#i don’t mean for all my ace attorney character analyses to turn into fic recs but it’s not my fault i read so many good fics who explore the
unskippable cutscene time?
ok. this turned into me complaining about the fandom misinterpreting one of my fav characters, and only after all that did i actually start talking about said character. also i think this might actually be several separate reblogs because i talk way too much and it doesn’t all fit into one post
everyday i go on this website and i talk about my ace attorney faves. but look. godot. he's a very interesting guy. he's a very interesting Character. but no one fucking likes godot. it's just me and my friend who has a huge crush on him BUT LOOK. i dont need you to have a crush on godot. i just need someone to Think about him the same way i do. i need someone to actually think about his character for more than 2 seconds beyond the good looks and the asshole front. but because of a few mistranslations and scenes that just Read Wrong in an american setting, everyone thinks godot is a misogynist. even though he is SOOO not. like it;s literally not a thing for him in actual canon it's an actual mistranslation that makes people think he drinks misogyny juice instead of coffee every morning. my point is that godot is in fact not a misogynist, but my BIGGER point is: what if he Was. like if half the fandom thinks he hates women anyways, then why not make it interesting, you know?? like. look. obviously misogyny is not cool. but there are ways to write about it and to actually develop the character behind it. some of the fandom literally just reduces him to woman hater. like that's it? forreal? all im saying is if you're going to mischaracterize him that badly, at least make it INTERESTING. don't just make that his One Singular Trait. don't make him a misogynist because he hates every woman that's ever existed, make him one because he has good intentions but really warped ideas and worldviews. i don't know how well i'm explaining this, godot is just a complicated character, and everyone i see always simplifies him to The Asshole or The Misogynist. like yeah he CAN be those things if you want but maybe you could actually put some effort in deconstructing his biases and whatever. This is all a really long way to say that people mischaracterize godot very often and i hate it when they do that so if they're gonna do it so much they should at least make it fucking interesting (and i have a great example of a fic that does just that!! it's not godot-centered, and i just think that it's a really amazing fic in general and if you like ace attorney you should definitely read it. But like, back to godot: this fic does make him a misogynist, sure. it also Actually Explores how his toxic masculinity, his trauma, his loss of mia and his desire to protect maya all intertwine. he has good intentions and he's coming from a good place, and yet he's hurt and represses a lot and has some really fucked up ideas about what it means to be a man. he needs to protect maya not just because he failed protecting mia, but also because he's a man and she's a woman, etc etc. both of those ideas coexist for him. and i think it's really interesting to try and figure out where his "debt" and guilt about mia ends and where his toxic masculinity starts, where his need to protect maya because she's like a little sister to him ends and where the need to Protect Women(tm) in general starts. you know?? and then by the end of it he starts unlearning his bad ideas and starts coming to terms with his trauma!! Like holy shit can every godot is a misogynist truther start doing this please!!!!! i'm soo serious if you;re going to mischaracterize him at least make it fun to think about. but i digress. read the fic not only because it explores godot's character but also because it actually explores dahlia's character and backstory and explores the von karma family dynamic as well as many other things which the games never did. it's awesome)
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