#i do not want to watch her have a fucking bug race. i want to watch the actual plot.
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swagging-back-to · 5 months ago
riot finally showed material of isha so;
heres to hoping that isha dies by the end of the season :)
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year ago
JJK men with a big-chested reader
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Pairings: Nanami x reader; Geto x reader (nsfw); Yuji/Sukuna x reader; Gojo x reader
Word Count: 4,4k (she's big)
Warnings: THIS IS A FIC WITH A BIG-CHESTED READER! so if this triggers you, don't read it (especially in Sukuna's part, you might get triggered when having smaller boobs so just do me a favor and don't read it instead of leaving a sassy comment), boob play in Geto's part so nsfw, in general harassment but big old fluff from your faves, not proofread bc I have my final exam tomorrow - hope you enjoy! 🤍
Special thanks to one of my moots for letting me turn her cleavage into a cover for this fic - you look STUNNING + thank you to everyone who sent me their experiences for this!
Since I'm not big-chested myself, I'm calling all my big boobie girlies to leave me a lil review about this fic - it would literally help me so much 😭
Click here to get to the small-chested version
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Nanami Kento
You sigh to yourself, too exhausted to even stand up straight anymore. Today was like a trip to hell and back. All those fucking curses, the death, the horror. You rub your tired eyes, the stinging pain in your back reminding you more than urgently that you have been up for way too long.
“You look tired, darling. Go change and get into bed with me.”
Oh, that deep voice behind you, the voice you learned to love to the moon and back. How did it even happen that a man like Nanami Kento was seeking interest in you? What was it that made a man like him even look your way? You’ve known each other for quite some time, seeing each other on missions from time to time. But when you began to work at Jujutsu High, everything changed so fast that you couldn’t keep up. And now you’re sitting here in his bedroom, watching in awe as he crawls into bed with nothing but his boxer shorts on.
You would love to get out of your uniform right now, But most importantly, you urge to take off that soaking wet bra that has been bugging you since afternoon. You have no choice, though. With a large chest like yours, it simply isn’t possible to leave the house for missions without extra support. You glance at him while he reads in his book, your gaze falling to your chest.
This isn’t exclusively about missions and you know it. Even though you’ve been together for a few months now, you were never brave enough to show Kento your breasts. Not without a bra, let alone completely naked. Just the thought of him seeing how your big breasts fall down when they slip out of their bra shells, the look on his face when he realizes that you don’t look like those large-chested models with their boobs standing like mountains. Yours definitely don’t. And you fucking hate it.
“I know that look on your face. You are uncomfortable, aren’t you?”
His soft voice rips you out of your pondering immediately. Fuck, he caught you again.
“No…I mean…Yes, kinda…”
You can’t lie into his gorgeous face, not even when the truth makes you feel so uncomfortable. Oh, how much you wished you look the way he deserves it with delicious female curves that suit his flawless appearance. But as soon as you look down, you just know how awful your boobs will look when set free. So you’ll do what you do every night: wait until Kento is asleep to finally take off your bra only to set an alarm in the morning to get up before him and put it back on.
“I always wondered why you are waiting until I sleep to take off your bra and put it back on before my alarm goes off.”
You can’t help but stare at him, mind racing while your palms start to get sweaty. Fuck, how did he even notice? No, why did you ever think he wouldn’t? Kento cares about you like none other, never pushed you to take off your shirt, never failed to ask you how you’re feeling.
“Listen, darling.”
He gets off the bed and kneels down in front of the chair you are sitting on, gently taking your hand into his.
“I just want to make sure you feel comfortable around me. Am I the reason that you don’t want to take your bra off? I can see clearly how uncomfortable it makes you feel.”
“No!”, you blurt out immediately.
Calm down your tingling nerves, this is ridiculous. You stare blankly at your hands intertwined with his.
“I mean…It has nothing to do with you, it’s me.”
“How is this about you, love? There is no reason for you to feel uncomfort-“
“I’m afraid.”
You swallow hard. Are you oversharing? Will he laugh at you for something so ridiculous? But what if he sees you naked at some point, his gaze dropping to your chest only to be greeted by your large hanging chest? You can imagine the look of disgust on his face, how he turns away from you, how-
“Hey, look at me darling. Look at me and tell me what’s wrong”
He cups your cheek gently, forces your haunted eyes to look at him, to stare into his orbs filled with sincerity. There is no way out of this, you can’t lie into his gorgeous face.
“When I take my bra of my breasts just…hang. It’s even visible through my t-shirt…”, you mumble, cheeks redder than the devil.
Thick silence hangs between both of you, his gaze still as soft as before. What is going on inside his head? Is he secretly laughing at you, does he even care about what you have to say?
“Let me make a few things clear.”
He lifts himself off the ground and pulls you up. You squint your eyes, mind racing over why on earth he made you stand up. Is he going to leave, to laugh?
“First of all: I love you just the way you are. I love your gorgeous smile, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you carry yourself. And I love your breasts-“
“You didn’t even see them yet.”
“I don’t have to in order to know that”, he continues.
“Nothing makes me sadder than seeing you uncomfortable each and every night before going to bed. Of course, I don’t know for sure, but I imagine it to be really painful after some time. Isn’t it digging into your skin?”
Oh, you think about the countless times the sweat underneath your bra made you almost go insane, the red streaks that visibly show where the wire cut into your skin all day.
“It kinda is…”, you confirm with low voice.
“Don’t do this to yourself. I adore you just the way you are and I am dying to see you laying comfortably in your t-shirt next to me. So please, would you allow me to take it off for you?”
Your eyes widen in pure shock. Is this a bad joke, is he just teasing you? No, this is Nanami Kento. And the way he gazes at you with nothing but affection gleaming in his eyes tells you that he’s telling the true, that this is what he wants right now. But are you ready to expose yourself like this? What if he’s still disgusted after saying all those nice words?
You let your head fall against his chest, breathe in his delicious scent. A voice deep inside you tells you to stop, to just relax inside his arms. This is the man who chose you out of all people, who stood by your side no matter what. Kento proved more than once that he loves you dearly, never made you feel the slightest bit bad about yourself.
“Go ahead…”, you mutter against his chest.
His hands wander up your back gently, make shivers run down your spine until he reaches the clasp of your bra. Your heart simply stops when he unclips it through the fabric of your shirt. You fade into darkness as soon as his hands wander up to your shoulders, slide down the thick straps and pull down your bra until he finally lands on the floor.
Slowly, he takes a step back and picks it off the ground.
“You will never have to wear this again when you are home with me, okay? Not when it makes you feel so uncomfortable”, he gently speaks out.
You stare in awe while he carefully places your big bra over the chair and returns in an instant to pull you close against his chest.
“Come on, let’s go to sleep.”
“Yeah”, you mumble, body slowly but surely getting flooded by warmth.
“Going to bed sounds good…”
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Geto Suguru
You feel hot but at the same time cold, turned on but at the same time scared. This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. At this very moment, none other than Suguru Geto is laying on top of you, kissing you so passionately that you forget how to breathe.
What an overwhelming feeling it is to call him your boyfriend for a few months now. Such a kind and loving man, always looking out for you, giving you the time you needed for this to finally happen. You couldn’t believe your own ears when whimpering that you want him, that you are ready.
But are you really ready for showing him that part of your body? The part that began too grow way too early in your life, the part you’ve always got picked on by all the other girls.
“Look, there she is! She looks like a cow ready to milk!”
“That cleavage…She’s literally begging for it, what a bitch.”
“Ew, are those pimples on your tits?”
You know you are better than that, that your big breasts just belong to you and that you should love yourself just the way you are. But with none other than Suguru laying on top of you, his hands slowly but surely coming dangerously close to your breasts…
“Wait”, you breathe out, haunted eyes making Suguru stop in his tracks in an instant.
“Did I do something wrong? If you don’t want to, we don’t-“
“No, this is great. I- … I waited so long for this. But I just wanted to let you know that…”
You swallow hard. Are you acting ridiculous, destroying the moment with your behaviour? Suguru’s chocolate brown orbs don’t show a hint of annoyance. Instead, he gently strokes your hair while waiting for you to move on.
He deserves to know it
“I might not have the nicest boobs. They are big, but not well formed like the ones of those models. I tend to sweat a lot underneath them, my skin breaks out from time to time and my nipples might be-“
“Stop that right now, (y/n).”, Suguru gently interrupts you with a grin.
But it doesn’t look like the grin of the girls who picked on you for years. No, this grin is filled with warmth and loves, fills you with what feels like confidence. After all, he said that he loves you just the way you are over and over, right? Still, he didn’t even see your boobs. What if he changes his mind?
“There is absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING about you that isn’t ‘nice’. I don’t care about what the chest of random models looks like, to be honest I don’t care about anyone but you. And you are everything I want, you are everything I see, you are everything I love.”
His words make you tear up in an instant, send your whole body into space. As long as you can remember, no one ever said really nice things about your breasts and therefore you. You were either insulted or sexualized. But that force of a man on top of you…He just looks into your eyes that are filled with nothing but warmth. This man means every word he says.
“Well, that’s cool”, you mutter without even thinking about your words, lost in the sheer sight of his sincere eyes.
There is no one in the world you want to show your boobs more. Like in trance, you pull up the hem of your shirt and let it fall to the floor mindlessly.
“Are you okay with me touching them?”, he purrs against your ear.
A silent whimper escapes your lips while you simply nod, whole body on fire where it touches his. Painfully slow, he lets his hands wander down your hair onto your shoulders, trace the line of your collarbones until he reaches…
Your breasts.
What an unknown feeling. But oh, what a sensation as well. You arch your back out of instinct while he massages your breasts, the feeling of his fingertips against your still skin alone simply driving you insane.
God, who would have thought you’d ever hear Geto Suguru moan against your ear by just looking, touching, squeezing your boobs? His eyes are darkened by lust, the way his heart pounds against his ribcage echoes through your very own body.
“You look absolutely gorgeous. I can’t stop looking at you, (y/n).”
You feel like flying, fainting, losing your balance. There is no doubt in the fact that this man adores you the way you are, that your constant fear of him not liking your large chest was more than unfounded.
“So…you don’t mind the way my breasts look?”, you whimper underneath his bittersweet touch.
“More than that, I adore you”, he replies in an instant. “And now, let me see you in your full glory.”
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You’re back feels like it might break every minute, shirt dripping in sweat in the sheer heat of the summer sun. You just want to get out of here, away from those disgusting people, back into your dorm. How stupid it was to leave Jujutsu High on your own for a little stroll through the city. Without the protection of Maki or Nobara, without any good friend who shields you from all the unwanted looks your large chest attracts. While most people think it must be a blessing, it definitely is a curse to you 80% of the time.
Just like right now.
“Come on, I just asked for one grab!”, a guy shouts after you.
Out of instinct, you pick up your pace, not even daring to turn around. What did you even do to catch his attention? You gaze down at your breasts that uncomfortably bounce up and down in the way too tight bra you are wearing today. No, you did absolutely nothing wrong. It’s just these disgusting people who seem to see nothing but the size of your chest.
“Why would you want to touch her? She looks like a cow”, the girl next to him comments along with an ugly laugh, making your heart sting in an instant.
“What a slut”, another voice mutters.
“Oh, I didn’t know you are out today! How are you, (y/n)?”
Your heart almost stops inside of your chest, hands beginning to tremble in an instant. No, not him. Not right here when these people are chasing you. If there’s someone you don’t want to hear those things about you, it’s Yuji Itadori.
“J-just…l-leave”, you stutter.
“Huh? But I just met you! Would you like to watch a movie with me?”
“Look, the cow brought her friends!”
“Do you think he’ll get in her pants today?”
“What a lucky bastard, I’d love to touch them just once…”
Yuji’s face drops in an instant when realizing their words are directed towards you.
“Hey, there’s no need to be rude”, he begins but gets stopped by uncontrollable laughter immediately.
You want to die right here on the spot, disappear from the surface of earth. As if being treated like this wasn’t enough, why does it have to be Yuji who witnesses it all?
“Step aside, loser. Let me handle that.”
Sukuna leans forward in his throne, thick anger rising inside of his chest. You, the one who caught his eye when he first saw you. You, with the immense powers. You, with a dangerous mind that could end wars. Who are these people to talk to you in this manner?
“Are you crazy? I definitely won’t let you out right now”, Yuji replies in an instant.
“You aren’t able to help her brat, now get lost!”
“I won’t let you-“
“Now who exactly do you losers think you are, huh?”
That voice, that aura? Your mouth feels dry like the desert in an instant, eyes widen in pure shock. No, this is impossible, Yuji is in control over his body, this can’t be-
“With tits like yours, I would be jealous of someone gorgeous like her as well”, he spits at one of the girls following you.
“And you.”
With a swift motion, he grabs on of the guy’s wrists roughly. Just a little more pressure and it will snap.
“P-please. Don’t!”, you shout after him.
Urgh, why does your begging voice make his grip loosen in an instant, what is it about you that made him switch with this brat anyway?
“Were you really just trying to touch her chest? Thinking just because she has a big chest, you are allowed to touch her, to sexualize her, huh? You humans disgust me with your simple desires”, Sukuna continues.
“If it wasn’t for her unshakable character, I would kill every single one of you right on the spot. But for now-“
In the matter of seconds, all their arms hang in unhealthy directions, visibly broken by the sheer force of none other than Ryomen Sukuna.
You want to scream at him, want to run away, want to get away from this place. But on the other hand, a warmth fills your chest. Did the king of curses just stand up for you, protect you from their rude comments?
“Get going”, he barks at you.
“This was unnecessary”, you mumble.
“And give Yuji back.”
“You should be thankful, (y/n). They will worship you for the rest of your life.”
“No, they will be scared of you for the rest of their lives”, you clarify, hands still trembling.
“So what? Nobody gets away with insulting you over your perfect body. Especially not over the size of your chest. How ridiculous…”
You can’t believe your ears, eyes darting towards him in an instant while you turn redder than a tomato. Did he just say that you are…perfect?
“You didn’t mean that”, you breathe out.
“Oh god I’m so sorry (y/n). Did he hurt you?”, the familiar voice of Yuji cries out.
Calm down your tingling nerves, your pounding heart. Sukuna’s gone. Sukuna…stood up for you. Sukuna said you have a perfect body.
“N-No”, you stumble.
How are you supposed to get over this?
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Gojo Satoru
Finally. You sit in front of the bar, excited by the smell of alcohol and cheap perfume that hangs in the air. After working your ass off for what felt like an eternity, you decided to use your day off right. You put on the dress that fits you best, packed your purse and went into the first bar you’ve seen.
Damn, when was the last time you were out on your own? With all your friends being out of town for vacation, this definitely is new.
“Not bad”, you mutter to yourself, eyes roaming around people making out, heartfelt laughter and a group of women sipping on their cocktails.
A cocktail, exactly what you need today.
“Hey, I’d love to order something”, you speak out when the waiter finally comes cross you.
What a lucky day, they even have your favourite cocktail in store. You’re usually not the type of girl to go out on yourself, but these last months, you truly learnt how enjoyable time can be with yourself as your only company. You smile to yourself. Yeah, this is definitely something you could get used to.
“There you go”, the friendly male announces and places the glass filled with joy in front of your hungry eyes.
You gift him the sweetest smile you have before taking a sip. Oh, this tastes absolutely amazing.
“I’ve never seen a woman like you alone in a place like this.”
Your heart drops to the floor in an instant, hands holding onto your glass tightly. Ew, a man is certainly the last thing you want to hear right now with the bartender being the only exception. Instead of even looking his way, you just take another sip of your well-mixed cocktail, the music blasting out of the boxes might make him think you can’t hear him and leave.
Honestly, there aren’t many things that creep you out more than men approaching you. Since you’ve reached puberty and your breasts starting to grow bigger and bigger, it almost felt as if you weren’t a person anymore. With rare exceptions here and there, most of them only talked to you because of one thing:
Your boobs.
Is the man sitting next to you one of them?
“Hey, I’m talking to you, gorgeous.”
Your whole body tenses up in an instant, eyes darting towards him by the sound of his harsh voice.
“Excuse me, I’m not up for a talk”, you bite back.
While you did meet genuinely nice men and have some male friends, the one sitting next to you certainly is one of the other categories. God, how much you hate it, being looked down at and reduced to the size of your breasts. You can’t even count how many times you’ve got commented on them, how many men and women just shamelessly stared at your bust instead of your face while talking to you. It’s safe to say you have enough of all of this.
“A woman who presents what she has like that is up for a talk and far more than that. Why would you come here dressed like a slut if you don’t want me to talk to you?”
Your breath gets stuck in your throat, all thoughts vanish into thick air. This disgusting guy with his beard filled with crumbs and breath stinking like the cheapest beer is definitely up for no good. You, dressed like a slut? You wear a basic black dress, the only one your boobs didn’t fall out when trying it on. What the hell is this creep talking about?
“Just because my boobs are big doesn’t mean I’m a slut. Watch how you talk to me”, you bite back.
“I talk however I want to a bitch like you. Are you up to go somewhere more…private?”
The scene that lays itself out in front of Gojo’s eyes is hard to bear. He doesn’t even know the woman in the black dress sitting in front of the bar, let alone the guy sitting next to her. But just one look into your disgusted face is enough to know that something isn’t right. How you cross your arms in front of your chest, your eyes filled with horror, the way you scoop backwards with every word this man says. Are you okay? He shouldn’t let other people’s business bother him. Fuck, wasn’t he here to get his mind off saving everyone all the time? Nah, he should enjoy his evening, drink that new whiskey they offer, just relax and-
You aren’t even able to comprehend what is happening next to you. He stretches out his hand, ready to touch your breasts without consent when another pair of hands stops him mid-air.
“I think the lady said no. Don’t ya think it’s a little over the top to go into a bar and touch a woman’s boobs?”
His voice might sound playful, but your blood freezes inside of your veins by the power he radiates. Just one glance into his face tells you he is like no men you’ve ever met.
“I…She…She said she wanted it to!”, the crumble beard tries to defend himself.
“I said what? Are you out of your fucking mind!? I told you to leave me alone and you harassed me!”, you clarify in harsh tone.
Oh, how much you’d love to break his nose right now, to give him a taste of his own medicine. But the white-haired man seems to have the same plans.
