#i don’t feel right and confortable presenting as female
stayndays · 4 years
❀⋆ Day6 Comforting You After a Bad Day
「❀⋆ Anon: “Hiii~~ I dunno if you're already open for requests (please, just ignore me if you're not) soooooo, can I request something for Day6?? Like, how they would confort their female S/O after a bad/stressful day? Well, that's it. Thank you and, please, be safe!!! 😘😘” 」
so sorry this took so long ;; thank you for requesting and being patient! hope you like it~
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*. Sungjin .*
You couldn’t just cancel your date with your partner that day, so that’s why you were sitting at the ramen restaurant Sungjin loved, still in your school/work clothes as a harsh reminder of what happened today.
“Are you okay, love? You haven’t touched your food much,” Sungjin asked you with slight worry in his voice, just after swallowing his noodles. He noticed the stress lingering on your face, evident by the thin wrinkles on your forehead. You rest your chin on your hand before answering.
“Not really.. school/work was hell today.” You caught notice of his face falling, quickly rushing another sentence out of your mouth. “It’s okay though! Thanks for the meal.”
Sungjin was clever enough to see through your lie. “Y/N, you should’ve told me this before we went. Then we could’ve rescheduled.”
“It’s fine, really, I wanted to see you anyway. Sorry for ruining this date with my bad day.”
“You didn’t ruin it Y/N, but I can tell you don’t want to be here. So let’s go home and continue the date there!”
“No no no it’s fine!”
“It’s okay, Y/N. I’ll pay for the food and we’ll head home.” You watched in utter shock as he called over the waitress, asking for the check. He quickly paid and led you out of the restaurant, mumbling a grateful thanks to him as he grabbed your hand ever so gently.
*. Jae .*
“On a scale of 1-10 Y/N, how Virgo do you think I am?” Your boyfriend asks you, stretched out on the bed like a starfish. You simply shrugged, entering the bed through your side after placing your phone down on the bedside table. Jae furrowed his eyebrows. “Bad day?”
You turned to look at him in surprise. “How’d you know?”
“You’re quieter than usual, and you would’ve told me a solid 8 out of 10 for my question.” He hears you let out a soft sigh, clearly trying to keep your calm and not explode. “Wanna talk about it?”
“About what?” You fired back with a tad bit of harshness in your tone.
“Your day.” Jae said casually, like he wasn’t affected by your response. A delayed silence loomed in the room before you timidly shook your head no, still looking up directly at the ceiling and not at your boyfriend’s face.
“It’s okay, I won’t force it out of you. Wanna do a Netflix marathon?” For the first time that day, your face broke out into a genuine smile before turning to Jae, nodding with more excitement. He smiled back before jumping out of the bed.
“Thanks,” you said with a soft voice before standing up, rising slower than Jae to head to the living room of your cozy apartment filled with love.
*. Young K .*
Brian arrived later than usual that day, making you want to pull your hair since you just wanted a single hug from him. You stood up groggily from the couch, making yourself a cup of tea to distress and wait for him longer. Not paying attention to the sound of the front door opening, you felt a pair of arms loop around your torso, almost making you drop your cup.
“God, you scared me.” You turned around, burying your head into Brian’s warm chest, feeling it vibrate along with a chuckle. He took notice of how tight you embraced him back, wondering what got you into this clingy mood.
“You good?” He felt your head shake back and forth against his chest, and sensed the feeling of your eyes welling up with tears. You felt a comforting hand rub up and down your back, trying as best as you could to not break down right then and there.
“Not really..” you murmured with such a faint voice, Brian could barely hear it. He felt his heart fall to the pit of his stomach at your dull voice. Making a swift decision, he effortlessly picked you up and made his way to the bedroom, making you squeal into his neck.
“Brian! What are you doing?” He hears a faint chuckle from you, knowing his elaborate actions helped you cheer up. Brian plopped you onto the bed, kissing your forehead before speaking.
“I’m gonna go take a quick shower and afterwards I’ll take good care of you and cheer you up, okay?” You giggled at his words before he rushed to the bathroom.
(that didn’t mean to sound suggestive! this is still a pg blog ^-^)
*. Wonpil .*
Arriving home to yet another empty bed filled you with more disappointment, but it was one of the many sacrifices you made to start a relationship with Wonpil. The eerie silence of the apartment almost made you paranoid, but you persisted with your nightly routine, heading to the bathroom to wash up.
Hours later, you find yourself closing your work laptop, ending work for the day. The work your job had given you felt like too much to be completed before the deadline, and you wanted nothing more but to dive into your boyfriend’s arms. Alas, he wasn’t present, but suddenly, you pressed a familiar button on your phone, being taken aback at what you just did.
“Hello Y/N?” The honey like voice of your boy was enough to make you sigh of relief, but you felt guilt as you saw the worry in his eyes. You give him a soft smile, opening your mouth to speak, but he cuts you off. “You look tired, are you okay love?” Your eyes falter for a second before you decide to shake your head no, covering your mouth with your knuckles.
“I’m sorry angel, I can’t go home for another hour or two. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“C-Can you play your keyboard for me?” You can clearly see how taken aback he is through the screen, but nonetheless gives you a gentle smile and nods
He strikes the keyboard notes with a passion you can feel in your heart. The melody fills your ears and as you watch the boy you love performing what he loves, you slowly fall back against the pillows and doze off.
*. Dowoon .*
If there was one thing Dowoon was good at when it comes to dating, it would be his effortless ways to comfort you. He somehow knew the right words to say and the right actions to perform.
As you walked into the cozy apartment you shared with him, Dowoon immediately sensed something was wrong with one look of your face. Your swollen face and dark eyebags only showed signs of struggle. You slowly remove your shoes and place them near the front door, going at a sluggish pace. Dowoon took this opportunity to stand up from his seat and walked over to you.
His worries were confirmed as he watched you stretch your arms out towards him, asking for a hug. Dowoon chuckled lightly before reciprocating the hug, rubbing your back with care.
“I can tell you had a bad day, and for whatever reason caused it, just know that I’m here now and you can finally relax. Bad days come and go, and tomorrow will be a better day. Now let’s go rest, okay? I see how tired you are.”
Feeling such a deep sense of love coming from him, you quickly reached up and kissed Dowoon’s cheek before nodding and pulling him to the bedroom.
He totally didn’t turn tomato red.
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miioouu · 4 years
hii, here for a match up! > i’m a straight female > i’m extremely shy, but when you get to know me i can be really outgoing. i also try my hardest to be nice to people, no matter how mean/crazy you are!! [INFP myers-briggs!] > i love to draw, read and watch anime. i also love kpop (: > i’m 5’4, african american & i have an afro and brown eyes!! >my favorite quote is from hamilton first burn: you married an icarus, he has flown too close to the sun. i kinda relate to it. bnha & hq match!
