Finish it In a Few Hours Thursday#cotl leshy#cotl au#cult of the lamb au#my writing
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The White Tower's Strength Hierarchy is not a Problem
I know, it seems like a hot take that has to be a shitpost. The idea of a person being in charge based solely on a physical attribute beyond their control makes monarchy look like a good idea. But I don't think it's actually what the system is, or the intent behind the strength hierarchy.
Basically, most of us completely miss the point of the Aes Sedai and the White Tower. We keep seeing them as an institution of a particular type, like a military or a government or a religion. But it's not. It's a union. Its purpose is to facilitate channelers, like a union's job is to advocate for, and protect, workers. And the part of a worker's life and attention dedicated to his union, or even his job, is only a part of what makes him who he is. Yeah, it influences a lot, like his status in life, where he lives, who his friends are, and so on, but at the end of the day, you work to live, and no matter how staunch your membership in the Local #whatever, you're going to be more worried about getting your work done and going home to your family, your interests and your hobbies.
The Aes Sedai are not soldiers in an army, or bureaucrats in a government, or clergy in a religion. They are not even soldiers, security forces, scholars, philosophers, doctors, diplomates and activists, depending on their Ajah. They are heroes. Protagonists, each of an adventure story. Each one is a powerful person who has an agenda they want to see done for their own advantage or the benefit of others, or just because they want to. The Tower and their Ajahs are just things they sign up for to get that done. Yes, the Tower engages in geopolitical shenanigans, but that has as much to do with what each sister does, day-to-day, as a country's foreign policy does to everyone who is not abroad, near the border or on the internet at the moment.
Basically, every given sister's job at any given time is what she thinks it is. Some of them need or want to be told what to do, so they pick "serve the Tower" and hang around to be given assignments. Others lock the door to their study and yell their cultural equivalent of "fuck off" when someone tries to assign them duties, or just head out into the world to do what they want. And that's cool with the Tower, however annoying a particular Tower authority figure or faction thereof might find it at the time. Because that is what the Tower is for, to make it possible for them to do that stuff. That is the essence of empowerment, and that is the Tower's purpose. They train you to channel, give you an excellent education, train you how to push around deal with people, pound into your head the importance of making a good impression and set you up with unlimited funds, and sit back to see what you do with it.
The problem is, people are going to people, and eventually, each sister will realize that the biggest obstacles to doing what she wants are her fellow sisters. The point of the White Tower is to govern those inevitable clashes, and sort things out, not to achieve some platonic ideal solution, but to minimize the drama and not let the world take advantage of the conflict or distraction. If Aes Sedai are too busy butting heads with one another, some damn fool male might start improving international cooperation and establishing schools that gather a critical mass of scholars and technicians to jump-start a technological revolution might screw everything up.
But that means, there needs to be a rule for who wins, and who gets her way. From the Tower's perspective, it does not matter who wins, so long as there is no fighting over it. The Tower is basically a parent, and every single woman with a Great Serpent ring (or, honestly, the ability to touch saidar), including the Amyrlin, are the kids. As a great comedian whom we should probably be grateful never had access to actual forkroot would say, "Parents don't care about justice, they just want peace and quiet."
From that perspective, the strength hierarchy is an excellent rule. There is no way to game the system, you can't legislate to change it. And like Tic-tac-toe (and Global Thermonuclear War) the only way to win is not to play. Don't like the idea of a woman giving you orders just because she was born with higher innate strength than you? Don't get involved with her! That's all there is to it.
And we see there are many, many ways to get around the strength hierarchy. All you really need is to not require every single person on the planet to give way to you. The Hall and Amyrlin had an plan for Moiraine's career and the authority to make it happen. That's why Moiraine begins the series on the Sun Throne. Oh, wait. No. How did that happen?
Because she is an Aes Sedai with all the power and resources her White Tower training gave her, and the self-awareness to say "Nope," and skip out to do what she wanted/thought was more important. She ran into Cadsuane, too, who also had ideas about what she should do. Didn't take, either.
The main place in the story where it seems like the strength hierarchy messes things up is with the rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn, where Kiruna and Bera march in and take over the embassy and head off to comeuppance at Dumai's Wells. You know whose fault that was? Not the woman who first proposed strength as a criterion for situational authority, but Merana. Because she let their strength, or Verin's experience before that, matter. And that was mostly because Merana didn't really believe in what she was doing. She knows her authority does not really come from the White Tower, only a pack of cranks in a village. She is there to serve the agenda of the Salidar rebel movement, and deep down inside, she knows they are there as supplicants to Rand, trying to get him on Team Salidar. She is not there trying to save the world through negotiations, she is just working for a petty factional grudge. So on one level, she knows she has no right to assert her Hall-granted authority, and on another level, she isn't certain that Verin or Kiruna & Bera don't have a better idea of what the best interests of Salidar actually are.
Another major loophole we see in the strength system is cooperation between sisters. Delana, when she is thinking solely as a conventional sister, before she is refocused on her Black duties, notes how Siuan once protected her in their friendship and now she has to be the one protecting her. It's not Delana mistaking their respective strengths for competence to protect one another, it's Delana acknowledging the strength system, and meaning that where Siuan once prevented women between her & Delana in strength from bossing around her Gray friend, now Delana is going to be protecting Siuan from being bossed around by women weaker than Delana. We see this in action with Cadsuane and Daigian & Kumira. Cadsuane respects their mental abilities and judgment, and from their perspective, what more do they need? Rather than claw their up through a meritocracy and securing their position based on some esoteric algorithm weighing the value of their specialties, or pushing their ideas through a review and assessment procedure, all they have to do is convince Cadsuane. And then Cadsuane will see to the implementation of their ideas, or prevent other sisters from interfering with them on the basis of strength.
For a more equitable version of such an arrangement, we have the relationship between Nynaeve & Elayne. There are no two Aes Sedai with a PoV in the series with as much respect and trust for one another as these two have. And we see a few interesting examples of how they work with the strength dynamic in WH.
The first is when the issue of the damane captives who want to have the leash removed is broached to them. Elayne has an opinion on the matter, but she lets Nynaeve make the call because she is the strongest women around. But Elayne is willing to stare down Birgitte, a hero of the Horn, over the civil rights of a man they are certain is a murderer. Is she really going to let Nynaeve keep damane enslaved? Nope. She is letting Nynaeve make the call, letting the system stand, because of her absolute trust that Nynaeve will make the right call. She has been working closely with Nynaeve for over a year now, and most importantly, she saw how Nynaeve handled a related situation in the disposition of the two sul'dam they had captured. If ANYone was going to know that Nynaeve was going to get it right, it would be Elayne. And no, Lan is not telling her what to do, he is speaking to the world at large, he is offering his own opinions based on being in a very similar position, and that's why his own congratulations of Nynaeve for her decision affects her so much. And I think the Kinswomen were feeling her out with the question, because they are worried about ending up in a similar position as the damane, vis a vis the Aes Sedai. Their own agreement with, and pleasure over, Nynaeve's choice speaks to their feelings on discovering that the White Tower (embodied in that moment by Nynaeve) has the right values, and they can trust it to take them in again, without abuse. So what is the point regarding the strength hierarchy, if everyone involved was in agreement on this issue? By referencing the hierarchy, they are not just a bunch of women who happen to have the same opinion, they have made policy, by following institutional procedure, and that gives their agreed-upon course of action weight and it strengthens the connection between sisters, Kin and ex-damane.
The next example is when, after Elayne's near-assassination incident, Nynaeve starts lecturing her and Elayne tells her that she does not want to disobey her, so don't try to use her authority. She's not dismissing Nynaeve's authority, she is respecting it, but also saying that she thinks this is more important. And Nynaeve realizes this, and does not flex on her. Because with reasonable people, self-evident situations like this weigh more that artificially imposed definitions.
And finally, in their last shared moments on-page in Jordan's lifetime, Elayne realizes that Nynaeve is up to shenanigans, noting that it has to be something really out of whack if she's hiding her plans, instead of flexing her strength position. Which incidentally speaks to Elayne's trust that Nynaeve would not abuse her authority, and also the point that she does trust Nynaeve, regardless of how crazy her current scheme is. Or at least, she has a guy to bond and bone and so she'll let Nynaeve do what she thinks she needs to do. Later on, when Rand indicates he sees through her own façade, and knows she has something she is trying to hide from Nynaeve, if not the bond-and-bone specifics, Elayne has a moment of chagrin, because if this guy whose experience of her is basically three days of dating saw through her subterfuge, her partner in crime comrade in arms of far longer standing should have, too. And the answer to why Nynaeve did not interfere is the same as why Elayne picked bond-and-bone over solving Nynaeve's thing: they trust each other.
If you have trust, you don't need to worry about who is ranked higher, and the system cannot stop you from ignoring it and building that trust with other people. And by being so clearly unfair and onerous the system is all but demanding that you reach out to your sisters, and build trust between yourselves, so that you don't have to be constrained by the idiocy of who was born with greater strength in the Power.
And if you can't build trust, stay out of one another's way. Either way, it keeps the White Tower from falling apart and Aes Sedai from internecine conflict.
In the end, it was not the strength system that failed the White Tower, but the formal hierarchy, with its elected leadership and ostensible selection of authority positions by merit, of which the Blue leadership boasts in New Spring.
And for all that the Wise Ones are hailed as a better system using superior criteria (though my own issue with that one is 'who decides who fits those criteria best?' and we see through Perrin's eyes on the conflict between Amys & Sorilea in LoC, it's not always so simple), as an institution, the Wise Ones lied to their people for 3,000 years, made them vulnerable to Couladin's pandering demagoguery, and failed to contain Sevanna's lateral thinking. When it comes to practical results, the Wise Ones are not noticeably more successful than the Tower.
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Christmas - Full version.
Pairing: Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader, John Price x Reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader!
Summary: The boys during Christmas :)
Wordcount: 11,304 | Rating: E! (18+ only!)
Warnings: A little bit hinting to NSFW, I think? A lot of fluff :)
A/N: Merry Christmas (:
Kyle and you had been childhood friends, and eventually you moved to lovers, only to be downgraded to friends again, when he moved away to join the army. And those last years have been.. hectic, you joined the army yourself and Kyle had made it very clear he didn’t want to serve with you, so things had been awkward, on paper you were just friends. Kyle would always come back to you, during easter, during spring break, summer vacations, he would always know where to find you, only to never admit his actual feelings towards you. And you had gotten used to it, so much actually that you didn’t bat an eye when he was at your door for Christmas and you had used it to sweet talk him into making a snowman with you.
A frustrated growl leaves his lips as he adjusts his scarf against the cold. Kyle always tried to play that hardened soldier, just like he had been taught. But he may be grumpy, but his heart is in the right place—he'll help you build your snowman.
With is a slight spring in your step as you finally convinced him to build that snowman with you. Your hair sways with every step as you drag him along with you to the open field.
The cold air numbs your face, but you don't care in the slightest. You turn around to face Kyle, your eyes sparkling as you see him. Your hand reaches out to tug on his scarf, making sure it keeps him warm enough. "Can't have you catching a cold." You whispered, before you kissed his nose, with a quick spin you face the open field, ready to build your snowman.