“A guy like you wouldn’t end up with her anyway. That lady has class. And you, my friend, are just a disgusting pervert. Are you touching other women too without consent? Isn’t your first time, huh?”
With a swift motion, he begins to twist the man’s hand around itself. He whines out in pain in an instant, face twisted just like yours before when he talked you down.
“Let me go!”, he cries out in visible discomfort.
“This is what you get for treating a lady so badly. You can be glad she even looked your way.”
When he gifts you a sly grin, you can’t help but blush. What is it about this man that feels so different, so damn inviting? He seems like no other men you’ve met before. And the fact that he just called you lady…Why do your knees suddenly feel weak?
“Now repeat after me: I.am.sorry.for.disrespecting.you.”
“I will not apologize to a girl who’s dressed like a slut!”
A loud crack makes the already muted room go completely silent, the violent scream coming out of this man’s mouth when his wrist breaks like spaghetti echoing through the room.
“Wrong answer”, the white-haired man purrs.
“Hey, would you mind just taking the trash out?”, the barkeeper questions.
“Did you hear that, dirty boy? Let me show you the way!”
“Are you alright? I didn’t even notice he was harassing you. I’m so sorry”, the bartender speaks out towards you.
“Oh, it’s okay.”
You aren’t even able to give him a real answer, eyes glued on the white-haired man who carries your harasser out like trash.
Like in trance you get back on your feet and follow him out into the cool air of the night.
“Have a nice evening!”, he friendly shouts after the man who sprints down the streets like a coward, as fast away as possible.
“You definitely scared the shit out of him”, you comment.
“He definitely deserved it. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m used to shit like that”, you reply with a huff.
“But normally, they aren’t this disgusting.”
“I hate to hear that. You seem like a genuinely badass and nice person. You didn’t deserve his words.”
“Not as nice as my knight in shining armour who stopped him from touching my boobs.”
He lets out a heartfelt laughter, bright blue orbs set on you.
“Hey, what about me escorting you back home? I’m totally in the mood to beat up any other men who gets in your way.”
“Only if you let me join, though”, you challenge him.
“Definitely a deal. Hey, what’s your name?”
“(y/n), huh? Cool name, suits you right? My name’s Gojo Satoru. Nice to meet you.”
He stretches out his hand in front of you, inviting you to take it. You can’t help but smile at his sheer excitement. No, you just have to take his warm hand into yours and shake it.
“Let’s get you home, okay?”
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Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz@darkstarlight82 @satoreo @luwumii @kentocalls @cheesemachine44 @maya-maya-56 @jinririz @getou0309 @ieathairs
Dividers by @saradika 🤍
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year ago
Broken Toy
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Warnings: non-con, Dark JJ, oral, overstimulation, orgasm denial, reader got JJ fired, unprotected sex
I yank her into my bedroom, slamming the door shut and shove her against the dresser. The noise of the party is muffled but I can still feel the thump of the bass letting me know if she screams, no one will hear her. Her big doe eyes glare up at me defiantly as I crowd her space but I can see the way she’s trembling. I know she’s scared.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I growl, caging her against the door with an arm on either side. I hate how good she looks. I’ve never seen her with a speck of makeup on and I can’t be the only guy that’s noticed her tonight. She’d cause a fucking wreck.
“I was invited. If I’d known it was your place, I wouldn’t have come.” She tries to keep her voice firm but she fails. I don’t buy her bullshit. This girl is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A snake in the grass, waiting to strike. She hides behind fake innocence and her manners but I know the truth. I plan to make her life fucking miserable for what she did.
“You don’t belong here.” I snap, letting my gaze openly descend her body in the tight little dress she showed up in. I can tell she’s not wearing a bra and it makes me wonder what kind of panties she’s wearing under something so tight.
“Then let me leave.” She pleads, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
“Where’s the fun in that?” I lean in until I can smell her sweet scent mixed with her shampoo. I bite back a groan and resist the urge to kiss her neck. I love that I can see her pulse racing. That she’s breathing so quickly, trying to catch her breath.
“JJ, please just—.”
“Tell me you love sucking cock.” I demand in her ear, loving the way her body stiffens. Goosebumps appear along her bare shoulder.
“I’ve never—.”
“Say. It.”
“I love sucking cock.” Those words mixed with her breathy whimper have my cock hardening in my sweats.
“Now say, fill me with your cum JJ.”
She swallows. “Fill me with your cum JJ.”
“Say, you own all my holes.”
“You own all my h-holes.” She sniffles and this time I can’t stop myself from kissing just below her ear, pressing my cock against her so she feels how hard I am just from her words. I don’t care if I made her say them.
“You don’t talk or even look at another dude until I say so.” My free hand finds her throat so I can grant myself easier access to her neck. She whimpers, her body rigid against mine as I leave sloppy wet kisses.
The thought of marking her makes me feral. I want every guy on the island to know she belongs to me. I don’t realize how hard I’ve bitten down until her nails bite into my chest where she’s pushing against me. One of her tears lands on my cheek and I smile as I release her flesh and trail my tongue up the side of her face.
She makes a frustrated noise, her eyes narrowing into slits as I step back. When she notices the bulge in my sweats, her eyes nearly bug out and she flushes a deep shade of pink. But not as dark as the huge hickey on her neck.
“Take your panties off.”
My eyes widen for a moment before I take a step forward and she quickly shoves her hands under the skin tight material. She struggles but I watch in fascination as her dress moves higher and higher with her attempts until just when I think I’ll see the triangle covering her pussy, she bends to shove them down her legs and leaves them on her ankles as she works her dress back down her thighs.
“Don’t move.” I instruct just as she makes a move for the panties. She freezes before putting her back against the door, eyes wide as she watches me kneel in front of her. I carefully lift each of her high heels so I can free her panties. My plan was to humiliate her but now I’m losing it. I look up at her as I bring her cute little pink panties to my nose and sniff, making me groan from her scent alone. I don’t miss the wet spot either. She gasps, quickly looking away in humiliation but I grab her leg roughly in warning.
“Don’t look away from me again.” I growl, her wide eyes quickly finding mine again. I’ve never been more turned on in my life. I don’t even recognize myself.
I shove her panties in my pocket and quickly lean forward, burying my face in her dress just over her pussy. She whimpers, attempting to pull her hips back but it’s no use. I shove her dress up over her hips the best I can and nearly cum in my pants from the site of her shaved pussy slick with arousal. She’s glistening and I can’t stand it. I don’t know if I want more or less. Do I love it or hate it that she’s so turned on?
“Have you ever had anyone done here?” I ask, looking up at her trembling form. She shakes her head, keeping her pleading eyes on me.
“Good.” I lean forward but she bucks in fear. I slap her thighs hard, making her cry out as I push her legs open a little wider.
“If you move I’ll bite.” I hold her terrified gaze so she knows I’m serious before I dive in. Her scent and taste overwhelms me immediately. A soft sob escapes her as I lick and suck and pry her with my tongue. I use my hands to spread her lips and easily find her swollen clit. I suck it into my mouth and she mewls, her knees threatening to buckle as I suck harder and harder.
I resist the urge to make her cum. The urge to hear her cries and moans. The urge to hear her scream my name. I have to remind myself that this isn’t for her pleasure. It’s for me. So I back off her clit and lick everywhere but there. When her breathing comes quicker and needier, I move to a different spot. I tease her until her arousal drips down her thighs and my chin. Until her knees are fucking shaking and I know she’s moments away from fisting my hair and shoving my head where she needs.
It takes every ounce of my strength to pull back and meet her gaze. Her eyes are hooded, lips parted, and her cheeks are flushed. She’s fucking delicious.
“You don’t get to cum.” I don’t wipe my mouth as I slowly get to my feet and she seems to sag against the door in defeat. When my hand shoots out to fist the back of her hair, the lust is quickly replaced with fear as I yank her forward and smash my mouth over hers. She’s too stunned to put up much of a fight as I make her taste herself. Taste her desperation and need on my tongue. I devour her until she’s putty in my hands and leaning into me. When she moans, I pull back with a snarl. I don’t want her to see how much I want this. I don’t want her to get any sort of pleasure from this. This is me owning her.
“Your turn.” She blinks at me until I put a hand on each of her shoulders and force her down.
“JJ, please—.” Her begging has my cock pulsing in my sweats and I know she can see it by the way the whites of her eyes are showing.
“Save your begging for when I’m balls deep inside your sweet pussy. Now take it out.” I grind out my words, moving my hand to her hair to guide her movements.
“All this over a job?” She spats, shooting me a defiant look as she tentatively reaches for the waistband of my sweats. Her fingers brush over my skin as she peels the material down and I can’t help but shudder.
“I warned you.” I snap, intrigued with her delicate movements. I’m not wearing any boxers so when her hand slides inside the material and immediately meets my cock, she gasps, shooting me a surprised look.
“You’re not wearing boxers and you have a house full of people?” She scoffs, her voice soft as she wraps her hand around my cock and pulls it free.
“Easy access for when I’m getting my dick sucked.” I taunt, her lip rolling in disgust. “Now put it in your mouth.”
“No.” She removes her hand. I step forward, pinning her against the door with my legs. She glares at me, my cock in her face.
“Either it goes in your mouth or it goes in your ass.” My threat hangs in the air for a moment before you wraps her lips around the weeping tip, making my knees weak as I brace myself against the door. I try not to make any sounds but I can’t stop them as she works just the tip until she’s more comfortable to take more. I’m barely half way in and she’s gagging, backing off only to try again.
“Suck harder.” I rasp, unable to tear my eyes away as she moves back and forth, hallowing out her cheeks until I can hear the suction. My balls tighten and sparks shoot up my spine as she sucks. I don’t want this to be over yet so I shove her off with a growl and yank her to her feet.
“What—.” I pull her into the attached bathroom and slam the door before making her bend over the vanity.
“You want to make it up to me? You want all to be forgiven and go back to the way it was?” I demand, our eyes locked in the mirror.
“Then pull your dress back up and spread your legs.” I’m shaking with need, hanging on to the last bit of restraint I have left.
“You promise?” She whispers, already tugging her dress up then widening her stance as she sniffles. Her makeup is running but I don’t think she’s ever looked more beautiful. I love that she looks like that because of me.
“Yes. Arch your back. Stick your ass out.” I push down on her back and she juts her ass out as I step up behind her. I palm her bare ass, my cock leaking precum all over the pretty flesh.
“Are you going to wear a condom?” She whispers.
“What do you think?” I snap, guiding the head to her wet entrance.
“I-I’m not on anything. I’m a virgin.” I suspected that but having her confirm it only lights my blood on fire more. I’m the first to have her. She’s mine.
“Then you better hope I pull out in time.” Her eyes widen and I thrust in, tearing through her hymen in one go and making her scream out. She’s so wet that there’s very little resistance but I feel it when her opening finally gives. My eyes nearly roll into the back of my skulls as her tight, wet, heat washes over me all the way down to my toes. I give her a moment to adjust, until she lifts her head and looks at me through the mirror.
“Pull your dress down. I want to see your tits while I fuck you.” I pull her upright by her hair and she whimpers, tightening around my cock and making me groan as she quickly frees her tits. I reach around to palm one, rolling the hardened bud between my fingers until she’s mewling and backing up against me.
“You’re so goddamn tight I can barely breathe.” I growl into her hair as I slide my hand up to squeeze her throat. Her hands find my waist as I slowly pull out half way then thrust back in. We both moan.
“Tell me it feels good.” I whisper, my lips grazing her ear as I give another short thrust.
“It does. It feels good.” Her breathy voice has me thrusting in harder and her sounds turn to pained whimpers, her nails digging in my hips.
“My good little broke toy.” I turn her head and kiss her hard, fucking her mouth with my tongue while I fuck her pussy with my cock. Her inner walls begin to quake and I know she’s close. Her lips wrap around my tongue, sucking it like she did my cock and I nearly lose it.
When I finally jerk away from her mouth she moans loudly against my lips, her eyes closed as she lets the pleasure wash over her. I hate that I like kissing her. I hate that I love the sounds she’s making.
I yank out with growl, noting the blood on my cock as I open the shower door and turn on the sprayer. I grab her arm and haul her in with me. She doesn’t protest as I shut the door and the hot water rains down on us. Her dress is bunched up around her waist, leaving her pussy and tits free, her heels on the bathroom floor, and her makeup now running down her face as her hair sticks to her.
She looks different now that I’ve been inside her. Like she’s no longer afraid and wants more of me.
“Legs together. Wrap your arms around my neck.” I instruct, pressing my body to hers as I guide my cock between her thighs. Her arms wrap tightly around my neck as we both watch my cock slide between her thighs. I bend my knees as I find her entrance and when I do, I thrust upwards and she cries out, her head falling back against the shower wall.
“Oh— god—.” She moans, pushing her tits against my chest as her back bows off the wall.
I don’t hold back as I fuck her hard and fast, resisting the urge to kiss her again or to lick up the water droplets running down her face. I want to taste her everywhere. I want to be inside her everywhere although I can’t get any closer. I brace one arm next to her head and grab her bouncing tit with my free hand, twisting her nipple.
She moans loudly, her hands fisting my hair as I fuck her way harder than any virgin should be fucked the first time. The sound of skin slapping skin increases along with her moans and whimpers.
“JJ!” My movements falter when she cums hard and suddenly, erupting from her so powerfully that she sucks in a breath to scream until I clamp my hand over her mouth. She shakes uncontrollably, her eyes rolling back as her pussy chokes the life out of me.
“Fucking shit.” I bite out, unable to hold mine back anymore as I step back and fist my cock. I only have to stroke it once and spurts of cum meet her tits, stomach, and mound. I love it.
We’re both panting for air and the water is starting to get cold but all I can think about is how I want to do that again. Only this time I want to fuck her in my bed until she screams my name, her nails leaving marks down my back.
She’s blinking at me, her eyes dazed with lust as she waits for my next move. I’m suddenly wishing she’d fought me more. But that just means that she gave in and trapped me in her web. I didn’t win. She did.
“Get out.”
“B-but—I don’t have any clothes!”
“Not my problem.”
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ghostlysodo · 2 months ago
i can’t sleep so… newsies modern era headcanons?!?!
- race like… is a little bitch. but not in the 1899 15/16 year old boy way, but rather the 2024 15/16 year old boy who makes so many morally incorrect jokes but he actually makes them funny
- going off of that he completely RUINS the humor of all of the others (namely crutchie)
- speaking of crutchie. i believe he gets heavily involved in online discourse surrounding human rights, and whenever he is literally done with the person he adds a “:)” at the end of his statements to psyche them out.
- jack does art commissions, but ONLY for his friends. although he silently judges some requests and just avoids them like the plague until they forget about it
- davey has an astigmatism so he technically doesn’t need to wear glasses all the time because he can still see, but whenever jack wants to show him a drawing on his tablet he stops jack and SEARCHES for those glasses like they could save the world so he could see the drawing without little lines from the light
- katherine is a decorated writer, but she’s very disturbed by the concept of young adult books and booktok and will advocate viciously against them inside of comment sections
- romeo and race share a journal of quotes featuring the groups worst moments… some seem HORRID out of context such as :
“DID HE JUST FUCK HIS LEG???!?” - Albert
“no they don’t deserve them… SHE DREW BLOOD” Davey
“i’m like a floridian who came up to maine for winter” Jack
“50 Shades of Grey is TAME” Katherine
“i’m gonna jump off the stage” Race
“you see… i get scared whenever people put things in my mouth” Crutchie
- sarah goes thrifting to make upcycled fashion looks! like the girl can do anything with a bit of thread and a sewing needle
- on that same note- sarah embroiders designs into all of the groups shoes whenever they start to wear out to get the most use out of them. i imagine some of these designs would include…
race - a wasp holding a cigar (don’t ask i have a vision)
jack - a miniature version of santa fe, or atleast a city skyline
katherine - lyrics to her favorite song and a heart (kath doesn’t wear the shoes again but she gladly keeps them on display in her room)
crutchie - a robotic flamingo (i have reasons)
- race runs track and cross country! although i do think that is a rather popular headcanon
- nobody knew kath until davey met her through debate team. she was the only one with a solid line of reasoning on the other side and in that moment david felt nothing but respect towards her and forced her to join the group.
- speaking of teams- albert and crutchie do robotics!
- albert bought a tattoo gun specifically for jack to tattoo a hyper realistic watch onto his wrist. now every time somebody asks him the time he tries to gaslight the fuck out of them.
- this is my personal favorite atm- spot has picked at the scabs from bug bites on his arms since he was a child, which left him with a bunch of tiny scarred dots across his arms… which is why his nickname is spot.
i have lots more but i literally can’t recount them right now
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year ago
୨୧ Modern Love ୨୧
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୨୧ Pairing: criminal!boyfriend!mingyu x chubby!waitress!fem!reader
୨୧ Genre: crime au/a mix of fluff & angst/smut
୨୧ Summary: Your friends always told you that Kim Mingyu was trouble but when he shows up unexpectedly at your job, covered in bruises with a bag of stolen money, you see how much trouble he really can be.
୨୧ Word Count: 3.5kish
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୨୧ Warnings: mention of blood/injuries, a gun that's not used but is in there, strong language, unprotected sex, a lil bit of rough sex, fingering, creampie, & that's all I'm pretty sure
୨୧ A/N: I haven't written in a bit and I really wanted to start writing something crime related so here we are 🖤
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There’s a lot you’ve come to tolerate waitressing at the diner. Customers with shitty attitudes who leave even shittier tips. Line cooks who get every other order wrong only to blame you because you must have mixed their tickets up somehow. The thin layer of grease that lingers on your clothes, leaving the scent of day old fries to haunt you even after you’ve washed your uniform a thousand times. All of that you can tolerate but this, your boss screaming at you like some psychopath, never fails to make your blood boil.
It’s always something with him. This time it’s that you didn’t refill the ketchup last night before close even though you weren’t the one who closed. The waitress who closed, a soft spoken girl who only started a week ago, called in this morning to quit just like every other waitress before her. The only girls insane enough to stick around are you and Moon, the waitress who trained you and the only person you’ve ever seen go toe to toe with your boss. 
