#i don’t wanna send bad or mean vibes to people so instead you get ominous unsettling energy enjoy
deityofhearts · 1 year
if you feel a vaguely ominous vibe lately that’s me and it’s on purpose <3
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
Criminal Behavior
Dabi angst + chaotic energy + a lil suggestive language
Disclaimer: I don’t condone any of y/n’s behavior here. Y/n is a bad role model lol
wc: 3.5k
Raise your hand if you want Dabi to teach you how to be a villain! 🙋‍♀️ he could teach me a lot of things 🤤
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You had a date tonight. With some guy who you were honestly not that into. So you agreed to his “wanna hang out tonight” text. He probably only wanted to hook up. Boring. And you’d definitely turn him down. But you needed something to do. Some entertainment.
Despite the level of disinterest you were still going to look nice. You needed some new make-up but of course you had no fucking money. You’d just have to ‘borrow’ some from the convenience store down the road. It’s not like you haven’t done it a million times. No one gets hurt. Not really a big deal.
Plus the little bursts of adrenaline you get during that final moment of walking through the censors was somewhat addictive if you were honest. Life in your town was so unbelievably boring. There weren’t even any good villains around to watch get beat up. You needed some sort of thrill to get through the day.
When you entered the store there were a few people around. No one you recognized luckily. You’d developed a little bit of a method to this game. You’d monitored the isles and cameras. No one was anywhere in sight. You’d managed to get a bunch of the good stuff and slip it into your sleeves and waistband without any eyebrows raised.
You were deciding on which eyeliner you wanted when an abrupt voice pierced you, making you jump.
“What’re you doing?”
“Huh?” You spun to look at the inevitable. Some employee or back room security man coming to take you to convenience store prison.
But when you saw the man peering down at you, you were far more scared. You wished it was an employee.
“Did I scare you?” His voice was thick with amusement and he rested an arm against the shelves.
You’d never seen a sight like him. Mildly horrifying. Staples lining his face, holding together sections of his skin, if you could call it all that. Spiked black hair over deep hooded eyes that looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. He looked like he could easily kill you and nobody would find the body. But at the same time, for some reason, he was undeniably hot. You didn’t know how to reconcile his ominous vibe that he has with his playful, interested tone. It was like you’d just told him a joke. Except you hadn’t said a single word yet.
“What? You don’t want to talk to me?” He pressed with a smirk as he watched you gawk at him.
Your heart was racing in mild horror. But something about his tone struck a nerve. It felt like he was toying with you. And you hated that.
“Uh, who are you?” You said suddenly remembering where you were and just what you were doing. “Do you work here or something?”
“Does it look like I work here?”
He had a point. His absurd amount of piercings and his ripped jeans said he didn’t work anywhere respectable. However, the thick dark chained jewelry that weighed down his neck and wrists and the expensive sneakers on his feet said he had no problem getting money.
“You going out tonight?” He questioned, blatantly looking you up and down.
“What?” You spewed, feeling extremely self-conscious of his traveling eyes.
“I mean shit, with all the make-up and shit shoved in your pockets I just assumed...”
Your body froze. He’d caught you? Did he actually work here, was he lying? “...Not to mention the bottle of liquor you hid under your shirt...” How did he see that? You did have a small bottle of alcohol stashed in your bra but nobody was in any of the isles with you. You hadn’t seen him in the store at all since you’d arrived here, you definitely would have noticed him. “...If you’re going on a date you should really find a guy who can get all this stuff for you instead...”
Fear really started gripping you at these realizations. Plus he was minding no attention to his volume. He was basically outing you to the whole store. Your fear melted into anger. This fucker definitely didn’t work here. Just like you thought, he was fucking with you. Your temper started flaring up in your face making it hot.
“Shoplifting is the gateway drug to villainy you know. And that’s a rough world kid. I’m not sure if you could handle it...”
Kid? He looked barely older than you. And he was starting to get really annoying. At this rate he was going to get you caught.
“Speaking from experience?” You jutted back, looking around to see if any employees were hearing this.
He chuckled again. “No, I don’t do drugs.” He stated with a grin and a poor attempt at sounding sincere.
You scoffed. “I seriously doubt that.”
“Did you want something? Cause if not I’ve got somewhere to be.”
He looked at you for a moment. Soaking up the irritated look on your face. Dying to get away from him. Desperate not to get caught. It was cute. He merely shrugged. It was honest. He wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted from you yet.