Kyle's jaw stiffens at your playful touch, your kiss sending a shiver down his spine despite the cold. He mutters an irritable retort, but the heat rushing to his cheeks proves otherwise. You make him so soft—so vulnerable and so damn happy.
He shakes his head slightly in annoyance, then turns his gaze ahead. Just focus on the snowman, he thinks to himself. Don't let them see how much you're enjoying this.
Your hands are cold when you has finally rolled enough snow for the lower abdomen, but it’s okay. Simple, soft things like this make you forget about the world, about being a soldier, about pain, and you wouldn't trade it for the world. You can see him watch you, an annoyed look on his face, half of it being tucked away in the scarf. But you know he would've left already if he truly hated it. You tried to lift the ball of snow for the middle section, so you can put it on the lower section. But you aren’t strong enough. So you shoots Kyle a pleading look. "Can you help me, please?"
His heart squeezes at the look in your eyes — how could he say no? And, if he's being totally honest with himself, he likes you being dependent on him for a change.
So he leans down and effortlessly lifts the section of the snowman, putting it on top of the lower abdomen. "There." He says in a firm, quiet tone — which isn't quite as firm as it's supposed to be, given his heart racing and cheeks blooming to pink. He straightens up, avoiding your eyes.
You watch in awe as he effortlessly lifts up the section you couldn't carry. The same spring in your step as you scoop up the snow for the head, packing it until it is big enough. With a lot of effort you manage to put it on top of the other sections yourself. And you take a step back, hands on your hips as you admired your work.
You take a carrot out of your pocket, sticking it in the middle of the snowman’s face to give it a nose. You take two rocks out of your other pocket, to give it two eyes. And finally you take off your scarf, the cold wind hitting your bare neck as you put the scarf around the snowman.
"Done." You exclaimed happily
His gaze remains on the ground as you complete the snowman, his heart thrumming in his ears. But he can feel your eyes on him, and he knows you want to see his reaction.
Finally, he glances up.
The snowman is goofy and imperfect — just like every other snowman. Yet the sight of it melts his heart and makes his mind turn into a fuzzy puddle of admiration for you.
He's too overwhelmed to speak, so he settles for a soft grunt. "He's...he's perfect."
The spring in your step stays as you walks over to him. "A work of art." You chuckled.
"Couldn't have done it without you, Kyle. I owe you one." You said as you looked up at him.
Your hands are freezing and a mischievous twinkle forms in your eyes. "I'm so sorry for what I am about to do." You giggled as you hugged him, your cold hands sliding under his shirt on to his warm back.
He stiffens at the touch of your freezing hands, his shirt rippling with goosebumps. Yet, he finds his body moulding to yours, reluctant to let go of this moment — reluctant to let go of this warmth.
There is a fire in his belly as his heart thunders. He wraps his arms around you, burying his face in the nape of your neck; breathing in your scent, feeling your heartbeat against his chest. He hates this. He loves this. He is torn in two.
"I said sorry on forehand!" You defend yourself with a laugh as he buries his face in your neck. It was a cheap trick but you were happy that you did it. Your hands move higher up his back, needing the touch of his warm skin once more.
A groan escapes his lips when your hands move up his back, and his embrace tightens.
"I swear to god. You're gonna kill me." This is torture. But the way you tease him, the way you look at him — it drives him wild.
He hates it.
He loves it.
But he doesn't want to admit it.
A quick kiss on his cheek as you pull your hand away from his body, slipping out from under his shirt. There is a big smile on your face, dimples forming on your cheeks.
"Thank you." You murmured. "Let’s go inside before I have to warm my hands again."
His face is hot, his body buzzing with the aftershock of the rush. He hates feeling so weak, so vulnerable, in your presence. But he follows silently. Reluctantly. He is always reluctant to leave the warmth of your touch.
“Why do I put up with you?" He groans. But his voice is teasing — an admittance of defeat and attraction.
You have his sleeve in your hand, leading the two of you back to the house. "Because I make a good snowman and a killer hot chocolate." You answer his question before you stick out your tongue.
Once you’re inside you take off your jacket before you turn to Kyle, there is a soft smile when you take his scarf off, that same soft smile stays when you slowly pulls down the zipper on his jacket.
He watches you with amusement — his expression softening at your teasing. Yet, his body still tenses when you touch his skin.
His heartbeat quickens when you peel away his jacket, your fingers grazing over his muscular body. He grits his teeth. How is it possible he still feels like a blushing teen?
This is torture, he thinks. I love it.
Your touch is sweet and soft when you help him out of his jacket. You knows he isn't gentle to himself, so you make sure to be it for him. Your hand cups his cheek, your thumb running across the skin as you smile again.
You have to stand on your toes to kiss him, and your kiss is sweet and soft.
A soft chuckle leaves your lips as you pull back and disappeared into the kitchen to make that hot chocolate
A low groan escapes his lips when your soft lips brush against his. His hand reaches out to cradle the back of your head — to pull your body closer, pressing you against the wall.
Yet, as he looks down at you, his muscles go tense and he releases his grip. You deserve better. Someone kinder, sweeter. Not a monster who can't keep his own life in check. Your adorable chuckle fills the room as you scurry away, and the warmth in Kyle's heart is overwhelming.
He wants to kiss you.
And he hates that he wants to kiss you.
You know. You know his internal struggle, the fight he has with himself. How he wants you, but doesn't feel like he deserves you. So you’ve been dancing around each other for years now. He pulls you in, shuts you out. And the same thing repeats itself.
But you can't fight this battle for him. It’s his to do. The only thing You can do is be there for him, and remind him that you are waiting for him.
A soft hum escaped you when you stir the milk on the furnace, patiently waiting until you can add the chocolate
A part of him desperately wants you to win this stupid game. To tear him apart, destroy his walls. But how dare you make him crave it so much?
So, for now, he allows you this game of cat and mouse.
He leans against the wall, his eyes on your back as he takes in the familiar curve of your body. There is nothing he wants more than to pin you up against the wall and bury his lips in your soft, inviting neck.
...maybe just one taste would suffice.
You can feel his burning gaze on you, you knows that look all too well, the love, the longing. Not that he ever acts on it though, no God forbid the great Kyle Garrick would succumb to human urges.
You keeps on stirring the milk, waiting for it to boil, it takes long, you can't put it on a high heat, but you are patient, just like you are patient with him. But who said you can’t have a little fun? Your head tilts to the side, the soft skin exposed, just for him to see.
His jaw stiffens as he takes in the beautiful sight. And damn it all, you know it gets to him. You know how much it drives him wild.
But he wants you to keep going — keep teasing him with soft touches, cute giggles, and that damn seductive skin. He closes his eyes, breathing in your scent like a starving man. What would you taste like? He wonders.
His eyes flicker open and he looks back down at the floor. You're playing dangerous games,
Another soft hum leaves your lips as the milk starts to boil, and you add the chocolate, while you keep stirring. You knows how hard he is struggling behind you, how hard he is fighting to accept the love you both crave so much.
Your gaze shifts to the snowman you had built, and a soft smile tugs around your lips.
He watches with a soft smile as your eyes move to the snowman. He still wants to kiss your neck. I mean, who wouldn't want to kiss someone's neck? Especially someone with such silky-smooth skin.
Oh, you. If only he was strong enough to make his desires come into reality. Then he could finally taste your neck, your lips, your hair...your everything.
What would you taste like?
...he catches himself thinking about the flavour of your lips. Is it bad that he'd really like to find out? But he knows how you taste, he has tasted you before. Yet he seems to have forgotten the taste, desperately craving it again.
It feels as if you are on display with the way he looks at your every move. But he is the only one who you allowed to look at your like that. Any other man would've received a scolding of their lifetime.
You transfer the hot chocolate to two mugs and top it off with some whipped cream.
You turn around to face him, your eyes shifting from the hot chocolate towards him, a silent invite for him to come closer and pick that mug up.
His breath catches in his throat at your silent invitation. He takes one step closer, but no more than that. His body is burning with longing, but he has to show restraint. Otherwise he would lose himself in your eyes, your skin, your lips — and he'd never recover.
He grabs his mug of hot chocolate with trembling fingers as he stares at the steaming liquid. He is not allowed to look up at you. Not allowed to speak. Not allowed to touch you.
He's not allowed anything but to exist.
You watch him, like he had watched you.
Your eyes are on him as you take the first sip of your hot chocolate, and it tastes pretty damn good. A smile as you sees him take a sip, closing his eyes as he savours the taste, a soft chuckle from you as he gets some whipped cream on his nose.
You take the mug from his hands, placing it on the counter, before you use your thumb to wipe away the whipped cream.
It’s your turn to be surprised when he takes your wrist and gently licks the whipped cream of your thumb
A low growl escapes his lips as he licks your thumb — his tongue moving around like it's searching, desperate, needful.
And oh, it reminds him of the taste of your neck, the softness of your mouth. He is utterly addicted to your taste. God.
He swallows around the lump in his throat, resisting the urge to lean in to bite your neck.
"Sorry about that."
The air between you is thick with desire, and the tension is almost tangible.
You had never felt something like that before, and you wanted more. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you watched him.
"Kyle." You croaked as you gripped the counter to keep your touch on reality. "I'll go fucking insane if you don't kiss me."
His heart is racing from the sheer rush of your words. There is a fire in his gaze as he studies your features.
He wants to kiss you. God, does he want to kiss you.
He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with it.
"You... do you really want me to kiss you?"
The words are harsh, his tone sharp, but he needs to know that you truly want him. Otherwise he could never justify what he's about to do. He can’t dance around you any longer.
You don’t mind the sharp tone. You were used to it by now, your years long dance around each other.
God all you wanted was a kiss, all you wanted was his love. All you wanted was him. With all his flaws, with all quirks, all of him. "Love me." You whispered
His body tenses at your words — a sharp pain piercing his heart.
All he wants is to be loved. But he wasn't taught to let someone in. To be happy. He was never allowed to be weak. But that's all he is now. Weak. For your love, for your kindness, your touch... And he hates being weak.
Your whisper breaks his heart, but he can't deny what he feels. He wants it. He wants you.
"I love you. More than anything."
Your hands reach out for his, pulling him closer to your, so he towers over you.
"I love you too, Kyle." You answered. "I've loved you since the beginning."
"And whatever your mind tells you, you're not weak for loving me."
Those words are like water in the desert for Kyle's parched heart. He takes a deep breath as he gazes into your eyes. He loves you. Even when you're a cheeky little devil, even when you're driving him crazy, even when he thinks he is doomed to a lonely existence.
You're it for him. You. You're it for him.
His body shakes with need. He is going to finally put this years-long dance to an end.
He leans in and kisses your lips with an almost violent passion.
Your hands find their way to his neck, as if you want to keep him there forever.
He had finally given in and you couldn't be happier. But you had to pull back, you had to breathe, but you smile when you see his face.
"I fucking love you, Kyle."
He smiles down at you, his body buzzing as his hands gently cup your face. There is still a hint of restraint — as if he doesn't want to scare your away by being too much, too quick.
But there is no restraining the heat he feels when he looks into your eyes. "I love you."
He kisses you again, the hunger of years finally being sated. This is better than anything he could have imagined.