His screaming’s getting louder but you can’t even hear it. You zoned out ages ago. It’s like watching a TV on mute. If not for the growing redness of his face or the flinches of the passing food runners, you wouldn’t know a thing. Everyday you think about quitting. You lay in bed fantasizing about a life where you don’t have to put up with this to survive but in the end you always roll out of bed and show up.
What else are you supposed to do? You weren’t born into money and, luck never quite being on your side in life, it's not likely to just fall into your lap. So this is it. This. Is. It. Your stomach sinks as your boss steps closer, the veins in his hairy neck straining enough to pop a blood vessel. This can’t be it. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Moon shouts, pushing through the double doors behind you. The noise of the kitchen cuts back in at a dizzying speed. Dishes clanking, grease sizzling, water running, cooks calling out orders.
“You don’t talk to me that way!” your boss shouts back, dialing down his rage as he aims it at Moon. She pulls her dark hair back into a tight ponytail, cornering him against a rack of dirty dishes. “You don’t talk to her that way! The next time I hear you yelling at her I’ll report you to the health department for all of the little critters we have running around here or would you like me to tell the customers first?” He wants to say something to her but he can’t.
He knows she’s serious enough that she’d pop on a glove and go show off the bug traps to every customer packed into the questionably clean booths of the dining room. “Get back to work!” he snaps, “Both of you!” With that he storms off to his office mumbling every misogynistic thought in his pea brain. Moon turns to you, giving you a hug. You let out a sigh of relief, enjoying the comfort of her arms even though she smells like sandwiches. You do too. 
“I fucking hate him.” “Fucking hate him for sure” she agrees, “But I know something that’ll cheer you up.” “What could possibly make me feel better?” Moon grabs you by the shoulders and directs you to the small round window on the door, “Your boyfriend’s here. Looks a little beat up though. Wonder what he got into this time.” Before she can finish her sentence and launch into another lecture about your choice in men, you’re racing to the booth in the corner where Mingyu sits patiently waiting for you.
He spots you in an instant, jumping up to give you a hug and soothe the panic that paints your face. A little beat up is an understatement. He’s covered in cuts and bruises. A busted lip here. A bruised eye there. A bandaged cut on the side of his neck. His knuckles skinned and raw. Your hands don’t know where to go or what to inspect. They’re just frantically skimming his frame, dreading the next surprise. “What happened?”
Mingyu tries to downplay it, apprecating that you’re worried for him but still not wanting you to worry too much. “Baby, I’m okay. Calm down.” He’s lying and you both know it. Everytime something like this happens he tries to shrug it off, pretending that he doesn’t get hurt worse and worse each time he gets back from one of his "jobs". “How can I calm down? Look at you.” “Look at me? What does that mean? Don’t you think I’m pretty?” he teases, placing his hands on your cheeks. Even with his fingers all beat up and achy, he has the most gentle touch you’ve ever felt.
He smiles and all you can do is smile back. Of course you think he’s pretty, the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen, and you’re a sucker for him in the worst way. So much that you forget for a few fleeting seconds that there’s the lightest spot of blood seeping through the crisp white bandage on his neck. “Cute but I still need you to tell me what’s going on” you persist, glancing back to catch Moon watching over you as she works her tables.
Mingyu turns you back to look at him, the wildness in his deep brown eyes thrilling and frightening you all at once. 
“You trust me don’t you?” 
“Do you trust me?” 
“I mean, duh, of course I trust you but—” 
“Then quit” he says as if it’s nothing. As if this job isn’t the only thing paying for the hole in the wall apartment you rent up the street. “I can’t just quit. I need this job.” Mingyu presses his forehead to yours, bringing his arms around your waist to hold you closer. “Not anymore. I can take care of you now. I just really need you to trust me and come with me. We don’t have a lot of time.” 
It’s impossible to make sense of anything he’s saying when he’s being this vague. You have a million questions and no time to ask them. “Hey! Play with your boyfriend on your own time!” your boss shouts from across the counter, “Get back to these tables before I fire your ass!” Mingyu’s jaw clenches, his temper ready to erupt on your boss for daring to speak to you that way. “I got this” you whisper, rubbing his shoulders to cool him down. He’s already had enough action for one day. The last thing he needs is another scuffle.
Your boss goes on rambling but this time you don’t drown him out. You hear every word. Every disgusting, vile thing he can spew in your direction. The thought of dealing with this every single day is torture. Mingyu's way out, whatever it is, has to be better than this. Your friends might not agree, Moon would surely have you thrown in an asylum, but you have to trust Mingyu or risk this being the rest of your life.
Grabbing a pitcher of ice water from one of the tables, you calmly approach the counter and throw it in your boss’ face. “Oh my god” Moon gasps, covering her mouth to hide her amusement. “Do it yourself. I quit. Mingyu, let’s go.” You march out of the diner, ripping your apron and name tag off as your sneakers hit the dirt of the parking lot. Your palms are sweaty, your heart’s racing, and you have no idea what’s gotten into you but it feels good. “That was sick” Mingyu applauds, kissing your fluffy cheeks, “I didn’t know my girlfriend was such a badass.” “Shut up” you giggle as he guides you to his car, a vintage deathtrap that his father gifted to him.
Mingyu seats you on the passenger's side, picking up a heavy black duffle bag from the floor and plopping it onto your lap. You stare down at it, too afraid to even touch it. With Mingyu’s line of work anything could be in this bag. Not a body, of course, it’s much too small for that. But guns? Drugs? “Just open it” he says, starting the car. You’ve been so deep in your own thoughts, running through the possibilities of what’s in the bag, of what happened to his face, that you hadn’t even noticed him get into the car.
Noticing your hesitance, he reaches over and unzips the bag. “It won’t bite, honey” he promises, turning out of the parking lot and leaving you to take in the bundles of crinkled money packed into the bag. You carefully pick one out, fanning through it like a deck of cards. There’s more money here than you’ve ever seen. More than most people will ever see. 
“Whose money is this?” 
Mingyu shrugs, flicking on the radio, “Mmm, it’s ours.”
“You asked me to trust you now I need you to trust me. Just tell me what’s going on.”
Mingyu made a promise to himself when you first started dating that he’d keep the other side of him hidden. He loves the way that you see him. You see him as his most ideal self. As the man he wishes he could be all of the time and not who he has to become when you aren’t together. But you were bound to find out one day and if today has to be that day then so be it. “You know how I do drop offs for the mob?” You nod, your fingers still petting the edges of the money like one would a new puppy or a luxurious fur coat.
“I do pickups too. Retrivals I guess. If people owe money and they don’t pay up it’s my job to go get it even if it means I have to hurt them...” He trails off, fearful of your reaction, but you only listen attentively, free of judgment. “Earlier I had one of those pickups” he continues, “Things got kind of crazy. A lot of people got hurt.” He flexes his hand, wincing at the pain. “Including me but, you know, at least I’m alive. The other guy...anyway. I was supposed to take the money back but I didn’t. I kept it for us.”
You insantly regret ever pressing him for this information. Maybe ignorance truly is bliss and you've just given it up. “So you killed someone?” “I kinda had to.” “Right. You kinda had to kill someone and stole a bunch of mob money now we’re—we’re on the run aren’t we?” Mingyu nods, chewing on the inside of his lip, “We are.” “Oh, fun. I’m dead. We’re dead. They’re gonna chop our heads off.” “No one’s chopping your head off! They don’t even do that anymore. It’s more of a burning the whole body thing. Buried alive usually.”
“Not helping!”
“I’m sorry!”
Mingyu tosses the bag into the backseat, freeing your lap up for his hand to massage your thigh. Your legs are shaky, every part of you is, and no amount of massaging can stop it. “This is a lot. It’s so fucking much. I can’t even…” Leaning your head back against the headrest, you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. “I never meant to put you in danger” he says softly, “We spend so many nights talking about the life we want. A better life. You deserve it and I just want to give you that so when I saw the opportunity I took it. If it means anything, I’d die before I let anyone hurt you. I’ll protect you with my life.”
You open your eyes to catch him staring at you, his attention only half on the road where it should be. He means every word he says, no matter how fucked up his methods are. A part of you can’t stand him for what he’s done and you can't stand yourself for how small that part of you is. In a matter of minutes he managed to destroy the life you knew. A life you’ve been longing to destroy yourself for far too long but never had the courage to. You can’t hate him for that. In fact, in some strange, twisted way you've never loved him more.
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You look so peaceful when you’re sleeping. The two of you had plans to go out for dinner after you hopped out of the shower but hours of driving in no particular direction had exhausted you. The moment you sat down on the bed of the floral wallpapered motel room you were out like a light. Mingyu can’t bring himself to wake you up. You deserve the rest, he figures, after all he sprung onto you.
He has no real idea where you are. Your cellphones were tossed off a bridge two towns ago and every road sign in whatever nowhere town you stopped in is too faded too read. There’s no way anyone will find you here when you can’t even find yourselves. Even still, Mingyu finds himself pacing the floor in the darkness of the motel room, a handgun held tightly in his right hand. Paranoia weighing heavy on him, he wishes that he could fall asleep but every time he relaxes in the slightest another set of headlights beam through the curtains and he’s on his feet again.
What if someone followed you? What if they spotted his car? He truly would protect you with his life. But what if he failed? “Idiot” he huffs, hitting himself on the side of the head. “Hey, I’d appreciate you not hitting my boyfriend. Thank you very much” you yawn, stretching out, your eyes only cracked enough to make out his fuzzy silhouette. You snuggle up to his side of the bed, the blanket quite cozy against your bare skin for something that's for sure been here since the 90’s. You try not to think about it, your focus quickly shifting to the gun in Mingyu’s hand.
“When’d you get a...” you start but abandon your question. When’d he get a gun? That’s silly to ask. Of course he has a gun, probably a few. Why wouldn’t he? “Put that thing away and come to bed.” “You worry too much. I’m good. You rest.” Outstretching your arms, you pout and kick your feet knowing that he's a softie for your tantrums. “Five minutes. That’s it. Please” you whine and he’s already dragging himself over to the bed, reluctantly tucking his gun into the bedside table.
By now the haze of sleep has fallen away, offering you a clear view of the gorgeous man hovering above you. “Stop looking at me like that” he blushes, his fingertips dancing along your jaw. It sends sparks through your system, stealing your breath away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mingyu leans down to kiss you, his hand slipping beneath the blanket to ride the curves of your body. “You don’t?” he asks, nibbling at your bottom lip. He presses a thumb into the tender flesh of your thigh, feeling your body tremble the way you did in the car.
Only now it’s not because you’re scared. Fear is the furthest thing from your mind. It’s because you’re craving some relief, craving him, badly enough that the faintest brush of his thumb over your clit has you snatching him on top of you. Your tongue’s down his throat, legs thrown around his waist, hips raised to feel the bulge fighting to free itself from the confines of his jeans. Nothing gets Mingyu hotter than when you’re like this, clawing his clothes off as his fingers delight in the velvet warmth between the lips of your pussy. “Ming—” you gasp at how effortlessly his fingers glide into you. Your walls flutter in excitement as if to welcome him home and he couldn’t be happier to be back.
“You’re dripping, baby” he coos, pulling out just enough to glimpse your juices coating his fingers. You reach between you, finally feeling the heat of his cock in your palm, and stroke his length, collecting pearls of his arousal each time you run over the tip. “So are you” you tease, grinning at the way his hips stutter. With one arm holding himself up and the other busy between your legs, his muscles flex in a certain way that makes your mouth water. In your eyes his body’s a work of art and the feeling couldn’t be more mutual.
Your body’s so soft, so sensual, that he’s dying to be inside of you just to see the way your body jiggles each time he thrusts into you. Your muscles tighten, the ecstasy coursing through your veins making you feel lightheaded. “Make love to me” you say in the sweetest voice, not begging nor demanding, simply confessing how much you need him. Mingyu twitches in your hand, his heart skipping more than a few beats. Without a word, his hands are gripping your plush hips as he guides himself to your entrance.
He takes his time, rubbing the tip in the wetness escaping your core, bumping it against your clit to make you quiver. You rub his biceps, nails digging into his arms, giving him such a rush that he can’t tease you any longer. He delves into your core, feeding his length into you gradually until every inch of him fills you. “So beautiful” he whispers, kissing between your breasts as he strokes in and out of you. His tongue traces the contours of your breast, flicking at your nipple before his lips wrap around it. Nibbling, suckling, all while watching the faces you make when he hits that sensitive spot.
He’s throbbing inside of you, so tight against your walls that you swear you can feel the blood rushing through those pretty veins that run up his cock. It’s sweet of him starting out slow but you want more. You press down onto him, using the minimal space between your bodies to ride him, picking up the pace. Mingyu gets the hint, rising to his knees as he presses yours to your chest. “You said make love to you” he says, his hands tucked behind your knees, “If you wanted me to fuck you, you should’ve just said so.”
He kisses you ravenously, like he wants to consume you entirely, wasting no time pulling back to bounce you on his cock, his hips moving faster with each thrust. Mingyu palms the softest part of your stomach, caressing it as his other hand reaches up to cup your cheek. His thumb runs across your bottom lip, feeling your breath as you cry out his name. “Mingyu—ah—yes—fuck. Harder!” you scream and this time you are begging.
Never being a man to deny you what you want, he obeys. Harder, faster, impossibly deeper, until you feel him in every part of you. Holding onto his wrists, you surrender, letting yourself get lost in him. So lost that you’re caught off guard by the sudden explosion of the pressure that's been building inside of you. Your lids barely fall shut before they’re shooting back open, your body quivering as your orgasm barrels down on you. Mingyu’s hypnotized by the sight of you, addicted to the way you gush and clench around him.
“That’s it, baby. Cum for me. So pretty when you cum for me, aren’t you? So so pretty. Mmm—.” He wants to hold back, to at least try, but it’s no use. How can he hold back anything with you? It only takes one more pulse of your walls for him to come undone, barely able to maintain his thrusts as he spills into you. You’d feel this forever if you could. The warmth and the fullness. You’re so greedy for it, taking every drop until he’s collapsed beside you trying to come back down to earth.
Using the last bit of energy in your body, you lay your head on his chest, tossing the blanket over the two of you. “Tomorrow you’ll teach me how to shoot?” Mingyu wraps an arm around you, gently petting your hair. “You? With a gun? No way.” You nod, intimidated but confident in your decision, “We’re in this together now aren’t we? It’s not just about you protecting me. I wanna protect you too. So teach me.”
His instinct is to tell you no, that he can protect both of you on his own, but he knows it’s not fair. He’s the one who drug you into this, the least he can do is show you how to defend yourself.
“I’ll teach you. Tomorrow,” he relents, “But tonight it’s back to sleep, okay?”
"Only if you promise to stay here with me.”
Silence falls across the room and, as you drift back off to sleep, you know there’s so much more to that “always”. “Always” doesn’t just mean tonight or tomorrow. It’s more than next week or next year. It stretches far beyond whatever hell might lie before you. It means forever. It means that Mingyu would go to the ends of the earth for you. And there’s no way you won’t be by his side when he does. 
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samthestrangerthingsfan · 10 months ago
Out of The Woods
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
summary: Hawkins is home once again, and you're determined to keep your peace. The past comes calling.
chapter warnings: slow burn, motherhood, swearing, childhood trauma, fluff, sweet sweet memories and friends bonding again. <3
a/n: I don't want to give spoilers, but we may or may not have a run-in with a certain metal head in this chapter! :O (just a taste, a lil treat bc you've all been so good.)
chapter 3: Silver Springs || series masterlist
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NOVEMBER 4th, 1983
Friday was the best day of the week.
Sure, weekends are great, but Friday night meant movie night at the Munson’s.
“You better not make her watching nothin’ scary, Edward.” Wayne huffed, grabbing his choice of cap from the wall, as well as big winter coat.
Eddie’s hand flew over his heart. “I would never! Not so close to the holidays!”
You threw a piece of popcorn at his head as the laughter bubbled from your chest. “Holidays? It’s not even Thanksgiving!” Eddie motions for you to keep throwing so he can catch one in his mouth. You oblige, but not without a protest of your own. “I would like—no, I demand a comedy.”
Eddie bowed to you, peering up and showing off the piece of popcorn he’d caught at the last second “What m’lady wants, she shall receive.”
The trailer door blew out of Wayne’s grip as he opened it, “Christ, it’s freezin’! Turn the heat on, boy. Your date is gonna freeze to death.”
Eddie gives you a knowing look. There’s no point, his eyes send the message loud and clear. The two of you have told Wayne dozens of times that you weren’t on dates, you were just best friends hanging out.
He didn’t buy it.
“Why does she get the heat? Pretty sure I got frost bite when I got outta the shower today.”
“Because,” Wayne slid his hands into a pair of work gloves as he walked toward you. “I like her and I want her to keep comin’ around.” He bent down, and kissed the crown of your head.
You protested, “I don’t wanna bug you—“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Eddie teased. “Ya know you say that a lot?”
“It’s the truth!”
“You could never bug me—ever. Even if you could, who cares? Not like it’s a bad, it’s a good bug you reserve just for me; my bug.”
Your eyes seemed to roll of their own free will, “Eddie.”
He dropped down next to you, putting a hand on your upper thigh as he offered you a twizzler. “Yes, Bug?”
Neither of you had noticed when exactly Wayne slipped out.
You’d compromised that night. Ghostbusters, a little something for the both of you.
About 30 minutes in, Eddie looked at you. He took in how you laughed at something Bill Murray said, how the sound bubbling from your chest made your nose crinkle.
God, he could listen to that sound all day.
When you turned to him, he panicked. Standing quickly, “Uh, shit…here,” he said, not knowing where the hell he was going with the sentence.
Eddie looked around for a moment, what felt like an hour for him was surely only a few seconds. He ended up grabbing Wayne’s old Polaroid camera from the shelf. “C’mon, we gotta take a picture.”
You smiled through your confusion, “Why?”
Eddie shrugged, “Because we never do! And I wanna remember this even when we’re so old we can’t remember our own names.”
“You want to remember a randoms Friday night?”
He nodded. “If it’s a Friday night with you? Always.”
The whirr and click of the camera went off before you knew what was happening. “Eddie, I wasn’t ready! I’m gonna look like a fucking Goblin!”
The timber of his laugh made your heart race. Eddie pulled the film from its slot beneath the lens. “Don’t sell yourself short, Bug. Troll maybe, but never a Goblin.”