Apparently INFP is the rarest type but my inbox is flooded with them and I'm also an INFP. Thank you for requesting! ❤️💜❤️
Feet sinking in the golden sand as the bright sun reflected on the water, the cool liquid preventing you from melting like ice cream as the heat only rised up as the day went by. People screaming covering the sound of the slow waves. People smiling, laughing making happiness bubble from inside you. The world around you seems so peaceful and you can't help but feel at peace too. No one paying attention to any other person, everyone is just here to have a good time and escape from summer's annoying temperatures. And you weren't any exception, with nothing on your mind right now but getting to the ice cream truck and get yourself the cold sweet but as it was your turn to get one, sadly the vendor ran out of ice cream, making you disappointed. You really wanted something to pump you up, you really were in need of some sugar. And someone has noticed that, especially when you decided to sit down in the sunniest spot of the beach, drawing random shapes in the sand. Chuckling as he approached you, plopping next to you and offering one of the two popsicles he was holding. "You seem like you need one, I'm Yaku Morisuke."
-It's really unkown how you two clicked or why, but you shouldn't always question destiny.
-Other than that, he knows how to take care of you. Never put you out of your confort zone but always ready to live some kind of adventure with you.
-His honesty and short temper never bothered you, and he was glad for it.
-You bring out the best of him, always keep him calm and grounded. And he always likes to let you dream and make them true.
-He knows how insecure you get around new people, and he never makes you deal with it, he's always ready to break the ice, or just leave when he feels like the situation is in need of it.
-He's known for his short temper when things don't go his way, combine that with natrual parental instincts, he's going to be mad at you.
-Why are you still talking to this girl who talks behind your back? Why are you still nice to that guy who spread rumors about you? Don't get him wrong though, he loves how nice you are, but there's limit for everything.
-And don't lie to yourself, sometimes you do feel like he's babying you way too much. Like yes ok, I might feel uncomfortable right now, but I don't need your help.
-He always thinks he knows what's best for you, and you do the same, and when sometimes you two are right, that doesn't mean you shouldn't let the other live their lives, make mistakes, they need to learn, grow up, live.
-Present mic
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miriossunshine · 4 years
Hi!Can I get a regular matchup? I am female and am bisexual but have a prefrence for guys. I like to play videogames. I really love to sing and like to listen to musicals.I'm really shy with new people due to social anxiety but am more outgoing when in a group of friends. I'm hispanic and speak spaish fluently. I am pretty subborn and have a quick temper, and when I lose it I start to curse in spanish.I would like a student matchup. Sorry if its long! I love your blog!
continued: I love reading books and drawing. I'm the friend that people go to for confort and when someone needs a friend whos understanding.I don't really like my b-day which is Nov.30.At this point I'm saying random facts.I love to travel.I love to cook and try new foods and combinations!I have brown curly hair,freckles and hazel eyes.I like hugs and cuddles.I get touch starved when I get anxious.This is 2/2 for the one that talks about having social anxiety,having a quick temper and speaking spanish.
hiiiii!! yes of course you can, my love! it’s not too long at all!! thank you for requesting and for the kind words omg 😭💞💞💞💕💕💕
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i ship you with katsuki bakugou!
you’re both on the stubborn side and have short tempers, since ur so similar i think you’d be really cute together!!!! (the bakusquad teases you guys all the time bc ur like a match made in heaven BDBFNDNSKSNSJ)
the quickest way to make katsuki soft is by singing )): he’s a PUDDLE when you start softly humming to yourself, and he loves when you play with his hair while you sing to him 💞💞💞 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。💞💞💞
yes baku calls you a nerd for loving musicals and video games but you’re HIS nerd and no one else is allowed to call u that hfjfjdjsjd 😤💕💕
when you’re anxious, or around new people, katsuki has an arm around your waist to let you know that he’ll always be right with you to keep you safe and comfort you ;-; 💕💕 he’s such a softie for you i stg-
he cracks up when you start cursing in spanish omgngbrndnfn he thinks it’s really cute especially if it’s toward someone that’s pissed you off. (he loves that you’re able to stand up for yourself!)
katsu adores how understanding you are. especially because he doesn’t even really know how he’s feeling most of the time. being able to know in the back of his mind that he’s able to go to you for support, comforts him a lot!! 💞 T^T 💞 it’s hard for him to say it out loud, but he’s so appreciative of you ;( and since you’re so understanding, you probably already know how grateful he is for you hehe
you guys don’t make a big deal out of birthdays, your friends however probably throw you guys surprise parties anyway -3- but you and katsuki just enjoy spending time together and maybe getting each other a present or two 👉👈💖
cooking together!!! all the time!!! bakugou is doing all the prep work while you stir in the ingredients at the stove. also yes he gives you back hugs constantly during this time \(//∇//)\
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piss-bong · 5 years
My gender is a mess. I'm afab, I do feel like a woman. But I'm also feel nb. I describe myself as a nonbinary woman. Since I still feel like a woman, and is alright being see as one, I don't feel confortable as labeling myself as trans. This label doesn't feel right on me. But then I see some person telling that you can't be nb without being trans. So I have some imposter syndrome & I'm scared people'll say I'm being nb just to be interesting or that I'm harming trans people.
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First off: trans is an umbrella term. All it means is that you're not the gender you were assigned at birth. Nb people are trans because nobody was assigned nb at birth. It doesn't mean mtf or ftm necessarily. You can be trans and still present closer to your agab or you can be trans mtf/ftm and still be nonbinary.
Technicalities aside, you can be nb and still female-aligned. I consider myself nonbinary and transfeminine, so I'm a nonbinary woman. There's definitely terms to refer to this (like demigirl) but those terms don't fit everybody.
You shouldn't worry about insulting anyone with your identity. There's no right or wrong way to be queer and one person's identity doesn't affect somebody else in any way. People who tell you that you're harming trans people are probably truscum and shouldn't be listened to.
You don't have to be trans. You don't have to be nb. You don't have to be anything. You are who you are. Be yourself and don't let anybody tell you to be anything else.
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jinjojess · 5 years
I was not referring to that people say dont care woman or girls wear short shorts in fiction then fondo un confortable Román ir girld un real life wearing shorts shorts.
Ah, okay, I think I get what you’re saying now. Thanks for the clarification.
Hmm, so this is going to require me to explain my feelings on the modern feminism and gender-based social issues, so if anybody doesn’t want to hear about that, you can skip this one.
