#i do not like ravioli at ALL. i used to like lasagne but my mother has switched over to like. mini lasagne. idk
ruvviks · 4 months
is this a safe space. i don't like mac & cheese
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Chapter Twenty-Three
“I don’t see why we have to do this now. Your birthday is next month I could just meet them then.” I reasoned as I walked hand in hand with Richard down the street towards the restaurant.
“They’re my parents. They want to meet you.” He reasoned.
“Me meeting people in your life hasn’t exactly gone well.” I reminded him, “Robb! Stay close, don’t run too far ahead!” I called as my son danced ahead of us.
“That was one incident.” He told me.
It may have been only one incident but I was painfully reminded of it every time Richard introduced me to people in his life, “Robb! Don’t cross the road without us!” I called.
I knew I was taking my anxiety out of Robb but I couldn’t help it. If I thought, it had been important to Richard’s best friends to like me, that was nothing compared to how I felt in meeting his parents.
“How much do they know about me?” I asked curiously as we caught up to Robb.
“They know pretty much everything.” He shrugged.
“Everything?” I asked before I flicked my gaze ahead to Robb, “Stay close buddy!”
“About my role in Robb’s life. About us. About what happened to you. I’m very open with my parents.” He explained.
I sighed deeply. Jessica and Percy had not known about my past and yet they judged me before they had even met me. Richard parents knew everything about me, apparently, how could they not judge me harshly just as his friends had?
Glancing up, I saw Robb was skipping down the street, too far from us, “Robb! What did I say?!” I called out to him angrily. I had enough to think about tonight, I didn’t need to worry about him running ahead of me and getting himself into trouble, “Get back here!” I demanded.
“Hey,” soothed Richard as he tugged on my hand and pulled me to a stop, forcing me to face him.
I flicked my hair out of my eyes in annoyance as I faced him reluctantly, there was nothing that he could possibly say in this situation that would make me feel any better.
“I know your nervous, but please try to relax ok? They’re going to love you.” He said soothingly.
“These are your parents Richard, what’s the alternative if they don’t?” I challenged pointedly, I knew what the alternative would be if my parents didn’t like Richard; it would make me question my whole relationship with him and whether or not I wanted it to continue.
I still lived with the fear that the moment Richard stepped back to examine the situation and premature of our relationship that he would opt out. If his parents didn’t like me, how long would he stick around? It wasn’t just for Robb’s sake that I worried, though that was my main concern, but for my own sake as well. I liked Richard. I was really quite fond of him and I didn’t want him to leave.
“We’ll cross that bridge if it happens.” Was his genius response.
I rolled my eyes at his cavalier attitude as I turned my attention back to Robb, “Hey, what’s with the running ahead bud?” I demanded.
“I want to meet my new grandma and grandpa.” He said excitedly.
I blinked in shock, “Your new what?”
“We’re meeting Richard’s parents and he’s my dad. His parents are like my grandparents just like grandma and grandpa are.” He told me.
I couldn’t argue with his logic, but him proclaiming Richard’s parents were his grandparents made me uncomfortable because the two of them had not agreed to that and I didn’t want to force such a title upon them.
“And what are you gonna ask grandpa Rich when you see him?” asked Richard smiling happily.
“If I can ride in the fire truck.” Replied Robb happily.
I looked between the two of them in bewilderment, what on earth was going on here? Why was no one else concerned about how badly this whole thing could turn out?
“Good job.” He told them, holding his hand up for him to high-five. Robb smacked his little hand against his before he rushed ahead of us again.  
Richard turned to look at me, beaming proudly at Robb’s answer, seeming to find nothing wrong about the entire situation, “You look beautiful tonight.” He told me simply.
I tucked a hair behind me ear as we continued walking once more. I was wearing a long cream coloured skirt with peach coloured roses on it with a white lacy top and a pair of flesh coloured heels. I wanted to look nice and had agonized far too much over what I would wear because I knew a lot of judgement could be derived from my outfit and I wanted to present something that his parents might approve of.
“Come on, the restaurant is just up here.” He said as he began walking once more. I reluctantly followed after him.
The restaurant we were going to was Italian styled and called ‘500’. As Richard pulled open the door for Robb, who scrambled inside excitedly I took a look inside through the window, the walls were a pale blue colour with pictures of old vintage cars adorning them. The small wooden tables that were dotted around the restaurant oddly had yellow and red coloured chairs around them.
As we stepped inside, butterflies fluttered anxiously in my stomach and I desperately tried to quiet them as the host approached us.
