#i don't believe in hell but having to drive with others makes me rethink my position on this
shalom-iamcominghome · 4 months
When the moshaich comes, could they PLEASE teach people specifically in the United States how to actually drive? I'm tired of being in near accidents because american drivers are bad 😭😭😭
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treadmilltreats · 3 months
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What is your purpose?
I remember 10 years ago when I started Monday Messages. These blogs have something that I have learned from my Bishop Henry Fernandez sermons on Sundays.
Every week, he gives us such a powerful word, and I try to pass on his words of wisdom.
What is your purpose?
Finding your purpose will change the course of your life. It will ignite the fire in you to live out your God giving purpose. When you are living out your purpose, it is fun. It doesn't feel like work. It is then when you realize this is your purpose.
Your passion drives your purpose! The worst thing is to try to force your purpose in things you think. If you have a certain career or a certain title, then you think that is your purpose.
I have a friend of mine who went to law school, passed the bar, and became a lawyer, just to realize she hated it. She went back to school and became a teacher because that was her passion and her calling. She has never looked back, and after 25 years, she recently retired, loving what she did until the very end. Yes, she made a lot less money. Yes, many would say it's a less prestigious job, but it is what she was called to do. It filled her soul.
Some of us think the title and money are what it's all about, but is it worth it? Is it worth selling your soul to go to a place every day you call "Hell" a place you hate? Is that Prada purse worth it?
Some people try to find their purpose in others or in relationships. You are hoping that another person will fulfill you or that they will point you to your gift. Their opinions may change the path you're supposed to take because maybe they don't think you can do it, and you may start believing it as well. You are never going to your purpose in that place.
My ex always told I couldn't do anything, that "he was the breadwinner" in the family. He said I was useless. I didn't know my purpose back then. I only wrote because I was dying inside, and for years, I couldn't tell anyone about what I was going through, so instead, I wrote. My gift saved my life, for without it, I surely would have lost my mind.
Never leave it up to people to tell you who you are! You need to know your own worth. You need to find your own purpose! We need to find out what our purpose is and to live out a life that should be filled with joy because of that purpose.
So you ask what people get from their hard work?
They get passion, and they get to go to a job that doesn't feel like one. They get to do something that fills them with joy. That is what you get for finding your purpose and working hard at it.
Even though you can't see the scope of God's work from beginning to end, trust me, it is there. There is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can, doing what we love. People should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are the gifts from God.
So today, my friends, if you are not sure of your purpose, start by looking at the things you're running away from. That is usually the thing that is your purpose. Think about what you love to do, that fills you with joy that you would do if money wasn't an issue. Something that makes time flies while you're doing it, that my friend is your God-given purpose.
And sometimes the disasters in our life make us come back to our purpose, make us rethink “The what are we here for” question.
Take a leap of faith and go after it, one thing for sure, you will never regret it.
“Be the change you want to see”
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pinkishfilter · 3 years
Used (Jungkook x Reader)
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You had finally told Jungkook how you felt even though you were supposed to be friends with benefits and after everything shattered.
(A/N: First off, I want to give a bit of thanks to everyone who liked my previous story It really gave me the energy to write the other part. So thank ya'll again :) Now, The full story!!
Sorry if you have to scroll to part two, I thought this would be easier for some who haven't read it. But I have highlighted the first word of Part 2 with Pink)
Warnings: Sexual content and references
Genre: Angst & Smut
Word count: 2.3K
Why did he break your heart? What did you do to deserve this pain?
The relationship was supposed to be sex only. But feelings got in the way. Jungkook wasn't happy about that, so he left you with a broken heart. These thoughts would flurry through your mind all these nights you spent alone. You never knew he could be so cold.
7:30 PM
To clear your mind of all this, you left your house and went to the park to relax. After you found the perfect spot to immerse yourself in the beautiful sunset above the tall trees, you saw him. He looks at you with those eyes that always entrap you in his dark stare. He came closer to you, "Y/N, I didn't want to tell you, but I love you, and I am sorry that I caused you so much pain. Will you ever forgive me?". Your heart filled with happiness as you smiled at him, "I forgive you. Do you want to come home with me?" you asked as you took his hand. "Yeah." Jungkook agreed.
On the way home, it became dark outside; the city's bright lights shined into your car, casting a colorful light across you and Jungkook. You had such a hard time not looking at him, the guy who finally loves you, right?
When you got into your house, the light was dim. After you had taken your shoes off and set down your bag, you stared deeply into Jungkook's eyes. He put his arms around your waist and kissed your lips before pushing you back against the wall.
When the kiss broke, he looked at you lustfully, wrapped your legs around his waist, and began sliding his hands up your shirt. His touch gave you butterflies as you anticipated what was next. Jungkook picked you up and took you to your bedroom, where he laid you on the bed and slipped your shirt off, and discarded it on the floor. Jungkook took his shirt off; then he began kissing your neck to your collarbones before he unclasped your bra and kissed your breasts. You felt your body heat up as he began to trail wet kisses down your abdomen. He looked up at you and devilishly smirked before he removed your pants along with your panties. You began to feel his warm breath against your moist folds. As he began to let his tongue wander, you let out a moan full of desire for this moment. You loved Jungkook with all your heart, and you believed he loved you too. You felt your orgasm begin to form in your gut. When you came, your back arched, and you moaned as loud as you could. Jungkook began to kiss your lips again while you came off your high. "I want to be inside you right now." He lustfully said. "I want you to be inside me." You smirked as you let your fingers run through his hair.
He aligned his dick to your wet entrance and slowly pushed inside. He began to speed up his pace making you whimper. Jungkook then stared into your eyes as the waves of pleasure rushed inside of you. After a few beautiful moments of this, he finally hit your G-spot, making you see stars. Moans and the sounds of skin slapping filled the room; you never wanted this wonderful time to end. You felt your second orgasm grow in your stomach. Your orgasm hit powerfully; your back arched, and your legs shook as Jungkook kept chasing his orgasm, making you overstimulated. He came deep inside you and let out a satisfied sigh. "That felt good, baby," Jungkook said as he held you in his arms. You just smiled and cuddled into him. The cuddles you shared soon turned into sleeping.
