#i don't feel this way looking at anyone else's art of them and their faves. just my own djskjds
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strawberrisoulmate · 1 month ago
does anyone else get the feeling of dissonance when you're drawing your self insert and/or your f/o if it doesn't look as accurate and official as possible? like, i enjoy style-matching to make my self insert content look like it came straight from the source, but then when i draw me x my f/o in just my normal art style, suddenly it looks wrong and off and like, idk, less valid?? less canon??
is that just me?? can anyone else relate???
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peace-hunter · 22 days ago
OK FIRST OF ALL HOW DARE YOU??! We got baby Orion, look at that bean, so small and cute, but at what cost? The cost of our hearts being shattered….
Now the dramatics are over! The Megatronus doll?! I can hear d-16 seething in jealousy somewhere lmao.
Please tell me I’m not seeing things and Prima pulled out a weapon when he heard the door open?! Ready to defend but not when it was needed most because sentinel is a little bitch.
ZETA BEING ORIONS FAVE?! (It’s so cool you included that because it is part of canon, it’s in the movie novelisation if anyone is curious)
It’s so much more tragic with that piece of info, the way you drew Orion feeling like he’s lost something and having to be snapped out of it 😭 I love your art so much.
It does raise a question though, how old is Orion? Did he age slower or did sentinel do something to was with his ageing?
baby prime orion au
AKJSHDKAHDA THANK YOU I'M GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!! and that it seemed to hit the way i wanted it to! it is my mission with this au to make it unbearably cute and painful as fuck <33
that doll... i have plans for that doll.... no spoilers but it will come back...
AND YES THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THAT!! you're the first person i see that points out Prima's reaction to hearing someone come in! he's a little (a lot) overprotective of OP and he's always on guard even when they're deep in the tower where no one but their siblings and some trusted members of the High Guard are allowed to enter. he's also lowkey training OP to keep quiet when he hears someone come into his room and to be cautious of strangers. he doesn't want his baby brother to be scared of the world but he just... wants to keep him safe at all costs. most of the primes think he's being a little paranoid but he Does Not Care. once OP is older and can take care of himself they can talk about his anxiety but until then he's sticking to his guns.
and fun fact! when Sentinel sent his trackers to take custody of Optimus during his coup, it took them just long enough to search his rooms for him to allow the High Guard to send reinforcements and take him away. so. anxiety for the win babeeey⁓
and yeah zeta being OP's favorite is directly taken from the novel! in my mind Prima is OP's primary caretaker with everyone else taking turns to switch out with him, but Zeta being the matrix holder doesn't get the chance to do it as often as everyone else. so him dropping by is a special occasion! and because he doesn't want to ruin the little time he gets with his baby brother with anything, he lowkey spoils Optimus the most. so it's a mix of novelty and over-indulgence that gives him the edge over everyone else 🤭
AND YEAH THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GOING FOR! in this au OP is looking for the matrix for the good of everyone, he does believe bringing it back is the best thing for their society but deep down he also hopes it will fix the gaping wound in his spark he's been nursing his entire life. and when he sees Zeta Prime's lifeless body he knows the matrix being missing from it should be the thing he should focus on but... it's really not. and he doesn't understand why.
and orion's age is... something i kinda hoped no one would remember to ask about (/▽\)
jk but for real he's about 52 cycles old. he's definitely older than the rest of the squad for at least a decade! buuuuut as a prime he also does age slower than them. this one is not on sentinel, it's just a him/prime thing. a small part of dee's frustration with orion in this au is because he's under the impression that they're more or less the same age but orion acts much more immaturely than he should, but this is kinda because orion literally doesn't mature at the same rate than he does.
it's not by much but the difference is there and they can feel it even if they don't understand it.
i have a chart in case anyone cares about it akjsdhkja
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not my best work but it'll do for now.
so basically OP's mental development is one year for every 2.5 cycles while everyone else's is one per every 1.5. he and dee met when OP was 36 cycles old and Dee was 24 which was the exact moment where their mental development was almost equal, which made them hit off pretty well! but after that it was just a matter of time before dee started leaving Orion behind.
again, it isn't by much but the difference exists and is just one more straw to break the camel's back.
also the poor high guard that stayed behind to keep an eye on Orion was working overtime trying to keep people from wondering why this particular sparkling was growing up so slowly. they faked a bunch of records for him and officially speaking Orion is 47 cycles old, when he's actually 52, but even that only gave them a very limited amount of time before everyone started noticing that Orion was kinda little for his age.
they also did their damn best to keep Orion from entering the mines at the age he was supposed to because there was no fucking way they were letting the equivalent of 12 year old go in there.
they did so much crime and falsification you guys.
as it is OP was still mentally younger than everyone else when they went in, but officially he was almost 5 years older than he should've been. it was the best they could do.
so... yeah!
thank you for asking because i had been postponing doing this for weeks now xD
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entiqua · 5 months ago
I love your artstyle!! Do you have any tips for drawing?
thank you so much! i'm really happy you like it!!💗 as for tips, what i would say would change drastically depending on what kind you're looking for, but some very general ones:
draw what you love and want to see most, regardless of whether anyone else wants to see it. if you don't enjoy what you're drawing it'll never come out as good or genuine as something your whole heart and soul is in. i mean you'd think this would be a no-brainer but sometimes i've had to sit back and ask myself 'if no one was ever going to see this except me, would i actually spend time drawing this?' and i was surprised by the answer
that said, it is also completely valid if your motivation for drawing is to draw for other people! there have been plenty of times where i was too artblocked to draw my own ideas but was still able to draw commissions or gifts and enjoyed it simply because making other people happy with my art makes me happy.
don't get too caught up in having a consistent art style. in my experience this 1000% hinders you
having your sense of anatomy degrade over time without you noticing because you keep drawing the same types of characters is a very real thing! if this is a concern to you be sure to draw a variety
follow a billion artists that you like the art of and you will have endless inspiration injected directly into your brain every time you open social media
my favourite practical tip for those who draw at a desk: keep a small mirror next to you at all times. absolute game changer for quickly referencing hands
if you're drawing digitally, make the canvas huge! in my experience this lets you draw messier/faster and you can't tell at all when you zoom out. if you tend to get stuck spending unnecessary amounts of time micromanaging pixels (me💀) keep it zoomed out while drawing
related to the above point, messy drawings can have far more expressiveness in them than neat and polished drawings. nowadays i never do lineart and go straight from 'barebones stickman pose' to 'varying-levels-of-coherent sketch' and use that as my lineart. sweet freedom from the sketch-looks-better-than-the-lineart phenomenon
if your goal is to improve, then you really do have to scrutinize your art, figure out what you're not satisfied with, and commit the time to focusing on it. 'practice makes perfect' kinda rubs me the wrong way because of how much i've seen it interpreted as 'just draw everyday and you'll magically improve' but genuinely it won't get you very far if you don't actively think hard about what you're trying to improve and take the steps to do it. is this a hot take idk. also hand in hand with this, not every artist is trying to improve and you shouldn't feel bad for this! maybe you just wanna make a little headshot doodle of your fave blorbo and that's your only drawing goal ever. awesome. maybe you know your art has flaws but it's passable enough to convey what you want and you're perfectly satisfied with that. (this is the stage i'm usually at). also awesome!
