#i do know it strayed away from pop song and i also know i didnt do pop song justice
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hoshiina · 9 months ago
pairing: narumi gen x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: he's always thought that anyone would do if he just wanted to find love but he realizes you're the one he wishes for, inspired by pop song by yonezu kenshi
warnings: some profanities from narumi
wc: 1300
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Narumi Gen hated a lot of things, but one of his least favourites of all time was "true love". He despised when people would describe their love for another as "true love". It couldn't possibly be that serious. Just say you loved your partner. That was probably the extent feelings got to anyways— you just so happened to like each other at the same time. To him that was plenty of a feat alone, why would you have to make it sound like more than it is? For the sake of love? Ridiculous.
To him, that was truly all love was. If there was someone who liked him when he happened to like them too, that was enough. No need for years of pining, no need to get attached to some unrequited love. All that noise about love and destiny surely wasn't all that necessary.
Now, this wasn't to say that he didn't wish to find love— because he did. Like any other person, he truly wished to be loved. It was just that what he had in mind wasn't some deep pure love that'd last forever, nor was it a promise for eternity. He just wished for a light-hearted "I love you" here and there with someone he found special.
And for that, anyone would do. He'd find someone who fancied him along the way, and hopefully he'd like them back. That was all there was to it.
This meant his plan for finding his partner was sitting around and waiting. As horribly lame as that sounded, because he was Narumi Gen, this wasn't that hopeless of a plan. So, that's what he did. He'd go around saving people and doing his duties (to the absolute bare minimum) while making sure he was constantly trending, hoping that one day, someone would like him.
Today he was standing around for a solid five extra minutes after he defeated the honju with ease, hoping the media would snap some nice pictures of him, or he'd finally charm someone this time.
"Captain, you ought to stop that," you said. "It's rather embarrassing, you look desperate now."
"Oh, would you shut up," he said. "You're ruining my good name!"
You snorted. "What good name," you scoffed.
"I'm starting to think its your fault I'm not charming anyone. Perhaps if you didn't stop me every time, someone would have found me by now," he said.
"Yeah, right. Captain Ashiro seems to be having no issues charming people and I've never seen her try to," you said.
"You little shit," he said.
"Besides they're going to be utterly disappointed if they think this is what you're like and then they find out what you're… actually like," you said, and he was starting to think you wanted him to fire you. "It's okay. Someone will see how you're actually lovely at times soon."
"What?" he asked, shocked by what you said.
"What?" you replied, confused.
"You— you said lovely," he said quietly. Suddenly he felt flustered.
"Oh," you said, looking away and avoiding eye contact. It wasn't like you didn't mean to say that, but you didn't think it was that big of a deal. Rather, how flustered he sounded took you by surprise. “Well, you’re a little lame but you’re a good guy. Like you pretend you only do it for the media, but I know you’re always checking the alleyways that don’t have as much surveillance just in case, and checking alleyways isn’t something a captain has to do. And we both know the media isn’t writing about anything you do there. Things like that.”
“You never know!” he said, and you snorted.
“Alright then,” you said. “You do you, Captain.”
“I will!” he said back, trying to sound proud.
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A week had passed and here he was, doing what he always did after arriving fashionably late to the scene and taking all the kaiju out in a matter of minutes: standing around trying to look good. Because he wanted love, and anyone would do. Anyone who liked him was supposed to do.
And yet he wished for you.
He wished that when he woke up, the first thing he would see was you. He wished that you'd smile at him everyday with love and genuine joy the way you did to others, and he wished that you’d smile that way to him alone. He wished that after a long day, he was the one you came home to. He wished from the bottom of his heart that you would always be safe and no harm would ever come your way. He wished that your days were filled with laughter and smiles and he knew he would risk his life to protect that.
It was so unlike him in a way he absolutely hated. True love was supposed to be nonsense and someone being ‘the one’ was supposed to be some dramatic line in a movie. It upset him, that he was so utterly fond of you. Yet, no matter how much it upset him, it didn't change the fact that he was, and he couldn't deny it anymore after trying to ignore it for the full week.
So here he was, acting stupid again, hoping that you’d scold him again or tell him he’s embarrassing himself, because that’s what it’s come down to. He just wanted another reason to talk to you.
But you wouldn’t come to stop him after 10 whole minutes.
“Why aren’t you stopping me?” he asked, irritated.
“Pardon?” you asked, utterly confused.
“Why aren’t you telling me to stop?” he asked again. He was aware how silly he sounded, but he was pissed off that you meant so much to him so he had to take it out on you.
“Because you told me to stop last time??” you replied. “I thought you were going to keep this up until you found yourself a partner.”
“You’re the one who told me to find someone that saw how I was…. lovely…. at times,” he said, but said the lovely very quietly. Remembering that you had described him as lovely made his cheeks burn and he’d rather die than let you see that.
“I mean, yeah. I do think you should,” you said.
“Don’t you notice, though?” he asked quietly, avoiding eye contact. There was a moment of silence.
“I do,” you said, and immediately he looked up to face you. You had a grin on your face and you looked so proud— you looked like you had won a game. Oh, how he hated you.
“You’re so annoying,” he said, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Rich coming from you,” you said.
“So, do you—,” he started to yell before cutting himself off. Carefully, he tried again. “Would you please… uh… be mine…?”
Oh, this is so embarrassing, he thought. Perhaps you’d laugh at him, but he wanted to do this properly, or at the very least try to. He’d be far more than just stupid to mess this up now. He was finally in love.
But your laughter never came. When he looked up your eyes were wide and you looked so flustered, but soon you had the most beautiful smile on your face.
“I would absolutely love to,” you said.
So he kissed you right then and there, because there was nothing he wanted to do more at the moment.
He laughed a little.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“No, nothing,” he said.
There was no way just anyone would do— it had to be you.
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thehighestmountains · 4 years ago
evermore review and ranking:
overall, i found this album to have more skippable songs than folklore and the middle of my ranking definitely feels like the middle whereas in my folklore ranking, #14 was still a fav. folklore was a true anomaly where i was just adding the whole album to my playlist. evermore really feels like folklore’s little sister getting the hand-me-downs, who just doesnt know who she is or what shes doing with her life, what is the theme exactly. 
tis the damn season. i fell in love in the first five seconds. i love the moody mature guitar strums and drum beats amping up the entire song. the story of coming back to an old love in your hometown reminds me of the show ‘the normal people’. im a real sucker for sagas, timeless loves that pull you in time and time again, familiar feelings that just feel right because you experienced them at such a young age.  this song gets me.
There's an ache in you, put there by the ache in me But if it's all the same to you It's the same to me
So we could call it even You could call me "babe" for the weekend ​'Tis the damn season, write this down
Sleep in half the day just for old times' sake I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay So I'll go back to L.A. and the so-called friends
long story short. this is such a banger r u joking. i feel every single one of my blood cells pumping as soon as this song starts. i even love the post-chorus, a great break from the chorus and the verses. i could post the whole song as my favorite lines.
And you passed right by I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides The knife cuts both ways If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels breakAnd I fell from the pedestal Right down the rabbit hole Long story short, it was a bad time When I dropped my sword I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door And we live in peace But if someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready
ivy. hard not to compare this to illicit affairs, but this is like an upbeat version. if i didnt even pay attention to the lyrics, i would think this is so fun and catchy, it sounds good. there is no anger, there is a joy. and i just like it.
Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you So yeah, it's a fire It's a goddamn blaze in the dark And you started it
willow. im really glad this was the leading single because this is a beautiful stringy piece with a great melody. when i was reading the lyrics before listening to the song, it sounded extremely cheesy with “thats my man”, “i come back stronger than a 90s trend”, but in the song, i love it. theres a lot of heart and oompf to this.
And if it was an open-shut case I never would've known from that look on your face Lost in your current like a priceless wine
The more that you say, the less I know Wherever you stray, I follow
coney island. i wonder why she picked coney island, a very summery location with the bright lines and merry go, when the whole album is supposed to be a winterscape. i barely understand what this song is about but i enjoy the sounds.
Did I close my fist around something delicate? Did I shatter you?
evermore. i love when justin vernon starts singing with that beautiful falsetto “cant not think of all the cost and the things that will be lost”.
Or the violence of the dog days I'm on waves, out being tossed
champagne problems. before i get into this, i like this song, im impressed with the bridge and the chorus, i enjoy the story. just a small thing: title phrase. i just dont vibe with it, the rest of the lyrics couldve been more connected with champagne, i dont believe champagne to be any alcoholic’s choice of drink. and one more nitpick, who likes that random piano mash at the end, anyone?
Your mom's ring in your pocket My picture in your wallet Your heart was glass, I dropped it
One for the money, two for the show I never was ready so I watch you go Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
tolerate it - this is a good mellow song, i can relate to the deep sadness of feeling ignored, every thing you do is just dropped. i feel this could grow on me, especially because at the end we really get that jolt of energy, i can leave, i can do it.
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid Use my best colors for your portrait
gold rush. this song is a little too sweet for me, specifically “i dont need a gold rush gold rush”. its just an upbeat and repetitive pop song. i also find this specific high school energy of really wanting someone but also despising their appeal to just not relate to the headspace im currently in.
no body no crime. whoooa that blast of country. it kind of feels weird in this album. i think the chorus is incredibly boring, “i think he did it but i just cant prove it” over and over.
No, no body, no crime But I ain't lettin' up until the day I die
closure. i cant get over the constant banging of industrial pots and pans throughout this whole song lol. i really went back and forth between do i like this, no i hate it, ok i could get used to it, no no it doesnt fit with the lyrics and how shes singing. i also dont care for “yes i got your letter, yes im doing better”.
we have a large pile of songs at the bottom, they all mush together in a sad corner. these could maybe grow on me but i also would be fine never listening to them again. with folklore’s sad songs, like epiphany or my tears ricochet, there was still something that appealed to me. most of these, there just isnt anything.
happiness - similar to tolerate it, i think the lyrics carry and convey a specific feeling very well, i have definitely felt this way, but i dont feel like the instrumentals match her emotional singing. i think she really carries this song and the instruments just let me down.
