#i don’t like messes but i seem to always make one 🫠
pandorainmymind · 2 years
MY SPOTIFY KEEPS GLITCHING.!.!.! please i’m just trying to make my bagels 😫
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miumura · 24 days
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( 📞 ) NOW RINGING » Park Sunghoon, an office worker with an odd knack for finding problems, has been calling you for assistance non-stop to address various issues in his office. Naturally, since it’s your job, you always stop by, but you’ve noticed that his problems are often simple to fix and don’t really require any help. So, it’s hard not to suspect that he’s just making excuses to see you.
Whether it’s a computer “glitch” or a “misplaced” file, Sunghoon’s requests for you seem more like opportunities for a chat than genuine emergencies.
PAIRING ✶ office-worker!sunghoon x assistant-fem!reader GENRE ✶ fluff, co-workers 2 lovers FEATURING ✶ jay from enhypen WARNINGS ✶ reader questions / teases sunghoon quite a bit, super obvious hoon 🫡 WORD COUNT ✶ 2.4K+
PICK UP? » this was inspired by something i had seen on tiktok … bits of it never left my mind since … all credits to it because that fueled me to write !! and i thought it suited him so … no thoughts just office worker sunghoon 🫠
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"Hello, it's me again," his voice crackled over the line as you pressed the phone to your ear. You let out a small sigh, recognizing this as the third time he'd called just this week.
"Why, hello, Park Sunghoon."
“Huh—oh! You know it’s me," he said, sounding surprised, though you could hear the smile in his voice.
"You've been the only one calling my work number lately, Sunghoon," you replied. "And considering how many times you've called, it's normal to recognize your voice by now, don't you think?"
"I guess so…" he chuckled nervously. "Well, do you have time to come to my office? I need help."
"Help with what?"
"My computer is acting up—I don’t think it’s working properly. Can you help me, please?"
"Sunghoon," you sighed, glancing at the mounting work on your desk. "This is the third time this week. Are you sure it's not something simple?"
"Yes! I really do need your help," he insisted, a hint of sheepishness in his tone.
"Fine," you relented. "I’ll be on my way."
"Really?" His voice went up a notch, brimming with excitement before he cleared his throat. "Thank you so much, Y/N!"
Shaking your head, you stood up and headed down the hall to his office. As you walked, you couldn't shake the thought that there was no way he could be this unlucky.
When you finally arrived at his office, you knocked on the door and heard Sunghoon's voice from the other side inviting you in. As you entered, you saw him sitting at his desk, pretending to look frustrated with his computer.
“What is it?”
“Well, what a way to say, ‘hello’. Good morning to you too, YN,” Sunghoon replied, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
“Considering how many times I see you in a day, I don’t have to say that all the time when I do.”
Closing the door behind you, you couldn't help but also comment, “You know, you really should call the IT department for tech problems.”
Sunghoon looked up, still smiling. “Why call them when you've been so great at solving my previous issues?”
"Issues, you say?” you replied, raising an eyebrow skeptically.
“Of course,” he said with feigned innocence. “I would never call you to my office if I wasn’t genuinely struggling.”
"Like how your computer screen froze? When all you could’ve done was just restart your computer?" you asked, giving him a pointed look.
“I didn’t want to mess up more things, so I had to call you,” Sunghoon replied, his face turning a shade of pink as he fumbled for an excuse. It was just so easy for a confident smile of his to dissolve into embarrassment, as if he didn’t set himself up in the first place.
“Okay then, how about the problem with your printer? When all you had to do was refill the ink?”
“I swear I had it refilled last week,” he protested, glancing away. “I wouldn’t have called if I knew that was really the cause of it.”
“And how about the time—the same day as your printer issue—you said you deleted a really important file?”
“Okay, that was a real problem!” Sunghoon said quickly, recalling the incident. “I really panicked when I couldn’t find it on my screen. And you were all I thought about—well, asking for help, that is! Don’t get it twisted!”
“I never said anything,” you teased, unable to hide your amusement. “And all you had to do was check your ‘Recently Deleted’ folder. There was also another copy of it in your downloads.”
“Okay, none of that matters anymore, it’s all in the past!” he brushed off, trying to direct your attention elsewhere. “What matters is that I wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for your great assistance.”
“You could’ve fixed it easily by yoursel—”
“Why don’t we turn our attention back to my computer, please?” he interrupted, eager to change the subject, his voice carrying a note of pleading.
You walked over to his desk, noticing how he seemed to tense slightly as you came closer. Ignoring that, you leaned over to check the computer, both of you staring at the black screen.
“Well, if you see this,” Sunghoon said, pressing the button multiple times to try to turn on his computer. “It doesn’t work.”
“Can you be more gentle?” you suggested, watching as he awkwardly backed away.
“Right, sorry,” he mumbled. “Can you fix this?”
“Sure, get out of your seat, please.” He quickly complied, moving to stand against the wall near his desk. You tried holding down the button, but the computer still wouldn’t turn on. Feeling a bit puzzled, you started looking around the desk. When nothing seemed amiss, you decided to check under the desk and soon noticed a cable...not plugged in.
Grabbing the wire, you held it out and looked at Sunghoon, who was nervously chuckling. “Oh…it was unplugged the whole time…”
You raised an eyebrow, struggling to keep a straight face. “Well, I suppose that explains it.” You plugged it back in, pressed the button once more, and the screen finally lit.
“Wow, who would’ve thought…” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly burning up.
“Sunghoon,” you said, shaking your head with a teasing smile, “you know you could’ve checked this yourself.”
“Who would go ahead and unplug their own computer?” he mumbled, glancing away from your gaze. “I wouldn’t have done that on purpose or anything…”
“You’re really running out of excuses, aren’t you?”
“What…what do you mean?”
“You just want to see me more, don’t you?”
“I do not! I mean, as much as I do enjoy your company, I wouldn’t play tricks just to see you,” he said, rambling nervously. “You’ve just been a reliable person I can trust with these office issues.”
Not fully convinced, you said, “Well then, now that your ‘issue’ is fixed, I will take my leave.” You started to get up from his chair, about to walk away, when Sunghoon abruptly jolted.
His sudden outburst startled you, and you watched as he frantically rummaged through his desk drawers, pulling out two overstuffed folders. “Can…can you help me sort these out? I mean, since you’re here, and you’re so good at handling things, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for you to help me with my work…right?”
He looked at you with hopeful eyes, his usual composure replaced with a hint of desperation. His attempt to maintain a professional demeanor faltered as he fiddled with the papers, clearly trying to cover up his real intentions. You could see through his act, but the genuine earnestness in his voice made it hard to resist.
“Fine, but only because I’m already here,” you said, with a small smile. As you took the folders from him, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was more about the company than the paperwork.
Sunghoon’s eyes lit up slightly as he grinned and quickly got a chair for you. As you both began organizing the chaotic stack of papers, a comforting silence settled in.
“You know, Sunghoon, I’ve always thought of you as an organized person,” you remarked, glancing at the disarray before you.
“Well, I am,” he chuckled, taking your comment as a compliment. “It’s just that I’ve been swamped with meetings lately, so I haven’t had a chance to sort everything out.”
“I don’t know if I believe that,” you hummed, flipping through the papers. “You still would’ve made sure everything was in the right place.”
“Oh…really?” Sunghoon’s voice held a hint of nervousness. “So, you’ve noticed, huh?”
“Am I not supposed to?” you asked with a playful smile. “Aren’t I the assistant you always call for to fix all your issues?”
“Okay, if you think I made this mess on purpose just to keep you around, you’ve got it all wrong!” Sunghoon quickly defended himself, though his flushed face betrayed his words. “And you know me, I wouldn’t torture myself with a mess just to see you.”
“Relax, I was just teasing. Why don’t you work a bit faster then, hm?”
“You don’t have to remind me about my work, YN,” he pouted slightly, eliciting a soft chuckle from you.
He couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at you every now and then, marveling at the way you carried yourself, the subtle expressions you made as you worked—all of it made it difficult for him to concentrate.
To him, you were the prettiest person he’d ever laid eyes on. His eyes would linger on your features—just looking at your focused expression alone was always enough for him to get lost in the moment, or rather, admiring you. And every single time—without a fail—each look would send a flutter of excitement through his chest.
Sunghoon would catch himself in a daze, realizing he’d been staring a little too long again. He'd quickly snap out of it, giving himself a mini pep talk in his mind.
Get it together, Sunghoon. Focus.
He shifted in his chair, trying to redirect his attention to the task at hand, but it was no use. Every time he glanced up, Sunghoon mentally kicked himself for being so easily flustered. It was ridiculous how just being near you turned him into a nervous wreck. His usual confidence seemed to vanish whenever you were around, replaced by a nervous energy that made it hard to concentrate on anything else.
He tried to distract himself by focusing on his work, but his mind kept wandering back to you—how you laughed, the way you rolled your eyes when he said something silly, and the way you seemed to understand him without needing to say much.
Sunghoon knew he was obvious, but he never failed to deny it. Despite the countless times he’d told himself to just say it, he was afraid he’d only continue to humiliate himself even more. Every time he opened his mouth, the words got tangled in his throat, and he’d end up making some excuse instead.
He couldn’t shake the feeling that you might already see through his intentions and were just waiting to reject him once he finally confessed. The thought made his heart race with fear, and it was enough to keep him from doing anything.
But he pushed his many thoughts aside, trying to focus on the task at hand. He shuffled through the papers on his desk, pretending to concentrate. His nervousness lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the tension he felt whenever you were near.
After another moment of silence, he broke it with a hesitant question. “So, YN, what’s your… go-to coffee order?”
“Hm?” you looked up, slightly puzzled.
“Just… curious! Yeah, that’s all,” he said quickly, his voice a bit too casual.
“I don’t see how my coffee order is relevant to your office problems or work,” you replied, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, yes, but I thought it might be nice to know,” Sunghoon stammered. “After all, if I’m going to be a bother, I might as well get you something you like. The least I could do is make up for, you know, troubling you.”
“And what if I don’t drink coffee?”
“Huh? I saw you drinking coffee with Jay the other day—”
“Watching me now, are we? That’s a bit unprofessional for a work setting, don’t you think?”
“No, wait! I wasn’t—I just happened to notice you while I was on my break,” Sunghoon rushed to explain. “And asking Jay would’ve been awkward. So—ugh, nevermind. Forget I said anything.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, noticing his flush deepening. He truly couldn’t hide it well.
“Yes, ignore me and continue helping me, please,” Sunghoon replied, the pink blush on his face becoming way more evident than before. Was he that painfully obvious with his tactics?
Either way, he wanted to get out of there—this was becoming too much for him, and his usual ways of calming down weren’t working. You couldn’t help but slip a small giggle at his discomfort.
“Well, I’m actually done now,” you said with a playful smile.
“Wait—already?!” His astonishment was clear as he glanced at his side of the desk compared to yours. His papers were still scattered in disarray, while yours were neatly organized and back in their folder.
“Yep. While you were busy being a nervous wreck with your, well, overwhelming thoughts, I managed to focus and finish up,” you explained, sliding the organized folder back to him.
“Oh, right,” he mumbled, still taken aback by how efficiently you handled the task. He should have anticipated it, considering your ability to get things done swiftly—one of the many reasons he admired you. “Thank you, YN.”
“Do you have anything else you need help with?” you asked, your tone friendly.
“Uh, no, thank you,” Sunghoon replied, his cheeks still burning. He was mortified by the series of blunders he’d made in such a short time, and the embarrassment made him wish he could just disappear. He couldn’t believe he’d made such a mess of things.
“Listen, YN,” he started, sounding unusually earnest, “I’m really sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused. I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries with my questions or requests. And for all the office issues—silly as they might seem—I genuinely appreciate your help. So, um, you can leave now. Thank you again.”
“You don’t need to apologize, Sunghoon. I promise you’re fine,” you reassured him. His expression softened at your words, though he seemed still lost in thought about his mistakes earlier. “You haven’t done anything to make me uncomfortable, and if you had, I would’ve told you.”
As you stood up from the chair and walked toward the door, you glanced back at him. His gaze darted away from the door, though it was clear he was trying to sneak a look as you left.
“Caramel macchiato,” you said.
“My coffee order,” you clarified. “That’s what you wanted, right?”
“Wait—” Sunghoon’s surprise was palpable. “Oh, oh—! Noted! I’ll make sure to remember!” he stammered.
“See you tomorrow, Sunghoon.” You flashed him a final, warm smile. Despite knowing he’d probably call you again, and he knew you knew, you still left him a bit flustered but smiling. He shyly nodded, silently whispering a thanks to you again.
As you closed the door behind you, you heard him mutter to himself, struggling to regain his composure. You could hear the muffled noises of his excitement and embarrassment as you walked away, and it made you chuckle.
You left his office with your heart lighter and your mind buzzing with the possibility that maybe these calls meant something more. Finally getting the answers to the questions you’d always had in mind, it became clear to you that Park Sunghoon was undeniably charming.
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💬 : do we love the flustered!enha agenda or is that js me
ENHYPEN PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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minniesmutt · 1 month
could u do demon!hyunjin x human!reader and prompt 4 (i think)? the "behave" one 🫠
- 🥟 muah!
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: HYUNJIN X READER ☾ ━━━ PROMPT: 4 "Behave" + 2 “You belong to me.” ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: COMBINING THE TWO REQUESTS, DEMON!HYUNJIN, HUMAN!READER, MENTION MURDER/BLOOD, PUBLIC SEX, MONSTER FUCKING, HYUNJIN HAS A BIG DICK, SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH, POSSESSIVE!HYUNJIN, MARKING, CHOKING, CREAMPIE ☾ ━━━ WC: 0.6k ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     The thing with demons was they were far too easy to tick off. Y/n knew that but didn’t know how easy they were to tick off. Nor how territorial they were.
     “I could easily tear out his throat and eyes out and dump his body somewhere before anyone noticed,” Hyunjin growled in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her middle
     “Down boy. You’ll get yourself sent home if you try,” Y/n told him
     “I’m just saying. Could be a fun party trick for any other boyfriend that’s watched him eye-fuck their girlfriend.”
     “Behave,” Y/n warned
     “I am. If I wasn’t, he’d be in a pile of blood right now,” Hyunjin smiled and kissed her neck. Though the kiss quickly became a light bite and sucking on the skin
     “Hyun,” Y/n grabbed his wrist
     “Got to let the guy know you’re taken,” Hyunjin mumbled against her neck, tightening his hold on her 
     “Not here. Too many people,” Y/n told him
     “I don’t mind.”
     “I do.”
     Hyunjin pulled his head from the crook of her neck. Y/n pulled him away from the crowded party they were at for her job. The demon was quick to find a bathroom and pull her in. Getting them in a stall before capturing her lips between his. 
     “Need you,” Y/n moaned into the kiss. 
     “You always need me,” Hyunjin smiled and pushed the bottom of her dress up
     “Not my fault,” Y/n told him
     “No. You were just made for me.” Hyunjin pulled his lips from hers and attached them to her neck.
     Y/n worked on unbuckling her boyfriend’s belt and slacks. Pushing down the fabric as he grabbed the fabric of her panties and tore the fabric. Hyunjin pushed her up against the side of the stall and picked her up. Pinning her there as wrapped her legs around his waist. 
     “Hyun,” Y/n moaned as he started sucking on her back again, grabbing his shaft and lining the tip up at her entrance. 
     “Got to let everyone know that you belong to me.”
     Y/n last out a silent scream when he pushed into her. Stretching her just right, that no one else could. Especially not any human. 
     “Don’t go quiet on me now,” Hyunjin told her as he looked up at her, eyes having turned completely black as he thrusted into her. 
     “Hyun,” Y/n moaned
     “That’s what I like to hear,” He chuckled and grabbed hold of her neck. Y/n gasped as she made eye contact with him. Watching him rub his tongue along his teeth before kissing her again. 
     Y/n moaned into his mouth, tightening her legs around his hips as the bathroom door opened. Y/n pulled back with wide eyes while Hyunjin kept going. Barely minding they had an audience now. 