The irritation now bubbling over, you huffed and walked away. What a waste of time. Surely you look suspicious now. You were monitoring the isles as you headed to the door. No one seemed to be looking. You were about to make a run for it when you heard some footsteps directly behind you and felt eyes on the back of your head.
“The alarms are going to go off.”
You hissed, dipping into a snack isle as an employee’s head started turning in your direction. Why was he talking so fucking loud?
“Can you shut up?”
He put a hand over his heart dramatically. “Is that how you repay me for trying to help you?”
“Help me?! You’re going to get me caught. So can you just fuck off—”
“Oy.” He growled. Sending a wave a intimidation to wash away any bit of confidence you had mustered up. “Go ahead and walk out the door then if you want. Fucking amateur.”
You were about to run but self-doubt washed over you. He did seem like he’d know about this better than you.
Mid-thought, his movements shocked you. He was standing so closely now, with that same face of complete intimidation as before. His eyes steady on your features, not breaking away for a moment. Without even having to look, he slowly slipped his fingers under your shirt. You weren’t even breathing at this point as your heart started throwing itself around your chest. If it were anyone else you’d immediately deck him for touching you like this but for some reason he felt like a near death experience. He had you completely frozen in fear and adrenaline, victim to whatever he wanted to do to you. His fingers were warm as they grazed the skin on your stomach, sending streaks of electricity to the part of your brain that was sounding off warning alarms. He pulled the bottle of alcohol out slowly from your bra.
He smirked as you stared at him wide-eyed. Like he’d just blown some fuses in your brain.
He turned the bottle so you could see a little black tag on the bottom. You hadn’t noticed it before.
“A sensor. They’re new.” Was all he had to say and you knew you had almost completely fucked up. You were beating your head against a wall knowing you’d have to acknowledge this guy was right. Except the look on his face told you he was already enjoying every second of this.
“Okay, fuck, you got me. You were right.” You said suddenly exploding. Your mind was overloading with information. You’d expected this to be a simple thing. And this asshole just shows up out of nowhere for no reason.
“You’re supposed to say thank you.”
You scoffed. “For what? You gonna buy it for me or something?”
He considered this for a moment. “No.”
You shot him a incredulous look. “The fuck? Then what do you want?”
“Honestly it was painful watching you attempt this half-assed little petty theft.”
“Well sorry to dissapp—”
“And despite this nasty little attitude you’ve got...” He continued with a devious grin. “I’m gonna show you how it’s really done.”
“How what’s done? Taking make-up?”
“Robbery.” He deadpanned.
Your insides exploded now. You didn’t even bother mistaking that for a joke.
“Um no—”
“Don’t be a pussy.”
“What?! Are you fucking crazy?”
“No! I’m not—”
“It’s either this or I’ll call over that guy.” He pointed to an unknowing employee stocking shelves. “And show him this.” He yanked up your shirt now to expose all the shit you had tucked into your waistband and bra.
You hissed again, yanking your shirt down, but words drained out of your brain. He was seriously dangerous. It was written all over that amused look on his face as he watched your face go red from him being under your shirt twice already after meeting him literally five minutes ago.
You felt like he’d sucked the air out of the room. How was nobody hearing this? How had you fallen into this psycho’s trap?
“Fuck.” Slipped out under your breath.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He cooed in your ear as he started to walk past you. “Stay here.”
You immediately considered running as he disappeared around the corner of the isle. But now you didn’t know how much of this merchandise in your clothing had censors. And you couldn’t take it all out without that employee noticing for sure.
Fight or flight was wrestling in your brain. Red flags were gleaming in your eyes as the alarms in your head continued blaring in your ears. You should have ran before he even had the chance to speak to you. But that’s not really how you felt. Something about him was addicting already.
He was exhilarating in the worst and best kind of way. Even now his short absence had you dying to know where he went and when he’d come back.
Then, like someone stabbed you in the ears, the alarms in your head were drowned out by the sudden blaring of real alarms in the store. You nearly jumped out of your skin. Looking around, the employees were looking around in shock. People started rushing past you with concerned faces as they evacuated the store.
You just spun around in confusion. Had he done this? Did someone set of an alarm on him? Were the police coming? You should run. You should definitely fucking run. Now would be the time. They’d never catch you with all these other alarms going off.
“Ah. Good girl. Just where I left you.” His voice was in your ear in an instant.
“Did you do this?!” You whispered wildly.
“Me? How could I have done it? Those are fire alarms.”
For some reason relief rushed over you. “Oh.”