No one teaches you what to do  When a good man hurts you And you know you hurt him too
marjorie - i feel like a song about her grandmother could have been so great instead we get “what died didnt stay dead” over and over and a bridge that is mostly about herself. “shouldve kept every grocery store receipt cause every scrap of you would be taken from me” is the worst of the lines, thats what you want to keep? grocery receipts? the song should be about her grandmother leaving all her “backlogged dreams” to her, and im not getting much of that.
cowboy like me - takes one... to... know... one...... this song does not embody  the type of cowboy shes talking about, perhaps a 80 year old woman singing about her tendencies to run away. im not convinced taylor is singing from a place she understands enough about. my least favorite line in the album goes to “the tennis court was covered up with some tent-like thing”. tent like thing? lol ok. although i will say one of my favorite lines is “forever is the sweetest con”, but that gem cannot save this song.
dorothea - this is the worst version of seven from folklore. its about ten times less interesting, very bare bones, hardly any story or background information. i dont particularly like the name dorothea. giving me major grandma vibes, these last three songs are major grandma vibes. 
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clownbasedintrigue · 5 years ago
You and I // cryptalore
as part of @apex-legends-champion‘s writing collaboration, for @kamizaki-53,
bangalore/crypto, prompt word ‘singer’, sfw
more under the break
words: 2,713
note: this was meant to be out a lot earlier (think like, three or four months ago) but with everything going to absolute shit where i am, as well as personal happenings, this fell to the wayside. very to the wayside. sorry about that :/
the song used is ‘you and i’ by barns courtney, but i wouldn’t suggest listening to it as you read, the pacing i had in mind for the fic is not the same as the actual song. just keep that in mind. however, it’s a good song so i DO suggest listening to it beforehand.
this might eventually end up on ao3, if i get the chance. if so, i’ll link it. i also scrapped about another 2k words from this because they just didnt fit the way i wanted them to. if i find the energy, i plan to make that into a fic as well.
ft. gratuitous headcanons and dubious hacking
“We’re sitting ducks up here, any rookie with a scope could pick us off.” she says, but judging by the way she leans back against the air conditioning unit, she’s not bothered by the idea.
Crypto hums in response, and tucks his legs underneath him. She’s not wrong, the wide expanse of desert does nothing to obscure their spot on the rooftop. As worrying as that would be anywhere else, his drone hovers above them, constantly scanning. If there’s anyone around, the drone will tell them.
Pulling the bag between them into his lap, which they filled with drinks and snacks before escaping to the quiet of the roof, he digs through it, hands closing around two glass bottles. He passes one off to Bangalore, and rests the other beside him as he rifles around for the bottle opener.
They rest out here sometimes. When the noise of social nights or tenseness of a newcomer makes the compound unwelcoming. The flat concrete and the surrounding sand offers peace and quiet, something the building below them often lacks. The quiet is a welcome relief.
Emerging triumphantly with the opener, he goes to pass that, too, to her, only to realize she already has the edge of her utility knife wedged underneath the cap. A bit of leverage, and it flies off with a pop, bouncing further across the rooftop and landing with the din of metal on concrete. They watch it in silence. The weight of the bottle opener-now obsolete-resting solidly in his palm.
Bangalore holds out her hand to him. He blinks, sets the bottle opener down, and softly places his atop her opened one, feeling the way hers have calloused from her work. The impressions left behind by years of artillery work and battle not having faded yet.
She turns to face him with raised eyebrows, “The bottle, TJ.”
Oh. He huffs a breath at her, stomach twisting at the abbreviated use of his real name, nervous butterflies and anxiety alike. It’s not something he hears often. Hasn’t, since Mila happened. He’s not sure how wise using it is, but he can’t say he doesn’t like it.
Before he can pull his hand back, she laces her fingers with his and drags it down to rest between them. His nerves turn to warmth as he gives her the bottle with his other hand, and relishes in the feeling of her palm on his.
What they have is quiet, on the down-low, moments stolen in the corner of the dropship when no one’s watching, or gentle nights like this, sitting away from the rest of the legends.
The clatter of the bottle cap draws his attention back to her, and taking the bottle from it’s spot wedged between her knees, Anita sneaks a swig before handing it to him. With the utility knife safely covered and slipped back into her boot, she leans into his side.
They sip at their drinks underneath the tranquil sky. Double moons, and stars bright enough to light up the area, the night was clear and the breeze was crisp.
Through their silence, the bass of the music in the common room reaches them, though barely. Three stories up, not a lot makes it up here, save for stray sand and the occasional legend looking for a quiet space. But tonight had been movie night, and those rarely stay quiet.
Movie night is a time where a few of them make a snack run at noon to the city, and the others pick a host of movies to watch. When the snack runners get back, usually a few hours later, they all have ‘dinner’, if junk food and sugar can count as dinner, and from ‘dinner’ to midnight, they feast, watch, and argue about the others’ lack of taste in movies. A weekly routine he’s gotten used to. Looks forward to, almost.
Even though neither of them are particularly shy about public affection, they never hesitate to take advantage of movie night, the dark of the room during which allows for the two to lean against each other, hold hands, and sneak quiet kisses without the others noticing.
Tonight, they had sat for the movie, as they usually did, and slipped into the hall before the last movie ended. Things could get loud afterwards. After a quick raid of the kitchen, and grabbing a few things from their room, including blankets, they made for the roof. Which had led to them sitting up here, with only the company of the moons, themselves, and TJ’s drone, perched up high, keeping a watchful eye from the sky.
Lowly, music drifts up from the commons room. it’s muffled by laughter and concrete, but not so much that they cannot hear the vague baritone of the singer.
“They must’ve opened the balcony,” Crypto murmurs in displeasure, resting his head on her shoulder, “The quiet was better,”
“Yeah, I’m with you,” Anita falls silent, leaning her head on top of his and drinking in the melody. She pulls back for a moment, her brows scrunch and her gaze drifts away as she focuses in on the music. He lifts his head, and as he’s about to ask what’s wrong, she speaks, softly.
“I think I know this song.”
Crypto shuts his mouth and strains to listen. He hears the beat, the tune, although the actual words elude him. The notes lead each other in a waltz, music twirling out off the balcony into the desert air, a lullaby, or maybe a love ballad. He doesn’t know where it’s from, and it’s different from his usual taste, but Anita must enjoy it, from the way she sways and nods along to it
She smiles at him and relaxes, taking a drink from her bottle and resting back on the metal, closing her eyes. Her mouth moves with the words of the song, reciting a long-engrained memory.
When the chorus peters out, she is left humming to the bridge. The double moons cast double lights onto her upturned face, silhouetting the slope of her nose, brows, and soft cheeks. The moonlight paints silver on her skin, every ridge and bone reflecting the glimmer of the night sky.
“Sounds like something we used to play at home. Could be wrong, though,” she says, setting the bottle at her side. Crypto sets his aside as well, turning his full attention to her.
”Back on Gridiron, we had this crate of discs,” Bangalore mimes a box with her hands, “Along with this vintage radio. An old hunk of a thing, big as the box itself, and just about as functional. They were our grandma’s, from her grandma, and hers before that. They’ve been in the family forever.”
Looking out over the desert, she continues, “You’d put in one of the discs, and it’d play music. Old stuff. Back from when they still made ‘em. Don’t see them around much anymore. I used to pick them up anytime I saw one, maybe in salvage or a second-hand store, and add it to the box. Then when Thanksgiving came around, or some other family dinner, we’d dig out the box and try out all the new ones. We all had a blast dancing around drunk on moonshine and full of cake.”
She tears her eyes away from the skyline, and turns to him, “I miss it, y’know. Them, mostly, but the little things too. Being able to annoy the hell out of my brothers. Grandma’s red velvet. The tacky oldies music, especially.”
Crypto nods, solemn, and reaches out to cup her cheek, fingertips brushing over her cheekbones. Losing family-it’s a pain he understands well, just not one he can fix. Or would even know how. Anita rests her hand atop his and tips her face against his palm. She knows this, knows their shared pain, knows how he wants to do something about it. Right now, what happened to their families is a wrong that can’t be righted. Though he wishes there was something he could do to ease the weight of it. For both of them.
Ideas strike him like lightning. He jerks up, nearly knocking his drink over, and pulls his hand away, already putting it to use digging through their backpack before Anita can so much as blink.
”Hold on,” Crypto says, and when she reaches out to him, he looks up at her, “Trust me.”
She watches with fond confusion as he pulls out what he was searching for. His laptop, which he flips open and boots up. It takes a minute, fingers tapping on its side in the meantime. As soon as the screen comes to life, he sets about finding the artist. He can, at the least, do this much.
Pulling up code, he types a bit, scrolls through the numbers some, and slips into the compound’s encrypted network like it’s butter and his weapon of choice is a hot knife. From there, it’s a matter of getting past the password-locked music app, and pulling up the corresponding artist’s page, which he slides over to her when he’s done.
“There, not hard to do,” he leans back into Anita as she adjusts the laptop to rest in her lap, “You said you recognized the music. Is that them?”
The real-time display totes the current song in the bottom corner, while a dark page lists the artist at the top, along with their songs below. Words scroll past as Anita takes control of the touchpad and flicks down the list. Eyebrows drawn together in focus, she scans page.
With a hum, and without taking her eyes off the screen, she says to Crypto, “The problem’s not that I don’t remember the songs, it’s that I don’t remember the titles. There’s a few that use the choruses as titles, I think. I’ll look for those.”
When she doesn’t seem to remember any right away, he presses a kiss to her cheek, and settles down onto her shoulder, content to stay snuggled into her side for the time being.
They stay like that for a while, nothing but the click of the keyboard and quiet music as one song ends and another begins. It’s peaceful, and if they weren’t out in the open like this, he’d have fallen asleep where he was.
Eventually, the arm underneath him jostles upward, and her warm voice calls him.
“TJ,” he lifts his head to see Anita gazing gently at him, “I found one.” He rubs his eyes and shifts upward off his place against her shoulder as she hits play.
The current song cuts off abruptly, causing a chorus of objections and confused cries to erupt from below. After a moment, the meandering music fades in and drifts above the stray noise, leaving them with only each other. Anita hums along, and Tae Joon feels his heart thrum.