     “Don’t be shy,” Hyunjin told her, feeling her walls tighten around him, “Gonna cum for me? Make a mess all over my cock for what? The fifth time today? Amazed you were able to walk around that shitty party.” He laughed, speaking just loud enough for the person or people outside to hear
     Y/n moaned in response. Whatever the guys outside were talking about stopped and Hyunjin chuckled, thrusting right into her G-spot. “Whose in there?” One of the guys called
     “Not any of your business. Piss and scram,” Hyunjin barked
     The tone of Hyunjin’s seemed to get the job done because seconds later the guys were running out the door. The demon laughed as his hand tightened around her throat just a little more.
      “Close,” Y/n choked out before her orgasm hit her like a brick. It was always like that with Hyunjin, especially when he was in a mood. Somehow she could barely have enough time to warn him of her impending high or process it herself before it came on. The demon chuckled as he fucked her through her orgasm before burying himself deep into her. His cum filling her up.
      “Let’s go home,” Hyunjin said as he kissed her neck after they both came down from the high.
     “Carry me…” Y/n said
     “Of course.”
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☾ ━━━━━━ M.LIST    TIP JAR
☾ ━━━ please support writers by reblogging and/or leaving feedback
☾ ━━━ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: @puckmaidens @onlyhyunjin @minh0scat @auroratiseee @oddracha
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theemporium · 1 year
would you be willing to write for hockey player!james and he’s superrr cocky and always loves to make reader blush and flustered cause readers usually super confident, calm and collected?
HOCKEY JAMES IS JUST SO🫠 thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
When you had seen the position of a social media manager for the university’s hockey team, you didn’t think anything of it other than it would be good money and easy hours to work around your classes. 
However, what you failed to account for was the players on said team. 
You knew the stigma around hockey players, and some of them fit the stereotype perfectly. But a large majority of them were decent guys who were usually quite happy to work with you and make your job a little bit easier each day you were at the rink. 
You bantered with them, you laughed with them. Hell, you might’ve even gone as far to say some of them felt more like friends than acquaintances.
But there was one player in particular that seemed to completely throw you off. 
And that was none other than the captain himself, James Potter. 
“There’s my favourite girl.” 
Your cheeks flushed, your hands gripping the camera in your hand. You contemplated ignoring him, pretending that you hadn’t heard him as you continued to mess around with the settings on your camera. But then you felt a warmth against your back and the smell of his cologne overwhelmed your senses—and you realised it was a pretty stupid thought for even thinking you could ignore him.
“Hi, James,” you murmured half-heartedly as you turned your head to look at him.
His grin widened. “Hi, princess.” 
James Potter was huge. He was huge in the physical sense with his broad shoulders and thick arms and meaty thighs. He was huge in the popular sense with half the campus wrapped around his finger like he is some modern day Greek God worshipped and adored. He was huge in the egotistical sense that had him acting as though he was the best thing that ever walked the Earth. 
And he was a huge pain in your ass that knew how to get under your skin.
“Whatcha doing?” He asked as he leaned over, his chin perched on your shoulder as he watched you flick through the pictures you took from yesterday’s practice. 
“My job,” you stated simply.
“Don’t give me that,” he murmured as he lightly nudged you. “I saw you laughing with Pads earlier. How come I don’t get the same treatment?”
“Because Sirius doesn’t bother me while I’m trying to work,” you replied.
Any other man would have taken the hint and walked away. However, James Potter was far from being any other man.
“You love it when I come over here, don’t lie,” James grinned as he threw an arm over your shoulder. Before you could even realise what he was doing, he was pulling you back against him as his fingers lightly nudged your head to turn and look at him. “C’mon, pretty girl, give me one of those smiles that make my heart all funny.”
You tried to ignore the way your body hummed at his words. “You should go get ready for practice.”
“And leave you here all alone?” James scoffed, a few curls falling in front of his eyes. You resisted the urge to push them away. “That would be a tragedy, princess, someone else could come and swoop you off your feet.” 
You rolled your eyes and hoped your face didn’t look as warm as the rest of you felt. 
“You’re so cute when you get all shy on me,” James murmured as his fingers lightly traced over your cheekbone. “Don’t get me wrong, I love it when you’re feisty. But this is cute, princess. Makes me wanna see how else I can make you blush.”
“James,” you hissed. 
The boy only grinned widely as he stepped back. “Take some hot pictures of me out there, yeah?”
Your lips parted. “I–”
“My ass looks great today, princess! Remember to get my good side!” James added with a wink before he scattered off to the changing rooms, leaving you flustered and blushing and fighting the urge to follow him.
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sminiac · 11 months
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⋆ Kim Jongseob + Reader
💌 — Guess who still hasn’t slept, and who is also thinking about how sweet Bf!Jongseob would be because I am SICK. ILL. from the lack of Jseob content.
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Bf!Jongseob who never fails to capture the most precious moments with his camera: where you had your first kiss, first date, first sleepover, first meal together, everything. He’d make a scrapbook for said photos, even sneaking in receipts from the places you two have visited, he’d write the cutest little notes beside the tangible memories that made it all the more visceral for him, and he’d only address them to himself so he wouldn’t hold back on his thoughts about how cute you are, how nice you smelled that day, how pretty your outfit was, if he noticed other guys looking at you, a funny joke you told, ugh he’s so🫠 he’d tell you that the added depth to the seemingly uninteresting pictures was what made it worthy of owning a spot in the book, and although you can’t quite seem to grasp the emotional connection he has to a picture of Soul captured jumping mid air, you agree anyways.
Bf!Jongseob who is absolutely the type to have you posted on every social media account he owns, and it’s not just one or two you make an appearance in, no. It’s pretty much every post, profile picture, anything, because he’s also so mygirlfriendmygirlfriend!! Since we’re on the topic of social media let me just say he’d always come in clutch for your birthday, like he’s pulling out the cutest most flattering pictures to ever exist of you:,) the sweetest paragraph written too. He’s so adorable my chest is going to collapse.
Bf!Jongseob who often looks to you if he’s worried his stage makeup is smudged or if his hair is out of place, he’d be so still while asking you to fix something, his hands steady at your hips, letting you do your thing, he’d also keep your brain busy with his opinions about their setlist, or a place he wants to check out before the two of you return to the hotel for the night, or a snack he’s seen that recently became popular online that he’s been wanting to try, his hand placement is just so boyfriend😞 he’s so boyfriend, speaks so calmly to you despite you trying to work with him as quick as possible so that he can return to the stage, although most of the time it’s just an excuse to see you, to get a quick kiss and to hear the comforting sound of your voice 🫠🫠
Bf!Jongseob who never forgets your good luck handshake before he’s being sent out to perform, “But just one more,” he’d rush, trying to steal another kiss before you have the chance to refuse, which is exactly why you didn’t want to have a kiss seal off the pre-show ritual, because it’s never just ‘one more’ which results in him being unprepared and rushing off at the last second. “Seob anymore and I’ll mess up your face.” “Good. Just one. Please! And I’ll go.” “This is your job??? you have to go anyway.”
Bf!Jongseob who often has you sat comfortably between his legs, back against his chest as he plays whatever video game he’s been fixated on recently, sooooo boyfriend I’m telling you!!!! If you aren’t familiar with the game he’s offering to show you the basics, if you end up getting frustrated he’ll laugh, of course, but he’ll always kiss the side of your head as his hands slip over yours to guide you through the process, “Yeah, like that, see you’re getting it, don’t be so hard on yourself, dummy.”
Bf!Jongseob who personally had a photocard of you made just so he can hang the small picture of you off of his bag beside his own!
Bf!Jongseob who swears you’ve had him retell every detail possible about ‘Harry Potter’ more than enough times, yet whenever he’s in another country you’re always: “Seob, what happens next?” over the phone and he can’t stand how cutely you ask, so his sworn resolve to not staying up all night diving deep into canon events quickly crumbles like compact sand hitting water, it slips through his fingers as if it never existed, but Jiung’s starting to get a little tired of it, especially being Seob’s roommate for this stop.
RRRRRRR bf!Jseob bf!Jseob bf!Jseob thank yew🙏❕❕❕
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eiightysixbaby · 6 months
hey girlll i hope ur having an amazing day and feeling just as i have a fluffy request for older eddie!
we made him dinner after he’s had such a long day at work and when he cuts in the steak😂😂😂😂😂 it’s raw😬😬😬 (def not speaking from personal experience.. BUT ALWAYS MAKE SURE ITS FULLY COOKED.) and ur like mortified like😳😳😨😨😨😰😰😰 but he’s like 🤣🤣🤣🤣 let’s just order pizza boo
hiiiii girly I’m doing well & I hope you are too! 💕 this is so cute I love older!eddie 🫠
cw: just fluff! and mentions of food obviously
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All Eddie knows is that the ache in his back is enough to bring him to his knees. And then his knees hurt too, so he probably wouldn’t be able to get back up if he went down.
He also knows that your sweet, cheerful face and bright little attitude are a cure-all, and the fact that he gets to come home to you makes the bad days at work that much easier.
This is further proven when the front door swings open before he’s even fully out of his truck, your smile wide as you come bounding down the driveway to greet him.
“Woah, girly, what’s up with you?” he asks, grinning as he accepts you into his arms.
Your face smushes against his chest, inhaling his scent without caring that he’s sweaty and grease-stained from the shop. “Missed you, handsome,” you hum, looking up at him and scrunching your face when he presses a kiss to your nose.
“Missed you, sweet girl. What’re you up to?”
“I cooked you dinner,” you say, biting back a smile as you start to pull him towards the house. Your excitement is palpable, clearly proud of yourself, and he finds it too adorable to explain.
“Sweetheart,” he says, stopping you in your tracks to pull you back into him, pressing a chaste kiss to your mouth. “You didn’t have to do that for me. Know you’re busy, too.”
“I know I didn’t have to. But I wanted to. I tried something different,” you say, averting his gaze. “I just hope it’s good, I’m a little nervous.”
“Baby, you made it, so it’ll be great,” he assures you, finally stepping through the threshold into his home.
The kitchen is tidied up, the only remnants of your cooking session being the dishes soaking in the soapy sink and, of course, the food itself. The table is set, two plates at each of your respective seats, glasses of wine poured. There’s a couple of candles lit, too, and he wonders how you just knew today was a stressful day. You always seem to magically know when he needs a little pick-me-up.
“What do you think?” you ask, rocking back and forth on your heels.
He just gapes at you for a second before he’s picking you up and spinning you, kissing all over your face when he sets you down. His stubble scratches your cheeks, his calloused fingers cupping your face.
“I think I have no idea how I bagged the hottest, sweetest, most thoughtful girl in the whole damn universe,” he says, smiling when you laugh.
“Oh, please. It’s just steak. I just know you always order one when we go out anywhere nice and I figured I’d try to make it myself…” you trail off, looking up into his soft brown eyes.
“Well then let’s try it, shall we?” he asks, pulling out your chair and letting you sit before he takes his spot across from you.
You don’t even pick up your fork, chewing at your nail as you watch him prepare his utensils. He presses the knife to the meat, making a clean cut into it as you observe with baited breath. His expression is unreadable as he looks down at his plate, and he opens and shuts his mouth as if he doesn’t know what to say.
“What’s wrong with it?” you ask, already putting your head in your hands. “Oh, my god. I messed it up didn’t I?”
“Sweetheart, hey, it’s okay,” he soothes, voice gentle as ever. “It’s just… it’s… raw.”
“Raw!?” you repeat, mortified in your seat as you look at him. “Oh my god, Ed, I’m so sorry. I just wanted to do something nice for you! And I screwed it up and you’ve had such a long day, and now we don’t even have dinner—”
He’s up and out of his seat in an instant, cutting off your rambling as he kneels beside your chair. “Baby, baby, come on,” he coos. “It’s okay. It happens,” he says, reaching out to stroke your hair.
“It’s not okay. I made a whole big deal about this, and it’s inedible. Unless you want to chance getting mad cow disease or something,” you scoff, shaking your head in disappointment.
“I’d chance getting any disease if it meant making you happy. Seriously, I’ll take a bite right now,” he says, smiling softly when it earns a laugh from you. “What matters is that you tried to do something nice for me. The effort you put into this just to make me happy is not lost on me, sweet girl.”
Your eyes are wide and glassy as you look at him, chewing on your lip as you fend off tears. “I love you,” you say, sighing as he rests his forehead against yours.
“You know I love you more,” he responds, kissing your temple before pulling away. “Now what do you say we order a pizza, maybe go get some ice cream from the store, and watch shitty movies all night?” he asks, his heart melting when you perk up.
“Can we get that good pizza with the cheesy crust?” you ask, making him chuckle as he pulls you to stand with him.
“Of course. Always the best for my girl.”
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
Hello!! This just popped into my head when I was re-reading the enderman reader for the 9th time-..
Okay.... Mexican reader! X Wally.
Okay like one day there's a picnic or a party whichever one you want and Julie requested reader to make some of their traditional Mexican food and they did but they messed up one in the kitchen and everybody else in the other room just starts hearing reader cussing/yelling at them self in Mexican. When they bring out the food everybody just staring in the questioningly cuz they don't understand Mexican. I'm so they decided to teach Wally how to speak Mexican at least a little bit and minus the cussing I don't know why I wanted that also if this ask is too difficult ignore it I don't want to overwork you!
From: a new friend 🌜/ _.Moon._
To: you💝
Moon…I am Mexican 🧍🏻this is gonna hit me too!
But I love it! I can imagine them teaching him without reader knowing and Wally just full on talks in Spanish and they’re like 😳
Okay! Enjoy…hopefully 🫠
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Everyone was at your house since Julie decided a few days ago to have a small get-together. Just everyone hanging out and trying food and desserts from you. Everything is good, everyone is happy and laughing what can possibly go wron—
“¡Puta madre! ¡Se me olvidó la pinche sal!”
Everyone snaps their heads over to the kitchen door as they hear you cussing in your mother language; Spanish.
Julie immediately looks at Wally, who was sitting on the couch holding his cup of tea. He feels the stare and glances up as sees everyone is looking at him, he turns behind him and turns back when he sees no one behind him and then point at himself. “Me?”
“Yes! What was that?” Sally question and glances back at the door when she heard crashing and thuds. “It sound like they’re taking the kitchen apart.”
“Oh, yeah, they do that. It’s okay.” Wally waves it off and sets his cup down. Before anyone could question his careless and nonchalant response you come out of the kitchen with a tray filled with plates of food and bowls of some type of soup.
“Okay, I have el arroz y la carne.” You say as you set the tray down on the table with a smile. “Ah, si! Tambien las albóndigas. Enjoy!”
“Are you okay, Y/n?” Barnady asks as he looks at you.
You turn to him and smile, nodding your head as you walk back to the kitchen. “Oh si, I’m fine I just messed up, no worry. We don’t have salt though.”
Let’s say everyone was a bit confused but enjoyed the delicious and spicy food. But Wally was still a bit worried? He’s been your partner for a while now and still haven’t gotten use to the language you’ll sometimes talk to him with. He wants to learn it, and learn a lot of it.
And that he did, everyday he would practice some phrases, learn new words, translate, write, practice speaking and writing. Anything and everything to her it drilled into his head.
A few weeks later You’re back in the kitchen making some dulce gorditas when you heard the front door and hears Wally’s voice. You beam and walked out the kitchen to greet him. “¡Hola, mi amor!”
Wally grins at you with a blush and waves. “Hola, Mi vida.”
You froze. Did you hear right? Did Wally just spoke Spanish to you? It was clear and you can clearly hear it coming from his mouth. “..what?”
“Hola, mi amor. ¿como estás?” He giggles at your frozen and shocked state and holds your hand giving you a sweet kiss on your knuckles.
“Uh…I’m good. How—how did you learn?”
“I got help from Eddie. Did I do a good job?” Wally smiles at you and it only seems to grow when you nod. “¡Que bien! Te amó tanto.”
You blush and then smile, this effort on his part to lean the language warms your heart. You always proud of your language and are very patient when Wally doesn’t understand and you would teach him but other things will come up and you didn’t have the time to properly teach him so seeing that he did on his own account made you love him even more.
“Ay, cariño, yo también te amo.” You give Wally a kiss on the cheek and pull him closer to which he returns without hesitation.
If he can make you happy like this, he wouldn’t mind learning absolutely everything to do so.