“Table for Madden?” asked Richard.
“Right this way.” Smiled the host.
As we moved through the restaurant Richard, thankfully, had a hold of Robb’s hand as we walked which left me nothing to focus on but the horrible feeling in my stomach.
Approaching the table, I was easily able to spot Richard’s parents because his Father looked exactly like an older, greyer, version of Richard except for his eyes, which were brown instead of blue. Sitting beside him was a blonde haired women with the same beautiful blue eyes as Richard. As we approached the two stood up with a smile.
“Richard darling,” said his mother as she pulled him in for a brief hug.
“Hey mum.” He replied with a smile before he turned to his father and offered her his hand, “Hey dad.”
“Son.” He smiled as he shook his hand.
“Mum, Dad, this is Melanie.” He said gesturing to me, “Melanie, these are my parents Rich and Pat.” He explained.
“Hello there,” beamed Pat as she reached out and shook my hand, “We’re so glad to meet you.”
Not trusting myself to speak I simply smiled in greeting.
“Glad to meet you Melanie,” said Rich, smiling so widely that his eyes crinkled as he shook my hand.
“It’s nice to meet you.” I said quietly as I joined my hands in front of me nervously.
“Well, she’s a stunner.” Proclaimed Rich as he looked at me with an appreciative eye before he turned to his son, “What she doing with you?”
“I have no idea.” Grinned Richard.
I flushed at the compliment.
“Do you ride on a fire truck?” demanded Robb from below.
I looked down at him in horror. I was sure because he had interrupted us and spoken so rudely that his parents were sure to think I had a poorly mannered child and I opened my mouth to chastise him but before I could Rich looked down at him with a smile.
“Yes I do.” He replied.
“You must be Robb.” Said Pat as she bent her knees slightly to come down to Robb’s level.  
“Hello Grandma Pat.” Said Robb happily.
Part of me was relieved that Robb was being so polite, but another, far larger part of me was mortified that he had called her his ‘grandma’ without asking her first. Unsure of what I was supposed to do, I simply stayed silent and tried to look calm, the opposite of what I felt.
“We’re very glad to meet our grandchild.” Said Rich as he crouched down to look at Robb with a smile, “How old are you Robb?” he asked.
“I’m six and a half.” He replied.
“You are not!” said Rich, “You’re too big to be just six and a half.”
“He’s right. You’re gonna be as tall as your father.” Said Pat, glancing up at Richard for a moment with a smile.
Grandma Pat? Grandchild? Father? What was happening?!
How were his parents so ok with all of this? As far as they knew, I was just some girl that had gotten Richard to pretend to be my sons father. That placed no obligation on them to play along and yet they were. Why?
“You must be hungry, big boy like you must eat a lot.” Said Pat.
“Yes. I’m starving.” Said Robb happily.
“Well we better order dinner then or your gonna starve.” Said Rich.
Straightening up, Rich and Pat showed Robb over to the table while I stood still in absolute shock. I was jolted into awareness when Richard pulled a yellow chair out for me. Stepping over to the table, I woodenly sat down as butterflies flapped nervously in my stomach.
Sitting down next to me, Richard swiftly leaned over and pressed his lips to my cheek, “Breathe.” He told me quietly.
It only occurred to me then that I had been so tense that I’d forgotten to breathe, so I very deliberately took a deep and soothing breath.
Rich and Pat sat down on the other side of the table while Robb sat at the end of the table between Pat and myself.
I wasn’t sure I could stomach any food but I busied myself with grabbing the menu and holding it out so Robb could see, “What do you feel like eating bud?” I asked.
“Nuggets.” Said Robb.
“They don’t have nuggets here. Only pasta.” I told him.
“Do they have spaghetti?” he asked.
I browsed the menu quickly, they did not have spaghetti. What kind of Italian restaurant didn’t serve spaghetti? I began to panic as I desperately searched the menu for something he might eat.
‘Strozzapreti con ragu di manzo alla Napoletana’ which was described as curly sheets of pasta with slow cooked beef in tomato and red wine sauce, sounded like lasagne, which Robb liked.
“How about some lasagne?” I asked him.
He nodded enthusiastically.
I personally didn’t feel like eating, my stomach was too full of butterflies but I knew I had to order something for dinner so I stared at the page and tried to find something appetizing.
“What are you thinking?” asked Richard conversationally.
“I’m thinking the ravioli.” I answered as I stared at the menu, the ravioli ripieni di ricotta e melanzane, con salsa al ragu di mare was described as pasta parcels filled with ricotta cheese and aubergines, served with a seafood sauce.