“Used to dance to this one with my mom. It’s her favorite,” she pulls herself to her feet and holds out her hand to him, “C’mon. Can’t not dance to it.”
Crypto hesitates, arm half-risen at his side. He doesn’t dance. He doesn’t know how to, at least not the way she wants to. The closest he’s ever gotten to dancing is with Mila, bouncing around their shared room at a young age, or trying to learn choreographies with her, and badly, as Mystik watched from the doorway. But that was a long time ago, and they were young. This is different.
He’s about to say no, that he’d only make a fool out of himself, when she kneels down and takes his hands in hers.
She doesn’t pull him up, instead she brings them to her lips, humming still. Ever so lightly, she brushes the back of his hand with a kiss, and his stomach flips. Distantly, he realizes there’s someone singing, in the song, though it’s too quiet to make out the words. More presently, he realizes Anita is singing along, lowly, quietly, against his skin.
“Suitcase in your hand,” it comes out warmly, and his words catch in his throat as he feels her lips move, “Wave goodbye to mom and dad.”
That’s ironic, he’s pretty sure.
She turns it over, and presses a tender kiss to his palm, “Never thought I would see the back of you.”
Her voice is his favorite sound in the world, he decides. In a more poetic moment, he’d describe it as sugar and amber, like the sweet syrup she puts too much of on her pancakes, or the rising sun drifting through their window in the morning. For now, it takes his breath away and leaves his heart hammering.
She rises, and pulls him up. This time, he goes with her. He doesn’t need any more convincing.
“Mixtape’s wearing down,” she pulls him close and he takes a moment to reflect on how perfectly their hands fit together, “Crystal ships are sailing out.”
They’re close enough that he can feel her breath on his face when she sings, “Now the doors are opening for you.”
When she takes a step back away from their seat, and towards the flat expanse of the rest of the roof, he follows without question.
Hand in hand, she leads him out as she sings, “I wanna swim, swim out into the dark night,” each footstep in sync with the song.
“I wanna melt you down into the stars,” they take slow, deliberate steps. It’s in time with the steady flow of the music, low notes like a heartbeat.
“I wanna crumble, tumble, like a landslide.” as they reach the wide, open portion of the roof, she stops. One hand slips free of his, and finds its way to rest on his neck, fingers brushing over the shaved stubble of his undercut
She rests their foreheads together, and sings, “I wanna live, die, wherever you are.”
Crypto thrills at the touch, as he always does, and untangles his other hand to rest it tentatively at her waist. Yet again, he wonders how he got so lucky.
She dips down and brushes the corner of his mouth with a ghost of a kiss, “Just you and I.”
As the singer echoes the ending of the phrase, she presses her lips to his in a firm kiss that he doesn’t hesitate to return. With each ‘you and i’ that the song brings, she kisses him again. Peppers him with affection as they sway to the tune. A kiss to the cheek, the corner of his mouth, his nose, his lips again.
“Just you and I,” she hums against him before she pulls back, “Just you and I.”
Her thumb sweeps over his cheek as she cups his chin, her enamored gaze never leaving his. They sway in place to the music, and as the singing fades out, she hums to the tune.
In a way, he still can’t believe that he’s with her. He doesn’t know how a man like him ends up with someone like her.
She starts to sing again, voice sweet as honey, “Lovesick melody, carry my words across the sea.”
She looks at him like he’s the stars, eyes full of admiration and awe.
“Tell her I miss her,” her thumb drifts over his lips, “Tell her I’m torn in two.”
In the pit of his stomach, he has a feeling this is where he’s supposed to be.
“Salt burns in my eyes, none of these streets feel right tonight.”
Because being with her? It’s a tether in a storm, a lull in the chaos. It’s home.
“I’ll be your wild man, you’ll be my baby blue,” and when she kisses him again, he can feel her smile.
He loves it when she smiles, so he pulls her back in, and kisses her. Again, and again, and again, and he doesn’t stop. Not even as the song slips into the chorus again. The laugh she makes as he digs his fingers into her coat to keep her close, it’s enchanting, and he thinks, briefly, that hearing it again is worth any price.
He thinks that he’d do just about anything for her, anything to keep that smile on her face, anything to hear her sing again. Anything to remain by her side.
And then he stops thinking, because he’s back to kissing her, and that is far more important.
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justcallmenikki7 · 6 years ago
BTS Reaction To: They’re Only Soft For You (BadBoy!Au)(School!Au)
Summary: your boyfriend who is known as the “bad boy” in your school only is ever soft for you and everyone who witnesses their softness towards you is always shocked by it.
Genre: badboy!au, school!au, Goodgirl!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
Notes: i’m not as thrilled for Jungkook’s but this idea popped in my head and i wrote this in two hours, so i apologize for my terrible writing and for any grammatical mistakes.
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You had Jin wrapped around your fingers and everyone in your school, including the teachers and other staff, knew it too. 
Every time you walked down the hall with your boyfriend, who is feared by the student body, stared at you both in shock. That reason is because you’re the complete opposite of him - literally. You’re much nicer than him, more polite, and friendly. 
Truth is, so is Jin, but to the people he likes and who doesn’t irritates him- which includes his family, friends, and most importantly - you. 
So, seeing him act in such a way towards you shocks them. 
Especially now.
“Hey Jinnie? Can you hold my hair back so I can get a drink from the water fountain?” You asked your boyfriend sweetly, glancing up at his tall frame. 
If it was anymore possible, his eyes softened even more at you, nodding his head. “Of course, baby.” Moving your hair so it was pulled back away from your face, making sure there weren’t any stray hairs that would possibly get wet. 
As you were getting a drink, the students around you stared in shock, seeing how Jin was doing something so out of his character. Even though they see something like this every week, they still cannot get use to it. Without you knowing, Jin glared at all of them, the same look that can scare them into thinking that they’ll have to deal with him alone. When he felt you stand up, his death glare was long gone and back was his adoring look for you.
Oblivious to the looks, you stood up on your tiptoes and planted a thankful kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek. “Thank you Jinnie, now, let’s get to the library so we, or I, can study.”
Smirking, Jin wrapped his arms around you shoulders to bring you in close to him. “You know me so well, baby.”
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Min Yoongi hated school dances with a passion. 
The thought of them always made him scowl and roll his eyes, stating that they are stupid and worthless. 
And that is what he is at right now against his will because you begged him to go to it.
He was leaning against the wall, cringing at the crappy songs that were being played on the speakers, watching you dance with your friends. His gaze never left your dancing, only whenever a guy would stare at you for to long so he could give them his death glare. Your sight always made him happy - you made him happy. And what came with that is giving into your puppy dog eyes, being to weak to say no to you.
The upbeat song turned into a slow song, causing you to stop dancing and excitedly make your way towards Yoongi. 
A cheeky grin was on your face which made Yoongi roll his eyes at you in a goofy manner.
“Would you like to have this dance with me, Min Yoongi,” you said in a fake posh tone. 
Wanting to see you smile, he cleared his throat, “I would be honored to have this dance with you, Miss Y/N.” His reply had you giggling which made Yoongi smile down at you.
Yoongi brought you into him, his arms wrapped around your waist tightly, your front pressed against his. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with the ends of his hair. 
“You look beautiful tonight, kitten.” He whispered into your ear, deep voice making your body tingle.
“And you look handsome, Yoongi.” You complimented back, kissing his neck. 
You could see your friends gawking at you and Yoongi out of your peripheral vision, still shocked that you could make the Min Yoongi soft. Your best friend was smiling fondly at you from beside you who was dancing with their date, making you happy that she was happy for you. 
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To say that it was a shock that one of the feared BTS boys was dating a girl like you was a shock. You - a book worm, quiet, sweet girl - was dating Jung Hoseok - a rude, scary (according to a lot of people), rough guy. 
Sometimes it was a shock to you also because how in the hell does someone like Hoseok like someone like you? This was something you always thought and have voiced once to your boyfriend, which resulted in him showing (in many ways) on why he does. 
At school people always whispered about how different acts towards you than anybody else. 
Like now-
You were leaning into your boyfriends chest as you sat with him and his friends underneath the big oak tree that was outside by the school. You had a book in your hand, reading your favorite novel, while the other hand was used to put chips in your mouth. Hoseok had his arms wrapped around your waist, chin perched on your shoulder, occasionally pressing kisses along your neck and cheek. 
“Dang it,” you muttered, accidentally staining a page of your book from turning it with your hand that you were using to eat with.
“What’s wrong, baby girl?” Hoseok asked, frowning when he heard your upset voice.
“I accidentally stained one of my pages because I was using this hand to eat with and turn pages.” You told him, frowning. 
“Here, let me feed you while you read so you don’t do that again.” Hoseok offered, handing you a napkin so you can wipe you messy hand with before grabbing the bag of chips you brought. 
Agreeing, you cleaned your hand off before you went back to reading. As Hoseok fed you, every now and then laughing with you whenever he acted as if the chip was a plane, the people who passed by were stunned. They would have never imagined Hoseok to act like how does with you before you two ever got together. Now that you two are together and how acts towards you -soft and kind- they cannot wrap their head around it. 
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Kim Namjoon is a nerd.
No one would ever believe that because of how he acts and who he hangs around with. Also because of him being the leader of the schools bad boy clan. But they began to see his nerdy side in class after you two started dating. 
But they also didn’t believe that Kim Namjoon would go for someone that is the complete opposite of him; which shocked them whenever you and Namjoon began dating.
“But how is it A? Are you sure it is not C?” You questioned, looking at your boyfriend in confusion. 
“Because, babe, of how..” Namjoon began explaining on why it is A rather than C. 
The students who sat beside you and in front of you were stunned to see how Namjoon explained the process and problem to you so nicely and understandingly. Never had they seen Namjoon so nice to someone who wasn’t his friend (he is nice to someone who is nice to him first, but no one ever sees that situation). 
“Oh, okay, that makes sense!” You exclaimed, finally understanding it the problem. “Thank you, Joonie.” You thanked quietly because you knew that he didn’t want anyone to hear your nickname for him.