“Put this on.” He said putting a black face mask in your hand. Did he have these on hand? To protect from smoke inhalation or something? That’s fucking weird. ”Come on.” He said strolling away like nothing. Like there wasn’t fire alarms blaring in your ears, drowning out any logic or comprehension.
You hastily put on the mask and followed his large body which was dressed in black head to toe.
Luckily it seemed like his plans were foiled. Once you got outside you could dip and escape him.
But he suddenly stopped at the check-out. A guy about the same age was standing there looking around. The store was mostly empty now of regular customers. You wondered why he hadn’t evacuated yet along with everyone—
“Okay. Make this easy on me. I’m trying to make a good first impression here.” He said to the guy.
“You know what I mean.” He replied with a grin, discreetly gesturing to you.
“Uh...look man you should evacuate with everyone else. I don’t know where the fire is but—“
“Ah yea, about that....I am the fire.” And for the first time he smiled. A wicked smile with wide eyes and complete exhilaration on his face.
The guy jerked back at the sight of it. “The fuck?”
You gasped as he put his hand up and a blast of blue flames shot out. You could feel the heat from where you were standing behind him.
“Just give us the cash and I won’t do anything crazy. Okay?”
The guy stood like a deer in headlights. Unable to process anything as fear washed over him. You could relate. The blue flame was mirroring in your eyes as you stared at it in shock. The alarms still blaring in your ears.
But he wasn’t done yet. He raised his second hand and now both hands were ablaze. It was horrifying. The attendant scrambled to take all of the money out of the cash registers and put the stack in a shopping bag. Throwing it onto the counter and stepping as far away from the flames as possible.
“Thanks man. I’ll owe you one if this goes well.” He said with humor laced in his deep voice.
He jutted his head toward the door motioning for the guy to run. Which he did. He sprinted out the door to join everyone else who was evacuated outside.
“Ready?” He was facing you now. Putting the grocery bag of cash in his hoodie pocket.
You were definitely going to jail.
“Let’s get out of here.” He said and strolled toward the back door.
He paused for a moment in front of a stand of alcohol. Picking up two bottles after grazing over the options for a moment.
He was nearly at the door when he realized you hadn’t moved a muscle.
“They don’t let you wear make up in jail.” He called over to you. “Ugh.” He sighed. “Come on amateur. I’ll leave you here if I have to.”
Suddenly your legs sprung to life as you ran to him. “Want anything else?” He poked as he examined the adorable look of trauma riddling your blood drained face.
The back alley was empty. You heard police sirens in the distance. This guy was dragging you straight to hell with him.
You both looked up as a body flew overhead in the sky above of alley. You only saw the person for a brief moment but it didn’t take a genius to know heroes were closing in.
You needed to run. Now.
“Oh shit I forgot something.” He said in realization.
You looked at him utterly dumbfounded. What could he possibly have forgotten?!
“Be right back.” He assured as he walked back inside.
But he was gone. Leaving you there. The sirens were getting louder. You just wanted some fucking eyeliner.
Just then you heard an explosion. You looked up and saw the glow of bright blue flames growing in the windows.
Fuck. He was dead. This is so beyond fucking bad.
And finally after all this your flight response triggered. You started running down the alley. Except your legs only managed a slow jog as you struggled to stay in reality.
Where would you run to? Would the cops know it was you? And him? Whoever the fuck he was. Did they get you on camera?
“Wow you were just gonna leave me? That’s kinda fucked up.”
You jumped three feet as the voice appeared next to you.
“What the fuck?” You spun to see electric blue eyes looking at you under hooded eyelids.
“What?” He said with a cocked head.
“I thought you died!” You spewed, feeling almost relieved somehow that this psychopath was back.
He chuckled. “Dead? How.”
“There was a fire!” You said pointing at the growing fire inside.
“You just figured that out Sherlock? Shit I told you those were fire alarms.” He started mumbling to himself a few things under his breath that sounded like ‘you don’t look like a dumbass but who knows these days I guess.’
“Why did you go back in there?” You were yelling now. He was making you seem like the crazy one. He’s the one who basically just committed armed robbery!
You heard the rustling of plastic as he held something up for you to see. “Chips. These ones are my favorite.”
“Chips!?” You were seething now.
“Hey why are you mad? I got you some too. I didn’t know which ones you like so I just took a bunch.” He said holding up a grocery bag filled with a variety of them and the bottles from before.
You stared at him dumbfounded again. He just risked both your lives over some chips?
“I’m going to lose my mind. Or I’m currently losing my mind....” you said with wide eyes.
“Well can you hold on that for like five minutes. We still have something to do.”