10:43 AM
You woke up naked in your bed and expecting to see Jungkook next to you. You looked beside yourself, and he wasn't there. Neither were his clothes. You quickly checked your phone to see if he had texted you. He had not. He left without a trace. "Jungkook?" You called out as you began to put on clothes. No response. After a while of thinking about last night and where he could be, you decided to drive over to BTS's house to see if he was there because you had an awful feeling.
3:11 PM
After you stood at the doorstep in your heart, you knew he probably wasn't here. After you knocked, Jimin came to the door. "Oh, hey Y/N." He said with a sweet smile. "Hey Jimin, Is Jungkook here?" You said, almost regretting the question because you were scared about the answer he would give. "He texted me a little while ago. He and Taehyung are at Yugyeom's house for a party. Why? Has anything happened?" Jimin replied as he rested on the door frame. "Nothing has happened. I have to go now. Anyway, thank you!" You said as you began to leave the porch.
Tears began to slowly stream down your cheeks as you drove to Yugyeom's house to see what Jungkook was up to, and you knew it wasn't good. You knew Yugyeom, but you have never been invited to any of his parties. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into. After you had gotten something to eat, you finally got there.
5:23 PM
When you got out of your car and began to walk up to the door, you heard loud music and talking coming from the pool in the backyard. After you entered the large house, you saw idols at every turn. "Yugyeom?" You said as you walked between all the people into the kitchen. "Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here?" Yugyeom asked before he sipped his beer.
"I'm looking for Jungkook. Is he here?" You asked. "He's upstairs right now. Uh, I wouldn't go up there right now." Taehyung said as he walked into the kitchen, joining the conversation. "Why?" You asked with concern. "I don't think-" "Tell me why Taehyung." You sternly interrupted. "You shouldn't-" Taehyung began as you quickly walked towards the stairs. You walked up the stairs and began to hear moans. You couldn't believe your eyes; some girl was giving Jungkook a blowjob on a couch in the upstairs living room. As shock filled you, Taehyung quickly pulled you down the stairs, "Y/N, I told you not to go up there.". "I know, but he told me he loved me. I don't understand why he would be doing something like that." You said as you began to cry. "I don't understand either. I didn't know you two were in a relationship?" Taehyung said as he took you outside away from all the noise. "It was supposed to be sex only. Then I told him I had feelings for him, later he came back and told he love me; I think I ruined what we ever had," you said. "It's his loss," Taehyung said as he hugged you. Tears ran down your cheeks onto Taehyung's shirt. When your embrace broke, Taehyung wiped the tears off your cheeks. "I should better go..." You began as you saw Jungkook exit the house with two half-naked girls.
"Jungkook!" You said as you walked right up in front of him. "What the hell are you doing?!" "Having fun. What are you doing?" Jungkook smirked. "You said you loved me! How could you do this?!" You said as you felt your heart begin to ache from this pain he was causing you. "You believed me? You really are naive, aren't you?" Jungkook said he walked around you and opened the car doors for the two girls he was taking home.
"I don't know what makes you so mean, but it really works." You angrily said as you quickly turned away and got in your car. "Tae, you coming with us?" Jungkook asked. "I'm good. You guys go ahead." Taehyung said before Jungkook drove off. Taehyung sat in the passenger side of your car while you cried. "I don't know why I ever loved him," you said as hot tears ran down your cheeks while Taehyung was quietly letting you have some time and space. "I had a feeling about his terrible apology, but I just wanted to be happy again; with him," you spoke. The awful pain he had caused you made you rethink all of your poor choices up until now. "You don't have to be with him; maybe he's just not the right guy for you," Taehyung said as he looked over at you. "You're right." You said confidently, even though in your heart you still wanted to love him. "Do you want to go to the lake with me? I just need to escape for a while." you sighed as you wiped your tears. "Yeah," Taehyung spoke as he slightly raised his hand but put it back down as if his heart wanted to say more than his actions.
7:20 PM
You and Taehyung sat in silence, just staring into the lake that reflected the blanket of stars that swept over the inky night sky. "I am sorry Jungkook is doing this to you," Taehyung said as he stared at you. You looked at him; he seemed to be the only guy that cared about you. "Thank you for being here for me, Tae." You smiled as you hugged him. Taehyung lay on his back as you held onto him. You felt his chest heave each time he would take a breath. Feeling his heartbeat was like listening to your favorite song. It made you smile. You wished these moments could last forever; you felt safe with Taehyung. He was your light that shined through the dark forest of pain you sometimes felt.
You both talked and talked. You both were having a good time together. It was the highlight of the past three days for you. "Y/N?" Taehyung said. "Yeah?" You replied as you both continued to cuddle.
"I love you." Those three words Taehyung said sent you into shock. "Taehyung, I can't love you right now. I am so sorry." You said as raised and stared into his eyes. "I just wanted you to know that to me; you are the most special person in the whole galaxy." He said as he moved some of your hair behind your ear. You hated everything he just said. It was some of the sweetest things anyone could have said, but why did he have to say it, and why did he have to say it. "I-" you began. Taehyung raised just enough to kiss your lips. You wanted this, but you also weren't ready for it. After the kiss broke, you just stared into each other's eyes.
"I'm sorry," you said as you got up and began quickly walking to your car. "I know you love me," Taehyung said, grabbing your hand. You turned towards him and said, "I need you as my friend. I can't have you as my lover. Please understand." Those words made your heartbreak. Taehyung was a special person, you didn't want to make him sad, but this was for the best. "I can understand. I will always be here for you, Y/N." Taehyung said with a sweet smile. You laid back down into his arms.