Personally, I’ve seen a lot more outrage at fictional characters than real women, so I’ll expand on my thoughts there after I address what you’re talking about first.
So. People who are fine with skimpily-clad fictional women but are uncomfortable with real women dressing that way. Putting aside things like religious implications and male gaze for a second (because I’m pretty sure that’s not what you’re asking about), let’s discuss people who are fine with fictional characters being sexually provocative but not living, breathing women despite being fairly socially progressive.
This can include anyone of any gender, but a lot of times you’ll see women doing this to other women, and it seems to stem from a very simplified, 90s Girl Power sort of understanding of gender-related social issues. Basically, you see a lot of Not Like Other Girls sort of ladies being especially harsh on anyone who practices what you’d consider “traditional” or “mainstream” femininity. 
I’m in a unique position to empathize since I had a very long, very cringey Not Like Other Girls phase. It was the result of several things: personally not liking traditionally feminine things; struggling with my sexuality; active, aggressive pressure from my mother; having a sister who did fit into that “acceptable” mold and resenting her for it; subtle pressure from my social group; being on the business end of a unique cruelty and competitiveness from other girls that I didn’t get from boys; and a host of other things. So I can definitely see where some of these people are coming from! 
However, once I grew out of that defense mechanism of pretending I was special for not wearing make up or heels, I realized that...there’s actually nothing wrong with liking those things. It didn’t make those women a shill for The Man or anything, there was a real possibility that they just enjoy it. I mean, my own sister loves dressing up and going shopping and so on, and she can’t possibly be the only one.
It also helped that something I genuinely enjoyed became mainstream enough to be maligned: the dreaded cliche Strong Female Character Who Don’t Need No Man. 
It was a nice wake up call to the fact that there was a huge diversity of women out there, not just Real Girls and Fake Girls Seeking Male Attention.
To bring us back to the original point, that’s one of the big reasons why I think you see a lot of pushback against real women dressing a certain way: it’s resentment for not getting the same kind of mainstream support for themselves and taking it out on the wrong person.
Of course, there are many women who only dress and look a certain way because they feel pressured--for instance, the whole thing lately about the women protesting the Japanese work policy requiring heels in certain fields. So how do you help and support those women while also not haranguing women just exercising their right to present themselves however they want?
The answer is to not attack anyone, but be supportive and encouraging to all manners of presentation.
That’s it. You don’t need to pull every scantily-clad woman or lady character from TV or film--you just need to show more of other alternatives. You don’t need to ban heels in the workplace, you just need to accept other footwear. This legitimizes everyone, instead of just trying to turn the heat in the other direction.
Now, let’s chat a sec about people who can recognize that real live women have the agency to choose how they present themselves but get furious when it comes to fictional characters.
Again, I think this stems from worries about normalizing sexualization of certain people and pushing a narrative that could influence others into feeling pressured to present a certain way. Something to consider, of course, but again: variety is key. If every woman in a fictional world is scantily clad but no one else is, then yeah, maybe skip that one if it bothers you, but as long as there’s another fictional world where all the women are dressed comfortably or the same as the other non-women characters, then no harm no foul. People who want to see sexy women get sexy fictional women, but it isn’t a ubiquitous message that women have to be sexy, and if you don’t want to see sexy women, you don’t have to. 
I fall victim to this too, but basically we can’t take out frustration over wider social trends on individual people or works. All that does is refocus the shitty treatment.
Hopefully this kind of makes sense. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve seen more value in trying to understand where people are coming from, even if I vehemently disagree, and so far it’s providing a more sympathetic and effective worldview.
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worldstraveller · 7 years
My most favourite pairing/shipping of all time
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1. Fudo Yusei x Izayoi Aki ( Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s) (Edit: I have given links of the collages of my favourite moments for a better view and understanding of why are my favourites)
They are my most favourite couple/pairing/shipping of all time, before Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's aired, it was SakuraxShaoran, then YuseixAki came, for some years I was quite undecided which one I liked most, there was a time it was equally. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is a very special for me as Yu-Gi-Oh! spin-off, even as an anime, animated series and tv show, because it was the first one I watched from the beginning, I knew before it aired in Japan, I will never forget the memories I had  watching in livestream in RAW right in the morning before going to vocational school, online friends that I have fond memories shipping together YuseixAki, it was fun, theories and speculations about the plot, I still hold some grudge and issues in season 2 regarding the story development and lack of limelight and focus in some main  characters (season 1 was pretty good, I think Fortune Cup story arc is the best arc in 5D's). How I came to start liking and then loving this shipping as much as I do today, when the series aired in Japan, I did catch up with japanese dub with an excellent translator who given the subtitles in .ass file, I was bit wary at first about these two while on edge to jump into shipping them, due to pairings in YGO doesn't usually appeal me or doesn't satisfy me enough in terms of hints and development (I like MaixJounouchi, KaibaxIshizu and Priest SetoxKisara in a indiferent way), let's say I was with low expectations, so I wouldn't get disappointed (a bit like Eleteo), it was fun finding the hints and you could tell there was a special connection between them, it actually kinda started as rivals as well as not because involves the plot and their character development, their duels, technically two, it's very nicely done and usually moved me, their duels are some of the most emotionally, metaphocally and symbolically charged, I get a little moved or very moved. It was after their first duel I started to ship them hard, when they become friends officially, they're always there to support each other, trust each other while giving hints they like to love each other in romantic way, they even have a "date" and many sweet moments.
Why I love this pairing so much to even be my most favourite:
- Most of you who follow me don't know much about Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Izayoi Aki is a bit of a tragic character (unusual for a female lead in YGO), she is a psyhic duelist, a card game player with psyhic abilities through duelling, in her case, she can materialize the cards she uses, in order words, she can cause physical damage with monsters cards, spell cards and trap cards (but can heal if she uses cards that restores LP - Life Points), however she couldn't and didn't know how to control her powers, in result she was ostracised and feared by society, at first when she met Yusei and during the tournament, she was very wary of Yusei, despite of her being ostracised, Yusei was the first person who step up in wanting to understand her and her pain, to help her and be her friend, it took a while for her to accept his friendship and trust him, Yusei became her very first friend and person willing to genuinely understand and help her, he even helped her parents to reconcile with her. (I didn't expect the first reason to be this long, wow...). - Before them becoming friends, as I said above, Aki was wary of Yusei in the beginning due to her past and his always serious expression were bit intimidating and so his skills, Yusei, well... is a bit difficult to make out due to his poker face, he did also felt a bit uneasy about her, not really because of her psyhic abilities (even though is natural for one be scared of her) but her duelling skills, their skills and posture are closely matched, but Yusei was most curious and eager to understand her side, while Aki being wary of him prefered to avoid him, the main reason being they are are signers (exists 5 of them, 5 chosen ones of the crimson dragon). - How Yusei tried to help Aki by her opening up to him bit by bit and himself taking all of her pain and hatred, trying to convince she can think for herself, loving herself and save herself from the hatred in herself and society who always shunned her for her powers, while implying the marks they both hold in their arm and they share all the pain this mark gives and share between signers in trying to guide them, in other words, that they're friends (this happens in their first duel) - In their rematch, Yusei tries to help Aki once again since last time they were kinda interrupted when their last duel ended (by the crowd shunning Aki and the leader who is using her as psyhic duelist to escort her back to the organisation), he says he sees her as a friend (dearly and secretly holding romantic feelings for her as eps 40 implies), helps her and her parents to reconcile. (the post has become a little too long, so I had to cut a little, that’s to be expected to be my most favourite pairing...)
