#i don’t think sirius is as dumb as eric
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mistress-riddle · 6 months ago
yk i’d like to think that sirius and professor mcgonagall had a somewhat similar relationship as to eric and mr feeny from boy meets world
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fairy-writes · 4 years ago
FairyTailWzard’s New Annual tradition!
2020’s Top 10 List Part One!
So here’s a list that no one asked for of the top 10 anime series I watched this year. I wanted to put this in no particular order but I figured I might as well.  I’ll also be doing my top 10 fanfics from this year and my top 10 books I read this year so stay tuned for parts 2 and 3!
10.) RWBY
Uuuggghhh I really didn’t wanna put this on here… but I really didn’t watch much this year so I had to I guess :(((
I’m really not liking this right now… if my blog wasn’t sort of popular because of my rwby oneshots I’d consider just dropping the anime all together….
(I’m seriously debating on whether to watch the new season or not)
Honestly, the only thing bringing me back is my unhealthy love for Ozpin, Torchwick, and Ironwood.
Honestly, I’d give this show about a 3 or 4/10…
I used to love it so much but I think the quality of writing is going down and the show is trying to be too many things at once that I’m just losing interest.
9.) My Hero Academia
Why is this so low you may ask? Well, cause I think my main hype coming from this is the manga.
Yes I love the show, the animation studio is freaking amazing and the quality of animation never ceases to amaze me. But I love the manga a bit more.
This will probably jump up in rating around season 5 or 6 but for right now I’ll leave it in the 9th spot :)
8.) Sirius the Jaeger
Oh my GOSH, I want a second season so bad. One of my favorite OC’s I’ve ever made was for this anime (it’s Idris Tana btw) and I actually commissioned artwork for her recently and it’s SO PRETTY.
Anyway getting off-topic, the animation of this show and again with the dark and grittiness of it is what drew me in.
Actually, my late grandma and also my great aunt tagged me in a Facebook post with the trailer when it first came out cause they saw vampires and thought I would like it and that's what got me into this show in the first place.
So thank you grandma and auntie!
But I absolutely adore the soundtrack, the mix of orchestral pieces mixed with the more electro-kinda-vibes is my life (seriously go listen to “The Beginning of the Hunting” it changed my life, as an orchestra and cello geek it made my heart so happy)
7.) Tokyo Ghoul season 1-3
Ok, I’m currently reading the manga after I’ve seen the anime and lemme tell you I wish they didn’t censor the anime so much.
I can’t even find an uncensored version anymore and it makes me so upset.
The darkness and goriness of the manga is what appealed to me in the first place (yes I get weird looks for it, no I will not change my mind)
Kaneki is my CHILD and he CANNOT do any wrong. I don’t care who you are I love him
6.) Ajin: Demi-Human
Uuuggghhh to be honest the anime is kinda meh but my love for the manga is so great I am legally obligated to put this here.
Don’t get me wrong, the animation and soundtrack for this show is phenomenal and I think they got Satou down pat.
But they did dumb down and cut out a lot of interesting scenes. Scenes like how Satou takes down some of his opponents (which I can see why... many American viewers would most likely get offended by it… you manga readers know what scene i mean)
Nagai Kei turns into a bit of a whiny character instead of the smart but exasperated teenager I know and love in the manga is the anime version of Kei going to bite off his own fingers in order to climb a wall into a military base?? Definitely not. Would manga-Kei do that? Well, he already did… so... yes..,
Nakano Kou is still kind of funny but he is so much more fascinating in the manga (his backstory breaks my heart).
5.) Bungou Stray Dogs
Another new one that I was actually recommended by my friend @bright-like-the-sun-00 :) I ended up watching it originally in dub but then went back and rewatched it in sub because I love my children so much.
Chuuya is my bean and I love my OC that I created Charlie Dickens :)
(if you guys could go read her story I’d be eternally grateful).
This show has a fantastic cast in both Japanese and English and the music score is one of my favorites. The characters are so wonderfully hilarious and interesting and fhajxbqbaka I love this show okay??
4.) Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
I actually put this off for YEARS because my oldest step-brother kept saying I should watch it. At this point, I was refusing out of spite cause I’m petty like that. But I finally started watching and-
I have never gotten so attached to a character (cough cough Giyuu) so quickly.
I have been listening to Gurenge and Kamado Tanjiro no Uta on repeat for literal weeks now and I still grin like an idiot when listening to them. I also have a potential OC/crossover coming out soon sooooo…. stay tuned??
I also broke my sister cause I showed her a post that said national donut day and had a picture of Rengoku on it… I didn’t understand it until she explained it to me and now I cackle every time I think about it.
3.) Jujutsu Kaisen
@plusultranerd​ got me into this blame her for the future spamming of your dashboards
He could literally murder me and I’d thank him. He is the prettiest anime character I have EVER SEEN and I love him so much.