He holds you tighter, needing you like he needs air to breathe. His very soul is aching. Simon had been wrong. Simon had taught him that love and friendship shouldn’t be in the field manual. But love never felt better.
He used to hate the holidays, but by the Gods did that change when he met you. You felt like a gift from the heavens above, slowly introducing him to the warmth that could be, and for the first time since years, did Simon start to love the holidays.
Unfortunately, does the army wait for no one. And right before he was supposed to be home, he got sent on a mission again, leaving him without a way to communicate with you.
Luckely for him, it was a short, easy mission, leaving him with some spare time to buy you something before he got back. He always adored giving you things. A little way of marking you as his, making it known to others that you were off the market.
He was a little too eager when he swung open the door of your house, kicking off his boots almost immediately.
"Hi, lovie," he mumbled exhausted. One of his hands slipped into his pocket, pulling out a small, black box. "Early present for you."
You had not expected him to be home again, you was more worried that he was killed in action, and there he was, exhausted as could be, but alive.
"Oh lovie." You sighed as you hugged him tight, burying your face in the crook of his neck, a content sigh leaving your lips.
You pulled back to look at him, a smile on your face, your hair tickling his arm. You took the little box from him, opening it eagerly.
"Simon!" You had been eyeing this ankle bracelet for a while, and he must've known it. "This must've costed you a fortune!" You exclaimed, seeing it had this initial on it, a little S dangling off it.
He hugged back with a groan, wrapping his arms around your tightly. The love he felt for his person was unmatched by anyone or anything. No matter how hard things got, these rare moments of comfort made his entire being come back to life and feel like things were going to be okay. You made his heart race in ways you'd never know.
"I'm here." He whispered in your ear, a low sigh escaping his lips before he kissed your forehead. He was relieved you wasn't annoyed with his sudden, early return. “It didn’t cost a fortune.” He groaned. “It will look nice when your ankles rest on my shoulders.” He chuckled.
"I'm so glad you are." You murmured softly when he kissed your forehead. "I was so worried something had happened."
You pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Do you want to stay in for Christmas? Or do you want to go to a dinner party or something?" You knew how much he valued his time, so you would gladly give him the choice.
Another low sigh escaped his lips as you kissed his cheek, his tired body leaning into the light affection you gave him. He let his eyes close for a moment but opened them when you asked a question.
He considered the options. "I'm pretty tired, honestly," he mumbled, leaning his head against yours. He wanted nothing more than to simply feel your presence by him.
"Then we're staying at home." You smiled. "I haven't seen you in a few months. And I would rather be with you than anywhere else."
"I can run you a bath, when it is Christmas I'll make some dinner." You mused. "Sounds like a good plan to me."
That was his ideal Christmas holiday. Spend it comfortably with his partner. No parties, no socializing with people you didn't know.
"That's perfect," he mumbled. A bath would feel great right now; his bones felt like they were going to break as soon as he let his guard down. "You can spoil me for the day," he said, his face lighting up now that he knew you’d be staying home.
"You would like that, wouldn't you." You teased him. You gave him a playful slap on his ass. "Let’s get your stinky ass in a bath." You grinned, as you kissed his cheek again.
You walked in front of him, placing the ankle bracelet on your nightstand before you went to the bathroom with him, it was a gorgeous gift, and you loved how he paid attention to what you wanted.
Simon laughed softly when you gave his ass that playful slap, his muscles clenching from the unexpected touch. It might not seem like much to others, but those little acts of affection were everything to him.
He followed behind, his steps slower than usual. Exhaustion weighed down his body, making him feel almost drunk. His muscles ached in the worst way possible. However, the bath was everything he needed to fix that.
"I hate to ask...can you help me wash?" He couldn't help but ask, the weariness showing itself in his voice.
You loved it, and he wouldn't know how happy it was making you, Simon always wanted to care for you, for others.
"Of course, lovie." You said with a smile, as you helped him undress.
You could see how tired he was, exhaustion from being a soldier oozing out of him. He leaned on you, and you knew this was all he needed.
It was almost ironic how he, a man of his physique and stature, was relying on his partner to help him with a simple, everyday task. It was almost funny how he was acting so pitiful; the man who usually carried the team's equipment was now having his clothes stripped from him.
Still, the simple act of you helping him made him feel closer to you and made him feel taken care of. It almost put tears in his eyes, but he was too tired to display such emotion. All he could do was lean against you and simply let you do your thing.
You didn't mind, not at all, you had leaned on him plenty of times, and you loved that you could return the favour.
You rinsed him first under the shower, getting rid of most of the dirt and grime, before you guided him to the bathtub. You let it fill up with warm water, before you leaned in to kiss him, helping him step into the water.
"There ya go."
Simon sighed contently as he felt the warm water against his skin, his muscles no longer hurting quite as badly as they were. The stress and tension just melted away. He let his eyes close again, leaning against you. You were doing him such an act of kindness. He hadn't been this relaxed in so long, the last few months being nothing but an endurance test.
"I could kiss you so many times right now," he mumbled with fatigue, his voice raspy and low from disuse.
"You're too tired to kiss me." You teased him. You took some shampoo, your shampoo, the nice, expensive one, and you lathered it in your hands. You took place behind him, softly massaging his scalp with the shampoo.
"I'm too tired to function right now," he groaned. Still, that didn't stop his body from reacting to your touch. Your hands felt like they were melting away all of the tension in his muscles, the scent of the shampoo being a bonus.
It wasn't long before his eyes closed and his breathing slowed, the last few drops of adrenaline leaving his body as he relaxed completely. It always baffled him how you made things so easy and simple, taking care of him and making his life better than it had ever been.
You used the shower head to rinse out the shampoo from his hair.
After that, you used your bodywash to lather your hands again, softly massaging his shoulders with the soap. Any other day you would’ve joined him, teased him in the bath until he dragged you to the bedroom. But you could see he was too tired, too exhausted and he needed a break.
"I love you." You whispered softly.
Simon let out a relaxing moan when you massaged his shoulders, the tension leaving his body more with each slow touch. He almost couldn't believe he was still on earth. Things were going too perfectly.
"I love you too," he murmured, and that was the truth. It was no longer butterflies in his stomach when he was by your side. Now it was warmth, security, and a sense of overwhelming belongingness.
It had been the same for you. You didn't get butterflies when you saw him, unless he was all dressed up, or bone naked, but he made you feel at home, he made you feel like you belonged in the world.
You work your thumbs into the tired muscles of your lover.
"Nearly done, my love." You murmured softly. "I'll dry you off once we're done."
Your touch felt like a comforting, calming blanket being draped over him. Every ounce of stress and tension was releasing. It was like being back in your arms after a long day, his body getting the much needed attention it deserved. He was already ready to nap once this was over.
"Thank you..." He mumbled, feeling like he should be doing more in this relationship, rather than simply accepting your care and love. Oh but he was doing so much more than he gave himself credit for. He loved you unconditionally and that was the best thing he could do.
You emptied the bath, helping him getting out of the tub, after that you took the fluffiest towel you could find, slowly drying him off.
"Let’s get you to bed, Si."
Simon smiled and closed his eyes again, appreciating how the towel felt against him. It was so soft and warm. Like a hug.
"I'm not being too demanding, am I?" He mumbled softly. The last thing he wanted to do was be a handful to take care of. But with how exhausted he was, it was hard not to melt into the towel and simply relax.
"Demanding?" You repeated. "You're anything but demanding."
A soft kiss is pressed on his chest. "I would do anything for you. This is nothing." You reassured him.
You took his hand, guiding him and his naked body to your bedroom.
You took off your jeans and socks before you got into bed yourself, and before you could say or do anything he was between your legs, his arms around your waist, his head resting on your lap.
Simon's mind went fuzzy at your reassurance and affection. Was he really this loved? Could he have done anything worthy of such unwavering devotion?
He was the one who should have been doing more for you, not the other way around. Yet you still took care of him, took care of everything. Even when he was acting so pitiful and incapable of doing the simplest tasks.
His body reacted appropriately to your warmth; his arms wrapped around your, his muscles tightening as he clung to you.
You took your book from the nightstand, running your free hand through his hair as you let out a content sigh. He was home, and that was all you could ask for.
“What are you reading?” Simon muttered softly, while he tried to keep his eyes open. “Haunting Adeline, it is quite good.”
Simon perks up. “Are you out of your mi-“ He chuckles when he sees a different cover and he let’s himself sink into your lap again. “I nearly went off on you, you idiot.” He scolded you, lovingly of course.
“How do you even know it?” You muse, your hand running through his hair again.
Simon closes his eyes once more. “Soap bought it to impress a woman he had been dating. The idiot read it out loud to us, before we would go to sleep. He tossed it out really quick when we realised it was glorifying sexual assault and Zade was nothing more than a rapist.”
“Soap did good with that one.” You chuckle. “Tried to read it, had to put it down because I was so disturbed.”
“Hmm.” Simon mumbles as he feels the sleep wash over him. “Tonight I want you to read for me.”
"Merry early Christmas, lovie." You whispered, not sure if he would hear you. "Couldn't wish for a better gift."
The heat of your body was so blissful. The comfort that came from just lying with you was unlike any other experience Simon had ever had. When you were close like this, in a bed, he had no urge to protect his surroundings. He was at ease, his heart beating slower from the sheer joy he felt.
"Merry Christmas," he whispered back, drifting into the most restful sleep he's had in months.
You don’t really know how it had happened, but it just happened. Instead of two eggs, you used four, you know, so then the carton would be empty, John would be bringing home new eggs anyway. And all you had to do was add double flour, extra butter, and a whole lot of chocolate chips, and somehow you ended up with sixty-six cookies. Well, sixty-five, since you had to taste one. You triple check the recipe you used, and sure, after you’ve read the author’s life story, it says clearly that is a recipe for just fifteen cookies, and you’re still not sure how you ended up with sixty-five after doubling your ingredients.
You look at your countertops, it’s filled with baking sheets full of cookies. Which wouldn’t be such a hassle, if the cookies would be the only thing you had baked. On your right are countertops filled with chocolate cupcakes, topped off with a buttercream of vanilla and some chopped up walnuts, and to your left there were blueberry muffins with a cream cheese drizzle. Your eyes shift to the clock, knowing that John will be home soon, and you let out a sigh. Who would let a stressed out person who likes to bake loose in a kitchen anyway?
Your hand reaches for your phone and you look up the number for the homeless shelter not too far away. You and John had donated to them a few times before, and what would be a better use for all these sweets that you had baked?
The lady who answers the phone is a little weary at first, and you can’t blame her, how many people treat the homeless shelter as their personal dumpster, dropping off spoiled food, dropping off food laced with who knows what. She asks you to identify yourself when you drop the goods, and you have to sign a weaver. It all sounds fair to you. Just as you end the call, you can hear the front door slam close.
With a loud groan he enters the kitchen, his eyes lighting up when he sees all those bakes goods. Was that the reason your shopping list was so long?
"Sweet baby Jezus." He complains, setting the heavy bags down on the counter. “Is this just for me?” He teases as he reaches out to the cookies. “Hey!” He protests when you swat his hand away. His joyful attitude wiped away the peace and quiet you had yourself surrounded in.