- When they become friends, Yusei is very supportive of Aki and Aki gives personal space to him when he needs it. - After sometime has passed, their friendship has grown stronger, Aki feels more confortable around people, specially her friends, she feels very grateful to Yusei for the support and help he has given her, being her first friend, so she is eager to help him in return (it's a bit obvious she holds some romantic feelings for him by this time). - Both Yusei and Aki have soft spot for and protective of the fraternal twins (Rua and Ruka) and each other. - Their trust in each other grows deeper and closer, sometimes they argue a little but is in matters in protecting and saving each other, their connection is quite strong to a point when one of them is in trouble, only their marks glow (even when the 5 signers are present), she has such absolute trust in Yusei to open up to him when they become closer friends, when says she wants to get her riding duel license in order to understand Yusei better and her friends who are D-Wheelers (Jack and Crow) as in return for Yusei effort to understand and help her. - As it reaches the end, they don't exactly confess their feelings but they imply to each other (in a sense is more of a declaration). - By YGO main pairings standards, they're one of the most sucessful and well done pairings in making it quite obvious and clear in YGO that they have a romantic connection, specially compared to it's predecessors. - they are the first male and female lead characters when both do not follow a "duelist" path, instead they become doctors in their respective fields, Yusei being more of developer-physician doctor while Aki in becoming a medical doctor. - also their personalities do match well, they hold similarities such as they are serious, level-headed and both reserved, they have differences, Aki is a very fiery and emotional person under her calm and reserved posture, Yusei hardly shows any emotions unless from people who know him for years (even so, he still behaves serious), he is more of introspective nature than Aki, kind and faithful to his ideals, they do bring out each other what they lack and need (Aki has bit of a challenging personality and middle wise between emotional/fiery and calm/serious (it only becomes problematic when she is feeling emotinally vulnerable or very unstable), for Yusei who is mostly serious and more reserved, so is natural he would be drawn to someone who is able to be calm as much emotional without overwhelming him, in Aki's side, well Yusei given everything she needed and still does, so Aki is very eager to help him).
Favourite Moments:
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1.    episode 154, it's when Aki goes to his house to say farewell to Yusei (she will study abroad to become a medical doctor) and try to confess to him, but in the end Aki tells him that she was glad she met him and Yusei replies it was the same for him, then they talk about their first impression they had  of each other when they first met, they admit they thought of each other as scary, she got a bit angry, then comes the romantic lines and scene from each other, starting with Yusei saying to Aki...
Yusei: Aki, don't forget to smile. There's no one in the world with a smile better than yours. as he holds her hand while saying this, tightly holds her hand and Aki one hand holds his hand tightly in return, then Aki's other hand holds over his hand and replies: Aki: You're the one who put that smile on my face...Yusei. then they look into each others eyes, Aki closes her eyes, it's implied they kissed (it wasn't shown, so we can't confirm, but there is rumours in the DVD, there was a scene that was cut of them kissing in this scene, so we can't be sure), then they let go of each others hands, you see there is hesitation in them in let it go of their hands and say goodbye, then Aki leaves and Yusei looks at the door from where she left for a awhile and turns around...it's a very beautiful and romantic scene, even a romantic insert song starts playing in this scene. what they say to each other, is not exactly a confession but more of a declaration. I was actually quite surprised about such a romantic scene even their lines...
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2. episode 75, the "date" episode between Yusei and Aki, Yusei to help Aki to get her sense of balance in riding motobike for evasive techniques for her license in Riding Duel, he takes her to a rolling skate rink, while the twins watching them from the rink bench (to not interfere with Yusei helping Aki) and making the conclusion it is a date, it's very likely Yusei had this intention in mind a little, since Aki didn't skated before, Yusei ends up teaching her, as she gets the hang of it, Yusei and Aki are so well synchronised skating.
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3. episode 40, this happens before their rematch, Aki is in the hospital unconscious dreaming of her sad memories regarding her past and recent memory she dreams is the first person who approach her genuinely trying to help her being Yusei and tears starts to come up as moved by his words, Yusei was brought by Aki's father for Yusei to help her wake up, when he arrives by the side of the hospital bed where Aki is unconscious, he whispers her surname "Izayoi..." (probably would be behaving too familiar with her if was just her name), removes his glove in order to remove her tears, their marks starts glowing, she finally wakes up.
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4. episode 42, It's right in the beginning of the episode, when the secretary Mikage of Public Security of Domino City presents evidences about the organisation for Psyhic Duelists about abducted children and living test recordings, the organisation Izayoi Aki was in, revealing the real intent of the organisation was to use psyhic duelists as soldiers for war-torn regions and she was chosen to be one of them, she was disgusted, slightly shocked and hurt by this reveal and she leaves the room, Yusei who was watching her reactions worried followed her and found her sitting in front of a table lost in thoughts about the recent info, when she talks about her feelings regarding this reveal of the true intent of the organisation, Yusei was able to cheer her up, affirming to her he won't reject her and that they're friends/comrades and that there is people that will trust and need her now.
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5. episode 99, there is three great scenes and both very moving between these two, around beginning, middle and ending, I don't know which I like  it more...it happens in the middle of a team vs team riding duels...in the beginning, Aki's turn is coming and she is feeling very nervous, Yusei in effort to relax and encourage her and points out her parents are watching to support her and says she isn't alone anymore...
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6.episode 99, in the middle of the episode, it's revealed that before she started her time to riding duel, Yusei borrowed and entrusted his ace and favourite card, Stardust Dragon to her as token for her to have fun riding duel, between duelists and D-Wheelers, it's a very big deal, it's a sign of unwavering trust towards her (and romantic feelings for her, it's obvious he also wanted her to see schryncro summoning his fave card) and his rxcited reaction when she summoned his monster while doing the summoning chanting...