You liked being held by Taehyung, especially since he cared for you. But you couldn't help but imagine Jungkook holding you like this instead.
Thinking about Jungkook and never seeing him lasted for months. After he had hurt you, there was no going back, right?
12:45 PM
You decided to take a break in the park on an autumn day. When you got there, the wonderfully scented breeze made the amber trees sway. The bronze leaves fell gracefully upon the ground next to you. You began to read one of your favorite books. As you continued, you saw someone walk past and stop right in front of you. You looked up and saw it was Jungkook. Only this time, he didn't look full of himself. "Y/N, I am sorry. I was immature and stupid, and through my mistakes, I made you hurt." Jungkook said, looking towards the ground, too ashamed of himself to look you in the eyes. "I always said I never really loved you. When I had to go without you for so long, it made me question myself and my past choices. Will you ever forgive me?"
You looked at him, questioning his honesty. "I forgive you, Jungkook. But this doesn't fix things between us,"
Jungkook looked at you with his big doe eyes that weren't so cold and dark but more kind and loving as he nodded.
In all honesty, even though he had hurt you, you still loved him.
"Stay with me for a while." you kindly said with a slight smile tugging at your lips. "Okay," Jungkook said with a small smile.
A while after you both sat in silence, Jungkook asked, "How can I make this right?" "Don't ever break my heart again." You said. "I promise I won't because I love you." He said. "Good, because I missed you." You smiled. Jungkook looked deeply into your eyes and kissed your lips. This kiss was like the ones you shared when you first met; they were full of love.
That night you took him to your house and spent time together.
9:38 PM
You both just relaxed in your bed while Jungkook just held you. That was something that you wanted for the past months. You felt so loved. Not the fake kind, but genuine. "I love you, Y/N," Jungkook said as he held you tighter. "I love you too." You smiled.
That night you fell asleep on his chest, and when you woke up, he was still with you.
Jungkook loved you so much. And you loved him too. That's why he never used you, ever again.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!! A new story will be posted on Wednesday so feel free to follow. If you want you can always send me a writing request! :) Byeee <3
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'The Final Countdown' : new chapter of "Fighting Spirit of a Once Innocent Girl" is out !
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"The Final Countdown"
Chapter Summary : Samantha is ready for the final battle against the man who destroyed her life apart....and her friend she thought to have lost.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +4200
It is it.....the Endgame ! After all we have done for the past few week, we finally found out exactly where Monty was hiding : away from the public, on the Solovetsky Islands in the north of the Soviet Union, his Omega ultimate and final base in the entire world. We all got the impression ad we all hoped too that it will be soon the end of everything for Monty, we are not going just to stop a simple terrorist who want to blow the Purplelight Arsenal and destroy Europe but we are trying to stop a elder god to take over the Universe....and the Multiverse !
We were the only persons who are able to stop him from achieving his goals and we couldn't do it alone with just me, Helen, Nikolai, Greta & Yirina. We needed help from Requiem and we all preferred to put our differences aside for just this final mission. We still have our grudge on them for everything they have done against us but their help could be crucial if we want to win that battle we are going to make against the Dark Aether.
Nikolai, I brought him in because I knew that he would be able to convince everyone about everything : he told them basically everything about Monty....about the Dark Aether....and about me. He told them the truth but there's parts he never mentioned to others like exactly who he was, claiming he was my 'protector' and nothing else and he didn't talk about the Multiverse because I could see in him that he was suspicious of Requiem in case they would like to know more about that if he told them about the Multiverse.
When he was finished about this, everyone had their minds blowed away from all of these and after that, a lot of calls were made from Hudson and Weaver respectively. They decided to bring the best firepower and the best mens for this crucial mission because now, everyone know that we can't afford at one little second to fail, it's the entire Multiverse that it's at stakes right now. After our little reunion with Greta & Yirina....and the death of Lazar, we didn't lose time at all and we were on our way to Solovetsky.
We took more than 2 days to approach Solovetsky by using an american aircraft carrier as Nikolai told us that it was impossible for him to transport everyone on the islant because Monty would have spotted us directly and we wouldn't have a simple chance to act. Our powers could still be used on the island but not before we're on it. More we were getting close to the island, more everyone were starting to get nervous about this but everyone kept their cool, trying to all think about a victory and never to a defeat.
During the travel in the helicopter that were bringing us to the rendez-vous point on the island, I was rethinking about everything that happened to me in just weeks : I was given back the powers I thought I have lost for a long time, I rekindled my relationship with Helen even if it was complicated at firs and I found back the only friends that are now standing with me at my side but everything wasn't really good at all : I realized that Requiem used me for an long time and lied to everyone, even Weaver were included in it.
But the worst......was to discover that Eddie.....was Perseus. The person I've been fighting for months is the friend I lost where I arrived in this new universe. He was controlled by Monty himself and I'm going to make sure that this will end soon. I'm going to save Eddie after all these years....and I'm going to kill Monty. I have made myself that promise and I will be sure to do it today.
"Approaching the LZ." The helicopter said loudly, breaking me from my thoughts and I looked outside, we were already arrived at destination. On the helicopter, there were me, Helen, Greta & Yirina awaiting that the helicopter landed until we were on the ground. We were the first to arrive at the scene, waiting now for the other team to go out.
"Finally." Greta exclaimed, getting out first from the helicopter "My legs weren't able to hold any longer." She stretched her legs outside as we are also getting out
"It was always a problem with you." Yirina got next to her, getting her hands on her shoulders as me & Helen stayed away, looking at them. "Now, how do you feel ?" Greta looked at Yirina with lovely eyes
"More happy.....with your hands on me." Greta in an surprise, got her arms around Yirina wraist, putting the two more closer than before.
"Always been flirting, Greta !" Yirina whispered before the two pull out to kiss each other....until they stopped to look at us, we weren't very discreet.