“You’re welcome, babe. Now, onto the next problem.” Namjoon smiled down at you, love and admiration in his eyes.
And for the rest of the class period, the kids who were sat around you and Namjoon were quiet, listening to your boyfriend explain each problem to you, to scared to ask him for help on the problem.
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Jimin was known not to do anything domestic.
He has had pass ‘girlfriends’ in the past - mainly flings. With those flings, he never liked to do anything that involved being a boyfriend. He just acted as if they were another person that didn’t matter to him, but helped him with his needs. 
So, whenever you, the ‘good girl’, someone who never had a relationship, got with Jimin- everyone assumed that you were going to be another fling. They all felt pity for you because you are a nice girl. 
It was a huge shock when you and Jimin were seen doing couply activities- like going to the movies, holding hands in school, and you both dating for almost seven months. Everyone was purely shocked that the Park Jimin is in an actual relationship for more than a week. 
So whenever Jimin was around you, he turned into a huge ball of mush. Every time that they heard Jimin laugh, coo at you, or just act like an actual fluff ball, they were stunned. 
Because what had happen to the Jimin who had a different girl a week?
And Jimin loves it- he loves you. And it is very obvious.
“Happy birthday, baby girl.” Jimin greeted you, kissing you all over your face. 
“Thanks, Jimin!” You giggled at Jimin’s way of greeting you.
“I got you these,” he showed you the flowers. “I hope you like them, I know that you like Daisy’s, but they didn’t have any, so i got you the Sunflowers, which is your second favorite flower.” Jimin explained. It was clear that he was nervous about your reaction to the first part of your present. 
“Jimin, I love them!” You squealed, looking at the flowers, taking them from your boyfriends hands. “They’re perfect, I love you so much!” To show your appreciation, you kissed him on the lips and hugged him tight.
The people that were around were all gawking at how you can make the Park Jimin nervous. A few people were happy to see that Jimin has changed and is happy with someone. 
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Before you met Taehyung, he was wild. As in, he never, ever, listened to anybody and was never controlled. He was always doing something crazy, like pulling a prank on a teacher or student, even graffiti a locker. 
Taehyung was never controlled.
Until you came along.
Long story short, when Taehyung first met you he was head over heels for you. He was so entranced by your beauty, personality, everything about you. So, realizing that he had to probably calm down on his wildness due to knowing how sometimes it bothered you, he quit all of his acts. This surprised everyone because how could someone control the Kim Taehyung?
“Ugh,” you groaned out, bending down to pick up a book that had dropped.
“You okay there, Princess?” A familiar voice asked, causing butterflies to errupt in your stomach and your heart to do flips. You felt a arm wrap around your waist and a kiss be pressed to the side of your head.
“Yes, it’s just that I have to carry so many books and it gets to the point of being too much. I hate having to come back to my locker after every hour, so I try carrying them all at once to avoid being late.” You admitted, trying to balance your books in your arms.
Taehyung frowned down at you before grabbing your books, ignoring your protests. He hates seeing you stress out, so he’ll do anything to prevent that from happening.
“No, I’ll carry your books, Princess.” He stated, cutting you off from your protests. 
At his actions, the people who were around were astonished by his actions. Even though this sometimes happens, everyone always seems to get surprised by it. 
“She is so lucky.” You heard someone whisper, making you blush.
“It’s me that is the lucky one.” Taehyung stated truthfully, leaning down and giving you a kiss on the forehead. 
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Jungkook was a cocky guy. 
He knew he was hot and he knew that him and his friends were feared in their town. He used that to his advantage to get whatever he wanted.
But that all stopped when he met you. 
You had changed Jungkook by keeping him in line when he needed to be put back and had helped keep his short temper under control. 
Sometimes, that temper got tested by how people acted and made snide remarks about him and his friends. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” Jungkook growled out, turning around to face the person who made the remark.
“Jungkook,” you warned in a calm, yet soothing voice. “Don’t listen to them, he is a douche and you shouldn’t waste your energy on someone who is a negative person.” You told him, rubbing his shoulders.
What came a shock to everyone who was expecting a fight was Jungkook agreeing to not fight. They all stared at Jungkook and you as you both walked away from the scene.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around your shoulders, bringing you in close to him. You smiled up at him, happy that you got your boyfriend to avoid a detention or suspension. 
“I love you.” Jungkook promised, leaning down to press a kiss to your head.
“And I love you too.”
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daysswithyou · 6 years ago
V. Sungjin - Bet
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Characters: Sungjin x You
Genre: enemies to lovers!6
Warning: some cursing and swearing
Credits: @7abshy and @parkjaeins; for helping me figure out how annoying teachers can be
Words: 5k
Description: There is always more than meets the eye
Author’s note: This wraps up the enemies to lovers!6 series :) I hope you’ve enjoyed all 5 of them! 
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, shit!
You repeatedly mouthed the words to yourself under your breath as you squeezed past the throng of people crowding the hallways, occasionally throwing an apology across your shoulder if you bumped into someone. Opting to not take the front entrance into the lecture hall, you ran up flights of stairs to reach the back entrance. By the time you reached the top, you were gasping for breath, your thighs were burning and you could feel the first beads of sweat roll down your back. Slipping through the crack of the heavy wooden door, you settled into the closest empty seat, trying to steady your breathing as your pants became too loud within the enclosed space.
Deep breaths Y/N, deep breaths...
You internally heaved a sigh of relief when you saw the empty podium in front, glad that your professor for this class will not have a bad impression of you.
But your relief was short-lived as the booming voice right next to you soon commanded for attention.
“Alright let’s get started, now that the last student is here.”
As he walks down the flight of stairs to reach the podium, it gives you enough time to observe the authoritative figure. His black leather jacket and ripped black jeans made him look exceptionally tough, and you swore you saw some male students flinch when he walked past them. His hair, which was the colour of warm chocolate, was too long and brushed against his eyelids.
He looks like a model that has just stepped out of a Harley Davidson advertisement.
But you mentally berated yourself for the inappropriate thought, and proceeded to haul it out of the window.
When he stepped onto the podium, he surveyed the whole room before starting again.
 “Good morning. My name is Park Sungjin and I’ll be your TA for this semester and for this class.”
 Ah, so this was the legendary Park Sungjin that you had heard so much about during your first semester. He was famous for being the top student of the graduating batch, with an impeccable portfolio to match. Apparently, he’s so good to the point that many companies and graduate schools have offered him a place amongst them. But, he is also notorious for being a tough TA and everyone’s advice was to just stay away from his bad side if you ever had the fortune (or misfortune) of being in his classes.
All you wanted was to pass this class peacefully so you made it your goal to not cross the line.
However, when he opens his mouth to give the next set of instructions, you knew that you were already on the wrong side of the line.
“So now, if you’re ready Ms Y/N, I’ll begin with the introduction on the topic.” Giving you one last hard glance, he turned to face the screen. Everyone else was furiously copying down notes, but not you.
He said my name, he knows who I am. I’ve been singled out.
It felt like someone had just passed you the death sentence.
A week passed by uneventfully and you tried your best to not attract attention to yourself in class. You were on time, and you were attentive in class. You never gave Sungjin trouble – or Mr Park, as you know him by now. Yet, such tactics did not work on him. You knew that you had his full attention when he stares at you from the front as he is giving lectures, even if you’re sitting in a last row. He’ll always linger a little longer behind you as write answers to the mini quizzes in class. You made the mistake of looking up at him once, and you nearly combusted under his hard gaze. What’s worse is that you can’t decide if he approves or disapproves of your work. Perhaps that was the most agonising part.
Today was no different. After handing up your papers for the quiz to the front, you attempted to slip away with the crowd but you just couldn’t slip past Park Sungjin’s attention.
“Y/N, could I have a word with you?”
You halted in your steps, his monotone voice sending chills down your spine.
Why me…
Squeezing your eyes shut and taking in a shaky breath, you turned around to face him before walking in his direction. Your steps were a little too hesitant and you were obviously clutching onto your bag too tightly because this was the first thing that Sungjin said when you finally stood in front of him.
“You can loosen your grip on your bag strap, your knuckles are turning white.”
“O-o-oh. It’s a habit, sorry.”
“What time do your lessons end today, Y/N?”
“6pm. My last lesson is Introduction to Psychology.”
“Good. Meet me at Conference Room 2 of the Social Sciences block, 6.30pm sharp.”
“Yes. Anything else…?”
“That’s all. You may go now.”
Giving Sungjin a curt bow, you scurried out of the lecture hall as fast as you could, dreading the time when you had to see him again.
 6.30pm came too early for your liking, and you soon found yourself face to face with Sungjin once more. A thick stack of papers were sitting by the corner of the table beside him and you knew immediately.
“I’m here to grade papers?”
“More or less; I’ll be giving the final grade and you can help me critique.”
You simply nodded before assuming the seat in front of him.
The next time you looked up, your neck popped up with a loud crack and the clock read 12am. Sungjin kept you thoroughly occupied for the past few hours, papers being presented to you in a systematic manner. You’ve said more words to him a few hours than you’ve said to all your professors combined last semester. While disguised as ‘extra exposure’ for you, deep down you knew that this was Sungjin’s special torture method – and you finally understood what others meant by getting on his bad side.
But the torture didn’t end there.
“Y/N, don’t forget that we have an assignment due the next day. Oh, and don’t be late. See you tomorrow.”
Everything sounds really innocent but you knew what Sungjin really meant was “Don’t mess up tomorrow Y/N.”
You wanted to let out a sigh of frustration but instead you swallowed it and merely replied with a spritely “Yes” before leaving the office.
And this went on for months. Every single time Sungjin gave your class a quiz, you would find yourself in the conference room with him grading papers; sometimes at the expense of your own work. It gradually extended to grading papers from his other classes, but never once did you complain. You knew better than to argue with teachers, much less Sungjin. Every time he looks at you, your words die in your throat; how on earth were you supposed to hold an argument with him? But, of course, when you were back in the comfort of your dorm, which was when you were cursing and swearing at him. At one point in time, your roommate almost called an exorcist, thoroughly freaked out by the way you were flaying your limbs in the air as you continued screaming in frustration.