don't hesitate to draw something because you think it's out of your skill level. the worst that can happen if you draw it is that it comes out terribly but you learned something and can always redraw it better in the future. the worst that WILL happen if you don't draw it is that you'll never draw it. and then it will sit in the back of your brain haunting you for years. it's not like i'm speaking from experience or anything aha
look up 'hand stretches for artists' and do them if you draw a lot unless you wish to summon the wrath of the carpal tunnel demons
of course, these may not necessarily work for you, and most importantly(!) these are coming from the perspective of someone who is primarily a hobbyist. some of this won't be practical for people who need to build an audience, maintain a consistent style for work, etc. these are just things that have personally helped me over many years of drawing :)
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months ago
I miss him so so much.
Can you gush about Jimin ?
Love how you wrote about him.
Thank you so so much in advance.
Whenever you are free. No pressure.
Hi @misslauwie
When your ask came in weeks ago, something in my chest squeezed a little. Because god yes I miss him too. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is kinda 'off', like everything is 'wrong', like we're all stuck in a holding pattern of sorts... And for anyone who thinks that's too dramatic, no it's not. Look around you. The world is kinda fucked, and the reason is because Jimin isn't on stage right now seducing the crowd performing like rent is past due, dancing his heart out, and singing like the fallen angel he is.
It's hard for me to talk about him these days though... I mean, there's always so much to say when it comes to Jimin, but the words don't form quite right for me these days.
Is it alright for me to simply post some pictures I come back to when I miss him and jikook?
Assuming I have your permission, that's what this post is going to be about.
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(they cuddle)
There's this one from his last live before enlisting. Bare-faced, in an all black hoodie and beanie outfit looking hot as hell. It's the way he's giving 'Korean skaterboy who moonlights as a hacker', but at the same time he comes across as responsible, capable, and real. Cute too.
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But lol, maybe that's just what I see when I'm biased.
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Who else gets stuck looking at his eyes?
There's always so much to say about Jimin because literally everything about him could yield its own thesis. From the range and depth in his stage personas; to how pretty his body features are, before they morph into something more... deviant; to his voice that polarizes and entraps every audience. There's so much to talk about when it comes to Jimin, but I keep coming back to his eyes...
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(This gave you whiplash didn't it :))
He's always known exactly what to do and how to do it.
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Jimin is giving 70s cult leader in this shot and it's a fave. He's too modest to ever ask, but we all know we'd join a commune for him if he pulled that zipper down a little lower.
Anyway. Does anybody know why he likes this pair of shoes so much? I've always found them a bit ugly, but somehow, he makes it work. And it's clear he likes them a lot since he wears them all the time. But like... why?
Another picture I stare at on days when I miss jikook jikooking, is this one.
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It's the moon in the shot that does it. The lines and symmetry, the afterglow of the sunset, Jimin's wide curved back, Jungkook focused on him, Jimin focused on him too, the fact someone else saw them like this and took this picture. They could've been chatting about what they'd like to eat for dinner or some other mundane thing, but it's the care and focus they show for each other that comes through so clearly for me in this shot.
This one has a place in my gallery because it's peak jikook.
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As is this one:
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Down bad for Baby G.
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Imagine if PJM2 has a track like Set Me Free Pt 2 + Tony Montana... imagine the cataclysm it will cause in k-pop, imagine the havoc this cutie patootie pie will cause.
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One day, when I find the words, I'll try to write about all the ways he charms. I owe a kind person from Tumblr (KPFT) a post about him.
In 2025, he'll be a 30 year old man desperate to get back on stage. And lord, I just hope everyone is ready.
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This is the last one.
I come back to this picture sometimes because back then, they really did just have eyeliner and a dream. He gave his all right from the start and has created life-changing art. It's endearing to know he's both a bit of a workaholic and can be lazy too... and to know he still sleeps the exact way - like this:
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...and this:
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..and this:
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@misslauwie I miss him too. Also miss Jungkook and the rest of the tannies. For Jimin, it makes me very happy that at least, Jungkook is with him.
He'll be back soon. 💜
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signanothername · 8 months ago
Hello. How are you?
I've recently been following you, and I really love your art and I love how informative you are. You honestly such a joy to see and listen to.
As a question, what is your opinion on Dream? I don't know if you already answered this or not. But I was wondering.
And, I saw how long that Killer question was, (I read it all), so you don't have to answer this either. You can use a few sentences if you want. But it's totally your choice.
Yeah, that's all. Drink water, eat food, surround yourself with people that love you for who you are, and I love you (PLATONICALLY) <3
Hi!! I’m doing well! Thank you <3333
And awww!! Glad i bring you joy! :D
And thanks for the reminders!! Appreciate them so much! Hope you’re doing great, Love you too! /p
And omg fave little guy no.3 time for another ramble hcchchhc
I actually absolutely ADORE Dream, he’s kind, honest, hard working, and very big hearted
Dream tries his best to be nothing but a joy to those around him, he strives to make everyone happy, and not just cause he’s a guardian of positivity, it’s just how he is as a person, he loves making people happy, to be the sunshine in their lives, even if people are thankless or completely unaware of how much effort he puts into making them happy
His unconditional love for Nightmare and the way he cares so much about him above anything and anyone else, the way it reflects on his actions and how Nightmare’s corruption never changes how much he loves his brother?? Crying i can’t why is this boi so so precious
Yet Dream makes really sad, i mean, he himself endured abuse from the villagers, but instead of relentlessly bullying him, they were taking advantage of his kindness and naivety as a child, he spread himself too thin for them, yet not a single one stopped to think that he is a child, people never truly cared for Dream as much as they cared about the golden apples and the apple incident is an obvious example of that
And i feel like this is one of the reasons he’s an absolute people pleaser, he was conditioned to believe he has to put the happiness of others before his own at such a young age, that it’s somehow his job to make people happy even if it makes him feel bad, and while Dream’s job is obviously to help people, it was never his job to put their happiness before his, but what’s a clueless child to do y’know?
