#i do not think this fandom being so full of libs and the source material being so ignorant and uncritical is a coincidence
nyanspirals · 5 months
I saw the post I think you're referring to and it's just so ridiculous. They accused you of denying what Russia has done to Ukraine because you said Ukraine is being used by NATO and the ukrainian people are the ones suffering for it. Another anon accused you of stupid shit and they just did the usual "wow, goes to show!" even though the accusations were so far from the truth and had no sources nor bearings in reality. Americans will complain about their country and government being evil then proceed to use tankie as an insult when talking about people who are actually against american imperialism. But as long as twitter leftists say NATO are the good guys this time around, then it must be true! Nevermind all the atrocities NATO has commited during its entire existence in the name of American self-interest. Liberals are braindead, I swear. You're a warrior for putting up with this shit. I'd go crazy in your position.
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