Needless to say, the late nights left with less sleep, and little energy to pay attention. You were up till 4am last night (or should you say morning), rushing out assignments due today for 2 different classes. You had burst into Sungjin’s lecture hall a good 20 minutes late but in your state, you didn’t care anymore. As usual, you settled into the closest seat you could find, one hand combing through the tangles in your hair, the other rummaging through your bag for your lesson materials. But you were so thoroughly exhausted that you fell asleep 10 minutes later, you pen stopping midway across your paper.
The next time you regain consciousness was when Sungjin’s voice calling your name rang through the speakers.
“So, Ms Y/N, what do you think of the question I just raised?”
You awoke with a start and you scattered your stationary across the floor in the process. You could hear the whole hall snickering at your blunder; save for the few kids sitting around you that helped you pick up your stray pens.
What was the question even? That was the most urgent question for you to answer. You shot a hard look at Sungjin, one that said, “How dare you call me when I’m in this state because of YOU.”
You were sure that he understood your gaze, but he merely raised an eyebrow, as he always did. It was the one that you recognised as “Go on, I’m waiting for your answer.” You knew that there was no way out of this except to answer his question. Panicking, you stared at the last word you wrote in your notebook before rattling off.
“The most famous poem from the Old English period, widely recognised by most is Beowulf. And for – ”
“Oh Ms Y/N, I didn’t know that Scandinavians spoke Old English in the late 10th century. Clearly, someone needs to keep her eyes and ears open. Also, I asked for your opinion, not of those from the 10th century.”
From beneath his long locks, Sungjin gave you a mischievous glint and smirked at you as the entire hall erupted into raucous laughter. Everyone was laughing, except you. Everyone found this funny, except you. Everyone was in a good mood, but you were livid.
How.fucking.dare.you.Park.fucking.Sungjin. I’m suffering in class now because of all your stupid “extra exposure” work after school. Yet you purposely picked on me to answer your question, knowing full well that I can’t. Why do you like picking on me so much? Why do you like embarrassing me in class so much? WHY PARK SUNGJIN!!!
You might have felt better if you actually said it out loud, but you didn’t. You just kept repeating this thought to yourself like a mantra until the end of the lesson.
It’s ok Y/N, just another 30mins of sitting in this hall and looking at his face. Afterwards you can leave and get yourself some ice cream to make yourself feel better. Yes, that’s right… everything is going to be ok Y/N...
But that day, things were not ok and you left the hall in a foul mood. For the final project of the year, you were paired up with Song Jihyo, the girl in class that was notorious for not doing her work.
Its official, Park Sungjin hates me and wants me to burn in Hell. That day, your whole body ached at the thought of more late nights and instead of eating your ice cream, you remembered hurling it at an innocent, nearby tree.
Everything that you thought would happen did happen. It’s as the saying goes, “Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.” And in this case, you were helpless against its happening. The only time that you talked to Jihyo was deciding on the thesis and after that, she was virtually uncontactable. You eventually gave up trying to arrange a time to meet to do up the thesis; you merely assigned her parts – which, to be fair, she did do. But they were of such poor quality you ended up deleting most of it and redoing it yourself. But no matter how hard you tried, nothing seemed fresh and you decided to bite the bullet and ask for help.
Lucky for you, Mr Kim was in class today and you immediately ran to him for help.
“Good morning Mr Kim. I have some questions about the final project thesis, is it alright if I ask a few questions?”
“Ah Y/N aren’t you? I’ve heard so much about you from Sungjin! I’ll be glad to help, let me take a look.”
Eagerly, you showed him what you had done so far and when he smiled, you felt a small smile creep onto your face, silently happy that you had gained his approval. But soon, the smile was wiped off your face.
“First of all, an excellent thesis choice, I must say. I remember Sungjin doing something similar for my class 3 years ago, why don’t you ask him for help? He is in a better position to help than I am.”
“Yes sir, I’ll ask Sung- I mean, Mr Park. Yes, I’ll ask Mr Park for advice. Thank you.”
With a light pat on your shoulder, he left you alone and when you turned, you found Park Sungjin standing right in front of you.
“I heard you need help?”
“Yes...” You hated it; you hated having to admit that you needed help from Park Sungjin.
“Hand it over.”
Reluctantly, you passed him your phone and turned to the side, not wanting to see his face further.
When he finally passed back the phone to you, you didn’t feel any more enlightened.
“You can do better than this.”
“What do you mean? That isn’t helpful!”
“That’s all I have to say. You know what to do, so do it.”
“I don’t! I don’t know what to do, which is why I’m asking for help!”
“Then sit down and figure it out.”
So that’s how it’s going to be – you won’t give me a consultation when I need it the most. Fine.
But that was not what you said. You said this instead, “Ok, I’ll figure it out.”
From then onwards, without help from anyone, you trudged through the group thesis yourself. This was on top of the individual thesis that each of you had to prepare for. You were literally typing so much (or rather, punching) your keyboard so hard that one of the keys fell out and you had to send your laptop for repairs. Not only was school draining your sanity, it was also draining your money. Due to the delay in repairing your laptop, you were left with a week to finish half of your thesis.
The outcome: later nights and heavier eye bags. By now, you were too tired to curse and swear at Sungjin for the terrible grouping since it was already taking insane willpower from you to even show up in class. You merely bottled up your indignation, and kept working to avoid thinking about it. After placing the stack of papers in Sungjin’s letter tray, you went back to your dorm and crashed for 12 hours straight.
This signalled the start of your 1 week break, and one week of not seeing Park Sungjin.
Thank goodness.
The next time you saw Park Sungjin, you were glad that it was the last time that you would have to see him. After all the torture he had put you through for the past semester, you were glad that you’ll be done with him now.
Yet, as always, Park Sungjin manages to make your life a living hell till the end.
Group Thesis: C
Individual Thesis: E
Overall: D
Comments for Individual Thesis: Clear presentation of key ideas and mostly factually correct. Choice of thesis could be better.
Signed: Park Sungjin
Choice of thesis could be better. Park Sungjin failed me, just because he didn’t like my topic.
You were brought out from your shock by a large shove from behind. Whipping around, you found a smiley Jihyo in front of you and her next words made you want to punch her in her perfect little teeth.
“Thank you for helping me pass the class Y/N! How much did you get?”
Without your consent, she ripped your papers from your hands before handing them back to you with a frown.
“That’s odd; we had the same choice of individual thesis, why did you do worse?” But Jihyo had no time to contemplate on the answer to her question when she was dragged away by her friends to celebrate their good grades.
I can tolerate everything that Park Sungjin has put me through, but not this.
Running up to Sungjin, you stopped him from leaving before asking to see him.
“Do you have time now?”
“Yes. What is this about?”
“This is about my thesis, can we talk somewhere else?”
“Conference Room 2 of the Social Sciences building in 10 minutes, I need to talk to Mr Kim first.”
You were going to clear this once and for all.
“So, what is it about your thesis, Y/N?”
“You failed me just because you didn’t like my topic, didn’t you?”
You’ve rehearsed this part many times in your head and this wasn’t how it was supposed to sound like. It was supposed to sound polite and less accusatory, but fuck that. You wanted answers, and if you had to demand it from him, you will.
“Yes, I did. What’s the issue with it?”
“It’s not fair.”
“Nothing is fair in this world Y/N; I thought you’d know that by now.”
“Yes, I do know that. But what you’re doing is not only unfair, but also downright discriminatory.”
“How so?”
“Jihyo told me that we both had the same choice of thesis, and I got and E and she got a B. My grades are clearly a personal attack against my character. You never liked me from the start, I get it. But it’s wrong to simply disregard my entire thesis because you didn’t like the topic! What is wrong with this topic? It’s within the list of topics that you’ve given us, I met the word count, I met deadlines. I did everything!”
“And I’m supposed to give you a A for that?”
"I’m not saying you have to give me an A for it. I'm just trying to prove the fact that – " "A fact is already a fact, you don't have to prove it." "God damn it Sungjin! Would you just lay off me for a second? Would it kill for you to not correct my grammar for once? Would it kill you to not pick on me for one second?" "It's Mr Park, for you. It still is. And no, I won't lay off your grammar – you are an English language major that has taken my class, there is no way that I'm allowing you to continue to speak with bad grammar." "I hate you." "That can technically count as swearing at a teacher. Are you testing my patience?" "No. I'm just saying that it's not fair for you to give me a bad grade just because you did not like my choice of thesis. That's just being biased." "I'm not changing your grade." "I can't fail this module Sungjin! I need to pass this module to go for the Advanced English module. Yes, it's not a perfect thesis but I don't deserve to fail for this!" "Welcome to the real world Y/N." "I hate you Sungjin. I really fucking do." You pick up your bag and slam the door on your way out. That night, for the first time, you cried. And you hated the fact that you were crying over stupid Park Sungjin.
The next day, you awoke with puffy eyes but nonetheless, you showed up for lessons. You nearly bumped into Sungjin on your way to Psychology but you immediately detoured. You couldn’t get close to him – you might just punch him and be charged for assaulting a teacher.
That evening, you had just ended lessons when your phone buzzed and Sungjin’s name lit up on your screen.
Mr Park: You have another chance to redo your thesis and not fail the class. Deadline is January 20th, 2 weeks from now. Papers in my tray at 6pm sharp; don’t be late for the submission.
You swiped his notification away quickly, but you remembered the words and that night, you began sourcing for more ideas for your individual thesis.
For the next 3 days, Sungjin just wouldn’t leave you alone. Your phone buzzed with his name every now and then, and he was so distracting that you nearly wanted to block his number.
Mr Park: Are you going to resubmit your thesis?
Mr Park: Have you chosen a thesis yet?
Mr Park: What is your choice of thesis? How many words in?
Mr Park: Do you need help? Just drop me a message; I can help you check your thesis.
Help me with my thesis? Is he playing saint now? As if I’m going to accept help from him.
As you turned your attention back to your screen, you found that a shadow has fallen in front of your laptop. You found yourself staring at a pair of familiar, battered, black Converse and looking up only confirmed your suspicions. The man was here in person – Park Sungjin.