"What ?" Greta fainted an incomprehesion towards us
"Uhm...nothing." Helen replied, blushing from their sight as we decided to look away, focusing back to ourselves. "They're looking cute together." She added....well, not looking anymore but still focused on them apparently.
"Well, I never thought that of them first but yeah...." I started, giving a little look to them before getting my eyes back on Helen "You're right, they're cute."
"I think they're taking their time before the others arrive." Helen said, looking worried "So, this is it, right ?" She asked
"Yes, the endgame." I replied, surely
"We all sure that we can't afford to lose today." Helen told me, looking in the direction of the monastery
"Everything will end tonight for Monty and I really hope that we can save Eddie." I exclaimed, crossing my arms, leaning against the helicopter
"I was thinking : what will happen next ?" She raised an eyebrow at me.
"When everything will be done ?" She nodded "I don't know : sure to install ourselves in Nikolai's House with Greta & Yirina but after ? I don't know."
"Maybe we can finally have our night." She said in a lovely voice, causing me to smile.
"I'm sure we will." I laughed with her before we all start to hear some helicopters arriving on the scene, meaning that we had to put our thoughts on the side to focus back on the mission we are going to do.
Those who arrived were Adler, accompanied by his team and Requiem and by the looks on their faces, they weren't any moments and occasions to have a simple laugh at all and I could understand that. Everyone was so nervous and stressed but in them, I could see their determination and their bravery to come in here and to face a threat no one ever thought to face.
Once everyone were gathered up, Adler decided to repear everything from the plan....their plan : everyone will be tasked to deal with the AA Guns covering the monastery site to allow the bombers to release hell on the radars sector and to help them, they will use a EMP bomb to give everyone time to get the thing done as for us, we decided to take things in our own hands and it will be hard.
While everyone else will be fighting inside the monastery, me & the girls will strike the radar sector to deal with Monty himself as he was reported to be staying at this particular sector before the bombers took this place apart. It was just going to be the four of us against maybe an entire platoon of Omega soldiers that will stand between us and him but with our powers, we can make it worth it.
After that, we all got to our respectives trucks that was given to us thanks to Belikov and we were the first group to leave the scene as we needed to take another road from the others. Yirina was driving the truck as we were looking around us, all in our thoughts. Nikolai was communicating with us throught our minds as we didn't have any radios to talk with the others. It was just going to be us and Nikolai will help us throught the following battle.
"Everyone." We could start to hear Nikolai in our heads "Monty is staying at the radar site, he's awaiting for you to come."
"Anything to be worried about ?" I asked
"He has the Agarthan Device with him." He replied and I could hear him biting his lips "You will have to watch out when you will fight him."
"Do you know exactly what are we going to face in the base ?" Helen said, looking forwards to the road.
"Mainly the last Omega elite soldiers at first but since Monty is alone near the radar, be prepared for anything." We all looked in front of us as we were arriving near the radar sector of the monastery and Yirina stopped the truck on top of a hill, overlooking the monastery.
"Thanks....dad." Yirina whispered in a very low voice before she sniffed away. I was surprised to hear that because I didn't witness Nikolai telling her who he was. I crouched to get next to Yirina.
"You're okay, Yirina ?" I asked, seeing her getting kind of sad
"He told me everything." She said, in the same previous voice "He was the father I were never able to had and like that, he's back."
"I know, I couldn't believe it either too." I exclaimed to her with an smile, trying to give some recomfort before I could feel an hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Helen, looking away.
"They are starting their attack !" She said and when I got up to verify her claims, I could see a lot of military trucks getting down an hill at full speed from afar, meaning the beginning of our last mission.
I let Yirina drive off at full speed too, letting us hold ourselves on the truck as she wasn't going easy with the speed. Then, a big white light exploded above the monastery....the Requiem EMP bomb. Everything electronics on the base were not going to work for an while and we will have approximatively more than 15 minutes to get the job done but me....I know that we will need more time to fight Monty. Anyway, fighting him could make him busy to not launch the Purplelight detonation order.
When the EMP bomb exploded, a loud noise could be heard, making some sort of ringing bells in our ears and then, the blast of the EMP was getting felt as it hit our truck. Yirina almost lost control of the truck because of that but she managed to kept her hands on the wheel and to stabilize the truck as we were going down the hill at full speed. At a least 300 meters from the radar sector entrance, I prepared my Ray Gin and at 100 meters, the first bullet arrived on our truck as we started to blast with our guns too.
With my Ray Gun, I was able to destroy one of the BTR keeping the entrance with 3 hits....that gun is very powerful.....before Yirina used the truck to literally force the big door open, allowing us to enter a yard composed of a lot of Omega materials.....and a lot of Omega soldiers, awaiting for us. Yirina got the truck stop in the middle of the fight, giving us some time to get into cover before she got out too and let a surprise on the truck. Once she did it while we cover her, we were surprised to see the truck drive by itself, directly towards an guard tower and then blow up, getting the tower down.
After the explosion that confused the enemy soldiers, we decided to split up : me & Helen were going directly to the radar control room inside the main building of the radar sector as Yirina & Greta will take care of the numerous enemy soldier, covering us each time we moved cover to cover. Our powers combined allowed them to neutralize easily a large part of the Omega soldiers, we even succeeded to lift a heavy tank off the ground to launch into another heavy tank and to the soldiers guarding it.
When the sounds of the fight were getting lowered, we parted away, focused on getting to the radar control room while they were keeping our backs in case. When we entered the building, we were surprised to see the electricity coming back.....Monty has really planned everything....a back-up generator hidden somewhere but we took the decision to continue instead of trying to find that generator.
After a minute and when we were starting to get close from the radar control room, clearing our way to it, we started to hear some gunshots inside of it and it was strange for us. We forced open the door to realize what was going on.....Ravenov ?......Ravenov was here !.......When we entered the room, he was fighting with two Omega soldiers and he took care of one of them with his gun before the other were smashed brutally on a table by him.