Y’all miss me!! No? That’s okay I missed you! Writers block is a real pain I’ll tell you🫠🧍🏻
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sh0ek0 · 1 year
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miss you (part 3)
part 1, 2
genre: angst, smut, dark content, all over the place content warning: 18+ !MINORS + AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT! As I forgot to mention in part I + II: aged up characters OF COURSE (college setting), mentions of alcohol and drug use, name calling, toxic relationship, abusive relationship, violent behavior, emotional abuse, choking, dj!choso, rough!megumi, hints of narcissism, obvious mental problems, maddy and nate (euphoria) kinda dynamic, euphoria inspired dialogue, DARK CONTENT, I really don’t know how to do these content notes, I’m sorry, I’m trying pairing: Choso x Reader, Megumi x Reader (kinda???) word count: about 10k
A/N: I really love to include some songs that inspire me while writing, I love music (that’s such a basic thing to say lol) so if you're up for it click on the lyrics. Also I really hope this was worth the wait, I am so sorry 🫠 this is kind of all over the place, like always, but I want to stop being so critical with myself, soooooo yeah. Here you go 🤭
Everything just felt so wrong. It was so hot down here and you were constantly bumping into people. The alcohol in your blood was making you dizzy with every step you took through the crowd and it was definitely messing with your sense of balance. You felt kind of nervous, but it was your own fault.
You were the one who hid in your bed for a whole week, your anxiety now at an all-time high. 
And you were the one who accepted all those drinks that Yuji had mixed for you upstairs.
However, those drinks seemed to fulfil their promise of freeing you from your inner torment, and as soon as the people around you were starting to look a little blurry, you start to move to the loud music blaring from the speakers.
I don't ever wanna see you / And I never wanna meet you again / One thing / When you're angry, you're a jerk / And then you treat me like I'm worth nothin'
"This track goes so hard." 
You open your eyes as you hear a familiar voice screaming in your ear. You see Nobara grinning from ear to ear as she dances to the music, the parts of her body that are not covered were glistening with sweat as the fluorescent lights hit her skin. She looked so damn beautiful.
How much you loved your friends.
This time it was Maki who dragged Nobara and you along with her to a house party off campus so the three of you found yourself in some guys huge basement, loud techno music blasting from the speakers and lots of sweaty people pressing up against each other. It was hot and completely dark except for a few neon lights that made it possible to at least distinguish a few faces. 
Not a single person down here seemed to be in any real control of their senses anymore, most of them were completely out of it already, while you could only imagine what kind of drugs they had in their systems by now. But hey, it was none of your business and you wouldn't judge, so the only thing that mattered was that the three of you were having a fantastic time.
I don't ever wanna see you / And I never wanna meet you again / It’ll happen again / I watch it happen over and over again
Another thing that brought you down here to this shady basement was a rumor that this new DJ was doing a pretty good job. And you knew he was pretty cute too - from where you were standing you could see his face hidden behind a MacBook screen, his hands effortlessly dancing across the array of buttons, knobs and sliders in front of him. Watching him, his body moving in sync with the music, his head bobbing as he worked his magic, you couldn't help but notice how good he looked. His lip was visibly split from last weekend's events and the pale hint of a black eye still marked his skin, but if you were being honest, it made him look even hotter.
You find yourself staring in his direction for a second too long and before you can look away, his eyes lock with yours and you see the realization in them just seconds later.
You feel a jolt of electricity run through your veins as your eyes lock.
Choso turns his eyes back to the DJ set in front of him a few times, but each time he looks up, you can feel him searching for you in the crowd. You can feel his gaze sticking to you like the bodies of Nobara and Maki who were dancing near you.
The heat around you envelops you like a suffocating blanket, while the bass pounds through the walls, pulsing in your chest and guiding your movements.
Don't try to find me / I’m better left alone than in this / It doesn't surprise me / Do you really think that I could care? / If you really don't like me / Find somebody else, it could be anyone else out there
The next time you turn in his direction, it was you who sought his gaze, flashing him a mischievous grin as your eyes locked again. 
Choso raises an eyebrow, but the grin on his lips gives him away. He winks at you, and as you continue to watch, you notice him smiling to himself as his hands skillfully move over the equipment, fading the old track into a new one. A few people immediately start to cheer.
Say yes to Heaven / Say yes to me / If you dance I’ll dance / d-dance / I’ve got my eye on you / you / you / you
The moment you recognise the song, a squeal escapes your lips. Your hips sway effortlessly from side to side, perfectly in sync with the rhythm. Nobara has her arms loosely wrapped around your neck, joining in and mirroring your every move. 
Choso knew you loved this song. 
You fell in love with it the first time you both heard it. That was a few weeks ago in his and Yuji's apartment, you were talking about music and you told him that you absolutely adored Lana Del Rey. It seems that he didn't forget that, because he mixed the song into something completely different, but just as beautiful.
You couldn't help but think that it felt like he'd done that for you. 
But did he?
Either way, he's managed to sweep you off your feet with a little gesture like that, and you can't remember the last time a man did that for you.
It feels like hours have passed before you realise that another DJ has taken over. As the current track slowly fades out into a new one, you notice how the vibe changes and most of the people who came for something with more bpm start to leave to go back upstairs.
Nobara grabs your hand and pulls you with her, Maki follows.
"Hey, I like that song—", you protest but Nobara and Maki were on a mission to get some fresh air. 
You notice how fast your heart was beating as the three of you make your way to the stairs, the pounding music slowly fading into the background.
"That was so good," Nobara sighs and you nod in agreement, still dizzy from all the sensations around you that your drunken brain was having trouble processing, "Choso did a damn good job, I didn't even know he could do that."
"Neither did I," you add, leaning down to take a sip from the straw in Maki's drink, "but he has skilled hands, so it makes sense."
"Oh shut up," Maki groans and you take the drink from her. You couldn't really tell what was in it, but you've reached a point where everything tastes the same to you anyway.
"I still don't understand why those idiots prefer to stay upstairs with Gojo and Getou and play beer pong," Nobara sneers, making you laugh. She was so right.
"Well, they missed a healing experience," you say, staying close to the two girls while more and more people leave the basement, "I thought all I needed was some random guy to fuck me in the bathroom to get Megumi out of my head, but actually this was just as good."
Nobara turns around and stares at you in shock as you take a sip of the unknown drink, causing you both to burst out laughing. 
"A win is a win, I guess," she says and you high-five her. 
"I'm actually so proud of you," Maki says, nudging your side before wrapping her arm around your waist.
You were surprised at how easy it was for you to talk about him. You hadn't heard from him in well over a week, and you weren't about to keep feeding your own delusion by telling yourself that  that hookup in his car was enough to rekindle your relationship. The two of you were over, and not just since he had dropped you off at your apartment at 4am last weekend. Those had been empty words, everything he had said to you that night. You had lied to yourself, thinking you could change his mind by having sex with him. He hadn't even waited until you were safely inside, instead you heard his tires squealing right after you slammed the door of his car shut.
"Who says you can't have both?" a deep voice whispers in your ear, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Well, that was embarrassing.
You immediately recognise his voice. 
Maki and Nobara start to giggle while you just freeze. They couldn't possibly have understood what he was saying at this volume, but the suggestiveness in his voice was enough to make you blush.
You turn and look up at Choso, who was looking back at you with a smirk on his lips. Up close, he looked even more battered than before, but you refrain from saying anything. An apology wouldn't help him and Megumi didn't look too good either.
He hugs you briefly, his hand remaining on your lower back even after you pulled away.
"Your set was great," you say, suddenly feeling a bit shy. Even though you meant it, you just wanted to fill the awkward silence. The fact that Maki and Nobara were standing right behind you didn't help, and Choso caught you so off guard that you didn't really know what to say or do. 
In the end, overthinking was what you did best.
Choso smiles at your comment and you catch his eyes roaming over your body for a second. 
"Thanks, I could see you enjoyed it," he replies, looking you straight in the eye. 
You can barely stand his gaze, your face could hardly get any redder and just as you open your mouth to say something, he clears his throat, his hand still on your back.
"Let's go upstairs, I need something to drink," he motions to Maki and Nobara to take the lead, "it's so damn hot down here."
"Oh, it really is," Nobara says, taking Maki's hand and dragging her through the crowd and up the stairs.
You and Choso follow, him being so gentle as he makes sure you don't bump into anyone, as you still have trouble walking a straight line in your knee high boots.
"Oh - careful," he says, catching you just before you could stumble up the stairs, "you know I'd do anything to get that goddamn asshole out of your head, but you really can't make me take advantage of a drunk girl."
Again, the words were only meant for you as you fell back against his chest, strong arms holding you, his hot breath brushing your neck, his lips just below your ear. 
He managed to get you up, and once you were both surrounded by even more people and loud music, you turn to face him.
"I might be drunk, but I'm not a girl," you say, looking at him challengingly.
"Oh," he laughs, "did I miss anything?" He looks at you for a moment, the grin never leaving his lips.
You just glare back at him.
"Fine, excuse me, ma'am," he says, making you giggle.
"But you are drunk," he observes. 
"Then let's get even more drunk together," you decide, taking his hand to lead him into the kitchen. 
"Sounds like a plan," Choso says, laughing, "Lead the way."
If you had turned around, you would have seen the adoration with which he looked at you. At that moment, he would have followed you anywhere. 
Maki was already sitting on the kitchen counter and Nobara was standing next to her, giggling at something she said. The two were drinking from red plastic cups when Yuta made his way over to them, waving at you. 
You wave back at him before you look around to see Yuji still mixing cocktails.
You and Choso push past some people to keep Yuji company, who hands you both two cups. Yuji grins as you taste his secret recipe and you immediately grimace. Right now you can definitely taste more than four different kinds of alcohol and that should be enough of a statement to make a final judgement about his creation
"I mean, it does it’s job but please don't ever start bartending anywhere," you groan and take another sip.
"Yeah, listen to her," Choso says, but he empties his drink before you do.
"Hey, don't hurt me like that," Yuji protests, "you weren't complaining earlier, though." 
"Well yeah," you say, "But I don't take any responsibility for the fact that you had the plan to get me drunk."
"Oh, I would never do such things," the pink-haired boy says, pouring another cup for Choso before changing the subject.
"My brother was doin’ a pretty good job down there in that basement, huh?"
"Yes, he definitely was," you gush as he reminds you, "but where were you? You missed something."
"Oh, I didn't," he replies, "I was right next to him, watching all the magic happen right in front of me."
"Really?" The music changes and you had to shout over it.
"Yeah, but I guess you only had eyes for someone else," Yuji grins, making you blush.
You sip from your cup, cheeks red and the grin still on your lips, but you don't say anything, instead looking up at Choso. 
"I'm going outside for a smoke, join me if you want," he says in a low voice, letting go of your hand, only now realising that you've been holding it the whole time.
You nod and watch him until he disappears through the kitchen door and out onto the patio. You see him join Gojo and Getou who had been sitting outside with Hakari, Kirara, Nanami and Haibara for a while. Before Choso could even sit down, Hakari was already holding a joint out to him.
Yuji snaps you out of your thoughts and you take another sip of your drink.
"Hey, what's going on, huh?"
You weren't sure what he was hinting at.
"What?" you ask, trying to concentrate on what he is saying.
"You and my brother," he replies, getting straight to the point, "what's going on with you two?"
"I don't know," you say, not even lying, "nothing? Something? I don't think I can say."
"Mhm," Yuji pauses and looks around before turning back to you, "Megumi's here tonight, I saw him earlier."
"Great," you say and put down your cup, "I don't care."
"I think I've heard that before," he sighs while looking at you with worry in his eyes.
"Yeah, well, I don't really care," you say, slightly disappointed, "he doesn't care about me either."
"I doubt that," Yuji tells you, without specifying what exactly he doubted. 
You lean against the counter next to him and watch the people standing around in the kitchen. Most of them were talking, shouting at each other over the loud music, dancing or laughing.
You had already drunk a lot and no decision you would make now would be a good one. Your senses were far too clouded for that, but you needed that kind of ease, you wanted to turn off your racing thoughts. So you didn't have too many options, either you could bang your head against the wall to stop thinking about him, or…
"Let's do some shots," you suggest, almost immediately hearing Yuji groan. You grab a bottle of tequila from the bar and pour yourself and Yuji two glasses.
"What about lemon or salt?", Yuji protests, but you just clink glasses with him.
"What an amateur," you retort, raising the glass to your lips, downing the contents and immediately refilling it, "works just fine without it."
"I hate you," you hear Yuji groan as he does the same, "this is fucking disgusting."
You both start to laugh at Yuji's disgusted expression. The tequila burns as it runs down your throat and you realize just how much you overdid it already.
But wasn't that half the fun? You always had the best nights when you and Maki would stumble into your apartment early in the morning, still completely drunk, with Yuta struggling to somehow try and get you two into your beds.
You start to refill your glasses when Yuji puts the half-empty bottle aside and looks at you with that worried look on his face. Before you can protest or tell him off for looking at you like that, someone else catches your attention.
That couldn’t be.
"Oh, he wouldn't do that…", you say under your breath, completely in disbelief, "that fucking..." 
Yuji holds you by your wrist. The two of you just stand there and watch as Megumi stumbles into the kitchen.
He was holding the hand of a blonde stranger. A stranger, at least until she turns around and sits down on the kitchen island in the middle of the room. You see Maki and Nobara turn to them as well, with Yuta looking at you instead.
You recognize the blonde girl right away.
And just when you think this scene couldn't get any more absurd, you watch as Megumi kisses Yue. Yue, the girl from the party last weekend, the one who went to the same class as you. The girl who tried to stop you from looking for Megumi. 
The girl who was so "worried" about you.
"What the fuck," you curse, trying to free yourself from Yuji's grip, "I'm going to fucking claw her eyes out, I fucking mean it."
Yuji was the only one who could hear you, loud music was still blaring from several speakers throughout the house.
"Am I fucking dreaming?" you yell over the music, "fucking let me go Yuji, I'm gonna..."
"That's his ex-girlfriend." Yuji says. Nothing else, just 'That’s his ex-girlfriend.
"I saw him talking to her right after he tried to beat up Choso," he adds.
He didn’t. That couldn’t be—
"No, he..." That couldn’t be true.
"I saw his car outside her dorm the morning after the party when I was walking over to football practice."
It took you a moment to process this information.
"He didn't..." You wanted to throw up. Maybe it was just the tequila, but there was still the tiny chance that this bizarre scene was to blame for you suddenly feeling sick to your stomach.
"Get a fucking room, you disgusting piece of shit." You hear Nobara screaming over the music while Megumi and Yue were tightly entwined, standing right in the middle of the fucking room.
You were still standing next to Yuji, leaning against the kitchen counter and if looks could kill, the two of them would probably have turned to dust by now. You stared at Megumi, watching him as his hands wandered up her thighs and ass, caressing her waist while they made out as if they were the only people in the room.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, your eyes met. 
You could swear he was looking you straight in the eye as his lips trailed down her neck. His eyes were as dark as ever, almost pitch black, and if you were being honest you couldn't be sure if he was just drunk or if he took something else. Even by his standards, the show he was putting on was truly out of character
If that was one of his sick fucking games he liked to play he definitely did not give you a heads-up. What was he trying? Getting back at you for last weekend? What was he trying to achieve? And Yue was his ex-girlfriend? How come you're only finding out now, and how did she have the audacity to even look you in the eye last weekend, let alone try to comfort you?
"You don’t threaten someone you love with a gun."
Well, good for her that he was obviously treating her completely fucking different.
He seemed unfazed by Nobara's comment, and after your brief eye contact, he closed his eyes again, focusing entirely on the blonde in front of him. 
You were almost boiling with rage and the faces you made, made it really difficult to hide your anger.
"Let go of me," you say again with such emphasis that Yuji actually let go of your wrist.
"Don't do anything stupid," he says, clearly overwhelmed by the situation.
"Oh, I would never." Your voice dripped with sarcasm.
'Don’t do anything stupid.' - You didn't even know what to do. For a moment you thought about going up to Yue and ripping out her ugly blonde extensions and telling Megumi how pathetic he was, but instead you did...
You gave Nobara and Maki a quick look, then turned on your heel and stormed out the kitchen door. The cool night air helped you to calm down and it managed to clear the chaos in your head a little.