You elbowed his ribs at the exact moment he connected with the couch.
“Oof.” He laughed. “C’mon, smile?”
Eddie put his arm around you, pulling you in close. A second later, the flash blinded you both, leaving you dazed and giggly for the next minute.
You held out your hand, and gestured to where the photo of the two of you was laid out to develop. “Let’s see it then.” You demanded.
Eddie pulled it off the coffee table, looking at it before he handed it to you.
He wasn’t looking at the camera, no. His eyes were on you, and he was smiling harder than he’d thought was possible.
He saw how you were leaned into him, your hand holding his as it draped over your shoulder, the light behind your eyes, the smile he couldn’t get enough of.
Eddie felt it then.
So immediate and sudden it felt like his heart got struck by lightning, and it was then that he realized two things:
That this feeling, whatever it was, couldn’t possibly end well.
And two?
He is so fucked.
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It became easier to breathe.
You hadn’t realized just how suffocating life here had become. To be back in Hawkins and still feel like you were hiding and alone. Though now, and in the weeks since you’re run-in with Robin and Steve, it all got a bit brighter and a little less heavy.
Steve was committed to putting the past behind you, a sentiment he all but drilled into your head the first night he visited Maggie and you at the house.
“You did what you thought you needed to do to make it. You’re back now, though. Let us be there for you.”
He also became Maggie’s own personal jungle gym. Whenever they watched a movie or had a snack together, your daughter could be found on top of him in some way. They especially enjoyed watching cartoons on Saturdays; Maggie perched on top of Uncle Cheeseball’s shoulders, because according to her it was the ‘best seat in the house.’
Robin couldn’t be deterred either.
She’s over at least three nights a week now, and Maggie is obsessed—like, seriously obsessed. It’s the sort of bond you watch from afar and admire, the way your friend opened her heart to your daughter. How she’s protected her innocence and encouraged her silliness.
Kids aren’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. They’re loud and messy and demanding in a totally innocent way. They require you to think before you act and never put yourself first. It’s why any dates you’d been on over the years hadn’t worked out, most people disappeared after they learned of her. Not that you cared, Maggie was number one in your life, and you were damn proud of that.
But now here you are, the life you had been convinced you’d never have was happening before your eyes.
“And ya know what else, Miss M? Your Mom fell right on her butt and slid all the way down the hill!”
Maggie’s laughter echoed off the your living room walls.
“Hey! It was December and Hillcrest is notoriously icy when it snows!” You feigned insult, and tickled Maggie as her laughter multiplied.
“Mom! That’s so silly! How'd you stop sliding?” She questioned.
Robin’s eyebrow quirked up, “Yeah, how did you stop sliding?”
You sighed, embarrassment painting your face. “Steve—Uncle Cheeseball had to catch me.”
The two of them howled with laughter, “Yeah-yeah, laugh it up. I don’t like this, you’re in…cahoots!”
“Excuse me!” Robin objected. “I am a responsible adult!”
Maggie stood with her hands on her hips. “Yeah! Me too!”
You leaned down, kissing her forehead. “Alright, well, it’s bedtime for all adults and former children.”
Maggie whined, but let out a yawn mid-grumble.
“See? Proof.” You booped her nose. “Go on, you have school tomorrow. Teeth, pjs, bed, okay?”
Maggie hugged you, “Okay, Mama. Goodnight, Robby! I’ll see you on Friday for pizzas!”
She ran the few feet to your friend, and squeezed her. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, kiddo.”
Maggie, by the grace of God, listened. She was so worn out from laughing and dancing and playing with Robin that she crashed as soon as her little head hit the pillow.
“Want me to take the trash out on my way?” Robin asked, hands full of the nonsense she’d brought along with her.
“Is there a 3rd hand in there I don’t know about?” You nodded towards her, “No, Robs. I got it, I just gotta do the dishes first.”
Robin smiled behind you, relishing in the gratitude she felt having you back. “I-I’m so proud of you.” It was a near whisper, and when you turned to your friend, she had tears in her eyes.
“Maggie is…she’s so cool! And you’re obviously an incredible Mom. I’m just, I’m sorry you felt like you had to stay away.”
Your own eyes burned at that. You walked to Robin and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry too, I’m sorry I didn’t call, or write…I just didn’t know how to—to be here.”
She nodded into your embrace, adjusting the items she cradled. “Well, you’re here now. Anything you need, say the word and I’ll be here, Steve too.”
You pulled away, “I know.”
Robin grabbed her keys with the few fingers she had free. “I don’t mean to ruin the beautiful moment of love and friendship, but have you thought about...him? About what’ll happen if you see him again? I mean, Hawkins isn’t exactly a big town.” She avoided using his name, and that didn’t go unnoticed.
It’s all I think about.
Fingers toyed with the hair tie around your wrist, “I wouldn’t even know…” your voice faded out. “I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it, I’ve been here for a while already, and haven’t even heard anyone mention his name.”
That was true.
Everyone used to talk about Eddie Munson. The troublemaker, the cult leader, the devil-worshipping freak. The boy who was corrupting you, and ruining your future.
These backwoods hicks had no idea just how good he was back then. How kind and gentle and full of courage he was. You couldn’t understand why they hated him, not when you found it so easy to love him.
“I didn’t wanna upset you—“
“You didn’t,” you’re quick to reassure her, “it’s a logical question, and sure, maybe I’m avoiding the subject, but I appreciate you looking out for me all the same.”
Robin shrugged as if it was the most simple thought in the world, “Always.”
She left after an additional 5 minutes of arguing about helping you clean, to which you would not allow.
Cleaning up after a long day, while exhausting, was your only time to yourself. It was the one part of the day Maggie wasn’t asking something of you or looking for something or covered in something sticky.
Why is it always something sticky?
The dishes were done, and the counters were clean. You plopped on the couch, and turned on whatever the tv was playing at this hour and had just begun to fold the laundry, when the stink of the trash left by the door nearly had you retching.
“Nope, not waiting til morning…”
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“Steve, Steve…” Eddie laughed.
The boy threw his hands up in frustration. “Eddie, I’m serious!”
Eddie slapped his friends shoulder. “I appreciate the worrying, pal. I’m fine, I had one beer let’s see…” the metal head looked at his watch, “an hour and a half ago. Why the sudden concern about my health and safety, hm?”
Steve blanched at the question, stumbling over his words. “T-There was an accident tonight! Drunk driver hit the pole on Cornwallis. Cops everywhere, ya know?”
Steve knew exactly why the thought of Eddie getting hurt or worse was suddenly a new phobia he developed. He had just hoped he’d hide it better than this.
Eddie sighed, “Great,” and stood, grabbing his keys out of his pocket, “back roads it is, gonna take me 20 minutes to get home now.”
Steve stood too, causing Eddie to glance back. He pinched his friend’s cheek, “Would you feel better if I called you when I got home, Stevie?” Eddie mocked, pouting his lip.
Steve pushed him away, “Shut up, man. Fine, that’s the last time I give a shit about my friends.”
Eddie laughed, “Nah, I appreciate it, Harrington. I’ll see ya on Friday right? Still looking your car over at the shop?”
“Yeah, yeah. See ya Friday.”
Eddie left Steve’s apartment smiling to himself.
What a good dude.
By the time he hit Cornwallis, the detour was worse than expected. It took him down several back roads and side streets Eddie is usually able to avoid all together.
Not to mention Forest Hills trailer park is on the opposite side of town from Harrington’s place. Eddie is usually able to zip down Main Street to save some time, but with Cornwallis a no-go, it was an addition pain in the ass to avoid the one-ways.
“Oh come on.” He griped. The car in front of him was going what seemed like negative miles an hour. He whipped the wheel to the left, evading the current route and instead, opting for an old way he remembered like the back of his hand.
Even in the dark.
It was eerie. To be on this street that he'd driven hundreds of times, knowing it wasn't leading to you.
He could practically see you, the way you’d sit on the curb until he got there, bag packed with your essentials for a few days. Wanting to get the hell out of this place before your Dad came-too.
The street was dim, lit only by the few flickering street lamps. He attempted to drown out the glimpses of the past, turning up the radio, and blasting Crazy Train so loud it made his windows shake.
Six houses away.
It was a subconscious entity; these memories shouting from the void and demanding to be remembered.
The porch light to your old house was on. “Huh…weird.” Eddie whispered to himself.
His van was barely at your mailbox when he slammed on his brakes, nearly getting choked by the seatbelt. He skidded to a stop, and killed the music.
Either he’s high as a kite, or it was you. Standing right in front of him as you dragged the trash can to the curb.
He’s hoping it’s the former.
You, rightfully so, looked like a deer in fucking headlights. Jumping back when you heard the screech of his tires.
But you know that van—you’d know it simply by the way it sounded coming down your street or by the shape of the headlights shining through the Hawkins fog.
The rusted hinges groaned when the drivers side door opened. Eddie was moving, but he wasn’t sure why. Not when very fiber of his being was screaming at him to stay in the van—to keep driving. Did he listen?
Of course not.
Eddie Munson says your name so softly and with such disbelief, it almost sounded like fear coating his tongue.
You, unlike the boy—man before you, were frozen.
That was the first thing you’d noticed. Eddie still looked like…Eddie, just a manlier—a more rugged version of the boy you’d loved.
He had five o’clock shadow covering his jaw. Cheekbones that were more defined, the hollows more pronounced. His hair was shorter, shorter than you remember it, anyway and he wore boots—work boots. Gone we’re the torn-up Goodwill sneakers he’d saved up weeks to buy.
He was in a black henley and dark wash jeans, though he still had his signature wallet chain and denim jacket.
Your heart slammed in your chest. Your dinner churned in your belly.
You could go. You could turn around and ignore him, walking back into your home and do exactly what he did to you.
But you wouldn’t, you’re better than that—better than him.
“W-Why…what are you doing here?” He half-mumbled.
“Minding my own business.” The strength in your voice surprised you.
Eddie was quiet, very uncharacteristically so, before he shook his head…presumably in an attempt to sort out his thoughts.
“But you’re, you’re here. You’re in Hawkins.” You could practically see the proverbial egg shells he was walking on.
Was he…afraid of you?
Good. You thought. He should be.
You crossed your arms, “Nothing ever did get past you.”
He was stuck. Quicksand was pulling him down, holding his body tightly and dragging him into the Earth’s core. He couldn’t breathe, he was dying.
At least that’s what it felt like.
Eddie cleared his throat. “How, um, how long—“
“A while.” You interject.
How long had you been here? How long were you staying? It didn’t matter, the answer is the same.
“And you’re staying here.” He nodded to the blue house he’s rescued you from hundreds of times.
“I don’t see how that’s your business.” You we’re cold, colder than he’s ever heard you.
Eddie took you in now. You were the same in every way that mattered. Older, sure…but still you, and for that, Eddie couldn’t be more grateful.
You had new smile lines. Were you happy? He hoped to whatever God was listening that you were.
“It’s not, shit. I—I know it’s not. I just didn’t know—“
A noise from inside the house startled you. Your head whipped around, fast as lighting.
Shit. Maggie.
“You okay?” He asked.
No, no, no.
Ignoring him, you turn and start walking back to the house, when Eddie calls your name again, not daring to move from where he’d planted his feet.
You all but spit at him, “Leave, Eddie. There’s nothing left here for you.”
And you meant it.
When you were safely inside, you check Maggie, who was sound asleep.
The noise must have been the door, or the wind, but it scared to half to death.
He didn’t deserve to know her, and maybe that’s selfish, but you aren’t ready to share your daughter yet.
Not with him.
Who knows, maybe you never will be.
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leeofthevoid · 1 year ago
I do not have a Crush
Jann Mardenborough (Movie) x Reader
a/n: Hello guys. I am alive, so please don't be mad about being MIA. School is hectic but finals are almost over. Rich World will continue but will change the title soon. (Yay!) This one is for the Jann girlies!
word count: 2673
warnings: Strong language
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Part One
You sat next to Jann as he looked longingly at Audrey, who was chuckling with his younger brother, Coby, and his friends. 
“If you stare long enough, she might just melt.” You sarcastically remarked as you sat beside him, a beer in your hand. Jann rolled his eyes, looked down at his Diet Coke can, and sighed. “Any reason you’re bugging me and not Coby?” 
“No reason. I just wanted some fresh air, and this is my spot, the last time I remembered.” You leaned on the railing, stretching your back as you looked at the friends laughing. “You should shoot your shot. Audrey likes tall guys the last time I remembered.” 
Another dismissive sigh was heard from his area while playing with the can, which he barely touched. “You know that your advice won’t make a difference, right? I heard you had a thing for Corey, yet you still haven’t made moves.” He looked at you with a victorious smirk. A moment passed until the words finally settled in your mind, and retaliated with violence by smacking him on the arm. “Oh fuck off, I was helping you.” He busted out laughing while you walked away to go back to the group. 
That’s how it usually goes when you try to be friendly with Jann. He was always the hopeless romantic, yet he always had a knack for annoying you when it’s just you two. 
The next time you saw him was by the department store. You and Coby had the same schedule that day, and he wanted to go to where Jann works to assert some younger brother dominance thing that you would never understand. You saw Jann’s tall frame putting back women’s clothes as Coby called him over a few aisles down. 
“Jann! Come here!” The loud calls did not go unnoticed by anyone in the store, embarrassing him enough to run to you two and pull you aside quickly. “What is wrong with you, man? I’m at work!” He glared at his brother and hit him on the shoulder. Coby laughed and pulled you in front as a human shield.
“Relax, I just brought her here to shop for some lady stuff. Said she had a date to go to that needed some hot undie set.” You raised your eyebrows in confusion while shaking your head. 
“What? No way? I came here because you said you will mghdnfdg…” Coby clasped a hand on your mouth, muffling your comebacks while he pushed you off to Jann, who caught you and ran away.
“That asshole! What was he up to?” Jann slowly let you go while you balanced yourself, silently thanking him. He sighed and cleared his throat. “Whatever it was, it’s his stupidity catching up to him.” 
You also sighed, having no idea what to do now that Coby left you to fend for yourself. Jann scratched the back of his neck and checked his watch. “Hey, if you’re not busy, maybe ditch buying that ‘set’ and grab lunch with me? I’m done for the day anyways.” 
Your stomach was growling, and you barely got to eat something before coming here, so lunch sounded terrific. “You’re right. I’m starving. I’m craving some sandwiches, so take me somewhere with that, and I’ll pay for our lunch.” He chuckled and walked to his co-worker, probably saying something about leaving now, to which the other guy nodded. 
He turned back with a smile as he removed his vest and threw his arm around your shoulder, dragging you out of the store and to a sandwich place nearby. “Her Highness needs her food!” You rolled your eyes before walking to the counter and ordering your food.
He was such a bastard when it came to food, but he made it up to you by bringing him to where he played that racing game he was so obsessed with. He told you it was called ‘Gran Turismo,’ but you insisted it was a racing game just like every other you’ve come across. It was fun to piss him off, even if he didn’t. 
“Go wider!”
“But there’s a line! That’s the point of the game: you follow the line!” You grip the wheel of the console and glared at Jann. “No, the point of the game is to win.” Jann puts his hands on yours and takes a wider stance on the wheel instead of following the line. You hated his weird obsession with whin, but it was his fault for making you play a game. You heard Dylan call your name from behind while patting your head. “Thanks for going today, love. Seeing Jann so frustrated is such a treat.” He chuckled as he watched the screen of the console. 
The car effectively passed by the others and eventually got to fourth place, but at this point, it was all Jann. He even scooted you over to sit next to you. Brows creased in focus while his hands gripped tighter on yours. You watched the screen as he maneuvered past third place and second. Dylan and some other people gathered around as you two played the game, a sight you were new to. He was always the withdrawn type, but his apparent obsession with this game gained him a small fanbase in this arcade.
Jann held on, his palms sweating while turning and tailing the car in the first place. He hastily turned the wheel and accelerated, making your car and the first placer side by side before he stepped on the gas and made it to first place. The crowd around you cheered while you felt the shoot of adrenaline finally settle in you as Jann fought to keep his spot in first place. 
“Woooh!” You happily screamed out as you saw the finish line. “Jann, don’t you dare lose!” You hear him chuckle as he nods and steps on the gas while the car approaches the finish line. The crowd shushes, and you only hear your heart beating as the time slows. The next thing you know, you saw the car cross the checkered finish line, and the big letters “First Place” flashed. 
Everyone cheered as you both jumped up from the seat, screaming and jumping at him. “Oh my gosh, you’re amazing!” He caught you and gave you a tight hug before setting you down. 
“I mean…You did help so…” You shoved him off and rolled your eyes as a friend of Jann’s came over. 
“Holy shit, bruv, you did it again!” He looked at you and then smirked, “Is this Miss Audrey with us right now?” He offered his hand to you while you took it, giggling. 
“No way, I’m far from Audrey. She’s prettier and dresses simpler. I’m more of Coby’s eccentric best friend, who he ditched.” You took his hand and shook it lightly before sliding it away. 
“My name’s Bryan. And you mentioned being ditched? A pretty thing like you?”
You giggled softly and playfully rolled your eyes.“Y/N. And Jann should totally bring Audrey next time, no?” Bryan poked the boy behind you while he teased Jann about his very obvious crush on Audrey.
The rest of the day went swimmingly when Bryan and Jann offered to drop you off at your flat, getting Bryan’s number saved in the process. Such a flirt, that one. Who would have expected that Jann’s friends weren’t all weird geeks? 
After a few weeks or a day, before Jann got the good news, he was lying on his bed contemplating the trajectory of his life. 
He knew that he had no solid plan for his future, but he was sure it had some good things in it. Driving was his passion, and it was a big deal for him to be somewhat of a driver. He may not have driven any of the real cars in GT, but he knew all of them inside and out. It was meant for him. 
A few taps on his windows suddenly broke his quiet reverie. He slowly sat up and looked at the window, waiting to see if it was in his head or not. 
It was not. 
After the taps became much more apparent, he stood up and slowly approached the window. When he saw you smiling at him, he quickly opened it and let you in. 
“How the hell did you get up from there?!” Jann let you in before checking outside the window. He looked around to see how you scaled his house and saw no decent ledges you could have used. 
“Jannie! So sorry for being an intruder, but Coby was still not in his room, so…” You chuckled as you rambled. 