“Why aren’t you replying my messages?”
Why must I hold myself accountable to you? Buzz off.
You continued typing, completely ignoring Sungjin. You heard him sigh before inviting himself to sit in front of you.
“Y/N, what is your thesis? Hey, answer me. I came all the way down here to find you.”
“You came here voluntarily, I didn’t ask for your help. You can leave.”
“You’re still angry at me?”
Of course I am, you asshole. You’re just asking the obvious.
With each thought, you punched the keys on your keyboard harder.
“Stop typing so hard, you’ll spoil your keyboard. Working in spite is not going to produce quality work Y/N.”
Without your consent, he lifted your laptop into the air and onto his lap and scrolled through your entire document for 15 minutes. Passing it back to you with a smile, you stared at him in shock for 5 minutes.
Park Sungjin never smiles; did he just smile at me?
“You did it.”
“What did I do?”
“You figured it out. This was the choice of thesis I wanted you to choose in the very first place. Furthermore, you’ve chosen the correct area to focus on.”
“Thank you… I thought…”
“What did you think about?”
“I thought I might not be on the right track. But your words makes me feel a little more reassured now.”
“Well, I’ll leave you alone now.”
Park Sungjin then took his leave, but he was lying when he said he’ll leave you alone. He never did. Till the submission deadline, he visited you every alternate day.
As expected, you got an A for your individual thesis.
When you got an email from Mr Kim saying that he wanted to meet you, you thought you were doomed; most likely a disciplinary case on your head after what you said to Sungjin. But turns out, it was an interview for the Advanced English course, and they passed you immediately. When you walked out of the room still stunned that that you had entered the course of your choice, you found Sungjin waiting outside for you, almost like he knew you were going to be there.
“They passed you didn’t they?”
Hearing his voice reminded you of what Mr.Kim said to you just now:
“We’ve received high commendations of you, Ms Y/N. All the professors pushed for your recommendation into the course, and Sungjin, especially. He was the first one to mention offering you a place in the course. He spoke of your remarkable working attitude.”
“May I ask something?”
“Yes, anything at all.”
“What exactly did Mr Park say about me?”
“He mentioned that you work well even under immense stress and long hours, catching up really fast even if you fell behind. But, most importantly, he spoke of your willingness to try again after failure. That is the most important quality that we are looking out for: tenacity. We have no doubt that you’ll be a suitable candidate to enter this demanding course. We would love to offer you a place, should you choose to accept.”
“I would love to, thank you. Thank you to the faculty and professors for having me.”
Sungjin hates me, why would be recommend me for the course?
“Follow me.”
Taking him by the wrist, you dragged Sungjin all the way to the bridge in the school park before letting him go.
“What’s with the rush, Y/N?”
Hands on your hips, you turned to face Sungjin with wide eyes, your lips set firmly in a thin line.
“I don’t understand you Sungjin. First, you torture me in lessons by making me so many extra work and now you’re putting in good words for me and recommending me for my dream course? Did you suddenly decide that you like me more now overnight?”
“Ah, so they told you everything I said. Mr Kim promised to not tell, I should have known he wouldn’t keep to it.”
“You’re still not answering my questions.”
“I’m getting there. First of all, that extra work was not torture, they were a test. I loaded you with many things to see how much you can handle before you snapped but thankfully and luckily for me, you never did.”
“I did silently curse and swear at you.”
“That is a given. But you didn’t say it out loud, so it doesn’t count. You’ve proven to – ”
“To be able to work well under immense pressure and long hours.”
“Yes. That is an important quality for taking any Advanced courses. I took the same course with the same professors that you’ll be having so I know how intense it was. I had to put you under pressure to see if my bet was correct.”
“I was your bet?”
“Yes, I was betting on you all along. You have great potential.”
“Thank you.”
“Oh? I thought someone hated me before.”
“Like you said, that was before. I don’t anymore. What you put me through was tough, but they did teach me more about myself and my limits. So, thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now that I’ve managed to help you get a place in your course, I think it’s time to return the favour?”
“What’s your proposal?”
“Come to my graduation ceremony next spring. It’s in April.”
“Ok. That’s all?”
“That’s all for now.”
But when a soft smile lights up Sungjin’s face, you knew there was more in store for the both of you in time to come.
April 20th
You had come early to get front row seats and as you watch Sungjin give a speech representing the graduating batch, your heart swells with pride. You’ve seen him work very hard for the past one semester and to see him being handed his graduation certificate made you feel like all his efforts paid off.
You were the last to greet Sungjin because there was simply too many people crowding around him. You watch from afar and you giggle when you see Sungjin frantically asking Kang Younghyun if he’s seen you around. He does this thing where his eyes grow big like saucers, so big that you thought they were going to pop out of their sockets. You could also hear the fear in his voice – he speaks a little faster and slips into the Busan dialect. So when you greet him by gently tapping him on the shoulder, he whips around so fast the wind nearly knocked you over. But when you see his facial expression melt from one of worry into one of happiness, you nearly melt into a puddle there and then. You’d given anything to see those sparkly eyes and sweet smile.
“Ah finally you’re here Y/N! I saw you in the front row just now but then afterwards I didn’t so I was worried that you left but I haven’t got a photo with you yet. I was so sad  because I haven’t asked you my question yet – ”
“Calm down Sungjin! I’m here now right? Also, happy graduation! I got this for you.”
Proudly, you hold up the bear plushie you had custom made for him, decked out in the exact same graduation gown that he had on right now.
“It looks like you, right? I named him Bang!”
“Why Bang?”
“Because you always say goodbye in a very cute manner and Bang seems like a cute name to capture that cuteness. Also, I gave him eyelashes! When you observe the details, he really looks like you right?”
When Sungjin finally notices the eyelashes, he bursts out laughing and you swore your heart nearly stopped. When he finally stopped laughing and took over the bear from you, he finally remembered the question he wanted to ask you.
“Y/N- ah…”
“If I ask you out…will you say yes?”
Just to tease him a little, you decided to look up at the sky, and contemplate your answer for a little while.
“I don’t know…maybe?”
“You can’t do this to me! I waited so long to ask you this question!”
“Why did you wait so long then?”
“I had to wait till I graduated. It wouldn’t be right for a teacher to ask his student out right?”
“That’s true…but I still don’t know if I’d go out with you. How about we make a bet?”
“With what?”
“With a coin. You flip a coin and I’ll decide. Which side are you confident of getting?”
“Heads, I always flip a head.”
“Ok, go ahead then. Heads for I’ll go out with Park Sungjin and tails for…”
With utmost concentration, Sungjin flips the coin and slams his palm over it when it lands. Opening his palm, his face immediately becomes crestfallen: staring back at him was a tail.
But you haven’t finished your sentence yet.
“Tails for…I’ll still go out with you anyways!” you said, as you gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Really? You would?”
“Ask any more questions and I’ll reconsider.”
“Ok, ok I won’t ask any more questions! What do you want to eat?”
“Fried chicken!”
“Oh, I was betting that you’ll say fried chicken!”
“Betting on fried chicken is great Park Sungjin, but I'm betting on something else now.”
Sungjin turns to look at you and he says, "So, what are you betting on now?"
"I'm betting that you'll give me a kiss."
"Really? How are you so sure?"
"I know you Park Sungjin, I know you'll do it. So, am I getting a kiss or not?" 
Without another word, Sungjin closes the space between the both of you, so close that if either moved, your lips would touch. You closed your eyes and waited for the impact, but instead you felt something soft press into your forehead and you immediately smiled. 
"Not where I was expecting, but ok Sungjin."
"I'm saving the best for the last."
"I'm holding you accountable for that statement."
"You can bet your life on it that I'll fulfill it."
Not only was he your best bet, he was your favourite bet too.
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bambyeol · 7 years ago
Beats.And.Melody (B.A.M!) (p.2)
pairing/s: band! park jihoon x oc  genre: angst, fluff, music (band) characters: kang daniel, ong seongwoo,kim jaehwan, bae jinyoung, park woojin, lee daehwi, yoon jisung 
prompt: why were you crying over a pop rock party song?
previous : part 1 // part 3
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wanna one masterlist
“Oh yes that’s good.” Jinyoung turned his head towards her while the four of them were bundled together in the music room, each respectively practicing their own instrumentals. Once in a while, Jinyoung and Woojin would stop and sit with them and listen to her progress.
She was a naturally shy person and had limited number of friends in school. It didn’t help that she just transferred in their school during high school when most of the students had their own set of friends whom they found during middle school, so she enjoyed interacting with the boys. 
“You’re a prodigy, Riseul-ah” Woojin hung his arm on her shoulder, and she smiled meekly as she shook her head. “It’s thanks to Jihoon.”
“No, you’re seriously scaring me with your progress. You might just replace me in the band, you know.”
“Is it compliment-giving day? Wow, Jinyoung you’re the best. Really, you play the keyboard so well.” Jinyoung tapped his own shoulder and recited his words. Jihoon and Woojin threw the empty food wrappers and bottles to him. “This is why you don’t have a girlfriend.” Woojin dissed.
“And you’re a redhead mistaken as a pyramiding scam by women.”
“Points to Bae Jinyoung.” Jihoon couldn’t contain his laughter and so did Riseul. “Riseul-ah, I thought we were a team!” Woojin feigned disappointment and moved away from her. She tried to woo him back by stretching her arms and inviting him for a hug.” Oh, you’re cut with your red hair. Don’t listen to him, Woojinie~” she pitched her voice higher than usual like an adult consoling a baby.
Woojin was about to hug her back when Jihoon leaned on her chest and wrapped his arms on her waist, and stuck his tongue out to Woojin. Jinyoung casually snapped a picture of the two without their notice.
“Anyway.. Have you decided about the tune already, Riseul-ah?” Woojin cut their horse playing. Riseul was entrusted by all of them with the melody of the song because they needed to compose a song that would fit her voice and at the same time be unique, While they always performed lively and fast-paced songs, Riseul couldn’t seem to bring forth the same effect Jaehwan pulled off, and she was well aware of it.