"Requiem !" He exclaimed, having seeing us for a second before looking at us for good. "Maxis ?"
"Ravenov !" I said, surprised "What are you doing here ?"
"Just doing my job : avoiding Omega to use Purplelight." He looked at the soldier he smashed on the table before throwing it on the ground "I thought that Requiem had locked you up."
"Exactly but I got freed." I rolled my eyes "It was better for them." I added as he was getting next to a control panel.
"Ravenov, where's Monty ?" Helen asked, staying next to the door in case
"That svoloch'.....been waiting at the radar's foots." He replied, getting focused on looking on the multiple screens in front of him "He's been watching the fight going inside the monastery before he will launch the detonation order but not with me, messing with the radars." He looked at us "Go face him, I will make sure the radar are not used."
"I think it's better that you got out of here safe, Requiem bombers will soon put this place down." I exclaimed as I tried to get next to him but he put his arm towards me, meaning to stay away from him
"I can't !" He almost yelled at me. "I'm sorry, Maxis but....I don't think I can make it."
"Why are you saying this ?" Helen said, worried
"He....he infected today with some Aetherium, like he did to everyone." He replied, his voice cracking "I've been trying to find a way to control it but nothing. I will soon become one of these monsters but I will not let this happen."
"You can't be serious ?" I told him before he remove one of his coat sleeve, making me see a part of his veins going black and sort of purple "No...." I whispered "We can save you."
"It's impossible, can't be undone." He put his coat sleeve back on as he was getting focused on making the radars go crazy. "Go, kill him. I'm doing this for you....for the Motherland.....it's is...the only way." I realized that nothing can save him, not even our powers and I had no choice but to leave him like that here.
"Good luck, Ravenov." I said, my voice cracking before I left the room with Helen
Damn it....not him. Ravenov was a good guy....a good russian and I wasn't able to save him from Monty....like I wasn't able to save Lazar. The worst of it is when I closed the door of the room and walked a few steps that me & Helen heard a shot inside the room. I closed my eyes, not to think about it but I was getting more angrier about everything right now. I'm losing friends, one by one and now, I'm fearing for Helen....for Greta....for Yirina.
Keep control, Samantha....keep control....I started to think as we were finding a way to get out of the building and to join the radar's foots, clearing our way from every of our enemies that was on it. And to say, I wasn't getting easy on them and Helen started to share the same anger as me like me, using our upgraded guns and our powers combined. That was at this moment we realized that the little device Nikolai gave to us worked indeed.
When we found our way out, I took a deep breath, knowing that we were going to face Monty himself after all these times in person. I opened the door, followed by Helen, walking slowly towards the radar's foots until we got him in sight....sitting and watching the carnage happening inside the monastery. When we were getting closer, he turned his head slowly towards us,
"Samantha." He said, sounding sort of happy "I knew you will come." He then got up before he removed his mask, allowing us to see his face
"Eddie." I whispered and he laughed
"His body, not his soul !" He exclaimed, spreading his arms to look around
"Give him back to me." I ordered him, he shook his idea.
"Aw, Samantha, you should stop been persistent." He rolled his eyes in the dark skies "You will not have him and if I had to give him back to you, he will be dead."
"Give him back..." I repeated, getting my anger growing inside of me
"Don't you understand ?" He started "I'm a freakin' god ! I'm the master of this world, to this whole fucking multiverse."
"You're just an idiot." I added in anger "You're just trying to do something that you can't longer control." I smiled nervously to his face "They stopped you for a while....I will finish the job !"
"Them ? You ? You will do nothing, Samantha." He replied "You can't do a thing : you can't protect your friends, you have lost everything to stand for." I then see Helen clenching her fists in anger, she had heard enough.
"You took.....everything from her !" She exclaimed, her eyes going fully purple
"I don't even know who you are !" He said, looking at her before I got my eyes purple too, angry and then, I started to levitate off the ground,
"You will !" I said and then, the final showdown was about to begin.
When I levitate off the ground with Helen at my side, we were able to grab heavy objects around us, levitating too before we throw them to Monty who started to run at us but these objects were doing nothing to him at all, not even stopping him to run towards us. At this moment, I got back on the ground to face him, taking the Path of Sorrows in my hands as Helen tried to do the same by firying bullets at him with no effects before Monty was able to put his hands on her and threw her away against a radar foot and hopefully, her powers were stronger, allowing her to have nothing from it.
I started to give him some cuts with the katana but I then realized that these cuts were like healing instantly. I tried to give him multiple cuts at the same time while avoiding his powerfuls punchs but each time, his wounds were like healing in a second. I tried to grab the Agarthan Device that was hooked to his belt but unfortunately, I took my guard down for a second, allowing him to throw me as well far away on the ground, losing the Path of Sorrows in the process.
With my powers, I started to make the katan fly to get back in my hands but when I was about to catch it....Monty got it first, grabbing it in his own hands before trying to attack me with it. I put my hands on the blade to stop him but he was gaining the advantage and I could only scream in pain as the blade were hurting my hands even if I had gloves until the end of the blade start to hit my shoulder but before he was able to do that, the Katana somehow started to tremble in his hands before it hit him in the face and fly away.....to land perfectly in Helen's hands standing up.
When I saw that, I was amazed because I thought that I was the only one to use the Path of Sorrows and when I see running against Monty with it in hands, I realized that she was able to use it too and her strikes and swings were damn perfect. However, no time to think about that as I got up rapidly to help her to fight out him but even with us two, Monty were able to stay strong until I succeeded to get my hands on the Agarthan Device and once I've got it in hands, Helen give Monty a big cut on the legs and surprisely, it wasn't healing anymore.