And that’s something i like to believe he never truly grew out of until he expended his energy completely after centuries, even then, Dream still feels guilty when he puts his foot down and tells someone to stop something or when he isn’t willing to help them, the guilt still eats away at him but it’s something i believe he’ll learn to quell, that it’s not his fault, or his job to destroy himself for the sake of what others want
There’s also the fact Dream has to fight his brother, the one he loves the most, it obviously hurts Dream’s heart immensely, he likes to believe his brother is still there deep down, and while he’s half right, time and corruption changed Nightmare, which Dream learns to adapt to, that just like Nightmare changed he has to change himself if he wanted to catch up, it doesn’t change the fact Dream’s heart is beyond broken for losing his brother
The fact Dream had to endure 500 years of being trapped as a statue, the last thing he saw was his brother’s crazed look and countless dead bodies all killed by his own brother, the fact he was willing to talk to Nightmare regardless and the fact it never changed how much he loves Nightmare even when his brother’s actions horrified him, Dream obviously realizes that they were both only children who endured so much and who both experienced a very traumatic event
The thing is, Dream and Nightmare are twins, and unlike none twin siblings, twins tend to be a lot closer and they act as two halves of the same whole, and I feel like half of Dream just feels so empty, the half his brother used to fill, Dream feels so alone in the world, cause nobody holds the same burden he does, yet what does Dream do? Smile, hold his head high, and face the challenges of every dreaded day head on, he doesn’t falter or break even under the immense pressure of his job, his corrupted brother, and everyone’s expectations of him
That doesn’t mean Dream is happy or has a fulfilling life, far from it, he’s broken, and just like Nightmare, he has an inner child in dire need to heal, but he doesn’t let life, his burden, his past or dreaded future dictate how he views today, he survives day by day and is still willing to put on a genuine smile regardless
If that isn’t bravery, idk what is
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the-goya-jerker · 10 months ago
📸👄What's your opinion on the Czech photographer Jan Saudek? His works may be a bit too on the nose (erotic and dark right off the bat), but I couldn't resist the chance to plug one of my faves.
(Emojis so I find this again.)
Honestly, there's no shame in being on the nose. There's plenty of room for that in erotic art. I think most erotic art you encounter is pretty on the nose. I do think Saudek's works have more subtlety than your average erotica novel or boudoir shoot, though.
I'll probably avoid putting many of his photographs in this review since a great deal of them contain nudity. I do encourage everyone to look up his work though.
I want to say that I do deeply appreciate his overall use of less common forms of sexuality. The photograph of the woman sucking her own toe, or Homage to Marilyn M. which contains a woman pissing. He also includes a great deal of "unconventional" bodies (read: totally normal and common bodies that you don't see as often in erotic photography). Oh! What a Wondrous World of Mass Media and how it depicts a fat woman just the same as he depicts anyone else. Or the loving way the woman in Sarah is depicted, flexing her muscles and sucking in her stomach to such a degree. I do enjoy that.
The color palette of his photographs is lovely too, warm and pastel all at once. I think this sets a more erotic scene, color is very important for these things. I also enjoy how he plays with gender with pieces like Barbara as a Rocker and as the Gurl or the two pieces of individuals in ballet shoes. (I couldn't find the name of these two.)
However, I do want to raise that it can be difficult to rate an artist's whole catalogue. I encountered a number of Saudek's works that depict children partially nude. I am making no judgement calls on this as I do not know much about these photographs but, obviously, I do not think of these as erotic.
My three favorite pieces of his, however, are Deep Devotion (I do find devotion to be an alluring thing. I am not immune to whatever Chretien de Troyes was putting in the water), Desire (yeah, that's just how that feels), and my absolute favorite:
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Not only is it one of the few I can post, but I adore it! Despite being terribly on the nose, I enjoy the warm brown background, the bright colors of her hair, her hat, and her makeup. I enjoy how her softness contrasts against the dark, hard metal of the gun. And you know, sucking dick is really hot. The danger of sucking a gun? That's even hotter.
For the sake of giving a rating, I give the above piece an 8/10.
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johaerys-writes · 4 months ago
Kind of a random ask but okay. I noticed you have a lot of mutuals and my question is do you have any tips on how to socialize in the fandom here? Like I have people that I would love to interact with, but Idk how. Idk if this has happened to you
Hi anon!! I totally get where you're coming from. I never really thought too much about it and I don't know if I have a specific method, but here's what I would do, if I were you:
Don't be afraid to talk and reach out to people. It doesn't have to be sliding in their DMs, which I understand can be awkward if you don't know the person, but routinely commenting on their posts, their fanfic, their art, or reblogging their posts with nice and enthusiastic comments is a great way to make friends! I don't always have the time or the spoons to do that unfortunately, but I try to do it as much as I can. I really appreciate all the creators in fandom and I try to show that.
If you're a creator (but even if you aren't) don't be shy about posting your work and maybe tagging people in WIP memes or tag games or something like that. Not everyone responds, but I feel like tagging ppl sometimes opens the door for more communication, and if they tag you back you can just keep the conversation going.
When you see people reblog a prompt list or ask game, send them asks!!! Please, just send them an ask!!! This is actually a pet peeve of mine tbh, people reblogging an ask list or ask game from someone who obviously wants to get asks lol (why else would they rb it) without sending an ask first. I feel like it's basic fandom etiquette, but it's also a really nice gesture even if you don't know the person that well. Showing that you actively care about what someone has to say is the first step into getting to know them, I think, and it's also just very nice to be included.
Getting into a fandom discord or group chat isn't always easy or intuitive, but if you do find yourself in one, don't be afraid to talk!! I may or may not be suffering from "can't shut the hell up disease" LOL but I'll take any opportunity to talk about my faves that I can get 😅 It may feel like you don't have much to say at first, but sometimes just reacting to what others say and being generally nice and positive can be a good first step.
It can be tempting to lurk around and only look at what others say or post, or to read fics without leaving a comment, or to like art but not reblog it, but it does nothing for helping you meet people. Imo this is actually really pervasive and not good for fandom overall. To each their own, of course, I'm not going to tell anyone how they should engage in fandom, but my best and most lasting friendships were made because we started reading each other's fics for example, or complimenting each other's art, or they reached out to me because this or that meme made them think of me, or we tag each other in games and stuff, or we took part in fandom exchanges, etc etc. It might be hard at first if this isn't something that comes naturally to you, but I do think it's worth it if you want to be part of a community. And, like any community, fandom requires give-and-take to thrive.
