#i do pride myself in bein a reasonable logical woman but dear gods sometimes the feminine calling to throw an emotional fit is-
spotsupstuff · 10 months
Perhaps insects in rainworld are positively affected by the extra oxygen in the atmosphere! They do not have to be the same as earth insects, so while earth insects may not be affected by extra O2, rainworld ones could be! Or also it could a mix because yeah many niches would open up as species not able to handle extra O2 went extinct and those insects were like “heyyy new niche opened up! Dont mind if i do!”
listen man, while i do appreciate the explanation (long live bullshitting explanations in fictive stuff) but the many oxygen = big bug irl is question of a kid liking smth So much that when they get told it isn't true they're going to cross their arms pingu style n throw a tantrum. so yay for the explanation, but politely please shhh before my adultness fails n i start throwin a fit over old ass extinct bugs n science on tumblr dot com
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