Then, I realized that this Device....was the source of his powers. If we destroyed it, we can kill him.....but we are going to kill Eddie too. Before I could do a thing, Monty gained the advantage and threw me and Helen, having his hand back on the Device before he start to levitate by himself and....the radars were getting moved by themselves.....he was the one doing it, nullifying Ravenov's work to stop the radars, he was creating an big purple orb above him with the Device....ready to launch Purplelight.
It was going to be the end of it and our fight was getting useless.....until the orb was destroyed by something from afar behind us and him, we looked out to realized that Greta and Yirina was there and was the one to have destroyed it. However, it did something to Monty as he got back on the ground, holding his head with his hands, in pain.
"Let me free !" That.....Eddie ? It was Eddie's voice talking, not Monty's one
"No !" It was Monty's voice. Shit, the two were fighting for Eddie's body keys, both were trying to take control. "You're my key to my future !" He added, shouting.
"You controlled me for years !" Eddie exclaimed "You corrupted me, you did make me fight Samantha."
"She's weak and you're strong !" Monty yelled "Let me fight, let me win."
"Not anymore." Eddie fell on his knees on the ground holding the Agarthan Device in hands, putting it on the ground before looking at me. "I'm sorry, Samantha, this....is the only way !"
"NOOOOO !" I screamed, trying to move to get to him at the same time as Monty before with his hands, Eddie crushed down the Device, causing an white light to blind everyone around it.
When I opened my eyes after been blinded by that light, I was laying down on the ground and the silence was taking over the place, no more sounds of fightings, no more gunshots.....a death silence....getting heard everywhere. When I looked up, Helen, Yirina and Greta were also grounded and slowly recovering and then, we saw.....Monty.....Monty standing up.....the Monty who killed my father.....the Monty in his true form, looking lost as he was having his eyes on the monastery before sitting on the ground.
"You won." He said in fear as I was slowly getting up "You did it, for the sake of this stupid world." He looked at me, not trying a thing anymore "However, the Dark Aether....is still living....and it will always be there."
"We will make sure that this threat will be no more." I exclaimed to him, mixed between calm and anger "How does it feels to....lost something ?"
"I don't know." He replied "How about you ?" He tried to smile with his hideous mouth before parts of his body started to disappear in dust. "Goodbye."
"Go to hell !" I said before he was finally gone out of my sight and then, I started to hear some groans behind me...Eddie....in pain, part of his face burned along with a part of his body, leaned against a broken radar's foot on the ground "Eddie !"
"Sama-Samanth-Samantha." He tried to speak with difficulty "You....you didn't changed a lot."
"It's gonna be okay, Eddie." I smiled, trying to recomfort him
"No, I don't think I can." He replied with a low voice
"Eddie, please, not after what I have done to found you." I pleaded, getting my hands on the part of his face that wasn't burned "I can heal you."
"No." He then looked behind me "Isn't that right, Nik....Nikolai ?" I then looked behind me and was surprised to see Nikolai standing up, with Helen, Yirina and Greta at his side, looking sad
"I'm sorry, Samantha." Nikolai breathed "We can't help him and what he did is irreversible."
"What I did....was only to secure a better tomorrow." Eddie said in a low voice, his hands getting on my shoulders "I'm proud of you."
"Eddie...." I whispered
"Only....for a better tomorrow." He smiled before looking away from me and then.....he was no more.
His lact act was to smile, feeling free as me, I could only cry in pain.....I couldn't save him. I was crying and I don't know if I can move on with it. I dedicated my life to found him again and that's what I did but I would never be able to catch the lost time with him. I could feel Helen's hands on me and she was crying too, like if she has lost someone too. We all lost someone...and losing Eddie was....so hard for me. Then, we could start to hear upcoming noises in the skies : Requiem bombers coming to bomb the radars. Nikolai moved to open a portal and once he was done, he looked at us as I grabbed Eddie's body in my arms,
"Let's go home !"
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theclaravoyant · 7 years
I keep throwing prompts your way that I know I won't be able to write. Sorry for that. So feel free to completely ignore this, but in case you don't want to: Daisy knows about the whole "There isn't room in my heart for two people", so when she gets together with Fitzsimmons, she is afraid Fitz won't be able to love her the way he loves Simmons.
AN ~ It was a pleasure! I think I tweaked it a little from your request, but hopefully close enough; FitzSkimmons were together before the Framework, but now Daisy is avoiding Fitz - and not for the reasons he thinks.
Read on AO3 (~1700wd)
and fall back together
Fitz sighed, his spoon scraping the bottom of his tray repetitively as he stared longingly across the room at where Daisy sat. She was alone, eating slowly and taking what he was increasingly sure was conscious effort not to look over at him and Jemma. Jemma sighed too, upon following his gaze, and dropped her spoon in frustration.
“This is rubbish,” she declared.
“Hm?” Fitz wondered, his attention snapping back to her. “Oh, the food? Yeah. We lived underground for years and still managed better than this, honestly.”
He lifted the food – beans, he speculated – and let it dribble back into the tray. Jemma rolled her eyes.
“No, not the food. I mean, yes, the food, but… Daisy.”
Fitz lowered his eyes.
“Yeah,” he tried to jest. “I bet she’s dying for a box of cocoa and some eggs. She’d make a round of microwave cakes, d’you think?”
Jemma glared.
“She’s avoiding you. You need to deal with it.”
Hesitantly, Fitz glanced up at her.
“Jemma,” he breathed. The memories still burned to think about. “I tortured her. Sort of. I had her chased down a staircase and beaten. And I killed – I killed a good two-dozen people, for being like her. Of course she’s bloody avoiding me.”
Jemma shook her head.
“It’s not about that. Daisy knows you didn’t do those things.”
“Doesn’t mean she can look me in the face without thinking about it.”
Jemma gritted her teeth.
“Honestly, you two are too similar for your own goods,” she muttered. “She’s pulling in on herself, just like you are, right now. Just like we’ve always done and promised not to do this time. She thinks you haven’t reached out to her because you don’t want to. She doesn’t want to interfere with us.”