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7.episode 99+100, at the end of the episode and beginning of episode 100, Aki is feeling quite down, because she lost the duel but was able to keep Yusei's card that he borrowed her and two of her facedown cards to Yusei, after Stardust Dragon being put in his duel disk by Rua, Yusei puts his hand over the card gently and tells her "I've carried on your feelings. Let me handle the rest.", he is quite touched by her gesture and intentions...he has intentions to make up for it and more determined in not wasting her efforts... (there is much more moments I could include, but I went a little overboard with this post...)
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The statistics from the previous post give us a little insight on why Muslim women may not feel part of the mosque. However, this is not limited only to Muslim women. The 2011 Pew report presented that 19% of American Muslims would consider themselves not part of any mosque community and never attend mosques, thus being “unmosqued”[1]. This is a community issue Muslims are attempting to address through different community programming such as devotional practices within community centers, book clubs, artist and writer’s collectives such as the Muslim Writers’ Collective, a group that wishes to create safe spaces for Muslims to express their identity and their art and even online communities through chat sites, social media and blogs where one can connect with people, but also attain religious knowledge and advice.[2]
Mosques tend to be seen as the authority figures that represent Muslim voices, but it may be beneficial to look to these organizations as insight into the subtleties of Muslims. An article in The Medium by Ailya Vajid,the Director of Research as MIIM Designs, wrote about how at a conference on Women and the American Mosque, one of the speakers, Dr. Sarah Sayeed stated that ““Without the women present, the children are not present, and without the children building a home at the mosque, the next generation will be lost from faith.[3]” Sayeed insisted on the importance of creating religious spaces that include women, for when mosques lose the participation of women, they also lose the youth and the continuation of spirituality.
Now, not everyone wants to create third spaces to supplement the mosque. Sayeed and other organizations want to revamp the mosque, and to make it a place where one can find all the services and community that one needs. Sayeed explains this will have to start with dialogue and education that shows the place of women being within the fabric of Mosque is a right given by God, just as it was given to men[4]. To bring people back to the mosque and not leave to third spaces, the mosque needs to start addressing its communities’ needs ranging from religious to educational to therapeutic. It must also create proper worship space for women and youth, for sermons to address current issues that all members of the congregation can relate to. There also has to be distancing from the intense focus on policing the clothing of women, and the spaces they hold, and bring the uncomfortable conversations happening outside of the mosque such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, poverty, sexual fluidity, safe-sex and abortion, issues of gender and even substance abuse to the inside. There has to be a hard look at what does it mean to be a Muslim woman today[5].
Organizations such as Make Space work outside of the mosque structure but use the Quran and verses to legitimize their agenda, ideology and organization as a whole. They officiate marriages, incorporate female scholarship and their board has an equal number of men and women assisting[6]. They wish to emulate the community of the Prophet where women’s voices and scholarship were honoured. But, as Makhdoom states, his “mosque” isn’t quite only a mosque but a third space in which “separating Islam from the mosque can lead to a more authentic Islam”, which will allow congregation members, women and men alike to be “faithful to the spirit and values of Islam.[7]” That can be seen in the unorthodox manner Makhdoom and his wife Fatimah conduct traditional programming: Friday prayers are conducted in a restaurant, their mosque exists without a building, dome or minaret, and so is able to move to where the people are. This also means no barrier between men and women[8]. Even in their ladies knowledge circle, women feel empowered and part of the community and so feel confortable to voice their opinion in this safe space. What these third spaces also allows for are the chance were “men and women are encouraged to pray side by side, or where women are even told they do not need to cover their heads during prayer.[9]” Volunteers within the community, men and women, draft his Friday sermons, which is not the traditional norm. For MakeSpace, Makhdoom still wishes for their third space to be considered also a mosque; it is both not meant to replace the other.
Other ways people wish to reimagine the role of women in mosques is through a blog called sideentrance.tumblr.com in which numerous women around the world share the good, the bad and the ugly of mosques. Women are able to share their experiences within mosque structures, how the space itself either incorporates or excludes women from the congregation, and what ways they wish mosques would include them: through programming, authority or at the very least, be able to exist in the space without it being in the back-room closet.
Dr. Sayeed closed her panel with an important message to those in attendance on how third spaces will continue to exist and take over the needs of the community as members continue to become unmosqued: “this is not a women’s issue; it is a community issue. Daughters will leave if they don’t feel at home in a spiritual setting.[10]”
I think daughters and sons will continue to leave if their voices are silenced. Personally, we believe third spaces allow people to at the very least have a connection to their religion that they may never find in the mosque. This will be very clear when we examine the four case studies next, especially Queer Muslims who had to reimagine what a healthy Muslim community looked like when they were included in the narrative.
[1] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/the-un-mosquing-of-american-muslims/411103/
[2] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/the-un-mosquing-of-american-muslims/411103/
[3] https://medium.com/i-m-h-o/sacred-space-transformations-from-within-3b1e1f01d739
[4] https://medium.com/i-m-h-o/sacred-space-transformations-from-within-3b1e1f01d739
[5] http://www.patheos.com/blogs/altmuslim/2014/08/unmosqued-bringing-back-relevancy-to-the-mosque/
[6] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/the-un-mosquing-of-american-muslims/411103/
[7] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/the-un-mosquing-of-american-muslims/411103/
[8] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/the-un-mosquing-of-american-muslims/411103/
[9] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/the-un-mosquing-of-american-muslims/411103/
[10] https://medium.com/i-m-h-o/sacred-space-transformations-from-within-3b1e1f01d739
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Assignment 1: The Bathroom Problem: What Is It and How It Can Be Solved
What Is The Bathroom Problem?  
           In recent years, an increase in controversies over “The Bathroom Problem” has taken place, in regards to opinions often expressed by individuals on whether or not the issue is being addressed in both a responsible and attentive manor. The Bathroom Problem can be described as a problem in which not all members of society feel as if they have a designated bathroom that they can comfortably use. Furthermore, in terms of what a confortable restroom is, one might perceive it to be a restroom where others are not criticized or policed based on their visual appearance or gender identity. While analyzing multiple gendered bathrooms at Rollins College, it becomes clear that Rollins is fully committed to gender equality in that gender-neutral bathrooms do exist around the campus and throughout multiple buildings. With society showing few efforts to prevent the criticizing and policing of others in designated bathrooms, hash practices such as harassing might become silently encouraged over time and as a result, often leaves many feeling demeaned and left with no options for using public restrooms. Large groups often feel as if they are not welcomed to use certain gender restricted bathrooms, if not all public bathrooms around them. Having said that, certain businesses, organizations and even college campuses have strived to implement gender-neutral restrooms for the purpose of solving this issue and giving all members of society a bathroom in which they can use without necessarily having to be judged by others.