You take a quick look around before you realize that Choso is still sitting outside with the others, who have spread out over the various seating areas on the patio.
You walk over to them with a determined stride, Kirara sees you from afar and greets you, causing Choso to turn around in your direction. He was sitting comfortably in a two-seater and as he looked at you, you immediately notice his heavy eyelids and dark red eyes. You smile at him and as soon as he realizes it was you, a wide grin appears on his lips.
He makes some room for you, but before he could move to the side you were already sitting next to him, leaning against him, your legs casually stretched across his lap. Not averse to the sudden physical contact, he puts his arm, which had been resting on the back of the two-seater, around your waist and his other hand on your thigh.
"Hi," he says quietly, "what took you so long?"
"Oh, you wouldn't believe me," you whisper back, "your brother really hates tequila and I felt bad for making him do shots with me."
Choso laughs, not asking any more questions. 
"But I’m here now," you say, placing a hand on his chest, "guess I missed you."
"Did you smoke already?", you tease, looking up at him.
"Well, do I look like it?", he asks, that big grin not leaving his lips.
"Mhm, couldn’t tell," you lie while trying your best to hide your feelings from him.
You turn to look at the others and notice that Kirara is watching you. Gojo also looks at you from time to time, his gaze wandering from Choso's hand on your thigh to your hand on his chest. He raises an eyebrow, but you ignore him.
"Hi, y/n," Kirara says with a warm smile on their lips, "how are you? I missed you in class this week."
You could feel that they was really just concerned about you. After all, Kirara had been at the party last weekend as well.
"Yes, I'm better, I think," you answer and try to fake a smile, "Thanks for asking.
Kirara smiles at you again, "I can send you all the important stuff we did. It's not much though."
You watch as Hakari pulls them closer to him, his large body making them look so much smaller in comparison. Hakari and Kirara were one of your two favourite couples, the other one being Yuta and Maki, of course. He adored Kirara and wasn’t afraid to show that every chance he got.
You hear Getou clear his throat and you turn your gaze away from the two to look at him. You see that he is holding a joint out to you.
"You want some?", he asks and you politely decline.
"Oh, no, I think I need to chill for a bit." You smile at him. Your head was already spinning and you couldn't handle the sensation of another drug right now.
"Come on, you've got to try it, Hakari brought the good stuff," Gojo says, making you think for a moment before you reach out for Getou's hand.
"You're so easy to convince," you hear Gojo snort. He grins at you as you take a drag, but you just stick out your tongue.
"Or, maybe you’re just really convincing," you tell him, taking another drag before passing it to Choso.
"I'll remind you who's easy later tonight," Getou says, coming to your defence. You and the others break into laughter at his comment and watch as Gojo crosses his arms over his chest.
You hear the two of them start bickering and notice that the others, Hakari, Kirara, Nanami and Haibara, were also returning to their heated conversation.
"Did something happen in there?", Choso asks a little while later. He was observant even when he wasn't. Of course he had noticed something. You sigh, Hakari has just handed you the joint again and you hold it between your fingers. You take a drag, then a second one.
"Yeah," you say, blowing out thick, white smoke, "but I really just want to forget about it." 
It had already worked. Since you went outside, you had pushed the thought of Megumi and Yue far away from you. It was all so confusing, this time you couldn't understand what his motive could be. Of course he was angry that you had made out with Choso at the party last weekend, but you two had broken up. Why had he waited for you that night in the first place, was he really so shallow that all he wanted from you was sex? And what did he need you for anyway if he had spent the night with her after he dropped you off? 
The look he gave you earlier had been intentional. He wanted to make sure you were watching him, no doubt about that.
"It doesn't seem to be working very well," Choso says as you rest your head on the arm he has wrapped around you. You look up at him as your hand moves to caress his cheek for a moment but as soon as you notice, you pull it back. Even though Choso doesn't seem to mind. It just felt natural, you wanted to touch him as you enjoyed the feel of his hand on your skin as well.
"Being with you helps," you say, without breaking eye contact. That was the truth. Being with him felt peaceful, you didn't have to be afraid that he would snap at any moment, at something you said or did.
You didn't even notice that Nanami and Haibara had already gone inside, presumably to leave the party. Only when Hakari puts out the joint and says goodbye to take Kirara home, you look away from Choso to look at the others. 
Gojo does not make any effort to leave until Getou gets up, standing next to Gojo and looking at him expectantly.
"Come on, Satoru," you hear Getou say, "it's almost two o'clock, we have training tomorrow."
"Yes, but not until ten," the man with the white hair replies, not understanding why he should move now. Getou gives him a meaningful look and Gojo's eyes widen as he rose to his feet.
"Oh, uh - let's see what's going on inside then, I guess," he says, propping himself up on his knees to get out of the chair he was sitting in, "see you guys." 
Getou waves goodbye before pushing Gojo in front of him towards the patio door.
You’re all alone now, besides a few people standing outside and talking. You admire the night sky for a moment while neither of you says a word. It’s so quiet outside, peaceful even.
"Just the two of us, huh?", you say as you look up at Choso. You think for another moment but then, before he's has a chance to even say anything, you kiss him.
Choso wasn’t exactly surprised and instead kissed you back. His hand, which had just rested on your thigh, moved a little further up until it cupped your ass, moving up under your tiny skirt in a swift motion. 
You put your hand on his chest to support yourself and Choso pulls away for a brief moment. 
"You're so beautiful," he mutters, looking down at you through heavy eyelids and making you giggle, "I missed you." 
Then, your lips meet again. You move to straddle his lap, now sitting on top of him you were the one looking down at him.  
"You’re not so bad yourself, y’know," you whisper into his ear as you cradle his face in your hands, your thumb gently caressing the split in his lip.
When he said he missed you, you knew what he meant. 
Because you did, too.
Last weekend wasn't the first time you two had kissed. When Megumi had broken up with you, Maki had to study for some important exams and you had forbidden her from rotting with you in your depression cave. To make it easier for her, you had taken yourself out for a few evenings to Yuji’s place. He welcomed you with open arms in his new apartment, which he had just moved into with his brother. This was also the first time you got to know Choso properly, away from parties or those few casual encounters on campus.
It started innocently enough, your movie nights, the two of them watching every romcom with you that you had picked out beforehand. However, Yuji usually had training the next day, so he had to go to bed early. Choso promised to drive you home later, and as soon as Yuji disappeared into his room, you moved on to other things. He showed you some new songs, and sometimes a friend  of his would come over and Choso would sell him some weed. 
And at the end of the night you would find yourself spread out on his black leather couch, with his head buried between your thighs. 
It became a habit until Maki's exams were done and she wanted to spend more time with you.
You were glad that the couch you were sitting on had its back to the window in the kitchen, protecting you from the prying eyes of those who went outside to smoke or enjoy the cool night air. As you climbed onto Choso's lap, your skirt had risen up quite high, almost to your waist but you were past the point of caring what others would think.
You’re planting small kisses up his neck and jaw, watching him and how he enjoyed having you in his embrace. After a little while he pulls you into another kiss, this time you’re feeling exactly how hungry he was for you. You bite down on his bottom lip, hard, before you pull away for a moment to gasp for air. While you were grinding down on him, you could feel the thin fabric of your panties slowly getting coated with your slick as you were searching for some kind of friction. 
"How about…", you pause, while kissing his neck up to his earlobe, feeling him slowly but surely getting hard beneath you.
"How about we take this inside, maybe look for an empty room?", you finish your sentence.
You didn't have to ask twice before Choso had already grabbed you. He had one arm around your waist, his other hand digging into your hips while you let out a little squeal before wrapping your legs around his middle. He carried you a few steps until he gently set you down in front of the door into the kitchen.
"You’re going to have to walk real close in front of me," he mutters into your ear as he turns you around to take the lead. You could feel how hard he was already as he was pressed up against you and you couldn’t help but giggle at his remark. 
"I promise they’ll be way too drunk to notice," you say, "but let’s get inside and help you with that." 
"Shit—" You hear Choso curse under his breath as he was standing behind you, pumping his dick in his fist a few times before lining himself up with your entrance. He had you bent over the bathroom sink right in front of him, his other hand digging into the flesh of your hips, surely leaving bruises on your skin.
You hear a loud bang at the door, but decide to ignore it. The person could find another bathroom, you were sure the house was big enough to have a few other options. As the person knocks a second time, this time even louder than the first, you feel Choso getting impatient.
"What the—", he mutters, turning towards the door. "Fuck off," he shouts, getting distracted for just a second while you were so desperate for him to fuck you already. You scoot your ass back against him, feeling the leaking tip of his cock sliding through your dripping wet folds and turning his attention back to you.
"Hold - fuck - hold still," he groans before pushing you down with his hand on your back, holding you in place so you were unable to squirm under his touch. 
"How about you hurry up a bit?", you tease from underneath him, earning yourself a slap on your ass almost immediately. You jerk forward a little, not expecting him to do that, but enjoying the stinging sensation to your skin all the same.
You let out a small moan as he pulls you back up against his chest, cupping your breast with one hand while pinching your nipple, "You’re in a hurry now, huh?", he groans and without giving you another heads-up, he pushes into you slowly. 
He was stretching you out already without even being all the way in, locking eyes with you in the mirror before bottoming out completely, letting out a loud groan as he did.
Choso watches as your lips formed an O, needy moans escaping your mouth while he is thrusting into your wet pussy at a devilishly slow pace. You could feel the perfect curve and every ridge of his dick, stretching you out so well before he pulls out almost entirely, just the tip prodding at your needy hole.
"Tell me what you want," he whispers into your ear, sending goosebumps all over your body. His hand squeezes your breasts and you moan at his request, his low voice going straight to your core, making you even wetter than you already were.
"Tell me, did you miss me?," he groans, not breaking eye contact with you, "did you miss my dick?" He plants kisses down your neck and before you could give him an answer he pushes into you again, picking up his pace this time. You cry out at the sudden sensation, the stretch making your eyes roll back while loud moans were falling from your lips. 
"I miss— fuck…", you whine, "'missed you, 'missed your cock inside of me" You had to grab onto the edge of the sink, unable to form another thought besides how good it felt to have him bully his dick into you. 
"Please…", you beg as he continues to fuck into you, holding your trembling body tight against his own.
He watches how your body reacts to him as he was pounding in and out of your pussy relentlessly, your walls squeezing down on his cock so hard he had to use everything he had to not cum into you right then and there. 
"Look at you," he moans right into your ear, "look at yourself taking this dick so fucking good." 
His hand that was just digging into the soft skin of your hips moves further down, his fingers meeting your slick just seconds after. His thumb starts drawing harsh circles on your clit, earning  him a few loud moans that fell from your lips.
"Fuck— Choso, right there, plea—", you whine, eyes squinted shut, "please, 'wanna cum - fuck— don’t stop." 
"I said look at yourself," Choso groans into your ear as you suddenly feel him pulling his hand away, forcing you to obey him and open your eyes. You swallow at the reflection you see in the mirror in front of you.
You were already looking so fucked out, mascara smeared along your undereyes. Your tiny denim skirt was dangling around your waist and that high neck, sleeveless crop top was pulled up above your breasts, squeezing them together. 
"Good girl," he praises, pressing a kiss to your sticky temple while his fingertips continue to rub and pinch at your clit without any mercy. You cry out, louder than anticipated, and watch how tears start to prickle in the corners of your eyes. 
It was too much for you, you were barely able to contain yourself beneath him and you felt yourself getting tighter around him with every harsh thrust of his hips against your ass. Thank god the music outside was so loud, the heavy bass lining up with the lewd noises the both of you made. 
"Shit - you’re getting so fucking tight," he grunts before you hear low moans falling from his lips, "you wanna cum, pretty girl?"
All you can do is whine in response, as you already lost your ability to form meaningful sentences a while ago. "I’m gonna - gonna—", you cry, brows knit together at the overwhelming feeling of him hitting your cervix over and over again. 
You watch how Choso stares at you through the reflection in the mirror, your body almost going limp as you feel your core tightening and the only thing you were being able to do was moan his name, again and again.
"Then cum for me, babygirl," he whispers, his fingertips circling your nipples and pinching your swollen clit while he fucks into your throbbing cunt, getting you closer and closer to your release, until…
"There you go," Choso coos as he feels your walls pulsating around him. Your fingernails claw and scratch at the arm that he had wrapped around you, while you were trying to hold onto something, anything…
Then your orgasm washes over you and it made your thighs shake almost immediately. Choso doesn't stop fucking you through your overwhelming peak, giving you no time to breathe until he finally cums into you as well, thick ropes of hot and sticky cum painting your pussy white while  you had your eyes closed again and you hear him moan into your ear.
You lean back against his muscular chest as the two of you try to catch your breath, raspy moans and small whimpers fall from both of your mouths while neither of you was able to say anything.
You shiver as Choso slides out of you, goosebumps prickling across your body, before he turns you around and you open your eyes to look at him. Your cheeks were flushed and your legs almost too weak to stand on, but you manage to pull your top down, covering yourself up as Choso presses a kiss to your lips. 
He helps adjusting your skirt after you put your panties back on, stumbling against him as you were standing on one leg.
"Careful—", he says and catches you, almost giving you a Déjà vu. 
"You alway got my back, huh?", you ask playfully while you’re trying to fix your hair and makeup in the mirror. 
"Doing my best," he chuckles, pulling up his pants and putting on the hoodie he took off earlier. The shirt he was wearing underneath had stains at the bottom - well, his fault for not taking it off as well. "Let’s get out before they break in the door."
You reach for your bag, now that you can stand in your knee-high boots without holding on to anything, and just as you are about to head for the door, Choso beats you to it.
He holds the door knob as he looks down at you.
"Hey, let’s do that again sometime," he grins and brushes a strand of hair out of your face, "and text me if you want me to get you home."
"You're a gentleman after all," you say and take his hand, grinning as you stand on your tiptoes to give him another kiss on the cheek. "Actually, 'lemme just find Nobara and tell her I’m leaving, I won’t be taking long," you mutter before pulling back. 
"I’ll wait outside for you," Choso says after the both of you have left the bathroom. Not a lot of people were still left and those who were, were not paying attention to the both of you. You feel him squeeze your hand once more before he lets go of it and disappears into the hallway. 
You try and make your way into the kitchen, as a familiar voice startles you.
"Stop using my brother to make him jealous," Yuji says, his voice unusually cold as he suddenly pulls up behind you.
You freeze and turn around, slowly.
"What?", you ask, not willing to believe what you’ve just heard. 
"I'm sorry, y/n, but you heard me right," He was serious. Where had he suddenly come from? Had he seen or... heard you? 
"It’s not - it’s not like that, I mean, I," you stammered, completely taken by surprise, "I’m not using Choso."
"Honestly, Y/N, I don't care what you say, I care about my brother, and all you've been doing lately is destroying yourself. You don't give a fuck about your friends, we're always here for you, and yet you go back to him every chance you get."
You could tell he was drunk. This was unusual for him, he was an athlete and although he liked to go to parties, he rarely drank alcohol himself, apart from a few shots for fun. And it took a lot to get Yuji drunk, you were speaking from experience.
The words that came out of Yuji's mouth hurt you. He was right, but none of your friends had called you out on your bullshit yet.
"I can't save you, Y/N. I've given up on that, but don't drag Choso into this. He has no bad intentions and he would actually treat you well, I know you don't want that." Yuji was so serious and you couldn't even argue with him because he was right.
"Your brother is a grown man," you reply coldly, not even able to look him directly in the eyes.
"Yeah, exactly, he’s a man. Plus - he likes you." 
It wasn't as if you denied the way Choso looked at you with absolute adoration in his eyes. You knew he would move heaven and earth if you asked him for something, and even if he wasn't pushy, you could count on him. He was thoughtful and gentle, he knew what you liked and didn't like, and sex with him was fun, so what exactly were you missing?
"Listen, Yuji, this in none of your business," you say, trying your best to keep your calm, "I don’t need saving and your brother is perfectly capable of looking after himself, so—"
"Yeah, whatever," Yuji barks, taking a sip from the bottle in his hand that you only noticed now, "don't come back crying if he hits you again."
You watch him leave as you realize that you've never seen your best friend so upset. You take a step back, startled by the feel of the wall behind you. You feel your way along the cold wall, down the dimly lit hallway, not sure where you want to go, but you wanted to get away from here. Looking for a door to get out, you pass a few couples making out. 