“Yeah I’m thinking the swordfish.” He replied.
I’d never heard of swordfish being a particularly Italian meal. That being said, the restaurant didn’t even serve something remotely similar to the signature Italian meal.
“That sounds good son. I think I’ll get the same.” Announced Rich.
“I think I’ll get the risotto.” Said Pat.
I hadn’t noticed that a waiter had come over and was scribbling down on his notepad until he spoke, “Any drinks with that?” he asked.
“I’ll have a beer.” Replied Rich.
“Me too.” Said Richard.
“I’ll have a shiraz.” Replied Pat with a smile.
“Can I have a coke?” asked Robb.
“Yes.” I told him and the waiter scribbled something down.
“And for you ma’am? A glass of wine?” he asked.
“No thank you. Just a lemonade.” I replied, I couldn’t risk drinking at a time like this. I was jittery enough as it was.
“So Melanie,” began Pat as she folded her hands in front of her, “Tell us what you do with yourself.” She smiled.
I blanched, here came the judgement.
“Richard tells us you own your own business?” asked Rich curiously.
“Ah yes, I have a flower shop in Bethnal Green.” I replied.
“And that comes from your interest in gardening?” he asked.
“Yes, I enjoy gardening.” I said as I shifted in my seat nervously, how many questions were they going to fire at me? Did I answer correctly? Was gardening a strange habit to have?
“I love gardening, vegetables mostly but I never have time.” Said Pat with a sigh.
“It is very time consuming.” I agreed.
“Do you sell bouquets of flowers or plants and such?” she asked.
“I don’t really have a knack for flower arranging so mostly just plants and seedlings. But we do sell bouquets of the same flowers.” I explained.
“What’s the name of your shop?” asked Rich.
I suddenly felt stupid for saying the name of my shop as in that moment it felt a little juvenile, “Melanie’s Peonies.” I said reluctantly.
“Are Peonies your favourite flower?” asked Pat.
“Taking notes are you Richard? You do something wrong; peonies.” Smiled Rich.
Richard nodded in response and I actually found myself smiling at the joke.
“I’ve always adored sunflowers.” Commented Pat.
“Yeah, try finding those in a flower shop.” Grumbled Rich.
Richard chuckled.
“Sunflowers are beautiful. I’ve always thought it was so magical the way sunflowers follow the sun.” I said.
She frowned in response, “Do they?”
“Yes. The face of the sunflower moves throughout the day so that it follows the sun.” I explained.
“Wow! I didn’t know that. Perhaps that’s why I’ve always had such trouble growing them as I planted them in the shade of a tree in the back yard.” She mused.
We were on a topic of conversation that I was comfortable with and I felt myself relax slightly, “You need to plant them in the sun.” I told her.
The topic of conversation turned to Richard and I was able to think back on the conversation I had shared with Richard’s parents. So far I thought I had done alright, there had been nothing that they critiqued or didn’t seem to like.
Dinner arrived shortly after and as we began to eat, Rich and Pat went back to questioning me.
“Do you like to travel Melanie?” asked Rich.
“A little.” I revealed as I finished a mouthful of my ravioli.
“Richard’s a big traveller. Thanks to his job he’s seen more of the world than we have.” Said Pat, smiling fondly at her son.
“I did a little traveling last year but my parents are actually away right now traveling over Europe.” I explained.
“How long have your parents been together?” she asked.
“Twenty-eight years I think.”
“And you’re their only child?”
“Yes. My parents always wanted to give me brothers and sister but my mother couldn’t have anymore.” I explained.
“Richard has two sisters and they used to love dressing him up as a child.” Said Pat, “They would dress him up as a girl and call him their older sister Rachel” she grinned.
“Really?” I asked, smiling in amusement as I turned to Richard.
“Ok, new topic!” he said loudly and I could see he was blushing.
“No, no. I want to hear more about Rachel.” I smiled.
“How about some dessert?” he replied, “I could go some dessert. What about you Robb?”
“Yeah!” he replied happily.
Surprisingly enough I was actually ok with staying and having dessert. My original plan had been to eat dinner and leave as quickly as possible but things were going so well, I saw no reason not to stay. I made to grab the menu and discuss with Robb what he would like but Pat had already leaned over and was showing him.
“Do you like ice cream?” she asked, “Or cake?”
“Both.” Said Robb.
“What about this one? Its called Panna cotta, its like chocolate pudding” she said pointing to an unknown item on the menu.