Your eyes flickered between the cookies, and the cupcakes you had been baking. "Maybe I did go a little overboard." You giggled. "A little?" he chuckles as he catches sight of the mountain of baked goods. All of that looks like it had to have taken you ages to make! He has to wonder who could eat that many sweets. Maybe he could help you get rid of them.
His arms snake around your waist and he presses a kiss on your forehead. “What’s on your mind, love?” Your shoulders slump at his question. “Just a little stress.” You mumble at his question. John doesn’t buy it. “You’ve been baking enough to feed a whole army, something is bothering you.”
“Just a little nervous to see my mom again.” You mutter eventually, there would be no use in hiding this from him anyway. John chuckled softly at your words. “Is she nagging about grandkids again?”
“Mhm, while calling me fat in the same conversation.”
He kisses your forehead again, his lips lingering against your skin. “We’re not going.” You want to look up at him, but he keeps your face in place with his kiss. “What?” “I refuse to let you ruin your own Christmas because your mother can’t shut up. We’ve told her countless times that our decision on children is not up to her to intervene with.”
“Yeah but what if…” Your voice trails off, you know your mother wouldn’t take lightly to this news.
“I can talk to her.” John muses, as he looks at you. “You are the love of my life, I’ll be damned if I let your mother make you miserable, just because she refuses to go to therapy.”
You gave him a quick peck on his lips. "Thank you lovie." The idea of not seeing your mother for Christmas gave you some room to breathe, maybe a year without judgement would do you good.
His hands go to your waist again, squeezing you softly as he pulls you in closer. "You're welcome, love," he whispers softly. "You look really beautiful. More so than usual."
Your arms go around his neck, and you kiss him softly, a smile on his face when he looks at the baked goods again.
"I want to drop a few off at the homeless shelter." You whisper against his lips. "Want to help me?" You ask him. "I'll let you eat a cupcake first."
"If I do help, am I allowed to sample one of your cupcakes beforehand?" he asks, a playful, mischievous glint in his eyes. While he jokes, he knows those cupcakes of you are to die for. Even having one before helping you deliver the rest would be enough to make this a grand day.
"Please? Just one?"
"How can I say no to you?" You chuckled softly. "I have chocolate ones, with a buttercream of vanilla and walnuts. Or blueberry with a cream cheese drizzle." You mentioned.
"Which one would you like, love?" You asked him, turning around to the cupcakes. He is completely torn over which one to choose, and the more he debates it, the harder it is for him to pick. "Do I pick the chocolate? Or the blueberry? Hmmmmmm..."
He glances back at you, unable to hide the adoration in his eyes. "You know what? I like surprises. Surprise me." And to really make you work for it, he kisses you again, stealing one last taste before it's time to choose.
Your eyes light up and you grin. "Close your eyes!" You order him. He closes his eyes as you say, eager to see if he can guess which is which without seeing.
You take a chocolate cupcake, the blueberry cupcake and your cinnamon sugar cookie.
You smile as he closes his eyes, and you can't help but kiss him. You place a small piece of the blueberry cupcake in his mouth. "Guess which one this is."
Once it's in his mouth, it's clear that it is most definitely the blueberry cupcake. There's no mistaking that flavour of blueberry and cream cheese.
"Blueberry," he answers confidently. And he opens his eyes to see you grinning triumphantly.
"Correct." You chuckled, before you placed a piece of her cinnamon sugar cookie between his lips. "Guess again!" You giggled before you pressed a kiss on his jawline. "If you guess all three right." You whispered in his ear. "I'll go on top tonight."
"Cinnamon sugar? It has to be that delicious cookie. But if I'm wrong, then I'll never hear the end of it." And he takes a bite, revelling at the sweetness of the dough. "This is absolutely incredible," he smiles.
At what you mention next, his eyes snap wide open. Not even a millisecond of hesitation passes by before an excited "YES!" crosses his lips. "Okay, the next one has to be chocolate. There's no way that's anything but chocolate."
You laugh at his enthusiasm. "There is only one flavour left and that is chocolate.” You chuckle, as you feed him the piece of chocolate cupcake. “So it seems I’ll put in the work tonight.”
"Let’s drop off these cookies and cupcakes at the homeless shelter. And when we get home, I'll show you why I should be on the nice list." You added with a soft chuckle.
"I can't wait," he whispers, leaning in for another kiss. "But first, I'll be a good boy for you."
"And I really can't emphasize how much I love you for making all of these for that shelter," he chuckles. "They deserve the best Christmas possible. And these, I can assure you, are the best." He gives you an affectionate squeeze, before grabbing your hand to head towards the door together.
"Being with you has made me realize how lucky I truly am." You smiled. "And I hope these cupcakes bring a little bit of hope to other too." You added, as you brought the cupcakes and cookies to the car. You took place in the passenger seat. "Drive carefully please." You pleaded.
"Yeah, lucky is definitely the word to describe it," he teases with a smirk. "I think it'll do more than that," he replies. He knows how big of an impact your delicious baking has had on him, and he has no doubt it will be equally as meaningful to them.
At your concern, he nods. "You know I'm not some speed racer, love," he chuckles, turning the car on and beginning your trip.
You pressed a kiss on his cheek before you puts your seatbelt on. "You're a delight." You chuckled softly. "I am so happy you were granted leave for the holidays, John."
"It has been a while since we celebrated Christmas together, and I'm looking forward to it." You add quietly.
The kiss warms his cheek, the sensation of your lips on him bringing an easy smile to his face. "You know I've missed you desperately, love," he whispers back, his attention turned to the road in front of him. "I've been counting the seconds until I had you back in my arms again. You'll never know how much I look forward to being with you on Christmas."
The smile on his face grows as the two of you ride along together. There's something heartwarming and magical about spending the season with the one you truly love.
Of course you had missed him too, more than he would ever know.
You get excited when you arrive at the shelter, and you get out of car, making sure to get to the person who you talked to on the phone. You bring them the cupcakes and cookies before, showing them your ID and signing the weaver. It doesn’t need to be bombastic, you don’t need the praise, you just want to do a little something for others.
"Let’s get back to home, love." You said, as you got in to the car again, before you pressed a kiss on his lips.
Seeing you get excited is always endearing. The way your eyes light up with joy never fails to captivate him. And your eagerness to help those in need is one of the many qualities he loves about you. He wraps an arm around your waist and gives you a comforting squeeze.
"Yes, yes. Let's go home. I can't wait to snuggle up with you again," he says with a smile. And he begins to drive home—where you both belong, where this Christmas season is meant to be spent.
You had missed him, you knew what you got yourself in to when you married a soldier, but it was hard at times. Having him home for Christmas really was a delight.
"I have a good Christmas present for you this year." You hummed content. "I'm really sure you'll like it." You watch the Christmas decorations when you pass the houses in the neighbourhood, and you adore it.
His curiosity is piqued. "I'll like it, you say?" he asks with a wry smile. "Why do I get the feeling you enjoy watching me squirm in anticipation?"
He doesn't mind the torture. In fact, he loves it. It makes the big reveal that much more special. "I have something for you, too, love," he says in turn. "I put quite a bit of thought into it." He winks as he turns the corner, heading towards the driveway.
Oh you love this, the anticipation, the giddy feeling it gives you. It had taken you a while, but you had managed to order his favourite cigars from Cuba. You had to keep it for yourself for so long now, and it made you feel like you could explode any moment.
"Come on!" You urged him as he parked the car. "I know it’s not Boxing Day yet, but i really want to give you your present."
He chuckles at the thought of your excitement.
"Alright, alright, you've won. We don't need to wait another day." With that, he helps you get out of the car. And now you both stand before the front door.
"Okay, love, you would need to wait a little more, I will have the stage first.” He smiles.
He is gentle as he drags you towards the tree. He had a whole day planned for this, but he can't wait any longer. So John goes down on one knee, holding your hand, a black velvet box in his other hand. "Would you do me the honour to renew our vows?"
The question catches you off guard, almost like a swift punch to the gut. Your mind, in the heat of the moment, flashes back through all the time you’ve spent together—all the beautiful memories you've made.
"John," you says softly, wrapping your arms around you in an embrace. "Of course I will."
With the words spoken, there's nothing he wants more than to feel your warm, loving embrace. You could be married a thousand more times, and it would never get old.
“I love you so much, and the time we have to spend apart only makes me realize it more." John whispered in to your ear. "And every day that's spent away from you is nothing but torture. I'm just glad I get to have you back this Christmas. I look forward to tonight and to the coming year."
He had planned it ahead, mustering up a little plan, a little prank. You had always said that you loved his playful nature. So he gathered up Price, Ghost and Gaz, dragging them along in his plan, so when you would reach out to them, they would all confirm his story.
Just the idea made him all giddy from the inside. Johnny could hardly contain himself when he finally called you, his fingers hovering over to text on the screen, your name, next to a little red heart. He almost caught himself giggling when he started to ring you, once, twice, a sudden nervous feeling, worried that you wouldn’t pick up.
But you always did, you always sprinted to your phone the moment you heard it vibrate, you would never miss the opportunity to have a conversation with him.
“Johnny!” The excitement in your voice made him smile, you picked up exactly how he had expected you to. He could already imagine you, hurrying to the couch, making yourself comfortable in the corner, grabbing the little fleece blanket to bury yourself under.
“Hiya love.” He answered, trying to keep his voice steady. But you weren’t born yesterday, you had trained yourself to pick up the littlest of verbal cues.
“Johnny? Is everything alright?” You were indeed sitting on the couch, tucked away in the corner, alone in your little bubble with him, separated, yet together. You had heard the stories, soldiers calling their partner to say a final goodbye, knowing they wouldn’t come home. Your breathing starts to quicken and you find yourself closing your eyes, trying to focus on the sounds around him, but you find it to be eerily quiet.
Johnny had to mute his phone for a second, holding back a little chuckle, it was all going according to plan. “Am fine, love, ‘m fine.” He tried to reassure you. “But I do have bad news.”
Those words were enough to make your blood run cold, to make it seem like the world had stopped spinning. You had wondered at night if being in a relationship with a soldier was something you were cut out for. Being alone most of the time, sometimes hearing nothing from him at all, for weeks at the time, being worried all the time whether or not he would make it out alive, it was slowly eating you from the inside. So you had been ecstatic when he told you he had Christmas off, the two of you had been invited to dinner parties, regular parties, to your family, to your friends, they all wanted to see him again, they wanted to see you shine again, but the feeling in your gut was telling you that would all be ripped away from you, again. Four more days until it would be Christmas eve, and he was supposed to come home tomorrow. You find the courage to swallow the lump in your throat. “What’s the bad news, Johnny?”
On the other side of the world was Johnny fucking MacTavish, a shit eating grin on his face as he looked at the ticket in his hand. “Afraid I can’t make it for Christmas, love.” And he had to pinch his thigh to make his voice sound strained. “I know you’ve been looking forward to it, but they need me here.”
You want to scream, to cry, to yell at him that you need him too, that you need him more than the army does. But you don’t, you stay silent, letting his words linger in the air of the room. You would be alone for Christmas, again.
“Love, are you alright?” Johnny had expected something from you, anything, anger, disappointment, sadness, just not silence.
