#i do love love love the fodlan games j like all the others tho. i promise
sieglinde-freud · 3 days
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ended up playing three hopes for a bit because i find mowing down hundreds of enemies with one little guy insanely satisfying :) however i opened the map and got jumpscared by ugly yuri… why did i have this clothing option on him where is the sexy vampire fit… BABE WHAT ARE YOU WEARINGGGGG 😭😭😭😭
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
found the original post by @writing-is-a-martial-art and thought i might give it a go!
30 questions tag!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20-ish blogs you want to know better!  Post the answers on a separate post.
1. Name/Nickname: Fareeza, Catto (on my writing blog), Sooubway (by Elsie and used here for my text post tag lol)
2. Gender: not sure?? technically demi-girl tho. she/they
3. Star Sign: Capricorn!
4. Height: 155cm (5 foot 1)? I haven't checked in a while lol
5. Time: 16:35
6. Birthday: 28th of January.
7. Favorite Band: (get ready for the j-rock lol) Survive Said the Prophet or UVERworld!
8. Favorite Solo Artist: Either Sigrid or The Weeknd.
9. Song Stuck Stuck In My Head: The Pretender by the Foo Fighters.
10. Last Movie: Wish Dragon with my brother! It's actually really great haha.
11. Last Show: Queer Eye! I haven't had the TV to myself for a while now so it's still the same haha
12. When I Created This Blog: February 2021!
13. What I Post: A lot. Countless fandoms (mainly Fire Emblem Three Houses and Six of Crows), a bit of my writing and just general things, ig? lol i'm not very good at this
14. Last Thing I Googled: five foot two in cm
15. Other Blogs: @catto-writes is my writing blog!
16. Do I get asks?: Sometimes! I love answering them, thank you all!
18: Following: 255
17. Why I Chose My URL: I usually use the user rainy-pupper (my reddit and ao3 are proof of this lol) but it wasn't available here, so i went for this instead!
21. Lucky Number: I like the number 73, but I wouldn't call it a lucky number.
19. Followers: 53! (why are you all here explain yourselves)
20. Average Hours Of Sleep: 6-10? I think?
22. Instruments: I play the guitar! Currently working towards my Grade 1 exam.
23. What Am I Wearing: Loose shirt and shorts. It's so warm here you would not believe-
24. Dream Job: Game developer! Really want to work in gaming when I'm older.
25. Favorite Food: not sure? pretty sure it's ramen though haha
27. Nationality: My parents are Bangladeshi, but I was born (and still am) in the UK. So probably Asian-British?
28. Favorite Song: Mr Fixer by Sou (the ID:Invaded intro) or Strangers by Sigrid.
29. Last Book I Read: Anne of Green Gables for school. It's actually really good! For a book I've read by myself though, it'd probably be Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo! I accidentally read the Six of Crows duology before the Shadow and Bone trilogy, so I'm catching up on it now lol.
30. Top 3 Fictional Universes I Would Like To Live In: The two Avatar universes (The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra), maybe pre-war or post-war Fodlan (but wouldn't mind being put into the war too much hehe) and The Dragon Prince's universe!
Tagging @sevarix-writes, @dusk-till-dee, @three-o-clock-things, @gildedmonstera, @ladislavaa and anyone else who wants to!
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