           Before addressing how individuals, organizations and companies today are taking the initiative to solve the bathroom problem, we must first comprehend how the bathroom problem affects society at large, often in negative ways. In addition to analyzing those who are making a difference in today’s society, it is beneficial to also discuss the specific members of society that are being most negatively affected by the bathroom problem. While analyzing evidence from one of Jack Halberstam’s pieces, it can be concluded that non-binary or genderqueer (GQ) individuals have an increased likelihood of being taunted or harassed while using gender binary restrooms, such as the men’s or women’s restroom. These particular groups often experience either verbal or physical altercations and other related issues by others that might not support them. Although these groups tend to be the primary target, gender policing also affects many more than we might originally account for. In other words, gender policing results in all members of society being scrutinized for using the restroom. Women who identity as female and use the ladies room, might risk getting policed for simply having short hair or features that could be attributed to that of a male. A specific case of this involved a woman with short hair who happened to be policed by others in the restroom, resulting in her being questioned by security officials at a Wal-Mart location. This was simply a women using the restroom that identifies with her gender and causing no harm to others, just like those who we see that identify under the “non-binary” gender categories.
           Those who identity under non-binary gender categories, often feel as if both male and female restrooms are simply not safe for them to use. With this in mind, a FTM (Female-To-Male) transsexual might be faced with physical violence in the men’s restroom, while a MTF (Male-To- Female) might experience negative verbal remarks targeted towards them in a women’s restroom. In binary restrooms, both FTM and MTF transsexuals and non-binary individuals either face being verbally harassed or physically beaten by others. In women’s restrooms, masculine women and are often challenged, called out, threatened or even mistaken for men by others that feel as if they should not be welcomed in the restroom. Regardless of which particular example we choose to look at, the fact of the matter is that individuals are clearly being abused and taken away their fundamental rights of using public spaces. We can understand how this often leaves individuals with very few options when finding a comfortable bathroom to use in public. The only option that they might be left with is to hold in their urges to use the restroom in favor of using a restroom once they are in an area that they feel supports them.  
How Jack Halberstam Identifies “The Bathroom Problem”:
           Judith Halberstam, who now goes by Jack Halberstam, identifies several problems that transgender individuals face while using binary restrooms in his chapter on “An Introduction to Female Masculinity from Female Masculinity”. While examining the bathroom problem, Jack provides us with plenty of examples from individuals who have either been policed in the restroom by others, have had security officers investigate them or even both. Jack demonstrates the idea that the bathroom problem is an ongoing issue and that a solution might be to implement more gender-neutral bathrooms. Jack Halberstam specifically addresses the bathroom issue with an example when he includes Jess Goldberg’s story and how she was policed. Jess Goldberg, experienced policing in a ladies restroom by two other women, who were more feminine than her. As stated, “Two women were freshening their makeup in front of the mirror. One glanced at the other and finishing applying her lipstick. “Is that a man or a women?” she stated to her friend as I passed them. The other women turned to me “This is the women’s bathroom,” she informed me… “You don't really know if this is a man or not,” one women said to the other. “We should call security to make sure.”(Halberstam, 503) While analyzing this situation, it is clear that two feminine women are policing Jess Goldberg because of her gender identity. Prior to being policed, Jess made no interactions with them and simply wanted to use the restroom, however these two women decided to taunt her and make her feel uncomfortable. We assume that these are both feminine women given that they both were freshening their makeup in the mirror in addition to applying lipstick. Jack mentions that because of their “casualness” about calling security, they most likely knew that Jess was a woman and wanted to punish her for what Jack describes as “inappropriate self-presentation” (Halberstam, 503).
           I agree that Jess being called out is primarily due to the fact that the women are attempting to punish her because they do not support her identity, however I would disagree that Jess should be policed for potentially having an inappropriate self-presentation. Even though photos were not provided to better understand whether or not she was inappropriately self-presenting herself, I personally believe that how others present themselves is simply not something that should be judged by society. I also feel that people should either keep their thoughts to themselves or not be using the restroom if they have a problem with others. Jack Halberstam goes on to mentioning the fact that some queers might feel obligated to hold in their pee for extended periods of time just because they don't feel comfortable around strangers that might criticize them based on their appearance. Julianita “holds her pee- sometimes as long as half a day- until she finds a washroom where the users are familiar with her…”. (Halberstam, 504) By simply examining how non-binary individuals are treated in restrooms in addition to the measures that they often must take, we gain a better understanding of what they often go through and how we might be able to work together to address this issue.  
How Rollins College Addresses The Bathroom Problem:            At Rollins College, gender-neutral bathrooms are classified as “All Gender Bathrooms” and can be found throughout select areas on the campus. The name choice shows that Rollins is dedicated to not only solving the bathroom issue on their campus but also making sure that no identities feel deprived of a bathroom. Although Rollins College has implemented several gender-neutral bathrooms around their campus, one might develop the argument that Rollins College is not fully committed to solving the bathroom problem. They might insist that gender-neutral or all gender bathrooms do not exist in every building on campus and should to ensure that there is an even distribution of all gender restrooms to male and female restrooms. Although it is true that all gender bathrooms are limited on the Rollins College campus, Rollins has made an effort to implement these restrooms into as many of their buildings as feasibly possible to ensure that they are properly addressing the bathroom problem. For example, the Olin Library includes two all gender restrooms that are spacious and also offer private stalls with both sinks and mirrors in them. This allows for those who identity as non-binary to be able to avoid using the male or female restrooms, at least while in the library. Those who might choose to use gender neural restrooms will likely avoid the chance of being judged by others and might also feel more comfortable throughout their day as they most likely wont be holding in their urges to use the restroom. All gender bathrooms also exist in the Mills Building and throughout select dormitories on campus. Prior to all gender restrooms being added at Rollins College, these restrooms previously operated as binary restrooms. Rollins was able to retrofit them into gender-neutral bathrooms without investing large amounts of money for new restroom designs and spaces. This sets an example for businesses that have two sets of binary restrooms and might not have the time or revenue to construct new restrooms. In this case, they might want to consider redesigning a current binary restroom to meet the demands of those who do not identity under the binary categories. This also proves that all gender bathrooms don’t have to be costly and are easy to incorporate into public places. The implementation of a gender-neutral restroom may require simple changes such as placing all gender signage on the door.
