#i don’t wanna be called pitiful again that was so sad it was within earshot like I can hear you ppl
whimsyprinx · 2 years
my sinuses had better not be acting up so help me god I refuse to do this two octobers in a row
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Kiss the Girl
Pairing: Kevin Price x reader
Prompt: “can you do a Kevin Price x reader where everyone teases Kevin that he loves the reader but he denies it (but he does) and eventually the reader asks him to watch a movie with her and he randomly kisses her which ends up being a makeout session”
Word Count: 1,848
Warnings: Make out scene, slight suggestive themes
Author’s Note: 1. I love Kevin Price 2. I love Disney 3. I loved writing this fic
Kevin watched as you let the door shut behind you, walking back to your own house. He was unaware of the small smile that had found its way onto his face, still looking at the door long after you had left.
“Oh boy, Elder.” A laugh sounded from behind Kevin, Connor pausing before continuing on, “You really have it bad for her, don’t you?”
“W-what?” Kevin shook his head as if to rid himself of thoughts of you, turning to face Connor. “No, no - I only have, uh, platonic, feelings for Y/N. Nothing more, nothing less. You could even call us acquaintances.” He stammered and stumbled over his words; perhaps talking fast would convince everyone around him of his lack of feelings.
“Uh huh.” Connor raised an eyebrow in response, evidently not believing a word that came out of Kevin’s mouth. “I bet if we asked anyone - and I mean anyone, Kevin - about the way you react around Y/N they’d tell you it was love.”
“They would not!” The indignant defense all but confirmed it for Connor; the boy was head over heels for her.
“Whatever you say, Kevin. Whatever you say.” A look of pity had found its way onto Connor’s face and he shook his head as he walked away, leaving Kevin alone to deal with his conflicting thoughts.
Kevin had never really understood his own feelings, especially his feelings in regard to you - first he thought they were purely platonic, a thought he insistently defended. But as you spent more time together, and even through the briefest of interactions, he grew more and more fond of you. Whether it was your laugh, the sparkle in your eyes or the ease with which you held a conversation, there was absolutely no denying it: he was in love with you.
Love. It was a scary thing. Kevin hadn’t been in love before, or at least he couldn’t remember ever being in love before. But the unknown feeling he had in the pit of his stomach every time he looked at you must’ve been love. There was no other explanation for it - for the butterflies in his stomach, for the thoughts of you that kept him up at night, for the way his attention was immediately drawn to you every time the two of you were in the same room.
“Something wrong, buddy?” Arnold’s soft voice sounded from behind Kevin and a hand found its way to rest on his shoulder.
“Maybe.” Kevin gave a defeated sigh, slightly folding in on himself as he turned his face towards Arnold. “It’s just-”
“Matters of the heart, huh?” Arnold nodded understandingly, as if he had abundant experience in such matters. “Is it... You know... Y/N again?”
“Y/N! Again?” Kevin laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair. Glancing around to ensure Arnold was the only one within earshot, Kevin dropped his voice to a whisper, asking, “Is it really that obvious?”
“‘Fraid so.” As soon as the words came out of Arnold’s mouth the handle of the door turned and you walked back into the room, evidently having left something behind. “Good luck, bud.” Arnold whispered into Kevin’s ears before attempting hasty exit, leaving the two of you alone.
“Um, hi, Y/N.” With a weak wave Kevin greeted you, internally cursing himself for his awkwardness - it seemed as though you acted as a repellent for any logical thought he attempted.
“Kevin! Just the man I wanted to see,” You smiled wide and Kevin’s eyes flickered down to your lips, tentatively licking his own. Picking up the jacket you had left draped over the back of the couch you took two steps closer to Kevin. “Do you wanna maybe come over to my place tonight? Like, to watch a movie or something? I’ve got some Disney movies I want to re-watch but not alone, so I thought to myself, ‘who’d want to watch these with me’ and you came to mind -”
“Yes.” Kevin thankfully cut off your rambling with a shy smile. “I’d love - uh, like, that a lot.”
“Great!” You felt your face flush as you watched Kevin’s eyes roam around your face, more often than not landing on your lips. “Well, I’ll see you soon?” Phrasing it as a question you crossed your arms and looked up at Kevin, awaiting an answer.
“How about I grab my stuff now and come with you?” It took everything in Kevin’s power to prevent himself from hitting his own face - your eyebrows had shot up at his statement, evidently because he came on too strong and probably scared you off. “I mean, if that’s alright and all...” Nice. Very obvious back peddling. Kevin cringed slightly, the skin of his forehead crinkling in embarrassment.