You push down the door handles of a number of locked rooms and people coming towards you bumped into you. Some of them apologise, others look you up and down, whistling or shouting something at you, but your tunnel vision prevented you from noticing anything. 
You had your guard down while the things Yuji had said to you played over and over in your head. 
Just as you reached the door at the end of the corridor, it was a glass door and you could see the starry night sky through it, someone slammed you hard into the wall. You were pushed into the chest of a much taller person who opened the door to your right with one hand and pushed you in with the other. 
"Hey—", you protested, but you had no chance. The man was much stronger than you and at least two heads taller. The familiar scent that rose to your nostrils as you were pressed against his chest set off alarm bells ringing in your head. 
And as you looked up, even the last doubts you naively had were erased.
"Megumi…", you gasp, and immediately try to get a few steps between the both of you. You hear him lock the door behind him and you instantly feel like a cornered animal. Your eyes scan the room for ways to escape, but unless you wanted to climb out the window, the door was the only way out. 
He looked you straight in the eye, all emotion gone from his face. It was obvious that you, on the other hand, were scared. You hadn't seen anyone outside and you were alone in some guest bedroom that was located in a part of the house where you couldn’t even hear anymore music playing.  
You clutched your bag and pulled your big leather jacket, which you had put on on the way out, tightly around you.
As if that would somehow protect you.
Megumi was still standing by the door, motionless. The grin on his lips never reached his eyes as he stared at you.
"I heard you were having fun in there," he says as you watch him closely.
"Yeah, and I want to leave now," you reply, trying your best to contain your voice, "why don’t you go back to Yue and leave me alone?" 
"Mhm." He seems like he’s thinking about it for a moment. "I don’t think so."
You gather all your courage as you decide to walk towards him.
"Cut your bullshit, Megs," you demand, "let me out of here."
He grabs you roughly as you try to reach for the door, pushing you back into the room.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?", you hiss, not willing to hold back anymore.
"You show up here, with your ex-girlfriend, making out with her, in front of me, in front of all my friends, and when you don't get the reaction you want, you jump me?" You almost yell at him and he was still just standing there in front of you with no reaction.
"I'm not doing this anymore Megumi, this isn't one of your little games anymore," you add, on the verge of tears, "why are you doing this to me?"
"I'll do whatever I want to you," his voice was as calm as always, scaring the living shit out of you as he walks towards you.
"I don't care about Yue, she was just, well, there," he says, watching you closely, "I wanted to know if you meant any of what you were saying last weekend, but as soon as your cute ego gets hurt you’re letting the next best guy fuck you in the bathroom."
You feel tears prickling in your eyes, and your attempts to blink them away only cause them to trickle down your cheeks.
"Oh," he mocks you, "now you’re crying." 
"Fuck you," you hiss and wipe the tears from your face. 
When he was standing right in front of you, you could smell not only his familiar scent, but also the smell of alcohol as he spoke to you. He was tense, you could feel it, and in the darkness his eyes looked almost pitch black as he stared at you.
"Watch how you talk to me," he says through clenched teeth, "just because you can't stand that you act like a fucking slut every time, just to get my attention."
What he said made you cry even more and you didn't bother trying to wipe off the tears anymore.
"I don’t wanna talk to you right now," you sob, but of course he doesn’t care what you want.
"But I wanna talk to you," he barks, grabbing you by your wrists as you try to shuffle away from him, "what is it about him that you go back for a second and a third, huh? Want me to beat him up for good this time?"
He was squeezing your wrists so hard that it hurt. 
"I’ll kill him if he ever touches you again," he spits, "fucking dirty whore."
You weren't sure what hurt more, his words, or the way he twisted your arms to bring you closer to his face.
"Shut the fuck up and leave me alone," you manage to get out, "you’re pathetic. I don’t need you."
You try to break free of his grip a second time, only this time he lets go of you to push you away from him. He does this with such force that you lose your balance and stumble backwards into the bed frame, which was now right behind you.  
You land on the mattress and before you know it, you feel his hand clench around your throat, pulling you up to his eye level again. You have to stand on your tiptoes to take some of the pressure off your neck.
He didn’t squeeze much but it still hurt. His grip was strong as ever and you couldn't move, so you stayed still, hoping he wouldn't hurt you any more.
You grimaced in pain and tried to look him straight in the eye. Somehow he had to realize what he was doing, didn't he? He was delirious and that frightened you. You knew this kind of situation all too well and it made you freeze. There was nothing you could do about it, you could only beg him to stop or try and keep still.
"Megumi, please, I’m sorry, you’re— you’re right," you sob, cheeks wet with tears, "just let me go, please…"
Suddenly you feel his hand tighten around your throat, but you don't realize it until he grabs you  by your neck and slams you right back into the mattress behind you. You have no time to react, you just feel a sharp pain as your head hits the headboard and then he finally presses down hard on your throat. You're helpless, gasping for air, barely able to process what he's just done.
"You’re such a fucking whore, Y/N," he fumes, shaking you and pushing you even deeper into the mattress, "you deserve to get treated exactly like the little fucking slut you are."
You whimper and cry, while hearing the blood rushing through your ears as you struggle against his grip.
Panic rises in you and you feel your eyes begin to sting with more hot tears running down your cheeks. In your desperate struggle you feel your muscles ache and your body give in, the shock knocking the last bit of air out of your lungs and you can't breathe, you know you're about to pass out.
"Tell me again who’s pathetic?" His face was right next to yours as he whispered into your ear.
You couldn't stop crying, even though you couldn't even make a sound. You were sure he was going to kill you this time. 
You had to fight back, but he was so much stronger than you.
"Megumi…", you groan.
"I— I need to—", you cough, desperately trying to claw at his arms, "breathe…please…stop—"
You cry and plead and try to free yourself, all while your strength slowly but surely leaves your body. And then, just milliseconds before you were about to lose consciousness, you feel the air flowing back into your lungs. 
You're so out of breath, coughing and choking and crying all at the same time, while your throat burns so badly, that for a moment you're not even sure he's really let you go.
The moment he lets go of you and stands up, you pull your legs towards you and crawl as far away from him as you can, putting your hands around your neck for protection, pulling the high-neck of your top up over the bruises that were probably already starting to form. 
You shake uncontrollably and can hardly stop crying, while he just stands there watching you. You wrap your arms around your legs, concentrating on your breathing as your body continues to shake.
Then he turns and leaves the room without another word to you.
And you wonder if this is your fault.
"I'm so sorry," you say, standing behind Choso after you finally found your way out of the house. He was sitting on the steps outside the main entrance, a bottle of beer in his hand, waiting for you. You snuggle into your much too large jacket as you sit down next to him.
"You've been gone for half an eternity." Choso gently nudged into your side and you wince, barely noticeable.
"Nobara was throwing up downstairs," you lie, "I couldn’t leave her."
"Oh, really," he says, you couldn't know he'd seen her leave almost an hour ago, "poor girl, I hope she's feeling better now.
You say nothing, tugging at the high neckline of your top, your legs bouncing nervously.
Choso notices and puts a hand on your thigh. You flinch again and this time he feels it.
"Are you all right?", he asks worriedly, looking at you. Your long hair hides the bruises on your neck, but what it can't hide is your blank stare, your swollen lips and your red, watery eyes.
You nod. 
"Yeah, I'm just cold," you say, trying to smile. Your throat's still hurting when you speak.
He puts the bottle to the side and shuffles closer to you. 
The both of you were sitting on the stairs for a while, neither one of you saying a single word. Choso sensed that something must have happened, but what could he do? He knew you lied to him about Nobara, so he figured you wouldn't tell him anything he didn't want to hear.
"Sometimes I just want what they have, y’know?", you sigh after a while and lean into Chosos side, resting your head on his shoulder for a moment.
"I know I will never find that kinda love."
You're talking about the scene that took place in front of you, a scene that caught your attention immediately. Yuta and Maki were about to leave the party together, and Maki was completely drunk. Yuta had his arm around her to manoeuvre her into the car. They both giggled while Maki tried to wrestle her boyfriend, making it harder than it had to be for the poor boy to get her home quickly.
As you look away, you notice that Yuji was sitting in the passenger’s seat with the window down.
He was getting impatient, waiting for them to finally get into the car, and as he turned to see what was taking them so long, your eyes met briefly. 
You saw him open his mouth as if to say something, but then he noticed Choso sitting next to you and he immediately turned away.
He was still mad at you.
Yuta had finally made it and Maki was sitting safe and sound in the back seat. He planted a kiss on her forehead before gently closing the door behind her and walking around the car. You looked away but he caught you watching the scene and stopped for a moment, flashing you both a smile before he waved goodbye, got into the car and drove off.
"What do you mean?" you hear Choso's voice after you have sat in silence for another while. The car disappeared and you just stared into the distance, trying to find the right words.
"I don't know, there's just no...", you pause for a moment, thinking how pathetic you're going to sound, "there's just no darkness."
That's it. Everything about their relationship was genuine, they cared for each other. There was not a hint of jealousy, no one was trying to control or manipulate the other.
"It's just sweet, they're just... sweet," you swallow, feeling so vulnerable in that moment, "they don't hate each other, there's just so much love. I don't know if that would ever be enough for me. Doesn't it get boring?"
Once again, you feel tears welling up in your eyes.
"Sometimes it feels like I'm going crazy," you mumble.
None of you says a word after that. At some point, you lift your head from Choso's shoulder to look at him, almost as if you want him to say something.
"You’re not," he says, his voice sounding determined.
"I mean, you're pretty fucked up, but you're not crazy." Choso pulls two cigarettes out of a pack and hands you one, lighting yours first. He stuffs the pack back into his jacket and takes a few puffs, immediately blowing the smoke out into the cool night air before turning back to you,
"I don’t fuck with insane chicks, learned my lesson." 
He nudges your side again to make sure you understand that he was joking, but you were already too far up in your head. You smoke your cigarette, breathing in the smoke as if it might bring you some kind of clarity.
"I think I'm going to get back together with him," you whisper, almost as if you don't want to hear what's coming out of your own mouth.
Choso does not answer. 
Of course he doesn’t. 
What was he supposed to say? He didn't know what exactly was going on between you and him, but at this point he knew that there was something, at least from his side. It was unfair of you to talk to him about it, of all people, and at the same time he knew that you couldn't talk to anyone else at the moment.
"Y/n, tell me, what do you want to hear from—" 
You cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
"It's a mistake, right?"
"Don't do it, just…", he pauses and takes a drag, "don't do it."
"I don't know if I can help it," you tell him, sounding defeated. 
Inhaling, you feel what you had been blocking out all along. Your throat hurts. The cigarette smoke that keeps pouring into your lungs only makes it worse, and the sudden pain in your chest when you inhale too deeply makes you wince.
You knew that those bruises would form. Like splashes of blue and green paint they would cover your neck, spreading all around your throat. 
Choso doesn’t reply to this, either. 
His head was hanging low. Not because he was disappointed or pissed off that he wasn’t able to make another move on you tonight, but because he was afraid to lose you. 
Because he knew he couldn’t really do anything to save you.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I do or the rest of the world does, really," he sighs and pulls you in, wrapping his arm around your waist and letting you rest your head against his chest. He wanted to say so much more but he stopped himself before opening his mouth. 
He knew it wouldn’t change a thing. 
@bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9 @arminsgfloll @chifuyusfingers @kokonoiscoconut thx for motivating me to keep on writing <3
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fortheunsungheros · 4 months
Out of curiosity- How much do you know abt ur fav character in The Outsiders?? My fav is Dallas, who was the sixth character to be introduced by pony in the book- hence my blog name lol
Dally’s full name was Dallas Tucker Winston (as we know)
was 17 (also as we know) and died just two months short of his birthday, which is November 9th, meaning the book begins in September on a Friday
got his disc memorized- you know the drill with him so I’ll keep it shortish: described as tow-headed with an elvish face, with high cheekbones and a sharp chin, small sharp animal like teeth and ears like a lynx, his hair was almost white it was so long, but he didn’t like haircuts or hairpins either so it went over his forehead in wisps and kicked out in the back in tufts along the nape of his neck and curled behind his ears. The shade difference between a greaser and a hood wasn’t present in Dally, he was a wild as a brumly boys, like Tim Shepard’s gang. He had pale icy blue eyes, cold with a hatred for the whole world- he didn’t have anything specific to hate. (So much for short- Read it 217 times since 7th grade)
gave pony the letter from soda and didn’t want to get beat tf up by Darry for giving pony the money and the gun
bought pony and Johnny food at Darry Queen :D
he showed up to the rumble with his arm burnt tf up and fought anyhow
Took Ponyboy to see Johnny because he knew he was dying in the hospital and wanted pony to seem him one last time too
he was born in 1948- since the book was finished in ‘65, I just subtracted 17 from there- so he would’ve been 76 this year :,(
on a lighter note, S.E. Hinton confirmed that he was most likely out of the gang to be scared of spiders- had me rolling 🤣
Lmao it got to the point where I gaslit myself into thinking he lived and Johnny lived based on a fic I read years ago and when I reread it this past month my whole reality with him shattered- please send help I can’t be the only one obsessed with a character to this degree🫠
Wow I think you’re more obsessed with this book than me 😭 HOW HAVE YOU READ IT 217 TIMES? I’m on my 3rd reread in the past 8 months or so.
But seriously wow! I’m glad I found someone who is as obsessed - if not more than me lol. Dallas is probably my 3rd favorite character (ik don’t come and find me lol) behind 2. Johnny and 1. Darry
Darry has always been my favorite character ever since I read the book for the first time. He just stuck out to me and I love his character so much. He also is played by Patrick Swayze and he is the finest man to ever walk the earth sooo. (Like seriously I’m obsessed with this man I’ve watched almost every movie he’s in please send help)
Even though Darry’s my favorite character I don’t know everything about him off hand lol. I’m just gonna make a list of everything I know off the top of my head about my favorite character (yes out of every book I’ve read he’s my favorite character, secondly being Katniss Everdeen if you would like to know lol)
• He’s 20 years old
• His full name is Darrel Shayne Curtis Jr (I say this at least twice a day idk don’t ask why)
• Don’t quote me on this but I think he was introduced last in the book
• He works as a roof repair man person
• His birthday is January 5th
• He’s the oldest brother (obviously)
• He is said to not be a greaser if it weren’t for his brothers and the rest of the gang
• Darry was a MESS when Johnny and Pony were at the church (DARREL STAYS UP ALL NIGHT LONG, TILL HE FINALLY FALLS ASLEEP BY THE TELEPHONEEE - Sodas Letter from the musical)
• Also he was the football captain in high school and was voted boy of the year
• Don’t ask me how I know this offhand (I need a hobby) but in the book Darry is one of the tallest if not the tallest greaser but Patrick Swayze isn’t crazy tall so in some of the photos you can see him standing on bricks to make him look taller lol
Okay that’s all I remember right now but I know more will come to me later lol. And also I sincerely believe also that the events in the book are fictional (well no shit) but like FICTIONAL in a FICTIONAL way. Like Ponyboy definitely just needed a good grade so made up a bs story lmao. I really have tricked myself into thinking both Johnny and Dally are alive and well and the gang is still partying in Tulsa.
ALSO thank you for this ask it was really fun to do!
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kexing · 1 year
so i started watching enchante for the first time because i enjoy the forcebook chemistry very much in only friends and im very much enjoying myself, it's such a feel good show and it's so pretty and also akk. as i'm watching i'm going through old posts and i came across one about a lot of hate that either forcebook or enchante seemed to have gotten? and im so confused bc it just seems like a normal gmmtv show? would you mind explaining what happened there?
hi there! glad you’re enjoying yourself! as i’ve always said, enchanté is warm and the world is cold, so i hope it keeps you warm as well!
dearest, i wish i could explain it to you but there’s no actual solid explanation for this issue that plagues our every move to this day.
like. one could argue enchanté has a really flawed ending, which is true, but the show got SEVERE hate throughout its entire run.
people mocked book’s french accent from the start, absurd shit tbh. and then proceeded to pick the show apart for no fucking reason.
i understand if enchanté isn’t your type of show, whatever. if you have issues with it, whatever. nobody’s obligated to like it. but the amount of hate it got? unjustified. especially when they never tried to make it a revolutionary show, like you said, it’s a FEEL GOOD SHOW but like seven people got the fucking message.
and that has TRAGICALLY affected forcebook’s reputation back then and now. people hate on them all the time for no fucking reason.