           In addition to providing all gender restrooms at Rollins College, the college also offers gender-neutral housing for upper class students and understands the importance of matching LGBT students with those who would be welcoming of them in order to help them transition into the college without feeling unsafe or left out. According to The Rollins College Sandspur, the director of residential life at Rollins stated that, “If we are thinking about students who identify as LGBT, one of their primary concerns is being accepted and feeling safe. If we had a system that could match them up with somebody else who would be welcoming, was not going to scrutinize them or jeopardize their safety, then that is going to help their transition right away! It comes down to us figuring out the logistics of how we do that with our software and best match people.” (Del Pico) Rollins College clearly solves the bathroom problem on their campus by redesigning current bathrooms in order to support gender equality and offer everyone a bathroom that they can comfortably use. Rollins College also provides LGTBQ+ students with gender-neutral housing in order to make sure that they are around those who support them.
           While analyzing the ongoing bathroom problem and the issues that is presents today, it is clear that there are many solutions, some of which Rollins College has demonstrated. Rollins College is fully committed to supporting gender equality and has implemented all gender restrooms to in order to allow individuals that identity of any gender to feel comfortable while using the restroom. In the future, as more companies, businesses and schools begin to incorporate all gender restrooms into their models, we may see a decrease in policing and harassment among those who use public restrooms.
 Works Cited
Halberstam, Judith. An Introduction to Female Masculinity from Female Masculinity.         2005.
Del Pico, Danielle. Making strides in gender-neutral housing. The Sandspur, 2015.
           Retrieved From: http://www.thesandspur.org/making-strides-gender-neutral-housing/
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shadowqueenliz · 8 years
Personal 1 - How are you? Scared 2 - Post a picture of yourself. No 3 - Do you ever wish you were someone else? Yes 4 - What is your entire name? Not telling 5 - How old are you? 20 6 - Age you get mistaken for: 15 7 - Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Scorpio and yes 8 - What did you do on your last birthday? Go to blizzcon 9 - What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? Two more tattoos 10 - What is your hair color? Purple and pink 11 - Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes 12 - What is your eye color? Brown 13 - If you could change your eye color, would you? Yes to green 14 - Do you wear contacts/glasses? Glasses 15 - Your opinion about your body and how confortable you are with it: hate it 16 - Have you ever considered plastic surgery? What would you alter about your body? Yes, boobs 17 - Say 8 facts about your body: no 18 - Do you have any tattoos? Yes 19 - Do you have any piercings? Yes, ears and navel 20 - Left or right handed? Right 21 - What’s your sexual orientation? Bisexual 22 - Do you drink? Yes 23 - Do you smoke? No 24 - Do you have any pets? A hamster 25 - Where do you work? Online 26 - Something you are working on right now: me 27 - Do you have any “rules” about food? Has to not bother me 28 - Where are you from? D.C. 29 - What would you say is your best quality? My brains 30 - What do you think you’re really good at? Manipulation 31 - What do you think you’re really bad at? Being pretty 32 - What talent do you wish you’d been born with? Singing 33 - Are you a bad person? Yes 34 - Are you nice to everyone? No 35 - Say 3 facts about your personality: it sucks 36 - Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Yes 37 - What is your ideal bed? Why? Memory foam cause I'm spoiled 38 - Do wake up cranky? Yes 39 - Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? Yes 40 - What do you think about the most? Suicide and food 41 - Share 2 habits: eating things in half and leaving it and overthinking 42 - What you want to be when you “get older”? Dead 43 - What are your career goals? I don't have any 44 - What is your ideal career? Where I do nothing and die 45 - Is your life anything like it was two years ago? Nope 46 - Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Yes 47 - Have you ever had an imaginary friend? No 48 - Say 10 facts about your room: I don't have one I'm homeless 49 - Do you have any phobias? The dark and of being alone 50 - Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? No 51 - Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? No 52 - Ever broken any bones? Yes 53 - Ever come close to death? Yes 54 - Things you like and dislike about yourself: I hate it all 55 - A random fact about yourself: fuck you 56 - What are three things most people don’t know about you? Sex addict, stronger than I look, and dead inside 57 - An unknown fact about your life: idk what this means 58 - Share something about yourself others might think is weird: eating things in half 59 - Five weird things that you like: boys, girls, sex, recklessness, and video games 60 - Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? Doing this on my own bitch 61 - Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Yes 62 - Describe yourself in one word/sentence: dead 63 - A quote you try to live by: life sucks then you die 64 - A famous person you’ve been compared to: nobody 65 - Weird things you do when you’re alone: sing 66 - Something you do without realising: eating shit in half 67 - 5 things you want to change: everything 68 - Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: someone perfect 69 - Leave me a compliment: no Favourites 70 - What is your favorite thing to do? Sleep 71 - What’s your favorite color? Green 72 - What’s your favorite band/singer? Imagine dragons and tove lo 73 - What’s your favorite movie? Twilight 74 - What are your favorite books? I don't read I'm fucking dyslexic 75 - What is your favorite quote and why? No 76 - What is your favorite word? Squiggles 77 - What is your least favorite word? Crusty 78 - What is your favorite type of food? Junk food 79 - You favorite ice cream? Oreo 80 - What’s your favorite animal? Penguins and turtles 81 - Dogs or cats? Cats 82 - Describe your favourite texture: smooth 83 - What is your favorite flower? Chrysanthemum 84 - What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex? Cologneeee 85 - What is your favorite season? Fall 86 - What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? Germany, Japan, Korea 87 - What are four things you can’t live without and why? Food water shelter clothes 88 - Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? Chimera cause I'm like 3 different things in one 89 - What’s your favorite television show? Avatar the last airbender 90 - Favorite place to shop at? Hot topic 91 - Say 2 facts about your favorite things: I don't have anything I like fuck you Family, childhood and places 92 - Say 4 facts about your parents: they suck 93 - Are you more like your mom or your dad? 94 - Do you have any siblings? None 95 - Say 9 facts about your family: no 96 - What’s your relationship like with your family? I hate them 97 - Say 7 facts about your childhood: it sucked 98 - The best and the worst childhood memories: nope 99 - Say 6 facts about your home town: it's dumb 100 - Are you going out of town soon? I'm outta there 101 - Where would you like to live? In Cali 102 - What would your dream house be like? Colorful 103 - Where would you go on your dream vacation? Idk 104 - Where you want to be right now? On the ground 105 - Top three places to visit: Germany, Japan, and idk ************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~Friends 106 - Would you ever smile at a stranger? Yes 107 - Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Boys 108 - Who is someone you never tire of? Nobody 109 - Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? Sean 110 - Who is your most loyal friend? Sean 111 - Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Sean 112 - If your best friend died, what would you do? Kms 113 - Something you’ve lied about. Nothing 114 - Have you ever felt replaced? Yes 115 - Say 5 facts about your bestfriend(s): lol Relationships 116 - The last person you hugged? Sean 117 - Story of your first kiss? Sucked 118 - Do you like kissing in public? No 119 - Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes 120 - You have a preference for boys or girls? Both 121 - Is the male or female body closest to perfection? Female 122 - 5 things that irritate you about the same sex/opposite sex. Idk 123 - Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes 124 - Do you believe in soul mates? Yes 125 - What is your idea of the perfect date? Idk 