“Wait, Coby knows about this?” 
You paused and sat down on his bed, giving him a confused look. “Of course he does. I always swing by his room when I’m either high or drunk and wait for it to sober down.” 
His face twisted in an even more confused and worried way while checking his small snack box for water. He opened it before he gave it to you, sitting beside you. 
“Any reason why you’re dressed up, smelling like alcohol and cigarettes on a Wednesday night?”  You giggled while ungracefully handing him back the water bottle. “It’s a thing with my cousin. You know how it is.” 
“Being used like an ATM machine?” Jann interjected with some sass you never heard from him. 
You scoffed and raised your eyebrows. “Coby probably exaggerated the stories! I just don’t know where to spend my money!” He wasn’t convinced and pushed himself up against the wall, tuning you out, perhaps. 
“Ever since you broke up with your ex, Coby noticed that you’ve been partying a lot. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I get wanting to splurge, but you don’t even do it for yourself.” 
“Says the guy who saves up for his set-up. At least don’t be a hypocrite.” Warranting another eye roll to Jann for being a snoopy ass. “Besides, it’s fun. The party was amazing, and so many people were there.” 
“Spare me the details and sober up so you can go home.” He got up and went to his closet only to toss you a sweater when he closed it. “What?” The confusion and delayed effect of the alcohol and joint were there. 
“You are barely covered up. It’s freezing out there, and you have no layers on.” Jann sat on his gaming chair, a nod of plea to put it on without any resistance. 
After the slow, grueling struggle to put it on, the exhaustion hit you. You slowly slid under the covers of his bed. “Jann, wake me up in a few. I’ll nap. The running here must have tired me.” 
“What? You ran here?!” His question was left unanswered as you dozed off.
Jann sighed and draped the covers over your shoulder while setting up a chill late-night cruise on Gran Turismo with his friends. 
Little moments like those were never really forgotten. You just act like it’s nothing and never talk about hanging out with Jann when you two get the chance. It just happens, really. It's not like you’d ask him using a lame excuse just to talk about stuff or do activities together. His leaving you with the dumbest goodbye didn’t even make you feel empty at all. 
It just felt weird in a way. Coby started to practice more since his brother suddenly got into a rich guy’s sport instantly while he had to work hard. Men and their pride will always amaze you. 
You were lounging on your hotel bed one weekend when you got a call from Jann. You slowly deliberated before answering it because, first of all, it was out of nowhere. And secondly, Why? After three more rings, you had the guts to answer it finally. 
“Took you too long to answer for someone glued to their phone the whole day, huh.”
You rolled your eyes before hearing a slight chuckle on his end. 
“Hello to you too, Jann.” 
“Hello, you. How have you been?”
How thoughtful of him to ask first. “I’ve been well. Although it is a bit fishy that you go radio silent and suddenly call me out of nowhere after a few months and then suddenly talk to me.”
“Always the skeptic.” He chuckled, then cleared his throat. “So um…A little snitch mentioned that you were in Japan, and I flew Audrey out here to spend some time together. We could use the company?”
Wow. That’s a lot to unpack right there. “Okay, what? You and Audrey are an item now? Since when was this?” He was about to speak when you cut him off. “Second, who the hell told you about me being in Japan? Third, of all…Are you proposing a double date?” 
“Hold on, what? Double date?” You groaned and dropped down to your bed when Jann sounded hell-bent on your new love life. 
“It’s just a date. I’m staying here for two months and might as well make the most of it. Answer my questions, too, though!” 
“Okay. Well. Agree to go meet us at this location tomorrow night, and I’ll tell you everything.” 
“Hm. Fine.” 
The call promptly ended with a goodbye before he sent the location of the place where you’d have your double date at. You wanted to think about it a little. The temptation was strong, though. Feeling homesick and alone can really distort a person’s perception. 
You stared at the recent call logs and sighed. You left the app and opened the chat with Tadashi to tell him that date night is now a double date. 
This was the worst idea ever. Jann has been weird around Tadashi ever since you introduced them to each other. It was awkward and tense for the first few minutes, Jann occasionally raising his eyebrows at you. You four were sitting in front of each other in a really nice sushi place that he was recommended. 
“So…Where did you two meet?” Bless this girl. Audrey will always save the day. “Actually, it’s a funny story.” You rubbed Tadashi’s hand as he snaked his arm over your shoulder. You smiled at him as he did the same. “We met at the fish market when I slipped trying to buy some fresh salmon.” 
“No way! You guys, that's so cute.” Audrey smiled at you in excitement. She’s such a good friend, but at the same time, her excitement might confuse Tadashi about your short-term set-up with him. “She looked offended when I asked her for her number, but I guess that noodle shop recommendation put me in her good books.” The three of you chuckled before Jann interjected, “That doesn’t sound creepy at all.” Audrey widened her eyes and lightly hit his shoulders before apologizing to Tadashi and you. 
The passive aggressiveness did not stop there, though. Throughout the whole dinner, Jann always had some weird bullshit about your life ever since his parents dubbed you their ‘Long lost daughter’. It’s just weird that he was the one who insisted on meeting up with you. 
At one point, Audrey decided to call it a night and even bought you some dessert when you paid the bill. It just upset you that Jann never even said thank you or acknowledged anything whatsoever.
Thankfully, that son of a bitch realized his rudeness two days later and texted you. 
J: Hey 
Y: What? 
J: Was a jerk 2 u 
J: sorry :( 
Y: It’s fine 
Y: Tadashi ghosted me. Your fault 🙄
J: U were too good for him n e ways
Y: Fuck u 
J: in your dreams 😇
Y: Ill block you if you dont stop 
J: was just jokin :( want to watch me practice driving? Audrey left and I have sum time to spare before germany 
Y: You just want me to buy you food 😒
J: nah. I’ll buy u food
Y: K fine. 
Y: Tomorrow? What time? 
J: I’ll pick u up. Send location 😛
a/n: Part 2??? Steamy part 2?? You tell me. :P
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thisismeracing · 2 years ago
Could you please make a quick blurb with this smut prompt (thought it was so mick-coded): ❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜
I think the prompt was supposed to be about jealous!dom!mick, but I went with something a bit different (mick caught yn touching herself) that still fit into it. Hopefully, it's good!
Here you go! I hope you guys like it! Don't forget to reblog and leave me an ask/comment. *mwah*
word count: 0.8k
pairing: mick schumacher x reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: +18; mentions of sex; graphic description of masturbation and oral sex (fem receiving); not proofread; Minors DNI!
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The buzz of the vibrator and your low whines were the only sound between the four walls of the room. The curtains were drawn shut halfway, casting just the perfect lighting inside. Yn pressed the little bullet harder on her clit, frustrated with how it did not seem enough for her body. She missed Mick. 
She needed Mick. 
But Yn wouldn’t come between him and racing. She knew he needed to train and do rounds and rounds of stuff though it was not race week. And if she asked, he would part himself in ten pieces so she could have one, but Yn did not want to burden him. She would never purposefully make him feel guilty for following his dreams, especially because Schumacher wasn’t anything but supportive of hers as well.
“Fuck,” she whispered, furiously adding two fingers into her slick hole in an attempt to feed her desires. 
Just when Yn was about to curse again the bedroom door opened, and Mick arched his brows watching his girlfriend scramble with the sheets to cover herself. 
“What are you doing, Liebe?” 
She stared at his gym clothes, he was probably about to leave. It was a bit earlier than usual, and that caught her off guard too. 
“I- uhm… nothing.” Yn faked a smile.
“That does not look like nothing to be,” he shot back. “You were touching yourself,” Mick pointed, smirking, “and you sound frustrated.”
Yn huffed, puffing her cheeks “Well, I am frustrated!! Neither this freaking toy nor my fingers seem to work.”
“Why didn't you just tell me so I could help you?”
Mick marches inside, throwing his shirt on the ground and lying on his stomach in front of Yn.
“Micky, you have training now. I don't wanna bug you.”
And then it draws to him. Mick realizes that maybe their schedule crashes weren’t working as he thought they did. Maybe Yn was feeling neglected. And though he too missed her and missed sex, he was so used to the rushing and hurrying pace of his life that he didn't stop to think too much about it.
“Look at me,” he got on top of her. 
Yn sighed and turned her face to his.
“You would never ever burden or bug me, you know it, Schatzi. What is it I always tell you?”
“If you need anything, and I mean anything, you tell me” Yn mocks, trying to sound like him and Mick chuckles at her sassyness.
“Now, drop these sheets, open your legs, and let me do my job” She starts to protest but Mick puts a finger on her lips. “You’re mine, and I take care of what belongs to me. Let me do my job,” he mumbles against the skin of her neck.
Yn whines before lacing her hands on Mick’s neck and bringing his lips to hers. His fingers wander to the inside of the shirt she’s wearing, his shirt, and he pushes it up enough to expose her naked chest. Mick gives Yn one last peck on the lips before trailing his kisses down her body. He plays with her boobs for a second, squeezing, biting, and licking them, before finally reaching her pussy.
She’s slick with wetness from her previous attempts to cum, and Mick hums in appreciation. He grabs the little bullet toy, turns it on, and brings it to her clit before kissing the inside of her thighs. That was just what she was doing before: rubbing the damn thing on her perky nub, but for some reason, when Mick does it it causes a whole different reaction. It’s like her body knows exactly what's coming, or rather who’s coming. 
Mick dips his head to her pussy and licks a stripe. He smirks at Yn’s body response and dives in adding two fingers inside her. They pass between her walls easily and he keeps his ministrations, kissing wherever his mouth reaches, fucking Yn with his fingers and rubbing her vibrator to her clit. 
“I’m so sorry I neglected you, babe,” he’s whispering and it only draws to Yn that he’s talking to her pussy when he states it looking into her eyes and says so. “I’m apologizing to her, I can’t believe we let her go so long without an orgasm.”
Yn closes her eyes and moves her hips up, torn between chuckling at Mick’s antics and cumming on the spot because holy fuck that was hot. 
“Such a pretty pussy, I’m gonna give what it deserves,” he states before adding another finger and raising the vibrations. It doesn’t take long for Yn to cum, and of course, Mick wasn’t satisfied with only one. He wanted to make up for the lost time, that meant she would cum at least three more times. 
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: I had to refrain myself from making it bigger than what it was supposed to be lol but I hope you guys like it anyway!! Reblogs and asks are my fav form of support, make sure to leave them, every time you do a love fairy is born somewhere hihih
taglist: @sachaa-ff @kenanlotus0 @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @mishaandthebrits @formulakay3 @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @carojasmin2204 @fdl305 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @saintslewis @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @leclercsluv
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naanima · 4 months ago
I don't know what caused all of us concurrently to have so much Maxiel feels in the past 42 hours or so. But I caught the bug, but instead of working on the 5 Daniel Ricciardo fics I'm writing, my brain decided it wanted to spend an hour (it was like 40mins) to write this Max Pov fic. MAXIEL.
Max loving Daniel through the years. As a friend. Honest.
It is unbetad, I literally word vomited this out. Haven't been posted on Ao3 yet bcos I might add to it sometime later, or it might be added to a longer piece I'm working on.
Words: Around 700ish words.
Max knew he loved Daniel three months into joining Red Bull. It wasn't one single thing, it was an accumulation of soft words, loud laughs, and gentle touches when Max felt like the world was ending because he couldn't fucking race as well as he should have, when he was barely containing his rage at the car not fucking being good enough, and when he felt like they were wasting time doing promos and other useless things that wasn't racing. It was that and all the ways Daniel defended him against the media and anyone else who said anything bad about him, even when it was the truth.
So of course Max went from having a little crush on Daniel to loving Daniel. It was very hard not to love Daniel. And even years later Max still could not understand those that hated Daniel.
Loving Daniel only increased the sex dreams Max had of Daniel. It was fine, Max had a handle on it. Daniel was very beautiful and liked to flirt, and Max matched Daniel with a similar energy. He loved Daniel, and if Daniel was ever serious about any of it, Max would of course jumped the man. But they weren't like that, and women was just easier when Max was still a F1 driver. So he kept on flirting, kept on pushing the line, and laughed uncontrollably as Daniel stuttered and stumbled over Max's words and actions.
Max never lost at anything, he was not losing "gay chicken" to Daniel.
And bit by bit Max was figuring out that he had a physical and mental type when it came to people he found attractive - dark haired and olive skinned and a beautiful smile. He liked them driven, funny, and a sliver of mean streak. He added older to the list when he met Kelly.
Max loved Daniel, and he knew Daniel at the very least liked him a lot, and when Daniel left Red Bull he still spent time with him, still defended him, and still laughed at his jokes, Max knew that Daniel loved him too. They weren't best friends, but they were friends who knew each other than almost anyone else could understand them because of their careers.
They spent years like that, having each other's back, loving each other, spending time together. They had their ups and downs like any friendship, months where they didn't speak to each other because they were angry at each other. But Max always knew that the silence was temporary because he knew Daniel, he trusted their friendship, and Daniel has never failed him before.
Max watched Daniel's career rise and fall, went from a bright shining star to crashing into the dirt making a crater with Daniel in the centre of its wreckage. And Max couldn't do one fucking thing beside be there, beside spend time with Daniel off track, beside sending messages of support.
Daniel was a good person, an excellent driver, and someone Max loved. It was frustrating. Everyone else in life talked about Daniel with hints of barely hidden regret, as if somehow Daniel was lesser than he was, as if he wasn't beautiful and talented and fucking driven.
Marko and Christian stopped talking about what they would differently with Daniel in his presence, stopped hinting at how Daniel was a coward who didn't fight. His father stopped making snide remarks about Daniel never being a good driver, and Kelly, well, Kelly stopped looking at Daniel with sharp eyes as if weighing his worth against her's in Max's life.
Max wasn't sure he wanted the answer to that.
There were many times Max wanted to punch everyone in fucking throat for them trying to rip pieces out of Daniel. He held back because he had control now. He made sure he supported Daniel more.
It didn't click together until Daniel had hugged him on international television, clung to him like a koala that Daniel had made Max touch all those years ago, and Daniel was so thin, soft skin over lean muscles and bones, the last bit of fat burnt away by the past few years.
And oh. The world had turned slightly on its axle, and Max realised that he didn't just love Daniel.
Well. Of course he was in love with Daniel.
Daniel was simply lovely.
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szariahwroteit · 21 days ago
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Girls Need Love: A Kylian Mbappè x Original Character Erotic Series.
18+ Minors DNI
Chapter 12
Since returning to the comfort of Los Angeles after an exhilarating moment in Madrid with Kylian, Giselle had been hard at work, landing a reoccurring role in a Parisian-based American-written Netflix series and posing in front of cameras for multiple brands.
Just shy of a week had passed since they last shared the same physical space, a moment that felt like a bittersweet memory lingering in their minds. Yet, despite the distance, they maintained a daily connection, exchanging messages and calls.
“Can you tell me why we’re at a random sports bar?” Giselle’s friend Ashton asked, a playful sass in his tone as she practically dragged him into the bar, anxious to watch Kylian’s game.
“Because we are,” Giselle answered with a smug grin, her excitement palpable as she scanned the room for the best spot. “I’m a sports fan now.”
“Said no sports fan ever,” Ashton pointed out teasingly. “There are thousands of cuter bars in Los Angeles.”
Giselle rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress the smile creeping across her lips. “Maybe, but this one’s got atmosphere—and the game! Look, just trust me on this.”
Ashton sighed dramatically, following her lead through the bustling crowd of men, the pair sticking out. The walls were lined with jerseys, and the hum of excitement filled the air as the match drew closer. Giselle spotted a table right in front of a large screen, her heart racing at the thought of watching Kylian live on TV.
“Giselle, are we here to find you a man?” Ashton asked curiously, still trying to figure out why Giselle had taken him to a sports bar.
“No, Ash!” she laughed, her head tilting as she covered her mouth, chuckling into her palm. “We are here to watch one.”
“Do you know who that is?” Giselle asked Ashton with a smirk, the camera panning in on Kylian as he warmed up on the pitch.
“Kylian Mbappè?” he replied, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know him. One of the best players in the world. Why?"
“I met him at Elise’s engagement party while we were in Paris, and we've kinda been fucking ever since,” Giselle blushed.
“You’ve been what?!” Ashton gasped, completely in shock at Giselle's revelation.
“You know I kinda went awol after my first show in Milan?” Giselle asked.
“I saw an article that said you caught a bug,” Ashton replied, trying to mask his surprise casually.
Giselle laughed lightly, a mischievous glint in her eye. “I ran into Jalen, and things got a little messy between us; I didn't want to be in Milan anymore, so Kylian flew me to Madrid, and I spent the week with him.”
“Wait a second!” Ashton gasped, waving his hands dramatically as he tried to take in everything his friend had just told him.
“Are you saying you’ve been traveling around Europe with one of the most famous footballers in the world? And you just dropped this bombshell on me?” Ashton shook his head in disbelief, a wide smile breaking across his face.
Giselle leaned back, enjoying the drama she was creating. “Oh, come on. It's not that wild. We have… chemistry.” She winked, savoring Ashton's shocked reaction.
“Chemistry? Is that what we’re calling it?” Ashton teased, leaning in closer. “So, what’s he like? I mean, besides being a world-class athlete?”
“I had my reservations, but he is one of the most attentive men I've ever met,” Giselle blushed as she spoke about Kylian. “I went into it with the idea that we'd have fun for the time being while I was in Paris…”
“And now?” Ashton asked, a teasing smirk tugging at his lips as he leaned closer. “You can’t leave me hanging like that!”
Giselle bit her lip, her mind racing back to the whirlwind of passion they had shared. “I think I want him.”
Ashton's eyes widened, clearly caught off guard. “You think you want him? Gi, this is huge! This isn’t just a fling anymore, is it?”
She took a deep breath, the reality of her feelings starting to settling in her chest. “I‘ve been home for almost a week, and there hasn't been a morning where I haven't woken up with him on my mind.”
“Just how good is the sex?” Ashton asked teasingly, bringing his straw to his lips to sip his drink.
Giselle's cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as she recalled the intimate moments she had shared with Kylian. She leaned in closer to Ashton, her voice dropping to a whisper. "The sex is... out of this world. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he's not afraid to explore. It's like he can read my mind, anticipating my every desire."