“they have no chemistry!” “they’re bad actors!” “they don’t know how to kiss!” and even more offensive takes from mfs who clearly didn’t watch enchanté at all.
2022 was a really difficult year for them. they barely got work after enchanté because of all the nonsensical backlash.
it hurt my heart to see everyone saying they were sure forcebook were done for, that they were never getting another show. like. i’ve always respected everyone’s faves?? but god forbid people respecting mine 🫠🫠🫠
admittedly, 2023 has brought forcebook a lot of good things and new fans but the stupid hate continues and it insists on tarnishing everything.
it’s like no matter what force and book do, they’re never good enough to just be allowed to exist in peace. and it gets tiring, you know?
i mean, forcebook are graceful beings. they’ve always been the kindest throughout this entire mess. they get all that hate and give it all back in love and hard work. i truly admire their strength! but i’m honestly beyond tired of reading the worst possible takes about them all the time.
my point is: no, enchanté isn’t the worst bl out there and no, forcebook haven’t killed anyone that i’m aware of. but everyone will keep on acting like they did.
have a lovely weekend! 🩷
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tarot-junkie · 1 year
-firstly. These readings have been and were always hypothetical in my opinion. ALWAYS. Everyone interprets the data differently. I remember getting into an argument where someone said he would or will propose and I said BULLSHIT bc of a pentacles card 🫠. Admittedly…Way too in my head to interpret it without bias on REGULAR readings for evans. Whoops. My bad. Yikes. Frankly I looked at some of those readings incorrectly. //
I remember a while ago you said that the tower moment would most likely be for the fandom not for Chris and that has stuck with me ever since. You most definitely hit the nail on the head with that one
That’s the one thing I can agree on maybe getting right. And to be fair, the switch flipped for me when another friend read about his FS last year. It was a different take than most - Something about how she/FS had an idealized version of who he was and even SHE had to change her perception a bit. The tower showed up in her reading, “what will she think about him” or something along those lines. So then I wondered aloud if it was always about the fans and how they perceived of “Chris evans” LLC. And the image was the tower. And seeing it over and over wasn’t about HIM changing.
Consider the stark contrast between who he is/appears to be, and how most people have been like 👀 about the whole thing. It’s jarring for those who have invested a lot. (Sounds dramatic but) has shaken some foundations.
I don’t always ascribe to the “he needed to be fixed and heal himself and THEN will be rewarded with her” schtick bc that’s not how things always work. If you KNOW him personally, you might be able to argue that- but as it stands currently, we can only quote Kneepads (People) re: how he “feels” according to a SOURCE 🫠 and say that “that is accurate.”
Someone used the word shambolic yesterday and it really represents my feelings on this whole nonsense. (Chaotic, disorganized, MISMANAGED). These dumb plays ….what some people would just say “ugh you’re blowing it out of proportion,” really just make it seem like some people sat around in a room and came up with ALL OF THE DUMB ideas on what to do to release this. And they can’t sell it because they’re not that good at faking story lines.
I’m not saying all of it is PR. The public side of it is ABSOLUTELY PR. The timing, the cardboard cutout nature of all of it. I’m just saying if they came up with the idea of “let’s walk thru Central Park” then it becomes a whole mess of a sprint and it’s awkward af. If they take a pic of them kissing it looks like he’s making out with her mouth-chin character. Which is weird. They can’t sell it bc they’re faking a side of it for the public. Not the whole thing. Just the public part. That’s why I said at one point, maybe it’s real and they bungled the shit out of it bc they are awkward.
I also got the vibe some of this shit was for spite, so whatever clever blogs have said he likes watching it all burn…. I think back to some public questions we’ve discussed “Is she going to the premiere?” NO. Then she goes and it’s a dumb circus. Make sure she’s spotted looking “hot.” Is he ever going to do BOSTON Con? NO, his anxiety is too bad. And then he books TWO this year. And so on. And so forth. LSA kept saying “STOP SAYING THIS, it’ll happen!!” 😂😂😂😂
So. I think we need to just be all Justin Bieber and never say never. All the people like “ohhh they won’t last” 😬🤷🏻‍♀️😂 suffice it to say….old dude is doing tf he wants.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
What do you think of Rhaenyra’s reluctance to issue war? Do you think this is because she genuinely didn’t want war or was this another one of the writers ways of making her seem like a “girlboss who really would never have done any wrong but was just pushed there?”
I actually blame this on both the writers trying to shoehorn the prophecy mess(which Viserys realistically shouldn’t know about himself) and them trying to make Rhaenyra into a girlboss.
They made it seem like Rhaenyra was going to give up her claim and go along with Aegon being king because there is this war between ice zombies and humanity and the Targaryens will be the saviors of Westeros(which is all a load of bull crap because according to GOT the savior was Arya…Stark🫠).
This made 0 sense whatsoever even in the context of the show because she literally begged Daemon’s a** to marry her since she thought the Greens were going to do her in. She was low-key preparing for war in episode 7 and then the finale rolls around and she’s like “Hmm maybe I should like bow down to Aegon for the prophecy’s sake.” 🫠
I haven’t rewatched the show(and don’t plan on doing so because it is crap) so someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I could’ve sworn Viserys told Rhaenyra about the prophecy way before episode 7(I think he told her in episode 1 which is further proof that this show is just so inconsistent, they can’t even keep up with what they’ve written 🤦🏽‍♀️). She didn’t give a damn about the prophecy before, but now she does 🙃
Book!Rhaenyra would never do this because she was always firm in her belief Aegon II was a usurper and even if there was a prophecy she would think it was referring to her line so she’d definitely push for her claim.
If they wanted to make Rhaenyra look more empathetic they could’ve played into her being a mother and had her say “I don’t want to fight in a pointless war and see my sons die,” but they gave the lamest excuse possible by adding in a that stupid prophecy.
This show is just bananas. Its biggest problems are trying to make it connect to the mess that was the final seasons of GOT and trying to turn Rhaenyra into Dany 2.0. They could’ve presented us with an unbiased version of what happened during the Dance(showing that the main claimants were f*cked up people who were screwed over by a self-centered King who almost got their entire family killed), but instead, we get this🤦🏽‍♀️
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daisynik7 · 9 months
WIFEY! i woke up rolling off my bed and landed on a back scratcher that was on my floor and now there’s a dent in my knee LMAO. your wife is not only a sleepy, silly girlie, she’s also a clumsy girlie. i’ve also been incessantly crying over your messages it’s fine 🥲
but i’m sorry to hear about that, i’m glad to hear it was almost and not did get into a car accident, even then i don’t know if you suffered from whiplash or anything but as long as you're safe and unharmed, i’m happy. i do feel bad for the person who randomly broke down, especially on the freeway, hope they’re ok too :( 
i have family that lived in the midwest and can attest to how brutal the cold and snow is, and yes driving must’ve been an absolute nightmare! another reminder to my snookums to stay warm on all fronts bundled up, and eat warm foods (soup!!!!!!) 🥰
AND THANK YOU for hosting the swap and for your recs! given your impeccable tastes i know i will enjoy them thoroughly, and i can’t get over how well-detailed your descriptions of each and why you love them, i’m excited to read them! 
i have to say one thing i’ve always loved about your fic reblogs is your in-depth analysis i.e. the screenshots and highlights of particular excerpts that stood out to you and loved, there’s truly no one like you 🥹 and for you to that to something i wrote??? I’M HONOURED, AND I’M SOFT NOBODY TOUCH ME I’M A SOBBING MESS wait no please hug me 😭 i am absolutely in love with your love and care for others, and that has shown in your feedback to others and your check-ins, thank you for your sweet words and support <3
as i’m typing this i just got your message, (don’t feel pressured to respond to this!) do as you please, i’m honoured, thank you for the follow!!! <3 and once again thank you for your sweet words on How It’ll Be, i’m shrieking!
 i hope the rest of your week is productive and your weekend is well spent and restful! i’m so proud of you!!!! in the meantime, i’m sending you all my love, all my kisses, all my hugs, and cuddles 🤍🤍🤍
also, my internet is being a little silly billy so i don't know if this message was sent the first time, i'm hoping not 🫠
lastly, i’d like to inform you that you have permanent residence in a very special place in my heart where I have you safely tucked in and you are not allowed to leave (there are snacks, i promise) 🫢 in all seriousness, hope you’ve had a wonderful day and night and i love you endlessly my darling wife, treat yourself kindly, always! 🥰
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my sleepy, silly, clumsy, beautiful wifey! I'm sorry your rolled off your bed, but I'm assuming it's because you had such a pleasant dream, so I hope it was at least worth it. and if not, I'm kissing the little dent on your knee to heal it if it isn't fully healed already!
I'm totally safe from the near accident, it sounds more dramatic than I'm making it sound and the person who stopped seemed to be fine physically. hoping they were able to move to safer location and get their car fixed because it didn't seem like anything was wrong (which is good).
thank you for participating in the fic swap! I still have yet to read the rest of the fics you recommended, been a busy and distracted girl this week, but they are still on my radar and I'm very excited!
I try to leave more in-depth comments whenever I can just because I feel like I can better express myself doing that instead of spamming the tags LOL. I got inspired by another mutual I have on here who does it often, so I can't take credit for it! I just want to show how much I appreciate the writers on here because I feel like we (as a Tumblr community) don't do that enough!
I never want to leave this safe space I have in your heart! 🥹 I am the most cozy and comfortable there and I'm not leaving for anything (so you better get used to me lol). I love you so so dearly my snookums, always thinking of you even when I'm away! I hope you had a relaxing and/or productive weekend and that these last few weeks of 2023 go by smoothly. love you so much thea ♥️
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2 notes · View notes
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Synopsis: a continuation of my slow burn love story of my favorite chaotic mess and F!Reader. Smut involved, 18+ minors DNI
Tigger Warnings: slight angst/insecurities - oral F and M receiving - fingering
A/N: Thank you to all of those of you who enjoyed my first chapter. This is my first time writing smut so any feedback is appreciated. 🫠 Also, I’m kind of new to tumblr and am still Learning the platform 😅. If someone could tell me how to hyperlink the chapters together in individual posts that’d be great because I’ve been struggling here for the last few minutesTrying to figure it out.
Word count: 6.5k - definitely did not mean to make it this long but oh well
Chapter 2:
“Quilt,” you say laying down the small wooden tiles on the board, “and with the triple point square that’s 42 points which puts me at 237 points and you at 215.”
“Goddammit woman,” Dieter exclaimed in defeat but also giggling, “you sure you’re not using the word with friends app underneath the table?”
“C’mon you know the drill,” you said gesturing to the table near the front door and whispered, “we’re in the zone of silence.”
Dieter placed his hands together and whispered like a prayer, “zone of silence.”
You erupted in giggles, mostly for all the weed the two of you had been smoking for the last few hours. It had been a long running joke between the two of you. You don’t remember how but Dieter got the idea in his head that cells phones give off radiation and EMF’s so he’d stop using his phone after 10pm till the next morning. He had also demanded the same of you whenever you two were together. It didn’t bother you much, you had your own personal goal of limiting your screen time for your mental health anyways. So any time you two were together you’d put your phones away and call it the zone of silence. Dieter always had to say it as if it were a prayer but the truth was that he only kept doing it because you’d giggle every time he did.
Dieter’s phone rang for the third time tonight.
“That bitch is crazy,” Dieter mused, running his hands through his fluffy hair.
“Why is she blowing you up if she’s the one that slapped you?” You questioned him.
“She usually does this when she’s drunk,” Dieter responded, “and everytime she does it’s always one of two things that end up happening. She acts all cute and needy but usually ends up with her bawling her eyes out over some stupid shit or she starts off with bawling over some stupid shit.”
“Then why do you keep talking to her?” You question him. It wasn’t the first time you’ve ever asked this question but it always starts and ends the same.
“She’s the one that keeps coming back,” Dieter repeated, shrugging, “not like I got anything else going on right now.”
“You could find someone else if you wanted to,” you pointed out, “I mean come one, you’re a big hot shot actor, you're insanely hot, and you’re one of the coolest people I know.”
Dieter’s head perked up at your words with a playful tone, “So you think I’m sexy?”
“I said you were hot bravo,” you responded, “there’s a difference.”
“Oh yea what’s that?” Dieter questioned.
“Hot meaning it’s nice to look at you,” You started to explain, “Sexy is reserved for people you’d like to fuck.”
Dieter seemed to muse your words over in his head, “So… you don’t think I’m sexy?”
The air in the room seemed to get heavier, “Well… I mean…you’re my boss.”
Dieter seemed to pick up what you were putting down, “I know.”
“I’m just saying,” you continued to say, “it’s a big world and anything could happen. I don’t think Lola’s the right one for you but someone will be. There’s a lot of likable qualities about you.”
“Yeah like bank accounts and my stardom that most women just want a piece of,” Dieter grumbled, “not to mention my drug problems, my weird kinks, and the inability to commit.”
“Well you really should slow down on the drugs,” you agreed, “but all the other things I think are fixable problems. And frankly I think once you find someone worthwhile all those things will fall into place.”
“Doubt it,” Dieter grouched back, “most women don’t give a shit about all that. They’re all just gold digging whores.”
“Yeah but you told me last month that gold digging whores are your bread and butter,” you pointed out.
“Unfortunately I think I’m getting bored of all that debauchery,” Dieter replied, “sure the sex is good… it used to be better but I don’t know. I think I’m getting over it or I’m just getting too old for this shit.”
You wanted to point out that if he stopped doing drugs that he’d probably feel better. But the two of you have gotten into very heated arguments over his drug use. Eventually it had boiled down to you both agreeing to draw a line in your friendship. As much as you respected and cared for Dieter it wasn’t your place to tell a grown man how to live his life. You always just silently hoped in the back of your head that he wouldn’t tumble in something that became unmanageable.
And to his credit he did manage well. Sometimes he’d go for months without touching any drugs. Usually when he was working and had a heavy schedule of shooting. But anytime that press tours, parties and times of unemployment rolled around it was all playtime for him.
“You’re not that old,” you rolled your eyes at him.
“Yeah will I sure as shit ain’t getting any younger,” Dieter said standing up from the coffee table where you two had your scrabble game going and flopping down on the couch.
You tried to stand to get up but your right foot was asleep from crossing your legs and putting most of your weight on the right side. You felt the staticky pins and needles through your leg.
“Need a hand?” Dieter said lazily getting to his feet and walking around the table extending a hand to you, “seeing as how you’re so strung out on the weed that you can’t get up.”
“I’m not even that high,” You mused trying to stand again and feeling your limbs flop. You shook your head slightly embarrassed but took Dieter’s hand regardless.
“Well you know how it goes babe,” Dieter said with his shit eating grin, “dance with Mary Jane get your toes stepped on.”
“Haha,” you said flatly.
His hands held firmly onto yours as he pulled you up, stringing one arm around your waist and dragged you over to the couch. You flopped down on the corner bringing your leg up to your chest and started massaging your own foot. Dieter took the other corner of the couch a few feet away. He placed his arm along the back of the couch and laid his head back. It was getting late, it was almost one in the morning. You would most likely end up crashing on the couch if you decided not to drive home. You had never slept in a bed with Dieter before and you’ve never truly wanted to. It wouldn't be the first time that you slept on a couch in one of Dieter’s luxury hotel suites. You probably could drive, you really weren’t that high anymore and could manage it. But you also knew that Dieter would throw a tantrum if you tried to leave because he didn’t want you driving under any influence.
“So what about you then?” Dieter finally questioned after a few minutes of silence.
“What about what?” You asked, finally putting your leg down now that your foot stopped throbbing.
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” Dieter asked.
“Because he just dumped me like six hours ago,” you explained.
“C’mon you didn’t really like that guy did you?” Dieter pressed on looking at you with hazy eyes.
“Do you really like Lola?”
“Oh no, no, no. Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Redirect what?”
“C’mon you always do this every time something comes up that you don’t want to talk about,” Dieter grunted, “we’re not talking about me right now. We’re talking about you.”