“About that... I thought if it would be alright if we could stray from the usual style you guys did? I mean... can we try something like soft-rock?” She raised her forefinger and expressed her opinion. The three of them nodded with interest. “Also, I thought that it could attract the audience because most bands would stick to upbeat style, but if we start our song with a mellow sound and then gradually build up until the chorus..”
“Then it goes like BAM!” The three chorused, and Riseul clasped her hands when she was affirmed that they got the concept. “Right? It’s like the band’s name. The tune goes like this..”
Riseul hummed a slow, lengthened and rising melody, and sustained the tempo while humming it in a tone that fit her soprano voice then the beat fastened and Woojin grabbed his bass and strum one low chord. “This is lit!” Jinyoung couldn’t hide his awe. He rolled his hand and covered his mouth.
“That’s the tune you’re always humming.” Jihoon bent further and craned his neck to gaze upward after she finished singing. Woojin and Jinyoung were too busy rejoicing in the background. Riseul shrugged her shoulders, “I modified it a bit, but yeah.”
“It’s a pretty melody. Feels nostalgic,” Jihoon complimented and turned away to diss the two that he wasn’t able to catch the sad smile that landed on Riseul’s face.
“Yeah. It is.”
“Ri. Ri. Ri. Riiii” Younchul repeated and repeated until Riseul finally turned, annoyance still visible on her face and a cluck on her tongue as she pushed Youngchul’s face off her shoulder.
She was pissed. And sad. And confused. It was a swirl of emotions inside her at that moment, but she knew she shouldn’t be angry. Still. She couldn’t hide it, or even begin to understand that response she should project.
“You didn’t tell me,” the words venomously left her mouth with a sharp feeling. Youngchul just smiled at her, and massaged the lines on her forehead. “It’s nothing threatening,” he assured her, and the lines burrowed further on her forehead, glaze reflected on her eyes.
“Nothing threatening?” She spat out with disbelief. “Youngchul, you fainted! You were shaking and running out of breath. And I didn’t even know you were sick for a long time now. I didn’t even know you weren’t allowed to be exhausted. Youngchul, why didn’t you tell me before?” Riseul frowned and wiped the tears on her eyes.
She felt betrayed, and incompetent. She didnt understand the extent of his condition, but remembering all the days when she dragged him to accompany her, or to exercise with her, or to go on an adventure with her. It hurt. It hurt to know that she placed his life in danger for so many times, and she wasn’t even aware of it until it was too grave.
“I didn’t want you to know, Riseul.” Youngchul replied softly. “I told them not to tell you. You were the only one who didn’t need to know.” She sobbed and Youngchul hugged her.
“I wanted to be normal. Everywhere, they were careful around me, like I was a ticking bomb. But, when I was around you and we’d just do things like every normal child would. Play in the sandbox, get scraped knees, argue over the smallest things. Of course, I wouldn’t want you to know.” He massaged her knuckles popping out because of her clenched fists and kissed them.
“You’re not dying right?” She asked while crying and it was a stupid, insensitive question really, but she wanted to cling to that affirmation that came out of Youngchul’s mouth. 
“Yah! What’s with that. Of course, I’m not.” He stretched out his pinky and interlaced it with hers. It was a childish thing that they didn’t grow out of.
Two weeks has passed since Riseul agreed on becoming the substitute vocalist, and their practices were going smoothly. She was halfway through learning the chords of the song, and the others were busy in properly mixing the instruments. They had a talent where they knew how to accentuate the instruments needed for a certain part of the song. Seongwoo liked to call it musician sense, one that would come naturally to her as she continued learning, he said.
They were all busy cleaning up the practice room and polishing the instruments. “Hyung, do we have a practice on Saturday?” Jihoon asked. Riseul’s ears perked. Seongwoo shook his head. “That’s good. Let’s go to the water park that day?”
“Why? Something happening that day?” Woojin’s and Jinyoung’s eyes lit up, and their hands stopped from wiping the floor. “You can’t have forgotten that it’s Riseul’s birthday that day, right?” Jihoon glanced at Jinyoung and Woojin who pointed to each other to act like they didn’t forget.
“We were just about to say that!” Woojin shook his hand in the air. “You guys didn’t tell me!” Seongwoo touched his chest to feign hurt. “Well?” Jihoon turned his attention to Riseul with expectant eyes, but she shook her head with a sad smile.
“Uhm, I’m sorry, but can we celebrate it on Sunday instead?”
“Oh, that’s okay too. You had a plan already?” Seongwoo broke the heavy feeling from Riseul. She nodded and bowed apologetically. “I’m sorry, Riseul. I tried making plans...” Jihoon pouted and Riseul flicked his forehead.
“What’s with that? Don’t try to act cute with me.” She laughed as they faced each other while locking her gig bag. “Oh, it didn’t work?” Jihoon sent her a wink this time. Riseul smacked his eyes with her palm and covered it.
“Not today, wink boy.”
Birthday. The special day of every person, and people specially children want to spend it alone because people are specially kind to them on that day. They get whatever they want, no matter how ridiculous it was. Parents pay huge sum of money to make that day perfect. She never really understood that while growing up because she spent them all with Youngchul. 
Even the money she received would be halved with Youngchul, and even if she tried to hide it from him, he’d be informed by her parents. She spent that special day with someone else all her life, so it felt strange to celebrate it today. She paced back and forth inside her mind about what she should do, but she only found one resolution.
“In front of your apartment.” Daniel texted her. She opened the door and stepped out of her apartment, the gig bag hanging on her back. “Let’s go buy flowers on the way,” she reminded Daniel and he nodded with a soft smile.
The four band members were walking on the shopping district when Jihoon caught a glimpse of someone walking with a guitar case on his back. Instinctively, he turned his head to the direction of that person hoping to see Riseul. Instead, he saw a tall, lean man with pink hair carrying the bag which he swore was Riseul’s. His eyes landed on the person beside him and immediately recognized her.
They were by the flower stall, the young man pointing to several flowers and Riseul adding several others. When the florist finished arranging the bouquet, the pink haired man gave it to Riseul and she smiled and smelled the flowers. The man adjusted the straps of the bag, and his eyebrows furrowed.
Riseul didn’t let others touch her guitar bag. At least, she didn’t let Jihoon touch it when he offered to carry it for her becase he didn’t carry anything that day after practice.  He always noticed her guarded attitude towards the guitar, and he knew it held sentimental value to her that’s why it confused him how that man she was with on her birthday casually adjusted the straps.
Woojin turned to him when he noticed that Jihoon stopped walking. “Gonna buy something?” Jihoon swiftly turned his head and shook his head. Woojin tried to peer where he was staring, and Jihoon pushed him to walk forward and joined in the conversation again, only glancing once or twice back to the direction of the two.
“Let’s hurry up. I’m hungry.” 
Riseul and Daniel reached their destination by dusk, the sunset’s orange hue about to disappear from the horizon. She immediately ran towards his grave and set up the candle, the bouquet and their gifts. She bent her legs until she was face to face with his tombstone and she wiped away the dust that formed on it.
Daniel bent down too and on his hands was a lighted birthday cake, and Riseul began clapping. “Happy birthday to you ~ Happy birthday to you ~ Happy birthday, dear Youngchul ~ Happy birthday to you.” She blew the candle with the numbers 2 and 0.
Closing her eyes, memories of their birthdays together flooded her mind.
At sixteen, the second birthday they spent in the hospital but not because of upset stomach from too much watermelon. Youngchul’s heart was beginning to fail. They escaped the hospital to light up handheld fireworks on the empty lot beside the hospital, the lights illuminating the cold and dark lot.
“Youngchul-ah!” The nurse shouted from the entrance of the hospital, and they quickly looked at each other and stomped on the fireworks. Youngchul dragged her towards the nurse and they apologized with little sincerity. Of course, they received scolding, but when they reached the hospital room, they laughed it off.
“I told you we should have just lighted the fireworks here,” he stood on the empty space inside the room and grinned. Riseul threw him a pillow which hit his head.
At eighteen, they spent their birthday in Seoul because Youngchul was advised to be sent to a better facility. Another birthday spent in the hospital as he was getting more frequent attacks. 
“You wouldn’t believe what I just saw! Youngchul storied. “They were the best out of everyone in that room, Riseul. And their band name is BAM! They fit their band name, their performance was like BAM! It was like thunder from the first beat. You’ve gotta visit the Underground.” he swung his hands animatedly as he gushed to her about it.
“Bam!” He jolted back when she mimicked the sound he made as she pulled out her gift. “Happy birthday, Youngchul.” she kissed his forehead.
“God, that’s not good for my heart.” 
She sat on the grass and Daniel handed her the guitar Youngchul previously owned. “Hey, Youngchul. You suck.” Daniel greeted his younger brother. He was so used to teasing Youngchul. “You said you’ll compose your own songs, but Riseul managed to pick up the tune you made and provide an accompaniment for it in 2 months.” 
Riseul strum the guitar and hummed along. There was no lyrics in it, but Youngchul always understood. They needed no words - from beginning until the end. There was Riseul, the brave, and Youngchul, the courageous who like their names resonated with each other.
Maybe that’s why it scared her to face the reality without him.
He was her Youngchul.
He was her courage.
She stopped strumming midway through the song, and scratched her head. “Ah. I still haven’t learned the other parts of it, Youngchul. I met a lot of good people this year. Daniel-oppa keeps worrying about me these days, so please tell him not to and that he should focus on finding a girlfriend instead. I asked Jihoon to teach me how to play the guitar, and it’s fun. I became friends with Jinyoung, Woojin and Seongwoo, and we’ll be performing this song in two weeks. That day, I hope you listen to me.” She pressed her hands together and prayed.
They stood up and left the cemetery but Riseul couldn’t help but keep looking back to Youngchul’s grave as it got farther and farther from her.
“Are you sure you can take the train alone? Also, I’ll be sure to watch the competition.” Daniel hung the guitar bag on Riseul and patted her head. “I’m 20 now, remember?” She joked and he ruffled her hair with a warm smile she was used to seeing.
“You’re still a kiddo for me.” He waited until she boarded the train and he waved her off before he proceeded to his own business. Riseul then walked towards her apartment and was surprised to see Jihoon by the bench before their apartment complex. 