She fanned herself dramatically, a playful grin spreading across her face. "But it's more than just physical. He's charming, intelligent, and surprisingly humble for someone with his fame and success. We can talk for hours about anything and everything."
Giselle's gaze drifted back to the TV screen, her eyes following Kylian's every move on the pitch.
“You are so smitten; look at you!” Ashton teased after a few moments of observing her.
“I am not,” Giselle protested, though her cheeks betrayed her with a rosy hue. “I promised him I’d watch his match; I figured we could make a date out of it.”
Ashton smirked, downing the last of his drink. “Well, I’d say we’re off to a great start. Let’s toast to Kylian then!”
They clinked their glasses together, and Giselle felt the warmth of the alcohol coursing through her veins as she took a larger sip. The match kicked off with a burst of energy from the crowd; the electric atmosphere was intoxicating. As she watched Kylian weave through defenders with effortless grace, she couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride.
“To Kylian,” Ashton chimed, smirking conspiratorially, “and to you acting like you're not sprung.”
As the night wore on, the drinks kept flowing, and so did their banter. Giselle cheered enthusiastically every time Kylian made a move, her eyes glued to the screen, a mixture of admiration and desire building within her. The combination of the match, the alcohol, and the underlying tension of her unresolved feelings for Kylian made her feel alive. The score finally reflected the tension as Kylian scored, sending the bar into a frenzy of cheers.
Ashton threw an arm around her, capturing the moment. “Now, you can officially say you’ve seen your beau score live, even if it is through a screen!”
Giselle beamed mischievously, her excitement bubbling over. “I went to a game while I was in Madrid.”
Then the score was tied, plummeting her adrenaline again. The bar erupted into gasps as the tension crescendoed, and it was an exhilarating experience for Giselle.
With each heartbeat, the stakes felt higher, and Giselle leaned closer to the screen, completely engrossed. The bar’s ambiance amplified the pounding rhythm of her heart, each cheer from the crowd echoing her enthusiasm. Ashton, noticing her intensity, raised an eyebrow playfully.
“She’s got it bad,” he teased, prompting an eye roll from Giselle.
“Shut up, you love it,” she shot back, a playful smile tugging at her lips. The laughter that followed came easily, the alcohol loosening any reservations. The game was drawing to a close, and Giselle’s eyes sparkled with a mix of hope and anticipation.
But it was when Kylian scored again that all thoughts of restraint evaporated. The cheers reached a deafening peak, and Giselle felt a rush of excitement wash over her. She jumped up, nearly spilling her drink, forgetting for a moment that she was surrounded by other fans. It was just her and the electrifying joy of the moment.
As the crowd erupted in jubilation, Ashton leaned closer, his voice barely audible over the roaring cheers. “You’re mesmerized by him, aren’t you?”
Caught in the bliss of the moment, Giselle turned to Ashton, her heart still racing. “He’s amazing,” she admitted, her voice a mix of admiration and desire.
As the time the match came to an end, they both harbored a warmth that only drinking alcohol could provide.
By the time Giselle made it home to her apartment, the same warmth she felt had transpired into something a little more erotic, causing her to crave a man who was thousands of miles away.
As if he had a sixth sense for her, Kylian's name flashed across her phone screen, letting her know he was calling her via FaceTime.
Giselle's heart skipped a beat as she saw Kylian's name light up her screen as she walked the familiar path to her bedroom.
"Hey you," she purred, her voice low and sultry. "I was just thinking about you."
Kylian's eyes sparkled with mischief as he took in her flushed cheeks and slightly disheveled appearance. "I could tell," he teased, his gaze lingering on her lips.
Giselle bit her bottom lip, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Maybe I am," she replied coyly. "I watched your game tonight. You were incredible."
Kylian's chest puffed up with pride at her compliment. "Thank you, although I would rather see your face in the stands.”
"I went at a sports bar with a friend," Giselle explained, shifting on the couch to get more comfortable.
“I saw on Instagram,” Kylian smirked. “You looked sexy.” Although he didn't follow Giselle on Instagram, Kylian still monitored her social media presence. Whenever she posted to the app, a notification came to his phone.
“Thank you,” she blushed. “Congratulations on your win,” Giselle said, leaning closer to the screen, her heart racing as she locked eyes with him.
“I went to a sports bar to watch your game. We had a few drinks, and now I’m a little tipsy.” Giselle explained as she propped her phone up on her nightstand, clumsily peeling her leggings down her legs as Kylian watched in amusement over FaceTime.
“Were you impressed?” he asked as his eyes drank in her curves, her legs and ass accentuated perfectly by the tiny lace panties she wore.
“I’m always impressed by you,” Giselle smirked, her confidence growing with every sip she'd taken earlier. She turned slightly, giving Kylian a better view of her silhouette against the soft light of her room. "And when you scored your goal, it made me horny.”
Kylian's eyes widened with excitement and desire at Giselle's bold confession. He leaned closer to his phone screen, his gaze intensifying as he took in every curve of her body. "Is that so?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "What are you going to do about it?"
“Whatever you’d like me to,” Giselle said seductively as she reached for the cropped hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head to reveal her breasts to Kylian.
Kylian's breath hitched as Giselle's perfect breasts came into view, his eyes roaming hungrily over her soft, smooth skin. "Fuck, you're beautiful," he murmured, his hand instinctively moving to the growing bulge in his pants.
"Show me more," he commanded, his dominant side taking over. "I want to see every inch of you." His gaze locked onto hers, intense and filled with desire. "Go lay down and touch yourself for me, Giselle."
Giselle bit her lip, a shiver of excitement running through her at Kylian's demanding tone. She reached for her phone on the nightstand before climbing into bed.
Kylian's heart raced as Giselle lay back on her bed, the soft glow of her bedside lamp casting a warm, inviting light over her curves. He watched, transfixed, as she slowly slid her hand down her stomach, her fingers teasing the lace edge of her panties.
"You're so fucking sexy," he breathed, his hand gripping his hardening length through his pants. "I wish I was there with you, touching you, tasting you."
Giselle moaned softly, her fingers slipping beneath the fabric of her panties. She closed her eyes, imagining Kylian's hand exploring her most intimate places. "I wish you were here too," she whispered, her hips lifting slightly off the bed.
Kylian groaned, his hips bucking involuntarily at the sight of Giselle pleasuring herself. "Tell me how it feels," he demanded, his voice thick with desire. "Describe it to me."
"It feels so good," Giselle gasped, her fingers moving faster, circling her clit.
“Show me,” Kylian instructed.
Giselle's breath hitched as she followed Kylian's command, her fingers parting her folds to reveal her glistening arousal. She brought her phone closer, giving him a clear view of her most intimate area.
"I am so wet for you," she breathed, her voice trembling with need. "Imagining it's your fingers touching me, your tongue tasting me."
Kylian's eyes darkened with lust as he watched Giselle's fingers move expertly over her clit. He could see how swollen and sensitive she was, her juices coating her fingers. "Fuck, you're dripping," he growled, his hand working feverishly over his aching erection.
He pulled his shirt off, revealing his chiseled chest and abs, his muscles rippling with each movement. "I'm so hard for you, Giselle," he said, his voice strained. "I want to bury my cock inside you and make you scream my name."
“Would you hold me and make me take it?” Giselle gasped, her back arching as she closed her eyes and envisioned their last night together before she left Madrid.
Kylian's eyes flashed with a primal hunger at Giselle's words. He remembered their passionate night together, the way he had pinned her wrists above her head and taken her with a fierce, dominating intensity. The memory sent a surge of desire coursing through his veins.
"Yes," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "I'd hold you down and make you take every inch of my cock. I'd fill you up so fucking deep, you’d feel me in your stomach."
He unzipped his pants, freeing his throbbing erection. It stood proud and erect, the tip already glistening with precum. Giselle's eyes widened as she took in the sight of him, her arousal spiking at the thought of being stretched and filled by his impressive length.
"I want that," she whispered, her fingers moving faster, plunging into her tight heat. "I want you to fuck me so deep, Kylian.”
"Spread your legs wider," Kylian demanded, his hand pumping his shaft slowly as he watched Giselle's fingers disappear inside her. "Let me see how wet and ready you are for me."
Giselle obeyed, parting her thighs to give Kylian a clear view of her glistening folds. She could feel her juices dripping down onto the sheets beneath her, a testament to her overwhelming arousal.
"I'm so ready," she gasped, her hips lifting to meet her plunging fingers. "I'm imagining it's your thick cock stretching me open, filling me completely."
Kylian groaned at the erotic sight, his hand moving faster over his rigid length. "Fuck, I wish I could taste you right now," he said, his voice strained with desire. "I'd bury my face between your legs and lick up every drop from your sweet pussy."
He leaned closer to the screen, his eyes locked onto Giselle's. "Tell me what you want me to do to you," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.
Giselle's mind raced with all the things she wanted Kylian to do to her. She imagined his strong hands gripping her hips, his powerful body pressing her into the mattress as he thrust into her deeply and relentlessly.
"I want you to fuck me," she said, her voice trembling with need. "I want you to fuck into me until I'm screaming your name until I can't take anymore."
She brought her phone closer, giving Kylian an unobstructed view of her fingers plunging in and out of her soaked entrance. "I want you to fill me up," she continued, her words growing more explicit. "I want to feel you pulsing inside me, claiming me as yours."
Kylian's eyes darkened with lust as Giselle's filthy words filled his ears. He could picture her writhing beneath him, her nails digging into his back as he drove into her with wild abandon. The image was almost too much to bear.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk straight," he promised, his voice a low, menacing growl. "I'll make you beg for every last drop of my cum."
His hand moved faster over his throbbing shaft, the sensation of her words and the erotic sight before him pushing him closer to the edge.
"Touch your clit," Kylian ordered, his voice rough with desire. "Tellement beau."
Giselle's fingers flew to her swollen nub, circling it rapidly as she felt the tension building in her core. "Like this?" she gasped, her hips bucking against her hand.
"Yes, just like that," Kylian growled, his movements becoming more urgent. "Baise, I can almost feel how tight and wet you are. I bet your pussy is gripping your fingers so fucking hard."
He leaned back, his muscular chest heaving as he pumped his shaft vigorously. "I'm getting close, Giselle," he warned, his voice strained. "I'm going to cum all over myself thinking about you."
Giselle's breath hitched as she felt her orgasm approaching. "Do it," she cried out, her fingers moving frantically over her clit. "Oh god, Kylian, I'm going to cum!"
Kylian's body tensed as he felt his release approaching. "Cum for me, Giselle," he commanded, his voice strained with effort. "Cum all over your fingers and scream my name."
With a final, powerful thrust, Kylian threw his head back and let out a guttural groan as his orgasm crashed over him. Hot streams of cum erupted from his shaft, coating his hand and abs as he rode out the intense waves of pleasure.
"Fuck, yes!" he shouted, his hips jerking with each pulse of his release. "Take it all, Giselle. Take every last drop."
On the other end of the call, Giselle's body convulsed as her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave.
"Kylian!" Giselle screamed, her voice echoing through her bedroom as her orgasm tore through her. Her fingers continued to move frantically over her clit, drawing out the intense sensations that coursed through her body.
She collapsed back onto the bed, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. "Holy shit," she gasped, a satisfied smile spreading across her face. "That was incredible."
Kylian, still panting from his own release, looked up at the screen with a smug grin. "Told you I'd make you scream," he said, his voice laced with pride and satisfaction. "You're fucking amazing, Giselle. The way you touch yourself, the sounds you make... it's pure perfection."
He glanced down at the mess he'd made, his cum streaked across his abs and hand. "Damn, I made a mess," he chuckled. "But it was totally worth it. Seeing you like that, knowing I did that to you... fuck, it's the best feeling in the world."
“I wish you were here to hold me,” Giselle pouted as her orgasm passed; as sated as her body was, she still craved his touch.
Kylian's expression softened at Giselle's words, a rare moment of vulnerability flashing across his face. "I wish I were there too," he said, his voice unexpectedly gentle. "To hold you, to kiss you, to feel your body pressed against mine."
He leaned back against his headboard, his chest still bare and glistening with sweat. "But for now, this will have to do," he continued, his tone returning to its usual confident cadence.
He smiled wickedly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "And when you return to Madrid, I'll give you the real thing. I'll hold you, kiss you, and fuck you until you forget your name."
Giselle giggled, her cheeks flushing at Kylian's bold promise. "I'll hold you to that," she said, her voice playful.
“But for now, I’ll let you go and clean yourself up,” she continued with a smirk. “I have an early call time tomorrow.”
“Another photoshoot?” Kylian asked sarcastically.
“It keeps the bills paid,” Giselle shrugged. “We can't all play with balls for a living,” she teased.
“If you play with mine you can,” Kylian quipped back, his tone suggestive yet lighthearted. He couldn't help but laugh at their banter, a familiar spark lighting between them.
Giselle rolled her eyes playfully, biting her lip as she relished their flirtation. "You know what? I just might take you up on that offer one day," she replied, winking at the screen as she hung up.
Giselle let out a huff as she eyed the damp pool of arousal that had seeped into her sheets, rolling from the bed she could change them and place her old ones in the laundry hamper before crawling back into bed.
Allowing thoughts of Kylian to lull her to sleep, Giselle woke up to the sound of her alarm the following morning.
As tired as she was, she pulled herself from the comfort of her bed and into the bathroom so she could shower and do her skincare before heading over to set for her photoshoot.
The shoot was for a friend of a friend's eyewear brand, and as she walked onto the set, she was greeted by the lively bustle of the crew setting up lights, adjusting cameras, and arranging props. Giselle took a deep breath, feeling the familiar thrill of being in front of the camera.
Her friend and the day's stylist, Natalia, approached with a radiant smile. She carried a selection of chic, oversized sunglasses and unique frames that reflected the brand's contemporary vibe.
“Hey, superstar!” she smiled teasingly, her eyes tracing Giselle's body before finding hers.
“Hey, Nat,” Giselle smiled, offering her a quick hug as she ignored her seductive gaze.
Unbeknownst to anyone else in the room, both women shared an attachment outside their fashion careers.
After failed relationships on both parts, a night of pity drinking had turned into their hooking up, which transpired loosely into a friends-with-benefits scenario—something to do when there was nothing to do and, for Giselle, a beautiful distraction.
A means of attention and pleasure without running the risk of heartache.
After hair and makeup, Giselle made her way into her dressing room to put on the first look. The door knocked softly as she pulled on a white slip-style dress.
“Come in!” she called, her heartbeat quickening with a mix of anticipation and nerves. The door creaked open, and Natalia stepped inside, her expression playful.
“I'm just checking on my muse,” she said, leaning against the doorframe with an air of casual confidence before stepping into the room.
Stalking over to where Giselle stood, Natalia traced a finger along the soft fabric of the slip dress, her touch sending a shiver down Giselle's spine. “You look incredible,” she said, her voice low, laced with an undeniable intensity.
“Nat, we can't do this anymore,” Giselle shied away from her touch as she reached to cup her breasts.
“Wh…why?” Natalia asked, taking a step back as she noticed Giselle's apprehension. “Is everything okay between us?”
“Everything is fine, but I don't think it's appropriate anymore. I’m kind of seeing someone right now,” Giselle explained.
“You're seeing someone? What happened to not wanting anything serious?” Natalia snapped, causing Giselle's perfect brows to drop into a frown.
“Things change, Nat,” Giselle said softly, her voice tinged with regret. “I didn’t expect to develop feelings, but here we are. I need to figure this out without complicating things.”
“You don't think that's fucking selfish?” Natalia protested, her heart pounding in her chest. She stepped toward Giselle, her desire mingling with confusion, hurt, and betrayal.
“How am I being selfish?” Giselle responded, her eyes searching Natalia’s face for understanding.
“Because you’re just going to walk away, and leave me here wanting more? You know how I feel about you,” Natalia said, her voice trembling with emotion.
“I thought we were on the same page,” Giselle replied, stepping back to put some distance between them, her heart racing.
“Were we? Or did you just use me as a distraction when you were lonely?” Natalia shot back, vulnerability seeping into her tone, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed walls she had built around her feelings.
“Nat, I wouldn’t—” Giselle began, but Natalia cut her off, the frustration bubbling over.
“No. Just stop. Don’t try to defend yourself. Just tell me if this was all just a game to you,” she spat out, her voice a mix of anger and hurt. “You think you’re the only one who’s been hurt before?”
Giselle’s heart ached. She stepped closer, her voice softening, “I know I'm not.”
“Do you?” Natalia snarled, her dark eyes glistening with anger. The weight of their unspoken connection hung heavy in the air, thickening the tension between them.
“You know,” she continued with a sinister laugh. “I used to pity you. You were this beautiful girl who suffered abuse at the hand of the man she loved, but now I see you who you truly are.”
“And what is that?” Giselle asked with a shaky release of breath.
“A selfish bitch who deserved all of the hurt you suffered.” Natalia shook her head, her voice low but seething with fiery conviction. The words sliced through the fragile air, igniting a storm of pain and anger that had been simmering between them.
Giselle recoiled, a mix of shock and hurt crossing her features. “How can you say that?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, wounded but still firm.
“Because it's true,” Natalia snapped, her chest rising and falling with deep breaths, grappling with the conflicting sensations of betrayal and desire. “You don't deserve to be happy.”
Silence stretched out, hanging heavily between them, both women suspended in a whirlwind of competing emotions.
Turning on her heel, Natalia stormed out of the room, leaving Giselle alone with her thoughts before she was called onto set.
The shoot was awkward, to say the least, and when the photographer confirmed he was happy with the pictures they had gotten from Giselle, she was the first person off the set.
As stoic as she tried to remain during Natalia’s grilling, her words cut deep, so much so that Giselle made her way straight over to Camille’s place to vent, finally allowing the tears she had been holding since that morning to fall.
“Gi, you are not a bad person, fuck Natalia,” Camille soothed as she slowly ran her fingers through Giselle’s hair as she may with her head in her lap, her eyes red and puffy from crying.
“Maybe I am,” Giselle whispered, her voice trembling as more tears streamed down her cheeks.
“No, you’re not,” Camille insisted, her grip tightening in a comforting embrace. “You were trying to navigate your feelings and your life. That’s not selfish—it’s human.”