Anyway anime. The show got my attention from the get-go. Itadori is such a fun main character and Megumi is me cause you know dogs.
I think I saw an ad for it and since I have Crunchyroll I figured why not and fell in love with it
I put it on sometimes so me and my sister just start jamming out to it and we get the stupidest looks and it is amazing
2.) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Another anime that I will rewatch over and over again until literally the end of time. Also, another series that I’ve already read/or am reading the manga.
Alphonse Eric is my cinnamon roll you can pry him from my cold dead hands.
I have cold hands and no heart by holy heck my BOY
I actually am buying the special edition hardback manga covers that are coming out and I LOVE THEM
Am I talking about the characters or the manga?
My answer is yes
Anyway, all of the characters in this are so wonderfully complex and have motivations and i fall in love with 99% of the characters (except for Shou Tucker, I even like Father actually)
1.)  Death Parade
This has got to be one of my top favorite anime of ALL TIME.
I rewatched it early this year and this is one of the very few anime that will get me to cry and this makes me cry every freaking time.
The music is stunning, the animation is magnificent.
For being based on an animated short film, this has such potential for a second season and such a complex storyline was packed into 12 episodes.
I will forever recommend this anime to literally anyone who is looking for something new to watch.
I’m also noticing I have a thing for white-haired male anime characters with really pretty eyes….. Kaneki… Gojo… Decim...
Honorable mentions!
Darker than Black
I didn’t rewatch the whole thing this year but this anime is literally my life. Hei is such a bean and I love him.
Hunter x Hunter
Another anime i didn't rewatch completely but still adore :) I heard they’re continuing it and I’m excited for the dark continent arc!
Technically i watched this late 2019 but whatever; I do what I want. The animation was absolutely gorgeous and I loved the gritty darkness of it. Mio will forever be my favorite character; you cannot change my mind. Some parts I did find a bit boring but overall I’d rate this a solid 6/10!
The Devil is a Part-Timer!
I rewatched parts of it and not the whole thing, I also have the first two volumes of the light novels and I forget how funny it is until I actually watch it. It has me laughing every time and never fails to put a smile on my face :)
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tayrae515imagines · 7 years ago
Boy Next Door
Requested: Yes by the lovely @camila05hdz
Hello, sorry if I ask too many imagines but could you do one that’s a James Sirius Potter with a Hufflepuff reader and it’s just like fluffiness, it’s ok if you can’t or anything:)
Warnings: Cursing, underage drinking, some violence, drunk assholes forcing themselves on you before you shut them dowwwn.
Pairing: James Sirius Potter X Hufflepuff Reader
Summary: Growing up next door to the Potters, you and James had always been close. He gets jealous when he sees you with someone else at a party and decides to finally tell you how he feels. 
Authors Note: Thanks for your request! Hope you like it!
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Growing up next to the Potters was both a blessing and a curse. Knowing that the famous Harry Potter and his family lived right next door was a secure feeling. You had never felt any danger or ever had a reason to feel anything but safe. 
Harry and Ginny had become your second parents, Lilly and Albus adored you like a sister. That left just one Potter, James. He annoyed you, teased you, drove you utterly mad, but was also your best friend. The two of you just connected and formed an unbreakable bond. Two peas in a pod your parents liked to say. 
When you were younger it was never one of you without the other. You played together and walked hand in hand everywhere you went. He was your first kiss, of course, you were only five at the time and you pushed him away claiming he had cooties. 
As you two grew up he became your partner in crime. You could often find the two of you in detention after pulling pranks on your fellow Hogwarts students. Well it was more like James pulled the pranks but you didn’t stop him which resulted in you tagging along in detention because in the words of McGonagall ‘If you can stand by and watch him pull this nonsense than you shouldn't have any problem watching him in detention.’  You didn’t mind though, it was just more time you got to spend with him. That was how your years at Hogwarts progressed. Neither of you really had boyfriends or girlfriends or any interest in anything romantic. You tended to stay away from boys. That was until your sixth year.  
You were held up in the Hufflepuff common room, sitting by the fire and waiting for James to finish quidditch practice. You watched the embers dance as the red and orange hues reflected onto your face. It was warm and felt great against your cold exterior. 
You hadn’t noticed James walk in until you felt a blanket get draped over your shoulders and his smug voice.
“Why are you always freezing?”
You laughed slightly and scooted over on the couch to make room for him. 
“I’m just cold blooded I guess.”
This time James laughed.
“Oh please. You are just a cinnamon roll in witch form. You don’t have an ounce of cold blood in you.”
You turned your head to look up at him as he put his arm around your shoulders pulling you close to him. His face was lit up with the same warm hues that lit up yours. His dark hair was a mess on top of his head and his eyes gleamed in with the reflection of the fire. He was absolutely breathtaking. 