He was busily looking at the sky with his hands on his jeans, and right foot crossed on the other. “Jihoon?” Riseul squinted her eyes to check as she approached towards his direction that was directly in front of her apartment complex. He greeted her with a wave and bent to remove something from what seemed to be a large paper bag.
When he turned around again, there was a cake sitting on his palms with lighted candles.She couldn’t hide her surprise as she looked around to find the other band members who must have probably hidden themselves to surprise her. “I know we’ll see you tomorrow, but I thought it’s still better to celebrate on the day of your birthday. Also, the other guys had other plans, so I came here as a representative.” He walked towards her because she stopped moving when she tried to find the others.
The candle illuminated Jihoon’s face whose gentleness delivered a strange sense of comfort.
“Happy birthday to you ~ Happy birthday to you ~ Happy birthday, dear Riseul. Happy birthday to you ~” he sang to her and tears couldn’t help but fall from her eyes. She tried wiping them away but they kept on pouring, and she saw the panicked expression on Jihoon’s face.
“Ahh -- did I do something wrong?” His frantic movement and heavy breath blew away the candles. “Ahh -- the candles. Oh no, wait, let me just light them up again.” she held onto the sleeve of his shirt and shook her head as she wiped the tears with the collar of her shirt.
Jihoon sets the cake onto the nearest bench, and outstretched his arms. Without thinking about it, she rushed into his arms, and wrapped her arms onto his waist, leaned onto his chest and listened to his heartbeat. A slow, steady and rhythmic beat. Gentle and light like how he plays his guitar.
He hummed the birthday song while he rubbed her back as she cried. “What do I do? I don’t know why you’re crying.”
“Just felt weird to hear you singing that song for me.” She replied, her words softened because of his shirt. “That’s what you told me too when I asked why you cried back then. You and your cryptic explanations.” He pushed her gently away from him, and raised her chin by his hand.
“Since I blew that candle, that means I get to make a wish right?” Riseul continued to wipe her tears with a laugh. “What’s with that?” Jihoon squeezed his eyes shut as he thought of something and opened them again.
“I wish that the next time Riseul cries, they would be tears of joy.”
part 3 !
Jesus, I typed this whole part because Tumblr was being a bitch again and does not accept me copy pasting from my document. 
wanna one masterlist
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spkdnailbats · 6 years ago
Hyper-fixations!! (aka- my stan list)
yo so I've realized I always hyper-fixate on characters in media that I either relate to, wish to be like, or draw comfort from.... so bc I'm bored here's some peeps in this category:
•Taako (The Adventure Zone Balance) - want to be like - openly himself, multidimensional, fully realized creation, loved by many, charismatic, in a good and healthy relationship (thats also so supportive and cute and god wheres my gf version of kravitz???), unapologetic, went through some shit and came out different and with issues but is still just good, loves family, passionate
•Angus McDonald (The Adventure Zone Balance) - comfort character - hes just a sweet lil guy who just loves his weird found family and is just so smart and precious and i love him with my whole soul and being, makes me smile whenever he pops up
•Magic Brian (The Adventure Zone Balance) - comfort character - can never fail to make me laugh and smile
•Hurley (The Adventure Zone Balance) - relate to - a small ball of energy, typically a rule follower but likes to stray away sometimes, a gay!!, lowkey likes to race in my jeep (its only with my one friend and its not a legit race but we say it is and its v fun)
•Carey Fangbattle (The Adventure Zone Balance) - relate to / want to be like - tiny but big personality, a gay!!, fiesty, sneaky, tough cookie, loves a tall butch girl (i do not have a tall butch girl to love but maybe someday!!), badass little rogue (i wish)
•Virgil "Anxiety" Sanders (Sanders Sides/Thomas Sanders) - relate to - anxious ball of something, many people consider cute although deny it / dont believe it, self deprecating!!, needs a hug, tries to be intimidating but fails, the mom™ friend
•Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) - relate to - felt lost, felt ostracized from friends (sometimes true sometimes not - gee, cognitive distortions are a bitch), found people and felt comfortable and at home with them, found family, self deprecating, separates self to not get hurt, wants to protect but also avoid, sad™
•Peridot (Steven Universe) - comfort character - had genuine growth as a character which is nice to see, is silly but also can be serious, makes me smile whenever i see her
•Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) - relate to / want to be like - very much himself, overdramatic af (drama queen and a diva), sees the best in people, cares based on personality rather than looks (calls an old lady beautiful bc she has a good heart), a versatile lgbt (looks and acts like a gay but dates a pretty girl, the dream ngl), fashionable af and dyes hair fun colors
•Calcifer (Howl’s Moving Castle) - relate to - sassy little bitch, underappreciated until absolutely needed, small and typically seen as tame but can have a big personality at times
•Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle) - relate to / want to be like - the odd one out, seen as ordinary, never the pretty one but always the average or forgettable one, always someone better and not often liked, when liked its always true and based on a beautiful personality, finds real love in an unlikely situation (wheres my love in life?), makes own path and doesnt care what people say/think, ambitious, does what needs to be done even if its hard, comforting maternal presence but also dominant and assertive when needed, gets shit done
•Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service) - relate to / want to be like - is an outsider but finds her place eventually, inexperienced but trying her best, works hard in all she does, makes something of herself (i hope someday thats me), makes the best out of a bad situation
•Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) - relate to - lost, searching for home and family, feel constantly different from everyone else, runs away from problems before finally solving/fixing them
•Baymax (Big Hero 6) - comfort character - was there for hiro and did whatever possible the whole movie to help him (learning about grieving, sacrificing, etc), and there was a time in my life that I really needed that presence and didn’t have it that way at the time, but now 14 years later I’m in a much better state mentally but baymax still makes me cry bc he reminds me of stuff™, (tbh i got to “meet baymax” at disney when i was 16 and lowkey was so excited and cried a bit, and my friend bought me a stuffed animal baymax that afternoon for my birthday and i sobbed and carried it around in my bag for the rest of the trip)
•Hiro (Big Hero 6) - relate to - ((this is gonna get sad sorry ://)) so like hiro i lost a sibling (however i was much younger than hiro and my sibling was younger than me) in a way that it was inflicted by someone else but was “unintentional/collateral” and i didnt really deal with it for a while until i actually got help and started doing things again to get back into normal life. i sob beginning to end during bh6 bc i feel for hiro and i know what hes going through and what its like and it sucks
•Alice (Alice in Wonderland) - relate to - gets lost in own head a lot, kinda a wonky imagination, doesnt follow own advice (”i give myself very good advice, but i very seldom follow it”), happy doing own thing until lost or lonely which then leads to fear and anxiety, doesnt know who to trust, trying to find something that isnt easily found
•Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney) - relate to - ((please look up oswalds story if you dont know who he is- in brief terms, he was a cartoon walt disney made and abandoned when he made his own studio (c. 1920s) and was replaced by mickey and was forgotten about until 2006)) cast aside, forgotten about, replaced, wants to belong
•Carson Phillips (Struck by Lightning) - want to be like / relate to - snarky and sarcastic bitch, does what he needs to in order to get shit done, a “penetrating personality” (literally a quote from the mf book), ambitious, goals bigger than anyone thinks they should be, makes morally ambiguous decisions to get what he wants
•Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) - relate to / want to be like - got some shitty friends who we dont really like but stick around with for convenience or something, has ambitions in life, stands up for what she believes in and for injustice and is generally a brave badass (i wish i was)
•Heather McNamara (Heathers) - relate to - lost, follows “friends”, tries to fit in with those around, sad™
•Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Caribbean) - want to be like - brave, stands up for what she believes in even if it might get her killed, tough (literally the pirate king), does what she wants cause she a bad bitch, tough, literally so pretty??, found true love in an unlikely place at an unlikely time, literally got married while fighting next to her true love vs the undead fish pirated while the ship is stuck in a whirlpool, badass af
•Kurt Hummel (Glee) - want to be like / comfort character - open about who he is, fashionable af, in the actual cutest couple on glee yall can fight me about it, learned to love himself then never stopped, a sassy queen always (i have so many of his mannerisms smh), went from cute twink to muscle boy and wow we love a glow-up, went from being bullied into submission and scared to being open and standing up for others even if he gets hurt, always made me smile, first real lgbt person i saw in the media and helped me embrace myself fully
•Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) - relate to - outcast, lotta mental health issues, music lover and bad dancer, headphones always on, bad experiences and trauma formed self, kinda lazy
•Vanya Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) - relate to - pushed aside, never a priority, taken advantage of, has own skill no one acknowledges, sad™
•Elphaba Thropp (Wicked) - relate to - cast out, different from everyone else, unique in own way, never the pretty one
and some honorable mentions of real people I connect with comfort and strive to be like in my day to day life (like ive taken on a lot of their mannerisms or sayings):
•Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) - literally the sweetest person ever, super talented in so many different ways, so positive and inspirational (esp about mental health)
•Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance, Umbrella Academy) - always accepting of people (esp lgbt!! gay rights!!), multi-dimensional, versatile talents (singer, song writer, artist, comic book writer)
•Mitch Grassi (Pentatonix/Superfruit) - so openly himself, genuine, verbal about mental health (esp anxiety and depression), phenomenal singer, so kind to everyone, unique, fashionable, sassy as hell, lgbt!!, shows dreams can come true
•Chris Colfer (Glee/Author) - super talented (singing, acting, writing), lgbt!!, snarky as hell, super sweet but also super funny, (tbh ive stanned him since like 2012 and hes the only celeb ive ever met and i will always stan that man)
•Hayley Kiyoko (Singer) - lesbian jesus, came out even though she was told it could ruin her career, so truly herself, open about lgbt issues and mental health, positive towards everyone, encourages everyone to open up and be unapologetically themselves
•Eugene Lee Yang (Try Guys) - authentically himself, isn’t afraid of what people thing, does his own thing even if its different and odd to some, lgbt!!, a shady bitch in the best way, has his own style and kills it always
•Daniel Howell (Youtuber) - open about mental health and most recently his past as well as lgbt experience, can make you laugh and cry at the same time somehow, more talented than he thinks he is, shows you can get through anything
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