“I can’t do this anymore.” Your voice is a soft murmur, barely being heard. You’re the one who disconnects the call first, your lips pressed against the screen of your phone. Your screen immediately lights up again. His name and picture showing up, as if the universe is mocking you for your decision. But you’re tired and you can’t take it anymore.
The moment the screen dies down again, it doesn’t take another second for it to light up immediately again, and again, and again.
And on the other side of the world, is Johnny, frantically pacing around, this was not supposed to happen. It was supposed to go like the movies. You had to be a little pouty for the next day, and he would be on your doorstep. You would hug him, and all would be well.
But looking at his phone going to voicemail time after time, made him sick to his stomach. He had never thought losing you would even be an option in all this. After six times of trying to call you, he finally puts down his phone. Unsure of what he had to do now, of what he could do now.
He runs a hand through his mohawk. Fuck, oh fuck. The realisation of having fucked up this bad, hitting him once again. So he goes to the one person he would trust most with this, with you. His knuckles colliding with the door of his office, Johnny didn’t even wait for approval to come in.
“Captain. I fucked up.” The words left his lips before he could even close the door behind him. Price raised an eyebrow in return. “What happened?”
“I did my thing, called, said that I wouldn’t be able to come home, and I got broken up with.” The words leave Johnny’s lips, but he is having trouble believing them himself. “Well.” Price let out a quiet chuckle. “We did warn you this would happen, didn’t we?” Johnny’s face turns into a sour expression, he had been warned, by all his teammates, but that didn’t stop him from thinking it was an amazing idea anyway. “Well, yes.” Johnny grumbled. “Can you help me solve this mess?”
How could Price not? He had always been fond of you, you brought out the best in Johnny, and that was a quality not a lot of people possessed. “Listen closely.” Price warned him, placing his cigar in his ashtray. “You’re still going home and I need you to buy a large bouquet of roses.”
“Which colour?”
Price frowned, first of all, he did not liked to be interrupted, and secondly, was this man an idiot? “Red of course, the colour of love.” Price sighed. “And if you’re lucky enough to be let in, you’re going in for a hug, and don’t let go until you’re forgiven. Unless you’re puyoud away and asked to leave, gotta respect those boundaries.”
Okay, okay, Johnny could do that. He grumbled a low thanks, before he turned around on his heels and left the office again.
You let out an annoyed groan when a loud knock startled you, it was cold, it had been snowing, and you had been in the worst mood possible. After breaking up with Johnny you had cancelled all your plans, all the invites, you just wanted to be left alone. Another groan left your lips when the person standing at the door knocked again.
His eyes remain fixed on the front door, recalling the broken promise and sorrowful words he spoke to you over the phone a few days ago. He knocks twice on the door, wishing nothing more than to be welcomed home with the warmth of your embrace. With an annoyed look on your face you swung open your door. Your eyes widening when you saw your lover, he had made it home for Christmas.
"Johnny!" All the annoyance melted away from you when you wrapped your arms around him. Seeing him again, it made all your anger fade away, the disappointment, the sadness, everything seemed to glide off you when you saw him again, the feeling of dread being replaced with butterflies.
Johnny pulls you into a tight embrace, nuzzling his head into your shoulder while squeezing with all his might. A deep sigh escapes his lips as his eyelids flutter shut, savouring the moment of your soft embrace.
"Surprise," he mumbles, squeezing tighter and pulling his love closer. He nuzzles further into your neck, his nose buried in the crook of your shoulder. You can feel the rumble of his heart racing, his body shaking in the cold. His breath against your skin sends shivers down your spine.
You don’t want to let go, worried that it isn't real, that he isn't real. But you feel the rough fabric beneath your fingertips, you can feel his skin, his stubble.
His face gets peppered with soft little kisses. "You're really back," you murmured softly. You pulled him inside the hallway, closing the door behind him.
He feels your lips on his skin, pressing soft kisses over his face, his neck, his shoulders. Johnny's hand gently massages your back as you walk back inside the hallway.
Your love is deep, intense, and overwhelming, but you never fails to make him feel at ease. Like the cold snow falling outside has thawed him out. Like her heart is a beacon in a stormy night. Johnny holds you by your waist, nuzzling his face near your ear, whispering, "Just for the holidays, sweetheart. Then I have to go back."
"I know." You sighed softly. "But I don't want to think about that just yet." You watch as he takes off his coat and you takes over the flowers. "They're beautiful." You tell him with a smile.
"I'll put them in a vase." You said as you walked towards the kitchen.
Johnny follows right behind you, his thoughts occupied by your presence, your warmth, your sweet words. When the two of you enter the kitchen he watches you fill up the vase with water and cut the stems of the flowers. A content smile crosses your face as you you’re your time with the task.
Johnny leans on the counter next to you, his thoughts drifting to your radiant smile and your captivating eyes. A warm feeling fills his chest and he pulls you closer, embracing you tightly, burying his face in your hair.
Just having him there is enough. You adores how he waits patiently until you’re done tending to the flowers. You smile as he pulls you closer. "I've missed ya." You murmured softly.
"I got really pissed when you said you couldn't come." You say. “And I’m sorry for breaking up with you on the spot, but it really, really felt like the final straw.”
"Love, I'm sorry," Johnny whispers into your ear, his hand rubbing you back. "I shouldn't have said those things, I wanted to pull a little joke and I didn’t think about any of the consequences. I miss you... all the time."
He kisses your cheek gently. "You're the light of my life. You're the heart that keeps me going. I cannot imagine this world without you." Johnny's eyes are filled with love as he looks into your eyes. He takes your hand and places it near his heart.
You smile again when he placed your hand near his heart. It is not like you can stay mad at him anyway. You gave him a quick peck on his lips. "Out of spite I cancelled all my plans." You admitted with a sheepish smile. "So it’s just going to be the two of us for the holidays."
"Perfect," Johnny replies with a cheeky grin, his hand running through your hair and brushing the loose strands from your face. John's eyes sparkle when he looks at you, the smile playing on his lips. "Is this spite, or just a sweet way for you to have me all to yourself?" he jokes. "I love being with you. I love waking up next to you, coming back to you, holding you."
John takes both your hands and pulls you closer to him, planting soft kisses all over your face.
"Maybe both, maybe neither." You chuckled softly as you let him kiss you. "Thank you for coming back." You whispered against his lips. "Maybe we can stay in tonight, watch a movie, or two?"
Johnny's heart soars at your reply, you melt him with your every word. He presses his forehead against yours, closing his eyes for a moment and savouring the feeling of your lips lingering on his. "Of course, sweetheart. We can do anything you wish. I'm all yours."
With his thumbs Johnny caresses your cheeks, tilting your face towards his. He stares deeply into your eyes, his lips gently brushing against yours, a tender kiss that makes his heart beat faster.
Oh his sweet words, his sweet gestures, they're enough to make you putty in his hands. "Can we watch The Grinch?" You asks him, your hands finding their way to his waist.
"Pretty please?"
"I'll even put up with the Grinch for you, sweetheart." Johnny replies, his tone playful and his eyes gleaming with love. "We can watch The Grinch, Home Alone, A Christmas Story... anything you want. As long as I get to spend time with you."
Johnny slides his hands down along your waist, his thumbs rubbing gently against your skin.
He leans in to whisper in your ear. "As long as I get to hear you whisper 'pretty please', I'm happy."
You could see it in his eyes. The moment you asked him 'pretty please.' He was a goner, and you loved having your man swoon over you.
"I didn't expect you to be home." You said. "So I didn't bother with fancy dinners or anything." You admitted with a sheepish smile.
"I have some frozen pizza and some leftover Chinese and that is about it."
"Pizza? Chinese food? Are you kidding? Love, you just described the best holiday meal." Johnny replies with a laugh.
"In fact, I was about to suggest we get a pizza or something. It's been a long day and I'm starving."
Johnny takes your hand and gently pulls you closer. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's eat before we watch our favourite movie. You can lean on me while we watch, get all cozy and warm. I have a feeling you'll fall asleep in my arm."
You sticks out your tongue to him. "I will not fall asleep in your arms." You protested, knowing full well it would probably happen.
"I'll put the pizza in the oven." You said, placing your hand on his neck. "Can you get the blankets from the bedroom?"
You smiled at him. "I want to get all cozy."
A mischievous smile crosses Johnny's face when he looks at you, your hand resting on his neck. "You... you know I can't say no to you," he murmurs. He plants a kiss on your forehead and heads into the bedroom, grabbing the softest blanket in the house.
"It's the perfect night for cuddles." he says to himself as he rushes back into the kitchen, a content sigh escaping his lips. Johnny wraps the soft blanket over your shoulders, rubbing your shoulders gently as you place the pizza in the oven.
You knew Johnny had always been one for physical contact and you adored him for it. You let him massage your shoulders as you set the timer for the pizza. "We have around fifteen minutes." You said, turning around to face him. "How has deployment been, love?"
Johnny slides his hands down your arms, stopping at your elbows where he rubs gentle circles into your skin.
When you turn around he studies your face, a content smile on his lips. He breathes in deeply, savouring your scent.
"Honestly, deployment has been rough. Tough days, tough missions. Not an easy job, being so far away from you... it breaks my heart." Johnny's voice is filled with an overwhelming sense of love and appreciation for you. Your soft smile is contagious and fills his heart with joy, despite all the struggles.
You press a soft kiss on his cheek, picking up on the subtle hints that he doesn't wish to talk about it.
"Since you've been gone, the next door neighbours have gotten a new dog." You said, switching the subject to something lighter. "It’s a cute little thing."
Johnny wraps his arms around you, placing your head on his shoulder. The stress of his recent assignments starts to melt away as he feels your soft hair on his neck and the faint scent of your body wash lingering in the air.
"A cute little thing? So it's just like you? " Johnny jokes. "Was it a good boy or a good girl?"
Johnny's smile is genuine and his tone is playful as he looks at you, his fingers gently moving across your hair in an absent-minded gesture.
You know what he is doing, using the subtle weight of your head to keep him in the present, to prevent the flashbacks, and you were more than happy to help.
"It’s a puppy, of course it’s a cute little thing." You chuckled. "It’s a good girl, her name is Macy and she is a German Shepherd." You said, describing your neighbour’s dog.
"I have already offered to watch her if they ever go away for a holiday or something."
"Macy. What a cute name for a shepherd." Johnny replies with a soft smile.
He's genuinely interested in the conversation, but his eyes wander to your soft complexion. Your skin seems to glow in the light, every pore on your face radiates beauty and innocence.
"I'm just afraid Macy might just adopt me and steal my heart away from you." He teases you.
"Come on, we got a pizza and a movie to enjoy. Then it's time to show a soldier like me what it means to become a Christmas couch potato."
You laughs softly at his impatience, the timer for the pizza had still a minute left. Johnny gets another peck on his cheek from you.
"Be a doll for me and light some candles in the living room for me." You mused as you handed him the blanket that he had draped over your shoulders.
"I'll be with you once the pizza is done."
Johnny nods and heads into the living room, putting the blanket onto the sofa and placing a few candles on the coffee table. He lights the candles with a match.
Johnny sits on the sofa, patting the plushy cushions and waiting for you. He pulls you close after a few moments, laying against your shoulder.