Wait. What?  
Since when do you call James breathtaking? Or look at him like he was anything but a friend?
Snapping out of your thoughts you moved your eyes to your lap, realizing you had been starting a small blush formed on your cheeks. 
“Sorry. I zoned out.”
He laughed.
“Clearly. You were staring at me like I was a piece of meat.”
“Well hate to break it to you Potter but I’m a vegetarian.”
James laughed loudly throwing his head back against the couch, you watched him and laughed as well. His laugh gave you chills and you hated it. Hated it because you were suddenly starting to see him different. He wasn’t that little boy you thought had cooties. He was now a young man who aged handsomely. Now the thought of his lips on yours was all you seemed to think about. All you wanted was his arms around you but not in the friendship way he did now. You wanted him to hold you, your head on his chest as his arms keep you close scared to let go. You wanted him to feel what you had begun feeling for him. 
Snapping out of your thoughts you realized your position and stood abruptly causing James to raise a brow at you. 
“Sorry. I just remembered I have a test to study for. I need to go to the library.”
You started collecting your objects and putting them into your bag, except you couldn’t find one book. Your favorite book. 
James stood and handed you the very book you were looking for.
“I’ll come with you. Besides I like watching you study.”
You closed your bag and put the strap over your shoulder, raising your brow at the Potter boy.
“You get this cute little crease on your forehead.”
Your cheeks turned red and you tried to hurry out before him but he caught your arm. 
“Are you blushing?”
“Shut it, Potter.”
“I can not believe the (y/n) (y/l/n) is blushing!”
“Shut it!”
With that, you pulled your arm away from his hand and headed towards the library but you could hear his chuckle and footsteps right behind you. You made it to the library rather quickly and sat at a table near the back, pulling out your books. James eventually caught up and sat across from you giving you one of his jaw-dropping smiles. 
You started to go over your potion textbook while James flicked a piece of paper around the table playing some sort of game he made up in his head. You noticed a shadow now loomed over the table the two of you occupied and you averted your gaze from your book to the person creating the shadow. 
It was a Ravenclaw boy named Eric. He was smart, gorgeous and not to forget a bit of a playboy so you weren't particularly sure why his shadow now loomed over you. He had spoken to you maybe once in the last two months. 
“(Y/N)! Just who I was looking for.”
“Uh hi.”
Your voice was small and confused which caused James to move his gaze to the boy. You saw a glare push it’s way through James’s features but you ignored it. 
“I wanted to invite you to a party I’m having tonight.”
He handed you an invitation and you took it gently still in shock that anyone would even want to invite you to a party. 
“Um, thanks.”
James took the invitation from your hand and looked it over.
Eric kept his gaze on you and gave you a charming smile.
“Hope to see you there.”
“Oh. I-I’m not- I don’t know if-.”
“We’ll be there.”
James said in a tight voice causing you to look at him with wide eyes. Parties had never been your thing and he knew that.
“Oh actually I was only inviting (y/n). I don’t know if I have another inv-”
James ripped the invite in half and handed half back to you.
“Oh look. An extra invite how thoughtful.”
Eric glared before turning back to you with a charming smile.
“See you tonight (y/n).”
With that, he turned around and left you alone with wide eyes and a glaring James.
“What the bloody hell was that!?”
“Don’t act dumb James! You know I hate parties and what about all the glaring? I didn’t even know you two knew each other.”
“We don’t. I just don’t like him. I've heard stories. I didn’t want you to go alone.”
James shrugged and went back to playing with his paper ball leaving you confused as hell. 
-that night- 
You now stood in your dorm room looking in the mirror you had on a pair of jeans and a nice black sweater with a crisscross cutout on the neck area. With a  pair of blue boots on your feet and you stared in the mirror, parties had never been your thing and you didn’t know what to wear. You were starting to panic slightly. Were you dressed up enough? Were you to fancy? What do people even wear to parties? Should you put your hair up? Or leave it down? 
A knock sounded on your door, breaking your thoughts. With a sigh, you hesitantly opened the door to revile James. He had on a button down shirt and a pair of jeans, his hair was done and nice instead of the mess of brown locks that usually garnished his head. He looked even more handsome than usual which caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach. You put your hands over your face and started to pace slightly. 
“(Y/n)? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know what to wear. I’ve never been to a party. Do I look too casual? Should I find something nicer? I don’t even think I have anything nicer. Oh, Merlin! What am I goi-”
James approached you and moved your hands from your face. He took your clammy hands in his and looked you right in the eyes.
“Calm down. You look gorgeous in what you are wearing.”
One of his hand moved up and brushed a strand of hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear. 
“Absolutely. You could wear a sack and still be the most beautiful one there.”
