#i do think the defective ones that turned purple are extremely funny though.
dogwoodbite · 4 months
hate hate hate the continued replacement of sodium-vapor streetlights with horrible blinding white LED's. we need to do something drastic
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the-apocryphal-one · 8 years
You got any headcanons/ideas for a DR Star Wars AU? Sith Lord Enoshima? Dark Jedi Kamukura? Jedi reformer Kirigiri? I was thinking up some ideas, but mostly Nanami looking cute in Jedi robes with oversized sleeves.
*inhales* oooooh I love Star Wars and the DR universe isactually really easy to fit into it. I had so much fun coming up with theseheadcanons and I could probably come up with even more. I would honestly even write one-shots or drabbles for it if, y’know, you want.
Chiaki, Izuru, Kyoko, Junko, and more are under the cut (I told you I came up with a lot :P).
-Hope’s Peak is the Jedi Order (obviously). Originally built to preserve orderand peace while nurturing those with Force-Sensitivity. It’s become corruptedof late, with authority figures encouraging members to give up all emotionalconnections and wanting to study every single ritual and application of theForce, even at the expense of their wielders. Current Grandmaster is JinKirigiri.
- Ultimate Despair are the Sith. Originally thought to have gone extinct, buthave been rebuilt by Junko Enoshima. Composed of people disgruntled at theJedi, they’re secretly sponsored by a very powerful corporation called the TowaGroup. Some members are openly aligned, some hide it but work undercover. Junkosays she’ll accept non Force-Sensitives equally, but really uses them asexperiments or sacrifices.
- Makoto’s barely a Jedi. Originally one of the Order supply pilots, he’s discovered later in life to be slightly Force-Sensitive, enough to get lucky and escape situations by the skin of his teeth. But even though he’s not very strong, everyone loves him because he’s always so nice and optimistic. Considered very unconventional because growing up with a normal family makes it impossible for him to give up attachments.
-Hajime’s a regular ol’ human, a non Force-Sensitive janitor at the Order.Befriends one of the Padawans and her master, but the rest of the Order turn uptheir nose at him. Desperately wants to become Force Sensitive and agrees to besubmitted to vaguely Sith-ish rituals to achieve that.
- Kyoko’s a Gray Jedi who often argues with her father. She thinks he’s taking the Jedi in the wrong direction, while he thinks she’s too ruthless. Enjoys pointing out Jin’s hypocrisy about “no attachments” and her mere existence. Has an extremely close and emotional relationship with Makoto, who helps her investigations, and who she helps train. 
- Izuruwas created in an attempt to make a perfect Jedi–someone completely“without passion” who can use the Dark side of the Force without falling.Well, they succeeded, so spectacularly he just doesn’t give a damn about theJedi. Or the Sith. He just wants to watch them fight it out because it’sinteresting. Neither Jedi nor Sith; defected and now wanders doing his ownthing. Retains Hajime’s attachment to Chiaki (ironically) and keeps in contactwith her.
-Chiaki’s a terrible Jedi—at least according to the Order. She’s always dozingoff and she gets way too attached to people and she does video games on the side. Alsoshe was apparently in love with some loser kid and now, not only is shedistracting the Council’s super-human experiment, she knows where he is and won’t tell. Was Chisa’s Padawan and got many of her beliefs from her.
- Komaru is Makoto’s non-Force-Sensitive little sister. Once a regular civilian, she turned freelance mercenary and soldier after their home planet was attacked. Travels around the galaxy protecting people with her friend Toko, who’s also not Force-Sensitive but is damn good with blades and secretly has a serial killer split personality. 
-Chisa’s that wacky Qui-Gon figure who the other Jedi think is totally weird,she shouldn’t be encouraging emotion in her Padawans, but she’s so good at herjob they’ll turn a blind eye. In a secret relationship with Kyosuke, aGrey Jedi and Council member aiming to reform the Order. Taught first Chiaki,then is later assigned to Junko when she arrives…
-Nagito’s another a Gray Jedi, straying sometimes dangerously close to Fallen.Despite this he truly thinks the Order can redeem itself and hates the Sith; startedhis extremist actions to defeat them. Instead of being haunted by a luck cycle,he’s been haunted by hard-to-decipher visions from the Force since childhood,which have strained his mental state quite a bit.
- Junkois so a Sith Lord it’s not funny. Gives into passions. Backstabbery.Manipulation. Gets off on pain. She keeps her real allegiance secret, andinfiltrated the Order to bring about its downfall from within. Used Sithsorcery with the help of her apprentice Monaca to create a bunch of demonicalien bears called “Monokumas”. When she arrives at the Order, she’sassigned as Padawan to Chisa…
-Yasuke’s a Fallen Jedi. Mostly interested in studying healing rituals andmental Force powers, ones considered Dark. Lost belief in what the Jedi Orderstands for after Izuru’s creation. Despite this he doesn’t consider himself aSith and just wants to get his girlfriend away from the Dark Side.
- Mukuro’s not Force-Sensitive; instead she became a bounty hunter,but she is so kickass a bounty hunter that Force-Sensitives are legitimately afraid of her. Pretends to be unattached but secretly worksfor Junko.
Izuru: White
Chiaki: Blue (there’s no Pink in the new canon)
Makoto: Blue
Kyoko: Purple
Chisa: Green
Nagito: Yellow
Junko: Red (uses bluewhile undercover)
Yasuke: Green
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