You shifted in your seat uncomfortably and tried mulling over the words on the tip of your tongue trying to find a way to explain it, “I don’t know. I mean when I first met Matt he was charming and nice but most people are when you first start dating them. They’re on their best behavior before reality starts to sink in. I just don’t think Matt and I were right for each other.”
“Still you haven’t really dated anyone since we got back from Cliff Beasts 6,” he pointed out, “you should have just as long of a line of dudes trying to get with you as I got women lined up.”
You laughed out loud at his words, “Dieter I’m just a regular person. No one knows me.”
“Yeah but that’s because you don’t put yourself out there,” Dieter explained, “You haven’t been really trying to date or anything.”
“You keeping tabs on me?” You question playfully.
“Well I mean you do live in my guesthouse,” Dieter pointed out.
“Yeah I also answer your emails, take your phone calls, look for auditions and upcoming projects, book your airfare and your flights, your drives to all your events, talks to your agent, your lawyer, your publicist, your stylist and I even book you all inclusive romantic ocean view suites for your debauchery adventures,” you listed off.
Dieter looked at you concerned, “Are you feeling overworked? If you need help I could find someone else to come in and help you. Whoever you want, you could have a say in who we pick if you feel like you need it.”
“Oh no it’s not like that,” you responded assuringly, “I don’t feel overworked or anything. I like my job, I like to keep your life on track. Frankly I think it helps keep my life on track too.”
“So when do you get to have fun then?” Dieter questioned her.
“On Friday nights when I get dumped and have a sit in with my boss whooping his ass at scramble,” you explained.
“If that’s your definition of fun then we desperately need to host an intervention,” Dieter grumbled running his hands through his hair.
“I don’t think that the subject of the intervention is supposed to plan out the intervention,” you said thinking it over, “I think the other people around them are supposed to inflict it on them.”
“Alright fine then I’m initiating the intervention right now,” Dieter proclaimed.
“Ok” you shrug unsure how to respond. You were sure that this was all playful stoner banter that he would surely forget in the morning like you two always did.
“Alright step one,” Dieter started sitting up and sitting cross legged facing you, “So why did Matt say that you were the best head he’s gotten?”
“What?” You laugh at the sudden question from left field. You weren’t surprised by the sudden change of subject. It happened often with Dieter.
“What does that have to do with anything?” you asked him.
“Well, the first step of the intervention is honesty,” Dieter explained, “and I’ve been real curious by what he meant by that.”
“Are you asking me that because you want to know what he meant by that or are you asking because you got cheated out of getting head tonight?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Wouldn it really be a terrible thing if it were both?” Dieter asked with his signature puppy dog eyes.
You roll your eyes, trying to hide your own grin from him.
“I mean it’s not like either one of us is getting laid tonight or anything let me live vicariously through Matty cakes dumb assery,” Dieter pleaded.
There was a slight pinch in your stomach at his words. You tried not to think about it. You didn’t want to follow down where this road went but you were always curious as to why Dieter never even attempted to ever have sex with you. Sure he’d make sexual comments and low key flirty remarks but they were never directed at you. You secretly wondered if that meant that he truly was not interested in you but the logical part of you also knew that was how it needed to be. He was your boss and this was real life, not a porn hub set.
“Besides I don’t even really give a shit about getting head all that much,” Dieter continued to say.
“Bullshit!” YOu called out shaking your head, “I don’t believe that.”
“It’s mostly true,” Dieter explained, “I mean it’s nice but frankly I’d much rather be the one giving head or eating pussy more than receiving.”
“Then why are you so curious about why Matty Cakes said that I’m too good at giving head?” You challenged him.
“First off, no redirection,” Dieter pointed out, “as I said we’re talking about you and not me. And secondly you just called him Matty Cakes for the first time which I think is progress in this intervention.”
“I don’t even think I really believe that that is the real reason why he dumped me,” you began to say, “I think he’s just pissed because all of his boys are giving him shit about me or trying to hit on me.”
“He told them my story about the guy I puked on and how I got my reputation at UCLA,” you stated.
“They know that it’s a joke right?” Dieter questioned.
“Guess the dumbasses didn’t get the memo and thought it was real,” you shrug thinking back to all the creepy DM’s you got from his friends.
“So he’s the one that told them that story and then got pissed off that he’s friends started coming after you?” Dieter questioned.
“Pretty much,” you shrugged, “it’s stupid and ya know what? I don’t like stupid guys. Honestly any feelings that I may have had for him died at that moment.”
“Good because you could definitely do better than that ass hat,” Dieter stated, “but what did he mean about you being good at it? Did you go down on him a lot?”
“Not really,” you retorted, “I told him that I wouldn’t go down on him unless he went down on me. But the last time that I did I guess he seemed pretty into it.”
“How so?” Dieter continued to question.
You felt the heat creep over your cheeks, it had been about a month since it happened, “I don't know… I just do it.”
Dieter could see the pink in your cheeks spreading. Truth is he never allowed himself to entertain the idea of having you. He thought you were hot as hell and definetly someone he’d consider fucking when the two of you had first met. But then again those days were filled with him trying desperately to get a break in Hollywood. When he wasn’t doing that he was hooking up with every hot chick that came his way and partying it up everywhere he went. You were doing the same, it just so happened that you were two ships that never fully crossed paths in that regard.
Dieter really did have to discipline himself to not think of you in that way over the years. His whole career would not be what it was today without you keeping him in line. He knew that if he ever did try to sleep with you it’d only eventually he would ruin everything between the two of you. Any time any thoughts of you crossed his mind he’d distract himself with drugs, alcohol or other women. He wanted to keep you as his assistant and a friend more than what would eventually be another person on his list of scorned ex lovers. Dieter needed you more than you needed him.
And yet…
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” Dieter proposed earnestly, “oral I mean.”
“What?” You asked surprised, feeling all the haze from the weed quickly fading.
“I’ll go down on you if you go down on me,” Dieter continued to say, “all I’ve wanted all night long is to eat someone’s pussy. Let me take care of you better than Matty Cakes ever did.”
Dieter wasn’t fully convinced that you would say yes but he figured he might as well take his shot. Meanwhile you felt your face get hotter and your cunt clench at the thought. You had walked in on him plenty of times or had nothing but a wall separating you from his lovers. Their screams of pleasure rang in your ears even though you’d most of the time but on your big headphones to tune it out.
“Do you want to go down on me?” You question him surprised. You were used to his forwardness but this was the first time he’d ever been direct about wanting you.
“Is that a serious question?” Dieter asked with that same lopsided grin he had when he was playful.
“I just figured that you wouldn’t be into me like that,” you mused back shrugging.
“What? Why?” Dieter asked, surprised.
“Well you’ve never even…” you started to say before realizing that the thought in her head was probably better left there than coming out of your mouth.
“Never what?” Dieter questioned, his eyes full of concern.
“I mean…” YOu shrugged, “you’ve never really hit on me before or asked me for anything like this.”
“That’s partially only because my manager and agent threatened to castrate me if I ever ran you off,” Dieter explained, rolling his eyes, “that and well… I need you.”
You roll your eyes at his words, “you don’t need me. Not like that anyways.”
“Yes I do,” Dieter exclaimed and started talking quickly, “Well no- no- I mean I guess you’re right not like that that. But don’t take that the wrong way please. Because you’re fucking gorgeous. I’d kill to be the one burying my face between your thighs until I get your whole body shaking every night. But I usually always fuck things up with every person and with and I need you to run my life for me because there’s no way in hell that I can but also I need… I want…”
It was rare for you to see Dieter all tongue tied and twisted like he was now. Your stomach was churning with a secret desire. The forbidden fruit in the form of your best friend with fluffy hair and puppy dog eyes. You were still a little shell shocked from hearing that he wanted you at all.
Dieter scooted closer to you, “Do you want me lick your pussy till you come apart in my mouth? Because I sure as hell would love to see you on your knees for me. And it Matty Cakes is right about you being good at it I would be on my knees every day begging for your mouth.”
For the first time you felt yourself dampen between your legs as you pictured Dieter on his knees looking up at you.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You questioned him tightening your thighs together.
Dieter chuckled, noticing your movements. He scooted even closer, placing a hang on your leg and sliding his fingers between your thighs.
“Look babe,” he started to say, “we’ve been friends for years now. Let’s make a deal. I’ll eat you out and you go down on me, and when we’re done, if you want, we’ll never talk about it again.”
That was the first time in your friendship that he had called you something besides your name. It made your stomach flip with anticipation.
“If I want?” You repeated at his choice of words.
“That is unless you decide to beg on your knees for my tongue every night,” Dieter said, his eyes darkening with desire, “in which case my mouth is at your service babe.”
He called you babe again. More images and thoughts of the forbidden fruit passed through your mind. But you tried to shove that away and think about it logically. You two were both adults, and you really did believe that you could just go down on each other and then just let it go. Which is exactly what you would do, do this one time and then never speak of it again. What was the worst that could happen?
“And we’ll never talk about it again?” You asked him.
“Yes Ma’am,” Dieter nodded, “if that’s what you want.”
You sighed and took a moment before you said, “okay.”
“Fuck yeah,” Dieter said grabbing you hand and bounced off the couch, “c’mon baby, let me tongue fuck you so deep that you’ll still be soaked by the time the sun comes up.”
“Just remember Dieter,” you said as you let him pull you into the bedroom, “this is a one time thing.”
Dieter giggled and looked at you with a mischievous grin, “We’ll see what you say when I’m done with you.”
He pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist. He was about to pull you in to kiss him but you leaned back from him.
“Wait,” you commanded, Dieter complied quickly but looked at you quizzically, “no kisses. I think that’d be too far. If we’re gonna do this, just oral.”
Dieter felt a slight sting of disappointment but he understood. It probably wasn’t a bad idea if you really did change your mind come morning and really did just want this to be a one time thing. Dieter decided to just take what he could get from you.
“Alright babe,” Dieter nodded, “I guess I’ll just have to smother you with kisses on your other lips instead.”
You felt your pussy clench at his words. You couldn’t hide the grin that spread across your face. Before you knew it Deiter ducked down, tossing you over his shoulder and took you into the bedroom and tossed you onto the California king bed. You flopped down, giggling. It was something that you did when you were nervous or filled with anticipation, you couldn’t tell which. Dieter climbed up on the bed and hovered over you for a moment. He was staring at you, his eyes were dark with desire but still had the same warmth they always had.
God he wanted to kiss you. Your giggle made him instantly hard and now Dieter’s own mind was running away. He would honor your wishes but god he wished he could kiss you. Rip off all your clothes, have your nipples harden under his tongue, slap your ass and feel you cum on his cock, consequences be damned. The idea of you really never wanting to bring this up again worried but right now he just forced himself to push that out of his head and be in the moment. If he was going to have a shot with you he would just be fully present in the moment and deal with the blowback at sun up.
You were breathing shallow now, giddy with anticipation. Dieter leaned down and kissed right below your breasts over your tank top. He slowly kissed his way down while fumbling with the button and zipper of your pants. You sighed looking at his messy curly hair, you always wanted to run your hands through it. Usually either to mess up his perfectly styled hair or in an attempt to tame it. So you slowly brought up a hand and ran it through as he slowly laced his fingers on the inside of your pants and your panties.
“You sure about this babe?” Dieter asked, sitting up slightly toying with the skin under your panties.
You nodded in agreement.
Dieter smirked, piercing you with his gaze. You could see his dimples forming as he smiled, it made your heart flutter. Now that you were lying here in his bed with his fingers wrapped around your panties you could take in just how damn handsome he really was. Dieter began pulling down your clothes while also dragging his fingers down your legs. He tossed them onto the floor and got his first look at your cunt.
“Fuck babe,” Dieter said with a carnal growl, “god you’re so sexy. I should have tried a little harder to get into your pants at some point.”
“Well it’s not like you ever really tried before now,” you pointed out trying to maintain your breathing, you feel like you were about to burst with pure desire.
Dieter suddenly looked up at you with concern, “did you really think all these years that I was never attracted to you?”
That felt like a too heavy question giving the current position that you were in, “Are you gonna tongue fuck me or not Bravo?”
“Yes ma’am,” Dieter nodded, now sliding down the bed so that his face was just hovering above your hot wet cunt, “but I’m sorry if I ever made you feel that way. You’re fucking perfect babe.”
His apology made the mood feel heavier, and it made your heart skip a beat. However you didn’t have to spend too much time on it because in the next second Dieter leaned down and kissed you slowly. You felt his lips graze against your clit, they were soft and warm. He slowly made his way down, kissing you with just his mouth all the way through. You felt your legs quiver with each kiss. Dieter giggled, you could practically feel the vibrations all through your whole body through his little laugh. He wrapped his big arms under your thighs, pulling them apart and keeping a firm grasp with his big hands.
He stuck out the tip of his tongue, dragging it slowly up the folds of your slick and circled it around your clit. You moaned pathetically under him, throwing your head back and taking in sharp breaths. Your whole body felt like it was on fire from your fingertips down to your toes. He now took his whole tongue dragging it from top to bottom slowly. You gasped loudly now leaning up on your elbows looking down at him.
“Fuck you taste good,” Dieter mused lifting his head a bit and licking his lips.
His eyes were locked onto yours as he ran his whole tongue sliding through your slick as you got wetter at watching. He felt like hot velvet against your most intimate parts, you reached down with one hand and lace it through his curled. Dieter seemed encouraged by you touching him. He pulled your legs further apart giving him more access. He dug his tongue into you as deep as you could, you could feel your head getting lighter from the pressure. Your remaining elbow gave out on you as you fell back onto the bed, you put your arm above your head. Your legs twitched and you bucked your hips up at his tongue.
Dieter giggled, “you’re a squirmy one aren’t you?”
“I can’t help it,” you giggled feeling slightly embarrassed, “I usually can’t hold still for something like this.”
“That’s perfectly fine with me babe,” Dieter responded kissing your clit, “I like that I can give you a full body experience with just my tongue.”
“I figured most guys would be annoyed by it,” you replied
“I think it’s sexy,” Dieter responded, “I wanna try something.”
You looked down at him curiously, he stuck his tongue out and circled it around your clit. Your legs twitched again and your body rolled with pleasure.
“Damn you’re sensitive,” Dieter observed with a Cheshire grin over his face.
“I can’t help it,” you mused back feeling your brain turn to mush.
“Well maybe someday if you’re up for it I’ve got a couple things that would make you hold still,” Dieter purred with a flare in his eyes.
You felt yourself fire up inside at his words, filled with hot desire. You knew what items he was talking about given then you ordered most of them at his instruction. You pictured yourself in his bed, handcuffed to his bed frame and the spreader bar between your legs. It made you squirm even more at the idea.
Dieter laughed, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Now Dieter pulled your legs apart as much as he could and buried his face in your wet cunt. His nose brushed against your clit as his tongue lapped at you over and over. You’re brain definitely deteriorated into mush as he tongue fucked you. You cried out in pure ecstasy and rock into his mouth, moving in rhythm with him. He holds a hard grip around your legs, you tighten your grip on his hair. He growls into your soaked cunt, now moving at a desperate pace. He moves his tongue from top to bottom and occasionally stopping to suck your clit.
You feel another jolt of pleasure as Dieter reaches up and slides two fingers into you. You moaned loudly.
“Fuck babe you’re soaking wet,” Dieter purred, feeling the breath against your slick, “god you’re fucking perfect.”
Dieter runs the tip of his tongue against your clit with mild pressure while he moves his fingers quickly in and out of you. Now you feel your orgasm quickly building up. It was like lighting a firework inside of you, you could feel the fuse burning up quickly with the anticipation explosion coming on. Your fingers and your toes were tingling as you cried out. Then Dieter delivered the final shot as he curled his fingers a bit, hitting you in just the right way and now wrapped his whole mouth around your clit sucking. The firework within you exploded spectacularly, your whole body was trembling now. Your orgasm ripped through your body, mind and soul.
You squirmed around in the bed against Dieter’s fingers and face. He was so fucking hard right now. He’d never seen someone that was quiet as squirmy as you, as if you really were having a whole body experience just from him tongue fucking you. God he wanted to wrap his body around yours entirely, feel you tremble against him and use his weight to keep you still or at the very least squirm against him.