Jemma gestured between herself and Fitz, and Fitz frowned.
“You got all that from her sitting at a different table?”
“No,” Jemma muttered. “I had a conversation with her, about – about what Aida said. And what you said.”
“What I said?”
“And that’s all I’m going to say on that,” Jemma concluded abruptly, and pressed her lips together firmly for a moment, for effect. “Go to her. Go on!”
She jabbed her fork in Daisy’s direction. Fitz considered the goop that was probably once beans, that was now rapidly cooling on the metal tray before him. It looked, felt and tasted about as appealing as the upcoming conversation, but at least the conversation had the potential to improve somebody’s day. Dropping his spoon, Fitz stood. Then, rethinking, he picked up his tray and approached Daisy, falling short of casual as he slid onto the bench opposite her.
Daisy looked up for a moment, caught his eye, and then returned her attention to her food, aimlessly mixing the tomato-ish concoction she had selected.
“So, ah,” Fitz began. “I was just saying to Jemma maybe we should ask for some cocoa. I’ve been craving those cakes you used to make, you know? The ones in the microwave? In the, um, the mugs?”
Daisy snorted. Fitz was a little tempted to try another joke, but there was not much to reference other than their rather unexciting food choices and the fact that they were, unofficially, being held prisoner. Instead, he slid a hand across the table, almost moving to take one of hers but doubting that he’d be allowed to. So he waited, and fixed large, pleading, apologetic and hopeful eyes on her.
“Look, Daisy, I… I’m really sorry for what happened in there. If there was any way to make it up to you I would, you know I would. I want to make things right between us, any way I can. Please, just tell me what I can do.”
Daisy looked away, blinking as if she felt guilty about it.
“It’s not about what happened in there,” she whispered, her voice tight and reluctant. “It’s about what happened out here, after. Don’t worry about it, I understand. I saw it coming. Just go back to Jemma, I’ll be fine.”
Fitz frowned again, thinking back on what Jemma had said. What had he said to so offend Daisy when he’d been talking to Ophelia? She hadn’t even come up in the conversation. And that’s when his mouth went cold, and his stomach churned, and he knew he couldn’t blame the beans this time.
She hadn’t even come up. Not out loud. Aida had not been aware of his attachment to Daisy, and so she’d fixated on Jemma, and had driven the conversation to fixate on her too.
“Daisy….” Fitz began again, realising his mistake. “Is this about-“
“’You only have room in your heart for her,’” Daisy quoted quietly. She must have been playing it over and over in her mind, maybe even watching it on repeat, driving the knife deeper and deeper. (Just like Jemma had said – Daisy and him could be far too similar for their own good).
“I’m sorry, Daisy,” Fitz said again, “but… I didn’t mean it like that. No! I mean. It’s not what it sounded like. I mean. Ah, there’s no way to say it without sounding like a jerk but I swear, Daisy… Just hear me out.”
Daisy huffed and rolled her eyes, clenching her fists around the edge of her tray like she wanted to get up, but she didn’t.
“I don’t want your platitudes Fitz, just let it go!” she begged, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave. More than anything, she wanted him to soothe her wounds, and she needed to believe it so much she held on, even if what he was about to say was going to hurt as much as she thought it was going to.
“Look, it was Aida,” Fitz explained. “She got obsessed with me and Jemma. She wanted to feel love and she knew I had it so she tried to figure out what I was attached to and she landed on Jemma. And she wasn’t wrong. But she fixated on it so much that she ignored everyone else I love, and in the Framework she literally wrote herself into Jemma’s place. That’s what I was talking about when I was choosing her. Aida’s controlled life, or Jemma, and my real life. In a world where I chose Jemma I was raised by my Mum and I’m a good person, I think, and I joined Shield, and I met you. I couldn’t have done any of those things in a life with Aida, even one I willingly chose. Did you see her go bonkers after that? Do you think she’d be okay with me loving you too? No way! She’d probably kill you in your sleep.”
“She wishes.” Daisy rolled her eyes. “You know, she tried to tease me about you in the Framework, like she had you and she knew all this about you that she got to parade around. I knew you’d never choose that. That’s why I threw her out that window. The consequences were a bit more drastic than I was expecting, but…”
“But you were trying to protect me,” Fitz insisted. “You were sticking up for me. And hey, if you’d managed to kill her then, we could have avoided a lot of trouble.”
Daisy blinked, taken aback.
“You sound weirdly okay with killing her – Jemma mentioned you weren’t so keen on the idea.”
“I wasn’t,” Fitz confessed. “I don’t know, I just feel like, the things she wanted she could have learnt to get without hurting people. But, what’s done is done. And I did cool on her a bit when she promised to kill everyone I love in front of me and make me watch.”
Remembering the lingering way she’d kissed his cheek, with her hands viciously pinning his face to the wall, Fitz shuddered.
“That’s fucked up,” Daisy remarked. “And I’m glad she’s dead. I’m glad you’re okay, and you and Jemma –“
“And you. Who most certainly would have been next on her list, I’m sure of that,” Fitz promised. “She might not have guessed we were together, but she knew I cared about you. Even in there, she didn’t let us spend too long together. I was impressed by you, I remember. When you didn’t give up.”
Blinking, he tried to recall the conversation. It was hazy, but he was quite sure –
“Why didn’t you mention us? In there. You were trying to convince me that Jemma loved me and I loved her. You never mentioned yourself.”
“I wanted to,” Daisy confessed, “but if you wanted to kill Jemma, there was no way in hell you’d remember me. I was being practical.”
“You were being insecure.” Fitz took a chance, and closed the extra few inches between their hands. Daisy looked down at where their fingers were joined, and then back up. She didn’t bolt, though part of her still wanted to. This conversation was not going as she had expected, but she couldn’t help waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“The power of love was never going to be enough in there,” Fitz said. “But I wish you’d tried. And I wish I’d chosen my words more carefully. I wish a lot of things about all this could be different, but they’re not and they can’t be and I can’t take any of that back. But I love you. And I’ve never doubted that. And I’m really, really sorry if I’ve ever made you feel like less. I love you, and I need you, and I respect you, and I love you.”