Again, as if he had a sixth sense, Kylian’s name came up on her screen when his call came through to her.
“Giselle, your phone,” Camille called gently, holding it to her with a supportive smile. “It's Kylian.”
Giselle hesitated, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “I can't talk to him right now,” she murmured, her sadness hanging thick in the air. “What if I hurt him, too?”
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cutecrawler · 7 months ago
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WARNING: kissing, chasing, and cussing
Jazz song in the background!!
The crisp sun dance across you skin, you squirm out of Katsuki firm grip on your waist. Soft jazz music played in the background as the vinyl spun. You put on you slippers sliding to the bathroom, you popped your vitamins into your mouth as you flick on the sink. You reached for your toothbrush dunking the bristles under the flowing water. You hummed to the song as you bush out your hair. You slowly make your way to the kitchen.
You began to cook breakfast taking Katsuki’s bento out the fridge to let it warm up for the long day ahead. The smell of ham and shredded hash browns fill the house. You began to boil the eggs, hearing the creaking of the bed signaling that’s Katsuki is indeed awake. You listen to the creaking of the stairs he walks down his slippers sliding across the flooring as he took his seat in front of his plate.
“Good morning Katsuki, how you sleep?” You ask him, your voice gentle and calm pecking his cheek. “Like I do every morning.” His fork scratching against the glass plate. “Are we still having lunch date together?” You ask calmly, smiling gently.
You’ve been excited about eating lunch with Katsuki for a while now. But each excuse for him not wanting to the lunch date was him being busy with paperwork. “Of course baby, I don’t break promises!” He smirked with a cocky glare. You giggled, smiling at his signature smirk. As the two finally finished breakfast, Katsuki grabbed his bento and began to head to the door. “My kiss?” Katsuki spat glaring upon you from the top stairs. You rushed down, giving him a kiss before he left.
Despite Katsuki having a rough exterior, he was a good husband. “Mr ground zero.” A stern voice interrupted his prideful walk. “What.” Katsuki spat, glaring at the woman, already knowing what he was about to get bugged about.
“You did finish your paper work did you?” She said in an annoyed tone. “Im working on it.” He muttered. “You’ve been working on it for a while now. I need it signed by tonight you understand.” She said in assertive tone. “Yeah yeah okay..” he grumbled watching her walk off. What a goddamn bitch.
As the sun began to set, and the stars began to bling in the dark sky the night shift hero’s and works started to clock in. Katsuki read through the essay of paper work, glaring. “What the hell does that even say?..” Katsuki muttered, clearly irritated as he snatched his reading glasses off the desk. Katsuki’s phone let out a buzzing noise his eyes shot down at his phone “fuck..”
He sat up, walking to his glass window, his phone ringing against his ear. “Hello?” He said gently. “Don’t hello me, Katsuki. Where are you? I miss you.” You hated feeling clingy towards him, you found it cringy, yet you couldn’t lay off when it came to him. “I’ll be home soon calm down.” He looked down into the road cars racing passed the agency before continuing. “I have paperwork I need to file out another goddamn lawsuit for, ‘destruction of property’ like I’m not the one doing MY goddamn job??” He vented, clearly stressed. A small smirk creeped up your face. “You sound stressed.” You said softly
“Yeah probably because my agency is getting sued the second time this month!” He groaned. “That sucks.” You said, trying to sound monotone. Oh, the smile you got trolling your husband while he was agitated was priceless. You giggled a bit even “You find this shit funny?? I’ll show you something fucking funny when I get home.” He spat before the phone cut. You quietly cussed yourself out for being so damn stupid and laughing in front of him.
You quietly sat on the balcony looking over the railing wondering if you would land. “Y/NN, COME CATCH THIS FADE!!!” You practically jumped at the call of your name as you ran inside. You and Katsuki’s eyes linked he dropped his briefcase onto the floor, slipping on his slippers before he chased after you. You were practically pissing yourself as you screamed, booking it to the bedroom.
He chased after you, breathing fast as her lunged at you. Both of you guys falling into the bed. You giggled loudly as he kissed your face. He “Your such a goddamn pain in the ass!!” He yelled as you kissed his neck.
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elliesfavbae · 10 months ago
Are you nervous, flower? - First kiss with Ellie, pt. 2
part one part three
synopsis: Your more experienced at kissing best friend helps you out but it starts to get out of control.
Pairing: Ellie Williams x unexperienced!reader
warnings: js a short fluff, intense kissing, eventual smut
smut incoming in the next part😋
wc: ab 800
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I can't believe what has just transpired. Yes, it may look like a simple kiss, but it was your very first kiss. Your first kiss is with your best friend.
You speak again. Your voice fades into a whisper. "So..." "Can you kiss me again?"
"Ooh, someone is eager." She grins, but you can tell she's enjoying it as well. "Now, I want you to try it. Kiss me, y/n.
You feel hot again, losing all of your confidence. You don't know where to begin, and Ellie appears to notice it. "Come on, just bring me closer to you and kiss me," she adds softly.
Her speech soothes you; you take a deep breath as you lay your hands on her smooth cheeks.
You gently bring her towards you, just like she has done before. You do it slowly, watching for her reaction, but you don't see any, so you go ahead and connect your lips to hers. This time the kiss is firmer; Ellie allows herself to suck harder on your lips, and so do you. You taste her lips on your own. They’re surprisingly sweet.
You adjust your position so that your knees and thighs are touching. Ellie tugs at her lips and smirks as she breaks away from the kiss.
"Better" is all she says about the kiss. "You have to use your hands as well; it's not just about the lips." Ellie takes your hands from her face and places one on her hip and the other behind her neck. Her skin is so warm.
She then wraps her hands over your hair, occasionally tugging on hair strands and massaging your scalp.
"Feels nice, hm?" She whispers, and you kiss again, your confidence rising with each breath.
Your hands begin to feel around her hips, passing through her thighs and stomach. You automatically split your lips to let the warm muscle explore her tongue as it brushes over your bottom lip. As soon as you insert your own tongue inside her mouth, the kiss becomes even more intense. You have no idea what to do or whether she enjoys it, but you soon hear a hum of approval. Breaking off the kiss to take a breath, you glance up at Ellie's face. Its hue transitioned to pink all over her cheeks.
“Was it good, or at least... acceptable?” After a while of staring at each other, you inquire.
"Does it mean you want to finish?" Not even trying to hide her dismay, she asks, but you didn't say you were going to stop.
"I mean, do you want me to stop? You choose to give her a little teasing; you bite your lip.
"Do I look like I want to stop?" That's all it takes to give her another kiss. Without a doubt, this kiss is the hungriest of them all. Ellie senses it too, so she tosses you onto the mattress and precisely tugs at your hair strands with her hands. It almost feels too good to be true. You don't even notice that you're letting out a slight groan.
"Someone's enjoying this a bit too much." She whispers against your lips between the kisses, and you understand what just happened.
“Fuck, sorry, did I make it weird?” You stop making out, feeling embarrassed.
"Flower, no, it's okay." She comes up right away to console you. Once more, she calls you by name, which causes your stomach to race with butterflies. "Actually, I liked it." The flying bugs inside of you are actually erupting right now. You're so desperate to kiss her again that you're not even able to think clearly. So you act. She presses you up against the bed. She slides her knee between your thighs, intensifying the kiss. A soft groan leaves your lips as the kiss becomes incredibly sloppy. 
She suddenly reaches for your hand and places it on her lower abdomen, and you know what she means by this. Your fingers follow her skin all the way to her chest. Playing with the hem of her sports bra, you fold her breast through the material. She has such a soft chest, but you're not sure how much you can allow yourself to do with it. However, it no longer feels like a best friend helping another friend out. You hear muffled groans, but they aren't coming from you this time.
“Do you want to go further?” She asks, her cheeks covered in a red blush, a challenging smile tugging her lips.
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sky-kiss · 1 year ago
Okay I had a thought and you can do with it whatever you want... but Raphael speaking infernal is so underrated. Even in game when he casts spells during battle, he doesn't really verbally say anything which is a shame (but is kinda cool if certain beings are powerful enough to cast nonverbally. Either that or my game is hella bugged). When you had that moment in your latest chapter of him speaking infernal to transform that made me 😳Like the way it'd described of being this harsh language and Raphael speaking it just snapped some part of my brain and I'd imagine it'd do something for Joi/Tav too. Like would Raphael still somehow make it sound beautiful (to quote Mamzelle, "a voice that could make the foulest blasphemy seem the sweetest hymn" or it would he still sound harsh but it's still hot because it's flying out of THAT mouth?
A/N: There’s an actor I used to adore who was German, but often spoke a lot of french. So his German would come out with that gentle French lilt. Gonna channel that.
He comes to her in the evening, this devil she loves, and the scent of cherries, sulfur, and musk hangs about him like a shroud. Raphael prowls about her suite like some great cat, his dark head held high. In the hells, his hellfire eyes will light with their inner fire. On the prime material, he’s softer. Warm brown, a touch of honey, almost sweet enough to make her forget. 
“You’re late,” she says. 
He hums lowly. The natural theatricality of the noise does not rob it of its power; Tav shivers. The devil sees; he knows. He always knows. “Ah, but there is such beauty in anticipation, wouldn’t you agree? Desire honed to a knife’s point.” A turn of his right hand, long-fingered and elegant. “Before one tips over the edge.” 
It’s a fine enough point in principle, but less appealing in reality. Their time is short, limited to stolen moments when their schedules align. She has a city to rebuild. He has the lower planes to conquer. 
Her devil smiles, patronizing. “If you feel neglected, mouse, I have already proposed a solution. You’ve only to accept the offered hand.” 
“Join you in Hell?” He nods, eyes wide and lovely. It strikes her that he has cultivated every aspect of this human skin: the smile is so wide, so open, and so nakedly suffused with guile that it wraps back around to innocence. 
Raphael steps close. The scent again: cherries, sweet and delicate. Her devil, wearing sweetness and silk to hide his uglier underbelly. He brushes the fringe of her hair back from her cheek, touch lingering. “Deny me all you like, pet. It shall make the eventual fall all the sweeter.”
Anticipation. Tav shivers. 
Some nights, they fuck in front of the fireplace or on the chaise. Never in the bed. It’s her stipulation. Raphael crinkles his nose at the coarse language and indelicacy of the location. She deserves better, he says. The phrase always comes with an accompanying hand gesture, as if he's framing her for a portrait. Something pretty he can lock away from the world, point at when he wants to feel superior. Admire his wealth, this wild adventurer he’s collared. 
Most nights, they work. Tav shuffles through requisition orders. Raphael amends his contracts. She watches him work, more often than not, gaze flicking across the elegant script. It burns, and there’s an undeniable elegance to the infernal ruins. Tav reaches out to race a line, mouthing the words. She’s out of practice. Infernal is not a pretty language; it fits particularly poorly in her untrained tongue. Raphael rests his chin in his palm, amused by her attempt. 
“Allow me.” 
The devil repeats the phrase. It may as well be a different language. The words drip off his tongue, the harshness erased in favor of a lilting cadence. Tav chews the inside of her cheek, brow furrowed. “Is that…is it a regional dialect? Something distinct to Cania?” 
“In all likelihood, you’ve only heard the lower dialects. The least baatezu are harsh and guttural. The higher speech has a grace to it, provided one is willing to learn. It is a melody, dark and heady as any wine.” Raphael places his hand, palm up, on the table. “Allow me.” Tav sets her hand in his. “Close your eyes, pet.” 
She does. 
Raphael traces lines across her palm, humming to himself. “There are four tongues, sweetling. Lower, lowest, high, highest. For the sake of your sanity, we shall avoid the dialect of the archdevils. But the language of the courts might please you.” 
“And is there a reason my eyes must remain closed?” 
He chuckles, thumb pressing against the veins of her wrist. There is an awful note of potential in the touch; he could break the fragile bones with half a thought. “Feeling, Tav. Like the steps of the dance, it should fill you, move you.” 
She shivers as his fingers ghost up her forearm, featherlight nerve strokes. Raphael repeats the lines of infernal, his fingers drifting up on the mouth melodic stretches, dipping down when the words adopt a guttural edge. It is never grating, never clipped; some of that is exclusively him, years of experience and language marrying in a distinctive vocal pattern. Tav chews her lower lip. She’s too aware of his heat, pinpricks of warmth dancing across her skin as he plays his game.
It is beautiful and dark, and she feels the words on her skin. Raphael traces the runes. Her mind struggles to translate the higher dialect, flowing until it isn’t, succinct until double-meaning creeps into the terminology. Tav feels drunk in the darkness. 
“And now,” his voice is closer, spoken against the shell of his ear. The devil gathers her into his lap. He smiles into the curve of her throat. “The student demonstrates what she’s learned. Come, pet, impress me.” 
He traces the runes on her thighs. Over the skin of her belly. Between her breasts. And if she loses the thread, if her voice gives way, her devil stops. He’ll suck a bruise into her throat, press teeth until they threaten to breast skin, tease, tease, tease…
Anticipation, she thinks, that earlier word flitting across her awareness. 
And her devil is ever patient.
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Officially Mine
Nanami Kento x Reader
Slight suggestiveness in the end. Implied Mafia + CEO Nanami. Implied violence on Nanami’s end.
I want to make a series out of this…
(Song Inspiration: Infinity by Jaymes Young)
He didn’t know why but he let the attraction take over him. An ordinary woman that you are, he finds extraordinary. A woman who appears so innocent and pure while he is a man with blood on his hands. A man that plays dirty in his business world.
It has been a year since meeting you. The two of you met on Gojo’s birthday. And because you were close to Shoko, Gojo encouraged Shoko to bring you. It was one of the best days of his life.
“Kento-kun!” you yelled to get Nanami’s attention. Nanami’s eyes turned to you. You giggled and brought a brown bag to his desk. “Your lunch like you asked. You’re lucky I didn’t have a photoshoot today.”
You watched a small and playful smile appear on his face. You always saw his stoic side. He tends to be a man of little words but the more you got to know him, his actions says a lot.
“You would’ve done it for me either way, love bug,” he said. “Thank you.” You blushed.
“Y-Yeah, I would’ve,” you admitted shyly. He watched you play with your fingers. An indication of your shy side appearing or your nerves were slowly taking over. But you were blushing, so he knew you were getting shy. “I’m going to Korea for about a week.”
“Korea?” he asked. You nodded happily.
“I never told you about him!” He glared at the mention of him. “We went to college together. He models and acts and he let me take his photos. Now he’s famous everywhere in Asia! He asked me personally to be his photographer! I can’t let that opportunity slide.” His eyes softened. You were excited and happy. That was all he cared about.
“No, you can’t,” he said softly. “I have some business to deal with over there soon. We can go together in my private jet. When do you leave?”
“Next week.”
“Perfect.” You could hear some possessiveness in his voice. His soft yet venomous tone was subtle. You bit your lower lip. Should you be scared? Yes. But were you? No. “I’ll pick you up, love bug.” You lightly giggled. Another sign of nerves and shyness.
“What business do you have entailed over there?”
“I have a client that I need to meet with personally.” He sounded sincere but it was almost sinister. Nonetheless, you smiled brightly.
“Perfect! Kill two birds with one stone, right?” Nanami nodded. “I’ll be heading out. I need to get my equipment together.”
“Get home safe, love bug,” he said. Pink. You were blushing again. You waved one last time before sending yourself out. Nanami took his phone out and called Gojo.
“Call Jung + Kim Security,” he said. “Tell Mr. Jung to expect me.”
“How bad did they fuck you over?”
“He touched my girl a week ago at the gala.”
“Oh Nanami. Head over heels for a girl that isn’t even officially yours,” Gojo said with a chuckle. “You should tell her how you feel.”
“We are aware of our feelings with each other.”
“Yeah but you two are still dancing around each other. What’s holding you back?” Nanami held on to his phone tighter. He stayed silent. He already knew. You were too good for him. “I know you, Nanamin. You deserve someone like her.”
You were surprised when Nanami decided to come with you to the photoshoot.
“It takes hours,” you said.
“That’s fine,” he would answer.
You looked out the window in the car and smiled. Nanami took a glance at you. He couldn’t help but smile with you. His hand moved over to yours that rested on your lap. You didn’t resist him, so he intertwined his fingers to yours. Your heart raced, fluttering feelings overtaking your body.
Nanami remained by the table that was filled with snacks and refreshments. He watched you fixed the model’s outfit. He watched the model talk to you and watched you laugh. Nanami can feel jealousy envelope all over his body. His glare becoming so intense that the model looked up briefly at Nanami with fear.
“Let’s take a quick break,” you said. You could feel Nanami’s glare from behind. “Be back in ten.” You turned around and walked over to Nanami. You stood in front of him with crossed arms and an angry pout.
“Yes, love bug?” he asked so softly and innocently that you blushed, almost forgetting why you walked over to him.
“Quit scaring him,” you said. “I can feel your stare. You’re getting annoyed. Kento-kun, do you enjoy my attention?” Nanami smirked and stood up. He towered over you and he closed the gap and leaned in closer to your face.
“Of course I do,” he answered. “I just don’t want him flirting with you.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” you asked. Nanami smiled, patiently waiting for you to continue. You leaned up closer to his ear. He thought you were too adorable. “I enjoy your attention, too.” You winked and turned around to get back on set, where your model friend was patiently waiting. Nanami watched, your “secret” replaying in his mind.
I enjoy your attention, too.
Sets were changing. Outfits were changing. You made sure everything was perfect. During breaks, you would stay with Nanami. He took a step out to buy lunch for the crew. And another time to buy coffee.
“Your boyfriend is a good man,” your friend said. You blushed, a little too stunned to say anything back. “We should do a double date one day. My manager said I have to go to a meeting tomorrow. We can do more of the shoot the day after.”
“O-Okay! Just call me,” you said.
Nanami placed his hand on the small of your back and lead you back to the car.
“You love photography,” he said.
“I do,” you replied. “Office jobs aren’t fun. I love my side gig.”
“You should make it a full-time thing.”
“I’m trying. That’s why this photoshoot needs to be perfect. The day after tomorrow will be with the cast on the drama he’s also in. It needs to be perfect.”
“I have full confidence that you’ll succeed, love bug.” Nanami looked at the time in the car. “Do you want to go back to the hotel or explore around Seoul? I have to meet with my client.”