TLDR: sometimes seeing ppl in an established fandom interact with each other and having friends can be nerve-wracking and you don't know where to start, but honestly fandom is all about engagement. Basically, talk to people! Compliment their art or their fic! Tag them in games! Send them asks! Be kind! That’s it 😊
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bunnakit · 1 year ago
Not Me Episode 6 Music
so i'm probably not going to get totally caught up today because i'm starting to get tired and i still have my real job to do, but i'll do about 2 of these a day until i get caught up again.
when White and Sean are arguing about boundaries we see another appearance from Safeguard by Charles Holme - this could be a nod to White wanting to safeguard his friends.
Only Love Is Real - Todd Kessler
as White enters their room to find Sean sprawled on the bed this song kicks in. i'd post the lyrics but i don't know if they really have much relevance here (but it is a beautiful song)
Break Me (Kevin Faltin Remix) - Wholm, Michael Shynes, Kevin Faltin
OUGHGHGHGH. so like, for my taste in music this isn't my fave BUT the song is so good for the mood. this comes in after their big talk, Sean's in his cups and White starts getting ready for bed.
One more wine and one more whiskey We just kept the car in park And dimmed the headlights so we see the stars Let em tell us where we should start And I'm scared as hell Because there's no way to know how this goes But I can't help but say I promise to give you my all But it might break me (Break Me)
i really think this is where the boys start having some serious feelings for one another - whether they recognize they're romantic or otherwise i can't really say, and i think this is where they're beginning to trust and lean on each other a little more. the lyrics of this song are just chef's kiss. neither of them knows how this is going to go, how it might hurt them, and they're both just scared young adults trying their best.
Live Long and Prosper - Bonn Fields
as Sean argues with the police in his memories this plays. it's a haunting tune that really captures so much of what this scene is.
This is My Love - Daniel Pratt
oh holy shit. i had always wondered where this song plays and now that i know i am changed. i can never not know. oh it hurts, it's so good, it's so brilliant.
this song plays as Sean gives White the candy to replace the taste of the bitterant. we don't hear any of the lyrics but Sean's actions really replace the lyrics in their own way. (i'm having shrimp emotions @timetoboldlygo !!!) {i do think this might be a religious song btw, but we can ignore that part of the song bc i said so}
Tender and kind, built over time This is my love for you Steady and pure, patient and sure This is my love for you
when Sean and White are arguing and Sean asks White to give him some encouragement we get another appearance from Flares by Life in Colour
Dylan Thomas/Bitter Bitter - The Duke of Norfolk
i'm coming UNGLUED IN THE SERVER. this song plays as Gram confesses to Yok that he has felt love. "You're always with Black. You don't have time for anyone else."
Heavy the rain doth pour and heavy the tongue. The light does miss the forested face. Bitter, bitter the pendulum swung Bitter, bitter the pendulum swung Open the sky for me and cut out the heart the fruit does spoil the children’s laughter Bitter, bitter the blackest of arts ‘Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright’ the sun does try despite the shadow Bitter, bitter ‘the dying of the light’ Bitter, bitter the dagger in the fight
oh i'm peeling apart at my seams. like, yes, sure, this could apply to Gram's feelings for Eugene but for it to be playing when Yok mentions Black???
the sun does try despite the shadow Bitter, bitter ‘the dying of the light’
is.. is Gram the sun? he tries despite the fact that the shadow (Black) never looks at him? he's bitter because the light, his feelings, are dying in his chest? hmm?? MAYHAPS? (im probably just seeing what i want to see but FUCK YOU FOR MAKING THIS SONG PLAY its one of my favorites)
Chaos at the Spaceship - Out of Flux
the perfect song title for the iconic scene of Yok brandishing the flares. that moment is really just one of the moments of all time in this show, an absolute favorite, and absolutely pure chaos.
I'll Understand - Roza
one of the best choices lyric wise in this entire show, in my opinion. as Sean is choking White and walks away from him (in the next episode) this song plays with it's apt lyrics.
The end of the world at the palm of my hand When it all goes to hell, will you still be my friend? My face to the sea and my back to the land If you can’t come with me I’ll understand
the pain is unending and forever. i don't think i need to even say anything about how these lyrics tie in with the scene, it's pretty clear. OUCH.
alright thats all i have in me for tonight but i love you and im smooching you all
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rosalind-hawkins · 1 year ago
Hihi!! Seto Kaiba for the character ask 3 and 7?
Thank you for asking! Answers for this post and still taking asks if anyone else is interested!
3. What was their best canon look?
I'm actually quite tied between his Duelist Kingdom outfit (I love it so much I have my own version of it for myself, as just regular clothes) and his white suit from season five (is just so slick and professional). Obviously his upgraded dueling outfit in DSOD was awesome and extra, but I like to think more about what Kaiba wears day to day. The Duelist Kingdom outfit is the closest we see him get to being casual ever, and unless I'm mistaken, the first scene we see that outfit is when he's working on the Duel Disk prototype. It's the outfit he picked for fiddling with his tech in his own home, and that makes it feel more personal, in a sense. This is what he wore when he was alone and not necessarily trying to impress anybody, and we don't get to see that part of Kaiba too often. (And in my Rock Bottom series, this is the outfit I have him in from halfway in Season Zero up through the end of Season Two, so this one is almost def my fave based on that.)
7. What do you think they would appreciate as a gift?
I had to triple check this one because I kept getting it mixed up with 5 and I was like, "wait, I already have something written for this, don't I?" and the answer is true for both, actually.
The thing about Kaiba is, he can already have whatever he wants. That's the worst kind of person to buy a present for, because you think, "Well if he wanted this, he would have gotten it for himself already, yeah?" And that's not necessarily true with Kaiba. He doesn't make time to take care of himself or enjoy himself, so a gift geared toward that would be very appreciated from a loved one. So I think secretly planning a vacation for him (Mokuba or Ishizu) or custom handmade BEWD art of some kind (Ryou) would be really nice for him. In the past I've usually written Joey as giving him *ahem* certain sexual experiences *ahem* as a present because Joey doesn't pretend he can give Kaiba a good gift, but he does know that he can show him a good time.
Another thing that would be sweet and specifically thoughtful imo (and this feels like something Duke would do) would be to look at the years that he was either in the orphanage or with Gozaburo, track down the systems and game copies for the best games that came out during those years, and spend a few weekends with him playing the games he missed out on during the time that he most needed them. Make sure that time is blocked out on his schedule and just have fun.