“You said I love you twice.”
“It’s been a while, I’m catching up.” Fitz’s lip twitched with a smile before returning to sincerity. “But honestly. Choosing Jemma meant choosing you too. All Aida wanted was to control me, to control my heart. Jemma has never wanted to do that. Neither have you. Jemma would never ask me to only have room in my heart for one person. That’s why she was the person I chose. So I could choose you too. That’s the long and short of it and I hope I’m being clear. If it was up to me, all three of us would be over there, eating our misery slop together.”
Daisy took a moment to absorb the sentiment behind his words, and to squeeze his hand gently, accepting it. Then, never one to let a heavy mood last when she could help it, teased:
“If it was up to you, you’d still choose space prison?”
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treadmilltreats · 3 years
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What is your purpose?
Finding your purpose will change the course of your life, it will ignite the fire in you to live out your God giving purpose. When you are living out your purpose it feels like fun when you're doing that, it is then when you will realize this is your purpose.
Your passion drives your purpose!
The worst thing is to try to find your purpose in things, you think that if they have a certain career, or a certain title, then you will have it. I have a friend of mine who went to law school, passed the bar and became a lawyer to realize she hated it, it was her parents dream but it wasn't hers. She went back to school and became a teacher. That was her passion, her calling, she has never looked back. Yes, she makes a lot less money. Yes, some may say it's a less prestigious job, but it is what she is called to do, it fills her soul.
Some of us think the title and money is what it's all about but is it worth it? Is it worth selling your soul to go to a place every day you call "Hell" A place you hate? Is that Prada purse really worth it?
Some people try to find it in others, in relationships. You are hoping that another person will fulfill you or that they will point you to your gift? Sometimes their opinions will change your path, because they don't think you can do it and then that voice goes into your head and you start to believe it too.
You are never going to find your purpose in another human being.
My ex always told me I couldn't do anything, that "he was the breadwinner" in the family, I was useless. I only started to write because I was dying inside and for years I couldn't tell anyone about what I was going through, so I wrote. My gift saved my life for without it I surely would have lost my mind.
Never leave it up to people to tell you who you are!
You need to know your own worth, your own purpose!
We need to find out what our purpose is and to be able to live out a life that should be filled with joy.
So you ask what do people get from their hard work?
They get passion, they get to go to a job that doesn't feel like one, they get to do something that fills them with joy, that is what you get for finding your purpose and working hard at it. Even though you can't see the scope of God's work from beginning to end, it is there.
There is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. People should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor for these are the gifts from God.
If you are not sure of your purpose, look at the things you're running away from, that is usually the thing that is your purpose. Look for the things you can do for hours and not realize the time that goes by. When I was writing my books, hours would go by and it felt like minutes. That is when you have found your gift, your calling, your purpose.
Sometimes the disasters in our life make us come back to our purpose. It makes us rethink what we are here for. When we cry out is this all there is? That is the perfect time to start searching for your purpose.
So today my friends, think about what you love to do, that fills you with joy. Think about what you would do if money wasn't an issue, if time flies while you're doing it, that my friend is your God given purpose.
Take a leap of faith and go after it, you will never regret living for your purpose.
"Be the change you want to see"
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treadmilltreats · 3 years
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What is your purpose?
Finding your purpose will change the course of your life, it will ignite the fire in you to live out your God giving purpose. When you are living out your purpose it feels like fun when you're doing that, it is then when you will realize this is your purpose.
Your passion drives your purpose!
The worst thing is to try to find your purpose in things, you think that if they have a certain career, or a certain title, then you will have it. I have a friend of mine who went to law school, passed the bar and became a lawyer to realize she hated it, it was her parents dream but it wasn't hers. She went back to school and became a teacher. That was her passion, her calling, she has never looked back. Yes, she makes a lot less money. Yes, some may say it's a less prestigious job, but it is what she is called to do, it fills her soul.
Some of us think the title and money is what it's all about but is it worth it? Is it worth selling your soul to go to a place every day you call "Hell" A place you hate? Is that Prada purse really worth it?
Some people try to find it in others, in relationships. You are hoping that another person will fulfill you or that they will point you to your gift? Sometimes their opinions will change your path, because they don't think you can do it and then that voice goes into your head and you start to believe it too.
You are never going to find your purpose in another human being.
My ex always told me I couldn't do anything, that "he was the breadwinner" in the family, I was useless. I only started to write because I was dying inside and for years I couldn't tell anyone about what I was going through, so I wrote. My gift saved my life for without it I surely would have lost my mind.
Never leave it up to people to tell you who you are!
You need to know your own worth, your own purpose!
We need to find out what our purpose is and to be able to live out a life that should be filled with joy.
So you ask what do people get from their hard work?
They get passion, they get to go to a job that doesn't feel like one, they get to do something that fills them with joy, that is what you get for finding your purpose and working hard at it. Even though you can't see the scope of God's work from beginning to end, it is there.
There is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. People should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor for these are the gifts from God.
If you are not sure of your purpose, look at the things you're running away from, that is usually the thing that is your purpose. Look for the things you can do for hours and not realize the time that goes by. When I was writing my books, hours would go by and it felt like minutes. That is when you have found your gift, your calling, your purpose.
Sometimes the disasters in our life make us come back to our purpose. It makes us rethink what we are here for. When we cry out is this all there is? That is the perfect time to start searching for your purpose.
So today my friends, think about what you love to do, that fills you with joy. Think about what you would do if money wasn't an issue, if time flies while you're doing it, that my friend is your God given purpose.
Take a leap of faith and go after it, you will never regret living for your purpose.
"Be the change you want to see"
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