#i do have the general opinion that like. all spawned players sorta go thru a process where
definitelynotshouting ยท 1 year
Try #2 wording the Hunger AU questions I want to ask, let's see if this one also ends up with me giving up and giving tidbits instead. XD
The quick, TL;DR version: I'm curious about the characters' backstories before fic's canon/Hermitcraft canon.
The very long version: MCYT fandom is in this weird ambiguous area where you *technically* have access to a lot of info from the content creators' IRL lives and their past SMPs/Let's Plays/etc, but how much of that factors into any one fic's canon changes depending on the author. Each author has different levels of how much "canon" (SMPs, Let's Plays, etc) they've had time to watch, how familiar they are with IRL stuff, how comfortable they are incorporating IRL stuff into their fic, whether everyone is a basic player or whether you have players who are avians or vexes etc., or a variety of other things. Each fanfic author has their own version of canon, and none of them are really wrong, because canon itself is kind of fluid.
Originally, I started asking a bunch of little questions (Are Scott and Jimmy exes? Does Grian still have a biology degree, or something like it? Is Scar still afraid of snakes (and if so, does that fear of snakes also mean a fear of worms)? How close were Grian and Mumbo pre-Hermitcraft (because fanfic and IRL episodes seem to often have different opinions on that)? Does Pearl still turn things upside down if they're in a virtual world where Australia presumably doesn't exist?) However, as I was looking at these questions, I realized it wasn't so much that I wanted like concrete answers to each one, so much as like ... I wanted more of an idea about the characters backstories. Right now, we're very much in Grian's head, and he's not exactly in a good enough headspace to be thinking that much about his own pre-Watcher past, much less anyone else's past. I assume it will be awhile until the fic gets into a place where we can find out some of this info without it feeling awkwardly jammed in, so I just kind of want a better idea of where each character (or at least, Grian + Grian Retrieval Squad) is coming from.
Like, you mentioned all Hermits except for Joe and TFC were spawned, not born, but as examples to show what I mean: how old were Grian & co when they spawned? Did they spawn in a single player world (which I think is implied from how you said single player worlds are formed around players, correct me if I'm wrong) or a multiplayer world? Did they have anything like caregivers/guardians/non-blood-related family when they were younger? What was their first multiplayer experience like, and how'd they find Hermitcraft? What education did they have? What led them to becoming redstoners (Tango and Mumbo), builders (Grian, Scar, and Pearl), or admin (Xisuma)? How did Grian meet Mumbo and/or Pearl? (Reminder, these are just examples of the type of info I'm curious about, not looking for each one to be answered specifically.)
So yeah, basically, not really any specific questions so much as "character backstory info please? *puppy dog eyes*"
OHHH MAN i will fully admit i havent done a ton of research into cc histories and previous smps etc etc-- i know some stuff thru fandom osmosis, but i dont know a lot of details (hence why i find your tidbits really neat!!!!!) and so unfortunately i dont have,,, the most detailed or even semi-detailed answers for this rn ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I can however offer that i do tend to sorta cherrypick and meld some irl cc stuff with the characters sometimes as almost easter eggs??? So like with the Mumbo and Grian stuff, i'd want to sorta glance at the dates on those irl eps vs the dates of the Evo eps and base backstory stuff of that!!! Basically in short, i'd need to actually do a bit more research and figure out how i want to incorporate things before fully committing to anything just yet!!! Im sorry i dont have a better answer for you ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
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