In Power of Three, well before Ryou and Seto get together, Ryou gives him a Christmas card with a single serving of tea inside, and at the time he's Kaiba's first actual real authentic genuine sees-him-as-a-real-human-being, talks-literature-and-philosphy-with-him-over-coffee FRIEND, so he's just touched way more by it than Ryou realizes. The gift is part of Kaiba's new experience with genuine friendship. It's just a little thing, but coming from Ryou, it meant something.
I have actually spent a lot of time on this question before and written a few of those scenes. And that was a really long answer to two simple questions, sorry about that! 😅
For fun, I'm including a snippet from my old Euroshipping fic Tainted Love below, where Ryou gives Kaiba a handmade BEWD sculpture for Christmas, it elaborates on it being a good gift for him (besides the obvious reason).
"Go ahead, open it. But be careful: it's fragile."
Intrigued, Seto tugged away the ribbon, peeled back the wrapping paper, and removed the lid of the box. He lifted away the flat piece of styrofoam and lifted away a few layers of tissue paper—then stopped, eyes wide in genuine surprise. As carefully as he was capable of doing so, Seto extracted his gift from its nest of protective wrapping.
"Did you make this?" he asked, voice so quiet that Ryou could hardly hear him above the sound of the fire.
"Yes." Ryou swallowed nervously, then continued, because Seto's silence unnerved him, "I started working on it a while ago, and the first few attempts kinda sucked because I was out of practice. I got some higher quality paints to use on it too, and because I know an art major who owed me a favor, I was able to bake it in a proper kiln. I was afraid that it might not be ready in time—"
"It's beautiful."
"Thank you." Ryou'd never heard Seto so soft-spoken before. He'd heard him whisper, but that was different from this. Even after all the time they'd spent together, the brunette's current expression was one that Ryou'd never seen and he didn't know how to interpret it.
"It reminds me," Seto said slowly after a brief pause, "Of when Mokuba made the Blue-Eyes card for me when I was a kid."
Ryou perked up a little. He'd never heard this story before.
"We'd been here for less than a month, and I already hated it." He traced his index finger over the delicate details of glossy porcelain wings. "He made that card to encourage me, because we weren't allowed to see each other. That's how he saved me, and that was also the day I swore I would own a real Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, since that was my first one. I'm not the type to accumulate objects because of the sentimentality attributed to them, but... I still have it."
"It brings back good memories, I hope," Ryou murmured, tucking one arm under Kaiba's and giving it an affectionate squeeze.
"Indeed it does."
When Kaiba began to set aside the wrappings, Ryou released him and let Kaiba stand, standing up with him. Kaiba carefully set the hand-made, ten-inch painted sculpture of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the center of the inset shelf above the fireplace that served as a mantelpiece. It's mouth was open, each of the teeth pointed as it screeched at them, its wings spread behind it as it gripped the rocky crag that formed the base of the statuette. It's eyes caught the light with a brilliant sparkle.
"Are those... real sapphires?"
"I couldn't find or make a shade of blue that could do its eyes justice." Ryou ducked his head bashfully.
"You really shouldn't have—"
"Don't worry about how I got them," Ryou interrupted, trying to put Seto's mind at ease. "The only hard part was setting them in his eyes so that they didn't look out of place."
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spacenintendogs · 11 months ago
5, 6, 1 for the ask game? If it’s not too much trouble ^^
1. Which part of the series was your introduction to HTTYD? How old were you when you first became a fan?
i rmr it pretty well. i was abt 11 years old & my mom found the first movie on comcast on demand & wanted to find a movie for us we (my siblings & i) hadn't seen so she chose it. i rmr the year prior with all the commercials on tv & stuff & was like hey!! i rmr wanting to see this! cool!! and i rlly liked the movie!!!!! my full obsession, however, didn't start until abt a year later when she brought home this pack of the first 6 books (that's all that was available at the time!) & reading through them i rewatched the movie & we had it on dvd by that point and that was it. the rest is history
5. What type of dragon do you think best matches your personality?
oh gosh. the impulse to say my fave but whispering deaths don't rlly "match" me personality wise. tbh a gronckle, me thinks. with a personality like meatlug or shattermaster. :') they're such goofy goobers but they're also rlly sweet & i am so soft for that LOL. they remind me of the dog i grew up with with how snorty they are & the way they wag their tails :'))
6. What are your favourite ships in the fandom and why?
snotstrid... IDK their chemistry is just??? i love how they constantly bicker & snotlout is just a piece of shit & it causes astrid to retaliate & treat him like that even when he's not actively being a piece of shit which pisses him off & yet they always somehow end up by each other or saving each other much to astrid's chagrin half the time & then snotlout's confusion UGH ESP SNOTLOUT'S ANGELS the nose flick & then astrid admitting she doesn't hate him & his FACE HIS FUCKING FACE he's so got a genuine crush on her but doesn't know how to Behave & i love them getting together & then breaking up & for astrid it's smth she looks back on fondly but never wants to go back to while snotlout is stuck adding her to his list of ppl being the one that got away & yearning..... they're also so funny together & i feel like if they're ever on the same page they're so powerful & it's scary LOL
fishlout used to be my fave & i still love it. rtte spent more time building their relationship to each other than either of them with ruffnut & we all saw the potential of what could have been :') it can easily fall into the jock x nerd thing but it's more than that to me bc while fishlegs is anxious he doesn't take snotlout's shit lying on his back (esp after gem of a different color) & by rtte fishlegs is rolling his eyes & quipping back & it's just forever this contest of who comes out on top & then u have thw whole thor bonecrusher thing & it can so easily be an exploration in snotlout's bisexuality (and fishlegs'!) esp after return of thor bonecrusher when snotlout is just SO happy fishlegs is back to the point where he gives him a hug (and was like :D woah when fishlegs bodied a dude to protect him) & they def had a brief stint after that. they don't talk abt it. it's only between them... snotlout yearns so badly...
i'm realizing my fave ship is anything that'll make snotlout yearn & wish he could have someone as all of his friends find their ppl or are comfortable with themselves enough to not need a romantic partner LMAO
i like a lot more ships than i talk abt tbh!! i just like taking characters like they're my dolls and making them kiss lol. heathstrid, ruffther, hiccstrid, heathlegs, rufflout, rufflegs, tufflegs, eretlout, etc!! i like the art & fics ppl make abt tufflout but it's just not my thing (if that makes sense!!) i also like lot of the poly ships, too! literally i just thrive off making this group of teens who probably spend too much time together but don't rlly have anyone else to spend time with have relationship drama LOL
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birlwrites · 2 years ago
do you have any recommendations for fics or other writers/artists that make Regulus-centric stuff that isn't jegulus?