It was strange but seeing Pat with Robb, I was strongly reminded of how my parents interacted with him and it made me smile to think that he would now have another set of grandparents to spoil him.
“I’m torn between two.” Commented Richard.
Tearing my attention away from Robb I turned to him to see the two items on the menu he was looking at. There was the poached Vignole cherries in Montepulciano wine, served with vanilla ice cream and crumbled amaretti biscuits and the strawberries compote with crumbled pistachios and fresh basil flavoured whipped cream.
“Well why don’t you order one and I’ll order the other and we can share?” I suggested.
“Great idea.” Said Richard as he turned to me with a smile, “That’s why I love you.” He replied before he turned his attention to the waiter and tried to signal him over.
It took me a moment to really register what he had said because the words that meant so much had been so insignificantly dropped into the conversation. But I felt them and the impact they had. I quickly looked around the table to see if anyone else had noticed what he had said, but no one had looked up from their menus.
Had it really happened then? Had Richard just said he loved me? He’d said it so casually it was almost as if he hadn’t given the words any thought before he said them. Which on one hand was a good thing it meant that he really felt them if he had unthinkingly admitted it, but it made me wonder, if he had said them so flippantly, if he really meant them.
Deciding not to dwell on it then I turned my attention back to Robb and Pat rather than focus on what Richard had just said.
“Do you like school Robb?” asked Rich.
“Yeah.” He smiled.
“What’s your favourite subject?” he asked.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“A knight.”
They continued to ask Robb questions as we waited for dessert and they seemed genuinely interested in the answers similar to the way my parents were. They weren’t just asking to be polite but actually wanted to know about the boy that they had inherited as a grandchild.
As they spoke, I took the opportunity to think over what Richard had said to me. No guy said the big ‘L’ word without thinking it through so I knew that when he had said it, he’d meant it. But how did I feel about that?
Obviously it made me happy. I knew Richard loved Robb but to hear he loved me was amazing. It gave me a strange sense of security to know that he loved me. But with him saying the words, I knew I needed to declare my feelings for him pretty soon. I had no issues with doing that but the reason I hadn’t done it yet was because he hadn’t and I was afraid of how he would react if I went first. Perhaps he was thinking the same thing and hadn’t officially declared anything because he was afraid of what would happen if he went first.
As dessert was served, I began to examine my feelings for Richard; he was good with Robb. Robb adored him and he adored Richard. They were good together… but how did I feel independently of what Robb felt?
He made me happy. Far happier than anyone had ever made me. He was a great guy who I was lucky to have in my life but more than that, he made me a better person. Before I met him I was so scared of so many things the most prominent of which was trusting people and being intimate. Slowly but surely, Richard had helped me overcome those fears and in giving me that confidence I had done things I never thought I would do and it had made me far happier than I ever thought possible.
Did I love him? Yes. Was I ready to say that to him? I wasn’t sure.
“I used to like playing football with Rupert but he went up to heaven so we can’t play anymore.” Said Robb.
I blinked when I heard Robb talking about our benefactor Mr. Pilkinton. I hadn’t thought about him in so long but it seemed Robb still did and I was suddenly wondering if I needed to talk to him a little more about what had happened to his dear friend.
“I’m trying to teach Richard how to play but he’s not very good.” Said Robb.
“I thought you were good at Football Richard?” asked Rich turning to his son with interest.
“No, it’s a completely different game in Australia.” I explained, “It’s a cross between basically all of the ‘Football’ versions around the world, grid-iron, rugby, soccer, touch footy.”
He nodded in understanding.
“It’s very popular there but it’s not really played in other countries.” Explained Richard.
We continued talking and all in all it was a very enjoyable night. As we said goodbye, Richard’s parents smiled and hugged me saying they were looking forward to seeing me and Robb again.
Even though I thought the whole night had gone well, the moment we were alone, after Richard had put a sleeping Robb to bed, I asked him, “What did they think? Did they like me?”
He sighed deeply and shook his head as he approached me.
My spirit plummeted as he shook his head in disappointment, I must have done something wrong for them not to like me. I had thought things were going so well but obviously they hadn’t. They didn’t like me. What had I done wrong?
Grasping my face between his hands he stared me directly in the eye, “They loved you.” He told me seriously.
I blinked in shock before a smile broke out across my face, as quickly as my spirits had sunk, they were suddenly soaring, “Really?” I asked happily.
“Really.” He assured me, smiling cheekily, “They loved you. They loved Robb.” He told me.
Smiling happily, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him happily. The happiness mixed with relief gave me a strange giddy feeling that turned into a euphoric high as we kissed.
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