"Come on, sweetheart. No more waiting. Food!" he says with an overexcited tone. "I'm starving."
"Oh you're so impatient for a soldier!" You scold him playfully. You put on the movie, running one hand through his hair, a slice of pizza in your other hand. "Merry Christmas, love." You whispered softly.
Your scolding doesn't stop Johnny from taking a slice of pizza from your hand and taking a big bite out of it. He savours the flavours as he watches you put the movie on the TV.
"Merry Christmas to you too, sweetheart," he replies, his voice full of appreciation and warmth. Johnny wraps his arm around you and takes a few more bites of his pizza, while enjoying his time with his partner.
He can never quite get rid of the sensation of danger and stress, but as long as he's with you... he feels safe.
"My pizza!" You tried to protest when he takes your slice, but how can you scold him when he looks so innocent? "You're lucky I love you." You tried to grumble, but you ends up laughing instead. You take a bite of your pizza. "I've missed this."
"Mine!" he replies playfully, quickly taking another bite out of your slice and chewing as loudly as he can. Johnny's voice takes on a more serious tone as he turns to you. "You're my life. I've missed you more than you can ever imagine. Seeing you again, smelling you, hearing your voice again... that is heaven." Johnny takes a deep breath, his eyes locked on your beautiful face.
"You're the best Christmas gift I could've ever asked for, sweetheart."
"I haven't seen you in months and you just have to tease me." You complained, but it was hard to stay serious when you kept smiling.
You pressed a kiss on his hair. "Having you home is the best Christmas present I could have, my love."
"You, some pizza, the Grinch. I couldn't ask for more." You add with a smile. Johnny smiles back at you, a warm glow radiating from his face.
"Don't forget the blankets. They're an essential part of the experience. Plus, those cuddles I mentioned." Johnny jokes.
"All these months away from you have been so, so painful, my love. But now I'm home and nothing can take me away from you again."
He brushes your hair out of your face and places his hand on your chin. "We're going to do a marathon of all our favourite movies. And eat all the pizza we want."
"Oh I'm sorry for forgetting those essential parts." You teased him playfully, right before you kiss the thumb close to your lips. "That sounds like an amazing plan."
"You better not be forgetting them again." Johnny teases back, but his eyes soften.
His lips find yours and he kisses you softly, his hands gently caressing your hips and drawing you closer. A soft groan escapes his lips and he pulls back for a moment.
"Sorry, sweetheart. You just look too attractive to ignore," he whispers in a husky tone.
Johnny smiles, rubbing your cheek and caressing your back. "I want more cuddles. Let's watch that movie."
You lets out a soft laugh, the movie had been playing for a while now, but his attention has been on you. You places your head on his shoulder, snuggling against him. "You'll get all the cuddles you want."
Johnny smiles, wrapping the blankets around the two of them and hugging you closer against his chest. He leans back and puts his hands around your waist, enjoying the feeling of your warmth against his body.
He looks at the movie on the screen for a few moments and kisses you’re on the top of your head. "I'm sorry, my love. Are you paying attention to anything other than me?” He teases you and nuzzles your head, but looks back at the screen. He's seen the movie a million times but loves watching it again and again with you.
"Are you being jealous?" You teased him, as your eyes shifted from the movie to his face. A soft kiss is placed on his lips. "You're absolutely divine, Johnny." You sighed. "I'm glad you're home."
Johnny glances at you with a teasing smile and a sparkle in his eyes. "Jealous of your attention? Me? I may or may not be."
He shifts himself a little, so he's laying down completely. "Come here, sweetheart. I want to shower you with kisses."
Johnny's eyes flicker with a hint of mischief as he draws you in closer. "I'm glad I'm home too. Being away from you breaks me, sweetheart."
You had to lay on his chest, it would be cruel not to. You kisses his jawline, your kisses trailing up to his ear, your hands going to his chest. "I love you."
Johnny's face is flush and his breath is a little unsteady as you kissed him on his throat and jaw, nuzzled against his chest now.
"I love you too, sweetheart," he says. "You're my everything."
He presses his lips against your forehead and plants soft kisses all over your hair
"I just want to love you, forever."
#call of duty modern warfare 2#cod mw2#call of duty#cod mwii#cod x reader#mw2#fanfic#ghost x reader#ghost x you#kyle gaz garrick fluff#kyle gaz garrick x reader#kyle gaz garrick x you#john soap mactavish fic#john soap mctavish x reader#john soap mctavish x you#john price x reader#john price x you#cod fanfic#fanfics#fan fiction#fanfiction#fanfic edit#fluff#one shot#ao3feed#ao3 writer#ao3 fanfic#ao3 tags
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Various fine opinions on the meaning of life contained in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life:
*Unionize your workplace, alternatively turn it into a pirate ship and take to the high seas. It'll piss off management either way.
*Question everything.
*Look at what you think you know from a different perspective.
*The pursuit of profit at all costs can and will ruin the meaning of any work and also make you worse at it.
*Gender roles are not necessarily assigned at birth.
*The Catholic church is not well.
"God has blessed us so much I can't afford to feed you all any longer."
*Just because you're allowed doesn't mean you should.
*You should not, and will not, die to "keep China British."
*God has many ways to cook you to death, if He wants to.
*Straight sex is so damn boring.
*Don't just stampede towards the clitoris, Watson.
*Sport, like sex, only works between equal parties. Any other way and you invite horror and depravity. (That kid is definitely dead and the upperclassmen are just stomping on him anyway.)
*Actually, getting murdered playing rugby against adults two or three times your size is an excellent way to prepare you for fighting in a war.
*Even a good captain will be hated by their subordinates. This is the burden of command.
"We'll always need an army, and may God strike me down were it to be otherwise." *is immediately struck down by literal the hand of God*
*A fighting force is better served by a single soldier who actually wants to be there than twenty men who doesn't.
*There's a fine line between keeping one's cool in a heated situation and acting like you're on a bloody different planet when people are dying in front of you.
There are less than 4500 wild tigers left in the world. The "A tiger? In Africa?!" bit is less of a joke every year.
*In less than surprising news, killing people is bad for you. (It turns out, for psychologically healthy people, doing violence really hurts you as much as the victim.)
*Where is that fish?
*Theme restaurants could do with a bit of randomly mixed themes.
*Don't be afraid to ask the most idiotic questions about things you don't understand. That's how we learn.
*Oh ho it's the meaning of liver donation I get it now.
*The Galaxy Song is fun and all but don't give in to misanthropy.
*Matter is energy, the human soul grows with care and attention, and people aren't wearing enough hats.
*Actually, the movie makes a staggering point here and buries it with distracting nonsense jokes, while also making the point that we get sidetracked from self-actualization by distracting nonsense jokes. It's a point sandwich with joke filling.
Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis? Shout out to happy penis havers, though I'm not one myself.
*M Creosote shows us that single-minded devotion to one's mission in life (eating an entire upscale French restaurant in one sitting, for example) will leave you unhappy and alone.
*Dunk antisemites in buckets of vomit.
*Gaston, the middle aged waiter, delivers a coherent personal philosophy as he walks us to the cottage where he was born. The significance of this cannot be overestimated. He decided to be a waiter, you see. Because he believes in something. It's a simple belief of giving, of loving people and bringing them joy. But be believes it with all his heart and he'll fight for the right to live the life he chose.
*If you have to die, but can choose the manner of your execution, try being hounded to death by naked women.
*See the world in a grain of sand, or a maple leaf as it were.
*Terry Pratchett was a great man and a great writer, but he's wrong about one thing: Death is relative. No, no, you can't argue away Death or shoot him, but he is subject to the laws of relativity. Consider the stars in the sky; at least one star that's visible to the naked eye I hear may be dead right now - it's 500 light years away and they think it may go supernova at any point within 500 years from now. But here, locally, the star still lives; there's no possible reality where it's gone until the light of its explosion reaches us.
*Heaven is a fantastically cheesy musical theater performance with angel santa claus strippers and a lead singer you just want to punch. Clearly we need to build something better here on Earth.
*Be nice, read books, take a walk sometimes, and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations. Obviously.
*[The producers] hope that other fish will follow [the example of the movie] so that, in future, fish all over the world will live together in harmony and understanding, and put aside their petty differences, stop hunting and eating each other and live for a brighter, better future for all fish and those who love them. Yes, clearly this is about fish.
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Can I just say something without coming across as a major anti?
What the fuck is up with JKs fans? They are literally collaring fake data and trying to prove how JMs streams are fraudulent, camping under every tweet and vilifying JM? Is it because they know deep down that he is as successful as JK and would have been more successful if he was given an iota of support JK got? JM didn't even get support comparable to Standing Next To You? Has Jimin always been their benchmark and now they are scared that what they thought of JKs popularity is all wrong? I know that people think JK was gaining popularity but was he though? Seven eas everywhere because the company promoted it everywhere, paid radio advertisement in every country, sent him to perform everywhere? Like do they genuinely believe that Seven would have that many streams if it was treated as how WHO is being treated? WHO is objectively a better song so people are listening to it. Have his fans always been this embarrassing or has this gotten worse?
By the way this isn't to say PJMs arent perry as fuck either. Some of them and their actions are questionable. But damn JJKs have been so embarrassing lately? Like two boys can be popular in their own right, calm the fuck down. Also has always been a household name. There are metrics to prove that. I know popularity changes and I am sure it will change but to harp on about it for this long is so bizarre.
I am sorry but if they genuinely thought JK was the Gps favourite and so popular, why would Jimin then even matter. JK supposedly has GP to carry him. To be honest I feel sad for JK because he is talented and honestly has so much potential. Him and Jimin can co-exist. That's totally fine but his fans just don't get it. And now he is stuck with weird and crazy fans that will drop him as soon as they find out he isn't gay (which he might be, I am not sure), he is/was dating women or even men and he is just a normal dude just like the rest of us haha.
its literally the simplest thing. they're scared that their fav will lose his title of "the most popular bts member" (a title that he doesn't even own, might i add)
we have to remember, most solos were once army or they're akgaes who never cared for the other members. army has a reputation of being a toxic fandom, but that's just the mark of a big fandom. all fandoms have that loud minority of terrible, toxic people. the bigger the fandom, the larger number of toxic fans. of course there are gonna be some bad apples in jimin's fandom, that's just how it works
the thing is, when you look at army as a whole, most people will say jk is either their bias, used to be their bias as a baby army, or their bias wrecker. so when you take army as a whole, put together the stats of the toxic fandom and the jk loving fandom, and then split them into solo fandoms, the fact that a lot of people like jk means that a lot of those toxic fans are making their way into jk's solo fandom. jk is an easy choice for most people to like and that's why a lot of new fans and locals drift towards him. it's a familiarity thing and because he's the "basic pop boy" of the group, pop fans will like him
now, for the other solo fandoms for bts are probably half composed of army and locals and half composed of actually biased people and solos. those people that are hardcore solos don't really care about being toxic because they're too focused on their fav. those are the mostly sane people who understand that hating on another member will not do anything to advance the success of other members. jjks clearly do not understand this. putting down another artist does nothing but rile up their fans and encourages them to stream, buy, support, love even harder and stronger. we have seen this very clearly with all the hate Jimin has been getting. people hate and we fight back through our streams. remind me which song (seven or who) has more longevity on bb hot 100? because it's not the song that got all the praise. stay encouraged and keep fighting <3
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Your au designs are literally so cool! Could you tell me more about them? I’m genuinely very interested
Oh hello there! Or course!