I DO YES - i don't really know anything in the realm of fanart but if anyone does feel free to hop on!
first of all, some good places to look are in the ao3 collections for regulus black fest (it's a different collection every year). you can find a lot of info on the tumblr blog which i am not going to tag because i feel like their notifications are probably hellish but it's https://regulusblackfest.tumblr.com/ - the url is just regulusblackfest
and they also have artwork! so that's a good source for that as well if you haven't already looked
of course, there will undoubtedly be jegulus in there, but it won't ONLY be jegulus
as for my personal recommendations:
if you're looking for regulus/evan, i have a bookmark collection on ao3 of my favorites. it's a bit on the small side, and they're all one-shots right now, but i do check the tag pretty religiously (we're talking 5+ times per day) so i will add more new favorites as i find them!
and here is a link to xslytherclawx's works on ao3 (@xslytherclawx-writes on tumblr), already filtered down to just the works featuring regulus, of which there are QUITE a few
no romance:
these are some of my ABSOLUTE FAVES for regulus-centric fics! here goes:
leave no stone unturned (a series of standalones) by thedivinecomedian has a lot of great stuff - i haven't read the whole series, but i love blackpool, styx, and sabotage! please do mind the content warnings on all of those. (as the title of the series suggests, they're all standalone fics)
bindings, bindings by quietlemonhush isn't SOLELY regulus-centric - it focuses on regulus, sirius, remus, james, and lily - but regulus is one of the main characters, he has a pov, and i just love the fic in general agslhgjskdf. once again mind the warnings but it's less intense than, like, blackpool
through a glass, blackly by wheresmejumper is one that i just read fairly recently and became an INSTANT fave. it's just so well done GAHHHHHH my jaw was on the fLOOR when i got to the end, highly highly recommend, yet again do mind the warnings
some more no romance fics i found in my older bookmarks:
birthright and brotherhood - one-shot, regulus pov of sirius running away
to blow a gasket - one-shot, regulus using notable muggle inventions like duct tape and explosives to steal the horcrux
miscellaneous pairings:
smoke slow: a spy!regulus au - regulus/remus series, regulus is The Spy who ends up with the hogwarts teaching job. he's a runes professor, one of my favorite takes on the 'regulus was dumbledore's spy' premise, and regulus himself is just *chefs kiss* he's punched dumbledore in the face multiple times and i live in the hope of him getting another one in. the dialogue is EXCELLENT
midnight hues - bartylus one-shot, emotional hurt/comfort i guess? it's soft (it's in a series, but the series is more a collection of regulus fics than anything requiring continuity)
kindness blooms - regulus/petunia series, which is a WILD pairing but the author totally sold me on it - 'good petunia dursley' is a prominent tag in the series, it becomes more harry-centric as the series progresses but there's still a lot of regulus!
technically this fic should go in the no romance section but it's just so glorious that i felt the need to give it its own section
regulus black and the way things changed: a not!fic - another take on regulus becoming a hogwarts professor, told in humorous bullet point style, and it's just delightfully unhinged the whole way through. regulus competes with gilderoy lockhart re: who is the most fabulous dresser at hogwarts. snuffles gets HEAVILY involved. it's absolutely wild. also they kill voldemort and whatnot
okay that's what i've got right now - if anyone else wants to add on more, including art, go for it!!
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sherrymagic · 8 months ago
For the QL asks: 5, 18 & 20. Thank you! 💜💜
thank you so much Jane for these, had a lot of fun (especially with number 18, was hoping someone would ask for that one aaaaa) 🩷
5. Who is the Asian ql villain you most love to hate?
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one of the very few villains that i actually hate, and i love to hate him because he makes sense, he feels like he's well written, nuanced in his story villain nature, and that's what makes the hate so strong and real. i can see what he's doing and why and he still manages to surprise me with his behavior while still totally seeing where it's coming from, so i can hate him for the reasons i love to hate on a character for. also Mek is hot and funny which helps with the love part of this hdbsnsm
18. You get to pick a side character from two different qls to put in a show as a main pairing--who are you choosing and what kind of story is it?
had at least 4 options here but i'll keep the others in case anyone else asks for this question and i choose to go with a gl crackship that's totally not based on the way my souls craves for a CiizeEarn pairing in a lesbian romcom
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SOOOO i would love for Charoen to finally get rid of Ton's obnoxious presence and go to a college fair where surprise suprise there's this girl that she initially mistakes for her friend's sister Alpha because they look so much alike (always hated the doppelganger trope but this is different because i say so) but quickly realizes it's not her. Charoen wants to choose a practical major or maybe religious/esoteric related one with the thought of following up her own family's footsteps but finds it hard to leave the art stand being somewhat enchanted by Fai's presence. the two of them end up talking at the end of the fair and Charoen expresses interest in the art major despite never taking it into proper consideration before. time goes by and she doesn't really see Fai again but she keeps often resurfacing in her mind until she starts college herself and despoite going for some other faculty she still chose the same university just because she wanted to geta chance to see her again. they actually do meet again and Fai is very busy with third year stuff and always tired but still manages to give her her support every time they meet. Charoen ends up signing up for some art related club that Fai is hosting at university, they spend more and more time together for some project related to decorating the uni or making a mural or something, the point is whatever this club is doing should lead to the gl version of the Elu (Skam France) paint scene. for reference, this is what i'm talking about:
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lesbians making out covered in paint, can you imagine that?? no clear idea about the conflict but canon 23.5 told us Charoen is in the bi/pan spectrum while Fai so far had no indication reguarding not being straight, so there could be either family drama or gay crisis involved. all i know it's romcom shaped with some angsty but not too heavy parts, girls being pretty criers, fights on empty streets at night, almost breakup, and super happy ending. meaningful cameos of 23.5 and We Are characters are well accepted in this imaginary show.
20. We are retelling your favorite Asian ql from the POV of a side character--who is taking over the story and what do they have to say about the mains?
this one is hard because i don't even know which one my fave would be? the one i would ove the most to be retold in another character's perspective would be Only Friends but i wouldn't call that one a fave of mine lmao. so of the ones within my faves list... Not Me would be interesting from my favorite bitch boy Todd's pov, for the way the show was built i've always felt like they could have showed and say more about him. a ToddBlack past romance that the main characters from the original show never knew about would also fit. the novel isn't really helping with forming an idea here because reading that one revealed that the show surprisingly did a lot of things better queer erasure aside so... i'm leaving this at that bsdsnskd
— Asian QL Ask Game ♡
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edenwolfie · 2 years ago
For the writer ask - 13, 17, 27, 28, 36!