126 - Based on past relationships or crushes, describe your perfect boyfriend/girlfriend: human 127 - What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Hair 128 - Are looks important in a relationship? Yes 129 - What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? Idk 130 - What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? Six years max 131 - Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? Yes 132 - Five guys/girls whom you find attractive: Selena Gomez, naya Rivera, sairose ronan, Darren criss, and idk 133 - Do you have a crush on anyone? No? 134 - A description of the girl/boy you like: no 135 - Say 1 fact about the person your like: no 136 - If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I will end your life 137 - When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Today 138 - Do you think someone has feelings for you? Yes 139 - Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Yes 140 - Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? Yes 141 - Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yes 142 - Anyone you’re giving up on? Myself 143 - Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes 144 - Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? No 145 - Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yes 146 - Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yes 147 - Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yes 148 - Is there someone you will never forget? Sean 149 - Say five ways to win your heart: idk 150 - What turns you on? Everything 151 - What turns you off? Nothing 152 - What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Idk 153 - What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? Remember things I've said 154 - What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Come back to me 155 - Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? Have you had one written for you? No 156 - What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? Idk I'm mean 157 - Are you in love? Yes 158 - Are you in a relationship? :( 159 - If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? :( 160 - Are relationships ever worth it? Yes 161 - Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Idk 162 - Can you commit to one person? Yes 163 - Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yes 164 - Do you ever want to get married? Yes 165 - Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? No but I want to be 166 - Future names of your children: Jaina. 167 - Do you get jealous easily? Yes 168 - The last time you felt jealous, and why? Idk 169 - What is your definition of cheating? Physical and emotional cheating is cheating 170 - Have you ever been cheated on? Yes 171 - Do you forgive betrayal? No 172 - Have you ever cheated on someone? No 173 - Why did your last relationship fail? It didn't 174 - Things you want to say to an ex: I miss you 175 - A description of the person you dislike the most: skank ass bitch 176 - If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? Yes 177 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 5 178 - How long was your longest relationship? 3 years 179 - You’ll love me if… what? 180 - Share a relationship story: no Music, movies and books 181 - How often do you listen to music? Not often anymore 182 - What kind of music you like? Not country 183 - Do you like to dance? No 184 - What was the first concert/show you attended? Never been to one 185 - Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Yes 186 - Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past: 7 years 187 - A song that’s been stuck in your head: rain on my parade 188 - Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play: I have no music in it lawl 189 - A book you want to read/have recently read: none 190 - Describe your dream library: I hate books 191 - Last movie you just watched: fundamentals of caring 192 - Do you like watching what type of movies? Comedy Situations and crazy things 193 - You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done? Flowers on my thigh 194 - What’s something you can see yourself going to jail for? Murder 195 - If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be? I don't read 196 - You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to? Sean 197 - If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Getting on this plane 198 - If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Idk 199 - If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? Senior year 200 - You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? Fuck your faggot ass cunt and floss 201 - If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? Fun 202 - What is the first curse word that comes to mind? Fuck 203 - What the last party you went to was… and when the next will be… I don't party 204 - Halloween costume idea? Slutty slut 205 - How you’d spend ten thousand bucks? On dildos and plane tickets 206 - Press ctrl+v and post: it's this post 207 - Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years or someone you hate for a month? Explain why. Ten years cause I have a lot of love to give 208 - 5 things within touching distance: the walk, this seat, my purse, my pillow, my glasses 209 - A drunken story: never been drunk 210 - What are you supposed to be doing right now? Going to school 211 - Currently wanting to see anyone? Sean 212 - Why you follow me? Lawl 213 - If you met me what would you do? Idk 214 - YOU have to leave me a random/ridiculous question: no 215 - YOU have to leave me a cute message: no Opinions and beliefs 216 - Is the cup half full or half empty for you right now? Wtf 217 - Do you believe in fate/destiny? Yes 218 - What you wish for on 11:11? To feel better 219 - Do you consider yourself lucky? What’s your good luck charm? I'm not lucky I am bad luck in human form 220 - Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? Yes 221 - What is your religion, if any? Atheist 222 - Would you go against your moral code for money? Yes 223 - What’s more important to you: strength of the body or strength of the mind? Mind 224 - How important you think education is? Not important 225 - If you were the president, what would you do? Quit 226 - If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? My life 227 - Is it the thought that counts? Or is that phrase circumstantial? idk???? 228 - If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? Fuck everyone I could 229 - Which movie character do you most identify with and why? Anyone fucking depressed Feelings and Others 230 - Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? Both 231 - Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance: no 232 - Say 5 things you love unconditionally: nothing 233 - What motivates you in life? Nothing 234 - Something that you’re proud of: nothing 235 - Five words/phrases that make you laugh: nothing 236 - Share the story of something that makes you smile: nothing does 237 - Something you always think “what if…” about: what if you said yes. 238 - What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that? Life. It sucked. 239 - Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life: pooping my pants in D.C. 240 - Something/someone that you miss: Sean 241 - Are you over your past? No 242 - What is your saddest memory? Idk 243 - One of the hardest moments in your life: getting on this plane. 244 - Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? Ryan and Matthew 245 - What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about? Acting. 246 - What was your most embarrassing moment? Pooping my pants 247 - Share one of your fears/insecurities: people leaving 248 - Something you’re currently worrying about: Sean 249 - Have you done something you regret very much? Getting on this plane 250 - If you could take something back that you said or did, what would it be? All of this 251 - Does anyone hate you? Shay 252 - Do you hate anyone? Shay 253 - Lyrics that apply to your current situation/mood. Idk I'm sad 254 - Are you good at hiding your feelings? Usually 255 - What’s something you hide about your personality? Idk 256 - How do you approach social situations? Terribly 257 - Are you a social or an antisocial person? Anti 258 - Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Intro 259 - Do you care if people talk badly about you? No 260 - How do you deal with criticism? Haters gonna hate 261 - How you hope your future will be like? Nonexistent 262 - What’s something that scares you about the future? It not being there 263 - Five items you lust after: home in Cali, 264 - One thing you’re excited for: nothing 265 - Describe the most terrifying/strangest/beautiful dream you’ve ever had: Sean marrying me 266 - Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? No 267 - Who is your celebrity crush? Darren criss 268 - Make a confession: I regret what I am doing.
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