I don't have too much information to give for now, but there some things about the principal trio of the Decepticons: Demolisher, Cyclonus and Starscream! — I love how disastrous they look in armada, so I will bring that chaos to my story too! >:]
First of them, Demolisher. Well, Demolisher had a big devotion to Megatron, sacrificing himself a lot for him. He was considered Megatron's right arm on the Decepticons, army. For him being so devotional to Megatron's will, he had a lot of jealous stares at him, but he didn't care! Well, not for so long...
Have in mind that at this time he had his both eyes, he lost one or his eyes because Megatron punished him for slipping a little bit, and with a little bit I mean, for his teammates fault, one important war prisoner has escaped from one of the cells — I still deciding who it will be btw, but it will probably be a wrecker — Megatron was furious, that prisoner could bring a ton of important information, the first person that Megatron saw in his choleric walk was Demolisher, and then the worst happened... That was one of the first times that Megatron really snapped and abused of his power with one of his soldiers.
In this AU he doesn't hates Megatron, but he blames himself for his failure everyday, he has a perfectionist personality and he panicks when everything goes out of his hands, when Starscream meet with him for the first time he didn't understood why Demolisher was so damn afraid of failure, like, he didn't wanna loose and fail, but when Starscream turns into Megatron's second in command he starts to know exactly what is going on.
And how do Cyclonus feels about all of that? He feels bad for his friend and that he could do nothing to help, but he tells dumb and idiot jokes trying to rip a smile of Demolisher's face. Demolisher acts like he doesn't care and that he's indifferent, but he really enjoys his jokes and loves Cyclonus presence. Cyclonus can feel that.
Now about Cyclonus! Well, he's a yong boy! — kinda 22 yroish — he is a bit inexperienced in combat and it's slow to get some information, since his attention span is low, Demolisher always have to explain him things in the most careful and slowly way possible and he's very patience about that, Cyclonus feels very lucky to have a friend that finally comprehend his condition.
Demolisher rather's explain things to Cyclonus one million of times than see his friend suffering like he did in the past, Decepticons can be ignorant, stupid and sadistic sometimes, they would probably smash his brain with information since he is pretty easy to confuse and manipulate, and then they would use it to laugh in the lunch break.
Cyclonus is pretty interested about human comedy and internet culture, it's like hiperfixation for some reason, nor even demolisher understands it, but Demolisher enjoys watching pet videos with him, his favorite type of videos of this kind are about birds, while Cyclonus favorite pet videos includes cats and dogs. He tells to Demolisher that he looks like a soggy cat everyday.
Cyclonus is not so close to Starscream as Demolisher, but he doesn't mistreat him. Starscream can look a bit scary for him since he is almost all the time quiet and he just observes him with a glare when he needs to say something important to him. But with all the things that are happening because of Megatron, he tries to finally get along with him. It's a hard work, but he's trying his best with Demolisher's help.
And finally, we have Starscream dude, that guy is the definition of an LInking Park 2016 AMV, Just like in armada! But his quieter than normal, well, he's cold forged, and his brothers too, almost every cold forge has some mental of physical issue because of the bad development of the spark and by the fact that the spark sometimes feels despersonalizated, so sometimes you can see him fazed by his on thoughts.
He's a strong and pretty intelligent soldier, that got Megatron's eyes and he put the seeker's versatility on proof. Megatron puts him as his second in command, since it would he great if they separated the army by ground and air.
Starscream, his brothers and other seekers joined the cons because they hated their creators who subjected them to so much pain and Megatron knew it, his twisted mind took advantage of that and made the seeker go to the same crooked way as him, doing questionable things against his morals and conceptions of freedom
At the start, he doesn't get along with Demolisher and Cyclonus, but when he see and feel them treating and caring of his wounds caused by Megatron's unfounded rage he started to tolerate their presence at the start, then he finally accepts them as his friends. — he secretly watches videos about kittys without "Cyclonus discovering it" (Cyclonus already knows and he finds it kinda cute) —
That's it, their dynamic. There's a lot of things that I need to fix, add and complement, but for now it's only that!
And one more thing, sorry if my english sounds a little cracked, english is not my first language.
— Thanks for the ask! :]
#transformers#maccadam#starscream#transformers armada#starscream transformers#megatron#transformers au#cyclonus armada#cyclonus#transformers demolisher#demolisher armada#starscream armada
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What do you think about this? Almost 1000 Armys did not know the most touching and important moment that Jimin shared with us. If they were Jimin Solos, would the voting result be like this? I don't sympathize with them, but I think their presence is very important in Jimin's career, especially at this stage . and all the members should have their strong solo Fandom To carry their solo career .

Not gonna lie at this phase in my life I hate PJMs. all of them won't leave a single one of them out.
I'd shoot to kill if heard them wrestling in the dark.
And I think at this stage in Jimin's life he doesn't need the toxicity and the constant in house fighting and if that's all they can bring to the table then Jimin is better off without them.
Also, Jimin's actual fans show up when the need arise. They are not either Army or Solos. No. A lot of the support he gets comes from those silent stans with dormant social media accounts who barely say anything on the internet or partake in these polls- but let Jimin put out any content or show up anywhere. I call them the deep pocket Jims DPJ. deep Park Jimins if you will. They show up with the big guns to his knife fights sell him out spend so much on him like damn go off.
Those fans I like. Hell I will kiss their ass and polish their shoe part their ass while they fart 🤣
I don't know whether he needs those toxics.
He does have plans and goals however and I don't care if I sound crazy for saying this, but Jungkook is at the heart of those plans.
Everything he's done from day one to this day is to try to merge his fans and his. And if they not catching his drift they never will. Off with their heads.
So yea, if he has independent plans that is not intertwined with his band or Jungkook then sure he needs to cultivate a solo fanbase. A purely solo fanbase. Which is not possible. Those solos would always have other celebs they stan besides Jimin even if those idols aren't necessarily or remotely connected to Jimin.
But I hate solos for now. A. They are not really solos they just assholes 🙄
Pjms and JKks are like two toxic annoying intolerable distant cousins you want to shove to the ground each time you see them.
Just for no reason, stuff their face with dirt and feed them to the coyotes.
On that particular Jimin moment- it traumatized me and affected my mental health so bad I had to work through it with my therapists.
People have no idea how mentally impactful his words are.
I bought into this narrative that he struggled the most and was at his worst ever when he was running around bench pressing and carrying weights to look hypermasculine.
Everyone knows this, I had a mental breakdown on the internet when a few years ago he started working out again. To me it felt as if he was experiencing all that he'd experienced in the past all over again. When I tell you it wasn't a fun moment for me.
It's the only moment in my life I thought of unstanning Jimin. It felt like a betrayal to others but I needed to detach from his trauma so bad.
It took therapy for me to understand how enmeshed i was and how much I had overly empathized with him to the point I was taking on his pain and struggles and trauma without knowing.
It's also the period I learned how dangerous parasocial relationships are.
I get that sharing this vulnerable moments with us helps them bond with us and that's what they think when they share these things but some of us are more susceptible than others and it's reckless of them to dump such heavy stuff on us traumatize us with it and then turn around and indulge in those triggering activities for the sports of it without warning ⚠️
So yea, that moment is burned in my memory.
How can I forget.
And I don't know if you've been following the discussions on my page lately.
But these reckless parasocial attachments some of these idols inadvertently foster is to me as problematic and perhaps even more so than an Idol broadcasting a live naked or calling his stans his girlfriends.
Like I said, there are certain uncomfortable conversations these solos aren't prepared to have about their faves. It's easier to point a hand at someone you don't like and say this shit you do is questionable. What's most challenging is looking inside and putting yourself or someone you love on the same scale.
And of course some of us are more comfortable with doing that because we like to turn everything into an intellectual discourse but for the annoying immature stans you can't reason with them beyond their feelings.
I hear you Anon. But today is not the day I defend any solo.
I can stan Jimin all on my own with Jungkook behind me🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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Hi Shaz! I've read the 🔐 anon ask and damnnn the tea, in the answer I also see that you say that this person (probably) tell you something that is not ok to share and I was DAMN the tea with jikookers is always private 🤧 but it's ok in fact I wanted to say that I really appreciate that you and 🔐 don't share WHEN and WHERE and other infos
Shaz do u usually know a lot of stuff that u don't talk about?
Me? Of course not. I am Jon snow. Idk shit
Not but seriously I'm an Army that lives in the UK what I'm I going to know?
But yeah let's not treat eo like idiots and pretend that people aren't sitting on gold in this fandom. First we got Kjikookers who have seen more than enough to never be insecure whenever Kookmin are MIA. To never be threatened by the vermin, ever. And to not care what V chooses to do or say when it comes to JK. Dk if y'all ever noticed but when V used to make Jikookers mad by name dropping JK it was never Kjikookers who cared. It was always I-Jikookers. And I think this is a big reason why.
Imagine... hypothetically speaking, of course... Hypothetically coz I have no way of knowing if this has ever happened and honestly don't think they could ever be this careless. But, imagine if you're an Army (so you know who BTS are) and are walking home at like 11:00pm at night then u see JK sitting on his motorcycle, waiting. Then Jimin walks up with a helmet in his hand and right before he puts in on, they say something to each other and exchange a quick peck right before they both put on their helmets and ride off.
Imagine if you witnessed something like that. You would watch tkkrs and laugh your ass off. You would see solos talking smack about Jikook and shake your head so hard going "if only they knew" That's how Kjikookers live. Aaaaah. How to be them.
Then of course we have Spanish Jikookers who always seem to know shit and lastly we have I-Jikookers who know that one Hybe cleaner's, sister's, grandma's, cousin's, uncle's dog.
So we know these people exist. And they look at asks getting sent to blogs like mine and they laugh their asses off wondering for how long people plan on being stupid. That sounds like such an amazing position to be in.... ngl. 😆
Of course there is always gonna be dumb asses who allow antis to get to them and so they leak something. Like the holding hands under the heart pic or the white day photo, trying to prove that Jikook is real. I get the moment of weakness n frustration that made u forget that you were putting Jikook at risk. But here's my thing;
If V and Jennie walking hand in hand in Paris didn't make people jump the Taekook ship, then nothing u show antis will ever fucking work. So take that kiss and take whatever sensitive info you may have and hold it close to your chest until the day Jikook come out. If they ever do. Until then, it is of no use to nobody.
Sure, I would love to know about it, I'm sure we all would, but this only breeds more stalkers who start sending JK food at his address and break into Jimin's house to try and prove they have something to hide. So whatever u got, keep that shit to yourself or strictly in that trust circle u got going on... but never post it for public consumption.
It ain't worth it.
Meanwhile, people like me are just gonna have to be happy with rosebowl and satellite Jeon because.... what else is there to do, right?

#ha ha ha haa#sad but true#ask shaz#bts ask#jikook#kookmin#minkook#jimin and jungkook#jikook is real
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So many questions. So many things to say but I want to talk about certain parts of the conversation? Between Jimin and Jungkook that stand out for me. As Jack the Ripper would have said, let's take it one part at a time.