Hallo and thank you for the ask! I'll stick to my fanfics for answering these :)
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? I always always struggle with sex scenes, they tend to not take too long, but are then followed by the most god awful amount of editing to try and make it at least vaguely sexy. Local aroace tries their best lol. Otherwise I don't think I struggle quite as much as that with much else?
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? I think it was probably Madam Yu from my MDZS fic series Just Say Yes. Every scene she was in was a trial for me to get my head around because the series was very much a 'fix-it everything you can' kinda deal, but I also didn't want to drastically change anyone's character, so she was a difficult line to walk. Mostly I avoided this by keeping her out of scenes when I could lol. I remember one or two people wanting a chapter from her POV and just, I would have died of frustration and the fic would have never been finished lol.
27. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why? I have to be honest, writing Xie Lian for Compass has probably been my fave. I feel like I just get him (whether this is true or non lol) and can just go when writing him.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know? So much random shit; working in a medical setting, working in a school setting, working in a retail/food service setting, illustration (traditional & digital), animation (2D & 3D), sports (springboard diving, soccer, skiing), music (esp. cello, bass guitar, singing, with group orchestra, choir, bands etc), D&D and board games, and cooking/baking. Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting, but oh well! I think only the music, art, and retail/food service topics have wormed their way into my writing thus far, I'm not much for a modern setting, so a lot of that doesn't tend to apply lol.
[from weird questions for writers ask meme]
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text. Well, let's go with Compass cause it's still in my brain, and the extras are still WIPs. So here's some random brain faff (under the cut):
- Hua Cheng scared the shit out of Xu Hao when he came back to town and cornered him like 'who the fuck is the new guy? name? age? occupation? appearance? birthday? tax file number? etc' and Xu Hao is just like, that's just Wujin he's just our lil guy now. i don't know shit. please blink. - Hua Cheng basically spent the month he was gone out of Ghost City after Zhongyuan having the worlds longest panic attack and sculpting the most frantic bunch of statues he could to prove to himself he still remembered how Xie Lian looked. This also stopped him destroying anything because he was Not Allowed to break them. Is why he got himself out of the city, because otherwise a few blocks were gonna go bye bye. - Dianshui remembers in very awful detail how she died but she will not ever fucking share that with anyone. - I already shared this with a commenter but re: the wine Xie Lian gives to Hua Cheng in Ch 4 (the one where he had worked for the winemaker for a while), there's so many bottles in the cellar because the winemaker is now a ghost now and still making the wine so Hua Cheng likes to buy them as the winemaker spoke kindly of Xie Lian. - The section where Xie Lian makes the drinks for Chunchun's ex was called "Evil Ratatouille" in my WIP doc for absolutely no good reason.
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likes-words-and-shrimp · 2 years ago
I feel like someone will fling ToS your way, so I'll say Trigun!
Trigun it is! (Also spoilers to anyone who hasn't seen at least the Trigun og anime so watch out!)
the first character i ever fell in love with:
I'll say this is Vash for me. He's a fun guy, he's sweet! I've only ever really seen the OG anime but the way he goes about his pacifism is really striking and also he is voiced by Johnny Young Bosch which is a plus.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
So I watched the OG anime but I actually just finished watching it a few months ago LOL. And I've only seen two episodes of Stampede. So I guess this question doesn't really apply. Haven't grown to dislike a once-liked character just yet.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Same as above, probably not long enough to experience this lol. But so far I'm fine with any ship.
my ultimate favorite character™:
I do just really like Vash!! Love and peace~ But also there's Milly, who is amazing. I hope Stampede will have her eventually.
prettiest character:
It Vash... That one episode where he grows out his long hair and is wearing suspenders and!!? That's a good one, I loved that look for him.
my most hated character:
Hm, unsure who I hate, and even the villains I like in their own awful ways. Maybe Legato because holy heck this dude is insane.
my OTP:
I don't really have one for this fandom but I've been leaning towards Vash/Meryl! But I also see the appeal of Vash/Wolfwood.
my NOTP:
Don't have one! Right now I'm good with anything.
favorite episode:
I actually really like that flashback episode of young Vash and Knives as kids and with Rem. I actually saw this one episode so many years back and I had NO idea what was even going on but it imprinted on me. First episode of OG anime is also just so very good?? Honestly love every part of that.
saddest death:
I FORGET THE GUY'S NAME (Oh it's Brad apparently!) but the guy from the grounded SEEDs ship who jumps in front of Vash to block gunshots from the girl who was a controlled puppet. This is more sad because of Vash's reaction to it, and the death itself felt unexpected? Idk it stuck with me.
OH YEAH AND WOLFWOOD I'm not sure why that didn't come up in my head first oops but him dying alone in that church,,, help.
favorite and least favorite season:
okay there's only been one season of the OG anime and I still need to see Stampede so I'll have to pass on this one.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Don't have one I think. This can very well change later!
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
I do like Knives because there is something so deeply messed up about him. But I haven't seen him in Stampede yet so lol.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Milly deserves the world. Also Vash... Vash you go through so much god damn.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Don't really have one yet. I put in yet because I know Knives/Vash is a thing and I feel I'd be intrigued by it haha.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
I think Milly/Wolfwood is pretty cute??? I kinda forget about them a little but then I see art and, oh yeah, they had some fun moments! And then Wolfwood died :(
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playtwewy · 2 years ago
Time to put your money where your mouth is by answering the remaining questions about Joshua in the ask game
im on it, boss <3 are you prepared?
3. A song that reminds me of them
Are You Satisfied? by Marina and the Diamonds. in my infinite hubris i tried to actually make a comic for him with this song once before i remembered i was bad at art :)
4. How many people I ship them with
hmmm probably only like 3? Neku, Beat, and Haz .
5. My favorite ship of them
Joshneku probably lol
6. My least favorite ship of them
honestly like any others than the ones i mentioned above but also i just don't really seek out a lot of ship content anyways.
7. A quote of them that you remember
Shopping is fun! The Game is better this way :) (<- he was too much for this)
8. Your favorite outfit of them
look this man only has like two canonical outfits so instead, im gonna pick my fave and least fave of the clothes items that give him specific bonuses in game. That being said, fave is of course the bunny parka. we all love the bunny parka <3
9. Your least favorite outfit of them
Probably Vernal Equinox. idk if aqua is a good color for joshua to wear realistically.