“Of course it is, Kevin!” Getting over your initial shock on how forward Kevin was you relaxed your face into a smile, a light blush dusting your cheeks. With a slight nod in your direction Kevin all but ran off in the direction of his room, rushing to collect the things he deemed necessary - his wallet, keys, phone - and shoved them into a backpack.
He reappeared in your line of vision, droplets of sweat beading along his hairline and a rosy glow to his cheeks. “Let’s get going then,” You smiled, continuing to do so as the two of you made your way out of the Elder’s accommodation and towards your own.
Kevin blushed just thinking about being alone with you, something he had never experienced before; at least three others were always in the same room as you both. Perhaps this was the chance he had to finally make a move, or at least tell you how he felt - how he had felt for the longest time. He followed you into your lounge room, placing his bag gingerly against the couch that stood facing the television.
“Is The Little Mermaid okay? It’s one of my favourites,” Your statement hung in the air between you and Kevin; somehow despite being able to talk for hours whilst surrounded by others, alone it seemed you were complete strangers.
“S-sure.” With an awkward, jerky movement Kevin nodded and you began to play the movie, sitting a respectable distance away from where Kevin was seated. But that didn’t last very long, as within about ten minutes both of you had readjusted your sitting positions, shifting closer to the middle until you were separated only by a distance wide enough for Kevin’s hand to rest.
The first part of the movie passed without incident, Kevin apparently awaiting the perfect moment to turn to you and -
And you don’t know why but you’re dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl.
Kevin gulped as he snuck a glance your way; you were completely engrossed in the movie, despite having seen it numerous times before. His cheeks turned red as the song played on, strangely mirroring the voice of his own internal monologue.
Looks like the boy too shy, ain’t gonna kiss the girl. Ain’t that sad? Ain’t it a shame? Too bad, he gonna miss the girl.
The singing, animated crab was right: if Kevin didn’t grab your attention in someway he would lose his chance - it was now or never.
Boy, you better do it soon, no time will be better.
“Hey, Y/N?” You turned your head to face Kevin, who had managed to grab your attention. Opening your mouth to reply you froze in shock as you felt Kevin press his lips hard against yours, having misjudged the force needed to carry him to you. You didn’t respond, initially unable to even comprehend the quick succession of events.
Sensing your hesitation, Kevin pulled back, a look of confusion on his face as he began to mutter out an apology. “Y/N, I’m sorry, I - I don’t know what came over me-”
To prevent his rambling from continuing, you mustered up the courage to press your own lips to his, shifting closer to him on the couch. He gasped and his eyes fluttered shut as he felt your lips press once more against his. Your hands had travelled up his body with a feather-light touch, resting in his hair and tugging slightly.
Kevin was nervous - you could tell from the way his hands shook against you, as if touching you in any way would make you stop; or worse, could hurt you. But his hands came to lay on your waist, the both of you turning to face one another whilst still sitting on the couch.
Tracing the curve of your body one of Kevin’s hands moved up to tip your jaw slightly further up, giving him more access to your lips as they parted. It seemed as though your lips were made for one another, moving together in harmony as your tongues explored each other’s mouths. You let out an involuntary moan as Kevin pressed himself flush against you, his kiss evidently becoming both more needy and passionate.
A knock sounded throughout your small house, the only noise able to draw you away from Kevin. “Excuse me a second,” You laugh, panting slightly as you stood up and walked to the door, a giddy smile remaining in place on your face.
“Hello?” You opened the door to a smiling face - Connor’s smiling face. Without realising, your face was still flushed, lips swollen slightly and hair mussed; all tell-tale signs of the deed you had just partaken in.
“Oh, Y/N, um, I needed to ask Kevin a question, but, uh, I see the two of you are... busy... So I’ll just leave you to it.” After raking his eyes over your appearance Connor’s cheeks were coloured with red, having understood the reason behind them. He promptly turned on his heel without waiting for you to respond, leaving you befuddled in the doorway.
“So I guess Connor knows now,” You stated simply, sitting back down on the couch, this time with your thigh pressed against Kevin’s.
“I’m sorry,” He replied, gently placing his hand on the top of your knee. You rested your head against his chest, falling into a calming rhythm together.
Breaking the comfortable silence, Kevin said, “I - I’ve always wanted to find and tell someone, ‘You deserve to be in an art museum because of how beautiful you are.’ And I think I found that person in you, Y/N.” Taking in a deep breath he continued, “I think I might actually love you.”
You gasped at his words and turned your head up, watching a blush spread across his face. Studying the way his eyes lit up by simply seeing your face and being in your presence you couldn’t help but smile. “And I think I love you too, Kevin.”
He laughed as he pressed a chaste kiss to your temple, wrapping an arm protectively around you. You moved in closer and placed a flat palm to brace yourself on his chest; the rhythm of his breathing and the feeling of happiness filling you quickly putting you to sleep.
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