“Drop me off here,” you said. “And then I’ll take a cab back to the hotel. That is, if you’re still gone. Maybe we can get dinner together. I-If you want.”
“I would love that, love bug. I’ll definitely be there.”
A few hours passed. You were worried when you saw him leave his car. His body was very tense. His frown was deep. And the way he kept fixing his tie was uncharacteristic of him. Almost as if he was nervous.
“Kento-kun,” you called. You watched his shoulders slightly relaxed the moment you spoke. You couldn’t help but smile and walked up to him. Nanami chuckled when he saw the bags in your hands.
“You went all out, huh?” he questioned softly when he took the bags from your hands.
“Just a little,” you answered. “I’ve been wanting to use their facial products and I want some make up. Some of their clothes were on sale so I might as well take up on that opportunity, right?” Nanami chuckled and placed the bags in the back seat of his car.
“Of course, love bug,” he said and held your hand. “I reserved a place for us.”
“So I have to wear something nice? I’m pretty casual right now.” The last time he reserved a restaurant for the two of you, you felt very out of place, even if it was just the two of you around. Nanami just smiled.
“I knew you were going to question that,” he said and pulled a bag of out the car. “Change into this. Under my seat is a new pair of heels.”
“Wait! You’re not coming in here while I change!” you exclaimed when you watched Nanami enter the driver seat. Nanami smirked.
“I won’t look,” he said. You pouted at him and all he could do was laugh. “I’m kidding, love. Let me know when you’re done.”
“Thank you.”
Something about you in a silky, sapphire colored gown that hugged the curves of your body just made Nanami’s mind spiral. He kept you close possessively as you two walked to your destination.
“You are a possessive man, Kento-kun,” you said. Nanami smiled at the comment.
“I don’t like anyone touching anything and anyone that’s mine,” he answered casually. You blushed and rested your head on his chest. He pulled you in close to him. “I want to tell you something important tonight.”
“O-Okay,” you said. “Is it bad?”
“It depends how you perceive it, love bug,” he said.
Your eyes widened when you two reached the rooftop. There was one table with two long candles lit up and a flower in between the candles. Nanami pulled your chair out for you to sit and you softly thanked him. Once Nanami sat down, two waiters arrived, pouring the both of you glasses of wine and bringing food on to the table.
“I made sure to serve your favorite,” Nanami said. “Tomorrow we’ll explore around Seoul and you can try more of their food since you have the day off.” You brightened. It was your first time in the country and you were excited to do some sight-seeing.
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?” you asked curiously as you took a sip of the wine.
“You’re impatient, my love,” he said. He loosened his tie ever so slightly and fixed the cuffs of his suit.
“You’re nervous,” you said. Your heart raced and your stomach fluttered when he gave you a shy smile. An uncharacteristic one from him. “Kento-kun, are you doubting our feelings for each other?” Another uncharacteristic reaction. His eyes widened.
“Maybe I am,” he answered quietly.
“What’s there to doubt?”
“That you’re perfect and I’m not,” he said, his eyes burning through you. His eyes were intense. You were mesmerized.
“You speak low of yourself. Very unlike you.”
“All because of you, love,” he replied. “You’re the only one that makes me like this.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes and no. Everyday I have you in my mind that it distracts me. And I hate distractions. But I love your distraction. You’re a woman so beautiful and sweet that I find it hard to believe that you like a man like me.”
“What’s so bad about you?”
“All the bad things I do.” All you can do is smile slyly as you took another sip of your wine.
“I like to pretend that I don’t know what you do behind closed doors,” you said. “You’re ruthless and an ass to others. Satoru has a big mouth. I tried not to get too involved with you earlier, but I can’t get away.”
“Gojo? Seriously?” You couldn’t help but giggle at his annoyed expression. You reached out and held his hand.
“Kento-kun, you’re the only one who I feel safe around even though I know that you’re a dangerous man,” you said. “And everyday, I think I end up falling more for you that I can’t ignore my feelings for you.”
“How could you love someone like me? I don’t deserve someone so perfect like you.”
“Because I grew up with no love and protection from anyone,” you answered. “And you’re the only one that gets me. You do anything to protect anyone you love. I watch you protect Satoru, Suguru, Yu, and Shoko. And I saw you give that man a killer stare at the gala after he touched me two weeks ago.”
“I hope you know he has no way to touch you ever again,” he said angrily. He was amused. You didn’t flinch or look at him differently. All you did was smile at him admirably and affectionately.
“I don’t wanna know,” you said softly. “But I can’t turn away. I think I’m too involved.”
“You are, love. I love you too fucking much.”
“I love you, too.”
“You can walk away if you want. It’s not too late.”
You stood up and walked over to him. Nanami turned to face you and you slowly sat on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. His one arm enveloped you around your waist while his other hand rested on the back of your head. You straddled on his lap and cupped his face. His tongue versus yours. Reluctantly, you pulled away and rested your forehead on his.
“What does that say to you?” Nanami smiled and kissed you again.
“That we should skip dinner and go back to our hotel to have dessert.” You laughed. But you suddenly had a serious look on your face.
“I have one rule with our relationship,” you said. Nanami nodded, willing to agree to anything you need him to do. “I have male friends. Do not, and I mean do not do anything to them. That’s my dealbreaker.”
“They better not take you away from me.”
“Nanami Kento!” Nanami pressed his lips on yours. “Nanami Kento, you’re a possessive man.”
“Remember, no one takes anything and anyone that’s mine. And you’re officially mine.”
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shadowyone · 3 months ago
Give me the full King Candy x your OC lore
Buckle up! This one's a long one-- I apologize in advance
(This is the regular Wreck It Ralph AU where she's there! So it isn't my Royal Family AU or other AU versions of Scarlet! I can always drop the lore on those ones too!)
Scarlet's game, Forest Heroes was made in 1982. The same time around TurboTime and Fix It Felix Jr. Scarlet's game was introduced about four or so months, because her game was all about the environment and people just weren't into those kinds of games. So, her cabinet was constantly going from storage to storage and arcade to arcade until she finally arrived at Litwak's. She's the queen of her game and only appears if the players make it to the end to have her congratulate them. Due to no one playing her game towards the end or just in general, she was stuck in her castle, watching players walk by.
She was right across from Turbo Time, so every day, she saw him race and be loved by all in the earlier days. Scarlet already struggles with connecting with people a lot, due to how many times her game has been moved about and unplugged, it has definitely fucked her up just a bit. Not to mention all the isolation.
Their first meet-up was in Tappers when he welcomed her for being a newbie and he charmed her. Scarlet has no idea he only invited her over for a win, as he had few losses that day, so he needed someone to boost his ego and she was kind enough. So, what does he do? Take her for a spin and talk all about how great he is.
Scarlet took this as affection and wanted to get closer. Turbo doesn't do affection or relationships, so he began to distance himself from her but would come around if he needed another ego boost or some random ass compliments thrown his way. RoadBlasters happened and she heard/saw the whole thing. She believes his whole going Turbo moment was a testament. She believes this whole stunt was due to him being angry and hating his game and the endless cycle it was, rather than him doing it out of jealousy. Scarlet quite literally believes that he's just like her and stuck in a horrible loop of their games, but Turbo just doesn't want to be vocal about it.
For years she mourned him and kept to her endless cycle. Visiting Tappers every now and then. One day, She saw King Candy walk in. She was certain it was him, due to his height, his voice, and the way he acted. Stalker Scarlet moment. She watches him from afar and during the movie events, she comes into Sugar Rush to confirm her suspicions. This annoys King Candy of course, constantly trying to get rid of her, because he believes she's annoying and also a huge threat to his cover.
(This is where she wears her disguises. Like X-celerate and Jester Sweetens) For the most part, she sticks around in his castle, not caring about her game anymore, practically forgetting about it, because all she wants to do is be by his side. He likes the ego-boosting and the cheering, but he still doesn't entirely like her. Deep down he likes her a little, but he's not going to admit that and he's far too busy for any kind of relationship (Like racing and killing Vanellope) Scarlet does show a bit of her darker side though, begins to make torture suggestions or even cheering him on to kill someone via racing or just in general. (I still want to make her a bit deranged and evil)
Boom, King Candy becomes Cybrid and tosses her down the peppermint pit for being annoying and she crawls out as a giant cybrid who's a bit feral, but loyal to him. In the end when the Diet Cola Mountain erupts, Scarlet wants nothing more than to die, because she believes she's ugly, In a constant battle with her bug brain, And there's just nothing for her to go back to. Without him and her game, her life is kind of pointless now. She grabs King Candy by the arm and yanks them both towards the boiling cola and then they die together.
I want to keep working on her and the regular AU of her just being there. There's so many fun ideas I can do and I don't exactly want her to be a goody two-shoes, because yeah she's selfish and a bit evil herself. Nobody respects her or her game. She's constantly mistaken for a princess and she truly has no kingdom or subjects to rule over. So, I think there's a ton of jealousy she has towards Turbo that morphed into this obsession of being with him and being understood by someone. She does love him though. And Turbo loves her in his own odd way (Even though he struggles to show it) She's a bit complicated in my eyes and I just love what she's become. Instead of this kind woman trying to get the love of Turbo, she's got more to her going on under the surface. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk- God this is so long-
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a-girl-smitten-with-fiction · 7 months ago
Hound, Hounded (Part 2)
Here's part two, because I'm still on my shit. Part One <-
TW! Cursing, depictions of violence, two idiots already in love, Marie is their daughter figure your honor
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X-Men Movie!Logan "Wolverine" Howlett x Fem!OC
Summery: Maeve and Logan get to know each other, only for an unwanted third, forth, and fifth party to interfere.
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“You don’t got anything to eat do you?”
Maeve felt herself tense up a little. She looked at her little sister from the rear-view mirror. “I know what you had at the bar wasn’t much, but we’ll get some food when we get off at the next town, okay?”
For as gruff as their nameless savior tried to be, it was clear he had a good heart. However, she didn’t want to ask for too much, lest he kick them out again. Marie nodded slowly and went back to trying to sleep. Turning back to face the front, she felt the anxiety start to creep in. What was she going to do? They were running out of money, on the run, and had no home to go to or plan in mind. They were fucked. 
From beside Maeve, the man wordlessly pulled a bag of jerky out of the glove box and handed it back to Marie, who began to devour it, only to stop and sheepishly hand the half-empty bag to Maeve, who smiled at her little sister.
“Aw, thank you bug, you didn’t have to,” she cooed as she stuck her hand in the bag, taking a few pieces before handing it back to her sister. She refused to take it back.
“You should have it. You haven’t eaten in two days.”
“Baby I’m fine, if I were hungry I would have gotten something at the bar.”
Bullshit. Marie seemed to know it too, but she smiled at her little sister again and gestured for her to take the bag, and she did so reluctantly. Then she felt his eyes on her again.
He glanced between her and the road. “There’s another one of those if you’re hungry.”
He knew it too, apparently. “I’m good, but thanks. She can have it if she gets hungry again. I’ll be fine.”
Turning to look out the window, she ignored the pointed stares from both people in the truck and watched the racing horizon. She could see the sun creeping over the mountains. It was likely five or six in the morning now. And god above it was cold. This truck struggled even more than the last to keep the chill out. But, it was better than being on the side of the road for who knows how many hours, so she stayed quiet.
Suddenly a large hand came into view, turning up one of the fans to full heat, taking her hands and pressing them against the fan. She flinched hard at the contact. For a moment she was horrified to think she didn’t have any gloves on.
“I ain’t gonna hurt ya’, j-just keep your hands on the heater.”
There was more hurt in his voice than she was expecting, and it gave an unwanted tug at her heartstrings. God above, why did he have to go and make her feel things? This wasn’t what she signed up for when she decided to catch a ride with the moody mutant she saw across the bar. She expected a silent ride with tall dark and brooding, not to find herself concerned about the man’s feelings.
“I-I’m sorry. It isn’t anything personal, but bad things happen to people who touch my skin, and for a moment I forgot I had my gloves on. I was just worried for ya’.”
“Huh.” This time there was a mix of something satisfied in his voice, and she couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face. He was surprisingly easy to read. He coughed into his hand and continued speaking, ignoring her amused smile as she watched ahead. “What happens when you touch someone?” 
Maeve shrugged, glancing over at the man. “Not sure. It seems to drain them. The first time it happened it put a guy in a coma for a month. I nearly killed him.”
“It’s the same with me too, just not as strong as hers,” Marie piped up from the back. “Oh, and I’m Rogue by the way. Does that tag mean you were in the army? That’s what that means, right?”
Following Marie’s line of sight, she saw the dog tag hanging around his neck, reading out a serial number and ‘Wolverine.’ Maeve watched as he stuffed the dog tag into his shirt without answering the question, and her eyes lingered on his hand as it gripped the steering wheel. The concern and morbid curiosity dug hooks into her brain. 
“Does it hurt? When they come out, I mean.”
There was a brief silence that followed, one just long enough for Maeve to worry she had hit the wrong nerve when he responded. And once again, she felt her heart twist painfully.
“Every time.”
He seemed uncomfortable with the topic, his voice catching in his throat for a moment. It was understandable. She never exactly felt the need to broadcast the fact that her skin was the equivalent of a soul-sucking energy canister, and that was putting it mildly.
“On the topic of weird names, mine’s Hound.” 
It was an admittedly awful attempt at a topic change and she knew it, but it did the job. He glanced at her with an eyebrow raised in unfiltered, but amused judgment.
“What kinda name is Hound? Or Rogue for that matter?” Hah! The call was coming from inside the house of strange names with this one. He just didn’t realize he was the owner.
“I don’t know, what kind of a name is Wolverine?” She shot back, using every ounce of willpower she had to not smile, but failed the moment she saw his face. He was so done with her bullshit, he looked ready to kick her out himself. Behind them, Marie had begun to giggle uncontrollably into her gloves.
She couldn’t remember the last time she heard Marie laugh like that. 
It was then that she decided that stowing away in the back of this man’s trailer was the best decision she had made in a long time. The hours passed by and the conversation went back and forth from banter to personal and downright heartfelt. Maeve found herself hoping that the car ride would never end. Sure, she did most of the talking, but she could tell her co-driver was listening to what she said, and when he did speak she made sure to be just as attentive. It was nice. 
He was nice.
Wolverine felt his heart beating. Why did this woman make him feel so damn funny? Was it her looks? Her stupidly bright smile? The heartachingly soft look on her face every time she looked at her sister like she was the only thing in this world that mattered? Was it the fact that she seemed to look at him the same way? Did she even realize what she was doing to him? Silence settled over the cab as they watched the passing scenery, leaving Logan to stew in his useless thoughts, and the usually sullen man found himself speaking before he could think his decision through.
“My name’s Logan.”
The sweet voice next to him replied with a smile. He felt his grip on his steering wheel tighten. Was he… nervous? Really? Over a lady he had met just hours before? One who had stolen away in his truck?
“I’m Maeve.”
“And I’m Marie!” the young girl in the back exclaimed, “You know you really should wear your seatbelt.”
Logan pointed his finger at her through the rear-view mirror, ignoring the fond smile on the face of the woman- of Maeve as she sat beside him. She had to be doing this on purpose-
“Now listen kid, I don’t need advice on auto safety-“
And then he was face first in the snow, bleeding profusely and ears ringing like a symphony. Through it all he could hear a single, recognizable voice.
God must truly hate him.
Maeve shook off the spinning in her head as she pulled herself off the dashboard. Trying to piece together what the fuck just happened, she looked around, eyes slowly trailing from the empty seat next to her to the fallen tree in front of her, and stopping where Logan lay motionless in the snowy slush twenty feet away, shattered glass glinting around him under the morning sun.
‘Stay calm. Don’t freak out. You have to help Logan and Marie. You can’t do that if you’re freaking the fuck out. Get it together girl.’
Marie was still in place and one-piece behind her, looking dazed and bruised, but otherwise fine.
Except for the fact that a fire had sparked in Logan’s trailer, gradually filling the whole thing with smoke. Maeve’s hand went for her seatbelt, attempting to undo it. She couldn’t.
Don’t freak out.
In the calmest voice she could muster, Maeve looked to her sister, a gentle smile on her face as she spoke, “Hey bug, I know a lot just happened but I need you to get out of the truck, give me my bag, and go check on Mr. Logan okay? He’s out cold in the snow and needs our help.”
Marie nodded slowly, taking a painful amount of time to do as she was told, but did it, stumbling over to Logan moments later. There was a genuine chance of Maeve dying in a painful and firey explosion, so she had to get Marie out of range and act fast.
Digging through her bag she looked desperately for the knife she usually kept in the side pocket. Where was it? She knew she kept it in here-
No. No, she didn’t. She sold it for a quick buck to buy a meal when she thought she had lost her wallet.
Ice froze her blood and smoke filled her lungs.
Was she seriously about to die?
In front of her, Logan was back on his feet, swatting away Marie’s attempts to help him stand as he stumbled in her direction. His wounds were healing so fast, and his lips were moving but she couldn’t hear his voice. Behind her, she could feel the fire’s heat growing. Her head was feeling light and stuffy. She felt like she was this close to losing it.
“-eve! Maeve! Are you alright?”
No, she felt awful.
“I’m stuck!” Her voice cracked as she shouted, the inhalation of smoke sending her into a coughing fit.
Logan made quick strides toward her side of the truck, only to stop and look around, sniffing the air. Just as suddenly as his claws were extended, a large figure lunged out of the trees, sending him crashing through trees and into a snow bank, not giving Logan a chance to right himself as he was bashed in the head with a tree branch that sent him flying again, colliding with the hood of his truck. His claws retracted as consciousness left his body.
Yup. It was officially time to freak the fuck out. 
And then the real panic set in. Where was Marie? Where was her baby sister?! 
Through her tears, Maeve could see Marie dash into the treeline to hide and figure lumbering towards the truck. She could see a strange flash of red light and the silhouettes of two strangers. She could hear the banging on the side of the truck as Marie begged them for help. 
The last thing she saw before she passed out was the crying face of her baby sister. Please, look away, she thought. The last thing she wanted was for her little sister to have to watch her die.
‘It’s okay bug. I know Mr. Logan will take good care of you. I’ll haunt him for the rest of his life if he doesn’t.’
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