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
this tumblr post:
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13. Your favorite friendship they have
12. Sexuality hc!
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His and Neku's friendship will always be my favorite, but i have to say that his and Mr. H's is also very very good and fascinating to me <3 and also, even tho it is not canon, i am a firm shiki and joshua eventual besties truther
14. Best storyline they had
i mean what else can I say, but that his whole arc in twewy is incredible
15. Worst storyline they had
they really just wanted to pretend that joshua didn't exist in neo until they couldn't ignore it anymore
16. A childhood headcanon
I do really like the fanon stuff about Joshua being musically inclined before he took on the role of Composer, but to me i always imagined it as him feeling drawn to musical instruments but not really being good at them. So to me, Joshua was definitely a piano kid, but did not necessarily take to it easily nor was necessarily good at it. But he loved just sitting there and plucking keys and could do it for hours :)
17. What do you think their first word was?
probably something simple like 'want' or 'mom/dad'
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
Polite for all intents and purposes. Definitely a quiet kid imo. I'll be honest and say that i don't really dwell on how Joshua was pre-Composer.
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them
i remember a weird period of time where i saw a lot of joshua and rhyme pairing stuff. idk if that was just me but it was bewildering.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
I really do think Joshua was having the time of his life in Another Day and playing Tin Pin, that is my truth.
23. Future headcanon
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
hmmmm well since I've been thinking about it a lot, Joshua and Eri would also be really good friends after Joshua becomes more integrated into the main cast friend group and he is also the one to get her into Tin Pin
Post-Neo Joshua definitely just inserts himself into Rindo's life.
well it was his identity as Composer but well we know he told someone eventually. I guess I'd say he would never tell Rindo or anyone else wilingly that he was chosen as a proxy. I don't think Joshua would do that twice. I think in that regard he learned his lesson
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
I think its more I don't think he would ever want to be one. if anything the closest I think he's come close to is being a mentor figure, similar to what Mr. H is implied to be towards him. And while I don't think he'd excel at it I think he would do a good enough job depending on the circumstances. but uh given his proxies I dont think it should be willingly tested.
30. funniest scene they had
that whole scene where Joshua tricks Neku into going to cat street on day 3 was the funniest thing to me on my first playthrough and it still is one of the funniest joshua moments to me to this day lmao
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his response kills me too
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ezras-left-thumb · 10 months ago
1. When she was abandoned by her mother. She remembers standing just outside Darkley's and crying her eyes out, clutching a note in her hand while she was dragged inside.
2. That she is fiercely protective, but also funny and bright and a great fighter.
3. Overprotectiveness/Overconfidence in her own abilities. Rayne knows on some level that she would do anything for her family, but sometimes she thinks she's just a little bit too good.
4. Oh, Rayne is definitely a fighter. She'll yell, she'll grab a nearby weapon, or maybe she'll just death stare you until you start the fight.
5. Very, very far. Willing to sacrifice herself, but never someone she loves. Rayne would burn the world to the ground if it meant her family could be happy and safe.
6. I think she (Rayne) will stand by her morals, even if they are very flexible and a bit clouded. If asked to commit murder for a righteous/correct reason, sure. If asked to kill an innocent, absolutely not.
7. Rayne is more mature, I think. I've planned almost her whole life out from when she was 2 to around 25. She used to be very laughy and smiling at everything, but the trauma has hardened her.
8. Absolutely.
9. Probably a lyric from a song or something. I like to think of 'i met evil when i was only a child' or 'relax, it's only magic'. I have tons written down, but too many to put here.
10. Probably a Star Wars AU, a highschool/modern AU, or a Royal AU or something. I haven't thought about that much, to be honest.
11. Spear or sword or dagger. Rayne loves her pointy edges. Her bronze dagger and Spear of Magic are definitely her faves, thought she's very happy to punch and kick her way out of any situation.
12. I think Rayne thinks she can fight forever, and when anything goes wrong she definitely blames herself. She'll get angry and snappy and shut down like an implosion. She's told 'it's not your fault' a lot, but she never really believes that.
13. I like to think so. I feel like in some ways, I'm definitely similar to Rayne. If she knew I wrote her, I'd be dead within a moment, but I do think she'd tolerate me.
14. She wants to be seen as someone who isn't a threat but you should definitely be careful of. She wants to be a good Ninja, a hero, someone who the people can look up to, but she doesn't want to be big and showy. There's also a part of her that wants to be normal.
15. Not really. I've thought about it, but I haven't really found anyone perfect for her. I've drawn and written about her as a physical being, and someone has even drawn her properly (I love the art) but nothing really gives the Rayne vibe.
16. Kinda mid. She can handle anything though. She's been stabbed, shot, impaled, slashed at and scratched and burned, but she powers through for the sake of those around her.
17. Umm I don't want to say too much because if anyone will eventually read my fic (Relax, It's Only Magic - fandomcrazy fool on ao3) I don't want to spoil it but... it gets pretty bad. So far, though, definitely the torture she endured on the Dark Island. The Overlord can get nastyyyy
18. A mix of both, I reckon. She loves her family to death and is very comfortable with them, though not the most open. To every else, she's an introvert and is only ever seen basically saving the city/realm.
19. Love this question. So people say there are two types of rage; Cold and calm and quiet, and then there's bright and hot and loud. Rayne can be both. If it's a dangerous situation, she's calm and cold. If it almost anything else, she'll yell and breaks things. Both are terrifying.
20. No. No, I don't think so. I can't really think of anything she might get jealous of. Maybe freedom or the ability to live a safe life or a normal life.
21. Yeah. In my mind, all the ninja are neurodivergent in some way, and I can definitely name a few disorders Rayne has. And she doesn't really. handle it. She just lives with it, I guess.
22. Probably Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Good. One of those I think.
23. Grief, sadness, stress or fear, I think. Rayne doesn't want to be thought of someone who needs to be protected or kept safe, she wants to be independant and be the one keeping people safe.
24. I don't really think there was any other path, option or opportunity for Rayne. All the paths I considered lead her to finding Lloyd and becoming a Ninja. Nothing else really fit her.
25. Definitely how much she's evolved, matured, and how she's doomed by the narrative, in a way. I'm the only one that knows her fate, and part of me takes pride in that. She's gotten stronger and mastered her abilities, different fighting styles and found her family, blood or not.
Loved doing this!
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Send me a number and an OC, and I'll answer.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
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