🐰come out of the blanket? Will you be able to handle it? Hehe nooo way
🐥as for me I can handle it
🐰reads Jimin's comment* kekkekekekek right as for Jimin hyung, he can handle it.
🐰damn funny hehe
Explain to me how we should interpret these comments in a different way than the obvious. Especially Jungkook's comment. And we have to keep in mind Jungkook's expressions while he was saying those things!!!
🐥you left at 2 so go and sleep soon now
🐰right I left at 2. Why do I hate sleeping so much
They were together yesterday until 2? Where were they? Doing what? Would it have something to do with whatever they did in New York? No, I still haven't forgotten about New York and the fact that they were using GoPro.
🐥no but hyung is scared of you
🐥I feel like you'll hit me
🐰noo what do you mean hit, you'll hit me? ME?
🐰what do you mean, don't portray me like that hyungnim
🐰when did I do like that? If it's so then it's me who got hit
🐰it was just for fun
This part is perhaps the most intriguing and I don't know about you but the way I interpret it is that Jimin speaks from experience. Jungkook's comment at the end more or less confirms it. And once again I wonder what they do when they are together because whenever they mentioned something about when they are together, we are all left with more questions than answers. Yeah, I still want to know why Jungkook was holding Jimin bridal style and spinning him around for Jimin to give him a hickey on the neck.
🐥looks like Jungkook forgot what type of person I am
This could mean many things but I decided to interpret it as Jimin saying that Jungkook forgot that Jimin does not show his house to the world under any circumstances.
🐥sleep soon once your this promotion is over
🐥hyung will come (to you)
🐰promotion.. I'm also not sure what will happen ..
🐥hyung is not in a state to do a LIVE
This part is a bit interesting but more because of Jungkook's comment than Jimin's. Jimin probably meant that his face was puffy or something like that, he always tries to show us his best side, even if we don't really care about that stuff, we just want to see them/him.
🐥if you see the picture I sent you, you will understand later, hehe
🐰"right Jimina you also do the LIVE", "Jiminie hyung play around with Jungkook" see they're (ARMYs) are also saying, so why don't you just do the LIVE (with me)
🐥I'm not that easy (deleted)
🐰*Reads Jimin's comment*
🐰huh? Jimini hyung's comment weng missing
🐥heheheheeheh it's deleted heheheh
🐰exactly see, weverse censored the (comment) you said that you're not that easy. So let's go, on LIVE, I'll come there
🐥no, but just look at the picture for a bit kekeke so sorry
This part. THIS PART.
Jungkook I applaud how shameless you were by practically begging Jimin or trying to get him to WLIVE with you; using us was a smart move, too bad it didn't work.
Jimin knew he had Jungkook begging him on freaking live to do a wlive together and that's why he wrote that he wasn't easy. No one can convince me otherwise. And then he deleted the message but Jungkook saw it. And he repeated it so that anyone who didn't see it would know what he was saying. That man is a menace.
And again,
This interaction was definitely too much but the way Jungkook flirtatiously begged Jimin or was trying to convince him to do a WLIVE together was the most surprising thing... maybe.
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X-men 97 episode 7 *SPOILERS*
Gambit's funeral
I didn't recognize everyone at the funeral, but are they his friends from his past or his family? Cause I have no idea.
Nightcrawler with the eulogy. He sure has a way with words. Plus, him being there as a priest makes sense. Also, he looks so adorable with the robes.
Logan comforting Jubilee was sweet, bit it got me thinking that her screentime has been spent most with Roberto than the other X-Men.
Rogue going solo
Honestly, I don't blame her for hunting down Gyrich and Trask. Especially when it was later on revealed that they were involved but not the mastermind.
Cameos of Thunderbolt Ross and Captain America. Now, last time I saw 90s Steve Rogers was in the Spider-Man animated series during that show's own version of Secret Wars. Before that, he was trapped in a vortex with Red Skull. So, I guess he got out which is why he was there?
I was bummed that he didn't go help Rogue get Gyrich, but I get that he has to do things by the books. Cause that's who he is. Although, Rogue did him dirty by throwing his shield far into the mountains. It was funny and I don’t blame her for doing that. But I do kinda feel bad for him.
Her fighting Ross's army was cool. Also, if the base was durable against the Hulk, does that mean she's stronger than the Hulk?
Nightcrawler best brother! The way he talked to Rogue, hugged her when she was finally mourning over Gambit and Magneto (still don't like the Rogueneto ship), and even called her "sister"! God, I love this blue devil man! 😭 And if anything bad happens to him in the next three episode, Imma be pissed!
Roberto "coming out" of the Mutant closet to her mom
Well, it went better than when Iceman told his family in the X-2 movie. It was a relief to see his mom accepting of him and not hating him.
However, it's unfortunate that she told him to keep it a secret because of their business reputation l. It would've made more sense if it was to protect her son due to the humans' stances on mutants and what happened in Genosha. At least, that way, it would've been more of a good reason than about their business.
Jubilee being supportive and being there for him was sweet.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Jubilee isn't really part of the main plot, though, so I don't know if we'll see her in action, nor if we'll see Roberto use more of his powers.
Genosha aftermath
More of Jean and Scott talking, so that's good. They're communicating and are still working as a team despite what happened. So, there may be hope that their relationship will survive, but we won't know for sure. So much crap has happened, and I blame Sinister for all of it.
Emma Frost survived, and she got her diamond form! She must've been stuck in all that debris for days. Also, how is she gonna react when she finds out Sebastian Shaw is dead?
Beast and the reporter. Considering how all these relationships have been going in this show so far, I was very, VERY worried about Beast. But, because of what Trish (I think that's her name) said, it ended before it even started.
Y'know when he said he didn't want to be made a monster more than what Sinister did, I thought he was talking about Genosha, but I think he was talking about him turning him into a human sentinel.
Also, yes, we're getting Prime Sentinels, which is very very bad. They ain't no joke cause Trask as one took out the X-Men one by one. Rogue was knocked out with a single hit!
Speaking of Trask, I have no sympathy for that sunuvabeech. But, it was messed up how his body was twisted.
And, all because Rogue dropped him off the building! Like, DAMN ROGUE! Again, I have no sympathy for Trask, and I get why she did it but it was still a holy crap moment. Also, everyone else could've tried to save him, but they just stood there. I think only Wolverine was cool with it.
Thank god, Cable was there to save them. Doesn't seem like he likes Scott despite him being his dad, even though he cared for his mom back in episode 5. Then again, daddy issues have been a thing in the Summers' family. But, I hope that's not the case cause animated Scott is cool.
This whole time, Bastion was the true mastermind?! God dammit, how did I not see this coming! OZT was Operation Zero Tolerance, I should've seen this coming, but I thought it was Apocalypse or Nimrod!
This is his first animated debut, btw. And, I'm surprised he was working with Mr. Sinister cause he's a mutant, and Bastion is a human looking sentinel thing. That explains the Genosha massacre cause, of course, he'd wanna exterminate them.
Magneto's alive! But, he's held captive by Bastion. Okay, I don't know how the hell he survived or how he got captured when he was in Genosha. I hope that'll be explained. But, if he's there then where's Leech? Where are the Morlocks? Cause they were there with Magneto.
I'm really really worried for Magneto. He must've been captured for days or weeks, and I think Bastion is gonna turn him into a Prime Sentinel like Trask. That would be so so terrible if that happened. He'll become the thing he fought against. The thing he despises. God, what's taking Xavier so long?! He gotta go save him!
So, a good episode again. But next week begins the three-parter finale which I'm really nervous how it'll turn out. I hope the show will stick the landing, but I can't handle it more of my favorite characters get killed or worse.
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Valenfield thoughts:
-They've both been through So Much Shit together that it's almost impossible to surprise them any more. They're still careful, because you have to be, fighting bioterrorism, but you get the idea. They both have their own codes and signals for shit, like shorthand. This includes things like a code for using different colored signal flares, or to use when they're talking over the radio.
-They both carry around some sort of multitool, possibly on a keychain. Honestly, they'd carry around a damn toolbox (or explosives- because hey, if you can't unlock the door, blow it off its hinges!) if they could, but usually that gets in the way of all their guns.
-They both know how to pick locks, now, tho Jill is still better at it than Chris is. Jill insisted he learn. He still probably carries around a tool that can saw through locks, when he can spare the inventory space. If he can't: explosives it is, then! Any time Jill hears a muffled explosion somewhere, she just kinda smirks, like, "Yep, that's Chris". It's honestly kinda comforting, at this point.
-They both carry around magnums, because those things are POWERFUL in the RE-verse. And they're easier to carry around than heavy weapons, like grenade launchers and such. (That was one thing that bothered me in the RE movies like Death Island. Leon shows up, and the most he packed for a bioterrorism mission was a few pistols?! The fuck?! Why wouldn't they have him go in heavily armed?! Of course, I guess you could ask the same for the BSAA troops in RE6...)
-They have little weapon charms of one another, because Chris thought it'd be cute. Chris has one of Claire, too, and she of him. Both Chris and Jill have one of Rebecca. (I could see Chris also having one of Sheva and maybe Piers, but the Piers one makes me sad.)
-Speaking of charms: Them having a little shooting contest/date at the Merchant's shooting range (because the Merchant totally survived RE4; or at least, his business practices did). Which might be how they got the gun charms. Anyway, it was cute 💖 Sometimes it's just nice to relax and shoot at targets, y'know? Especially when you don't have to worry about ammo.
-They both have nightmares, and they both know how to calm one another down from them. They'll just lay in bed, afterwards, just talking with one another, if they can't sleep. It helps.
The 1st one I definitely agree that nothing would surprise them much anymore considering what they have faced together and separately, but they would still have their guards up for sure. I definitely could see them having their own codes of communicating with each other on the job b/c you never know who could be listening in as their trust of the BSAA is wary enough as is. I mean they have been stabbed in the back before by their captain in STARS. I could even see them using codes in non-mission things. They could read each other's stares like Chris glancing at Jill and gesturing his head at the exit doors with "Hey wanna get the hell out of here, since the next set of speakers here are full of shit and they have enough asskissers praising them tonight, what's 2 less people?" and Jill nodding and smirking subtlety with "Yeah there are better ways to spend the evening". 😏 🤭
The 2nd one now you know they're always prepared for anything so I could definitely see them carrying multi-functional gadgets or tools. Both definitely wouldn't leave the house without a swiss army knife at the very least. Omg at the 3rd, I bet Jill had a heck of a time training Chris on picking locks. Especially with how much bigger Chris' hands, he would get frustrated pretty easily there, 😂. So yeah he would have the "Fuck it" moment and blast the lock open! 🤣
The charms thing is cute, little mementos with who they have worked with. On the shooting range one, oh they definitely love those. It can be therapeutic and keep their aim sharp. The Merchant would make things more fun there! Ah the nightmares never end, I think they've even accepted that but are comforted that they have each other to get through them on those rough nights. The talks do help. I think they may try watching TV but they'd avoid the news and horror flicks, but I think the laying together and talking is much preferred until they fall asleep. Thank you for sharing Nonnie, feel free to send more whenever you'd like! 💚🩵
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