Rolling your eyes you pushed away slightly, turning back towards the mirror. You couldn’t get the grin or blush off your face. James came up behind you and put his arms around your waist pulling you to him. 
“You always look beautiful (y/n).”
You made eye contact with him through the mirror and his eyes held so much emotion only you didn’t know what it meant. James caught on to and pulled away from you walking back to your door.
You nodded, suddenly unable to form words.
He took your hand in his and lead you to the Ravenclaw common room. Your stomach was jumbled with nerves and him holding your hand was not helping. It should have provided you comfort, and it did to a certain extent but you couldn't deny the pain you also felt because he wasn't anything more than your friend. 
Once you made it to the common room you stepped inside to hear the loud music and see the many people who had also attended. It was packed and you could already feel the nerves rising again. 
“I’ll go get us drinks. Okay?”
You nodded at James’s question and he walked to go find some drinks as you stayed rooted to your spot. You hadn’t realized the comfort James provided until he was gone. He had only stepped away moments ago but you felt worse than before. Why were you here? You couldn’t stop asking yourself that question over and over again. You knew you wouldn't have fun, so why were you here?
“(Y/n)! You made it!”
Turning on your heel you saw Eric approaching you. He had a cup in his hand and smelt of Fire whiskey, you could only imagine he had been drinking. 
Your voice was quiet and you looked at the ground, nerves higher than before. 
“You look hot!”
Your cheeks turned red again and you kept your gaze on the ground.
You mumbled once again and felt Eric reach towards you grabbing your arm gently.
“I want to show you something.”
You looked up at him, his dazzling smile taking place on his face just like earlier. 
You let him lead you and turned back to see James holding two drinks with a frown on his face as he saw you with Eric. Your heart hurt to think you upset him in any way. 
Eric led you to his dorm room and stepped inside gently, you followed him but felt uneasy when you saw where you were. Eric shut the door and set his drink down, walking towards you. His hands found their place on your hips and he leaned in pressing his lips to yours before you had time to process what was happening. Your eyes went wide and your heart started to race but not in the way James made it. You felt scared and nervous because you didn’t want this. 
You pushed him away forcefully and looked at him in shock. 
“W-what are you doing?”
“Kissing you. Obviously.”
He leaned in again, this time his lips touched yours a bit rougher than before. You struggled against him, his grip digging into your hips bit you managed to get him away from you once again.
“Oh come on? It’s just sex. I thought you Hufflepuffs were too nice to say no.”
Your jaw dropped and you held onto the tears you felt forming in your eyes.
“You thought I would sleep with you because I’m too nice to say no?!”
“That’s a bit presumptuous don’t you think? I don’t have any interest in cocky, aggressive assholes like you.”
Eric scoffed and sat on his bed.
“You don’t have to be a bitch about it.”
With a huff you left, slamming his door behind you. Tears blurred your vision and your breath was ragged. You made your way to the common room pushing past as many people as you could to make it out of the room. You felt a hand on your upper arm and panic set in again, you started to struggle. 
“Let me go!”
“(Y/n). Baby, it’s me. It’s James.”
You looked up to see James’s concerned face looking at you.
He pulled you into a tight hug and you let your tears fall. He picked you up and carried you to your dorm letting you cry on his shoulder without any questions. Once in your dorm he set you down on your bed and brushed your hair waiting for you to calm down. 
“Baby what happened?”
You calmed down enough to get words out and focused your tear-soaked eyes on his. 
“E-eric. H-he forced himself on me. Thought that I would sleep with him because I was ‘to nice to say no’.”
You did quotation marks with your fingers when you said the last part. Rage filled his eyes and he stood walking towards the door.
“I’m going to kill him.”
James was fuming and he seethed the words out. Quickly you jumped off the bed and grabbed his arm. 
“No James. Please. Don’t leave. I- I need you.”
His eyes softened at your words and he pulled you to him in a tight embrace, kissing your head he spoke.
“I love you (Y/n). Not just as a friend I love you.”
You looked up at him, eyes wide. You had waited to hear those words for so long but never imagined you actually would. 
“I love you too James.”
He smiled brightly and leaned his head towards you waiting for you to lean up before he brushed his lips on yours. You kissed him back softly, sparks illuminating of your bodies. Sparks you hadn't felt with Eric, sparks you had waited so long to feel. He held you tightly and kissed you harder, emotion evident on his lips. He held you the way you had always wanted to be held. He held you like you were his world because you were. 
You kept him grounded, made him see the brighter things in life. He loved you just like you loved him. He wasn’t just the boy next door and you weren’t just the girl next door. You were each other's lifelines and as long as you had each other that was enough.
Tag List:
@petah-parkah-and-potahtas @messrs-howler @lesfleurslily @xxladybananaxx @hp-world-imagines
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