“Huh?” You cried desperately.
“Get the fuck out of here before those cops come looking for us.”
He led you down the creepy dark alleyways until you could barely hear the police sirens in the background.
“So amateur, learn anything?” He crunched down on a chip.
The adrenaline was draining now and you were starting to really process what just happened.
“Yea, I learned you’re a fucking criminal.”
“You’re the one who was shoplifting.” He scoffed.
“What?! You just robbed that fucking store!”
“Why are you yelling?”
“Yelling?! You’re fucking crazy!”
“Yea and?”
“And you-you—”
He stopped in his tracks. You nearly ran into his back. He turned and faced you, towering over you. Eyes intense. His chain dangling as he leaned down closer to you. Giving you another chance to notice how strangely attractive he was.
“Are you scared or something?” He said in a deep quiet hum.
You should have just said yes. And said that he was scary. And that you wanted him to leave you alone. But you didn’t. You didn’t even want to. Despite all the shit spewing out of your mouth you’d be lying to say you weren’t high off this chaos. That he wasn’t ridiculously intriguing and sexy. That this wasnt the most exciting thing that’s ever happen in your bland life.
“No.” You lied. Hoping he’d think you weren’t fucking boring.
He grinned. “You’re a bad liar.” With one finger he hooked the side of your face mask and peeled it off to expose your lips for his admiration. “Good thing you look cute when you’re scared.”
The real scary thing here was that you were already into this psychotic criminal.
“So do I get to know your name yet?” He said playing with a strand of your hair, yet again invading your personal space with no regard.
He hummed. Like he was agreeing or something.
“I’m Dabi.” He said darkly. Leaning in even closer. He was standing so close it made you lose balance and you stumbled backwards. But he easily caught you by grabbing the front of your sweatshirt. The movement caused some the make-up you stole to fall out onto the gravel.
He laughed at you and pulled you back close to him. Which made you blush intensely.
“Speaking of which. I think we have someone to cancel on.”
Your mind flashed to your boring date tonight.
“Go on. Get out your phone.” He patiently waited with his hands in his pockets for you to bring up his messages.
Just as you went to type he snatched your phone away.
He shushed you, pushing your face back to keep you at arms length as he read the last few of your messages.
“Want to hang out tonight?” He mocked. “Fuck and you said sure?” He gave you a judgmental look. “This just screams missionary.”
You squeaked at his vulgarity. “Shut up!”
He chuckled again. “Relax I’m talking about him. Although you do need higher standards. This is fucking boring.”
You shrunk in horror as he pressed the call button and put your phone to his ear.
“What are you doing?!” You hissed trying to snatch the phone back.
“Stop I’m trying to make a phone call.”
“Well I don’t want you to!” You squealed in horror.
“Why not?” He feigned confusion.
You both stopped wrestling when you heard someone answer on the other line.
“Hey man.” He smiled deviously. “Glad I caught you.” He paused. Probably listening to your date stuttering in confusion as to why a smug asshole was calling him on your number.
“Well I’m just calling to let you know y/n isn’t going to make it tonight to Netflix and chill or whatever other lame way you were going to attempt to sleep with her.” He paused again, completely ignoring your aggressive gestures to give your phone back or you’ll kill him. Surely he found you very very intimidating. “She’s cancelling on you because....well because I told her to.” He chuckled. “Shes got new plans. With me.”
He grinned down at you. Absorbing the way you were timidly looking at him now. Holding onto every word with slightly parted lips that he’d be looking forward to kissing at some point soon.
“Anyways. Don’t text her anymore or I’ll probably have to come kill you.” He chuckled again. You heard someone say something on the other line but Dabi hung up on him.
He must have noticed the look on your face. “Relax I’m kidding.” He lied, handing your phone back. “Anyways, I’m tired of this alley. You ready or what?”
You didn’t know what his plans tonight were for you yet. But you were dying to find out.
Lord have mercy...he could rail me.
General tags from masterlist: @midnight-mochii @waluigis-wang @lilachusworld @seokjinniemysun @xodrea @the-sass-goddess @whore4hq @reghan-darling @channieboiiii @animexholic @strawberrysalwa @expensivechimmy @gotta-get-back-to-johnlock @themajesticunicorn @dxddydrea @tee2cute @fullsundear @dumbbird89 @chargeandinlarge @wackichris @myherosilhouette @r0zyp0zy0zy @frosted-flakes @halietigges @ladybeautiful18 @waywardcowboyllamavoid @edgyb1tch
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