Your breathing is heavy as you come down from your orgasm. Dieter slides his hand up your stomach and under your take top as you continue to roll your body through the end of your orgasm. He liked the way your skin and your body rolled under his palm. It really took every morsel of self control that he had to not just rip your shirt off and pounce on you to kiss you and make you get a taste of yourself.
Eventually you calm down and look up at him. His chin glistened with the remains from your wet cunt. He was staring at your body, you could tell that he was deep in thought. You were tempted to ask him what he was thinking about but it was probably not a good idea. Besides, the two of you did have a deal.
You sit up getting your face close to his, you could practically smell your own musk on him.
“Your turn,” you said, placing your hands on his chest as you sat up on your knees.
You gently guided him down on the bed, he flopped down and you swung your legs over him straddling him. You sat down on him and immediately felt his hard cock through his pants. You couldn’t help the giggle that erupted from you and you swore you could almost feel him twitch under you.
“You just gonna sit there giggling on my cock all night or suck on it?” Dieter smiled, running his hands on your thighs.
“I don't know, I think I felt you enjoy my giggle,” you said playfully, batting your eyes.
“You’re a tease aren’t you?” Dieter questioned with a devious grin.
You just shrugged above him.
“I like all these new things that I’m learning about you,” Dieter said, running his hands up your thighs to your waist.
You smiled, feeling a fond warmth in yourself at his words. The daunting thought of what would happen in the morning flashed through your mind. But just as quickly as it came you pushed it away. You had work to do.
You shimmied down him, grabbing at his belt buckle and undoing his pants. You pulled them gently down and his cock sprange free. You wrapped your hands around him, pumping him slowly and gently, he growled and closed his eyes revealing your touch. He was already hard as a rock, you leaned down getting your face close to him and kept pumping. A bead a precum was already forming, you decided to use Dieter’s own trick against him. You stuck out the tip of your tongue and ran it over his head gently.
Dieter groaned with shaky breath, opening his eyes to look down at you. You looked so unbelievably sexy toying with him like this. You swirl your tongue around his head a few times gently, you could feel him throbbing in your hands. You then enclosed your mouth around the top half of him sliding your lips and your tongue on half of him slowly and sensually.
“You are a fucking tease,” Dieter whispered running his hands through your hair.
“Do you need me to pick it up?” You ask earnestly wondering if you were bothering him.
“Dont you fucking dare stop,” Dieter ordered and then gave you the warm pouty eyes, “Please?”
You smirked, biting your lip before you placed your tongue at the base and ran all the way up to the tip swirling around and kept eye contact with him while you did. Dieter shuddered in your hands and felt his chest tighten up in a way that he never really felt before. You enveloped him in your mouth entirely, sliding your tongue over his whole length. You could feel him throbbing in the back of your throat. It was getting sloppy with the amount of drool that became natural lube that you used to pick up the pace.
Dieter grunted under you, keeping a hard grip in your hair. He was in heaven right now. This felt different than the usual head that you got. Truth was, you were trying to put as much fervor into him as he put into you. You would always usually match the same energy and effort that someone put into you. You needed it to be great so you kept pumping him in your mouth. Occasionally focusing your tongue around the head and against where you could tell he was extra sensitive by the way he’d moan your name as you did. Truth be told, listening to him like this and feeling him throb in your mouth was making you wet again.
Then the unthinkable happened. Well, unthinkable to Dieter. He didn’t even feel it coming on, usually he could tell when his orgasm was coming on. He’d get so caught up in the moment chasing down his orgasm like a dog chasing a tire until he reached his peak. But not this time.
All at once his balls tightened up, his cock was throbbing harder than he’s ever felt his whole damn life and his orgasm exploded out of him unexpectedly and all at once. He swore he could feel his whole body coiling up with electric like fire that came exploding out of his cock. He was seeing stars and his mind went totally blank. You had made him cum for a blow job.
You weren’t expecting it either, but either way once you knew what was happening you kept your mouth and tongue wrapped around him tightly. His hot seed painted the back of your throat and you swallowed it quickly. You weren’t a huge fan of swallowing but you seemed to both be so caught up in the moment that you took it. You slid your tongue and mouth up his cock and you sat up on your knees wiping your mouth. You closed your eyes, swallowing down his cum as best you could trying to hide the fact that you didn’t particularly enjoy the taste of it. Except that he was already staring at you wide eyed like a deer in the headlights. In fact his whole body was shaking lightly.
“Sorry,” you said flatly, “I don’t really like the taste of baby gravy all that much.”
“Wait, what did you just say?” Dieter questioned as the seriousness faded from his face.
“What? Baby gravy?” You said with a playful smirk.
Dieter burst out laughing, running his hand over his face. When it looked like he was about to stop laughing he locked eyes with you and started laughing vivaciously again. His laugh was contagious. Even the reality of what you two had just done started to sink in but in a fun playful way. You flopped down next to him, and giggled uncontrollably until you were both laughing like maniacs for the next five minutes. Who knew that your near decade of friendship would end you up here.
“How the fuck did you do that?” Dieter finally asked after he was completely red faced from laughing.
He rolled over on his side, propping his head up on one hand.
“You were there,” you pointed out, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I mean how did you make me cum?” Dieter questioned looking earnestly at you.
“You’re asking me that question?” You retort with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m serious,” Dieter explained, “I don’t think I’ve cum from a blow job in years. Usually it doesn’t get me there.”
“Bullshit,” you said, shaking your head. You didn’t believe him.
“I’m serious!” He almost shouted back at you, “it’s almost impossible for me to cum with my dick in someone’s mouth. I’ve tried to, I’ve tried desperately to have someone get me there but holy shit babe! I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good in…”
“Really?” You almost whispered to him, “this is the first time that you’ve ever really cum from a blow job?”
“Promise,” Dieter replied.
Dieter sat there, staring at you in wonder. You looked so fucking beautiful right now. Your eyes were twinkling from your orgasm and your cheeks were still flushed from the laughter. Even Deiter felt like his whole body was hooked up to an electric current coursing through him. The giddiness from your funny baby gravy line in tangent with the feeling his his throbbing dick exploding in your mouth made him feel nearly euphoric.
“Jesus fucking Christ I need to send Matty Cake’s a thank you card for dumping you,” Dieter went on to say, “and I’m most definitely gonna be on my knees every damn day begging for your mouth.”
As much as you wanted to reveal in the idea, there was a slight wave of sadness that washed over you. You had been trying to avoid the elephant in the room but now that you two had done the deed that you had both agreed upon you’d have to face reality in the morning.
Dieter could practically read your mind with the way your face changed. The realization of what had just happened filled Dieter with a deep dread. His stomach sank and all of the euphoria drained out of him quickly in that moment when it suddenly crashed down on him like a ton of bricks that he was totally, completely and insufferable head over heels in love with you.
Dieter rolled over on his back, staring at the ceiling avoiding your gaze. He could feel that he had the deer in the headlights look on his face again. You also just laid on your back, trying to enjoy what little time you had left before you face reality
Tag list: @bitchwitch1981
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mountttmase · 1 year
HELLO SO TODAY WAS Don’t Fight It but since its a 2 part fics I'll read You’re Playing Dirty before
And send you one feedback
Date night at Masons was always the best night of the week. Sure the fancy dinners were nice and you loved it when he surprised you by taking you somewhere fun like bowling or just a random drive but nights at his where you could hang out just the two of you and be yourselves made you happier than anything else. I JUST NEED THATTT
‘You know we can’t go to bed yet, Mase. Your parents are coming round early tomorrow and I’m not letting them see this mess’ you told him, gesturing to the state of his living room but he looked at you with furrowed brows. ‘Come on, let’s tidy it up now and then we can go to bed’ ME AND MY ORDER OCD
‘And we also could of been asleep by now if you would leave this for tomorrow’ he argued causing you to roll your eyes with a smile. ‘I tell you what, how about a little competition?’ He winked and you noticed how his whole face changed from grumpy to cheeky in an instant. HERE HE IS😂
‘We kiss, but we have to keep our hands behind our back. First one to touch the other looses’ MOUNT YOU'VE ALREADY LOST
Mason was moaning and groaning under you, bucking his hips up as his hands moved dangerously close to you. You knew he was ready to snap and it only took you moaning his name into his mouth for him to forget himself and for his hands to land on your bum. HE CAN'T LASTTTT, IT'S STRONGER THAN HIM
‘I tell you what’ he laughed, standing up and grabbing you by the waist. ‘How I clear up, and you go upstairs and get yourself ready for me?’ He winked, reaching his hand down so he could pinch your bum. YESS
‘Don’t worry about me. Just go away, and I expect you bent over and ready or you will be punished’ OPSSS🤭🤭
You thought Mason was going to be longer than he was, clearly the excitement of you waiting upstairs for him too much to handle and you’d just finished stripping down to your underwear when he made his way into your room, closing his door and leaning back up against it with his arms crossed as his eyes flickered all over you. HE TIED UP IN FLESH' MOOD
‘I thought I asked for you to be bent over and waiting?’ He asked, his voice low and almost seeming disinterested but you knew that that meant. OPSSS🫣🫣🫣
‘Since you’re so good at not using your hands, you won’t mind me putting these on you?’ He asked, bringing around the hand that was behind his back slightly so you could now see the pair of handcuffs dangling from his fingers. Your legs turned to jelly instantly at the sight of them, you’d got them as a laugh a while ago but hadn’t really used them before but you knew Mason had been itching to try them and now seemed like a pretty good time. I'M NOT FEELING GOOD
‘And you remember the safe word?’ He asked, hands moving to your back so he could gently trace your skin. ‘Pineapple’ ‘And if you can’t talk, you remember what to do?’ ‘Tap your leg three times’ THE FACT THAT HE WANTS TO MAKE SURE SHD KNOWS WHAT TO DO IS JUST SOOO COMFORTING TO ME
‘On your knees for me’ he whispered and you did as you were told, gently getting down as he started to undress himself fully, gathering you hair up to keep out of your face before resting it gently on the back of your head. ‘No touching remember’ he whispered, grabbing a hold of himself and pumping a few times to make sure he was hard enough for you but he didn’t really need to as he was still turned on from your teasing downstairs. ‘Open up, sweetheart. It’s not gonna suck itself’ he laughed , cocking his eyebrow and you gulped down a nervous lump. WELL LOZ...WHAT CAN I SAY🤭🤭🤭
‘Nuh uh’ he whispered, kissing you softly before trailing his lips across your cheek. ‘You’re gonna lay here for me, and you’re gonna be still and take what I give you like the good girl I know you are’ he murmured and you felt yourself shiver at his words. ‘And if you do move, then I’ll just have to tie your legs down and you can wait until I’m ready for you. Got it?’ WELL...I THINK SHE'S NOT GOING TO MOVE A MUSCLE
‘You still good?’ He whispered again so you sent him a reassuring smile to let him know you were fine to carry on before he started kissing his way down your body, stopping when his face was level with your core. GOOODDDD THAT'S SOOOO COMFORTING I CAN'T
‘Now, you were a massive tease downstairs on my lap, so I think it’s only fair you finish what you started, right?’ NAUGHTY BOYYYY
‘Are you arguing with me?’ He laughed, smiling at you but there didn’t seem to be an ounce of humour in it. ‘Do I look like I’m in the mood for arguing?’ he asked you softly, lifting your hips and placing his tip at your entrance and you had a funny feeling he didn’t want an answer to his question. ‘Now move those pretty hips for me like I know your can and make us both cum’ OH....I GASPED HERE
‘Come on baby, dont sleep yet I need to sort you out’ he chucked, his voice a million miles away from what it had been just moments ago as he helped you to the bathroom. THE CARE🥹🥹
‘Sorry baby, I got a bit carried away. Does it hurt?’ He asked, kissing over them gently as you tucked yourself in besides him but you shook your head to let him know it was fine. ‘I’m really sorry’ OHHHHH BABYYYY🫠🫠🫠
Omg yes these go together 😭 he thought he could win against his girl but she’s got the upper hand and he was so annoyed with himself he had to punish her 😂 but yes this is fitting after yesterday 😌
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hannahhasafact · 10 months
Kumoricon 2023 recap for myself just because (yes I know it’s been a week now):
Barely finished my Imelda cosplay in time (like think the day of) which felt wild because I spent so much goddamn time on it and truly thought I was going to finish it earlier 😭
This was the first time I can remember that I’ve ever had a cosplay where I was told I looked beautiful? Like I’ve gotten “Oh you’re adorable!” a lot but I got a few “You look beautiful” and that’s just wild
Like a lot of people didn’t know what my cosplay was and I still got compliments, which never happens if they don’t know what my cosplay is. So that’s wild!
Also people were just super nice??? And that was nice
I am frustrated with myself though because I got superglue on the middle of the dress coat towards the end of the day (a fellow ballroom staff person stepped on my skirt when I went to the bathroom and I tried to quick fix it… superglue never works for me I s2g it doesn’t matter how long I hold the thing on for) Also the escalator scratched a big ol scratch in my heels which sucks but like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I was so worn down by ballroom staff stuff??? Which feels weird because a lot of it was not physical (for me) but I still got tired? Which feels lame on my part because like I know I helped in ways but I feel like I wasn’t helpful enough 🫠 but who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I helped by having a baby look at a picture of a cat on my phone lol)
I absolutely could not wear my heels on day two oh my GOD I forgot how much my Handler/Sophie Bikes shoes hurt. I wore flats p much all day on day two which doesn’t fit the cosplay but listen I am old and a lot of those floors are cement and terrible in the convention center
People were also very nice about my Sylvia cosplay (but also seemed nervous to interact with me? lol)
I’m annoyed with myself because I didn’t look at the schedule at ALL and I ended up not planning my time well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the only two panels I wanted to go to clashed with work/having to be a responsible adult and take care of my kitty 😭 and look obviously Bijou above me having a silly time at a con but also man what a bummer. Next year gotta actually take a look at the schedule and plan. (Though tbh I’m annoyed that the panels I wanted to go to were all in the evening like wtf man who starts a panel at 5:30PM)
Having my bike this year was a godsend oh my GOD it was so nice to be able to bike to the convention center and back most of the weekend 🚲 like obviously I couldn’t bike in my Imelda cosplay but the rest of the weekend? Easy to bike back and forth. So extremely helpful. I’m sure it was very funny to see me in a SpyXFamily cosplay biking to the convention center (a parking guy said he liked my hat as I biked by lol)
Wore my Yuuri Katsuki cosplay for the last day of con which always makes me laugh because I just look like… a kind of sloppy guy but clearly SOMETHING is going on because it’s very obvious I’m wearing a wig 😆 but holy heck I swear this is the most recognition I’ve gotten for my Yuuri cosplay ever???
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For reference: a very tired nerd lol
I spent way more at con than I was expecting? But then again I did buy two manga which definitely upped my “money spent at con” amount and I had a little bit of money saved up specifically for con. Also I’m so obsessed with the fact that more and more cons/markets are selling wax melts???? I use wax melts a lot and I got some from Mizu Crafts that smell SO GOOD. I’ve been melting the Kiss Kiss Fall in Love one and my apartment smells like a bouquet of roses it’s so nice (also if they’re on tumblr and see this for some reason I’m so sorry I was kind of a mess and knocked something over I was really tired and I know you were nice about it but I still felt bad)
Right after con I had to go home and get ready for a murder mystery dinner party wedding reception for my cousin and proceeded to drink too much wine and eat really good food (I’m sure the exhaustion did not help)
I didn’t catch covid but oof I think I did get some con crud for sure. I would also say it was probably the combo of not sleeping enough/not eating well/wearing bad support and carrying stuff all weekend but oh my god my body has been recuperating this week. All I did on Thursday was play video games and yesterday I cleaned my apartment and wow wow wow did I need that. (Though playing video games all day Thursday did not help my sore back lol)
I’m probably going to move out of this apartment this year because reasons but like… god it’s so convenient to be so close to the convention center. (And no way will I be able to afford a place in such a good location if I move but here we are). It’s just like… I wish I was rich so I didn’t have to worry about my housing stuff all the time.
But yeah! That was con. I’m still tired but that’s more because last night I went to bed after midnight and still woke up at 7:30AM lol
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